The Commercial Break - Tik Tok and They Won't Stop

Episode Date: June 24, 2020

The Bit: WSHIT's Heaven @ 11. The Show: Bryan and Hoadley discuss wearing masks..or not, the Trump Tulsa rally and the role Tik Tok had in the turn out, 90 Day Fiancé, Bryan's mom and her role in his... son's life and more... Don't forget to rate and subscribe so you never miss an episode! Text us or leave us a voicemail at +1-661-BEST2YO (+1-661-237-8296) LINKS: Get a FREE TCB limited edition collectible sticker Follow us on Instagram Subscribe and watch the show on Youtube Join us live on Fireside New episodes every Tuesday & Friday everywhere you listen to podcasts! For advertising contact AdvertiseCast Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Good morning and welcome back to WSHIT's Heaven at 11. Each Sunday morning we bring you the good word of the Lord, live from our local church, the Baptist of the Holy Jokester. And now let's drop in as Jim Sandridge gives his sermon this morning. Hey, hey, hey, don't you like your head? I'm important. I'm somebody. Now you might do your English teacher that way, but I'm not teaching English. I'm teaching eternal life here. I love you. You know I love you. Have I convinced you? I love you? Yeah, you better set you better not your head, yes, alright. Come on, put it up there.
Starting point is 00:00:44 Alright, you stay awake and you listen to me. You say, well, he may never come back. Well, he ain't here now. And where have you been, Mr. Underwood? And I noticed on the calendar, I'm supposed to marry y'all. What makes you think I'd marry you? You're one of the sorryest church members I have. You're not worth 15 cents.
Starting point is 00:01:04 And you want me to marry you to her and you want to marry him and he don't even know where he belongs and you don't even know where you belong. Now let me tell you all about here how much I love these kids. Do you know I love you sir? Stand up big boy. Do you know I love you? All right, give me a little look. Absolutely inspirational. We'll take this quick commercial break and be back with WSHIT's Heaven at 11. In early 2020, the world shut down. Stores, restaurants, schools, and whole communities shut their doors in an effort to protect human life.
Starting point is 00:01:57 As the world quickly changed, one man went on Facebook to get a degree in Internet epidemiology. Brian, along with his lab assistant, hopefully, are curing coronavirus by commenting on fake news and reposting recipes of secret virus cures from a friend of a friend who works high up in government. Join Brian and hopefully as they discuss the world and life doing this forced interruption, learning, laughing, and loving in this real-life commercial break. On this episode of the commercial break.
Starting point is 00:02:33 I've seen some of these people who do some of this voice work and it's like... They don't look like rice balls. They are. They're exactly where they need to be. So I'm willing to put on the mask even though I look like a fucking idiot. I look ugly even I already am. It's an inconvenience and I don't like it, but I'm gonna do it. I also don't like to stop it. Stop, stop, stop, but I do it.
Starting point is 00:02:52 You little punk. Tom Petting was very against Trump campaign using his, so I'm going back down. He was, and he's dead. So you know he's really against it. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha with the podcast and Good for her so yeah, but We have superstar guests like Rachel McGrath on our pod Which was super fun and I really enjoyed it and I hope that people go and watch our cooking show because it actually is pretty fucking good
Starting point is 00:03:38 Oh my god, did you watch yes? Oh, yeah, yeah, she didn't show me some some behind the scenes that for a while Did you watch? Yes, oh yeah. She didn't show me some behind the scenes stuff for a while. Some raw footage. I have that encouraging. She's so good. She's like meant for the camera. So.
Starting point is 00:03:51 She is meant for the camera. She's tailor made for the camera. Her voice, you know, I've seen some of these people who do some of this voice work. And it's like, they are, they're exactly where they need to be. No. They're exactly where they need to be, which is right, it's like me, right behind the microphone, no video.
Starting point is 00:04:11 Period and descendants. You know what I got a whiff of? Right before we came on air, or earlier today, I got a whiff of a cigarette. And I don't know where it came from. Maybe someone in my neighborhood was smoking a cigarette or something and it just kind of wafted over in my general direction. And I literally went fucking crazy. I was like, oh my God, smoking sounds like a really good thing
Starting point is 00:04:30 I should pick up during the pandemic. Smoking, let's pick that fact up. Yes. I'm okay with the fact that I quit smoking a long time ago, but for some reason, everyone's in a blue moon. If the, you know, if Jupiter is in retraction or whatever they call it and, you know, Pisces is in the Southern sky,
Starting point is 00:04:51 and someone is smoking a cigarette, it hits me in a way that I don't think I'll ever get over. I think I'll always have that, just that slightest bit urge to pick up a pack of cigarettes and smoke it. Doesn't that sound nice to just pick up a pack of cigarettes and smoke it right now? We're in the pandemic.
Starting point is 00:05:06 Oh my God. Well, I mean, I smoked for a long time, but yeah, it's kind of, I'm kind of, I'm kind of done with it, but every once in a while, you know, somebody's smoking and I do kind of have a nostalgic reaction. Yeah. If it wasn't for the fact that this fucking disease was a goddamn respiratory disease, that I think that I might have picked up smoking.
Starting point is 00:05:26 Think about that too. Yeah, that and I have children and it's just not a good example for them. I mean, they'll learn someday. Someday they're gonna pick up a cigarette and smoke and I just know, but I don't want that to be at two years old. I wanna push it back to like five or six
Starting point is 00:05:38 when I started smoking cigarettes. is where you go to listen to all the episodes. You can read show notes. That's on the show blog. So go to TCB blog, whichcom is where you go to listen to all the episodes. You can read show notes. That's on the show blog. So go to TCB blog, which is linked to the website. And that's where you can get all the show notes and links to all of our interviews and past episodes and all that stuff.
Starting point is 00:05:53 You'll find all of that detailed stuff in the show notes. We have a great company that does that for us. Drop us an email and we will respond or we may respond, but we do that in one show at a time every couple of months. So don't feel like we're ignoring you. We'll get to that eventually. You can follow us on social media at the commercial break on IG. We have a Facebook page.
Starting point is 00:06:12 You go ahead and like that. And please subscribe so you don't miss any of the episodes on your favorite podcast platform. And if you're so inclined and if you feel like you're having a really good day and if you just love to hear our silky smooth voices every Wednesday morning, leave a review because it just strokes our ego in a way you can't imagine. Chrissy and I talk about it for an entire week. Every one interview that you leave is like two weeks of conversation for Chrissy and I. So please leave a review that we have something to talk about. And if you'd like to. Oh, good morning and welcome to WSHITs. Morning cup of Joe with gym acres and dandy danderson. I love dandy danderson. Dandy danderson.
Starting point is 00:06:56 That guy is just like he's a cute one, isn't he? Yeah. He's a dandy. He's a dandy. Isn't that what they used to say? You guys that were a feminine, they call him a dandy. He's a dandy. Isn't that what they used to say? You guys that were feminine, they call them a dandy. I think so. Yeah. Okay. I don't know if there's a drugatory term. So please don't write me.
Starting point is 00:07:13 I know. Say how I'm being homophobic because I'm not homophobic. That's actually his name. Yeah, his name is dandy dandy. That is actually it. There's nothing to do with me. I didn't make it up. It just happens to me.
Starting point is 00:07:23 His name. Two more things if you want to be on the show, you can go to the contact us page on the website. Drop us your information and your phone number and in a future episode, we'll take some listener calls and we'll let you know what that is and we'll give you the information and how to call in. Also, if you want to email us with your email address and say, I want to be on the newsletter, we'll send a newsletter once a month. That's it. We don't sell your information. We won't inundate you. We promise only to email you once a month because quite frankly,
Starting point is 00:07:49 that's how lazy I am. I'll just email you once a month and you'll get a free. I say a free. Everything's free. It's like I'm charging for the podcast. You get a free hour of content. But wait. But wait, there's more. You get a free newsletter and you get a free podcast every Wednesday.
Starting point is 00:08:07 Go now. Go now. I had my mom over to the house over the fucking weekend. I don't know why I said fucking weekend. I don't know why I felt the need to say fucking weekend. You know they say that people who curse are much more intelligent than people who don't curse. So I must be on a role because I just
Starting point is 00:08:26 Cuss like a sailor and I don't know where fuck yeah Shit yeah Before you get to the story about my mom I was watching this video right before we came on air the audio's not interesting or I would play it But this guy in Orlando now in, the county has ruled that you, I guess made a rule that you must wear masks when you're out in public and not eating and around other people within six feet of people. Good, good.
Starting point is 00:08:56 Amen, amen. Listen, I'm done with this mask, bullshit. Where a fucking mask? Yeah, just where. I don't understand what the big deal is. It's not about you getting sick. It's about you not spreading the disease to other people. I'm reading The New York Times says had this interesting article
Starting point is 00:09:11 about thousands of scientists and doctors around the world who gathered data six months into this pandemic now. And one thing that's clear is your chances of getting it from a grocery store are putting your hand on a doorknob that someone else put their hand that they were sick. Your chances of getting it that way are very small. The only way that you can, the only, the big chances of you getting it, the majority of people are getting it because they are inhaling it in a viral load that is large.
Starting point is 00:09:39 The only way, or the best way, that anybody knows how to stop that viral load from actually, you know, aerosolizing itself outside of the body is by wearing a mask. And it's not about you inhaling the disease. We all know that, okay, it's, you know, the mask isn't going to protect you all that well if you're around somebody has a disease. It's about stopping the viral load coming out of you. Can we all stop fucking being babies about this and just wear the fucking mask? It's not only weird, Brian, I know I was watching just for observation purposes, the Trump
Starting point is 00:10:12 rally on Saturday night. Oh yeah, we don't have to get all political, but I just wanted to for observation purposes. Watch it to see exactly how many people turned out and who, watch it to see exactly how many people turned out and who were these people going there without masks on and I'm just watching it and as I'm sitting there looking at these people I'm like it's this this is for your health this is for your help. They even hand it out to repress. No. You or stop you from being free. This is actually for your help. And for everyone else's help. Like it's a help thing. It's non-denominational. We're not, there's no religion, politics, anything. This is a help hazard. So I'm just confused.
Starting point is 00:10:58 Amen. Rejoal system. I'm confused. Listen, here's the thing. Here's the thing. Okay. We'll get into the Trump thing now and we'll go back to, we'll go back to my mom later. We'll get into the Trump thing now because I was gonna review this. Listen, they even handed out masks as people were walking into the auditorium and people dropped the masks.
Starting point is 00:11:18 I would say that one out of every 10 people was wearing a mask. And I applaud those one out of 10 people because I know that the pressure to not wear a mask must have been incredible. Because for some fucking reason, this is all the sudden, a political thing like you don't believe in freedom if you wear a mask.
Starting point is 00:11:34 I cannot smoke a cigarette at a fucking chucky cheese. You know why? It's bad for my health. It's against the rules. I cannot blow a stop sign. I have to stay within the lanes on the fucking highway. I cannot murder somebody. There are plenty of things that I cannot do,
Starting point is 00:11:48 but I still live in a free country. I have to pay my taxes and all the other good jazz. This is yet one small minor inconvenience for a temporary period of time. It has nothing to do with my fucking freedom and has to do with my life. I want to live. And so do you, regardless of what you say.
Starting point is 00:12:04 I'm willing to die for the pandemic if it means that the bubble bubbling, the bullshit and the economy. Okay, I agree with you now. I'm on your side about this one. We cannot close down the economy for an indefinite amount of time. But if we're gonna get back to work
Starting point is 00:12:16 and things are going to work in a manner in which everybody feels relatively safe. One of the things that we have to do is protect each other from dumbassery. And dumbassery is not wearing a fucking mask. Get over it. Get over yourself. Stop with the political bullshit. Put on a mask and just leave it alone. Stop talking about it. You're making it into a political statement when it has nothing to do with politics. It has to do with whether or not we die by drowning in our own fucking spit. And I for one don't want to do it.
Starting point is 00:12:43 Don't want my mom to do it. Don't want my dad to do it. And I certainly don't want my newborn baby to do it. So I'm willing to put on the mask even though I look like a fucking idiot. I look ugly even I already am. It's an inconvenience and I don't like it, but I'm gonna do it. I also don't like to stop it.
Starting point is 00:12:56 Stop talking. But I do it. You little punk. Yeah, no, I've got a couple fashionable masks. Yeah, me too. Yeah, they make them go washable. You want to wear your... Where you're making America great again, mask, whatever you want to do.
Starting point is 00:13:10 God bless you. Yeah, that's what you want to do to politicize this. Then do it. Just wear that. Hey, man. America make America great again, mask. Yeah, or wear a mask that says, I think wearing this fucking mask. Yeah, it's like they make it fun.
Starting point is 00:13:22 Make it punk rock. Be like, you know, fuck masks. Yeah. Wear a mask that says fuck mask. Yeah. Yeah, it's something make it pop rock. Be like, you know, fuck masks. Yeah. Wear a mask that says fuck mask. Yeah. And make it political. Here's the crazy thing about this Trump rally. And I don't want to get too political on this show
Starting point is 00:13:33 because I know there's a lot of varied, there's a lot of people who listen to us internationally. They may or may not be all that interested in what happens to politics in America. And this is where there's plenty of other people you can go to if you want political opinions. People that are much smarter than me or Chrissy on this whole matter. So I'm not going to give them the politics of it, but I will say this, like them or leave
Starting point is 00:13:51 them, Donald Trump is really good at getting a bunch of people to show up and have in a fucking party in the form of a rally. That's why I think partly why he got elected is because he can really put on a show. And I will admit that with freely. I freely admit that he puts on a show. I don't particularly care for the type of show that he puts on, but he did it and he did it with cunning and professionalism. He was like, he just took politics and these rallies to a whole new level back in 2016.
Starting point is 00:14:23 People got really excited. And for the most part, he filled arenas across the country. And he would do it like night after night after night. The guy just went, he's 82 years old. And he just kept going like a fucking energizer bunny. So for six months now, or at least five months, he has been sidelined by the quarantine, by his own quarantine, by his own people.
Starting point is 00:14:42 They've said, don't go out there, don't do this. So for the people that don't live in this country, his big return to the rallies, the big like filling in arena, like a rock star rally, was this last Saturday in Tulsa, Oklahoma. I'm going to even get into why that's just a stupid fucking thing to do. But yeah, 20,000 seat arena in Tulsa, Oklahoma, as well as a huge area, like a huge street where they expected up to 500,000 people were gonna descend upon Oklahoma because that's what they were telling everybody. They were saying that the Trump campaign was like, listen, we've got an a million ticket requests for this 20,000 seat arena. So we're gonna put a big fucking stage outside and
Starting point is 00:15:25 we're gonna have two rallies. We're gonna have one outside for everybody that can't get into the arena, be a short little presentation and then we'll go inside and we'll do the real deal and we'll broadcast it around the world and all the news channels will cover it and blah, blah, blah. And then Saturday arrives.
Starting point is 00:15:40 And by the way, people did line up days and days before like by Monday, this happened on Saturday by Monday People are like lining up, you know all around the arena. Yeah Having fun, you know doing their thing not wearing mask Yeah, just a general like just a general party atmosphere, right party wearing their 8k 47s So let's rest diet. Yeah. But hey, listen, I don't want to argue this point too much because there are a lot of protesters
Starting point is 00:16:12 out there that are getting awful close to each other too. And while I think that there's, while I think it's much better that you're out there protesting, in other words, I think the cause, the means justify the ends as far as the protests are concerned. I still get concerned about everyone being in a big, you know, where they're all crowded together. But you do see a lot of those protesters are wearing masks. They're doing no social distancing, but they are wearing masks. They are. Going to a Trump rally, you can watch that on TV.
Starting point is 00:16:37 Like Donald could get up on TV and he could do that. He doesn't need to do that. So Donald shows up on Saturday and he's supposed to have this whole street is supposed to be cordoned off. 100,000 people supposed to be outside. They couldn't get into the arena. He's going to this big festival like show. 26 people. 26 people showed up on this street. So two hours before the rally even starts, it's clear that at least on the outside, no one has shown up. Like the 100,000 people that they expected
Starting point is 00:17:07 did not materialize in any way, shape or form. Right. And inside the arena, less than 7,000 people out of the 20,000 people that could fit in there showed up. And there is some conversation about how maybe even a good chunk of those people are actually just a part of the Trump campaign. Anyway, it's some way shape or form.
Starting point is 00:17:27 I don't want to get into all the bullshit, right? I don't know if it's true or it's not true. The people are paid or not paid to go there or whatever. But the reality is, is that Trump took a dump right there on his like, Trump had a really shitty rally, especially in his standards. It was zero, zero, basically a zero. He got an F, a big fat flying F, and then he went on for two hours and talked about crazy
Starting point is 00:17:51 talk. I don't even know what the guy was talking about. I just watched some of it. But here's what's crazy, hardly. Do you know why so many, so few people showed up, so many seats were empty. Do you heard about this TikTok chip? I do. And that's because I've got a 15 and an 18 year old step daughter.
Starting point is 00:18:10 I'm too. Were they doing this? Oh, yeah. They had told me about this before and said, you know, listen, and this is just kind of in passing one eye as we're all making dinner together. And they said, hey, there's this thing going around. And everybody's getting everybody's going to request. and they said, hey, there's this thing going around,
Starting point is 00:18:25 and everybody's getting, everybody's gonna request Trump, rally tickets, and then he'll be left with nobody coming. And I was like, that's pretty genius. I didn't know it would work. I didn't know if it worked. It seems to have worked. I think it really worked. I mean, I find it funny, then then a place like Tosa, Oklahoma,
Starting point is 00:18:46 kind of a Republican stronghold that so very few people showed up. I actually think that this TikTok thing really got there. So if you don't know what we're talking about, about a week and a half or one ever two weeks before when they opened up the ticket request, which is essentially you could text in, or you could go online and you can just request tickets.
Starting point is 00:19:05 It's a very little vetting, you just basically gotta give them a name, information phone number, and then, yeah, and then they send you the ticket via, whatever, I don't know, they send it to you via email, and there you go, you scan it, when you walk in, it's free, they're not paying for it. So a couple of weeks before, when they opened up
Starting point is 00:19:20 the ticket request, older woman on TikTok, and I wish I could give her credit or say her name, but I don't remember what it was, and older women made a video that spread to about 700 other people. And she said, hey, you're on TikTok, you're a bunch of youngsters, you want to get involved politically, stop this bullshit, right? Donald Trump is showing up, yeah, from home, you can do this. Like, she gave them the idea that they idea that all these people on TikTok, all these youngsters on TikTok, should basically request tickets and then not show up. A no-show protest is what she called it.
Starting point is 00:19:54 Within a couple of hours, there were hundreds of thousands of people that were spreading this wildfire and they would make the video. It would go up for a few seconds and then they would delete it so that it couldn't be tracked So that no one person was getting tracked So essentially they were just sharing it and then deleting it really quick and it was spreading like wildfire the wildfire Wildflower like a wildfire Wildflowers speaking of wildflowers Tom Petty was very against the Trump campaign who's in his He was and he's dead.
Starting point is 00:20:27 So you know, he's really against. Right. You know, you're against something when you reach up from the grave and go, oh, hey, Donald, stop using my shit. Don't I don't approve. I won't back down. So this worked and by some accounts, 10,000 of the 13,000 tickets that didn't get used were because these kids were asking for them.
Starting point is 00:20:53 But the thing is that they also requested in huge numbers these tickets. So because of that, the Trump campaign felt like they had really booked this place out. So the guys who were in charge of this, the heads must have rolled when they got back onto Air Force One after the show, because you know Donald does not like to be embarrassed.
Starting point is 00:21:12 And man was he, he could not lie about this. This was clear, even from the Fox camera angle that many of these seats were open, but here's what's weird, and I'll tell you, I went on Craigslist, the day before the rally, and I went to Toe Sla Oklahoma, I went to the Oklahoma Craigslist, and I looked up Donald Trump rally tickets,
Starting point is 00:21:32 because that was interesting to see if anyone was selling them, and that they were for how much. Yeah. I saw a posting, and the posting said, I have 25 VIP tickets behind the stage where the camera angle is. No, you know, don't troll me, no Democrats. I don't want any of that bullshit. I am high up in the organization.
Starting point is 00:21:55 I have these, they're real, they're free. All you got to do is agree to come down and pick them up. This was like hours before this rally was supposed to start. Somebody was giving out what they called VIP tickets, which meant behind the stage. And it was an opportunity to meet the like, I don't know, the campaign manager or whatever he would come by and say hello, you would be sitting next to the big wigs, Mike Pence would be there. Whatever. So whatever was going on, I think that maybe few few people, maybe it wasn't, maybe even if TikTok had nothing to do with this, right, that the campaign rally would not have been filled.
Starting point is 00:22:32 But here's what's interesting too. And here's where I get interested, hopefully. Pay attention. I'm at a rap station. TikTok, you have no choice. Right. I have you every Monday for an hour. Here you are.
Starting point is 00:22:48 TikTok apparently has a bunch of fans on there for this K-pop group. You know about this? Yes, I do. K-poppers. Yeah, okay. K-pop for any of those who don't know. K-pop stands for Korean Pop, Korean Pop music.
Starting point is 00:23:03 And apparently these K-pop people who are pumping out these, you know, it's like a Ford Motor Company just stamping out cars, only their young musicians that they stamp out, like the Backstreet Boys or InSync or whatever, but it's the Korean version of this. Yes. And they are wildly popular, like around the world. They get, they get like a billion views on their,
Starting point is 00:23:23 on their YouTube channels for one video But this happens repeatedly and there's like one company JYPE or something that's putting out all of these little bands that they put together But they're not bands are like singing you know, they sing in groups that are good looking and you know They have the the rock star one and the bad one and the good one and the pretty one You know just just a stereo typical boy band. It's the old formula. That's right. Who was that creepy dude who was putting him together back in the 90s who put together in sync? Do you remember that guy? He was like that fat, roly, pulley dude that also happened to be jacking him off in the back. Yeah, he
Starting point is 00:24:02 was not not paying his taxes. Stealing yeah, he was, he was not, not paying his taxes, stealing money from investors. And then he was also, you know, giving it back to some of the backstreet boys. Super shady. Yeah, he was a fucking creep. So I on Saturday, as I learn of the stands, the K-Pop stands that they call them stands. I guess they're stands of fans of this particular group. What the one big k pop group the boy band i don't know that far i know about k pop but i don't know the actual names okay i'm sorry for i mean we don't have a ton of young listeners but i'm sorry for
Starting point is 00:24:38 anybody that's listening that i don't know this information but you got to understand i'm about twenty eight years outside of the demographic of the k pop but i did do this i want to start doing some research because i was know this information, but you got to understand I'm about 28 years outside of the demographic of the K-pop. But I did do this. I went and started doing some research because I was super interested in K-pop and in this phenomenon. And what I found was, is there's a boy version of this, a couple of boy versions of this, there's a couple of girl versions of this.
Starting point is 00:24:58 And one of the girl versions is called twice. I got to be honest. I'm kind kinda into twice. Twice is like these. Twenty something Korean girls that made it through some gauntlet of a television show since they, you know, they're groomed at like since their age 16 and then they go through this television show. It's kind of like American Idol meets the real world meets, you know, whatever. What is it?
Starting point is 00:25:23 The television show on CBS, The Big House, or The House, or My House, or whatever, or they're all living big brother, right? So it's like, yeah, it's like the musical version of Big Brother, and they all go through this. And then if they win, or if they get chosen, then they get to be in this K-pop band, and this particular one is called Twice.
Starting point is 00:25:41 And YouTube has a documentary series on Twice about how they all are coming up through the ranks. And I just gonna say something, holy, I'm 100% in love with Twice. Nice. Because, I'm twice as nice. It's twice as nice. But they really can sing and they do
Starting point is 00:25:57 have some very cute personalities in there. And you know, this is fun, how they watch, how they like back bite each other. And one's exhausted and the other one's tired. But they all pull together in the end and they give each other hugs and they just get through it because they have twice as much love. That's what it's all about.
Starting point is 00:26:11 And I have to say that I do think this K-pop thing is pretty fucking cute. Yeah. I'm just, you know, I'm totally for it. Yeah, I'm for it 100%. I am not anti K-pop in any way. And I do have to say that I'll be very glad when my daughter comes into this world. So it'll seem a little less creepy that I'm watching YouTube video of
Starting point is 00:26:29 a K-pop fan called twice. It'll still be creepy, Brian. And here's the creepy as part. That one version is in English, like, English subtitles, but they have another one. It's not fucking subtitles whatsoever. And I couldn't find the last episode of the show in English, so I just watched it in Korean, feeling like I knew them well enough now that I would be able to interpret what was going on just by their body language.
Starting point is 00:27:02 Yes. And here's the part, here's the thing. I was able to interpret exactly what's going on just by their body language. And here's the part, here's the thing. I was able to interpret exactly what's going on in the conclusion of twice, you know, for road to fame or whatever the show was called because I had interpreted the body language. That's right. I was one with twice.
Starting point is 00:27:20 Good. So there you go. Congratulations. Congratulations to the, yeah, I am. I'm gonna have a young daughter pretty soon and she's gonna be into all this shit. My son is already singing every one of the Disney junior hits. It's day after day, he never stops.
Starting point is 00:27:37 If he gets a free moment, here's what it sounds like in my house. Da da, da da da da da da da da da da da da da da. Dee Dee Dee Dee Dee. And Dee Dee means Disney. That's what it means. sounds like in my house. Da da, da da, da da, da da, da da, da da, da da, da da, da da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da a puppy's cute. You know, until you have to clean up its shit and it barks all the time, right? So he's not talking about blue, are you? No, I'm not talking about blue. By the way, if anybody wants a dog, like in the Netherlands, but he's where I can't hear her bark.
Starting point is 00:29:04 I worked in a McDonald's and the friars would back in the 90s when I was a kid, right? And I think I think I told you this when I was 14 or 15. And the friars would make this noise. Every time the fries would be ready. And we worked at a really busy McDonald's, especially over the weekend, and you'd never not have fries. Oh, yeah. They're right.
Starting point is 00:29:23 They're everything from McDonald's. Absolutely. Oh my God, the fries are McDonald's. They're right, they're fucking for McDonald's. Absolutely. Oh my God, the fries are McDonald's. But they just need everything. I've tried the gog or may, but there's nothing that really beats the McDonald's fries. Yeah, all these chefs try and make their fries taste as good or tasty or there's no better thing on earth
Starting point is 00:29:42 that has to do with the potato than a McDonald's retro. I can't say that. But anyway, so these things, they, they're so good. So they beep and they beep and they beep and they beep. And then you go home at night and you have dreams about the beeps, right? So this dog has been barking for like seven and a half years now. And I can't get the barking out of my head.
Starting point is 00:30:02 Like, I'll go on a run and the dog will be barking in my head. And we're talking about my dog, Blue, who is a Yorkie, who is just the cutest little thing. I mean, her face is just so cute. Yes. She's just a little doll, but she will not shut the fuck up for one second. She barks at everything. I move to go to the bathroom. She barks.
Starting point is 00:30:21 I close the door. She barks. I open the door. She barks. I take a step to the right. She barks. So step to the left, she barks. I close the door, she barks. I open the door, she barks. I take a step to the right, she barks, I step to the left, she barks. And she doesn't do this with my wife. She doesn't do it with my wife at all. And she loves my son, she's really good with my son.
Starting point is 00:30:32 But every time I think about anything, if I think she barks. And so that's obnoxious. Totally obnoxious. So anyway, wrapping it back around, I wanna say congratulations to the K-Pop fans. So I know we're a big part of this. Yeah, it's fantastic.
Starting point is 00:30:48 And I think that this is something we should look out for coming up in the 2020 political election cycle, because I do think that Donald Trump is going to have to find a way. Here's the thing that I really found interesting. Why is Donald Trump beating the youngsters at their own game? You know, he was so successful in 2016 at making the internet his bitch. And basically just riling people up to a point that they went to the polls and they voted him into office in what seemed the most unlikely candidacy. Why is Donald Trump an 87-year-old man or however old he is?
Starting point is 00:31:22 An 87-year-old man. The kids are in his seventies. But let's put him in his seventies. Trump an 87 year old man or however old he is an 87 year old man. He's an 70's. Beating. But let's put him in his 70's. See any 70's? Let's put him in his 80's there. Oh, I thought he was in his 80's. Wow, he looks horrible for his 70's.
Starting point is 00:31:33 I mean, that guy just looks like so. He just looks like so. The president see all these ages, people. I've heard that. Yeah, no, that's true. I agree. I agree. And he's not the worst looking president we've ever had.
Starting point is 00:31:43 So, I mean, we've had some pretty ugly presidents. And Donalds, you know, they all get pudgy and ugly, except for Obama. He stayed really skinny. He's got cooler. He's got cooler as the years went on. Man, I love him. I get older and they stay the same.
Starting point is 00:32:00 Whenever I see him, I'm like, I miss you. I miss you. I miss you. I know. I just, I don't, I don't, I don't even that I miss Obama specifically. I didn't agree with everything Obama had to say or do. Either it's that I miss some semblance of sanity. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:17 Now I know that people who are on the extreme right were going absolutely bonkers because of Obama and maybe things didn't seem normal to them. And I know people on the extreme left just loved the guy to death. I am not of either of those two parties. And so I just really want to vote for who I think is the best candidate or who I think will do the best job. And so I didn't love everything Obama was about, but I did like his presidency and I felt like we were headed in the right direction in a lot of ways while he was in office.
Starting point is 00:32:49 And I do miss that. I just missed the feeling, the sensation that I didn't, wasn't waking up in the morning to the next big clusterfuck that was coming our way because Donald is just all over the place. I say to Donald, like Donald, go back to that wonderful hotel you have down there in D'Areal. Go back there, be with your beautiful wife. You know, go on stern, rate women. Do whatever it is you were doing before the presidency.
Starting point is 00:33:14 Just go back and do that. You don't want to do this. It's too much fucking stupid. Well, I know. It's too much stress. You don't have to worry about people are going to show up and not show up. Honestly, I mean, I was just thinking of the irony of the whole thing because, and again, I know probably we're getting off on a political rant, but there's just so much going on right
Starting point is 00:33:31 now that I feel like it's topical. But I was looking at his crowd in the audience at the rally and I thought, how ironic, because, you know, to me growing up, the Donald's been around for a while and he's always been this, you know, swav, New York, uppercrust, real estate guy that was, you know, said what he meant and meant what he said, whatever, and he had the money to do it and whatever, but he wasn't like, when I looked out at the audience for his rally, I'm like, these people, that's not his audience. He would not be hanging with these people. No, they wouldn't, he wouldn't be at his hotel.
Starting point is 00:34:15 I have people. Are they the same like idiots, we're not wearing masks and going to this thing. But I mean, they just were not his type of people that are out his whole career that I've watched and the news. You're 100% right about that. You bring up a fantastic point, which is Donald Trump. If you middle America, my southern friends, my middle American friends, my kind of middle of the road, good old boy friends, if you think for one second that Donald Trump is your guy, he's, you might, he might be your guy, but you're not his guy. He doesn't give a fuck about you.
Starting point is 00:34:53 He doesn't care about you one bit. You would not be allowed at his golf club. You would not be allowed to sit at dinner at the bed. You would not be allowed to sit at dinner at the bed. You would not be allowed to sit at dinner at the bed. A year. Yeah. It's really, it's really relating to the people as he's sitting there talking
Starting point is 00:35:06 about his leather shoes that he was slipping on as he was going down the ramp. I'm like, what? I'm sure all this people can relate to all the Italian leather made shoes. I know. Do you know how much my arm hurt when I was putting it up and down like this? I had 600 West Point candidates, graduates that I had to salute. It's like Donald. Those motherfuckers are going to, yeah, two at a time. So that means 300 times, Donald, not 600 times first of all, just doing some simple math. Don't get me wrong. But here's the other thing you, quad, is that these people are about to go, most of them,
Starting point is 00:35:43 about to go put their life on the line for this country and you can't be bothered to salute them one time in their entire life. They are the best of the best that they are going to lead our men and women into bloody, nasty, crazy wars that we don't even know about yet. They're gonna do that in the future
Starting point is 00:36:01 and you can't be bothered or it hurts your arm too much to lift it 600 times. I don't, I've never served in the military so I'm not gonna get all pie is here but if, uh, but I do firmly stand behind our soldiers because I think they're great men and women even if the wars aren't great I believe that the men and women who put on those uniforms are doing it for all the right reasons 99.99 percent of the time and if they said hey Brian Host of the commercial break would you do as a favor and go and be the honorary, you know Upady up at the West Point graduate ceremony because I see that happening anytime soon Would you please
Starting point is 00:36:41 Salute each one of these graduates fuck Fuck yeah, I would and I wouldn't There would be no complaints coming out of my mouth I can plan about a lot of shit But this is not one of the things I would complain about. Yeah He spent 45 minutes telling a story about how much his arm hurt and how bad, you know How much trouble he had lifting his arm 600 times so that he could make an excuse as to why he couldn't lift a cup of water to his face. Now I don't know and I'm not gonna sit here on this show and pretend to know what's wrong or right with Donald Trump's health, but buddy, you sounding so fucking petty,
Starting point is 00:37:15 it just puts you way out of touch with the people that you're trying to serve and I hope, I honestly hope that some of the people that support him that were watching that, that they see right through that, that they go, hey, this is not my guy. Now, I'm not saying Joe Biden is either. Don't get me wrong. I saw a commercial on YouTube for Joe Biden. The guy is, I see a commercial on YouTube for Joe Biden every time I get on my YouTube app on my phone. And I don't know why I'm getting served this ad every time, but I'm getting, and here's
Starting point is 00:37:43 Joe Biden. Hi, I'm getting served this ad every time. But I'm getting and here's Joe Biden. Hi, I'm Joe Biden. Two, four, there, wow, uh, the kid, you donate five dollars. That's exactly what he says. He literally fumbles the first 15 words of the ad and I'm like, if you're going to spend a $1 billion on a YouTube ad like this serving into me every time, don't, don't you think you could just go back and do it the right way? I mean, Joe seems a little foggy to me. So don't think that I'm getting all crazy about Joe Biden either, but Donald, spending 45 minutes to alienate yourself from your own crowd seems ridiculous.
Starting point is 00:38:21 The truth is, you did kind of slosh down, for anybody that doesn't know, he was at West Point and he was doing the ceremony for the West Point graduates. West Point graduates will be the leaders of our future armed services, right? That's like a military school and it's very prestigious here in the United States. So he went and he oversaw the graduation
Starting point is 00:38:41 and he was complaining on Saturday night at the rally at Tulsa that he had to salute. That is literally raising your arm up to your forehead that he had to salute 600 of these graduates. He complained for 45 minutes about this. He must have gone on for fucking ever. At the end of it, he had to walk down a ramp. Yeah, he made kind of fun of his general too.
Starting point is 00:39:00 Yeah, I mean, he's just a whole fucking thing. It was awful. I was just like, what are it was awful? So like, what are you? What do you think about during a time? He didn't fire and leading and racial and doesn't know how to do it. Sexual, you know, the me too movement has gone on during his presidency. All of this, I mean, and it's just, it's awful. He can't, he gets on there and talks about his freaking walking down the ramp and being able to drink a glass of water, then he drank a glass of water and threw it into
Starting point is 00:39:32 the audience. I was like, what? I know. Right. You guys are. So if you're a supporter of Trump, certainly welcome you here. No, I don't. You're probably you're not a supporter of this show. That's fun. That's true because my satire is can be biting of toward Trump, but I'm
Starting point is 00:39:51 just calling it like I see it. It's just common sense as far as I'm concerned. If you're a supporter of Trump and you can't see through this bullshit, I mean, I, I don't know. So whatever. We'll, we'll move on to greener pastors. I had my mom. So whatever, we'll move on to greener pastures. I had my mom over this week. You keep them greener pastures? Last name is me. Speaking of greener pastures. And your last name is green, so let's go to your pastor.
Starting point is 00:40:11 So I have my mom over this weekend, and she comes over to see the little boy. And that's what she says. Come over to see the little boy, and then we'll order some pizza. We've been doing this every week since she's gotten out of quarantine because she lives in a retirement home and they were really locked down pretty seriously
Starting point is 00:40:29 over there. And luckily, they didn't have any cases of COVID over there, which was, we're all grateful for, right? But she's still pretty much locked down. She can just get out of the house and come over here. So she comes over and I gotta say this, I learned something about being a parent and I don't know if you feel this as a step parent, but I know this as being a parent. And I don't know if you feel this as a step parent,
Starting point is 00:40:45 but I know this as being a parent. And you're the children that you're a step mom to, you are much older, right? So you may not get this as much. But it seems like everybody who's ever had a child becomes the third parent of my fucking child every time the thing fucking to the door. And I'm honestly with my nephews who're two and four. Do you think so?
Starting point is 00:41:08 They love it. Yeah, it's. Yeah, well listen, and Chrissy, I mean, there's, I think there's an important role to play with aunts and uncles. And I do, I'm one of those guys who believes that it takes a village to raise a child. So I'm not saying that you shouldn't, if my child's, you know, put just talking to the electrical stuff. I think parents do, I think grandparents maybe do it more to the parents of the, Oh my God, drives me fucking crazy. I just tell how to raise them. Here's my mom. Ready? This is, this is the conversation. Hello. Hey, Brian. Hi, Brian. Hi. You know what? I just saw Mattias running down the hallway and you know what? I think he's got one of those. What do you call them? To hook legs? I think he's got hook legs.
Starting point is 00:41:48 And I'm like, what the fuck is hook legs? I don't know. That's what they used to call it when I was a kid. It's hook legs. It's when your legs ingrown like this to the left. And then you have to take them to the hospital. And I'm like, mom, my kid doesn't have a hook leg. I think so. And I'm like, mom, my kid doesn't have a hook leg. I think so. And I'm like, mom, what is hook leg? I don't know, I just said, and I think he's just running kind of funny.
Starting point is 00:42:10 You might want to take him to the hospital. I'm gonna take him to the fucking hospital, mom, over this. Okay, that's fine. That's fine. No, he just doesn't have to. Great, I planted that seed. That's right, every time that my mom comes over, when she leaves, my son has six more diseases that
Starting point is 00:42:27 he didn't have before she showed up in the door. And it's in my head rolling around. It's like, no, shit. It's my kid going to die. Maybe it might be possible. Here's the other one. Ready? Watch this.
Starting point is 00:42:41 You know what? It's Matthias' birthday coming up. Oh yeah, it's good, yeah, great. Irving wants to get him something. Maybe he can give him a couple hundred dollars so he can go to a speech therapist. Oh my, so he can learn how to talk correctly. I'm like, did you just say you want my son to go to a speech therapist?
Starting point is 00:42:59 I mean, if you want to. I watch this television show and the young lady, they have two different languages in the house and she can't talk correctly because of that. And I'm like, oh my God, mom. Oh my God. So she getting him a gift for a speech therapist. Yeah, to a speech therapist. Oh, Amber, I go, mom.
Starting point is 00:43:21 He's fucking too. What could, what, what, what word does he possibly missing in his vocabulary? He says this, that please. Thank you. And he says him in a couple different languages. I don't understand what's wrong. I wish it's amazing.
Starting point is 00:43:36 But, holy, I tell you what, I then the whole dinner time, I'm just sitting there Googling how much, how many words my fucking child should be saying in what order I'm like getting on her. I know. I plan to say. Yeah. It's insane.
Starting point is 00:43:49 First of all, it felt rude. Listen, I love my mother. But we have a loving relationship. But I call it like I see it. And I just don't care for every time my mom comes over. My son has a new disease that's got to be fixed. She is not making me feel better about my parenting skills. She's making me feel awful.
Starting point is 00:44:05 I think that's a common thing, Brian. I've certainly heard from others. I know. I know. I know. About my grandmother, when I was younger, you know, it's just, it's, yeah, I think it's the, she was, yeah, your mom, I guess, and I've heard this from friends before too. I know.
Starting point is 00:44:23 I know. About what my grandmother would be saying. I know. I be saying. I know I try and give her a break very much so and I think you know my mom was Kind of like Why didn't she do that with me? Maybe There's so many different Complex Relationships complex Emilio
Starting point is 00:44:43 Psychology going on in that that's why I love the ant position I am position is good position just role it's like you're like the switzerland yeah you're like the switzerland of family members I love it here's the other one I'm behind. Here she calls me the other day. Right? Brian. Yes mom. I just remembered that the other day I saw a rash on Matthias' foot, I think it might be
Starting point is 00:45:14 gout. Like gout. Mom, do you think my son is drinking rum and two years old when the fuck would he have gout? I don't know, I just heard it on judge Judy. Maybe he has a doctor fill or one of them. Dr. Phil, that's the worst. I wish my mom would turn off fucking Dr. Phil. Turn off your doctor, your doctor, your doctor,
Starting point is 00:45:35 watching Dr. Phil and getting your information from him or who's the other one with the pointy ears. The, uh, uh, oh, the doctor, uh, Dr. Oz. Oh, God, he's the worst. He'll tell you like crystals will solve, you know, crystal, a curial cancer. It's like, dude, you are a crack. Yeah, he's the worst. Dr. Oz is, and the thing about Dr. Oz is, listen, I have watched Dr. Phil over the years.
Starting point is 00:46:03 He's a very, at times, at least at first, when his show first came on, he seemed like a very pragmatic and common-sensical kind of guy. He just kind of cut through the bullshit and would just tell you, Yeah. Oprah, yeah. And so for a minute there, I was like, thank you guys, kind of.
Starting point is 00:46:19 herself from. Except for that check she keeps getting from his television checks yeah opus and that opa money and that's a whole different universe and doctor Phil by the way doctor Phil has like the number five most popular podcast in the world i had no idea so they feel talks are bullshit fill or something like that
Starting point is 00:46:41 do full of fill i don't know what it's called, but it's crazy. But Dr. Fillet, first I was like, okay, this guy's got some common sense of all things to say. And it just turned into trash TV and sentaniously. It seems like as soon as Jerry Springer got off air, all of the guests went over the Dr. Fillet show. And Dr. Fillet was all too happy to take them on.
Starting point is 00:46:59 And now I can't watch it. First of all, I have to say that so my mom watches this show 24 hours a day. If Dr. Fillet or Judge Judy is on, my mom is watching it. Like, it doesn't matter what channel she's going to find it, she's got it on rotation. She finds this Dr. Phil or Judge Duty and she just, the world revolves around these two human beings and I kind of feel for my mom a little bit because there's only so much of that bullshit that you can listen to before your brain just starts to rot out.
Starting point is 00:47:26 Dr. Phil has a commercial every three minutes on his television show. I was over at her house one day watching every three minutes. There is a commercial. You can't even get through a full segment without another commercial, another commercial, another commercial. They must be making a fucking killing on that guy's show
Starting point is 00:47:42 and how many commercials they stuff in there. He has sold out. I have to say they stuff in there. He has sold out. I have to say that, Dr. Phil, you have sold out. I would love. Dr. Phil was on Joe Rogan, and I thought it was a fascinating interview, because it just let me know how full of fucking shit, Dr. Phil.
Starting point is 00:47:57 He is fucking crazy. Yeah. I, do you watch 90-day fiance? I don't. I know you've brought that up to me a couple times and I have not watched it. I do I need to put this on my rotation of 100 pounds. Yeah, I so Jeff's gonna kill me.
Starting point is 00:48:14 100,000 other stuff. Yeah, I know. I know we get we give you something to watch every 15 seconds. At this point, I can't do that. Oh, yeah. Maybe that's because part of my job that has to do with, you know, dealing with home building. And so for me, it's like going. You have your own street. Don't forget. I have my own street and stoplight. I don't know if you remember that, but I do have my own stoplight. My street. It's my street. So I 90 day fiance is this television show that comes on the learning channel TLC, which I don't know what learning we're doing anymore on that channel, but they still have learning
Starting point is 00:48:51 long time ago, long time ago. On that. When they figured out that learning wasn't paying the bills, they changed their tune real quick. But about eight or nine, I mean, maybe the, no, probably about seven years ago, TLC started running this little program. It was maybe like five episodes called 90 day fiance. In case you aren't familiar because you don't live here in the United States, you can
Starting point is 00:49:15 come into the United States on what's called an engagement visa or a fiance visa, which basically means that you propose to your girlfriend or your boyfriend they become your fiance and then they are allowed to come into the United States for 90 days in order to see if you get married and if you get married you're here legally then you get a green card and if you don't get married then the person has to go back to their country. I'm sure that 950 fifty thousand of those people are perfectly level-headed fine human beings. But they find the twelve every year that are completely off their rocker and are just it's just a shit show from the beginning and they take every minute. It's making a career out of identifying mentally ill people and putting them on television. But I mean, all of them are mentally ill.
Starting point is 00:50:33 I actually like some of them. I think some of them are interesting. And the reason why it was interesting to my, at the time, girlfriend and I, who's now my wife, Astrid, is because we took a similar path. We didn't get an engagement visa. We actually got, we decided to get married while she was visiting one time. And that's how she's here in the country legally.
Starting point is 00:50:49 But it's interesting because it's, it's close to home. Oh, the, I would tell you, the, all of this is just gold. So there's this guy on 90 day fiance. His name is Ivan David, I think is his name. He's an older gentleman. He's probably in his late 50s. He obviously has been
Starting point is 00:51:05 watching too much Star Trek for his entire life and has just missed the boat on dating, sex, or any of that other stuff. So David gets on one of these Russian websites. And this is how the Russian website goes. Ready? He's the getter of the fiance. He's the ghetto of the fjor. Correct. You live here. She lives in Russia. He seven years ago, seven years ago opens up a community in community, gets in community, Kato with a woman in Russia via a website. This is how the website works. You join the website. You pay $500 to be a part of the website. You then get access to the profiles of the women that are on the website living in Russia or Ukraine or wherever. Most of them young, most of them beautiful. So you can imagine that most of the men are the exact opposite of whatever young and beautiful
Starting point is 00:51:52 is, right? Yes. Correct. So, okay. So this guy, David, in my opinion, would be more fans out there who are on Russian dating websites. Listen, God bless you if you're on a Russian dating website. Just don't do it like this because this is obviously a complete scam.
Starting point is 00:52:15 But okay, so David then has to pay a fee for every word that he communicates to this woman on this my space like website and then he has to pay for every word she in return sends back to him. They are not communicating outside the website. She refuses to give him a phone number or an or a legitimate address or a text message or anything. She only wants to communicate inside of the website. More girl, that's right, because you know, she probably owns the fucking website and she's making $600 every time they communicate. She's thinking we're in the business, Brian.
Starting point is 00:52:56 Oh, I don't even understand how. And I learned, right. I mean, this guy also, he's like, he's well to do. So he has actually made a career for himself. He is a guy who has actually taken the brains inside of his head and used them and applied them to make himself some money over time. I'm saying everybody who makes money is smart
Starting point is 00:53:14 because that's not true. But I am saying that it would appear that the guy has some has head on his shoulders. But he just cannot be convinced by anybody for any reason under any circumstances that this girl is taking him for a ride when he has to pay A dollar basically for every word that he says on this website and that's the only way that they communicate He goes over there to Russia not once not twice not three times not four times
Starting point is 00:53:42 But seven times he goes over to and six of the times she says she's going to meet him and never does. Playing hard to get. Play it. We all. To do. To do. To do.
Starting point is 00:53:56 To do. Play and hard to get. I like it. That's how David looks at it. He's like, she's sad. I'm coming back. Yeah. One time her brother died the next time there's, you know, a snowstorm and wherever she lives and, you know,
Starting point is 00:54:10 gruff out of it, or whatever. And then the next time, the next time, she just needed money. That's right. When she showed up, she actually needed money. She wanted to get through those presents. The time before he actually met her, the reason why she couldn't meet him is because her nephew had a hockey game that she had to go to.
Starting point is 00:54:30 So David travels 16 hours on a plane to go to Russia to meet this young lady. And she can't show up because her nephew has a hockey game. Right. What's that? What are the film crew? He didn't just do it. He's with a film crew. Is this correct?
Starting point is 00:54:48 He's with film crew. That's correct. But he still doesn't get it. He still shows up the seventh time. She actually shows up the seventh time. And when she shows up, he gives her not only an engagement ring, but he gives her a brand new iPhone 11.
Starting point is 00:55:07 And he says to her over dinner. And by the way, she won't kiss him, she won't touch him, she looks disgusted by the man, right? Because she is disgusted by the man. She's just hearing good money, right? So he handed the cell phone and he lovingly says, this is so you and I. And let me give you an example of what happens when he gets close to her. Don't do that. Don't, don't do that. Stop.
Starting point is 00:55:34 He's like his lips start smacking. He's like, he looks like an alligator ready to eat out dead chicken. He is absolutely, he, I don't know, he's sexually assaulting her just by being near her. It's just gross, it's fucking disgusting. He gives her the cell phone and he said, this is so we can communicate clearly. And he puts a translation service on the phone. Well, after he leaves Russia, she said she can no longer work
Starting point is 00:56:01 the phone because her nails are too long. She'd like to go back to the lips She'd like to go back to the website This show is brilliant. It's brilliant. It's like I I don't know what you do TLC I don't want magic you put on this television show, but I just cannot get enough of it I mean, it's light-hearted entertainment at best. Oh, I have. And it's a good thing. Now, Jeff, it's actually going to kill me when I start watching this.
Starting point is 00:56:31 He's going to actually start killing me. He's going to be like, you're going to stop doing this stupid fucking podcast. You're taking up all my television time. You're taking your Monday nights. Thursday nights, Saturday mornings. And you have two listeners, two. Oh my god. Wow. Let me give a shout out to a couple of countries that have been listening over the last week. That includes the United Federation of Russia. We actually have a few listeners in Russia and I welcome you on board and no, I'm not going to pay you to talk to you.
Starting point is 00:57:02 No, I'm probably some woman. Yeah, also Uruguay. I'm not going to pay you to talk to you. You search now. I'll pick you up. Probably some woman. Yeah, keep listening. Also, Uruguay, we have some listeners in Uruguay. Welcome aboard. And then there is a very special country that I want to say hello to. And if you are truly listening to this program, then I know you've gotten a hold of it. Somehow, some way outside of the norm and I absolutely welcome you aboard
Starting point is 00:57:25 and that is the country of Iraq. Yes, we're all in this. So we have some listeners in Iraq. We are all inclusive, I love it. Absolutely. We're in our house. Well, I know that the situation in Iraq is, and I don't know who's listening or why they're listening,
Starting point is 00:57:40 but I know the situation in Iraq can be hairy. So if you're listening to this particular episode, I know, I don't know if it's multiple people or one person or whatever. I can't tell that. All I can tell is I can see that someone is listening from a particular country. It has to do with the statistics back on our hosting site.
Starting point is 00:57:55 But if you're in Iraq and you are listening, right? As you know, get on the contact page and write us a letter. We'd love to talk to you. I'd love to get someone from Iraq. Absolutely. And I think we have to figure out what daily life is. I think we have a special German listener too. I would like to send a shout out to you if I'm a fan of the show that wrote a piece of film. Please do. A fan of the show. Please do.
Starting point is 00:58:19 And really loved me laughing at Brian's Dipper jokes. What did he call you? Who'd be? What was it? Okay, about that. It was not who they was. Cody. Cody. It's an honest mistake.
Starting point is 00:58:35 I love it. It's an honest mistake. Put it in your own area. You're almost getting to hold it. We welcome all of our international listeners,'re almost you're getting to hold. We welcome all of our international listeners, is where you go to listen to all the episodes. Read the show notes, find out more about us, drop us an email and we will respond on a special episode in the future. Follow us on social media at
Starting point is 00:58:57 the commercial break on IG. You can find us on Facebook. Go ahead and like our page, join our page. Please subscribe so you don't miss any episodes and leave us a review It's like a podcast hug Make sure you go to the contact us page if you want to be a part of the newsletter You can just drop us a line with your email and say I want to be a part of the newsletter and every month We'll give you an extra hour of content that we do not air on the regular broadcast channels. Oh, they I love you I love you Brian green I do like spending this time. I do like spending this
Starting point is 00:59:26 time, I think this has, this is, this is fun. I do have to say. I really love it. I'm so glad you started this and invited me to be in your cohort along the way. Couldn't be more happy that you're here with us. I look forward to many, many, many more episodes. So from Chrissy and I to all of you in the international, all over the world in every country that has been listening, I say this in Estonian to you. I say cheers in Estonian to you. Cheers in Estonian is cheers. So there you go. I will say salute. Salute. Bye, talk to you soon.
Starting point is 01:00:07 Saloon! Bye, talk to you soon. Email us at thecommercialb at Find us and follow us on Facebook and Instagram at the Commercial Break. New episodes drop every Wednesday. We can be found on Spotify, iHeart Media, Apple, Google and all major podcast providers. The commercial break is a great middleweight production, written and produced by Brian Green, co-hosted by Chrissy Holtley. you

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