The Commercial Break - Rug Skiing Through Life!

Episode Date: December 30, 2022

Bryan explains how he learned to ski...on a carpet lined mud slope! But skiing is not a favorite activity of TCB. Krissy doesn't like it and Bryan dislocated his shoulder the one time he skied on SNOW.... He vows to give it a try next time he sees a rug lined mountain! Plus, part 2 of the Teresa Caputo cold reading is reviewed and reveals one bitter, old, prejudice whites lady just trying to make a buck... Prestige nudity is hot in 2022! Men's (mostly fake) members have been all over HBO this year One author thinks its time to stop censoring nudity at any level Bryan debates wether it's a good idea to show the full monty on TV Parental controls are just as confusing for the parents! Bryan volunteers to go full body nude...with help from a prosthesis The new TCB website is almost here Bryan learns to ski on carpet Bryan breaks his clavicle the first and only time skiing on snow It's cold everywhere...including the studio Blue won't leave the studio Teresa Caputo is revealed as a prejudiced old lady in this latest clip LINKS: Send us show ideas, comments, questions or concerns by texting us or leaving a voicemail at: 1.855.TCB.8383 is for people who like comfort! Watch Us on YouTube Creator: Bryan Green Co-Host: Bryan Green Co-Host: Krissy Hoadley Written By: Bryan Green Exec Producers: Bryan Green & Krissy Hoadley Content Production & Research: Tina Khano YouTube Producer & Editor: Morgan Please Audio Editing: Christina A. Executive Director: Astrid B. Associate Producer: Gustavo Episodic Contribution: Marianne, Diane, Natalie, Will The Champ, Will D** Huge Thanks To Our Supportive Listeners, Friends, Family & Spouses: Astrid & Jeff!! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Trauma, trauma, PTSD, trauma, generational trauma, trauma, trauma, trauma, rage and trauma, rage and trauma, PTSD, PTSD, trauma, trauma, family, trauma, family, trauma, and generational trauma, generational trauma, generational trauma, trauma, trauma, trauma, trauma, trauma, trauma, trauma, trauma, trauma, trauma. This is what trauma looks like. On this episode of the commercial break. I was made how I was made and nothing's gonna change me, but I'm horribly embarrassed about all of it. So I'm saying all the good-looking people that are on TV, why don't we show their butt holes? I'm not suggesting that we do it. Theresa, tell her I love her pie. No, not that kind of pie, more on her vagina!
Starting point is 00:00:46 By the way, here's a food trip. I didn't grow food, but you were supposed to! Do you understand that? Are you agreeing with me? Can you give me some money? And you're a good boy. And even though you said no to all the questions that I asked you, you're still a good boy. The next episode of the Commercial Break starts now.
Starting point is 00:01:11 Oh yeah, Kass and kittens, welcome back to the Commercial Break. I am Brian Green, this is my dear friend and co-host, Kristen Joy, hopefully best of you over there. And best of you over there, Brian. And best of you over there in the podcast universe. How the hell are you? Thanks for joining us on yet another episode of this. The commercial break.
Starting point is 00:01:29 It's not for everyone, but fact news or fiction is guaranteed in 15 seconds or less. You heard it here last. Alrighty, really right there. I read the most interesting article. Maybe it's on Vice or AV Club or something I've got. And they were saying, this is the year of the penis because of how many penises are being shown on television, on, you know, prestige television like HBO showtime and some other networks. There's a lot of cock out there. But that cock is, a lot of it is prosthesis.
Starting point is 00:02:00 Yeah, prosthetics, right? And what this person, the author of this particular article was saying was that let's just why are we shying away from showing the actual vagina or butthole? Like, let's just get there, right? They were, she was explaining it that people are clamoring to just get it over with. Let's just show the lady, let's get it all the way, and let's show the last. Let's show a little hardcore fucking on these television shows, and let's show the inside of vaginas, because that's what the people want. We're getting there. Why haven't we got there? Well, first of all, why are we using so many prosthesis when it comes to prosthetics when it comes to male genitalia? And second of all, why aren't we yet just going ahead and showing the full shabang? And I have to agree with the young lady who's writing this article. I'm assuming
Starting point is 00:02:50 she's young and a lady. I think it depends. Why am I on the storyline? Yeah, I mean, obviously, it depends on the storyline, like if you're not. If you're in an episode of Friends, we don't need to see Lisa Kudrow's asshole. Yeah. But if we're in the middle of like, I don't know, like a love scene that's important to the story, why aren't, why are we shying away
Starting point is 00:03:14 and why are we showing, what do they call those? A mercen, why do we have mercens and prosthesis? Why not just go ahead and show the actual vagina? Yeah, I mean, I think we're getting there. Because you look at other countries, like look at a country like Denmark, who put together an incredible series of sexual education videos for their young children, really middle school-type age children. And this goes through it. I've watched these documentaries for research purposes only. I've watched these documentaries.
Starting point is 00:03:47 And there is a lot of Dick and Labia. Yeah. And in front of. Well, those are specific sex education videos. Yes, that's exactly how I took it too. But during one of these videos, they are literally examining all parts of the genitalia. Like it's not just a little bit of examination, it's full examination.
Starting point is 00:04:10 So they can teach the kids about what's going on. Yeah, the parts, what they do. And why are we still so puritanical about what goes on? Why is there really a difference between vagina, you know, full frontal and then as showing in actual aria Should there be Like a great debate that's going on in the internet right now internet right now
Starting point is 00:04:33 I'm trying to get to the bottom of it. No pun intended Wait, do we really want to see but holes? There's play a butt whether or not not I wanna see a buttholes, I'm gonna see a butthole. It's about what the people want, Chrissy. We're gonna give the people what they want. Not only is it suggesting the, you know, if we're in an episode of the commercial break,
Starting point is 00:04:55 you don't need to show your labia. But if it's press the HTV and it's relevant to the storyline and we're showing a little nudity, let's just go ahead and show the actual nudity. Why are we still censoring what we see on TV? And I agree with this. I'm talking about adults that are looking at this. I'm not talking about like television shows for children.
Starting point is 00:05:13 We don't need to show anything that's on Sesame Street. Well, but that being said, I'm sure there is some that, like, you know, I've noticed that on just Hulu shows, you can just show a lot of things that... A lot of skin. Yeah, that I'm a little embarrassed that like our 15 year old daughter was watching
Starting point is 00:05:29 from years ago. Yeah, so I think, because there's so much now, I mean, not everybody's doing those parental controls. And now the kids wanna watch Hulu, and the kids wanna watch HBO, and that kind of thing. I mean, it's starting to kind of monitor everything. Yeah, my kid navigates prime better than I do.
Starting point is 00:05:46 And I'm a little nervous about what he's gonna stuff. And you don't want to feed the buttocks too, just, I mean, porn hubs free. Yeah, but I think that was kind of like the point of it, right? Is that we should loosen up a little bit and just let it fly. Why not? It's a body and who cares?
Starting point is 00:06:00 And everybody knows what a vagina is, everybody knows what a buttocks is, everyone has seen a real life penis before. Of course, if I was in one of those television shows, I'd want the prosthetic too. Of course. Yeah, I don't know. I'm a, you know, I'm a grower and not a shower.
Starting point is 00:06:17 So both of those things took me out of the room. Yeah, why did we get an article about something along these lines with the white lotus that just was out on HBO? Because there's one scene where he's changing in the bathroom and it shows his extreme, his large penis. Yeah, that's a prosthetic. Yes, it was. The actor was talking about it and he said that he saw it and was like, oh my God.
Starting point is 00:06:40 Mark Wahlberg wore one in bookie ninths. In bookie ninths. That thing was a monstrosity. Yeah, he was playing a porn star He was playing a very famous porn star based on a porn star named John Holmes And if you've ever seen a real John Holmes movie that guy had the real deal cock and that thing was like 62 inches long. I mean it was huge. It was a snake basically and If I was in the movies, I'd also ask for the prosthetic. I wouldn't want the real deal shown.
Starting point is 00:07:05 Now, yeah, I'm not afraid of my own. I was made how I was made and nothing's gonna change me, but I'm horribly embarrassed about all of it. So I'm saying all the good-looking people that are on TV, why don't we show their joys and their buttholes? I'm not suggesting that we do it. Why don't you take this on as a cause? We should add this to the treaty. The great butthole vagina treaty of 2023. If you're gonna show it.
Starting point is 00:07:36 We're like our constitution, you know, and we're amending, we're doing amendments. Yeah. What exactly is the basis of our constitution? I don't know. We need a mission statement. We do need a mission statement. It's fact news or fiction. You know, we're building a new website, right? The 15th website we've had in the short time we've been on air. We're building a new website and they ask you like a million fucking questions, right? It's going through this whole brand identity and all this other stuff. And that's like kind of the stuff they're asking like, what's your mission statement? I'm like,
Starting point is 00:08:05 a mission statement for our podcast. For the commercial break. Just trying to get through the episode, sir. We're trying to make a buck. Feeling horribly, but we're trying to make a buck. A laugh in the meantime. Yeah, but we're going to laugh in the meantime. I mean, if you can't beat him, join him. We're just yet another podcast not making money. Doing this. Oh my God, it's freezing.
Starting point is 00:08:33 It's really cold. There's a huge storm. Huge storm. This will be about a week and a half old. Is that dog yet back again? How did the dog get back in? Blaze back. I just locked the dog out of the room.
Starting point is 00:08:47 And now she's back. Oh, whatever. I guess we'll just leave her in here. Yeah. This is a habit now. She's like coming in. The thing is that the door doesn't close all the way. It's got, it's like a little bit weird.
Starting point is 00:09:00 So all she has to do is just like kind of push her nose into it. Yeah, she scratches it a little bit and it opens up. She's just laying down at my feet. So, but yeah, this, this I was just talking to somebody. Very cold. One of my friends who lives in Wyoming, like in the middle of nowhere Wyoming, and I would talk to them before the cold front came in, and it was minus 20 degrees, not windshield factor, minus 20 degrees, which is amazing. It was negative 13 in Nashville this morning, negative 13, like the actual temperature in the temperature from her car that was outside temp. That's incredible.
Starting point is 00:09:36 For my money, I don't want any cold. I'm done with the cold. Not my favorite. Not my favorite. I like a little bit of a cool streak because that breaks it up here in Atlanta, especially it's so oppressively hot during the summer, but I take oppressively hot over cold any day of the week. If you gave me an option to go to the beach or to the mountains, I would be on the beach every single time because I don't
Starting point is 00:10:01 know what to do in the mountains. Really, I'm not going to ski that's too dangerous for a guy like me. I very bad kneecaps. I don't like to go down the mountain. Yeah. One time I skied it turned into a whole disaster. I dislocated my shoulder in. Oh no. Yeah. It hurt really bad. I did some snowboarding in Wyoming, Jackson Hole. How long have you snowboarded in? I did it that one time for like a week and I learned how to do it. And then, you know, I never really went again because I lived in Tennessee. It's not a lot of snow. Like here in Georgia, we don't have it.
Starting point is 00:10:34 Oh, nice to see you, Blue. You can't remember, you know. You touch those wires in your dead, lay down. So we, here in Georgia, we don't have any like snowmoutons, right? There's not no mountain gets enough snow that you can snow on it. But if you go up to North Carolina and Cherokee, they have fake snowmoutons and then sometimes they'll get real snow. So the one time that I went skiing, and when I was a kid, when I was in grade school,
Starting point is 00:11:00 every winter, what they would do is a company would come, and they would after school, they would teach you how to ski on a rug. So they put a huge rug on the side of a hill, and then they teach you how to ski on this rug. They'd give you the skis, they'd teach you how. And so for a couple of winters after school, that's what we would do. We would like run a ski.
Starting point is 00:11:19 Rugg ski, basically. I was never good at it in the first place, but then 20 years later is the first time I'm actually going skiing and so we go and we you know rent the skis and we start on the whole thing. Yeah, I've started on the bunny so I'm told I'm like a fish out of water right? I have no idea what I'm doing and so we go down the bunny hill and I kind of get my bearings a little bit and then we go down the whatever it is green slope you know the
Starting point is 00:11:43 super slow and everybody's just kind of meandering around. I liked that I thought that was yeah, that was good. It was good for me. I'm gonna like five miles per hour I could probably walk faster, but I'm okay because I feel very unsure and I don't know really how to know how to stop, right? I can kind of stop, but I'm not really stopping This during the daytime. So then we have some like a like a late lunch and then the sun goes down and it actually starts to snow. So it was raining in the day and then it starts to snow at night, actual snow. So not all these nights, the fake snow, but now there's real snow that's falling. And as it gets later on in the night, I'm getting a little bit more confident about my skiing,
Starting point is 00:12:18 but I'm also noticing I'm going a little bit faster. Yeah. Because the water that had been pouring on the mountain all day long on top of the fake snow started to freeze. Dry frozen, yeah. And so as it gets toward the end of the night, we're like, okay, let's go try one of the more advanced hills where we can go just a little bit faster. We got a little bit more room.
Starting point is 00:12:38 So we're not talking like the black diamond or anything, right? It was the blue. Yeah, we're talking about the blue slowly, right? Like a bluey. It's a very slow, but you got to take the blue. It was the blue. Yeah, we're talking about the blue slowly, right? Like a bluey. It's a very slow, but you gotta take the lift. The lift. You gotta take the lift up, and then as soon as you get off the lift, you just kinda go into
Starting point is 00:12:53 the hill, and it's a big, right hand curve. Imagine like a semi-circle around a bunch of trees. But you can really get going fast if you just, if you know how to, what you're doing. Straight. Straight,'re doing. Straight. Straight, but yeah. Okay. So you go straight for, let's call it three football fields and I got going pretty fast. 10, 15 miles per hour.
Starting point is 00:13:14 Yeah. And then the turn came like a very gradual turn and I had no idea what I was doing. So in nor was I, I was just so concerned about how I was going to make this turn, so I didn't go off into the next ski slope, where everyone was just coming down straight, right? I was literally going to just, it'd be like if I just ran a red light and just drove through traffic on a 14 lane highway, right? I was so concerned about that that I wasn't paying attention to what was going on around me either. So as I try and start to make the turn, someone from behind me comes and they hit me.
Starting point is 00:13:51 And when they hit me, I fell. And when I fell, I fell in my shoulder and I slid probably half a football field. It was just ice. That's all it was was just ice. And I slid a half a football field down the mountain into the next snowstorm. And luckily everybody avoided me, right?
Starting point is 00:14:05 But I felt like a real dumbass. Yeah, of course. When I got up, something was definitely wrong with my shoulder. I couldn't move it, and I felt it, and I could feel that there was distance between my clavicle and my actual shoulder. I was like, ah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:21 Ah, so I take my skis off best I can. I just kind of start scooting them down the mountain and I'm like, walk like gimping because it hurts so bad. And I bend down to pick up one of the skis and I instinctively go for it with my left hand, which is the shoulder that had been hurt, the shoulder I felt on. And when I did that,
Starting point is 00:14:40 oh, oh. I just heard it. I heard it. I felt it screamed in intense pain because it was a miserable feeling. And then I walked down to the little, where they keep the same Bernard's or whatever. The lodge?
Starting point is 00:14:54 Yeah, the same Bernard that comes up the mountain and helps you with a little whiskey thing on like a whiskey barrel tied to its neck. Do you remember that when you were a kid? They had the cartoons with the... No. Okay. So in the Swiss Alps, they used to employ St. Bernard's. Dogs. Dogs. And since painkillers weren't readily available, they would put a little whiskey barrel, like a miniature whiskey barrel around its neck, so that if it found you, you could just drink the whiskey and it would kill the baby. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:25 That makes sense. It's pretty ingenious. So I went to the little red, you know, where they put the red cross and all that and I walk in and the guy looks at me and he exams me. I don't know if he's a doctor or just a dude who was in the, you know, having to be in the medical tent at the time
Starting point is 00:15:38 because he didn't have any credentials. He was just, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, let me take it out. You know, he's toying around over there. It hurt very bad. And he's like, well, there. It hurt very bad. And he's like, well, I don't know. If you dislocated your shoulder and you heard something,
Starting point is 00:15:48 it probably popped itself back in. And I was like, okay, never been in so much on the ride home. I was literally crying. I was driving and crying, which is a band for days. But I was driving and crying because it hurt so incredibly bad. It was the worst kind of pain.
Starting point is 00:16:02 It was like a two-thake times a thousand. It just wouldn't go away. So I eventually went to the doctor and they said, you must have popped it out and popped it back in. There's a little, like, you know, you have some scar tissue. It'll go away. It didn't go. That pain didn't fully go away for about six months.
Starting point is 00:16:17 Blue, if you turn, if you walk into these wires and turn this thing off, I swear to God. It just came to me and then it clicked me. Yeah, because she's excited. She wants you to bring her food. She doesn't realize that we're in the middle of a fucking show. So, sorry, we just had to take a break to get the talk out of here because you gotta understand, this dog is very talkative. And it's amazing that she's been in here a couple episodes
Starting point is 00:16:39 and we didn't even really notice because she was just like laid down and was being quiet. But that's not gonna happen forever. So, I'm driving and I'm crying, home, the entire fucking way home. And, you know, that has really kept me from wanting to go. Yeah, I can imagine. Anything to do with snow sports ever again.
Starting point is 00:16:56 Like, I just don't wanna do it. I felt so, I felt like I gained a little bit of control when I was like practicing and stuff and going down like the bunny slopes and the green slope or whatever you call it But then I felt completely out of control when I wear anything challenging. I felt out of control not to mention I just don't like those lifts those lifts. I feel like you're just gonna fall off the lift at any moment Yeah, they way high in the air and it's like it's too much for me. Yeah. Yeah. Well, you're afraid of heights too. Yeah, I don't like heights very much I don't want to stand on a ladder, let alone get on a ski lift.
Starting point is 00:17:28 Yeah. All right, so toward the end of the year, last episode, we decided we were going to review Teresa Caputo, who has been one of the fan favorites of season number three. And we love it because Teresa Caputo is a fucking moron who is just lying to everybody. But there are people who believe her and you know whatever floats your boat I suppose. But it's just too good to pass up. She's too much of an idiot not to, not to, not to address. So where we left off, Teresa Caputo is live and a Chicago tele-local television station doing what they call cold readings to the audience. So far she's been doing a miserable job as she does on all these cold readings.
Starting point is 00:18:09 She just floats around and she says words until somebody recognizes something she says. Exactly. So she is about to address a lady. She knows somebody with legs. Yeah, do you know somebody who likes. She has been talking to a lady who lost her husband due to something having to do with his brain many, many years ago.
Starting point is 00:18:26 But he's disabled and was jumping up and down, sorry, no, we'll get into it. But here she is ending that and jumping on to what they call piggybacking on to another woman. You'll get as the clip goes on. So without further ado, I was trolling on the internet. As you do. As I do like to do. You know what time it is? It's time for the commercial break inside of the commercial break.
Starting point is 00:18:49 And I'll keep it short because you already know. 855-TCB-8383. That's one, 855-TCB-8383. Is how you get a hold of us directly. It's not a spam text message line. You can send us your comments, questions, concerns, or content ideas all through text message to 855-TCBB8383. If you're brave, leave a voicemail. We want to know about your favorite moment from season number three. That's all of 2022. Any
Starting point is 00:19:14 episode, any clip, any moment, text us. Please let us know. We've got a special surprise between season three and season four, and we want you involved. Go to, hit the contact us button. You can also send us a message there, listen to all the audio or watch all the video. Better yet, go to, slash the commercial break to watch full episodes in a whole new light. Watching the video version will give you extra tickles right in your pickles. One more tiny little favor, if you are ever in the market for our sponsors, products or services, please use the specialized specialized URLs or codes or go to the website that we mention on those advertisements so that the sponsors know we're doing a wonderful job.
Starting point is 00:19:52 Let's listen to a word from those wonderful financial sponsors and then we'll be back to this episode of the commercial break. Alright, everybody, I gotta let you know about our wonderful sponsors, Lulu Lemon. Last week, I stopped by the Lulu Lemon store to get myself a pair of joggers. You think Lulu Lemon is just for yoga pants you are wrong, just like I was. Lulu Lemon can accommodate almost any piece of your wardrobe and they do it in style and in comfort. It's the most cozy, the most comfortable, the most flattering, active and casual wear
Starting point is 00:20:24 you will ever purchase. And now, Lulu Lemon is a sponsor of the Commercial Break. So go to, this holiday season, their website has hundreds of different styles for men and for women. Jackets, slacks, hoodies, sweatshirts, socks, underwear, and yes, active wear, it's all available at Guys, don't be shy. I swear, these are the most comfortable pants I have ever worn.
Starting point is 00:20:49 I'm saying it again. Never did I picture myself a lululemon kind of guy, and now I'm sold for life. Chrissy got a jacket, she's in love with it. Astrid's ordered some apparel for after the baby comes, and now I am buying some slacks for Christmas. So go to, get comfortable, get cozy, get LuluLemon this holiday season.
Starting point is 00:21:08 For anyone who needs a little comfort in their life,, and we want to thank LuluLemon for becoming a sponsor of the commercial break. Theresa Caputo, live, Channel 7 in Chicago. I think that we could have done to have prevented the departure. Your husband is departed as well, ma'am? Okay. Your husband says, I want to take this opportunity to thank you.
Starting point is 00:21:32 He said, I never thanked you. He says, you knew that I, how much I loved you. He says, but I want to thank you for the way that you cared for me. Do you understand that? He left me 32 years ago. He never said thank you all good bye. He says and I wish I had that opportunity to tell you that. He said and how much I appreciate. This one is amazing.
Starting point is 00:21:56 Yeah, you should see the look on emotional. Yeah, she is not convinced. It is a serenity. This lady has seen more shit in her lifetime and she knows bullshit when she sees it. Everything that you did for me, your husband was ill prior to his departure, ma'am? Because he shows me how you care for him like an in nursing capacity. Because he's like, my wife did things for me that a wife shouldn't have to do. And that means an in nursing capacity. And was your husband not the same in the end's man because he put a food tray in front of me and then threw it at me
Starting point is 00:22:30 How could she possibly see this shit going down and still be talking if someone throws a food tray at me a Food tray She just gets deeper and deeper. Yeah, I know people are touching me. They're feeling me up. They're tickling my throat. They're throwing food at me. These are all signs that something happens. Spear it. Yes, spear it. Spear it.
Starting point is 00:22:52 Spear it. That fucking remote controlled earpiece in your hair. For with that personality check. Look at her. She's saying no. Yeah, no. Because of an illness or a disability, do you understand that? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:06 It's maybe, like, yeah, yeah. I think this lady's not really with it. I think she's just looking straight up to her. So trying to comprehend what's being said to her, she's very old, by the way, very old. So he says, and I'm sorry. He says, but I want you to know how much I love you. And more importantly, how much I appreciated everything
Starting point is 00:23:25 that you did for me. He goes, my wife makes a mean pie. So I don't know, you make good pie. I don't know if it's like a shepherd's pie or like a pecan pie or how do you. I don't have a fucking clue what you talking about. Is this a shepherd's pie? Is this shepherd's pie?
Starting point is 00:23:42 Is it a sweet pie or is it a salty pie? Yeah. Is it a pie or pie? Is this shepherd's pie? Is it a sweet pie or is it a salty pie? Yes. Is it a pie or is it something else altogether that's edible? She cooked me something. Tell her I love eating a pie. Teresa, it's me. This dead woman's dead husband. Tell her I love her pie. No, not that kind of pie
Starting point is 00:24:06 more on her vagina. By the way, here's a food trip. I's for a food trade out of me. Just stand there. You understand that. As long as you understand it, that's all I care about. She doesn't understand a fucking thing. This lady is completely out of it. Poor lady.
Starting point is 00:24:35 Where's the brother coming that's departed? Or somebody like a brother? This is it. There's brother or somebody like a brother? Is there a brother? Someone like a brother? A man. Someone with a penis or somebody like a brother. Is there a brother? Someone like a brother? Someone with a penis or someone without a penis. That's passed on anywhere.
Starting point is 00:24:51 Anybody? Anybody have a, anybody know anybody who's died? Okay, anybody know anybody who's ever had a penis, including men with penises. Friend, cousin? Is your brother departed? A brother, friend cousin? This departed. Oh my God, this is so bad. Penises friend cousin is your brother to part of it. Friend cousin.
Starting point is 00:25:07 Oh my God. This is so bad. My brother and I died recently. Perfect. So no, I'm very sorry. Perfect. Great. Congratulations.
Starting point is 00:25:16 Congratulations on the death. Not that, but no, that he's taking this opportunity to step forward as well. Did somebody fall? He's taking this opportunity to step forward. Like, what are they lined up? The spirits are lined up. This is my big chance. I'm on channel seven. I've always wanted to be on TV. Here, hold my foot.
Starting point is 00:25:43 I'm stepping forward. Fell. Because I felt like I fell. I felt like I fell. You did. Into a fight with your own bullshit. He stepped forward and fell. No.
Starting point is 00:25:56 Is that what she said? He stepped forward and she fell. She said, I felt like I fell. I felt like I fell. She's so full of shit. And then that was the beginning of my downfall. That was just staring at her. I love the people who don't.
Starting point is 00:26:14 There's so many, obviously, most of these people have common sense in their fucking head. So this lady, who is like an old Italian lady, she's just sitting there as she and, yeah, Teresa's talking and she's just staring. She's like, nope, you're still full of shit. Ah, she said no. Can you understand that? Was there something that I said before that you understood? Because they told me to look at you.
Starting point is 00:26:41 They told me to look at you they told no I'm not English yeah told me to look at you they tell me to look at you they tell me to look at you as soon as that other woman is saying no she moves on she moves on to another person that's right because she's full of shit I said before spirit had me say
Starting point is 00:27:01 they were like hmm I wonder if that's my loved one well you know I have a lot of that set of curd in my past and so just thinking about that, you know Just made me think There's been death in your past. Yeah, you don't say Princess die When I get it live in the studio I'm gonna when she says I sent a woman died from a thing. And I'm gonna be like, it's me.
Starting point is 00:27:29 Princess died. She died of a thing. So full of shit because she crashed a car into me. That's my, that's the sign. That's the sign for car crash. What do you fall? No, there hasn't been falls, but I guess you can interpret it like that
Starting point is 00:27:51 in some kind of way. However, you can, you can, you have to, you have to, however you can interpret it to make me look better. Yeah, exactly. Oh, leave me in. Yeah, yeah, yeah. However, you can figure it out to make sure
Starting point is 00:28:01 we keep this conversation going. And I read with integrity. All right. We want to thank our guests at the close Theresa Cucu. She's going to continue to go on here for a second. Hold on one second. Fill out.
Starting point is 00:28:14 She is currently reading. We're going to put all of this up on our Wendy City page. And of course, be sure to check it out. We don't want to do her things. So have a good day. Yeah. She's going to continue.
Starting point is 00:28:25 Like I fall and I hit my head. Then it causes all of these other things. Is that correct, Sam? Oh my god. Yes, see, this is why people like things about me. I'm just saying. What? I say this is why people like things about me.
Starting point is 00:28:40 This is why people like things about me. She makes it all about her all the time. When people get when she's not hitting on something, she just refers back to all of her talents and skills and gifts. And what she's really doing is being a fucking psychopath because this is how psychopaths operate. They manipulate the conversation in their favor.
Starting point is 00:28:59 They gaslight when you're not connecting with her. It's your fault, it's your problem. You're not thinking about it. Or she just opens it up so wide that of course, you're just gonna hit somebody. If you haven't known anybody with a foot, yes, I told you. I'm not expecting it and it's very overwhelming. You thought you were going to hear from your husband more so than your father, do you understand that?
Starting point is 00:29:20 But sometimes it's important that we understand that. Because she's trying to get by it. She's trying to get her to say yes. Because if she says yes, if the person she's important to understand that because she's trying to get by it She's trying to get her to say yes because if she says yes If the person she's talking to says yes to anything then everybody else starts to believe it a little bit more And she keeps on going down that path. She's looking for Confirmation that she's on to something From another soul Before we can heal from the other losses do you understand that?
Starting point is 00:29:44 Sure, sure why not? another soul before we can heal from the other losses. Do you understand that? Because you're a God. Sure, sure. Why not? Other keeps coming forward. He made me feel like I fell in the bathroom and I hit my head. Different file, but do you understand the put?
Starting point is 00:29:55 Then that caused all of these other disabilities and ailments and it's almost like, oh my God, if he never fell, none of this would have ever happened. How many old people fall? We have so many old people fall? We have a whole person fall. That's why life alert hasn't been this. Yes. Yes.
Starting point is 00:30:10 It's fucking shady. So it's just validating that we need to let go of those things. Do you understand that? Sure. Do you understand that? Are you agreeing with me? Can you give me some money?
Starting point is 00:30:24 Which I'd like to come to my live show. Sure, I do. So who was the young male that supported Connected to you? Are there three of them? There have been quite a few. Only because I saw three, three-soul step forward and they made me feel like that there was such a burden that is carried throughout the family. Do you understand that? Do you understand that? Are you getting it? I mean, crazy. Three males came forward with very worn briefs on. One of them had a tree trunk for a penis. So it's acknowledging that their souls are at peace. They don't want us to carry these burdens. And what I like to do is telling everybody to let go. Yeah, let go.
Starting point is 00:31:06 I mean, isn't that what it was? Yeah, of course it is. She's playing therapist more than she's playing communicator because she can't communicate with these people. There are no people. The thing about Teresa that gets me, we said this the last episode, I'll say it again, the thing that gets me about Teresa
Starting point is 00:31:24 and why I find it hard to believe that anybody believes what she has to say is how do you at any given moment in time communicate with the other world, see what they're doing, hear what they're saying, multiple people, feel what they're feeling and yet still continue on a conversation. Yeah. With somebody it'd be like having 14 conversations at the same time. Well, yeah, and if the man, the ghost just threw a plate of food at her, like, when she at least flinched. Like flinch or get scared of it.
Starting point is 00:31:55 Sorry, I just had to play to food. Yeah. I mean, like, take a breath for one second, but no, she keeps yammering on about this. It's so fucking crazy that people spend money to go see this lady. I mean, for entertainment value, maybe, maybe. But for anything other than entertainment value, like literally going to see a psychopath talk for an hour,
Starting point is 00:32:15 then I don't get it. I just don't. Well, it's people that can't let go, that don't have closure, and then this is where she tries to tell them to let go. I don't blame the people on the other side. I wish that they wouldn't buy into the foolishness and spend their money on her. I don't think that Teresa Caputo should be a millionaire off the backs of people that are
Starting point is 00:32:32 already suffering and she's making them suffer more because she's giving them a moment in their minds, a moment where they're communicating with someone they obviously love, dearly, and they want to communicate with again because we all do yes. I at Niko's been gone for three weeks and sometimes I miss him around the house right. And but I wouldn't believe anybody if they walked in the door and said you know I can smell Niko. I mean I just wouldn't. And so they're dragging on the pain and they're she's playing therapist and saying you need
Starting point is 00:33:03 closure but that's not how you get closure a three and a half second interaction with a whack a doodle and it's got a helmet for a fucking head who tells you that they're their loved one is jumping up a down or throwing plates of food it's so fucking gross to me. They're cut or like they would have their head shaken like have like different things shaved in their head or like designs or something. Oh my god That is so fucking racist. She's speaking to a black woman and asking her if one of the guys had a shaved head with the design of why because only black guys do that That is so fucking racist. Wow. I can't believe this isn't like somebody hasn't caught on to this one yet
Starting point is 00:33:41 It's so fucking racist. Wow. I can't believe this isn't like, somebody hasn't caught on to this one yet. Like a commercial break be the thing that brings this to the forefront. That is one of the most racist things I've ever heard. Oh, let's, and even the lady who's getting she knows.
Starting point is 00:33:57 Yeah, hold on. Let's have like different things. Let's repeat that so that everybody can know. So it's acknowledging that their souls are at peace. They don't want us to carry these burdens. So what if like a crazy haircut, or like they would have their head shaved and like have like different things shaved in their head
Starting point is 00:34:15 or like designs or something? Wow. She's like, no. Yeah, this lady who she's talking to is obviously pissed. Yeah. Are you saying that because I'm black? Yeah. And she is.
Starting point is 00:34:29 Three is. Yeah, of course she is. Do you know someone like that? Oh, then he's thinking about it. She's only in another black guy and saying the same thing. This is crazy. How racist is this? She is.
Starting point is 00:34:41 Like lightning bolts and stars. I don't know what that is in the sides of the head. Do you know someone with the crazy haircuts, sir? You a barber? Yeah, she's talking to a third black guy. Oh my God. Oh my God. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:58 It's 2022. I bet you guys are you a barber. Yeah, are you a barber? Oh, I make you nervous, sir. You do because you're a racist. Yeah, that's why. She's like, I'm gonna move completely over the other side. There's no one took that. Look at her. She's making a gesture on her chest. Yeah, she's signaling her producers, I think. Oh my God. She is absolutely failing. She's leaving. She's in deep shit and she knows that she's just walking around the studio now, looking at people. How do you connect the mom that's supported?
Starting point is 00:35:45 Grandmother? Yeah. Yes, sir. Okay. You have to understand. I'm very blessed. I still have my parents here in the physical world. My in-laws is still here in the physical world.
Starting point is 00:36:00 I only recently lost my grandparents. And when spirit makes me feel that I carry such a burden or the weight of the world on me, and I feel like I lost a part of my soul. I think we all feel that way when we do lose a loved one. But in this case, I just felt that I wish I could have done more. Do you understand that? No, we don't understand that.
Starting point is 00:36:22 You're a fucking racist, you're a fucking asshole, and you're fucking miserable human being. To Risa Caputo, you are a miserable fucking human being. God damn you, she's literally looking at these two black people, a black couple, and she has pointed them out because they're black, and because she said something that was racist, and then she addressed every black person in the audience. There's literally five black people in the audience, she just asked them all if they knew somebody that
Starting point is 00:36:47 had designs in the shaved in the side of their head because that's what black people do I guess. So she just called herself out as a racist. All these people are not connecting with her. They're saying no, we don't recognize any of the shit that you're talking about and now she's looking at them and and and now that she was like she's like yelling at them. Yeah. Yeah. Do you connect with a mother figure or a or a grandmother? Oh, yeah. I mean, this woman's like probably 60.
Starting point is 00:37:11 Yeah. A grandmother is probably gone. Doesn't connect with a grandmother. No, she's back to talking about her fucking self. Yeah. Right. Now she's saying, you got to understand. Hi.
Starting point is 00:37:20 And then the last one, the very blessed person. Yes, you are because so many people have given you their hard earned money and you have fucking not earned it. You have pissed it away. You have lied and bullshitted. And now quite frankly, just been flat out offensive to people. Yeah, that was crazy. Come on the commercial break. Please come on the commercial break. I ple- Oh, man. Chrissy, way above Frankie B. B. Teresa Caputo just shots at the top of my list. If I could have one person sit in the studio for 30 minutes with us, it would be fucking Teresa Caputo. I would tear her apart. And we feel guilty. Look, the reason my spirit brings these things up is because when
Starting point is 00:38:00 we place these burdens, we can't heal. So saying, I don't want you to look back and say, I should have been there more. I should have done more. I should have done this. Do you understand that? Please let go of all regrets. No regrets. Remember the good times.
Starting point is 00:38:17 Does that make sense? And you're a good boy. Do you understand that? You're a good boy. What am I looking for? You're a good boy. What am I looking for? You're fucking adoration. Will you my mom? What?
Starting point is 00:38:31 Open it. You're a good boy. And you're a good boy. And even though you said no to all the questions that I asked you, you're still a good boy. Moroth? No, we just lowered your mic. The dead people don't know off. Yeah!
Starting point is 00:38:50 I'm gonna make another funny, because it's so funny. Oh my god. Oh, Chrissy, one person. If you could give me one person for Christmas, just like, if you could get me a gift for Christmas, 2023, it would be Theresa Caputo. Remember that scene in Christmas vacation? She's with Navvara, come here because she knows she's a five-year-old. She's only got to go to places where she can make herself look good. If Theresa Caputo sees this, and I hope she does, I hope this goes viral.
Starting point is 00:39:19 I hope this little rant that she did, this little racist rant that she did from a local television station seven years ago goes way viral. Let's make it go viral because she needs that kind of recognition. If she knows, if she listened to this show, she would know that we know how full of fucking shit she is. And she avoids people like that, like the plan. Because she knows she has no defense for it. Right?
Starting point is 00:39:47 She's just going to say, I have a gift, I have a gift, I don't control it. I didn't ask for this. You know, I'm burdened by all these spirits and all these things. Bullshit. You made it up. You started making money. And now you got a Jorgonaut business, fucking people over basically. That's what you do. I would rather, I would rather have a business with Adam Bankman Freud. Freud. Then pay a dollar to see Teresa Caputo. No. For sure.
Starting point is 00:40:17 So kids, what did we learn today? We learned yet another lesson about Teresa Caputo. She's full of shit. She doesn't talk to spirits. She's not a ghost hunter or whatever, a ghost wrangler or whatever you want to call it. Barrett talker. And she's just a plain old white old white lady racist. That's all she is.
Starting point is 00:40:40 As if it wasn't bad enough. As if it wasn't bad enough. Yeah, she went there. Make it go viral. Send it to your friends. I wanted to see it. Coming so riled up, I don't know why. I was like, Yeah, well it was obviously very...
Starting point is 00:41:01 Pregnantist. Yes. Yeah. It's targeting. Yeah, it's like if someone, if she came like she was here and she said, you know, do you know anybody that's not funny? And we know that obviously she's directed at the commercial break. Do anybody does a comedie-ocor-comedy podcast? Yes, I do.
Starting point is 00:41:23 It's me and you. Well, I think blue for a special appearance here in the studio today. That was sweet of blue to draw by. Very sweet of blue. And have some words with the people outside. I literally had to put like a chair against the door to keep my dog out.
Starting point is 00:41:38 This studio is high tech. I know. We got to get a stew. We're Spotify when you need them. Where's all that Spotify cash when you need it Chrissy? Oh We're gonna manifest it. We get Spotify cash. I'll learn how to ski again. I'm gonna go on a real ski slope this time Not rug skiing. I'm gonna go on real snow this time
Starting point is 00:41:59 For sure listen season number three is coming to an end season number four comes the first week in February We'll be back with brand new episodes brand new ideas and a renewed focus in Listen, season number three is coming to an end. Season number four comes the first week in February. We'll be back with brand new episodes, brand new ideas, and a renewed focus and vigor around TCB. But until then you get the same old shit. So there you go. We got some special episodes coming up right at the end of season three in January. We have some guest hosts, some clips, some segments, some best subs.
Starting point is 00:42:23 If you have an idea for the commercial break, don't hesitate, don't fear, don't frown. is where it all goes down. Hit the contact us button, questions, comments, concerns, content ideas, we take it all at You can also listen to the audio and watch all the video right from there. slash the commercial break for video episodes a few days after they air and if you'd like to get a hold of us Vee a phone 855 Tcb 8383 1 855 Tcb 8383 from anywhere in the world We'll pick up the charges at the commercial break on Instagram
Starting point is 00:43:00 You know you just want to follow somebody that doesn't make it close. Yeah, feel free. It's fun So Chrissy, I guess that's all I can do today. I think so. Okay, well, I love you. I love you. Best to you. Best to you. And best to you out there in the podcast universe.
Starting point is 00:43:15 Until next time. Chrissy and I always say, what do you say? And we must say. Good bye. Bye.掰掰Subscribe to my channel you

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