The Commercial Break - PizzleKahn The Champ

Episode Date: March 4, 2022

TCB recently had a Crypto Currency wallet as a sponsor. That started a chain reaction that leads to Bryan discovering some lost Bitcoin! It's hidden treasure. Razzlekahn is a thief turned rapper (or versa) that also found some Bitcoin. $4.3 billion in Bitcoin. She's in jail but her YouTube raps live on. Finally, Big Will The Champ has dropped TCB's first ever theme song. He calls in to it live. Fu&k it! We'll do it live! LINKS: Send us show ideas, comments, questions or concerns by texting us or leaving a voicemail at: 1.855.TCB.8383 is for people who like comfort! Watch Us on YouTube Creator: Bryan Green Co-Host: Bryan Green Co-Host: Krissy Hoadley Written By: Bryan Green Exec Producers: Bryan Green & Krissy Hoadley Content Production & Research: Tina Khano YouTube Producer & Editor: Morgan Please Audio Editing: Christina A. Executive Director: Astrid B. Associate Producer: Gustavo Episodic Contribution: Marianne, Diane, Natalie, Will The Champ, Will D** Huge Thanks To Our Supportive Listeners, Friends, Family & Spouses: Astrid & Jeff!! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Bitch, this isn't the 80s. You need to catch a dip. On this episode of the Commercial Break... Over at one of the Bitcoin wallets, decide that they are going to give us some commercials. They want to buy some commercials. Right, okay, I want to come in and sponsor. So, and I won't mention the name of the wall, but I'll say they're defonk now. Yeah. They're literally fine with us.
Starting point is 00:00:30 Yeah. Grandma's were losing their houses for people in Ecuador are more poor because of this company and we were there. Bye, bye, bye. Get 20% off their next Bitcoin on you know bitch shit bitch shit. Oh Could be me could be you Who's got the beat? I don't know, Kavimi, Kavimi. If you find the beat, can you pass it on to Razlcon, please? Can we talk about this girl first? Yeah, go talk about Razlcon. Yeah. First of all, I think we need to change the name. I think we need some call for MC Coco melon.
Starting point is 00:01:27 Because that was basically what she was doing. Yes. I got the vacuum cleaner. The vacuum cleaner. It was just repeat. My friend's list is leaner now vacuum cleaner. I wanted to call her PizzleCon, but you know, whichever one. The next episode of the commercial break starts now. Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, former wife We're still work. We're still work spouses. We're works spouses. Hello best of you and best to you my friend best of you out there in the podcast universe
Starting point is 00:02:10 Thanks for joining us on yet another episode of the commercial break the other commercial break you'll ever need I promise you We had a comment on one of the boards on one of the publishers that said this husband and wife team is obnoxious That said, this husband and wife team is obnoxious. I can say that one part of that is true. I'll leave the rest up to your imagination. Here we are about your game. Thanks for writing. Thanks for your compliment. They still gave us five stars.
Starting point is 00:02:36 OK, good. It's unbelievable. I feel like people want to be mean, but they don't want to be really mean. They give the five stars and then say something mean. When we talked about Joe Rogan and Howard Stern, I expected some backlash because I just knew we were walking into the territory,
Starting point is 00:02:50 but I felt like we needed to correct our stance given on giving new information. The thing that's difficult about a podcast is we record numbers of days a week, we record hours in a week, but we're recording, it's a snapshot of time. It's not happening when you listen to it. It's happening when you report it.
Starting point is 00:03:07 Yeah, it's not live. And so some of the information is belated. It's like, you know, and so when you put out a statement and you know, you support something, and then two days later you get information that clearly you don't support, and they come across this incorrect. So while we don't element of politics,
Starting point is 00:03:21 I felt it was important just to touch on that subject. And then someone goes, ah, I hear that these Nancy's, you know, water boating it again, or some bullshit like that, you know, more lib-tard bullshit. Still think it's a great show. Ah, still watching it. I know, I was like, well, you know,
Starting point is 00:03:38 I guess we'll take what we can take. It's the little podcast that could. Let it. To teach. I have to tell you the story that I think is, is was just amazing. So I have been dealing with cryptocurrency since almost since it came out, since I heard about it.
Starting point is 00:03:55 I say dealing with it. I mean, like, reading about it, right? And thinking of you. I've got a good dealing in it. Yeah, dealing in it. Hey, you want some Brian Farn and FT's? That's Brian asked. That's T's. Hey, you want some Brian Farnan F.T.? You want some Brian Ass? That's the...
Starting point is 00:04:07 That's the... The good stuff. Still working on that collection, by the way. So I've been reading about it because I'm fascinated that this thought of alternate currency and... Yeah. You know, I never understood it. I read about it for about a year before I actually understood what the fuck they were
Starting point is 00:04:21 talking about. And it wasn't until I got involved that I really understood exactly what was going on. So it's not that hard of a concept, it's just you gotta kind of figure it out, right? Someone's gotta teach it to you a little bit. So I was reading and reading and reading, and then I was like, oh, I got this. So I go on this.
Starting point is 00:04:35 Bye, bye. Bye, bye, bye. Rich, rich, rich. So what I'm mainly reading is some college kid, some pimple-faced kid who works at Domino's is now a billionaire because he took all of his lunch money and bought Bitcoin when it was six cents, right?
Starting point is 00:04:50 Which happened to many people. True. So I didn't get in that early. I got in when it was like $700, $800. And I thought that was expensive, right? I thought this is crazy. Like who's paying $700, $700? For some shit, they don't even understand.
Starting point is 00:05:03 It's clearly no one gets this. So I was into this concept about mining, like you buy a server and mine basically for free, for the cost of the electricity and the server, you could mine Bitcoin yourself. Back when individuals did that kind of thing. Now it's all owned by hedge funds and corporations. You don't make any money doing that as an individual with one server anymore. But back then what you could do is rather than buy your own server, you could buy into a company that had multiple servers,
Starting point is 00:05:30 and then you bought a small share of a server. And every Bitcoin that that server would mine, you would then get your share, however much money you put in. So, and they had plans. It was like, you know, $2,999 a month, $3,999 a month. And then how much money you made depends on the fluctuation and price on Bitcoin. But every time, every day you would make like,
Starting point is 00:05:47 point zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, one percent Bitcoin. But if you did the math at a certain average, right? I mean, I guess if you do the math on anything at a certain average, at a certain price, everything makes money. But I was in my head, I calculated, oh, you could probably make like, you know,
Starting point is 00:06:03 six to seven dollars a day. But over the course of time, if it keeps on, the price keeps on rising, well, maybe that would be like 60 or 70 dollars a day. Sure. So I buy into this years ago. It's like a two year or one and a half, 18 month contract. Do you have to keep on paying $2,999 a month for 18 months? Okay, whatever.
Starting point is 00:06:22 And the harder the Bitcoin got to mine, generally, the less you would make every day, right? So it was getting harder, but more expensive. It was like a whole calculation that they had that you could do, right? I didn't understand it back then. Barely understand it now, but I was one of those guys. It was like, Bitcoin, bye, bye, bye, good. Right, get in, get in now.
Starting point is 00:06:40 Okay, so fast forward to October of last year, and you and I get the nice people over at one of the Bitcoin wallets decide that they are going to give us some commercials. They want to buy some commercials. Right, okay, I want to come in and sponsor. So, and I won't mention the name of the wallets, but I'll say they're defunct now. Yeah. They're literally finally. us. Yeah. Grandma's were losing their houses for people in Ecuador are more poor because of this company and we were there. Bye, okay, so they say, please, Mr.
Starting point is 00:07:30 podcaster go and sign up for one of our wallets so that you can be knowledgeable about how to at least how to use our product, so that you can talk about it on air, which I do. So I do most of the commercial reads, so I did that. But when I went to go do that, the personal email address that I've been using for years, it says you already have an account. I'm like, I don't have an account. What are you talking about? And then, but I asked for the password back,
Starting point is 00:07:52 they give me the password and they say, you need to verify your account with an ID or a passport. You're such a security number. It's some other identifying information. I'm like, big fucking pain in the ass, just to read a commercial, right? But I do that. And then it says, it takes seven to 10 business days to verify your account will give back to you and I'm like fuck
Starting point is 00:08:07 this so I read the commercial and da da da da then on the Super Bowl halftime show I see that this place has a huge commercial like a couple you know they did the whole nine yards of the commercial and I'm like wow they really have come into their own there spent you know they've on the commercial breaking October on the Super Bowl engineering January, the parody is unbelievable. I wish I could charge $2 million in 30 seconds. Astrid and I are sitting in the dining room the other day. And we are talking about future vacation plans of ours. And I was reading through old emails, and I saw the email
Starting point is 00:08:42 that said, you've been verified on this wallet. You know, please go here and reset your password. I then do that while I'm sitting there, and I saw the email that said, you've been verified on this wallet. Please go here and reset your password. I then do that while I'm sitting there and I'm talking to Astrid. And I open up the application. On the application, it says, you have ex thousands of dollars in your account.
Starting point is 00:08:56 And I was like, that's so nice of our sponsor. Yeah. They pay this a bit going, or whatever, right? I'm like, this is an example of what you should see if you were Actually making trades and buying and selling a Bitcoin. Yeah, right? This is an example page So I'm trying to navigate out of it. I can't navigate out of it. I close the app. I open it again Your balance is X thousands of dollars and I'm like what the fuck is this like, you know I'm now mixed up with somebody. Yeah, what is going on?
Starting point is 00:09:25 Right. So then I look, and I look at my trading history, and my trading history goes all the way back to when I purchased that plan. And I was dumping what I was making into this wallet. And when I was doing it back then, it was dollars that I was making every day. Yeah. But five or six years later, it was dollars that I was making every day.
Starting point is 00:09:45 But five or six years later, it is hundreds and hundreds of dollars that I was making every single day. That's incredible. I had a bunch of money. Best to you. Best to you indeed. I had this Bitcoin wallet. I was one of these guys who literally found lost Bitcoin,
Starting point is 00:10:02 and there it was. I mean, I'm not talking about, this is not life changing FU money. This is enough money to say, oh, we are gonna have a nice family vacation. Let's go on vacation. We just found the missing money. We needed for that nice family vacation. But it was unbelievable to me
Starting point is 00:10:16 because I've never won anything in my, I one time won a television from a radio station, 96 rock. I was at a baseball game. I put in my name on one of those slips. It said, you know, win a 65-inch, you know, flat screen TV, which at that time was literally something you had to get movers to move into your house. Yeah, it was one that was on like a stand
Starting point is 00:10:34 and you know, the whole nine yard to the speaker at the bottom. And so I won it. And one day I got a phone call, you won this TV. And I was like, that's unbelievable. It was 367 pounds. They told me I had to bring somebody to the radio station to help. I had to bring a truck. I was like, that's unbelievable. It was 367 pounds. They told me I had to bring somebody to the radio station to help. I had to bring a truck.
Starting point is 00:10:48 I was like, so excited about this. I get it home. The fucking thing doesn't work. I call them up and I'm like, this thing doesn't work and they're like, sorry, not our problem. Call the person who gave it to us. And I never got, like so I had this broken TV sitting there forever.
Starting point is 00:10:59 Anyway, I found this Bitcoin money because our sponsor, all because of our sponsor. So thank you to that sponsor, I won't name now. Thank you sponsor. But thank you. But it made me think about, I've been thinking for the last couple of weeks, about why I actually initially decided to check the, recheck the wall in the first place, which was the Super Bowl ads,
Starting point is 00:11:22 which were Bitcoin crazy. There was so many crypto NFT, you know, all this NFT bullshit talk. I don't know what to think of all of it. I understand it, but I don't want to talk about it here on air, but I don't know what to think about all of it. But what I do know is that the halftime show
Starting point is 00:11:38 for this particular Super Bowl was the best, said's Prince hands down. Yeah, I love to. Hands down. Yeah, I loved it. Hands down. I absolutely loved it. Kings and Queen of rap and R&B up there just killing it. And so well done and just so nostalgic. And I know that I'm one of these old farts that is like,
Starting point is 00:11:59 you know, nice 1992 again, you know, Snoopy Doggy Dog. Snoopy Doggy Dog, you know, double digger, that's our dog. I'm like, that's not like an old fart. But the truth is, is that I thought that it was so well done. And I enjoyed it so much. I think it lived up to every bit of the hype. And that's hard to say, because every year there's a lot of hype around that Super Bowl
Starting point is 00:12:18 halftime show. It's Katy Perry dressed as a watermelon, you know, going out there and singing some yeah, Super Stag. I'm a shitty song, or you know, Justin Timberlake, you know, flipping around. This was fantastic. I agree. Did you watch it? I watched it.
Starting point is 00:12:32 I loved it. I loved it. I thought it was just so good. I was dancing in my living room watching it. So good. And there have been some really bad halftime shows and this was not one of them. Prince, I think, is probably the best. Probably the best.
Starting point is 00:12:44 It's purple rain in the rain. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Come on. You can't get any better than that. There's never gonna top it. Never. Right. The who, while I loved it, was not something that everybody loved. It was just a bunch of old foggies up there, you know, trying to reclaim some of their rock. Yeah. Katie Perry was whatever. I mean, Katie Perry was Katie Perry. Just in Timberlake,
Starting point is 00:13:03 we saw Janet Jackson's boo, but I don't think that it was all that interesting in the first place. Besides the tit, it was nothing really to talk about. It was a nipple. Yeah, it was a nipple. I know. If that happened, it was like a Tuesday night on TNT. I know.
Starting point is 00:13:17 It's like a givish shit. It's a nipple. A nipple is a nipple. I don't care anymore. I don't care if my kids see nipples on TV. I don't care. It's part of the body. I don't give a shit you know? I don't care if my kids see nipples on TV. I don't care, it's part of the body. I don't give a shit. You care as well.
Starting point is 00:13:27 You make it a big deal, then it comes. It's a big deal, and you know, it makes it a big deal that pure tanical fucks. And you know, anyway, think of another super ball half time that was close to as well produced and as well done and as exciting as the one that we just saw. Yeah, now I agree. And I know this is weeks and weeks ago, by the way, I understand that we did,
Starting point is 00:13:46 you know, this was a great couple of rains right up there. I like the Rolling Stones. The Rolling Stones are good. Yeah, I mean, get any time you play. Tom, did Tom Petty did one, didn't he? Did he? Was it Tom Petty? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:13:55 Bruce Springsteen did one, I think. Yeah, he did. Yeah, Bruce Springsteen was good. But I mean, that's, that's a certain, like, you have to have a, a, I don't think that's as broadly light as the incredibly popular Dr. Dre Snoop Dogg, M&M, Mary J. Barnes. Mary J. Barnes, yeah. Who else showed up that got, you know,
Starting point is 00:14:13 50 cent was hanging from the actors. He was. Poor guy, poor bastard. I did see something for some hours like you. Hey, 50, you want to come out of bankruptcy for 15 seconds? You want to stop pitching vitamin water and do that wrapping you used to be good at? Anderson Pack was on drums. Oh, yeah, that was really good.
Starting point is 00:14:28 I can't even believe Dr. Dre was playing the piano. You know, play in the real piano. Yeah. He was really playing. I mean, obviously, tingling the keys. He was tinkling on the keys. Do you know, do you think that was a lip synced? Most of it. I think most of it. Maybe some of it. I think I of it. Maybe some of it. I think it's a mix, I think. I think they have the mic live, but they have the track below it. So that if you want to sing with it,
Starting point is 00:14:53 or you want to say something to the crowd, you can, but they have certain parts they know we're going to be tracked. Because that's just the way it is. The Super Bowl doesn't want to leave anything up to chance. Chance. Yeah, because it's, you know, God. It's a zero ball. Yeah, because then you got from in somebody,
Starting point is 00:15:05 see a fucking nipple, right? That's what happened. But it was so good. So universally, some of the best hip hop stars ever, all on one stage, all at one time, it was so fucking good who fucking cares about the game. I can't remember at this point who played. Me either.
Starting point is 00:15:20 It's three weeks ago, and I can't remember four weeks ago. I can't remember who the fuck played. I don't care. I don't give a shit. I didn't watch. It was LA. Oh yeah. LA Rams. Yeah. I was watching some video of I love that guy from Channel 5 news. You watched that YouTube channel. It used to be all gas no breaks. No. And now it's Channel 5. It's like all man on the street stuff. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. No, I remember the all gas no. Yeah. Okay. So he got fired from vice. They had a breakup or whatever. Now it's Channel
Starting point is 00:15:44 5. I think it was the Chicago Bears. No, it was the Chicago Bears. It was, no. It was. It was. It was the Chicago Bears. I could guarantee you that. I know that much.
Starting point is 00:15:53 I know that much. It was somebody. It was the Bengals. Was the Bengals? It was the Bengals. Okay, it was the Bengals. All right. So the Bengals and the LA ramp, like we think.
Starting point is 00:16:04 We don't know for sure. So this is now where you're coming for your sports news. We have never talked about sports on here, and we're still not talking about it. We're just pretending to know that somebody played in the Super Bowl. Somebody played just got a lot of. There was a football game that happened.
Starting point is 00:16:18 There was a lot of baskets in the Super Bowl. I know that. So anyway, so this guy, he does all this on the street type stuff and he Downtown he was in downtown LA right after they won and it just there's some of the craziest most ludicrous human beings on earth in the middle of downtown Just party and one of their things is that like you know, he's a white guy tall white guy wears this ill-fitting suit He's young. He's like 25 26 years old. It's kind of goofy. It's got curly hair And like people will come up and they'll spit lyrics, right?
Starting point is 00:16:47 They'll spit wraps. And so that's his thing, he goes around and not always do they do it. Like freestyle and? Yeah, they freestyle, right? And you know, he's not a bad rapper himself, he does some freestyle himself. Okay.
Starting point is 00:16:59 But then people, if they know who he is, that's the thing, he comes up and they, let me spit, you know, and he'll let him spit. And then he got on his YouTube video and it gets 17 million views, you know, and he'll still let him spit. And then he got on his YouTube video and it gets 17 million views. You know, ours gets 1700. He did it. He did it.
Starting point is 00:17:09 He did it. He did it. He did it. He did it. He did it. He did it. He did it. He did it.
Starting point is 00:17:16 He did it. He did it. He did it. He did it. He did it. He did it. He did it. He did it.
Starting point is 00:17:24 He did it. He did it. He did it. He did it. He did it. Yeah, look at these two idiots. Hey, Mom, come here, look at these two idiots. So, it made me, so a couple of things. I'm going down this track, a couple of things. I, have you heard about Razzle Cond? Do you know who Razzle Cond is? Okay, so, and Bitcoin, this all comes together in this one kind of extraordinarily crazy story. So, God and Bitcoin.
Starting point is 00:17:44 A number of years ago, there was a Bitcoin exchange called Mount Gov, right? Okay, and Mount Gov, I think it's Mount Gov. Mount Gov got hacked, and they had a good chunk of the Bitcoin supply was sitting with Mount Gov X or whatever it was called at the time. It was like kind of one of the original Bitcoin trading posts. Yeah, they were very OG, like back from the beginning.
Starting point is 00:18:07 And they got hacked. And they got thousands of Bitcoin stolen in this hack. And at the time, that thousands was, that how many of the however many they stole was worth a couple million bucks, $20, $30 million. It's a big deal, it's a time. $20, $30 million worth of Bitcoin just went out of people's wallets.
Starting point is 00:18:24 That's huge. It was hacked. You weren't supposed to be able to hack it, but it got went out of people's wallets. Huge. It was hacked. You weren't supposed to be able to hack it, but it got hacked. And now the wallets were gone and the keys, the passwords were gone and they didn't know what happened to them and they couldn't figure it out. And this is like four or five years ago. Okay. Now, that is worth billions and billions of dollars because of the growth in pricing around
Starting point is 00:18:42 Bitcoin. And it turns out that the DOJ and the FBI was on to a couple of young people with the name of Heather Morgan. Not the DOJ and not the DOJ. DOJ, not the DO double G. Not the DO double G. He was not on the case.
Starting point is 00:18:58 Yeah, got it. Or maybe he was on the case. I don't know. He's in all that shit. He's like in the metaverse. Someone just bought land next to Snoop in the metaverse for $2 million. I don't get it.
Starting point is 00:19:10 I just don't. I've been watching this since day one, and I don't understand what all the fucking hype is. I really don't. I don't know. Okay, how are we gonna do it? So this girl named Heather Morgan and her boyfriend, they were found with the missing Bitcoin.
Starting point is 00:19:24 They were. Yes. Now, don't ask me how they got to the bottom of all this because it's supposed to be untraceable and trackable all the other shit. But you know that the FBI is gonna figure shit out. I mean, it's just, they're nothing is untraceable or untrackable,
Starting point is 00:19:35 not even Bitcoin. But they get to the bottom of it because Heather Morgan and her boyfriend, Heather Morgan, also known as RazzleCon, were trying to launder the money. They had to clean it. That's right. I did read this story. I didn't realize the RazzleCon. I didn't realize she was known as RazzleCon were trying to launder the money. They had to clean it. That's right, I did read this story. I didn't realize the RazzleCon.
Starting point is 00:19:46 I didn't realize she was known as RazzleCon. Her alternate name is RazzleCon. She's a rapper. And she's being serious, even though it's clearly the funniest thing you've ever heard or seen. She's trying to be serious, but it's fucking awful. I mean, it is awful. So I just want to say the rest of the story a little bit. RazzleCon and her boyfriend were trying to be serious, but it's fucking awful. I mean, it is awful. So I just wanna say the rest of the story a little bit.
Starting point is 00:20:07 Razzle, Conn and her boyfriend were trying to launder $4.5 billion, because you gotta clean the money. You can't just take the stolen wallet and then put the money into your account and all of these trading, legitimate trading posts, these places where you can trade Bitcoin and sell them, they were getting suspicious when they were trying to like out of nowhere, cash in $60 million worth of Bitcoin. you know, these places where you can trade Bitcoin and sell them, they were getting suspicious when they were trying to like,
Starting point is 00:20:25 out of nowhere, you know, cash in $60 million worth of Bitcoin. Yeah, that'll raise a red bar. Of course it will. Yeah, when you're on nobody and then all of a sudden, you show up with $60 million worth of Bitcoin that you previously didn't tell anybody about, right? I mean, I'm sure it happens, but they were asking the tough questions as they should.
Starting point is 00:20:41 They were like, where'd you get the money? Where did Bitcoin come from? We're not gonna clean it. I mean, we're not gonna clean it. We're not gonna clean it unless you tell us, unless you give us a cut. We're not gonna clean it unless we're in it. So, we're not gonna cash it unless you explain to us
Starting point is 00:20:56 how you came about this Bitcoin. And it tries they might, they weren't getting the, so finally, because it was so tough to wash this money, harder than they had expected and they were just a bunch of dumb, dumbs, they- They could have just opened the envelope and chicken. Chicken, oh yeah, chicken, wash, yeah. Because $4.5 million. Yeah. It's going to be one or two 1996 Toyota cameras running through your car wash. So they got so fed up with this, they started putting the money directly into their personal
Starting point is 00:21:34 accounts because they couldn't figure out how they didn't know how to loan their money. Shut up, we've got this run out. Now to be clear, this is allegedly, right? And no one is saying whether or not they actually stole the money or they were just in charge of washing it, but they were very bad at this. They were involved. They started buying gift cards, Walmart gift cards
Starting point is 00:21:51 have $500 a pop. And they were bought. They were green dots. They were green dot Walmart gift cards. And they were trying to wash the money, $500 at a time. Oh my God. It's so stupid, right?
Starting point is 00:22:02 I mean, just like stupidity. Meanwhile, this girl, Heather Morgan Morgan is living a double life as Razzlecon. Razzlecon. Okay, now, I want to let you listen to some of Razzlecon. Do you want to hear some of Razzlecon? Sure. I'm going to put the full reaction shot on.
Starting point is 00:22:17 There we go. I've got three videos. What should we listen to for? I think we should listen to this one first. Hey, everybody. It's that time inside the commercial break when we take a commercial break and I have some exciting news for you. Chrissy and I are going to be starting a series where we play a number of games here on the podcast and we want you involved.
Starting point is 00:22:39 If you're interested, leave us a message at one of two places. Go to, click on the contact us form and drop us an email. Or you can leave a text message or a voicemail on 661 Best 2 Yo. That's 661-237-8296. I'm not going to get into what games we're playing, but we're going to be playing a lot of them, so there's plenty of room for everybody. Also, if you'd like to follow us on Instagram at the commercial break and slash the commercial break for content you cannot get anywhere else. We put out clips on both Instagram and YouTube every single day
Starting point is 00:23:14 and on YouTube we have a series called In the Studio. It's filmed exclusively for YouTube so you can only get it there. Subscribe if you like the channel we certainly would appreciate it. People are texting us and leaving us messages, asking us how they can best support the show. One of two or both ways. Number one, you can leave us a review on your favorite podcast player. We certainly would appreciate it,
Starting point is 00:23:36 and it helps us grow the audience of the show, which then in turn makes our sponsors happy if you're ever in the market for any of our sponsors, products or services. If you could use the specialized URL's or discount codes that we give away on air it gives you free shit and it tells our sponsors We're doing a good job Monday Wednesday and Friday is now the new schedule if you have any comments questions or concerns about that Go ahead and hit us up on that 661237 88296 number. And I'll let you know how
Starting point is 00:24:07 I feel about you letting us know how you feel. And now a word from Sid Sponsors. This one is known as, I think it's called Crocs or something like that. Hold on one second. Let me get the uh... It's our coat dirty. Let me get the old T.C. Raffle, got it. K-H-A-L. K-H-A-N, like you know, King Giskele. Hold on one second. Let me get the uh... It's her coat dirty. Let me get the old T.C. Raffle Cop. K-H-A-L.
Starting point is 00:24:26 K-H-A-N. Like, you know, King Giscom. Yeah. Let's see if it. This girl says to you. Okay, are you ready for this? Yes. Wait till you get this. You've never heard something so bad in your life.
Starting point is 00:24:39 And as to society. Oh, wow. We're watching this. Hold on one second. Okay, let me remind everybody. You can go to slash the commercial break. If you want to watch what we're talking about, clips, brand new clips every single day of the week. We'll put out a clip on this. Please subscribe and like any videos that you're into. Uh-huh.
Starting point is 00:25:00 Uh-huh. Yeah Society higher than the famous you can get it highest me Sinistatia I can see Ministatia society higher than the second seat you can get it highest me Sinistatia I can see What is she doing? This video is worse than the song I think This video is worse than Coco Melan It's worse than Coco fucking Melan and let me tell you something
Starting point is 00:25:23 I got to get this video prepared for today. And by the end of the night, I was like, it's gonna be a little too. From the top, top, top, top, top. Now I was tuned in. This is, this girl, this is insane. Trouble mech, I'm sick of. The girls can send me.
Starting point is 00:25:37 She's got pickles in her video, pickles. With eyes on them. Yeah, it's like, some people are trying to be so weird. You know, like there's some weird comedy out there that are there's weird art out there that people are really into because it's just so out there. They're like, this person is a genius. There's like, fucking Yeezy.
Starting point is 00:25:53 It's like, oh, Yeezy is, you know, peeing on his mom's head. It's brilliant. This girl is an example of trying to copy the weird, that weird people like. It's not real She does not have a big booty by the way She's a white girl. She weighs about 72 and a half pounds
Starting point is 00:26:26 Right and I'm sorry, but there's no cushion on either end of her And she's like, I don't even know what this is. I don't know what you though. This is bad Yeah, that's a feta, but I break off. She's putting a series of words together. I break her Train maker Love take her! Yeah. Girl, give no apology! I said I'm not fucking sorry. Yeah. I said I'm fucking sorry. That's chocolate milk. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:57 Fuck, menace to society. Higher than the second seat. You can't get as high as me. Sinistatia, I can see. Shirt dude to love Tuesdays Sure do love Tuesdays Sure new love Tuesdays Right after Mondays right before the Thursdays
Starting point is 00:27:22 But this is it all you want to see another one? Okay, all right, I want to play the vacuum one. Okay, hold on a second, it just wait, I can't even explain. Do you ever have people in your life who just suck? Who just sings about them? Bitch, you suck like a vacuum cleaner. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, you, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, I Could do this I found some lost bit coin Buh-buh-buh-buh-bitt coin
Starting point is 00:27:56 I found some bitch She's wearing pasties. Yeah Now there's what is this thing I made baby I don don't, I, I, of course, I have no fucking, I just call you baby. Next wife. Next wife. Next wife. It's not show. It's not show.
Starting point is 00:28:13 It's not show. Well, let's give the, let's give the listeners a little bit. Okay. So what you see is you see a young white girl who's got nothing but pasties on her top and then like black shorts. Yeah, a little cape, but it's not covering up much. Yeah. And so her little boobs are bouncing around
Starting point is 00:28:28 and with these pasties and then she's cleaning up a countertop, like a white-court countertop. That looks like the Mapachi got into that. The raccoon. It's got, it's coffee and there's coffee grounds. Marijuana I'm assuming. There's probably ayahuasca somebody in there. I mean, this lady is like,
Starting point is 00:28:48 but here's the thing, by all accounts, by all accounts, and I did a little research on this, by all accounts, her friends and family and people that know her say, this is not a joke, like she's not, this is not a parody of a hip-hop artist. This is her expressing her hip-hop. Now, I don't know much about hip-hop, but I got in,
Starting point is 00:29:07 and there's lots of bad music everywhere around here. No, you don't like. I said, you know what you don't like. I know what I don't like, but this is razzle-con. This is razzle-con. Stop clacking up, you leaner. Stop, stop, stop, stop. Like a vacuum cleaner. My friend, Liz. Come to get me, because you suck, like a vacuum cleaner. Think I need to do a spring cleaner.
Starting point is 00:29:31 She's vacuuming her out. What the frog in her hair is, I just got it. What's the spring cleaner? Oh my friend's list is about to get leaner because all of you suck like a vacuum cleaner. Oh, this is some of the worst rap. about to get leaner because all of you suck like a vacuum cleaner. Oh, this is some of the worst rap. It's really, really hard. You want to hear one more?
Starting point is 00:29:51 Wait, let's a little more the more of the vacuum stuff. And I should suck like a vacuum cleaner. Used to be scared to be alone. Had my friends just wanted to bone. Won't pick up whenever they phone. Scott, you're time. In the zone, get set in. She needs to get out of the zone.
Starting point is 00:30:14 She's in the wrong zone. She's the definition of out of the zone. I don't even know if you were ever in the zone to get out of. Yeah. Whatever's the end of the zone. Meanwhile, you're talking about such white people problems like friends or jet setters, I gone to Rome. You can't even pick up the phone. This is the problem of a, of a, of a, of a bit coins thief, the
Starting point is 00:30:36 problem, the day in a life of a bit coin thief. I sit around vacuuming up Iowaska all day in my pasties. Oscar all day in my pasties. He is with us, gone. Mission Stagers are made from foam. Now I'm the one who get dead blown. Gotta hunt my mom for my throne. Everything made from soapstone. Russell Pound becoming Helen Known.
Starting point is 00:31:01 Russell Kahn becoming Helen known man. Ratslcon! Come and Helen known. 470 TV's. I'd be like the guy in the back. Oh 73. Oh my god. One more, one more, one more. Okay. Because I took the time to cut this out.
Starting point is 00:31:18 This is about coronavirus. Oh lord. That's all I gotta say. Okay. Hold on. Wait, hold on a second. Let me press play on this, the old TCB studio. Let me press play on the old TCB studio phone.
Starting point is 00:31:30 Damn, you don't know who has just a weed call for who got Corona virus these days. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, Corona virus Oh, got Corona virus Oh Could be me, could be you, could be me, could be you Could be me, could be you Who's got it? Who's got the beat?
Starting point is 00:32:04 I don't know, come here, come here. If you find the beat, can you pass it on the razzle cause please? That's like, I don't know. You know, I think this is really bad. I think this is really bad. Horrible. But there's something, a little bit, like a little bit catchy to it, right? It's something a little bit.
Starting point is 00:32:21 Tiny. Tiny. Tiny. Tiny. Tiny. It's something a little bit tiny tiny tiny Like that has to you thinking The Fitty pack on and yeah, she's in the streets of somewhere Chicago with a different Chicago or New York Yeah, they were from New York, but they're actually I think she's in like Ho Chi Minh City or something One of the videos was's in like Ho Chi Minh City or something. One of the videos was called Hanging in Ho Chi Minh. She also does arts and crafts and cooks on her channel too.
Starting point is 00:32:49 And half the time she's like half naked there too. Yeah, I mean, it's a, you know, she complains about, she calls herself a feminist, but she's like naked her entire video. Now, I get it, you'd be naked if you wanna be naked, but there's something feels a little off or insincere about your feminism when you're showing your tips for views, right? I'm sorry, but it just seems all a little bit made up.
Starting point is 00:33:12 But listen, you got to give it to the girl. She's following her passion and now she's in jail. And she's a thief, yeah. If I suspect that somebody else actually stole these coins, it wasn't them. I suspect that someone else gave stole these coins. It wasn't them. I suspect that someone else gave them these coins to wash. I said, please, Mon, leave longer these. I think it was probably like some 13-year-old kid that got in there and stole these coins.
Starting point is 00:33:34 And they're all friends, and they volunteered. They said, we'll figure out how to wash it because I don't know, because they have some knowledge about washing money. And now they had $4.5 billion, and they didn't know what to do with. And people were getting desperate. They were like, you got to get this money to me. And he's like, how about $500 gift cards to Walmart?
Starting point is 00:33:54 To Walmart. And there's only so much you can do. There's only so much you can do. Number one number two, like you don't think they track Walmart gift cards. I mean, come on. Yeah, they track everything. Every all this gamers ask for too. Yeah, go to Walmart.
Starting point is 00:34:07 I know the first thing my drug dealer asks for is 500 dollar. Oh, actually, I've had drug dealers who would take anything. They take your shoes. I'd be like, hey man, yeah, yeah, I'll take your shoes then. Like their shoes. Yeah, it's nice shirt you got on. I think I did give a shirt up once for some weed or something. I think I did.
Starting point is 00:34:30 In the vein of all that is rap, I, one of the most unbelievable compliments that anybody has paid the commercial break, I think, is Big Will the Champ. A couple of weeks ago, he texted me and he just texted me this audio file. I didn't know what to expect by this audio file.
Starting point is 00:34:49 But what I got was quite surprising and I thought that it was just the best. Now hold on, I'm gonna get Big Will on the phone here for a second, but I wanna play something that he sent, you wanna hear this? Yes, of course. I just want Judy. I want you the audience to hear what Big Will the champs sent me
Starting point is 00:35:03 before we get Big Will on the phone. It's amazing. Yeah, it's big will the champ. We're missing mission on the track. We about to make y'all damp y'all want to soak with us. Yeah, it's the TCB flow but y'all are ready. You know, you're listening to the number one podcast show. Now, I'm just kidding. I oversold it more like in the top 25, but closing. Well, if you get the victory, we're gonna make it sweet,
Starting point is 00:35:32 but we dropped the tee so sweet like Frankie B. Oh, and if you see a little man with no neck, you better run away, could he stick with engagements and rats on pavements and Mayo shampoo? You got 90 days to die your angel of boom. I heard 16 references to the commercial break and just like two lyrics. Let's get will on the phone because I want to talk to him about this. Hold on one second. I'm dialing up on the tcb phone. Well, well, best to you, buddy, best to y'all.
Starting point is 00:36:07 Yo, could we talk about this girl first? Yeah, go talk about Razzlecom. Yeah. First of all, I think we need to change the name. I think we need to call her MC Cocoa Melon. Because that was basically what she was doing. Yes, I got the vacuum cleaner, the vacuum cleaner. My friends list is leaner now vacuum cleaner.
Starting point is 00:36:31 I wanted to call her PizzleCon, but you know whichever one. Coco, Coco. Coco, Razzle, Razzle, Coco. It's absolutely awful. I listen to like, she's a YouTube channel, the YouTube channel has not been taken down, and there's maybe 50 videos up there. Now most of them are of her doing some arts and crafts
Starting point is 00:36:47 or cooking, but there's like these music videos that are in her spurs and they are so bad, you're right. Coco Melon does this too. They take random events in life without rhyming. They then just talk about it. Repeat what they're saying. It's like a conversation in musical form. Da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, but because she has been getting notoriety now, people are going back and a lot of people are reviewing her videos. She's wearing pasties.
Starting point is 00:37:28 Yeah, she's wearing pasties. That'll just automatically get you. Yeah, listen, the girl's got a nice body. I gotta say that to her. I gotta give her that. She's got a nice body. So it's working. Basically, she does have more subscribers than the commercial break, but that's not really
Starting point is 00:37:42 if... I think Frankie B has more subscribers than the commercial break, but that's not really if, I think Frankie B has more subscribers than the commercial break. So we're an audio platform. We're an audio preferred platform. So we're going to tell you about that first. Let's hear a real rap for a second. So listen, you sent me this, this rap, how did you, well, okay, so how did you just decide one day
Starting point is 00:38:01 you're going to make a rap about TCB? Yeah, like, you know, you saw the competitive eating thing that I did with the wrapping. And that would just like, like, I'm a 90s wrap kid. You know what I'm saying? So I just kind of catch the idea once in a while and because of all the references, it just popped into my head and I said,
Starting point is 00:38:20 let me just mess around with it. And I told the around with it and I've been working on it more than You know now that you liked it Better than the freaking R&B song I worked on because we worked on about like an hour and supported it This I've been working on for like three weeks now Nice Thank you, which what did you think of the Super Bowl as a 90s R&B kid?
Starting point is 00:38:43 I thought it was dope. I mean, but I thought it was basically what you expected. I think that the only funny part is, you know, that, that, which, you know, like to talk about the photo, go aspect of like everybody condemns people for one way and then we have a cripple walk on the TV. So that's the only part that was weird for me. Fair enough. Fair enough. I agree with you. But I mean, listen, I think it's...
Starting point is 00:39:05 But the performances were dope. Totally. And I think it was strangely timed by the NFL, right? Right. But we can go down a rabbit hole with that one. And I don't want to get into it. But I love this rap. You've told me via text message, you have updated the rap.
Starting point is 00:39:23 Can I drop a song and can you do the rap for us here live? Yeah, yeah, yeah, we got the beat. Let's do it. Okay. So, so I sent Will this song earlier so that you can get, so he understands what's coming. I don't want to drop the beat. Okay, I don't want to mess it up. Now, I know, I know professional. I just need a shit for fun.
Starting point is 00:39:42 So I'll probably mess up somewhere, but I'll just is the Wild West and you're now on a podcast and not on the Super Bowl. That's good news. Number two, I set you up well because I put Razzlecon right before you. That's right, you're following Razzlecon. I'm gonna put Razzlecon after you, but I decided to put Razzlecon before you. Okay, here we go. No promise, high delivery. Okay, let me tell you. Okay, here you go. all right yeah speak with a champ on the track set catch squad up oh yeah yeah you don't want to soak with us huh we're gonna get the audience wet Brian you moist over there. Oh, you know what? Chrissy, I'm not gonna say nothing. Let's go.
Starting point is 00:40:51 Instead of TCB flowed the child already. No, you're listening to the number one podcast show. Now, I'm just kidding. I oversold it from the bottom to the top and the closing. Oh, we could be victory. We're're gonna make it three but we dropped the team so three like thank you be oh and if you see a little man with knowing that you better run away quick he's with engagements that compagement to Mailchamp who's you got 90
Starting point is 00:41:16 days to sigh and look we see Angela's moves and yo excuse me because I buried the lead this is about the TCP with my man Brian G Chattaps on hold lead best friends they close lead. Dickes thieves. He's the peanut butter. She's the jelly. It's the honey. Must pop the end of the queen of the ranch. Don't review those other shows. They ain't got a chance. We wear emotions on the
Starting point is 00:41:35 streets. That's a horrible mess. It's the fact that this is to you and your family. If you want to pull this up, just pick up the phone. This should be winning with the best to you, but take off the you for yo. How? Yes. Let it run. Let it run. Let it run.
Starting point is 00:41:52 Let it run. No. Tcb. Tcb. No, we don't make no money. That's why we watch CLC. I watch for cheat ticket for free. And then we get our equipment.
Starting point is 00:42:02 Must have hunt again. The woods and nothing happens, but it's understood. You just turn on the light and open up your eyes after the fake stairs and cries watch his wedding for a ride that was marrying a ride in just a ferris wheel door. As if it was a lot, and I'm going to hunt him in for more now. We've burned him for both things with a limited miles and listen to the pivots you were limited smiles.
Starting point is 00:42:23 And you don't even need to touch a radio down. Just find the podcast. That's for a while. Call a hundred fists to yell with you. Like God style. We like to fight with you. Very with cunning and down. Nope, it's all joke sense sunshine.
Starting point is 00:42:36 But turn up the volume. It's Brian and Oldie time. Woo! That was awesome. Very well done, my friend. Very well done, my friend very well done. Thank you. We have our first official TCB theme song,
Starting point is 00:42:50 rap song. Yes, it's a rap song. Custom. That was actually the first time I did it almost perfectly on the first run. Very good, my friend. You did it very well. OK, now we have to deconstruct a little bit,
Starting point is 00:43:03 because I got to go, but I was so much in there, so much done. Yeah. We don't make anybody. That's why we watched you. You said something like peanut butter and jelly. Like I'm the peanut butter. She's just talked that line through for us there for once. Uh, so, uh, so I was thinking about like what to, what to put in about both of you and then of course, it's the closest of the friendship. So that's where I plugged in and I said, uh, you know, Brian G. Shouts out to hold the best friends. They closely thickest thieves. He's the peanut butter. She's the jelly. It's the, the honey must have popped in the queen of the ranch. Don't review the other shows. They ain't a chance where emotions on our sleeves not behind rubber masks
Starting point is 00:43:54 It's a fact that I miss but see you in your fam if you want to call us that pick up the phone It should be a hundred best of you but keep up for you Like keep up the last keep off the last as for savings Dude so good man so good. I never one one of the, you know, I, I wasn't a, you know, a pretty famous band called 33P. I don't know if you caught our concert at the Shady Grubbs retirement center or not, but since it's gonna go down as one of the best concerts ever. But I could just never, I could never, the lost tapes for reason. I'm waiting for the four hour movie about the behind the scenes. The behind the scenes.
Starting point is 00:44:28 Where are they now? I know. Yeah. Where are they now? I'm a shitty podcast. Coming to who? I'm a shitty podcast. I made a podcast out of my old shitty 33 p tapes. I never could rap.
Starting point is 00:44:48 That was something that like even though I think, you know, I have some sense of musicality, it's really bad. I could never rap. I could never do that. And I always felt, not jealous, but I always felt admirable of those who could actually do it, who could spit on beat, on time, you know,
Starting point is 00:45:04 with the camera and rhythm fall. It's a scare. Yeah. And that was pretty good, my friend. And then to hit all of those references about the show is, you know, you're a super fan. When you make a rap about us. Thank you. Yeah, thank you.
Starting point is 00:45:19 I think you're officially in the lead as far as super fans are concerned. We have to make, I think we should make a little board, like a little super fan board. We see some more Rox Roxanne Reagan's up there Yeah, and then we can like jizz people can jockey for position based on what they do for us It's gonna be hard to top wheels wrap. So, but I mean Reagan did send us gifts Reagan Listen some people use money and other people use their hearts. So I'm sorry. Yeah, no, that's okay.
Starting point is 00:45:46 I wish you were using money. No, no saying, no saying, I'm just giving it. Yeah, we'd much rather have the heart than the money. We're used to no money around here. Yeah, it's just like our sponsors. It's a little, no, whatever. Anyway, you did a fantastic job, my friend. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:46:04 We are so proud of you. And just to let you know about Will the champ and what a great guy he is. And so Will and I communicate. He's one of the few fans that actually has my direct number. Right. Because Will also sometimes contributes to the content of the show.
Starting point is 00:46:19 You know, one of the difficult things about putting out a podcast, especially now, three days a week, is making sure that we have stuff to talk about. Now, Chrissy and I could endlessly talk about if it was us talking about our friendship circle or our personal stuff, but you're gonna get bored by that really quickly.
Starting point is 00:46:32 You don't know who the fuck our friends are and you don't care who's marrying or who's cheating on it or whatever. So we have to find stuff that's universally interesting to talk about and that is a difficult thing to come up with on your own so many times for so many recordings for so many recordings a week. So, Will is one of the few people along with Tina and Gustavo and my brother, Danny and a couple other people that come up with good ideas for the show. So some of the content that you hear is actually because Will forwarded the show.
Starting point is 00:46:57 I was a germination of the series from Will. That's right. And that's... You know what I mean is, when you have a sort of, you know, a melding them of the right time because when you have a very established show and that's no shade to you, when you have a very established show, it's hard to become one of those people that they pay attention to or take your ideas. And since I kind of got in with you guys on the ground floor, when you were just growing and I had time to listen because of COVID, it kind of just, you know, was the right thing at the right time that we were able to contact to make a great connection.
Starting point is 00:47:28 Yeah, I know I think you bring up an interesting point and I think, and if you're looking for a ground floor opportunity, let me tell you. Let me tell you. Let me tell you. Do it! Do it!
Starting point is 00:47:38 If you're looking for a ground floor opportunity, this is like, basement level. We have like subterranean. You know when they talk about the underground floor? They talk about the groundwater in California that's all dried up and it's like the level around right now. Hey listen, underground is always considered badass so I think we should take that. That's true. I take an underground one in the other way. And I hope that no matter, and listen to the show is certainly not at a point where
Starting point is 00:48:09 we need to worry about this, but I hope if it ever is, if it ever gets there, that we always remain approachable because, you know, it's just a fun little podcast. And I always wanted to be a fun little podcast, no matter how many people are listening. So you did come at the right time though, because we were at a point where it just seemed like, you know, you were our only listener. So I'm a listener. That's our list of teams. It is a desert level opportunity.
Starting point is 00:48:33 Yeah, that's like, oh, that's like a barrage. There's so much. There's so much. That's the top. I'm happy. I'm happy to be alongside the ride guys. Hi guys. That's a great job.
Starting point is 00:48:44 Okay, big well to champ. Thank you very much. We'll talk to you soon. That's Big Will, the champ with his great and tell Michelle. I know she doesn't want to be on the phone and on some people will, you know, and that's fine. Just tell her. Tell her thank you. So far, dissipating the future. She just didn't, she thought she found it silly. Sounded silly doing the background noise, but she'll probably talk with me in the future. Perfect. Send our love. Will, we'll talk to you soon. Thanks, guys. Thanks guys. Oh, that's with me in the future. Perfect. Send our love. Will, we'll talk to you soon. Thanks. Thanks guys. Oh, that's big will the champ God love him.
Starting point is 00:49:08 I love him. I love the independent of either reality sto show star. You know, he's rapper R&B artist. Yeah, he was explaining to me a couple of weeks ago. You know, I didn't intend to become friends with Will. He just he contacted the show. Mm-hmm. As he said, you know, he was like, Oh, I like this show. Yeah. And I have some, you know, I've got this creative idea
Starting point is 00:49:27 for the show, let me send it to the guy who's doing it and see if he responds. And I did because it sounded like a good idea, quite frankly. And so now Will and I, you know, we don't talk a ton, but we talk every once in a while, and he was explaining to me that he's always wanted to use this kind of creative side of himself,
Starting point is 00:49:43 and that's why he's been a rapper and a competitive eater, and you know, because it's things that he's always wanted to use this kind of creative side of himself. And that's why he's been a rapper and a competitive eater. And you know, because it's things that he felt like he wedged his way into the entertainment world where he could use his creativity full time. And yeah, he's got that. He's got a new, just like that. Yeah. And he, I think he, he personifies maybe what I think a TCB listener might be, right? A guy who doesn't take himself too seriously,
Starting point is 00:50:05 doesn't take life too seriously, you know, isn't extreme in any way. He's just like a good, down to earth guy who's like living his life and doing his thing. Absolutely. And, you know, basically like- Enjoy his bad humor. Yeah, like me, you know, a down to earth grounded kind of guy
Starting point is 00:50:20 without a big ego. Sunny, set up! Sunny, set up! Suck! By the way, we have to- I asked for eggs by the way when I was in Costa Rica. Without a big ego Sonny, son of By the way, we asked for eggs by the way when I was in Costa Rica I actually found some additional 33-willy material In that you know the big package of stuff that I got yeah that I found actually found some additional 33 willy material in that big package of stuff that I got that I found. I actually found some XR333 willy material that I think would be good to review.
Starting point is 00:50:53 It's like new stuff that wasn't part of that particular concert. It's like us and this guy's, you know, basically addict when we were practicing and writing these songs. Nice. And so if you thought the concert was bad, wait until you hear us practicing. If you've seen the Beatles documentary, I can imagine yours looks like that.
Starting point is 00:51:13 It does. It does. Minus George Ringo. Yeah, I think creative process. Paul or John, any talents, actual instruments, cameras, or something that sounds like a song. Right. And besides that, it's exactly the same.
Starting point is 00:51:30 It's in black and white, and it's a lot of tuning of guitars. E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E We didn't have tutors. We're just like yeah, I'm gonna pull out the mild tapes too from not when I was singing but when I was doing the commercials. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, I've got to bring this in. You got to do those. I'd love to see those local commercials. Local car commercials. We're slashing prices to the bell. We're slashing prices everywhere. Come down to go. Joe and Jeff had a huge car salesman.
Starting point is 00:52:04 See Chrissy. If you have an idea for the commercial break, we're accessible. We're approachable. 661, best of you. 237, 8296, that's 661, 237, 8296. Just text me and let me know what you're thinking. Lots of people do, by the way, and some of these ideas end up becoming entire episodes. And if it's interesting enough and it's personal and you want to do
Starting point is 00:52:27 it we might even bring you on so we're gonna do the games we're gonna be doing a series of games in the future in the you know in the near future probably in the summertime we want to get some people lined up for that so hit us up go to the contact us form drop us line, tell us that you're interested in playing the games. If you want your free TCP collectible sticker, click on the I Want My Sticker. Once I get it, you tell us where to send it. It's just that easy. If you're ever in the market for our sponsors, products or services, please use the specialized URLs or codes inside of those commercials that I read because that's the way the show stays on
Starting point is 00:53:05 air and that's the reason we can do three episodes a week now and dedicate some more time to this. So as the show grows, we want to let you know that we love you. Thank you so much for listening. Every listener is honestly important to us and while we joke most of the time, that is in all sincerity. Who wouldn't want that? Okay, what else can we do today? I think that might be it. is in all sincerity. Who wouldn't want that? Ha ha ha ha ha ha!
Starting point is 00:53:26 Okay, what else can we do today? I think that might be us! I love you! I love you, Brian! And again, I love you, best of you, Chris! Best of you, Brian! And best of you out there in the podcast universe! Until next time, we always say we must say we do say!
Starting point is 00:53:38 Bye! you you

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