The Commercial Break - Is Pee The Key?

Episode Date: December 1, 2023

Brace yourself. Bryan & Tina get into one of our stickiest episodes yet... Mark Cuban is leaving shark tank Fireside flop The old clubhouse days Dane Cook Drinking your own urine A half gallon?! Shou...tout to the Jersey Shore Podcasts are where the bad ideas come from “Frothy” The gulping noises!!! Streaming only The pee drinkers don’t have friends Tried his pee for a “medical emergency” She’s tried a LOT of urine It’s giving cult SNORT IT Pee is the key LINKS: Send us show ideas, comments, questions or concerns by texting us at: 1.855.TCB.8383 Call 626.ASK.TCB3 and leave us a voicemail Speak to TCB LIVE by calling 775.TCB.LIVE (1.775.822.5483) Tuesday-Thursday 12pm-5pm EST Watch TCB on YouTube Creator: Bryan Green Co-Host: Bryan Green Co-Host: Krissy Hoadley Written By: Bryan Green Exec Producers: Bryan Green & Krissy Hoadley Content Production & Research: Tina Khano YouTube Producer & Editor: Morgan Please Producer & Audio Editor: Christina A. Executive Director: Astrid B. Associate Producer: Gustavo Episodic Contribution: Marianne, Diane, Natalie, Will The Champ, Will D**  

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Oh, you want to see my Spotify wrapped? Come back with a motherfucking warrant. I'm not kidding. On this episode of the commercial break. Nothing gets my day going live. B.P. Poo-Poo. Yes, B.P. Poo-Poo. I drop it in my eyes. In my face.
Starting point is 00:00:24 In my nose. Yes, I come pee now! It's gotta be what's happening! Yeah, I jizz pee! Oh, I'm disturbed. I want to sperm count on this guy immediately, because I- Yes! It's gotta be killing something. The next episode of the commercial break starts now.
Starting point is 00:00:42 Oh, yeah, cats and kittens welcome back to the Commercial Break. I'm Brian Green. This is the director of Bullshit Services, Tina. Tina, best of you. Best of you, Brian. And best of you, out there in the podcast universe. Chrissy taking some personal family time right now. I just heard from her a couple days ago.
Starting point is 00:01:02 I believe she's going to be back for season number five, which starts in January. So we're grateful to have her back in the studio, whenever she can be back in the studio, send all your, I say thoughts and prayers, meditations, whatever it is, send it over to Chris Eastway. She's gonna need all of it. Her family's gonna need all of it.
Starting point is 00:01:18 So I'm sure we'll get into it more when she gets back, but just know that she is okay, and she will be back to the show. In the meantime, I'm grateful to have my good friend of many, many, many, many, many years. Tina, here with you. Yes, I'm just kissing your ass, just a little bit. Uh, I wanted to ask you, if you had seen that
Starting point is 00:01:39 Mark Cuban is leaving Shark Tank. No, I have not. Did you see that? No, why? Two days, he made two announcements that I thought were really big announcements. One is he's selling his shares, most of his shares, in the Mavs, which he has owned for years and years.
Starting point is 00:01:53 Yes. For like $3.8 billion. Do you know how much he bought that team for? I don't. $285 million. Wow. He is selling it to the Adelson's who are the big casino magnets.
Starting point is 00:02:04 Okay. The Adelson family or the Adelson, whoever that guy's name is. And he's selling it for $3.8 billion reportedly. That's an in crazy return on investing. Yes. That will cure all the woes. And I think I got to imagine the reason why he's leaving Shark Tank is number one. It probably gets boring after 10 years, right? You've seen it all. You've done it all. How much more can you do? He just wants to golf. Yeah, he just wants, I don't think he golfs, but maybe does, I don't know. But he wants to go spend that money somewhere
Starting point is 00:02:31 as what he wants to do. I think he's trying to make prescription drugs. It doesn't say it's that cost plus application where you can buy cheap drugs on there. So he's trying to do something good for the world, I suppose. I like Mark, I've met him. I think he's a really nice guy. But also, Shark Tank has got to be losing some of its lustre.
Starting point is 00:02:47 I can't imagine it's got the big ratings that it always has had. No way. Not after season number 50. Everyone's a little like, yeah. Yeah, they're all a little, okay, I've already seen it. Also, I think that the people are so prepared now to go into Shark Tank, it's a little boring.
Starting point is 00:03:01 It's not like you're gonna surprise anybody. They already seem successful. Yeah. When they walk in, it's not just like, it's like a T-R-Pitch. That's a little boring. It's not like you're going to surprise anybody. They already seem successful. Yeah. When they walk in. It's not just like the T.R. pitch. That's right. I would say every, I mean, I don't know because I don't watch the show religiously, but when the reruns come on late at night, sometimes I watch. I got to imagine three out of five of every entrepreneur that walks in there. Is so prepared that there aren't many surprises anymore. It's not as fun as it used to be. Yeah, it's not as fun as it used to be.
Starting point is 00:03:27 You kind of watch for the train wrecks once in a while. But the train wrecks don't happen as often. I know, that's why I think viewership is probably declined. But here's why, here's the number one reason why I think Mark is sleeping. And I don't know this because he hasn't told me this because we don't communicate very often. Or at all, I remember.
Starting point is 00:03:42 But he probably has lost a fair chunk of change. That's probably cash basis on the deals that he makes. Because he makes so many deals on that show, how could you possibly come up on the winning end of that? You know, one out of every 10 new businesses, our real success after one out of 10 every new businesses is. After 24 months or something crazy like, yeah. They close after nine out of 10 of them close after. I did taxes in most of the years.
Starting point is 00:04:12 Yeah. Not many new businesses make it. I can't tell you how many of my new businesses have failed. All of them. We had a few, they didn't make it either. Yeah, that's true. We were young. And I sure drug dealing is considered a business.
Starting point is 00:04:26 But you know, hey. Take it easy. Hey, he's slow down. But I got to imagine over the years, he's just lost a bunch of money. Yeah, maybe not a bunch of money, but he's lost money. And there's a few success stories in there.
Starting point is 00:04:39 I'm sure he's making money. But overall, he's probably down. And so why do you just want to keep losing money? He's as famous as he's going to get. Yeah. You know what I'm saying? The Mavs are doing just fine. He's just, he's selling them for 3.5 bit. That's crazy.
Starting point is 00:04:52 Every $8 billion. What else could the guy want to accomplish? I want to know. I want to know too. I've got his email address. We could email him. I emailed him a few times. Did you know that?
Starting point is 00:05:01 Yeah. Okay, well then that's not exciting to hear that, isn't it? Did he respond? He did. Okay, he did. He not exciting to hear that, isn't it? Did he respond? He did. Okay, good. He did very exciting. And he responded promptly. And so I won't share what the email was about, but it was something related to business.
Starting point is 00:05:12 And he responded promptly, like within four minutes. Wow. That's impressive. That is impressive. I don't even respond to emails that promptly. I purposefully don't respond to emails that promptly. I barely respond to texts that promptly. Yeah, I know. I have this I have this new rule like I check emails once a day. Yes. And
Starting point is 00:05:29 it's when I'm least stressed is when I check the emails. Yeah. Because if I check them all the time in the bathroom and the morning when I'm still high from the night before. Yeah, that's typically when I check my email. Yeah, when the kids are so asleep. But I mean, you got to be your mark Cuban. Yeah, that's typically when I check my email. Yeah, when the kids are still asleep. But I mean, you gotta be, you're Mark Cuban, and everybody has your email address. You know, one idiot gets it and publishes it on the internet, everybody else has got it.
Starting point is 00:05:52 Plus, it's like, you know, Mark Cuban at whatever. So it's not really that hard to figure it out. But he's responded so promptly, and then we had an email exchange, in which he responded equally as promptly on those emails. Wow. He's that kind of guy. I like it. And he said in many interviews, like, if you're gonna send had an email exchange in which he responded equally as promptly on those emails. So he's that kind of guy. I like it.
Starting point is 00:06:06 And he said in many interviews, like if you're gonna send me an email and I don't know you, he does know me, but I'm one of many, many people he also knows. I'm not at the top of his lips, so I can guarantee that having dinner with Brian one time is not gonna make me some like pre-imminent figure in his mind,
Starting point is 00:06:24 especially since I'm not even sure I was supposed to be at the time, whatever, doesn't really matter. I was there, I showed up. You had to see, that's all the matter. Yeah, so many invited me, I'm not sure I was the person who should have been inviting me, but that's okay, I showed up, anyway. But when you respond like that, he says,
Starting point is 00:06:37 when you shoot your shot, don't give me some fucking perspective, some 28-long, a page long, deliver the baby. Yeah, deliver the baby. Get it done. I don't wanna need hello's or how you doing. I just need you to tell me what you need from me or you're looking to tell me,
Starting point is 00:06:50 and then I'll decide whether or not. Cut the fluff. Cut the fluff. Cut the shit. You know what I'm still curious about with Mark? Is whatever happened to that fucking fireside? Do you remember fireside? What happened?
Starting point is 00:07:03 I don't know. It vanished. It vanished. It's vanished. Do you know they called us? Yeah. And they say, hey, to doodle, you're on a clubhouse. To do the thing. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:09 You're in the podcast universe. We need creators. We're going to get behind those creators. Yeah. We're going to make a big push. We got producers from Tyler, we're in an audio. I was so fucking excited.
Starting point is 00:07:20 I was like, a good idea. And I'm actually being picked to be part of that good idea. Let's get in. I should have known better. If they were picking me, it was going to go straight to shit. They were picking the commercial break. They didn't have any other options. But I don't know.
Starting point is 00:07:35 We did a few there and then just... It didn't stick. It didn't stick. Everybody just kind of disappeared. And now I go on that application and they are literally showing reruns of old television. I don't it doesn't track. Hold on one second. I'm gonna get I'm gonna do something here while we're sitting here. The motivation for the platform made sense. It did. It seemed promising. It was like a clubhouse with video. Yeah, and they were gonna choose the creators. And a little more controlled content wise. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:03 Falens idea. Falens who started it with Mark, Falan's idea was that, hey, listen, rather than have this free for all like clubhouse is where anybody can start a room and any, you know, there's a shit talking and anti-semites is all this other stuff that was going on on the platform. It was a little, it got a little well, well, well, well, now it's, yeah, well, that's the wild, wild west. It now it's more like the wild, wild little town of San Antonio. I mean, it's like a tiny little platform now. Clubhouse is.
Starting point is 00:08:31 But fire side was supposed to be this place where Fallon and her people were going to choose the creators that they wanted to be on the platform. And they were going to give them all the support and love that they could have. And they were going to be successful inside of that platform. And outside the platform. While it was a good idea, it never kind of came to fruition,
Starting point is 00:08:50 at least not with us, it didn't. I don't know how other creators had their experience. But now, ready? I'm gonna open up. And I'm so curious. I don't even know how to get to these things anymore. Now I don't even have any idea how you do, oh, here we go.
Starting point is 00:09:05 Okay. There's an interview with Rob Thomas. Do you know this guy like the spiritual guide to the stars? Do you know I'm talking about Tyler or something or other? I think I've seen him. Okay, yeah. He has a show on A&E or something. Okay. So now the app is filled with all Tyler and old television shows. We have streaming apps. Why what do we need another? I don't understand. I cannot understand for the life of me why we're running old television.
Starting point is 00:09:32 What a strange decision. Isn't that really weird? Yeah. And then Clubhouse, which was a thing that we were on, it was fun for a little while. Yeah. I'm telling you what? We did that bill. Burberry.
Starting point is 00:09:43 Oh, it was so great. And there were like 17,000 people had a wingler. Yeah. I'm telling you what, we did that bill. Burberry. Oh, it's so great. And there were like 17,000 people. Henry Winkler. Yeah. Who else did we have in there? Right. What was her name?
Starting point is 00:09:51 Uh, wait a few. But yeah, we had a few. Oh, Stephen, um, uh, who's that? Stephen Wright. Yeah, Stephen Wright. That was a great room. Who is like a legend, a fucking legend. If you don't know, Stephen Wright is go watch a few of his comedy routines. You will, you've never seen anything like it in your life. He's a brand legend. If you don't know Stephen Wright, is go watch a few of his comedy routines.
Starting point is 00:10:05 You will, you've never seen anything like it in your life. Stephen Wright brand, yeah, you've done brand. And he is fucking hilarious. Or was fucking hilarious. I don't see him out there too much anymore. But we had those people in that clubhouse room with Eddie Brill and for Bill Burr, we had 17, 18,000 people in there. It was crazy.
Starting point is 00:10:21 It was crazy. And I thought, this is it. We've come home. We've found our audio space. We're gonna publish our podcast here. It's gonna be a big deal. We're gonna have a lot of people. We're early in, unbelievable.
Starting point is 00:10:34 Because we're usually lasting. But now we're early in. Lasting up. You heard it here last. That's right. Bilo's so high. That's right. But I have the opposite.
Starting point is 00:10:42 I don't know. I do the opposite. I buy low. I sell high. That's what I do. I do the opposite. I buy low, I sell high. That's what I do. All right, bye. Hi, I sell low. But I thought that Clubhouse was the answer to all our problems. We were so stoked.
Starting point is 00:10:52 I was so, we were all so excited about this. Not a fucking thing happened. Nothing. Clubhouse went away. Just like the pandemic. It just went away. Just been the ones that came in. That's right. And I think a couple of things, my opinion,
Starting point is 00:11:06 I was thinking about this last night. Number one, it was perfect timing as far as clubhouse was concerned. Pandemic, especially, yeah. November 2020, I think that the application rolls out to invited people. I got on there like February 2021. By April 2021, there's like 25 million people
Starting point is 00:11:23 on the platform. And those of us who just happen to be a couple of months early, we're getting some preferential treatment by April 2021, there's like 25 million people on the platform. And those of us who just happened to be a couple of months early, we're getting some preferential treatment, and I say preferential treatment, but we were showing up, we were visible. Yeah, it's a great room, so table reads. Absolutely, and then everything just, it just took a dump as quickly as it got hot. As quickly as I ate it, it came out my ass.
Starting point is 00:11:42 That's basically what happened. It's like as I ate it, it came out my ass. That's basically what happened. It's like cream and cereal. That's it. It goes right to you. That's it. It was like a flash in the pan. It was a moment. Now you go on to that clubhouse?
Starting point is 00:11:53 Good luck finding a live room. I think I looked on there last night while I was thinking about it. There were two live rooms. No, well. I mean, we're gonna do a little research while we're here. Fire site was supposed to be that alternative was supposed to be the answer to Clubhouse.
Starting point is 00:12:07 Yeah. Look at this, one live room going on right now. Oh my goodness. But now they've changed the whole app, and so now here's the deal. No longer are you pushed to open a live room with whoever wants to come in coming in. Now you tap a button, you make a message.
Starting point is 00:12:26 Let's say, hey, it's Brian from the Commercial Break and I'm looking to start a conversation on dick to do ve ratios, right? And you leave that message. And then other people can come in, listen to your message and then add on to it. Oh, my dick to do ve ratio is seven, right? And then people in on and on and on.
Starting point is 00:12:45 So it's like a messaging platform that everybody's supposed to leave their message and have a collage. I don't fucking know. Have you heard of Reddit? Have you heard of Reels? I mean, come on. Yeah. Reddit Reels. Voice messages. Facebook. Group text. One set signal. Have you heard of any of it? Kick. Yeah. It's all there for the taking. That's right. You're not reinventing the wheel. And you probably should have done this back when a set signal, have you heard of any of it? Kick? Yeah, it's all there. For the taking, that's right, you're not reinventing the wheel. And you probably should have done this back when you had 20 million people a month
Starting point is 00:13:10 using the application. Another dud. Another dud. We are just associated with so many duds. That's right, so many duds. You know who, you know who's not a dud who we might be associated with? Who's coming in on the very next episode? Steve with, who's coming in on the very next episode,
Starting point is 00:13:25 Steve O is coming in on the very next episode, and I'm super excited about this. Can I even believe it? Yes, please tune in on Tuesday as we roll out the Steve O interview. Can't wait, I'm super excited about this. It's so excited. So stoked about this.
Starting point is 00:13:41 I can guarantee Steve O was never on Clubhouse. Maybe he was. Probably not. You know what used was never on Clubhouse. Maybe he was. Probably not. You know what used to happen in Clubhouse? I remember one time Elon Musk jumped on. A number of times he jumped on. And when he jumped on, they had a 25,000 person per room limit due to data requirements. And so what they would do, what people would do, is they would open up a subroom, right?
Starting point is 00:14:05 And that subroom would just carry the audio of the Elon Musk room, and then someone would, you know, be there hosting the room, and they could jump in and talk about whatever Elon was saying. So I remember one time when Elon jumped in, and there were like 12, 15 subrooms that also had 20, 25,000 people in them. That's insane. That's insane, yeah. Insane. And when Joe Rogan came on, 25,000 people in them.
Starting point is 00:14:25 That's insane. Insane, yeah. Insanity. And when Joe Rogan came on, it broke the fuck up there. And everybody was like, this is it. We've been crowned the new King of Audio. Like, everything's gonna go tits up from here. We're all gonna walk away with millions of dollars.
Starting point is 00:14:38 I couldn't for the life of me get anyone to sponsor a room. I think I got one person to sponsor a room. Yeah, but I wasn't that popular. I wasn't like some of those people running around. Like, did I cook? Sorry, take a cook. We talked about view times. I had him, we didn't interview with him.
Starting point is 00:14:56 I didn't interview with Dane in Clubhouse. He was perfectly lovely. I opened up with a question that I thought was very well thought out. I said, hey, you know, tell me what I said was, what is the first thing you remember being funny? Like, what's the first, yeah, audio, television, joke that you heard, that you remember being funny?
Starting point is 00:15:16 What sparked that for you? And he gave me a very nice answer. And then the second one was, I said, does sobriety bring some of some of that to like just sobriety give you a new perspective on what's funny or not funny, because I know you had your problems with cocaine and stuff like that. And he goes, I've never done drugs in my entire life. I don't drink. And I go, no, no, no, no, you are on Howard Stern and you talked about that one time.
Starting point is 00:15:36 And he goes, that was a joke. And I've never done drugs. And it's widely known that I don't do drugs. And I've never drank. And I was like, well, this interview just went to sh- Yeah. And that's a wrap. It's a prime example of why you should prepare for an interview.
Starting point is 00:15:50 Because I did not prepare properly for that interview. I literally looked at Wikipedia seven minutes beforehand and listened to 12 minutes of a Howard Stern interview. And that one, but he was perfectly lovely on the thing. But the thing about Dane is, and listen, I don't have the balls to get up and talk in front of 30,000 people. Sure.
Starting point is 00:16:07 So I'm not here to cast throw stones because that's, we don't probably couldn't get 30,000 people in a room. So I'm not here to knock on Dane Cook and his comedy. But what I will say is that Dane Cook seems to be the biggest fan of Dane Cook. Like when you watch his Instagram and stuff like that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:25 He just, I don't know. We've interviewed just a couple people here, right? They all seem to be very humble, authentic, self-aware. Yeah, they're not here with a bunch of inside jokes and snickering and you know, all that other stuff. But there's this certain brand of comic who they seem to be their own biggest fans. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:43 And Dane is one of those people who gets on Instagram and he's just all about Dane, right? I know, I know people that are in love with themselves. It's hard for them to have any room in their life for much of it. Okay, settle down. I didn't bring you on here to be me up. I had to be my co-host. What could see? It was God.
Starting point is 00:16:57 Okay, that's it. It's all I could do. But do you know what I'm saying? I do. It drives me fucking crazy. Who is that girl that was on Club House? It was Leah, something or other? You remember her? No. No.
Starting point is 00:17:11 Okay, I'm not going to say her phone name, I'll not. I know I do remember her, and I just won't say that. But then there's this brand of comedy that seems, that everybody seems to be very self-involved. It's all inside jokes. It's all snickering. And I don't like it because they're funny and I'm not. So I get very jealous of them.
Starting point is 00:17:25 So that I come down here and I talk shit about them. All right, so let's take our first break. I have got something loaded up from deep in the anals of the internet and Tina, you are gonna go fucking bananas, just like I did. It's cringe. I gotta warn you. I hope you don't have a weak stomach today.
Starting point is 00:17:43 I'm waiting for my Christmas present. I can't wait. All right, so let's take weak stomach today. I'm waiting for my Christmas present. I can't wait. Alright, so let's take our first break. We'll be back with that material. Not even going to prep it for you. I'm just going to say with that content. Okay, we'll be back. Look, I know you guys are getting really sick of me, but that is too bad. It's my job. Now go to for all of our audio and video content and get your little booty over to slash the commercial break for fully edited video episodes.
Starting point is 00:18:09 Want a chat? Leave us a voice mail at 626-ask-tcb3. To embarrass for your voice to be on the show, we understand. Texas instead at 855-tcb8383. Can't even do that. No worries. Just follow us on TikTok at tcbB Podcast and on Instagram at the commercial break. And if you can't even be seen doing that, just listen to these sponsors and let's get
Starting point is 00:18:32 back to the show. Hey everybody, want to let you know that this episode is sponsored in part by Factor? Okay, do you want to know what the single biggest challenge for me as a single person was? Shopping for, prepping, and cooking nutritious meals. Do you want to know what the biggest challenge for me as a human with 25 to 60 family members living in my house? Shopping for, prepping, and cooking a nutritious meal.
Starting point is 00:18:59 Breakfast, lunch, and dinner, it's a big stress point around here. And since I don't really know how to cook, that stress often falls on other family members. But this holiday season, we're going to try something different. Factor America's number one ready to eat meal delivery service can help us fuel up fast for breakfast, lunch, and dinner with chef prepare. Dietitian approved ready to eat meals delivered straight to our door, because factors never frozen meals are ready in just two minutes, all you have to do is heat and enjoy. You can choose from over 35 weekly flavor packed fresh and never frozen meals that support a healthy lifestyle and
Starting point is 00:19:32 Meet your meal preferences and guess what it's all delivered right to your front door with factor We can be assured that we're making sustainable choices. They offset 100% of their delivery emissions and source 100% renewable electricity for their production sites and offices. Hey, look at that, a company is trying to do some good. So head to slash Commercial Break 50 and use the code Commercial Break 50% off. That's code Commercial Break 50 at FactorMeals slash commercial break 5-0 and get 50% off. We also want to thank Factor for being a sponsor of the commercial break.
Starting point is 00:20:12 Alright, I know you've seen this trend because it's hard to ignore. You know we've talked about the anus-sunning. Yeah, yes. The taint tanning. In that same vein, there is this subset of human beings who are out there pitching the idea that drinking your own excrement will piss, will somehow lead it to better health. I don't understand it.
Starting point is 00:20:44 I don't understand the science behind it. I'm blissfully unaware of what the science is. I've never heard this, but I have heard like, old wives' tales, you know, when you clothed diaper your child, washed your face with it, things like this to help after you've had your baby, clear your skin back up.
Starting point is 00:21:02 I've never heard using one's own. So taking a cloth diaper and wiping on your face? After your, yes. To help clear up your skin. It's cringe. I can't even believe I said it all out. It's like eating the afterburns and all these other crazy things that are going on.
Starting point is 00:21:17 Yeah, by the way, I'm not gonna go down that road for the hell you want to birth. Anyway, so there is, and especially I think this is like targeted toward men, a certain like subset of men, that these guys are telling them to drink their urine on a daily basis in order to make them healthier, digest better, give them lower cholesterol, all this other stuff.
Starting point is 00:21:42 I need more information. I need way more information. Or I need known information. Because I don't care how much information is given to me. Yeah. There is no circumstance unless I'm in a desert or on a boat and dying. And even then.
Starting point is 00:21:55 And even then, I'm probably gonna go for seawater. Surely. Just to make sure the science is right on that before I go for my yogurt. I mean, the point of it is that's the stuff your body doesn't need, want in there anymore. That's right.
Starting point is 00:22:08 Why put it back in? There's no reason to. No filtering. I don't understand. Let it go. We all took like basic biology, right? Didn't we? Yeah, I think so.
Starting point is 00:22:16 And if you're drinking your own urine, does then your body just push that back out? I mean, wouldn't it? Yeah, wouldn't it? Wouldn't it just say, oh, this is, we already did this once? Yeah, this is the stuff we didn't want in the first place. Pass go, do wouldn't it. Yeah, wouldn't it just say, oh, this is, we already did this once. Yeah, we don't, this is the stuff we didn't want in the first year.
Starting point is 00:22:26 Pass go, do not collect $200. Just please take it back. Please go piss right out. Is this, is this like the never ending, the engine that never stops idea that you can just keep drinking your own, your engine you're never gonna go dehydrated? I just never gonna go dehydrated.
Starting point is 00:22:40 When it comes back, I can't imagine. All right. Disgusting. So anyway, this is a thing. It's a trend. It's been going on for a couple of years. It seems like the pandemic brought out all the wookie cookie stuff that we could be doing. I find this to be wookie cookie, but maybe you don't.
Starting point is 00:22:54 Let's take a look. Yeah. And if you are a piss drinker, I would certainly like to know. I want to talk. That's right. If you like your peepee in a beer glass, I want to have a conversation with you. Feel free to dial yourself. Just get a boat light. No. Well, I wanna have a conversation with you, feel free to dial yourself. Just get a buttlight, no. Okay.
Starting point is 00:23:05 Well, I've had more than my fair share of that, and I'm telling you, that urine comes out clear and tasty. That's right. Because it is clear and tasteless. Tastes just like the buttlight. Tastes just like the buttlight. All right, I was trolling on the internet. As you do, I said.
Starting point is 00:23:19 As I do like to do, I found World Strangest Addiction. My favorite channel, TLC, they put, I think this is internet only, because I haven't seen this one on television. This show gives me a brain rush. Oh man, it's just so good, because every time it comes on, you know there's gonna be some new... Oh, it's so good.
Starting point is 00:23:34 It's spectacular moron doing something crazy. All right, this is a couple that drinks their own piss as a lifestyle, as a thing, as a choice. So let's meet these two people and we'll get into it. You ready? Hi, I'm so ready. Hold your lunch. My name is Nick.
Starting point is 00:23:48 Cheers. My name is Aubrey. Why is it always Nick? It's like Nick or Todd. Better than Chad. Yeah, Chad. Ha ha ha ha. Ha ha ha.
Starting point is 00:23:57 Ha ha ha. And we are addicted to drinking our urine. Okay, let me explain this for those you listening. This is an attractive couple here. These are young and attractive. He's got a 12 pack. She's a lovely looking human being. What are you doing?
Starting point is 00:24:12 Stop it. You know you can get water. Yeah, you know there's, he's in the bathroom. You know there's a sink right there. There's probably potable water, right at your fingertips. Also, I'm glad these two are dating because the only person that's gonna date you with the piss smell on your breath
Starting point is 00:24:27 is another piss smelling person. They found their person. That's right. They found their spirit edible. And I have not drank water for years now. Each day I'm consuming about a half gallon of fresh urine. Oh my god! What?
Starting point is 00:24:41 A half a gallon? The only thing you should be drinking that much of is water. Oh, of course. Oh. Oh. Smells like buttery popcorn. Never in a broken... No, it's not like your broken.
Starting point is 00:24:56 Yeah, your broken. You're the kind of person who doesn't smell asparagus when you pee after you pee. Yeah, you're that person. Millen years, but I think that I would have a son that would be drinking his own urine. Right now, we're about to take a pee shower. It almost feels like a drug. Oh my God. Oh, okay, wait.
Starting point is 00:25:14 Oh my God. I didn't expect this because I didn't watch it. I wanted to have like a straight, direct reaction to this. And that's a whole thing unto itself. When you drink your own urine, in certain circumstances, like life threatening circumstances, I can forgive you that you're re drinking your own piss. Not forgive you.
Starting point is 00:25:31 You don't need my permission. Sure. But I can understand, however, there is no circumstance because you, I know people haven't showered in months and months and months. They're at the lake. They're at the lake. There's a fucking lake right there. You could jump in the goddamn lake and they are sitting here pouring mason jars full of piss
Starting point is 00:25:48 over themselves, taking a piss shower. And a sticky, you're in a sticky. Why would you want to do that? Oh, you know, I got that little rat that runs around the house, her name is blue and she's peas on pads. And every time I have to clean it up, I, the smell, it drives me crazy.
Starting point is 00:26:07 Nothing drives me more crazy than waking up in the morning and one of my kids has peed a couple times in the toilet bowl and then I got to deal with that smell when I go into do my business. You know how sticky that stuff is when it dries? You've seen it on toilet seats. You've changed diapers.
Starting point is 00:26:22 You understand, everybody knows. You don't want to pour that on yourself. It literally r holes in my flooring. I mean, literally ripped holes in my flooring. There's a key community totally into that. Oh yeah, yeah, that's a story. That's totally different. That's different. Hang out the lake with your mom and be on like, I'm going to drink my piss. Yeah. Like getting someone to pee on you because it's a sexual. Hey, that's a whole thing. That's a whole thing. That is approved. This is out in the crowd though. Yeah. No thanks. This is just at the lake. You know I dated this girl's one time and she was a gusher, right?
Starting point is 00:26:50 Yep. She was a gusher. But I'm pretty sure that some of it at least was just pee. A little bit. A little bit. It could be. Yeah. I mean, but you know in the heat of the moment, whatever.
Starting point is 00:27:01 Put a tarp down. Yeah, I remember one time. The entire bed was just soaked, but in that moment in that moment Coida's moment, it was a turn on. Just going for it. You're just going for it. It was a turn on. I didn't care the better. Yeah, absolutely. But then I quickly took a shower afterwards and change the sheets left or that turn. I'm getting a mount to try to grab a huge. I didn't bring it out to get a get a little quencher. Yeah, I'm dehydrated after that fat session. Let's get it on Hang on can you gush in this bucket?
Starting point is 00:27:30 I'm really standing over the jar next time. Oh I gotta wash down the burger with something. Why are you doing this? Of the Jersey Shore I just love how dad's in. Like he gave up. He's like, why would you? Is it son? Yeah. Why are you my kid?
Starting point is 00:27:50 Of all the kids in the world I could have had, why you? Look at the Smith's next door. He's a lawyer. He's drinking water. Okay, it's liquid death, but at least he's drinking water. They're in the Jersey Shore by the way. It's liquid death, but at least he's drinking water. Oh. They're in the Jersey Shore by the way. Wow, they live on the Jersey Shore. Literally on it.
Starting point is 00:28:18 So they have money. They have water. They have water. They have means. It's not like they're living in the Sahara. Unbelievable. They have water. They have water. They have means. It's not like they're living in the Sahara, unbelievable. Okay. I consider myself a natural lifestyle enthusiast. I eat natural things that come from nature.
Starting point is 00:28:36 I sleep on the ground. I surf, jump off high things into water. I don't use any makeup unless it's a very special occasion and I am very minimal with the materials I wear in my body and what I consume. Well I'm all about that. Take off the clothes, Aubrey. Let's just go for it. Yeah, let's go for it.
Starting point is 00:28:59 Let's go for it. Let's go for it. And hey, Nick, I think you're crazy just for jumping off high things into water. That, giving them itself, is about as crazy as it gets for Ryan, but then drinking your own piss. How do I think it came up? Was she like, hey, honey, I've got an idea or babe, I read something somewhere.
Starting point is 00:29:14 Yes, yes, this is what happens. These two are listening to podcasts. Uh oh. That's what's happening. It's because podcasts are all the bad ideas come from. I'm sure of it. Having been in this industry for a hot minute I'm sure that all the bad ideas originated with some white guy telling some other white guy about a bad idea I got an idea yeah, I got an idea and then he did some research on Wikipedia and we are addicted to drinking our urine
Starting point is 00:29:43 Okay, the the says, oh my God. So they're showing a mason jar of urine and it says, and it's frothy, by the way. I'm just going to describe it in all its glory. It's frothy. It's got bubbles. It says, Nick and Aubrey, who are in their 20s, by the way, both drink 200 gallons of urine each a year. Yeah, he brought this idea to the table. It had to have been him. It had to have been him. It had to have been him. It had to have been him. It had to have been him. It had to have been him. It had to have been him. It had to have been him. It had to have been him. It had to have been him. It had to have been him. It had to have been him. It had to have been him. It had to have been him. It had to have been him. It had to have been him. It had to have been him. It had to have been him. It had to have been him. It had to have been him. It had to have been him. It had to have been him. It had to have been him. It had to have been him. It had to have been him. It had to have been him.
Starting point is 00:30:10 It had to have been him. It had to have been him. Oh, God. It had to have been him. It had to have been him. He's peeing into the mason jar. On an average day, I probably drink between a half gallon and a gallon.
Starting point is 00:30:21 So maybe three quarts of P a day. He seems so happy about it. I get, they're just hearing them swallow as they know. I know. I know. I know. In like the piss sound, because you know he's going in a mason jar. If you're gonna do this,
Starting point is 00:30:34 do you really wanna go on TLC and show everybody that you're doing this? What else are you drinking? Well, I wanna know what else. Guaranteed these two are doing like, you know, fentanyl laced cocaine on Saturday nights at the Jersey Shore. But you had to care about it with a good drink.
Starting point is 00:30:49 It just didn't reach high. That's right. Oh, that's a good idea. Hey, now there's a reason to drink your own urine. It's already laced. That's right, keep on going. Each jam consuming about a half gallon of fresh urine. Fresh.
Starting point is 00:31:03 Fresh. Fresh, as opposed to the un-fresh kind of, or the kind you put in the refrigerator for tomorrow. I no longer drink water, and I have not drank water. Are his lips blue? His lips look blue to me. They do. Yeah, okay, he's sick.
Starting point is 00:31:19 He's dying, clearly. He's drinking uric acid to the tuna 200 gallons a year. This cannot be good for you. And your body gets rid of it for a reason. For a reason, it's the waste product. It's the waste. It's the byproduct. X-scrimment.
Starting point is 00:31:34 That's right. You should keep it that way. Keep it as waste. Let it go down the P.B. toy. At least give your body some water once in a while. Yeah, listen, you want to piss off the back of the, you know, the dock. Piss off high things. Piss off high things. Don't piss in a while. Yeah, listen, you want to piss off the back of the, you know, the dock. Piss off high things. Piss off high things. Stone, stone piss in the,
Starting point is 00:31:47 don't piss in your mouth. Piss while you're jumping off of high things. Sure. Do whatever combination makes you feel comfortable. Please don't drink your own urine. Your lips are blue. For years now, you really do feel more nourished drinking your urine than you do drinking water.
Starting point is 00:32:02 Oh my God. Hmm, well, it's delicious. It's not delicious. It's pretty sweet and- I don't trust anything. No, I don't trust anything these two say. They're all lying to us. They're trying to give it to us.
Starting point is 00:32:13 They're lying to themselves. Oh yeah. Of course. What kind of conversations go on in bed at night? Where did she find natural nail polish? Sorry, go ahead. Yeah, that's true. Natural nail polish.
Starting point is 00:32:22 What she did say on special occasions. I guess when TLC shows up, that's probably good. When TLC shows up to film you drinking your own piss, then you put on a drinker nails. Yeah, that's right. All right. Smells like buttery popcorn, but not super pungent. I feel like I dated this girl in some version of myself.
Starting point is 00:32:38 I feel like if her pee smells like buttery popcorn, that's probably all she's eating. Yeah, it's buttery popcorn and pee. That smells like buttery popcorn. Her breath. Her breath. Her breath. Feel radiant, vibrant, vital and...
Starting point is 00:32:52 All the V's. That's because you're 20. Vibrant, radiant. That's because you're 29, that's right. E.E. feel vibrant. Check it at 33. You're gonna be eating red diamonds. You're going to be eating with dumb. Watching the bachelor. With a stomach ulcer, from your ass.
Starting point is 00:33:10 With a stomach ulcer, you will no longer be in your life and you'll be looking for your next boyfriend who doesn't drink pee. More in love with myself and life through this practice. The main benefits that I would describe for drinking your urine are hydration. Number two, that I noticed was severely improved digestion. The third one is retaining nutrients. Most of the nutrients. How do you feel like you're retaining nutrients?
Starting point is 00:33:35 And how do you even measure that? Yeah, you noticeably improved digestion. I get more out of my vitamins now. I had what? Yeah, that reminds me of those commercials they have on with the vitamins, or the 80 year old, 82 year old guys playing golf. I used to be settled down after the seventh hole.
Starting point is 00:33:53 Now I'm ready to go another 18. Thanks to my new genetics. I never go without my uric acid pills. It's like, dude. Unbelievable. Oh. Experience from the food that you eat are coming out in your urine
Starting point is 00:34:05 and they're not actually going into your body. Oh, he's spilling it all over himself. He's it for my skincare routines. And if I have a scrape, a cut, any opened exposed wound, I'll always use urine topically for that. She's putting it, those of you who are listening, she's putting it all over her face and her body
Starting point is 00:34:23 as if it was a moisturizer. What do you think her sweat smells like? I can't imagine what she smells like in general. She's got a smell like a toilet bowl, right? They don't have friends. No. But, you know, if they have any friends, they're not going to have any friends now. She smells like a dirty toilet bowl.
Starting point is 00:34:39 That's right, she smells like the inside of a men's bathroom at a brave's game. That's right. I use it in my hair. I use it as eardrops sometimes, I use it as eye drops sometimes. Oh, you have to stop. You have to stop, dude. You use it for eye drops, they're actually showing him putting urine in his eyes. How could that acidic lipwood be good for your eyes? That's why your fucking lips are blue, dude.
Starting point is 00:35:03 Why are you putting in your eyes, though? What's wrong with your, what do you mean? Nothing gets my day going like, pee pee poo poo. Yes, pee pee poo poo. I drop it in my eyes. I put it up my nose. Yes, I come pee now.
Starting point is 00:35:20 That's gotta be what's happening. Yeah, I jizz pee. Oh, I'm disturbed. I want to sperm count on this guy immediately, because I- Yes. It's gotta be killing something. I swish it around my mouth like mouthwash.
Starting point is 00:35:32 Oh. Oh. Oh my god. This definitely has not been on the regular actual cable channel TLC. There's no way. It's barely on the commercial bridge. channel TLC. There's no way. It's barely on the commercial bridge. Streaming only.
Starting point is 00:35:47 That's streaming only. No pun intended. No pun intended, say. All right, here we go. I spent a couple years not living here with my family. I did a lot of traveling. I lived in Dominican Republic for a year. I lived in Hawaii for a little bit, Nicaragua a little bit,
Starting point is 00:36:04 and now I'm home for the summer this year. So you've basically spent your white rich life traveling around to four countries where you could live for free. Got it, 10 for it. Now you're back with mom and dad at the... At my house, yeah. No knock on that, no knock on that. Go back to dad, mom and dad, I would if I could.
Starting point is 00:36:21 But at the end of the day, this P-drinking thing, if I'm your dad, I'm like, dude, you cannot drink pee in the house. Not in my house. Not in my house. You go live somewhere else, you're feel free to drink pee. You put pee in something that is meant to deliver fluids.
Starting point is 00:36:34 But they're putting it all over their face and then sitting on the couch. Sitting on the couch is, yeah, in eating dinner and talking to you tensils. You guys have to move. You guys got to move out. And not down here to a lancer. We got enough shit going on down here.
Starting point is 00:36:44 We don't need you. Right now now we're about to take a pea shower We're gonna pour our pee on our hair on our skin rub it in so we could be out in the sun get more tan Stay more hydrated with our skin and just enjoy ourselves in the heat Why don't we feel like this guy is just like creeping sister my weird brother Well, she's got no competition with her hot sister. The two hot girls only one of them's paid attention to. Number one, I feel like this guy's voting for R.F.K. What do you think? Probably. Oh, I'm so disgusting. I think like pouring in his hair, it's like, uh, like dumping it on you, you know, I think that that's like gross.
Starting point is 00:37:24 The part about drinking it wasn't gross. Right. It's the part that pouring on it. You're upset about him bathing it? Yeah, come on. I wear shorts in the summer to deal over my sandals. Yeah. Whenever I have urine on my skin and I'm in this sign, it feels electric. I feel euphoria.
Starting point is 00:37:42 I just feel so much more connected to my body and the earth and it just my whole body is buzzing. I think you have lost the fucking plot. I think these two need some counseling. Yeah, I think you've lost the fucking plot. I think that you're getting, I think you're high already on something altogether different and this is, you're just connecting these two dots for television. This isn't what they meant. This isn't what they meant. This isn't what they meant.
Starting point is 00:38:05 No, self love is locking the door and pretending you're going to the bathroom while you masturbate like the rest of us. Exactly. Come on, get it together. It almost feels like a drug. It feels amazing, it's refreshing. And it just feels, it is like a drug.
Starting point is 00:38:20 You're addicted, it's terrible for you. And you've got to stop. It's exactly what you hit the mail right on the head, lady. You're addicted. It's terrible for you. And you've got to stop. It's exactly what you hit the nail right on the head. You got it. Really good on my skin. Come on, drinking your own is not the most accepted thing. What you can't see is they're standing out on a dock in the Jersey Shore that's connected to their home and they are taking the shower on the dock, which I found the dad, I'm like, don't pee on my fucking dock.
Starting point is 00:38:49 But then there's a pool near closer to the home and the mom and the sister are in the pool. So she's like no, peeing in the pool. They need that chemical that turns the water purple. Well, every time they put their foot in it. Oh yeah, well, that's why I'd have that chemical because I'd know if my kid was in the pool. Is a little embarrassing as his parents.
Starting point is 00:39:08 You know, when people find out, oh, you know, your kid drinks your urine. It's like, it's a little, it's different. It's wrong with him. Yeah, I don't know, I don't know, man. We have two other kids. We have all these friends. We have this life.
Starting point is 00:39:21 And one of the bad things is that there's this whole different thing going on here I'm just now abstention You're everywhere in my house. Did you notice he said we have these other kids they have friends Not he's calling out his son. He's like you don't have any friends and there's a reason why it's cuz you're drinking your own piss All right speaking of piss. I gotta take a fever We'll get to some commercials and we'll be, uh, we'll be right back or maybe not. Maybe I'm just going to throw up in the bathroom and call it a day.
Starting point is 00:39:51 Alright, we'll be back. Okay, Brian, shh. Let me give the people what they want. Our social media handles. Follow us on Instagram at the commercial break and on TikTok at TCB Podcast. If like all my hinge dates, you are thirsty for more, give us a call and leave us a message at 626-ask-TCB3. Or send us a text, no sexting please, at 855-TCB-8383. And of course, go to to see everything there is to see now. Let's hear from our sponsors and then the show is going
Starting point is 00:40:35 Oh my god, we're back and we're reviewing one of the more disturbing videos we've done here on the commercial break and That's saying a lot. Yeah, thanks for saving up for me. Yeah, no problem. I don't think anything Chrissy would be able to handle this, honestly. There's some videos, there's some episodes that we have kind of like half in the can, like half episodes in the can, because Chrissy has said, no, I'm not doing this. It's like it's just too much for me. But you're making it through. Hey.
Starting point is 00:40:59 Okay. I knew I picked the right person to say that. We're done. All right, here we go. We're back to the pee drinking couple. Really? And they're in the middle of their pee shower out by their beautiful New Jersey shore house. It's difficult, it's embarrassing.
Starting point is 00:41:10 You know, it's, I'm living my life. That's his dad talking, by the way, before the break, he said, you know, I have this life. We've got our kids that live here, the two other children have friends, but the pee drinkers, they don't have so many friends. We can think whatever they want about it's really,
Starting point is 00:41:24 like none of my business, what people think about me. So if you think I'm crazy, like keep it to yourself. Oh. It says Nick tried urine on vacation during a medical emergency being out of money and spending all your cash on beer. Grab a cosmetic and a robot like you. Yeah, that's right.
Starting point is 00:41:39 Hate. I was in a rubah, my hands clenched up really hard. You can commonly, I guess, refer to this as a panic attack. It was, I was breathing too fast. I lost control of my breathing and I didn't know what to do. Dude, you, is there showing a picture of him from the Dominican Republic?
Starting point is 00:41:59 He looks like that guy, uh, into the wild. Oh yeah. You remember that guy? I did. But the real guy. Like, the real guy. Yeah. You remember that guy? I did. But the real guy. The real guy. You actually die. Not the hot actor.
Starting point is 00:42:08 Not the hot actor. That's right. Already better. We sing all the songs. Although it does kind of look at any of the others there. So I gave a call to a friend of mine who I trusted to potentially
Starting point is 00:42:17 have a solution. And the solution that he presented to me was to drink my urine. And I was skeptical. I asked him like three or four times and he continued to just repeat himself like you got to do it Bro just drink your pee you got to do it bro So this bad idea came from another one of your idiot friends
Starting point is 00:42:33 It was he is a medical professional. Yeah Hey Jim I'm down here in the gym I think we're a public and I'm totally freaking out my hands are all closed I think you would traditionally call it a panic attack. No, no, no, no, bro. You got the wrong idea. You know what it is? You have a lack of pee in your peace act. You got to drink more pee.
Starting point is 00:42:54 Fill up your peace act. He'll be fine. Did you say pee? Piss in your own mouth. Are you sure? Piss in your own mouth. Thanks for your involved problems. Where did God it does?
Starting point is 00:43:04 Heard it from RFK myself Oh God, I tried it I peed in a jar Took a picture of it for Instagram. Yeah, cuz he's got a picture of him. Why is it milky? Oh, I don't know Oh, yeah, why is it milky? Oh the court is all from the stress. I don't know who knows and As soon as I took like one sip and touched it to my tongue Hansen Milky. Oh, the cord is all from the stress. I don't know who knows. And as soon as I took like one sip and touched it to my tongue, my hands were like releasing and I felt like my nervous system like let go of my hands.
Starting point is 00:43:34 I call bullshit. Ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch. I call bullshit. There was something else happening, my friend. Yeah, maybe it was all the cocaine you were doing down in Aruba. Yeah. Because they do have good cocaine down there or so I've heard. Are you eight? You looked a frog maybe? Yeah. And it seems like the kind of guy who was down
Starting point is 00:43:50 there looking for some kind of adventure that went wrong. Yeah. And then drinking pee was the answer from one of his friends. Panic attack became the story he could tell around the dinner table. You know what I'm saying? Yeah. Not tripping my balls off. Yeah. And I was astonished. I was definitely hooked. I was infatuated and fascinated by it in every way possible. So I first found Nick on social media before we became friends. I split into next to him and invited him to come stay with me and just hit it off. So weird. I know. And she's like, really cute girl. She's a very attractive young lady.
Starting point is 00:44:29 And then she slid into his DMs and invited him to come live. Was it the P picture? Yeah. With a frothy P. She was like, Hey, who are you? Hey.
Starting point is 00:44:40 What you drinking? Puss. Sounds great. Want to come live with me? In the beach, yeah. I live with me on the beach. I was drinking urine for about five months before I met him.
Starting point is 00:44:49 When we first met, we actually didn't even eat food. It was like so natural to not eat and just drink pee. You guys are on some kind of cosmic mind bending trip here. She's like the Gwyneth Paltrow of Jersey shore. I wonder if she has vagina candles. I can't run her out. She does. She does.
Starting point is 00:45:07 Yeah. So it says, not only do Nick and Aubrey drink their own urine, but they have tried each others urine too. Oh, no, no, no. Not too far. Rule number one in a relationship. Don't drink the other person's urine. Just keep to yourself.
Starting point is 00:45:23 Have sex with him. Isn't that enough fluid swapping? I hate to be asked to go down the feroat. I mean, aren't we swapping enough chemicals as it is? Seriously. You slid into some dudes DMs and now you're drinking his pee? His face? No. You're too. Where's your mom?
Starting point is 00:45:39 Young for this. Yeah, where is your father figure in this? Seriously, where's mom? Where's dad? A sister? A brother, a good friend? I drank next year and after two days of meeting him, we were driving back from the red woods and he brought a jar with him and had to pee and we didn't pull over, he just peed in the car. And then I looked over right when he was done and he looked at me, he was like, huh? Like kind of like, you want it? And I was like, sure. Oh my god. and he looked at me and was like, huh?
Starting point is 00:46:02 Like kind of like, you wanna? And I was like, sure. Oh my God. Hard no. Tina, if I just took a hot crap right here in the room and I started eating it, and then I was like, y'all on some,
Starting point is 00:46:13 hungry? Yeah, hungry. First of all, I'm alerting the family. Yeah, totally. Something's broken. Brian Neetel, that commercial break studio has done something to him. We're staging an intervention. Steve Oh intervention Steve Steve oh made him crazy oh Lord I did I would say that next year and
Starting point is 00:46:33 could be considered the crumbed elacrim of urine mine and his relationship you have it how much urine have you tried Aubrey I got imagine they just like she she said it's the crumb to la crumb. Oh yeah. So who else is urine? Are you drinking? Are you drinking? Where's the database of experience there? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:53 Number one, number two, she, these are, this is a co-dependent relationship right here. This is how twisted and sick co-dependency can get is right here. And it takes one to no one. I've been in a few of those relationships, but I never, ever, once thought about drinking anybody's peace. Not on purpose.
Starting point is 00:47:11 No, someone peeing on my bed was about as fuck as I took it. To ship now is I would say we're best friends and he is a mentor for me and teacher in a lot of lifestyle and health related things. Are you doing it? Does he have a medical degree? Does he have a medical degree? Does he have a medical degree? He's talking about.
Starting point is 00:47:30 No, people with medical degrees don't spend four years traveling South America having panic attacks. That's just not what happens. He's not drinking urine to get over it. Not even their own urine, but somebody else's urine. He looks good though. I will say that.
Starting point is 00:47:42 He does look very much in shape. So you got any pee? You have to go to the bathroom. Do you think that's a requirement to date either one of them, like first question on first date, dating up, pee drinker? I think this is a classic example of someone who gets involved in a relationship and they start looking to that person. This is co-dependent.
Starting point is 00:48:01 Yeah, 100% look at that person. They love bomb that person. They get way too involved in that person's comings and goings. They see them as a deity instead of as a human who I want to have a relationship with. And she just called them best friends. But do they actually, are they boyfriend girlfriend?
Starting point is 00:48:17 Or best friend? Maybe they're asexual. It would be a damn shame if these two were asexual. No, because they smell like peace. That's true. Maybe. It would be a damn shame if they took a shower and then still were asexual. No, because they smell like pee. That's true. Maybe. Be a damn shame if they took a shower and then still were asexual.
Starting point is 00:48:27 That's right. And clean that mouth out. Go to the dentist, please. Please. Exhaling all the air out, holding as long as you can, and then we let out with the sound, ow. Okay. This guy is teaching her like basically yoga 101 yoga breathing 101 and she's already
Starting point is 00:48:48 convinced she should be drinking his urine. She has gone off the deep end. He has taken her off the deep end literally with those high dives. Okay, they're doing yoga on a deck right now. That they just peed on. Yeah. Ha, ha, ha. Even the ducks are scared. They're like, we gotta get out of here.
Starting point is 00:49:14 They're gonna jump in the water with all their pee-infested skin. I hate to tell you that is not an oam, but let's keep going. Alright, now let's do something to take it to the next level. Alright. So not only do we drink our urine, we also snort it. I'm speechless. This is insanity, but I have seen this in another video that I was convinced was a joke, and now I'm convinced it wasn't.
Starting point is 00:49:48 This is... They're gonna do it. They're gonna snort it. They're gonna snort it. Yeah. But, you know, I gotta give them a break on this one, because I snorted a lot of things, and I probably shouldn't have put on my best friend.
Starting point is 00:49:58 You're an excrement. No, don't make the list. No, but I don't know. So safe. That's someone along the way. Hadn't cut it with their own excrement. You know what I'm saying? That's fair. Friday night, 2.30 in the list. No, but I don't know. So that's someone along the way. Had you cut it with their own excribate. You know what I'm saying? That's fair.
Starting point is 00:50:07 Friday night, 2.30 in the morning. You just need to sober up a little bit. It's too late to care. Yeah, too late to care. All right. You remember what I told you a while ago about it? Yeah, to get in the position where I can actually like, yeah, but you got to do like your breath with it too.
Starting point is 00:50:24 Your in-stording is when you literally snort, you're urine, so you're breathing in, essentially your urine up into your sinuses and then swallowing it down so that we can breathe more effectively. Yeah, I understand what snorting is, dude, you are a fucking looney tune, bro. Don't snort your own, you're, clearly.
Starting point is 00:50:41 I don't even know. It's just like, what else can I get her to do? Yeah, I think he, yeah. Yeah. He's starting his all what else can I get her to do? Yeah, I think he, yeah. Yeah. He's starting his own cult right there in the Jersey Shore, in his dad's pool. Sniff and then swallow, and then sniff, and then swallow, and repeat.
Starting point is 00:50:55 Aubrey has struggled with nose drinking in her experience. So my- That's not nose drinking. You're not supposed to do that, you don't, don't. They're not supposed to be liquid in your nose. What's better than urine is not no drinking. You're not supposed to do that, you dumb dumb. They're not supposed to be liquid in your nose. What's better than urine is not in urine. Yeah, what's better than urine than, you know, COVID in urine.
Starting point is 00:51:13 Oh my, dick. What's happening? Thousand bucks, this guy wants multiple wives. Thousand bucks. He'll have it. Oh yeah, and they'll all be drinking and stored in here. Oh yeah, she's all in. The goal today is to help her make improvements and get a little better at drinking through her nose All right, so I'll show you first. Okay
Starting point is 00:51:32 Oh, no, they're gonna show this on camera slash the commercial break for the uplifting videos of the day Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh, I sure hope this is prop water like I should have told myself this isn't really happening Yeah, I have to tell myself that PLC has pulled a fast one on us and this is just a joke because this is insane I'm super fast No That's one on us, and this is just a joke. Because this is insane. It goes super fast.
Starting point is 00:52:05 No. It's like when you take the brandy snifter, you know? Yeah, and you get the smell of it and then you drink it. Yeah. Except they're just drinking it into right into their nose. You know, it's, you know what snuff is? I do. You know what snuff, like snuff, you like snorted up your nose.
Starting point is 00:52:22 It's tobacco, you snored up your nose. Also gross. Yeah, but I saw some people in Europe doing it. This should be way illegal. This should be way illegal. So he snorted it, then he spit it out. He's don't hurt his swallow, but notice, he spit it. He even he knew he took it too far.
Starting point is 00:52:40 So what you're in just about every day, when your sonuses are clogged and it's really difficult to breathe, when you snort your pee, it's like the cheat code. It's like a key that opens it up and lets everything just come right out. Okay, he clearly is this bullshit yoga practice because if you actually did breath work in yoga, then you'd understand that naturally your body
Starting point is 00:52:57 has a sinus rhythm and it moves your nostrils clear up and they move back and forth. So you're not supposed to most of the time actually be able to breathe fully clearly through your sinuses. They inflate the inflate the inflate. It's doing a job. It's doing a thing.
Starting point is 00:53:09 It's got its own thing. But he's helping it along by clearing it up with his own fucking piss. It's gross. So gross. He surprised how much gunk comes out of your nose. No, no, no, no, no. I'm not surprised.
Starting point is 00:53:21 No, because you're stepping in. It's not a job. Ah, true. Oh, yeah, because you're sniffing at your job. Yeah. Tramp. Oh, yeah, there you go. Oh, my God. The singer throat bouts just makes, oh, my stuff. Oh, you could tell she's gagging. She just hates it.
Starting point is 00:53:37 She hates it. Her eyes are about to water. Listen, there's other guys like Nick out there. You can find another idiot with a six pack in a night's speed. There's a lot of men that would probably, like not even say anything about you drinking your own urine, because she's...
Starting point is 00:53:49 100%. I got two brothers' problems. Yeah, fine, whatever. I'm gonna get a little old for her. But you know, whatever. Yeah, I'm getting the drainage. Yeah. Yeah, you're getting the drainage.
Starting point is 00:53:57 Because you put acid up your nose. Yeah. People tell me they can't get past the mental aspect of snorting it. I say, stay stuffy. Oh my God, Tina., I say stay stuffy. Oh my God, Tina, okay. Just stay stuffy. That stay stuffy.
Starting point is 00:54:11 Stay stuffy America. Stay stuffy. That's another tea show. Oh my God, that is the wildest thing. I think that's one of the wildest things we've ever done here on the commercial break without a day. Yeah. Yeah. Oh. Sorry, Christina, for making you edit this episode. I'm sorry you have to listen to them swallowing their own urine.
Starting point is 00:54:35 I'm sorry you just have to listen to us. Then on top of that you've got to listen to swallowing and starting your own urine. Oh my gosh. Well, I got to take a break because I gotta go pee. Yeah, thank you for that. Yeah. Something new every day, right? You learn something new every day. Actually, I knew the people were drinking their piss. I knew this was a thing.
Starting point is 00:54:54 I didn't realize just how intensive it was. It's, we gotta follow up on these two a couple years later. Like, I gotta find a social media account. Yes. Clearly, Nick is on something. He's on something and so is she. Yeah, she's like a, like I said, a social media account. Yes. Clearly, Nick is on something. He's on something and so is she. Yeah, she's like the, like I said, she's the Gwyneth Paltrow. Uh, the, you're very more of New Jersey, you know what I'm gonna slide into her DMs
Starting point is 00:55:13 and show her other people she could be dating. Yeah. Like here, try this guy, he's single. Yeah, you should, yeah. Honestly, I'm just here to help. This is just a couple months old, so she's either not with him anymore and looking for the next person she can idolize, or she's either not with him anymore and looking for the next person she can idolize or she's with him and she desperately needs help. She's like a hostage
Starting point is 00:55:30 rescue basically. If that's my son I'm calling authorities. A 9-1-1. Yes. Professionals. I don't know any cop in the right mind that wouldn't take one of these two away. All right. that's where you go you find out more information about the show, all the audio, all the video right there from one location don't to go anywhere else. You can also dial us up 1626, ask TCB the number 3 that's 626, ask TCB the number 3 questions, comments, concerns, content ideas, ask Brian's mom, we'll have my mom back on in a couple of weeks. What else was I gonna say? Oh, Ask TCB, the TCB's audio scavenger hunt still on, unless I let you know otherwise, it's still on, so December 5th will let you know exactly what to do and how to do it.
Starting point is 00:56:19 I'd also like to let you know that you can join our Instagram. It's a ton of fun at the Commercial Break, tcbpodcast on TikTok, and Slash the commercial break. Subscribe, like, comment on your favorite video. We certainly would appreciate it. Keep sending your good energy, Chrisysway, she will be back. And we're all thinking about her and her family right now
Starting point is 00:56:42 during this extremely difficult time for them. So, I think that's clearly all we can do today. I think that's more than enough. Alright, so, I love you. I love you. Best of you. Best of you out there in the podcast universe until next time. Teen and I always say, we do say and we must say.
Starting point is 00:56:57 Good bye. Good bye.I'm a manI'm a manI'm a man I'm a man I'm a man I'm a man I'm a man I'm a man I'm a man
Starting point is 00:57:18 I'm a man I'm a man I'm a man I'm a manI'm a man I'm going to go tell them to sing this song! you

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