The Commercial Break - The Old BG Method

Episode Date: June 26, 2024

The Old BG Method encompasses more than just real estate failures. It also includes a house of birds, a chaotic sleep schedule, and screwdriver dreams. Birds, snakes, chipmunks, and kids Bryan’s B...ird House Are you my daddy? The Bryan-Astrid Bird Sanctuary Chronotype Again, those people! Waking up at 2:30am is so unhinged Bryan & Krissy are neurotic! Sleep schedules are hard The sleep theme continues Bryan's dream Screwdriver dreams Google Gemini analyzes our dreams Dream books FYI our show is in September NOT October!! LINKS: Send us show ideas, comments, questions or concerns by texting us   212.433.3TCB text or leave us a voicemail Watch TCB on YouTube Creator: Bryan Green Co-Host: Bryan Green Co-Host: Krissy Hoadley Producer: Christina A.  Producer: Gustavo B.  Download & Listen on the Audacy app To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You don't like my body? Well, piddly-poo, I answer to Jesus and the Duolingo Owl, and you, sir, are neither. On this episode of The Commercial Break... The fine green wetness of real estate madness! Your guru too can go bankrupt with real estate! The old BG method. The old BG method. Sell, low, buy, high. Every other guru out there tells you to do it the other way. You're going to lose your money either way. The next episode of The Commercial Break starts now.
Starting point is 00:00:35 Yeah, boy. Oh, yeah, cats and kittens, welcome back to The Commercial Break. I'm Brian Green. This is my purr baby purr kitten, Kristen Joy Holden. Best to you, Kristen. I'm Brian Green. This is my Purr Baby Purr Kid and Kristen Joy Holtley. Best to you, Kristen. Best to you. And best to you out there in the podcast universe. How the hell are you? Thanks for joining us. I like that purr. That was good. That was good. Yes.
Starting point is 00:00:55 Yes. You're making my house even more zoo-like than it already is. Thank you. You're adding one more to the mix. You're welcome. I got birds. I got snakes. I got dogs. Chipmunks. Chipmunks. I got kids. You can consider animals for certain more to the mix. You are welcome. I got birds, I got snakes, I got dogs. Chipmunks. Chipmunks. I got kids who you can consider animals for certain times of the day. I wake up, I get woken up this morning.
Starting point is 00:01:14 The door opens. Do you know how your husband opens the door? Are you, do you consciously or subconsciously understand how the door opens? What emotion is behind the door opening, or walking, or voice tone. I mean, voice tone, sure, you pick up on that kind of stuff, right?
Starting point is 00:01:30 Of course. But what I'm saying is, and I think I'm hoping that this is relatable, that when Astrid opens the door a certain way, like when I wake up, I know something is going on or not going on. What kind of mood there is. That's right, based on how the door opens
Starting point is 00:01:46 or how she walks across the house floor. Okay. And I can totally get it just by listening to that. I don't need any more information. I'm in trouble or I'm not in trouble. I have to wake up quickly or I'm okay to just pretend like I'm still sleeping. So she opens the door in a hurried fashion
Starting point is 00:02:00 and she stumbles over to the side of the bed and she's like, honey, honey, honey, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry to wake you up, but there's something going on and I don't really know how to handle it. And I'm like, what? What's happening? Because I know it's early, I can see like in the curtains that it's early. And I'm like, what? What's going on? And she goes, well, there's a bird standing outside of our front door asking to come in. And I'm like, what? What are you talking about? Am I in some weird dream state? Is big bird out there? Are the Muppets arriving? What happened? Is it blue trying to get,
Starting point is 00:02:32 you know, is it blue disguising itself as a bird so it can get more food? I don't know. And she goes, well, it's really weird because ever since we woke up, this bird has been chirping really loudly. And it actually sounded like it was in the house. I got scared when I woke up. I thought it was in the house, but it's been an hour and a half and the bird will not leave the front door. It is staring at the front door. It's right there, like at the front door. So, we have this little cove in our house where you can, there's like a covered patio and then once you get up to where the front door is, there's a big glass window on the side so we can open the curtains and see what's going on right in the front door.
Starting point is 00:03:07 Right there. It's like right there. And so I'm like, what? I don't even understand what you're saying. And she goes, you know what? Don't worry about it, honey. It's okay. Fine.
Starting point is 00:03:15 And I go, listen, I don't know what you want me to do about the bird at the front door. Like you want me to invite it in? Does it need coffee? Is it asking for sugar? I don't know. I don't know. What do you want me to do? You know, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:03:24 That's not a situation I've run across before. No bird has knocked on my front door before, so, but we did have birds living on our front door before. Well, that's what I was wondering, if there was some kind of connection. Maybe it was one of those birds that were born in your wreath on the front door, and it was coming back because that's what it knew. So, this is the weirdest thing. So, let me go back a little bit in TCB history. Last spring, we had a wreath, like a spring wreath that Astrid had put. Yeah, an Easter wreath. Yeah, like an Easter wreath. Yeah, right. It was an Easter wreath, that's what it was,
Starting point is 00:03:51 that we had put on the front door just for decoration. Astrid does that, you know, like changes the wreaths and the rugs and stuff like that. And one day- She does a great job, by the way. She really does. That kind of stuff just eludes me and I'm so glad I have- Of course really does. That kind of stuff just eludes me and I'm so glad I have a- Of course it does. Yeah, why have I ever bought one seasonal deck? I buy a Christmas tree every year when I was single, but I had like five decorations,
Starting point is 00:04:13 so I just string a bunch of lights on it. But anyway, it's terrible. It's terrible. Meanwhile, it's June and I just bought some ceramic pumpkins that Jeff happened to be there when they arrived. He's like, what is that? And I said, I was hoping they would come when he wasn't around and I could just open them and put them up in the closet.
Starting point is 00:04:29 But he said, what is that? I said, ceramic pumpkins. He goes, what? You're really thinking about Halloween. And I said, well, no, here's the deal. If you don't buy the decorations during like the peak season, then you get the good stuff. You get stuff that's not jacked up to on price.
Starting point is 00:04:51 Anyways, that was a side deviation. Chrissy at Michael's in July, when they start putting the Christmas stuff out and they're all on sale. So then she goes, and I'm so tired, Chrissy, like I'm so tired, it's a terrible night. I'm so tired. And so I'm just like, okay, babe, I don't know what I can do about the bird at the front door, but she knows and I know that as much as I complain about the fucking possums and blues barking, I am at heart a fucking hippie.
Starting point is 00:05:22 Yes, you are. So I'm like, now, so she leaves. You're an animal lover. I'm an animal lover. So she leaves and I'm a lover. I'm just a fucking hippie. Yes, you are. So, I'm like, now, so she leaves. You're an animal lover. I'm an animal lover. So, she leaves and I'm a lover. I'm just a lover of all things. If I saw a, whatever, a hurt, whatever, I would probably try and at least make some attempts
Starting point is 00:05:35 to do something about it. Call somebody else to take care of it. So, she leaves and then five seconds, I try to go back to sleep, five seconds later, my head starts rolling. What's wrong with the bird? Of course. The bird can't fly. Maybe the the birds hurt. We have a family full of red hawks. Can't just ignore the bird at your front door. It's just too weird of a thing to happen to
Starting point is 00:05:53 ignore. So, of course, a minute later now, I'm up stumbling around, putting on my clothes, you know, and I come out. But back for a second to the wreath. There were birds that were born in the wreath. a second to the wreath, there were birds that were born in the wreath. Yes, we noticed too late, we noticed that a bird like a regular house finch, house robin, whatever you call them, the house birds, brown robins, whatever they are, they had, she had, they had made a nest and it was already too far along for us to kind of like, you know, not like take the wreath down. It was already almost complete. Yeah, to kind of like, not, like take the wreath down. It was already almost complete. Yeah, you can't mess with it then.
Starting point is 00:06:27 We just didn't know. We just didn't notice. We never noticed that these birds were making this nest. And by the time we did, it was too late and we just decided, okay, leave it there. Hopefully all the opening and closing will scare her away from putting her eggs here. But she did.
Starting point is 00:06:40 And then it was a whole fucking thing. I saved the baby birds from snakes. I opened my door to get them warm one morning. Like it was a whole fucking thing. I saved the baby birds from snakes. I opened my door to get them warm one morning. Like it was a whole fucking thing. Now we have a bird sanctuary on our front door. So weird. And then when those birds, when those baby birds came out of that, those eggs,
Starting point is 00:06:58 it was like, it was like a teaching moment too for the kids, remember? Cause they come out all wet and crazy. It was a teaching moment. They were so scared shitless when those birds came out. And then one of them didn't make it. And it was like, we had to have a little lesson in life. Anyway, so there was a very similar birds
Starting point is 00:07:19 on my front door for three months, not but a year and some change ago. So I get dressed, I stumble out, I go, I go to the side window, all my kids are there staring out at it, poking the window. And no shit, Chrissy, this bird is not one inch from the front door, staring at the front door. It is, I can tell that it's a baby
Starting point is 00:07:42 based on some of the baby feathers that were coming off of it. And she is, or he is, really upset. She's like, Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah. And I'm like, oh God, what do we do about this one? I mean, you know. Yeah. So at first I go, okay, just scare her away. She's obviously a baby bird and maybe she got lost. And you know, if you can get her back in the air she'll figure it out or some bird will call her over. I don't know I don't know how fucking birds work. Give her an over though. I don't know. She'll go to the bird grocery store and everything will be
Starting point is 00:08:17 fine. She'll go to the bird police station figure out where her mommy and daddy is. So I tap the window. You know that's what she does. She looks at me and then she So I tapped the window. Knock, knock, knock, knock. Ah! You know, that's what she does. She looks at me and then she goes, ah! Back at the door. I was like, okay, all right, well. I said- That didn't work.
Starting point is 00:08:32 I said to myself, okay, open the door because just open it a little bit, like open and close it real quick. It'll scare her and she'll go off. Well, that didn't deter her either. Now she's like, now I think she's coming in the door. She thinks she's making a, she thinks I'm inviting her in or something. She's like, ah, ah, ah, ah, now she's bouncing
Starting point is 00:08:49 around, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah. And I thought, oh, she must be hungry or thirsty. But I don't know what to give a fucking bird. It's not like I have bird food sitting around. I don't have smashed up worms sitting around my house. And what do they eat? They eat like gullet food, don't they? Jared Sarkissian Seeds and stuff. Jared Sarkissian Seeds? Oh, yeah, I definitely don't have any of those hanging around. I mean, the only kind of seeds I... Never mind, I'm not going to go there. Listen, I don't want to give the bird anything that I think is going to kill it, and I don't think this is true, that
Starting point is 00:09:13 you can't handle a bird because then it never gets touched by, you know, then it will forever be excommunicated, shunned. It's so stupid. The bird isn't Mormon. It's not going to be shunned from the community. It doesn't matter if you touch the bird. But I also know that it's probably not a wise idea to go picking up a baby bird. So what do I do? I default, remember when the snake came to the house and tried to eat the baby birds? And Brian had to be out there with like a homemade mask and tin foil hat and a shovel and my pool, my pool cleaner. Yeah, that's like 28 feet long. Yeah, the skimmer.
Starting point is 00:09:50 So that's what I do. I go, let's cut out all the drama, go straight for the skimmer. You know what I'm going to do? I'm going to see if I can nudge her along off the front porch. Yeah, and to the yard. Yeah, to the yard because it is covered porch. So if she tries to fly, she's going to hit her head, right? Let's see if I can get her out there.
Starting point is 00:10:05 And so I go, I put the pool skimmer down, the one end down on the front porch, not close to her, real close, real quiet, real slow, so I don't like totally scare the shit out of her. And she turns around, she looks at me, and she starts bouncing toward me. And she's like, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah. Daddy.
Starting point is 00:10:21 Yes. Maybe so. Are you my daddy? Yeah, are you my daddy? Isn't there a book about are you my mommy? Hi daddy! Listen, I just want to come in for a few months. I know I owe you some money, but I just want to come in for a few months. You got a hot meal or something?
Starting point is 00:10:30 Can a brother get a shot of Jack? I mean, come on, dad. And I'm like, no, you cannot come in. I already have enough wild animals in that house. You're not coming in. You're not coming in. You're not coming in. You're not coming in.
Starting point is 00:10:38 You're not coming in. You're not coming in. You're not coming in. You're not coming in. You're not coming in. You're not coming in. You're not coming in. You're not coming in. You're not coming in. You're not few months. You got a hot meal or something? Can a brother get a shot of Jack? I mean, come on, dad!" And I'm like, no, you cannot come in. I already have enough wild animals in that house. You're not coming in that house.
Starting point is 00:10:50 I'm determined that whatever happens, that bird is not coming in the house, because last time we had a bird in captivity, the thing almost killed Astrid. So, I, so then, as it's coming toward me, I'm like, okay, okay, I just sit there, I'm just trying to, as if I'm reasoning with the bird. Do you know what I'm saying? Right. Like we all do this. We all of a sudden have this voice in our head. We give human attributes to the animal. I am the chosen one.
Starting point is 00:11:15 I am the one who is here for the bird. Only I can speak to the bird. The bird whisperer. If I just use the right tone of voice, the bird will clearly understand me. And I'm like, hey babe, what's going on? Where's your parents? Meanwhile, in her little pea brain, she's like, worms, worms, worms. But me, you know, I'm having a complicated theological discussion with this bird.
Starting point is 00:11:38 And so, I'm like, it's okay, we're going to figure it all out. I don't want you to worry about it. She bounces down the stairs, and now she's like, three feet from me, two feet from me. She's real close. And then I started hearing other birds out there getting a little excited, right? Like, and I'm really conscious of the fact, two things. Number one, birds, they, I've seen these brown birds chase the red hawks around here and they get that red hawk away. Like, those birds aren't afraid of the red hawk, and that red hawk is much more of a badass than I will ever be. So, I'm thinking to myself, don't not fuck with the mama birds. Like, don't touch her, don't threaten, like, maybe I'm just a little too close to the bird and everyone's getting upset. So, then I take
Starting point is 00:12:19 my hands, you know, like I'm herding sheep. I'm like, here you go, birdie, birdie, birdie, birdie, here you go, birdie, birdie, birdie. And you know what? She picks up on it. She goes, she bounces, and we walk down, we're walking down the walkway, hand in hand, her and I. I'm like, hey, okay, come on, follow me. Yeah, follow me. It's okay. I got plenty of worms and water right over this way. Catfishing the bird. So, I managed to get it around the house and I think to myself, if I could put it in the backyard, it's a relatively safe place for it to be. Like, you know, it's in the backyard, it's got plenty of room to try and fly. I can see, by the way, a couple of times she bounces and she flutters her wings. She has just fallen
Starting point is 00:13:00 out of the nest. She doesn't know how to fly. That's what's going on. And she got confused and she ended up at the front door for whatever reason, maybe there is some smell there or something. I don't know. You know? Maybe, I don't know. Maybe she's the grandchildren of this particular bird. Yeah, she's visiting. She's Google mapping us. I don't know. So, I chase her in the backyard. You know, we kind of, we kind of walked together into the backyard. And then the brown birds or whatever birds are up in the trees. And there are lots of them. Like where I live, I have, there's a lot of greenery around here.
Starting point is 00:13:35 And there are a lot of fucking birds. They're very loud. They're very, they're all always flying all over. I mean, like a lot of places, they're always flying all over. Like I live in some jungle or something. People don't know what birds are. What are you doing, Brian? Who are you talking to? Do you think most of your audience lives in the desert or the Antarctica? Yes, they've seen trees and birds.
Starting point is 00:13:57 Yes, they've seen trees and birds. You know how they work. So, once I get her into the backyard, now she buddies up to a tree, right? And now she's like staring up at the tree and she's like, and now I hear the other birds are really calling back. Like they're all. And I'm like, okay, all right. This is where my time ends here, Birdie. You're under a tree, you're in the shade, very fucking hot out here in Atlanta right now. I said, you're under the tree, you're in the shade, there's the pool if you need some water, I gotta leave you to your thing. You gotta go fly, you gotta figure it out.
Starting point is 00:14:29 Just bounce across the ground and, you know, here, you got plenty of room here to just go back and forth and figure out the flying. So, leave it alone. And then I go manage to catch another hour of sleep, I wake up, I open the back windows to see if I can see her anywhere in the backyard. My backyard is completely enclosed.
Starting point is 00:14:49 So if she can't fly over the six and a half foot fence, then it's likely she would still be there. And then I go, let me go out in the yard and just do a little investigating and see if I see her. Cause I'm all worried about the fucking bird. By the way, damn you Astrid, because you knew this was gonna happen. You knew I was gonna get emotionally invested in this bird.
Starting point is 00:15:05 And by the way. I've got things to do with the kids. Let me tell Brian about it so he can handle it. Astrid's an animal lover too, but she's not a hands-on animal lover. She would prefer that, you know, if there's a bug in the house, she would prefer that I kill it.
Starting point is 00:15:21 If there's something hurt, she'd prefer that I grab it. You know what I'm saying? Like she just wants, she is invested, but she's scared of touching it. Yeah. I'm not scared or whatever. She doesn't like it. So, I go out in that backyard and I, now I am, there's literally a hunt going on for this bird. I'm searching under rocks, I'm looking under my pool house, I'm going, you know, climbing up the halfway up the swing set to see if I can see anything on the ground. I don't see anything. I don't see any, there's no carcass. That's good. There's no carcass, no dead bird. There's no bird squawking. I can't find her anywhere in that yard and she's not in the pool. So, I know one of two things happen. And so, Astrid, you know, comes home from wherever
Starting point is 00:16:01 she is with the kids and she walks in and she says, hey babe, what's going on? I said, yeah, I just checked out in the backyard and let's see our little friend out there. And I said, so that's good. She probably flew away. And then Astrid goes, Or the hawk. Or got eaten by the hawk. Yeah. I was like, Astrid, don't give me the bad news. Stop it. I was trying to think positive here, but nope, Astrid has to put the kibosh on it. But I thought it was so weird that the exact, I mean, maybe it's not weird because they're rather common, but tell me if you think it's
Starting point is 00:16:31 just a little bit weird that that bird, which is the same family of bird, like I think the same species of bird that was hanging off my front door, came to the door and for almost two hours was sitting there squawking at that door and not scared of any of us. Yeah. Yeah. It's a baby bird. It should be scared of everything, but it wasn't scared of anything.
Starting point is 00:16:51 Like it wasn't scared of us at all. Well, it knew you, this was, it had been, the, the tails of the green household, the green front door had been passed down from generation to generation and it knew that it was a safe space. Wouldn't that be cool? Wouldn't that be cool if there's like some bird lore going on about how Brian and Astrid protected baby birds from certain death? Like, you know, I don't know, like Mecca or something.
Starting point is 00:17:13 If you're ever in trouble, go to this. Go to this. Yes. If you're ever in trouble, son. And meanwhile, you shoot it away into the hawk's lair. Yes. Meanwhile, I put it right into the claws of that hawk. I'm actually pretty sure that's what happened.
Starting point is 00:17:28 Yeah. Yeah. Those hawks, man, they get it. I've seen them take chipmunks off the ground. I've seen them take baby squirrels off the ground. It's the cycle of life. It is the cycle of life. All right, son, I'm going to tell you a little story.
Starting point is 00:17:40 Back way, way, way, way, way, way back when humans ruled the earth, there was a man in a white house with a door. And that man saved an entire family from certain snake destruction. And now that man we call God. He's our Father God, our Lord. He is bold and old and wise like the, and he's not that wise, but he's our Lord. And so, just remember, if you ever get into trouble or you find yourself struggling in life, pray to the man in the White House. He is our savior! Ka-baa! Ka-ka!
Starting point is 00:18:27 And that little bird was like, ah, shit, I fell out of the nest, what do I do now? And he heard, Go to the White House! Our Lord, our Savior! So, I just, I don't know, maybe I'm putting too much meaning behind it, but I couldn't help but think when I was trying to go back to sleep this morning that, wow, that's really weird.
Starting point is 00:18:50 Like I said, it seems like your door is some kind of safe space. Yeah, it really does. And you know, I know that like birds, they peck on windows and they get obsessed with a particular thing, but this was, this is not a window. It was, there was no mirror. It was just, it's just a door. I mean, it's just a door and it was really, I think, calling for help. I think that's what it was doing and why it was calling us for help, I'm not sure. But you know, the universe is
Starting point is 00:19:14 mysterious and she works in funny ways. That's just, that's just the way it is, Christi. I believe it. All right. I'm going to keep it on faith that the birds love Brian because I saved a family one time. Yes, I think that's it. That's totally it. Yeah, certain swallowing of one incredibly large black snake. All right, let's take a break and we'll be back with more bird drama here on The Commercial Break. What? Oh, hi, it's Kristina again, here to remind you to go to
Starting point is 00:19:43 for all things audio, video, and TCB-dio. Give us a follow on Instagram at the commercial break and on TikTok at tcbpodcast. And guess what? We have a new phone number. I know what you're thinking, but I promise this is the last TCB phone number you will ever have to remember. So call us and leave us a voicemail or text us at 212-433-3TCB. Once more for the people in the back, that's 212-433-3TCB.
Starting point is 00:20:13 Oh, and check out our YouTube channel at slash The Commercial Break. That's all for now. Let's listen to our sponsors and get back to the show. and get back to the show. It's Sophia Franklin. And if you don't already know, listen up. My mini series is live now each and every Monday. And the only person missing is you. We're dating, we're dumping, we're learning,
Starting point is 00:20:44 and we're tapping into all the feels that originally brought us together. Listen and follow Sophia with an F on the Odyssey app or wherever you get your podcasts. Do you know what your chronotype is? Do you know what that is? My chromosomes? No. No, I'm not talking about your DNA. I'm talking about your chronotype. type is? Do you know what that is? My chromosomes? No, no, I'm not talking about your DNA. I'm talking about your chronotype, your sleep type. Ah, the sleep type. They call it the chronotype. I'm assuming that means chronological type, like how your body cycle works.
Starting point is 00:21:16 But I'm just learning about this over the last couple of days, really. And I've read about this before. Yes, I'm more of the night owl. You're the owl? Mm-hmm. Okay, I don't think owl is one of them, but I get it, you're more the person that's, you're like, they call it the, tr-tr-tr-tr-tr-tr-tr-tr-tr, what time do they, what do they call it?
Starting point is 00:21:33 I perk up a little bit more at night, even if I've been tired throughout the day, and then I like to sleep in, in the morning. So you're most productive between three and seven, would you say? Is that like your productive time? Okay, you're a dolphin, that's what you are, you're a dolphin. Oh, choo-choo-choo-choo, there's the morning. So you're most productive between three and seven, would you say? Is that like your productive time? Okay, you're a dolphin. That's what you are.
Starting point is 00:21:47 You're a dolphin. Oh, choo choo choo choo choo. Where's the noise? Oh yeah, that's right. We have a dolphin noise. Finally, we can use this fucking contraption we still paying road caster for. I like being a dolphin.
Starting point is 00:21:58 I think that I- That's my blues, my favorite color too. Yeah, I think I'm a wolf is what I am. So let me explain what a chronotype is, and then I'll explain what your chronotypes are. Okay. All right So a chronotype can vary from person to person depending on genetics age and other factors Some scientists believe that chronotype may differ according to geographical location as well Due to changes in sunlight hours to figure out your chronotype think, think about your sleeping preferences, energy levels throughout the day, meal timing, and other facets of your circadian rhythm. When these types, while these types can give you a general idea of your ideal schedule, there will always be, okay, we understand you have to have a disclaimer in there. Okay.
Starting point is 00:22:38 So, there's four of them, and I'll go through them really quickly and explain kind of what they mean. There's the lion. The lion chronotype stands in for the early bird. These individuals wake up early and are most productive in the morning, but may have trouble following a social schedule in the evenings. Personality traits associated with morningness include conscientiousness and agreeableness. Okay, that's someone who would typically be most productive
Starting point is 00:23:04 between 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. They start getting tired or want to go to sleep sometime in the 10 o'clock hour and they wake up early 6 a.m. Or in some cases earlier. I know people like that and I've always just not identified with them. I don't know how that works. You know, I guess it's the chronotype. I worked for this like large consulting group one time and super like super brainiac type people. Do you know what I'm talking about? Super brainiac type people. How I got hired, I'm not sure. Those people.
Starting point is 00:23:31 Those people. The kind of people who wear shoes to work with ties and shirts with buttons and have credit cards and cars with wheels. I know about you. I've seen you. The kind of people who shop at the Cro-Ger. I see you walking into Publix. I see you. I know who you are. Titans of industry. Baron and baronesses of cash and finance. I had no idea how I got involved in this group, but they really were some of the smartest people I have ever met, like book smart type people. And so the CFO, who was like the kind of the personality of the business, you know, everybody worked remotely, but he was the personality of the business.
Starting point is 00:24:19 He drove the emotional part of the business. He was, go get him, go Tiger, go, you know, he's really, you know, he would pump you up. Like the cheerleader. Cheerleader. Pump you up. We're going to do this. The company's going to grow. We're going to get this client. We got it. And he would also handle a lot of the big meetings that would happen with the big corporations we were dealing with. And he woke up, no shit in you, 2 30 a.m. in the morning, every fucking day.
Starting point is 00:24:47 2.30? Yes, he would be asleep, I think 7.30 was his time, and he would sleep until 2.30, then we would take a nap like in the late morning, right? Was he like a former morning radio? I know, I was just, I know, he wasn't, and that's a crazy thing. And when I had met him, he was in his, I want to say late fifties, and he said he had been doing this for like the last, I think it was decade or two. So, you know, it wasn't something that he had done all his life, but he said, when I did it, it changed my life in every way.
Starting point is 00:25:16 It's good to go with what your body says. I don't know whose body says, get up at 2.30 in the morning. My body says, where is D? That's what my body says, because I need help staying up there, getting up this early. But here was his routine, just to give you a little snapshot. So this guy would definitely be in the lion category, like extreme lion category. He would get up, he would go in his sauna for an hour, he would read when no one else was around, no emails were dinging off, he would read, read a book of whatever, he's always reading a book, right? And then he would do some light exercise, he would get a little bit of breakfast, and then he would answer every email that had
Starting point is 00:25:54 come in since 3 p.m. the day before, and then he would also take care of whatever work tasks he had. So he was productive between like, I think if I remember correctly, like four or 4.30 in the morning to 9 a.m. So those were his five hours when he just did work. No one bothering him, no answering emails, no nothing. He's also the guy who changed my life when he said, check emails twice a day. At the very beginning of the day
Starting point is 00:26:20 and at the very end of the day and do not check emails any other time unless there's an emergency you're needing to be taken care of, right? And that changed my life. And now I just check emails twice a month. Once at the beginning of the month and then later on that day. And then good luck getting a hold of me. Yes, I took it further. Okay. But he was extraordinarily productive waking up this fucking early. I just, I don't see it. Sounds great.
Starting point is 00:26:42 Yeah, sounds great. Well, I mean, I guess it does sound great. For him. Like you don't want to be bothered by anybody. Yeah. You know what I'm saying? So number two is the bear. Bear, according to Dr. Bruce, I don't know who Dr. Bruce is, the bear chronotype makes up about 55. He's they. He's they.
Starting point is 00:26:58 They say. The chronotype makes up about 55% of the population. People with this immediate chronotype tend to follow the sun. They do well with traditional office hours, but also have no problem maintaining a social life in the evening. So these are like the straddlers. This is most people on earth. This is what they do.
Starting point is 00:27:16 They go to bed around 11-ish, they get up around 7 or 8-ish, they are most productive between 10 a.m. and two or three in the afternoon. I wish that that was me. I wish that I could do that because that's a very normal regulated schedule that everyone kind of adheres to. But I'm not like that. That's not me. So there's the wolf chronotype. The wolf chronotype is the equivalent to a classic night owl and is believed to make up approximately 15% of the population. Traits typically related to eveningness include neuroticism and open... You got it.
Starting point is 00:27:51 You got it. Yep. That's Chrissy. Chrissy? No, I thought that was, you said that was the wolf. You said I was a dolphin. Oh, that's right. You're the dolphin, I'm the wolf.
Starting point is 00:28:02 I'm sorry. You are neurotic at night. I'm neurotic any time of the day. What I'm sorry. You are neurotic at night. I'm neurotic any time of the day. What are you talking about? Neurotic at night. Wolves are creative thinkers. They are most productive in the afternoon and they like to go to bed. Like that is me. Well, that was me. I thought that's what I told you I was. Well, wait, but whole. Yeah, I think you're the wolf and I'm the dolphin actually, Chrissy. What's the dolphin? The dolphin is the chronotype is based on the ability of real dolphins to stay alert,
Starting point is 00:28:27 even while sweet sleeping, even while sleeping. Oh, well, no, that's not me. I go to sleep hard. Yeah. Human dolphins are best described. Human dolphins. You got it. You followed along now? Human dolphins are best described as insomniacs, though that is not the correct terminology. Dolphins are sensitive sleepers with fragmented sleep patterns
Starting point is 00:28:49 and rarely keep a regular sleep schedule. Mm. That's you. That is Brian. That is Brian to AT. Down the wolf. You are a wolf. So you are neurotic also, but you're open.
Starting point is 00:29:00 You're open about it. I'm open. You're open about your neuroticism. Yeah, okay. So you like to be, what time do you typically go to bed? After midnight? Yeah, midnight to one would be like my sweet spot. Sometimes I try and get a bit earlier
Starting point is 00:29:17 just to get up earlier. Yeah, just because Brian's bothering you to do episodes earlier in the day. But no, yeah, I go to bed usually by midnight or one. The other night I stay up till two, which it's crazy. Yeah, God, that's late. But then I like to sleep until nine ish. Yeah, that's not bad.
Starting point is 00:29:36 Nine, ten. Yeah. And then I kind of like to, you know, mosey and do my stuff if I'm not working that day. Yeah. And, but then around two, three o'clock is when I really get pumped up. I'm like, okay, let's start the day. Has your sleep pattern changed in life?
Starting point is 00:29:53 Not really. No, you've always been this way since a teenager? Yeah. Because I think teenagers, probably when you start getting these cycles, like the cycles really start playing themselves out, maybe teens or late teens. Yeah, you know, I used to be a super night owl, but there was a lot of narcotics involved in that.
Starting point is 00:30:09 Yeah, exactly. Yeah. I mean, it was, and my business, which was the restaurant business, everybody, you have to be a night owl. There's just no two ways about it. There was the rare and lucky waiter or waitress or bartender that I worked with that only did day shifts because they had children or for whatever reason, they had some other night job or whatever. But most of us were young and full of piss and vinegar and being up late. Like you get off work at 11.30. And you're amped up. You're amped up. What do you do? You haven't done anything fun for the last, you know, eight hours.
Starting point is 00:30:41 Yeah. You want to go somewhere and you want to have a few drinks and you want to unwind. you know, eight hours, you want to go somewhere and you want to have a few drinks and you want to unwind. So for most of my 20s and maybe early 30s, I was a super night owl. Four in the morning was not an unusual time for me to go to bed. Because even in the earliest of circumstances,
Starting point is 00:30:57 I wouldn't have to get up till about 10.30 in the morning to be at an 11.30 shift for work. So, you know, you get six and a half hours of sleep when you're 24, like that's no big deal. So, you know, you get six and a half hours of sleep when you're 24. Like, that's not, that's not big deal. Yeah, that's good. Yeah. But I have noticed throughout my life that I am a fragmented sleeper and I am super sensitive to anything that happens around me. I will wake up lickety split, right? And it's not my favorite
Starting point is 00:31:21 thing about myself. If I'm being real honest, I wish I could be a bit of a more deep sleeper. So I really like it when we go to the ocean. Because when that window is open and I can hear the ocean, I'm out. You could hit me over the head with a baseball bat. I'm sure that I would wake up and I'd want to go right back to sleep. I mean, it's like, you know, it feels really nice for some reason. So yeah, I, you know,
Starting point is 00:31:43 Yeah, when I go to sleep, I'm out. Jeff even makes fun of me. He's like, what, you didn't hear that? You are out. You did not hear that? Like, you didn't? How did you not wake up? He's like, you turn around and kiss me and say, night night. And he goes, and then you're out. Like that. He's like, I wish I could do that. He's so right. I mean, listen, I've never slept with Hoadley, but I've slept around Hoadley, right? And-
Starting point is 00:32:09 I'm out. You're out. You are way out. Chrissy has, makes herself seven course meals that she doesn't remember. I mean, that's a true story. You are a way deep sleeper, way, way, way deep sleeper. And I envy the deep sleepers. Astrid is also like that most of the time. She's like deep asleep. Takes me a couple hey honeys to wake her up. Truth is, most of the time when someone tries to wake me up, I'm awake, but I ignore you by continuing
Starting point is 00:32:36 to keep my eyes closed because I want you to think that I'm sleeping so that you will leave me the fuck alone. That's funny. Wait, have you always been like that part or is this just now with the kids and the family? No, I've always been a super, oh, the pretending part? Oh no, that's just, that kind of amped up when the kids,
Starting point is 00:32:53 you know, listen, I love my kids, but come on, it's a little early, you know? They get up early. But you know what, that's not really, they do get up early. God damn, they get up early. Yeah, they are, I don't know what they are, rats? I'm not sure what version of chrono time they have.
Starting point is 00:33:06 Well, it's because they go to bed early and they're just, bing, up at 5.36. 90% of them go to bed between seven and eight o'clock. They're up to nine at the latest. So I get it. You know, you got a full night's sleep, good nine hours. They're supposed to sleep for like 10 to 12 hours, some of them, and they never do that.
Starting point is 00:33:26 They go to bed, I mean, they sleep for eight hours, but they never get that, I don't know, we just didn't luck out in that way. I think that as I got older, I understood the value in waking up earlier. I don't think it's necessarily in my circadian rhythm to wake up super early, like 5.45 in the morning to go out and run. But there have been periods of my later adult life
Starting point is 00:33:49 where I have done that. I make it a habit, right? Once you make it a habit, you kind of get adjusted to it. Well, I feel like too, it's what's going on in your life. I mean, if you're kind of going through a stressful time or a lot's going on in your head, then that might wake you up. Yes.
Starting point is 00:34:04 And I've had that happen before, where I was like, bing, all of a sudden I'm up at six o'clock and then I just can't go back to sleep. So then I'm like, well, let me be productive and read or let me look at this thing on the phone. Yeah. I don't know. Yeah, you know, I'm so interested to hear,
Starting point is 00:34:18 yeah, and I know that there's people that work like, I am so interested to understand how a doctor or a nurse at an emergency schedule at a hospital, how they do it. Now, I have friends that are nurses, I've had friends that are nurses in like, neonatal units, like emergency nurses, people who work in emergency rooms, and they kind of explain what the schedule is, but I would never have pulled back the curtains on how does that affect your everyday fucking life? When about five years ago, you know, when I was in real estate buying high and selling
Starting point is 00:34:50 low, the Frank Green method to real estate madness. You too can be a real estate, you too can go bankrupt with real estate. The old BG method. The old BG method. Sell low, buy high. Every other guru out there tells you to do it the other way. You're going to lose your money either way. We built a house.
Starting point is 00:35:16 The house was going to go to two young emergency physicians, emergency room physicians. They both worked at the same hospital. They both did the exact same hospital, they both did the exact same thing, and they had a child and they had these schedules. So, one of the requests in the closet that they had was enough room to put a bed in the closet. So, a bed and a TV, and they wanted a, like, island in the middle, so that, and it needed to be attached to a huge bathroom that had a nice shower and a water closet, so that when one of them had a schedule that wasn't befitting of the other person, they could go in there, they could close the door, they could sleep, shower, eat, and get dressed,
Starting point is 00:35:59 all in this little like enclosed area. In the closet? In the fucking closet. Don't ask me. And what about another root bathroom? Well, that's what I thought, but I don't know. Who am I? I don't know. Maybe that's weird for them. It was weird for me. Maybe it's weird for them. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:36:12 I guess you have all your clothes there ready to get dressed. But don't you wear the same thing anyways with your scrubs? Yeah, like are you picking out an outfit for the day? No. I mean, I dated a nurse and 90% of the clothes in her closet were scrubs. She had like hundreds of pairs of scrubs. But I never really like pulled back the curtain on how that affects your body, that weird scheduling. I know we have some people that are truckers
Starting point is 00:36:37 and they probably pull really weird schedules. I know some folks working, some people who we've, like listeners of ours, have communicated with us that they are, work at factories in long shifts overnight. And I just wonder how you, if that's not the way that your body naturally works, how that affects you. It must be not fun, actually. I don't think I'd like that. Well, I mean, I think you have to love the job so much that you make it work. Yeah. That's why I wouldn't be a good doctor. Yeah. That's why I wouldn't be a good doctor. Yeah. That's why I wouldn't be a good doctor or a trucker or any of that stuff.
Starting point is 00:37:10 I kind of like to set my own sleep schedule. I don't want my work determining when I do or do not sleep. Do you know what I'm saying? I think that's just- No, it works that way for us. God bless everyone who does it because we need you. Please, I'm not trying to poo-poo. I'm just saying it's for a better person than me because I don't think I could do it.
Starting point is 00:37:30 If I could be a bird doctor, if I could just be a bird doctor and just work the morning shift, like save one bird a day, I'd be okay with that. Like just walk to people's houses. What if I was like the bird, you know, the bird man? I could be the bird man. I wake up early, I have a cup of coffee. You'd have to wake up early then. I read next door until someone says there's a bird at my front door. Because you better believe if this had happened to someone that was on next door, this bird situation this morning, it would have been all over next door.
Starting point is 00:37:57 You would have had people coming over to your house, I'm sure, to see it and to help it and give their opinions on it. shirts to see it and to help it and give their opinions on it. Jared Sussman Yeah. Some of these, some of these people, I saw a Nextdoor post the other day. And this is like, completely irrelevant to our sleep conversation. But I saw a Nextdoor post the other day. And some lady was like, spotted. Person walking down the street, strangely. It was a kid walking down the street. It was a picture, but it wasn't a picture of a kid. It was a picture of her thumb.
Starting point is 00:38:31 She had taken a picture of the kid that was actually a picture of her thumb that then she posted on Nextdoor and said spotted, kid, you know, person walking strangely. And you could see like, just like, you know, the head of the kid outside of her thumb. And you're like, what the fuck, dude? What about the one that I sent you that said,
Starting point is 00:38:46 nothing stolen, but there was this inebriated woman that sat on my front porch and rearranged furniture. Well, thanks for the cleanup. For about an hour. By the way. Sitting there with a 40. Should we just start saying things that are not happening to us?
Starting point is 00:39:03 Right. Yes. Nothing happened. But. Yes. Nothing happened. Nothing happened. But. But there was a bird outside of my door today. Nothing stolen, just wanted to update you. Yes, I like that. Let's take a break and I want to tell you
Starting point is 00:39:17 about a dream I had this. Let's go all the way through on the, let's go straight through on the, this will be the first episode in the history of the commercial break where we keep a theme from beginning to end. Yes, it will. Yes, it will.
Starting point is 00:39:29 What? Oh, hi, it's Kristina again, here to remind you to go to for all things audio, video, and TCBDIO. Give us a follow on Instagram at The Commercial Break and on TikTok at TCB Podcast. And guess what? We have a new phone number. I know what you're thinking, but I promise this is the last TCB phone number you will ever have to remember. So call us and leave us a voicemail or text us at 212-433-3TCB. Once more for the people in the back, that's 212-433-3TCB. Oh, and check out our YouTube channel at
Starting point is 00:40:08 slash the commercial break. That's all for now. Let's listen to our sponsors and get back to the show. All right. So yeah, do you ever have those dreams that are, like, what I'm talking about, like super vivid, super clear dreams where they affect you, like, physically while you're asleep? Let me explain. You have a dream that you're crying, you wake up, you've got tears rolling down your face. Beth Dombkowski Yes, that has happened. Jared Sussman You have a dream that something's hurt, like, you know, someone's cutting off your leg, you wake up, you have a cramp in your leg.
Starting point is 00:40:44 You have a dream that, you know, something, you know, someone's cutting off your leg, you wake up, you have a cramp in your leg. You have a dream that, you know, something scary is happening, you're screaming and you wake up either screaming or like, you know, okay, everyone's had this, right? It's like some version of a dream that's more intense than the other ones. And I'm not sure what all the reasoning is behind other science. If I was, I wouldn't be sitting here talking on a microphone. But last night I had the most, like, two terrible dreams in a row. One, that my child was hurt and I was desperately trying to get them to medical attention and couldn't seem to get there, couldn't seem to figure it out, couldn't seem to get everyone on the same page so we could get to wherever we needed to go. And that in and of itself is like
Starting point is 00:41:21 super disturbing, right? It's just one of those, it's every parent's nightmare. And when you have a nightmare about it, it feels really like tragic and weird and dark and you don't, you know, you wake up in some kind of mood. But the second dream that I had, it seems like these things were back to back, the second dream that I had that was really disturbing is that we were like at a party, I don't know, somewhere at a party, somehow, some way. And somebody came in to attack people and they were attacking with a screwdriver. And they came over to me and I was trying to stop them from hurting someone else and they stuck the screwdriver
Starting point is 00:41:55 right behind my ear, right? Like right in my ear. And I remember in the dream, I remember crying out in pain and then I was- Are you sure your kids weren't really like on the side of the bed- I think crying out in pain, and then I was- Are you sure your kids weren't really like on the side of the bed putting something in your ear? Yes, I think that's what was going on. I really do.
Starting point is 00:42:12 So one of my kids jumped in the bed with me last night, right, because probably because they had a bad nightmare or whatever, and this particular child likes to take, like stretch out their hands a lot, and oftentimes that will be in your face. Anybody as toddlers knows how toddlers sleep. They sleep everywhere. Oh, yeah. There is no place they don't sleep on your bed. They flip and flop. You can probably do a time
Starting point is 00:42:32 lapse video, and I think some people have done this, of toddlers sleeping. Just an interning. Yeah. They just move around the bed all night long, and there's some scientific reason behind this. But anyway, so I'm sure this had something to do with that child pushing me in the back of the head or something, but the screwdriver went into my head, I took it out, and now I am like profusely bleeding and in pain, and I start crying, and now I am trying to get, like now I'm trying to get medical attention. Well, some of the people at this party take me to medical attention, I'm now being wheeled into surgery with a brain surgeon, and that surgeon was like my, it was my dentist for some reason. Like, my actual dentist was in the dream and they were
Starting point is 00:43:14 the surgeon, and they were now going to do surgery on the back of my head, but they couldn't put me to sleep because they needed me awake so that they could tell if it was working or not. I mean, it was like a frightening, terrifying, horrible dream and I was crying the entire time, like just crying because I was in such pain. Well, maybe this is your subconscious about your tooth. Maybe, you might be right about that. I'm going to… You're worried about the tooth being extracted.
Starting point is 00:43:39 I think that we should look this up actually. We should, we should, should I Google this like Gemini it, see if Gemini has any wisdom on this? But I want to share that, you know, I'm crying, crying, crying. And in my dream, this goes on forever. In my dream, this is hours and hours and hours. I'm sure it's one millisecond, but it's hours and hours and hours in the dream. When I wake up, like, actually wake up, I have tears streaming down my face, my nose is clogged up, you know, I got snot coming down, just like you would if you had actually cried. So I know for a fact that I was crying outside while my dream was happening inside.
Starting point is 00:44:11 Yeah, yeah. Have you done that? Yes, I have. Okay, I just wanted to know if I was like some weird emotional basket case. I haven't had something where I've been hurt, but I've had something to do with the person that died or something like that, and I've woken up crying.
Starting point is 00:44:28 Let's ask Gemini because, you know, Gemini is my new favorite thing. Hold on one second. Screwdriver dreams. Yeah, let's ask. Let's see. Has anybody else had a screwdriver dream? Let me know. Does that have any meaning? What does it mean when you have a dream about a screwdriver? Question mark. Maybe I should just say power tools? I'm not sure. Oh, oh, they have an answer. Wow. Okay. Here we go. Ready? Should I have them say it or me say it? Okay. Let's say. Dreaming about a screwdriver can have several interpretations depending on the context of the dream and your waking life. Here are some possible meanings. Need for control or stability.
Starting point is 00:45:15 Need for desperate want of, yeah. A screwdriver can symbolize a desire for taking control of a situation to create more stability in your life. God damn. Wow. Thanks, Gemini. Taking action. The dream may reflect a need to take practical steps to improve or facilitate improving something in your waking life. I like how they call it waking life. Fixing a relationship. If the dream involves, oh, well, maybe Astrid was sticking a screwdriver in my head. Could represent a desire to mend a broken relationship and letting go. Alternatively, the screwdriver could symbolize a need to take apart or deconstruct something in your life.
Starting point is 00:45:51 Okay, let's take it a step further. Your head. Yeah, yeah. At the back of my ear. Let's take it a step further. What does it mean when I have a dream about a head wound? I guess it's the best way to describe it. I don't even really know.
Starting point is 00:46:08 Dreams about head wounds can symbolize several things often related to your mental or emotional feelings. Oh man, oh wow. Feeling mentally or emotionally hurt. The head wound could represent the feelings of being hurt, damaged, or overwhelmed. Struggling with a decision. The dream may reflect confusion or difficulty, thinking clearly about a situation. Feeling out of control.
Starting point is 00:46:30 The head wound could symbolize a feeling of... Yeah, coming back to control. Coming back to control. Loss of self-identity. In some cases, the dream may represent a fear of you losing a sense of identity or so. Oh, Brian, slipping away. The commercial break destroyed it all. Hey, that's pretty fucking right on, huh? That's pretty right on.
Starting point is 00:46:54 Let's see what... I still think the dentist part though was your thinking about the two. Yeah, you might be right about that. You might be right about that. Let's see. What does it mean when you have a dream about your dentist doing surgery on your head? Dreams about dentists performing surgery
Starting point is 00:47:15 outside the mouth are uncommon and could be unsettling. Please seek a meeting of medical attention. I'm kidding. Loss of control or trust. Fear of the unknown. Mental or emotional strain. Desire for self-improvement. Am I noticing that all of you just kind of say the same thing? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:32 Okay. I think we've solved it. I think we have solved it. Gemini solved it. Yes. What does it mean when a bird shows up at your front door? Oh, now it still thinks I'm dreaming. There are many interpretations of a bird showing up at your front door, depending on cultural
Starting point is 00:47:48 beliefs. It's a positive sign. In many cultures, birds are seen as messages of good fortune or luck. They're presents your door could symbolize new beginnings, spiritual connection. Some people believe that birds carry messages from the spirit world. Quantum science! What is a, tell me a recent dream that you've had. Just give me like some symbology around it. You don't have to give me all the details if you don't want to.
Starting point is 00:48:13 I can't remember, you know, I'm so bad. I really, I do have some great dreams sometimes. One that I had- I got the best dreams. We got the best dreams. One that I had one time was that I was flying. I love those dreams. Oh. Where I can fly.
Starting point is 00:48:26 And I'm not flying like Superman flying. I'm like hovering so I can just all of a sudden kind of start to lift up the ground and fly. Okay, that's levitating. I kind of fly around. Yeah. Let's say levitating. Let's go there. What does it mean when I have a dream about levitation. Dreaming about levitation can have several interpretations. Feeling free or liberated,
Starting point is 00:48:50 levitation can symbolize a sense of freedom from your burdens and limitations in your waking life, spiritual growth. In some cultures, levitation is associated with spiritual enlightenment or connection or something higher than yourself. Need for control! This is bullshit. Or escapism. If you're feeling overwhelmed or stressed in your waking life, levitation could be a dream, could be the way of escaping from those challenges. I like the first one. Very interesting. It's a spiritual awakening.
Starting point is 00:49:16 I like that too. Okay, hold on one second. What does it mean when you have a dream about Dua Lipa? Dreams about celebrities can be exciting and dreaming about Dua Lipa is no exception. Wow, this Gemini is weird. Admiration for Dua Lipa is what it could mean. Desire for creativity or self-expression, yearning for excitement or change, needing more control. Control. It's all about control. I think it's all about control.
Starting point is 00:49:45 They're just throwing that in for everything. Yeah. You know, we used to have a book about like dreams and the interpretations. Somebody gave it to me, like, you know, some, I don't know who it was. I didn't want to mention, but they gave me this dream and they gave me this book about dreams and the interpretations. Yeah, there's a bunch of books like that. And she told me one time, like, you really need to get inside your own head and start to
Starting point is 00:50:07 understand what's going on. And so, on occasion, you know, I was kind of like, whatever, okay, thank you very much. I don't know if I really believe in all of this, but I do believe that your dreams must manifest themselves from something that's happening in your waking life. There's definitely a connection. I think so, connection. The brain isn't different. And maybe, you know, some people have even theorized or posterized that it's possible that we are dreaming, we are awake when we're sleeping and sleeping when we're awake. Is our real world here or is it there? And I don't fucking know. That's a complicated question I don't even want to begin to think about because it scares me a little bit, to be honest with you. But at the end of the day, like, I don't know, you know,
Starting point is 00:50:43 I don't know how much buy-in I have on this, maybe a little bit. I think there's some connection. But the book that I had, the theories on, and they had everything in this book. This book was hundreds and hundreds of pages long. They had everything in this book. I think I remember looking through that book. Yeah. I think we were going to do an episode on this back, like, you know, episode number 25. But just like the commercial break, we probably said, I will do it next time. And here we are, episode 557, doing it. But at the end of the day, the theories were so fucking wackadoo that it was hard for me to wrap
Starting point is 00:51:16 my head around, you know, if you dream this, then you should manifest that in life. If you do this, then make sure you look out for these signs in life." It's like, yeah, okay, I could pay attention to all that stuff, or I could just try and live my fucking life. But this girl that gave me the book, she was really into this. I mean, like super duper into this. And hey, listen, whatever, cool, you know, seemed to help her and I thought that was cool. But, you know, every time I have a dream, I just don't want to look at the book and see it because most of it has to do with the shortcomings I have in my life and I don't wanna point them out every time that I dream about them.
Starting point is 00:51:50 Yeah, now I get it. Well, plus it's all open to interpretation. Of course. So you never know. Well, you do never know. But I do know this, that when we first started the podcast, we were the number one show for people to go to sleep to. That's right.
Starting point is 00:52:06 That was the weirdest. So there we go. Weirdest thing. Full circle. You will not remember this, because I highly doubt most of you have listened to it or were even around at this time, maybe a few of you. We did an episode. It must have been like episode number 15, 20,
Starting point is 00:52:22 something like that. Yeah, it was early. I Googled, we had a website, we had put it up a month earlier, two months earlier, and I knew that we would start showing up on some searches. So I started Googling stuff, and one of the things that I Googled was best podcast to sleep to, and the commercial break came up
Starting point is 00:52:39 as the first or second result. Then we also came up under, oh no, this was like a tool that I had, that's right, and I would run the search engine backward. And the other one was best podcast to have sex with. Yes. That commercial break. We're all over the place.
Starting point is 00:52:55 Yeah, and I never put that on the- We're not for everyone, but we're for some people. We're for some people. During certain situations. That's right. Hey, listen, you can't be everything to everybody, you end up being nothing to nobody. That's all I Hey, listen, you can't be everything to everybody. You end up being nothing to nobody. That's all I gotta say.
Starting point is 00:53:07 Words of wisdom from Brian. From Brian. From my dream to you. Don't get a screwdriver stuck in your head. It hurts really bad. You know it was my kid just pushing me in the back of the head. But man, I woke up sobbing and that had me,
Starting point is 00:53:23 this had me screwed up all day long. It does, it puts you in a mood throughout the day. Yeah. Then you come in here and you're like, be funny. I know. Okay. Sure. Someone just got murdered and I got a screwdriver in the back of my head, but I'll be funny. No problem. I got a bird outside.
Starting point is 00:53:37 Can't feed itself. What do you want me to do? That was a good omen. So don't forget that. Yeah. You're right. Okay. I didn't take it as a bad thing when the bird showed up at the front door. I just didn't really know what to do. I was like, well, I don't know. What do you do when a bird knocks on your door? You know, answer.
Starting point is 00:53:51 You worked hand in hand with it around the outside of the house to the hunter. And that's what we did. To the hawk hunter. Yes. You put them right in the net of the red tail hawk that's gonna eat it for lunch. No, I'm gonna think positive.
Starting point is 00:54:04 Yes, think that another one of its kind came and saved it. You know, at one point when it was like kind of going toward the backyard, it got up in the air and it flew like, I don't know, a foot and a half, two feet off the ground for like maybe 10 feet, 12 feet. It was there, it just needed to practice a little bit.
Starting point is 00:54:21 Okay, well hopefully it took that hour you were sleeping to practice. Practice, running away from the it took that hour you were sleeping to practice. Practice running away from the take flight right into the hawks claws. Raaah! And the circle beyond broken. All right. October 25th in Orlando, October 26th in Tampa. We'll tell you how to get your tickets really soon.
Starting point is 00:54:41 If you're going to come, let us know. 212-433-3TCB. That's 2 1 2 4 3 3 3 8 2 2. Let us know if you're going to be in the area. Let us know if you're going to come. We'd love to see you and maybe we'll bring you some swag. You can also text us comments, questions, concerns, content ideas, ask TCB, ask Brian's mom. All that stuff. We'll take it via text message or voicemail to that phone number TCB It's where you get more information about the show, all the audio, all the video. It's all right there from one location. You can get all of our guest links and all that other stuff. Des Bishop is great. Go check out his YouTube special and at the commercial
Starting point is 00:55:20 break on Instagram, slash the commercial break for all of our guest episodes and selected clips. Okay, Chrissy, I think that's all I can do for right now. I think so. But I'll tell you that I love you. I love you. I'll say best to you. And best to you. And I'll say best to you, Mr. Bird, Mrs. Dentist, and everybody else out there in the podcast universe. Until next time, Christy and I always say, we do say, and we must say, goodbye. Thanks for watching!

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