The Commercial Break - The Rolling Stone (Crabs)

Episode Date: July 15, 2020

The Bit: WSHIT's Dr. Dee talks to Karen about masks. The Show: Rachel joins Hoadley and Bryan to discuss dating, working in radio and the Rhodes Scholar Rachel brought to a dinner where Krissy enjoyed... the seafood special! Don't forget to rate and subscribe so you never miss an episode! Text us or leave us a voicemail at +1-661-BEST2YO (+1-661-237-8296) LINKS: Get a FREE TCB limited edition collectible sticker Follow us on Instagram Subscribe and watch the show on Youtube Join us live on Fireside New episodes every Tuesday & Friday everywhere you listen to podcasts! For advertising contact AdvertiseCast Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello and welcome to WSHID Special, I'm going program with me, DuckDead. I am noted for diatrist and phlebotomist and this is my show, What Happened to Your Foot? However, tonight we are going to take a little bit of a detour away from the beautiful feet to spend an hour discussing a very hard topic indeed, masks. Should we wear them? Should we not wear them?
Starting point is 00:00:29 Do they make us safer or less safe? Did our forefathers write in the constitution that we had the protection against surgical mask tyranny? And what is that smell when I put on the mask? So many bad breaths out there, I'm going to try and navigate through that if you will. So many more important questions we will answer. But first let me introduce my guests. We have two opposing viewpoints from people on the street. Our goal tonight is to have very calm, rational conversation around masks and the practice of wearing them or not wearing them if you choose. Our first guest is Keren Masquitz.
Starting point is 00:01:06 In essential oil salesperson and an internet activist, Keren believes that we are suffering from mass-mind control by being asked and then forced to wear masks. Keren, what say you? What's wrong with your foot and what do you think about the message? What I want to say is, we the people will work day and night to clean every single seat if need be. We will get together and do a citizen's arrest on every single human being that goes against the freedom of choice. You cannot mandate, you literally cannot mandate somebody to wear a mask knowing that that mask is killing people.
Starting point is 00:01:51 It literally is killing people. And the people, we the people, are waking up and we know what citizens arrest is. Because citizens arrest are already happening. Okay? And every single one of you that are obeying the devil's laws are going to be arrested. And you, doctor, are going to be arrested for crimes against humanity. Every single one of you have a smirk behind that little mass, but every single one of you are going to get punished by God. You cannot, you cannot escape God. You cannot
Starting point is 00:02:25 escape God. I'm going to say that again, you cannot escape God, not even with the mask or six feet. Okay? Six feet, like I said, before is military protocol. You're trying to get people to train them. So when the camera's the 5G comes out, what? They're going to they're going to scan everybody. We got to get scanned. We got gotta get temperature. The kids have to go to school with masks. Are you insane?
Starting point is 00:02:49 Are you crazy? I think all of you should be in a psych ward, right the heck now. Because none of you, none of you, know what the hell you are all talking about. Kaden, this is a very well thought out position and I appreciate your point of view. Let's take quick commercial break and we allow everyone to take their medicine. We'll be right back after these words.
Starting point is 00:03:29 In early 2020, the world shut down. Stores, restaurants, schools, and whole communities shut their doors in an effort to protect human life. As the world quickly changed, one man went on Facebook to get a degree in Internet epidemiology. Brian, along with his lab assistant, hopefully, are curing coronavirus by commenting on fake news and reposting recipes of secret virus cured from a friend of a friend who works high up in government. Join Brian and Holi as they discuss the world
Starting point is 00:03:59 and life doing this forced interruption, learning, laughing and loving in this real life commercial break. On this episode of the Commercial Break. Yeah, it's like, you know, an internet hug is a lie, but an internet kick and internet kick at the wall. Is a bad comment? Yeah, when I'm 100% positive that you never listen to the show. And he wrote,
Starting point is 00:04:26 G-O-O-D good, so he did well with good. And then he wrote, M-O-U-R-N-I-N-G, and I was like, Ha-ha-ha-ha. Good morning, like he was in Australia. Yeah. Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha Or like he was in mourning. Hey everyone, it's Brian. I want to take a few minutes before the show. As you may or may not know, Houdli and I are taking a few weeks off in July.
Starting point is 00:04:51 I'm currently in rehab for Huffing Painthinner, and Houdli, of course, is leading a Scientology retreat on the Appalachian Trail. Oh, and my wife is giving birth, so I'm probably fucking sleeping right now. But don't let your hearts be troubled. We recorded a few hours of the show, so you have fresh episodes while we're gone. But if you hear something that sounds a little dated, now you know why. Make sure you go to to join the break room. We will send out a newsletter starting in late July with behind the scenes updates, access
Starting point is 00:05:18 to live shows when we do them, and an hour of extra content not available anywhere else. So go to to join the break room. Hope you're enjoying this summer of love 2020 and we look forward to getting back to the show in just a few weeks. Now take it away, Mr. Amountserman. The next episode of the commercial break starts now. Oh, there you go. You look so tree.
Starting point is 00:05:45 Why, thank you. Are you drinking? What is that? What do you have in your hand? It's a little, uh, cavernite. Oh, yeah. It's a little red cap. Are you and Jeff getting frothy tonight?
Starting point is 00:05:57 Is it a frothy, uh, Thursday night? It's always a frothy Thursday night. When you, when you guys, so I I'm curious because I don't drink anymore And that's just because I'm too fucking old to drink I'm too old and I have small children. So if I drink it's just all over right I'm gonna be hungover and your kids wake you up and they bang in the head and it's just like it never fucking ends So adding drunkenness to that. I just don't think is a wise idea because I'm afraid I'll I'll go to jail Where my child will be taken away by child protective services.
Starting point is 00:06:26 So when you and Jeff hang out for the night, do you guys get really frothy or is it just a pen? It just a pen, really. I mean, yeah, we're social drinkers and we like to be social with each other. Oftentimes I went into the night drinking, fully expecting that it was just gonna be an easy night, right? I'd be like, let me crack open a beer.
Starting point is 00:06:51 I'm gonna watch my 600 pound life or whatever shitty show that I'm gonna turn on LLTLC. And I'm gonna have one or two beers in the on-goal straight to bed. And then 14 and a half beers and the drug dealer later, it's like, it was Thursday and now it's Monday morning and I gotta go to work. I'm hoping the drug dealer's gonna answer my phone call again. Is it spin out of control like that on a Thursday night during the pandemic or is it much more controlled? Because you're like, you know, I'm not sure the drug dealer's gonna show up. You might have to. No, I don't want to do the drugs from
Starting point is 00:07:22 the drug dealer. you might have. No, I don't want to do the drums for the truck. Good for you. You're taking your quarantine sober. Welcome to the commercial break, is where you go to listen to all the episodes, read the show notes and find out more about us. You can't drop us a line and we'll respond every couple of months. We'll do a show where we respond to emails and comments good and bad. I'm not going to let us off the hook on this. And there's plenty of bad because people hide behind their little internet box and they make shitty little fucking comments that ruin my entire night. Yeah, it's like, you know, an internet hug is a like,
Starting point is 00:07:53 but an internet kick and an internet kick and the balls. Is a bad comment. Is a bad comment. Yeah, when I'm 100% positive that you never listen to the show. Like you're just basing this on an Instagram post. So if you subscribe to, on your favorite podcast platform, you won't miss any of the episodes and leave us a review.
Starting point is 00:08:10 It's like a podcast hug. Also, if you'd like to be on the show in a future episode, you'd like to be, we have a phone line here. So I'm not, I can barely work the equipment as it is, but we're gonna try and get complicated and put some people on the air. I, you know, and who knows what's gonna happen? Could be random, roll the dice.
Starting point is 00:08:26 Like, I'm not a phone screener, so if someone just dials up and we're just gonna get what we get, Chrissy, and pray to God, they say something nice about us. But if you leave us your phone number in the comments section of the contact us page, we will let you know how you can call in, and when you can call in, and then if you drop us a line and tell us you wanna be on our newsletter, we will send you out a free no charge
Starting point is 00:08:50 episode of the commercial break once a month. 1999 plus 1999 shipping and handling call now. If you call in order now, though, it'll just be zero. Yeah, it'll be zero. I'm going to give you this episode you're listening to now for free, but I'm going to add an extra episode for free if you call now. And so good, well, welcome back. I'm super excited to be here.
Starting point is 00:09:12 The imminent date approaches as my wife gets more pregnant and pregnant and you know, it's a, it's an interesting time to be thinking about having a baby. It's an interesting time to know that in just days away, there's gonna be a new child in this world. And I'm gonna have to be at an epicenter of sickness at the hospital. So I'm like, I'm freaking out just,
Starting point is 00:09:36 I'm actually more freaked out about my wife's having a C section. So I'm more freaked out about the C section part of this than I am about the coronavirus part of this. Because I learned recently, and by recently, I mean yesterday, and by yesterday, I mean this morning, that when they cut someone open to take a C-section, they're actually grabbing the baby out of the womb. That's just as gory and intense as it sounds, right?
Starting point is 00:10:03 They're going to cut my wife open and then grab the baby from the womb and then put some stuff on the table and then they'll put the stuff back in the table and then they'll sew her back up. So, I'm going to go through the muscle and everything. Yeah, thanks. I didn't know that part, but there you go. There's more added stuff.
Starting point is 00:10:15 Well, they have to get in there. They do. They have to get in there. So, my wife went to the doctor today and they're continuing this explanation. They kind of ease you into it, right? Is they, like, week, like week 28, they tell you, oh yeah, no worries, couple of weeks, and you'll be back up on your feet.
Starting point is 00:10:30 It'll give you great pain medicine, everything will be fine. But then every week as you approach closer, they give you more and more detail on exactly how this is all gonna go down. And they just gave her the full shabang today. And she came back and detailed it in full gory report style. And I'm like, oh shit.
Starting point is 00:10:44 Yeah, I don't, you know, I'm not, I'm not totally opposed to blood and guts, but I don't do great with blood and guts. So basically what I'm trying to tell you. You do, if you do, you might be a different kind of person. Well, I mean, there's plenty of people out there like doctors and surgeons who just seem to handle it, just fine, that's fine.
Starting point is 00:11:01 But I guess it's part of their job, but I still think you have to have a certain kind of mentality to do that job. Let me tell you a quick funny story. I guess it's part of their job. But I still think you have to have a certain kind of mentality to do that job. Let me tell you a quick funny story. I'm working at a Chili's, I'm like 22 years old, and there's a guy that's working at these Chili's, and he is in the PhD program at Emory to be a doctor. A doctor, okay, let me repeat that.
Starting point is 00:11:18 He's at the PhD program of a school called Emory here in Atlanta to be a fucking doctor. Very prestigious school. Very prestigious school, he Atlanta to be a fucking doctor. Very prestigious school. Very prestigious school. He's gonna be a doctor, just so you got that point and the story. We are driving down a very busy road here in Atlanta after catching some lunch on a break.
Starting point is 00:11:36 And in front of us about 200 yards, a car t-bones, another car. And when it t-bones that car, I mean, it's bad. You know it's bad. We saw it and we heard it and we knew it was bad and it bones another car. And when it t-bones that car, I mean, it's bad. You know it's bad, we saw it and we heard it and we knew it was bad and it was bad. And so we stop, probably about 200 feet from this as a lot of other people saw it too.
Starting point is 00:11:54 And the guy reaches over to the glove box, opens the glove box and there is like a crash kit, right? Like a, you know, gauze and gloves and all of the... Emergency crash kit. And I'm like, shit, yeah, this guy's gonna step in and gloves and all of a sudden. Emergency. Emergency crash kit. And I'm like, shit, yeah, this guy's gonna step in and he's gonna be a fucking superhero here. I'm gonna really see what this man is all about. He's a doctor.
Starting point is 00:12:12 And he goes, grab the crash kit, go up and make sure everybody's okay. I'm gonna take the car and go drive and find a phone and call 911. And I'm like, what? Wait, what? I'm not the doctor here. You're the doctor here. And he's like, no, Wait, what? I'm not the doctor here. You're the doctor here. And he's like, no, you're better equipped at this.
Starting point is 00:12:28 I don't do well with blood and guts. And I'm like, you gotta be fucking kidding me. You really just handed me your crash kit and you want me to run down and save somebody out of a crash that just happened. And that's exactly what I did. I went down, I didn't do really anything. I took the keys out of the car to make sure
Starting point is 00:12:42 the ladies didn't explode. But there was lots of blood coming out of her head and we just kind of put some calls on it. This motherfucker cheapened out. He just went the other direction. So here's just a wrap it back all around with my wife's blood and he goes, what have you followed up to see?
Starting point is 00:12:56 He's still a doctor. You know, I don't think he worked at chiles for like two more days. I think he was so embarrassed because I certainly told that story 250 times afterwards. I was so taken aback by his chicken shitness in the moment. Like some people deal with it, right?
Starting point is 00:13:10 Some people have this on and off switch and they just go and they just deal with whatever needs to be dealt with and then that's it. And they're not heroes, they just have that fighter flight mentality and they fight, they don't fly, right? And this guy just flew. I mean, he was literally going to find a phone in the next county while I was pretending to be a doctor on the side of the road on Johnson's ferry
Starting point is 00:13:30 so fuckers. I am a Facebook epidemiologist and to bring it all back around there's gonna be lots of blood and guts they're allowing one person into the hospital and so I felt like Astrid really needs some womanly support. So I wrote your name down on the guest list. Perfect. You're there. It's you. I'm good in these situations. Are you?
Starting point is 00:13:51 You like the blood and guts? I mean, I don't love the blood and guts, but if somebody needs me, if there's a situation that's happening and it's, you know, it's serious, I'm there. How much do you want? How much do you need to show up at the C section? Dollar wise. Dollar wise. I'm there. How much do you want? How much do you need to show up at the C section? Dollar wise. Dollar. Is everyone's applauding my bravery. You're like the doctor that's taking off.
Starting point is 00:14:19 Thank you. Thank you very much. Rachel McGrath has now, Rachel McGrath was on with us a couple of episodes ago. She has now launched her YouTube channel, Sea Rachel Cook. Now the best way to find that is to either go to her IG page and I'll let her tell you how to do that. Or you go to YouTube and you put those words together. Sea S-E-E Rachel, you know how to spell that cook. Sea O-OK. In case anybody knows, no, you put those together.
Starting point is 00:14:43 And then you find C. Rachel Cook. The channel is incredible. It's already had a lot of success only two episodes in. I welcome back my good friend and I guess now, you know, you're my multimedia partner, Rachel McGrath. How you doing? I'm glad I'm so. I'm glad I'm someone's partner because right now,
Starting point is 00:15:03 I'm only my cat's partner. So really, I'm in a thropple. I'm part of a someone's partner because right now I'm only my cats partner. So really I'm in I'm a thropple. I'm part of a Beatsweet me Tina and Athena Thropple Are you ever heard about the thropples? The thropple is where it's at
Starting point is 00:15:22 But wait if you're good at if you're gonna find me, yeah, find me. When you're on YouTube, it's Sea Rachel Cook, rib eye, Sea Rachel Cook, Carbonara. And my name is Rachel McGrath, so you could always Google that. Or on Instagram, it's Sea Rachel Cook, Facebook, Sea Rachel Cook. Follow me, I will respond to all comments.
Starting point is 00:15:43 Let me have to say I have to say it's it's R-A-C-H-E-L. Oh. I never even thought about that. Yeah. Yeah. Good for you. Yeah. Okay, back to the Thrupple. Or you could do this. You could just go to in the show notes, which is where it says tcb blog. That's where we put all the show notes. You can go to episode what was that episode number 10 or this episode number and you, that's where we put all the show notes. You can go to episode, well, was it episode number 10 or this episode number and you can go there and we have linked videos and links to all of that stuff. So that's all the way you can go find Rachel
Starting point is 00:16:14 and her brand new show, which is a fantastic, I love it. So today, right before we came on, I was like, what's the best way to find, you know, your new channel, so you're not gonna rank highly on any particular keyword or anything like that, no matter how popular you are. I know, Motherfucker.
Starting point is 00:16:28 Yes. You really have to be in this game for a long time. Same thing with the podcasts. Like, you can put my name with the commercial break and I am the 333rd person you find. There's literally like, Captain Cook serial commercials before you find the commercial break and Captain Cook serial hasn't been around to Google
Starting point is 00:16:52 So I'm gonna have to I'm gonna have to get naked pictures of the people at Google So that I could just be number one. I'm gonna have to find that naked pictures of someone We need to threaten someone because this is unfair So I went and I just naturally in the search bar was like sea Rachel cook. And what I figured out very quickly is that there's a lot of Rachel to see, but it's not you, it's Rachel cook.
Starting point is 00:17:14 And so when you put sea Rachel cook, you'll find Rachel cook who's an Instagram model slash Victoria secret model. And there's plenty of her to see and they show it all over YouTube. So it took me about 26 and a half minutes to find your channel, not because I wasn't finding it, but because I got distracted by the other C Rachel Cook.
Starting point is 00:17:33 So just to let you know. Are you worth seeing? You've got to see it. You've got to see it once you see it. You want to see more of her and then you're on the rabbit hole of Rachel Cook. I am happily married, but there's no harm in looking and a beautiful woman as a beautiful woman
Starting point is 00:17:47 and Rachel cook is a very attractive woman. Last time we were here, we got into, and I know your dad's, I'm gonna make your dad proud. So hi, Mr. McGrath, is that his last name? Hi, Mr. McGrath. I haven't changed my name so far in a minute. And if I ever do get married, I'm still not changing my name. Good for you.
Starting point is 00:18:08 Sorry. Amen. My name is Rachel McGrath, and that's that. I'll always turn name to her maiden name, green, right? And so I respect the fact that she wants to keep her name. I think that's kind of an old fashioned tradition, quite frankly, that's a little, I don't mean, I don't think it's important to be honest with you. No one's looking to have for anybody
Starting point is 00:18:26 to carry on the green family name, so I don't think it really. And I'm the last hope. My son is it. He's like Luke Skywalker. He's like, you're our only hope. My brothers, they just don't have in kids. It's, it's, and that's kind of sad. I wish that my brothers would have kids,
Starting point is 00:18:40 but last time we were here, we were talking about the world of internet dating apps. And I know that people are fascinating about this because I got a lot of comments. It's so fun. What is the, when you're on one of these dating apps like Whisper or Tanya, yeah, or mumble, yeah. I love mumble. Mumble is still the fastest.
Starting point is 00:19:01 It's always going to be the fastest. I feel like it's the official language of dating apps is mumble. Mumble is still the best. It's always gonna be the best. I feel like it's the official language of dating apps is mumble. Hey, who's who? I'm sliding into your deal. Woo. It's the same fucker that comments on my Instagram ad. I know talking.
Starting point is 00:19:19 No talking you. So what is the magic? What are the magic words someone has to say? What gets you, you must have hundreds of guys when you go on one of these apps. You must have hundreds of guys that are out there sliding into your instant message on these apps.
Starting point is 00:19:38 What makes the difference? What are you looking for or what stands out? Is it a funny joke? Is it, you know, a non-dick pick? Like, do you like, is it like, they're so randomly not sending dick pics? They're like, oh, I'll take a picture of your face. Well, first, it's amazing and really quite sad how many men have terrible grammar. So for instance, if someone would like to give me a compliment and they write, why oh you are pretty? I'm like, out, out.
Starting point is 00:20:11 See you later. It's completely negated. It's not cool. I don't feel flattered. I'm like, you're a fucking idiot. Like, I know we can never go on. One time I was dating the stripper who worked at the stripper.
Starting point is 00:20:23 I worked at the stripper club called Swinging Richards. Oh, I remember this. Yeah, I went in there and I took him off the stage just right. I just took him off. Hey, why not? You saw the goods. I thought I wanted to have them. That's like a produce shop.
Starting point is 00:20:38 I did. And so he texted me like a couple nights after we started hanging out Our couple mornings and he wrote G.O.O.D. Good so he did well with good. Oh congratulations. And then he wrote M.O.U.R And I and G and I was like Good morning like he was in Australia Or like he was in morning. Yeah, he's a good morning and oxy moron. I mean, there's no was in morning. He's a good morning and oxymoron. I mean, there's no good in morning. No.
Starting point is 00:21:08 No. No, by the way, by the way, this is clearly, I mean, it makes sense that now he's working at swinging Richard and not a professor of something at Emory University. He had other attributes. Well, he did say he was paying his way through law school and I'm not even kidding. Even the men's strippers say that. They all say that.
Starting point is 00:21:29 I'm just paying my way through school even though I'm never going to go to school. I'm okay, great. I used to frequent strip clubs and it's true. It's a trope, but it's a true trope. Is that every person that's working at a strip club and may or female is working their way toward something better. I guess aren't we all, right?
Starting point is 00:21:48 But it's amazing the amount of bullshit that you hear when you sit there and they're like, you know, oh, I'm gonna be a registered nurse practitioner. And it's like, oh, are you really? And they have the nurse talking or the cocaine talking. Yeah. Yeah. Nobody ever is excited about their stripperdom.
Starting point is 00:22:11 We're not like, oh, this life is glorious as a stripper. Now, again, I'm not judging strippers. Oh, God. I would be a best friend with a stripper if Chrissy wasn't already my best friend and not a stripper. But it's a. That's a lot of taken, but you know, it's just. Which slot is taken.
Starting point is 00:22:30 That is a point in your life that you don't usually look fondly back up hot. Well, I mean, listen, I've used to frequent strip clubs. I have no shame about it. I know this about you. Oh, yeah, I used to go to strip clubs all the time. We were all working clear channel together. Yeah, we were working clear channel.
Starting point is 00:22:49 Were you in the champagne room getting the lullaby bug? No, I was never, you know, I was always that guy, and this is shameful, right? But I was always that guy who was actually looking for a girlfriend at the strip club. So I was always that guy that went in like, I'm just, I'm gonna find a girlfriend at the strip club. And, you know, low and behold, I did date a few strippers, but it was just always a fucking train wreck. I mean, you know, listen, I had a different idea. It wasn't that I didn't like the, you know,
Starting point is 00:23:18 kind of the flash in the pan, have a good night. I did that often, but oftentimes when I go into the strip clubs, I really wanted to be a friend of the strippers because I felt like I had an angle there. Like, I don't know. For some reason, I did that often. But oftentimes when I go into the strip clubs, I really wanted to prefernd the strippers because I felt like I had an angle there. Like, I don't know, for some reason I just, we went to the Cheetah one night. The nice guy. Do you remember?
Starting point is 00:23:31 Well, you get along well with women and you have a charisma about you that allows you to slide into women's pants. That's just, fuck a deal. This will be cool. I'm going straight into the pants. Not anymore, to be clear about this, I'm happily married. That's fucking D.L. This will be cool. We're gonna throw it in the back. Not anymore, to be clear about this, I'm happily married.
Starting point is 00:23:48 That's right. But Chrissy and I went to the strip club brand night for a friend of ours birthday party. And they rented a, what we all rented this huge limo, right? This was the party limo. And there was like 25 of us. And one friend had brought another friend and he was British.
Starting point is 00:24:04 I'm gonna do a horrible British accent because I need to pay attention, but he's like hey Brian Brian I just I just love you man. You're just fucking crazy I'm watching you with the women in the strip club, and he's like magic. It's fucking magic man You're fucking magic man He followed me around all night literally like how did you do that? It's fucking intense man. It's fucking intense me around all night, literally like, how did you do that? It was fucking intense, man. It was fucking intense. She was literally going to give you her house keys after this night.
Starting point is 00:24:29 You're fucking unbelievable. You're fucking magic. He went around complimenting me. Now later, I found out that 16 hits of ecstasy will do that to you. And a trip to the emergency room, because of the 16 hits of ecstasy, is probably not going to make you look good at the end of the night. But we used to love going to the strip club, and was a lot of fun but I always just had this. I don't know, don't you write. I was always looking for a friend or something more.
Starting point is 00:24:53 And so I was never that bad boy just throwing dollars up at the thing and you know what? I had a lot of respect for girls who dance or guys who dance. That's a great way to make fucking money. The problem with the strip club is, I think, is that oftentimes it really degradates someone's self-worth because guys are fucking, I'm talking about the strip clubs I went to. Guys can be douchebags in the fucking first place.
Starting point is 00:25:19 They're sending dick pics unsolicited. So you get to make it girl in front of them. And I just watched too many of my, too many of the guys that I knew became instantly, I had no respect for them. Zero respect once I saw them at the strip club. And we know, I mean, I can say a few names here on air, I won't, but we know a few guys who just, they treated girls like absolute shit.
Starting point is 00:25:37 And for me, that never felt good. I never felt okay about that part of the strip club, but I do like naked women and, you know, hey, that was a lot of fun. Well, I feel like you didn't treat the women disrespectfully because naked women also like you. The men who treat women disrespectfully are the ones who can't get a girl in bed.
Starting point is 00:25:56 They're mad at shit. These men, and I find now with my cooking show, I get all these hilarious and horrible remarks on crazy online, and every single time time it's a dude who you know slept with the girl down the street married her and now fucking hates his life and the reason why he hates his life Is because he never knew how to he never knew about how to conduct a proper relationship or have any kind of respect for woman in the first place Right, and this is what drives me crazy like you look, I don't know if you know the term in cell or involuntarily celibate, right?
Starting point is 00:26:27 But there's this whole group of guys out there that identify themselves as in cells. And these in cells in some cases have turned violent, but hey listen, religious people turn violent. Everybody turns violent. It's not, has nothing to do with in cells or involuntarily celibate. But they're just guys that identifies involuntarily celibate
Starting point is 00:26:46 in some of these like chat boards that you can go to on the regular web, let alone the dark web. They're saying horrible things about women like, you were born to suck my cock and go fuck yourself and you'll die and all this other stuff. I think there's a true misunderstanding and about like what respect means.
Starting point is 00:27:06 And so they think that all women are disrespecting them because they have not yet been laid. But the problem is my brother, is that until you respect yourself and learn how to respect another human being, you ain't going get laid. And if you do, it's gonna be the one off and it ain't gonna be the na-na-na.
Starting point is 00:27:21 Because man, you can't just sit around and talk about how much you hate women and how their piece is a meat and how you wanna fucking kill them and then expect that anybody wants to go home and go to bed with you. And I think this- I wanna call the police on that. I'm like, hello, I need some assistance over here.
Starting point is 00:27:36 Yeah, it's a tricky, tricky thing. And I understand if you've gone through a dry spell I can understand just how difficult that is. But then to turn it into like violent rage, just to me seems, I don't know, it seems silly. Absolutely silly. And those are the guys who always go after the hottest girls. It's like, dude, you're never, you're going,
Starting point is 00:27:58 you're doing it wrong. Let's re-evaluate the plan. 100%. Yes. So you, so basically like someone who's got a head on their shoulders, it can be the turning point for you whether or not you pay attention to somebody. 100%. Yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:28:16 And I can't believe I'm admitting this right now. But I do happen to love men with long hair who look dirty but smell clean. Oh my God, I do. Oh, I fucking love them. So yeah, if I sense that the dirt does not have an odor, that's also a huge time. But that's just like for play time. Right now, I'm told you last time,
Starting point is 00:28:42 I'm really trying to concentrate on, you know, getting getting to another person. Because for me, there's nothing sexier than thinking someone is kind of okay looking when you first meet them. And then they open their mouth and you're like, like, holy shit, let's go. Yeah, that's the mind.
Starting point is 00:28:58 That's the mind, the mental. Yes, if you have, and you know what else really turns me on, a big vocabulary I love words because I'm a voice of our own and I love words You know, you say something just extra to me as far as words like people could be extra with their words I'm like, oh yes When you get go on a first date like when you go on a blind date on one of these apps What are you looking for? Like, what's something that's instantaneously going to turn you on and something's instantaneously
Starting point is 00:29:33 going to turn you off? Is it the dirt that smells that's going to turn you off? The dirt that doesn't smell, the dirt that does not smell. Let me give you an indication of the kind of men that Rachel sometimes gets into. My wife and I and a couple of friends are going to go to this. Like, I call it a four-star Let me give you an indication of the kind of men that Rachel sometimes gets into. My wife and I and a couple of friends are going to go to this, like, I called a four-star restaurant here in Atlanta. And we're like, hey, Rachel should come along too. So it's me, Chrissy, Jeff, Astrid, and a couple other people.
Starting point is 00:29:59 And we say, hey, Rachel, we are going to invite Rachel. So we invite Rachel to come and she says, I'm going to bring my date. And we say, of course, you should bring your date. We haven't met a lot of your dates, so we would be like, I never bring anyone anywhere. Out of your dates. I just keep them in my bedroom.
Starting point is 00:30:13 I'm just kidding. I'm not kidding. Which they probably don't mind leaving. Yeah, that's true. I've met quite a few of your dates. Chrissy actually met a boy today earlier because I went to go look at a house and a boy came. Oh, a boy came?
Starting point is 00:30:27 A boy came. You took a boy's house shot? Very, very cute. I feel like this is new for you. Are you serious? I think no, it's not. Well, yes, we're serious, but it's not serious. It does really happen.
Starting point is 00:30:43 Let's seriously happen. However, however, the real estate agent was funny because we all showed up and he's like, so this house is for you, right? Yeah. And he was like, yeah, no, it's just for me. And he wanted to know what he was working with. There was so many, we brought a party.
Starting point is 00:31:04 So the real estate joint. But yes, that night at dinner was like the most embarrassing night of my life. Because the one time I bring a boy used... The one time I bring a boy somewhere, this fucktard just embarrasses me, doesn't say a word, is on his phone the whole time, is just a loser at the table. Listen, we all roll with it because we understand that, you know, I am not going to throw stones in a glass house. I have brought plenty of losers to dinner.
Starting point is 00:31:31 It was not a reflection on you. It was not a reflection on you. We just all thought it was pretty funny. The guy comes in and he literally doesn't say hello. It's like, hey, Bob, whatever you're fucking, how are you? And he's like, hey, I'm uninter name is how are you and he's like hey, I'm uninterested how are you? Would you guys order mind ordering some more appetizers on your milk? I'm super fucking
Starting point is 00:31:58 And that's the night that Chrissy didn't know how much the stone crab was oh my god That was fucking hard. I have 500 stone crab claws. I was like, these things are delicious. We were waiting for, I think we were waiting for Rachel. So we all got there a little bit early and we started drinking. We started in biving. And I mean, Chrissy must have been, we all must have been two or three bottles of wine into this
Starting point is 00:32:21 before we got sat down at this table. And so the waiter comes up and he says, hello, welcome to one of the shelalas. Tonight is that how he found it? It is a this shelalala welcome. Tonight we have a very special special. It is called the stone crab. And Chrissy was like, oh my God, Stone Crab. I love Stone Crab.
Starting point is 00:32:49 And I was like, yes, Stone Crab, that sounds good. Okay, how many should you have? And Chrissy looks at me and she's like, you can have one and I'm like, oh, I gotta have one. I asked her, you can have one. Yeah, she'll have one too. We'll take 12. And he's like, you want to?
Starting point is 00:33:04 They're small. They're small. Yeah, she goes, how big are they? And he goes,, you want to... They're small. Yeah, they're small. Yeah, she asks, she goes, how big are they? And he goes, well, he's a stone crab. He's small. He's the size of a stone. And he goes, It's the size of a stone.
Starting point is 00:33:16 And she says, I'll take 12. And literally, sat there and we plowed through all 12 snowcrab. She had it for, and then she ordered three more for her dinner She's like I'll take a salad in some more stone crab Like $700 later I was in we got you One of the greatest moments in- I still love Stonecraft.
Starting point is 00:33:48 I stand behind my stone crab last. As you should. You knew what you liked and you didn't care on what's in that costume. That's right. You put that restaurant owner in a new house. You stand behind your stone crab. Oh my god. That was incredible. I, you know, we all met at Clear Channel
Starting point is 00:34:04 so long ago now. It's been so many years, and I pondered upon about this over the last day or so, and I think to myself, how free you are on a podcast or a video, I'm watching your videos, and I'm like, you know, we're just so free to do whatever we want and say whatever we want. For whatever reason, and I'd like your opinion on this, I always imagined that radio
Starting point is 00:34:27 and radio talent would be, I'd walk into that building, I came into it late in life. I wasn't an early radio guy or girl. I mean, literally, I was 33 or 4 when I- Were you a girl when you walked into Somalaisel? Brian? are you? You have to tune in to episode number 112. For the revelation of the year. As I slowly reveal. My born sexes, they call it.
Starting point is 00:34:58 My born gender. Do you feel like you get the respect you deserve as a voiceover artist in that business? That's a spectacular question and Listen, I know who pays my bills. Yeah, it is my radio clients. Yeah, and I came in at a time when Well, I wasn't gonna take the old school radio model was Let's have a big deep voice guy boom boom 1072 What a 7.2 the wrong What the boom
Starting point is 00:35:30 It's the bomb And so when I came into it I was like this doesn't seem like it's working, you know, this seems like we should and all women were just delegated into relegated, relegated, relegated, I think tonight. Yeah, no, you're right, relegated into like the corner. Relegated into the, as the station voice were relegated into just the accent role. Yeah. And so the women would come on and be the laugh, they would laugh at the guys, the voice guys jokes,
Starting point is 00:36:08 or even morning show host of women. It would always be the guy first. So everything was male-driven. And when I came up, I was like, I am not your accent voice. And I will tell you, it's been amazing for me to have all of these powerful men who were the vice presidents and the program directors and the operations managers hire me as their main voice.
Starting point is 00:36:31 And I have male accents now. Yeah. And I feel it. I love it. Yet watching the world come this far has been incredible. So yeah, for me, the radio stations treat me like gold and I love them. Well, they do because they know that you're their bread and butter too.
Starting point is 00:36:46 Like, I mean, I think that people out in the audience may not understand what an imager, and what imaging does for radio station. It literally sets the tone. It's the mood. It's like a, I don't know. It's like a director of photography on a movie. Like when you watch a movie and it's got, you know,
Starting point is 00:37:02 it's gray or it's blue or whatever the tone or the mood is, imaging sets that tone for the radio station. And so it's ultra important because how you feel about that radio station oftentimes has to do with how it sounds and how it comes through the speakers and what kind of attitude and mood it has. And so Rachel is a huge part of doing that with hundreds of radio stations across the world. What I, you know, when I walked into that radio station,
Starting point is 00:37:26 it's clear to me that how many, how many talented human beings were sitting there in those studios working. Like I truly respected the audio that was coming out of their mouse and the way that they were going about doing it. What I was disappointing to me was the way that the management treated some of those people at times. And I'm sure that that happens in the Hollywood and all over. I'm not well. Yeah, I mean
Starting point is 00:37:49 Geez look at Weinstein. He was sexually assaulted. Oh my god That's the fucking what is the craziest thing? You don't I don't want you to drop names because I know that these people pay your bread and butter But they they you make money doing this, but what is the craziest? who's, can you remember a story about the craziest radio talent that you ever met? Like somebody who was on air, who you were just like, you heard or saw something happen. Do you see the one that you see the one coming? I think I know who you're going to. I'm sorry. So there was a bowling party.
Starting point is 00:38:21 I won't mention names. Oh, no, exactly where this is going. I know where it's going to. Tell it. No, I'm not going to name names. There was a bowling party. I won't mention names. I know where it's going to tell it. I'm not going to name names. There was a bowling party. We had the Clear Channel. I don't know if it was a holiday party or whatever the party. I think it was the holiday party. It was a grand holiday party for Clear Channel in the seventh largest market. Yes. Exactly. And there what? Stop. I love. but let's make it, you know, I feel like that was summer. I am a huge, I heard media supporters love them. Okay, so it was a party and I had heard we were hiring a new morning show host for the,
Starting point is 00:38:58 it's exactly who you think it is for the re-nation. I needed it. And back then, I was producing, So I would produce all the stuff. So I was gonna be working with him closely. Wow. So the big boy manager of the station brings in this guy was on Celebrity Fit Club. He had lost a whole bunch of weight
Starting point is 00:39:17 and he was a well-known comedian. And I had watched him on Celebrity Fit Club and I'm super young. And I turn and I look at my friend and I go, I'm super young, and I turn, and I look at my friend, and I go, I'm gonna sleep with blah, blah, blah tonight. You turned to me. Oh, was it tonight? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:31 I go watch me do that. I'm gonna go walk over to him, and I'm gonna invite him over. Rachel Pluttermark. So I literally meet him, and I'm not gonna lie to you, like I thought this dude was hot on celebrity-fickle, but there he is right in front of me. So I pretend the big boss guy isn't there.
Starting point is 00:39:49 I walk right up to him and I'm like, Hey, blah, blah, blah. I'm Rachel. I'm like, I used to watch you on celebrity fit club. I'm like, oh, my God. My lane. When I come home, my lane. You want to knock your pins? I'm not my pins down with your balls.
Starting point is 00:40:06 That is fucking crazy. And I remember, I won't say the name, but I remember who this was. I was working for that same station. Yes, I was there. I was there. I was selling advertising on it. I wonder if people are gonna be able to figure this out.
Starting point is 00:40:17 Like, hmm, listen, I remember the day that this guy showed up or that it was announced that he was gonna be at our clothing call cluster. And it was kind of a big deal because he was like, a minor celebrity at the time. Now he's like a minor, minor, minor celebrity, right? No one, he, no one ever may even know who the fuck that guy is, but.
Starting point is 00:40:34 But I wish the best for him. I mean, I totally do. No, I totally do. But he, I mean, that, and I think that guy had kind of a torture time. I'm out of my way. He did. He was there for all of 16 days.
Starting point is 00:40:45 He flamed and then flamed out. Listen, it's better to, what do they say? It's better to sparkle and fade and shoot for the moon. Yeah, sparkle and fade. He flew too close to the sun. He flew too close to the sun. Is this like Brian last week saying the Pisces over the wood in the room?
Starting point is 00:41:06 I said that Jupiter was in retraction in Pisces in the Southern sky. You gotta understand, is my mind works so quick that sometimes I just say stuff and it makes no fucking sense. I mean since Rachel and I were both Pisces. Yeah, we had. Well, I looked at Chrissy today. I was like, should we go to the Southern? The Southern sky?
Starting point is 00:41:28 Southern sky. I think all the moons are in retraction now. It's a fucking crazy, crazy, crazy time. When you date a guy, do they get jealous of your work? Because I know you're such a like a workaholic, or if people come up to you and they say, have you ever been in this situation where you're dating a guy and then somebody comes up and says, Hey, I recognize your voice or they recognize your voice at a party. Do guys get jealous of that?
Starting point is 00:41:51 Or is that mean like is your kind of I don't see yes, I don't want to see famous, but yeah, okay, no It emasculates them and I refuse to and I refuse to downgrade myself so that I can make you feel better. The man that I end up with will be proud of what I do and what I accomplish. And if I make more money than him, so be it. If he makes, I'm not looking, I think one of the things about being independently successful is that I'm not looking for a man with money. I'm not gold digging at all. And when I was young with no money, we talked about this, I was, and I looked, I would ask a man, hey, what kind of car do you have? No, I'm like the shittier, the better.
Starting point is 00:42:33 Let's go. I'm like, I, I, I, you want to, like what, what is that? Oh, a tourist, a Ford tourist. Oh my God, a Ford tourist. That takes me back. That takes me back. That takes you back.
Starting point is 00:42:47 My favorite popular car on the road. My parents had a Ford Taurus station wagon. What I was doing. Oh goodness. That's really getting into it. We had a conversion van. Like literally a conversion van. Like a...
Starting point is 00:43:02 Like a creepy movie. They made Ford T tours vans. No, but we did. Oh, my brother, I think, had a four-tourist. We had a station wagon for a long time. It wasn't a four-tourist and then my mom. You told the tourists with the van. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:17 You went on trips. When I told that story about me being high on mushrooms and finding that cat in the gas station My friend he was we drove this four doors and he had one of those like little Hawaiian girls on front I would dance The section cup. He just thought it was a best. We just thought that that was the best And he had as he put a CD player in the tape cassette player like you had to actually put the cassette in the tape player to play I had to play this
Starting point is 00:43:48 Oh, yeah, I Brow technology at the time and then you also have a bag phone My listen to this so my dad had a bag phone in his in the convertible Corsica that he had which is a Chevrolet Corsica And my yeah, so this is the first car that we were driving around. My dad had forever. That's with the Seabring convertible. That's correct, very close.
Starting point is 00:44:11 Yeah, and all seven of us drove in... Don't get a confused with Cabriolay. All seven of us would drive to school in that damn convertible. And my dad, he would like to put the top down and say January 31st, like he just thought that it was all the sudden spring weather because he was from Chicago. So he put that damn top down and everybody be fucking freezing. And even when the heat was in full blast
Starting point is 00:44:33 and the top was up and the windows were rolled up, that thing was fucking freezing because it basically had like, I don't know, cotton on the top of it. That's what it was made of. Yeah, it was a wrap top. It was the most awful car. But then when I got to drive it. I think I was saying on the top of it. That's what it was made of. Yeah, it was a wrap top. It was the most awful car But then when I got to drive it
Starting point is 00:44:49 But then you put the top down and everything was good In the summer when he put the top down the ladies loved it. He had his bag phone is all this Excuse me. Can I make a call? Can I make a call? So he puts it in the car. I'm gonna plug it in my bag. Let me plug it in my bag. Put it in the car. It's like 172 pounds. He puts it in the middle of the console, right? And he says, this is for a work and emergencies only.
Starting point is 00:45:16 Don't ever use this phone under any circumstance. And you know, it's like $300 a minute to make a phone call back then, right? Because it was like, 300 tickets. Literally calling satellites or something out in space. Like, aliens, we could dial the aliens back in the back. I think you could only make phone calls
Starting point is 00:45:33 when a space shuttle was up there. So, bouncing off the bottom of the space shuttle and down to a relay station. So my dad did this thing. So when we started driving or my brother started driving, because my dad didn't let me drive until I was 18 years old. I can't imagine why. So when we started driving, you know, he had this bag phone,
Starting point is 00:45:53 and it was only for emergencies. But then, you know, every once in a blue minute, and you picked up the phone and you called your friend. And you know, and then I got a beeper pretending I was a drug dealer. Because here's what I would do, is the beeper would go off, and then I knew somebody who knew somebody
Starting point is 00:46:09 who knew somebody who may have had a connection to really dirty weed at some time. And so I got a beeper at the beeper station, and then every time the beeper would go off, I'd make a phone call from that car, and my dad one month was like, $6,000! Oh, shit!
Starting point is 00:46:26 You're like, I had an emergency. I'm like, man, it's my page. You're it's an emergency when someone called me with 911. And 911. I was a little bit of a person to see it.
Starting point is 00:46:35 I'm a painter. Look at all these 911 text. And when my dad found the growing weed down in the basement, he brought it up during dinner time and he said to me and my brothers, he growing weed down in the basement, he brought it up during dinner time. And he said to me and my brothers, he looked at us.
Starting point is 00:46:48 And he said, I've pieced it all together now with the pager and the phone calls. Who's got the hoarder cultural exhibit going on downstairs in the basement? And Kevin and I looked at each other. And we were just like, yeah, he does exactly. That was it. We crossed fingers and was like,
Starting point is 00:47:05 he does this asshole right here. Your videos are amazing. I know you only have two out and I just think they're hilarious. They're so well produced and I see that there's a lot of people already, I mean, for a new channel, a lot of people are already viewing it.
Starting point is 00:47:22 What's the feedback you've gotten so far and what can we expect next? Okay, so it's been poliriously mixed in that when you go on video and you have a strong personality like me and you look a certain way, act a certain way, cook a certain ways, you know, people are gonna attack. And so I would say 90% of the people love it. They're like, oh my God, you know, this is great.
Starting point is 00:47:49 I've never seen a woman be funny and cook at the same time. Cause it's just very, I didn't even know I was being unique cause I'm just being myself. Not fantastic. It's great. And my favorite thing to do is laugh and also eat. So I figured I could do both of them at the same time. You know?
Starting point is 00:48:06 And so it's been great, but I've also had men commenting on the size of my breasts when I'm not even wearing anything revealing at all, but men just will, and even women will say it. And I'm like, you know what? Get a light. But that's what I could for them. Thanks for watching. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:23 And then also recently, I was mining my own business and I got a Facebook message and it was from the general manager of a TV station. This is fucking insane. So I just got picked up for the fall season to do my show once a week. Wow, so are they sure, are they gonna take the videos and are they gonna broadcast them?
Starting point is 00:48:42 Or do you actually have to go and record them in a studio? That was my question. Yeah, so they want my format just as I'm doing it and they loved I said you know my show is only five minutes Right they go that's one of the things we loved because right now I mean like people just this when you're listening to a podcast for me I listen to your podcast. Thank you that I'm on your podcast now, but I listen to what I'm doing here in makeup. You know, I'm this girl who's got really long,
Starting point is 00:49:11 you know, hair extensions and I love a lot of makeup. So my hair and makeup is a process, right? Yeah. So when I listen to a podcast, I become a mercenate and I can listen for hours. But when you're watching a show and you have to be there and watch it, the attention span is short.
Starting point is 00:49:29 I'm not sure. It's true. Now that I have a son and I know now that I'm gonna have two kids, the most precious time in the world to me is time with my wife alone, but the second most precious time with me for me is when I actually can watch a television show uninterrupted.
Starting point is 00:49:44 I used to be able to pop on a television show whenever I had a few minutes and I would just sit and watch it and I get and grossed in it. And now it's true that if I'm watching. And 90 day, Fiat. 90 days. Stop.
Starting point is 00:49:53 You know you're gonna love it, hold it. Once you start watching it, you're not gonna be able to get away from it. I guarantee. I've got what I'm scared of. I've also never seen it. I've never seen it. I've all but until you guys explained,
Starting point is 00:50:04 but I knew what it was about, but I didn't know that. You have to watch the television. That's probably the thing, Chris is like, what? If you don't get married. I've got to watch the show. Okay, let's all watch it and talk about it next time.
Starting point is 00:50:18 Absolutely. So, yeah, if you don't get the visa then. So, I loaded that up just for you, Chrissy. So, I love the show. So, what, this guy, where are they located? Where's the station? It's in a market like in South Georgia. It's just so funny.
Starting point is 00:50:41 That's perfect. I knew it. I knew it. I knew it. I knew it. I knew it. I knew it. Because you're in this fucking gas station. People are listening to you on this religious television state of the religious radio station and they're falling in love with you And little do they know that your television your television show is gonna be nothing like what they're hearing on that Religious station. What about it? I mean,'s, but it's a little bit irreverent. Are they okay with that?
Starting point is 00:51:05 They're gonna be good with that? I, they said they wanted, they said change, nothing. They actually said it changed. Like, not your clothes, not the way I speak, not how the, they just, all I have to do is get an intro and outro and I couldn't believe, because this man is talking me with a heavy southern accent and I'm like, you know what? They're ready for me.
Starting point is 00:51:27 They are ready. I am shane just coming. I am so happy for you. That's incredible. Congratulations, Rachel. Thank you so much. Thank you. You deserve it.
Starting point is 00:51:37 So now let's remember this as we're getting into this. Let's remember that when we go to YouTube and we type in C Rachel Cook, we got to not put spaces in it. S-E-E-R-A-C-H-E-L-C-O-O-K. All together. And then we buy Orcarbinarra. Yeah. Or Carbinarra or Ribbite. That's right. Yeah. Because if you go the other direction, you could end up on a whole other Sea Rachel
Starting point is 00:51:56 Cook. And I'm not saying it's bad, but you'll never get to see our Rachel. Or you can go to the show notes on That's If you go to the show notes for this episode or that's if you go to the show notes for this episode or episode number 10 there's plenty of links on there how do they find you on Instagram again what's your Instagram? See Rachel Cook at Sea Rachel Cook. I love the show. I love the show. I love the show so far.
Starting point is 00:52:22 I think it's just incredible and I say congratulations to you my friend on all of your success Oh, yeah, thank you. Congratulations to you guys on Estonia and they do speak Estonia. They do speak Estonian That's incredible. So I'll say hello to a few other countries that are out there Hong Kong We have listeners in Hong Kong. We have listeners in Vietnam, and we have quite a few listeners in Australia. So I'll say hello to all of those folks. Thanks for listening, thanks for tuning in and subscribing.
Starting point is 00:52:54 We really appreciate it. It's really nice to be noticed. That's all I gotta say. It feels good. We love you. You just said it. This show is hilarious. Well, thank you.
Starting point is 00:53:04 Even your dad thinks so. Hi, Mr. McGraw. I'm so happy We love you. Fuck you all the haters. This show is hilarious. Well, thank you. Even your dad thinks so. Hi, Mr. McGraft. Great to see you. Call me. I love you. We're just shooting the shit. Yeah, we're just shooting the shit. It's just two best friends adding to the insanity.
Starting point is 00:53:16 That's all I got to say. We got friends when we have our time. is where you go to find all of the information. So go there, listen to all the episodes at the commercial break on IG. You can like us on Facebook. We appreciate Rachel Graff, Rachel McGraft spending some time. See Rachel cook. I love you, Rachel.
Starting point is 00:53:33 Thanks for coming on again. And this will be a recurring thing. So when you have some time, if you'll come on, you know, next month, I'd love it. I should be so lucky. Oh, you're invited. Oh, good. Thank you for sitting in the invitation. Good. I'm going to Thank you. Consider the invitation. Good.
Starting point is 00:53:45 I'm going to slide into your whisper later on. I'm sliding into the mumble. Oh, my God. You know, that's exactly why I'm asking these questions. It's just so I can slide into your mumble later. Or maybe I'll tell one of my single brothers that they can figure their code out. I can't wait.
Starting point is 00:54:02 I'm really happy. But no long hair and no dirt. I'm sorry. We're just too well groomed. So I like smell like non dirt. I love you, holy and so all the listers all around the world, we say thank you for tuning into the commercial break. We will see you next week. Email us at the commercial B at Find us and follow us on Facebook and Instagram at the commercial break. New episodes drop every Wednesday. We can be found on Spotify,
Starting point is 00:54:37 iHeart Media, Apple, Google and all major podcast providers. The commercial break is a great middleweight production, written and produced by Brian Green, co-hosted by Chrissy Hodley. you

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