The Commercial Break - The Sad Mad Return Of Frankie!

Episode Date: September 21, 2022

Frankie B, long time muse for TCB, was retired from the show just 4 months ago. But he came roaring back with a classic Frankie B video a few days ago and Bryan cannot help himself. Frankie returns to... TCB with dating advice for men attracted to "party girls". As usual the only thing we learn is Frankie's own life problems! Pete & Kim K broke up months ago to Bryan's surprise Can you be with an unattractive person? TCB retired Frankie B 4 months ago, but he is back BABY! Party Girls is a term not widely defined. Frankie confirms this fact Frankie just went through a break up Frank gives us tips for avoiding party girl dramas LINKS: Send us show ideas, comments, questions or hate mail by texting us or leaving a voicemail at 1-661-Best-2-Yo (1.661.237.8296) Watch Us on YouTube Take a Listen to The Jordan Harbinger show! Dumb People Town Is a Very Funny Podcast From Starburns Audio Use This Link For Unlimited Talk & Tex on MINT MOBILE! Special Thanks To Our Associate Content Producers: Tina Rose Big Will The Champ Marianne Duke Luke Gustavo New Episodes on Monday, Wednesday and now Fridays everywhere you listen to podcasts! 1-(661)-BEST-2-YO  | (1-661-237-8296) Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 And so, Chris, with much sadness, I have to say we are retiring, Frankie B. On this episode of the commercial break. Okay, let's say he had a 12-inch cock, too. Let's say that he had all those things. Well, I mean, you just, I don't know, don't you women have like some cockdars? You're not looking at the way they walk. You're not looking at the way guys walk. Hey, the girl told me once I can tell you got a large cock the way you walk
Starting point is 00:00:26 And I'm like no, I just got something stuck in my ass We were right about this right. Yeah, we were right about this Yeah, I had a one through a band. He's not even over his divorce yet He's out there making these stupid fucking videos. I might as well take advice for my four-year-old son Yes, what I'm gonna show you X-Wife I'm gonna show you X-Wife. I'm gonna make a whole YouTube channel. I'm the world's foremost expert on nonsensical dating advice. How they use the kids when they don't want to do things with you,
Starting point is 00:00:57 but when they want to go... I thought he was gonna say when they don't even have kids. Let me give you number five. That's right. When she uses someone else's children as excuse not to go out with you. Well, I gotta change my neighbor's diapers. The next episode of the commercial break starts now. Oh yeah, Kazakhstan is welcome back to another episode of the commercial break. Now Yeah, Kazakhstan is welcome back to another episode of the commercial break. I am Brian green This is my dear friend Kristen joyfully and best to you, Chrissy
Starting point is 00:01:32 Yes, do you Brian? The best you are there in the podcast universe. How the hell are you? Thanks for joining us on yet another episode of this the commercial break It's not for everyone but fact news or fiction is guaranteed in 15 seconds or less go to To collect your earnings we're back on the train again. Yes, we will never stop. Here we are Does anybody give a fuck that Kim K and Pete broke up? I mean, that's old news. I don't know. I mean, it's old news. I just found out about it a couple days ago. What? Yeah, it's like a month. It's been a month since they've been broken up. See, let me repeat the question
Starting point is 00:02:05 I never give a fuck that Kim K and Pete broke up. I never suspected that was gonna last. You think you take one of the world's most Iconically beautiful women right now not my cup of tea but for a lot of people I suppose Kim K is the she's beautiful Yeah, okay, all right, it might be man-made, but she's beautiful. Totally man-made. Manufactured. Plastic fantastic. I mean, just like all the things, it's not for me, right? That's way too much done up for me.
Starting point is 00:02:34 That's high maintenance. That is the definition of high maintenance, it's just Kim K. And I can imagine it would be hard to be in a relationship with her and have all the selfies and all of the content. Because that's really how she stays relevant. Of course. Yeah. And every couple of weeks, you gotta go to get a tune up on your budding plants and all that shit.
Starting point is 00:02:50 Yeah. No, no thanks. Nip Tuck, squeeze bees. She's probably got a whole studio in her house. A whole spot in her house dedicated to Botox. You know, and injecting her with all kind of pills and potions and powders. And listen, God bless her, she makes her money,
Starting point is 00:03:07 she's doing fantastic. She is a woman, is that as a family of strong, smart, intelligent business women who have made their way billions and billions of dollars. Yes. A plus, I'm all about it. I only can hope that my daughter can carve her way in this world just like they have,
Starting point is 00:03:24 but all that plastic fantastic shit for me personally like attractive-wise, it's not for me. It's not for everyone. It's just the sum that- It's not for everyone. It's not for everyone. Let's just assume that Pete- let's just assume Kim K is the most beautiful woman in the world.
Starting point is 00:03:39 And then there's Pete. Yeah. Yeah. Pete. I don't know how much more I could say about Pete. There's Pete. Yeah. Yeah. Pete. I don't know how much more I could say about Pete. There's Pete. Yeah. I mean, apparently he's really funny and possibly has something working. He's got a huge dick is what you're trying to say. He's got a huge dick. He's got a John Ham like cock. I haven't heard like I haven't heard much about that. Oh, I have. Apparently, I mean, funny is a very attractive
Starting point is 00:04:02 thing. It's sure. Well, no, you get swarmed. Yes. Wait, you know, you can make the women laugh while you're plugging them with your 12-foot-inch cock. But this is... Okay. Let me ask the question I think I'm trying to get to. Okay, get to it.
Starting point is 00:04:19 Would you date a horribly unattractive man, right? Just imagine a really unattractive man. Okay. Unkempt, unclean. I'm not saying this is whative man, right? Just imagine a really unattractive man. Okay. Unkempt, unclean. I'm not saying this is what Pete is, right? Pete's, you know, cleans up nicely. I'm saying like an unkempt, unclean, hairy, rather large, smelly man, if he really tickled your personality feathers Sometimes even I think I'm funny. I My feathers my feathers were tickled I Don't know how we would get to that point if he's as horrible
Starting point is 00:05:07 Smelly and uncount smelly uncamped, but he is like, the world's most shining personality. He's charming, he's funny. But I think that's what it might be hard to get to the point to get to know about the personality if they smell it. Okay, let's say he had a 12-inch cock, too. Let's say that he had all those things. Well, I mean, you just, I don't know,
Starting point is 00:05:23 don't you women have like some cockdars? Something? No. You're not looking at the way they walk. You're not looking at the way guys walk. I had a girl tell me once, I could tell you got a large cocked the way you walk. And I'm like, no, I just got something stuck in my ass.
Starting point is 00:05:34 I just got a wedgie. You so you don't think you, I don't know, you guys go out, you have a couple drinks and think, you know, you're just like like what a charming smart Funny, I think there has to be some kind of physical attraction there. Yeah, they're has to be okay That's not what I'd hope to you say, but okay What do you think I was I don't know which I think you'd say I was just I was wondering if personality is a huge part of things Yes women
Starting point is 00:06:02 They have to be simulated in their mind. Yes. Yes. Yeah, I know that. Yeah. Yeah. And then the attraction does come, but it would be tough to get to that part if they smelled bad. I couldn't get close to talk to them. Like bad breath. Yeah. Yeah. Bad breath, body odor, get immediately kind of be a turn off. And I don't think I would talk to them long enough. A stinky binky. Yeah. To know a person. Interesting. That's me. I was watching a television show, comedy show. And the comedy show was, here's the premise real quick, right?
Starting point is 00:06:31 So it's like a, it's the show's called Mr. D. And it's a comedian actor who used to be a teacher. He's now a comedian and he does this whole show called Mr. D. Okay. I find it to be really funny. Even so, mostly juvenile, it's really funny. To me, at night, you night, part of my repertoire fantastic shows that I watch right before I go to bed.
Starting point is 00:06:48 Right, all things. So he's a teacher, and then there's the principal. And he walks into the principal's office, and there's a picture of the principal's daughter from like 10 years ago. And the girl's smoke and hot, right? Smoke and hot. And this guy, Mr. D, falls in love with this picture
Starting point is 00:07:02 of this girl, and she happens to be coming in town town and he asks the principal, you know, he says, hey, let me, let me take your daughter out to show her a good time. Absolutely not. I really frown upon teachers dating my daughter, right? It's just not just one of those things. I don't want my employees dating my daughter. Makes sense. And he says, please, please, please.
Starting point is 00:07:18 And she, she, finally, he relents and he says, well, listen, don't make a mess of this. Don't cause drama, but fine, right? So the girl comes in town the next day and she is not what was pictured, not as advertised, right? Just to imagine, not as advertised, not attractive. Yeah. But, and then Mr. D is like, oh, you know, I'm sorry, I can't go out,
Starting point is 00:07:40 but she forces him to go out and have some drinks and when she goes out to have drinks with them, she, they have everything in common. They, everything they't go out, but she forces him to go out and have some drinks. And when she goes out, to have drinks with them, they have everything in common. Everything they have in common, they laugh, they drink the same thing, they love the same sports teams, they like to do the same things, everything about it. And it brought up a question in my mind.
Starting point is 00:07:56 Like the Pete and Kate, that's what made me even think of Pete and, and, and, but I bet Pete smells good. I'm, I'm sticking with the smell part. I, I hope so. He's like a Yves Saint Laurent. I, I, I, I with the smell part. I hope so. He's like a Yves Saint Laurent. I think you and I both are smell a lot of people are. You know, you want somebody to smell things a mile away. Yeah, I want people to smell good too.
Starting point is 00:08:16 I don't think I've ever been faced with this particular situation. I've been faced with similar situations. I've had a bad breath situation on a couple of times. It's hard to. It's hard, but at least bad breath situation on a couple of times. Yeah, yeah. It's hard to, it's hard, but at least bad breath, you can say, hey, let's get some, let's get, here's a man. Let's get some dentine in you.
Starting point is 00:08:33 Here's a man. Here's a bit, or let's put some fluoride in that bitch and get you cleaned up. Have you seen my dentist? Yeah, they're, they're, they're, they're, they're a floss. They're really good dentists. They're a little bit right. Have you thought about brushing your teeth're real. They're real. They're really good dentists. They're really good.
Starting point is 00:08:46 Have you thought about brushing your teeth? I doubt this street. But I've been in situations where I certainly was not, did not find the person attractive, not that they were smelly with bad breath, but I didn't find them attractive. Yeah. But over a period of time.
Starting point is 00:08:58 Of course. And then sometimes after a few drinks, I was like, well, I could do worse. They're like, they have really shining personalities. And that I can remember specifically being in one situation where I just thought to myself, like if the worst that I could do is someone that wasn't the world's most attractive person to me, but they really stroke my personality feathers.
Starting point is 00:09:20 Yes. Then that, there could be worse. Like there could be worse. So. Like there could be worse. So. True. And they can do that. So I had sex with a couple of times, and these, they were the best lover in the world, too.
Starting point is 00:09:31 Oh, that's the other thing. What happens then? What if Mr. Big smelly, Harry, you know, large and in charge guy, who has a fantastic personality? Let's say you make the leap somehow, some way. You make the leap into bed, and they are the world's best lover. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:47 Then. Then this is done deal. It's yeah. So there's hope out there, guys. And I'm out. So there's hope out there. I was asking this for caller Pete. Pete called in and asked if, what I'll at least say.
Starting point is 00:09:58 By the way, I have to let you know that one of our listeners said that for, if we would do a special episode once a month in the nude, that they would pay $20.99 to see us. So, look for that brand new streaming channel for TCB coming out. Speaking of stupid ideas by the commercial break, I figure I'm just gonna get right into it. Speaking of stupid ideas that the commercial break
Starting point is 00:10:20 has come up with, that have come and gone in the ethos of the commercial break. There's quite a few. There's quite a few. But there was one that, well, again, have not lasted long. And then let me explain. Just let me just get right to it.
Starting point is 00:10:32 So I can rip the banday off right now. Okay, good. About June 12th, I think it was. So we're not even four months in, but June 12th was the last time that we heard from our good friend, Frankie B. And I said at that point, I said, this is the last Frankie B video we're going to do. He's not putting out videos anymore
Starting point is 00:10:49 that I know of like, you know, the last video he put out was back in January. He's not putting out videos. We have to move on. He has to move on. Everybody has to move on from this toxic relationship. Yeah. We've got to, we've got to spread our wings and fly away from Frankie B. And we did. And we did for four months. We did. We did get a lot of listener feedback. Yeah, we did. A lot of people were like, come on, bring back Frankie. Yeah, come on. And I held firm mainly because it was nothing new to
Starting point is 00:11:13 it. Sorry, I didn't come out with anything new. I held firm though. But now I could have gone deeper into the catalog, but I decided to hold on. But now Frankie's back. He's reappeared. Frankie's back. Back again. Frankie's back. Frankie's back. Frankie's back. Frankie's back. Frankie's back. Frankie popped out of nowhere
Starting point is 00:11:34 the other day on my YouTube page with a brand new video. And here's what I think happened before we get into this. When we first found Frankie, Frankie had a lot of content that was geared toward the dating, the person out there dating, the single man that was out there on the prowl and he was going to teach you how to get it done. Over 70, right? Over 50, over 60. What do you would say it was over 50, over 60. But really, you know, I...
Starting point is 00:12:01 I thought the age kept going down the more that he kept putting out the video. You mean the age of the women? No. That was so much. Yes. Well, I don't know. I don't quite remember. But mainly his channel.
Starting point is 00:12:15 For those of you that don't know, Frankie B is a guy who gives life advice. He's an expert in fitness, fashion, fun, tools, tools, cars, running, walking, anything, anything, anything he decides to opine about, he becomes this expert, and he'll do these videos where he tells you nothing, but he spends 14 minutes getting there. That's right. So Frankie has become our favorite foil on the commercial break by far the person we have talked most about on this stupid podcast. And we've done so many videos on Frankie. And for a long time, it was about the content related
Starting point is 00:12:48 to dating because he was single and on the prowl. But then all of the sudden, summer of last year, late summer of last year, all of that content went away. It actually came off the channel. He removed all of the dating videos. And then he was just doing like, travel, travel, he did some chef videos where he's cooking some shit He was doing double-decks
Starting point is 00:13:10 Tuning up his car reviewing potted plants down in Puerto Rico He was telling you how to put barbed wire in your face and make you know I'm trying to get the med spa. He's got that med spa So all of that all of that content went away, and then Chrissy and I kind of put two and two together. Some woman, while she didn't talk on the videos, showed up on a few of the travel videos as his travel partner.
Starting point is 00:13:33 She did, yeah, we were like, whoa. She was beautiful. She was smoking hot. Very beautiful. And she at the same time would like put her hand up over the camera. She didn't want anything to do with his stupid channel. So I think what happened was she came into his life
Starting point is 00:13:45 and said get rid of that fucking obnoxious content. It's gotta be right. Right? And he said, of course, because he's dating some young, beautiful woman. Anything for you. Anything for you. Smartly, Frankie, I'll give you that.
Starting point is 00:13:57 Smartly, right? Because some of that shit was rather stupid. I mean, it was just stupid. But then all of the, and then there's this big lapse of time when he does nothing for like almost seven, eight months now. However, he's back. And the title of his video is guys dating a party girl, get your wallet out. Classic Frankie. So Brian did the math in his head and here's what I figured out happened. Frankie was dating this girl for a period of time.
Starting point is 00:14:30 The girl that we saw in the videos who was holding her hands up trying not to get a full body shot over and she dumped them. And when she dumped him, he's decided to put together a few revenge videos to let her know that's how the whole thing started. We thought back when we started reviewing this three years ago that he the way that he was talking about dating in your 40s 50s 60s 70s they would have
Starting point is 00:14:53 hundreds of it had to have been from personal experience. Oh yeah no doubt yeah we assume that he was divorced yes because of some of the ways he was talking he had just gone through an nasty divorce and I mean just the way that he was talking about women in general let you know that he was divorced. Yes. Because of some of the ways he was talking. He had just gone through a nasty divorce. And I mean, just the way that he was talking about women in general, let you know that he was angry with the females' faces all together.
Starting point is 00:15:12 Like anything they did was suspicious. Like anything anyone was doing. She takes her phone to the bathroom. She's cheating on you. If she doesn't call you right away, that she doesn't love you, you know, this whole line out. How to sneak up on women at bars. Look at my body. Do I tackle bail for dinner?
Starting point is 00:15:31 So here we are, full circle, right? This is too good to pass up. I know I said we were going to give it a break. We did give it a break. But now he's back and I feel like we need to be on top of this or the video could go away and then we will have nothing to talk about again. Hahaha. Now I want you to know a few things.
Starting point is 00:15:49 I think in the beginning of this video, Frankie, I know this is like, I know this is kind of like self-absorbed to think this, but I believe it. I think Frankie is nodding to the commercial break at the beginning of his video. Okay, I want to- Because we kept talking about the last two videos,
Starting point is 00:16:05 how no new content was coming out and how no new dating content had come out. Frankie addresses this head on. Not that commercial break said this, but he addresses the fact that he's been gone and that he got rid of the dating content within the first five minutes. Oh good.
Starting point is 00:16:21 I believe that Frankie is, I believe selfishly and self-absorbed the league that, uh, egotistically, I believe that the commercial break is helping his channel. That's what I think. And I know this for a fact because I see people comment and y'all are just being stupid y'all. Don't ruin the game for us guys. If you leave a comment pretend like you like a shit. Don't then take our exact words and put them on his comment section. Yes, we need your help. We need your help on this on On the down though, guys. On the down though.
Starting point is 00:16:47 We want to keep Frankie and our ethos for a long, long time to come with the crescendo, hopefully, being Frankie like, I don't know, he's like a... Somehow coming up. He's a third host of the commercial break. Yes. Yes. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:16:58 Yes. We could just sit here and have fun with him to his face. Okay. So, without further ado, I was trolling on the internet. Well, as you do, I love to do Chrissy and one of my favorite things, whenever I get on that DM internet,
Starting point is 00:17:14 one of my favorite things to happen is a little notification up at the top right-hand corner that says new video from a channel you're subscribed to. This one is Frankie B. Look at him. He's back. Look at him. Rare form. He's got some new ink on his arms. Yeah. You guys know where to go to watch this.
Starting point is 00:17:32 You're gonna have to check this one out. I can't wait to see what Morgan does with this video. But here we go. Frankie, what is going on everybody? And welcome to my video. Yes, I'm back. I'm back in a saddle again. It's been a long time since I put out some content. I've been very busy with different business ventures.
Starting point is 00:17:54 I bet. I've been trying to sell salon sui's, unsuspecting victims. I haven't been having much luck with that. Turns out no one wants a salon suite. I've been putting barbed wire in people's faces. I've really been getting dumped. I got dumped. Yeah, and let's not forget. Let's also remind our listeners that Frankie has told us that he came up with the concept of the salon suite, which is basically where you would rent a chair. Yeah, you put, you build a salon and then you rent out the chairs, which is. He said he came up with it. That's fucking barber cuts are what are they place supercuts? That's supercuts.
Starting point is 00:18:34 And every other salon in the world does the same thing. And sure is a lot of things going on in my life, but guess what? I'm here and I'm here to give you the absolute best dating advice you can get. And how can I guarantee that I'm going to give you the absolute best dating advice? I can't guarantee that. Yeah, let's hear that. Because you're already off the rails. How can I guarantee?
Starting point is 00:19:00 I don't know. Like send in a self-adressed postcard to 777, so long as we weigh. I mean, how are you going to guarantee this, Frankie? I don't know, like send in a self-adressed postcard to 777 Salon Swayway. I mean, how are you gonna guarantee this Frankie? Because I'm not a guy that's on the computer, researching stuff and say, oh, okay, I'm an expert now. Now I'm gonna get on the camera and talk about it. I feel like he's directly talking to me.
Starting point is 00:19:22 Yeah. Like he's directly talking to me. Yeah, no, he's got real world experience. Yeah, he's directly talking to me. Like he's directly talking to me. Yeah, no, he's got real world experience. Yeah, he's got real world experience. I've got seven SDDs. Let's check me out. Who is actually actively dating. So I'm gonna give you the day in and day out,
Starting point is 00:19:41 things that are gonna happen to you, and things that you can expect when you're dating, when you're in your 50s and 60s. Let's face it. You're right, it's getting lower. It was like 60s, 70s and 80s and then it went down to like 50s, 60s and 70s and now it's just 50s and 60s. Yeah, he's trying to beat back father time. What do you mean the real world day to day, like when you're dating? Well, that exactly how he was searching for the words to who was like the things. You're gonna wake up cock on your mouth. You're gonna go to sleep cock on your mouth. It's like what are you talking about Frankie? I said in the 50s and 60s.
Starting point is 00:20:18 You know, you think you think you got this dating thing down, but you don't. How long has it been since you dated? Besides cheating, all right? How long has it been? What? Besides cheating? Is that dating? Well, take away the cheating.
Starting point is 00:20:35 Never, Frankie. Take away the cheating. You think you got this dating thing down, but I am real expert. I've been dating day in day out for years. And I'm here to guarantee you success. Has it been since you actually dated you actually know what to do when you're on a dating site? Do you know what is the proper lines to meet that woman? Or do you know Frankie? I'm so curious. He's gonna tell us none of this bother. So don't get your hopes up out there and podcast universe land because he's
Starting point is 00:21:10 gonna tell us none of this. I just say oh yeah you're you're so hot. Yeah I'd like to meet you. Danny working. This is gonna get you nowhere. So I't dare working. Let me give you an example line. Look at my body! What is it? Maybe you don't know what it takes. But I'm here to set you straight. So, if you're interested in finding out the key tips on how to be successful Indating in your 50s and 60s. Let's roll them, man Fitness fashion fun and and lifestyle. There he is Wow, Frankie working out playing golf. Oh, there's his girl Well, I guess once you agree to it once, it's gonna be on there forever. It's like this damn commercial break. It's never going off the internet to my wife's this bag.
Starting point is 00:22:14 Oh. Oh, parasailing. That's a new one. Yeah. My name is Frank Bernardo, and I welcome you to my channel. I built this channel three years ago for guys in their 50s And I literally took a hammer and some screws and built this YouTube channel. Look at it. Isn't it wonderful? It's like with the Owen Mills, you know in the background to the the background. I just like
Starting point is 00:22:40 You just think about walking into Frankie's condo. It's probably an overwhelming smell of old spice and Eve St. Laurent and two to fish double dex. Everything is in its proper place. A floors are sparkling clean. Frankie walks out with his black tea. I mean, it's just a girl's dream come true. It really is. See, you want to up their game, look and feel better about themselves in grooming fitness
Starting point is 00:23:05 fashion and lifestyle. And if at any time during this video you love the content, do me a favor, give the video a thumbs up. If at any time during the video you feel like you're going to be sick, please reach down in between your seats for the barf tag. He stopped saying smash, smash that line. Oh yes, smash that like button. He just said give it a thumbs up.
Starting point is 00:23:24 Good, good for you Frankie That's gonna definitely help my channel grow and do me a favor subscribe So you don't miss any of my upcoming content for guys He's throwing down the gauntlet. He's saying tcb. I see you out there That's a teaser if there ever was I know I wonder how long that's gonna last though. Like a lot of these Frankie B videos, he just doesn't follow through. 50s. Well, to be fair, like a lot of the,
Starting point is 00:23:50 like a lot of our own videos, he doesn't follow through. 60s. All right, so let's jump in to the dating scene. So, all right, you're a gentleman in your 50s and 60s. So, you get thrusted into this dating scene, unless you're a thrusted. I you get thrusted into this dating scene unless I'm a rusted. I'm a rusted. Even 40% of all guys girls, they get
Starting point is 00:24:12 the worst. So if you're a younger guy in your 30s, 40s, or early 50s, and you're watching this video, be on your game. 30s 40s. Now, you're back to 30s 40. Chrissy, he doesn't know what he's talking about. There's no purpose to any of this. It's literally a circular conversation for his own edification. And now the 3.6,000 followers that are out there trying to garner just a little as bit the gleam of hope from Frankie B.
Starting point is 00:24:39 The problem is he never gets to the fucking point on anything ever. problem is he never gets to the fucking point on anything ever. Because if you get thrusted into the dating scene later in life in your is thrusting anybody into the dating scene. Get out there. I could see us like out of a rocket like a naval. Yeah. She Franky and I like walking into a bar and he just like throws me into a bar seat next to a woman. Now, Dator!
Starting point is 00:25:10 Oh, hi, I'm Brian. I was thinking we're supposed to be on a blind date. Who are you? I'm your blind date. I'm not on a blind date, you are now. I got thrusted into this. Out of shape, you don't look good. You're hygiene is horrible. Your fashion is terrible. Where are you going? You're gonna host the commercial break. That's how I'm on my way. I'm on my way.
Starting point is 00:25:39 Be behind the eight ball. And it's gonna take you. Behind the eight ball. He might know about that. Yeah. He might know about that. Months and months and months to find someone. So be on your game at all times. Always be ripped. Always be ready for a vagina to fall out of the sky.
Starting point is 00:26:00 What are you gonna say? Always be on your game. What is that platitude? Always be on your game. What is that planet to always beyond your game? What am I literally walking around ready to have sex at any moment? Oh, yeah, taken but he's taking wide-bride in 3000. If you are a man in their 50s and 60s, what are we looking for? Come on, let's call speeders fate. We're looking for some hot 20 year old pussy. That's what we're looking for. Let's be honest
Starting point is 00:26:29 Let's go to the spade of spade. Let's call a high school graduate a high school graduate, Shelley Let's call a sophomore and college a sophomore and college, right? I'm dating my best friend's sister Daughter sorry. I'm dating my daughter's best friend better yet For that younger woman, right? All right. Let's define a younger woman. Follow man 60 years old. What's the younger woman? I would say 50 if you come on Frankie. Don't be foolish. Shit. That's not what you're saying. You said call spade is spade. Let's be honest. The woman that you were with in Mexico is not 50. She's not you're certainly 60 and she's not 50 yeah no she was 30 tops she was 30 yes we're gonna get younger than that without a boatload
Starting point is 00:27:15 of cash I was broke as a joke when I'm an asterisk. She's still thinking out with me Of course, I wasn't 50 it she wasn't 20 so there you go So again, if you think that you're gonna get the 50 year old, you better be the exception to the rule. You better look good. You better look good at 60 than any guy in his 50s looks. So if you're not on your game, get on it now because you never know what happens. And what the fuck are you saying? I don't know. It's so good. Jiffer. Jever Yeah, okay, if let's be honest guys if you want to get that girl in her 20s
Starting point is 00:28:12 You better have a boat load of cash and if you want to get your girl in your 50s on it better game now go all right You understand what I'm saying Turtles turquoise fashion fitness labor Understated all right, okay now onto my next point Suitcases all right guys if you don't have your suitcases ready to go at any time computer screen Action go now all right you guys are ready everyone good What is that 50 year old woman seeking that you're looking for
Starting point is 00:28:49 Probably someone that's still breathing I mean a nice gentleman. Is that what you're looking for in your 50s? Oh, thank She's seeking a younger man Well, yeah, sure, why not? I don't know if that's like the norm, though. I think it's more normal for a guy to date a younger woman, but I do believe that it also is in fashion for girls to date younger men.
Starting point is 00:29:16 Of course it is. But what are you talking about, though? I don't know what he's talking about. There's no point to these videos. How anybody gets anything out of these videos. I have no idea. Because he's saying, if you're in your 60s and you don't have a boat's talking about. There's no point to these videos, how anybody gets anything out of these videos. I have no idea. Because he's saying, if you're in your 60s and you don't have a boatload of cash,
Starting point is 00:29:28 go to the 50s. Go to the 50s. But if you're gonna go to the 50s. But the woman who's in her 50s is looking for a younger man. It's looking for a younger man. So no one's getting fucked. Maybe she's got a boatload of cash.
Starting point is 00:29:39 No one's getting laid. It's like that game where you got a pole back, you know, you peel back one and then you peel back another to find the matching thing Yeah, you just like you're trying to find the matching half all the time and the other thing is is he says He says if you're in your 60s, you're looking for someone in her 50s Okay, if you're looking for someone in their 20s, then better have a boatload of cash But if you're 50s, it's likely you're not gonna get the 50 year old because you better be on your game
Starting point is 00:30:00 What does be on your game mean? You got to follow through with some points there. Give us some kind of information. Maybe he will. Women are no. Oh, I want different. When they, when they're divorced, and they get on the dating scene, they get thrusted. They're getting when they're getting thrusted from behind. And the dating and the dating seed. The younger guy. The same thing applies for the woman. If she's not on her game, she's not getting the inner guy. But if she is on her game, guess what? She will get the younger guy. So everything is relevant.
Starting point is 00:30:40 Up is down. Down is up. As if he's just everything's relevant. Yeah, as he just He's like, everything's relevant. Yeah, as he just, I think he means everything's relative. As if he just solved Einstein's equation. Everything is relevant. Everything is relative, first of all. You're right about that.
Starting point is 00:30:57 Second of all, I don't get it. I still don't get the equation. Everything's relevant though. In your 50s, looking for someone in their 20s, unless you're on your game, you're gonna get someone in your 50s, but you're not gonna be someone in your 50s, unless you're really on your game,ifties looking for someone in their twenties unless you're on your game You're gonna get someone in your fifties But you're not gonna be someone in your fifties unless you're really on your game She's looking for someone younger and then she's on her game
Starting point is 00:31:11 But if she's not that she's gonna get someone in her 60 So by his logic Let me think about it So if a man in his 60s he's looking for a 50-year-old Yeah, he needs to choose a woman who's not on her game. That's correct. OK. Just so we're clear on it. Now we have the ground rules there.
Starting point is 00:31:28 Hey you, yeah you. Thanks for listening to another episode of The Commercial Break. That's where you go to connect with Chrissy and I. You can find out more information about the two of us. Listen to all the audio or watch all the video all from one location. slash the commercial break is the place to be if you want daily clips and
Starting point is 00:31:51 full episodes two days after they release on your favorite audio platform. At the commercial break on Instagram and 6661-237-8296, that's 6661, the word best, the number 2, why oh yo. Give us a text message, leave us a voicemail, tell us how you feel about the show, leave us content ideas, comments, questions, concerns, we'll take it all at 661 2 3 7 8 2 9 6. Please do us a favor and leave us a comment and a review on your favorite podcast player It's the only way the show grows and we appreciate all those people who have done so lately We're gonna take a moment to tell you about our sponsors and then we'll be back to this episode of the commercial break Ah this episode is sponsored in part by our good friends at Mint Mobile, and yes, that
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Starting point is 00:34:25 So how long you been a hairdresser? Oh, I've been dating now for like 50 years. Didn't ask about your dating. I haven't dating for 50 years. There's chokes. How many years do you say? Let's see. Dating now for six years.
Starting point is 00:34:39 Six. Six. Six. Oh, he's probably married before that. Yeah. And we were right about this. about this right. Yeah, we were right about Yeah, he had a went through a bad to even over his divorce yet He's not done making these stupid fucking videos. I might as well take advice for my four-year-old son Guess what I'm gonna show you X-Wife
Starting point is 00:35:00 I'm the world's foremost expert expert on nonsensical dating advice YouTube channel. I'm the world's foremost expert, expert on nonsensical dating advice. Oh, he's the several different women. And what I've been able to accumulate several several. What I've able to accumulate knowledge is a lot. And that's why he's still dating. What I've been able to accumulate is a lot of credit card debt Everybody talking about that boatload of cash earlier
Starting point is 00:35:29 I owe him X about $90 90 90 thousand is a pattern a pattern Between women that I meet all right, I've been able to accumulate a pattern of women that I meet Alright, I've been able to accumulate, but you're not saying it. No. I've been able to accumulate a pattern of women that I meet. I've been out of there. I take it, I ate some things about tomorrow's weather. And I'd like to accumulate those things later on in the day.
Starting point is 00:36:22 Well, thanks, Frankie. You had no problem. God, I can help. Oh, whoa. Why did Frankie slow down like that? Oh, hold on. I don't know what happened here. All of a sudden everything went in slow motion. Why is that? He heard that we were talking about him. Oh, yeah, okay. Are the signs that they could be using you. They could be a party girl. You don't know, right?
Starting point is 00:36:51 They could. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. They could be using you. They could be a party girl. Those are the patterns that he's picked up. They could be using you.
Starting point is 00:37:00 They could be a party girl. They could be a man. And as are the things he's picked up. Oh my God, he's been heartbroken so many times. How do you know? So in today's video, well, if a girl busts out a bunch of coke, then party girl. Yeah, I know a girl is going to use you.
Starting point is 00:37:19 Is it before or after she asked for the amics in her name? In my experience, I've been able to accumulate the after about a hundred thousand dollars in charges on your American Express in the first month. She's likely to be using you. How do you know she's a party girl? If you walk in and there's a dick on either end of her with some cocaine in the middle, she's a party girl.
Starting point is 00:37:42 All right, now guys, that doesn't, that doesn't mean automatic break up. It just means, you know, translate, translated lightly. Remember, you're using her photos on Instagram to get back at your ex-wife. So there is a trade-off here. Ha, ha, ha. Uh, I know you, that you're dating a party girl
Starting point is 00:38:03 and what are the signs? What you need to look out for. Oh my God, it's like you're talking about, like it's just like an episode of intervention. I know, and see, I thought at once again, at the very beginning, he said, I'm gonna give you guaranteed dating advice. But now, this is the seven warning signs,
Starting point is 00:38:22 you're dating a party girl. I can tell you right now if you're dating a party girl. I can tell you right now if you're dating a party girl If you're dating a party girl Yeah, if she's out at the club doing coke 24 hours a day ecstasy instead of drinking water It's likely you're dating a party girl if she can't say her ABC It's without sing-songing you're dating a party girl If she likes I'm not gonna say the last one, but it was funny to me. I think when dating a party girl
Starting point is 00:38:55 So the first time that you do you feel like this was supposed to be two videos and you just put them together? Yeah, I think so definitely know you're dating a party girl if she is always on her phone Take it all of her selfies. You know Constantly and then right away texting it, you know to all her friends. Oh poor Frankie. He's so hers He just went a little bit. Yeah, he went a little he went a little sideways By the way, what are you doing? Frankie you're making a video every 15 fucking seconds. You're doing Frankie? You're making a video every 15 fucking seconds. You're in Mexico, you're making a video.
Starting point is 00:39:27 You're literally showing the hotel room in 3D panorama. It's like no one needs to see that shit, no one gives a shit. What does she do if she realizes she's, what do you do if you realize you're dating a Frankie B? We need to do a video on that. Oh my god, oh, finally at the time. So many possibilities. When she's with you, and they say,
Starting point is 00:39:49 oh, oh, come here babe, come here babe, come on. Come on, honey, bye. Come on baby, give me a picture. She takes one picture of you, and then guess what? The rest? Yeah. Oh my God. This just turned into a character study
Starting point is 00:40:05 and someone who just got dumped. Yeah. Okay, now this is last girlfriend. Yeah, that's his last girlfriend. It's last girlfriend. If you're dating someone that's under the age of 30 or 40, it's likely that you're gonna have someone who likes to take pictures and post them on Instagram.
Starting point is 00:40:19 It's the entire world, Frankie. And has nothing to do with a party girl who's not a girl who posts pictures on Instagram. Some of the shyest people I know have the biggest Instagram followings because it's a way that we derive self-worth. It's a sickness, I agree, but the truth is, Frankie, there's nothing strange about that. Doesn't make her a party girl.
Starting point is 00:40:37 Yeah, and the fact that she doesn't want to put you in her pictures, you're 50, she's 30. It's like, come on, man. Good morning, hi. Yeah, come here, honey, pack. Now get away. They want to look at my body. No, I'm sorry, my 20 year old club friends don't want to look at Frankie B's saggy
Starting point is 00:40:53 nipples. So sorry about that. First of all, second of all, I just want to get to this real quick. Second of all, the second of all is Frankie. If you date, go look at Astrid's Instagram, but tell me how many photographs of me are up there. This is just the way the world is these days, man. You can't get all upset about this.
Starting point is 00:41:15 This doesn't mean anything about party girls. This is the way the world is. Let's see if there's any other reasonable indicators of a party girl. They're all her. Why is she doing that? She has no interest in you. All right.
Starting point is 00:41:27 She has more interest in showing everybody what's going on in her life every second of the day. Those are a party girls in security. They are. I mean, I have no words. This is coming from the guy who literally said look at my body one time in a video This is coming from the guy who spends his entire life doing videos on how to make yourself look better younger faster stronger more attractive Yes, and he's talking about the insecurities of a girl's taking pictures. That's high team, my friend. High T. The truth is, you're the one with the insecurities and you can't get over the fact that your 30-year-old girlfriend just
Starting point is 00:42:13 dumped you. We've got to be showing themself to the public in that pain, attention to you. So you got this party girl. There's all these taking selfies. Okay, everybody has a tune in, darling. Yeah, everybody has a tune into the new two channels. See what the funny space is like. He's like pretending to hold up a phone and he's like making these faces. And that's not a party girl, that's just a girl.
Starting point is 00:42:41 A second tip that you are dating a party girl. Okay, this is not a tip This is this is an indication a tip is when you give something advice just point it out Is if that woman cannot do anything with you without her friends being included? All right, this is this is something you really this is this is something I've gotten This is something I've accumulated This is something I've gotten. This is something I've accumulated. This is a thing. I want you guys to pay close attention to this. I mean, this is Frankie's patterns. If she doesn't want to be around you, without security,
Starting point is 00:43:15 she's a party girl. She's a party girl. If the only way that you can see your girlfriend is when she's at the bar with other people and she didn't tell you to come to the bar but you just found out she was at the bar and then you showed up to the bar and then she asked you to leave
Starting point is 00:43:28 but you went to the other side of the bar just to hang out and watch her friends and her hang out. That's a party girl, your girlfriend's a party girl. If your girlfriend, if your girlfriend doesn't give you a key to the house but you find a way to get in the house and then you find that there are other men that are having sex with her at the time, that's a party girl. That's a party girl.
Starting point is 00:43:47 That's your girlfriend's a party girl. If your girlfriend leaves the bar in her own car without saying goodbye multiple times in a row and you don't yet know her name, that's a party girl. You got a party girl. If you're blocked from your girlfriend's phone If you're blocked from your girlfriend's phone For harassment you're got a party girl party girl. Yep Need to pay attention She may want you to take her out for dinner. All right. We have a dinner But she always has things planned without your knowledge. That's a party girl because I think you're not always she wants you to take her out to dinner but then has
Starting point is 00:44:30 things planned afterward is that what he said? Yeah, Chrissy, this is it. She's like thanks for dinner. Let me paint you the picture right now. Yes, Frankie has this stupid fucking YouTube channel and one day he was tindering or whatever and he tindered on some 24 year old sexy. Yeah, they match. Latina or whatever, right? They matched. They started talking. He said, I'm a YouTube star. I own my own salon. Sweet. I invented salons, right? Yes. And she says, Oh, this is a guy with money. And so they started communicating. And here's what happened. They started hanging out and she put him immediately
Starting point is 00:45:06 into the friend zone, right? A friend zone, but a friend who will pay for dinner. A friend who will give you to take you out to the club. A friend who might take you on vacation to Mexico. That kind of friend, you know what I'm saying? I'm not saying I'll tear your motives on behalf of the girl, but I'm saying I'll tear your motives. I'll be out of the girl.
Starting point is 00:45:21 Okay. Party girl. Yeah, now that's a party girl. What he's referring to is a party girl is someone that was never interested in you in the first place. Exactly. If you guys go out to dinner and she has plans to go out with her friends afterwards and she didn't tell you that, that means you are not her girlfriend or her boyfriend. No. In any stretch of the imagination. Frankie, you are butter. She appreciated dinner. She appreciated it now. She's got to go
Starting point is 00:45:46 Yeah, not but can she borrow $20 and that hammock yeah, could you take your Is she take your amus oh her and her friends might need a hotel room later. Can you call them stairs? They got a hotel room appreciate it I don't know why my thing my thing's being funny today It's because Frankie broke my computer Party girl Woman gonna do once she gets to that venue she's gonna be what a friends She doesn't want to be with you She's using you your friends. She doesn't want to be with you. She's using you.
Starting point is 00:46:25 Using you for a dinner. Using you for a ride. Using you to take her home so she can have a good time. That's... God! We're breaking! It's really happened. I mean this has happened and it's a pattern. You gotta be a concrete brick. Thick is a concrete brick, not to read through all of this of what's going on right now.
Starting point is 00:46:53 It doesn't mean party either. It doesn't mean party. It means she was never interested in you. She was never your girlfriend in the first place. She was very trying that. Frankie, if you take some girl out to dinner, then she's going out with her friends and you randomly show up at the club
Starting point is 00:47:05 And then she would says hey don't drink I need to ride home later on tonight But I'll be over here with my friends You are an old man that she's not interested in yeah. Oh, wow He became the sad guy at the bar real quick didn't he? Yeah, he always has been this is why if the faster never divorces me Just shoot me like a horse. Just take me out to pasture. You know, I would definitely.
Starting point is 00:47:29 Yeah, just remind me to watch a few, oh, thanks, be the third wheel in your Jeff's relationship. That'll make me feel better. Oh. What party girls do? They don't care about you. They structure their life around their friends, but you're... That's not true, actually. They like to date. Yeah. Just not you. Yeah. Look at that Kim
Starting point is 00:47:55 Kay. She's always out there dating people. Like, uh, that Pete Holmes dude. What is the name? Pete Holmes? Pete Holmes. Pete Holmes is like a, he is a foreign star. Yeah. Can her there. So open your eyes to that sign. Another good sign that you're dating a party girl is I want you to look at her demeanor when she's with you. Could be during the day.
Starting point is 00:48:23 Could be early evening. What are you observing? An animal in the wild? Between five and seven. Yeah, I want you to look at her demeanor. If she's starting to grow fangs and claws, she's a werewolf. If between five and seven PM, she breaks out cocaine. She's a particle. I mean her. She's down in the dumps. Doesn't want to give you attention. You know got the frump going on.
Starting point is 00:48:57 Doesn't want to have a crump. What the frump? What's the frump? She's not dressed up in her mini skirt and she's through halter tops for you, Frankie. Yeah, okay, got you. So she over this conversation. You know, there's a reason why, because she's not happy in that situation. But if you take her out at night,
Starting point is 00:49:20 we take her to a bar, we take her to a concert, it can be a venue in a park district. Whatever. A venue in a park district. What in the great Googley Mugliar? It's fucking foul. I know you want to go to the club,
Starting point is 00:49:39 but I'm taking you to a venue in a park district. There's no one there. You're gonna shrivel up like a flower and die. Oh, wow. Poor Frankie. Yeah. This now she's happy. She's bubbly. She's dancing. She's showing off. She's out there. There's a music playing. Yeah, I mean, she changes. Wow. Her moxie changes when she gets to a concert Who's moxie doesn't change when they get to a concert? She wasn't frumpin around no
Starting point is 00:50:13 She wasn't dragging her legs across the floor I hate you Frankie Franky. Between five and seven, we're from Favon now. I could just see some of this, his young girlfriend at home wearing sunglasses and a hat. That was a bring down, like a trucker hat. Yeah, watching like Mori Povitch and Frank would come in and he'd be like, hey, look at my body.
Starting point is 00:50:41 And she'd be like, not interested. Can you take me to the club later to meet my friends? Sure, hun. Wow, this girl's awesome. She's so hot. I'm gonna tell all my friends. Let me make a video, is that all right? Don't put me in your stupid videos.
Starting point is 00:50:56 I'm not your girlfriend. Can I film your body from like the neck down? That's what he did. That's what he did. He filmed some 20-year- old skinny mini walking down the beat. Super smoking hot. Yep. Why?
Starting point is 00:51:11 Because she's in her atmosphere. Party girls are never gonna be satisfied with doing nothing. They're not gonna be happy. We're gonna have to be like all the time. I mean, Jeff saw me frumpy earlier today. I'm not a big girl. My only condition is from, I feel like big that I do.
Starting point is 00:51:36 From, yeah. Frankie, you're not ready for a 25 year old girl. I mean no I To be in general yeah Well, listen he's he's passed retirement age. He's like ready to to hang out and he just said sit on the back patio And you know smoke a cigar and have some music if you if that's what you want then don't need a 25 year old club girl Just don't do that. It's not a smart idea. Happy. They're only happy when they're out and they're dancing and they're showing themselves off. You know, that's a party girl. This is...
Starting point is 00:52:16 What doesn't dancing is that, by the way? He did, like, come on, Rhonda. That's right. Rhonda is like a last though. He's doing, like, a Russian cosmonaut dance If they're out at the club doing the Russian two-step Take a photograph to ignore you. It's likely you're dating a party girl It's what they want. All right, they get it going. They get people dancing with them.
Starting point is 00:52:47 All right, if she's doing that to you, gentlemen, walk your ass away. This one I love it. Wow, she is so hurt. You're really good. So transparent. Yeah. I can't wait till part two.
Starting point is 00:53:00 I got the biggest kick out of this one. See, he's telling you that this is what happened to him. I got the biggest kick out of this one See he's telling you that this is what happened to him. I got the biggest kick out of this one Any of them all right party girls So if you're gonna be a party girl, especially one in their early 50s 50s. It's one. Oh my god She was not in her 50s. This woman was not in her 50s She did not have a wrinkle on her body This girl was in her 20s or her third or or 30 maybe yeah, maybe we saw the video the tale to tape For whatever have you all right, they're gonna have kids. They're all gonna have baggage
Starting point is 00:53:39 So if you want to date that younger woman if you're a guy in your 60s You better be prepared to be introduced to her kids. And have them punch her in the face. Stay away from my mom. You're a fucking creep. Mom says you keep following her around to the club, offering to drive her home. By the way, can we use your AMX also?
Starting point is 00:54:06 Back to school, I got to get some new threads. Sure, no problem, at least you're not a party girl. It's are gonna interfere again. Everything you do, everything is gonna revolve around those kids as it showed oh my god Frankie you're so self-absorbed dude Can't get away from them they need to be Closed and watered they have to you have to clean up their messes You have to pick up their shit and they go on the floor you can't leave them alone for three days They're crawling around eating the roach bait, shitting on themselves. Swinging it's the swinging from the chandelier.
Starting point is 00:54:56 Everything's gonna revolve. Unbelievable. You leave them alone for one week and all of a sudden there. EmeiCated. Going on quote. One of the doctors, no. Ha ha ha ha. Party girl, when she wants to go out and party, none of that's gonna matter. All the heat cups of things that,
Starting point is 00:55:17 no, I gotta do this for the kids. Well, how about she just scheduled a babysitter and let's go let loose for a minute? Dude, dude, you're laughing. Yeah, let loose for a dude dude Let me give you some advice dude. You're an asshole Of course you can't leave the kids alone They've got to eat be picked up from school wipe the rasses But all of a sudden one when all of a sudden,
Starting point is 00:55:45 Once a paper sitter shows up, it's time to have some fun. Yeah, right. Ha ha ha. Get over yourself, party girl. Who's more important? The well-being of your toddler or me, Frankie B. I'm in my 50s or 60s dating a 20 year old or a 50 year old. Well the kid is in the out we can have dinner but I gotta get the kid. The kids.
Starting point is 00:56:16 Is she says that? All right but when she makes reservations go out to a bar, a concert, another venue, where there's a band playing, they always don't care. A concert or another venue where a band is playing. That's also called a concert. What about when they make plans to go to a concert, or a concert, what about when they make plans to go to a play or another facility where someone is putting on a pretend act in front of you on a stage?
Starting point is 00:56:52 What about that? This is gone. That, look at his face. What about when they go to a football game in Europe and then they wanna go to a soccer game here in the United States? What about that? Then what do you do?
Starting point is 00:57:06 Look at his face. You're so angry. Yeah. Secondary. You know why? Because she's ready to party and that excuse means nothing. So I want you to pay attention. I mean, that actually makes sense that like a woman who is in her 50s, which we still don't
Starting point is 00:57:24 believe that, but apparently this is first hand experience. One of her 50s who has children and then makes reservations, she all of a sudden is ready to party. Yeah. I mean, well, yes. Because you made reservations to party. Yes, she did.
Starting point is 00:57:40 That's what you intended to do the entire time. That's why you made reservations. I call it a make a reservation. Get a table at the club so we can go clubbing. Yeah, yeah. Frankie, you're just angry that she dumped you. She was never into you in the first place. This is clear as day.
Starting point is 00:57:54 And you know another reason why I know this lady is not in her 50s. You do not have to take care of teenage children like this, only toddlers. Only children under the age of 15. Do you have to take care of like this? And so my assumption is that this is a 30 year old woman who has some, you know, I don't know who knows, I don't want to make believe, but you know, 10 year old, 11 year old children.
Starting point is 00:58:15 How they use the kids when they don't want to do things with you, but when they want to say when they don't even have. things with you, but when they want to say when they don't even have that. Let me give you, let me give you number five. Yes, that's right. When, when she uses someone else's children as excuse not to go out with you. Well, I got to change my neighbor's diapers. Oh, sorry. Thanks for dinner. Gotta go gotta pick the kids up from school. It's 11.30 a night. Yeah, I know my neighbor left them there. She does that all the time. I'll talk to you later. I'll be at the club. Can you pick me up for right home? The kids, that's not an issue because I want to do this and you're gonna take me there. It's a little bit of shit.
Starting point is 00:59:06 You're gonna take me there. I'm gonna get shit faced and you're gonna drive. Yeah. Yeah. Frankie Bees. It's a fine. Yeah, Frankie Bees taxi service. For all those girls, he thought he was dating.
Starting point is 00:59:26 Right, all these young girls were like there's this guy. He'll give you his am I Just call this number then when you're done with dinner you just have him drop you off with the club and then pick you back up later He gets a little upset, but whatever. He doesn't have my real phone number It's like a cool voice. Yeah, it's Google voice. Just forward it. Hey, it's Katie. I'm partying, call me later. You're probably dating a party girl in party girls, definitely are very insecure.
Starting point is 01:00:00 That's whether a party girl, all right? They have a lot of insecurity. Unlike Frankie. Unlike Frankie here, who's just a party girl, all right? They have a lot of insecurity. Unlike Frankie. Unlike Frankie here, who is just a picture of? Totally a security. Yeah, security and self confidence. Dating a woman who has a picture of herself on the screen saver, all right?
Starting point is 01:00:19 With her pictures on her screen saver, it's telling you right now that woman is very, very insecure. Oh my God, Frankie. What? My mom has a picture of herself on her cell phone like, this maybe so you can recognize it, you know, like, it just doesn't matter.
Starting point is 01:00:40 He's just so stupid. And what about it? I wonder if he's talking about a picture of just herself or her and her kid. What does it matter? herself, her kid herself and her kid. Yeah, you got a picture of your, I don't know, your ass hole on. I mean, who cares? Oh, he does. He does.
Starting point is 01:00:57 And I think that's one of the biggest signs that you're in trouble when she has thousands of pictures. First of all, does he have have a does he have an iPhone three I Phone three she could put there but she wants to look no what you're mad about is she didn't put a picture of you on her Yes, that's right All day a hundred times a day He's so fucking angry at this woman. Yeah, I know he's red. Yeah, yeah, he's not he's he's blinded by his rage right now
Starting point is 01:01:37 insecure guys in closing. I just want to say Closing you gave us a whole lot of dating advice. We can, Frankie. Thanks. I got to hear this. That, you know, your girlfriend is just a party girl. I just want to show you something right now. It's not going to change. They're not going to change. Party girls at any age, they're very immature at any age. At any age. Yeah, yeah, yeah. immature at any age. At any age. Yeah, yeah, yeah. They have a normal relationship. So if you want a normal relationship
Starting point is 01:02:12 and you think you're dating a party girl and if you just look at the signs that I just gave you and if your girl is doing that, you don't have to leave right away. Just keep your eye on her. You don't have to leave right away. Give it six to nine years. See how it turns out.
Starting point is 01:02:34 That's what I did. He just said earlier, walk away. He said walk right away. Yeah, now, leave her at that conservancy. Yeah, if the now, you don't have to leave right away. You know what he's saying. He's saying if the pussy is good, you don't believe right away. You go in with it for a little way. If she's really hot, she makes you look better, then don't worry about keeping her
Starting point is 01:02:53 around. He is a real man. Watch. Keep looking. All right. See if you can change that. Become a party man. Yeah. I'll guarantee you 100%, you won't. Because a party girl, they only care about themselves. They're never gonna care about you. But what they care about is that you're the... Wait, a party girl is only gonna care about themselves. Listen to this sentence, only going to care about themselves. They're never gonna care about you.
Starting point is 01:03:24 But what they care about, it's like you just told us what they cared about. Did you get that? Did you pick up on that? I just wanna make sure everyone's following me. You ready? You're about you, but what they care about. Is that someone else?
Starting point is 01:03:36 Yeah. They're a meal ticket. You're gonna take them to dinner. You're gonna take them to concerts. You're gonna take them on vacation. And when they go on vacation, they're all bubbly and out into the bars and restaurants. And that's the only place they're happy. They're happy because they're a party girl.
Starting point is 01:03:59 That's going to conclude today's lesson where we learned nothing. Clude, this video, I think you all for watching and taking time out of your busy schedule. My name is Frank Farnaro, I'm gonna ask you again. I just gotta give some piece of advice to anybody who's thinking about watching any future Frankie B videos. If you're taking time out of your schedule to watch these videos, there's something wrong with you. Oh my god, to. Fair to Frankie. I, you know, I have dated women before, younger women,
Starting point is 01:04:30 who were total party girls. Like total party girls. It didn't last two weeks. Because I realized it's not about whether or not she wants a party and I don't, or we want a party together, or whatever. It's about, we are at two different places in our life. That's what you look out for.
Starting point is 01:04:44 I'm a mystery. Yeah, but Frankie, don't get so angry and make these videos, dude. It's just like, you can see right through you, bro. Literally like a transparent piece of glass. Like that woman, I can just see a movie playing behind you. It's you and that woman, the five phases of your relationship. She never liked you in the first place, Frankie. She was always using you for your credit card.
Starting point is 01:05:04 She was way too young for you. You should have left long ago. Or just been friends. Been friends. Hey, how about we split the bill? You know what I'm saying? You want to go to the club? Cool. I'm not in tonight.
Starting point is 01:05:14 I'll talk to you tomorrow, right? Then there's no expectation and no pressure. That's all I got to say. Well, Chrissy, what can I say? Hey, I want to say thanks to our good friend, Brett, Kara, Charlene, Will the Champ, are always fantastic friend, Marianne, who just they've been sending in content ideas, they've been writing us, and it's all good to us.
Starting point is 01:05:37 There's lots of others too, I'm sorry, I don't say all of your names, but these are just a couple I've hooked up with, and you know, I had some good conversations with, and I've gotten all of the pictures that we need to do the pet psychic. The pet psychic. So the pet psychic coming up in the next week or two.
Starting point is 01:05:52 So stay tuned, I promise. They're, they're, I've got the world's foremost pet psychic showing up to tell you what your pets think about you. It's going to be exciting stuff. I'm so excited. And you know, if you get a chance, go to That's where you'll find out more information about Chrissy and I. All the video, all the audio right there from one location.
Starting point is 01:06:12 But while we're talking about video, slash the commercial break, we are releasing a full episode a day for the next two weeks to catch up on the old ones. And they are fucking hilarious. You gotta go watch them. It's nothing like the audio version. It's totally different. Morgan does such a great job. She's like a third host, honestly, on the video version. She's really good at what she does. slash the commercial break. 661-237-8296-661. The word best, the number two, y-o-yo, text us. Leave us a voicemail. If you text text us. I promise I will return the text message eventually
Starting point is 01:06:47 I'll get to it. You know, I can't you what am I just waiting around? No, no hey I love you. I love you. This you sorry to cut you off Best you out there in the podcast universe until next time Chrissy and I always say we do say and we must say. Bye!Subscribe! you

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