The Cryptid Factor - 25: #025 The Tight-Rope Issue

Episode Date: July 17, 2017

This weeks episode is al fresco! Whilst in the glorious open LA evening air, we cover everything from Dolphin translations, Caterpillar anal comms and Celebrity UFO spotting. In the animal world - you...'ll be enlightened by tales of Murray the swamp monster, Bigfoot leaving footprints in Texas parks (...or did the PR team?), and ABC's are moving more central in the UK. Most importantly - Rhys's wife Rosie has an actual Eye Witness Account!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The Cryptid Factor, with Rhys Darby and Dan Schreiber. Hello and welcome back to The Cryptid Factor. This week, Moor, Madness, Mayhem and Malaki. I was stretching for that third M, but I got there. It was a risk, wasn't it, when you start with alliteration and think, oh, I hope it comes. Is that what happens in your brain? Are you literally thinking, I hope it comes? Yes, I have nothing. I just have absolute faith that the next one will arrive. The next thought, the next peace. The most enjoyable thing about watching Rhys in person talk is you can see the man on a tightrope walking his brain towards the end of a sentence. You can see it.
Starting point is 00:01:34 That's why sometimes I stop mid-sentence. I have nothing, there's nothing there. And other times, of course, it's glorious and I'm doing lots of tricks and acrobatics. Is that right? Yeah, but particularly after if I'm hungover or something like that, I just stop short. I won't even finish the sentence. It pulls out, yeah. At some time, I just pull out. But of the whole thing, you might be in a massive conversation with Rhys in a group and he'll pull out, but of everything, he'll just leave.
Starting point is 00:02:10 I guess Rhys just won't even sit and listen to the rest of the chat with the others. He's retired. It happens more often than you would expect. Anyway, let's just hope it doesn't happen tonight. Here we are. We are outside. We are in a courtyard. So if it does sound more naturalistic or not so good, then that's why. But it's lovely. We're in LA. The temperature's lovely. Greetings to you all and let's kick into some weekly world weird news. Crazy, freaky. Watch out. All right, what have we got? Chaps?
Starting point is 00:02:49 I've got one. Okay. Here we go. Okay, there's been an announcement that we may have a dolphin dictionary by the year 2021. Wow. Yeah. What was that? That was me laughing.
Starting point is 00:03:12 So there's this Swedish startup that called Gavagai AB. Right, I'm going to cat in there. I lived in Sweden for many years. No, I was just going to ask before you go any further. Is this a dictionary for dolphins or about the communications that they speak of for us? This is a, you know how you can get sort of like English German dictionaries. So German people can find the English word. Oh, yes.
Starting point is 00:03:46 But this is a human dolphin dictionary. This is so that we understand the language and therefore we'll be able to understand if they're telling us words, sentences, ideas, philosophies, whatever they have. So there has been that much dolphin dialect over the years to amount to a dictionary. I think it's going to be a slim volume. Please do go on. But yeah, and I think it's ambitious as well. I think it's going to be the most remarkable feat of anything that anyone's ever done if we've managed to pull this off. But the idea is that we do understand what they're calling to each other.
Starting point is 00:04:29 Therefore, if you observe a dolphin, I was told this by my friend, Ash, who did the theme tune for the show. I don't know if this is true, but before a dolphin talks, it says its name. So it'll be like, Daniel Shriver, where should we go today? That's brilliant. Sounds like a university challenge game show. So this company's already translated 40 different languages. They've got a lot of interesting apps, technologies that have managed to help them do this, and they're going to apply it to dolphins, a teaming up with a bunch of scientists.
Starting point is 00:05:02 So we could be, in theory, speaking to dolphins by 2021. That's amazing. That is incredible. And I just wonder, though, how terrifying it's going to be. That first conversation, they sort it all out. They put it into a little headpiece, and then all of a sudden a dolphin will come up. What are they likely to say? Like, wouldn't it be amazing if all of a sudden they went, if we had bigger teeth, we'd eat you guys?
Starting point is 00:05:28 You know, like you're expecting them to go. It won't be. We know they're our brothers. They help us. Well, no, they're great natured. Maybe they're helping us only because they can't eat us. The first thing they'll certainly say is their names. And then they'll go from there. I want to know if these dictionaries are going to be waterproof, because you'll need them to be.
Starting point is 00:05:52 So very important. If we're out at sea, and you need help, and you've got your dolphin dictionary, but does that mean you can talk back to them by just reading it, or have the vernacular of how maybe an audio recording of how you say it? Yeah. It could be something like, you know, please tow my boat ashore. What's going on here? It's got gone jazzy.
Starting point is 00:06:19 Still, that's the world we're living in right now. Fantastic. Waterproof dolphin dictionary on its way. Yeah, so this is what they're saying. They're saying the research will take place over a course of a number of years, four years in total, actually. This team will work with eight bottlenose dolphins at Colmarden Wildlife Park, Dolphinarium. Wow. Never heard of a Dolphinarium before.
Starting point is 00:06:43 Dolphinarium, yeah. Yeah, that's in southern Sweden, and they're going to be doing audio and video recordings, and they'll analyze them, they'll process all the data to the patterns of how they're communicating, and then they will crack the language. It's amazing. And then we'll be chatting to dolphins. Then what next if they then crack dolphins? Dogs?
Starting point is 00:07:04 Then exactly, dogs would definitely have to be the next on the list, surely. Yeah. And imagine what Google's going to do with that. I mean, Google Translate, they'll be all amongst that, and all of a sudden they'll be Pet Translate, and then you'll be all using Google to be able to talk to your cat and your hamster. One day we will all become one, and we will be able to talk to each other. And when I say that, I mean everyone in the animal kingdom.
Starting point is 00:07:28 Not just us three. Wow. Which animal are you most likely looking forward to talking to? If they all over the, in our lifetime, become communicative? Giraffe. Oh really? Yeah, just to see if the distance is too far, you know. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:57 Would we have to shout? Yeah. I don't know if life would be hard for them. Imagine being a giraffe and everyone can suddenly communicate. Yeah. Because no one can hear what they're saying too far away. I think I'd have to choose a bird, because then like imagine being able to talk to it. It'd be like having your own little spy.
Starting point is 00:08:15 It'd be able to, you know, you'd be able to say, hey, can you go have a look at what Reese is doing right now? Because he said that he's not available because he's busy, he's working, but I'm pretty sure he's not. You know what he's going to say? What? Bollywood a cracker? Bollywood a cracker? Oh, whoa.
Starting point is 00:08:32 Hey, Reese worked out what he wants. He wants a cracker. He wasted money on that dictionary there, buttons. What would you, what would you? Oh, it's got to be fish for me. Fish? Yeah. Because when you go fishing, I want to be able to hear them or communicate with them and just hear them go,
Starting point is 00:08:51 no, no, I'm not grabbing that. No, you haven't fooled me. I can see there's a line on that. No. You know, that kind of thing. And when you do, maybe when you do catch one, ah, oh, damn it. Hey, please. No, no.
Starting point is 00:09:05 Don't have. Michael. Nancy. You could hear him pleading with you as you wind him up. No, you don't want me. You take the hook out though, because we usually throw ours back because we never catch the right size. He'll probably hear and go, oh, thanks, mate. Oh, that's a close one.
Starting point is 00:09:23 Cheers, buddy. Or he'll negotiate with you and be like, look, you chuck me back in. Yeah. There's this massive fish buddy that I can lure in. Yeah. It sounds more like you're talking about like a kid's book about negotiation. I'm sure I read a book like that, like, you know, the greedy fisherman. There's always a bigger catch.
Starting point is 00:09:45 There's always a bigger fish. And then he ends up with nothing because he was too greedy. No, he ends up with nothing because he wasn't able to talk directly to the fish and do proper negotiations. I wonder if fishes will, yeah, get out of there being caught with clever negotiations. Hey, is it only goldfish that have the three second memory or is it all fish? No, they've got good memory goldfish. Yeah, that's a myth. Oh, OK.
Starting point is 00:10:13 Yeah. They just, they didn't do it on myth butters because that's not a very exciting experiment to see them remember. I'd like it. Then there'd be able to be a whole series of new books like, you know, the art of negotiation with fish, the art of negotiation with antelope. You'd be able to, there's a whole series of books there. The hardest one to negotiate, you know what the hardest animal would be to negotiate with?
Starting point is 00:10:41 Think about it. Oh, why can't I think about it? A mule. Because they're so stubborn. I thought you were going to say because they're such an ass. Always bringing it. See, this is the difference between my humour and yours. Mine was clever.
Starting point is 00:10:59 You went straight for the ass. OK, well, with that, I'd like to move on to my next story, which the headline is. My next story. Have you done one? No! The next story. No, my next. God damn.
Starting point is 00:11:14 My next, the next story, just to prove you wrong. Yeah. Scientists discovered that caterpillars drum their anus to find friends. Really? How does it sound? It's like a bongo. Hey! Come look at me!
Starting point is 00:11:38 Check me out! Over here, please! See, it could sound something like that. There we go. What's this guy? Catapillars? OK. Why do they want friends?
Starting point is 00:11:53 They're only around for a little while and then they turn into butterflies. Well, like... OK. Scientists have already known a whole bunch about caterpillars, including that they do things like rub hairs on their rear ends against a leaf to create certain vibrations. But new research has described that peppercorn size insects use so-called anal drumming to beckon other young caterpillars
Starting point is 00:12:20 to join their silken shelters. OK. Wasn't that good? There's a little video to play here, but I don't think we even need to because, really... I just played it. If it's as good as my... If it's nowhere near as good.
Starting point is 00:12:35 Well, I know it's nowhere near as good. But isn't that funny? That is crazy. Yeah. Fantastic. Don't they have a... Is it just their butt? Or is it their body?
Starting point is 00:12:46 No, just their butt. Just their anus. See, I wouldn't have even thought they had a butt, but obviously they have a rear end. No, because, you know, because doesn't the silk come out of their buttocks? Well, you'd know. Great stuff, great stuff.
Starting point is 00:13:02 Herring, the fish herring, they communicate via their anus through farting. Really? Yeah, the bubbles. Oh, come on. Yeah, yeah, so they'll fart, and the bubbles will just be, hey, Greg, you know, just as it's coming out, yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:18 I think Rhys was trying to communicate with me before. Really? No, no, I was not. All right, now, above the law, let's... Above the law. Yeah, Nico, I'm gonna take you guys to another realm. Oh.
Starting point is 00:13:42 We've all heard of the Phoenix Lights, one of the most famous UFO flaps in recent years. It, of course, was March 13th, 1997. Thousands of witnesses, as they tend to do, in Phoenix, Arizona, lots of lights in V-shaped form, slowly moving across the sky.
Starting point is 00:14:08 It was a fantastic UFO phenomenon. Do-dooby-dooby. Now, were you waiting for that? Here's the news. The pilot that reported these lights, one of the many eyewitnesses, but this particular pilot with his son flying through was none other than Kurt Russell.
Starting point is 00:14:34 The movie star? Yes. Amazing. And he reported it. He saw a V-shaped series of lights, reported it, because he was flying in, you know, as you do, and they came back to him and said, no, there's nothing.
Starting point is 00:14:48 There's nothing there. There's nothing on there. On their scan, there's nothing scheduled. He was like, all right, well, I'm looking at them right now, and then, you know, there was nothing more coming back to him, so he landed, and then didn't really speak of it again. And then, you know, having a busy career and life, I'm sure, continued on and didn't, you know,
Starting point is 00:15:07 search the papers or look in the paranormal chronicles or the newspapers. Oh, I think of a... There's a word for newspapers that starts with P. Periodicals. Well done. And never thought of it again. Until recently, when he went on TV in the UK
Starting point is 00:15:28 on a show called The One Show, and here's the little clip here. Oliver and I were flying, and I was flying him to go see his girlfriend, and we were on approach, and I saw six lights over the airport in absolute uniform in a V-shape, and I reported it.
Starting point is 00:15:49 And they said, we're not painting anything, we don't show anything. I said, well, okay, I'm going to declare it's unidentified, it's flying, and it's six objects. We landed, I taxied, dropped him off, took off, went back to LA. Never said a word, he never said a word. I never thought of it.
Starting point is 00:16:10 Two years later, Goldie is watching a television show when I came home. And the show is on UFOs. But as I came home, hey, honey, how's it going, and I'm kind of hearing the TV going, and I stopped, and I started watching, and it was on that event. And I'm watching this,
Starting point is 00:16:26 and I'm feeling like Richard Dreyfus in Close Encounters on Third Count. It's like, why do I know this, you know? And they said the pilot reported it, a general aviation pilot reported it on landing. I'd never thought of it since then, and I said, that was me, that was me. And I said, wait a minute, I'll go to my log books.
Starting point is 00:16:50 So I went to my log books, and there was the flight at that time, and I didn't mention anything about the UFO. The fascinating part of that to me is that it just went literally out of my head. And Oliver never mentioned it. And had I not seen that show, I'd never thought of it again. That, to me, was the weird part.
Starting point is 00:17:09 Now, that's the interesting part. I thought that, you know, yes, he saw this phenomenon, and it was quite something, you know, these lights in the sky that couldn't be explained. And yet, it literally came out of his head. He never thought of it again.
Starting point is 00:17:25 And I wonder whether, because he was up there, we've talked about, you know, ESP and not so much mind control, but definitely an energy being able to manipulate the way you think, men in black, that kind of thing. And I wonder, you know, just being freaky as to whether he was in such close proximity
Starting point is 00:17:46 to these things that he was somehow manipulated to not be able to not need or want to even think about it again, until it came up at a point where he read about these things and a pilot had reported them and then clicked in, hang on, that was me! I was that guy! So that's so weird.
Starting point is 00:18:06 And, you know, he's such a, well, he's a very famous actor, and generally, actors are performers, obviously, and they have that kind of... I'm really trying to get the word. As we discussed earlier, if it's not there at the end of the type rope, you know, I've got enough.
Starting point is 00:18:26 I'll just probably leave that. He's pulling out. Rees is backing up now. Don't leave, Rees, don't leave. Come back. Rees, come back. The word is not... Well, the funny thing is you are one of them.
Starting point is 00:18:37 Ah, one of them. Eccentric psychosicity. You know, like... I'm not so much that you're out there, but you're kind of... Eccentric psychosicity. Extrovert. Extroverted personality.
Starting point is 00:18:56 So, you know, for example, I mean, I'm one of these guys, you know, I perform, I'm out there, and if I was to see something, I would certainly talk about it. I wouldn't block it away, you know? Yeah. The interesting thing is, though,
Starting point is 00:19:12 is that so many people who see things will register it at the time, but not really fully process it. And we've talked to a bunch of eyewitnesses who are exactly like that, that don't really comprehend it at the time. It's not until much later where they actually kind of go, hang on a second.
Starting point is 00:19:33 That thing that I saw a while ago, you know, and it's not until often somebody prompts them or actually makes them reflect on what they actually saw. And to be honest, at the time, Kurt might have just thought it was some kind of, you know, aerobatics, nighttime aerobatics team or, you know... So, you know, then there's something
Starting point is 00:19:54 that you'd make some kind of justification. Yeah, military jets flying in formation or something like that. Classified planes that weren't... they didn't speak of. A lot of people don't actually remember their encounters until they get regression therapy because they've blocked it out altogether.
Starting point is 00:20:10 But their life has been somewhat troubled post an event. They know there was an event and they can't work it out and then they go in to have these bits of therapies and they trace it to an event like a UFO sighting or something like that. You know the most interesting thing for me in this story is that he flew his son to a date with his girlfriend.
Starting point is 00:20:33 That's what he said. I was flying my son to see his girlfriend so they could have a date. That's the ultimate chaperoning going on. What a dude of a dad. I mean, I hope I can be that dad one day. Yeah, oh, you will. It's a goal.
Starting point is 00:20:46 I mean, you have a plan. Most of your kids are almost entering adulthood, so I think... What do you say? You've had your go. You've had your chance. Yeah, but they still might be dating as adults. That's true, that's true.
Starting point is 00:20:58 You know, I'm not expecting any of them to get married anytime. I mean, you know, they're lovely, but they're not marriageable. So they're probably gonna date for a long time. That's true. You know, I think they'll attract friends. I can just see them, you know, on the deck there with their pants down.
Starting point is 00:21:18 Look at me! Look at me! Look at me! Look at me! Look over here! Look over here! Look over here! Look over here!
Starting point is 00:21:26 Look over here! Look over here! Look over here! Look over here! Let's just get inside you kids, now it's arriving. You do have fairly young children as well, so by the time they're adults it could be the year 2021. You might be lured down to the ocean to be their new boyfriend or girlfriend.
Starting point is 00:21:45 Really like dad. To talk to, you're going to have to put this all headpiece on. In the future we can have relationships with other animals, I mean that's proven tonight. Why not? There's a lot of different scenarios come out once we're talking to anything. My son is here tonight, young Theodore, and in the future if you could have a friend that was any animal, and he was allowed to talk to you, he or she could communicate with you, what animal would you choose or hope to have as a friendship?
Starting point is 00:22:19 Turtle. Turtle. Turtle. Good. Good, and why? Because my favorite animal's a turtle. Yes. He loves turtles.
Starting point is 00:22:30 And what do you think a turtle would say to you if you said hello to it? I think he would say, in the turtle, a light. Yeah. Yeah. He's probably like trying to tell us for a long time, all these turtles going, guys I'm a turtle. This is amazing. Out of it.
Starting point is 00:22:49 I'm a turtle. I'd hope he would say cowabunga, that's what I would hope for. Do you think turtles would watch Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and enjoy it? Yeah, because they'll be like, oh there's a turtle. I'm a turtle. I want to be a ninja. And then I'll get them little ninja clothes. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:09 See, this is the future that we're going to be living in. Theo's future is the reality that we might hit once we crack these dictionaries. That's okay. We'll be old men by then, so we'll be like, I can't, Theo, come here, I can't, we're going to crack my animal translator. I'm trying to ask the cat what it wants to watch on TV and I can't understand what the hell it's saying. It'll be terrible.
Starting point is 00:23:34 Yeah. We'll be trying to figure out if we're reading the instruction manual. Surely the animals will be running the show by then anyway if they're already communicating. That's true. That's true. We'll probably end up out the back sitting next to our hutches eating carrots. Yeah. That's true.
Starting point is 00:23:48 Do you care what the tax says, dog? It's fine. If I can get a dog voice anywhere, I will. All right. Kurt Russell, by the way, my favorite thing I know about him, he's got a lot of interesting stories. This just adds to the pile of great Kurt Russell stories. The last two words that Walt Disney ever wrote before he died was Kurt Russell.
Starting point is 00:24:14 Really? What? And no one knows why. No one knows. There was no project on the go with him. There was nothing. And this for a long time was rumored that it was Kurt Russell. So a lot of internet sites were saying this is a myth that didn't really happen.
Starting point is 00:24:27 But in an interview a few years ago, he said he saw the piece of paper. He was shown the bit of paper, just said Kurt Russell, the last two words that Walt Disney ever wrote. Right. You know, quite often when people are murdered, they scratch in the name of the person who killed them. Yeah. Was it written in blood?
Starting point is 00:24:46 Or was it typed out? Yeah. Yeah. The person, they want to investigate it and that person gets seen as the possible murderer and they have to clear their name by solving the case. But Kurt's just taken ages to solve the Disney murder. Yeah. Maybe what he was writing is Kurt Russell is to have my entire fortune.
Starting point is 00:25:05 And how, how bad stuff would you be if you're Kurt Russell? You just get Kurt Russell and that's it. He had just told to me the week before he gave me a call and he said Kurt, I want you to have everything. I'm going to write it down and, you know, I'm going to write this in a will and you have the entire, you can come and play on any of the playground stuff anytime you want and the money obviously as well. And I can see that being maybe a, a final episode in a series of unsolved mysteries.
Starting point is 00:25:40 And tonight, the final in the 11th series, Kurt Russell, the last two words ever written by Walt Disney. What did he mean? We've got an open forum here. Please dial and now 0800 mysteries unsolved. You've got a very good announcer voice. Yeah. And that was an actual recording from the series.
Starting point is 00:26:08 Yeah. I'll just push stop on that. Thank you. Thanks for stopping me. That's weird. Yeah. Sorry. All right.
Starting point is 00:26:16 Well, let's move on to some cryptozoology. Should we? Yeah. Sure. Attention. All personnel. It's time for this week's cryptid. Help me.
Starting point is 00:26:27 All right. What have we got? What's happening in the world of cryptids? Well, you can probably start then because, because you're the best looking. New guy. You're the new guy. New guy. New guy goes first.
Starting point is 00:26:44 New guy goes first. He's the worst. New guy goes first. Just a new sting we're working on. Sometime. Yep. All right. So there has been reports of a prehistoric creature.
Starting point is 00:26:58 Oh. Dinosaur looking character in, where is it? It looks like Papua New Guinea. Really? Yeah. Hard to tell from where I'm reading this. This is the Papua New Guinea post-courier. Oh.
Starting point is 00:27:14 Is it a chance? Yeah. It's a heartbeat of Papua New Guinea. Wow. And what they're saying is this cryptid, known as Murray, you're kidding me, lives in the swamps of the edges of the largest lake in Papua New Guinea, Lake Murray, covers an area of about 700 square miles. So this is a cryptid, which is very similar to a dinosaur, I would say.
Starting point is 00:27:41 Visody, definitely scaly, 15 feet tall when walking erect. And villagers often cite it, and people who go to the lake often cite it. And so it's back in the news because there has been a new sighting of it. According to eyewitnesses, villagers traveling in a canoe, reporting seeing the creature wading in a shallow water near Boboa. The following day, a seventh day Adventist pastor and a church elder say they saw the animal not far from the first sighting. The creature was described as having a body as long as a dump truck and nearly two meters
Starting point is 00:28:18 wide with a long neck and long slender tall. It was walking on two hind legs, as thick as coconut palm tree trunks. Oh, come on. This is all, I'm reading word for word from the post-courier, the heartbeat of Papua New Guinea. Wow. This sounds like a Diplodocus or something like that. It really does.
Starting point is 00:28:39 I get so excited about stories like this, because the thought of dinosaurs still living amongst us is just, it's unfathomable, but it is so exciting if it's real. I gotta say, you never hear much about Papua New Guinea, not in our regular news items, and even in the unexplained stuff. It seems like a first to me. I wonder whether they want to jump on the game, get in there, get people, I mean, you know, you do hear Papua New Guinea, you hear that it can be quite dangerous. My auntie, Auntie Jocelyn, she went there with Uncle Henry back in the day.
Starting point is 00:29:23 I never came back. No, they did return, but I think there's parts of it, I think people, I think some Australians go there. It's just above Australia, you can go there. I'm sure it's beautiful in some parts, but I do know also that there are certainly some dangerous parts to Papua New Guinea, and it's not a big tourism destination. No. So it's interesting, that should come up like that, that's something we should definitely
Starting point is 00:29:49 follow up. Yeah, and the reporter says that the description of Murray, the monster, the people who saw him or her came across as reasoned, consistent and credible. So more research is needed and a follow-up trip that would press further into the swamps and rivers is pending. How many people saw a Muzz? Muzzah. Muzzah, not too sure.
Starting point is 00:30:15 I'd like to get some evidence come through, you know, like any photographs or footprints or even a sketch, is there anything along those lines? Let me see. Footprints isn't an interesting one, because surely something that heavy would leave footprints, so if they did witness that, surely they'd be able to go and take casts. But if they're seeing it in a lake, maybe it's water-based and we don't get any footprints. Yeah, good point. Maybe it's clever enough to live in the lake just so it doesn't leave footprints.
Starting point is 00:30:48 While talking about footprints, big footprints have been photographed in Texas parks. Authorities at the Round Rock Parks and Recreation Department have published some intriguing pictures. The likelihood that a large bipedal ape-like creature really is roaming the forests of North America, well, seems to some to be quite, you know, out there. Of course, to us, it's very credible. It's just a matter of finding them, sighting them, and getting the believable evidence. And here we have a new footprint, it looks fantastic. Almost too good, Mon-White-Say.
Starting point is 00:31:37 Mon-White-Say. Mon-White-Say. Mon-White-Say. That was actually my African name. Oh, Mon-White-Say. Please, please come in. Of course, I didn't because I wasn't scheduled to perform that night. I was en route.
Starting point is 00:31:54 And I've got my young child here who's trying to have a look at the photos. There's a little Facebook piece here from the Round Rock Parks and Recreation Department. Park Ranger Surveillance has captured strange footprints at various parks and trails in the area. If you find these or other unexplained phenomena, tag Round Rock Parks and Recreation Department on Facebook or at Round Rock Pard, Rock Pard. I don't know if that's the spelling error or whether they've gone with it. On Twitter and Instagram, hashtag RRsightings. I guess Round Rock.
Starting point is 00:32:34 So yeah, there's some photos here. Have a look. I mean, it looks great. And you can see the size comparison to an actual boot there. Oh, yeah, I see what you're saying. It looks very perfect, doesn't it? Yeah, but I mean, you know, an actual footprint, you know, a bare footprint does look that perfect. So it is huge. So it could be, I don't know if it's just the one or whether there's more.
Starting point is 00:32:57 It does. It looks like the one that got that wider shot there and you can see the... Oh, there is more than one. There's two. What is it again? What's the hashtag? The hashtag is hashtag RRsightings. Capital R, capital R, sightings with a capital S. If that's a requirement. They certainly look large and unusual.
Starting point is 00:33:27 But yes, there is no other evidence beyond these two photographs. So they could, you know, they could be manufactured. But, you know, they have to be... Do you want me to read a couple of the comments here? Let's see what people say. How is it that there are pine needles and other debris all around the print, but the print itself is completely clear? Interesting.
Starting point is 00:33:50 That's a regular Texans footprint. Oh, OK, very funny because it's big. One footprint, eh? Where did it come from and where did it lead to? It can't just be one print. OK. A one-legged Bigfoot, affectionately known as Hoppy. Ah, yes, people are having quite a laugh here.
Starting point is 00:34:11 Good times. Did the park rangers take these photos or just folks who later tagged them to the park? This is a question there. And then the answer has been answered. I believe they're saying it was the park rangers who took the photos. Sketchy info, but notice there is no pivoting action showing foot movement and locomotion.
Starting point is 00:34:32 Almost too perfect. The rangers are likely interested in identifying the individuals performing the prank. Mmm, so some believe it's a prank. And, you know, comments are comments. I don't normally read them, but... But you are now on the radio. We're live on material tonight, so there you go.
Starting point is 00:34:52 LAUGHTER How interesting. Wow, what are you rickin' about it? Um... Do you buy it? Well, as you say, I think what it needs is it needs to be plaster-casted for a start, and you need someone of expertise
Starting point is 00:35:11 in the cryptozoological field with footprints to come in and really make an opinion, someone like Jeff Meldrum. Yeah. Because he'll be able to tell straight away whether those are real or not. Yeah. So, Round Rock Parks have now also uploaded a video that has been taken by residents
Starting point is 00:35:33 on what's called the Brushy Creek Trail showing what they think might be the culprit of the footprint. Oh! The Bigfoot, and I'll play it to you guys here. It's a very quick little video. What? Seven seconds long.
Starting point is 00:35:51 Oh, dear. What on earth are you're killing me? Looks quite apish, doesn't it? It looks really apish. Big long arms and more jumping through the bush rather than... Yeah. But they wouldn't have...
Starting point is 00:36:05 Or is it a great hop? Big feet like that. I mean, apes don't have long feet like that, so that's... I mean, that was clearly... What do you think? A great ape of some sort. So, it's probably worthwhile doing some investigation
Starting point is 00:36:20 into Round Rock Parks to see whether or not they just had some funding removed with a struggling financially. Yes, certainly. Maybe they've got a thing where they're being reviewed on how many people visit. If that's the case, please, folks, go to Red Rocks Parks.
Starting point is 00:36:37 Is it Red Rocks? Round Rocks. Okay. But go to Red Rocks. I've closed my window, so I've... I've moved on. But please, don't you move on, folks. Go to Round Rocks.
Starting point is 00:36:49 It's a fascinating place. There's the odd footprint. There's giant apes on the loose. I highly recommend it. And can I just say, you can also go to Red Rocks Park, which I've just Googled, and has 4.8 out of 5 Google racing... Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:37:07 Star racing from 1,872 people. It's in Colorado. Wow. So they... So Red Rocks, Round Rocks, any of the rocks, just go there. Make sure you take with you a decent camera that may have some form of kind of,
Starting point is 00:37:23 you know, better focus and definition than Round Rocks ranges, because it was a pretty low-res video. And if you know something about these footprints, own up. Come on. I mean, if it's you pulling a prank and they're too perfect,
Starting point is 00:37:38 we've all had a good laugh, but please write to us here at the Cryptid Factor PO Box 295-789 Buckingham here. Buckingham? That's right. That was one of the looser tight ropes that was worn.
Starting point is 00:37:59 It fell away just before the end. I could see the end. OK, well... Ah! It's one of those small buckets that those guys landed, you know? Did you survive? Yeah, those high divers that used to be in the 50s
Starting point is 00:38:18 and then they'd literally dive into a paddling pool. I don't get what the fun is there. I guess it's not fun, it's kind of like, wow, how is that possible? And I guess how I've never seen it happen, it's one of those kind of mythy kind of things that you see an old photograph of or something, but has anyone ever witnessed that?
Starting point is 00:38:42 No, all the footage has to be destroyed because they all die. I think it's never released. The last minute, did I do a really good, well-tucked, rolly-poly? Imagine a death by belly flop. It would be terrible. Also, imagine death by jelly tip.
Starting point is 00:39:02 Death by jelly tip. Probably the preferable. You're being tortured and it was like, you've got to choose one way to go. For those listeners that aren't from New Zealand, a jelly tip is an ice cream. Look it up, it's very yummy. All right, what's the next cryptid sighting?
Starting point is 00:39:19 Okay, my new story for CryptoBuzzo follows on from Euan, where there's been sightings of another animal. This one though, in English, there have been more unidentified ABC sightings in English towns. ABCs standing for alien big cats, meaning large cats like panthers,
Starting point is 00:39:40 leopards, what have you, that are in places where they shouldn't be. Now, the UK, of course, for decades, has seen a great number of sightings. The Beast of Bodman Moor is a large cat that is seen often. There's been quite some credible video footage of showing large cats in and around areas,
Starting point is 00:40:00 but nobody has ever caught any evidence of these things actually existing. And the interesting thing here is that it's quite plausible because in the 60s and 70s, there were a number of wealthy people who had big cats as pets. You could see those classic Carnaby Lane photographs of 70s cats walking strutting down Carnaby Lane
Starting point is 00:40:23 with a panther on the end of a lead. It was quite common, and then when they couldn't look after them any more, or when they started threatening to eat their children, they would simply release them into the woods. So it's quite plausible that there are big cats in existence here. The thing is, there are more and more sightings now, and more recently, these sightings have been happening in smaller towns closer to the middle of England,
Starting point is 00:40:49 rather than just up in the north of England. One sighting has occurred outside of a town called Ashby, which is a small town in northwest Lincolnshire in England. The local resident Emma Adams was walking with her mother-in-law, but she spotted a black cat gnawing on a small animal. Only the cat was larger than most dogs. Oh. She told the newspaper.
Starting point is 00:41:21 I know, I'm as bored as you, Dan, but no, do go on. Hey, I'll have you know, you bastards, that tonight we have a live eyewitness account of a big cat here in America. So what I'm doing here is leading into that for you guys, and if you want to mock me, if you want me to stop, I'm happy to walk away, I'm walking away. No, I see what you're doing.
Starting point is 00:41:49 Are you bored, are you? No, I'm bored. Please, do you want me to come back? Please, please. I actually have the same article here, so I could just continue. Oh, he's back, he's back, he's back. Yeah, it is a big thing in the UK. I mean, I live in the UK.
Starting point is 00:42:08 I constantly will hear news stories where someone has sighted a big cat, and it's not really laughed about, you know, in a way that if you said Bigfoot or something like that, it's seen as a serious possibility that there are these wild big cats. A lot of people with serious credibility, let's say, you know, they're people who don't spend their lives believing in multiple things like Bigfoot and UFOs and all that. And people aren't there out there searching for them either.
Starting point is 00:42:36 They're just, they're out there, and there are sightings, regular sightings. But there isn't too many attacks. No. And I'm guessing that they survive off, you know, smaller animals, that they hunt their cats. The survival is their number one instinct. Well, it's interesting because this lady, Jesus, what's in that photo with her?
Starting point is 00:43:06 Emma Adams, this is the small animal that the cat was gnawing on. This is... It's not a small animal, that's huge. Emma Adams, I know, look at it, Rhys. Wow. And there's an account from Emma Adams here. There's actually a recording of her giving her eye witness account. Now, I'll just hit the play button.
Starting point is 00:43:27 Yep. And we're going to play Emma Adams' recording here. Okay. As we were coming along the path, I saw something lying down and I was trying to figure out what it was. I kept looking at it and I realized its head was going up and down because it was eating something, ripping it apart. My mother-in-law and I froze and we just walked backwards, as you do.
Starting point is 00:43:58 Luckily, it didn't see us. People were saying, why didn't you take a picture of it? But in that moment, you're too frightened to take a picture. I always thought that they would be very stocky, but this was much thinner. I don't dare go out on a walk in case I see it again. Wow. It actually sounded similar to me. A guy almost like it was me doing the voice.
Starting point is 00:44:24 It was weird, so weird. Here's the thing about the fact that it was thinner. Obviously, these cats are out on their own surviving. That's a really good point and I haven't had that in a report before where it actually is thinner. You would think, it's a cat, it's a muscular, tough-looking cat. Watch out. But these things are scared.
Starting point is 00:44:48 They are scavenging. That's where they're coming closer to where humanity is. That's not going to stop them from really attacking if they're in danger. I just wish... Do we have a photo with that one or no? We don't, do we? Yeah, here's a photo of her with the remains of the animal that was eaten. Oh yeah. What is that animal?
Starting point is 00:45:14 It's a sheep. Literally nothing left but bones. Oh, and wool, that's the giveaway. Lots of wool. And apparently an identified animal has been wreaking havoc amongst British shepherds. Shepherds, yeah, so I think it's a sheep. Yeah, and that's what it says under the photo. But the interesting thing is that, like our theory last week that we discussed,
Starting point is 00:45:43 we just do these animals when they are too hungry or ill or threatened in some way, come out from hiding because through desperation, needing to reveal themselves where they normally would be well hidden. And so it being too thin, maybe it was right on its last legs and it needed to go for some really easy prey, like a small animal, a small domestic animal. But the looks of that photo, it ate the entire thing. Nothing was left but from those bones.
Starting point is 00:46:19 I was really hungry. Yeah, I don't know if it's that thin anymore. It's doing very well. Imagine putting a whole sheep into your body. A whole sheep. Essentially what it did. I mean, just to witness that or to hear that, it must make a hell of a noise if it was, you know, on your property.
Starting point is 00:46:38 But of course, people's properties are so big in these country environments, you can get away with it. What I'd love to do now is we're coming to the end of this episode is to cross over to the other side. No, don't go, Rhys. Don't leave us. It's a dimensional door here. I'm going through.
Starting point is 00:47:01 No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Yeah! Okay, we're on the other side now. It's just me and Theo. Do you want to have a look for the alien big cats? We're still here. What?
Starting point is 00:47:19 We're still here. What do you mean? We're not through the other side? No, we're still here. Yeah, now we can see you guys. We can still, you're still here. Oh. I thought we'd gone through.
Starting point is 00:47:30 they can see us yeah yeah like like really really clearly this is quite awkward oh okay all right that didn't work I'm just gonna hide behind you it's embarrassing he's quite small we can still see you hi that didn't work a malfunction but you know it doesn't always work sometimes it does sometimes I do disappear I think it was because I had you with me and you were too heavy I couldn't take you with me so next time but look while we're still here and while we're just about to wrap up why don't we have an eyewitness account from someone not just someone but maybe even your mum missed a little Theo who
Starting point is 00:48:18 recently saw her own ABC oh what have you got there oh great another eyewitness account account account account so as I promised earlier in the show we have a live in studio well we're not in the studio and live outdoor eyewitness we do we are sitting here with none other than Reese's wife Rosie hi who joined us recently on a classified mission can't reveal too much yet but needless to say we were out hunting cryptid and Rosie was there with us and while we managed to fail spectacularly and seeing a cryptid Rosie saw one yeah I believe so I don't know you guys tell me well the thing that I'm most
Starting point is 00:49:16 interested in is that now after years and years and years of hunting and interest in the subject your husband Reese is now having to live with the fact that his wife has been a citer of a cryptid so talk us through what actually happened right so we were in I was driving one of the three or four vehicles we had with my friend and we're both in front seat and it was just dusk or son had just gone down and we're in the forest and we're driving into this camp site and to be fair I was super tired but I saw this cat and I in my head tired here went that's a bit weird we're in the forest and then Fleur went what the
Starting point is 00:50:05 hell was that I went I know I saw it as well that was weird and we kept on driving we checked in the campsite and we didn't talk about it again until three days later when the two of us happened to be in the car again together and Fleur goes what do you think it was there was no idea maybe there's animals here and that we don't know about like I don't know when I first came to LA I didn't know Bobcats existed for instance and so we both described it to each other and we came up with very similar stories in my mind what I saw was quite big fat large black cat with a really odd tail so much bigger than a house cat
Starting point is 00:50:46 much smaller than a lion had a cat face but the tail was really weird it was stubby and it stuck straight upright so the question is what do you think it was possibly a black bobcat for Reese's sake I hope it was it's like an ABC kind of weird black panther out of where it is because then well the the other thing that we may not have shared with you is that we had gone talking to the locals and one of them actually revealed to us that they too had seen some form of weird large cat and then you turn around and say to us that's exactly what you'd think we're just worth noting that we're being circled right now by possibly it
Starting point is 00:51:43 looks like a black helicopter could be the men in black just keeping an eye when you're outside this is what we normally record inside because they can tell that something's going on here and I think it happened around the campfire didn't it we're all sitting there and you guys were talking about how someone had said a black panther and Fleur and I went oh you always saw a black cat yeah and literally you all looked us and went how we on a cryptid hunt and you two didn't tell us that you saw a cryptid three days ago yeah that was the most shocking thing you saw it three days before deciding it was a
Starting point is 00:52:26 relevant thing to mention but here's the interesting thing is because it didn't occur to us it was weird I'd like to draw us back to earlier in the episode when we discussed having a paranormal experience and not talking about it yes letting it slide or having this kind of weird sense where you didn't feel like you wanted to talk about it until at a later stage and this is what happened with Kurt Russell and I wonder whether it is as simple as my brain didn't understand what it was so I just ignored it shut it off I find that an intriguing element I wonder how many people have seen weird occurrences and
Starting point is 00:53:05 decided to not further on you know there's a lot of indigenous communities that when settlers or when explorers first turned up on the horizon with their tall sailing ships bearing in mind that these communities had never seen anything man-made beyond what they had made themselves and all of a sudden these huge big tall ships were sailing into their into their waters most of them couldn't even see the tall ships it was like you know reports of them completely not even being able to acknowledge it because it was so far into what that what they could comprehend yeah and on the flip side I
Starting point is 00:53:47 read an account by a man he wrote a book called don't sleep with the snakes I believe it's called quite famous anthropological book yeah he was a Christian missionary he went out to stay with a sort of small village and he wanted to convert them and he was the one who ended up being converted because he had a similar experience where he was by the beach one day and the entire village ran to the beach and were pointing at an invisible object to him but that all their fingers were following this thing that they could all see that he wasn't able to see because his brain just couldn't perceive in a similar
Starting point is 00:54:26 way with the ships yeah what it was that they were looking at he wasn't he wasn't built that way he was built differently was built to not see that kind of thing I'm not sure in the end I think it was a person it was a spirit of a person or something like that that they believed in coming from having a swim or something yeah that's amazing and now Rosie has just gone to put young Theodore to bed because I think when I took him to that other realm it was a bit much and he's knotted off it could be that I tried to get him to another place and I was there but he could still see these these other two and they're
Starting point is 00:55:05 dead boring and I think he's he's fallen asleep anyway so he's he's been taken away she will return hopefully but even if she doesn't just done a bit of look which I this is what I call it others call it research I call it look I've done a bit of look and the the animal in question that that Rosie and Fleur saw possibly a black bobcat because it was bigger than a cat but yet smaller than a panther and most importantly she said to me had a cat face like a muggy style cat face not a big cat face which is a longer kind of different sort of face which is important so I believe even if it is a
Starting point is 00:55:48 black bobcat extremely extremely rare really very very rare so what a fantastic sighting I think we it's gonna spare us on to get out there and try harder to see things and they often say the old adage you know you see something when you're not expecting to so maybe we should do less exploring most importantly we're back on we're gonna try and keep this podcast regular as regular as my old grandfather George it was odd then and it's it's getting odder but yeah because because we know that we've been in this field for a while and that there's more and more competitors are jumping on the bandwagon and hey when
Starting point is 00:56:45 it comes to this bandwagon we're at the front yeah we're on the front we're on the first horse I think he's I think he's I think the tightrope to the other realm is shut it's cut the rope he's gone he's gone I'm sorry guys well we'll have to say goodbye on his behalf that's all from Reese today that's all from me hey guys come here look I'm playing minus hey please I'm stuck at this other realm I need friends you

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