The Commercial Break - Legend Of The Puking Mapache

Episode Date: March 7, 2022

Krissy is back from a short birthday vacation and she tells us all about the beaches, the beauty, the booze and the thieving Mapache! Bryan had an interesting week too...Norovirus took hold of the fam...ily one by one. The whole family was puking in a fever dream! To add insult to injury (literally) Bryan's son has broken his first bone. Then, Bryan finds a way to work crack cocaine into the conversation as he thinks about the smell of sick. Then, a man has been having explosions out of his's worse than you think! Finally, a man is dead after pleasuring himself while driving and everyone is doing it at work. LINKS: Send us show ideas, comments, questions or concerns by texting us or leaving a voicemail at: 1.855.TCB.8383 is for people who like comfort! Watch Us on YouTube Creator: Bryan Green Co-Host: Bryan Green Co-Host: Krissy Hoadley Written By: Bryan Green Exec Producers: Bryan Green & Krissy Hoadley Content Production & Research: Tina Khano YouTube Producer & Editor: Morgan Please Audio Editing: Christina A. Executive Director: Astrid B. Associate Producer: Gustavo Episodic Contribution: Marianne, Diane, Natalie, Will The Champ, Will D** Huge Thanks To Our Supportive Listeners, Friends, Family & Spouses: Astrid & Jeff!! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You know, the universe is a little bit like the human hand. For example, you have Grownman's center right here and then you have undiscovered worlds and sector 8 and up here is the Tillman's crest. So you can kind of picture that it's a little bit like a leaf or it's not a bowl. On this episode of the commercial break, in Mitzis it's like daddy daddy. Boo boo. I'm like that's right out of her mouth. He's like, poop out of her mouth and I'm like yes. Now he's scared that he's going to poop out of his mouth.
Starting point is 00:00:44 So he's like daddy, I don't want to poop out of my mouth and I'm like I hear you no one wants to poop out of their mouth But listen sometimes you sometimes after 12 buzz lights a man poop moves out of his mouth. What happens? You're a man now get together You have to come up with a new type of sex where the girl literally humps you from the ride She gives you a reach around. There you go. She opens wide and now you can make babies. It's a little extra to get pregnant, but let's be honest. There's World War 3 out there. We really want more kids. I mean, you got to think long and hard about having children these days, right? And if you could just nut out your butt,
Starting point is 00:01:28 I wanna start a campaign, nut out your butt. Hahaha. I heard some noises that I think could only be described as whacking off, right? I mean, it was definitely a push-pull situation going on with kind of rapidity. Like, it was like going on. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:49 I wouldn't say like super quick, it wasn't like, it was more like, ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch The next episode of the commercial break starts now. Oh yes, I love the episode of the commercial break. I'm Brian Green, this is my great friend Kristen, HODLY, and best of you, Chris. Best of you, Brian. Best of you out there in the podcast universe, how the hell are you?
Starting point is 00:02:23 Thanks for joining us. Happy New World War III to you. Yes, exactly podcast universe, how the hell are you? Thanks for joining us. Well, happy new World War III to you. Yes, exactly. Happy World War III. I came back to, yeah, some battles going on. Well, I don't even come back. You were still in it. You just, your head came back.
Starting point is 00:02:35 Right. They're making a big issue. You sobered up and all this, and you got World War III on your front door. Yes. And I will say this before we get the show started, I did a little homework over the weekend and since the beginning of this program about maybe like four months in there has been a number of people from the Ukraine, the country of Ukraine, that have
Starting point is 00:02:57 been listening to the show. Want to say a number? Oh, wide, baby. There's been a number of people and when I say number I mean less white baby. I'm a WWEW. There's been a number of people. And when I say number, I mean less than 10. But you can tell that they're downloading every episode, right? And from different places. Carqueve, Kiev, Odessa, and then the day that Russia invaded and they took down the internet, it all stopped. We put out an episode, but it all stopped.
Starting point is 00:03:21 No one downloaded. And then a couple days later, it came back up and we had some downloads from there. So I say to the two, this is specifically speaking to those two or three or five people who are listening to the commercial break inside of Ukraine. If that's probably not the top thing on your priority list right now, but let's just say for some strict reasons.
Starting point is 00:03:39 That's your downloading the commercial break right now. We're with you, dude. The world is with you. Kicks them fucking Russian ass. So all I gotta say, and I'm gonna move on with the show, but we love you. We're with you dude. The world is with you. Kick some fucking Russian ass So all I got to say and I'm gonna move on with the show, but we love you and we're with you That's straight to you my Ukrainian friends Boscowaske The yes, we're with you. I just made that up. Okay
Starting point is 00:03:58 So Costa Rica, huh? Costa Rica Costa Rica off to go to Costa Rica. Yeah, birthday week. Birthday celebration. What a nice birthday celebration. What were you? I know. We were in Las Catalinas. Guadacan stay.
Starting point is 00:04:11 Guadacan stay. Yeah. Yeah. Beautiful down there. Oh, gorgeous. The sunsets were incredible. The food was amazing. The people were so nice.
Starting point is 00:04:20 It was just paradise. Paradise. Now you and I have been to Costa Rica together. We did do. Yeah. Because we had a good friend, Rafael, who lived down there for a period of time. In Monteverde, our north of Monteverde, beautiful, but that's in the jungle. It's in the rain forest.
Starting point is 00:04:32 It's in the rain forest. It's in the rain forest. Coffee farming territory of there. And we had a great time. We drank a shit ton of rum. We bothered a lot of people. I had some of that rum. I brought back memories this pastime.
Starting point is 00:04:45 Buntakania. Buntakania, that's right. What's it called? No, the name of the rum is called Buntakania. No, maybe it's called Zikapa. Zikapa. There you go. Do you have any Zikapa?
Starting point is 00:04:56 I do, yes. Yes, absolutely. I had to. And so you and Jeff. I had everything. You and Jeff just go down there just to realize this. The most is Fienicolata's margaritas.itas now you're in this tiny little town though you're in this tiny little village do you guys like go out did you venture out into the
Starting point is 00:05:10 village we did we've ventured out down into the little town there apparently it's not been coming little town area there's a lot of building going on yeah the whole country is yeah yeah but they had built this hotel there and I guess it took five years to build and it's been there for six years and it was just beautiful paradise. People would come from all over to come up and watch the sunset. Here's the thing about Costa Rica and this is what Rafi El said to me the first time I
Starting point is 00:05:32 ever went down there and I believe it to be true in my experience that Costa Rica, while the third world country and extraordinarily poor, most of it is extraordinarily poor, the people that are there are very proud of what they have. Yes. And they know the value of what they have and they take care of it. In other words, if you're going to go down there and get some cheap land, I'm sure it's available somewhere, right? That happens in any time you have poverty amongst most of the population. But most people understand that I've got a slice of paradise here and I'm not giving
Starting point is 00:06:02 it up for free, right? If you want it, you're going to have to pay the slice of paradise here and I'm not giving it up for free, right? If you want it, you're gonna have to pay the price of paradise. Yeah, but there are just It's just enormously gorgeous that whole country. Well, there's all different kinds of terrain Yeah, there's the mountains and like you said the rain forest and there's the beaches and a lot of people go down there for surfing yes, and Yeah, zip lining we did a little zip line tour. I got Jeff on it I did not think that Jeff would do it. Jeffrey Dites Yes, and he also is not an underdrenaline junkie. So I am though
Starting point is 00:06:31 But just having adrenaline junkie He was seen to me like the kind of guy who would just sweet to win first for dating I was like we're going to six flags or Ryan the highest roller My self and have a miserable time, but I guess we're going He did it and that's where I found out that he wasn't an adrenaline junkie. So we got to this little place, this adventure park, you know, we were gonna do a water park. And we do it a park guy. Yeah, we were gonna do a waterfall hike and there were all these horseback riding and there's
Starting point is 00:06:57 all this stuff to do. And the first thing they said is, okay, it's time for the ziplining. It's like, okay, yeah, and Jeff was like, okay, yeah, I'm in. And I mean, I have to tell you this is so funny. So we get up there and we make our way up to the top of the first platform. Sure. And it was seven different ziplines zipped through the, and it's near volcano. It was beautiful.
Starting point is 00:07:20 So we get up there and I, you know, this is on purpose, I think, to where they don't actually show you where you're gonna be going right away. Okay. So we get up there on this first platform and it doesn't look that high. And then we take a take off and my breath was taken away. It's high. It was like we were flying through the mountains of West Virginia. Really?
Starting point is 00:07:40 It was so high and valleys and mountains and I was like, Oh, shit, I'm getting killed! She just got a fucking jam! So I could just see Jeff like sliding across and literal like diarrhea coming out of his ass. It's just spraying the jungle with you can diarrhea. I hate you! I know.
Starting point is 00:07:59 It was really incredible, which I know we had gone. We did the same thing. Well, we were in Montaverde, but I don't remember it being like that. It was exactly the same way. But it was, I don't think because of all the canopy and the lush greenery that you could really see how far down. Well, I think the way that it went with us is it was in between two ranges, right? And then it was, it moved down toward the sea.
Starting point is 00:08:20 And then you couldn't see the sea, but it moved down toward the sea. And so we, and as you went, they got longer and longer. So we were just making our way down the valley. Are there like 13, I feel like? 13 and the last one was like a mile and a half long. It was, but it was very high. And I know because I'm terrified of heights, but I didn't give a shit because once I got going, I was just having fun.
Starting point is 00:08:40 I didn't really care. And, and that's the thing about me and, and, and heights. Like if I'm on a roller coaster, I don't like the part where you're going up. But once you get over the hill, I'm perfectly fine. I'm okay because now we're going and I'm having fun. Right. It's wrong. We're moving. Well good for you. So good relaxing vacation. Yes. Yeah. Did you? So one of the things that I found to be startling in Costa Rica, Raphael tells me this story about how when they first moved to this coffee farm, there was literally no living quarters on the premises except for the people who owned the farm,
Starting point is 00:09:14 the family who they bought the farm from. The family had this tiny, they had these horse pastures, they would use the horses to go up and down the mountain. This horse pasture, and then they had this tiny little stable, and they had this tiny little house, with no running water, no electricity, no nothing, right? One room, one hole in the ground to go shit, and then a bathroom, and then a kitchen. Yes. And then they had the stable.
Starting point is 00:09:35 So Rafi all ended up turning the stable into like a place for him, and he's pregnant, then pregnant wife to live, right? Right. And so they had no windows locking mechanisms, locking doors, windows or anything, and the howler monkeys. Right. Right. And so they had no windows locking neck mechanisms, locking doors, windows or anything. And the howler monkeys, yeah, Rafa was like, dude, they're so fucking loud. You can never sleep. And we would leave fruit out in the basket. And then they would just walk in the window and they take your fruit and just leave. Wow. Very similar. Oh
Starting point is 00:10:00 no, you're kidding. You had a Howler Monkey experience? Not a Howler Monkey experience. It was another experience. And it was with raccoons. Raccoons. Mapatch. Mapatchy. Mapatchy. Those things are mean to Mapatchy. Yeah, we never actually saw them. But the first night they did break into our place, they need to go straight to the Minibar. Open that up, get the chocolate bar that was in there. They also stole an A, my piece of chocolate cake for my birthday, the hotel. They knew how to get into the minnebar. They knew where to go.
Starting point is 00:10:32 Yeah, they opened a cabinet and then opened the door. Are you sure this wasn't just like a really hungry staff member or like some high student from some coccas there? Wait, so you have your own like little house, right? You're on the villa with a plunge pool. And it had these doors that can open up all the way Okay, you know kind of folding doors that open up but at the bottom You know there were maybe five of those locks that go into the ground
Starting point is 00:10:55 Okay, you know you lock them up and they had told us when we first checked in they said we've got These raccoons and they will push on the door to see if they can get in Oh my god, and then they knew how straight to go, so we didn't really take it too seriously. Of course you know, yeah, you're from America. You don't think they're raccoons. But they did. And we figured it out. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:14 And let's fucking marsupials. We call and they said, Mr. Jeff knows. Mr. Jeff. No. Mr. Jeff. No. He's like, first of all, the raccoons are in my cabin. Second of all, do you have wet wipes?
Starting point is 00:11:26 I've got shit all over the back of my legs for my experience later on today. So the Mapachi took advantage of the fact that, so you guys were in the plunge pool and they've like snuck in the door while you were in. We were at dinner. Oh, you were at dinner, please. We never snuck in the back of the door.
Starting point is 00:11:39 Yeah, we were at dinner when we came back and the door was open. Sneaky little bastards. And the mini bar door was open and the cake was the, they had batted it off the top of the counter and made it crash and they took the cake. And then they were at it, they were like, kudagra, with the cake.
Starting point is 00:11:55 That's like the little rat that's running around Niko's head. It's just like, he would run up, he would grab the banana, he'd throw it on the floor, and then he'd chew it while Niko was, you're right. Don't say a word, You little dungy. I'm going to eat your banana a little shit. And now we the spirit of the Mopatchu.
Starting point is 00:12:12 The spirit of the Mopatchu. And that means don't stop. Just go in and get the cake. Pick it the cake and I'll push on the door to see if it opens. I'm in the spirit of the Mopatchu too. Well, we had an interesting week here at the household too because Matthias, my son, broke his fucking leg. So we have our first broken bone in the house,
Starting point is 00:12:32 which is, you know, it's gonna happen, I suppose. It's gonna happen when you have a young man and even young ladies when they're running around at this age. Right. Stuff happens. They have no fear. Fucking idea. They have no fear.
Starting point is 00:12:44 They have no idea about what's going to hurt or what's not going to hurt. Right. And I guess that's just like how we as humans and animals learn. Like it's like the Mapage. Exactly. Right.
Starting point is 00:12:53 They push on the door until they figure out how to open it. And then they remember what they do and they don't do. So Matthias has never ever, he's not a jumper. Like jumping is a coordinated skill that I know this now because I have this son who hasn't yet to jump. Some children have a tough time jumping and some children do not have a tough time jumping. They jump from whenever they can stand up.
Starting point is 00:13:16 They start jumping. But he is not one of those kids. He's not a jumper. He runs. He dances. He does all this other stuff, but he doesn't jump. He's just starting to learn that particular skill in life. And so Astrid took him to this play place, indoor play place.
Starting point is 00:13:29 He gets on this trampoline that is literally a foot off the ground, two feet by two feet wide. And there's another kid playing in it. He gets up and then he falls almost like a pratfall. Everybody, there were other adults watching this happen and they lay laughed because they thought Matthias was handing it up. And he started screaming bloody murder. And so she called me and she says, what do I do?
Starting point is 00:13:48 I said, I guess bring him home. Maybe he's not feeling well. You know, I can't imagine that if you just jumped once on the trampoline and fell that anything really major happened, maybe he's sprang his ankle or something. Sure, you don't think it was a boy. His knee started swelling up and then I knew. And so now he has this full leg cast on thigh to toe.
Starting point is 00:14:05 I saw it. So the orthopedic told me is like a very rare thing for a child that age to have is a full leg cast. This is the cat. This is the, you know, amongst extraordinarily serious injuries, take those out of the picture. Regular broken bone casts, we do not want to do this one. This is one we don't want to do because it really limits any kind of activity that your son's going to have. So now we have a three, a three-nager. We have a three-nager that's got a still for weeks on end.
Starting point is 00:14:32 And I just, I mean, we're dealing with it, but I don't know. It's very tough. It is very tough. In this all-started, I had a similar week to you. Yes, you did. I also had some sun. I went a similar week to you. Yes, you did. I also had some sun. I went to the tanning bed. Yes.
Starting point is 00:14:48 I had some sunsets at the tanning bed. But at least I have a picture of the sunset. I sent her a picture of the tanning bed. I said, I'm your wincey, sister. I could figure it out. And I said, does that stirred no? No, she doesn't. Well, she does now.
Starting point is 00:15:00 But she's, I can already hear when this broadcasts after going I'm not at you You didn't tell me you went to the tanning bed I'm telling you now baby. I went to the tanning bed So we all we had a very nice week at a lovely weekend here in Atlanta the sun was out So we all went and we we decided we were gonna go have some ice cream and then stop and have dinner at this Mexican restaurant It's a little place up here where we live. It's like big open air market type thing. And so we went, we had Mexican food very lovely.
Starting point is 00:15:32 Within very lovely, very lovely. We had to deal with the repercussions. The very next night we're all laying in bed, you know, just before bed, everyone's playing, having fun goofing around. Planted down. Yeah, and Mia is having a great time. And then Astrid's like playing like paddy cake with her or something.
Starting point is 00:15:52 And I'm just got out of the corner of my eye. I see just a line of what I can only describe as rotten Mexican food moving from from me as mouth to add like the bottom of Astrid's chin and her hands. You know, you hear that splashing sound. You know what I'm saying? Like you hear this splashing sound. It's like your friend that's really drunk and you guys just got home from the bar
Starting point is 00:16:21 and you hear that splashing sound and you're like, ah, fucking Brian, throw up again. Whatever, you know? I heard the splashing sound and I instant, and then I smelled the smell. And I instantaneously recognized that for the first time ever, ever, one of my children was throwing up. Neither of my children have ever thrown up.
Starting point is 00:16:39 They've spit up milk. They've never thrown up. Yeah. And I wondered to myself as right after this occurred, why is it that children, why is it that when children throw up, it's so much worse than when an adult throws up. Like first of all, we don't usually throw up when we get sick, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:54 It's not something that happens very often. You really have to be very sick to throw up. I'm not talking about drunk, I'm talking about sick. Right. Uh, but children's puke just seems to have a smell and a look to it that you just can't get out of your mind, right? We all know it. It's that. Or get out of your clothes. Or get out of anything. Yeah, my, we had to like literally Delouse my mattress and we have like one of those plastic covers on it to make sure stuff like this doesn't get down to the mattress We still had to do it. And me as hair smelled like it for days even though she was like four showers and she still smelled like it
Starting point is 00:17:24 I And me as hair smelled like it for days, even though she was like four showers in, she's still smelled like it. I recognize what it is. Adults know how to throw up. Children do not know how to throw up. They do not know what's coming. They can't tell you when it's coming. They don't know what's going on. So there's almost no control over the vomit.
Starting point is 00:17:36 And you know, it just comes. It just comes. But this was violent, projectile vomiting. And poor Mia, she's really little. She's a year and a half. And so she's trying to breathe through the whole thing. So she, you know, I don't know, three or four times, just kind of like straight up,
Starting point is 00:17:53 just through her fluids from one end to the room to the other, all over the place. And Matisse is like, daddy, daddy. Boo boo. Mia poopoo. I'm like, that's right, out of her mouth. He's like, poopoo out of her mouth? And I'm like, yes. Now he's'm like, that's right, out of her mouth. He's like, poo poo out of her mouth and I'm like, yes. Now he's scared that he's going to poo poo out of his mouth.
Starting point is 00:18:09 So he's like, daddy, I don't want to poo poo out of my mouth and I'm like, I hear you. No one wants to poo out of their mouth. But listen, sometimes you, sometimes after 12 bun lights, a man poo poo is out of his mouth. That's what happens. You're a man now. Get together. So she throws up that goes on for hours and hours and hours. We make the assumption that Mia got something rotten to eat
Starting point is 00:18:30 and or she had a little stomach bug. What I didn't realize, what I should have maybe thought about was that, that bug was then going to run Ripshot over our household. Of course. Because not 12 hours later, Astrid was then projectile vomiting all over the place. Luckily, she can aim it toward the toilet. But still, you could just see in her the look in her eye, like one minute, she's sitting there. It's awful to throw up to. The next minute, she's white as a ghost and she's running
Starting point is 00:18:54 to the bathroom. Yeah. Hate it. Oh, yeah. And then 12 hours later, I was sitting in this studio, finishing editing. And perfectly fine one minute. And the next minute, I was like, I feel nauseous. Like the kind of nauseous, I even felt since I was a child. And I was like, just breathe through it, breathe through it. Remember what your mom said? In through your nose out through your mouth. You know, my mom always used to say that.
Starting point is 00:19:18 If you feel nauseous, just in through your nose out through your mouth. Because the only time that I would vomit as a child was when I was sick. Or it's also known to vomit if I was excited about a vacation that we were taking. So if we were like on our way to Disney World, or taking a long car ride that I were going to six flags, I would get so excited I would vomit, right? It's just like projectile vomit in the car. But I am telling you, Hody, when I knew it was coming, I ran to the bathroom, and it was coming. And I barely made it, and this was as if Satan himself was in my fucking throat. I was throwing up so violently that my nose was bleeding and I couldn't make it stop. So I'm peaking with bloodshed out of my nose and I'm just, and I am a man in love and in peing who makes a lot of noise. You know, I'm like, ah!
Starting point is 00:20:05 Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Oh no, I got it good. Yeah, that's all. God, here, come.
Starting point is 00:20:13 That's also the kind of noise I make when I'm making love. Ah! Ah! So I did the deed and I'm like, I felt so much better right afterwards. I'm like, oh, thank God. Let me take a hot shower and watch everything off me. Right. I wash off. I felt so much better right afterwards. I'm like, oh, thank God, let me take a hot shower and watch everything off me. And I wash off, I go lay down in bed, I close my eyes,
Starting point is 00:20:30 and 15 seconds later, it's like, it hits me. It just hits me. And I am just begging myself not to do this, right? I'm pleading with God. Please don't make me throw up again. Please don't make me throw up again. And I run to the bathroom. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:44 I again, take another shower, get back in bed. Because the shower's the only thing that makes me feel like I'm remotely clean. Right. Get back in bed. Now I'm sweating, I'm feverish, I'm have chills and aches, and now I know I'm just fucking sick, I'm miserable. And then I hear that God damn dog starts doing that number that she does. Which means she's gonna shit. That's what it means, right? It means she's got a shit now. And I'm like, and I'm like, babe, babe, and Oster, it's feeling a little bit better. We're all in that, babe, Blue is gonna, Blue is gonna poop. Blue is gonna
Starting point is 00:21:19 poop. She sits up and she's like, Blue, go do your business on your pad. We have a little pad. We have to do your business on your pad. We have a little pad. Do your business on your pad. And so blue, you know, and then she calms down and then she starts doing it again. I'm like, blue, babe, blue is gonna shit. And she's like, don't worry, honey, just relax. You're okay, it's fine, everything's fine. She's not gonna shit, she's over there.
Starting point is 00:21:38 12, can second later that dog shits on the carpet. And I can, the second that I smell it, I'm like, ah! Oh! It all goes down with it. Oh, wow. It was awful. It was awful.
Starting point is 00:21:54 I never want to go through it again. No. This all led to Astrid taking the kids to the play place because daddy was so sick. It had some worse stuff. It was while I was swimming around the plunge pool with the margarita. I could only hope. Yes. The spirit of the Mapache gets in your fucking gut
Starting point is 00:22:10 and you have revenge. Next thing, no, we have a lot of recording to do. So Mapache, next vacation, come into the house. Press on Chrissy's belly until she throws up. It was, it was just immensely horrible. We made it through. We made it through, yeah. But I cannot get that, like the, you know, when you get that smell in your, you've smelled
Starting point is 00:22:35 it and now it's hard to unsmelt. Yes. And like, there'll be a new smell in the air and you'll be like, oh, is that puke? Yeah, get a little whiff. Yeah, it's like a crack. Let me explain something about crack. Crack. I just a point for this.
Starting point is 00:22:50 Crack pipe. Yeah, crack pipe. Let me tell you what crack pipe smells like. It's all like burnt rubber. That's what it smells like. I had a friendy worked at, we worked at this Italian tritoria. This is what I was very young. And, you know, I was a hard part in.
Starting point is 00:23:03 Did you have DD-D canters there? Yeah, we had DD. That's a hard part in DD canters there. We had DD That's where we made the DD canters Kianta classical that's what we sold It was owned by this guy named Tino He's a sold Italian guy. He had the mustache in the whole nine yards and you come But I ain't brain brain come here. It's just given the Kianta classical I want only the best for my friends Kianta classic. He'd always say send a button a little classical over to the same
Starting point is 00:23:24 We were also like a six dollar bottle of wine And only the best for my friends, Kian Teclass, he'd always say, send a button a little classical over to the table. Me and I was like a $6 bottle of wine. And that was $6 after we charged the up charge, it was $6, right? It was basically grapes, with vinegar in it. I mean, it was not good wine, but we all thought we were so sophisticated
Starting point is 00:23:36 because we were just, Kian Teclassic. And Wintino said, send a button a little Kian Teclassical. You know, we were young, so we all thought this was like a big deal, right? It was, me know, I was like, this shitty little tutorial that happened to serve
Starting point is 00:23:48 relatively good food and had an Italian man who was very affable running around, making friends with everybody. Yeah, he was the first time. And so it was a very popular restaurant. It was a tutorial, you know, a street cafe. But the truth was, is he gave away shitty wine.
Starting point is 00:23:59 He cut up the old bread for croutons. And, you know, and he was laid on the rent. Like, I mean, you know, this is like, now I look back on now. I'm like, it was a good experience for me. Yeah. But I realized what it was. What it was, what it was.
Starting point is 00:24:12 So anyway, you know, Keon, they classic, I love it. Anyway, we had these kind of this rag tag group of servers and bartenders that went front. I mean, those are interesting times, right? Rag tag. It was one guy's name was Eric. And Eric and I had both had shaved heads, which was not a popular style for men at the
Starting point is 00:24:31 time. When we were younger, it was not a popular hair style. Right. So if you had a shaved head, you kind of stood out. And that was part of, I think, the reason why I liked to have a shaved head and the other reason was maintenance. I didn't want to deal with any kind of hair products. So Eric ran around this restaurant. He had this girlfriend who also any kind of hair products. So, Eric ran around this restaurant,
Starting point is 00:24:45 he had this girlfriend who also worked there, right? And they would literally run around this restaurant. I mean, this guy was a guy on fire. He was known as the best waiter because he can handle 13 tape tape at the same time because little did he know he was fucking crack. What do you have? Get out of the classical, hold on, go, go, go, go.
Starting point is 00:25:00 And I was behind the bar, and I just watched Eric just like, do circles, right? He's always sweating, and and you know it's like cloth You got a little bit older than me. It's probably in his late 20s and I was in my early 20s And you know, it was hard charge in hard party and times right? Of course restaurant a lot of booze and a lot of yeah a lot of blow a lot of whatever Everything yeah, we got we were in charge of closing the restaurant. It God knows what we did poor man The reason why you canino will probably be failed
Starting point is 00:25:25 is because we're drinking all his profits. We're going to buy the bar. We make like flaming Zambuca. Send the foos on Buc over to my friends with a bottle of casico. Okay, we got it. So one night we're all partying and at one of the bars and Eric and his wife are like,
Starting point is 00:25:42 oh, you gotta come back to the house, come back to the house. We're gonna do it. We're gonna, we're gonna, about about about about. Yeah, okay. We're gonna keep the party going. They his wife are like, oh, you gotta come back to the house, come back to the house, we're gonna do it, we're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna keep the party going. We're gonna keep the party going, right? So it's like four in the fucking morning,
Starting point is 00:25:51 and we end up going back to Eric and whatever her name's Hyosys, and I just was fucking fucked beyond my both recognition. I mean, I was all fucked up on it, seven, seven, seven, seven, all different concoctions, right? And all of a sudden, I started smelling this smell
Starting point is 00:26:05 like burnt fucking rubber. Oh. It was not a pleasant smell, but it wasn't an unpleasant smell. It was just as if someone had burned rubber. That had like a little lure to it. Yeah. And I had like a little, it was a little cum hither. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:26:20 I don't smell that good, but you're interested. Oh, yeah, right. Come here. It's not burnt rubber. It's crack cocaine. Scourge of the A's. There's a reason why people like me. I don't smell good.
Starting point is 00:26:36 And I don't taste all that fantastic, but you're gonna love them. I was with a couple. There were a couple of people in the apartment at the time. And I don't remember extraordinarily clearly, but what I do know is that there, it was like the small apartment. We were sitting in the living room and then there was this wall that with a little, you
Starting point is 00:26:53 know, like a little bar area that separated the kitchen. Yeah, like a pass through ball. And I remember that Eric was in the kitchen and when I smelled this smell, I looked over and he was like doing some number over on the stove. And I was like, oh, he must be cooking something. It's an interesting time to eat something. But okay, he was cooking something. He was cooking cocaine. It's what he was cooking. He was cooking fucking cocaine. I feel like that's my cue. That's my cue. Well, no, I mean, I don't have a car. So, first of all, I don't know what's going on. Right? And so I realized that the guy is no, I mean, I don't have a car. So first of all, I don't know what's going on, right?
Starting point is 00:27:25 And so I realized that the guy is, after I get up and I stand up, I'm never forget it. It went, yes, like that time that I was at the crystal meth swingers party with the chiropractor. I was like, holy shit, someone is literally cooking cocaine. This is how you make crack and he's doing it. Yeah, and then he's smoking it.
Starting point is 00:27:43 And that's what I'm smelling is the smell of this smoke. Not for me, but I was like, this is very interesting. And that smell, that one smell. I now know that smell. From other parties, from other people's houses, from situations I've been in, from times I've been down, walking down the wrong street on the right night, you know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:28:05 And that smell, every once in a blue moon, I'll smell the smell of burning rubber or something. And I'll be like, oh hello, crack cocaine. You nasty mistress. Yes. That's like puke. Yeah. When you smell child's throw up, it's universal.
Starting point is 00:28:22 Everybody knows it. You can't get it out of your nose. Now. And one scent, one whiff of something, will smell like this thing, even though it's not this thing. I know that burning rubber is not crack cocaine, but I can smell it as crack cocaine. Yes. I know that certain types of cheese are not children throw up, but there is certain types of cheese in children's thrills. And this bothers me. I can't get it out of my head.
Starting point is 00:28:51 I can't get that smell out of my head. Oh, sorry about that. I know. Or about your set up. I was, I was, I was, I was living on a high-cost street. I'm trying to bring it down. I want to just wash my kids with comment,
Starting point is 00:29:01 but Astrid will not let me scrub them with comment. Or bleach. No. Speaking of things coming out of things, I want to wash my kids with comment, but Astrid will not let me scrub them with comment or bleach Speaking of things coming out of things, I wanted to tell you about an interesting story that I read I thought this was a good segue into this story. You ready? I'm not gonna give you the title of the article I'm just gonna read it to you. I'm ready Hey everybody, it's that time inside the commercial break when we take a commercial break and I have some exciting news for you. Chrissy and I are going to be starting a series where we play a number of games here on the podcast and we want you involved. If you're interested, leave us a message at one of two places. Go to, click on the contact us, form, and drop us an email, or you can leave a text message or a voicemail on 661 Best To Yo.
Starting point is 00:29:48 That's 661-278296. I'm not going to get into what games we're playing, but we're going to be playing a lot of them, so there's plenty of room for everybody. Also, if you'd like to follow us on Instagram at the commercial break and, slash the commercial break for content you cannot get anywhere else. We put out clips on both Instagram and YouTube every single day and on YouTube we have a series called In the Studio. It's filmed exclusively for YouTube so you can only get it there. Subscribe if you like the channel we certainly would appreciate it. People are
Starting point is 00:30:20 texting us and leaving us messages asking us how they can best support the show. One of two or both ways. Number one, you can leave us a review on your favorite podcast player. We certainly would appreciate it and it helps us grow the audience of the show. Which then in turn makes our sponsors happy, if you're ever in the market, for any of our sponsors, products or services.
Starting point is 00:30:40 If you could use the specialized URLs or discount codes that we give away on air, it gives you free shit and it tells our sponsors we're doing a good job. Monday, Wednesday and Friday is now the new schedule. If you have any comments, questions or concerns about that, go ahead and hit us up on that 661237-8296 number and I'll let you know how I feel about you letting us know how you feel. And now, a word from Sid Sponsors. A man spent two years nutting out of his butthole before seeking help, in a case that has perplexed
Starting point is 00:31:19 and impressed researchers. The study, a curious case of rectal ejaculation, published last month in the census journal of medical science. A team from the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston describes a patient who sought out medical treatment after five days of pain in his balls. And after two years of a substantial amount of semen shooting out of his rectal. Wow, he was rewired. He was wired differently. I'm going to tell you why I think this guy had it made. amount of semen shooting out of his rectal. Wow, he was rewired. He was wired differently.
Starting point is 00:31:46 I'm going to tell you why I think this guy had it made. When the 33 year old man went to for a CT scan of his pelvis, Dr. Saul, that he had a rectal prostate fistilla, a rare condition where the body develops a hole that connects the rectum with the lower urinary tract, and creates all kinds of problems. In this case, shitting shit in one's piss and vice versa. In this man's case, the whole created a new passageway for his come to travel. Instead of flowing
Starting point is 00:32:14 out of his dick as he might expect, it took a hard left and went out of his hands. Oh, wow. This is the solution to all of our problems. Teen mom no more. Right. I'm telling you what, we can get, we can get all religions can be on board with this. If you could just nut out your butt. If you could just come out of your butthole, then you would eliminate the possibility of pregnancy. I don't want it. Prudigment.
Starting point is 00:32:44 Yeah. But what about wanted ones? Well, you have to come up with a new type of pregnancy. Proud of me to say, but what about wanted ones? Well, you have to come up with a new type of sex. Where the girl literally humps you from the ride. She gives you a reach around. But there you go. She opens wide and now you can make babies. It's a little, yeah, I agree. It's a little extra to get pregnant,
Starting point is 00:33:07 but let's be honest there for, you know, it's World War three out there. We really want more kids. I mean, you know, you got to think long and hard about having children these days, right? And if you could just nut out your butt, I want to start a campaign, not a touchbook. That's right.
Starting point is 00:33:26 And like, you know, if you're just about to come, you just run to the toilet, you take a seat, you finish yourself off, it's a job well done. Wow. I can only imagine what this poor bastard was going through. I know. Yeah, but you know, it solves some problems. Is there a fix to this or is this just the way it is?
Starting point is 00:33:46 Well, I mean, there's a little bit you wanna read the rest of it. You still is like these are usually caused by chronic urinary tract infection surgery or cancer. This patient had an extended hospital stay two years ago, just before his problems began, where he was placed in a medically induced coma to recover from a cocaine and PCP over. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:34:04 I like it. The research in the study hypothesized that someone improperly inserted a catheter medically induced coma to recover from a cocaine and PCP over. Oh my God. The research in the study hypothesized that someone improperly inserted a catheter during the hospitalization that could have caused the trauma to his urinary tract and created the fistula. His doctors were able to patch the hole with surgery and made a full recovery. Although it's super rare that complications happen with catheters, researchers wrote not only highlights a rare complication with catheter, but also emphasizes the importance of the provider's mindfulness
Starting point is 00:34:28 when utilizing seemingly benign therapists. I would think so when you're shoving a catheter, so hard that it causes you to come out your butt. I hate that. I hate that. I'm gonna come, I'm gonna come, I'm gonna come, I'm gonna come, ah! Ah!
Starting point is 00:34:42 Ah, ah, ah, ah. This is a done deal I want, I'm gonna come, I'm gonna come. Ah! This is a done deal, I want this. I wanna nut out your butt. Yeah. Start the game, babe. Maybe you can go visit this hospital, save they can rewire you. Yeah, I'm gonna go see if I find that nurse
Starting point is 00:34:59 or could just shove a catheter in my penis. It's so hard. It's a syphically requested Dolores. Yes. Dolores. Hello, my penis is so hard. Yeah, specifically request, Dolores. Yes, Dolores. Hello, I'm Dolores, I give you a gather there. Now shout out! It takes like a-
Starting point is 00:35:12 It takes like a- I know, it takes like the end of a fork instead of a catheter and just a- Ah, ah, ah! That is to me the worst nightmare. I was getting something stuck in my pee hole. Well, yeah. But there are guys that are into this.
Starting point is 00:35:26 This is a thing. There's a whole thing. There's a whole thing, hold it. Really? It's a thing. It's a thing to have guys, to have their penises stepped on, kicked in the balls, things shoved up there yinging.
Starting point is 00:35:37 I mean, and we're not talking about small things. We're talking about they work their way up into big things. And this to me seems so incredibly unintelligent and painful that I don't know why you would do it. I mean, I don't understand you're into what you're in. Yeah, sure. And you're into what you're into.
Starting point is 00:35:52 Right. But this seems so counterintuitive to me that I don't understand why you would want to shove something up your penis. No, yeah, that's it. Unless it's, you know, guantaclas. The guantaclas. The guantaclas.
Starting point is 00:36:05 Flaming's in book Then for Flaming's on book For Flaming's on book is in about L'Canto, table number 12 These are my friends Everybody's your friend, you know? Give it away Kianti classic
Starting point is 00:36:20 I was bringing you under the Oh, the best Which then led me to this story Forcent to us by our good friend Tina Clifford Ray Jones dies from complications after crashing his car while masturbating to porn. Oh. Detroit man was killed when he was ejected through the sunroof of his car while driving along the highway with his pants down and masturbating to porn shown on his cell phone. Clifford Ray Jones 58.
Starting point is 00:36:46 You can't wait. I need a nail. I've got to watch porn now while I'm driving. And also masturbate. I have actually was a murder to see Belle either. I got to be honest. Oh, that's true. He was not. If you flew through the well, I mean, it's hard to wear a seatbelt. I'm wack and off. I have, I have felt the compulsion to get off while I was driving. Sure. Luckily, there was someone else in the car with me to hold my penis. Oh, I trove. I mean, I get it. I get it. I get that there, you know, sometimes you can't help when you feel, you know, Amorous, maybe you're listening to something or seeing something or remembering something or or smelling, smelling, burr, rubber. I mean, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:37:32 You know, you never know what's up, but you got to be careful. Yeah, you got to whack on it. Thank you, Drew. Yeah, pull over. But at least pull over. Go to the truck stop. That's what they're there for. Right.
Starting point is 00:37:42 To nut out your butt. Yeah. I heard the Walmart parking lot. Yeah, the Walmart parking lot. Something near the toilet. Jesus, Jones to get yourself together. As well as not. Codullo says to his family. Yeah, seriously. This is I mean, you never want to see someone die, especially not that way. Yeah. Dude, you can just nut out your butt, man. If you could just nut out your butt. All in line. Everything would be fine. Go straight into your, not only was the man not wearing any trousers, or Jones is believed
Starting point is 00:38:11 not to been wearing his seat belt, which may have contributed to the ejection. The ejection. Yeah. The accident happened around 3.30 a.m. on Sunday. Wow. Jones was traveling south on Interstate 75. It's believed that Jones lost control of the car because he was distracted and unable to prevent his 1996 Toyota from spinning. He did not have both hands firmly on. No. No. Yeah, at least that one hand firmly on something. You need the
Starting point is 00:38:37 auto pile. Yeah. Oh, man. Yeah. We see people put Sergeant Mike Shaw said we see people putting on might make up and bring all kinds of different things as far as hygiene is concerned reading books It's almost there's a fact so much technology out there a lot of people are paying more attention to that to that than what you shockingly Being distracted and driving is not a good thing. I would say not I would say that if you're gonna whack off You got to have a better plan in place than driving 30 a.m. on a Saturday night, basically. I mean, it's Sunday morning, but yeah, he'd come in from a night out and he felt the urge to somebody's sitting in the link. I just wonder like what was going through this guy's head. I mean, listen, there are plenty of people who are addicted to porn, right?
Starting point is 00:39:25 And if you're addicted to porn, I guess you feel that need, you get help. Go get the note out your butt surgery. That's what you need. Have you ever felt the urge to masturbate in strange places? No. No, never. Maybe that's not a thing for women.
Starting point is 00:39:42 I don't know. You have to kind of get in the mood. Right. I mean, like driving down the road to kind of get in the mood. Right. Like driving down the road or we're taking a walk in the public park or park or shopping at K-Mart. No. I, you know, I, I certainly, I can't say that I haven't felt the, the urge to. I just have enough common sense of course not of course not that's good and you know I know I wonder I wonder how many people
Starting point is 00:40:13 Wack off at work. I wonder how many people do that like if you have to go to an office building I would say that's pretty fairly common right I could have sworn when we worked a clear channel I could have sworn that I think I walked in on someone whacking off. Well. We had two stalls in the men's bathroom, two stalls, two urinals, relatively small, regular office building type bathroom situation. And so when you went into one of the pooping shootings, you know, you were right next to
Starting point is 00:40:45 someone else who was pooping the shooting. And there were busy times of the day. There was the morning coffee break. Right. It was after lunch rush. And then there was, I'm killing time before I go home area. So, you know, there's like an ebb and flow to the work day. Not to the work day.
Starting point is 00:41:01 You had to know when to go and when not to go. Did you get somebody from another floor? No, I didn I know who it was. I mean, I know who it was. And I'm almost 99% sure that I know that they were whacking off. Okay. Well, how? I don't want to be too, I don't want to give away too many details. I don't want to give the shit. When I walked in the bathroom, right? I didn't want to give away too many details. I don't think it gives a shit. When I walked in the bathroom, right, I didn't hear anything going on. When I sat down on the toilet, when I sat down on the toilet,
Starting point is 00:41:35 I noticed that the person's feet were pointing toward the toilet not away from them. So I knew he was doing number one. That's what I thought in my head, right? I was like, oh, he's one of those, like the closed door pissing, right? Does that want to shut the wall? It happens sometimes you want to's what I thought in my head, right? I was like, oh, you know, he's one of those. Like the closed door pissing, right? Does that want to happen? Sometimes you want to go, sometimes you want to show, right?
Starting point is 00:41:49 That just depends on where you're at. In life, it depends on where you're at, happen that day. Yeah, I get it. Sometimes I just want to go in the stall so I can puff on my e-segregor at or read my phone and not be bothered, because I don't want to break up my phone in the actual urinal,
Starting point is 00:42:03 because I always feel like someone else feels like I'm either taking a picture of my penis, or I'm gonna take a picture of their penis. So I want to be really careful. That's true. But I heard some noises that I think could only be described as whacking off, right? I mean, it was definitely a push-pull situation going on
Starting point is 00:42:23 with kind of rapidity. Like, it was like going on, I wouldn't say like super quick, it wasn't like, it was more like, and then there was a little bit of a ramp up. Ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch- Oh And then it was a splash down. Do you know what I'm talking about that it was like Blink, but it wasn't like a pee it was like a And I realized oh I wonder if he had forgotten that I was there right and I actually found myself wanting to laugh like I wanted to say hey, you know what's your name? You know you should
Starting point is 00:43:03 He's somewhere out. He might just want to go to your car. Yeah, you might want to go. hey, you know, what's your name? You know, you should make that somewhere out. He might just want to go to your car. Yeah, you might want to go, yeah, close your office door. I mean, you know, you got an office, there's a reason why you got an office. And this guy was like the most timid guy in the entire office. Like he would have never expected this guy.
Starting point is 00:43:18 But I knew his shoes, because I knew his shoes. I knew which shoes, because he wore the same shoes every day. You know, like some guys do. And I was just shocked and odd. Okay. But laughing, I wanted to laugh at the same time. Okay, I guess you're gonna do what you're gonna do.
Starting point is 00:43:34 But he wasn't driving, that's the good news. He wasn't putting anybody in danger. No, he wasn't. Why? He was himself. Yeah. Or the person has to clean the toilet. They put them in danger depending on what kind of you know,
Starting point is 00:43:46 a sex life he had. But that got me thinking and then this got me thinking, you know, what are the, there are probably lots of people that are whacking off all over the place and we just don't know it, right? I know a couple of women who have seen guys whacking off in their cars while they've been driving down the highway. I know a girl who got, you know, some guy was whacking off in their cars while they've been driving down the highway. I know a girl who got you know some guy was Wacking off and made it a point to call attention to himself while they were in traffic. Yeah. Yeah, and you know she was like oh my god. I Imagine movie theaters movie theaters. Definitely. I've never whacked myself off, but you know, you know, you know how that goes, but then I think that the Office is probably a pretty common place. You know, in my, in one of my jobs. All tubes.
Starting point is 00:44:26 What's that? What's that? Jeffrey Tuben or Jeffrey? Oh yeah, tubes. Got old tubes. He was at work. He was on a fucking Zoom call. He was.
Starting point is 00:44:34 He was on a fucking Zoom call. And he's back working for them, by the way. He was on his Zoom call and he was whacking off and he didn't turn his camera off. I know. It was a major case. So there you go. I think in one of my jobs, my one of my jobs was to manage overseas, a web page that was filled with nothing but naked girls.
Starting point is 00:45:00 That was it. Pathnaked, mostly naked, naked, women. And because of that, I had a pretty creepy experience one time with our tech guy. Oh, right, the tech guy. I remember him. Yeah, like, you know, because you can see everything you're doing. It makes it a point of letting you know
Starting point is 00:45:17 that you can see everything you're doing, right? Because like one time, he made a comment to me, like as if he was threatening me, like, you know, don't tell the management I'm doing this because I know that you're and I'm like it's my fucking job Yeah, well he was one of them into this trip club every day for launch He was an interesting character. Yeah, and they literally put in yeah, they literally put him back with the servers They did yeah, there was no windows Yes, I ever go it up there one time and I was like oh, this is where you live. It was hot. There were no windows. He had, it was like a large storage closet.
Starting point is 00:45:47 It was a huge storage closet with servers in the middle of it. Exactly what you would picture. It was like a dark, and he had like 16 screens, and he was watching everybody, and checking your email, and looking at your mom through your cameras. And you know, it's an all kind of weird shit. I almost don't want to talk shit about the guy because I'm almost worried that he's still following
Starting point is 00:46:13 my email around. Right, he knows my personal email address is like, let me see what green's up to. Maybe I can get a couple bucks out of him. Like, I mean, he was just a strange guy. He could be nice. Yeah. But you know that when he came around everyone was kind of like I shouldn't have written that
Starting point is 00:46:29 email I should take that email out of my drafts he was always spying on everybody and he made it a point to let you know that that was his job was to spy on you there was a reason he had been there for so long yeah because he had seen so many of the managers' shit that they were like, I'm not firing that guy. No. You're doing a great job, buddy. You're doing a great job.
Starting point is 00:46:52 Keep it up. Pop it up. You're too far away. No. Why wait until review time? Let's just give you that raise now. I'm going to sweet to the brave game. No, you don't like the brave game?
Starting point is 00:47:04 How about some ping-pony bucks? You like that? You wanna go to the ping-pony for lunch? Let's go to the ping-pony for lunch. Here, take my company credit card. I don't care. Take my car. Take my new BMW. Don't worry about crashing it.
Starting point is 00:47:16 I don't care. Don't tell my wife. I'm sleeping with the secretary. It's like he knew everybody's secrets. He knew the bodies. Yeah, that's that's that in I bet that he knew when everybody in the office was whacking themselves off. I bet he did.
Starting point is 00:47:33 Yeah, for sure without a doubt. He probably had little cameras and stuff and saw all the different areas that we didn't even know about. Oh, I know, I know it. Oh, I know it. I know it for sure. Yeah, I always was checking those tiles. You know those top, you know, drop tiles, drop ceiling tiles. The know it for sure. Yeah, I always was checking those tiles, you know those top you drop tiles drop ceiling tiles
Starting point is 00:47:46 I was always looking for it. Yeah, the fluorescent place He was such a cook and in they and they were so at that place Everyone was so paranoid that you knew that not only did he know your secrets But he was transacting them with other people to get leverage on you. Because everyone else, because that's just how everyone else played the game there. They were all so dirty. They were like, give me green's emails.
Starting point is 00:48:11 I'll take you to the pony. I'll take you to the pony to give me green's emails. I want to find out what he's up to. He was such a fucking creep all, man. Now that I think about it. Yeah, he really was. And now I'm not saying all IT guys are like this. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:24 But IT guys. No, I'm at some very. I T they have the keys to the key. They do when they can see all. Yeah, it's like when you build a security system. And the only guy who knows your security system is the guy who built a security system. Right. It's like he has everything on you. Yeah, it's like, that's why I think there's certain politicians, right, without getting into politics. There's certain politicians that it seems so incredibly crazy that some people go along with their bullshit, like Putin and some of those oligarchs.
Starting point is 00:48:55 So it seems so crazy that some of these people go along with all his bullshit, but it's because he knows, Putin knows all their fucking secrets. Yeah, he has it. That's why when you go to the FBI, you know, they're going to talk to all their fucking secrets. Yeah, he pants at them. That's why when you go to the FBI, you know, they're gonna talk to all your IT guys. That's probably the first people they talk to is all your, if I was gonna, I'm gonna go into the FBI.
Starting point is 00:49:11 Yeah, they're probably, they probably talk to our IT guys from that company. I'll leave you a, give me all green tea, man. They're like the ultimate IT guy. Yeah, the CIA, the CIA, those guys scare me. Like the CIA, that scares me because you know, they know everything about you. Everything.
Starting point is 00:49:31 Woo! All right. All right. Back in the swingers thing. Backpikes. Backpikes. Poovin' Pian. Strip gloves.
Starting point is 00:49:41 Back off. We covered it all. We covered it all. Not out your butt. We're at all. We covered it all. Not out your butt. We're at the commercial break. Hashtag. Not out your butt.
Starting point is 00:49:50 Okay, well listen, that's all we're going to do for right now, but we'll be back. We're here three days a week, Monday, Wednesday and Friday. If you would, if you could, if you can, please do us a favor and leave us a comment in a review on your favorite podcast provider. It truly does help the show. And so many of you have been doing that, we really appreciate it. I don't know what else to say. I mean, I'll say it. We made it onto Apple's podcast. Yes, I was there. As one of the top 200 in the comedy category. Yes.
Starting point is 00:50:17 Which is really quite an incredible feat, actually. For a show like ours, it's not really a... Yeah, if you're Conan O'Brien or Bill Burr, then it's not a big deal because you have a built-in audience, but for two unknown human beings, and little less than two years to do this, it's just kudos to you. Kudos to you. Kudos to you. Kudos to you, best to you, Brian. And best to you out there in the podcast universe for helping us achieve this. We can do without you. Yeah, this is not like, this is not our goal in life as a podcasters, but it sure is a nice, it's a nice, it's a nice consolation, Brian. Yeah, we're not going to get it sure is a nice, it's a nice consolation prize. We're not gonna get paid a lot of money.
Starting point is 00:50:47 It's a nice consolation prize. He gives them, give it a war. And I, I, I, I don't think I heart media is gonna be, coming knock on the door anytime soon. No, that IT guy. That IT guy, he's still working there. He's still working there.
Starting point is 00:51:00 He's the president of the company. Right. Right. Okay, so Chrissy and I are going to be doing a series of games right here on the podcast and we want you involved. So what you do is you go to, click on the contact us button and drop us an email. Tell us you're interested in playing the games. I'm not going to tell you which games because I'll leave that for a surprise. Or you can dial us up 661, best 2-0, 661, 237, 8296,
Starting point is 00:51:30 send us a text message, tell us you're interested in playing a game, and we'll get to you about dates, times, all that good stuff, but it's gonna be a ton of fun. Yeah, make fun. Use our sponsors, URLs, and specialized codes. Whenever you get a chance, it tells them we're doing our job for them So we can do our job for you which is to give you free and frequent content whether you want it or you don't I think that's all we can do for today. That's it. Okay, until next time we always say we do say and we must say I love you
Starting point is 00:51:59 I love you too best to you best to you and best to you out there in the podcast universe Until the next episode of the commercial break Bye I'm here for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, you

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