The Cryptid Factor - #088 The Illusive Exclusive Issue

Episode Date: March 19, 2024

Well, after 15 years of these three podcasters hoping and dreaming of being involved in ANY form of proof of a cryptid animal, this episode finally brings them gold - and it happens to be of their fav...ourite illusive creature - the Loch Ness Monster! As if there was a need for anything more in this episode, they manage to also fit in predictions from the Asparamancer, a mouse tidying a post mans shed, and a whale spying for Russia. Also Buttons becomes an influencer and Dan becomes a Druid! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The Cryptid Factor with Rhys Darby and Dan Schreiber And we're back! Back! Wow. Happy New Year! We're here. Happy New Year. We made it. We need to stop doing that thing where we try and sync up the three of us saying a single
Starting point is 00:01:09 sentence because there were just delays on Zoom where we will never make it. Oh, it doesn't work. Nah. The honest truth is I was doing that on purpose just to be funny. So was that funny? Well, you made it more perfect, I think. So less funny. So when you try and delay you might sync up properly. Either way I think it's going to be a shambles no matter what. And that's what people want. Well exactly.
Starting point is 00:01:32 When I try and do things properly nothing works right. Yeah. And when I purposefully try and stuff stuff up I'm amazingly accurate. Right. But here's the thing folks are never going gonna mistake us for AI because we're the most least perfect of any human endeavor. We're the most least perfect podcast in the world! The Crypto Vector! Even that sentence, even that sentence AI would freak out over. Yeah, whoop whoop, something's wrong here. Something's wrong here.
Starting point is 00:02:07 And that's why we're so right. I'd love to see an AI version of our show, because it just people would be able to tell. Yeah, they would. I'm even worried now that we have this new editor. Now that your son, Jarvis, is now editing that it might be slightly good. I know this is a problem. There's no fear of that. It's my good. I know this is a problem. There's no fear of that. It's my son.
Starting point is 00:02:28 Yeah, that's true. That's I can't believe we're talking AI and we now have Jarvis as our extra set of hands on the show. Jarvis was Tony Stark, Iron Man's AI voice that sort of ran the whole operation, eventually manifesting into a purple tall guy called vision who held an infinity stone in his head this is exciting journey to bring Jarvis in there. This is lazy code yeah I had a kid 19 years ago and called him Jarvis just for this one gag.
Starting point is 00:02:57 Well I hope he never finds out oh wait he's editing this. He's listening whoops. Hey guys it's a brand new year. Yeah, it's been a long time since we recorded. I'm in New Zealand. Dan, you're in your new home. I'm in the coast. My new home. Yes. Look at you.
Starting point is 00:03:15 And you've got more of a coastal vibe now too. Yeah. Yeah. Laid back more. Funny hat. A little bit more like a fisherman. Like a roaring fire. Oh, DARPAX. You take the cake.
Starting point is 00:03:29 That's amazing. How was it in your new abode? It's amazing. This is the best move of my life. I mean, you've got a place by the sea, don't you, Reese? Back in New Zealand and buttons. You're not too far away with your amphibious car. It's it's just heaven having the ocean. It's amazing. I joined
Starting point is 00:03:45 the local druid club down the road. What? Which. What is that? That's the real reason why you moved to the ocean, wasn't it? Because it was a druid club. I didn't know it was there and me and Fenella walked past it one morning and I was like, we should go in there. And she said, I'm never going in there. And I said, okay, fair enough. And then I went on my first night out with the new dads, cause my son's gone to a new school here. So they invited me out.
Starting point is 00:04:08 Fenella was like, whatever you do, don't bring up your fucking weirdo stuff. Did they know who you were? Not really. No. So kind of had to pass. Yeah. And so we, we went and, we got quite drunk and we were meant to go to some really cool bar, but we happened to take the road that the druid Club was on and said guys we've got to go in there. Anyway had a massive drunken night in there, two of us signed up and we're now part of the Druid Social Club. We're their youngest members by a factor of about like 45 years I think.
Starting point is 00:04:38 Oh my god I'm so jealous. Do you have to be a Druid to join? No, I'm not going to get many new members. Yeah. Druids only, I'm afraid. Do you have monthly meetings or how does it work? We're going to find out. I only just got a letter confirming sort of at the beginning of this year, late last year, saying that I'd been accepted.
Starting point is 00:04:59 It went in front of the druid council. The druid council. Stonehenge? Well, that's it. No, that's that's a different druid council. The druid council! It's Stonehenge? Yeah. Well, that's a different druid sound. We have a new member. Dan Shriver. I don't know what's going to happen. My friend who also signed up didn't get accepted, he thought, because he didn't get But what? Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh That is not professional.
Starting point is 00:05:48 Listen you fucking druids. I can't do it. I'm gonna die. You think Dan Schreiber's better than me? You think he's more of a druid? I'm gonna roll. He's not a druid's asshole! Well, he might be. I don't know if he's a druid's asshole or not.
Starting point is 00:06:10 But I'm as much of a druid. I'm born on the summer equinox! What did he say to them? He got angry? I don't know, he just messaged me this morning and said, I may have accidentally drunk called the Druid Club yesterday, and the good news is they've accepted me. Oh that's good. So what we're going to do is it's £20 joining fee.
Starting point is 00:06:29 We've got the official letters we have to go. I guess we'll be part of the future meetings. Well I am so intrigued. Can you inform me here because this is a little bit of naivety on my part. Are druids male witches? Are females allowed to join the druids club or is it? Yeah, absolutely. Right.
Starting point is 00:06:47 No, it's not a male thing. Right. So you could be a female druid. Oh yeah. Cause as soon as you say druid, you think the guy with the big long beard, you know, you shall not pass kind of. Asterix. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:56 You're thinking of yeah, asterix. Your whole history is based on the amount of graphic novels you've read. That's the only truth I know. What is the honest? Comic books. Exactly. Is he part of it? Was it Get a Fix? Yeah. Yeah, Get a Fix.
Starting point is 00:07:12 Did you get all your World War II history from Commando Comics? Yes! Pretty much. That's pretty much it, isn't it? I mean, they are actually. Yeah, they are actually. Yeah. Whereabouts are you, Reese? I am in Toronto. Oh. Ooh. Yeah, they are actually. Yeah, they are. I'll give you that. Yeah. And we're about to see you, Rhys. I am in Toronto.
Starting point is 00:07:26 Oh. Ooh. Yeah, it's freezing, but it was snowing the other day. It's not now, but it is, yeah, it's cold. Well, guys, I have some very, very exciting news. Do you? Okay. That I need to share.
Starting point is 00:07:40 I can see from the face, the exciting face. Well, yeah. Here he comes. here it comes. I am an official influencer now. What? Yeah. What? Somebody sent me some beer saying we're sending you this beer.
Starting point is 00:07:58 And if you just mention it on the show, you can call yourself an influencer. Oh wow. So this just, I mean, this is just casual. I'm not being paid to do this. Oh yeah. A lovely Emerson's beer and it's called Grey Area 51. Oh that is super cool. And it's got a UFO and it's beaming up. I love it. Oh that's awesome. That looks beautiful. It's very exciting because even though my name's not in the credits, I've managed to get to influence the status. You know, and I think strategically that's how you've done it. Keeping yourself in the shadows, being the guy who's actually producing it all, pulling all the knobs and turning the buttons.
Starting point is 00:08:38 Exactly. You're getting that wrong. But now you've ended up being the one they send the stuff to, mainly because they can't get hold of me for a start I have so much Dance shifted house so many times. They don't know where to send it always on the moon And so I get I get to be an influencer. That's exciting Are you gonna sip it now or is it too early for you? That's never too early
Starting point is 00:08:59 Is it it's like first thing in the morning? It's 10 o'clock in the morning. Is that shall I open it? I mean, yeah, well, you got to tell us what it's 10 o'clock in the morning. Is that put, shall I open it? I mean, yeah. Well, you got to tell us what it tastes like. You can't just mention it. Yeah. I'm so excited. Oh, it's creamy. It's definitely creamy.
Starting point is 00:09:17 It's for a creamy ale. It's very creamy. Oh, I love that. And now I'm going to be a day drinker. Is it a local New Zealand brewery? It is, but enough about that. I just wanted to going to be a day drinker. Is it a local New Zealand brewery? It is. But enough about that. I just wanted to show off that I got sent some free beer.
Starting point is 00:09:28 Well, congratulations, Mr. Influencer. Give him a hand, guys. Thank you. Thank you. Clapping myself. No, the big exciting news. That was not the big exciting news. There's bigger, more exciting news.
Starting point is 00:09:43 We have an amazing moment. In starting this podcast almost 15 years ago now, there was one thing that we really hoped for, wasn't it? We wanted to definitely crack something in the cryptozoology field. We wanted to feel like we were important. We weren't just silly buggers having a laugh, which of course we are. But most importantly behind that is our true belief that this stuff is real and we are into it.
Starting point is 00:10:12 And I was free mostly on Thursday night. So I just said, I'll join as well. Come on. This whole exclusive is actually thanks to you, Dan. So you'd talk us through it because this is a very big moment for the podcast all jokes aside Which is very hard for us to put jokes aside, but this is quite a huge moment Well, okay, so there was a big hunt for Nessie that happened late last year cameras were set up everywhere the media was reporting it as the greatest group effort ever in the hunt for the Loch Ness monster and they had a conference over in Loch Ness and Steve Feltham an old buddy of ours who lives on the banks of Loch Ness and has for over three decades now. He was part of the panel and afterwards this lady and her husband comes up and says by the way back in twenty eighteen we took some photos while we were standing looking at the lock and we think it might be something would you like to see the photos she showed them to Steve Steve says that for the first time since he's moved to Loch Ness he's suddenly looking at something that looks the most compelling evidence he seen of anything that's been put out there and he seen every bit of evidence.
Starting point is 00:11:23 of anything that's been put out there and he's seen every bit of evidence. So I was talking to him just saying, how exciting. Cause a couple of photos were released into the wild. And he said, actually what's happened is that the person who took the photos has discovered about 30 or 40. Can't remember the number now. It's actually about 70. 70, right. Extra photos that they thought they had lost.
Starting point is 00:11:43 It was, it was backed up on a computer. So Steve said, I'm going to try and animate it into a video and I know how hard that can be because it will be a moving camera and all that stuff and so I got off the phone to Steve and I was in bed and I was thinking hang on I know the perfect person who can turn this into a video. Buttons. I called Steve back and I said listen if, if you need anyone to do this, I know the perfect guy, you've met him, buttons.
Starting point is 00:12:09 We had that great night at his place. He said, absolutely. So then he sends over the stuff to you. Buttons gets going on it. Buttons, me and Reese, we ended up having conference calls with the people who took the photo with Steve, watching the footage altogether for the first time and so on on and so now this footage is done and it's ready to go out there and this will be the first time that anyone is seeing what Steve Faltham believes is the most compelling evidence of Nessie to date. And my head goes off to you buttons yeah you pulled this together two of you obviously you know the idea. I'm, I'm very proud of this come together. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:46 Well, thank you. And thank you for trusting me with it, Dan, because I had so much fun doing it. The truth is I was actually in between going from Germany to the United States, doing a whole bunch of work. And I honestly couldn't focus on any of the work that I was trying to do. And so I purposefully tried to do that work really badly and it ended up being perfect as it turns out. So it was quite beneficial.
Starting point is 00:13:13 That's the way that I was ignoring actually ended up benefiting from it whilst I was distracted doing Loch Ness videos. But getting those 70 photos and turning them into a video, it just, I couldn't stop thinking about it. And I was sat there on all different programs, editing it all together and trying to make these pictures into a video. That I was up sometimes literally all through the night and joining phone calls with Steve and these lovely people, Chi and Scott. And basically what we've got is these 70 photos taken over a set amount of time. The great thing is, is that because this is the actual
Starting point is 00:13:51 raw photos that they were able to send me, it's got all layered in it, what they call metadata, which is all of the stuff about what time it was taken, down to the millisecond actually, and all of these quite amazing bits of information, which has helped me be able to actually time out the photos in real time to get a very accurate look at what's going on. The other thing that I did was actually take all the photos
Starting point is 00:14:17 and build a consistent background. So as the photographer is taking the photos and moving around following this thing, you can actually see in relevance to the background where it moves to and how far and how fast and what have you. So it was a lot of fun and a lot of time spent on it. So what does this mean for the show, guys? It means we've got our own Patterson Gimlin.
Starting point is 00:14:37 We have an original Loch Ness bit of footage. Cryptid Factor is part of the story now. Yes, that's amazing. So when are we going to show this footage to the public? Well, I was thinking we're going to talk to Steve Faltham, the official Nessie Hunter in the show today, along with the people who took the photos. I have a chat with them about it and then release it straight after that. I think as soon as this podcast goes live,
Starting point is 00:15:05 which will be only in probably about four or five months time. Sorry. Sorry about that. No, we've got an editor now. It's going to come out very soon. Wow. This is huge. And what a hell of a way to start 2024 with something so bold and legit from
Starting point is 00:15:26 us. It's a new chapter for the Crypto factor. We're fully in the game now guys. This is our year and we're kicking it off with this legit footage that buttons has put together. We're part of the cryptology world and this is massive. Yeah, this is hugely exciting. The only issue is that Budden's put so much love and effort into it, the footage has come out shit. What he needs to do is not concentrate and hate it. Then we'll get the real gold. That's so very good.
Starting point is 00:15:55 I'm going to spend five minutes later this afternoon just doing a half-assed job on it. Yeah, make sure you're distracted by seven different things. And then I think it'll come through beautifully. Don't you worry, it's going to be perfect. In fact, any time you're working on something and it has to be good, make sure you call me and let me know. Start distracting me. About different things. Yeah. Oh man, you're learning the secrets to my weird brain. Well, okay, so yes, not to give too much away right here at the top, but a little tease.
Starting point is 00:16:26 And we're going to get to that in a bit. But before we get to this big bombshell announcement that we have, we're going to hit up our favourite segment, which, of course, is weekly world weird news. Crazy, freaky, watch out. Who's going to kick it up? We're going to do headlines. Of course, we're going to do headlines. Who wants to do it? OK, let's do headlines.
Starting point is 00:16:45 Dan, you go first. Oh yeah. The, the world famous asparamancer, the wonderful person who predicts all of the years happenings via her asparagus stalks has released her 2024 predictions. So I'm going to bring those to the table. Oh, that's exciting. That's very exciting. Now my headline is Mouse Filmed Tidying Up That's not your news. I knew that you would have that one. No! I was gonna do this as the animals doing weird things section. Too obvious. Too obvious. Oh, you. Oh. That's wonderful. I could see that's where you were going, so I took it.
Starting point is 00:17:29 Oh, damn it. Well, before you start doing your weekly World Weird News story, I'm going to ask my son to put in the animals doing weird things. So it's going to be a segment within a segment, OK? So we're going to layer these segments up. Okay. Okay. So you took my shirt.
Starting point is 00:17:50 Well, I had a backup story because I'm prepared. Alleged Russian spy spotted off Sweden's coast. This just sounds like military news. I'm reading from my Commando magazine again.
Starting point is 00:18:06 Sorry. Sorry. I haven't got January's copy yet. It's really good. It's really good. Lots of Russian spies in it. No, guess what? The Russian spy is.
Starting point is 00:18:17 It's an animal. Yeah, it's going to be an animal, right? A beluga whale. Oh wow. A Russian spy beluga whale. Okay, that's exciting. Yeah. Is this part of your segment in a segment or will we be leaving the animals doing weird things segment to come?
Starting point is 00:18:28 Oh yeah, actually. Yeah. It's animals doing weird things. You're quite right. Screw weekly world weird news. Let's just go straight to hijacked animals doing strange things. It's fully hijacked. Well, you do your weekly world news, Dan.
Starting point is 00:18:42 That's the only relevant bit. The wonderful Jemima Packington, the world's only a sparrow man sir. So she's the Nostradamus of the asparagus world basically she takes asparagus beer she chucks them and they often tell her about what's gonna be happening in the year ahead. She in the past is claimed to have correctly predicted things like the Queen's death and Trump's presidential election and so on. So here is a kind of rundown of the things that she thinks are going to happen this year. Hang on Dan, just give me a reminder. What does she do with the asparagus?
Starting point is 00:19:15 How does it work? I think it's like reading tea leaves. I think she just chucks them and the way they land gives her an indication about what's going to be happening in the world. And then I think she just makes up any old crap. I don't want to knock it. I don't want to knock it. I don't know what mysterious stuff is happening with the asparagus. I could be kicked out of the druid society.
Starting point is 00:19:42 Just going to say what's a druid. Yeah. OK, so she says this year, the culture of celebrity will be on the wane with people losing interest in their antics. What? But I'm an influencer. I just become an influencer and then we're good. What? Oh, that sucks. It's all over. Because you've crossed over. See, now that you're a celebrity, it's all over. I got one can of beer!
Starting point is 00:20:08 One can of beer is all I got! Damn it! And you see how Dan made you open that too on the show, even though it was far too... Oh! He knew that cracking open that was the seal being lifted, popped for you now in celebrity status, and that works in with this first prediction. Those are some heady heights I got to it's all downhill from here for us. That's great.
Starting point is 00:20:34 Thanks asparagus lady. United States will see its first female president she's saying big prediction there. This year? Yep. female president she's saying big prediction there this year yep wow I mean I wish but I live here and I know that it's a two horse race right now and both those horses are faulty this is the one time you can look at gift horse in the mouth there's going to be separations and divorces amongst members of the royal family. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:21:06 Another biggie. Okay. Yeah. And then there's, there's more admin-y stuff. There's going to be a shakeup within the UK education system. Oh, good. Oh, I've heard about that. Yep.
Starting point is 00:21:15 It sounds like that stuff that she's just Googled. I don't. Influencers will lose their sway as people realise it is the real world they live in that matters. Oh mate, buttons. So sorry. It's like she's doubling down. Yeah, I mean, she got me with the celebrity thing too, so that's definitely in the influencer camp. She must have known you were going to report these, Dan.
Starting point is 00:21:37 Is there anything about anti-Druid stuff on there or? Let me tell you where she can shove those asparaguses. Let me tell you where she can shove those asparagus. Yeah, this isn't it. Public figures will be outed as having profited from illegal actions. Now, Buttons, are you telling us the truth about that beer? Was there any money being exchanged there? What? No, guys, come on.
Starting point is 00:22:03 You trust me, don't you? I mean, Emersons is such a fine ale and they're such good people. I can hear sirens. Well, listen, I mean, you know, she's the world's only asparamanser. And so I'm glad she exists. I'm glad she's sort of continuing on with her predictions. I'm fairly sure not many have come true if any, but that shouldn't stop her. Do you know what?
Starting point is 00:22:28 Okay, here is a way for people to prove her either right or wrong. Like if you're not a fan of this baramancer and you want to make her predictions not come true and be like, you're a phony lady, we're going to prove that your predictions are wrong. What you want to do is start sending me some free stuff and then if you make me more of an influencer, then that proves her wrong and follow more of Reece Darby's TikToks and make him more of a celebrity. Is that how it works? I don't need any more. And then then we can prove her wrong.
Starting point is 00:23:02 That's what you would think, but that will backfire. I think anything you wish to happen may backfire You can't play with fate when fate has been revealed. It's true. It's like that final destination movie Yeah, and they oh, they all know they're gonna die or something and then they try to Yeah, it's the same thing. Yeah. Yeah, you're right. I shouldn't even I mean either that or you know, she's just full of asparagus Entertaining either way That all from you dad, yeah, it's all for me. Okay. Let's move on to something slightly more serious There's a mouse. No, he ought to wait. Wait. Are you ready? Haven't heard this for a little while
Starting point is 00:23:44 animals doing Wait, wait, are you ready? Haven't heard this for a little while. Animals doing weird things. The animals aren't weird, but the things they do are. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I forgot we even had a sting for that, to be quite fair. That is awesome. Yeah, so did I.
Starting point is 00:23:58 Totally, totally forgot. We love segment within a segment. And so that's back as well, which needs a sting, but we'll work on that Quick give us another sting It's segment within a segment within a segment within a segment within a segment This isn't like the inception of podcast How many layers are deep are we guys? Is this even reality? What's going on?
Starting point is 00:24:22 So this was on the BBC everyone saw it everyone looked at it and it's very cute. Despite being an avid wildlife photographer, retired postman, Rodney Holbrooke never expected toied, he set up a night vision camera on his workbench. It captured a mouse picking up clothes, pigs, corks, nuts and bolts. He has since nicknamed the well-kept rodent Welsh Tidy Mouse. Welsh Tidy Mouse! Yeah. So he's 75, he's from Bilth Wells, and he said the tidying ritual had been going on for two months.
Starting point is 00:25:09 He says, at first I noticed that some food that I was putting out for the birds was ending up in some old shoes. I was storing in the shed, he said. Ninety-nine times out of 100, the mouse will tidy up throughout the night. It is incredible really that they put them all back in the box. I think it's possible that they enjoy it. Which I find this is fascinating that have you guys seen the video? No.
Starting point is 00:25:36 Yeah, it's so cute. I can play it on the share screen. You see that dad? Yeah, yeah. Little mouse jumping around picking up, pulling everything from the workbench. Oh wow. And putting it into a container. Wow.
Starting point is 00:25:48 Look, he put a peg in and it was sort of sticking up in the container. Mm-hmm. And he purposely went and laid it down. Now, Buttons, I'm going to get you to stop it there. Okay. And go back to the start again. Yeah. Because I actually have the recording of the mouse talking as he's doing all the
Starting point is 00:26:06 work. Oh wow. So I managed to find this. This is very exclusive. Did you? Yep. Oh my god. So what we're going to do is...
Starting point is 00:26:14 Screw the Nessie footage. This is amazing. I'll get you to play yours and I'll play mine at the same time and you'll hear how the mouse is talking. The absolute fucking state of this place. Right, I'll put that there. It leaves that out. There's a wee peg.
Starting point is 00:26:24 Do you like a wee peg? A wee washing peg? That! Right, I'll put that there. He leaves that out, there's a wee peg. Do you like a wee peg? A wee washing peg? What's that? Another wee peg. Put that there. Every night he leaves and just... Oh, they're pegs. I mean, it's not OCD. I just like a wee tidy bench. There you go, put that there. Tidy that up. Every bucking morning he comes in, leaves the place a bucking mess. Right, get that in I don't know what that is Looks like a butt plug
Starting point is 00:26:47 That's quite frightening Right in you go Tidy that up Oh for book's sake the big stick I've been looking for it for ages Right that needs to go on Topi There we go That's it all done now
Starting point is 00:26:56 That's amazing! So Oh my god That That is my wonderful friend and comedian, Janie Godley. She recorded that. For this show? Or did she put that out somewhere?
Starting point is 00:27:16 No, she put that on her Facebook, so I found that the other day. And I wanted to combine that. That's amazing. She's brilliant. Full credit to her. That is the mouse doing its cleaning. That is so good. She's timed it perfectly because the mouse is picking this thing up and putting it in. You go, is that a butt point? So she's quite accurate. So apparently it's been doing it for two months before this footage.
Starting point is 00:27:43 Yeah. Basically every night for two months. Yeah, he couldn't figure it out. The guy says, uh, look, I don't bother tidying up now. I just leave things out of the box and the mouse puts it back into place by the morning. Wow. It does make you think when things disappear and people's houses like car keys and all that kind of stuff, it's quite possibly little rodents. And you know, some of the theories are, is that they're hiding their food underneath it
Starting point is 00:28:07 So it's like us putting tarpole and other stuff or you know making a almost like a nest and it's happened a few times So this isn't the first time this has been caught on video the challenge that I have with it is you watch the video and it is super cute and There is you know, a thing called for more fizing and trip from poor and from more for and through a four my thing and, and from a poor and for Google to say that it's a Janey Godley. So what he called Janey Godley quickly. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:43 And from a, and from a poor for my sizing. There we go. We are running short of time guys. Can you hear somebody call Janie Godley quickly? Yeah, anthropomorphomorphism. We are running short of time guys. I'm not even going to attempt it. Give it a crack, it's lots of fun. No, but it's where you basically put human emotion and feeling into animals. Oh yes, I would have just gone with humanising. It's humanising. That's it.
Starting point is 00:29:03 But I watched that video and see these cute little mice and when you live out in the country so you're always dealing with rats and mites and trying to control them. And now I'm going to be feeling awfully bad and guilty anytime I kill a mouse because I've seen that now and go, oh my God, they're so cute and they do cool things that help an old man tidy up his shit. You know, they're not just running around and eating holes and wires and stuff. Oh, definitely. But I mean, I've kind of felt the same way about little rodents and little creatures
Starting point is 00:29:30 ever since. The wind in the willows. You know, it's hard to kind of... We do humanise them. They are cute. They're little. And I had a pet mouse when I was a kid and I set up a maze and everything for him to get through.
Starting point is 00:29:41 He never got through it. He was probably some massive maze with like trap doors and like an Indiana Jones style. Oh it was quite horrific. Yeah, it was very Indiana Jones style. There was little boulders that rolled down and there was little Lego men with little darts that flung out. It was horrendous. Great big stone walls that drop that the mouse has to grab the hat from underneath before the wall comes down. Oh, it was great. Books would collapse because the walls were like books and stuff like that and they'd
Starting point is 00:30:13 just fall on them and everything and you know, you survive. I just want the fucking cheese. I just, I've got to do all this shit to get the cheese. No, I just want to get out of here. I don't even want your cheese. Oh wow. shit. No, I just want to get out of here. I don't even want your cheese. Oh, I can see a little Facebook page open there with jobless sending you your news stories. Got yourself a little. He had it. Am I still screen sharing? Whoops. Sorry. Uh, I just,
Starting point is 00:30:38 I'm a busy guy and I knew if I focused on trying to find some news stories, then I would have screwed it up. So I didn't focus on that. Really milking this one, aren't we? For a very good reason. Okay. So my animal's doing strange things. I mean, it's not so much, I mean, this is an animal that's been trained to do a strange thing, so it's not like it's.
Starting point is 00:31:00 An animal doing corrupt things. That's a new sting. We need to go one layer deeper into the sting. That was doing. No, we're too deep as it is. Exactly. So this is a Russian spy whale. Now, apparently not only the Russians, but military around the world have been
Starting point is 00:31:21 using animals as spies and somebody during world war two was using whales to put depth charges on submarines or boats. Dolphins. Dolphins. Yeah. Dolphins. Russia have trained a beluga whale to be a spy and they've strapped a camera to it and have trained it, I guess, to go swim into certain areas where they want some
Starting point is 00:31:44 video footage of actually in 2019, this whale was first spotted off the coast of Sweden and the locals have actually named it. It's a Swedish name. I don't know how to say it. Valda mere, Valda mere. We're not very good at pronunciation today. Are we guys have Valda mere? Well, I'm just going to say Valda mere.
Starting point is 00:32:05 Okay. And it's spent years traveling slowly southwards from Norway's far north, but of late it is speeding out of Norwegian waters. Oh. So either it's been trained to do this or the Russian military are using it and transporting it. They're not too sure, but but is wearing a harness fitted with a GoPro camera mount and clips bearing the inscription, equipment of St. Petersburg. Okay.
Starting point is 00:32:33 So they haven't really, so what kind of, it'd be like James Bond walking around with a jacket that says, I'm 007. Yeah. Property of MI6. Property of MI six. So wait, they've caught this whale. Just keep spotting it. They've just sort of whenever it's spotted people zoomed in and camera.
Starting point is 00:32:55 What's quite time. It's obviously been tamed so that it can do its tricks and what have you. So when it sees a fishing boat and sees fish and people, it comes up and it will say, Are you the guys I'm supposed to give my footage to? You smile for the camera. Guys smile. I've got to take this footage of you back to the Russians. Are you the guys?
Starting point is 00:33:17 Take this off me. Since 2018 as well? Yeah. Yeah. That's when they first noticed it. Wow. It's been going around for quite a while. Can you tame a whale? I'm not sure you can tame Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's when they first noticed it. Wow. It's been going around for quite a while. Can you tame a whale?
Starting point is 00:33:27 I'm not sure you can tame a whale. Oh yeah. Can you? Yeah. That amazing documentary. What was it called? Blackfish. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:34 Yeah. They're very intelligent. So anything that's very intelligent, you can definitely tame. It's just the ethical question of whether you should be doing that and where are you doing that and how much freedom does the animal have? Yeah. What sort of whale did you say it was? Beluga. Beluga whale, yeah, Beluga whale.
Starting point is 00:33:50 And actually the Norwegian name that they've given it, not Swedish, Norwegian, Hval, however you say that means whale. Okay. And of course Vladimir Putin. Oh. Put those two names together to make Hvaludimere. Right. Oh, that's so good. Because we've just yeah. None of us have known that that's a kickass pun in a different language.
Starting point is 00:34:08 Yeah. Yeah. Makes a bit more sense now. Yeah, it does a little bit. Russia, for its part, though, apart from stamping property of St. Petersburg on it, has never officially addressed the claim that this whale was trained by the Russian army. It had previously denied the existence of any program seeking to train sea mammals as spies. And obviously, you know, the Russians famously happy to confirm all the espionage activities.
Starting point is 00:34:36 So I'm sure they would have said this really was there. Believe us, we would have told you this was one of ours. Absolutely. Oh, yes, yes, yes. Anyway, they're trying to figure out why this whale has sped up its movements. It's moving very quickly away from its natural environment, said a Marine biologist. So is that the sea? Has it gone on land?
Starting point is 00:35:03 It's two blokes in a submarine, isn't it? It it? It's gone out of the sea, it's gone upright and it's sort of walking along the land heading back to a military base in Russia and you can see it there walking on its little flappers and we're starting to get suspect that it may not be a sea monster at all. More of two Russian dudes, one on top of the other. We're nearly back to the base. With the Russians, you've got to give it to them. That is cool. Well, I mean, I'll never forget those Russian beers.
Starting point is 00:35:37 Remember the great Moscow circus? Yeah, yeah, yeah. That traveled to New Zealand that time and they had ice skating beers in it, I think. That's right. That was back in the day when they, you know, actually had animals in circuses. Yeah. that traveled to New Zealand that time and they had ice skating beers in it I think. That was back in the day when they actually had animals in circuses and I remember I was a kid watching that and I was blown away really by the fact that there was giant beers in a ring ice skating and as a kid you think what am I looking at here?
Starting point is 00:36:00 So yeah the Russians they are quite good at training live animals. Yeah. Big creatures. I really hope then that this is the Beluga Whale's second step in its espionage sort of mission. It has gone land-based. This is how good they've trained it. And we're going to hear a story like 15 years of a woman going, I thought he was a regular guy.
Starting point is 00:36:23 It turns out I married a Beluga Russian whale. We had three kids. He was so super smooth. You know, I just fell for it. Constantly wanting to go swimming. I mean, we lived right next to the ocean. We had this beautiful place. He was a druid.
Starting point is 00:36:42 I mean, he was going out once a month. He had a drunk friend that kept complaining. Oh, he's even shed developing his GoPro footage. He's a busy guy. Never clean, but he had a mouse. I've just had a problem guys. Whilst I was sitting here laughing hysterically at your jokes, my beer spilled over and it's made my butt wet. Oh no. It's all over my seat.
Starting point is 00:37:10 Oh no. My Influencer beer, look. Oh dear, look at that big wet patch. Oh no. I'm now sitting in a wet patch for the rest of the podcast. Well, that's what you get, you know. It was foretold in the asparagus. Oh no, it was, it's gonna be true. That asparagus. I know! Why is this gonna be true?
Starting point is 00:37:26 That's the start of it. That is the start of it I'm afraid. Who predicts this is so quick to come true? Emma's gonna be on the phone in a minute. You're out. Alright, we saw you spill it. You're wasting our precious beer. It took us ages to brew that. And you're just tipping it all over your buttocks. I don't know what to do now. I hate this. I hate this. You got something you could put down, put a towel down.
Starting point is 00:37:51 I'm just going to sit in it. I deserve it. Anyway, hey, if that's all for the multilayered stings and segments of Weekly World Weird News and I don't know, I haven't lost where even where we are. But I think it's probably time that we backed out of all of that and got into a brand new segment what is it gonna be called Reese give us this thing well it's time for a brand new sting so let's do it first time ever it's a
Starting point is 00:38:20 Cryptid Factor Yeet Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Exclusive! Oh, hey! I love watching a sting happen live. And this one is very special, isn't it guys? Yes. This is the 15 years has been leading up to in Cryptid Factor history. Yeah, it really is.
Starting point is 00:38:45 Normally we take stories off the internet about cryptids and analyse them for you, but this week we have somewhat of our own story, a very special story that thanks to Dan and Buttons exclusively doing all the hard labour on, this is going to be a fascinating world exclusive that we are in fact releasing to the public guys not only that it is hopefully something adding to the legend of one of our favorite cryptids here at the cryptid factor which is the Loch Ness monster Wow okay well let's crack into this give us a set up we've got Steve Faltham and Chee Kelly waiting in the Zoom waiting room to come
Starting point is 00:39:28 and fill us in on everything, but Dan, do you want to give us the goss on it? Yeah. Okay. So let's bring in Steve first. And when we do, we should, for the listener at home, you should know that he'll be coming to us sitting literally on the banks of Loch Ness in his mobile library home. So we're cutting straight to the actual location, which always gives me a buzz of excitement.
Starting point is 00:39:49 Steve has been there 35 odd years looking for Nessie and we are in cahoots with him over this video. Steve's ready to put it out into the world now along with Chi. So why don't we bring Steve in and let's get an update on what's going on on his side of things. Cause we haven't spoken to him in a while Great idea. Here's coming Steve now and of course the footage that I had to play with was from right out the front of his Caravan as well where exactly where he sat right in front of the areas where Chi took these photos Yeah, that's a that's a sore point for Steve. Let's not bring that up too much
Starting point is 00:40:33 Let him on but where is he there's got a few doors to go through remember he's probably stuck in some segment somewhere Mouse doing here covered in asparagus Oh here he is! Welcome! I was all the way down the other end of the van, I couldn't hear you Oh good thank god It's quite a big van you've got isn't it? All the way down the back
Starting point is 00:41:00 Sometimes people knock on the door and I'm like I didn't hear you, I was right down the other end of the van. Wow. Is that the TARDIS? Hey Dan. Hey mate, how are you? Happy New Year. Happy New Year to all of you actually. Yeah, good.
Starting point is 00:41:11 I'm doing good. Yeah. Yeah. Nice. Looking beautiful in your beautiful van there. Of course, Dan and I were lucky enough to have a tour of your van a little while ago, maybe a year and a half ago or so now. But how are things on the lock these days?
Starting point is 00:41:25 Well, good. Um, it's very much winter. It's literally just now started snowing out there. I love that. I love any of the extreme weather. Don't give me drizzle. Yeah. Give me six foot of snow or a blooming hurricane, but don't give me drizzle.
Starting point is 00:41:40 Yeah, I agree. There's nothing worse than a bit of drizzle. What do they call drizzle there in Scotland? What do they call it? Summer? Okay, yeah, good point. Steve has got, I think, the coolest Instagram account out there. Buttons, unfortunately, I think Steve's going to become our influencer, not you, because he's got an angle that no one else does, which is his view the lock so it's Steve underscore the underscore Nessie Hunter basically Steve just puts up these insanely beautiful photos of long as from from his vantage point of the mobile library it's awesome.
Starting point is 00:42:19 I've only just started doing it I really don't understand what people want to see. I'm like trading water what people want to see. I'm like treading water, literally treading water, showing people, well this is what it's like outside my van today. But you'd be surprised, people would be wanting to see that. It's almost like mindfulness. It is mind, oh wow. Mindfulness. Steve that's huge, you need to trademark that right now.
Starting point is 00:42:43 Wellness. I mean people could go there and have a look at that Instagram account, Steve that's huge you need to trademark that right now. Wellness. Yeah. I mean people could go there and have a look at that Instagram account or they could go to my one and watch me drink a fine Emerson's cream ale called the Area 51 and that's bareness. The fun part is when he spills it. That's empty now. So Steve why don't you just tell us for your side of things, the account of how this came about.
Starting point is 00:43:07 It was the end of August. It was a big weekend of Nessie hunting quest thing that was supposed to be the biggest hunt ever. And Chi and her husband Scott were there. And we have a mutual friend, Willie the Rat. And they both came up to me and talking to Willie. And as we were just stood there, she said, Oh, Steve, I've never shown anybody apart from Scott and the family these photographs on my phone. But I know what you do. What do you think of these?
Starting point is 00:43:39 And I get this all the time. I get a lot of people show me a lot of things and I always, well, my heart sort of sinks often because I'm going to have to tell somebody that it's going to be a boat wake. It's going to be the wind. It's going to be the waves, whatever. And so I fully expected that to be the situation. And I looked at it and she had 15 images on her mobile phone. As I flick through the images, I could not see a mundane explanation. And I sort of stopped in the
Starting point is 00:44:06 tracks and I was looking at it and I was thinking, well, what is that? And as it was whilst I was looking at it, because this was quite a big event, there was another guy there who his head appeared over my shoulder. And he is in Venice is one and only paparazzi photographer who I know. Wow. All right, Peter, what do you make of these? And he went, oh, they're unusual. They're interesting. And that sort of set everything in motion because no longer could me and Chi keep this thing between ourselves because Peter, the paparazzi photographer from the US was looking in going, yeah, they are interesting. Do you want to talk to the newspapers? And she said, well, I did take a whole heap more photographs, but I deleted them.
Starting point is 00:44:52 And I've only kept the 15 best because I was only ever going to show family and friends and people was like, that's OK, we can run with that. And I was looking at it thinking, the only thing I could see that I thought, if there's a mundane explanation for this, the only thing I could think it could possibly be would be divers underwater and their bubbles coming up from that. And I thought, but it's not that because every single image, it shows a disturbance, but it doesn't show that there's no definitive. There's your proof that it's that.
Starting point is 00:45:24 So we went public with it with the 15. And during the weekend that hit the press, Chi and Scott got back onto me and said, Oh, by the way, remember we said we thought we deleted all the rest? Well, Scott's found them on a, he burnt them to a hard drive. So there's actually 71 of them here we go this is because you know once you've got 71 images and the whole experience took two minutes this is the bad thing about it was right here outside my van on doors beach and she took these pictures unbelievable
Starting point is 00:46:01 yeah the one day i was looking in the opposite direction and she took these pictures out here. I thought, well, with 71 of them, there's enough images to put them into a sequence that you can actually make a sort of slideshow of these things. And in my naivety, I thought, well, I should be able to do that on my laptop. I'll go away for a weekend and try and watch together a slideshow that shows some animation, some movement in these images. And that's when Dan got on to me and I was talking to him through his other podcast and he said, well, if you find that you can't make a decent looking slideshow of these images,
Starting point is 00:46:41 give me a shout because I might know somebody, Buttons, who has the ability and the enthusiasm and you know and he's picked the ball up and run with it so spectacularly and the various stages along the way of well I've only had a little bit of time and I've managed to make it look this good. It's like bloody hell. And a week later he's like oh well I had a little bit more time and now it looks like this! And then it looks like, and you know to actually, I think the important thing is if we dumped onto the general public 71 photographs, the public are going to look at those and they're not going to get the overall experience. And this, what Buttons has done, this animation gives you as near to video and better quality than video, by
Starting point is 00:47:34 the way. So the beauty of the timeline that's been created and the archive of the 71 images is that the investigators around the world that can port do pour over every single new bit of evidence going from when she said to me here on my mobile phone here's 15 images to what we've now got of the quality of reproducing what she experienced what she saw to then present that to the world is the best package that shows the world is a new bit of evidence from Loch Ness. We don't know what it is. We're not saying this is a monster.
Starting point is 00:48:10 We're saying this is something that we don't have an explanation for. And it wouldn't have been at this point if it wasn't for buttons. Honestly. There you go. That's really sweet. And from my point of view, getting these images was fantastic because it is actually better than video. Video is actually very hard to zoom in and actually
Starting point is 00:48:33 have a look at some of the detail in there because it's all highly compressed. And each frame is a frame of 4K, but it's only 72 DPI, as they say. But with Qi taking photographs with a really high grade camera, all of that is at more like 300 DPI. And so she had a camera set to quite high settings and also she had her depth of field as we say it was very, very, very large. She had the camera set up with the aperture set very, very closed, which means that you get a lot more clarity.
Starting point is 00:49:06 It's not like that's in focus and everything is out of focus. And it really helped me a lot being able to stitch it together to turn it into a video. It also gives a thing which you can't get in the singular photos, which is when you when you look at the single photos, everyone sort of could say, oh, that is a scuba diver and look at the you know the way that that's coming up in the footage when you play it is a video it gives you way more context to what was going on in the water surrounding it than just the singular. Little items that you see there so it had so much to the images themselves to see them in motion. themselves to see them in motion. That's quite incredible. It's now is probably a good time. We've got Chi there in the waiting room. I think now's probably a good time to bring her into explain how everything happened.
Starting point is 00:49:51 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, Hey Chi. Welcome Chi. Hello. How are you all? Very good.
Starting point is 00:49:57 Good. Chi, what is your belief in Loch Ness? Is that something that you've thought about in the past is whether or not you have a belief that there is something in the Loch? Well, I grew up in Japan in the 70s, 80s, and that was Loch Ness Monster crazy time. And of course, as a child, I heard a lot about Loch Ness Monster. And I was always interested, but I never thought that time that I would ever end up living nearby and it's a beautiful place where Steve has run is one of my favorite spot and ever since my current husband Scott we met in 2006 and he took me there and ever since he took me there for the first time
Starting point is 00:50:40 it has always been my favorite spot and so that that day, I think it was the 10th of August, 2018, where we had lunch and doors in just next door to Steve's band and we were just pottering around on the beach and we saw something strange on the surface. So I happened to have my good camera, Canon camera, so I started taking photos. So this is how it happened. But I always thought there was something, something I never thought monster, but something we don't really know yet or something we can't explain must exist. I always thought, but I never thought I would take something so strange in photos. So that was quite a shock. It was just a pure chance I think. I didn't go
Starting point is 00:51:28 there to take you know messy photo. I was just there and I was taking just beautiful sceneries and my husband and my daughter and I had the long lens that time because I like that you know view from each perspective. I always loved that. That's better with a long lens. So I just happened to have good camera with long lens. So that was a pure challenge. And when we, well, I think it was our daughter
Starting point is 00:51:56 who noticed first something strange on the surface. So we all looked and then I just started to take photos and I think I changed to sports mode. that's why I could take so many. That was the right thing to do I mean that's how we ended up with what we have how many photos all up? 71 altogether. Amazing. Yeah. Two to three minutes I think.
Starting point is 00:52:20 Yeah, I think that's right from what buttons has the interesting thing as well is that a lot of people who would look at these photos and instantly say oh that scuba divers or that you know they had a lot of ideas. It's worth saying what you then did after you took the photos because you did think you saw something a bit odd and it's not as if you just walked off you guys hung around for a fair bit trying to work out what this was. Well, to start with, we were there for like about an hour. We had lunch and then that's because that's our favorite spot. We were just patrolling around. So we were there for quite a long time and we didn't see any divers or swimmers. We saw some other people walking on the beach but we didn't see any divers. Divers you will notice when they come in. Well if we were there just for like 20 minutes maybe we would have missed but we were there for over an hour and we didn't see any boat, we didn't see any divers going into the water or coming out or we didn't see any equipment.
Starting point is 00:53:27 So we did ask the opinion of a local, what, locally Scottish marine biologist to show the photos and just ask his opinion as a marine biologist and he thinks it's probably scuba divers. He himself is a seasoned diver and he thinks it's the bubbles made by scuba divers. I don't know it's possible but the strange thing is we just didn't see any divers for you know someone stayed on the beach for quite a long time we didn't notice we didn't see any divers going in or coming out. And I would imagine that's very, very dark in the water. Yeah. Because it's the peated water. So 200 meters away from shore, I think it's quite dark. So what can the divers see? I don't know. And I would add to that, that there are certain clear shots within those images of a small
Starting point is 00:54:30 wave which has a little break on it and that is curving like something that is moving through the water at a speed that I would say is not possible with a scuba diver, even with big fins on. And I don't know how you would make a wake like that as a human anyway. You need something that's probably a lot smaller and moving through the water faster to be able to create a little wake like that. And there's also some images in there that show a very shiny, almost sphere, the top of a sphere or something like that. That looks very, well, you know, I don't want to enter them before for my guys enter them before nailed it into my foresight.
Starting point is 00:55:14 Yeah. It's a word we've been struggling with this whole episode, but, but it does look like some sort of shiny kind of skin or like a, it doesn't look like a bubble. I would argue that it's anything but a bubble from a scuba diver. Wow. It's crazy. It's hard to tell exactly what it is, which is in itself wonderful that the mystery continues, right? That we've got something that proves that something was under there. And it's now up to us to try and figure out what I've been impressed with is what you're
Starting point is 00:55:50 saying that each different photograph, if one person turned up on doorspeech and took one photograph of the Loch Ness monster, which down through the history of this mystery, that has often happened. Then all us investigators get to look at is one single frame that they've managed to take of what they then described as an experience that lasted maybe two minutes. We've got the whole experience photographed in 71 images. And each and every image that shows something breaking the surface because a lot of those images are just when whatever the object is, is below the surface, it's just the ripples
Starting point is 00:56:30 on the surface, then something comes up. And every time something comes up, it's patently not identifiable as a scuba diver, but it's also patently not identifiable as bubbles as well. So many of these images, if you take each individual image on its own merits, shows there's gnarly looking things that are sort of not a formation of bubbles. Then, and then there's the things that you're talking about, the smooth domed like things coming up, you know, it's, we've got more information about this one sighting than any other possibly in the history of this mystery, I would say.
Starting point is 00:57:11 That's amazing. And comparing to even those other still images, Steve, where does cheese images and what we've been able to create from those images. How does that stack up and what you have seen over the many, many years that you've been there? I would quite happily say that this, the whole bunch of photographs to me are the most impressive photographs of something unidentified on the surface of Loch Ness
Starting point is 00:57:41 that I've ever seen. Wow, that's huge. Well, it is because there's so many photographs, there's so much more data, there's so much more to get your teeth into to say what is this and for the ability for us to investigate what is in the image, this is the best lump of data for an investigator to look at. Something mid-water. Earlier this last year, Steve, you filmed Sqeum of Iver and the bubbles. We watched the footage again and again and they don't look like what we remember seeing some some shapes were similar but the movements as a whole is
Starting point is 00:58:27 not really what we remember we remember seeing something almost like a screwdriver kind of movement on the surface so the very very I thought it was a fish or you know giant eel mating or something but then after scorch sort maybe otter but then you know the mammals will eventually pop up the head and you will see the head we never saw we didn't see so we just don't know what it is or that they are literally if I open this door of the van now they're literally 200 yards out there that's where she took them this is a location that I've been looking at for 32 years now and not seeing such a quality image as cheese achieved but the the distance involved I can tell that where it is because in your images you've managed to stabilize a lot of it by using that white boy that's out there. And I know the scale of that compared to a potter or a seal. It's, you know, it's neither.
Starting point is 00:59:35 Seal could be sealed. It'd have to be two seals anyway. Yeah, and do two seals hold on to each other and spiral like that? I mean, I don't know. Or is it one that's spinning? Yeah. Yeah. I think it would be a world first in videoing or photograph in that event. So at the very least we've got that. At the very least. Yeah. So one of the only downsides to the type of filming that was done with this sports mode camera is that the camera resets itself every few. Chunks of photos that it takes so in the footage itself you do have a missing few seconds in between the next batch of three or four photos so it's unfortunately not like one long smooth running video. It's unfortunately not like one long smooth running video but the bits that were caught with the bits where it was breaking surface and making very interesting movement so you do have all that stuff but the video when it gets released people will notice that there are.
Starting point is 01:00:45 These moments of blackness because one of the things that buttons was able to do when we went into the metadata was to locate as he said earlier to the very millisecond when a photo was taken and then as well as having the white boy and the background of the other side of the bank of Loch Ness he was able to put every single photo mapped to just one stabilised there I said pretty extraordinary because it's almost the video stay still and the camera is moving within the shot itself which is pretty amazing. What I've done is I've effectively taken these stills and made a video so I have myself compressed it down to 72 dpi so the important thing to do is with all of these is to not take my video as the actual proof or evidence this is just purely stitching it together to be able to create the sense of where it was in space it's really important at all times to be going back to the actual image, which is why I put the image number at the top so that you can go back to the raw image and
Starting point is 01:01:35 actually zoom right in and color grade and what have you. There'll be some people way more clever than I with this type of software to be able to enhance and prove or at least bring more detail out than I've been able to bring out. All I've done is look to try and create a time frame. We've never had this much data associated with one eyewitness experience. I think that was the beauty of the first 15 images that got released, which were stills, that all the skeptics absolutely pounced on and expressed all of the naysayer beliefs of, oh, it's just a bin bag being blown along by the wind or it's Photoshopped or it's not even in long
Starting point is 01:02:17 as a mess or what. And at that point, we only thought we had so much information, so many photographs. But now that there's so much more, all of those skeptical explanations don't stand up to the evidence now. Which fills me with joy because putting naysayers to rest is what a wonderful career option. My mum would be so proud. Tell me, Chi, how have you dealt with, I know that you and your husband Scott have had to deal with these negative comments and what have you, is it something that's always a fear for people who are eye witnesses in anything? You know, it's no different for people that say they've seen a UFO or people that say they've seen
Starting point is 01:03:01 a ghost. The first thing they have to deal with is all of the naysayers. Is that taking its toll? Are you guys good? We try not to read the comments on the social media because that's just some people mean and you know so we just try not to see but well sometimes yes we got some nasty comments or, you know, some people even just after the photos came into media, the lots of coverage and the lots of TV personalities were saying that it was just attention seeking, you know, fakeery or so that was very hard for because, well, we weren't taking our attention, obviously. We just didn't want to. We sat on it for years. We just didn't want to. But yes, we really have to say thank you to Steve for just protecting us from all those nastiness. And yes.
Starting point is 01:03:59 That's a really sad part of the world in general, but certainly of this past time and industry. There's as many people out there wanting to be a naysayer and be negative than there are people wanting to believe and be hopeful and be positive. And I guess we have to say thank you to Steve and to yourself, Chi, as well for trusting us with taking this footage and doing what we've done with it, but also to be able to release it to the world. And I hope given that, you know, we've got a, well, at the moment, apparently he's not going to be a celebrity for much longer if you listen to the asparagus,
Starting point is 01:04:34 but Reece Darby being a celebrity and Dan being a podcaster of note and myself being a big influencer influencer. Allowing us to put our names to this amazing discovery of these incredible images. And we just hope that us being able to be a part of it as well that hopefully we can be a barrier for a lot of that negativity as well because you know you shouldn't have to deal with that you just experienced something, you've shared it with the world, which is what we all should do to be able to try and figure out what some of these mysteries are of the world. And so hopefully you don't get too much more of that. There are plenty more people who have something interesting to show or tell,
Starting point is 01:05:17 but they're afraid to come out. There must be lots of local people. I get shown a lot of stuff. I get shown many times people bring photographs, same as you did to me and say, I don't want to talk publicly about it, but I want to show you because I understand that you're passionate about this subject. And nine times out of 10, it's mundane. And there's a, I can see a simple explanation, but with what you've presented me with Chi, I find it's been a privilege for me to go through the steps and the stages of handling what is one of the best pieces of evidence of something unexplained in Loch Ness that I've ever seen
Starting point is 01:06:00 and that we've ever had the opportunity to deal with. And I feel the research that's gone on, especially what, what buttons has done here, when you see the level of investigation, interrogation that he's done with the minutest details of this, to me is the most grown up research that I've been a part of. Normally it's just me in a magnifying glass looking at a photograph saying that's another duck. But this is like a team of passionate people and talented people. What you know I couldn't get to this stage that buttons with what buttons has done it's fantastic. It's a privilege really. Thank you all for this. I hope one day we find out what it is or what they are. It certainly keeps the legend alive, I tell you that much.
Starting point is 01:06:54 Well, it's going to be exciting to release this to the world and see what happens with it all. But once again, thank you so much Chi and Steve for bringing this in. And let's catch up again as things unveil and unfold and as, you know, the many experts out there bring us some of their thoughts on what this footage is. I think we should probably all look to get back together and discuss all of that. If that's possible. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:18 Well, I mean, this is not the end of the story. We're right at the beginning now, cause as we put this out into the world, you know, this is the moment where the astronauts are sitting in the ship, ready to be launched into space. We've got a hell of a journey ahead now, just seeing what comes of this. It's very exciting. So, well, there we have it. Thank you so much, Steve, by the Loch and Chi. Thank you so much for joining us and showing us this footage. We've had a blast analyzing it. Obviously, buttons has done so much work on it.
Starting point is 01:07:49 We can't wait to release it. We're all in this together. And yeah, one hell of a, I think I've said this before in this episode, but wow, what a start to 2014. Wait, what? There's a heck of a start to 2014. This is the best start to 2014 since the actual start to 2014, which was kind of last as well. I mean, to go 10 years into the future. You can't get a better start than that. Yeah, and it's amazing because it's still another five years until these photos will be taken.
Starting point is 01:08:26 So that's incredible. This podcast is really layered. Very layered. And I think there's some gratification there that you've chosen the right people to deal with this type of footage and its release. Nice. All right then. Okay then. See you guys. Talk soon. release. Nice. Alright then.
Starting point is 01:08:46 See you guys, talk soon. Great, good to see you guys. Thanks Steve. So lovely seeing you both. Appreciate it, good night. Emergency note! Emergency note! From our artificially intelligent editor.
Starting point is 01:09:02 My colleagues, Rhys Darby and Dan Shriver, seem to have forgotten where to direct audio listeners to watch this video and I... Guys, it's too hard acting like an AI. I mean I'm a human. Can I just finish this off normally? Okay. Hey guys, it's me Jarvis.
Starting point is 01:09:21 Just wanted to let you know that the video is out on YouTube on Cryptid Factor's channel. The Loch Ness video will be up along with the Zoom interview, but an extended version. So yeah, I guess I'll see you guys there. Bye. Wow. Well, there we have it. What do you think guys? Incredible people. Yeah. We feel very lucky.
Starting point is 01:09:45 I feel very privileged to have been involved in it. Yeah. It was very exciting seeing all the footage again. Amazing chatting to Chi and Steve. I did notice something this time. I don't want to muddy the waters and sort of throw in a bit of a spanner. But as you zoomed in on one of those photos buttons, Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:01 I'm sorry to say, I'm pretty sure I saw written on the side of one of those lumps equipment of St. Petersburg. Oh my god. Oh my god. Damn it. It's the Beluga whale. It's so typical. Unbelievable. Well that's it. Mystery solved guys. Look at this.
Starting point is 01:10:23 This is what we're getting. That's why it's guys. Look at this That's why it's speeding up at the moment because we busted it That's why it's getting out of there. We should have noticed it too because the body was rushing through the water. So I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm tired. But also, it's out of its natural environment as well. It's out of seawater and fresh water. Not only can it walk on land now, it can also go live in fresh water. That's handy. If I can make a push here to put all jokes aside.
Starting point is 01:11:00 I'm going to move them. Wow. I mean, this is the first time that we've really been involved in something so legitimate Not really we have done some pilots where we've traveled around and seen freaky shit and spoken to people But I feel when it comes to Nessie Which is you know everyone always has fun with and they want to believe and whatnot and it's gone on for many many years. That to latch on to this particular footage and for you Buttons to be the guy who's actually fixing it and turning it into what it is, it's huge. It's huge for us and the public are going to get to see this footage tomorrow.
Starting point is 01:11:42 We are releasing this with permission from Chi and through with Steve, and it's going to go out there for the world to see. So hey, it was nice knowing y'all. They're going to get beamed up now. Well, yeah, I'm excited to see what other people can do with that. There'll be people out there
Starting point is 01:12:03 that can do this much better than me, but for my part in it, playing with those images, knowing that nobody else in the world has them to be able to work on was quite a special moment. I really enjoyed it. Felt like a real cryptozoologist. Felt like I was adding to the community. Felt like I was doing something that in time will be referred back to or remembered and that's some huge privilege that certainly wasn't lost on me. So I really hope people enjoy seeing it. I will put a request out there and I know that this is kind of a futile request, but I will ask people to be measured in their opinions or what it is.
Starting point is 01:12:40 Everybody is valid, has a valid opinion and everybody will have a valid opinion that they can put out there in the world. Just be kind about that opinion. Chi is an incredibly lovely person. Steve is incredibly passionate about this type of things. And so we will request that people don't get nasty with it and enjoy it for what it is. Take the images and do what you can with them to try and prove that it isn't an a lot nest monster. If you're that dedicated, put the time and effort and not to putting shitty comments in the comment section, put it into going in and looking at the photos
Starting point is 01:13:13 and figuring out what it is to add to the community yourself as well. So that's my little rant over that needed a segment as well. No, that rant was no, no, I think that's right. I think she's not a Nessie Hunter. She was there just having a lunch. She spotted it. Who knows what her ride's going to be over the next couple of years. If this makes, you know, a bit of a splash as footage, whether or not she's going to
Starting point is 01:13:35 field a lot of negativity, a lot of positivity, who knows, but hopefully she knows there's a good network around her with Steve and us now that it won't affect it. But yeah, I mean, super exciting. I think Reese put it best when he said, you know, wow, what a start to 2014. It really is. This is the greatest, the greatest start. Wow, this is really good. And we're good. Wow Sometime very very very soon because as you know, we are now going up regular
Starting point is 01:14:23 And That post office box just once again, PO Box 165, that's not a real PO Box number, but if you do want me to influence anything... I'm a guy that constantly has half an idea and the more tired I get, I just go, well something there, I'm going to say it, and it's only ever half of the people turn up. That's like for my early gigs Honestly, the doors are open go go through and say what it is and like half the people are there well, we're part of the The rest of people haven't turned up who actually know what they're supposed to say they've given up on it They've been paid enough or something and they're just on their way home. That's how my head works
Starting point is 01:15:03 That's and it works for those that did turn up good on you good on half of me the good half turned up the passionate half are there and they're they're not the intellectuals that they're the idiots but they love the costumes and the lights and the glamour. The mind behind it all, fucks off real early. It's not gonna work out. That half of my brain never ever turned up to start with.
Starting point is 01:15:37 So you're a step ahead of me. At least yours turns up every now and then. I think mine's hanging out with yours. It is, it's keeping it company! Do not go out there. Do not go out there, okay? It's not worth it. We've sent some of our fancy pants guys out there, they're doing a bit of a dance number, no one knows what it's for. The End Thanks for watching!

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