The Cryptid Factor - #093 The Heavenly Issue

Episode Date: June 1, 2024

In this epic episode we gain the second ever entry into the Cryptid Factor museum... a 135 million year old mystery! Also in here there's UFO wreckage being 'drug' out, a pigeon spy being detained, de...layed phone calls being made from the dead, lemonade lazy code, a Thylacine musical, some OK ABC DNA proof and screen-shares within screen-shares! Also, speaking of ancient, we bring back the age old segment 'Noticeboard', only to promote a competitive cryptid museum... fail! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The Cryptid Factor with Rhys Darby and Dan Schreiber. From the backburners of beyond, the three fools of 14 phenomena shimmy out of the shadows once again. We're back! I'm not shimmying, I'm running out of the shadows! I'm not shimmying here. Hey! Gently out as I shimmy out of the shadows. What's in there? Woo! Sorry, I don't know what's my mood today. I don't know. A shimmying mood.
Starting point is 00:01:13 It's just good to be more regular. It really is, isn't it? Yeah. Yeah. There's silence from Dan there. It's really good to be regular. Yeah, it's fine. It's... Awkward silence. Look, I've already got three podcasts, guys.
Starting point is 00:01:29 This is just getting in my way at this stage. I do two a week with the other one, and then I'm on tour with that other one, and there's a bonus one. What is this one? I don't know. I'm lost. It's the coolest one! This is the cool one. That's right. And we have a very cool episode
Starting point is 00:01:46 appearing in the not too distant future which is going to be very different from what we've done before so that's exciting to look at. It means we can experiment a lot more as a regular pod. Isn't that weird? The more regular we become the more irregular the show will become. I don't know if this is a good thing!
Starting point is 00:02:04 Now that it's on all the time I can barely recognise it. become. I don't know if that is a good thing. Now that it's on all the time I can barely recognize it. My doctor says that being a regular is not good and being regular is good. So now we're regular but irregular. This is confusing. I'm going to have to talk to my doctor about this. It's your doctor saying, now I get to see how sick you are every week. It's not even like months of distance.
Starting point is 00:02:27 Like, wow, you're really doing bad, buddy. The good news is, is that even going regular, we had a fear, I guess, that we wouldn't have enough news. There wouldn't be enough weirdness out in the world and the universe, and that we'd run out and run dry of interesting content to talk about in the world of the weird and wonderful. Not the case. There's too much. Once again, we're going to, I don't
Starting point is 00:02:50 know how we're going to pack everything into such a short one hour. Like it's probably have to be more than an hour, an hour and 15 minutes maybe. Well, I mean, that would be short, wouldn't it for us? Let's face it, it's gonna be three hours of bullshit cut down to our Yeah, we've sat here for three plus hours on occasion. And, you know, I think that's testament to just how much fun we have. So when we cut it down, you know, we're always having to edit a lot, there's a lot that people
Starting point is 00:03:20 are missing out. So if you guys are a fan of this podcast, please go to our Patreon where we normally put up a more unedited version of the stuff, we still edit some stuff out. But please enjoy it. But also the other reason turning this into a big Patreon ad now, but the one real reason to go to Patreon and check it out is Reese submitted a little bonus content last week. And this is going to be a big part of our cryptic news this week is that a Thylacine
Starting point is 00:03:56 sighting, don't want any spoilers for later in the show, but more important than the Thylacine sighting was Reese making a musical number out of the thylacine with his son Finn and his buddy Paolo playing piano instrumental in the background. It was sublime. Yeah, it's incredible. So good. There's been a lot of calls on the Patreon for a full blowing musical. Oh really? Yeah. So I know I can imagine it's just like breathing for me some of this genius that spills over And I do forget it as soon as I've done it too. So you're lucky I recorded that Can I just play a wee little bit of it just as a wee bit of a teaser? Yeah
Starting point is 00:04:37 Because it's so good Here we go It's got tiger stripes upon it It's A tiger stripes upon it. It's. A. Thy. Low. Sea. Water sea.
Starting point is 00:04:53 OK, leave it there. That's enough. That's enough of a teaser. I'm wondering, can you see my hair in this? There's a. Yeah, yeah. Beautiful. Couple of strands that have just decided to leap off
Starting point is 00:05:06 You look like a like an anglerfish That's what it is deep sea fish. That's what it is. I was looking at it thinking I'm not gonna fix that I'm gonna leave that looks like there's a giant fishing rod sticking out of my here. I Light up knob on the end of it. So so I am one of those deep sea angler beasts. All I need is a light up knob at the end of my hair. That's all I want. That's all I need. That's another t-shirt.
Starting point is 00:05:34 All I want is a light up knob. Oh actually that could be something that someone creates. These little tiny light up knobs that aren't too heavy and you can put them on the ends of your um your strands on your strands yeah the only problem is that anglerfish have those on the ends there's light up knobs on the end of their little forehead thingy to catch prey and gobble people up so i mean it's a little bit sinister it's like you're trying to lure people into your face and then right it's bacteria isn't it the the light up stuff... It's bacteria, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:06:05 The light up stuff is, it's a living creature, right? It's like a bacteria that lights up. So if you fed it and kept it going, you could, you know, it wouldn't run out of batteries. You would just have a living being at the end of your strand. Oh, I love that. People go, what's that on the end of your strand there?
Starting point is 00:06:22 That's a little living being. How's that? It's quite cute. Yeah, it's sort of encased in a small bulb, but I've tied that on with a twirly-whirly and it's just connected to my favorite four pieces of hair. Come closer. Come and have a look at it a little Oh, hello there! Ha ha ha ha! Ah! Ah! Right, who's next? Who wants to say hello to my little living creature? Hang on, speaking of dodgy looking things holding onto lanterns in the middle of the night,
Starting point is 00:07:00 where was the druid that was supposed to turn up at We Can Be Weirdos live? I tried, I tried! There was no buttons at the back! I know, I know, I did everything I could to try and sneak in there. I actually had a wee plan going there for a while. I had looked up flights. Really? But unfortunately, it was a little sneaky plan I was working on but it wasn't to be and look the truth is I didn't I just wanted you guys to have
Starting point is 00:07:32 your moment too because I knew I would have taken over the show and made it all about me. I was quite nervous about you showing up actually for that reason. Yeah his first big live show and Dopey Buttons ruins it. We need to give a recap. What this is, is one of my other podcasts, We Can Be Weirdos, Reece happened to be in town. He was at Basingstoke Comic Con doing some stuff and that was the 11th and the 12th and
Starting point is 00:07:59 I was looking for someone to be on the 13th and I was like, oh my god, Reece, you're in town. It just seemed so like it needed to happen. Like we were being pushed towards it. And so yeah, Reiss came, Buttons, you were going to try and be there for it and, and it failed, but it was a kick ass night. It was amazing. Really gave me a taste as well for what a, what a live Cryptid Factor show could be. I've got a real thirst for that now.
Starting point is 00:08:20 Yeah, it was really good. I can't say enough about how well it went in the end. I can't wait for that one to go to air. And yeah, absolutely. I'd love to get our gang back on the live setting and hopefully that will happen one day soon. Yeah, a tour would be incredible. We'd be able to also go on expeditions and hunts at the same time as going on the road. So that's what my dream is. So if there's anybody out there with a lot of money that wants to invest in a live show that will inevitably lose money, but just wants to be part of something really fun and come on some expeditions.
Starting point is 00:08:53 A phenomenon. A phenomenon. Yeah. Before we get into the main app, I've just got two things to sort of bring to the table. Okay. I feel like they need to be mentioned. So one of the things is that, and this is just such a random, weird coincidence, Rees when he was in London, we were walking around and we went into a bookshop. We saw the new book by Danny Wallace, which is a conspiracy theory book, a look into that kind of world.
Starting point is 00:09:18 And I know Danny through the stuff that I do, but of course Rees knows Danny through Danny having been the writer of the book then translated into the movie Yes, man, which was Reese's first Movie and and in weirdos We talked about manifestation and how Reese was like I'm gonna be in a Jim Carrey movie to his UK agent And he was like, yeah, mate, whatever and then suddenly boom first movie he gets he's on screen with Jim Carrey, right? So anyway, Danny's been on my mind and I I saw his book this just after you left Reese I saw one of his books called Charlotte Street, which is the road right next to where Reese was staying in London
Starting point is 00:09:54 So on top of it, I was like, oh, okay. That's a nice little coincidence So I bought his book and this is his book here. It came out in 2011 It's just a random book. And I left it on my desk. I went to Belgium a couple of days ago, just for 24 hours. I came back home yesterday afternoon. The book was sitting on my desk next to an old bottle of lemonade that I just took out of my bag just before I left. Look at the font on both of these. Oh my god. It's the exact same font.
Starting point is 00:10:26 This is a three day old lemonade bottle and this is a 2011 book. I've not seen this font noticeably anywhere else before and sitting on my desk just randomly next to each other. That's spooky. The fonts are attracting each other. Yeah. Wow. I got to double take.
Starting point is 00:10:42 I was like, what? No, surely not. The hell is that? Anyway, that's just a fun bit of whatever. Oh yeah, go on. I was going to say Danny Wallace should start doing free bottle of lemonade with every book purchase. Or conversely, if the lemonade's more expensive than the book, a free Danny Wallace book with every lemonade purchase. Depends. I mean, either one. I'm just excited which company is gonna sue which company. For the listener who's not seeing it, well, I'll put photos online,
Starting point is 00:11:13 but it's just, it's literally the exact same font. It is the same. It's a yellow font, tall with a bold black background. That is lazy code. Yeah, lazy code, right. So that's a silly little thing. Here's the big thing though, my number two. I have acquired the second ever item to be entered into the Cryptid Factor Museum.
Starting point is 00:11:33 What? What? Yeah. No way. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean, you know, I've got to pitch it to the fellow co-owners. Yeah. So you know, you've got to see if you can accept it or not.
Starting point is 00:11:41 Oh, this is a big moment. Okay. That's us, right? Yeah, that's, yes. Okay. So, I just got back from Belgium, as I said. I was at this amazing science festival called Nerdland, and I was staying at my friend Lieven Schuyder's house.
Starting point is 00:11:56 He's the guy who runs the whole festival. And one of the people who he introduced me to a year ago, because I met her at the festival, is a dinosaur hunter called Melanie Juring and Melanie made news because she I believe I've mentioned this on the show before she's the person who discovered through studying fish that went extinct at the time of the dinosaurs that the dinosaurs she has worked out when extinct in spring she knows the exact season that they went out. And it's an extraordinary story of detective work because basically when the asteroid hit, it created a hole in
Starting point is 00:12:31 the ozone and the force of the asteroid was so great that like I would say hundreds of thousands of, I'll probably get this wrong, but a shit ton of Earth got lobbed into the air basically, right? But because of the hole in the ozone, it flew out into space, solidified into like glass, and then it rained glass on Earth. And as it rained glass, a fish that was swimming far away from where it happened swallowed some of this glass and then died. So they knew that this glass could only have come from this moment and it's in this fish.
Starting point is 00:13:07 So they studied the fish and it just so happens that this fish has a very quirky thing which is every time it hits the season of spring, it grows a little extra bit in its body, just like these non-needed little bits of bones kind of stick out. And so when she found this fish fish it had the sticky out bits Wow, and that means that it was in spring therefore the dinosaurs died in spring. She's an amazing woman After I chatted to her a while ago. She went back dinosaur hunting. She found this in the ground And I just had to bring this through customs. So this is from Belgium. Well, no, it's actually a bit further along but here's a slab This is what's going in the museum. Oh my god. An old piece of concrete. Wow
Starting point is 00:13:52 An old piece of car park concrete Now Buttons, I've sent you a video Oh, I saw that little video here what we're looking at the background you need is that we are back at Leaven's house It's 1 25 a.m. And the voice you're gonna hear is Melanie during the paleontologist who carved this out of the ground for me and Melanie has now taken it out to show us now the video is not very it's not very coherent It was one 25 in the morning We were very drunk off the back of this festival when she gave this to me. The videos you play seem to have a common theme.
Starting point is 00:14:29 That you're drunk. I don't know if that's a good thing or not, but... You'll hear the music in the background. There's a guy called Mark the Science Guy who got so excited he pulled up the Jurassic Park soundtrack and started playing it in the background. Amazing. It is this side. pulled up the Jurassic Park soundtrack and started playing it in the background. Amazing. It is this side.
Starting point is 00:14:47 The trick is, we now have light coming from the top. Look at the music! Can you turn the light off for me? I'm going to do this trick. You see the tiny hand? Yeah. That's what we call a prophylokonic name. Harmulensis.
Starting point is 00:14:55 So that's genus and species. So these are really small. You don't typically see them. They're really small. They're really small. They're really small. They're really small. They're really small.
Starting point is 00:15:03 They're really small. They're really small. They're really small. They're really small. They're really small. They're really small. You see the tiny hand? That's what we call a prophylococnidium. Harmulensis. So that's genus and species. So these are really small. You don't typically find them very commonly. So you see these, it's almost like cat prints. They're really really small.
Starting point is 00:15:15 So what Liven has is rincosarose Peabody is the most common one. This is the rarest. Wow! But it's rincosarose Peabody. No, this is prophylococ it's rinca so yeah you know this is prokulophonitium harmillansus right and what so what is that we don't know we only have it this is the one we know body no all of them we don't yeah yeah all of them we just find footprints and bodies of other animals. And so how old would the living thing be?
Starting point is 00:15:47 245 million years old. Oh my god. Thank you so much. You're welcome. Prophaloconitium carmelans. So these are footprints of a 245 million year old animal that we know nothing about other than we've got its footprints. How big it was how we they know roughly like how it would have walked and stuff but it's a it is a cryptid it's a it's a mysterious animal that we have found walking in multiple places. Oh my god. That is all we know. That is all we have.
Starting point is 00:16:27 And people dedicate their lives to studying it, trying to find out anything more that they can about it. And the one she mentioned before was the one I was very interested in, which was another animal where they have mapped out quite a lot of its gates and all that sort of stuff. But this one is the rare one. This is like the really, we barely know anything. And you can see just these tiny little three-wonged footprints. Wow! And they are like little pussycat prints. It's like a cryptid cat. It's like the oldest
Starting point is 00:16:59 ABC alien big cat in existence. Yeah, exactly. And- What?! And it's part of our museum! It's going in the museum! We see alien big cat and exist. Yeah, exactly. And what? And it's part of our museum. It's going in the museum. That's astonishing. Yes, this co-owner votes yes to the entry. What about you, Doug? Well, look, I need to see it up close.
Starting point is 00:17:11 It just looks like a slab of concrete to me. But very excited. You could say the world's first cryptid and my first cryptid. It's a very exciting one. It's a very exciting one. It's a very exciting one. It's a very exciting one. It's a very exciting one.
Starting point is 00:17:19 It's a very exciting one. It's a very exciting one. It's a very exciting one. It's a very exciting one. It's a very exciting one. It's a very exciting one. It's a very exciting one. It's a very exciting one. It's a very exciting concrete to me. But very excited. You could say the world's first cryptid. I mean, historically speaking, what was it?
Starting point is 00:17:32 How many millions? 200 and... Yeah, 245 million. That definitely must be on record proof of the world's first cryptid that we have no nothing about. So it's literally the definition of a cryptid. Amazing. I mean, that's quite groundbreaking, literally. For our museum.
Starting point is 00:17:51 It is, it is also basically the same proof that we have of Bigfoot. We've got casts of footprints. Yeah, just footprints. And the sighting report, but the footprints are all that we've got. That's awesome. And just for those at home, we're talking about a slab of concrete.
Starting point is 00:18:07 It's actually probably about the size of an A4 piece of paper, piece of rock. Is it an imprint of the fossil or is it the actual fossil rock? This is the rock. It's a cast. No, this is it. So it's the rock. So it's not even a cast. No.
Starting point is 00:18:23 This is the, that animal actually walked on that piece of land. Exactly. Are you sure? Yeah, yeah. She just gave that to you when you guys have been drinking? Yeah. You might want to check in with her to make sure she knows what she's done. So she came on We Can Be Weirdos ages ago, and I got obsessed with the fact that she
Starting point is 00:18:42 studies a dinosaur that we know nothing about except its footprints So she said well, I'm heading back out there And if I see something I'll cut it out of the ground and I'll give it to you next time I see you and that was eight months ago or a bit longer and we finally got to see each other at this festival And not only did she find the animal but she found an even rarer version of the animal a 245 million year old like she said in the video. Wow. So this is not a cast.
Starting point is 00:19:07 This is it. This is like that is its footprints. This is from the greatest day. That is astonishing. Yeah. Can you put it down gently please? I'm pressing the coffee on it. It makes a good coaster.
Starting point is 00:19:17 That is priceless. And for those that don't know or haven't heard the legend of the Cryptid Factor Cryptozoology Museum of now two items. The other item was Sir Edmund Hillary's backpack from when he went on a Yeti hunting expedition, which is at my place in my cryptid bar. Now Dan has a 240 million year old fossil in the Shriver. 245 million year old. I know that's a negative to me,
Starting point is 00:19:50 but actually five millions is a long time. It is a long time. Now the one thing is, Rhys, your place, we need to start hunting for an object for the museum. Well, the good thing about me being me is I don't have to hunt because people will come to me like they have with Dan. So it's up to you listeners out there,
Starting point is 00:20:10 you researchers to give me my piece from you for the museum. It's gotta be up there with those two items we already have, but please, you know, it will be held up to testimony for authenticity so don't just go and make something you've got to find something legit and see if you can get it to be somehow. What would be the ultimate object do you think for your first entry to the museum? Well you know definitely something linked to Roswell or any other major UFO case a piece of extraterrestrial metal for
Starting point is 00:20:47 example right or an alien finger you know just anything like that yeah Listeners out there if you've got an alien finger lying around please donate it to Reece To be fair I feel like if someone could hunt down a newspaper headline saying, Reece Darby, Hollywood star, discovers Loch Ness Monster, that's a fairly... That will go straight to the museum. Yeah, that's something that can be achieved as well. If there is anyone out there that does have a copy of, yeah, one of the recent newspapers where we discovered through other people that actually discovered it, the Nessie.
Starting point is 00:21:23 newspapers where we discovered through other people that actually discovered it the Nessie. Indirect discovery! Well funnily enough we must get on with the show because there's so much to cover off. But funnily enough and another little teaser for later in the episode my crypto buzzer news actually is about another cryptid museum out home so which is our competition. Well now that we have two items, I think we're, you know, we're getting up there. Yeah, so anyway, unless you want a quick little cameo update from me before we get going, I mean it's becoming a regular segment. Go on then, have a quick chat about your cameos. Come on, what have you done? Are they still flowing in? Well, yeah, I got to do a birthday message
Starting point is 00:22:09 for a Pomeranian dog that's been named after me. Oh, I know. Called Buttons. I've seen the photo actually. Which was quite good. Yeah, I love that cute dog. Oh, is there a photo? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:20 I wanted to see the photo. Oh, okay, I'll show it to you. And then also a graduation message for a lad in Alaska in Anchorage who has a Cryptid Factor flag above his bed. Oh really? Yeah, which is really, really lovely, I thought. His name's Henry and he's in Anchorage. Oh, that's cool.
Starting point is 00:22:41 Did he make the flag or do we sell those on that merch store that we have we I haven't been to that He just took a shower curtain which I think you still can buy and just hung it up and called it a flag That's the lowest update. That's the dog. Oh, he's so cute. That's Button's the dog. Oh, Button's the dog. All right, and on that note, it's time for everyone's favorite segment. Weekly world weird news.
Starting point is 00:23:17 Crazy, freaky, watch out. Hang on, I thought my cameo updates were the favorites. It wasn't, we just did that. Okay, so what have we got to bring to the table? I've got something kind of. Yeah, I got a cool headline. Should I do my headline? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:34 Just in case you've got my headline. Yeah. My story this week is that wrestler Hulk Hogan receives a voicemail from a wrestler called Rowdy Roddy Piper, but it comes to him two days after Rowdy Roddy Piper died. Oh wow. Is that just slow internet? Or?
Starting point is 00:23:53 Well, what's interesting is what is said in the message and we'll get to that in a bit, which sort of... Oh, I can't wait. Yeah. Okay. What have you got, Buttons? Well, my headline, pigeons suspected of being Chinese spy released by police in India after being detained for eight months.
Starting point is 00:24:14 Which ties nicely back to our beluga whale which was reused of being a Russian spy. I love how animal spies segment. Animal spy of the week. Well, I have a man discovers mysterious object from space on a remote forest trail. Oh, that was going to be, I was going to do that as UFO update. That is an amazing article. Okay, we'll do your one before we get to your article, we'll play the UFO updates thing because I love those. Okay, so let's do your guys first.
Starting point is 00:24:50 Go with you, Dan. So my story. Okay, Hulk Hogan, he was in his prime. He had a big rivalry with a guy called Rowdy Roddy Piper. Rowdy Roddy Piper was an amazing character. He used to wear a kilt when he came on as a wrestler. He got into movies as well. He has one of the great lines of movies, I'm paraphrasing, but his line he walks into a room and he says, I'm here to chew gum and kick ass. And I'm all out of gum. I love it. I loved Hulk Hogan as well.
Starting point is 00:25:25 Hulk Hogan was my guy. Was he? Yeah, yeah, yeah. I loved Hulk. He just seemed like one of the good guys of the wrestling world. Yeah, there's been a few problematic things recently, but he's sort of having a second wave of... Back in the day he was honky-dory for sure.
Starting point is 00:25:39 Before the internet he was absolutely above board. So anyway, very sadly in 2015 Roddy Roddy Piper died. So Hulk's giving an interview and he says the weirdest thing happens. He dies and it's really horrible and then two days later I get this note from him and he says that they had the fight for all these years but they basically became friends and Piper, Roddy Roddy Piper, was very interested in the spirituality side of Hulk Hogan. Now it turns out he's very religious. In the interview he's giving, you can see, 316 on his shirt. So he's got literally Bible passages that are typed onto his shirt and across, and I didn't realize how religious he was. And he talks about this voicemail now
Starting point is 00:26:25 We've actually got the interview and we can hear the voicemail. Oh, all right. Here we go You know the news came that he passed away, you know And I thought I got shot in the chest with a cannon, you know, and it kind of like knocked me off track for a couple days and Now all of a sudden I get this voice message. I saw the light. I'm walking with Jesus today my brother. Walking with Jesus, loving you and praying for you. It really spooked me out like, mmm alien thing you know like close encounters. It's just
Starting point is 00:26:59 crazy to get a voice message from somebody after they passed away and especially for him to say I'm loving you and walking with Jesus, my brother, just loving you and walking with Jesus. I was like, wow. Wow. Do you know the amazing thing with that message is that if that is from heaven and it's been sent down, there's a lot of echo in heaven. I would have thought the audio qualities of heaven would have been quite nice and soft and soft walls and clouds. And there'd be technicians up there.
Starting point is 00:27:29 I think that's the problem. We're waiting for you, man. You know what your job's going to be now when you get up there. They're going to be, oh, thank God, finally we've got someone that we can deal with the audiovisual situation here. We've got cables everywhere, the microphones are shit. Can you please button? It takes two days to send a text message.
Starting point is 00:27:50 Why didn't you bring me up earlier? I was at the height of my career. We need better sound. Yeah, but we're just about to go on tour. Yeah, well look, you can go back. You can go back, but we'll just... Can you fix this shit first? We heard the great work you did in making Reece's microphone sound less echoey.
Starting point is 00:28:09 Now we've got these ex-wrestlers who have the same problem with their text messages they're sending to their mates who are still alive. Yeah, but the problem is you're going to have God coming up to you going, buttons, have you sent that message yet? I recorded that two months ago. I'm editing, I'm still editing, God I'm busy Forget about it, the moment's gone
Starting point is 00:28:30 I've been on my cameos Cameos from heaven Cameos from heaven, oh my God Ever since Buttons died has cameo like audio qualities been off Oh my God, that's quite amazing. It's quite amazing. It's quite amazing. I mean, it's, you know, this is one of those things where he truly seems to be befuddled by where did this message come from? Why is he saying something that is completely counter to his belief system all of a sudden? And why does it arrive two days after his death? What's going on?
Starting point is 00:29:05 So yeah, quite a fun thing from the Hulkster. Very weird. I mean, if one was to, you know, think about it, it could have, A, I would say on your deathbed, some say that you do suddenly decide you're gonna go with the heaven idea, you know, and, and because, you know, hedge your bets. So he could have suddenly
Starting point is 00:29:25 thought right I'm gonna go with this thing now he might not be the only one he sent messages out to his family normally when you're on your on your deathbed your family have got your phone they deal with sending stuff out he just recorded these messages and one of his family sent them out yeah that's my theory yeah I absolutely I mean it it wasn't mystical enough as you say buttons with the sound quality either. You'd expect to hear angels and stuff in the background like, or just a little bit of Hoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo would have just got to heaven and you've somehow managed to land a walk with God. Yeah. And you're going to use your time with God to go, do you mind if I just voice note my buddy Hulk Hogan?
Starting point is 00:30:11 Yeah, he's not going to believe this. Well, actually he's the one who is going to believe it. Maybe when you get to heaven, it's like when you go to jail, you get one phone call, you get one message. Ah, yes. So you don't write, you've made it here. You can have a walk with Jesus. Okay.
Starting point is 00:30:24 My son, my only son, you can walk with him or the Holy Ghost, but I'd go for Jesus if I was you because you don't really see the other guy. But look, go for a walk with him, you get one message back. Okay, so have a think about it. Who's the one person you really want to communicate with here? And I have to let you know the sound quality is not great. Where are they walking? They're walking in a closed room, an echoey room. That doesn't sound like a nice walk. This, my son, is the room that you will send your message in before we leave here. Oh, by the way, this is Jesus talking. We will open the door and I will take you on a wonderful walk through the Garden
Starting point is 00:31:05 of Eden. But just before we do, think of this changing space as an area where you can send a quick message, take off your clothes and try on one of the heavenly robes. There's one there with your initials on the back all ready for you. And where we go? Okay, so I'll just send a quick message. I'll take my clothes off here. But people won't recognise me without my kilt. I'm not famous without my kilt. Unfortunately all the robes are the same. There are no kilts up here. Oh no. It's like the very least that he could have done in that message has got Jesus to do a shout out. If you're walking along I walk in with Jesus, Jesus say g'day to my mate Hulk Hogan. Oh g'day. Well look we can take the piss as much as we like but I still think we
Starting point is 00:32:01 should say that's an amazing story. It is. Hulk Hogan, if you're listening, we're sorry for taking the mickey. I know it's a really, really powerful thing to happen to you. Yeah. Hats off to the magic of it all. Yeah. OK. Well, then if it's time to move on to the next story, that would be my one, which is, of course, a pigeon being suspected of being a Chinese spy is released by the police in India after being detained for eight months. Wow.
Starting point is 00:32:29 Eight months. I know. So the Indian government? Yeah. Yeah. They caught this pigeon and believed it to be a Chinese spy. This all came about because detectives had suspected the bird was involved in espionage after it was captured
Starting point is 00:32:45 near a port in Mumbai. It was found with two rings tied to its legs featuring words that appeared to be Chinese. Well look, if you're going to send a spy into another foreign country, maybe don't put a ring around their leg with the writing on it. It's essentially saying made in China. Well it was exactly the same thing with the beluga whale. Yeah. That had a little camera on it that said for some reason the property of St. Petersburg. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:12 Anyway, the bird was captured in May last year. Was it arrested? It was arrested. Yep. They officially took it into custody. They found these two little rings on it. They presumed that it was Chinese writing, so they held it. They then, after eight months, realised that the writing was actually Taiwanese and it was an open water racing bird from Taiwan. Had it escaped and flown to India.
Starting point is 00:33:42 So it wasn't even Chinese. It was Taiwanese. But then after eight months Doctors basically made sure that it was all healthy and set it free back into the wild whether or not it made it back to its Taiwanese Racing bird owner and I'm not too sure but of course pigeons have actually been used in spying Yeah But of course, pigeons have actually been used in spying and in combat throughout history, including the UK forces in the First World War and Second World War used pigeons to deliver messages. And actually, a pigeon called Gustav bought the news of the D-Day to the UK during the landing on Sword Beach in Normandy back in June of 1944. I'll just interrupt you there, not because I'm starting to nod off, but because as an
Starting point is 00:34:28 expert of some sort of expertise on espionage myself, being a big James Bond fan, I think what I would have done if I was the Chinese and I was sending in a spy bird, I would have the bird work for a sports racing bird team anyway and wronged as a international so therefore it's got the official ring of this sports bird still send him in and it's like oh no he went off course and then get captured and then he's there for eight months and also the second thing is it took them eight months to work out what was written on that little ring. I mean, that was the interrogation going on in that time. Why could they go in there with a flashlight shining in the bird's face going, come on, tell me, who do you work for?
Starting point is 00:35:21 We've looked through the records and you're not in the racing team. Well, here's the thing. What that suggests then is that that was going on and the reason it took eight months is because it was a spy, but they managed to convert it and it's now a double agent and they've sent it back in. This is a good storyline for an animated cartoon series. Yeah, the plot thickens. This is an amazing movie that we're creating here. So now it's gone back and it's now spying for the Indian government. Yeah, amazing. I love it. The ironic thing with this being a pigeon delivering messages, I had a look and the last place to use actual official pigeon post that used it up until 2008 was India.
Starting point is 00:36:09 Oh wow. The last of the pigeon post service was closed in 2008 although about 150 pigeons continue to be maintained for ceremonial purposes at the police training college in Angle. It's a running college in Angle. That's a running theme in India. Yeah, so it's quite prevalent. Yeah, 2009, I remember reading a story that in South Africa, the internet was so slow that a company tried to upload, I think it was four gigabytes of video or something
Starting point is 00:36:42 into their internet to send over to someone else and at the same time they attached a 4 gigabyte USB To the leg of a pigeon and the pigeon managed to fly to the location faster than the internet was able to get it there And they were highlighting how slow South African internet was at the time of 2009 Amazing so before we do your piece of news Reese we have to play this little sting. UFO up up I'm going out. Date. Wow I don't even remember the last time I heard that one. Exactly we gotta bring it back. I love it. So a man has discovered mysterious object from space on a remote forest trail. So this object was found by accident along a trail in Haywood County, North Carolina. This guy Justin Klontz, a groundskeeper at the glamping
Starting point is 00:37:39 collective campsite. Now I've been glamping, I think you may have buttons you've been glamping. I've been glamping. think you may have buttons you've been glamping I've done glamping. Glamour camping. Yeah. You haven't done it Dan probably. I have yeah. Oh you have? It's the only camping I do. Well we've all done it then. So he was shocked when he came across this strange charred object along one of the nearby forest trails. So almost completely black in colour measuring an inch thick and around three to four feet across the object had several metal plates and rivets attached to it while its surface was covered in what looked like charred
Starting point is 00:38:15 and frayed carbon fiber. He believes it fell from the sky and possibly even from space. He says we don't know what it, we just know that it's not from around here. So he's a little news article there, and we can listen to what they chat about. I just shocked as to what it was. Kind of hard not to be, especially when you find something like this along a very remote Canton Trail.
Starting point is 00:38:43 Once in a lifetime, you know, it don't happen every day. But it did happen to Justin Klotz when he and a coworker found it. Burnt carbon fiber dotting the surface, heavy duty pieces and plates of metal held together with what look like thick bolts. Wow. Justin was working his job doing grounds maintenance
Starting point is 00:39:04 at Glamping Collective in Haywood County. He walked about half a mile down this trail when his friend pointed it out. We don't know what it is, so we just know that it's not from up here. The object's weight's so heavy that Justin had to tow the thing. I just tied a rope to it and drug it out with the lawnmower. It's just one in a million chance. If it had landed somewhere off the trail in the woods, you'd never found it, but it just happened to land on the trail.
Starting point is 00:39:32 So what is it, and how did it even get here? I looked up in the trees and stuff, and it just landed perfectly in the trail. It threw an opening in the woods. So none of the trees or leaves around it looked like they had caught fire or anything like that? No. A piece of debris this big, you'd figure someone would have at least heard it land.
Starting point is 00:39:53 There's going to be some kind of a sound you would assume. Not up here. Once you get so far in that trail, you don't really hear nothing. There's no sound up here. So a couple of things that I just love about this story is that if that is a UFO and if it is from like a distant planet, far, far away, they also have decided that hex screws are the best way to be able to fix something together. I mean, what are the chances that we all have Allen keys and hex screws all through the universe? It's incredible. All creatures, great and small, extraterrestrial,
Starting point is 00:40:35 we might evolve at the same time and come up with the same ideas. Exactly, but also I love that guy, Justin. I love his use of the English language in the way he's using the lawnmower Dragging the wrecked UFO out of the bush and he uses the word drug And I said said he goes I just drug it out of the bush and I'm not making fun of him because I am now Gonna start using the word drug. Yeah in that context. I love it. How did you get that big log out of there, Leon? I just drug it out.
Starting point is 00:41:10 But it worked! It's fantastic. It works. It's a great word. It does. It works. I drug it out. Yeah. I love as well that if it is a UFO, it's not quite the sort of government panic that say like Roswell, you know, brought on. No!
Starting point is 00:41:24 You got a local news reporter literally manhandling this alien object. It's like they haven't heard about the stories of the radioactivity. Just grab it, pull it out. But also it's like they're sitting there kind of going, any
Starting point is 00:41:43 moment now, men in black will be here any day now. Yeah. Where are they? Where's the men in black? There's a knock on the door. Oh, here we go. This will be the men in black coming. Hello. I suppose you want this back, do you? Hey, no, we're just with the local news.
Starting point is 00:42:00 Can we have a touch of it, please? Hey, listen, there's a update here People seem to think that it could be from a SpaceX rocket that flew February so it could be just a piece of debris off one of bloody Elon Musk's Faulty rockets that's fall back down to earth. Yeah, so that's probably what it is Yeah, that makes more sense, which is sad, but I got to say, I still want to go and see it and meet Justin. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:31 And he's not wrong then. It's from space. It is. Yeah, definitely. Yeah. Well, something that didn't quite get to space. Yeah. Intended for space. On its way to space. Yeah. All right. Well, that is the weirdness for this week, guys. And now let's rock on into. Attention, all personnel.
Starting point is 00:42:48 It's time for this week's cryptid. Ah, help me! So some of you may be following us on TikTok and you know that I've been putting up the odd TikTok, which has been fun. I'm almost doing it weekly now, which is really gaining some, well nothing really, but it's been fun. I'm almost doing it weekly now, which is really gaining some, well nothing really, but it's been fun. It keeps you busy. It keeps me busy. It's a bit of fun for me.
Starting point is 00:43:15 And the last one that I did was about this thylacine. The Tasmanian tiger, there has been a report that came through this chap told a friend and the friend then contacted one of the most trusted guys in Wildlife and that is forest Galante. So we've worked with forests. We've even had him on our podcast So he's a really awesome guy. He goes out and he finds animals that are supposed to be extinct and proves that they are not. So he's obviously had the thylacine on his books for a long time. And in fact, he's done, what do you say? God, I got a memory like a sieve and people don't even use
Starting point is 00:43:59 sieves anymore. I think he put down like a thousand kilometers worth of footwork on finding the Tasmanian tiger. Right. When extinct in 36 was the last one that was in the Hobart Zoo. There's video footage of that. It's got this amazing jaw that opens up almost to 90 degrees. It's got tiger stripes on its back. It looks like a dog, but it's freaky
Starting point is 00:44:25 like a lot of animals in Australia. It was a magical beast and to think that they're gone is sad, but it's more than likely the truth. But it's one of these cryptids where people still have sightings and pops up quite often, doesn't it? Yeah. There's a great little detail, which is that the last time it was ever filmed, which was in captivity, was in 1933. That's the last bit of footage that we have right and while it was being filmed it bit the cameraman on his bum but it is amazing i've got a bit of footage here for you guys to see just of the 1933 footage restored to 19 in 1936. But that jaw, look at that jaw.
Starting point is 00:45:08 It's quite a it's extraordinary. The gape on it. Pretty amazing. And it's got these kind of stripes at the back, like it's like a zebra. Very interesting. Why I learned just yesterday why zebra and no doubt the thylacine or any animal that has black and white stripes why they actually have developed that evolutionarily do either of you know is it like a camouflage yeah and the obvious reason is it's for that but what
Starting point is 00:45:35 are you gonna say buttons well I only learned this because Michelle my lovely wife has horses and she has a horse cover that has black and white stripes and she says it's because flies don't like the contrast so they're not attracted to things that are black and white stripes and then if you look on the back of the thylacine there it's just the hind quarter of it and it's back that is striped almost like it has developed that to be like I hate flies on my butt where I can't get them. I can scratch them anywhere else and brush them away from me but the back of my butt I hate it when flies are there and so I'm going to develop some stripes over millions of years.
Starting point is 00:46:17 That's interesting. I mean I like it but my only against that theory would be why then don't all Australians just wear striped clothing? I thought you were going to say why don't all Australians develop black and white stripes on their skin? Maybe they are. There we have it. And you know it's great when people walk away from this podcast having actually learned something. So today's one of those days. Well done, Buttons. Yay! Now, back to the bullshit. So basically this guy sent a message to Forrest saying,
Starting point is 00:46:55 look, I have a friend, the old my friend, my friend didn't want to report this because he doesn't really, you know, he's not sure what to do with the footage. So long story short, and I talked about it in the tip top, but he went to Australia with his dad. He's from America somewhere. They flew to Tasmania to catch up with the family. He went out with his dad in the car to head to where his Australian family were
Starting point is 00:47:20 in Tasmania, and it was about 11 o'clock at night. He's in the phone. He's in the phone, he's in the phone. He's in the car with his dad and they see this dog on the side of the road. It looks like it's wounded or it's having trouble. So they pull over and they decide to help out this animal. They get out of the car, the dad has a flashlight, the boy, I'm not sure how old he is.
Starting point is 00:47:43 When he made the video with Forest he's disguised himself so you can't tell. He's put like a hoodie over himself and you know it's very suspect this whole thing. But anyway he says in the story to Forest that he had his iPhone out, I think it was an old iPhone like a number 11 or something, turned the light on it, started taking pictures of this animal which was now across the road and was looking at him and They realized it's not a dog. It's something weird and it made sort of a weird chirping sound This was part of the story that that made me think if they've looked into you know
Starting point is 00:48:15 What sort of vocalization this creature must make and it's not a bark So it made a weird yelp and then he took some more photos He took a one real close one with the mouth open and things like that and then the animal took off and so this chap basically had 30 seconds with this thylacine took a number of great photos it ran off and then they just carried on with their day wondering you know where this thing came from and he didn't know what it was he's apparently he's only really into turtles so he's not he's not he's not into mammals. But he ends up on a zoom with forest and forest is really kind of giving him the
Starting point is 00:48:52 nth degree on details on trying to catch him out basically. And it's well worth watching because by the end of it, you're definitely sort of on the fence because the photos are so good. And then of course, all comments come flushing through. Oh, it's AI, it's an AI. But you know, Forrest and his team tried to do an AI version of this animal, you know, he's got a great team of people who are into photography and everything. And you know, they really believe that
Starting point is 00:49:19 it couldn't be kind of- Hoaxed. Yeah, exactly. Put together easily by faking it. Now with AI though right this is the challenge we've talked about in the past that is it possible now to hoax that to fake that I mean arguably yes. But when you type in like you know do a iPhone 11 photograph of a thylacine up close put the lighting on the left you can put in all of these details and, you know, it still comes out with something that just doesn't look right and these photos were very convincing.
Starting point is 00:49:54 Did Forrest sort of give a summary or give his sort of like opinion on whether or not he thinks that they are legit? It's too fishy for him. Because after all the work he's done on looking for these things it just seemed crazy that a kid and his dad were driving along to see something on the side of the road. So there was too many alarm bells, too many red flags in the story and also when he said how did you fly to Tasmania the guy said he had a direct flight from this place in America and it was kind of like there were no direct flights from there. He got the airport wrong. He said he landed in Darwin Airport
Starting point is 00:50:29 whether it's not the Hobart Airport. So there was a few red flags. But also just hiding yourself if it was legit. Well he didn't know, I get that because he didn't want to show his identity because when you do something on the internet you get so much flak and if you come out as a hoaxer you get even more flak Yeah, you come out as someone that's legit and you are still gonna get so much attention and so much flak that it's even more These days for people to come out and admit or to say something that they've seen. It's a big deal That's why in some ways why Chi Kelly the wonderful woman who took the photos of the Loch Ness creature that we helped her reveal, she came to us because going out there on her own, like using us as a buffer, if you like, to be able to add our credibility for
Starting point is 00:51:17 her to be able to reveal these photos. And so that's basically just a lesson for these people that are the thylacine photos. They should have come to us rather than Forrest Galante. We would have probably believed it more. We wouldn't have asked questions about airports. And so we would have just said, yep, these are real. And putting it straight up, guys, we've discovered it. Restarby's discovered another extinct animal.
Starting point is 00:51:41 Contact the local tabloids. We'll be taking those headlines please. Global funny man does it again. Well that's amazing. On the fence. Let me just do a quick share screen to show you Dan some of these photos. Yes please. So we were surprised years ago mid-recording when Forrest Galant suddenly walked into our
Starting point is 00:52:03 show as we were doing it. Do you remember that? I know you said before he was on the show, but the circumstances of him coming on the show was we were all in America. We were in Axel Rose's old house in Laurel Canyon and we were recording in between the filming of what we were there to do, which was we were filming segments because Cryptid Factor was hosting Monster Week on Animal Planet, I think it was. And we just talked about an episode where Forrest Galan had been out, I can't even remember
Starting point is 00:52:32 where it was now, and found a big cat on the island. And then we're doing our rep and then he walked in. He's such a lovely dude. But yeah, he's found, I think it was an African leopard and also a tortoise that was supposed to be extinct. Yeah, he's doing amazing, amazing work with the conservation effort. If he can prove these things are still there, then they can be protected. So that's what it's all about. And it's making sure that we don't accidentally kill it off when it's not quite there yet.
Starting point is 00:53:01 For those reasons, it sort of makes sense that for the time being, you might go to him just before you come to us. Just slightly before. We should be the second phone call. So let's play this and see what this says. Let's dig into the photos, because I'm going to screen share with you and I want to look through the photos if that's cool. And you can sort of tell me what the animal was doing and what was happening. And of course, man, I mean, no, you can understand my skepticism, right? It's like, holy shit, this, you can understand my skepticism, right? It's like, holy shit, this is a big deal. Like there's so many big footy type
Starting point is 00:53:28 thylacine things out there. Like I'm not saying that's what you're doing. I'm just like, I'm trying to cover all my bases here. I would be a lot more hesitant if you weren't skeptical. Sure. Well, let's dig into these photos here. So I'm gonna go screen share and my desktop. He's copying a lot of our
Starting point is 00:53:45 techniques here by the way guys. Alright I'm gonna pull up these photos. We'll just do them one at a time here. Now that one's pretty on the money. That's the face of the animal. So what happened here? Like what am I seeing here Zach? Here, flashlight is coming at him from the side from my dad. Okay. He had just meowed at me. Okay. Right, he closed his mouth, he was looking at us. I was looking at him, it was like a standoff.
Starting point is 00:54:15 Yeah. And then two seconds later, he went off. Doesn't quite man up, does it? Running along fence. This photo is crazy, dude. Like if this is legit, maybe you do understand what you've got but like I'm blown away man. This is you know it's like that one in a billion where wow. I definitely
Starting point is 00:54:34 understand what I got now. Yeah. So there we have it and you know it's unresolved but if you look on the internet there's people who really believe it's all fake and so you edge towards that for sure otherwise it's it's too good to be true just was you're on this photo just to look at it from a technical point of view yeah did he say his dad had a flashlight as well yes or they just right so it was an actual flashlight not the light from the yeah so he said that there was a flashlight coming in from the side on this one, but it doesn't look like it to me, does it?
Starting point is 00:55:09 The one thing I was going to point out is that if you see the shadow of the ears of the thylacine on the grass in the background, not to split hairs as it were, but the shadow, if there was a torch shining from a little bit further back at the face of this thylacine, and then the shadow was projected onto the grass, which is at least the length of the thylacine back, the ears, the shadow of the ears would be much bigger because with the shadow, it grows bigger as it goes away from it. The shadow of these ears are almost exactly the same size as the actual ears, meaning that that background, that grass background would have to be directly behind it.
Starting point is 00:55:59 It's almost like a shadow that's on a background of a wall. Yes, yes. Now that you explain it, I can see that. I can see why this guy didn't come to us first now. We would have absolutely smashed him apart. Yep, he'd be off. Well done, Buttons. I think you've solved it there. I think my team is slightly, because you guys are my team,
Starting point is 00:56:20 is slightly better than Forrest's team. Yeah. Because they were sort of juries out kind of vibe. Yeah. So that's the one that they thought was quite believable. That's it lying there. And I have to ask why is it just lying there when they first see it and then it gets up and goes oh oh oh I didn't think you'd catch me here. You know it's kind of like it's bizarre. Where's the next one? Yeah. Okay so they thought it was wounded etc etc but it didn't it turned out not to be. Let's have a Where's the next one? Yeah. Okay, so they thought it was wounded, etc, etc. But
Starting point is 00:56:45 it didn't turn out not to be. Let's have a look at this next one. Oh, here we go. You're standing on the road taking this photo after this is when he stood up. Is that correct? Yeah, probably just heard us come in. Yeah. He heard us stop. He heard us walking. We were just we were we were saying like, we got it. We should like, call the vet. And, you know, I were saying like we got it we should like call the vet and you know I was arguing like let's at least get get to him first before we do that. Okay this photo again it's like that super grainy clearly far away you've got the mouth open the eye blurred what I mean the the sort of teeth are interesting anything to say about this photo? Yes. So after he got up, he meowed at us, he ran off.
Starting point is 00:57:29 He went along the fence. Yeah. He went right first, realized that probably wasn't the best way to go, stopped and then went the other way. Oh, interesting. Okay. So that's sort of how Quickie would answer, you know, as an interview
Starting point is 00:57:46 he was quite relaxed and was quite had the persona of someone who is just letting you know what happened. Like he didn't have any ums and ahs or I'm making this up or you know. So I thought that was quite interesting for an eyewitness. He did quite a good job for someone whose story in some ways didn't really add up. There was a few red flags, but his performance on it was very naturalistic. He's presenting a lot of evidence. Like it's not a classic, like just that one shot. Exactly. That would have been enough. There was like 10 photos, I think. And a lot of them are blurry and things like that, which added the realism of it Wow, yeah, pretty amazing that our listeners right now are listening to three guys watching a screen share of two guys Podcasting can be it's amazing
Starting point is 00:58:49 My only hope is that there's a podcast out there doing a clip of us Watching as they commentate us commentate another podcast. It's commentating another Anyway, that was big cryptid news. Imagine how powerful Forrest Galante and the Cryptid Factor would be if we united and started podcasting together. We'd only have to, for one thing, screen share once. Yeah. Rather than do a double screen share. That's one benefit.
Starting point is 00:59:19 And we could be both the first and the second phone call because we're from the same office. Anyone up in heaven who only gets that one phone call now doesn't have the dilemma of going forest walk back to back to. One phone call gets them both! Oh my god. It'll be the thylacine calling up going, hey, forest, Reese, it wasn't me! It's a hoax! It's a hoax!
Starting point is 00:59:39 Jesus! Jesus, you tell them it's a hoax! No, I told you, can you please put your robes on? You've done your call. We're going through the door now into the garden. And please, I never said take your undies off. Can you leave those on? Let's just robes and undies please.
Starting point is 00:59:54 Well, it is amazing times for big cats because the other big cat news out there, which is arguably way more exciting, I would argue for argument's sake. Whilst I'm arguing, I'm going to argue with myself about this argument. Is that there has been DNA proof that there are big cats roaming the wilds of the United Kingdom. I'm going to argue that.
Starting point is 01:00:21 Ah, no, the argument continues. I'm gonna argue that actually. Ah no, the argument continues. Well see, it's hard to argue it when the BBC Wildlife Magazine has a headline, DNA confirms there is, in capital letters, a big cat roaming the British countryside. So argue that. Well one can't argue it and it's exciting because this is another cryptid that is confirmed. We all knew it, but this is full confirmation that these things exist. So yeah, it's big news, all right?
Starting point is 01:00:54 And the story is that there has been big cat DNA found on a carcass in the UK. I don't know what the carcass was of. I haven't read that far down the article. And the analysis was carried out at a laboratory at the University of Warwick, run by Professor Robin Alaby. Alaby told BBC Wildlife that it is very hard to lift DNA from swabs taken from carcasses, but there was no doubt in this case. You can't argue it, he said. in this case. You can't argue it, he said. No, he didn't say that. And I guess the thing with this is that this should be seen as a qualifier and at least an apology to all of the people who have said they have seen big cats and have been ridiculed because it has happened. This is why people don't come forward when they have things like see a big cat or why this guy may be masking himself in the Forrest Galante
Starting point is 01:01:49 video if indeed those photos of the Thylacine are real because people are way too quick to ridicule people who say they saw something unusual. Well Chi Kelly, you know, prior to us doing the video, she held on to those photos for what five years or something like that? Before she finally showed them to someone for that exact same reason as well. Yeah. It's really crazy. And look, this carcass where they got the DNA, the DNA has clearly said that it is big cat DNA from a pantera genus.
Starting point is 01:02:20 And the great thing with that is, is that there were definitely people in like the 60s, like we've talked about in the past, who had pantera animals and cheetahs and all of these big cats as pets. And they would walk down Carnaby Lane in amazing clothes with a cheetah on a leash or a pantera. What? Are you saying you mean panther? When you say pantera? Oh, pantera what are you saying you mean panther when you say pantera oh yeah I just had to just had to argue this point if you don't mind I couldn't
Starting point is 01:02:52 yeah was it the metal band you're talking about because Pantera is and it's kind of a street not road and no one was walking lapids down Carnaby Street. Oh man! The devil's in the details as they say, and your details are ridiculous. No, I'm not even, I'm making shit up. We're just teasing. We know what you're talking about. You're getting it out there. And at the end of the day, this big news just proves that now there cannot be any ridicule for big cat sightings because they're proven to exist in the wild. So that's a really cool thing for cryptozoology. It's
Starting point is 01:03:32 a win for us. Yeah, huge. And goes to prove that there are things out there that can hide from humans really well. The UK is littered with roads and paths and yes, very hardly any of it that is a big substantial bush, right? Or forest. Yeah. And these cats have gone undetected, are still undetected. We've found DNA. We haven't actually found the actual cats. They hide well. Yeah. And so apply that thinking to all these other creatures that people say, oh, there can't be a bigfoot because we haven't found one yet. There can't be a yeti. We haven't found one yet. Well, we have proof now that there are big cats in the UK and we still haven't found one yet. They animals can hide. Great moose in fjordland. All of these things that there are this really good argument to say that humans are terrible at finding hidden animals yeah and we assume that we should be able to find them we assume there's no way that we
Starting point is 01:04:35 can't achieve something but yet there's proof I mean I'm personally in crap at hide and seek let alone where's Wally? I mean, literally created a whole project. That's why the Where's Wally box are so successful. Consumers are terrible at finding hidden shit. We're terrible at looking for things. It's so true. It's so true. Okay, well the very last thing that we have to do and it's also another fantastic opportunity to use a sting that we haven't used for a very very very long time I don't think we've used this since
Starting point is 01:05:12 we were actually a radio show and there was a guy called David Ferrier who was on here which oh yeah oh who cares anyway? Here's the sting Did you notice it now I got bored notice board as I promised and teased at the top of the show is to talk about a competitive Cryptozoology Museum and paranormal museum that has just opened up recently And I shouldn't be promoting it because everybody should be coming to our Cryptozoology museums and our houses. Okay, maybe not.
Starting point is 01:05:49 But the- This is why I'm not getting a third piece to put in my house. People have been knocking on the door. Hollywood tours and now feel free to go in and check out the museum. Okay, I'm going to share screen here because you really have to see this. I'll read the headline. A Massachusetts town is now the home to a museum of the cryptozoology and the paranormal. So in Massachusetts, there is the Education Earth Museum and they have opened up the International
Starting point is 01:06:20 Paranormal Selfie Museum. Oh. Yeah. And it's in a town called Ethel in Massachusetts, and they've got a whole bunch of stuff on cryptozoology. They've got obviously a few alien. Ah, yeah. That's the Atacama Desert alien. Yep, that's right. So I just took you through some of the photos here. This is their Bigfoot statue, which kind of looks like an 80s grunge.
Starting point is 01:06:51 Yeah, I think that's the guitarist from Pantera. Yeah. This Bigfoot is really kind of sultry looking, very long, reddish hair, bruises on its forehead somehow and blood in its teeth so it's terrifying. In this museum there's also a haunted rocking horse which is great. There's a fake mummy. Wait wait wait wait wait! Go back! I'm fairly sure that's a rocking horse that I bid on. What?! No! I don't think it's tried to win in an auction. No! I think so. Are you kidding me? He looks quite gruesome. Is it got information below?
Starting point is 01:07:25 Yeah, it says the rocking horse named Chester. Chester. They're said to have paranormal energy. I will Google while you guys continue on. Okay, that'd be great. And see, look, the thing is, they've got lots of lovely things. This is my favorite one. Oh yeah. Statues of small aliens. There's an alien with a dog face. Both baby aliens. That's so weird. Oh, that's the alien babies. Yes. Yeah. So it's certainly worth, if you're in Massachusetts, if you're in a town called Atoll... One nice bit of synchronicity for me personally is I don't know if that is the rocking horse.
Starting point is 01:08:03 It might be the haunted rocking horse, but I did bid on it and I remember when I lost by quite a substantial amount I remember thinking I can't believe some asshole has beaten me to buying this so it's quite nice to find out that it literally was some Athol who had people to buy that rocking horse. The city of Athol. The city of Athol. Hey, we need to take some photos of the two items in our museum now and put them up on the Patreon or the website or whatever it is so that it becomes an online museum.
Starting point is 01:08:36 Yeah. That's a great idea. We do need, like, you know, if it's an online museum, then I think, like, the Room of Synchronicity, and just, you know, I'll have my Danny Wallace lemonade font. If it's an online museum, then I think like the room of synchronicity Sorry lazy code room Taking photos of anything that is a synchronicity item. I love it All right. Well on that note, we should get on our horses, whether they be rocking or not. Or haunted.
Starting point is 01:09:07 Yeah, get the F out of here and let you guys get back to your, whatever you're doing, you listeners. Get back to work, please. You've had enough fun. Okay, well, till next special episode, guys. Exciting. Next one's gonna be a bonus episode.
Starting point is 01:09:20 Yeah, exciting things coming very soon and we're going very regular regular so it's good all around Love you. Yeah. No. Was that, sorry was that, sorry Jesus is just calling guys. Oh Jesus is calling you? Yeah, no. That's not how it works. It was to say hello to my little living creature. Yeah, come on now.
Starting point is 01:10:19 Right who's next?

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