The Cryptid Factor - 57: #057 The Birthday Issue

Episode Date: February 25, 2021

Well, It's a very special day at the Cryptid Factor! Firstly, we're back from a wee summer break, secondly a Mars rover landed, and lastly and leastly... it's Buttons Birthday! To celebrate, Rhys his Grandad along, Dan brings many diversion facts, Buttons brings his new birthday floral shirt. Also in this issue - Nasa gets its rover stolen, Blackholes get blacker, Blackpool gets an Ancient Alien Disneyland, the Area 51 farm is up for sale, Pentagon give up their UFO secrets, and the 5th Dimension gets found. Woahzers! Enjoy!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The Cryptid Factor, with Rhys Darby and Dan Shriver. Wow! I'm me flat and cut me out into a flappy rectangle shape so you can hoist me up the mast and salute your chief. Good grief, it's 2021 and we are back! Hello guys! Hello Mr. Awesome Shirt! Thank you! Did you notice this? Did you? Yes, somebody wants to show off on their birthday. Is it my birthday? Yes, you noticed. I forgot for a moment, I thought we were going to talk about how long it's been since we did a show and to apologise to people for taking a month off and that but if we want to talk about my birthday. Well you've just done that, well done. We did say we'd come back in February, I think I mentioned it once and we are with the skin of our teeth now recording still in February. Recording in February doesn't mean we'll get the podcast out until March, April. Exactly, but I want this date stamped that it is 19th of February so when you listeners hear this in late April just remember we got back in February. But also though Rhys, I think you mentioned that we would come back in February in the live show that we did at Christmas which Leon forgot to put out so actually no one heard us saying we were coming back in February.
Starting point is 00:02:22 Only the Patreon people know that we were coming back in February but the others have been hounding me online ever since. Is that it? When's the show returning? What's going on? Where are you guys? For those listeners that are listening, which of course is all of you, New Zealand, particularly I guess the Southern Hemisphere, New Zealand and Australia especially, January is a real dead month, right Leon? It's kind of like we do nothing because it's our summer so December of course you sort of you get up to Christmas and then you've got New Year's big celebrations or whatever no matter what the world of the state of the world is in and of course you know it's been in a shit state for ages but January we basically just it's just beach. It's boring. Totally boring. Dead, dead ass. Just so boring. It's terrible. We don't do an ounce of work. And so if you're going to invade New Zealand, don't but we won't be able to defend ourselves for one. We've got two aeroplanes and a jeep. Yeah but in January both aeroplanes and the hangars and the jeeps taken in for servicing. So January is your month if you're going to invade. But once again don't, please don't. Please don't. And our 12 military personnel are on the beach with us or drinking margaritas. It's terrible. Yeah and you guys, I mean I'm in London still. I just want to send my sympathies. I understand you just went through a treacherous, arduous three day lockdown.
Starting point is 00:04:05 Thank you. It was hard. I nearly got through another bottle of gin and I'd finished all of Bridgeton on Netflix so I was sort of running out of things to do really so it was tough. We're well done guys. Well yeah thanks. You know what? It actually is really tough. It's starting to feel like we've got survivor guilt to deal with over here. Because we're living like a normal life here. We are literally going to the beach and we're hanging out and we're having parties and it feels like, you know what I liken it to? You know the new Wonder Woman movie. And you know how all the Wonder Womans were living on that hidden little island which was like paradise and they were all sort of there training. Nobody could have been safe and happy. New Zealand feels like Wonder Woman Island at the moment. It's like nobody knows we exist. There's wars going on all around the world. But we're in this weird little sort of secure bubble. We were just sort of like chilling out. Not to mention that we have Wonder Woman in charge of us.
Starting point is 00:05:13 Oh that's true. We have Jacinda who literally is Wonder Woman. So yeah we do. I was going to say it's called Lesbos but that's not the island. Lesbos? Lesbos, yeah. That's an actual island. That is a Greek island full of women back in the old Greek days. But now what's bugging me is what is the name of Wonder Woman Island?
Starting point is 00:05:38 Because Mr Marvel Pants here, who I'm looking at, Dan has a Marvel T-shirt on. Exactly. So I think he should be the one in charge of Googling. I'll Google it. We should say because I think for a second you both forgot this was an audio show. We said great shirt to Buttons but we didn't mention it. Oh yeah. Watch it. Watch it.
Starting point is 00:06:02 And we conveniently went off my birthday. Can we get back to talking about my birthday? I was on it. Very quickly. You took us off it. You took us off it. Birthday boy. That's true.
Starting point is 00:06:15 I distracted us from the most important thing. And can I show you quickly before I forget. First of all my birthday cake and my very floral T-shirt that my lovely wife gave me. I've got very spoiled this morning. I got history books on New Zealand and a book about native plants and a shirt that looks like native plants. But again you mentioned your cake. You said look at my cake.
Starting point is 00:06:40 They can't see your cake Buttons. They can't see anything. So this could be a 12 foot tall cake. What cake have you got? Describe the cake. It's a little slice of cake. Oh look at it. And it's got a little umbrella in it.
Starting point is 00:06:52 And also can I just show that my little 11 year old daughter Amelie made me this. Oh that is cool. Say what it is. Say what it is. Please describe what we're looking at here. I keep getting confused about this audio thing. So what it is, it's a birthday card but it's basically a Loch Ness monster. She calls it Morris the Loch Ness monster.
Starting point is 00:07:18 The Loch Ness monster is 3D and sticking out of the paper so it's like a 3D card. It looks so cool. And he's wearing a red scarf. What is it made of? It's a paper. Oh wow. God she's done a really good job of that. I tell you what.
Starting point is 00:07:33 Look after that because that'll be worth something one day. Because we mentioned it on the show. We could give it away as a prize by the end of the show. Let's do that. Let's give that. No. I should make another one. I'm joking.
Starting point is 00:07:49 Themissera by the way is where Wonder Woman is from. Themissera. Trying to get off my birthday again. That's fine. Themissera. Well that's why none of us can remember it. What sort of word is that? Very difficult.
Starting point is 00:08:03 It's really crap isn't it? I mean I can say that because it's made up right? It's not an actual place so I'm not being un-PC by saying oh good. I mean I'll make up words for a living. I write, you know, the odd fictional thing. And yeah, my advice to whoever wrote that one is just say, just come up with something that people can say that just slips off the tongue and has a bit more bounce to it.
Starting point is 00:08:26 Something that's more fun to say. What would you call it? I'd call the place One Tipia. Oh. One Tipia. Wonderland. Well that's, I mean, that's a bit more simple isn't it? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:42 That's Alice. Yes, imagination and that. Wonder Woman World. No, that's not good. Yes, because that's Wonder Woman and that's the world she's on. All right granddad. Sorry guys, I've got my granddad here with me. Yeah lovely to see you again.
Starting point is 00:08:59 Today. Hello, hello boys. I'm a big fan of the show. And Reese said this year I'd be able to shit in a few times and watch and just sort of learn about the world. All right granddad, but I did say to you, don't talk during the show. Oh no, sorry.
Starting point is 00:09:19 Hey Reese's granddad, what was Reese like as a little boy? Oh, he was very small. A very small boy. All right, thanks granddad. You weren't around. You weren't, you barely met me when I was a kid. Yeah, when I was fighting in the war. All right.
Starting point is 00:09:38 When were you born, Reese? Yeah, what were you born, Reese? He doesn't know guys. He doesn't know what he's talking about. Wonder Woman World. No, granddad. It's too obvious. Okay, one tippier sounds cooler.
Starting point is 00:09:57 You've got the W-O-N. So there's a link there to Wonder and tippier. It's, you know, just rolls off the tongue. It does, it really does, doesn't it? All right, so we'll move on from that. And hopefully he'll just stay there and won't pipe up too much during the show. By the way, we have a lot to talk about,
Starting point is 00:10:19 not just Leon's birthday. Although that's very worthy. I think we've done that. Very worthy. But guys, this morning, the latest Mars landing. Oh, how was that? On my birthday. Not to make this about my birthday again,
Starting point is 00:10:36 but they landed a Mars rover on my birthday. Yes, they have, and not only that, but on the day that we come back, we land on Mars. And they call it perseverance, which is what you guys have to have whilst entertaining me. And also what the fans have to have
Starting point is 00:10:55 while waiting for the next podcast. So what's your treat with a bit of perseverance? You get two in one day, a moon landing, no, a Mars landing, and a new podcast, even though you won't get to hear it for a couple of months. Well, one of us gets a birthday. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:13 But that's kind of like any message that will come back from Mars. It takes about a couple of months to send something back, doesn't it? Sort of like in proper detail. That's true. So that's like our podcast. Yeah, that's true.
Starting point is 00:11:22 That's true. Maybe we should tell the listeners that we are actually on that rover and recording from Mars. So we're just going to take a while to get back. But so did any of you watch the Mars rover landing? Just missed it. Really annoyed.
Starting point is 00:11:39 Yeah. Just literally because you messaged me and because you were heading into the studios to do this. Yeah. And you said, I'm 10 minutes late, guys. Check out the Mars landing. And I'm like, what? And I quickly, you know,
Starting point is 00:11:53 Googled the live link and what were the first words I heard? It was, and that's the landing. So there it is, ladies and gentlemen, the most amazing thing you'll see in human history. And you witnessed it here first live on NASA Live. But what do I want to know? And this is, did you watch it then?
Starting point is 00:12:16 No, no. I didn't even know it was happening. How was that possible? How the hell was that possible? It's weird, right? I think it's because our minds, there's so much going on. And we've also, you know, I mean,
Starting point is 00:12:31 you're living in the UK, which is going through a tumultuous time still with the COVID and everything that we, our minds with the world in such a, almost a cataclysm, our attention span has been cut down even less than it normally would be. And we're fluttering through ideas and chats and talks.
Starting point is 00:12:55 And of course you've got two little kids, you know, and so you've got baby brain anyway. And I guess you're off your game. You're not on your scientific, you know... Granddad. He's got something in his throat. Granddad. So I just...
Starting point is 00:13:15 Is there any more tea? No. I've given you one cup of tea. I have one cup of coffee for the whole show. Why should you have more than one tea? I've finished it. I've got a little bit bored listening to what you guys are saying.
Starting point is 00:13:28 And I sip the tea. And I've just noticed I got to the bottom of the cup. Right. Well, I'm sorry, but you can go and get yourself another one if you like. Oh, right. Okay. Sorry, guys.
Starting point is 00:13:45 It's lovely to hear. Yeah, it's great. Now he's going to need to go to the toilet all through the podcast. Great. So what do... When you get your tea, stay out there. Oh, stay out here.
Starting point is 00:14:00 Yep. Just stay out there and drink it. Bye-bye. So what are they doing on Mars? What are we doing this time, other than landing there? Okay. So this,
Starting point is 00:14:14 just to quickly sum up this one, it is called perseverance. It is the biggest, boldest, most technologically advanced rover that we have landed on Mars yet. And by the way, it is the ninth spacecraft
Starting point is 00:14:29 to successfully land on Mars. Wow. Wow. All nine from the US. And this has been happening since the 1970s. Wow. So this is the latest one. But not to say that the other countries
Starting point is 00:14:45 in the world aren't involved, because of course we know that China is one right up there now, which is just orbiting Mars, and it is scheduled to land round about May or June. So the Chinese will have their first craft all going well on Mars as well.
Starting point is 00:15:02 And... Isn't it amazing? All the track, there's so many, we're exploring that so hard, there's literally a traffic jam. They're literally all sitting up there waiting to land. It's like, come on,
Starting point is 00:15:12 can you hurry up and land? We want to have a hoon. That's awesome. Yeah, I think there's, is it the United Arab... Emirates. Yeah. Yeah, I think they've got something up there.
Starting point is 00:15:24 But once again, that's a quick Google for Dan. But here's what I will say about this latest American effort. Very exciting. It has a helicopter attached to it. So this is the first rover that has a flying off piece.
Starting point is 00:15:41 You know when you buy these cool sets and you buy like a toy set, and then it's got a little flying thing that's off it. So they've gone to that length now. And so it's really exciting because they've never flown like a... They're calling it the Mars helicopter.
Starting point is 00:15:56 It's actually got a name. It's called the Ingenuity. And it's like a drone, but it's not... It's more of a chopper they're calling. It's got double, two sets of rotor blades. And, you know,
Starting point is 00:16:10 they're flying this in an atmosphere that is very, very different to Earth's. That is literally one of those helicopters that you buy in a shopping mall when there's a little stand in the middle and they're selling little radio control cars and little skinny things. And those helicopters with the two blades
Starting point is 00:16:28 that go against each other and you're kind of like... Yeah. And it's like $40 or something. And you're like, how can you make a whole helicopter that can fly around my lounge room for $40?
Starting point is 00:16:39 It's amazing. Yeah. And does it land on this rover, does it? Yeah, it lands on the rover. Okay. So we've got to hurry up here because I'm not actually supposed to be selling stuff in this mall.
Starting point is 00:16:49 But like I said, if you want to get the little chopper, it does come with the rover. That's part of it. Okay. And for $40, I'll give you both of them and they're actually worth $40 a piece.
Starting point is 00:16:59 But the set does come together and you'll also get this remote control. And when you get the rover, nearly call it the Mars rover there, it's not, of course, it's just a proper Earth one. Okay. Let me just take that NASA sticker off there actually.
Starting point is 00:17:12 That shouldn't be on there. I'll leave it on. It looks cut. No, I've got to take that off to be honest with you. There we go. Just take that off. So yeah,
Starting point is 00:17:21 just that'll be worth it, you know, for Christmas or having it for yourself. And do you like vehicles as well as for... Yeah, I do love both the flying and land-based vehicle. Well, there's a set for you. I'm telling you right now. Excuse me?
Starting point is 00:17:34 Oh, shit. Here we go. Are you supposed to be in this mall? No. Yes. I'm just... Look, you want to hurry up and buy this, mate,
Starting point is 00:17:42 because I've got to get the fuck out of here. All right. Just got yours. It's yours. All right. Come back. Oh, God. Oh, the security guy at the end.
Starting point is 00:17:53 Like... Yeah, I know. He's not running. He didn't really go after him. Yeah. But I wish people... Oh, God. I mean, if you don't put your arm on,
Starting point is 00:18:01 you can see Rhys' face. Yeah. You gave us so much emotion. He's got to work. Something went through his head that he was like... No. And near the end of the day,
Starting point is 00:18:09 he was like, No. In news tonight, Mars rover stolen. Last seen in St Luke's Mall in Auckland City, New Zealand. No. This is...
Starting point is 00:18:25 I've found the rover here. It is. Look, no, this is not the NASA rover. This is the ASSA rover. No. Somebody's just taken the N off the sticker. No. No, this is ASSA.
Starting point is 00:18:35 It's a different space agency. All right. We're putting an answer putting a shout out. If anyone can find the N from the sticker, then we can put the sticker together and we can prove it is from NASA.
Starting point is 00:18:48 That's the only way we're going to be able to prove that this is in fact the missing rover. Well, I tell you what, I do have the video here because the one thing I was thinking about with the NASA rover, of course, I've got other rovers there that have cameras on them, right?
Starting point is 00:19:07 Yes. So they landed... They landed the... Whatever the... What was the first one called that they landed there that's crawling around the place? Beagle?
Starting point is 00:19:15 What was that one that failed? The Beagle? Yeah, was that the Beagle? That was the UK one that never... that got lost. They never made it. Well, because it had a silly name,
Starting point is 00:19:24 didn't it? Beagle. That's not a silly name. Well, they call it the Dalmatian. No, now that's silly. No. The Dalmatian. You know why it's called the Beagle, right?
Starting point is 00:19:34 The Beagle. Yeah, because dogs are little beagle dogs. No. Donal Towers White's called the Beagle. If you called it the Rottweeler, it would have landed and eaten up all the other rovers.
Starting point is 00:19:45 But you called it a Beagle. Well, that's too intimidating. You don't want to send an angry, sounding dog to Mars. It was called the Beagle because Charles Darwin was on the Beagle
Starting point is 00:19:55 when he made his incredible trip that led to us understanding evolution and his discoveries. So is it tribute? That's right. He did that on the back of a Beagle? No.
Starting point is 00:20:06 Which is all the more impressive, right? Yeah. It's the name of the ship. All right. What would they call it, the Endeavour? No. Well, that's a different ship.
Starting point is 00:20:16 No, that's a different ship. Guy, you're not getting any smarter with your age, are you? You know there's more than two ships out there. OK, OK. Well, you've got the Endeavour. What's the other one,
Starting point is 00:20:27 the Beagle? We've got ships out there, there. Granddad. No. Oh. Well, I just got to say because I came over
Starting point is 00:20:35 on the Endeavour. Yeah, I know you did, Granddad. Can you just... You've got your cup of tea, just sit down there and enjoy the show. Just after he fought the Napoleonic Wars,
Starting point is 00:20:44 he then came over on the Beagle. No, the Endeavour. See, Button seems to know more about you than you do. Oh, he's right on the button. That guy in here. Oh, God, I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:20:57 Hey, can I give a quick, sort of completely tangential fact to do with space? But it's something that I read today and it's in the world of weird. So I think it's suitable for us three to hear. Okay.
Starting point is 00:21:10 Back in the 60s, there was a major league baseball player called Gaylord Perry and he was terrible at batting. He was horrible at batting. And he was so bad that he was told that man would stand on the moon
Starting point is 00:21:22 before he ever hit a home run. Within an hour of Neil Armstrong standing on the moon, he hit a home run. That's awesome. Oh, my God. Beautiful synchronicity. So the prophecy came true.
Starting point is 00:21:37 It came true. Yeah. Isn't that crazy? That's awesome. Within the hour. Yeah. Anyway, back to my statement of that there's another rover
Starting point is 00:21:47 on Mars. Yeah. Because I think we, I think we got diverged. Amazing. I've got a list of facts that I now keep on the sheet next to me.
Starting point is 00:21:58 Anytime you go too far into a crazy-ass theory, actually, guys, I read a thing today. I didn't read that today. I read that weeks ago. It's got an intervention list of facts. Yeah. No.
Starting point is 00:22:11 Like when they said watch the Mars rover land today live. Yeah. Did they have footage from one of the other rovers filming the new rover landing? Oh, that's good.
Starting point is 00:22:23 Oh, I like that. Because if they did that, that would be awesome. If not, if it was just watching them in the control room with animations of what it might look like whilst it's landing.
Starting point is 00:22:34 Yeah. That's kind of like, oh, yeah, that's cool. It's nice to see people jumping up and hugging each other. Because, yeah, the information's too quick, isn't it? You can't get that information back anyway.
Starting point is 00:22:44 So, yeah, really good point. Yeah, but there was an 11-minute, which I think they call the 11 Minutes of Horror, which is what the 11-minute delay is with the craft landing and with the people in the tech base being able to see it land.
Starting point is 00:23:00 Oh, I see. So, yeah, talking all about that, I listened to a bit of the afterplay once the thing had landed. As I say, didn't see it land. Don't know what the footage was of it landing. Was there any footage?
Starting point is 00:23:14 How could there be? Where was it being filmed from? There must be cameras on it showing it come down. Yeah, it'd be an outside camera, wouldn't it? Yeah, of course. You think we would know? This is also the jam.
Starting point is 00:23:25 But also, this is for the listeners out there. This happened, of course, a week, possibly two weeks ago, depending on when you're listening to this. Just to shout out to the other rovers that are on Mars currently. We've got Sojourner, Spirit, and Opportunity, Curiosity,
Starting point is 00:23:42 and now Perseverance is the new one. And Doberman. Is Doberman there? No. Oh, there's two Dobermans. They're called the lads. And they were self-funded by a guy called Higgins.
Starting point is 00:24:02 And so they landed... Wow. Yeah, it was a private affair, actually. Sort of a private investigation. Well, if you think back to one of our previous episodes where we talked about the Doberman gang that used to go and were trained
Starting point is 00:24:19 to go and do bank heists, they could have trained Dobermans to go to Mars, I'm just saying. And if not, it's a great movie idea. The Beagles and the Dobermans go and fight on Mars to try and send bank heists. Wait a minute. Are you giving away more movie ideas? Oh, damn it. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:24:38 This is the first giveaway of 2021. The first Buttons movie idea giveaway. So there we go, Hollywood. You can switch off now. You've got your idea. We know you only listen in for that part. So thanks, Hollywood. You can move on. That's a movie I would watch. Actually, that's a good point.
Starting point is 00:24:56 We've got enough robots on Mars now. You know the TV show in the UK, Robot Wars? I don't know if you ever saw that. We've got enough now for Robot Wars. Brilliant. And Robot Wars on Mars. This is what I'm excited about because get this. You're not the only one to think of that, Dan. I've actually got it written here in my notes.
Starting point is 00:25:18 Nice. Robot Wars. See, you guys are so insane. Obviously, I wrote that earlier, so I'm a little bit quicker. But here's my thing. I was thinking more international because China, theirs is landing in May. And can you imagine if their one's like motoring around
Starting point is 00:25:36 and the Chinese are in their little control thing looking and seeing their one coming along and then they see the American one and the American one sees the Chinese one. The next thing you know, a couple of these little arms are coming out of the rover and sort of pushing it and stuff like that, we actually could have. Robot Wars on Mars.
Starting point is 00:25:55 The one part of the live stream I did watch was a NASA guy going through a stale model of the Mars rover and he was talking about all the different attachments on it and all that kind of stuff. And imagine if he came over and there was a spinning saw blade and he was like, forget about that, forget about that. Sorry, that's just it. What's that one for?
Starting point is 00:26:19 That's just in case, you never know. And a big scoop that comes out the front and flips another, what's that one there for? It looks like it could flip another rover. You've got a flipping mechanism and you've also got a net projectile. So it actually shoots out a net. What would that be for there as well?
Starting point is 00:26:42 This is, you're thinking of the ASSA, which of course is available in all good malls throughout New Zealand. That's just a toy. Please don't find the N. Let's hope no one finds the N sticker. Robot Wars, I love it. So good. So another good TV show idea.
Starting point is 00:27:04 We're not even into weekly weird news and we've given away a TV show idea and a movie idea. Netflix will be switching off now, they've got theirs. So thank you. Goodbye, Netflix. Thank you for tuning in. The book publishers are still waiting by for Dan to give them a great book idea.
Starting point is 00:27:20 So that's just, you know, you have to hang on a little bit longer. Well, I think it's the history of great cinema seats. There's your book idea there, like great finds. I love that you made a callback to the pre-show. Oh, did I? Well, that's why you've got to sign up to Patreon again. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:40 There we go. I think most of you have probably dropped off because it was a month of nothing where we didn't tell you why there was a month of nothing. But now that's a good reason to come back, isn't it? So many things to tune in for. What does Dan Cease look like? How big is Buttons' cake?
Starting point is 00:27:54 What's on his shirt? Tune in. Five pounds in love. So a little bit of bitching and moaning in there too. OK, well, guys, we're probably only half an hour into the hour show. Probably about time that we started Weekly World Weird News. Yes.
Starting point is 00:28:12 Let's do it. Weekly World Weird News. Crazy. Freaky. Watch out. All right. Well, first time back, a new year, 2021. Let's do some headlines.
Starting point is 00:28:24 What have we got? Well, since it's my birthday, maybe I go first. Yeah, definitely. My headline is simply, a giant black hole suddenly went dark and no one knows why. A black hole went dark. Wow.
Starting point is 00:28:39 Yeah. How much darker can it go? It's already black. I didn't even... That's a good point. That's a very good point. So did it change at all? Yeah, it went extra dark.
Starting point is 00:28:52 It went even darker. But in the same publication, which is, they give us the reason why. And that's all I'm going to say for now. They don't even realize that they answered their own question on their own website. Oh, brilliant. I've figured it out and I have the answers.
Starting point is 00:29:10 But you've got to wait for that. Okay. Okay. What have you got, Dan? Mine sort of straddles into kind of news territory. But the single biggest investment that the UK city of Blackpool has had for over a century has just happened.
Starting point is 00:29:26 And it's from a company that is planning to build an ancient alien theme park. What? What? Yeah. Are you kidding me? Oh, that's exciting. I'll tell you a bit more when we get to it.
Starting point is 00:29:38 Oh, that's really cool. Well, and here's, you know, I'm well known for bringing up really silly news and having a good laugh along with it. But this year, I want to sort of get my intellectual levels higher. Which is going to be just as hilarious as you being hilarious. I'm determined to sort of reach out into science
Starting point is 00:30:04 and kind of pull something out of it and throw it on the wall of stupidity and see where it sticks. Get this, guys. A portal to the fifth dimension found. Yes. Wow. Mike Draw.
Starting point is 00:30:18 Okay. Wow. Okay. So more about that. Is that a news article or did you find it? And you're just going to reveal to us that you found it. Guys, is it my cupboard? I just opened my cupboard.
Starting point is 00:30:33 Fifth dimension. Amazing. Well, you'll have to wait and see. Oh, exciting. You know, the one concerning thing about all of our headlines. Yeah. There's one huge piece of news at the moment. I was like,
Starting point is 00:30:47 Russell definitely have this, but if not, Dan will. And there's no point covering it. Which is the fact that the Pentagon have revealed they have crashed UFO material that they've been testing. Right. Should I swap my news for that one? Because that's maybe better than a black hole disappearing. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:03 I think we should definitely do that news. Okay. That came out a few weeks ago, right? In January. Yeah. Is that correct? Yeah. And seeing as we're now, you know, sort of heading towards the end of February,
Starting point is 00:31:16 that news for me slotted into the buttons news flash news, which of course means it's a month and a half old. Yeah. Okay. So Dan, I just did a buttons news flash. So it's come out. So there it is. So I've been waiting for that old news to come out as brand new from you.
Starting point is 00:31:33 It's not my fault because my brother-in-law Tim only sent me that article yesterday. Ah. So, and he's my news source. And by the way, there are many fans out there who are sending us bits and pieces. If you do look through the messages on Facebook and what have you.
Starting point is 00:31:53 Don't just rely on that Tim guy. He's let you down a few times now. That's true. I know you've got a special family deal or something. You know, you're related. He gives me a family discount. For what? For old news.
Starting point is 00:32:08 Well, how much do you guys pay for your news? Well, all I'm saying is we should give some credit to these fans who are messaging. And I go through and you see these things pop up. I'm the only one who replies to them. I think you guys are far too busy. You're sitting there doing nothing but waiting for messages to come in.
Starting point is 00:32:28 Busy day-to-day had three messages to reply to. Rosie's like, Rhys, Rhys, you're meant to be on the set of Jumanji 3. No? Busy. Most of them are buttoned down as there's not many Rhys searches. No, I know.
Starting point is 00:32:45 And even less when I try. Shredeers. Shredeers. But I'm asking for Shredeers, not news. I just need Shredeers. There's a few ideas that are coming through, some Shredeers. And they're not really news. They're kind of just people's basic ideas.
Starting point is 00:33:03 Can't do anything with my fat face. Nothing. That's because everybody knows I need the most amount of help. That's true. OK, well, do you have some more info on this UFO stuff? Because I'm more excited about that than your other one, which I can't even read. Oh, that's right.
Starting point is 00:33:20 A black hole gets blacker. I mean, come on. Can you just get rid of that? I don't even want to hear that one. But you don't want to know why it's gotten blacker, because I figured out why it's gotten blacker, and it's really exciting. What is it?
Starting point is 00:33:34 OK, well, just briefly, briefly cover that one. OK, I'll briefly cover that one. A giant black hole suddenly went dark, and no one knows why. There's a black hole called 1915 plus 105, a star system 36,000 light years away from Earth. It's X-ray light that it emits, intense X-ray light. And I've been reading this X-ray light, and all of a sudden, it's just gone dark.
Starting point is 00:33:59 The X-ray light has gone, and they can't figure out why. Yep. But then later, in, and another completely separate article, there's the headline. Wait for it. Aliens could be sucking energy from black holes, and that may be how we find them.
Starting point is 00:34:19 Oh, wow, that is pretty cool. So, within the one website, they've actually basically saying that that black hole has most likely gone blacker, has gone out, because aliens have sucked the energy from them. Do you think there'll be such an intense energy from these black holes that they're using that energy for them to travel across the universe?
Starting point is 00:34:43 Yeah, because it's such an intense source of energy. You know, that would be a brilliant way to be able to mine energy, to be able to travel light years across the universe. And the most exciting thing about this theory is that it's actually, one of the co-authors of the study, is an astrophysicist named Luca Comiso, and he works at Columbia University in New York.
Starting point is 00:35:12 So this isn't just somebody kind of going, hey, I know, it could be, like me, like a theory that I might come up with. In a birthday shirt, with his helicopter headphones on, we'll listen to this. This links in perfectly with my fifth dimension news, because, yeah, scientists are pretty sure they have found a portal to the fifth dimension.
Starting point is 00:35:35 Now, we've all known that there's a possibility of a fifth dimension, people have talked about it. You're bringing up stuff that makes me excited that alien craft travel through a fifth dimension. So they use black hole energy, they suck it out of this dimension, and they use the fifth dimension to travel. That's why we can't see them.
Starting point is 00:35:58 Now, in this new study, which, by the way, this is from Popular Mechanics, I'm not sure whether it was, might have been a researcher that sent me the link to this. So big shout out to my many researchers out there. You're both doing very well. In a new study, scientists say that he can explain dark matter.
Starting point is 00:36:19 Now, this is where, this is what the big mystery of the universe is. Lately, everyone's sort of trying to suss it out, is the dark matter, which is when you look up and you see there's blackness up there. What is that? So they're trying to explain it by positing a particle that links to a fifth dimension.
Starting point is 00:36:38 Our knowledge of the physical universe relies on the idea of dark matter, which takes up the vast majority of matter in the universe. Dark matter is a kind of pinch-hitter that helps scientists explain how gravity works, because a lot of features would dissolve or fall apart without an X factor of dark matter. Even so, dark matter doesn't disrupt the particles
Starting point is 00:37:02 we do see and feel, meaning it must have other special properties as well. Now, just reading this article through here, skimming past a few ads. Could dimension traveling fermions? So it's all about these fermions. So now I'm just scrolling back up past the ads again to the mention of fermion masses.
Starting point is 00:37:26 That's where Wonder Woman lives. It exactly is. So fermion masses, which they believe could be communicated into the fifth dimension through portals, creating dark matter relics and fermionic dark matter within the fifth dimension. But to sum it all up,
Starting point is 00:37:48 basically there's another dimension where I think things are kind of created and then put through into ours, and maybe they come through in black holes or whatever. But I just like the idea that this dimension really is becoming sort of a certified reality for scientists. And I think that's going to solve a lot of how things get here, the bending of space and time.
Starting point is 00:38:17 When you bend it, you end up in that other dimension, and that's how you can quickly move to where we are here. And we know it exists, but we don't know how to sort of get there or how to travel. Was that the plot line of interstellar, the idea of bending space? It was, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:37 Because that was cool. Because he ended up behind a bookcase, didn't he? Yeah. That was fifth dimension stuff. And that was through, how did he get there, guys? He went through a... Bookshelf. A dark black hole.
Starting point is 00:38:51 You went through a black shelf. He went through a black hole and he ended up in the fifth dimension, remember? Yes. And he went through, he got sucked in, and then he was behind the bookshelf, pushing books out. Exactly. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:39:05 Yeah, I mean, I would have to see that movie again because my main memory of it was the really awkward robot, with really long arms that looked like... Why have we invented that thing? I mean, everyone's seen Star Wars. What happened to C-3PO? Why have we got the limbs on it, didn't even bend in? I know.
Starting point is 00:39:26 I mean, Boston Dynamics is happening. We've already got better things than that. That's so true. Hey, speaking of... I'm just looking at my list of facts here, just to lob in. Just speaking of parallel universes or sort of different dimensions and Star Wars, I found out just today, the movie Hook...
Starting point is 00:39:48 Do you guys remember Hook? Yeah, of course. Peter Pan. Peter Pan. There's a scene where Tinkerbell is flying over London and you can see Big Ben in the background and a coupler kissing on the bridge and as they're kissing, the dust lands on them and because they're having such happy thoughts,
Starting point is 00:40:03 they rise into the air as they're kissing. It's a sort of small scene in it. It turns out that the two people playing that couple, uncredited, is George Lucas and Carrie Fisher making out. And in my head, that's a parallel universe where Leia has tracked down the creator of the universe of Star Wars. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:40:26 And they're having a make-out session on the bridge. That's weird. That is brilliant. It's cool to know next time you watch Hook. Anyway, just a little... So it's George Lucas? Wow. It's Lucas making out what Carrie Fisher? Did he produce the film?
Starting point is 00:40:42 It was Spielberg. He must have had a connection because they were very close and Carrie Fisher was a script doctor on it. She writes Tinkerbell's Scriptlines. So that's why she was connected to it. Wow. Good diversion. Good diversion. Very good diversion.
Starting point is 00:41:01 This year, he's using facts to divert. He's got a definite tool now. So rather than just subtly divert, he's just throwing in facts and of course, next thing you know, we're off topic. How's your granddad? Oh, he's bloody sleeping. Granddad.
Starting point is 00:41:18 Wake up. He's just got so boring, didn't he? I mean... I liked it. I mean, I'm a big fan of the show. I've watched three episodes now. I like it when you do the silly stuff, you know? When you try to be all scientific, it doesn't work for me.
Starting point is 00:41:40 All right. Well, I was going to do... I've got other news articles about snowmen and things like that that were a bit more silly, but I thought I'd be, you know, intellectual. I didn't think much of it. OK. Dan, what have you got? Yeah, son. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:42:02 The single biggest investment that the UK city of Blackpool has had in over a century is that they have pumped, and this is happening at the moment, so that buying up all the properties that are sort of in a central development, £300 million is being pumped into this to build a giant ancient aliens theme park. I'm so excited.
Starting point is 00:42:25 It's based entirely on the works of Eric von Daniken and Chariots of the Gods. Wow. So they're going to build things like there's going to be the UK's first flying theatre inside, where I'm guessing, I haven't read too much about it, but you're sort of watching the cinema, and the seats are going up and down.
Starting point is 00:42:46 It's meant to simulate the idea of being in the air. What? They're going to have an alien diner. There's going to be the first multimedia exhibition of its type, exploring extraterrestrial influence of the great ancient civilizations. I mean, this is, Blackpool is like this little city in the corner of, I mean, it's hilarious
Starting point is 00:43:07 that it's about to be transformed into this massive park. It's like a Disneyland that's going in. Yeah. It's going to be incredible. I'm so excited. Yeah. Next time you guys are here, we should just even go there just to see if we can help,
Starting point is 00:43:20 you know, just in the building. Things get better when everyone's vaccinated, and we've sort of put this thing behind us. Definitely. I mean, you'll have to be the first one to get there, because you're closest. That's the next family trip. It's blowing me away.
Starting point is 00:43:36 Yeah. As long as the attractions are great and the flying theater sounds amazing. Since we're giving away free ideas today, I just wonder if I can just send a little message to the Blackpool people who will inevitably be listening to this. Oh, yeah. Which is to do it as an ancient alien-themed park
Starting point is 00:43:54 and a future human's UFOs now. Wow. Okay. And actually have it like the proof that we have visited the past and the proof that we are actually visiting from the future. Yes. That it's still happening to us now.
Starting point is 00:44:10 Well, that could definitely be an element to it. The Buttons Pavilion. Exactly. I think we could get in on this. And I think there should be a cryptid factor ride. Don't you guys think? It would be so shambolic. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:24 I could make it in my shed. Yeah. And it'd be a bit rickety and stuff, and we'd actually be standing there on the side, pulling the levers and stuff, and bouncing the couple of seats on some old tires. Just lock people behind the bookcase and just get them to shove some copies.
Starting point is 00:44:39 That's the fifth dimension ride. And my granddad's sitting in there. He's like, Hey, you guys, having to listen to this crap. First, before we head off, you've got to listen to 20 minutes of these idiots raving on. Well, then you get into the old Land Rover,
Starting point is 00:44:57 which is here positioned. And if you look behind you, there's a model of Buttons, and he's sitting behind you with all these radios. And he does a very bad countdown, starting at five, and it goes sort of like at four, three, two.
Starting point is 00:45:14 It's awful. You never know when one's going to come, and then the bloody thing shoots up, and it jutters, smoke goes everywhere, and as it launches into the sky, you get three awful facts from Dan Schreiber. You can't care less about.
Starting point is 00:45:29 And then you reach it up to the sky, and eventually you get to the very top. And who's not there? Old buddy, fancy pants himself, my grandson, he's starby, dressed as a bloody fairy with sparkly hands. And he sort of pulls out a sword,
Starting point is 00:45:48 and knights you, which he's not equipped to do. He's not a bloody royal person. But anyway, he knights you, and he gives you some weird cryptid name. You become a cryptid knight or some rubbish. And then you shoot down this giant bloody slide, and into the water,
Starting point is 00:46:08 and it's a huge pull. And in there is the Nessie. And Nessie's floated there, it's just a polished diary, just to let the game away. But anyway, at the end of it, you've got to write down what you saw,
Starting point is 00:46:23 and you've got to sign up to some Patreon account. Anyway, good luck with it. Thanks, granddad. That's great. You know what? I would pay a large amount of money to go on that ride. To see you dressed as a fairy with sparkly hands. That would be amazing.
Starting point is 00:46:48 I'd be exhausted by the time granddad had finished talking, just that alone. That's enough of me. Cheers, buddy. I don't think I can handle the ride itself. Before we move away from this whole thing, this other thing popped up in the news, which is alien related.
Starting point is 00:47:08 I think this is possibly the coolest bit of real estate in the world currently going, if you're interested in what we're interested in. A ranch called Medlin Ranch is up for sale, and it is the one ranch in the world that borders Area 51. And it's currently up for sale. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:47:28 We have to buy this, guys, because remember our cryptid Airbnb concept and being able to go and stay. Where did we go? You could stay in the church that the first vampire attack ever happened in. You could stay at a farm just down the road from Skinwalker Ranch.
Starting point is 00:47:46 You could stay on the edge of Loch Ness, and now you can stay on the edge. We've got to do this. There's so many ideas we're giving away for free, guys. David, we need to start bidding on this. What's the link? The one I'm on is slash UFOs hyphen medlin hyphen ranch,
Starting point is 00:48:12 hyphen black, hyphen mailbox, hyphen war, hyphen sale. Okay, scratch that. I just want to t-shirt with that written on it. What is it? So it's going for... It can be bought at the moment. The price range is $4.5 million.
Starting point is 00:48:32 It's 80 acres, and it sits as close to Area 51 as you're ever going to get. In fact, it has a famous black mailbox, which people used to go to, which was on Highway 375. And the idea was they set it up because they needed somewhere to get mail for their ranch. But anyone that was passing would go through it
Starting point is 00:48:53 and steal their mail because they were thinking, is this highly secretive documents? But also, it became a place where people would send letters to aliens. So it became really hard for them to sort of get their mail because it was either being stolen or a letter for, you know,
Starting point is 00:49:07 Roswell Alien is in their postbox. So they kind of got a new postbox, but they've set this up now as a thing that people can visit. So I assume you inherit this famous mailbox, the black mailbox as well. Amazing. The thing I love about that is the fact that people believe that that's how the aliens would communicate with us.
Starting point is 00:49:28 Yeah, through the mailbox. It's like Santa's letterbox on the North Pole. It's the alien equivalent. Yeah, but the Santa's one is real, obviously. I've just found the listing for it, the actual listing for this place. And the broker for the whole deal is a bear. How cool is that?
Starting point is 00:49:51 What? Allie Bear is her name. A bear. A bear. Allie Bear Real Estate established in 1981. She sells ranches. That's another, see, that's a great cartoon. It could be like old Yellowstone Park yogi bear,
Starting point is 00:50:06 but this is Allie Bear, a bear that sells real estate that has encrypted interest. Yes. Allie Bear. The real estate agent to the cryptids. She's selling off, you know, like Mothman's tree top hideaway and see, another great idea for free. Another great idea.
Starting point is 00:50:26 But she must be dealing with so many people who are trying to fake by it just to get to Area 51. So these sort of people who want to break in, they're sort of faking, looking around. Well, funny, what you're talking about here is possibly the most popular open home in history. Because people will be turning up in their droves just to get that close.
Starting point is 00:50:55 I would think. But then I thought the same thing with the Storm Area 51. And of course, you know, only 200 people turned up. It's just so remote. But if Storm Area 51 could have happened from this ranch, I would have gone to Storm Area 51 because at least you've got, like, a cool ranch to stay at. And, you know, so you can sleep.
Starting point is 00:51:15 With all the money that was raised from Area 51, the storming fiasco that fizzled out, they should buy this ranch. If there's some money sitting around, buy this ranch. Let's do Storm Area 51 II, the sequel, from the ranch. And at the very least, it's just a big festival at that ranch. It should be utilized by the paranormal folk. And let's have a festival at this ranch every year.
Starting point is 00:51:41 And you know what? Here's another idea, how to make money from it. We could buy it and then pretend like we want to sell it again and get Allie Beer in on it. And tell Allie Beer that because we don't want just tire kickers, that people have to pay a $50 deposit that gets refunded if you buy the house to come and do an open home, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:06 And we do that every year, we put the house on the market and at the end of put it on the market for a couple of months, go, no, it didn't get any good enough offers. But we'll put it on the market again next year. People pay $50, they come and walk around the open home. Right. Yeah. All the time.
Starting point is 00:52:23 And where does that money go? Every year. In our pockets. You realize we're broadcasting on air here. Oh, right. Even if that was a good plan. We probably shouldn't have said it. Damn it.
Starting point is 00:52:38 I'll remember the edit this bit out. Yeah. There's an interesting sentence on Allie Beer's page where it says, permit for 250 head on area 51 says, ranch comes with cattle and equipment, ranch runs about 750 head total. So I'm guessing they're talking that's the number of cattle that the ranch can take,
Starting point is 00:52:57 which means there's a permit for 250 of that cattle to wander on to area 51, which means what the whole storming area 51 got wrong is that they all went as humans. But if we disguised ourselves as cattle. Brilliant. We could get 250. You're thinking what I'm thinking, right?
Starting point is 00:53:16 Yeah. Pentamime cow costume. Totally. Has anyone done this? Like dress up in a cow costume and wander on with the other cows. And then the stroke of midnight, get out of the cow costume.
Starting point is 00:53:32 Move. I'd pay $50 to do that. Two things here. Who is going to make the best quality cow costume on the market? I mean, we need to search that out now. New Zealand, like Lord of the Rings. Yes.
Starting point is 00:53:51 Weta Workshop. Weta Workshop. You know them. Reese, you've got contacts there. I've got a connection there. Yeah. Okay. So that's where I'm going to get the cow made.
Starting point is 00:53:59 And of course, New Zealand. You do want to get a country with more cows than New Zealand per capita. I'm basically looking out the window now. I can see three. And you're in the city. Yeah. I mean, my cow should be not.
Starting point is 00:54:18 And also, second thing is, who's going to be the ass end of the cow? Because it's not going to be me. And the third thing is, if there's three of us, how's it going to work? A cow and a half. I think Dan will stay on the ranch and he'll be using his communication device
Starting point is 00:54:35 to talk to us. And he'll have his computer screen. I need to distract Ali Bear. I need him to be looking the other way. So I'll bring my list of facts. And anytime she suddenly is looking over at you, I'll be like, did you know that actually black holes are... It's good.
Starting point is 00:54:52 Meanwhile, I'll be the front legs of the cow. Buttons will be the back legs and the butt. The buttons. Yeah. It's in the name. It's in the name. Yeah. And so then your head will rest on my back.
Starting point is 00:55:05 I'll be bent over as well. My head will be the cow's head. So I'll be the eyes and ears of the cow. We're going to walk like a cow. Okay. So we're going to practice. It's right legs together, left legs. Right.
Starting point is 00:55:17 So I'll be here. You'll be here with me. Is it our cow's walk? Is it both left legs and both right legs? It is. So what I was saying. Right. Left.
Starting point is 00:55:27 Okay. Left. Right, left, right, right. Silly. They don't walk like that. They do. They do. Silly.
Starting point is 00:55:35 It's the front right leg and the rear left one together. And then the right rear one and the front left one together. Isn't that help? We've got to practice this. We'll work that out. You could be right there. You could. Down with your fingers.
Starting point is 00:55:49 Both left ones, both right ones. Well, you might be right, but you're making it more confusing for yourself. yourself, because when I say right, you're going to have to go left. That's true. OK, so what I might do is I might say left to help you out and I'll use, I'll go hard, so I'll go right with my lefts and you, you go normal. So you're left and right and I'll, and I'll reverse it for my own mental state because not only have I have to be the eyes and ears of the goddamn thing,
Starting point is 00:56:17 I have to get that right as well. What are you actually doing other than just walking? I'm being the ass. That's not a difficult thing. Just bending over and being the ass. It's going to go all wrong because you forget you've been in the military learning how to go left, right, left, right, marching. So you'll be calling out left, expecting me to go left.
Starting point is 00:56:37 And your body isn't going to be able to handle going right. When you're hearing left, you're going to go back to your military ways. I know, I know. And then you're going to start going left. And then all of a sudden the guys are going to be there with their this, the, the television binoculars, you're watching this cow going. We've got a, we've got a cow walking. We're in here.
Starting point is 00:56:56 Come over here. Hey, Lance, Lance, yes, we've got a cow walking like it's like a military cow. Some shit. He's walking like Mark. He's marching. He's making weird, weird, sad. He's like, no, that's right.
Starting point is 00:57:13 Right. I'd left. That's right. Right. Put your left and right. Shit, that's a weird cow. That's, I mean, it's very real looking. It's like, it's actually more, it's like a really well made quality cow,
Starting point is 00:57:25 better than the other cows. It's kind of bigger. What the fuck's it doing? It's going into, why is a cow wandering over the fence and threw into that hangar? OK, we're nearly at the hangar now. OK, get ready now. We're going to go through the hangar. Oh shit, we need, have you got the code?
Starting point is 00:57:44 Oh no, no, I'm a cow. Oh fuck's sake. Try my pin code. Try my pin code, it's 8521. Try that one. OK, eight, five, how do we, fucker, my let my arms are stuck behind my back and my legs are in hoof mode. I can't, I'm going to use the knee.
Starting point is 00:58:04 I'm going to use the knee. I'm lifting it up. Oh, it's too bloody high. The pin code, the thing, the panel is too high, I'm going to use my snout. I'm coming in with, OK, here we go. Right. Access granted. Oh my god!
Starting point is 00:58:22 Let's go! Let's go! Let's go! Let's go! It's moved through! It's moved! Moved! Moved!
Starting point is 00:58:30 Moved! Hey Lance, that cow's just gone through into the secret hangar. I'm shitting you not. Really? Thank you. I bloody used it snout to get the code? My god, I think we better call her boss. We're in, okay, unzip the cow, unzip it.
Starting point is 00:58:59 Alright, you stay here, Bad wüns I'm gonna go….you just stay as they are. What are you going to go hunt down? Like you're in the hangar in the area 51, what's the one thing you're going to go find? Well, I've got my torch, I've turned it on and I'm going to go down and I'm going to just obviously there's a UFO right there. I could see it. Yeah, it's just beyond the glass. Oh, and the Faraday cage. Okay, here's it. There's a, okay, the glass ends here. I'm just going through. It's got to squeeze through. Yeah. See, this is why I do all that working out and all exercise. See, I can squeeze
Starting point is 00:59:36 through this tiny gap. See, this is the reason why to pay for paint real. You get to see restabe to Marcel Marceau. It's glass. I can feel the definitely glass. Oh my God, guys, I'm inside. This is this is absolutely a spacecraft right here. It's a it's a flying disc. It's landed. It's just sitting here. Oh shit, there's a guy coming. There's a guy coming. Fuck, fuck, fuck. Oh, hey, hey, you there. Oh fuck, I've done a move, but I'm only half a cow. I've got a half. I got a half a cow. Oh shit, you can see I've got, oh my God, I've got human hands hanging out of the torso of a cow, but I've still got the face and I've got my front hoof, my hoof legs. I'm like a two-legged
Starting point is 01:00:28 half cow. And then over in the corner is a little half ass cow. They're standing there talking, reading a book on the history of New Zealand. The laser beam. The laser beam must have cut this cow in half. Hey, hey, you there. Are you a cow? I'm taking the mask off. I can't handle it. Hang on. I'm taking it off. Hi, it's me. It's Restabe from New Zealand. Oh wow. Hey, uh, hey, have I got a deal for you? Have I got a deal for you? You've broken into the most secret place in the world. I can hear you in my communication device. He's gonna sell me something.
Starting point is 01:01:14 Come over to this table. Oh God, what is that? Yeah. Now, it's a new rover, but attached to it. It's got a little helicopter, okay? The helicopter comes out the back of it. This is from, this is from NASA. No, it's not. No, this is, this is NASA. What? I know about these. These are how much you want for it? 45 bucks? Oh, well, I'm telling you now, they're worth, they're 40. We're selling them for 40 in New Zealand. So you can forget about it. What? What? What? What are you talking about? It's me. It's me, Restabe. You piece of shit. I told you. I told you. I told you I worked here. Oh gosh. Oh my gosh. Do you know what this all leads to?
Starting point is 01:02:04 What? Is the one piece of news that we didn't cover, that we all thought that we were, the news break, the buttons news break. Oh yes. The fact that the Pentagon have admitted to holding and testing wreckage from UFO at area 51 is like this whole thing was designed to get back to my old piece of news. Yeah. Well, we're there. We made it. We're right there. I'm standing right next to the table where the equipment is, the stuff that's obviously been taken from a UFO, which is right next to me. They're creating the NASA rovers with tech from extraterrestrial craft. But why wouldn't you? Of course you're going to because you know that it's come from outer space and you're sending it back up into space and you've got the technology. But this story, and I'll do
Starting point is 01:02:57 it as quickly as possible because we're now into our second hour of broadcast. Yeah. The headline is simply this stunning admission. Pentagon admits it has been testing wreckage from UFO crashes and the findings may change our lives for ever. Expert says. I love expert. I know. Expert, he's got all of... He says all the cool shit. Is he like a bear? Is he like Ali? Is he like... Sanders Spurt. Expert. Okay, I said I was going to do this quickly. And I'm not. Okay, so researcher, the guy called Anthony Bregalia, wrote to the Defense Intelligence Agency, the DIA, requesting details of all UFO material which they hold on file and any results or tests they had carried out on this weird material that they may have. Anyway, it turns out he wrote to them in
Starting point is 01:04:03 something like 2017. January the 8th, 2021, he finally gets a response from the DIA. Anyway, they released 154 pages of really quite incredible stuff about there talking about metal that has a certain shape. And you can do whatever you want to that metal. You can bend it, you can fold it, you can crush it up and it springs back exactly to that same shape. This is the famous one that we've heard about ever since the Roswell days. That's the same metal. Yeah. That's right. Anyway, they reveal a private contractor who has been working on this with the Pentagon. And guess what company it is? No, not ESA. Please tell me. No, it's not ESA for once. They may be involved. No. Is it wetter? It's not. It's going to be one of those. Guys, no. It is Bigelow Corp.
Starting point is 01:05:13 Oh, of course. The multi-billionaire top secret kind of private contractor that gets a lot of government agency contracts. You know, he's like this. He's like the spectre in the James Bond world. Like the reaching arm that is using all of their billions of dollars to sort of like, I don't know, find out the secrets of the universe so that he can own the world. Yeah, it totally is. I didn't realise there was a DIA. So you've got the CIA. So is there a BIA? And like an EIA? Is that how it works? Is it like MI1, MI2, MI7, that kind of thing? There's an EIO, but that's farming. The multi-billionaire MacDonald. He's the leader of EIO.
Starting point is 01:06:04 Yeah, but it's... What does that stand for again? EIO? I think it's... Well, he had a farm and it's EIEIO. That's the secret farming institute run by MacDonald. And he's an old guy. Are they on a ranch on the edge of Area 51? Yeah. Do they have a black letterbox? EIO corp? Well, he had a farm. Yeah. This old guy, he had a farm. And so his institution, EIEIO. And it was crazy because on that farm, he had a cow. Yeah, yeah, yeah. EIEIO. Before we wrap up, just very quickly, I think it's worth saying, obviously,
Starting point is 01:06:54 we were talking about when to start up again. And we were sort of excited to do it. But one thing that really kind of kicked our ass into excitement, I would say, is we got a really exciting kind letter from Wing Commander Marcus Stowe, who is a listener of this show. And he just wrote a physical letter. He sent it to me in the UK. And I shared it with you guys. And we just want to say, Wing Commander Marcus Stowe, we thank you for the letter. And thanks for listening. And to everyone else as well. Amazing. It was a cool thing to make us excited to get back into it. And I think the most exciting part of his letter, at the very bottom of the PS kind of
Starting point is 01:07:36 lists down the bottom. He asked if he could join the button-downers. And as it happens, I have a slot that has just opened up because my brother-in-law, Tim, has been fired because all this old news. And I've got a Wing Commander as a button-downer. He could be in charge of all the button-downers. I can't believe you have actually missed the most exciting bit about the letter, which I thought would have appealed to you most of all. Did you see the date? He wrote the date of when he wrote the letter at the top. Oh, yes. I did. He's written it from the future. 10th of February, 2027. He's a future man coming back. And the great thing is, is that I'm obviously still part of the show
Starting point is 01:08:26 in 2027, guys. I haven't been kicked off by them, which is great. Or did he not have the heart to mention that you were kicked off the show in 2021? And Leon, just before you get kicked off the show later in 2021, can I be a button-downer, just because I feel bad about how you were sort of kicked off the show so unceremoniously? But you know your big theory about aliens in the future, the aliens that come back are us in the future that have evolved and so on. Did you think it would be as soon as six years from now that that would have happened? Because I've always pictured thousands of years in your theory. 2027 is where that happens.
Starting point is 01:09:08 But just because he wrote this in 2027 doesn't mean that he's not from thousands of years in the future and has been traveling back and forth all through different time zones. That's a good point. But yeah, what a great way to finish. A big shout out to Marcus Stowe, a wonderful letter that actually gave us so much oomph to get back on the seats and give the joy and really just the mental health that people need at this time in the world. And I'm proud to be part of this team and to be back in the seats of the cryptid factor and making everyone have a good time and forget about anything bad that's going on. So there we have it.
Starting point is 01:09:48 And just finally guys, before we go, just one quick rousing chorus of Happy Birthday to Buttons. By the way, your cadence is so off there. It's worse than your countdowns. Everyone knows how the song goes. I mean, let me just do it. Happy Birthday to Buttons. No, don't you sing. You're all off again. Just receive it. Happy Birthday to Buttons. Happy Birthday to Buttons. Happy Birthday to Buttons. Dad's not even doing it.
Starting point is 01:10:28 But no, because we're out of sync anyway. Because we've got the delay. We've got the 11 seconds of horror. Okay, it's like a really bad Mars landing. The best thing about this is Buttons is sitting in his own office there with all his employees around. I can see its glass windows and to all of them, it's just a man sitting in the room with his own little birthday cake singing Happy Birthday to himself. That's so true. I didn't even realise that. They can all hear me and I'm quite loud as you can. Oh my God. All right, we're going to leave it there. Thanks everyone for getting back into us.
Starting point is 01:11:12 We have enjoyed this thoroughly. Sorry it's been a whole bunch of, maybe almost too much. But I think you'll find with the editing, it won't change at all. So we'll see you all again next week on The Cryptid Factor. Bye. Well, that was the worst thing I've ever heard in my life, you three. Thanks, Grandad. Take me back to the rest town.

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