The Commercial Break - Ritalin, Xbox, and...Jail?

Episode Date: September 1, 2023

But Uncle Sam, I can't go to jail, they don't have adderall or my google docs in there! And, also, I don't know if you know this about me, but I'm a vegan. The Me Too men are trying to make a comebac...k Bryan’s spanish isn’t doing him any favors Sam Bankman-Fried Lack of adderall & vegan meals…what is this, JAIL?! People love money Bryan & Krissy’s Court TV It’s Paul Cruz! Of the Paul Cruz Sales Agency! Say No to the whiteboard, paul He might maybe one day make a sale The Martial Arts of Selling Hardware & hard work He loves a cold call Being perceived is not it Take your glasses off to get serious It’s how ya say it Starve! Riiiiiight!?!? LINKS: Send us show ideas, comments, questions or concerns by texting us or leaving a voicemail at: 1.855.TCB.8383 Speak to TCB LIVE by calling 775.TCB.LIVE (1.775.822.5483) Tuesday-Thursday 12pm-5pm EST Watch TCB on YouTube Creator: Bryan Green Co-Host: Bryan Green Co-Host: Krissy Hoadley Written By: Bryan Green Exec Producers: Bryan Green & Krissy Hoadley Content Production & Research: Tina Khano YouTube Producer & Editor: Morgan Please Producer & Audio Editor: Christina A. Executive Director: Astrid B. Associate Producer: Gustavo Episodic Contribution: Marianne, Diane, Natalie, Will The Champ, Will D** Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 My hottest take is that I believe service workers should be able to Treat people the same way that TSA workers do like bitches On this episode of the commercial break What is this London Heathrow? I mean what is he want charging for Google Docs and Adderall? By the way, I don't have those things in my real life. I told, I'm always searching for a charging thing, a box, a charging box. No one's giving me Adderall for free, and Google Docs confuses me to know it.
Starting point is 00:00:37 The next episode of the commercial break starts now oh yeah welcome back to the commercial break this is the director of objectification christian joy only best in you christy best you out there in the bodgaes universe i stumbled there a little bit i thought i knew what i wanted to call you but then i didn't know what i wanted to call you
Starting point is 00:01:00 soon i had to think of another thing i wanted to call objectification i thought of something worse And last minute I ditched it was like oh, I'm art. I'm art I'm art I'm art I'm just start to show all over again I'll direct that yeah, you'll you'll direct that yeah, yeah Where the director of objectification? So you're gonna direct the objectification. Okay, well, I thought it was the other way around you were going to be the objective
Starting point is 00:01:29 Objective- Now I'm taking control. You are yeah, let it be Me too ashtag me too. I'm reading about the me too movement is now having its inevitable with Blash And a lot of the guys who were caught up in the Me Too movement, maybe some of the less Egregious cases are now trying to plot their comeback in Brian Williams from NBC news and not Brian Williams Um, not Brian Williams Yeah, not Brian Williams. Matt Lauer from NBC
Starting point is 00:01:57 Today's show wower. I think he's just guilty of being really fucking creepy. Yeah, actually In your office where doors close and doors close and lock and the blow job button didn't you have a blow job? Something like that. I think you pressed the button and the blow job girl comes in. I don't know. It was it's a little creepy for sure. I don't, but he wasn't tried for anything. He wasn't convicted of anything. I don't know. No, he wasn't. I that's what I read yesterday. And then there's good old Charlie Rose. Charlie Rose also is now putting out shows again,
Starting point is 00:02:27 much like he did for years and years on PBS and NBC. And then who's the third guy who I read that was plotting his combat? I don't know, some middling newscaster who's now on Newsmax. But you know, I told you this two years ago that the Me Too movement, it was going to have Whiplash. It was going to come a point when everybody gets canceled
Starting point is 00:02:48 because we're also highly offended. Now, when you're sexually assaulting people or mistreating them at work because of your position as a boss, it's totally wrong. Totally wrong and you shouldn't be working there. Getting canceled because you said director of objectification is, it's a little bit different, I think.
Starting point is 00:03:07 If I was ever going to cancel you, Brian, I would have done it a long time. Oh, yes. Well, I'm just waiting. I'm just waiting for the, uh, uh, the, whiplash that's going to happen here to the commercial break when people start digging around the show. But now we've been fine. I think we've been fine. You've been fine.
Starting point is 00:03:25 You've been fine and you're we've been fine. You've been fine. You've been fine and you're my saving grace. There you go. It's a lot like a lot of times when I'll run to Spain and then I pretend I'm a spaniard because I'm married to a spaniard. Do you know what I'm saying? Well, no, we were talked about this in another episode where it gives you street cred.
Starting point is 00:03:41 It does give you street cred. Because you're like my wife's an immigrant. Yeah. Here around the neighborhood. Yeah does give you street cred. Because you're like, my wife's an immigrant. Yeah. Here around the neighborhood. Yeah. Let me say something. It's true. I go shopping at the Mexican store.
Starting point is 00:03:51 The store that's run by Mexicans with a lot of Mexican food in it. Because it's got some of the delicacies that we enjoy here at the house because Astrid is Venezuelan. It's in the same region. They eat some of the same foods. And so, and you can only get them at the Mexican store. So I oftentimes I go to the Mexican store and you'll find me in my car for the five minutes
Starting point is 00:04:09 in the parking lot practicing exactly what I'm going to say in any possible situation, anything that's said to me, and inevitably, the second that I walk in the door, I forget all of it. And you know, somebody comes up to me and is like, oh, and I'm with you, cool, so, and I'm like, ah, see, see, you're us. I know, I was preparing my sister and I like to cook together on Zoom.
Starting point is 00:04:28 Yeah. We started it during the pandemic and have continued it. And so we were going to do a ramen noodle like from scratch. Oh, sounds great. Sounds delicious. Ramen thing. And I had to go to the specific Asian store to go get some of the ingredients. That big one off the big highway.
Starting point is 00:04:45 Yeah, the thing. The thing. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So anyways, I went there and I couldn't communicate with anybody. Anybody? You just have to point, kind of, and say, or I showed my list. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:58 Do you have this? You know, the thing is that I found about, so I understand Spanish really well. You do. Unless there's like many people. I'm Brian. Brian. I'm Brian.
Starting point is 00:05:12 I'm Brian. So we were talking, as I were talking about my father-in-law, and we were having a conversation about something related to health. He's fine, but we were just talking about something related to health and I don't know why but in my head all I could think of when he was like You know sitting at the doctor asking questions was him in the back of his head going I You caused my coronary Don't worry dad. I'm gonna get rid of him real soon. I've got a whole
Starting point is 00:05:47 plan. I've been feeding a man die for you for at least two years. I have been running to get a delicacy. Yeah, delicacies. Yeah, the special still. I don't know, Gorilla Glue is a delicacy. Hydrogen peroxide. You put that in those ticanos? Really? Wow, okay, I didn't know. I wouldn't be done the wiser. Yeah, it's a culture thing. People put food in front of me all the time, I just eat it. So there's this, so I go to podcast movement, the whole point of the story, is I go to podcast movement in Denver and then I'm get off stage, I talk, then I get off stage and there's this lovely young woman and I assume
Starting point is 00:06:27 maybe Her partner is with her and they work for this company and I instantly identified that it's a Venezuelan accent So here goes Brian dropping his knowledge dropping his street cred I go, Ola Mucho Gusto me a sposa, as Venice, well, I'm not, right? And she was like, ha! She goes, huh? And I go, my wife, she's Venice, what is? And she goes, oh, that's what was, you trying Spanish?
Starting point is 00:06:53 That's really nice. You're trying Spanish. You're trying Spanish. It sounds like you just started that. I know, but the problem is, the second I show off my initial Spanish skills, the ones that I've been practicing in the car for five minutes, then everybody thinks I speak fluent Spanish so then they go fall, boy.
Starting point is 00:07:07 Yeah. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, slow down. One word every 30 seconds. Let me process and then I'll get back to you in just a second. Yes. But it does give me, I do feel like I have a little bit of street credit. Well, the thing that probably takes people off,
Starting point is 00:07:23 Kielter is that you're Irish and Yes. And I look nothing like that. That is way. Like, promise on your journey. Speak it. That's why I feel more at home in Spain. Because you know, I feel like you could get away with it in Spain. I could be a spandered. I don't look like a spandered, but I could be a spandered. I guess. I don't know. I like to think of myself as a spandered in some sense. I give myself a street cred of being a spaniard. Well, I'll give you that. Thanks very much.
Starting point is 00:07:51 Yeah, I've been to Spain more than you have. I've never been to Spain. In this room, I am as close to a spaniard as we're ever going to Italy. That's right. I keep going to Italy every time I think about it. Well, hey, we can fault you for that. Italy's fucking gorgeous. I know. It's fucking gorgeous. I know.
Starting point is 00:08:05 It's fucking gorgeous. It's so amazing. And so Jeff has a, something that he works with and they, they just went to Italy and they were going to the Amalfi coast and Rome and we were like, Oh God, you gotta go here. You gotta do this and you're just gonna have the best time you had never been before. Yeah. And he came back saying, I'm doing something wrong with my life. I need to just move there.
Starting point is 00:08:25 I'll be a valet. I'll be a bartender or whatever. Because the bartenders get paid, you know, a living wage there, and so do the waiters, and so do the waitresses and the valet, and you know, it's just different. And I'm not saying it's good, bad, or indifferent. I'm just sharing that it is different.
Starting point is 00:08:42 Your taxes are through the roof, but there's a huge social safety net. So if you're lazy like me, then you can probably get away with not working for a couple of years. But it's just a different culture. And therefore, I think because there is not a lot of the extemporaneous stress that comes with being an American of constantly working.
Starting point is 00:09:02 I know. Everybody got a accomplishment, you think. And you were looking at beautiful works of art that have, you know, and buildings that have been in the past. Yeah. Thousands of years and just, yeah, it's different. I mean, that's our American eye seeing that one of these houses is old, you know, one of the door knobs is older than the United States of America.
Starting point is 00:09:19 Yes. So, you know what I'm saying? Yeah. But they grew up in that culture and therefore it's kind of like beach time. You know, you go an island time, right? You go down to an island, we've all been there. You go down to an island or a beach town and you just notice how slow and relaxed things tend to be.
Starting point is 00:09:35 It's a much different pace than when you're in the bustling downtown Atlanta. I do too. I don't think there's anybody that wouldn't look at it. No. I think even though like most hardcore of New Yorkers who has never left the city because that's their home and they never want to go.
Starting point is 00:09:47 If you could manage to get them on an airplane down to a beach or to Spain or to Europe or wherever and give them a couple of days to see how different the lifestyle is, how slow it is, I think there's something very humane about it all actually. That's true. And then you recognize how inhumane there is about working your fingers to the bone just to get by here in the United States. Yeah, just to not even make a living wage in some instances. It's really sad actually.
Starting point is 00:10:14 It's really sad. Speaking of living wage, tell me about this. This is right before we got on air. Chrissy was sharing with me that's S.B.F. Sam Brankman Freud. Sam Brankman. Brankman. Freud. Sam Brankman., Sam Brankman. Brankman. Freud.
Starting point is 00:10:25 Sam Brankman fraud. Fried. Fried. Fried. Sam Brankman Fried. I know we're talking about that. We've been saying his name wrong since the moment we started talking about him.
Starting point is 00:10:35 Quite frankly, I'm not sure he deserves the respect. But anyway, so the guy commits the biggest fraud in history, the biggest financial fraud in history. The guy, this is the guy who had the platform. Crypto bro, yeah, I mean, no, it was. No, he's a crypto bro. Yeah, yeah. SPF had, what was it?
Starting point is 00:10:55 God, why are we flanking that? I don't know. But you know what I'm talking, or some shit like that. He had all this. The big one, he had the big one. He had the big one. The turned out to not be so big.
Starting point is 00:11:04 Yeah, well, it turned out not to be real at all. And he was just funneling money into bad investments and big parties in his Bahamian palace. And so he gets arrested. Of course, he does. As this all comes crumbling down on the price of Bitcoin, the House of Cards comes cumbling, tumbling down. And then he goes to jail because he gets this, whatever it is, $100 million dollar bail, $100 million, it was $100 million bail. It was crazy. It was like the largest bail amount in history. And his dad put up the $10 million cash, the surity bond, what they call a surity bond, which is when you go to a bail's bondsman, you give them 10%. They keep that 10%, but they pay the $100 million. They guarantee the $100 million to the
Starting point is 00:11:43 court. And so they did this. And the judge specifically said, you cannot be on the internet, you cannot be talking to other witnesses, you cannot be a list of things that are really pertinent to this particular case because he is really good at the internet. That's how he got the, he's really good at interneting.
Starting point is 00:12:01 Right? And so what is the first thing he does? He goes on his Xbox and starts contacting other witnesses in the trial, which is just insane to me. Like you had your chance to stay out of jail. The judge was nice enough, even though the bond was ridiculous. She was nice enough, or he was nice enough, to give you this opportunity to stay out of jail
Starting point is 00:12:19 while you've faced these charges, which could take years, by the way, for that to get to trial. And guess what the fuck and moron does? He goes on his Xbox and starts playing in the with his metapenus in the metal world and whacking off with other witnesses what do you think yeah he's got his pit little pretend to pistol in his hand and he's on Xbox doing a whole song and dance and the judge catches him because of course he does because you're now the most watchtoman being on earth it's a of people want their money back they're going to be paying attention to what you're doing
Starting point is 00:12:47 yeah everyone is and so the judge throws him back in jail she says your bond is revoked which means his dad lost the 10 million dollars and he'll never see it again your bond is revoked you got to come back to prison uh and await trial well now he wants out based on what uh... and await trial well now he wants out based on what uh... lack of at-all oh my god vegan meals charging ports google docs nothing there was one more thing but yeah it's unfit what is this one didn't he throw
Starting point is 00:13:16 i mean what is he want charging ports google docs and at-are-all and the big and mail yeah by the way i don't have those things in my real life i don't have those things in my real life. I don't. I'm always searching for a charging thing, a box, a charging box. I, no one's given me an overall for free, and Google Docs confuses me to know it.
Starting point is 00:13:35 I don't know what, I don't can't pay for at extra $9.99 a month for Google Docs. What are the fuck is this guy talking about? I know he's claiming that it hurts his ability to mount a defense now i mean i would think he's got lawyers involved that i don't know i don't know according to some of those stories it limits his ability to mount a good threesome apparently a good sex party do you hear about that i did i have like sex parties in the office and swapping back and forth a podcast that did the detailed all of this crazy. And it was crazy. Yeah, because clearly SPF,
Starting point is 00:14:07 while not the, you know, I don't want to talk about his looks, but he's an oddball. Clearly that's not the kind of guy under any other circumstances except for I am a billionaire many times over that walks into a bar and picks up some, you know, wonderfully attractive young lady or man
Starting point is 00:14:24 or whatever he's into to bring home. But when you have a billion dollars of private jet in a pletical state on the Bahamas in the Bahamas on the beach, that certainly does move things along a little bit, right? I don't know why, but it would be the same for me if I was single and there was some attractive woman or maybe less attractive woman, but she had a billion dollars in her bank account. It would at least, I would at least pause for a second, right?
Starting point is 00:14:48 Exactly. It wouldn't be so quick to say, yeah, that's human nature. We can be friends. Yeah. Yeah, it's interesting. It's very interesting. I do think it's human nature. I, you know, we talk about Marlon a lot here on the show.
Starting point is 00:15:01 And while we haven't heard an update in a while, Marlon was at first attracted to what this, his girlfriend, this much older lady, almost twice his age, could do for him. And then he got attracted to her as a person, according to him. Right? And this was because they were actually on a site, just to clarify. Yeah, they connected on like a sugar mom or something.
Starting point is 00:15:22 Yeah. They connected on a sugar mom of sight. He's in his early 40s. She was in her 70s. I think it was early 70s. And she was filthy rich. And from the moment that they connected, she was showering him with gifts and attention of fine of monetary value.
Starting point is 00:15:38 And so he got taken up trips, tribes, dinner, yeah, he got taken with all of this. But that led into a very according to him meaningful relationship that he actually, he was really but hurt when she broke up with him, really but hurt. So I can understand, but Sam Bankman Freud, whatever it was, he was fraud.
Starting point is 00:16:02 Sam Bankman Freud, believing that he can have the creature comforts out inside of jail, that he would have outside of jail, is kind of antithetical to the idea of jail. Exactly. You want riddle in dude? First of all, who can't get riddle in in jail? Isn't that like the place where you can get the most amount of drugs?
Starting point is 00:16:20 Apparently it's very easy there. Maybe it's more expensive, but it's very easy. But if you don't have your riddle in and you've been taking that habitually for many, many years, I can imagine that's like crawling up a wall kind of thing. So, but I don't feel bad for the guy. He had his chance. He had his chance. All you had to do was stay off the internet, dude. That's all you had to do. Stay off the internet. And going back before that, all you had to do was actually, because he did have a good idea, like what his, his, his idea was,
Starting point is 00:16:46 and it's complicated with the Bitcoin stuff, but it was real. It just turns out that he was funneling cash from one to the other. And there was a lot of. He had an exchange, and then he also had a fund. That fund and that exchange were supposed to stay separate. You were not supposed to deposit your money into the exchange and expect that it would be used through the funds
Starting point is 00:17:03 to do high-risk investments, but that's exactly what they were doing. He says it's all just a mix-up of accounting. County mix-up, yeah. But a $6 billion accounting error? Whoops. I don't know. You're fired. Yeah, you're fired. All of you are fired. Stop sucking my dick, you're fired. And that's
Starting point is 00:17:21 the craziest part about it. He had his girlfriend running the fund. And then he claims that there was no, you know, there was no exchange of information or ideas between the two. When you're going home and fucking each other, how can you not exchange information about what's happening in the business? Of course you are. And so shame on him if he really didn't know, but I don't believe that for a second. And neither does anybody else, by the way, the guy's going to jail for a really long time. And there are many people that are left penniless, not maybe not penniless, but they're left with a lot less cash than they had in the end.
Starting point is 00:17:50 Yeah, and can you imagine you think you're worth this and because of all the crypto money, and you're out just spending and doing, going crazy and then all of a sudden boom. That is the story of crypto. That is the story of crypto. And the NFTs and all of it. I thought I was rich, but it turns out I was not,
Starting point is 00:18:08 because all these people, because people who have real money, billionaires and millionaires, just play the market to make money. It's essentially gambling is what it is. And I'm not saying that crypto is a bad investment. I'm just saying that it's a not good investment. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:18:23 It's a bad investment. It's not like going to the casino. Don't play with money, you don't have to lose. That's right. And so many people did. I mean, I know a guy who was hundreds of thousands of dollars richer because of Bitcoin or Ethereum that he was playing with. And it literally evaporated over the course of a couple of weeks. And he was really sad.
Starting point is 00:18:42 But he had started with $10 or $20,000, or $30,000, whatever he had, $10,000, $1,000, he turned it into hundreds of thousands of dollars, then it was back down to no dollars whatsoever. But he knew what he was doing. He said to himself, I'm only gonna allow myself this, whatever it was, this thought, $10,000, $1,000, I'm only gonna allow myself to play with that.
Starting point is 00:19:00 And if it makes money great, and if it doesn't, great, right, I'm just doing it. And so, Sam had people's money. They trusted he was going to do the right thing. He did not do the right thing. And along with many other people did not do the right thing. And again, he's just being a dumb dumb. He sounds like a spoiled rich brat. Like, you know, I don't know. What is the, what is the reason, like a legitimate reason you get a job? Like I have mental health issues and I need to get out. All right, physical health issues. And I need to get out. All right, physical health issues and I need to get out
Starting point is 00:19:26 and see doctors on a regular basis. I don't know what the real, the right approach here is, but I don't have riddle in and charging stations is not a good reason to get out of jail. Because if that was a good reason to get out of jail, there would be a lot of people out of jail right now. Do you know what I'm saying? Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:19:41 You know, I think everybody in jail wants to charging port some riddle in and Google Docs? Of course you do. And a vegan meal. And a vegan meal. God damn. Try that in a Venezuelan jail. Try that in a Venezuelan jail.
Starting point is 00:19:53 That's all I gotta say. It's just the audacity of the guy is clearly insane because that's an irrational human being in that situation. Would think this is the reason why a judge would let me out of jail and who is his attorney? Who are his attorneys? I mean, didn't he hire like the best attorneys in the world? I think he did. And there is a rising. I don't know. They're advising him to write this letter to the judge. I need to get out because of fucking.
Starting point is 00:20:18 Yeah. Cause how is he actually going to be able to drop box and porn? Well, you got a imagine how he's going to be able to do that. Listen, here's the dirty little secret about all of these, including, well, what's his name? The other guy who got busted, Bernie made off. They all took money and put it places, hit it, of course, that it's out of the reaches of the law. And I think in some cases, in some cases, and I don't know this for sure, but I think in some cases, they almost cases, and I don't know this for sure, but I think in some cases,
Starting point is 00:20:45 it's they almost turn a blind eye to it. Like the authorities almost turn a blind eye to it because yes, they wanna get their money back for the victims, but some of it I think is just so well hidden or it's not provable beyond a reasonable doubt that they did this illegally. Like if it's your money, it's your money. And if you're not under indictment,
Starting point is 00:21:04 you can send it wherever you want to. Send it to your wife, to your kids, to a family trust, whatever. So I think some of these guys are smart. You gotta believe that SBF. How does his dad have $10 million he can lose? Honestly. Well his parents were both like,
Starting point is 00:21:18 UCLA, Stanford professors. But I don't think that yeah, I don't think so. That's insane. What do professors make at the top? Like 500 grand a year, 600 grand a year. If you're like a, like a well respected, well noted, well-cloded, you know, 10 year professors. So I would think that he before he got indicted, he gave money to different. Of course. Yeah, that's what he did. He gave it to little pockets and then he asked for it back. And now he's paying for the attorney some way somehow.
Starting point is 00:21:47 There, who knows, there may be people that lost money that are actively rooting for him to not go to jail because they know that they're never getting their money back if he goes to jail. Never, but if he goes out of jail, at least we have a chance that this guy might do something with that smart head of his and figure something out, right? So if he goes to jail for the rest of his life, we're never getting a dime out of him. If he's out, then we can ride him until we get our money back. That's true. You never knew no one to motivate us. Stay tuned. Brian and Chrissy's court TV.
Starting point is 00:22:21 And crypto break down. But it's a horrible job. We we can't remember the name of the company. That's right. Good TV tonight proudly presents Sam something or other fried. He stole billions of dollars in milk money from smoke. No, not the same guy. Okay. He stole billions of dollars in a bank. What?
Starting point is 00:22:42 Huh? crypto. What? Okay. He stole millions of dollars in a crypto case. We can't figure it out either. That's the other thing is that, you know, some prosecutors gonna have to explain all this to people. And I think that it's just very possible that everyone might go, huh?
Starting point is 00:22:54 Right. Like, huh? What did you say? I mean, I don't know if you've seen it. I don't know if you've seen the general American. Peep, peep, peep. Yeah. Oh, now you gotta make me break out the sounds no, you gotta make me break out the sounds.
Starting point is 00:23:06 Why you gotta make me break out the sounds? I do like the sounds there. I do like that one. Well, I can't find that sound. So, you know, we're going to go. Wow. Ah! What?
Starting point is 00:23:15 Welcome to the trial of SPF, the crypto bro, who took down Bitcoin in Ethereum by using the blockchain to negotiate. Wait, who's the FTX? FTX, that was good. Okay, it just came to me. Okay. Who negotiated, you know, who navigated the blockchain in order to defraud customers from thousands of dollars by moving it from Ethereum over into Bitcoin back into the exchange and over to the fund.
Starting point is 00:23:42 Skates, my judge, judge, I'm over here. back into the exchange and over to the fund. SCAGE ME JUGE! JUGE! I'm over here. I don't understand a fucking word that's being said. You might have taken a break and think about it. I mean, I can see this. I can see this just going sideways from the guest. Yes. Because it's very complicated stuff. It is.
Starting point is 00:23:59 Luckily, I have the smarts to know all about it. But, you know, not everybody's that lucky. No. He not everybody has a head as big as mine. One can only go. Why is that guy's head so big? It's my favorite comment on our YouTube channel. Why is that guy's head so big? It does. It's someone who responded.
Starting point is 00:24:19 I think it was either me or Tina. I honestly can't remember. One of us was, but aliens. Because when I turn my head like this, I do look, it does look a little alienish. I don't remember one of us who's been aliens. Because when I turn my head like this, it does look a little alienish. You don't think so? You don't think so? You don't think I got that ET head?
Starting point is 00:24:31 No. I do. Anyway, I've always known that. My head's heavy if I... If I get tired, it starts to lean to one side. Because I can't keep it up. I'm like a small child or a dollar. It's a large brain.
Starting point is 00:24:44 That's right. Speaking of large brains, Chrissy, we, we're gonna large brains. You know, back in our clear channel days, we had, not, we had no idea that crypto was gonna come along. No idea about Bitcoin or exchanges or any of this. We just needed to sell $5 worth of internet to the local cleaner And then go get drunk and then go get drunk. Yes, that's right. We needed to go to the local strawberry farm stand Sell $10 worth of internet. I remember going to a tire place It looked like this I mean they were just dozers tires. Yeah stacked tires just do some tires. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:22 Stacked. Tires. Like a pyramid. Tires. Tires and Georgia. I've ever pulled it out of that place going, what am I doing? What is my life to come? I'm literally walking into a tire shop to sell $5 in the internet.
Starting point is 00:25:38 But you know, we might have done much better had we had some help. Well, luckily the internet is here to save our skins in case we ever have to go back to selling tire shops luckily the internet is here to save our skins in case we ever have to go back to selling tire shops on the internet, which you know is might happen sooner than rather than later. But one of the guys that I really trust on the sales front teaching us how to sell a consultant that I think is well worth any dollars he's charging. I don't know who's charging who he's charging, but is our friend Paul Cruz from the Paul Cruz sale agency? Paul. I'm bummed we didn't have him at Clare Channel
Starting point is 00:26:08 because we did have a cast of rotating sales people to train us in sales. Yeah. And they would like hire people who had never sold anything and then all of a sudden they would be like the general manager of 17 stations, like me, like they did to me. Yes. And then you'd be like, why is this dumb guy here teaching us? Get in that room. Smile and die. That's right. Smile and die.
Starting point is 00:26:33 But if we had Paul Cruz, maybe we would have fared better. Maybe. Because Paul knows what he's talking about. He seems like talks like that i was what he's talking about and who am i to say anything different i was i'm sure that whatever paul has done in his sales career is a lot more than i've done in my sales career so for that i applaud paul and by the way i just think he's the sweetest guy in the world but he is funny as fuck and so uh... i found a video paul's gonna share with us his secrets to closing and This is this is the end-all-be-all video you're about to learn you're about he's about to unveil all the secrets here guys
Starting point is 00:27:11 And so I want you to pay close attention. I was rolling on the internet as I do like to do Hey, yeah, excuse me. I've been trying to reach you about your cars extended warranty I'm just kidding. It's me Christina producer for the commercial break Excuse me, I've been trying to reach you about your car's extended warranty. I'm just kidding. It's me, Christina, producer for the Commercial Break. And I just wanted to interrupt for a quick sec to remind you that is the place to go to find all of our audio and video. And of course, to beg you to go to Apple and leave us a positive review. Positive. And if you go to, you can get a free What Would Frankie Do sticker.
Starting point is 00:27:46 Just go to the website, click contact us, tell us you want to sticker and give us your physical address, and we're in business, baby. You can also text us at 855-TCB-8383. That's 855-TCB-8383 and give us your questions, comments, concerns, and content ideas, please. Add us on Instagram at the commercial break and on TikTok at TCB Podcast. Brian's really trying to keep up with the youths, so give us a follow. You know you wanna? If you're into videos, go to slash the commercial break and see fully edited episodes the same day they air over here. As always, please support our sponsors by going to their websites and buying their products. And don't forget to use our specialized URLs, because that's
Starting point is 00:28:28 how we keep things moving here at TCB. So let's listen to those sponsors and then we'll be back to this episode of The Commercial Break. This episode is sponsored in part by Nutruffle. We just did a Frankie B episode about hair loss and hair thinning and all the crazy things and drama he's going through, but hair thinning is not just a Frankie B problem, it will actually affect over half of us throughout our lifetimes, and it's not only common, it's actually pretty normal. But now we can join thousands of people and Frankie's hair follicles who are standing up for their strands using Nutruffle. I'm actually experiencing
Starting point is 00:29:01 a little bit of this on top of my own, Noggin. And I often wonder, is the stress causing the thinning, or is it the other way around? But NutriFull addresses key root causes through a whole body approach to hair health, and that's why so many people are doing something about their hair thinning and hair loss with NutriFull. Thinning hair happens to both men and women, and NutriFull has multiple unique formulas to provide exactly what your body needs to grow hair based on biology, age, and other lifestyle factors. So everyone, it's time to take the first step toward visibly, thicker, and healthier hair. For a limited time, NutriFull is offering our listeners $10 off your first month subscription
Starting point is 00:29:35 and free shipping when you go to and enter the code TCB. Find out why over 4,000 healthcare professionals recommend NutriFull for healthier hair. spelled promo code TCB. That's promo code TCB. Address your thinning hair at the root calls. Let NutriFull help you. using the promo code TCB. And thanks to NutriFull for being a sponsor of the commercial break. And I found Paul teaching us the secrets of his to his success. He's not using a whiteboard as he again.
Starting point is 00:30:13 I don't know, he's not using it. Yeah, that whiteboard was. Yeah, I feel like that whiteboard is what the crypto trial is going to look like. Yeah, triangles and arrows. It's like here and A, B, two. That's right. He was writing things sideways. I do.
Starting point is 00:30:28 I do. Scratching things out. Close A, close B, close C, close D. Yeah, it was like a 40 step closing process. But everything was called close. When you pick up the phone, close them. How do you do that? Just have to go ahead and assume you want to do that.
Starting point is 00:30:47 Hey listen, I understand you I got time to talk, but I already wrote up the contract. So can you tell me that someday you might be open to the idea of reading and signing the contract because then I could tell my boss, I close the deal. He did that. He did that. I don't joke. I think it he did that. I don't joke.
Starting point is 00:31:05 I think it was the first video we saw him. It was. He literally convinced a guy on the phone to tell him he might someday close on this deal. And so Paul, Paul, I'll take that. I'll take that. That's close. That's close.
Starting point is 00:31:18 You see where his mind is at? Yes, mind is at. Get you off the fucking phone so he can get on with this day. You're blocked, dude. You're never, he's never going gonna be able to call him that. But, you know, it was funny at the time, but the more that I thought about it, the more that's how it actually works. You walk into your sales manager and you're like, yeah, well I didn't close anything as
Starting point is 00:31:36 far as a signature is concerned, but these people told me they are ready to make a decision in the next six to 18 months. So put that on your projection board. Throw that up on the projection. See how that changes the scale. But Brian, you've been seeing this quite now for eight years. Yeah, but they're about to do it. They're about to close.
Starting point is 00:31:57 Listen, these are long sales cycles for the dry cleaner. They go things to think about. It's cyclical. There's a lot of synergy. We get cyclical. Why don't you move that close percentage from 50% to 52%. I feel confident. I feel confident in that 52. I'm checking back into that. Oh, he's on vacation. Oh man, I called him. He said, listen, we're right about to make a decision about whether or not we're going to read your contract. So call me back in a couple of months. I flew the way I worked.
Starting point is 00:32:29 I know. You know, someone once told me. They said, a quick no is better than a long maybe. That's true. But I never subscribed to that theory. I always thought the long maybe was just, it was just a possibility. It keeps your job longer. Yeah, hope. Hope.
Starting point is 00:32:45 Hope. Have we given up all hope here, Mr. Sales Manager? Or are we going to say, it's possible to dry cleaner my clothes on $25 worth of internet in the next 12 to 18 months? Can we say that to each other? Just out loud. Because you want me to drop them, but they could very well be our next- Well, they just advertise in a little weekly
Starting point is 00:33:07 Look they've been putting flyers on people's cars They got money they're about to open up a second location They're about to open a second location. Oh my God. This is really happened. Of course it is. Listen, this guy's brother owns a car wash. I don't think we want to ignore him.
Starting point is 00:33:34 Because there's so lot of money back there. Not like a real car wash, but like a car wash on the weekends. In the church parking lot. You know what I'm saying? This is where they come to you. Yeah, where they come to you. The church parking lot. You know what I'm saying? Where they come to you. Yeah. Where they come to you. The mobile car wash cleaners. You know, when you're stopped at a stoplight.
Starting point is 00:33:52 And they spray wind decks on your windshield and they ask you for $5. You know what I'm talking about. There is money here. That's not be coy with each other. This is really reason to fire me. What's that? What else do I have on my projections? Well, I just made a phone call this morning and left a message.
Starting point is 00:34:17 For the bagel store and I'm telling you what I'm feeling good about this one. Let's go ahead and ratchet that one up to 27%. about this one. Let's go ahead and ratchet that one up to 27%. How the lawyer that's advertising everywhere. Except for you. Exactly. Like what am I doing wrong? Can we put that one at 99.99%. We've had that there for like three weeks, Brian. Can we add an extra nine on there?
Starting point is 00:34:42 Is that changed? Does that help? Oh my god. Anyway, now that we've talked nothing about Paul Cruz and his sales agency, we don't have to. We've experienced it all. We have. Okay, here's five. He's gonna share with us the secrets to closing if I can stop laughing.
Starting point is 00:35:02 All right, here comes his nice little song. I'm sure Solving sales problems Still solving sales problems. There's a whiteboard. There's a whiteboard. Oh Songs that shouldn't go hard but do. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, Marshall Arts of Selling. Hi guys. Welcome to the Marshall Arts of Selling. This is part five of a part six series on how to become more than a real estate agent. I hope you guys have watched the first four.
Starting point is 00:35:43 Wait, he's a real estate agent now. No, he switches industries every time we see him. This is every time we have a video. He was landscaping, one time. He was landscaping, he was selling cleaning chemicals. Yeah, he was in some kind of IT sales. IT sales, he was still searching in optimizations, all the optimizations
Starting point is 00:35:58 for all of your searches. And now he's a real estate agent. Wow, you gotta give the guy credit. He doesn't sleep. No. And he looks good. I will say that. He's got a jacket on, he's a real estate agent. Wow, you got to give the guy credit. He doesn't sleep. And he looks good. I will say that. He's got a jacket on. He's got a black shirt.
Starting point is 00:36:08 He's got a nice pair of jeans. And that- Yeah, he looks, that's a pro-tipple. He's got four and a half phones sitting there. Look how many phones he has on his desk. He's got five cell phones on his desk. One for his chemical cleaning company. One for landscaping.
Starting point is 00:36:24 One for real estate agent. Oh. He's got one on his desk. One for his chemical cleaning company, one for landscaping, one for real estate agent. Yes, well, I guess when he says, before sale, buy owner, it now makes a little bit more sense. In other words, and you actually apply them, because if you start to apply them and they become a bit too, a part of your daily routine, do not be surprised if you want to get more sellers contract just don't Takes a lot of hardware and it takes even a hardware when you have takes a lot of hardware I think that that he's having like AI dictate this or something And it's not coming through correct. Yeah, you might be right about this Takes a lot of hardware and then additionally hard work
Starting point is 00:37:02 Hardware and hard work. That's the commercial break in a nutshell right there. Change the way you think because you're used to doing something a certain way and the hardest thing for us to do as we get old is one and mid one when wrong. Number two is make the changes that we need to make to become better what we do. It made one for wrong. I do admit one of our wrong. I found that was a lot harder when I was young. Because we're setting our ways. I don't get set in my ways. There's only we can tell. Yeah. I care for the windows. There's no mass growing under the issues. Let me tell you here at Paul Cruz sales agency. If we don't like the industry, we just change it. Now, hey,
Starting point is 00:37:44 martial arts. What is that? What is that? Oh, that's the sham wow. We got to hear it home depot. We got the new sham wow. I'm now a sham wow consultant. You might have made a few phone calls here at the home depot.
Starting point is 00:37:57 He puts on the orange vest. He starts walking around calling people. I saw that you just left the home depot without a sham wow. Would you like to come back? No, no, no, no, don't tell me no. Tell me you will be back to Home Depot someday and you will consider going down the aisle where the sham was. I closed another one. Closed. Yeah. This is my principles and my value and what I do in my life. But everything is I'm always looking better at my profession.
Starting point is 00:38:26 How do I get better and make improvement? As an entrepreneur, salesperson, and business owner, is I talk to more people. More people. Yeah. He's like, who? What was that? That was him.
Starting point is 00:38:42 I know, he was. He goes, who? He's so excited with himself. Talks and bunch of people. I know he wants. He goes, whoo. He's so excited with himself. Talks and bunches. I know. Right people, right? So, buckle up. Get ready for part five.
Starting point is 00:38:53 This is the one of the most exciting parts. Well, your energy level is certainly dictating that we should pay attention here. Yes. He looks like he's about to fall asleep for a guy. He's got five jobs. I know. Because this is where you really
Starting point is 00:39:08 solidify and actually Increase your value, but before we get into that if you're watching this on my channel increase your value Do it now. I'm now 19 90 that It's a subscription button below smash the like button and share your honest and see a comment below because it does help the algorithm but One of the things that I've learned to I wasn't helping the algorithm. It's helping your channel doesn't help the algorithm Become as good as I am in what I do I'm very blessed is I always focus on the fundamental and the number one fundamental thing that I do is
Starting point is 00:39:46 Co-Core. Of course it is. No, we know this. We know those. You are a champ. Keeping people on the phone long after they want to get off. And have you ever noticed too that he's always in an office that looks like it's not useful. It's not being used. No, it's not being used. That's the desk. In the corner of a landscaping company's home office, you know what I'm saying? I Mean, I don't really know, but yes, it did the office is completely unused except for Paul sitting at the desk. Yeah It got me to the level of Now I could call anybody any time for any product, any service, and I'll get results. No, I'm not going to say what results are.
Starting point is 00:40:29 All right, this is Paul from the hot stone massage company right down the street. Would you like a hand shandy? Do you need to get the poison out? Come on down 21 EPM. So that's my new nickname. Results results results. Let me talk to your wife real quick. No, you don't want me talk to your wife exactly come down to the hot stone place I just do But when you dealing with for sale by owners and they are sophisticated investors you as an agent cannot be perceived as an agent
Starting point is 00:41:04 That's why I suggest you lie. Tell them, tell them their uncle just died and see if you can get extra few minutes on the phone with them. Hey, I'm sorry about your uncle. I noticed you were selling your house by owner. Your uncle would have wanted it this way. Let me be a real estate agent. They have to have a different perception of you because they get every agent trying to list their properties. Right? So is your job as a real estate? Right. Am I right? Am I right? Right. Right. Right. Hey, your jobs are real estate. It's not really. I mean, you don't even have to be qualified is what he's saying. Well, anyone can do you remember real estate agent i love all of you out there but i i think anyone that's a serious real
Starting point is 00:41:52 estate agent will agree there are too many unqualified real estate agents running around uh actually i read an article about what a big problem this is. Yeah. It didn't really earn that contract, because there's no money involved, right? But what you're gonna learn to say. That's when there's no money involved. Are you working for free? Are you listing people's houses for free? Well, contagious attitude.
Starting point is 00:42:18 What you're missing here is that Paul's sitting at a desk and then in big black letters occasionally, it's just flashing these like, you know your mindset. Yeah tropes, right? Contagious attitude. Change the way you look at things you look at start to change. Look at the bright side. Yeah, the universe is on your side. Hang in there. But the cat upside down. That's right. Keep calm, FBO on.
Starting point is 00:42:45 I don't know. In my experience training agents and didn't would invest with myself, there's only four, maybe five objections that will come on during the initial contact with the for sale by only. So get ready because when you learn the auto rebuttals Your value increases dramatically and when you learn the auto Rebuttals when someone the art of rebuttals. I thought he said auto. I think he said art Oh, okay, I thought he said auto because I was about to say when you call someone and they say I don't want to talk to you right now
Starting point is 00:43:21 And you have an auto rebuttal like stop He's not is that I meant to call 911. I don't want to talk to you right now and you have an auto rebuttal like stop I meant to call 911 I'm dying talking to you. But your sales are off the charts. Okay. Now I also had sales off the charts. They were just like the wrong direction. They had the bottom of the chart. Yeah, that's right.
Starting point is 00:43:40 This is no particular order, but it takes his glasses off. I do the same thing when I get serious, taking glasses off. So I can't see your reaction. You look like a good old girl. The bottom of the objection number one is when they say they're busy, right? And let's say you call them because the only way to get out of them is you got to call them right so when you call them for sale by owner and they say they're busy is the rebuttal that you must say but more importantly is not what you say is how you say
Starting point is 00:44:30 you say. Hello. Yeah, this is Paul Cruz from Paul Cruz Sales Agency. Oh man, I'm really sorry, I just don't have time for you right now. Fuck you. Excuse me. Do I have your attention now? I just wanted to share with you. That's how we get each other's attention. Do you have five minutes to talk about cleaning products? No, I don't. I'm dying. I only have one more day to make a sale. You're dying? Literally. I got bakery diners of the anoids.
Starting point is 00:44:59 Okay, guys, I just have five minutes. Okay, can you tell me at some point in the future, will you consider buying a cleaning product? I guess so, sure. That's a close, thank you very much for your time today. I'll let you get back. I'll let you get back to you. I'll let you get back to whatever it is where you're doing.
Starting point is 00:45:15 My wife is in the middle of... Brrrr. Brrrr. Brrrr. So I got pink real, I got pink real, it's cancer of the anoids. I'll save you guys. of the anoids I said the guy Changing the camera
Starting point is 00:45:27 He's getting a serious. That's the camera. Yes He's got to adjust the camera to make sure he's in focus using this bottle for over 31 years is 1992 I'll never stop using it it works And it works because I know the mic said to it and I know how to say it. So if a for sale by owner says, Paul, I'm very busy. Many they say that. You get a lot of these.
Starting point is 00:45:59 Starve Outure Distractions. Is what just popped up on the screen. Starve out your distractions. This is very strange. This is really strange. And all my years of bad sales, I never once thought to starve out my distractions. Starve out your distractions or starve out their distractions. I just starve. Yeah, just starve.
Starting point is 00:46:21 You're distracted, you can't sell. Man, I don't have time for this right now. I am on a hunger strike until you call me back. You will be responsible for my death. Until I get five minutes with you. Oh, shit. All right. I don't know what you got. Have you ever thought about getting an agent for your four sale by owner property? I got that. I got that. I got that. I got that. I got that. I got that. I got that. I got that.
Starting point is 00:46:48 I got that. I got that. I got that. I got that. I got that. I got that. I got that. I got that.
Starting point is 00:46:56 I got that. I got that. I got that. I got that. I got that. I got that. I got that. I got that.
Starting point is 00:47:04 I got that. I got that. Have you ever thought about getting an agent for your whatever. That's a close. That's a close. Game on. Bag it, tag it, sell it in the butcher in the store. Call. I understand your respect there. You could wait for them to answer it or not. You could wait for them to answer or not, just keep talking. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Why do you say do you get a lot of these calls? I understand and respect that because you're letting them know that you respect and you understand that you don't like these phone calls. But you will like my phone call.
Starting point is 00:47:40 I don't know. I don't like calls. Normally when a stranger tries to sell you something out of the blue, all you want to do is throw your phone on the ground and stop it real hard. This is going to be different. I am Paul Cruz. And I have an auto rebuttal. Please stay on the phone with me.
Starting point is 00:48:01 Please. I understand and respect that. Yeah, I understand. You got a lot of these phone calls. I understand and respect that. Yeah, I understand. You get a lot of these phone calls. I understand and respect that. I'm another one of these phone calls. Or you can say you get a lot of these calls, right? That's a statement question.
Starting point is 00:48:16 No, you statement question. Right. You can literally put right on the end of anything and make it a statement question My dick is oozing right You don't like me calling you right You've got better things to do with your time right and you can wait for the answer or not right I don't know you get a from the answer or not. Right. I don't know. You get a lot of his calls, right?
Starting point is 00:48:48 Yes. I understand respect that. Now when you say I understand respect, that two things happen. Number one is you're breaking down the defense. That makes no sense because. Two things happen. The pelvic floor opens up. And your root chocolate starts shining from your asshole.
Starting point is 00:49:07 Or you're gonna say I'm sorry. You get all these calls, right? Right? Yes. I understand and respect that. Right. That makes sense. That could be like a sketch phrase.
Starting point is 00:49:17 Right. Ah, he. Right. I can assume. And you're also keeping yourself in control. Because what most people do is angels respond, what do you mean? You're busy. What can I call you back? Right? What do you mean? You're busy. Yeah, what do you? What do you mean? You're busy. Do you see the person? You see the name on the screen that's calling you?
Starting point is 00:49:47 Yeah, it says J&J's landscaping. No, it's bulk road sale agency. I use the wrong phone. Let me call you back for my phone. What sale by owner of Prospect wants you to say? You don't do that. So I'm very busy. Do you get a lot of calls? I understand and respect that bull and then you move on or you get a lot of calls. What? Move on to what? Yeah, you just bald osm. I
Starting point is 00:50:17 understand and respect that. Anyway, have you ever heard the lawnmower 3000? Yeah. Have you heard of the lawn mower 3000? Yeah. Have you ever heard of the head stream of 3000? I bought 300 of them on discount and I've got them sitting in a warehouse. I'm literally willing to ship them to you for free. And a commission. Just any respect that Mr. John Doe. Again, it's not what you're saying is how you say the rebuttal. Now, what's the purpose of a rebuttal? It's a weapon. Oh my God. We're going to go down
Starting point is 00:50:52 the rabbit hole now. What a rebuttal is. Well, yeah, we know what a rebuttal is. We got that part, guys. I watch court TV just like the rest of us. First of all, second of all, I mean, you're just completely ignoring somebody's wishes, right? Yeah, no, yeah. Just gonna bolt us up. This doesn't sound at all like a strategy. I'm gonna actually tell you what to say.
Starting point is 00:51:11 Pass is one of the part, but let me tell you what a rebuttal is. Let me explain what a rebuttal is. Right. The words I use. Yeah, right. Oh, wait, hold on. I don't know what happened there. There we go.
Starting point is 00:51:23 All right. Riiiime! Oh, wait, hold on. I don't know what happened there. There we go. All right. Riiiime! I Riiiime! I just messed up the whole show. Riiiime! No, I got it. All right, we'll get back to Paul Cruz. There's lots of love in that video and I just have so much fun with him. He does seem like a kind of caring. He's lovable. He's lovable. He's lovable. He's laughable.
Starting point is 00:51:46 Yeah. And so all in good fun, Paul. All in good fun. You want to take an episode of the commercial break and start making fun of it. Feel free. Lots of other people do. Yeah. Right. Lots of. Right. Right. Ah. Ah. All right. Well, I got to go find some riddle in in a
Starting point is 00:52:02 charging station. Yeah. It's charging port. It's like a mail it to Sam Vakerman Freud, or whatever his name is. But you can go to That's where you'll find information about Chris E and I. You'll read all about our story. It's a brand new website. We love it if you would go there and visit it. You can also get your free.
Starting point is 00:52:20 What would Frankie do? Sticker. What would Frankie do? Sticker. WWFD, those stickers are the number four in our series and we are running out quickly. So I suggest if you want one, you go to the website, you go to the contact us button and then the drop down menu will say, I want my free sticker. Go there, leave us your physical address and away, you go soon, you will have a sticker. Right! You go soon you will have a sticker Right You can also watch all the audio and all the video there YouTube comms slash the commercial break We're trying to get to lots of subscribers before the end of the year if you could do a some favor and help us out in adventure
Starting point is 00:52:56 The Instagram is going crazy love the Instagram. Thank you very much. Go do the same thing to YouTube We certainly would appreciate it YouTube slash the commercial break. Fully edited episodes, basically the same time, basically the same time they come out here on the feed, right? Right? 855-TCB-8383, that's 1-855-TCB-8383. It's all free from anywhere in the world. Questions, comments, concerns, content ideas,
Starting point is 00:53:22 we are taking them all. Don't forget to ask my mom a question, ask Brian's mom, send us a text message, and in a future episode, you could be talking to my mom! Or at least get your question answered by my mom. Yes, I love her. At, yes she's wonderful. At the commercial break on Instagram and TCB podcast on TikTok. Do yourself a favor, go find the clips.
Starting point is 00:53:42 They're really funny on both of those social media platforms. Finally, we're getting someed because finally I'm posting All right, Chrissy. I guess that's all I can do today But I'll say that I love you. I love you best to you The best you out there in the podcast universe until next time Chrissy and I always say we do say and we must say good byeI'm a manI'm a manI'm a manI'm a man I'm a man I'm a man I'm a man
Starting point is 00:54:36 you

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