The Cryptid Factor - 58: #058 The Pitakinesis Issue

Episode Date: March 6, 2021

This week there's the usual stolen Alligator heads and space news... but the REAL highlight in this issue - Rhys brings back the long lost art of Pitakinesis with an actual live on-air *science* exper...iment!! Also, with Tasmanian Tiger photos jamming up the internet, we actual get to discussing actual Cryptozoology on a show about Cryptids! Will the wonders actual ever cease?

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The Cryptid Factor, with Rhys Darby and Dan Schreiber. Well, cover me and spray tan and catapult me onto a luxury yacht during the Cold War. We're back! It's episode 2, season 16, 2021. Are we definitely season 16? I feel like we've regressed a few seasons. Weren't we a higher season before? Who knows? That's the best guess. I think, no, you're right. We were season 15. Well done. Well, that's just based on what we were last time, but I think, you know, we have skipped a few seasons, but also maybe some seasons were quite short. Hey, the most exciting part is, though, it's only been a week since the last episode. We're back to regular, guys.
Starting point is 00:01:28 Oh, my God, we are. We've suddenly realized how important this podcast is to the world. That and the fact that we've got nothing else going on. I was trying to make it like we were taking it seriously now. Yeah, we do. We do and, you know, and it's important and we know that. And so we are going to endeavor, you know, just to pinch the name of an awesome ship to make everyone's life that much happier by being regular, like a good dose of prunes. Can we have that as a t-shirt? Crypton Factor, just like a good dose of prunes. It's so many t-shirt ideas. I want these t-shirts.
Starting point is 00:02:16 Last week, I wanted that t-shirt of that ridiculous website name that you had, Dan. That's right. Yeah, the website URL. I just wanted that as a t-shirt. I mean, please make someone out there should be making these. Yeah. Well, we should be. Come on, fans. Let's do a red bubble. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:34 Hey, can we point out the fact that last week's episode, we got through the entire hour and a bit worth of podcast and didn't once mention any cryptids. Yeah. And one of the most famous cryptid shows that a podcast world has ever seen. And the weird thing is that none of us even really noticed that we didn't get to crypto buzzer. It's just a talk for two hours. We ran out of time. We did. And I'd like to apologize to the listeners about that.
Starting point is 00:03:07 I know there's definitely a few cryptologist enthusiasts that definitely must listen who are like, when? Why? What's happened to this ridiculous show? Well, I'd like to tell you right now, this week, of course, the huge news is the thylacine fiasco, as I like to call it. So that's all coming up encrypted buzz later in the show. We'll talk about these, yeah, these thylacine pictures that have come out, the Tasmanian tiger, if you want to call it that. Is it back? Find out later in the show. For those of you that are big enthusiasts, you already know.
Starting point is 00:03:44 But those of you that might not know, this could be very interesting indeed. It's exciting news. It's exciting. Yeah. Well, I don't know this news. So I'm, I'm excited even by the little tease that's been given here. So I'm going to stay tuned in. Very grateful.
Starting point is 00:04:02 Good. Yeah. All right. Well, let's crack into the WWWN. Weekly World Weird News. Crazy. Freaky. Watch out.
Starting point is 00:04:13 Okay. So what do we got? Well, headlines. Let's do it. Alrighty. Okay. I've got two headlines. You can have one, which is definitely news from this year.
Starting point is 00:04:25 Yeah. Or you can have a headline, which has resurfaced this year, but is actually from a newspaper article from the 1980s about a story from the 1970s. Oh, wow. That's a triple adjust. Okay. That's, that's, that sounds, I've got to be honest with you. I mean, that sounds more intriguing.
Starting point is 00:04:48 I want to see why that's come back for the third time. Yeah. Same. I'm voting for that one. Yeah, I vote that one too. Okay. Shall I give you that? Okay.
Starting point is 00:04:58 I'll give you that now. This is resurfaced just on a fantastic website called where they uncover amazing stories that we've lost. The headline is Chinese children found to be reading with their armpits. What? Telekinesis with the armpits. Not quite telekinesis, but you know what I mean. Mind reading, armpit reading.
Starting point is 00:05:20 Not pitikinesis. Pitikinesis. Pitikinesis. No. That's back. I haven't heard about that since the 70s and then it read its ugly hairy head in the 80s and now it's returned. Holy shit.
Starting point is 00:05:35 This is the reason people started shaving their armpits to stop it. To stop it or to be able to read clearer because all the hairs were getting in the way. No, the hairs are like tentacles. The hairs come down and they grab the kinesis and suck it through. Right. Also, the hairs do the reading. Yeah, their membranes. Your armpit hairs connect directly to your mind and your brain.
Starting point is 00:06:03 They come right up through your shoulder muscles and then through up your throat and into your brain. Those are like little wires. I keep mine at a decent length. Very wise. Very wise. How much reading do you do through your armpits, by the way? Well, the thing is when you, that's why you see athletes and stuff, when they've done
Starting point is 00:06:27 a roboly poly, they put their arms in the air. That's them really gaining as much pitikinesis as they can from the crowds. They want to hear what the spectators are saying and what people are yahooing. Because they can't hear with their ears. The ears at that point become dysfunctional because they've got so much euphoria and they hear their heads full of blood from their roboly poly. And so they hear through their pits. I thought everyone knew this.
Starting point is 00:06:55 I didn't know roboly poly was a Olympic move. Up next from New Zealand, we've got a young guy doing the roboly poly. He's doing two small jumps in a roboly poly. Let's see how he goes. Wow, that was amazing. Look at that. Wow. If ever I've seen it.
Starting point is 00:07:21 Oh, we've got a guy here who's doing, he's doing, he's got 200 roboly polys. Oh, we're going to cross live to him now. He's on a hill and he's just jumped out of his car. Oh, he's done it. He's doing it. He's urinating. It looks like he's finished doing that. And now he's pulled his pants up and he's leapt.
Starting point is 00:07:42 Oh, look at that. 20, 25. 50. Oh, he's hit a rock. He snapped in two. He won't be happy with that. And only, let's have a look. Yep, 74 roboly polys, unfortunate.
Starting point is 00:08:01 What a shame. I'm just glad he got to relieve himself that one last time. Sorry, I have diverted everyone really horrifically here in the middle of Dan's news title. So let's move on. What's your headline buttons? Well, my one, I've got a space update, which I thought I'd cover off very quickly. Do you want me to give you the... Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
Starting point is 00:08:31 What's this? Space update. What the hell is that? That's a two different section. Wow. Well, maybe it is. Maybe it is. The World Weird News.
Starting point is 00:08:40 Well, okay. Okay, but this is... Just quick space updates. Quick space updates. Okay. Well, shall we save that for the quick space update section? No, I like that. I think I know what you're talking about.
Starting point is 00:08:56 You giving us some more info about the Mars landing and things like that. Yes. Yeah, that's good. That's good. Okay. Well, there's Perseverance updates after our slaying of the coverage that we didn't watch last week of the landing of Perseverance on Mars. We've got some updates on that and a bit of an apology.
Starting point is 00:09:16 Okay. Okay. Well, that's cool. I'm excited about that. Let's go into my one then. So my headline, more in line with weekly World Weird News, what we're supposed to be doing. Sorry about that. 80 Alligator Heads Seized in a Police Raid on a House in Birmingham.
Starting point is 00:09:34 80. Whoa. Alligator Heads. 80. What's somebody doing with 80 Alligator Heads in Birmingham? I know. Birmingham, UK? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:44 Let's go into it now. I'll go into it and then we'll go to you, Dan. So this joint investigation involved officers from the National Wildlife Crime Unit, which is such a cool crime unit, National Wildlife Crime Unit. I love that. And if I was in the crime unit business, I'd definitely go for that because I love wildlife and cracking down on anyone who is doing stuff with animals inappropriately, I think, is high on my hit list, especially in this day and age.
Starting point is 00:10:20 I mean, the fact that this guy had 80 Alligator Heads, and I've got a picture here. You can't see that. Oh, here we go. Whoa. Yeah, I can see those. One awesome piece of artwork that would make on the wall. Are they real? Those are real heads.
Starting point is 00:10:37 Yeah, those are real Alligator Heads. Wow. And so just with that comment buttons, you can see why people are interested in buying Alligator Heads. Without thinking how wrong it actually is. Oh, it's very wrong. I wouldn't buy that artwork, but if you were something like a drug lord or a bond villain and you needed a piece of artwork, you would have that on the wall.
Starting point is 00:11:04 Absolutely. So we received information that the heads were being imported from abroad illegally and sold on through eBay to buyers all around the world at a large profit to the seller. So buyers would be just buying an individual Alligator Head just for their house or whatever. It's fascinating to know that in this day and age, that kind of stuff is still going on. People still think it's absolutely fine to have animal heads and stuff in their houses. And I understand, you know, the large game hunting people, that's what they're into or whatever, but it's just morally, in my opinion, a really, really poor, poor judgment and distasteful.
Starting point is 00:11:48 The warrant was conducted under the control of trade of endangered species act and a 44 year old man has been voluntarily interviewed. So he volunteered to be interviewed. If you're cracking down on this, you can interview me about it. Why is that? Well, I'm the guy to interview me if you want. I mean, I've got them in my house. I've got all 80 of them.
Starting point is 00:12:12 All 80 of the heads are in the lounge there. So you're willing to do an interview about it? Yeah, absolutely. Just to be on TV, will it? Yeah, be on TV and on the police TV as well. Oh, great. Yeah, like the cops. Big fan.
Starting point is 00:12:27 Okay. What show is this going to be on? It'll be on the news. Oh, brilliant. Awesome. Okay. So yeah, my name is... Well, just don't give your name just yet, mate.
Starting point is 00:12:38 Well, here's all the heads. Check them out. Look, 80 of them. Yeah, selling them for heaps. I've made a mint. Okay. You feel okay about doing that? Oh, yeah, real laugh.
Starting point is 00:12:49 I mean, these alligators, they were just going to kill people, weren't they? Well, no. They're actual animals. They live their life. Just be honest. Pretty ferocious, aren't they? Well, not those ones. They're dead, aren't they?
Starting point is 00:13:02 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Look, try one on. Please put that down. Put it back on the bed, please. Oh, I'm an alligator. Can you just... Look, we're not even filming yet. Just put it down.
Starting point is 00:13:14 God, this guy. And who are you selling these alligator heads to, sir? Okay. Oh, anyone who wants one? Yeah. I mean, there's the Alligator Head Club down on Cornwall. They're very keen. Oh, there's a...
Starting point is 00:13:31 Yeah, there's a bald guy called Blofeld. He's... He lives on an island in the Caribbean. Wow. Where does he get them from? Did they say where those alligators were? No. Maybe they had died of natural causes.
Starting point is 00:13:50 I can tell, really, though. Can you when it's missing the rest of its body? Well, that's the moral issue, isn't it? When things die, when animals do die, is it then okay to, you know, use the remains and display them? You know, where's the line? It's still done, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:14:06 I always think about that when I see Taxidermy. Exactly, Taxidermy. And you do walk into... In the UK, particularly, gentlemen's clubs where, you know, there's a giant bear head or whatever on the wall. Yeah. But I would argue that that stuff
Starting point is 00:14:24 is really being kind of phased out now. You won't find many gentlemen's clubs. Not that half full of strippers. And secondly... Not like that. Not that kind of gentlemen's club. I might welcome you to the club or if I've got something for you.
Starting point is 00:14:45 You can either have a dance with Sherry come through here, have a glass of Sherry, and look at this giant bear, which died of natural causes and is behind the Perspex glass. Or any one of these 80 alligator heads. Oh. Well, it's just going to be on TV or...?
Starting point is 00:15:09 Absolutely. You want to tell me? Absolutely. Okay, well, I'll have a dance with Sherry if you don't mind. And perhaps a photo with one of your lunch. Hominids. You don't get carried away, mate. All right, let's move on. Shall we do my story? Yes, please.
Starting point is 00:15:30 Okay, so I was sent this in by someone on Twitter who was called Comrade Sorrow. And so this is a story that in the 1970s there were Chinese researchers that were investigating all of these reports talking about children
Starting point is 00:15:49 who had an unusual ability, and that is they could read what was written on folded pieces of paper once they were placed under their armpits. So you would write something, fold the paper, put it under the armpit, and these children would be like, oh, it's a great story,
Starting point is 00:16:07 and they would tell you what they just read with their armpit. There's a newspaper article that was published in the Edmonton Journal on the 15th of February, 1980, and this is the sort of details that I'll give from it. So reports of children
Starting point is 00:16:23 who can see objects hidden in boxes and identify colors with their ears, noses, armpits, and stomachs have aroused interest in extrasensory perception in China. It's said a scientific meeting was recently held in Shanghai to investigate 14 unusual children
Starting point is 00:16:39 who had the ability to sense colors and read single-printed Chinese characters without using their eyes. The children were able to identify the color of paper hidden from them in envelopes or boxes by sniffing at the containers or by placing them under their arms or next to their ears.
Starting point is 00:16:55 They also boasted a high success rate identifying Chinese ideographs written on pieces of paper that were also concealed. The article discussed the ability of two sisters from Peking, Wang Bing and Wang Qian
Starting point is 00:17:11 to identify Chinese letters written on paper by tucking the paper under their armpits. When one sister sensed a character by armpit reading, the other had only to touch her to discover what the paper said. Wow.
Starting point is 00:17:27 So not even armpit reading, just someone's read it with their armpit, the others touched them, and then they passed on the knowledge. Yes. That's amazing. Nature magazine said the Wang sisters shared one common disability, poor eyesight.
Starting point is 00:17:47 An older sister and younger brother read only with their eyes. It's... Wow. Like, I can read this, but I can only do it with my eyes. Am I right? Will I still be able to... Yep, you come through, come through. So, yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:03 So this is the story, and this was investigated in China in the 1970s, and it was sort of looked into by Nature magazine, which Nature in sort of the West, in the British nature, that's quite a big deal.
Starting point is 00:18:19 This is Chinese Nature magazine. I don't know what that's like, so I can't speak for how heavy the science is in it, but yeah, just weird idea. That's really cool. It's really out there.
Starting point is 00:18:35 Is there anything to do with the touching of the skin, or is it just pure telekinesis? And the fact that they could have read that anyway, it's just that it was the process of putting it under there, made them engage their telekinesis abilities because it was
Starting point is 00:18:51 like an action. What is telekinesis when it comes to that? You can't read stuff. It's reading through the mind of other people's mind. I thought that's what it was. You can't read a closed book. Are they reading the mind of the person who wrote it
Starting point is 00:19:07 in the first place, and is that action of putting it under there just actually engaging them to read? Because I bought this wonderful book. No, I think before you rattle off on some book you were given buttons, I think it's definitely got something
Starting point is 00:19:23 to do with the pit, because this is where the energy goes. They wouldn't have just go okay, can you read this bit of paper? Yes, I can read it without looking at it. Okay, can you chuck it under your pit please? Yep, it's under there. How do you feel about it now? I can read it quite clearly
Starting point is 00:19:39 now actually, yeah. I think it's got to be something to do with the high level of energy that's connected to their upper torso and the head. You know, there's only one thing that we can do with this information now.
Starting point is 00:19:55 Yeah, test it out. Do a test. Okay. Because we're on Zoom, we can't obviously do it with each other. I've got a piece of paper here. I'm going to write something down and I'm going to put it under my armpit.
Starting point is 00:20:11 I'm going to put it under my armpit and I'm going to see if you guys can read what it says. I don't think that's how it's supposed to work. We can try that. But also, I'm not going to know what is written on it
Starting point is 00:20:27 either. Right, because I'm going to change the experiment slightly and choose a piece of paper that I don't know what's written on. Oh, there you go. That's a better idea. Okay, so let me just grab
Starting point is 00:20:43 a piece of paper. This is very exciting. This is live science, guys. This is us creating history. If we prove this right, then this changes everything about Peter Kinesis. And just think about all the books that are going to be re-authored
Starting point is 00:21:01 into like we little small Peter Kinesis volumes. Yes, Harry Peter. You can have fun retitling them all. Warren Pitts. I've got an old magazine and I'm going to flick through.
Starting point is 00:21:19 Okay, I'm flicking through now visually for those who are watching. Don't close your eyes. Close your eyes. Your eyes are open. And I'm flicking through. I'm just going to find a random page. Okay. Found a random page.
Starting point is 00:21:35 And I'm going to put it under the armpit. I'll put it right underneath the t-shirt, you know, to get the fall. It's gone right up there. Right up there now. Okay. Now, I'm just going to have a real think about what might be
Starting point is 00:21:51 on that page and see if I can use Peter Kinesis to... Do you want to do it straight away or do you want to just let it sit there for the rest of the show? Well, I'll have a go. I'll have a go straight away and I'll write some words down that I think might be in there.
Starting point is 00:22:07 And then I'll leave it on there for the rest of the show as well. And at the end, I'll have another go and see if more has soaked in. Okay. All right. So here's my first attempt of what could be on this page. Something's coming...
Starting point is 00:22:23 Something's coming through. Something's coming through. I'm going to write down what... Writing down what's coming through. He's actually getting into this, but he's really, really... Yeah, yeah. Eyes are closed. Do you know all I've got in my head right now
Starting point is 00:22:39 is an image of your tentacly little armpit hairs reaching out and reading the paper? Oh, yeah. Is it ticklish? Is it ticklish? That's interesting. Oh, I've read this article.
Starting point is 00:22:55 It's an ad for roll on deodorant. And I'm finishing... I'm going to do a little picture too, I think, because there's going to be pictures. I've got an image coming through. I don't know why that suddenly appeared in my head, but I've got... Yeah, just a...
Starting point is 00:23:11 Oh, wow. All right. Well, I've finished that experiment. So if you want, we can wait till the end and check that out. Yeah, definitely. If you want to do that. Yeah, do you want to wait till the end? Okay, cool.
Starting point is 00:23:27 All right. Now, you know what I'm hanking for? I'm holding out for some space updates. Are you? Space updates. Well, today is your lucky day, because I have space updates. Woohoo! Ladies and gentlemen, I'm sensing a new segment. It's now time for
Starting point is 00:23:43 Space Updates. Updates. Updates. As we covered off last week, none of us watched Perseverance Rover landing on Mars. But as it happens, our predictions were correct. There was no live footage from another Rover watching
Starting point is 00:23:59 the movie. There was no live footage from another Rover watching the other thing, which is kind of expected because, of course, they're not going to land another Rover in the same place as the other Rover. That doesn't make any sense whatsoever. But
Starting point is 00:24:15 outside of them doing some 3D graphics and some great, quite tense commentary about where the Rover was in the seven minutes of Tera, they've now released video that has been uploaded from the Rover of it
Starting point is 00:24:31 landing, which is unbelievable. Have you guys seen it? No. Okay, I'm going to show you a screen. Can you see that? Yes. Okay, so first of all, the video quality is just astounding. That looks incredible, yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:47 And then, like, first of all, you get to see the parachute deploying, which in, like, the video quality is incredible. And imagine this is happening on Mars. It's on an alien planet. It is. Yeah. And completely autonomous.
Starting point is 00:25:03 Look at that. Probably what is the most exciting part, though, is when the Rover starts to come and starts preparing to land. Now, for those that listened to the NASA landing audio, they started using
Starting point is 00:25:19 this term called Sky Crane. Did either of you realize what that was? No. That was the spacecraft coming down and stopping and hovering above the surface and becoming a Sky Crane. And the Rover was lowered by cables
Starting point is 00:25:35 down to the ground. They've got all the video of that. Watch this here. Wow. That's extraordinary. It's incredible what they did. And so you see there. It's like bungee jumping. Yeah. You've got to go watch this because you suddenly realize why they're jumping around and happy.
Starting point is 00:25:51 And there's the whole, everyone in the control hour and now their arms and the ear getting so much pitoconesis. Can you see? You might want to go back and have another look at that. Let's have a look at this bit. Mess pitoconesis. Look at that. Oh, yes. Oh, shearing information.
Starting point is 00:26:07 They're getting information. They're getting vibes from everyone around the world. All the thoughts of people. And that's amazing. Yeah. Yeah. Amazing. Can I quickly jump in just to say we said that everyone was there jumping around and being happy
Starting point is 00:26:23 for what was going on. But actually not everyone was there because news just came out that one of the people who's running perseverance on the red planet, getting it to drill, find all the spots, couldn't be at JPL, which is where that was.
Starting point is 00:26:39 Yeah. He's stuck in south London in a one bedroom apartment above a hairdresser's. No. What? Driving the river? Yeah. His name's Sanjeev Gupta. Yeah. And if you walk, which I very much could because I live in south
Starting point is 00:26:55 London, so he's not far from me. If I walk the high street, I can see the exact room where the bars perseverance rover is being directed from. That's amazing. Yeah. He's just sitting there. He's got five computers. He's talking to the Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Starting point is 00:27:11 who are over in California as we just saw in the video. Yeah. And yeah, he's sort of directing it. But on this bizarre high street, which if you've ever been to Lewisham, it's just like, you know, it's crowded. It's busy. There's London buses passing,
Starting point is 00:27:27 you know, noise everywhere. And he's driving a little little rover on an alien planet. Yeah. That is incredible. Okay. And guys, loving all this, let's now talk about an animal that did
Starting point is 00:27:43 get off the planet. I think maybe 80 years ago, the thylacine, which could be back. That's right, folks. It is now time for Cryptid Buzzo. First time in 2021. Attention, all personnel,
Starting point is 00:27:59 it's time for this week's Cryptid Buzzo. Help me. What happens in this section? I don't remember. So this is all about cryptozoology. It's the point of the show. That's new. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:15 And I wanted to chat about what's really been the hot cryptid topic in the last week or so, which is these thylacines. So it sort of came up, came to our attention through Twitter and whatnot, you know, which is great with the fans
Starting point is 00:28:31 because if there's anything cryptid that's exciting, they do let us know and sometimes before we get the chance to find out ourselves. So this bloke Neil Waters from the Thylacine Awareness Group of Australia. He jumped on
Starting point is 00:28:47 YouTube and got all the cryptozoologists and the planet excited with a video of which I will play a little bit of now so we can have a look at it. Me coming to you live from northeast Tassie in some little town.
Starting point is 00:29:03 Last 10 days, I've probably been acting a bit weird. That's because when I was checking the SD cards I found some photos that were pretty damn good.
Starting point is 00:29:19 I know what they are. I can tell you there's three animals. We believe that first image is the mum. We know the second image is the baby because it's so tiny. And the third image is the dad.
Starting point is 00:29:35 So this was the initial video that I was going to say in the video that he's waiting on Nick Mooney who is the curator of vertebrae zoology at the Tasmanian Museum to verify the images.
Starting point is 00:29:51 He wasn't going to put the images up either till the 1st of March which was yesterday. And so everyone got excited and then unfortunately this came out. Social media users around the world have been sent into a frenzy in Northern Tasmania.
Starting point is 00:30:07 But the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery's resident expert Nick Mooney has reviewed the photos and concluded the animals are most likely pattymelons. Does anyone know what they are? They sound delicious whatever they are. So here's an image
Starting point is 00:30:23 of what a pattymelon is. It's a little it's like a tiny wallaby rat type thing. Marsupial no doubt. It's like Australian. I had never heard of them. So this is what he thinks they are. Very cute little pattymelons.
Starting point is 00:30:39 Yeah, I mean I know a lot of animals. I'm really into them. Did not know this one existed. How cute these things are. So that's what this Nick Mooney guy thinks that they are. So we do have the images here
Starting point is 00:30:55 and there's another video here which I'll play this one. And look at this. Again we have an interesting shot. Yeah sure, that's a pattymelon. Is it? Have another good look at it. There are some very telltale signs here that this is everything but a pattymelon.
Starting point is 00:31:11 For starters, the way the tail sits as it's lifting itself up kangaroos use their or macropods use their tail to counterbalance as they propel themselves off their feet. Look at these feet by the way too. Rather broad rather broad and I'm counting
Starting point is 00:31:27 one, two, three and probably four over here toe pads with claws in an alignment like the rear foot of a thylacine. Another good point too there's those shiny hocks thylacines have short feet they do not have long feet
Starting point is 00:31:43 like a wallaby and grew their feet are short that's why they're called hocks rather broad head for a pattymelon must be the boofiest headed pattymelon around like I said in my original video
Starting point is 00:31:59 and the father actually a little bit ambiguous they're not giving away many secrets but why the hell would a baby thylacine which I'm absolutely confident that this animal is be following a pattymelon and being followed by a pattymelon
Starting point is 00:32:15 questions do arise out of this bizarre revelation now I want the t-shirt why the hell would a baby thylacine be followed around by two pattymelons pattymelons that's a brilliant children's book
Starting point is 00:32:33 the thylacine and the two pattymelons I would read that to my kids that sounds great for a lot of the world probably most of the world some of these words are new to them thylacines pattymelons what are you talking about it sounds
Starting point is 00:32:49 fictional it sounds fun it's great but it's great beautiful cryptozoology that's what I love about all this because the images are blurry of course and they're trying to make out what they can see from it they're getting reports from the scientific community
Starting point is 00:33:05 that it's not what they think it is but they're insisting it is as cryptozoologists do so it's always us against them and it's people trying to keep their jobs by saying if I tell you that this is a thylacine then it is because I'm at this high ranking at the museum
Starting point is 00:33:21 that means that we now need to start the process of recategorizing these as critically endangered as opposed to extinct you know and it's a huge call to do that I'm not willing to do that not off this evidence that's put forth towards me
Starting point is 00:33:37 which is just these images you know but it is it is the start of something and it keeps the myth alive and which is what keeps Nessie alive as well as the reports once or twice a year something that's really close to being something that you can believe in
Starting point is 00:33:53 you know and that's what cryptozoology is all about and so I love this. Do you think with this guy so he's the president of the Phylacine awareness group of Australia is it a hit to him when he releases a video like this and then it gets said not to be a thing or does he just
Starting point is 00:34:09 get what I'm thinking is like you know in cricket when they think they've got a stump and everyone goes and then the umpire shakes his head like that and they all go okay and just get back to it you know like I was I was wondering did they think
Starting point is 00:34:25 it was really out or were they trying to convince the guy that it was out by all getting so excited is it the same in this case is it kind of like oh okay I just get back to it then or is he like no I'm gonna hang on to this footage now for the rest of my tenure as president to prove this particular
Starting point is 00:34:41 footage. Yeah in my opinion it is the letter it is why you see uh Nessie pictures uh Sasquatch pictures uh continuing to have life after they're taken for many many years people keep bringing them up
Starting point is 00:34:57 what about this one what about this one and they end up on these YouTube channels where 10 best photographic evidence of this thing still existing so that's why you know he hasn't just gone oh this this is near enough let's chuck it out there they've gone you know Neil has spent a lot of time analyzing
Starting point is 00:35:13 analyzing talking to so many experts you know to make sure that he's got a lot of people in agreeance with him before releasing this because he doesn't want to just release something where people just laugh at it and go no way you may try again because that just credits
Starting point is 00:35:29 him and his entire awareness group and so there's been a lot of thought put into it and I think he was probably in his initial video he said we'll either get the yay or the nay from this guy and even if we get the rejection we still
Starting point is 00:35:45 we still believe ourselves that we go forward with it and that's what he said after releasing his photos um and I think he must have thought is most likely knowing the world and the way it runs probably going to get the naysayers overtaking the um believers
Starting point is 00:36:01 but still you pursue you that's what cryptozoologists do and so I think it's good can I quickly ask about where you happen to be paused on the shot here where there's clearly an Aladdin's genie lamp sitting in the middle of his tent
Starting point is 00:36:17 um well as a cryptozoologist you always take a genie lamp with you because you get three wishes and so you don't capture what you think you're out to get you've got a couple of wishes the first wish is that you
Starting point is 00:36:33 uh get to see it and the second wish is that the photograph won't be blurry and the third one is that uh your image no matter how bad it is is going to be then in the folklore in the lore of cryptozoology forever and be
Starting point is 00:36:49 brought up every every so so many years as proof very very light proof that there's a possibility he certainly got his wish for context around the thylacine or the Tasmanian tiger
Starting point is 00:37:05 uh it's again one of those cryptozoologists for those that don't know I'm sure most people do know about it but it was alive and there was an example in the Tasmanian zoo up until 1934
Starting point is 00:37:21 and then it that one that was in captivity died and at that point they decided it was extinct but it's interesting to say the Australian Rare Fauna Research Association has collated over
Starting point is 00:37:37 5,000 sightings of the Tasmanian tiger since 1936 the fact that people are trying to prove this guy wrong and say no it definitely isn't there it's definitely not a thylacine
Starting point is 00:37:53 I mean to be quite frank the pictures are so blurry and so hard you can't really tell when he had pictures a week ago and said he's going to release them I don't know about you guys but I was expecting clear pictures of an animal
Starting point is 00:38:09 that you could see the shape of an animal these pictures are definitely of an animal but they are so blurry and they try to analyse and analyse like they've done with many Sasquatch ones where they draw around the figure and they try to show you the parts that you can't see
Starting point is 00:38:25 and which really does help I think what this will do is we'll have a lot more interest and that's a good thing and maybe there will be a lot more cameras out there people caring about this thing that could be possibly still alive
Starting point is 00:38:41 so the hunt, the mystery goes on it's all good for cryptozoology it's all good for us and just to close on this piece here's a little bit that he says with all due respect I disagree with Nick Mooney's opinion and that's fine that's perfectly okay
Starting point is 00:38:57 I have as many opinions as I can because his is only one opinion brilliant well said Mr Mooney absolutely so hats off to him go Nick and thank you for giving us a great cryptozoological
Starting point is 00:39:13 fine not quite the closure that we wanted but look my only advice from this point onwards is don't go to Nick Mooney we'll grab another guy that might say yes to these and look if this is a few photos
Starting point is 00:39:29 there's going to be a hell of a lot more so very exciting to see what's going to come in the months ahead with more trail cams situated in Tasmania well said can I throw quickly
Starting point is 00:39:45 just want to throw in a quick fact about the final thylacine ever caught on camera and that was in 1933 it was in Hobart Zoo and it was a thylacine called Benjamin and Benjamin
Starting point is 00:40:01 was the last to be captured on camera and also bit the bum of the photographer who was taking his photo that's great so while filming him the cameraman was bitten on the bottom by Benjamin the last ever thylacine
Starting point is 00:40:17 wow well that's what they say if you ever going to photograph the last living species of anything I'm warning you now it's going to end up biting you on the arse okay well there's only one thing left to do in this show folks and that is get the results from
Starting point is 00:40:35 my so here we go let's do that because I'm getting the bums rush from the wife to move on and do some other projects today so let's have a look okay so
Starting point is 00:40:53 I will show you what I wrote okay we can't say out loud but we can verify independently so this is they then came through spinchers takeover spinsters
Starting point is 00:41:11 no it's Spanish so I've put then they came through Spanish and this takeover for some reason Spanish takeover and I did a little picture of a man with a tie on
Starting point is 00:41:27 that is a key man with a tie on and to show you the magazine has been up there the whole time there you go I'm now pulling it down it's not the best for where it is it has gone a little soggy
Starting point is 00:41:45 not too much not too bad though okay so the page was Fiber's Optics Fruit, Veggies, Whole Grains and Lejeune are the stuff of dietary goodness there are a lot of words there to be fair
Starting point is 00:42:05 and I'm sure that then there they Spanish takeover will be written in there somewhere just going to have a quick scan well before you have a can I also point out to everybody I don't know about anybody else's assumptions
Starting point is 00:42:21 in yours Dan but my assumption was that you ripped off a small piece of paper and put it under Reese put the entire magazine under his arm oh yeah that might have been a bit much you could have been reading the entire magazine
Starting point is 00:42:37 that could have been a bit much I can almost guarantee all of those words will be in that magazine somewhere so there is we can probably confirm that it did work in a roundabout kind of a way that's what we forgot to mention the Chinese experiment
Starting point is 00:42:57 they were carrying a Chinese dictionary under their armpits oh my god he got it he got it it is in this book I'm just scanning through the entire magazine now there's nothing here there's no Spanish takeovers what is the magazine out of interest
Starting point is 00:43:15 it's the New Zealand listener so it's basically a TV guide with a few articles I tell you what though I just turned the next page and Putin a Russian spy story
Starting point is 00:43:31 there he is there and I'll put up my picture here oh my goodness you drew Putin it is they are almost identical look at that likeness
Starting point is 00:43:47 that is we should submit this evidence to Paul Mooney and get him to verify that you're a scientific experiment and do you know what I can see in your picture Rees you've made a mistake because you saw a line going down and you thought that can't
Starting point is 00:44:03 be a line through someone's head not as a tie but actually in Putin's head you've just you've confused it you got all the information that line should be going through the head not as a tie yeah because it's two putans
Starting point is 00:44:19 wow well I've done it guys we should encourage our listeners to try this experiment at home particularly great lockdown experiment right get somebody else in your house to write something down a piece of paper try out your pedicanesis abilities some of you out there may be incredibly
Starting point is 00:44:35 pedicanesis strong and we'll be able to use you as an example so please do let us know how that goes yeah maybe don't use the whole magazine I think that was where I went wrong there I'll spend the whole week going through that and just make sure those words are in there but I think I definitely got the picture
Starting point is 00:44:51 I can't believe you did the whole podcast with a magazine wedged up your arm that must have been incredibly uncomfortable it's weird because as we're talking away and going on with the podcast I kept getting these ideas for words and weird yeah
Starting point is 00:45:07 so I'm thinking now it might be a good use for you Buttons for the next podcast if you put a couple of encyclopedia Britannicas under your armpits you might be quite intelligent like I think this could be a way of you sort of absorbing knowledge
Starting point is 00:45:23 that you clearly don't have food for thought I'll do anything to fix my knowledge discrepancies is that a word? discrepancies deficiencies you need a
Starting point is 00:45:39 a thesaurus a dictionary of the others and maybe sit on an atlas and we'll see how we go from there okay well that's all we got time for this week folks thank you so much for listening hopefully
Starting point is 00:45:55 we'll be back next week same time same same threesome more interesting weirdness let's keep it regular don't forget what's our new phrase like a bag of prunes alright
Starting point is 00:46:11 see you guys next week okay bye everyone bye thanks for watching

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