The Commercial Break - This Sale Is TBD!

Episode Date: June 13, 2022

A spot in the Apple Podcast Charts has brought a new wave of listeners to TCB. Will they stay? Probably not. Bryan and Krissy discuss their origin story for the benefit of the two new TCB fans. The tw...o met in a radio sales office where Hoadley got her name from Bryan. The gang discuss the very difficult job of transactional sales before diving into a new series of clips Bryan found. Paul is a "Sales Coach and Guru" who does live cold calls on YouTube. While Bryan and Hoadley have appreciation for how hard this must be for Paul, they question his methods. All in all, the closing on this sale is TBD! LINKS: Send us show ideas, comments, questions or concerns by texting us or leaving a voicemail at: 1.855.TCB.8383 is for people who like comfort! Watch Us on YouTube Creator: Bryan Green Co-Host: Bryan Green Co-Host: Krissy Hoadley Written By: Bryan Green Exec Producers: Bryan Green & Krissy Hoadley Content Production & Research: Tina Khano YouTube Producer & Editor: Morgan Please Audio Editing: Christina A. Executive Director: Astrid B. Associate Producer: Gustavo Episodic Contribution: Marianne, Diane, Natalie, Will The Champ, Will D** Huge Thanks To Our Supportive Listeners, Friends, Family & Spouses: Astrid & Jeff!! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 On this episode of the commercial break, but I kept walking by your desk and seeing the name Chrissy Hodey and I started saying, oh, no, I don't know why, but ever since you've been hoeing to everybody, by the way, not just to me, but to every. I had never been in that position in my entire life that people called me by my last name. Well, look. You started the trend. I am a trendy guy. I'm not.
Starting point is 00:00:29 If you've been listening to the show, then you know I am on top of all the trends. Ha, ha, ha. Low prices, quality service. I don't know if you've heard that before for anybody. But I pretty much invented that sale. It's a new thing. It's a new thing.
Starting point is 00:00:48 We're trying to give low prices quality service. Those two things combined. I don't know what to tell you. You know, wait a few more days to get it done. It'll be there. And if you decide to walk away, that's okay. That's why I want you to put to be determined Right now right now
Starting point is 00:01:45 The next episode of the commercial break. The only commercial break you'll ever need. Fact news, your fiction in 30 seconds or less. Are your money back guaranteed. There you go. Go to the website, check it out, 30 seconds, you've gone to 30 seconds. I'm going to 30 seconds, because I figure I can bullshit
Starting point is 00:01:59 in third. Something's going to come out of my mouth. It's not true. In the first 30 seconds, I just know. Okay. Fact news, your fiction. You tell me. I'm going to come out of my mouth, that's not true in the first 30 seconds, I just know. Okay, fact news or fiction, you tell me. I'm gonna give you some information about the commercial break. All right. And we'll see how up to date you are new TCV trivia. Okay.
Starting point is 00:02:16 True story. See if I can reach into the depths of my memory. Yeah, okay, trivia, here we go, ready? In the first week of the commercial break, Erie. Oh, God. The commercial break got a 50 listeners, be 150 listeners, or see 500 listeners.
Starting point is 00:02:36 I'm gonna go 50. You're correct. 50 listeners, right? 10 of which were the people in this household. Yeah, I don't know who's listening. Yeah, friends and family. Friends and family,. Friends and family. All friends and family.
Starting point is 00:02:46 And we stayed there for a long while. Right. OK, now another question on TCB trivia here. Another TCB trivia for you, Chrissy. This last seven days, the commercial break has received a 500 listeners, b, 105,000 listeners, or c, 250,000 listeners. or C, 250,000 listeners. I'm gonna go with 50.
Starting point is 00:03:08 You... Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee I'm pretty sure that's just listening because I have no idea 250,000 listeners Check that out. Is that not fucking insane? That's crazy. I'm just so proud of this little baby though We've birthed came right out of our Came right out of our poudendas came right out of the poudenda of the commercial break dropped on the floor We kicked it a few times We'll come and start a new record. That's right, it's crazy.
Starting point is 00:03:46 250,000 of you listen. Thank you. And I'll tell you why this happened. I know why. Because usually we're somewhere in then 100 to 150 range, but this week we saw some growth. And I'll tell you why, is because Apple stupidly decided to put us in their improv comedy recommendation section.
Starting point is 00:04:00 Nice. Right up there close to the top. They obviously didn't listen. They have no fucking clue. I mean I'm pretty sure that this is a mistake that someone got fired for and we enjoy it now because Never gonna ride that way. That way for the next 26 minutes while they have us up there They put us in the recommendation engine. Yeah, thank you Apple for I mean, I don't even know if they hand to do that or that's just like something
Starting point is 00:04:24 And I think they try and help with discovery every once in a while. Yeah. By taking the ugly stepchildren and putting them out from up there. Here you go. Would you like this lady? Uhhh. You know, you got Conan O'Brien out there. I picture it like the cat house.
Starting point is 00:04:36 Remember the cat house? Yeah. With that share with the whatever it is in Vegas or in Nevada where they have all the Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. The ladies of the, the bunny ranch. The money ranch and they they parade them out. Yeah, and then you got the one lady with like a broke like a wooden leg and an high patch. Hey, there's something for everyone. We're the bro, we're the wooden leg lady. The chef the buddy.
Starting point is 00:04:59 What's frozen facelift? Oh, you want to get in this pedinda? Oh my god. Make your face as frozen as you want it. Welcome to the world famous bunny ranch. Here's Betsy. Look at her. She's 363729.
Starting point is 00:05:17 Brand new boobsy teen years old. Here's Joanna, exotic dark skin. Lovely. Also, fake boob she just got yesterday. And there's, uh, Judy. She cleans the litter boxes for the house cats and she needs a little extra money to get her new wooden leg. Hello.
Starting point is 00:05:37 That's right. We're her. That's right. Uh, 50% discount if you go with Work his work just saying that let me know that so 250,000 on this little recommendation engine And so there's probably new people that are listening. Okay, maybe not better mind our peas and gears. Yeah, normally it's like you know Conan Office ladies, you know to bears in a club or whatever that guy got next. Whatever that was like those two comedians. They're pretty funny actually.
Starting point is 00:06:10 And basement yard, but then all of a sudden the commercial break popped up, and I'm not really sure why, but anyway. They sent a bunch of new listeners. So I thought it was a good time to explain to the listeners, the new listeners. Yes. Wow, Chrissy and I know each one,
Starting point is 00:06:21 I can even try and explain the show to you. Just go back to the listeners. There's no point to the show. Yeah, that's the right my reason. The Chrissy and I know each one I can even try and explain the show to you just go back This is no point to the show I'm a reason that Chrissy and I are best friends and we have been for decades and decades Like one decade because we're in our 20s. We've been We were playmates as children Well, you want to touch my Right in the paddling pool.
Starting point is 00:06:45 You want to touch my pencil? So, Chrissy and I have been friends for years. And the way that we met, I'm just going to explain the origin story a little bit, is that Chrissy and I almost serendipitously met each other at a large radio conglomerate named at the time Clear Channel, which is now IHR. And Clear Channel has many hundreds of thousands of radio stations across the world or whatever. Is I don't know how many, 50,000 or whatever. And here in Atlanta, they had about seven or eight radio stations.
Starting point is 00:07:15 And what they call a cluster. And that means that they own a number of radio stations in the town, which is not unusual. Most it's kind of a consolidated industry. And we worked on the business side. We did not actually go on air. I mean, we went on air, but that's kind of a consolidated industry. And we worked on the business side. We did not actually go on air, I mean, we went on air, but that's a different story. Let's just talk about the business. We worked on the business side.
Starting point is 00:07:31 I moved from Nashville. I originally was from the Atlanta area, ended up going to college in Knoxville, then moved to Nashville, then made my way back down to Atlanta. Hook him horns. I was working for a clear channel station in Nashville, and I wanted to get back to Atlanta,
Starting point is 00:07:44 so they hooked me up with the cluster here and I came down and interviewed and then got the job and You know, I'd like to think that I was special, but really they were just hiring anybody They would hire any more on the street. Yeah, they would give them $30,000 a year Yeah, until they approved that they were not exactly a sales person Yeah, and one of my first days I'm at Brian. That's right, I was, I think I got hired directly after you. No, you were before me, was I? Was I before you?
Starting point is 00:08:11 Two weeks, I think. You were brand new. I think it was days, yeah. Okay. I came, I had been working in the internet, marketing industry, and I really wanted to be on radio. It was like my life dream. I mean, anybody who aspires to be on radio
Starting point is 00:08:23 is a moron in the first place, but let's just say for some reason I aspired to talk behind the microphone. And so I heard a radio commercial. I was miserable with my job. I had just gotten married. The job that I had was with a startup company and the owner of the company was spending money on Star Trek memorabilia like it was going out of style. And I knew it was coming out of the startup fund that we had, because we had zero funding for anything else, except for his Star Trek member Biliah. But anyway, that's a different Ponzi scheme altogether.
Starting point is 00:08:52 But so I was miserable. I knew the job was coming to an end. We certainly weren't getting another round of funding. The company was awful. The product was horrible. Everybody in the office was miserable. So on the way to a conference, I was in the car driving to the airport.
Starting point is 00:09:06 And I'll never forget this. So miserable at this job. Hated the guy I worked for. And I hear this commercial on one of the radio stations. That you always been excited about radio is radio in your blood than you need to work for Claire channel. Call, blah, blah, blah, blah,
Starting point is 00:09:20 or send your resume to, and I'll never remember pulling into the parking lot. And I started writing, trying to write the number down tt tt tt tt, tt tt, tt tt, tt tt, tt tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, tt, view was gonna be to be on the radio. I foolishly believe it. They don't even know this whole story. But I met with a lady who was running one of the stations and as soon as I got in the door, all everybody else had suits and ties on. And so I realized, this is not the radio part of it. And she was like, no, you're here for the sales interview and I'm like the sales interview.
Starting point is 00:09:59 No, I thought this, I'm sorry. I totally thought this was like, I thought it was gonna be upstairs, you know, not at the time I didn't upstairs, but I thought it was gonna be on in the station like doing some chicken and a station. You're doing something, you're selling. That's most important part, right?
Starting point is 00:10:10 She's like, the guy's a pro. He keeps it afloat. Anymore on can talk through the music. It's about selling. And so we talked for about a half an hour. And she said, you know what, you're actually, I think you're a little overqualified for this kind of beginning sales position.
Starting point is 00:10:24 And I said, okay, no problem, whatever. She said, you're also like, you're a little overqualified for this kind of beginning sales position. And I said, okay, no problem, whatever. She said, you're also like, you're into internet marketing and we're just getting started doing that here and no one has any clue what to do. So, you know, we don't even have a position. So I said, okay, whatever. Two months later, I am walking through a target in downtown Atlanta and the same lady, I start hearing my name being screamed like, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian,
Starting point is 00:10:46 Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian,
Starting point is 00:10:55 Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian,
Starting point is 00:11:03 Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian,'s it. Brian Green, Brian Green. Clear channel's trying to get a hold of you. Yeah. Brian Green, Brian Green to the Clear channel from the S-Place. Brian Green to the Clear channel from the S-Place. That was like, I don't know. It's the radio sales department. I don't know. Someone's yelling at me.
Starting point is 00:11:13 Brian, Brian, Brian. Yeah. And I'm like, what the ff? Turn around. And there's some lady coming down the escalator. And I'm standing near the escalator. Oh yeah, that escalator. That escalator, the target.
Starting point is 00:11:23 Or you can put the, the, the, the, the target on the, that's such a good target. Yeah. I mean, I always feel like I'm endangered near the escalator. And you can put the card on the card. Or you can put the card on the card. Yes, that's a cool card. Yeah, I mean, I always feel like I'm in danger there for somebody's, it's like a dark, dinging parking lot and the best part of Atlanta. And you always feel like you're about to get a saltis. But you know, you go there,
Starting point is 00:11:35 because it's once you're in the store, it's cool. So the ladies going down the escalator, it's the same lady that I interviewed with. Okay, yeah. And she goes, I just gave your information to our market president. Remember when I told you we didn't have a job for you because you were an internet marketing
Starting point is 00:11:49 and overqualified for the job and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And I said, oh yeah. And she said, we have a position. We carved out a position. There's a brand new company, Edic, that we're going to start selling our streaming and website and a new application that we're putting on this new iPhone that just came
Starting point is 00:12:05 out. And I was like, oh, cool. And she's like, so I think you're actually be great for the position. I just gave it. And one day later that guy called me, his name was Chuck, Chuck called me. And he said, come in for an interview. So I came in for an interview and that's how I got started. Yeah. Yeah. That's my foray into it. But I was in the sales department. That's where we were. We were all selling. So my chart. You had your own office. I was overlooking the park. You were very special. I did. I was in a cube. I got a place where I could close the door
Starting point is 00:12:29 and masturbate on my own. That was in the main aisle. My cube was right there. Yeah, you had a cube. As you walked from my cube to your office, you passed my cube. You were a highly trafficked area. Yeah, I was an island and you saw my name.
Starting point is 00:12:44 And Chrissy Houdley. Yeah, I was an highly and you saw my name. And Chrissy. Yeah, I was hardly at the time. I was never forget it was it was the first weekend, second weekend that I was there. My ex-wife now, but my wife at the time went to go decorate my office and I met I met her there to let her up and so that we could do all this and no one was there. It was like Saturday afternoon, but I kept walking by your desk and seeing the name Chrissy Holi. And I started saying, oh, no, I don't know afternoon, but I kept walking by your desk and seeing the name Chrissy Holi, and I started saying, oh, no, no, no, I don't know why,
Starting point is 00:13:07 but ever since you've been holding to everybody, by the way, not just to me, but to everyone. I had never been in that position in my entire life that people call me by my last name. You started the trend. I am a trendy guy. I am. If you've been listening to the show,
Starting point is 00:13:20 then you know, I am on top of all the trends. I hear TikTok is the new thing. You're top, you're on bottom, you're under your middle. Yes. Hey, hey, hey, uh, does not talk about my sexual proclivities. We want the new people to stay around for two minutes. Yes. So Chrissy and I started a friendship that's now survived a lot of different stuff.
Starting point is 00:13:41 I hate wow. But what it really survived, it had to survive that first period when Chrissy and I were in the boiler room because the sales department that we were in was a straight up cold-cold-cold-boiler room, no shit, you know, sales contest, you know, you've ever seen Glen Gary Glen Ross, this is... Yeah, you're just smiling and dialing. They're smiling and dialing and screaming and yelling and people running through the hallways I mean it was crazy. There was a lot of men running the running the sales teams and they were all just
Starting point is 00:14:17 Intense human beings yes, except for one one guy one guy would sit in there and he'd be like hey, yeah Brian I could sell ten dollars for the internet for you if you'd and he'd be like, hey, Brian, I think I could sell $10 worth of internet for you if you'd like. I'd be like, wake up! They're gonna kill us if we don't talk to you. I don't really want it. It was the fear of God. Yeah, they were gonna throw you off the top of the building.
Starting point is 00:14:35 Well, not too long after we had started, they had a mass layoff. Massive. Well, this is 2008 when the crash came. So it was like a year after we started But yes, they had they all the low paid people they kept That's it the worst sales people in the building they kept and everybody else So we were in this environment. I never been in it. I always been in consultative sales
Starting point is 00:15:01 I'd never been in transactional sales. I'd never been in this kind of sales environment. I mean, I was used to like sales cycles that were very long and you'd have to do month meetings and line and all this, and that's not that there wasn't some of that that went on with the bigger clients. But for the most part, you're calling the local laundry man
Starting point is 00:15:15 and seeing as they're gonna be a buy 500 dollars or the advertise, you know it's not gonna work. It's like, you know. You're just burning through clients of what you're doing. And most of the sales people never achieved goals because it's a really tough thing to do.
Starting point is 00:15:27 Being a good salesperson is a really tough thing to do. It was, yeah. I did win a couple of awards and a couple things. I was always more consultative. I think you just had a personality that charmed people. And I think that's part of what selling is about to. No, you were never a sales, there were lots of salesy people in that there were. But there were lots there were salesy people that did well. And there were non salesy people that did well. But that
Starting point is 00:15:51 was about to there's an old adage about sales that 20% of your sales people bring 80% of the rest. And that's because selling is an incredibly difficult job to have. It's so hard to do consistently well. And that's why salespeople's flipped jobs a lot. It's because you get it and then you do really well for a while and then all of a sudden you lose the magic and it's gone, you get fired or you leave because you're so stressed out. You leave before you get fired.
Starting point is 00:16:17 That's right, you gotta leave when you're doing well because or you just fall upward into the next job. Like I know a lot of salespeople have. But these salespeople that we work with, the poor sales people, they just had to be under such, I mean, I know I was as a executive manager. That's why we drank so much. I feel like it was so.
Starting point is 00:16:34 That's why everybody in the whole entire cluster drank so much. We also had beer companies and strip clubs and music all in the same pot. Yeah, in the 80s and the 70s, they smoked pot and didn't care if they sold anything because you ranking a ton of money in radio no matter what you did, people would literally call in
Starting point is 00:16:55 and order $75,000 worth of advertising. And the 80s, everyone just did cocaine and waited for the facts machine to send in orders. In the 90s, you know, the alternative scene had turned radio into a MTV and radio into a hotbed for money to pour in from big branding companies, like McDonald's and AT&T and General Motors. So you, so a lot of the salespeople did well
Starting point is 00:17:16 regardless if they were good at selling or not. But the 2000 was the proofing graph because when the fucking iPod came out and Napster and all this other stuff, it killed radio. And I don't say it killed radio in the sense that no one listens to radio Of course people still listen to radio, but the advertising is much less effective because people fucking hate advertising and when you do now Up for our next our commercial Yeah, and now the commercial time for our ad to play but the reason why podcasting I think is a little bit different is first of all We are talking about products that that we typically use our ad to play. But the reason why podcasting I think is a little bit different is first of all, we are
Starting point is 00:17:45 talking about products that we typically use, we typically believe in. And we do four commercials an hour where radio was doing twenty four commercials. And they were just shoving it in there. It was five minutes of music and then four and a half minutes of commercials and just keep on rotating, you know. And also I am not saying the same thing over and over again. I actually am saying the same thing over and over again, but I am not saying the same thing over and over again. Whereas the country music station is just playing
Starting point is 00:18:11 the same 17 songs on rotation, occasionally throwing in something new or old so you think that there, it's a game of 15 minute chunks and they know that. And so in 15 minute chunks you're going to have seven and a half minutes of commercials, two and a half minutes of talk, five and a half minutes of, and that's the game that's being played. And now- Get a quarter hours. Yeah, that's it. That's all they care about. Here, all we want you to do is get through as much as- I just want you to survive the first 10 minutes of the show so that you can get to. And
Starting point is 00:18:42 I don't, you know, the commercials are the commercials and they are what they are. And you know, you choose to act on them or you don't without our sponsors, but I'm not here to, you know, I'm not here to, I can't demand you to, and I'm not even on trying to say. The point is, is that selling radio commercials wasn't incredibly boiler room type. Yeah, why is that?
Starting point is 00:19:01 But listen, there are many people that are doing this on every business. Oh yeah. As sales people. Oh, yeah. You can't sell. You can't make money unless you're selling something. Unless you call people and get out there and make yourself known. People are going to go, well, Instagram goes no sales people. Yes, it does have sales people. First of all, those are sales people. Yes, it does. Ghost hunters don't have sales people. Yes, they do. They all are sales people. Yes, it does. Ghost hunters don't have sales people. Yes, they do. They all have sales people.
Starting point is 00:19:28 And that's because that is the way that we communicate what we have to offer and how much it's gonna be there for. Right? And so I have a lot of appreciation for sales people because I know how difficult their job is unless they're just shitty, slick, slick, you know, use car salesmen type, you know, ass clowns. I say all this to say that I was trolling on the internet. As you know, I do, Chrissy. And I found the most
Starting point is 00:19:54 amazing channel. Really? Besides Frankie B. And this is, this is like coming up to a close second on my favorite new YouTube. Okay. This reminds me so much of what we did at Clear Channel. This reminds me so much of all my pain and struggles as a salesperson on and off for some part of my life, right? This reminds me of how difficult and how awful sales can be and how difficult and how awful sales people can be. Okay.
Starting point is 00:20:22 I found ladies and gentlemen, the Paul Cruz sales agency. Oh, he is a sales coach. Oh, a sales coach. What he does? He shares a lot of those out there. There's a lot of them out there, they're probably not selling. Yeah, exactly. If you can't do your teeth. That's right. If you can't do your teeth, that's why real estate, that's why anybody who makes money real estate is teaching real estate, right? That's why you know, click funnels, click funnels. That's a click funnel. I don't know, but everybody's selling it, you know, uh, what's the other one? What's the, uh, MLM scams that everyone is into? Lularo, Lularo, there's a reason why people are spending all their time teaching everybody how to sell Lularo and actually Urbal life, all of it. I'm not going, we'll get into MLMs later on this month. Yeah, okay.
Starting point is 00:21:05 I got a whole thing coming up with MLMs, so settle down to everybody. Take a deep breath. I gotta go, I gotta go one step at a time. Don't get a two-edg yourself. Can hear you out there, getting eager. Do MLMs! No, I don't wanna do MLMs.
Starting point is 00:21:17 I just imagine like a big crowd, like 250,000 people in the Georgia Dome. MLMs from DIRIT! No, set off. I'm getting to Paul Cruz now. 50,000 people in the Georgia down No, set off I'm getting to Paul Cruz now Hey podcast fans, it's time for the commercial break inside of the commercial break and we want you to know this summer Chrissy and I are bringing in the world's Foremost relationship expert to give relationship advice and we need your questions to ask. So dial us up 661-237-8296. That's 661, the word best, the number 2-Y-O-O. Text us or leave us a voicemail at 661-237-8296.
Starting point is 00:21:57 Or you can drop us a line at Hit the contact us button and email us your questions. We won't use your name. We promise. Speaking of the website, you can get all the audio and all the video right there at or go to slash the commercial break for our entire video library. Chrissy and I love doing the show for you. We just ask two simple favors in return. Number one, if you have an extra minute, go to your favorite podcast player and leave us a review and a rating.
Starting point is 00:22:26 It really does help grow the show and more people need to know about this ridiculous podcast. 2. If you're ever in the market for our sponsors, products or services, please use the specialized URLs or codes when given to get a free discount and let those sponsors know tcb cares tcb 661 best to you and slash the commercial break will be back to this episode of the commercial break after we hear from the sponsors thanks again. Okay sales coaching sales coaching Paul Cruz is a guy who does live sales cold calls and live sales Trainings okay on his YouTube channel and I
Starting point is 00:23:11 He films himself and the only way the best way that we can show you who Paul is And how he does his thing this is Paulie Paul the the sales guy right the only way the best way that I can show this to you It's just by letting it rip. Are you ready to hear Paul live in action? We're gonna go to our full reaction shot, that's TCB reaction shot at the commercial break on YouTube and Okay, here we go.
Starting point is 00:23:36 Let's pull up this first video here, Chris. A, a, a, a, a, Christie. This is Paul in his little corner office on the assuming this is his home. He's doing everybody's working from home. It's the pain that I make, right? And Paul's about to make a live cold call for all of...
Starting point is 00:23:49 Maybe could have updated those blinds. He could have updated everything. I mean, you're gonna get it in a second. You're gonna get it in a second. You're gonna get the full picture here, probably just this one 11 minute video. Let's see if we can actually get through the 11 minute video.
Starting point is 00:24:02 Are you ready? Okay, here we go. The Vincent, please. Oh, wait. He's good morning. Masked peak with the Vincent, please. He's out. Make a sales call, sir. You can travel or see.
Starting point is 00:24:16 This is Vincent, but I don't want to talk to you. Okay. He's out. What's that number? You want to say let me grab a pen. What's that number? Yeah, first of all, who, the idiot on the other end of the phone that's giving a random salesperson
Starting point is 00:24:32 that's calling you somebody else's cell phone number? It's fucked up. Shame on the guy on the other phone call. Okay, now I'm gonna fast forward a little bit and I'll explain why. It's because Paul actually lets the phone number be released on the video, not like anybody's watching, but you know, just in case, okay. So here we go.
Starting point is 00:24:47 All right. Now we're going to have Paul's dialing up this other guy. And okay, here we go. Going straight for it. Going straight for it. Oh, this is it. Hey, good morning. It's a Paul Cruz.
Starting point is 00:24:57 How are you? Hey, Paul, that was great. So you said. Exactly. I know I'm going to be honest with you. Here's the. Yeah. Can I just hang up on you now or we want to wait for the formality? Hey, Paul, that was great. So you're saying. I know I'm going to be honest.
Starting point is 00:25:05 Yeah. Can I just hang up on you now or we want to wait for the formality? That's good. Listen, I'm going to be brief here. Uh, you we spoke on Friday briefly. Any time a Pateil's person says I'm going to be brief here means you might as well sit your ass down for the next 45 minutes because I'm going to run through all of my little bullet points here on this screen.
Starting point is 00:25:24 I'm going to talk until you tell me to talk anymore. You know, I think a lot of people, a lot of people had a lot of sales people. I think their strategy is just talk as loud and as fast as you can. So you just wear someone down and they're like, fuck it. I'll just buy whatever you're selling. Just don't call me again. At about 70 in my time, you said you were gonna meet with Walter and I think your other boss and that to call you back in the afternoon. So I did. My question is do you have any questions on? I have questions. My question is do you have any questions about my questions? I said you said you were
Starting point is 00:26:01 gonna meet with Walter and then call me back at about four o'clock. I called you said you were going to meet with Walther and then call me back at about four o'clock I called you back at about 715 I have down here that I also tried at 915 1115 1230 in the morning. I was you see what I'm doing here I'm trying to get a hold you want to make sure you get the best deal possible on this landscaping equipment Anything like that and and what was the outcome of it? We're thinking about it. We're thinking about it. That's the only thing we're thinking about it. What do you put me on your calendar for uh, 2029. Make a note of follow up. Let's do a face to face Friday, December 3rd,
Starting point is 00:26:39 2029. Come by the office. I love some lunch ready. Give me a favor. Give me a reminder phone call 15 minutes before the meeting So awful this by the way Paul. I love you brother I've watched a lot of your videos in the last week. I just love you man You come on this show anytime you want to I'm just having fun here, bro Because I have mad respect for the kind of stress and pressure that goes into these kind of sales Shit, my respect that he's filming it. Yeah, no shit the kind of stress and pressure that goes into these kind of sales. Shit. Both of them. My respect that he's filming it.
Starting point is 00:27:07 Yeah, no shit. And it's not a particularly, I mean, we'll get to the end, but it's not a particularly wonderful phone call, right? Well, I got with him. He has some other fires. No. He has some what? He has some other what?
Starting point is 00:27:21 He has some other. I was welcome in my dreams. He has some other fire city. I some other. I was walking in my dreams. He has some other fire city. I had to put it out. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:31 Yeah. That's good. Yeah, that cute. Yeah, that cute up. What I heard that last time was like. Yeah. Yeah. That's listen one more time.
Starting point is 00:27:43 This is in the video, guys. Yeah'm not going to say anything. I'm not going to say anything. I'm not going to say anything. I'm not going to say anything. I'm not going to say anything. I'm not going to say anything. I'm not going to say anything. I'm not going to say anything. I'm not going to say anything. I'm not going to say anything. I'm not going to say anything.
Starting point is 00:27:52 I'm not going to say anything. I'm not going to say anything. I'm not going to say anything. I'm not going to say anything. I'm not going to say anything. I'm not going to say anything. I'm not going to say anything. I'm not going to say anything.
Starting point is 00:28:00 I'm not going to say anything. I'm not going to say anything. I'm not going to say anything. I'm not going to say anything. I'm not going to say anything. I'm not going to say anything. I'm not going to say anything. I'm not going to say anything. I'm not going to say anything. offering because what's happening is, you know, the biggest thing and the most important thing is to try to keep good vendors and also have a good price, right? Now, as a matter of fact, we like to lose a lot of vendors and get a high price. Yeah, I want the highest price possible. If you don't mind, I like that bad relationships
Starting point is 00:28:18 with everybody. What I'm trying to do, what you see here is the most important thing is, if I can remind you just about one thing, if you don't mind, if I take a few minutes, what you see here is the most important thing is if I can remind you just about one thing If you don't mind if I take a few minutes if I it's okay that I tell you about the most important thing is low prices Quality service and I don't know if I don't know if you've heard that before for anybody But I I pretty much invented that New thing we're trying to give low prices, quality service.
Starting point is 00:28:45 Those two things combined. I don't know what to tell you. Yeah. Everything going up with inflation and things like that, I have to prepare for, you know, the cost of- I need to prepare for bankruptcy. So I'm hoping that I have to prepare of being fired from the job when you tell me no. So I'm just praying that you say something.
Starting point is 00:29:15 Here's other stores, want it? Yeah, before you say no, say maybe. Before you say no, just say maybe. Why one of my bosses, Brian, he was a total fucking, I mean, he's just like, he's a comic book character of a salesperson. And he'd be like this, he'd be like, hey, green, get over here, get in here.
Starting point is 00:29:34 Let me tell you a little something about sales. You'd rather have a note today than a maybe tomorrow. And I'd be like, no, I'd actually rather have a baby. I don't wanna hear about that. I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don, I don't, I don, I don, I don't, I don, I don, I don, I don, I don, I don, I don, I don, I don, I don, I don, I don, I don, I don, I don, I don, I don, I don, I don, I don, I don, I don, I don, I don, I don, I don, I don, I don, I don, I don, I don, I don, I don, I don, I don, I don, I don, I don, I don, I don, I don, I don, I don, I don Hope Springs eternal at the Paul say Paul crusade I love that noise. I don't know why I just when I heard it I just Flap and then I got Michael Perfect it's almost right. I spot on Goods going up. So one of the things that we did if I repeat myself, please forgive me. I'm just gonna keep it.
Starting point is 00:30:26 If I repeat myself, please forgive me, but let me repeat myself. So forgive me ahead of time. What I like to do is I like to get cost low and vendors high. That's why I'll bring. China what? Oh my say, I like to get low cost vendors high. You know what I mean? Can I get an event? That I recommend it is that they always give an increase to the employees, right? Like let's say an average of certain percent a year and then include that in the price of the cost and of certain percent a year and then include that in the price of the cause.
Starting point is 00:31:07 And then that way your cost will stay the same. Even though even though I'm charging you more. Math Mac six makes that sense. What is he selling to us? He's selling his sales. I've watched so many videos and he sells so many different things. Oh, he's selling anything. He sells landscaping. He sells landscaping equipment.
Starting point is 00:31:24 He sells internet. He sells web pages. He sells search engine. I think people just bring him in. Is like a heavy hitter for like a day. Okay, go out and do it. If you can sell five people, you're on board. Hey, it's poker. It's on the poker. It's sales agency. I just want it. Do you do 50 to 60 minutes? on the poker sales agency, I just want it, do you have 50 to 60 minutes? Because if you don't, that's okay then, John, just give me 30 minutes of your time. I'd like to explain the most important thing about business, is that I have high vendors and low costs. See, see, what I do is, the way that I keep my costs, I have to prepare for inflation. So what I do, Chrissy, is I give everybody a raise ahead of time, and then I charge much
Starting point is 00:32:06 more. Exactly. That's what he's saying. But your payment is the same every time. So you may think you're losing money, but the truth is you're just paying for inflation years down the road. It's the ball sale. It's a ball cruise way.
Starting point is 00:32:24 And then that way your cost will stay the same even though they may raise their salaries for the employees. So it's important that you know you like a good price. Because even if cost of goods goes up your price is fixed and is locked. You know the guy on the other line is zoning out. The guy is like how can I get? I've got. I've got the other line. I'm not gonna be a guy. I'm not gonna be a guy. I'm not gonna be a guy. I'm not gonna be a guy. I'm not gonna be a guy. I'm not gonna be a guy.
Starting point is 00:32:54 I'm not gonna be a guy. I'm not gonna be a guy. I'm not gonna be a guy. I'm not gonna be a guy. I'm not gonna be a guy. I'm not gonna be a guy. I don't understand the fucking word you say. I got you. I need to get back to actual work so I can call you later.
Starting point is 00:33:11 So I mean, are you looking to move forward with this? So where do we stand right now? Wow. He just went right in for the kill. The clothes. It's called the clothes. The closing stage man. Always the closing.
Starting point is 00:33:22 The closing stage man. How are we moving forward? I guess there is no better way to do it than just say are we moving forward? I mean you just put somebody on the spot. Yeah, but there's another 13 minutes on this phone costs. I'm assuming the guy doesn't say yes. Let me let me let me get with Tony again. He took me on tight last week. Yeah, see blame it on Tony. Yes, what we all do. We've all done this with the sales person.
Starting point is 00:33:47 Listen, I'm going to get, I love it. I love it, man. I love it. You know, somebody called me the other day. They want to play it. I love it. It's Tony. We've got to convince him.
Starting point is 00:33:55 Yeah. And he's out of the country right now. I was looking for a roof, like, you know, six months ago on a house. And like, I called a bunch of roofing companies. Yeah. They all called me back repeatedly. And there was this one guy and he's just like Paul. He was just like, he knows he doesn't do anything having to do with rooving.
Starting point is 00:34:07 He just has to, you know, he doesn't know about rooving. So he's just, you know, we've got the best Thai-Tai-Tianian rooving. And I'm like, I'm like, Tai-Tianian rooving, what are you talking about? And 30 minutes later, I'm like, okay, well, listen, man, I gotta run about the big boss. I see, you know, and she's not here right now. Actually, my credit card is in the car. It's driving down the street with her.
Starting point is 00:34:26 So I don't think I can actually do anything right now, but I tell you what. Is this your number? Yeah. I haven't blocked it. I haven't had a button. Second, personal phone number. It's just one digit off the regular phone.
Starting point is 00:34:38 You know how my phone number is 6111? It's 6112. If you could call that in like 15 minutes, I'll get you a firm that in like 15 minutes I'll I'll get you a firm answer block exactly and and and
Starting point is 00:34:55 and and and and make a case. That's why I have mad, even though I think Paul's funny, I have mad respect for Paul because fuck this guy on the other end. And it's just, Paul is spending 15 minutes his valuable day listening to someone literally make up bullshit on the spot, right? Now Paul is too, but I mean, the poor guy, he can't just say, listen, I'm not interested.
Starting point is 00:35:22 That's why it would sales people. I always I'm like, I I'm not interested. That's why I would sales people. I always I'm like, I'm just not interested. Yeah. Or I honestly will be back. Or I honestly cannot making a decision right now. Right. Right. Don't waste my day. Be honest. Yeah. You're like, my day. We have a meeting Tuesday. So I'll call me three months from now. All right. I'll call him after the meeting. I'll pull him aside. I'll pull him aside. After the meeting, we're going to have a secret conversation right about you, Paul. Don't you worry about it. I'm actually writing that down right now. Secret meeting regarding weird sales God. We got, we got Clint. Yeah, we got Clint. We got, uh,
Starting point is 00:36:06 Burbank, Illinois. We just signed on pure Illinois. We got two. We got, uh, Nashville, Tennessee. We got Milwaukee, Wisconsin. We have, uh, you're the only ones that are missing. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:21 New York City. You're the only ones I can make up names of cities all day long too. We got Atlanta, we got Miami. Commercial break, we got LA, we got Seattle, we got Denver, we got Austin. We don't have Corpus Christi though. That's what we need. We need Corpus Christi to fill in.
Starting point is 00:36:38 So if anybody has family members at Corpus Christi, if you could call them and convince them, just like Paul, you know, we should do, we should hire Paul to do cold calls on behalf of the commercial work. Oh, yeah. Oh, this is happening. Yes. Remind, I'm reminding you, Brian, as you're editing the show to call Paul, crew sales agency
Starting point is 00:36:56 and hire him. Just a little reminder. Oh, we're about to sign. Oh, Polika, we're about to sign. Oh, Polika, we're about to sign Opa Lika. We're about to sign Opa Lika. We're about to sign Opa Lika. Opa Lika is in Alabama. Okay. But 15 contracts and proposals out there and Walter loves what we're doing. And so Walter's very supportive of what I'm doing because you know, your name and numbers
Starting point is 00:37:21 are not listed in the public. I had to work hard to get the names. I had to steal Walters laptop for 15 minutes while he peed in the bathroom because I put a vizene in his coffee, which gave him the runs. I had to work hard to sell him that long more. What exactly are we selling? I'd be like, what exactly are we, what are we even talking about? What proposal? I don't think any of this is true. He's just making it all the same. But only good sales people do this. Or people who want to be good sales
Starting point is 00:37:55 because it makes shit up on the fuck. I listen to some of those people at Clear Channel and they were selling their grandma's to get a radio. Oh yeah. They were like, well, I know, I know, I know. It's not a good time, the market's crashing and I understand, uh, Mr. Nail Clipper, uh, don't you want to be the person that comes out of his after this? Yeah, and that's fine. Listen, I'm just, I just, you know, tell me no, but write it in an email so I can send it to my manager.
Starting point is 00:38:19 So she knows when she fires me later on today. And me and grandma have to go on the streets again. She knows when she fires me later on today. And me and grandma have to go on the streets again. This let me know. I know it's just $500, man. I understand, it's a lot of money. It's a lot of, what if I said $400? Can me and grandma keep our place? Yeah?
Starting point is 00:38:35 Meanwhile, he's driving a brand new Mercedes Benz around. He's got that $250,000 draw against commission. I swear to God, I said, channel, all of a sudden, these people started coming from all across the world that $250,000 drug in commission. I swear to God, I cleared channel. All of a sudden, these people started coming from all across the world into our question. Oh, I know. These sales people, and they'd get like million dollar guarantee.
Starting point is 00:38:54 Seriously, I remember, what did my co-workers learning what she made? And I was like, what the fuck are you doing? I just had to pay back. Yeah, I just had to pay back $50,000. Like their channel. Yeah. Because I didn't make my budget. You got I just paid back $50,000. $50,000. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:06 Because I didn't make my budget. You got a half a million dollars sales bonus for what? I'm from LA. Right, I'm right. Oh, excuse me, I'm from LA. No, yeah, I'm from LA. Which way does your dick swing? You cock knocker.
Starting point is 00:39:19 Just managers, you know, and Walter gave me the blessing to do that. So that's where I right now. And we're trying to position you guys because there's a gave me the blessing to do that. So that's a way out right now. And we're trying to position you. Allters like, please, there's a lot of go talk to the people. Give me my blood. Well, I'll tell you what. Paul, go back to Walter and talk to him. Who's Walter, the Godfather of landscaping equipment?
Starting point is 00:39:42 Me and Walter got together on the day of his daughter's wedding and he gave me blessing to sell you these riding lawnmowers. You come to me on the day of my daughter's wedding asking for open leekas phone number. Do you not realize Alabama is sacred ground for leaf blowers? This is great. That labor work out there, but more importantly, there's a lot of, you know, the prices are going out. We want to make sure we give you the best quality vendors based on the price. Now, it's going to be more than what you're paying because if you had your
Starting point is 00:40:27 vendor, we want to give you the best price. I'm just going to let you know it's not. Listen, remember how I said lowest price high vendors. What I meant was pretty high price. Not many vendors because it's too expensive. I'm just gonna be I'm just gonna lay it out there. I charge a lot of money. So you want to move forward or I got I got Walters blessing. Actually Walters said call you and bother you about Oh Opa leka My market is there for landscapers in Opa leka. I don't know. I mean, I guess there's market for every
Starting point is 00:41:11 Landscapers everywhere. Yes, and those landscapers work fucking hard They do Landscapers. I love those guys While you probably have a old pricing, but you're not getting the quality work You should be getting especially now more than, and that's something that we do. And you know, we have about 20 different freight companies we serve as. So we have 40 years experience in this particular industry. So we do really, this is what I love about Paul.
Starting point is 00:41:38 He says we have 40 years of experience in this particular industry, but two videos ago, you were selling web pages to grandma. Yeah, you were selling keywords. Wait until you hear that one. Oh, man, I think it's going to be a week of Paul Cruz. So they didn't see because I like 20 videos. The work. Does that make sense? You know what I mean? How do you feel about it? I mean, Tony, you know you spoke to Tony now. I got to pull them aside for that secret meeting. You know what I'm talking about it's hard to get Tony Tony and Walter the five heads of the landscaping family He's got to get it I'm gonna pull one of them aside. I'm just a cop oh, I can't make the decisions on my own He says freight company so they must be selling some kind of freight. I don't know what kind of freight there's so late
Starting point is 00:42:24 I don't know what kind of freight there's selling. I don't know what freight you sell like this, but hey, you want a bucket full of chickens? I got a ship full of chickens coming in for my ran. You with us? I'm not saying you're more. I'm also more. You are a lot more more. I'm just going to say the word more because I don't want to insult you by saying most or a lot more so more. What I'm doing now with the dark and all the other stuff, dark and the pattern, all the other things. more. Yeah, that's a separate, yeah, that's a separate fee and it also depends how often you're
Starting point is 00:43:29 going to need it. So they will have to give you, oh, listen, I need stripping in waxing every day of the week. Whether it's me stripping waxing or going out to get strippers in waxing to wax and then strip wax and then I like to go the other way with stripping in wax estimation on that. So I can find out for you on that. And we can include it in the content where, you know, as needed, you know what I mean? You can request it because we have everything under one umbrella. Like if you ever have any issue let's see if you ever seen an umbrella I would put everything under that umbrella including our high cost and low quality we also have stripping the wax chick and I talking about we got those too everything
Starting point is 00:44:21 that I'm brother everything's under one umbrella here the ball group sales agents you need a webpage. Yeah. Exactly. So I'm working for this other company. Okay. And the last thing you want to do is start over, right? Because then you got some downtime.
Starting point is 00:44:34 So all you would do is call me and say, Paul, listen, this guy's not performing. Can you have a talk with him? I will talk with them and resolve it. And if you decide, here and murder him listen here listen here you stripper and waxer I'm sorry I gotta shoot you I promise best vendors I is priced
Starting point is 00:44:54 Walter Tony to kill you Walter Tony to call Dave and I have me kill you I'm sorry but this break business stuff It's got throat I I promise tripping and waxing and that's not what he got. I don't know what he got But I gotta kill you Jim children. That's sad Well before I kill you do you want to hear about 30 minutes? 30 minutes, sir. Before you close your eyes permanently, I can tell you some
Starting point is 00:45:38 names getting you quit moving five easy favorites. I'm 4999. I'm putting on your credit card. Don't continue to charge you when you dead. Don't worry about it. You kids get the bill. I mean technically you don't even have to worry about it. You won't be around. Sorry, I gotta kill you about that stripping of waxing, but man, you kids are gonna love that new riding more they got. And while we're on the subject, you have a will. Because I sell will. You don't want them. I'll bring somebody else in there at the same price, the transition will be easy where
Starting point is 00:46:16 you never, you're never going to have downtime. And that's the advantage. So for us, all we care about and we focus on is building a profitable relationship and that takes all the background. And just picturing like, we're going. Like, yeah, there's a walk on. I agree with you. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:34 That's funny. Or it just starts spinning really fast. It falls talking and slow motion at this guy's like slowly getting old and dying. Oh my god. Oh, this is fun. Yeah. Communication speaking the truth. Tell me, listen, what I need to hear. If I screwed up, I want to know because I can fix it. You know, if you guys drop the ball, I'm gonna let you know. Listen, this is what happened. This is a situation, but this is the one you get in bed with Paul Cruz, what you're getting is someone else to call you and yell at you and you get to pay
Starting point is 00:47:12 for it. When you guys fuck up, it's a field day. I will kill you also. Solution to that. I want us to work as a team, even though're the customer and we're providing the service at the end of the day You know, we're running a business and we're building relationships. Does that make sense? Oh Yeah, yeah, oh yeah, I can feel my I can feel my bones crumbling away right now. I can smell I actually feel my hair getting gray on the phone now Paul so if I could let you go Does that make sense? Thank you following me Give me questions on that part of the proposal. No, okay
Starting point is 00:47:56 You ready to go now. Let's get to the hard part, which is the price which I should have started with But instead I've wasted 40 minutes of your time explaining what I wrote down in this thorough proposal So now let's get to the price which I know you don't agree with and you probably won't pay. You know what I mean? So if I were you, let me ask you a question, are you able to sign all for it with your name? Because I know the other guys did and then get it approved from, you know, Tony. Are you able to illegally sign someone else's contract? And then you can, you know, swing it by a Walter at a later date. Are you able to pay for it up front sign for it on the back end? That's how we like to do it here in Paul Cruz. And then from there we can move forward. Yeah, why don yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, we faced time just so I can see that transparency. I'm all about customer relationships. Oh, I've had people do that before. I usually
Starting point is 00:49:13 ignored them for the first six months they called. And then they're like, can you send me that receipt for the wire transact? Yeah, no problem. I'll do that Tuesday. Sign it, send it to me and put a date like to be determined. Or you could put a specific date or we can always change it just a week a lock. Give me your say to try. He is really trying hard.
Starting point is 00:49:35 Just put date, DVD. You might as well put date. I took a shit. It doesn't matter. TVD. Never in my sales career, did I ask someone to sign something that said date to VD. That's the shady shit I've ever heard. Yeah. Can you write, can you sign with today's date and then on a post it note put TBD. It's all legal. It's an addendum to the contract, technically.
Starting point is 00:50:07 And then send me the contract, but keep the post it note so that we have it later when we need it. This price for you and I can have my vendors ready for you. And if you decide to walk away from it, that's okay. At least you're gonna get a chance to. Yeah, that's okay. I will you're gonna get a chance to. That's okay. I will murder you. That's okay. I will call you every day for the next things months. To keep that price and get the valuable services. So all you
Starting point is 00:50:35 would have to do, this is what the other guy in the price service agreement, right? They sent it in. We locked it in and then wall to approve it. And if Walter disapproves it, then they'll go back to you and then we could change it. But the chances are Walter will approve it because he loves what we're doing. So it's not the parts that are. This is what this guy is saying. This makes no sense whatsoever. Let me explain to everyone who's not maybe not following along with what's happening. Paul is saying
Starting point is 00:51:04 sign the contract, but instead of the input, that'll lock in the right. Why can't he just lock in the right without the contract being signed with TBD? So what Paul's trying to do is get one inch closer to the sale. He's trying to get this guy to commit to something, which is a sales and a close inside of the clothes, which I get that strategy.
Starting point is 00:51:23 But usually you like clothes for a meeting or you say, well, I'll call you back on the twelfth and we'll talk about it. You don't ask someone to sign a fucking inside of the clothes, which I get that strategy. But usually you like clothes for a meeting or you say, well, I'll call you back on the 12th and we'll talk about it. You don't ask someone to sign a fucking piece of paper that says TVD, that's trash. It doesn't mean anything. It doesn't mean anything to him. It doesn't mean anything to you.
Starting point is 00:51:34 But then what he's saying is handed to Walter. And if Walter disagrees, then send it back to me and I'll change it. So why did you just change it now to the lowest price available? Well, I have to go to Walter lot of and then he says, chances are, Walter's got a proof. Oh, if I had a dollar for everyone to have some time, someone said, chances are. I think the OBGYN said chances are what time are you to lock it in?
Starting point is 00:52:03 And that way when you talk with Tony and Walter, you don't have to You know wait a few more days to get it done It'll be there and if you decide to walk away, that's okay. That's why I want you to put to be determined Do you want to Right now right now I have no intention of doing anything But sure whatever Yeah, send that on over No problem. I'll get to that right away
Starting point is 00:52:38 Paul you don't realize this but the guy has no intention of signing your contract right now Call him back later after the meeting with Walter who bought Tony Tony. Oh really? Okay. I understand. So what? I understand. I got to go to Ricky a big could drop off some baggage is there. The heading over to Moscow. I'll be back in a couple years
Starting point is 00:53:10 I'll get to it Send it over. Yeah send it over to go my spam folder like all the other contracts Cuz Paul knows he's getting fucking shit on or he might not I don't know I think part of the charm of Paul is he never it again. Cause Paul knows he's getting fucking shit on it or he might not. I don't know. I think part of the charm of Paul is he never quits. Yeah. No, I listen, I know you guys, I try to make you guys job easy. That's why I follow up a lot because I never got a job before.
Starting point is 00:53:45 I'm trying to make things easy on you. And that's why I waste a lot of your fucking time. I thought you were incessantly. Oh my god. I'm trying to make it all easier. This is better than Frank.
Starting point is 00:54:02 Yeah. But once you hire us, you're going to see how much more effective you will be. So what I want you to do is when you get back to the office today, if you can't just sign the service agreement where says start day just TBD to be determined, right? At least we could lock you in at that price. And in that way, you could talk with Tony on Monday. And I know you meet him on Tuesday. And then next Wednesday you and I can talk. And then all we will have to do,
Starting point is 00:54:28 if there's no changes that need to be made, all you have to do is give me the date you want to start. And then we're ready to go. Okay, great. That sounds ultra complicated. I'll get back to you later. What you do is once you get back to the office, after you're delivered, go ahead and sign it. I want you to run down to FedEx,
Starting point is 00:54:44 fax it in, give, send me the receipt so I can make sure I keep track of it. And then if you mind, don't take a picture, email it to me and just put TBD. And then on Monday, you can talk to Tony, then you'll have to talk to him again on Tuesday. And then there's a secret meeting after the meeting. And then on Wednesday, you guys will make decisions. And then on Thursday, you call me back and then, you know, if we have to make changes, then you can send it back and then you can go through another round of meetings with Tony But putting DVD or make things much easier. Yeah, it's a signature
Starting point is 00:55:14 That TVD is gonna save us a lot of time a lot of time Can you do that? Okay, all right, Okay. All right. Well, listen, I appreciate your time, Vincent. You drive safe and I'll talk to you later. Okay. All right, buddy. Bye.
Starting point is 00:55:31 Another one. Another one. Done. What is he doing? He forgot he's recording. He's like looking on the window. I know. He's like, check mark.
Starting point is 00:55:41 He's probably going to check mark on his face. So that was a follow call call follow close The guys gonna do the contract He's gonna do it easy I don't know you guys were paying attention, but I closed them right away. He just was like, I said, hey, you know, you're gonna do the deal and he was like, yeah, absolutely. And I said, well, let me tell you about the process. The process is do these 35 steps,
Starting point is 00:56:14 and it called me back when you made a decision. It's a done deal. He's doing it. He's doing it. Look at my spreadsheet, it's full of people who are doing it. They're all sending me DVD contracts later on. It's the likely chance. Yes, the chance is on. Chances are not gonna do it.
Starting point is 00:56:32 This has probably been one of the long industries that I've ever sold in where it takes time to get a contract. I don't want to do in the work. Is that I'm just getting these done. I don't mind annoying the shit out of people. That's who I am. Paulie Paul Sanity. Because of the value I offer. But with this, because there's a lot of other people involved, a lot of parts involved, I have to be more patient, I have to be strategic. And after. Well, if there's one thing that, I have to be strategic, uh, and after people.
Starting point is 00:57:05 Well, if there's one thing that Paul is certainly on that last phone call, what's strategic? Yes. No doubt. Yeah. And dealing with it because of these are billion dollar companies and you're dealing with certain personalities. But at the end of this guy, he's ready to move forward. I'm glad he's telling himself that.
Starting point is 00:57:25 His boss, which I do with all the time. Boss the dick. Yeah, his boss is a dick. I'd be able to guy all the time. We're like buddy, buddy. I, uh, this is boss. I one time saw him at the gas station and I waived him and he waived back. Or time.
Starting point is 00:57:40 Or time. And we're tired. And then he got in the car and his driver took him away. He was a billion dollar company. I'm sorry, but I don't know what kind of guy you were talking to. That did not sound like, I mean, whatever industry you're talking about, does not sound like a billion dollar industry. Sign it, TBD.
Starting point is 00:57:56 When's the last time a billion dollar country can sign TBD? I'm sure that's the way Conan O'Brien just signed his new Spotify contract. TBD. I'm sure that's the way Conan O'Brien just I just knew Spotify got CBD. I got him. Hey guys, I got Conan in the door. TBD. He's gonna do it. Brian, can you come to the office please? No problem. What's up boss? Just close Conan. I see that. It says on the on the signature line, TBD was that's a close dude He pretty much said he was thinking about doing this and I said if you don't mind signing to be determined We got it. Yeah
Starting point is 00:58:36 What else it's a legal close I Mean legally it's not but it's kind of officially right this is a different mean officially legally But officially I put I checked it on my spreadsheet It's a done deal. Yeah, yeah, I'm gonna sign off on it. That's why I do that. Hopefully you learn something from it You gotta always be excited Answer the phone when it says Paul Kruse It does. Oh, we love you. I got mad respect for you, bro.
Starting point is 00:59:08 That's a tough job, man. That is a tough job. It really is. And I dare, listen, we make fun, because that's what we do. We have fun. We like, you know. Well, we've been in the trenches. But we've been there, and I have done worse than that.
Starting point is 00:59:19 Trust me. Like, I have been, sometimes it's just a cluster, fuck, trying to get someone to answer anything. I really, yeah. And it's embarrassing and you're stressed. Everyone knows that you're trying to sell them and they don't want to be sold. It's like, there's nothing good about it. Sales is the worst possible thing in the world, yet it drives everything. And I think that's part of the reason why it drives it.
Starting point is 00:59:40 I mean, waiters at restaurants are sales people when they're trying to sell you the, you know, 999, Farter Rita from Chili's's they're selling you something and you don't want to fucking hear it It's mid and every time the guy comes with the specials. You're like I'm not gonna eat the specials That's just what the chef has left over but the guy's the less to say it He's about to win a contest if he sells you one more look at diarrhea burger Look at Diary of Burger. That's too funny. Oh, that's a whole thing. And trust me, there is lots more Paul Cruz sales agency
Starting point is 01:00:09 to come. I think we need to do a follow-up on this. Yeah, I think we need to. Because I got through one of the five videos that I have. And I knew that was going to happen. So we'll do another Paul Cruz fear not. We'll come back with Paul Cruz sales agency. Maybe we'll make it Paul Cruz sales agency week.
Starting point is 01:00:24 Is what we'll do. Yeah. So that's that. Okay, this is what you're gonna do. If you don't mind, please, if you'd like to. I'd like to listen. All I wanna do is give you quality content at low prices. So do me a favor, go to
Starting point is 01:00:37 and in the little box type, TBD, and send it to me. I dare, first person who writes an Apple review, TBD. Send me a screenshot of it. I'm sending you something fan-tastic. Yes, we have our text number. Text it to us. Text it to us. 661-237-82966661, the word best, the number two.
Starting point is 01:00:56 Why oh, yo. We'd love to hear from you. Comments, questions, concerns, content ideas, all of it. Send it there. Available on every major podcast player. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday of it, send it there, available on every major podcast player Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, Spotify, TCB Live. Go to the commercial break live, search for that on Spotify, and you can watch the video version.
Starting point is 01:01:14 A few days after the audio version comes out, and remember, slash the commercial break. If you'd like to watch clips every day of the week or in a full episode, we want to thank you for leaving wonderful reviews. Can you consume it any way you'd like. Any way you'd like. TBD. TBD. Just, just, just, just, just, Consum it. Alright, this is what we do. I say, hey, Chrissy, I don't think I can do it anymore. And I say, hey, Brian, I don't think you can.
Starting point is 01:01:35 And I say, I love you. I love you. And I say, best to you, Chrissy. Best to ya. And then I say, best to you out there on the podcast universe. Until next time, we always say, we do say we must say bye You you

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