The Commercial Break - TCB Caputophobia!

Episode Date: February 21, 2024

Tina joins Bryan to discuss phobias and review Teresa Saputo's newest TV venture. People have phobia...which ones are rational? Teresa Caputo's new TV show is EXACTLY like her old TV show. Who is... still believing this human??? LINKS: Send us show ideas, comments, questions or concerns by texting us   212.433.3TCB text or leave us a voicemail Watch TCB on YouTube Creator: Bryan Green Co-Host: Bryan Green Co-Host: Krissy Hoadley Producer: Christina A.  Producer: Gustavo B. To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Ooh, French lavender soy blend candle. I told you HomeSense has good gift options. Hmm, well, I don't know. Mom's gonna love it. She'll take one sniff and be transported to that anniversary trip you took to San Tropez a few years ago. Forget it, she complained about her sunburn the whole trip. It's only $14. $14? Now that's a vacation I can get behind.
Starting point is 00:00:25 Deals so good, everyone approves. Only at HomeSense. Want to travel the world? International Experience Canada provides opportunities for young Canadians to get a work permit in over 35 countries and territories. Visit slash IEC. A message from the Government of Canada. Visit slash IEC.
Starting point is 00:00:43 A message from the Government of Canada. Oh, and remember, next Friday is Hawaiian Shirt Day. So, you know, if you want to, go ahead and wear a Hawaiian shirt and jeans. On this episode of the Commercial Break. I don't think any doctor diagnoses this. I think people self-diagnose. They do it by looking at the same website I'm looking at. Oh, yeah, I got a fear of the figure eight.
Starting point is 00:01:15 I got a fear of two. Hey, hon, I just learned that I have gagaphobia, which is the fear of f*** my wife. So if you don't mind, I'm going to go to the shoe show. I found alternatives. F*** my wife. So if you don't mind, I'm going to go to the shoe show. I found alternatives. The next episode of the commercial break starts now. Oh, yeah, cats and kittens, welcome back to the commercial break.
Starting point is 00:01:38 I'm Brian Green. This is the temporary Tina co-host. Best to you, Tina. Best to you, Brian. And best to you out there in the podcast universe How are you doing? I'm doing great Yeah you look great Hey thanks
Starting point is 00:01:50 Yeah I like that blue color on you Looks good And the glasses That's a whole thing you got going on there It's a little librarian Like hot librarian MILF or something like that You gotta say age appropriate
Starting point is 00:02:00 It's certainly age appropriate Yes I learned that recently But we'll move on from that. Do you have a phobia? Do you have phobias? Do you have things that you fear? Deep water.
Starting point is 00:02:12 Deep water? Deep water. Like ocean? Yep. You don't want to be there? No. So cruise not good for you? I've been on them.
Starting point is 00:02:17 You know, if I can see land, I'm a lot happier. Okay. So when you're on a cruise, are you okay to sleep at night? You feel like everything's okay? Yeah. Is it just like the thought of being. If I'm with someone I trust. Is it like being on a dinghy in the open water kind of thing? Yeah, no way.
Starting point is 00:02:31 Or thinking about swimming in the ocean? I would have a panic attack and die before we even made it out far enough for me to not be able to touch. You know, up until recently, I hadn't done a lot of open water ocean swimming. But over the last five or six years, since we've been overseas a number of times near the Mediterranean and Spain and other places, I found that, you know, we would go on a boat ride or whatever, and the captain inevitably stops in some beautiful location, but it's open water. I mean, it's like you're out in really deep water. I don't know how deep, but it's very deep. It's deeper than I can see the bottom. They still put you in a boat to take you to land deep.
Starting point is 00:03:07 Yes, that's exactly right. They put you in a boat, they drive around, and they stop at some cove. But the cove in and of itself is deep water. The waves are rolling and rocking. And I don't love that sensation of swimming out in the open water, but I don't have a fear of it. I would rather be in the lake or a pool,
Starting point is 00:03:25 but I'm okay. Like I'm not, you know, it doesn't like paralyze me. Would you be paralyzed by that kind of activity? I've done that. Like the catamarans and the Bahamas and stuff like that. That's okay.
Starting point is 00:03:35 If I can see land, I'm okay. It's when it's like so deep, the water's black, you know, and there's no land in sight in every direction. Yeah. I feel very insecure.
Starting point is 00:03:46 I think I'm with you on that. I don't mind cruises because the cruise ships are so big. Yeah. I know that there's always a chance something's going to happen. Yep. And you hear a lot, you hear all the horror stories. But the truth is, like the cruise ships these days, they're so big. I think it's unlikely they would just capsize really quickly and I would be
Starting point is 00:04:04 falling to my death, right? But who is that fucking moron who took the people out to the Titanic on that little fucking tin can he had? Remember that guy? Yeah, no. I don't even remember the name. I don't remember his name. The Titan submarine? That, to me, is nightmare fuel.
Starting point is 00:04:22 Absolutely. That is nightmare fuel. A hundred percent. Why in the world? I'd rather go to space. that to me is nightmare fuel. Absolutely. That is nightmare fuel. 100%. Why in the world? I'd rather go to space. I don't like the thought of going to space either, but I would rather go to space. I would rather go to space.
Starting point is 00:04:34 Because at least then I know that the death would be rather instant. It's not drowning. Yeah, it's not drowning. It's not drowning. It is running out of oxygen. That's fine. But I'll fall asleep. It's not water.
Starting point is 00:04:44 Yeah, like my brain would just go to sleep. No sharks, no creaking noises, no hours of understanding that my death is probably really close and some idiot now is trying, I just paid $500,000 to try to convince me everything is okay. Yeah, you're dead so fast. No opportunity to even be afraid of it in space. No, you just implode, don't you?
Starting point is 00:05:04 That's it. I don't think you actually implode I think it just sucks all the oxygen out of you I think it's sleepy time actually but when those guys went down there and it was that two days where they were looking for him and they could be down there they had the timers on the news stations
Starting point is 00:05:20 like the running out of oxygen soon I couldn't I couldn't catch my breath sometimes. I was like, oh, God, just a thought. I mean, I don't care how rich they are, just the thought that they would die like that. So, I'm watching this television show the other day, and some person on the television show, can't even remember who, says that they had a fear of birds pecking their head open and eating their brains. Where did you even come up with this idea?
Starting point is 00:05:48 I don't know. Like Birds the movie? The old Hitchcock movie? I don't like the meat-eating birds. I love songbirds. Like vultures? I'm a songbird person. Yeah, no owls, no eagles, no falcons.
Starting point is 00:05:59 One of my kids has a real fear of owls. And I think they're so cute. She does not agree. I don't want it coming near me. Yeah. We were walking outside the other day to the car. She's like, Daddy, an owl. And I'm like, no, no, no, no, babe.
Starting point is 00:06:12 There's no owls around here. And she's like, owl, Daddy, owl, please help. She was trying to get in my arms. I was like, oh, hon, it's okay. It's okay. There's no owls. Yeah, they're not going to peck you to death. They're going to eat you.
Starting point is 00:06:23 They're going right for your eyes. Just the idea that something with no teeth can eat meat freaks me out. Yeah. Yeah. Kind of the grabbing, like the back, the beak. Yeah, that tearing. I get it. I get it.
Starting point is 00:06:32 When I was probably in sixth grade, I was ran off with, there's a girl in school and her mom was like the assistant principal or something. And we ran off to go kiss, you know, the sixth graders. You know, stupid. Yeah. or something and we ran off to to go kiss you know the sixth graders stupid yeah it was after school we ran off and there was like a stream like little woods in a stream down by the school so we ran down to the stream dusk sun's going down uh probably winter months i would imagine and all of a sudden out of nowhere an owl came swooping down and grabbed her hair. And I screamed like a little chicken. I mean, I was like
Starting point is 00:07:08 a little weasel running out of there. I mean, I grabbed her. I was like, let's go! They're terrifying, I think. I mean, I watched one land. It landed on my neighbor's deck. And when it hit the deck, it was so big, it shook the rail. And I just went inside. I'm like, I don't need to be this close
Starting point is 00:07:24 to you. We have these family of red hawks that live behind the house. And I just went inside. I'm like, I'm not, I don't need to be this close to you. We have these family of red hawks that live behind the house. They're so beautiful. And they've got wingspans that are like 10 feet long. Yeah, you can feel them. It's intimidating, yeah. And so I'm always hoping that Blue will accidentally be scooped up by one.
Starting point is 00:07:40 Blue doesn't know how to go outside. Yeah. I've been thinning sending her up hoping that that family of redhawks but i've seen those redhawks take away squirrels yeah like baby squirrels chipmunks um all kind of shit like they've just grabbed them out of the yard so i love seeing them because i hate the rodents so i like seeing those birds so it made me think yeah yeah yeah when they pick up those rodents and the rodents are like, eee! One time I saw it and one of my kids was looking out the window with me.
Starting point is 00:08:15 And my kid goes, oh my gosh, daddy, the squirrel. And I was like, cycle of life, kid. That's right. Cycle of life. You just got to deal with it. We got too many of those anyway. So then he goes, what is the bird going to do with him? And I said, oh, I think they're just going to take it to the nest and play. Like I couldn't bring myself to actually tell him.
Starting point is 00:08:30 Yeah, that's lunch. That's dinner time. It's dinner time for the bird. So I thought I'd go through a list of some of these phobias, like the 50 most common phobias. I'm not going to go through all of them. We'll just pick and choose what we want. Because I think there are a lot of people out there. I don't think I have an irrational fear.
Starting point is 00:08:49 Like I don't think I fear something irrationally. Heights my biggest i call it a healthy respect for heights a healthy respect for the sea yeah and tight places i don't like cavern that's spelunking no the movie descent it took me three sittings just to get through it because i can't watch people getting stuck in tight places like i physically react to that yeah yeah i sometimes because i'm a glutton for punishment i also i'm not claustrophobic but i would never go spelunking i would never go even crazier the cave divers the guys and girls who go on exploring unexplored areas of this earth no that are not only deep small and dark and dark, but then have water in them. If it's not on my Waze GPS, I'm not going.
Starting point is 00:09:29 I'm with you. I don't need to be under the ground. I figure I'll be there soon, so I don't need to be under there prematurely. No, no. Yeah, my boyfriend's grandson was watching a YouTuber who buried himself alive for seven days. And I'm like'm like what he was raising money to go put wells in africa so kudos to him great but again if i can't if i can't open the door or the window or i'm not into it yeah no no no there's that i can't remember the name of the show the saint or something like that uh the sinner i think is maybe it's called the sinner do you remember the center i did bill pullman bill pullman where he buried himself alive that
Starting point is 00:10:03 like third season yeah or there was a kind of ritual where he buried himself alive. Yes. Yeah. No. No. Still hard to watch. No. No.
Starting point is 00:10:11 I've done a lot of weird rituals. You know? I've done ayahuasca. Tantric yoga ceremonies. Man moon cycles. I've done a lot of stuff. Do not put me underground. No.
Starting point is 00:10:20 But I've heard about this. I've been in an isolation tank. And I would love to go do it again. And I'd love to go do it where I could actually record it with the commercial break. The isolation tanks are enough for me. That will drive you insane. Yeah, I don't know if I can mentally handle it.
Starting point is 00:10:35 You can, but you've got to dig deep. Deep meditative state. Deep meditative state. Lots of gummies. We were talking to Reggie Watson was he was telling us about his experiences with ketamine and uh i kind of liken the isolation tank to a k-hole a k-hole yes i do i totally there is a certain moment when all of the panic and fear your brain just doesn't take it you literally disassociate and it's like right there that the that the rubber meets the road right then you understand why people do this for spiritual experiences because you're having one but it's it's pure panic induced and if you go into one of those floating ones forget about it yeah you're
Starting point is 00:11:19 just like you can't even feel your body it's a totally weird sensation and i would love to do it and then record it but then am i going to be the weird guy who's bringing a bunch of recording equipment you know what i'm saying like why is that you understand this is an isolation yeah you're neat it's like these i don't know i'm not gonna i'm not gonna say anything like purely negative about this but i will say it's kind of defeats the purpose talking about chrissy and i were talking about how i saw someone film for instagram an ayahuasca ceremony with like, you know, a bunch of people sitting in a circle drinking ayahuasca. And I was like, why are you posting this on Instagram? Like, this should be
Starting point is 00:11:55 something that is sacred. It's deeply personal. And deeply personal. And even though it was one person filming everybody else, if I was in that group, I'd be like, dude, don't put this on, don't fucking film this. I don't want this film. This is not going to be the prettiest time of my life. Blur my face. Yeah, blur my face. Blur me throwing up. Blur me screaming about my mother and how she abandoned me. Yeah, please. And if you don't mind, also delete the million deaths I'm about to experience. Thank you very much. So let's explore some of the irrational fears, rational or irrational, that people may have. I don't even know how to say this. Arachibudetrophobia.
Starting point is 00:12:35 Arachibudetrophobia. I don't even know how to say it. It's got so many letters in it. Fear of peanut butter. What? That is an irrational fear. That's irrational. Unless you are allergic to peanut butter. But maybe that's what irrational fear. That's irrational. Unless you are allergic to peanut butter. But maybe that's what it is. Maybe they're so...
Starting point is 00:12:49 Maybe. They know their body's reacting with a fear state to keep you away from it. That I can understand, but that is not an irrational fear. That is a perfectly rational fear. That's medical, yeah. If something can...
Starting point is 00:13:01 I have a fear... If it can kill you, yeah. I have a fear of people putting a gun to my head. That is a rational fear. That's right. Right? Arithmophobia, which is the fear of numbers. How do you even get around life when you have a fear of numbers?
Starting point is 00:13:16 And why would you be afraid of numbers? I have no idea. I love numbers. Astrophobia, which is the fear of thunder and lightning. Oh, I love it I guess you could be scared of lightning That's a thing that could kill you It could but it's so beautiful
Starting point is 00:13:30 Oh I love a good rainy night We had some great storms the other night I'm a brontophiliac Turned on by thunder and lightning Oh you are? I think I might be a brontophiliac too Didn't they say like the negative ions when the
Starting point is 00:13:48 low pressure system and the high pressure system, the negative ions that are created, whatever, that that actually has a physiological... Some people do, yeah. Yeah, something about it that kind of makes us feel happy. I love it, yeah. Yeah, I love it too, man. The only thing I, the only complaint I have about Georgia storms, they don't last very
Starting point is 00:14:04 long. They don't. They just breeze by in 10 in 10 minutes 15 minutes and then you're done with it i want a good like sustained yeah thundery lightning yeah 30 minutes i want it to be like three hours long i like that kind of thing in chicago we used to have thunderstorms it would last for days it felt like maybe i was just a kid and it just was going by much slower back then. Astrophobia, which is a fear of space. I would say that I have a healthy respect for space. I don't think I need to be there. If you're not meant to live there, I don't think I need to be up there. I love it. I love watching the sky. The night sky is one of my favorites. Planetariums. I can't wait to live in Space City. Space City. Oh, yeah, that's right. You're gonna live in Huntsville. Space City. That's right. It is.
Starting point is 00:14:46 Let's see. Autonomophobia, which is the fear of human-like figures. So not actual humans, but let's say you go to Disney World and you see those animatronics. Yeah, those are kind of creepy. I wouldn't say I'm afraid of them, but I don't like them. But I don't like any, yeah, I get it. Yeah, you're not like a, I don't think of you as like a theme park type of girl. It's not my thing. Yeah, like Six Flags, cool.
Starting point is 00:15:11 Maybe. Maybe? You like roller coasters? I used to, and then I had children, and I got afraid of dying on them. Oh, you did? Because I had a couple malfunction when I was a kid, at which point you think you're invincible and you don't care. But then I had children, and yeah, I can't do it anymore. The thrill-seeking kind of waned yeah you know astrid you still really love roller coasters
Starting point is 00:15:30 and then we went to europa park which is like a cheap knockoff of disney but done really really well i hear it's great yeah it was super fantastic it's in the middle of nowhere germany middle of nowhere germany and we went there and we spent two days there freezing cold outside it was like in january freezing cold but all the roller coasters were open everything was open they were just you know hey it's this germany where it's cold sometimes we're gonna keep it open and it is a disney world like place they have parks and hotels that are attached and it's a whole themed land but then they have like you know uh what was it like ryan the rat instead of mickey mouse it's like everything yeah it's literally coffee i love it's literally copied. I love it.
Starting point is 00:16:05 But it's good. So we go there, and Astrid and I had enjoyed roller coasters up until this point in our relationship. And then one night we went on a roller coaster, and Astrid got off, and she did not feel well. She felt physically sick. And ever since then, it's hard for her to get on another roller coaster. She's like, I just don't want to be sick. I've gotten so far as sitting in them, and they're strappingpping me in and then i make everybody stop so they can let me off because i'm like gonna have a panic attack oh i rode the scream machine in high school and my seat belt
Starting point is 00:16:33 thing yeah you know that bar oh the bar that comes down came up and it was during a backwards run remember when they used to do that they'd run it back yes i do yeah mine came up and i thought i was that was it i was gonna die So I've had things go wrong. So what did you do? Just pull it back down? Well, I just held, and I started screaming and crying. Yeah. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:16:51 When we came back through, they stopped it and got us all off and then shut it down. But yeah, I was terrified. Yeah, I would be too. But I was okay. Yeah. Then after I had kids, we got on the screen machine. Gavin's like four or five years old. I was like, you have to let us off.
Starting point is 00:17:03 My poor kid starts crying because he wants to ride the thing. Of course he does. And I had to wait for his dad to come back and get him and take him because he was riding with him. So yeah, I can't do it. I just can't. You just like got this super panicky feeling that something bad was going to happen. And I couldn't be on that thing. Not certainly with my son next to me. So yeah, that's it. No more of that. I do have a little bit of a fear about my kids riding roller coasters for the first time yeah because it is nerve-wracking it is nerve-wracking i think because as a parent i don't want to see my child um suffer unnecessarily like what if they really don't like it we've taken them on small rides and they liked it but they were fearful
Starting point is 00:17:41 at first then they liked it by the end but now I don't want to see them suffer unnecessarily. I think I can pick out a couple of the kids who will be okay, and a couple of the kids who are probably not going to like the experience. But then I also have this, like, I guess I do have a little bit of an irrational fear that something's going to go wrong,
Starting point is 00:17:56 and a kid's going to go flying out of the fucking roller coaster. Yeah, I don't want to lose my child, and I don't want my child to lose me, so we just don't do it together. No. Botanophobia, which is the fear of plants botanophobia yep the fear of plants to live yeah they're everywhere how do you even function if you have a irrational i mean i say you need the oxygen they put out come on yeah and i don't think that's a rational fear like most plants aren't going to harm you do you do
Starting point is 00:18:23 yourself a favor and do not put them in your mouth yeah that's right only only from the grocery store i told my kids i said plant these are all these things are pretty to look at don't put them in your mouth because who fucking knows right um cacophobia which is the fear of ugliness well you're not allowed you're not allowed here at the commercial break. We're on radio. Catarophobia, which is the fear of mirrors.
Starting point is 00:18:56 Mirrors? Is that the fear of the mirror or the reflection? It doesn't say. Well, let me click through here. Oh, they're calling it spectrophobia why did the other one call it catarophobia okay spectrophobia a type of anxiety disorder classified as a specific phobia is the fear of mirrors or the fear of what may be reflected in them it may also be referred to as like bloody mary's gonna show up in there yeah yeah yeah okay that i get yeah but that's just kids being dumb yeah um it's more of a fear of apparitions than the mirror itself right
Starting point is 00:19:30 cowlophobia which is fear of clowns i fucking do not like clowns hate yes i wouldn't say fear but i do not like them i don't want them coming near me i don't hang out where they hang out yeah it's a no for me i just don't understand it It's the makeup and the masking I'm just against it I don't have a fear of them I don't like them My question is, what is the fucking point?
Starting point is 00:19:55 What is the point of a clown? They say it's to entertain and to make love I've never been entertained by a clown Except for Bozo the clown Okay, I did like Baskets Baskets was really funny, but that's a different story altogether You are not a clown except for bozo the clown okay i did like baskets okay baskets was really funny but that's a different story altogether you are not a clune uh chronophobia chronophobia which is the fear of time how do you survive if you have a fear of time how do you even do that how do you
Starting point is 00:20:20 even identify that you have that fear by looking at at the clock, I suppose. But there's a fear of clocks also, which is chronomenophobia. These words are really hard to say. And why do they make sense? Chronomenophobia. Chronomenophobia is the fear of clocks. Now, do you have... Is something... Huh?
Starting point is 00:20:43 Is there like... Are you born like this? I'm i'm wondering yeah do you develop this over time or are you born with this do you develop this over the time you're afraid of i'm just curious uh let's see domatophobia which is fear of houses god bless you child do you live in a tent yeah well there's lots of people apartments or domatophobia, which is fear of houses. God bless you, child. Do you live in one? What, do you live in a tent? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:08 Well, there's lots of people who live in tents. Apartments or? Decidophobia, which is exactly what it sounds like. Decision fear. It's the fear of making decisions. Okay, we'll get back to this. And I have a fear of psychics. That's what I have a fear of. So we're going to review some more Teresa Caputo.
Starting point is 00:21:24 She got a brand new show out. I want to talk to you about it. Yes. They just keep this train of fuckingics. That's what I have a fear of. So we're going to review some more Teresa Caputo. She got a brand new show out. I want to talk to you about it. Yes. They just keep this train of fucking going. So why are we paying Teresa Caputo to lie to everybody on air? I just don't understand it. I don't get it. Obviously, I have a grievance with Teresa. And yeah, we'll get into it right after these words. What? Oh, hi, it's Christina again. Here to remind you to go to for all things audio, video, and TCBdio. Give us a follow on Instagram at The Commercial Break and on TikTok at TCBpodcast. And guess what? We have a new phone number.
Starting point is 00:22:01 I know what you're thinking, but I promise this is the last TCB phone number you will ever have to remember. So call us and leave us a voicemail or text us at 212-433-3TCB. Once more for the people in the back, that's 212-433-3TCB. Oh, and check out our YouTube channel at slash thecommercialbreak. That's all for now. Let's listen to our sponsors and get back to the show. In today's economy, saving money is like an extreme sport. Coupon clipping. Robo code searching. It takes skill.
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Starting point is 00:23:16 And when life is moving at the speed of, well, life, Enterprise is right there with you, around the corner and around the globe. We'll keep you moving forward. Enterprise. For lives and drive. All right, here with Tina, talking about rational or irrational fears. I just want to do a couple of more because I think this is really interesting. fears uh here's a i just want to do a couple of more because i think this is really interesting ginew phobia which is the fear of knees knees okay now sometimes i look at my knees and i am fearful but it's not because i'm fearful of my actual knees it's that my knees are showing my
Starting point is 00:23:58 real age don't you hate that your elbows and your knees so now i've started moisturizing the shit out of myself every night. An Astrid comes in one day and she's like, what the fuck are you doing? And I'm like, I'm moisturizing. And she's like, hon, you don't have to moisturize every bit of your body with four different moisturizers, which is what I was doing. And I'm like, you don't? And she's like, no, just use one. There's one for your body and one for your face.
Starting point is 00:24:21 And I'm like, there's one for your face? I didn't know that. I've been using the one on my knees for my face. How am I supposed to know this? No one taught me. Ooh, this has got to be a tough one. Hapiphobia, the fear of touch. Ooh, that's terrible.
Starting point is 00:24:38 That's got to be terrible. I wonder who suffers with that. I mean, I like being touched. I don't like being overly touched there's this thing one of the venice the venezuelans are very touchy-feely kind of people and i guess i am too with people that i know and i know it's okay to touch like you know put your hand on a knee or on a back while you're talking to them or whatever i love to give hugs and stuff like that to some people not everybody so don't come up to me in public i don't want to hear that i'm not looking
Starting point is 00:25:02 to i'm not looking to give hugs to strangers. You said you love hugs. Hey, brother. I mean, I guess if someone was like, hey, brother, love the commercial break, I'd be like, okay, like air hug, air hug. But if like, you know, brother, love in the commercial break. But the Venezuelans love to touch and we were on this trip one time around spain like the astrid's uncle took on this like an amazing trip driving 10 days through spain staying at castles like old castles have been turned into hotels by the government and this private company
Starting point is 00:25:39 and so it's just like this amazing trip that we went on but we had to drive in two or three cars because it was like 12 of us. And one of the relatives that I got stuck with was sitting in the middle backseat. We're driving like a, I was driving like an SUV and they were sitting in the middle bench, in the middle of the bench. And she kept on pulling my arm, like, which is like, look, right? Look or see. And she kept on like grabbing my shoulder and eventually i was
Starting point is 00:26:08 just like hunched right over the trying to get away yeah i just wanted to get away that's all i wanted to do i just didn't want to be crawling in the windshield yes you know how like people touch you sometimes and then you're like that that part of your body starts to get yeah you get irritated it's like you have a negative energy build up and you're like ah stops grab it off octophobia which is a fear of the figure eight octophobia how do you even identify that i don't know my mind is blown my mind is blown too i mean listen i'm i'm not saying that i mean this is irrational clearly the figure eight is not going to hurt you in any meaningful way right so but And I'm not diminishing the fact that people probably do have a fear, some people, some small minority of you have a fear of the figure eight, but you're right about this. How
Starting point is 00:26:55 do you even determine that the figure eight is bothersome to you? Like, you look at eight and you go... And then what doctor diagnoses it? I don't think any doctor diagnoses this. I think people self-diagnose. They do it by looking at the same website i'm looking at oh yeah i got a fear of the figure eight i got a fear of touch hey hon i just learned that i have bagagophobia which is the fear of fucking my wife so if you don't mind i'm gonna go to the shoe show yeah uh papyrophobia which is the fear of paper that's a terrible fear to have that is a terrible fear uh technophobia the fear of any kind of technology um the solace phobia the thalasophobia thalasophobia is the fear of the ocean. Thalassophobia.
Starting point is 00:27:46 We have that one. Yeah, we have that one. Okay. Now there's a name for it. Wiccophobia, which is the fear of witches or witchcraft. Okay. Well, I mean, I guess I could hurt you. Yeah, I guess I could.
Starting point is 00:27:58 I could. Zugerphobia, which is the fear of vacuum cleaners, which every dog the world has by the way so there's also uh ghostophobia right there's people that have a fear of ghosts i don't know what the official term is a spirit phobia or whatever fear of ghosts i have the opposite i'm not afraid of ghosts i'm afraid of the people who say they could talk to ghosts yes and i'm afraid of them because i want to watch my pocketbook around. I have caputophobia. That's what I have. That's fucking caputophobia. This woman is a true whack job, in my opinion. And she's doing a con job on everybody out in the audience. And it just drives me up a wall. And here's why it drives me up a wall. And I've said this so many other times on the show, but I feel like I have to preface it because I know that we do have fans that listen to the show
Starting point is 00:28:47 that also like Teresa Caputo. Here's the reason why I don't like Teresa. I'm pretty sure of all the vehicles on earth, of all the human beings on earth that the universe could use to channel ghosts, Teresa would be the last person that they would choose number one but number two and a very close number two is she's just doing a parlor trick that's all she's doing is a parlor trick and she's got the advantages of having technology on her side and I'm sure somewhere in that large main of hers there is technology working for her and her parlor tricks it's got to be 100% got to. There's got to be something in that hair that is like, you know, some kind of, I don't know, like pressure device that's pushing her head when answers are right or wrong, or better yet, just an actual earpiece.
Starting point is 00:29:36 Yep. Look at this earpiece. You couldn't even tell that I was wearing this unless you looked really closely. And it just would take a little bit of hair to hide that. And you could talk to anybody, you could have conversation with anybody that was outside of the room simply by just piping it into your ear listen those fucking football players do it they call those oh yeah they do they talk to the quarterbacks in those helmets all the time yeah and i don't i don't see any earpieces now that we're in a helmet but so is theresa theresa's wearing a helmet also air helmet so theresa's got a new show.
Starting point is 00:30:06 This is outrageous to me. It's outrageous. It's a crime against humanity. I agree. Teresa's been moving from network to network. I don't follow it that closely, but she's been moving
Starting point is 00:30:14 from network to network over the last, say, decade and a half. I think she was on TLC. I think she was on Lifetime. I think she was here. I think she was there.
Starting point is 00:30:21 All with some iteration of her parlor trick. So, now she's got a show where they follow her around when she's not, when she's doing her tours, which I think is how she makes a majority of her money. I'm sure the TV deal is lucrative also, but I don't think it's that lucrative. Maybe they pay her $25,000 an episode,
Starting point is 00:30:40 $30,000 an episode. It's the tour. It's the people who come to see her live where she actually makes her money because live events, if you can fill an arena, you're making some money. And I don't know if she can fill an arena because I think I mentioned to you. It's like half full. It's like half full. I saw, I had always said to Tina, we have to find a way to get into one of these events, but that will never happen. I might be good. Not anymore. No, probably not.
Starting point is 00:31:06 Yeah, not anymore. Not anymore. Probably not. Because clearly Teresa's team is going to do their homework, and they are not going to let someone troll Teresa in her live events. You have to put your name, your phone number, and your address when you sign up to go to one of these events or Ticketmaster or however they get that information. And I'm sure there is some kind of cross-checking system going on. I'm sure they do. Sure of it, right? And at
Starting point is 00:31:29 the very least, a cross-checking system for the people who are going to be sitting close enough to talk to Teresa. So, the other thing is, I know for a fact that they scan for electronic devices. Like, you know how you go, like, we went pete davidson you had to put that thing in your yonder bag yeah lock it up i'm sure they do that with her too yeah but somebody out there some brave soul some hero that doesn't wear a cape decided to tape a live theresa caputo event unauthorized obviously from the nosebleed seat so it's a little hard to hear it's really hard to make out some of the stuff she's saying because of the echo in the building. But that place was half full. It wasn't even,
Starting point is 00:32:08 it wasn't even close. That makes me feel better about the humans that I live in this world with. It also makes me feel better too, because if you only fill half an arena, you're probably not making much money. Right. I think you really have to fill the thing to make like, you know,
Starting point is 00:32:20 good, good money. Yeah. So, uh, but Teresa makes money doing tours. She tours all over the country. She does it, I think, for a majority of the year.
Starting point is 00:32:29 And then she gives side readings. Readings, yeah, yeah, yeah. Like private readings. You can book a private. Oh, I'm sure it's like $2,500. I'm sure. What do you think a Teresa Caputo reading would be? $2,500?
Starting point is 00:32:41 Probably about, I would think. Or for half an hour, an hour? Yeah, it's probably got to be that. She's a big TV star. She's all over the world. She's well known. Okay, so this show is an unscripted, unedited look at my life on tour. Whatever.
Starting point is 00:32:57 So now she just shows up to random places and then reads people. So I thought we should take a look at this video. We should. Because clearly there's a lot of horse shit and shenanigans going on here. And what better place to talk about horse shit and shenanigans than the horse shit and shenanigans show. We're built on horse shit and shenanigans. That's right. And listen, I bullshit a lot, but at least I'm clear about it. I'm clear-headed about it. You know it and I tell you. It's transparent. Yes, it's transparent. If you
Starting point is 00:33:23 believe anything I say, check your head. Talk to talk to your therapist all right so without further ado i was trolling on the internet as you do oh man do i like to do this and let's take a listen oh my holy god look at that mane of hair look at that she has gone to new heights on that hair that is epic how long do you think it takes her to do that hair that shit is standing up six inches off the top of her head maybe eight maybe eight maybe eight that makes the 80s look like they should be ashamed of themselves but you know this is coming this is the flock of seagulls a feather do you know this is coming back this is this is horrific flock of theresa's yeah they're like no we need to go bigger three so
Starting point is 00:34:08 we're gonna put the nodes here we're gonna put the nodes here the ear pieces here and we've got a message board in the back here yeah she's gonna be the first one to get narrow link from that fucking musk she's gonna be like can i want that i want to be able to wire it right into my brain how does she get her hair like this because not only is it eight inches tall off her head, it's like all the way around. Yeah. And down. This isn't,
Starting point is 00:34:31 I don't know who, who okayed this? Is this a wig? I mean, I'd clearly, I think it's attached to her head. You can see it coming out of her head, but I don't trust anything.
Starting point is 00:34:39 I don't trust her anyway. I certainly don't trust her hair. No. There's gotta be some magic going on there. For sure. It's witchcraft. I want to know what it looks like No. There's got to be some magic going on there. For sure. It's witchcraft. I want to know what it looks like from the back. Is it like all flat because they proved everything out?
Starting point is 00:34:50 Yeah. The ghosts are like, make it bigger so we can see you. Make it bigger so we can smack you on the back of the head. All right, here we go. Let's take a listen to Teresa's brand new show on whichever channel. When I'm touring and I have a day day off i always love to see what is unique to that town oh i'm sure theresa you're a man of the people i mean it's a lot of fun to visit hidden treasures with kiana apparently hillbilly hot dog was like the place to go oh good old
Starting point is 00:35:18 hillbilly hot dog are they gonna tell us where they are they're in tennessee i think i mean i don't know this for sure, but I'm just assuming Hillbilly Hot Dog is in Tennessee. With that Dolly part in here. Oh no, they're in Virginia. Sorry. What? They're literally pulling up
Starting point is 00:35:38 into a shack that's called Hillbilly Hot Dog. And by the way, they're probably fucking good hot dogs. They probably are. Hillbilly Hot Dog. And by the way, they're probably fucking good hot dogs. They probably are. Hillbilly Wedding Chapel. A wedding chapel? Where? What the fuck?
Starting point is 00:35:53 Can you imagine for the rest of your life telling your wife, I'm so glad we got married at the Hillbilly Hot Dog Wedding Chapel. Crowning achievement of my life. Hey, let's go get some hot dogs. Don't let her in. Yee-haw! Come here, Sweeney. Man, he owns a weenie stand.
Starting point is 00:36:12 He sells best weenies around. Get the weenies. Yee-haw! Thank you. Wow. They did just say the best weenies around. They just said the best weenies around in a song. When you make up a song it's probably you've probably earned it sometimes something as simple as trying to order food is very difficult
Starting point is 00:36:31 because spirit clearly has a very different agenda for me oh my god i can't take it so this is how our original show started with the long island medium yeah she would just go get her nails done and oh god there's a spirit. Oh, really? And then she'd go order a sandwich and, oh God, did you just, you know, the same. I can't stand it. I'm feeling a buzz on my nipples. That means someone died in a car accident.
Starting point is 00:36:54 She's like rubbing her throat. I know she's rubbing her throat. Is she going to go through this whole routine where she's choking now? Yeah. And that means somebody died and they can't breathe? All right, I'm going to do the a la cheesy, beefy weenie.
Starting point is 00:37:04 A la cheesy, beefy weenie. A la cheesy beefy weenie. Hilarious. Beefy weenie. It just rolls off the tongue. It does. Beefy weenie right off the tongue. We're doing a whole comedy routine here, see? Nothing to do with the television cameras.
Starting point is 00:37:20 All right, it is 2486. I'm doing a lot. Jeez, 2486 for a cheese weenie? I know. That's 24 86 for a cheese weenie i know that's very one big weenie she's drinking diet mountain dew but you're an adult theresa stop it if you're gonna drink a mountain dew drink a fucking mountain dew you know what i'm saying that's my opinion just go for it anybody out there ever drank my diet mountain dew i do you do yeah you drink diet i do mountain dew sorry sorry to offend never mind i take it back no i'm Anybody out there ever drank Diet Mountain Dew? I do. You do? Yeah. You drink Diet Mountain Dew? Sorry.
Starting point is 00:37:46 Sorry to offend. Never mind. I take it back. No, I'm okay. So I don't know if you know what I do. Yeah, I don't know if you know what I do or why all these TV cameras are all around us. It's not about the hot dogs. It's about me.
Starting point is 00:37:58 It's about me. It's always about me. Because if I can deflect it to me, then I don't have to worry about you. But I'm able to communicate with people that have died. So when I start choking and coughing and I feel a restriction in the throat, it means that someone passed from something of the throat. I got a bunch of jizz in the back of my throat. Do you understand that?
Starting point is 00:38:17 My mom, actually. With suspenders in the background. He's like, oh, my God. Oh, my God. You mind moving it along? I got a half hour for lunch. I need my cheesy weenie. Cheesy weenie. Okay. She passed in the fire? Yeah,
Starting point is 00:38:31 she did. I'm very skeptical. Yeah. I mean, I am spiritual, but I'm kind of a skeptic when it comes to mediums and things in that aspect. Obviously, you're not. Because a lady just walked in with a bunch of TV cameras. Yeah, they Facebooked all of you
Starting point is 00:38:48 before they walked in. How many producers talked to these people before they actually showed up? You don't just randomly show up at these places and start filming. So when a soul hits me in the back of the head when they show me how they pass and they make me feel how they pass, hitting me in the back of the head
Starting point is 00:39:04 is the validation that she did not suffer to her death. I didn't see Hitting me in the back of the head is the validation that she did not suffer to her death. I didn't see anybody get hit in the back of the head, Teresa. Your head never moved like that. And she started rubbing her throat and coughing the minute she walked in there. So here's how it goes. For those of you that don't know, and you should know because we're adults in 2024. Yeah, that's just allergies.
Starting point is 00:39:20 It's just last night's dinner stuck in your throat. It's GERD. You have GERD. allergies just last night's dinner stuck in your throat it's gird you have gird that's where tech will clear up those ghosts zyrtec not approved for ghosts zyrtec for mild gird and ghosts oh my god i take ghost tech um so for those of you that don't know and you should know because you're an adult in 2024 but when someone when a tv film or tv or film crew go to film something like this they spend probably
Starting point is 00:40:02 at least a half a day at this place making sure they have the right angles that the tv cameras know where to stand also it's the cutest girls on staff they've got their hair done they've got their makeup done i guarantee these girls don't serve hot dogs looking like that on a regular tuesday no probably not i mean maybe they do but probably not they knew exactly when she was coming in they probably had a production crew there since the early morning theresa rolls up at noon to get her lunch or whatever. They have to sign releases so that they can use the material. And while some of those releases admittedly can be signed afterwards, 99% of the time
Starting point is 00:40:34 they're signed beforehand so that the TV crew can or the editing crew can use whatever is made inside of that to their advantage. They don't do that afterwards because someone might go, I didn't like what I said there, so can we take that part out? They start negotiating editing. So the second that you sign one of those contracts, how easy is it to just find out that information, pass it along to Teresa? You have their name, you have their address, their phone number,
Starting point is 00:40:58 their Facebook, their Instagram. You're doing research. By the way, even if you weren't a ghost, whatever, talker, these are things that producers of television shows would find out anyway. Wow. Do you understand that? Yeah. My mom passed away very unexpectedly three years ago.
Starting point is 00:41:21 She died in an apartment fire. Well, that is terrible. There's no doubt about that. That is terrible. But Teresa is not talking to her. Right. Your mom kind of looked at me and she goes, you know, I was a bit of a free spirit, Teresa. Does that make sense? Does that make sense when your mom died?
Starting point is 00:41:36 She kind of looked at me? What are you talking about? She kind of looked at me and she said, uh-huh. Yeah. My mom was not strict. She was very late. Yeah, you're right about that. She looked at me.
Starting point is 00:41:47 Teresa often says she doesn't see the spirits. Right. They touch her. They just hit her in the head. If you can see her, where is she? Yeah. Why can't you give me details? What does she look like?
Starting point is 00:41:57 Yeah, she's here. That kind of let me do whatever I wanted to do. She bought me my first beer when I was 15. She had the biggest heart. She was kind to everyone. She bought me my first beer when I was 15. She had the biggest heart. She was kind to everyone. She was a pretty incredible woman. She bought me my first beer when I was 15. Your mom says, I never told you, but how proud I am of you. She says, you've always made me proud. She just said to me, she goes, my daughter is the best mom.
Starting point is 00:42:26 She says she's twice the mom that I ever was. That doesn't mean that your mom wasn't a good mom. What she's acknowledging is the mom that you have become. Oh, now you're interpreting what the ghosts are saying in some kind of psychological therapeutic way. Gotcha, 10-4. You're now a ghost therapist. Go home.
Starting point is 00:42:48 And by the way, no offense to this young lady. Terrible thing happened to her mother. And if someone died that was close to me, I would desperately want to have one more conversation with them. Desperately want to have one more conversation with them. But I don't think you're too skeptical about this because Teresa is giving you zero information that you probably couldn't figure out on Facebook or Instagram. Yeah, I'd be pissed off if she walked up to me and said some shit like that. I sure would. I'll talk to my mom on my own. Thank you. I don't need it. I don't need your bullshit. I don't need your shit. Thank you. So she says, please know that I did not suffer to my death. That is the main reason why she needed to come through.
Starting point is 00:43:28 But more importantly, how much she loves you and how proud she is of you. Saying things generically that any child would want to hear from their mother or father one more time. Yep, 100%. I'm still waiting for my dad to say it. But I don't actually think he's proud of the car. So, Frank. Thank you so much. Well, don't thank me. Thank them.
Starting point is 00:43:52 I never, I didn't believe in this until they said you really nailed everything spot on. You nailed it. This two and a half minute conversation. A proud mom. Come on. Come on. I wish you all the best. Thank you. God bless. I can't believe it it's definitely real because somebody off the street that's walking into hillbilly hot dogs shouldn't know all that
Starting point is 00:44:12 no please come on don't don't don't say what the producers yeah don't drink the kool-aid don't don't say what the producers told you to say that's a a bunch of bullshit. Here are your weenies. Thank you. Thank you. We're not even going to eat the weenies. We're never interested in them. This was just for the show. This is just for the show. All right, more Teresa Caputo. We'll be back. Well, thank the baby Jesus. Brian took a breath, and now I will use this opportunity to let you know that we've got a brand new phone number. That's right. It's 212-433-3TCB. And you can text us anytime you want. Or you can call and leave us a voicemail
Starting point is 00:44:50 and we might just use your message on the show. Once Brian gets through all the messages he missed last year, of course. Anyway, you can also find and DM us on Instagram at thecommercialbreak and on TikTok at tcbpodcast. And of course, all of our audio and video is easily found on Now I'm going to thank G one more time that we have sponsors. So thank G and here they are.
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Starting point is 00:46:11 I love how my producer uses our liners to make fun of me, to slowly poke at our boss. I allow it. I allow it because I'm a weak-kneed, probably agree with her kind of guy. All right, back to Teresa. That was insane. Somebody passed me something in a neck or something. And I kept feeling something. Oh, now she's in the back of the restaurant doing another reading for another random human being who I guarantee is somehow related to this restaurant. Let's see.
Starting point is 00:46:37 My brain. You know, my husband died. Alzheimer's. And he had a lot of heart. So this so so when I. I'm one of the founders of this. He passed away on July 29th, 2021. And he had battled... Oh, he's the owner of the Hillbilly Hot Dog place.
Starting point is 00:46:56 Uh-huh, uh-huh, knew it. Timers for probably about a year and a half. And he used to look at me and say, I'm not ever going to forget you. Did he complain about his neck? Because he keeps making me feel the neck and I can't get rid of the neck pain. We had that checked so many times
Starting point is 00:47:18 and there was nothing. Oh my God. Did you post that on Facebook frequently? Why, yes, I did. How did you know that? Well, I have this little thing. I'm seeing, I have, when my neck hurts, it means he's on Facebook. They could find, but because, you know, he had heart issues and they were always checking his neck.
Starting point is 00:47:39 But he did. I knew it. I knew it. My neck hurts now. Oh, I got my neck. I was upstairs and I kept it. My neck hurts now. I got my neck. I was upstairs and I kept feeling the thing on my neck. Oh my God, how fake is this? They're doing like these cutaways where she's complaining about her neck frequently throughout the day.
Starting point is 00:47:54 What a fucking crock of shit. I can't. I can't. I can't even swallow it sometimes. It's so unbelievably and poorly edited. It's just terrible. Wow. It was this side.
Starting point is 00:48:06 Wow. And we had a chat. Who's the young girl who's with her? Is that her assistant? That's one of her assistants. Oh, okay. Poor girl. I never find anything that was wrong.
Starting point is 00:48:14 So when a soul shows me a plaid or a flannel shirt, it means that's what they always wore. Or more importantly, they only wore a specific type of shirt. Well, he has a red plaid shirt. What is she talking about? tina he's sitting there holding up his shirt yeah well he's dressed in a shirt he's standing there yeah how do you reason number three why this is a tv show anyway they give her a tv show because there's so many people out there and i don't i'm not i'm not calling them gullible. I'm saying they desperately want to believe
Starting point is 00:48:45 that someone, and maybe it's true. I don't discount that people talk to dead people. I don't discount that at all. I have friends, I've had experiences in my own life that I think are unexplainable, strange, and connected to some universal energy that I can't explain, I won't even try to explain. But what I don't do is I don't make believe. I'm not playing make believe with other people's dead people. I'm not messing with people's emotions. Yeah, this is the worst part of this. Yeah, it's terribly manipulative.
Starting point is 00:49:16 And you know, Chrissy pointed this out so many Teresa Caputo episodes ago, and I keep on thinking about this. How do these people then not follow up with Teresa immediately? And ask them questions. And ask them questions. Why are they not doing that? Are they not allowed to? Do they edit them out?
Starting point is 00:49:31 I would have questions. This drives me crazy. They probably make him sign it in the waiver that they won't ask questions. Too many detailed questions. That I have to hang by my front door because that's what he always would walk out. He'd put that on. And then you lay on his side of the bed. And I lay on his side of the bed.
Starting point is 00:49:47 And you feel him. You feel the bed move. I do. It's a love story. It truly is. And I miss him like crazy. Do you know, I have to tell you that my son in there, Vance, he had a dream that Sonny came to him.
Starting point is 00:50:02 Oh, yeah. But this is what your husband also wanted me to say. The dream, it wasn't a dream, it was a visitation. Oh, oh, oh, oh, wait. After you told me, I figured something out. You just reminded me. Yes, this is another thing that she does. She'll see a piece of clothing and she'll go,
Starting point is 00:50:16 is there a bracelet? Was there a bracelet involved? And the bracelet says, like, RIP Dad. You know what I'm saying? And she's like, I knew it. I knew it. Is your son in the kitchen? Yeah, he's in the kitchen. I.P. Dad. You know what I'm saying? And she's like, I knew it. I knew it. Is your son in the kitchen? Yeah, he's in the kitchen.
Starting point is 00:50:28 I got to see your son. I want the guys to sit down. We're going to bring Vance in here. Oh. Saved by Vance. So, Vance, are you familiar with who I am? I am. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:50:43 Oh, okay. Yeah, no, they're not familiar with who you are. He owns the restaurant. How did they get permission to film in the restaurant? From Vance. I delivered a few messages, and then your dad came through. Really? And there was a point where he wanted me to say that the dream, it wasn't a dream, it was a visitation.
Starting point is 00:51:02 say that the dream, it wasn't a dream, it was a visitation. It was your dad's soul coming to you, letting you know that he was okay. He's not okay, Teresa. He's dead. He's dead, Teresa. How can you look these poor people in their face
Starting point is 00:51:17 and say that? You lie. You lie. Because all she wants at the end of the day is the moolah. That's all she cares. She wants the moolah. That's all she cares. She wants the moolah. Do you know who I am? Yeah, do you know who I am? Do you know what I do?
Starting point is 00:51:29 No, Teresa, we don't. I con people. I'm a grifter. I'm a grifter. Thank you for signing that waiver. Yes, you want to play my poli-trick? Yes. Thanks for signing all those legal documents and a lot of stuff to come in here today.
Starting point is 00:51:45 I used those to my advantage and Googled you. We're making a gimmick out of you. Yes. Not suffering. Sonny was more than a stepfather to me. He was a guiding light in a lot of ways. A cool guy that just basically took me under his wing. He just had a special way of just putting his charm on things.
Starting point is 00:52:07 He says, and I want to thank you for the way that you have really stepped up. I actually think I believed Miss Cleo more than I believed Teresa Caputo. For sure. For sure. Like, Miss Cleo seemed more sincere and genuine than Teresa Caputo does.
Starting point is 00:52:22 Yes. He says, because every morning you're like, Sonny, I don't know what I'm doing, but I'm going to do it. Is that correct? No, it's not. Look at his face. He's like, my stepdad's not embarrassing me from the other side of the grave. So know that when you do that, know that his soul is right beside you. when you do that, know that his soul is right beside you.
Starting point is 00:52:44 And he says, and I want you to know that I'm proud on how you've been stepping up and really kind of doing things outside of the box or outside of things that you typically do. That's spot on. That's spot on because I posted it
Starting point is 00:52:59 on Facebook three days ago. I wish Sonny was here. By the way, Sonny sounds like a cool dude. Sonny, wherever he is, is probably like, ah, this fucking nitwit. How did she get involved? Spot on. So know that he wants to thank you for that.
Starting point is 00:53:16 Well, thank you. That is, wow. Every day I walk into this place and go, I got a lot to do. Because it's a constant game. And he always said, it's one piece of duct tape away from falling in. But nobody can live up to something. He was one of a million.
Starting point is 00:53:35 I do what I do to help people. No, you do what you do to make lots and lots of money. And then you torment them for the rest of their lives. You don't give them a business card or a cell phone number that they can call to have frequent conversations with their loved ones who unfortunately passed away. It is mean, it is cruel, and it is bullshit. And that's it. But how spirit gets me to move and to do things is just so incredible.
Starting point is 00:54:02 Well, you spoke to my wife earlier. She was like, Oh! No way! I didn't know that until five days ago. My producers told me after they did the Facebook dig. We didn't realize that until we were looking at
Starting point is 00:54:17 all your social media. That's why I made sure she was working today. Yes, we didn't realize that until we pulled That was your wife?! Yeah, I guess Teresa didn't even know until we pulled That was your wife? Yeah, I guess Teresa didn't even know I was married to Shannon. Oh, wow. You guessed Teresa didn't know. Of course you know that she knew.
Starting point is 00:54:37 Oh, my God. This was really a family affair. But the real question is, how was your food? Let me tell you something. I might have to go get another hot dog. I might have to go get another hot dog. I'm so interested in what's going on in this place. But unfortunately, I've got to get back to the Ritz-Carlton where I stay.
Starting point is 00:54:57 And that's nowhere close to here. Unbelievable bullshit coming from Teresa Caputo's mouth again. Again. Again. With. Again. With longer hair. Someone hit her on the back of the head. Come on. Every time she says it, I'm just like, no, Teresa, anything but that.
Starting point is 00:55:18 Any time she claims that she's having multiple conversations with ghosts and having a conversation in front of the person in front of her. Yeah, when mom looked at her and kind of said. Yeah, kind of said. Kind of looked at me. Can you tell me what she actually said because it's kind of important teresa you're talking to my dead mother good god unbelievable well we're here slaying teresa caputo again i'm sorry if you're a fan i'm not actually i'm not sorry if you're a fan i hope that you get the comfort and yeah if it serves you it
Starting point is 00:55:43 serves yeah i hope you get the comfort and empathy that you're looking for because I do know how hard it is to lose somebody. And I still see Nico sometimes. I still smell Nico sometimes in this house. Stinky ghost. Poor Nico. Stinky, stinky Nico. If he was only here with us, he would not approve of Teresa Caputo. He would bite her ankles.
Starting point is 00:56:06 That's right. And, as always, as I've always said and I always will say, I welcome Teresa on the show. I will be fair. I will be objective. Well, I'll be fair. I don't know if I'll be objective. But I'll be fair. Come in here and tell me how you do this. I want
Starting point is 00:56:22 the details. Give me any information about anyone close to me who's passed away that is meaningful, relevant, and detailed. And not on social media. And not on social media. And I promise you, you will turn me around. I'd give her a go. I'd give her a go.
Starting point is 00:56:35 Listen, I'm open-minded. Me too. I'm open-minded about everything. I have my opinions like everybody else does, but I'm not stuck to them. And I've changed my mind a lot. A lot. I changed my mind. everybody else does, but I'm not stuck to them. And I've changed my mind a lot. A lot. I changed my mind. Okay?
Starting point is 00:56:49 No fear of decisions here. Yeah. All right. That's where you go. You find out more information about the show, all the audio, all the video, right there from one location. Your free piggy fronting sticker with me as theresa caputo
Starting point is 00:57:06 on the way to your house if you drop us a line at the contact us button add the commercial break on instagram tcb podcast on tiktok and slash the commercial break our new phone number 212-433-3TCB okay tina i guess that's all i can do for today okay then but i'll tell you that i love you i love you i'll say best to you and best to you best to you out there in the podcast universe until next time tina and i do say we will say and we must say goodbye hear that that's the sound of waves crashing on a beach. And that? That's the sound of ice clinking in your favorite drink. The secret to making your retirement dreams come true is simple. Lower your investment fees.
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Starting point is 00:58:34 yeah try new coca-cola spiced today I'm going to Coachella to see this one. That is so stupid.

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