The Commercial Break - PCB...Drinks Are On Me!

Episode Date: August 30, 2023

From PCB to Frankie B, Bryan & Krissy are getting down and dirty, one tricep at a time. The video didn’t record for 5 Naked Days in Dublin! Scientology An ill fated vacation in Florida Spring Br...eak in PCB Gourmet ice A Liquor Luge and a whole lot of nastiness Frankie B tells us how to get the perfect body One body part per day! No exceptions Left Tricep Thursday NO REST DAYS Punch that peen! Tax that dick! The 555 What happened to the salon suiiiiiii? Only the strong survive Frankie loves an injection Shortcuts for all! LINKS: Send us show ideas, comments, questions or concerns by texting us or leaving a voicemail at: 1.855.TCB.8383 Speak to TCB LIVE by calling 775.TCB.LIVE (1.775.822.5483) Tuesday-Thursday 12pm-5pm EST Watch TCB on YouTube Creator: Bryan Green Co-Host: Bryan Green Co-Host: Krissy Hoadley Written By: Bryan Green Exec Producers: Bryan Green & Krissy Hoadley Content Production & Research: Tina Khano YouTube Producer & Editor: Morgan Please Producer & Audio Editor: Christina A. Executive Director: Astrid B. Associate Producer: Gustavo Episodic Contribution: Marianne, Diane, Natalie, Will The Champ, Will D** Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I don't care what anybody says if he likes Instagram models, photos, if he follows them, even if he doesn't like them, but he follows them, he's a loser. No matter which way you slice it, he's a freaking loser. On this episode of the commercial break. Hey ladies, can I buy you a drink? You know? Sure! What are you drinking? Marshall Brick. Hey ladies, can I buy you a drink? You know? Sure. What are you drinking? Uh, I'm gonna have two marker feeders, a beer and a gin and tonic.
Starting point is 00:00:31 A long island ice tea. A long island ice teas. And I'm like, okay, excuse me, excuse me. Can I get a beer, two long island ice teas, three marker feeders of Bud Light and what do you want? Oh, I'll take a six pack of Heineken and I'll also take two margaritas along Island in a sex on the nipple.
Starting point is 00:00:50 The next episode of the commercial break starts now. Oh yeah, cats again, welcome back to the commercial break, I'm Brian Gray. This is the director of dinosaur boasts. Chris enjoy. Only best you Chris is Best you out there in the podcast universe a little late on the post there if you're watching this on the YouTube You're probably like where did they go? You know the craziest thing happened and I'll explain And and again my use of the word craziest you cannot could not, not everything can be the craziest, not everything can be the best. But there you go.
Starting point is 00:01:27 That's just Brian, that's just me. Class. We recorded the last episode that we broadcast on the RSS feed, was the episode regarding my six naked days in Dublin, where I watched the naked attraction. Shaked attraction, yes. For six days in a row on Irish public television. In the middle of the afternoon, on snow days,
Starting point is 00:01:47 nonetheless, when the kids were not in school. So we recorded this entire episode. Do you know what? The video did not record. The video did not record. So I guess in some sense, we're giving Morgan a break because all she was gonna have to do is go put, you know, black sensor boxes all over the tits and ask.
Starting point is 00:02:04 But in another sense, I wish we had recorded it so that people could see it out there in the wild. It would not have gotten seen by anybody. YouTube would have fucking squash that algorithm immediately. But someday we'll have to re re re re record that episode for our fifth time and show you the actual tits and ask that we recorded it once. And then now we would record it again. And then we recorded it again.
Starting point is 00:02:26 But all that came up on the video was a black box. So I'm not really sure why that happened, but it's like that time we tried to do the, what were we doing? The, oh, the Scientology. We did three episodes of Scientology and the audio was unusable. Never since and never before and never since has that happened. But those three specific episodes, the audio was absolutely unusable,
Starting point is 00:02:50 and I can't explain why. I have no idea. I can only imagine. Aliens. Aliens. I can only imagine that David Miscavige. Hey. Hey.
Starting point is 00:03:00 Hey. Hey. Hey. I can only imagine that David Miscavages keeping us under, oh yeah, you know, under lock and key, under his thumb because that's what they do. Scientologists will literally follow each other around to battle on each other.
Starting point is 00:03:16 That's what they encourage. They encourage you to battle on other people if you did something wrong. What is it called tapping or auditing? Auditing. Yeah, auditing. Not auditing. You make it sound miserable.
Starting point is 00:03:27 There's nothing fun about that. Name anybody who's ever gotten audited that liked it, that appreciated that. It's auditing is the worst name you could give to it. Give it like, you know, a cursory review of your shitty behavior. Look, I couldn't rather do that. What kind of asshole were you today?
Starting point is 00:03:45 That's what I would appreciate. But auditing is just bad. I'm not gonna walk in there and get on. It is though I did go to a Scientology location here in Atlanta one time. And as soon as I- Just to check it out. Soon as I knew what the real deal was,
Starting point is 00:03:56 like as soon as I saw that box with the auditing or whatever they were trying to tell me that was about to go on, I fled. I went to the bathroom and I ran. I head for the hills. My friend stayed and did it. And I stood outside smoking cigarettes. And I was approached by no less than four people to try and give him to me to get back
Starting point is 00:04:11 inside. Did your friend like it? He did like it and he stuck with it, I think, for a good month until he was audited. Until he was audited. And he realized what a subhuman, whatever they call them, black souls or I can't even. Yeah, and then, yeah, I'm not gonna get into it. I'm not gonna get into it. Yeah, we should talk about it anymore,
Starting point is 00:04:30 because this might not be recording. Yeah, I have to go on vacation again. I don't have a lot of time to do this. Speaking of vacation, of course, we're taking a vacation, Northeast Florida, and that hurricane looks like it's just gonna. And that name's straight there. That name's straight there. I mean, it's really gonna hit on the other coast, but then it's just gonna. And that name's straight there. That name's straight there.
Starting point is 00:04:45 I mean, it's really gonna hit on the other coast, but then it's gonna roll over. And Florida's so thin that it doesn't matter where the hurricane hits, the entire state gets damaged. And so now I'm bummed out because I thought I was gonna get a nice vacation for my birthday, but I guess I'm not gonna get it. And by nice vacation, I'm gonna be a shitty condo on the bad side of the island. I'm not even sure where anywhere near the beach.
Starting point is 00:05:07 Maybe I shouldn't worry too much. Yeah, I think it'll be fine. It's 55 miles inland considered beach. I'm not sure. But I'll tell you what, the Airbnb was cheap. It was vicinity. And we had an hour. You're doing Airbnb in?
Starting point is 00:05:19 No, no, no, no, no, no. After your trip to Spain. Yeah, we had an option to do Airbnb for about, for about 15% less, or we could do townhouses, we're gonna have a big group, townhouses that are managed by the local hotel, by the local resort.
Starting point is 00:05:36 Yes. Right, so what we did. I think I saw those. Yeah. When I went to this place, yeah. So we decided that we were just gonna splurge, and because the other thing is they give you, you have the room service.
Starting point is 00:05:48 Like you can get room service to the townhouse. From the hotel. From the hotel, right. Which I always think is a plus. Of course we won't get room service because my kids, you know, everyone's just gonna buy groceries. Whatever. Anyway, my, another vacation ruined by a hurricane.
Starting point is 00:06:01 This is like the fifth time we've been down there in four years. Your birthdays in the middle of hurricane season. I know. In every time we go down, there is a fucking hurricane, or there was just a fucking hurricane, or a fucking hurricane's about to come. Can't get hurricane stop for a minute,
Starting point is 00:06:14 just so we can go to, you know, that hurricane went and destroyed all of Naples, Florida. Remember that future? Yeah. For sure, yeah. I got friends at a vacation and down there over the summer. Say it's as beautiful as it's ever been.
Starting point is 00:06:23 And I'm like, I'm going down there for Christmas. That's why rich people, oh you are? Oh, are you rich? No. Okay, because you know I thought about adding to Palm Beach and the Hamptons, or Hamptons and the Palm Beach,
Starting point is 00:06:35 high-emptons of Palm Beach, I was thinking about adding Naples, Florida to there. Because it is incredibly wealthy down there. It is. So when I got the report back that, oh no, it's great, the sending pictures, it was just beautiful, pristine beaches, you know, resorts are all in high style
Starting point is 00:06:47 and everyone's packing in everywhere. I thought to myself, this is, when you have money, you get paid attention to a media. Right, exactly. Guarantee if you go 10 miles inland where the houses aren't six and a half million dollars for every thousand square feet,
Starting point is 00:07:02 that you probably have absolute destruction still. Yeah, it wasn't there something like with the Panama City and Daytona, that area a while back. million dollars for every thousand square feet that you probably have absolute destruction still. Yeah, there's something like with Panama City and Daytona, that area a while back. Yeah, and somehow I don't think that there's, I don't think there's still, you know, think the high price contractors are rushing to Panama City to repair the damage. I used to go there and I was in high school for spring break. It's just an, you know, I don't have anything against Panama City. No, necessarily.
Starting point is 00:07:23 It's actually really pretty. It is. The beaches are gorgeous. But it's just a different city. But it's just a different scene. It's a different flag. Yeah. When you go to like the northeast Florida beaches, you know, like New Smurna Beach or
Starting point is 00:07:36 Fernandena or whatever, when you go to those kind of beaches, they're pristine, quiet, and there's not a roller coaster or a slingshot with an eyesight. When you got a fan of a city or Daytona, you can't walk 13 feet without a NASCAR museum, a slingshot roller coaster that used to ride around in a carnival and now has been staples of the ground. What T-shirt content? What T-shirt content. Do they still have what T-shirt content?
Starting point is 00:08:04 They did what I was there, but this has been years ago now. I mean, it's a perfect place for high school and college people to go to. I was just rage. I told you the one time. Airbongs on the beach. I know. Well, they don't allow that anymore. Panama City is completely cut out public alcohol during spring break. You can't have. That's probably smart. Well, I agree. Listen, I was a kid once too, and I went one time. My dad, we went to Disney World instead of going to Panama City because that's where my father would allow us to go
Starting point is 00:08:32 on our own. And then you're just two trucks when you've been there. Yes, then we just got equally as fucked up only in Epcot instead of on the slingshot. You know what I'm saying? So the one time when I was like, I think I was 16, my, I had a friend who was a little bit older, he was 18.
Starting point is 00:08:49 And he said, let's go down to Panama City. I have a credit card so I can put it down, we'll get a hotel and we'll go for like three nights. So I thought, wow, this is it, the big one. Everyone's been talking about this. The big one. The big one. I am just gonna get my dick is gonna is it, the big one. Everyone's been talking about this. The big one. The big one.
Starting point is 00:09:05 I am just gonna get my dick is gonna be so wet the entire time. I literally pussy falling from the sky. It was like a mystery, a YouTube video. Pussy is gonna be falling from the sky. I don't know, there's gonna be so many tits. I'm not gonna know. I'm not gonna, I'm gonna have a contest
Starting point is 00:09:21 to see how many nipples I can fit in my mouth at one time. Like, I just thought this was gonna be it. Uh-huh. And, but you gotta remember, as my friend Paul said, I was still at the age where I scared a pussy. So, my dad and I argue about this for two weeks and finally he's like, fine. Just go. Go.
Starting point is 00:09:41 And if you get, if you're in jail or dead, they're not, don't call me. And he knew exactly what he was saying, by the way, right? You're not going to be able to call me either way, because I'm not answering the phone. So we, it's like a Thursday night, we head down during the evening time. We get there, Chrissy. Our hotel could not have been further from the beach
Starting point is 00:10:03 if we were in Montana. I mean, we were so far from the beach, the action, there, Pussy was not falling from the sky in my location. It was more like palm fronds and crackheads, but whatever. Okay, we're in this, I don't even know what it is. Does he make your way over to the action? We did. So the first night we get there, the guy that I was with, I didn't know very well. He was like in one of my karate classes or something. I thought, oh. The older guy at the karate club. Yeah, he was a black belt and I was like 22 years later still trying to get my white belt,
Starting point is 00:10:36 you know what I'm saying? Because I didn't apply myself on anything in the first 36 years of my life. So, I didn't know the guy so well, but I knew a couple of things. He was shy, he was rather reserved. And that he really was kind of a loser in love. Like he couldn't find a girlfriend to save his life, but he desperately wanted one. But he was like one of those guys who just tried too hard.
Starting point is 00:10:59 Yeah. That he was so shy that when he had zero, zero. So I knew I was gonna have to be the one that was gonna have to lead the chart So we get there It's just a two-year-old it's two guys and it's super eight on I-75 26 miles from Panama City Beach, but he's got the car so we get there We drop our stuff. It's like 8.30 p.m. And I'm like listen I heard about this place called club.
Starting point is 00:11:26 Oh, yes. That's been a lot of time there. And I, everybody had told me that the Gondapandamo City Club, La VĂ­a da is wild drugs, dancing. That was the what T-shirt called because they had a big pool. They had a huge pool. And the middle of the club. And if Bush wasn't playing their new, you know, number one hit on top of that pool, then you're good likely to get, remember that? Yeah, MTV Spring Break,
Starting point is 00:11:52 they went to Panama City. So it was, I think this was like a couple of years after that had happened, but I'm like, listen, I think his name is David. David, let's go to Club La Vila. Let's just go. He's like, you're not even 18, you're not gonna get in. And I'm like, but I don't think it really matters you're not even 18, you're not going to get in.
Starting point is 00:12:05 And I'm like, but I don't think it really matters that I'm not 18 because I think everybody gets in. If we just grease the door man a little bit. So I can win some, we get dressed, we go to Club La Vila. Did you wear a drug car in the wall? I had so much drug car in the wall on. I think it's the only reason I got into the club because the guy was like, I don't want to smell you anymore.
Starting point is 00:12:25 I forgot how I did it. I think I did grease the wheel a little bit. But we got in. Or maybe they had like a, maybe you just had to wear a wristband or something if you were 18 and over or 18 and under, whatever it was at the time. So we get in,
Starting point is 00:12:38 somehow we manage to get a couple beers. I'm not really sure, but there is no wet t-shirt contest that night because it is pouring down rain. So now everybody's kind of inside this building, but there is so much action going on all around. And I had never been to like a real big club. And if I had never been to a real big club,
Starting point is 00:12:57 and I'm just trying to hold my shit together, this kid was terrified. He was terrified. So I see these two girls standing at the bar, and I'm like, I'm, hey, let me go up there and let's buy them a drink. That's the way you do it. Buy them a drink and then they'll be talking to you. I go, he goes, okay, yeah. So I said, okay, just come behind me and I'm like, hey ladies, can I buy you a drink? You know? Sure. What
Starting point is 00:13:19 are you drinking? I'm gonna have two marker feeders, a beer and a gin and tonic, a long island iced tea, a long island iced teas. And I'm like, okay, excuse me, excuse me, can I get a beer, two long island iced teas, three marker feeders of Bud Light, and what do you want? Oh, I'll take a six pack of Heineken, and I'll also take two marker feeders of Long Island and a sex on the nipple. And I'm like, okay, sex on the nipple shots all around, six pack of bud light, whatever I say, right? I just racked up a hundred dollar bill, no shit. So these girls are well for his credit card. I was taking the cash out of my pizza money or whatever. So these girls order multiple drinks and I pay for them and the whole time I'm focusing on the bartender because I don't really know what to say to the girls
Starting point is 00:14:07 and they're kind of talking to each other. And my friend just kind of sticks his nose in the middle of their conversation. And he's like, well, my name's David. And they're like, oh, yeah, nice to meet you, David. I'm talking to myself. Bartender, there'll be 100 bucks. Give them $100.
Starting point is 00:14:22 Who's tip? And I'm like, give them another 10, right? I don't know what I'm doing. I have no idea. You gotta start somewhere. So I start talking, you gotta start somewhere. I'm gonna start in the negative sometimes, probably. So we aren't talking to these girls
Starting point is 00:14:40 one minute after these drinks come and up come a crowd of gentlemen. Like three or four guys. And the girls are like, look, I got you a margarita. I got you three. Good lights. I got you. Thanks babe. Thanks babe.
Starting point is 00:14:54 They were the bait. They were the bait. They were Florida chuds dude. All the way. We're talking like who cut the sleeves out? Hats back words. The whole nine yards, right? Board shorts.
Starting point is 00:15:04 The whole tattoos tattoos, who had tattoos? So this whole thing goes completely sideways. I just blew 110 bucks and we didn't even have one conversation with these girls. And so my friend was, I know my friend could not take it. I was like, it's okay, it's okay. I don't know how and I don't know how and I don't know when and I don't know how, and I don't know how, and I don't know when, and I don't know where, but somehow, David found out about a party at a hotel
Starting point is 00:15:32 down the street. So we leave Club Liveila. We puppy dog our way to this, you know, like sniffing around asking people where the party is. I'm picturing those parties that I went to because I remember those and it was, you know, a small room with like some kind of polyester floral bed spread.
Starting point is 00:15:49 Chrissy tell the story as if she was there. It's the same. Yes. Some little desk over in the corner of the mirror ripped out. Only when we showed up to this motel, which was like motel balconies facing the parking lot kind of motel, right? When we showed up to this motel, which was like Motel, balconies facing the parking lot kind of motel, right? When we showed up to the motel, so pretty sure it was like a motel too.
Starting point is 00:16:10 When we get there, the average age of the person in the room is like 47 years old, Chrissy. They are so old and we are so intimidated and there are so much dick in the room. I'm just like, I don't know what to do here, dude. We scattered and we are so intimidated and there are so much dick in the room. I'm just like, I don't know what to do here, dude. We scattered and we left. And for the next two nights, we got so scared about our first night of Panama City that we had been rejected, sent to a party where old people were hanging where the dads were watching their daughters or something. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:16:40 And completely stopping wet because we walked from Club La Vila to the motel in the pouring rain because of all the traffic on the road We got so scared that we ended up doing whippets and eating pizza for the rest of our time down there. We left a day early We're supposed to go for three nights. We went for two And I convinced this guy to drive to some head shop About 60 miles away to get whippets. We had whippets, pizza, and no pussy, because I was scared of pussy. Still at the age, I'm scared of pussy.
Starting point is 00:17:13 Oh my God, and I was actually, because we just moved recently, so I was looking through pictures, old pictures. Oh God. I mean, that's when you actually took your film to the store and had it to film. Oh yeah. And then I was so proud. Remember, I was in high school and I was putting, you know, putting together like my photo albums and stuff. I came across from these photo albums. I'm horrified at what I'm wearing. I'm wearing
Starting point is 00:17:35 nothing. Nothing. I can't believe you. You're wearing nothing. I mean, the shorter shorts ever, the crop tops, the whole thing, although I guess that's not that different now. I know. I think it's worth it now, too. Anyways, I was just horrified at what I was wearing. Like, oh, we shouldn't have been walking around like that. I know.
Starting point is 00:17:55 I was out in Denver. I was out in Denver. And we're in this huge hotel resort for this conference, a podcast conference, which we'll talk more about in a couple episodes, but I go down to the pool. And the pool is like one of those really nice pools with multiple water slides and a lazy river and the cabanas and the whole nine yards. And I go there and it's the middle of the afternoon.
Starting point is 00:18:18 It's 117 degrees, it's fucking crazy sweltering hot. So the pool is very sparsely attended at two o'clock in the afternoon when the sun is at its peak, right? But there are a number of, I would say, I'm gonna call them teenage girls, girls in their early 20s, teenage girls, late teenagers. And then there's a bunch of older women that are at the pool too. All of them wearing the exact same
Starting point is 00:18:39 micro bikini style thing. Yeah. And I'm thinking to myself, please don't ever let my daughter wear one of those. And second of all, please, if my daughter is going to wear one of those, I just hope that she wears it until she's 30 and she's not wearing it. I mean, be proud and loud. I get it.
Starting point is 00:18:59 Absolutely. You know, love your body. It's going to happen, Brian. I'm just saying it. It happened with our daughters. I can't do it. Like, oh, no. Oh, Jesus.
Starting point is 00:19:09 There was a time. There was a time when I would have walked into the pool like that and been like, fuck, yeah. Of course, you did it at my point. I did it at your pool. I think that was the first micro bikini anybody had ever seen in real life. It never really was.
Starting point is 00:19:23 Was that girl wearing the micro bikini? That one fateful fourth of July I as soon as I saw her when she was wearing I knew immediately that would be the new next to her you do immediately that's some point in the evening that you know it's gonna be a conversation oh Oh, did we have a conversation? But I know this is coming with my daughter. And honestly, I guess whatever, it is what it is. And we're all born with bodies and they're all beautiful in their own special ways.
Starting point is 00:19:55 That's right, yes. But I don't know. It just is shocking. It is shocking. And now I look at it. It is true when you turn into a father of a daughter, things change real quick. All of a sudden, you just become that guy on the lawn telling everybody to stop running
Starting point is 00:20:07 onto your grass. You're no longer, you no longer want to eat the grass, you want to protect the grass, you know what I'm saying? Smoked the grass. Yeah, you're no longer looking to smoke the grass. Now you want to protect the grass. It's a weird confluence of events. And I'll tell you what, I wouldn't have it any other way because I love my daughters, but I'm just now.
Starting point is 00:20:31 Nature grass. Nature grass. Nature grass. That's a thing, you know, when you really blow it out, I think like we did. We took advantage of the max. And now it's, you know, it's a different era. It's time to retire and let the other kids, let the young ones, yeah. Let the young hot and hot bodies do their thing
Starting point is 00:20:46 and we'll sit back and say, wow, that, it was fun when I remember. I never thought it would end. I thought the string bikini girl would be in my life forever. And when I say string bikini, I mean, no bikini. She basically had something covering her clitoris. That was it. But you know, listen, we had fun.
Starting point is 00:21:07 We did it and we still have great times to come. It's just different for us now. Right, now we're looking forward to the return. Yeah, now I'm looking forward. We're gonna go to the villages. The villages. I used to look forward to Labor Day as like, you know, day off, I'm gonna go to the pool.
Starting point is 00:21:24 I'm gonna get right and try and wake up from my shift at 10, 30 in the morning the next day. Now I look at Labor Day as like a day to get my taxes done. I know, extra time. I look at Labor Day as a day, but I'm gonna have to watch the kids because Astrid needs a day off. I'm just busy in a different way now.
Starting point is 00:21:44 Oh God, Astrid her day to me. But you know what, what are you gonna do? Well, I hope, but taking it all the way back to Florida. I hope that you have a nice, I hope that the things don't go too bad. Yeah, I hope so too. I think it's actually supposed to clear up by the time you guys leave.
Starting point is 00:21:57 Yeah, I guess it just depends on what gets wrecked in the meantime. Yeah, a couple days ago, it was like, oh, tropical depression coming through. And I was like, category four. I don't see that. They all blow up into category fours now or fives. It's unbelievable.
Starting point is 00:22:11 We got to do something. I don't know what I'm not sure if anything we can't do. I don't know if it's already started and we can't stop it now. Do you know what the most popular pool services is in Denver, Phoenix, and some Palm Springs in California and some other places. The most popular pool service. Cool type of service, a servicing of the pool. I mean, I mean, like a bartender at the pool. Well, a bartender I'm sure is very popular too, but most people don't have a bartender
Starting point is 00:22:37 of the shit. You know, they don't pay a bartender to show up. They have a kitchen where they make their goods. The most popular right now pool service is actual ice companies dropping three and a half by three and a half cubed ice, huge ice cubes into the pool before you go swimming in it. That's crazy. We saw this on the housewives of Dubai. We have ice brought to their pool. Oh, they do? Yeah, so I've seen this. But also too, on a separate note about ice, have you noticed that like, gore my ice is so I've seen this, but also too on a separate note about ice,
Starting point is 00:23:05 have you noticed that like, Gourmet ice is now like this big new thing? Did you read about that? Yeah, Gourmet ice. I'm like, wow. But I do have to give them this. The ice chips. The nuggets.
Starting point is 00:23:14 The ice chips. The nuggets. Yeah, the ice pellets. Oh my God, if I had a nice pellet machine in my house, but they're horribly expensive. It's apparently expensive to make that stuff. I don't know why, I think it seems like it's just a rip off. But Chick-fil-A and there's a few others
Starting point is 00:23:27 that serve ice like that. And it is delicious and it is fun to eat. But this gourmet ice, I see this. Like at one of the bars, I was at a Denver. They had the super glass ice balls. That's the sphere? Yeah, the sphere, but it's glass. You can just see right through it.
Starting point is 00:23:43 And I'm like, how do they get it that clear? And that round, I just don't understand. And I'm like, how do they get it that clear in that round? I just don't understand. And she said there was a machine that in the back that made it and it was a horribly expensive machine because there's a lot of science or something that goes into it, I don't know. Yeah, I know.
Starting point is 00:23:58 I have the molds that are like the big large square. Oh, square ones? The square ones for like whiskey. Yeah, whiskey. That kind of thing, but I haven't been sure to do it. Oh square ones. Okay. Yeah, whiskey. But I had a good shirt and the way it chips off or the way it melts the whiskey or the whatever the cognac or whatever the fuck you're drinking. I just like yeah, sir. Would you like to test to cooves directly into your whiskey? I have
Starting point is 00:24:24 frozen my testicles before you came to the bar and I now like to dip them in your whiskey. It's all the rage, sir. No, no, my pants are around me because for a reason it's our new ice machine. It swirls ice cold water around my nuts until we have nut sickles. I used cold water around my nuts until we have nuts sickles If you'd like I can carry on drink to your table, sir Just drag along a cup with your balls in it Yeah, it's that shape though. Hey, hey
Starting point is 00:25:07 Barkey over here. Hey, I need your balls Got establishment is this my drink's getting more I had just dip it right in This is my new buddy David David likes to dip his balls in my whiskey Guess this is her flavor. Yes So welcome to Shailala. We have the new whale penis ice cubes if you'd like. It's in the shape of a whale penis. It's about three feet long. And if you'd like we'd pour some bay leaves down it right into your throat right into your gullet Got him victory down. That's funny. Oh, would you like some pizel pee in your mouth? No, it's mountain dew I'd say the time that my ex-wife I we'd just bet and it was my little brother's 21st birthday And so we wanted to really throw him a rager.
Starting point is 00:26:07 I was living in a rented house. I wanted to throw him a rager. So we got a big one. Everyone. The big one. So we got everybody that we knew, probably 110, 10, 25 people, I don't know. And my ex and I went and we hunted down a company that made liquor looses. Do you know what a liquor looses?
Starting point is 00:26:26 The looge? Yeah. It's a huge block of ice or sometimes two or three. These shots through. Yeah, and they carve out, you know, either a hole, they bore a hole or they carve out like a sled, like a slide almost. And then you pour the liquor down one end
Starting point is 00:26:39 and then you open your mouth on the ice, on the other end and do these liquor looses. So we got these liquor loos delivered to our house at like, I don't know, six o'clock at night. And we started, you know, of course we tested out, a little bit and tested out a little bit. How did it get delivered? They literally brought it in a truck.
Starting point is 00:26:59 Okay. Yeah, they brought it in a truck. It was like wrapped. I think if it was in like a, I don't know, like a crate or something like that. I don't remember to be honest with you. But it was heavy. It was heavy as shit. We had to put it on a table that we had to reinforce. So this in it's it was huge. It was about I don't know four feet long. What about the melting? Well, it's so big that it doesn't melt very fast. They
Starting point is 00:27:21 told us we have about 24 hours for it to keep its shape informed in some way even in the sun, right? But they told us to keep it under a tree or whatever. Bring it inside. I'm not going to bring that fucking thing inside. What are you kidding me? That's it. I was wondering. After, I don't know, let's call it after nine o'clock at about 30 people in the house, and I started to see exactly what kind of people were putting their tongues and mouth all over the liquor lures. I decided what I had actually done, is I had actually conveniently placed a disease spreading device in the middle of my party. Yes.
Starting point is 00:27:52 And I was telling my ex, I'm like, I don't think this was a good idea. She's like, this is a terrible idea. One person has a cold or strep throat or something everybody else can have, because everybody's putting their tongue. And right up on it. Right on it and taking them out.
Starting point is 00:28:04 Well, about the time that I say that, I look through the back window and my dad and my future stepmom are out there. Damn the like her. Your dad was my dad was. Oh my god, I can't picture that. I can't picture it either. It's like the first time I've ever seen my dad having fun. Maybe because he was raising four boys, I understand that. I know.
Starting point is 00:28:29 I was with it just in 2021. Yeah, that's right. He's partying. It's like, thank God. I did it. They're all still breathing. It doesn't matter anymore. Die tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:28:38 I don't give a shit. But don't leave your college. Staying alone, dad on me. So my dad and my stepmom are out out there doing is I'm like, oh god I got to go tell them to stop things like you know, so I kind of conveniently say hey listen There's been a lot of people putting their mouth on that tonight. You might not want to but they were having fun with it Couple hours later my dad and some of the more refined adults leave because I had a stripper show And this stripper was like the kind of stripper you see
Starting point is 00:29:06 from an 80s bachelor party movie. You know what I'm saying? Thick wearing leather with a whip and a chain and a dildo and a big beefy guy from the 80s also who's watching over her because it's a party, you know, the bouncer. And she comes in and I mean, she is just going to town. She is wild and shit. She's like, you know, the, the bouncer. And she comes in and I mean, she is just going to town. She is wild and shit. She's like, you know, doing the whole number like,
Starting point is 00:29:30 stroking herself with this big deal to the whole thing. It's a show. She's giving a show. Somehow, some way, somebody thought it was a good idea that she do vagina shots down the liquor loose, like putting liquor down her belly through her legs and then through the liquor luge. So on each end of the liquor luge, there was syphilis just hanging out. Ha ha ha ha. Syphilis from someone's mouth,
Starting point is 00:29:59 streffthro from someone's mouth, syphilis from this traverse vagina. It was disgusting. So the next day, I just looked at that'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:30:10 I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:30:18 I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I for that thing to melt fully. I broke it up, but it took five days. There were pieces out there. Am I caught my dog looking at it
Starting point is 00:30:30 at one point? I was like, no, no, no. Now that's it. You're not sleeping in the bedroom anymore. You're out. It sounds like a rager. It was a rager. It was a rager. And I'd like to think that my brother will never forget it. He probably did the second Second that he passed out Because there were a couple of people we had to we had a little basement like a half basement in this house that we were renting And I do remember specifically having to take people and spread them out on Air mattresses and couches on the floor as they went down like as they got so drunk They just went out. We were literally stacking them up in this room downstairs.
Starting point is 00:31:08 I can opium dead. Kind of like an opium dead. Yeah, the mind is any of the good drugs. Yeah. Just with, you know, stripper vaj juice all over their faces. Oh my god. I think you got a little herpes right here on the left side of your mouth. Did you do the liquor loose?
Starting point is 00:31:26 You did? I think God I did it before everyone else did. Smartest thing I ever did was try that liquor loose earlier. First? Yeah. With a girl who I knew. Speaking of girls who I knew, Chrissy, I was throwing on the internet. As you do.
Starting point is 00:31:41 As I do like to do, excuse me, a little thirsty there. Hey you, my podcast friend. I just popped in to say that you are the best part of TCB. And to show our appreciation, we want to give you a free WWFD sticker. It's the Whatwood Frankie Doe sticker you've been asking for. It's number four in our series of stickers and you get one just for being a friend of TCB. Friend Of TCB Go to Hit the Contact Us button.
Starting point is 00:32:08 Tell us you want to stick her and drop us your physical address. Those FedEx men will be at your door post-taste. We want to hear from you, your wild and wacky stories, dating disasters, ask TCB questions, and now you can ask Brian's mom for terrible advice. Hey, I learned my terrible advice giving skills from someone and my mom is that person. 1. 855-TCB-8383. Tall free from anywhere in the world is where you can send us your questions, comments, concerns, or content ideas. It's a real live phone line where we actually respond.
Starting point is 00:32:37 855-TCB-8383. At the commercial break on Insta and T.C.B podcast on TikTok. And please, do me one more favor. Go to slash the commercial break on Insta and TCB podcast on TikTok. And please, do me one more favor, go to slash the commercial break. Subscribe to that channel, Morgan does a great job editing the videos to be released on the same day at Ayers here on the podcast feed. Now let's listen to a word from our sponsors who keep this rambling wreck, fueled up, and ready to rock. And then we'll be back to this episode of The Commercial Break.
Starting point is 00:33:07 This episode is sponsored in part by Nutruffle. We just did a Frankie B episode about hair loss and hair thinning and all the crazy things and drama he's going through. But hair thinning is not just a Frankie B problem. It will actually affect over half of us throughout our lifetimes, and it's not only common, it's actually pretty normal. But now we can join thousands of people and Frankie's hair follicles who are standing up for their strands using neutrophil.
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Starting point is 00:34:24 Let NutriFull help you. using the promo code TCB. Address your thinning hair at the root calls. Let Nutriful help you. using the promo code TCB. And thanks to Nutriful for being a sponsor of the commercial break. I, you know I check this channel frequently because of course I have to. Frank Bernardo, Franky B is back with more videos. He seems like he puts them out in pulses.
Starting point is 00:34:44 They look like... He does these spurs. Yeah, he's like, what do they call those stars that the pulsars, the ones that just spin around and start shooting radiation at the far ends of the universe randomly? You know, one of the nightmares you have at night about the dying of a horrible pulsar accident. That's like Frankie B. He every once in a while he spins in our direction and he shoots out a bunch of content. And he's back to tell guys in their 60s
Starting point is 00:35:10 how they can get that perfect body in just a short couple of months by following his routine. I'm really interested to hear what his routine is because he is very insightful. And he's time I try and transform my body. It takes a lot more than a couple of months. I've been working on this for 40 plus years. Still ain't got it.
Starting point is 00:35:32 Well, I'm wondering if it involves his tuna, his infamous tuna, um, double deck. He does have a new recipe. He, what he eats throughout the day. It's like, we'll get into that one the different time. We'll get into that one. Maybe we'll just do three shows of Frankie B. We'll get into what he eats too. But this one is more specifically about the workout. The workout regiment that he has, I'm sure he's going to tell us nothing
Starting point is 00:35:56 over the course of the next 10 minutes, but I can't wait to hear. Hey. Do you need more income in your life? Would you like to be an entrepreneur? two See yeah Hey my mom yeah
Starting point is 00:36:14 Well, he's back. He's back. Oh my god. Look at Frankie's rip. He is fucking ripped this guy tattoos a whole nine yards He looks like someone straight out of what's that show the gangs? No, the What are the things? The gangs of the work sons of anarchy He looks like the old kid he feels crew captain on the sons of anarchy All right, here's Frankie talking about his workout regiment
Starting point is 00:36:41 Take it all with the great assault You're six these and you're ready for a workout routine. Well, Kudos, congratulations to you. It's about time. All right, so now what exactly is the best workout routine for a man in his 60s? You know, there's a lot of misleading exercise programs out there that say a guy in his 60s must do exercises this way. I got a whole different take I don't worry about what all the experts don't worry about all the experts say I know
Starting point is 00:37:12 I'm about to give you five anabolic steroid methods to get your juice back in your gizz you know what I'm saying guys first of all second of all look at his hair I know he's got that little flip on the back of him. He does. He looks like I don't know funny. He looks like a hacky sacker from the 90s. And what again his neck is so red. It's so red the veins are all popping out Yeah, he must do a lot of like neck workouts I guess This side so if you're willing to watch this video and learn what I do at the age of 62, to maintain a lean and healthy body,
Starting point is 00:37:51 I would love to share it with you. Rock it. Let's rock it. Why did you get rid of the original rock song? That was the best. Oh, it was. We had him that they would follow him around. Oh yeah. I know. Why did he why did his intro get better? It should have stayed worse. He's hair looks wonderful after that hair transplant. Yeah. You have to say.
Starting point is 00:38:14 The follicles. Yeah the freaky follicle. And they welcome you to the video. This is your first time here. My name is Frank Bernardo. I built this channel to help guys in their 60s up their game look and feel better about themselves in grooming fitness fashion in lifestyle. But before we get into the video, if you do... No! Put me back! Go to go back to the beach three days you was so much fun and then I had friends.
Starting point is 00:38:39 I was able to move places and do different things. Now I'm stuck to this jerk off's head. What the fuck? Put me back. Hey Frankie, while you're at it, cut me off and throw me away. For the video, or if you think it's informational, do me a favor. Give the video a like and don't forget to hit the subscribe button. To an order to gain muscle, to gain muscle quickly.
Starting point is 00:39:03 Because again, that's the key because what's not on our side it's time we ain't got we need lose muscle you got off the muscle and put in a piece right this now you shitting what the fuck are you doing at time we ain't got 10 years to build muscle we ain't got five years to build muscle we need to get you the body of your dreams in two years. So here's two years. Two years. I was thinking. I think it was to say two months. Yeah, that's a lot of commitment right there. Wow. Wow. I don't like that kind of commitment. Two years, that's too much. If you would have told me you can do it in four months, I would have said it's a lot of the long time, but I think
Starting point is 00:39:44 I could stick with it. Two months, I would have been great with. I do, and this is what I feel is going to be your most effective workout at the age of 60. Now, it's my belief and my routine that I work out a particular body part every day. And what I mean is day one, I'll do biceps, day two, triceps, day three hair follicles. Day three, dick massage, day four, dick massage, day five, dick massage, god damn it, flaky. Say it's a day of hair.
Starting point is 00:40:23 A different muscle group every day. He said triceps one day. He said triceps. Just triceps. That's it. That's it. Let's just do triceps. I'm already bored. Between the two year time line, just focusing on one muscle at a time. Left triceps Thursday. It's right quad Sundays. That's the four shoulders. They five back day six legs. And I constantly rotate that. Now I don't take off any days of the week from working out. So consistency.
Starting point is 00:41:01 Oh, that was a great edit right there. Oh, that's bad. Yeah. And hard work, especially at our age, that's what's gonna get you the results and that's what's gonna get you. I'm not gonna be thinking about the one day tricep. Like how long do you work? Well, he says he spends up to two hours in the gym every day.
Starting point is 00:41:21 Those are making sense here because, yeah. How do you do one muscle for two hours? That doesn't seem right. No, that doesn't seem right. That's like when I hear those people talking about how they had sex for seven hours in a row. You can't work a muscle out for that long. Muscle.
Starting point is 00:41:39 And the reason why I work a particular body part each day because the name of the game and building muscle is to tax that individual muscle group is hard as you can and when you touch that when you rip and tear all the rip in all the tearing when you rip and you tear that muscle you're certain to do permanent, nerve damage that cannot be reversed. However, you'll have a nice little tricep. Slow. Speaking of biceps and triceps, does he have an anaconda tattooed? I think he does.
Starting point is 00:42:15 Well, why would you put an anaconda on your arm? He's. If he's a snake handler. Yeah. Or is he trying to show the girls how big his dick is? Yeah. Also, you actually force it to grow. Now, there's a lot of trainers out there that will immediately put guys in their 60s in circuit training.
Starting point is 00:42:35 In circuit training is when you're working your arms for a couple of sets, your triceps, your back, you're running to another machine, you're doing a couple of leg lifts, you know, then you're gonna do a couple of shoulder presses Listen, if you do that routine, you're never gonna gain muscle Never because you're not taxing the muscle hard enough and if you have been a guy and you've been doing circuit training and you're not getting You got to literally punch your penis for hours on end make it bigger. You got a tax add dick. What the fuck is he talking about? I don't know he's talking a lot about triceps too. Yeah, first of all, second of all, I don't think this is true that you just have to work one muscle per day and tax it as hard as it could go. And results, well there's a reason why
Starting point is 00:43:21 and that reason is exactly what I'm telling you. You got to work and punish that muscle. So again, punish that muscle. It's a tricky. Something a girl I used to date. You got to punish that muscle. Try a particular body part each and every day. Do four different exercises and do four sets
Starting point is 00:43:49 within that exercise by the end of that routine. All right, your muscle. So, it's a team. What's going on? And I did that routine and by the end of two years. Yes. Then, we'll have built muscle. Within a short 64 months. Listen, it may take you
Starting point is 00:44:08 a little less time to pay off your new car, but I'm telling you, it's worth the wait. If I'm 62, I don't have two years to wait. I got to get out in the street. I'm not at that. I'm still at the age where I'm scared of pussy. I got to go try things out. You know, say those are going to be forced to grow. And this is what I do to incorporate apps. Now I said, don't incorporate. It's hard to keep myself focused on his face. I keep looking at his arms.
Starting point is 00:44:37 I don't know why. There's something like mesmerizing, but artificial. I feel like there's AI involved somehow. There's our green screen somewhere. I'm not seeing Circuit training, but what I'm gonna tell you do right now is it's it's not the same So in between each one we're gonna talk about biceps right now instead of sitting there resting looking around Does he look like a woman? A little bit in this video
Starting point is 00:45:04 Does he look like Susie Homemaker? He does. Does he look a little bit like a house mom from the 50s? Why does the tattoo? With the bob on the bottom of his hair. Yeah, but the hair style. Yes. Looking at the girls, looking in the mirror, okay, do yourself a favor.
Starting point is 00:45:22 Run to the ab machine and start incorporating an ab routine. So you're going to do a bicep set. You're going to drop the weights. You're going to run and you're going to, it doesn't matter. I you're going to run. You're going to throw the weights in the direction of the person next to you.
Starting point is 00:45:39 You're going to run out the door. You're going to get your car, you're going to go as fast as you can, no matter what kind of lights are behind you. Do a set of abs. So your arms are resting while you're doing your ab routine. And then when you're doing your arms, your abs are resting while you're doing your arms. Now, with this routine is going gonna force you to do? I'm not sure this is any different than anyone would tell you to do in the first place,
Starting point is 00:46:08 except for workout one muscle at a time. I think a muscle group is okay. Yeah. Isn't that what you're supposed to do? Work out hard for five minutes, let it rest, workout hard for five minutes, let it rest for five minutes. Okay, it's for the five. I do the five by five by five.
Starting point is 00:46:25 Five cigarettes, five text messages. Five drinks? Yeah, five dollars in the coffee and donut machine. Five, five, five. That's right. Do five single reps of the lightest weight you can possibly do and then do it again. Go, this is a circuit rating.
Starting point is 00:46:44 That's what I like. Earn calories because you're not sitting around. You're not sitting around standing in between sets. You're not sitting around standing. Now, is this going to be exhausting for you? Yes, but you got to give it time. It's going to be difficult in the beginning. And the one thing you can't do is quit and give up on it. Just because you go home tired after that routine,
Starting point is 00:47:14 that's part of it. All right. No, no, no, no, no, you're asking way too much, Frankie. I thought those were gonna be a quick and easy. I thought you were a big fan of needles and Botox and scraping your face. I thought we were gonna get like some helpful advice. Like, here's my Annabelle Xtero dealer in Mexico.
Starting point is 00:47:28 Right. Right? Yeah. Well, he was selling the salon suite. Yeah, the salon suite was going to help me out. Give me buff real quick. This is two year five by five by seven shit standing while you're sitting, sitting while you're standing.
Starting point is 00:47:41 Don't look at the girl next to you. I don't know what to do anymore. You know, you're going to do all these hard and strenuous exercises and feel good. You immediately have to work out that that's not gonna happen. Even next morning you're gonna get up and say, oh my God, I'm sore. It's like, sore is good. That means you actually worked out that muscle, all right?
Starting point is 00:48:02 You actually did it. If you're doing that circuit training, you're not gonna be sore because you're not taxing the muscle. So try that routine because- You know cocaine- It's true. It's not true, first of all, second of all. Cocaine works the same way.
Starting point is 00:48:16 I do it long enough to cocaine, I'll wake up sore all over the place. I've been working out those- It doesn't mean it's not working. Yeah, those paranoid muscles. Check the window, get down on the floor. Yeah. I was talking to someone at the conference
Starting point is 00:48:28 and they were telling me about a party that had happened a couple of years ago, one of these conferences and how there was a, one of the girl who was telling me this story was like, it's like a assistant of a well-known podcaster. Okay. And she was following the well-known podcaster and a couple of other well-known podcasters around as they partied
Starting point is 00:48:46 Just to be like the sober person. You know, that's her job. She's supposed to be sober So she ends up in a room in the middle of the night with like, you know however much cocaine and they're all doing it and she said Everybody looked perfectly normal, but they kept asking me how terrible they looked like are my eyes You know, my nose bleeding are my eyes too big. Do I seem like a paranoid? She was like they all look perfectly fine, but it just couldn't stop asking. And I thought to myself, that encapsulates cocaine to a T.
Starting point is 00:49:12 Yeah. That's was actually gonna build you muscle and gonna trim your waistline. Now, if you think that just doing a good ab routine, and I suggest doing the abs every other day. Okay? Don't do them every day. Do them every other day because you got to give those abs a chance to rest just like when you do your biceps you're actually giving them five days to rest. But you know, when you do that five day, I don't know. This all seems pretty antithetical to what I've heard. Some of it sounds
Starting point is 00:49:46 pretty commonplace like make sure you do reps as hard as you can go. Okay, I got that part. I've been in the gym before. I know how it goes. Not very often, but I've been in the gym before. And then some of it sounds antithetical. Yeah, I thought it was like arms. Yeah, other day, legs every other day or something like that. At least in every three days. Arms back legs, stomach, arms back legs, stomach, something along those lines. Don't ask me, I'm not a trainer, but either is he. So there you go.
Starting point is 00:50:12 I don't think he's giving any ground break. Again, Frankie is giving us nothing to work with here. Let your arms rest for seven days, and on the seventh day his arms rested. App workout, you know, if you think that that's gonna trim your waistline, again, you're kind of say at the mistaken, it's going to build the muscle underneath your waistline. All right, but what's going to trim your waistline?
Starting point is 00:50:33 Obviously, it's going to be good, healthy eating. So along with my program and what I do, I eat healthy. I'm not going to call it a diet. It's not a diet. It's not a diet. Diocese don't work. It's good, clean, healthy eating. Toa, toa, toa, toa, eggs, mayonnaise, avocado, chia seeds, hept necklaces, pussy. These are the things that are on my diet. So way very, very light on the carbs. You can incorporate carbs, but that's a video, you know, for another day, and I actually will. Can't wait, Frankie. I can't wait. Out of incorporate carbs. Yeah, I don't incorporate carbs. I can't wait for you to read me a page off the Nutriest Systems website. Put that on. How I eat and train. It has to be a
Starting point is 00:51:29 good combo. It's got to be cohesiveness, harmony. You can't work out and eat like shit. Okay, and expect to get the body of your dreams. You have to do says every other heavyweight bodybuilder ever. I know. Any anybody knows that? Yeah. Who's getting motivation from this? Wow. That's a lot of common sense, Frankie.
Starting point is 00:51:55 Thanks. Both. But in order to do both, okay, it all starts right here. All right. Right here. You got to go into this routine with an open mind and expect, you know, that, yes, it is gonna be difficult in the beginning and many of you are gonna wanna quit,
Starting point is 00:52:11 but only the strong are gonna survive cardio. Yes, because when you're on your death bed, you will say, damn. It only worked out that tricep one more day. If I only had two negs this morning, I wouldn't have had this massive coronary. If I only put barbed wire in my face, I could have lived one more day.
Starting point is 00:52:33 No. What do I do for cardio? Cardio I'll do one mile a day, all right? Cause I've burned so many calories, all right? And I'm building my wait, you're running for six minutes at a time. Getting ripped. I literally do one mile a day. That's a tiny. Yeah. And after 25.6 days, I did a marathon. You see how that works? Or is it 23.2? Can't remember. So doing that routine, you don't need a lot of cardio. One mile is sufficient.
Starting point is 00:53:10 And I do do that every day. Now there's a lot of you guys out there that go, no, the only way to lose weight is cardio, cardio, cardio. And then go work out with some weights for a little bit. Guys, that's the worst thing that you can do. If you do a lot of cardio, yeah, you're gonna lose weight, but you know where you're gonna lose weight, you're gonna lose it in your arms, you're gonna lose it. Yeah, you're gonna lose it in your balls and your butt and your knees. Who doesn't want a little extra knee fat, guys? I don't know. cardio seems like a
Starting point is 00:53:44 pretty good way to lose weight, but you do have to keep up with the training. I don't know cardio seems like a pretty good way to lose weight but you do have to keep up with the training. I do agree with them there. Yeah. Look at me. It's a combo. Somebody said I look like a long distance runner now. And I'm like that's not a compliment. I look like an old long distance runner. Hey, we need to get to the long distance running first. I'm getting frown Frankie's program. Listen, I'm paying attention. Or not, I lost them after a minute one. Hey, we need to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you get you to get you to get you to get you to get you but you're fat in the midsection. What burns fat? Tessastarone. Now guys, our age, we don't have a lot of Tessastarone.
Starting point is 00:54:29 Here we come to the, yeah, here we go. Tell them about the drugs, Frankie, that's what I'm doing. Sure cut. Sure cut, I wanna get a body in six, six days. Sure cut, sure cut, sure cut. I'd keep on doing it, but I'm too lazy. Tell me about the shirt cut.
Starting point is 00:54:44 Levels are way down. What builds testosterone, muscle, okay? What builds muscle? Heavy, serious, inabolic steroids. I hope that's the next words. Waste, okay. That's how you're gonna burn body fat. In fact, all you guys that I do,
Starting point is 00:55:04 cardio, cardio, cardio, do you know what you're doing to burn body fat. In fact, all you guys that are doing cardio, cardio, cardio, do you know what you're doing to your testosterone? You are actually suppressing it. It's a known fact, it's a fact that excessive, a known fact, it's a fact. As opposed to the known fact that's not a fact. Yeah, okay. The known fact that's not a fact. Just cross checking. that's not a fact. Yeah. Okay. So known fact that's not a fact. Just cross checking. On a cardio will actually suppress your testosterone. Guys, without testosterone, you're dying a slow death. Your skin is... Damn. Oh, you runners out there. Well, tell me where to get some testosterone. That's what I want to know. Agging. Your bones are getting frail, your heart is weak, you lose collagen. Okay. This is why you are dead.
Starting point is 00:55:55 You're like Nico just walking around the ghost dogs is walking around almost dead. Training is so good, especially for God. Especially. Especially. It's in their 60s because everything is going south, alright? And if you don't stop it, it's going to progress. So that's what I do each and every day. And I feel, you know, at my age, I've got the best possible body that I can get, but I'm always striving and pushing for more, and that's what you gotta do.
Starting point is 00:56:31 Once you get into the routine that I'm telling you, you're gonna start seeing those results. It was a routine, you did it. I think it's it. Yeah, you're just giving me a bunch of work that I really don't want Frankie to be honest with you. You're, I don't know. Where was the routine? It was workout, you're just giving me a bunch of work that I really don't want Frankie to be honest with you. You're, I don't know. Where was the routine?
Starting point is 00:56:48 It was workout, you tried it. You guys said what to do and say, how to do it? I don't know. How many videos did you do in Frankie? 2025, 30, something like that, right? Over the course of the show. Of the 400 shows we've done,
Starting point is 00:57:02 probably 30 of them are Frankie videos. I don't think we've ever learned one valuable thing from any of them except stay away from Frankie's advice I think that's the only thing that we learned hey speaking a Nico We brought Nico the Nico the ghost dog. We got his body back. We got his body back from the ceramicist The ceramic The ceramic. The ceramic. The ceramic. Oh, poor Nico.
Starting point is 00:57:24 He's gonna sit right here next to the Jacquard No War. I found a little dog, a ceramic dog that has wings on it. Yeah, it looks like Nico. So, we're just gonna pretend his ashes are in there. Treat him with some respect. You can go to slash the commercial break and check it out. Right next to our bottle of unused real from the 90s Jac Ka Nuwa. It smells oh yes smell it. Oh it takes you back doesn't it? It takes you back to Club La Vila 1998. I was probably wearing patchouli back then
Starting point is 00:57:59 but anyway that's where you go more information about Chrissy and I all over the site. It's a brand new website. Lots of people have been talking about it. Thank you very much for all the kind words on the new website, all the audio, all the video. Most importantly, go get your what would Frankie do sticker. They're limited in numbers and we've already sent out a ton of them. So if you want them, you must go now, hit the contact us button, drop down the menu,
Starting point is 00:58:26 tell us you want that to stick or send us your physical address, we'll send it off to you. Thanks for all of the kind reviews on Apple and all the other places we're seeing them. We love you so much. 855, tcb8383, 1, 855, tcb83, 3 questions, comments, concerns, content ideas, or ask Brian's mom, you can send them all there. We'd also like to know which dive bar you would like to see Chrissy and I appear at. We've already gotten a few responses, we'd love some more, so if you have a dive bar
Starting point is 00:58:53 in your local hometown, you'd like us to appear at, let us know so that maybe we can plan it for next year. Probably won't, but maybe we'll, who knows. Add the commercial break on Instagram, TCB podcast on TikTok. We'll go to one. We'll go to one Please follow us on YouTube. We certainly would appreciate it. Get to 5,000 before the end of the year Okay, Chrissy. I guess that's all I can do today. I think so, but I love you I love you best you best you and best you out there in the podcast universe until next time Chrissy
Starting point is 00:59:20 And I always say we do say and we must say good byeSai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai you

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