The Cryptid Factor - 68: #068 The Come Back Special - Bumper Issue

Episode Date: September 15, 2021

An incredible 'Schreiber Unveil' was meant to see this episode be all about the phenom of ‘Past Life Experiences’, but as per usual, we just couldn't stay on task - so now this episode also the art of 'No Blink' and 'Light Cry' acting, Coast Guards with hamster wheel problems, and experts who will never reply to Buttons ever again. Oh, and some zombie fish and stolen penises thrown in for good measure. Enjoy the extra 30mins it took to get that all in!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The Cryptid Factor, with Rhys Darby and Dan Shriver. And we are back! Yes! Yes! Before anything else is said, I just need to say how excited I am. I have been waiting like a little kid at Christmas for this episode. It's so exciting! I can see it. I can see it in your face. Oh my God! There is nothing else I want to talk about, apart from Dan Shriver and his three-year-old child, Will, having a past life experience!
Starting point is 00:01:19 Headline Newsmakers! Wait! Wait, guys! Before we go into that, I want to say not only welcome back to the listeners, but also this particular episode is a special edition. It is, in fact, the comeback special. In more ways than one. Because we are back! Yeah, that's good! And as humans, the theory is that we do come back. And we've got some astonishing news on that front from the one and only Dan Shriver.
Starting point is 00:01:54 So let's kick into it. This episode will be a little different, because we're really going to dive into the past lives scenario. So yeah, exciting stuff. Very exciting stuff. Before we dive into the past life theory and all that it intos and fingers. And tails! I think we should dive into some weekly World Weird News
Starting point is 00:02:26 and then progress into a more in-depth discussion on past lives. So it's going to be very exciting. I know that Buttons is very well read on the subject, and he even made me watch a doco on it, which was astonishing. So that will all be unveiled. I think I'm just making up words today. I mean, no! Unveiled's good! Unveiled's a word?
Starting point is 00:02:49 Is it? Yeah, you wouldn't usually use it in the context you did just then. It still worked, but that's why it felt odd. You sort of, you introduced it in a place where it almost didn't belong, but it still did. Okay, well, that's normal for me. So that was actually great. That was totally expected. Yeah, yeah. Okay, let's do our world famous segment and then we'll go from there. Okay.
Starting point is 00:03:13 Welcome back everyone! Weekly World Weird News. Crazy, freaky, watch out. Okay, headlines. I've obviously got a headline, which is to do with what we're going to be talking about, so can I just chuck in a very quick one? Yeah, okay. This is just a slightly weirdish story.
Starting point is 00:03:29 It doesn't fully fit into our segment, but Michael Cain, the actor, has just revealed that he spent eight years trying not to blink. What? He read in an actor's book that not blinking on screen makes you a more interesting person, more mesmerizing. So he used to try in real life not to blink. So for an eight year period, he just tried as hard as he could not to do it. And it turns out if you watch any movie with Michael Cain in it,
Starting point is 00:03:59 just watch his eyes. He doesn't blink. He makes sure he doesn't blink in any scene. Yeah. That's amazing. He read it in a book called Teach Yourself Acting. That's so good. I love Michael Cain.
Starting point is 00:04:15 That's classic him. Who knew? Who knew this whole time he doesn't blink? All his characters, no matter who they are, they don't blink. That's the one thing they all share. And so you've got to ask yourself, was it worth it? Because we didn't know until now that has been revealed that he wasn't blinking. So was it a waste of time?
Starting point is 00:04:35 Yeah. Or was he so good that we just didn't realize it and we got the joy out of it without realizing it? Yeah. It's very subtle. Yeah. So apparently it's not only Michael Cain that uses this method. Anthony Hopkins didn't blink in silence of the lambs either.
Starting point is 00:04:53 Oh, wow. You know, maybe this is the secret to becoming one of the greats. Yeah. Don't blink in a movie. You become mesmerizing. There's a few actors' secrets out there, you know, that obviously aren't so secret now. Thanks, Dan.
Starting point is 00:05:06 But there's a few little reveals that you can work with to certainly have a better performance in front of the camera. Now, I know that with the, when you've got to cry and sometimes I need to cry, you don't blink then because your eyes will well up. And the other thing I do is I can stare into lights. There's always lights on a set and you just look at them and then just before action and then you turn around
Starting point is 00:05:33 and don't blink and then your eyes are bound to water over and so you can use that to your advantage if you're supposed to be crying in a scene. Wow. When did you cry? No, you cried. I haven't seen you cry in anything I've watched. Really?
Starting point is 00:05:46 It would have been the duck movie, surely. Possibly, but also in wrecked. And in the current show, there's some weeping. I normally play characters that are pretty for lawn and also a little pathetic in some ways, but they have a confidence that they shouldn't have. But there's an underlying feature that they aren't really good enough. And if you capture them in a certain moment,
Starting point is 00:06:15 you can spot me crying. It's not always on camera. I'm just talking about me. It's not a character. Oh, right, right. I got you. Mr. Derby, I noticed you're crying. You're just about to go on the scenes.
Starting point is 00:06:35 Just about, are you ready? I'm fine. You're staring into the lights there. You're just about to go on the called action, actually. I'm fine. I'm fine. Good. Good.
Starting point is 00:06:50 It's going to be funny. Do you sometimes use it as well, like when you're out shopping with Rosie and Rosie tells you that you can't have the PlayStation game that you really want. And then you look up into the lights of the store and quickly turn around and have all tears in your eyes and all sad. Yeah, sometimes if you catch me out in public
Starting point is 00:07:11 with my eyes wide open and like clearly not blinking, it's because I want to cry soon. So obviously I haven't been allowed to do something or... Have you ever been in a scene where it's a long scene, but you have to cry at the end of it? So your eyes just widen. I have. And I've used the lights in the scene to my advantage.
Starting point is 00:07:39 So I'll walk over to a lamp or something and it'll be like we'll be doing an emotional scene or it doesn't matter what it is, but I know I've got to cry at the end of it. So I'll just head over towards the lamp. And even though that's not where I'm supposed to be in the scene, the camera will follow me and they'll go, what's he going?
Starting point is 00:07:54 I'll be improving something here. And I just look at the lamp with my eyes like this. And then my line will come up and then I'll turn around and I'll start crying. She shouldn't have left me. And then no one asks, why did he go over to the lamp? But maybe some people do ask that. These are the great secrets, man.
Starting point is 00:08:17 I like how I made Michael Cain's big news story all about me. I don't know why, so I'm the kind of guy at weddings that goes, oh yeah, this is a great wedding. Tell you about my wedding. Just when the bride and groom are right up the front and they're just about to do the vows, I'm sort of sitting there going, I love this, but when I had my wedding,
Starting point is 00:08:38 we were in a different type of building and I remember the music was very different. I was just so nervous. I remember walking up the aisle and I knew it was going to be my big day and then I spotted in the corner a lamp and I thought, oh fuck, here we go. So I started, I actually darted out
Starting point is 00:08:52 in a different direction, you know, and the bride was coming up the aisle and I'm over by the lamp and I'm staring at it. I then returned and it was a beautiful moment where I'm crying during the vows. And I remember Rosie thinking, God, he's good. Very emotional.
Starting point is 00:09:10 I quite like the idea that in Hollywood, if you go to like the local corner store and you're buying bulbs on the package itself, it's got the wattage but also level of cry acting that you can achieve with it. Yeah, are these for your house or for acting? Well, I want a bulb that can do both really because I do need bulbs,
Starting point is 00:09:30 but I've got an acting gig coming up. Oh, okay, well, here's a 60 watt. This is going to be great. And it's actually small enough that you can keep it in a very small, pocket-sized acting lamp. That's perfect, thank you. Pocket-sized acting lamp.
Starting point is 00:09:45 You know what we need to do? We need to invent a torch that you can take on set. That's got a dimmer on it. And on the dimmer, it goes from a wet eye all the way to ugly crying. You can just dial it up to the right level. It goes, oh, so what is this scene? What do you need from this, Mr. Director?
Starting point is 00:10:03 Oh, you just need some weeping, do you? Okay, just click it up to the weeping and then hold it in front of your eye. Just get the right, exact right amount. Well, here's my other thing. Here's my other freaky thing that I can do. Pirates use this as well. If you want to be able to see in the dark,
Starting point is 00:10:19 of course, you have one eye closed so that that pupil gets used to the dark. No one wants to walk around with one eye closed necessarily because it's a hard thing to do. But because of my lamp skills, I can easily close one of my irises like that. And the other one can remain absolutely fine
Starting point is 00:10:47 looking around and the other one is just perfectly shut. It's like it's been taped down. And that's actually incredibly hard to do for a normal human. And what's happening here is I've got the lamp on the right eye and so that's getting ready to cry. The left eye absolutely not affected at all. So when I end up crying and I know the camera's on this side,
Starting point is 00:11:08 it only sees this eye, I can then cry out of this eyeball of use. But with the other one, I can absolutely see what's going on once I open it. No tears in that one at all. And of course, we're in the dark because the lamp's been turned off and everyone's going,
Starting point is 00:11:26 oh, how do we get out of here? I'm walking out absolutely no problems with one crying eye. You know that trick where they do the thing where actors will paint half of their face and wear like a dress on one side and you see it from another? You could do an emotional scene
Starting point is 00:11:42 where you're crying and then you turn and damn it, get a hold of yourself. You know? That's a great, we're going to have to do that. Alright, let's move on. So this is a little older than a couple of weeks, but there was quite a backpile, he says, risking the wrong word
Starting point is 00:12:04 in the wrong context, of messages from the fans. You've got some piles in the back. Well, it makes sense, isn't it? As long as it's in the ballpark. It makes total sense. Total sense. Exactly, it works.
Starting point is 00:12:18 It's not technically what you would use, but it works perfectly. The Derbyisms are not technically what you would use, what the traditional person would use, but they're near enough. Now, backlog. There we go. I think that's the actual term.
Starting point is 00:12:35 There's been a backlog. I like backpile better. I like backpile. Backpile. I think my one's better. I think it's better, yeah. Agreed. Of messages from the cryptid knights
Starting point is 00:12:47 who always send us stories via the interweb. There's one here from the BBC. A man in a contraption washes up in Florida after trying to run on water. You guys hear about this? I saw that one.
Starting point is 00:13:02 I heard about this. Brilliant. So, a man who wanted to run on water from Florida to New York. How far is that? Oh, my God. That would be hard enough to do on land. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:14 Let alone doing it in the water. Well, he's been found, washed up on the Floridian coast in a large hampster wheel like contraption. So, his name's Riza Baluchi, and he told the local media he was travelling a thousand miles
Starting point is 00:13:31 north from Florida's east coast for charity. So, it was for charity. This is what he says. Wow. However, he ended up 30 miles south of his start point in St. Augustine.
Starting point is 00:13:43 Oh. Mr. Baluchi encountered complications that brought him back to shore and was safe with no injuries. The US Coast Guard came to help him. The sheriff's office added and to ensure the vessel
Starting point is 00:13:59 and occupant are USCG compliant for their safety moving forward. So, that's USCG, obviously, US Coast Guard. Images taken by the sheriff's office show a significant difference and the sheriff's office
Starting point is 00:14:15 show a large, human-sized cylindrical container with multiple floating devices attached to each side. Mr. Baluchi told the local station, Fox 35 News, that he was raising money for public services, including the Coast Guard.
Starting point is 00:14:31 He's raising money for the Coast Guard by having to be rescued by the Coast Guard. Oh, my God. They'd be coming in to pick him up like, oh, thank you for saving me. I've got $27 that I've raised so far. I might as well hand that to you now. I hope that helps.
Starting point is 00:14:51 It's cost us $2,000 to come out and save you. And also, he wouldn't have raised it because did he go minus the miles that he needed to, did you say? He went 30 miles south. Yeah, yeah, yeah. He has to pay me.
Starting point is 00:15:08 He has to pay it back. It was the worst possible scenario here. The Coast Guard's were turned up and he would be like, I've been raising money for you. But as it turns out, actually, I've gone backwards, so you guys owe me. Let me just calculate it. That's maybe why you're doing it.
Starting point is 00:15:28 $270, you guys. I was raising money for you guys, like I always try to, but unfortunately, I did go the wrong way. So now you're going to have to pay me. I'm just calculating it now. I basically just did the same joke you did Buttons, but this is how in the Sinclair,
Starting point is 00:15:49 I just wanted to perform it slightly better. You should have this on, when Reese is on stage, you should be in his ear like this, just feeding him the next gag that he could just repeat. IIVI. Yes, those guys. So he added that he had tried to make journeys
Starting point is 00:16:07 in the contraption, which he calls his bubble before. He's tried before. In 2014, he had to be rescued from a similar contraption near St. Augustine. And then two years later, he again had to be rescued off the coast of Jupiter near Palm Beach in Florida. And he says, I will show people anything
Starting point is 00:16:32 you want to do, do it. He told Fox, don't listen to anyone. Chase your dreams. Wow. So he's done it four or five times, having to be rescued each time. And, uh, I just don't know what to say about this guy.
Starting point is 00:16:52 I love him. Here's the picture here so you can have a look. It looks pretty amazing. Looks like a, wow. Marcus made up out of old fishing boys. Yeah. It slightly looks like something you'd have to get the bomb unit into.
Starting point is 00:17:09 Yeah. So it is a big hamster wheel. You can just hear the Coast Guard when they see it out there. They think, oh, shit, here we go again. He's out there trying to raise money for us quickly. We've got to get rid of this thing. I'm fine, guys. I'm fine.
Starting point is 00:17:25 Oh, no, I've got the wrong way. Okay. You can see it out there. You're still trying to raise money for us. You are going the wrong way. We cannot afford to pay you any more cash. Okay. Please try to go the right way or just do not do this.
Starting point is 00:17:43 Do not do it. I'm fine. Last time, I promise. We've had to fire three Coast Guards since you last tried because we can't be having to pay you out all this money. You're really not helping. There was another in terms of like him trying to raise money
Starting point is 00:18:02 for the Coast Guard and that being taken away because of how much it would have cost to rescue him. There was a similar story in the UK where someone was trying to raise money for, it was a hospital, I can't remember where, and the idea of raising money was he was going to get a Brazilian wax completely all over his bits,
Starting point is 00:18:20 including his testicle sack. Wonderful. The buddy who put the strip on to rip off the wax strip was so enthusiastic apparently that when he ripped the strip, it took seven of the eight layers of skin off that we have protecting the actual
Starting point is 00:18:38 physical testicle inside. And he had to be taken to the hospital that he was trying to raise money for and have immediate grafting done. That is hilarious and awful at the same time. Why would you get your mate to wax your gonads?
Starting point is 00:18:55 That's weird in itself. There's so many things you could do. Why doesn't he make a giant hamster wheel that doesn't work properly and try to, I don't know, walk on water from Florida to New York? I mean that's been done four times and...
Starting point is 00:19:12 What have you got, Buttons? OK, well I've got a woman horrified as cooking fish leaps around like a scene from the Exorcist. Despite being filleted, beheaded and very, very clearly dead.
Starting point is 00:19:28 They really didn't need the end of that sentence there. It's been filleted and beheaded and definitely dead. We cannot stress enough that this fish was dead. There was a couple of questions
Starting point is 00:19:44 when we took the head off, but when we filleted it, people really suggested, this has got to be it. She posted the short clip on Reddit where the fish can be seen leaping around almost
Starting point is 00:20:00 flapping its way to the top of the oven from the oven tray, slamming against the grill as if it was trying to escape the oven. To begin with, the fish was just twitching a little bit and by the end of the 35 second clip it is fully jerking around
Starting point is 00:20:16 as a woman watches in horror. Obviously, she was worried that there was a curse and people in Reddit came saying that there was a lot of scientific reasons for it and lots of ways to actually stop it happening
Starting point is 00:20:32 in the future, but let me just play the clip for you because it really is kind of terrifying. Here it is, the fish is starting to wiggle around in the tray. Oh my god. Whoa!
Starting point is 00:20:54 What the hell? No. Yeah. So, for people at home, this is a fillet of fish, a full piece of fillet of fish still with scales and it's gone on one side and it is
Starting point is 00:21:10 literally thumping about and you can hear it there obviously jumping up and down on the oven tray like it is literally still a fish that's just been brought in off the line. It is terrifying. But if anything was going to make you want to be vegetarian
Starting point is 00:21:26 I don't even weigh 210 pounds. You've lost me. Oh, hang on. Sorry about that. That actually worked perfectly, that clip of that guy. Yeah, keep him in. You lost me. Did you hear what he said? No! Yeah, he goes, I don't even weigh
Starting point is 00:21:44 250 pounds. You lost me. Right after you explained the story. I'm losing people there right in the center. So what do they think was going on? So what they think is actually because there's still electrical impulses being sent to the muscle
Starting point is 00:22:00 regardless of the fact that there is no head or not even any stomach or anything like that. This one person says to get rid of them, you need to stick a rod down the spine of the fish after you've cut the head off. Yeah, well everyone knows that.
Starting point is 00:22:16 That's what you do when you're fishing. Aren't you supposed to go down? Yeah, you go back about two inches from the head and you get your knife and you go straight down the spine as deep as you can and that kills all the nerves. I mean, I'm not a fisher person
Starting point is 00:22:32 but I definitely have been on a boat where that instruction has been revealed. Yeah, well this other person says applying lemon juice or salt to a fresh kill will also do this as well.
Starting point is 00:22:48 And they say soy sauce, the salt activates the nerves and creates that electrical current which makes the fish do that. But it makes you wonder, I'll bring this up now as we're starting to get into past lives and things,
Starting point is 00:23:04 but it's energy is still there after the living creature has deceased. So you're saying the electrical currents they can be stimulated by different juices and stuff like that, right?
Starting point is 00:23:20 Does that mean if you were like a fish that had a heart attack a sort of method of bringing in defibrillators would be for someone just to pour soy sauce on you because your natural current would shock your heart back into life? Maybe.
Starting point is 00:23:36 But you probably have to be cut in half to apply the soy sauce to make your heart come back together and by that stage, you're two fish down the middle. So it might be kind of pointless at that point. Hey, I only weigh 250 pounds
Starting point is 00:23:52 and you've lost me. Well, some Japanese restaurants serve fish like this and there's actually cages that they have to put over the dish when they bring the fish out because with it cooking there on the plate, it starts jumping around
Starting point is 00:24:12 and they actually have to put like a mesh over it to make sure that it doesn't jump off and it's to prove that the fish is fresh because it only happens to fresh caught fish. So they use it as a means to prove the worth of the meal. That would look terrifying though,
Starting point is 00:24:28 because that would just look like a vicious fish in a cage. They're bringing to your table now. I know, I know, they're still trying to get out. The Japanese do like sort of deadly dangerous food though, as well. There's an aspect to that
Starting point is 00:24:44 when I was over there in Tokyo and I tried the puffer fish, which if it's not cooked properly, will poison you. And so there's only now I may be getting this wrong, but I think there's only, let's put it out there, I'm definitely getting this wrong,
Starting point is 00:25:00 but I think there's only seven chefs that have the skills or have the certificate to be able to do the puffer fish. And so if you want to serve this delicacy,
Starting point is 00:25:16 you've got to take it to one of those seven registered chefs, because they know how to get the poison out. No one else can do it, and legally no one else can do it, because of course it's very, very dangerous. There's a story as well to do with this, which is there's a great anthropologist
Starting point is 00:25:32 called Wade Davis who investigated in Haiti the idea of zombies. And it was reported that zombies were culturally a thing there that they were alive and so many reports, people that were reported
Starting point is 00:25:48 dead suddenly found. And he went over and he investigated it, and I'm pretty sure the conclusion was that the zombies were in fact people who were given this puffer fish ground down medicine. Yeah. I think it was made into a movie,
Starting point is 00:26:04 which was called The Serpent in the Rainbow. I think Wes Craven or someone like that did a movie version of it. There's also another book actually on that, which I really love. It's by an author called Frank Burrs, and it's the Geography of Madness. And its subtitle is
Starting point is 00:26:20 Penis Thieves, Voodoo Death of the World's Strangest Syndrome. And they cover off in that the zombified people in Haiti and also Penis Thieves, which is what attracted me to the book. I saw that title, I saw the word Penis Thieves
Starting point is 00:26:36 and I'm like, I don't care what this is about. I'm into that. I tell you what, mate, you can steal it, but I don't know where you're going to hide it, because it's not small. I mean, you're going to jump on that bus, are you? Because people are going to see that. Where are you going to put it?
Starting point is 00:26:52 You'd have big pockets, yeah, you could take it. You could take it, but you'd better have how big are your pockets? Nah, it's not going to fit. It's going to be sticking out of there. I'd put it up, I'd put it inside your coat. Put it inside your coat? Excuse me, is that a is that a penis in your
Starting point is 00:27:10 coat pocket? Are you just happy to see me? Oh my god. Oh, sorry, the juvenile is here. I'm sorry. Okay, well now the moment you've all been waiting for, and it's Dan's news. So let's go.
Starting point is 00:27:28 It's Dan. Okay, well, this is a headline in the Daily Star newspaper, a British newspaper. Spooky Kid claims he remembers past life before he died freaking out dad. We need a new
Starting point is 00:27:44 segment for this, surely. We can't just roll into a headline there. Like we need this needs to be called self headline or headlines about me. No, I think what Dan's trying to do is Dan's doing his thing where he reveals something and then he goes, and that kid
Starting point is 00:28:00 was me. Hang on, what was it called? I was doing an unveil. The famous Shriver unveil. So I think what we should do is we should just edit this around so that we can do the Shriver unveil because they're always fun for people. I don't know how that's going to
Starting point is 00:28:16 work because we've just done the comeback special and we've talked about past lives and all that. But do it again anyway, Dan, and just see if Leon can work it out in the edit. Okay, what's your headline, Dan? Okay, so this is from the Daily Star, a British
Starting point is 00:28:32 newspaper, and the headline is Spooky Kid claims he remembers past life before he died freaking out dad. Yeah, awesome. I love these. Who could that possibly be? What dad would have that
Starting point is 00:28:48 happen? You're terrible at this. Okay, let's talk about the acting skills here. Now we spent the beginning of the show learning how to act, didn't we? Right, we did. Yeah, we did. Member, steering at lamps. Do I need it? Do you want me to cry now? Is this the moment that you want me to cry?
Starting point is 00:29:04 Well, you've made me cry because it was so poor. This is the first time I haven't needed a lamp, honestly, because in fact, I'm going to get you in when I need to cry now. Fuck lamps. I'm going to just get you in to do
Starting point is 00:29:20 some bad acting beforehand. It's just upsetting. Sorry, okay? I just can't believe you did that. Who's dad is that? Is that a dad? I wonder if that could be a dad that we know.
Starting point is 00:29:36 Why? Stop it! I'm going to try this one more time. I'm going to try this one more time. This is a headline from the Daily Star. It's a British newspaper. The headline is Spooky Kid claims he remembers past life
Starting point is 00:29:52 before he died freaking out dad. Now, oh wow. That button, shut up. Shut up. Shut your face. That dad. Now.
Starting point is 00:30:08 What is that dad going to do? Oh, no. I hope we don't know that dad. Can we get the moderator in place to mute Mr. Buttons? Now, this sounds like it's not a true story, but I
Starting point is 00:30:24 think it must be because I can reveal that the kid who was spooky is in fact my son, Wilf, and the dad is me in this story. Oh my god. There it is.
Starting point is 00:30:40 The famous Shriver and Vale. It's a Shriver of Vale that's made it to the newspapers. And it was reported in the Sun newspaper in the UK in the Daily Mail in the Daily Star. The Texas Reporter, I think
Starting point is 00:30:56 it was called. A few other places. I didn't see that coming at all, that Shriver on Vale. That was amazing. That was like a freight train. Again. A very slow, slow
Starting point is 00:31:12 freight train. It was last Thursday this happened. I'm laying in bed with my wife, Vanella. Our son Ted is in the cop beside us and Wilf is sleeping in between us. It's about 9pm at night. Wilf is virtually asleep.
Starting point is 00:31:28 He is roughly, this is a tweet that I wrote. He said to me, daddy, mummy I had a family a long time ago and my mummy was called Sokka. I was called Anki, but then I died and now I'm with your family. And then
Starting point is 00:31:44 he went on to list every single member of his family. He said the name of the mum, the dad, the brother. He did it seamlessly and these were all names like Loki and Slocka and
Starting point is 00:32:00 Lackey. Names that we've never heard him say before and it was just a moment. So the tweet that I wrote specifically said, interesting bedtime chat with my 3 year old tonight. Daddy, I had a family a long time ago and my mummy was called Sokka.
Starting point is 00:32:16 I was called Anki, but then I died and now I'm with your family. Anyway, if anyone needs me, I'll be cleaning up the pants I just shat for the rest of the night. I was called Anki. I press send on the tweet and I go to sleep.
Starting point is 00:32:32 I wake up in the morning and the tweet has had something like 3000 retweets and 30,000 likes and it just keeps snowballing. The most impressive thing is the fact that replies are coming in from parents around the world
Starting point is 00:32:48 all reporting a story very similar to a thing that their 3-5 year old said about a past life that they experienced. And the tweet now has over 2,000 responses most of which are parents from around the world saying
Starting point is 00:33:04 my child told me that they worked in a building site and they were called Greg and they were in charge of pressing the button that allowed the really detailed stories and it's just fascinating. What's amazing is a lot of the people
Starting point is 00:33:20 aren't religious, a lot of atheists writing in, a lot of religious people writing in, it's just a common experience that everyone has children who says interesting things like this. I've been so excited to talk to you about this because I love past life
Starting point is 00:33:36 experiences so much for that very reason that it's like so many of these cases of past life experiences exactly like themselves have been proven and can be proven
Starting point is 00:33:52 they can track down because of the information that they've given they can track down and prove what they've actually talking about and experiencing there is no conceivable way to be able to show that that kid has watched a documentary
Starting point is 00:34:08 or has been given the information from the parents and have been told to say it because they're a 3-year-old just to interject there Buttons, have you been, so you're saying you've actually been into past lives for quite some time
Starting point is 00:34:24 before this event of dance. You haven't really brought it up much. Well no, because there's been no reason there's been no reason to. For us, you're the future guy you're the guy who's coming back from the future in a UFO remember
Starting point is 00:34:40 that's your big theory is that aliens are us from the future but now you're telling us you're obsessed with people coming to us from the past like I don't judge if you're from the past if you're from the future I'm just as into you
Starting point is 00:34:56 it's the people in the present I've got a problem with I'm barely in the present myself that's why I love these people because they are like me they're not from this time well that's exciting and just to further interject
Starting point is 00:35:12 I've been following this now for almost a minute and a half I have some astonishing news too about the past life situation. You remember a past life well my last show first of all my last stand-up show that I did was about past lives
Starting point is 00:35:28 it was called Mystic Time Bird and the whole narrative was that in my past life I was a bird so there's that and talking about synchronicity I ordered a book about past lives quite some time ago
Starting point is 00:35:44 because I thought I want to get into that subject matter and guess what happened then this thing with Dan happened and then I knew we were going to do this show the Comeback Special because we'd been away for
Starting point is 00:36:00 quite a number of weeks now and not only that the book I ordered finally turned up and it turned up today and here it is and it's called The Children That Time Forgot and you know who I bought this book for I bought it for you but no
Starting point is 00:36:16 so I'm going to now give you this book really? but how did you find this book Rhys it's really it's like a self-published well one of our listeners Ian the Beatmaster from New Zealand he suggested this was a good book to go for so amazing
Starting point is 00:36:32 so it's called The Children That Time Forgot and it's by Mary and Peter Harrison whoa what Ian's son's called Harrison no and the books by the Harrison's see this is the thing
Starting point is 00:36:48 coincidence is I'll save that but I have a theory on past lives but that means we have to play that terrible theme tune so maybe I keep my theories to myself no why don't we stick with this so we can close with your theory
Starting point is 00:37:04 there are two of the replies that came off the back of this tweet so just to give you a feel of the kind of things that people were saying so one person wrote my mum and sister were in a taxi with my nephew when he was about three he pointed at a branch of Claire's
Starting point is 00:37:20 accessories and said when I was a big boy and I was a fireman I used to go into that pet shop at which point apparently the stunned taxi driver almost crashed saying that it had been a pet shop when he was a small boy that is awesome
Starting point is 00:37:36 another one here my four year old said another different thing a version of himself living in another dimension called the fourth land of darkness which was nearly the same as earth but also contrary to its name quite sunny
Starting point is 00:37:52 that's my son that's there's a Hudson that's Hudson buttons his son get out of town which was sent in Michelle your wife said to me
Starting point is 00:38:08 that that's amazing so Hudson your son lived in a different dimension called the fourth land of darkness which was sunny why haven't you told me that before I've forgotten about it this is the sort of stuff dads forget
Starting point is 00:38:24 but mums remember that he talked about that world that dimension with so much detail he would talk about how everything when he was like between the ages of three and five so less about everything else
Starting point is 00:38:40 talk us more about how did you feel giving me this skinny how about I do this I put you into the room with me so when he told me this initial sentence I thought hang on what the hell is this it did genuinely throw me in my wife
Starting point is 00:38:56 my wife is a bit more religious and spiritual she's been visited by the Virgin Mary not too long ago last year in fact had an encounter with the Virgin Mary you just threw that out there oh by the way
Starting point is 00:39:12 all these shribon bales this is crazy you don't just subtly put that into a sentence Dan oh and by the way yes she has been visited by the Virgin Mary not a biggie in a dream it was in the lead up to
Starting point is 00:39:28 our second son Ted being born and she was about eight months pregnant we were getting really close to the date of birth and she had huge anxieties because this was last year when Covid was at its height she was nervous about the pregnancy
Starting point is 00:39:44 we didn't know if I could be present for the birth allowed into the hospital because that's the way things were so she's freaking out and she's had weeks and weeks and then I wake up in the morning and I turn around it's about 6am and she's sitting up in bed smiling at me and it was the first time I'd seen
Starting point is 00:40:00 her properly smiling for a while this is how worried she was and I said are you okay hun and she said I'm great I haven't slept at all and I went oh god okay oh no she's gone mad and then she said yeah I was worrying and then suddenly
Starting point is 00:40:16 I woke up I got a tiny bit sleep I woke up and at the end of the bed was the virgin Mary and she was holding a baby and at first I thought and I was like oh you dreamt that and she went no no I was awake and I've been awake since she was at the end of the bed and she was holding the baby
Starting point is 00:40:32 and then she went off and I googled it because I was worried that her holding the baby meant she was taking the baby but in fact it's a sign of good things that like the baby that you're about to have is in good hands is what she said
Starting point is 00:40:48 so I think well she's gone fucking mad she's lost it this is so I go downstairs where her mum is and her mum's in the kitchen and I say to her mum Carol fan's gonna come down in a minute and I think probably we need to have a chat
Starting point is 00:41:04 because she's not getting sleep and she had a bit of a weird thing last night so I was like cool so Finella came down and she's and her mum went honey you okay I heard something happened and she said yeah I was visited by the Virgin Mary last night and Carol her mum went
Starting point is 00:41:20 darling I'm so happy for you congratulations what a lucky thing to happen so yeah so it was sort of wow I was the loner in there can I ask can I ask you this when you woke up with her here's what I'm thinking might
Starting point is 00:41:36 might have happened and also there's a couple of questions in this in this piece first of all you're obviously side on profile because you're in bed together when you woke up and looked at it and she was you know had her eyes wide open and she was smiling did she have her other
Starting point is 00:41:52 eye closed did you see her other eye and also was there a lamp in the corner of the room did she take the dark past as crying course is that what it is she had been doing a lot of online zoom courses
Starting point is 00:42:08 which I know yours is available because when you see the light i.e. the Virgin Mary the light see the light with one eye closed so you can know how to get out of the room and was her eyeball crying
Starting point is 00:42:26 and was she also going I'm so happy no I'm not no I'm not put yourself together man I can't believe by the way can I just say that Fidel is very normal person I've made her out to sound like a weirdo
Starting point is 00:42:44 she's absolutely not a weirdo but that she does say that did happen and she's happy with me saying that kind of thing about it because she was like yeah it happened it absolutely happened that is a fantastic story that's awesome Dan and it worked out
Starting point is 00:43:00 and it worked out and we've got Ted so for her this was when when will started talking like this you know immediately she's sort of going well this is you know totally possible whereas I was more in this sort of frame of mind going this is freaking out because what is he talking about I don't really subscribe to that
Starting point is 00:43:16 so back to the room we're in there it's 9pm roughly and will says this and he says it with this incredible coherence like it he just reams off the names really really smoothly as if he's known it forever and he's telling us a story
Starting point is 00:43:32 so I think wow okay I need to get this on I need to record this so I get my phone out and annoyingly when I turned my phone on the light was really bright and I genuinely think because I got will to continue talking about it that when that light came on it kind of knocked him out
Starting point is 00:43:48 slightly of a concentration because everything slightly became and I mean this genuinely as someone who doesn't necessarily subscribe to this stuff I find it fascinating but my starting position is I'm I don't naturally believe in this kind of thing I do genuinely
Starting point is 00:44:04 believe that he was in a mode that changed once my phone kind of changed the atmosphere in the room but what I did do was record his story after this moment and I'm going to play it to you guys now so you can be in the room and you can hear
Starting point is 00:44:20 oh you can hear will tell his own tale so tell me again so you had a family before you were with our family no it was a different family when was it
Starting point is 00:44:36 when did you have a different family about a very long time ago did you yeah who were they I only tell you daddy I know I forgot can you tell me again okay only one more time
Starting point is 00:44:56 thank you soccer lifejack locker they were my family but who were they in your family who was soccer the mommy
Starting point is 00:45:16 and who were the rest of them they were all the different ones daddy where did you live in a massive house bigger than my own house really what else
Starting point is 00:45:34 was it warm there or was it cold very warm yeah when they do want to come there yeah and what else can you tell us
Starting point is 00:45:50 about them they left me alone how come and then I died how come very long time ago we needed to get on the bus yeah
Starting point is 00:46:10 you needed to get what we needed to go on the bus on a bus yeah is it upsetting we never leave you we never leave you on your own they didn't come back
Starting point is 00:46:28 they didn't come back they did they did come back well that's good yeah is it Wednesday do you miss your old family yeah
Starting point is 00:46:48 my name is Anki Anki yeah that's a lovely name that was a very long time ago so that's the sort of a little bit of it
Starting point is 00:47:10 yeah so I mean as I say he kind of the coherence kind of went a bit there and he just sort of was just ranting about things and I think he almost was just making stuff up as well you know like oh we lived in a big house and stuff like that what's interesting is
Starting point is 00:47:26 he's never said those names before ever you know soccer, lackey Anki his name the next day like at lunchtime when we were talking to Fidel's parents about it we asked him the names he said the exact names again
Starting point is 00:47:42 he just had he had exact pronunciations about death I've never heard him say the word he died or he just had he doesn't have that concept yet and it just came out no kids have that concept of death
Starting point is 00:47:58 they think everyone lives forever and this is the other thing you know so that's really interesting yeah so you know it was it was a bit weird and to openly say that I died yeah like I died that's very weird
Starting point is 00:48:14 Dan have you done any research at all into what who these names could be or where they're from or what the story could be with that no because I think there's probably too many misleading facts in there so for example Wilf at one point
Starting point is 00:48:30 not too long ago said that he could remember living inside Fenella's tummy is I remember living inside your tummy before I came out and he described it being really warm and it was quite dark and so when we pushed him for more information we said what else and he said
Starting point is 00:48:46 and I had a sofa and a TV and you're like ah I pushed you too far I asked too many things that I asked you I suddenly was getting you to work and I think that's what happened there in that conversation as well I was getting him to work too hard I had to I should have just let it
Starting point is 00:49:02 kind of just come out and see where he dreaming consciousness without pushing him with his imagination and where are you going to go from here with it and try and prize for more before he forgets these memories well he's still talking about it he still brings it up but I think because he knows he's a celebrity now
Starting point is 00:49:18 he knows he's made the newspapers you know he's does he? fame goes straight to your head mate I'll tell you I can do a test to that he's going to do a test to that but I'll tell you what's really fun just as a quick sideline is that you know we talk about
Starting point is 00:49:34 these stories all the time on the cryptid factor and it's so funny looking at the Daily Star interview here and I'm going to share a screen again because someone got in contact with me to say would you give us a small interview about it and so suddenly you know
Starting point is 00:49:50 here I am as you're on the weekly world witness I've commuted a podcast or a dad Shriver tweeted and then put the thing down and then my little interview comes up and it says Dan told the Daily Star that after the initial spooky outburst his son carried on
Starting point is 00:50:06 talking about his previous family for several minutes I got my phone out and started audio recording him he said my wife and I asked him questions for about 10 minutes he named everyone in the family said they lived by the seaside while Dan says he'd never discuss
Starting point is 00:50:20 reincarnation with Wilf he has been to Tibet and interviewed monks that believed in reincarnation he added that his dad used to chauffeur the Dalai Lama's personal monks which is true but I genuinely don't think I've mentioned anything like this around him Dan told us otherwise
Starting point is 00:50:36 I can't think anything he would have watched recently that deals with reincarnation either unless Paul patrolled it an episode about it that I missed ah good good good got a good gag in there he says that his podcast the cryptid factor in which he talks about the
Starting point is 00:50:52 weirdnesses of the universe with fellow comedian Rhys Darby will be covering Wilf's halting outburst in a future episode cryptid factor is in the we've finally made it I mentioned you buttons when I said it it hasn't quite made it to the copy here
Starting point is 00:51:08 cut out again that is typical isn't it so typical what's a guy gotta do well can I just say I had just recently watched a series on Netflix called Surviving Death
Starting point is 00:51:24 and this series it's six episodes long to be quite honest just skip straight to episode six because the other five episodes are about mediums and about not to be a little medium no no not at all they're not
Starting point is 00:51:40 the episodes in my opinion aren't incredibly strong the one really strong episode that just leaves you with your mouth aghast is the final one where they talk about past life experiences and they cover off three stories of
Starting point is 00:51:56 children who have experienced past lives now these three kids give so much detail that there is just completely undeniable that they know a great deal about these past lives
Starting point is 00:52:12 they actually can go back and find the person that they had the past life experience of and one of them has 25 points of remembrance of detail and they go back and find
Starting point is 00:52:28 the family and go back and check off those 25 points and there was only like a good chunk of them that this kid got right what are the points like out of curiosity?
Starting point is 00:52:44 things like I lived on a street that had the word rock in it and he lived on rocks borough terrace this guy that he remembered things like I was 71 years old when he died when I died I was 71 years old
Starting point is 00:53:00 and they went back and check with the family and they went he got that one wrong because he was actually 69 they went ah that's a shame put it next to that one until they went and researched it and found out that he had lied to his family about his age and his actual birth certificate
Starting point is 00:53:16 said that he was 71 years old so there were facts in there that he knew that nobody else even his family knew why do you lie about his age by 2 years? because he was an actor in Hollywood Mr. Dabi who's 39 years old here
Starting point is 00:53:32 he testified but it was the golden age of acting wasn't it? there's also a story of a young kid who remembers being in a plane crash during World War 2 in Japan
Starting point is 00:53:48 and again they go back and prove a whole bunch of points and I really encourage anybody who's got access to Netflix to go and watch that episode because what you're dealing with right now Dan and particularly you should go back and watch it because it's just undeniable the fact that these
Starting point is 00:54:04 kids are having these experiences and the question of why they're having them and the fact that you've got over 2,000 comments of people that are saying that their kids have had the same thing and even for me I've got one friend I remember talking about this subject and she said that
Starting point is 00:54:20 she was driving along with her 4 year old daughter in the car one day and she looked out the window and she saw a man smoking a cigarette on the side of the road and she just looked out longingly and went I miss smoking and her mom's like what are you crazy you've never smoked
Starting point is 00:54:36 like you're 4 years old you've never smoked you're 4 and the daughter turn around and goes no silly my other life when I smoked in my other life and she just turned the stereo up and went wow
Starting point is 00:54:52 and I freaked her out and I guess this is the point in the Netflix documentary there is a university that are actually researching past lives and have been doing so for a long time I remember I watched a documentary it's actually on
Starting point is 00:55:08 YouTube and it's called the boy who lived before and it's a little boy in Scotland who has an incredible story he remembers exactly where he grew up in a past life and this same doctor from this university came over and researched that it's a very old documentary
Starting point is 00:55:24 from BBC and I've actually reached out to him to see whether or not we can interview him he hasn't gone back to me yet we may never hear from him ever again but I'm just fascinated
Starting point is 00:55:40 what did you write that makes you say that was the dick pic necessary as an attachment you can have this mate but I don't know how you're going to get away with it have you got a coat or something you can slide it in because it's pretty big it's all yours
Starting point is 00:56:04 no I just mean that and he was he was like when you were contacted from a comedy based podcast to come and you're a proper sized doctor and you get asked I don't know
Starting point is 00:56:20 but I'm just keen to try and find out there surely should be some advice to be able to give people like you and those 2,000 people that was my advice that I gave you to give Dan and I'll give it again and I think it's a very sensitive subject because
Starting point is 00:56:36 you've got to be careful he's already now been put in the newspapers and he knows about this and the thing is that yes these past lives they are real and so it makes us really believe in reincarnation and I'm certainly on board with it but we've got to be careful
Starting point is 00:56:52 because also you know these memories do fade and then they get on with their life but if they're not given the option of forgetting their previous life it'll always be with them and it may affect their performance in their current life and that's my worry because after watching that documentary
Starting point is 00:57:08 with you Buttons you can see these kids who are now adults still getting upset about it and if they hadn't have just let it go they've been perpetuated and it really affected their current life and you don't want that and you know the adult
Starting point is 00:57:24 that still had those thoughts of he knew what the feeling was like when he died and he still has that so that's freaky My friend in LA there was a bumper sticker that was an advert for a company which was past life therapy
Starting point is 00:57:40 so it was a therapist for your past life you would lay on the couch and she would channel the Egyptian local that you were or the old farmer in a rural British town and she would deal with your past life
Starting point is 00:57:56 in order to make as you say your current life not have the hangups of yeah and that was in LA so there it is that sounds very LA but I'd like to look this up as well because I want to
Starting point is 00:58:12 if we actually all have had many multiple lives and I believe we do and that's why I wrote that stand up show that I mentioned earlier the Mystic Time Bird then I'd love to be able to through hypnotherapy regress and find out what my lives were because I think they really have an effect on your current life
Starting point is 00:58:28 because you take parts of your previous life into your person for your new life and you're still the same soul and I think you're still the same person perhaps I remember when I was a kid I remember my dad telling me this thing where he went on a trip to Beijing
Starting point is 00:58:44 so I was born in Hong Kong and we were living there at the time and then we moved to Australia and so our connection became much less with China and our trips were getting less and less going there and my dad was on a plane leaving Beijing
Starting point is 00:59:00 after he'd just done some business there and he said, I remember him telling me this as a kid he was sitting on the plane and he was in his seat and he was feeling fine and then out of nowhere he started sobbing like crazy just couldn't stop crying it was just flooding out of him and he had no idea what was going on
Starting point is 00:59:16 it was as if he was present was there a lamp in front of him because he'd got to watch out no because on those planes the lamps come down he left the light on didn't he he left the reading lamp on the reading lamp get some every time
Starting point is 00:59:32 the amount of flight attendants had almost turned flights around because they were like there's a whole bunch of people just sobbing there's obviously something I just switched the light off mate I was lucky actors a plane load of actors
Starting point is 00:59:50 after my online course years later he did this thing where he he went to some sort of it was like in town somewhere and there was a psychic reading thing and he thought oh that's a fun thing to do and again he likes this kind of stuff but he doesn't fully believe in it
Starting point is 01:00:06 but it was just a fun thing to do and during it they told him that in his past life he was a Chinese local in Beijing and that he'd had this whole life and I think it was him who put this connection together that because our connection
Starting point is 01:00:22 here's my dad who was born in Tasmania to an Austrian father and a Tasmanian mother suddenly leads a life in Asia like what's his connection there it's like as if he was drawn to China and then we'd move back to Australia
Starting point is 01:00:38 and it was like he was leaving there for good he hasn't been back there ever since in fact and from this trip and this person was saying that was this your past life this was you severing this cut from China now for the rest of your life
Starting point is 01:00:54 and you were emotionally saying goodbye you were crying and saying but I remember that as a kid hearing that and that really impacting me and thinking wow it was the first time I'd heard about past lives through my dad talking about this thing I don't know if my dad
Starting point is 01:01:10 bought into it I should ask him but he definitely he found it interesting but that sudden sobbing thing that also features in that documentary buttons that you mentioned that we watched together because there's a moment where they go back to where the past
Starting point is 01:01:26 life of the kid when he was a fighter pilot when his plane went down into the sea they actually went back to that area I think it was off the coast of Japan somewhere Iwo Jima that's right and the kid was in the boat with the parents and this is the spot where he went down in his previous
Starting point is 01:01:42 life as a pilot and when they were floating out there in this spot and then he I think he sobbed then didn't he and that was him letting that go so that's the very same thing wow is he still alive this kid is this an old thing or a
Starting point is 01:01:58 yeah absolutely it's a fairly new show I think oh we should drop him an email buttons and let's not get him on yeah he'll never hear from him again I'll do that right now well the person I emailed is a guy Dr Jim Tucker
Starting point is 01:02:14 and he is the he's the professor of psychiatry and neurobehavioral sciences at the University of Virginia School of Medicine and I'm fascinated to talk to him to ask him a couple of things in particular is the prevalence of
Starting point is 01:02:30 this increasing in a people are there more and more cases of kids remembering past lives and if that's the case what is that because imagine if there is the ability to be able to remember past lives really really clearly and imagine we get
Starting point is 01:02:46 to the point where as humans we can remember like really great detail from all of our past lives right and that it's a part of our brain that we're just starting to unlock and just starting to understand and it's not woo woo and it's not freaky
Starting point is 01:03:02 it's just science that we're yet to discover if that's the case and we can legitimately sit here and go actually I remember when I was an Egyptian Pharaoh or an Egyptian slave or what have you so many mysteries of the past
Starting point is 01:03:18 we're going to be able to so everybody's just walked out of the room well thanks guys so that's me done and now for the listeners at home
Starting point is 01:03:40 I saw Dan move away from his screen so I did the same thing took my headphones off and walked away but honestly fascinating stuff I'm just saying it's a form of time travel isn't it
Starting point is 01:04:00 because we will be able to remember stuff I've never understood that it's more time recall exactly that same thing you're not travelling there but we will be able to at the very least answer a whole bunch of questions like how did they build the pyramids
Starting point is 01:04:16 and what was their purpose well we don't have to guess that anymore somebody will go I recall that life as one of the slaves or I was the architect or I was whatever I wonder if this is worth doing in the future because it definitely seems to be kids
Starting point is 01:04:32 between three and five okay before three too young to really you know they're just sort of dribbling and pooing get to three you've got sentences they're excited, they're alive between three and five that's the window
Starting point is 01:04:48 so is it worth just doing interviews with them and saying okay and just being open with past lives and saying okay so now what do you remember what you did in your past life and just imagine that just see what the results are on there how many of the kids
Starting point is 01:05:04 what the percentage would be of them actually going oh thanks for asking me that yeah absolutely I was a such and such in the year such and such and how many would actually review it I was thinking do you remember that TV show that old TV show kids say the darndest things it's always really lighthearted would it be great if all the answers were like this
Starting point is 01:05:20 kids say the weirdest things the weirdest things exactly it's another free idea, a free TV show idea for all your producers out there all your producers out there the three of us will be hosting that okay and it's going to be weird having three hosts I know
Starting point is 01:05:36 especially through Zoom oh yeah okay what's the time hang on I'm going to do an audio signature 418 RMW so I've just had a quick look at this the book it's quite incredible
Starting point is 01:05:54 they've got here basically a list of all the examples and there's some incredible stuff here like girl remembers her own funeral boy remembers assassination of Thomas Beckett young boy remembers being a German bomber pilot
Starting point is 01:06:10 how do you sorry Buttons just because that's fascinating what you just said girl remembers her own funeral so she's not remembering a past life she's remembering she's the intermediate between the next life yeah that's right how interesting also some of the other ones
Starting point is 01:06:26 maybe a recent I can read at bedtime tonight boy remembers being a commando that one sounds good this one which I'm fascinated by girl remembers being a witch and drinking blackbird blood right
Starting point is 01:06:42 so this is going to be some really good bedtime reading so when you say bedtime reading are you guys sleeping in the same bed what's wrong with that have you heard of the the popular Jim Hinton characters Bert and Ernie
Starting point is 01:07:00 I think I know which one I am I think they were in separate beds I think you're more Eric and Ernie more common wise who were in the same bed oh is that the same bed yeah I think Bert and Ernie had next to each other it's colder now though Buttons is on the couch downstairs
Starting point is 01:07:16 he's on puppy duty so we have a young puppy here that's supposed to an old one and he gets up she gets up at 6am to be released into the backyard for a wee wee so Buttons is jobs
Starting point is 01:07:36 that's why he's brought me all the way here from New Zealand he had a puppy inside I need somebody to take care of this bloody dog well I nearly didn't after receiving the email I could believe it luckily I'm in the photo
Starting point is 01:07:54 it was so off putting and he says you can have this but you know good luck on getting it home and I says look take it bring it with you put it on the plane he says well it better be a big one 747 and it was so here he is
Starting point is 01:08:10 the puppy could have that as a little chew toy oh god well just quickly to wrap up past life special the other day when I read this we tweet of yours and got really excited Dan
Starting point is 01:08:30 I happened to be sitting next to Rhys Darby's pool with none other than David Farrier and whilst Rhys wasn't there the missing fourth horseman of the apocalyptic show exactly
Starting point is 01:08:46 was in a past life on this podcast it's like do you have memories of being David Farrier yeah I do that's my third podcast past life you poor thing and anyway I thought I'd just ask him because he's sort of taken the skeptic route
Starting point is 01:09:02 now he's you know he's on another podcast called Armchairing Dangerous another very popular one it's people you know they move on don't they or they come from something much more pertinent and then they sort of just
Starting point is 01:09:18 have a little play with us on the side it was great to have him back it is so anyway here's what David Farrier thinks about past life so David tell me about past life experiences I would say I'm
Starting point is 01:09:34 more skeptical about past life experiences I think generally when people have tales of a past life they've lived they are either making it up delusional or if there are
Starting point is 01:09:50 things that check out I think it's a case of there being an incredible coincidence which is something that happens that like there's some hellish coincidences though like a 5 year old kid remembering 25
Starting point is 01:10:06 things about an actor in Hollywood a little known actor like somebody that's like be great actor and knowing all of the stuff that even the family don't know but see what you've done here when you told me about this earlier you mentioned that they got 23
Starting point is 01:10:22 of the 25 things correct I believe and in retelling the story you've now changed it to all 25 being correct no mostly so he probably got 25 right but they could only prove 23 as far as the documentary series
Starting point is 01:10:38 is concerned about that validates past life experiences I think you've got to look at what that series is about what else did the series cover just list off a few of the topics well there were things like
Starting point is 01:10:54 mediums and ghosts like real stuff like not like so if you look at what that documentary maker was making and what they were giving time to rightly call into question what that particular documentary
Starting point is 01:11:10 about past lives said but I would say there's one of my favourite stories of all time is a real story and it's not past lives but I think it proves that coincidences are a valid thing that happen and that sometimes things can seem incredibly crazy
Starting point is 01:11:26 when they are just blind luck and it was a woman who I can't remember where in the United States she married her husband her husband had some issues ended up committing suicide
Starting point is 01:11:42 via shotgun in their garage this is a fun story he was a donor the cryptid fact is a pretty light show he was an organ donor he donated his heart, his wife didn't know where the heart had gone
Starting point is 01:11:58 she went and met someone on a date fell in love, had no idea that her husband's heart had ended up in this man's body and so she that sounds like one of those things that would be on like a click baby video
Starting point is 01:12:14 it does but my point is I looked into this and it all checks out completely it seems extraordinary just what I've told you so far sounds extraordinary but added to this guess what her second husband who had her first husband's heart did
Starting point is 01:12:30 committed suicide how? jumping off a bridge same way garage so you look at something like that and you go what are the chances I look at a story like that
Starting point is 01:12:46 and I look at a kid recounting some past life facts in exactly the same way it's outrageous but it's coincidence and it's incredible and it should be celebrated but it doesn't mean that that child was also a 103 year old woman
Starting point is 01:13:02 at some point well thank you for your insights there Damon I do worry though that you used to be such a so much more believery and now that you've moved on from your podcasting career with cryptid factor
Starting point is 01:13:18 to a let's face it a much more successful podcasting career with a lot more listeners but is it is it something do you feel yourself maturing and starting to question a lot of this
Starting point is 01:13:34 sort of stuff more as you mature yeah I think I have matured and I think since I've spent less time with you specifically Annarice to a degree although I feel I saw probably more of you
Starting point is 01:13:50 I think I probably have matured hahahaha wow is that a good thing or a bad thing as we sit here in LA underneath a jet going over would you rather be here with me or on that jet
Starting point is 01:14:08 that jet looks pretty appealing right now that's all I could so what did you what do you keep looking off to what's going on that's what I want to know
Starting point is 01:14:24 this mother theory with a baby out this door while we were listening to Feria I couldn't help thinking about how I'd love to end this show on the lamp experiment
Starting point is 01:14:40 but before we do that I would love buttons for you to give us your theory and really only because I want to hear the buttons fairy time sting so keep the theory short because I'm really only into the sting
Starting point is 01:14:56 and then and then I think we'll end on the lamp experiment but and just before that we'll also conclude this wonderful special and give our own thoughts but you go first because you are the expert I mean
Starting point is 01:15:12 I was going to be the closest thing to an expert on this show clearly because we're never going to hear back from Dr Jim Tucker but out of the four of us which includes Feria the skeptic who thinks it's all just coincidences which it clearly isn't
Starting point is 01:15:28 okay well here we go is this terrible thing down in the garden beside the little pond sits a little dainty boy with the special bond the pixie is traveling through the trees the sprinkle all the magic dust
Starting point is 01:15:44 he says yes please it's buttons fairy time buttons fairy time buttons fairy time come join me buttons fairy time buttons fairy time everybody holds your hands
Starting point is 01:16:00 and have a big grin okay so the best thing that I think past life experiences could be is proof that we are actually living in a simulation that we are in the matrix and let's say the matrix
Starting point is 01:16:18 that we're living in has actually been gamified and we pop out and we pop back into lives and we come out and we go wow actually that was a heck of an experience that one I'm going back in to try another one and those lives are being built up for a purpose because
Starting point is 01:16:34 we need to hit enlightenment or whatever that is at the end the end goal of that is that potentially that may be explained by the fact that there's code that is remnant afterwards you know that there is some kind of residue from
Starting point is 01:16:50 the previous existence which has been stored up in your memory banks or in your hard drives and that there's a little bit of crossover that you can actually remember a little bit of that I like your residue but also I think
Starting point is 01:17:06 I wonder whether or not that goes along with things like coincidences like a heart being put into a boyfriend and then two similar suicides maybe that can be explained in the fact that it is more of a matrix type thing maybe things
Starting point is 01:17:22 like deja vu maybe things like ghosts and UFOs and what have you are all tied in yeah maybe the very first existence of humans had none of this had no past life experiences had no UFOs had no deja vu but maybe
Starting point is 01:17:38 it's stuff that we have started to script in to give our life a little bit more excitement and a little bit more fun I don't know yeah that's a very popular theory the simulation theory I think Elon Musk talks about it and many others now
Starting point is 01:17:54 if that's true then I just had a southern thought perhaps the A sorry UAPs could be little drones that are coming in to do some cleaning up the idea that when we see these things in the sky and we don't know what they are and they move so amazingly that they're not ours
Starting point is 01:18:10 then perhaps they're part of the simulation that are coming in to little squiggly fixed bits or to check something they could be the programmers coming to program totally but also there's that belief that and this is what I'm hoping to ask an actual expert if a year ever comes on our show
Starting point is 01:18:26 I'll deal with the emails well if it is my simulation then surely I can make that happen but it seems to be that it stays culturally centric that American past life experiences kids remember
Starting point is 01:18:42 being another American another time the one that documentary the boy that lived before he was Scottish and he remembered a life just not far away in Scotland that's interesting yeah and I imagine the same thing with you know where they believe in reincarnation a great deal in India and what have you
Starting point is 01:18:58 it's not like they wake up and go oh my god I remember living in London and being you know it's generally always in the same kind of but that doesn't fit in with with Dan's dad who was possibly Chinese Beijing yeah and also Dan's son
Starting point is 01:19:14 with the names that he mentioned definitely not English I actually would go down the other route of saying that if our past lives could be from that culturally then that would be amazing for us all because we would have so much appreciation for each other's cultures
Starting point is 01:19:30 more if we knew that we'd lived in them before so that would be amazing for the world so if we can in the age of three to five get interviewed and say I this is where I was from and it was you know a completely different part of the planet then we would all relate to each other better would have a better
Starting point is 01:19:46 more peace and love feeling for each other rather than that kind of I don't like the other you know because well guess what that was you last time it'd just be better for the planet wouldn't it that's a very very good point and also the other if not
Starting point is 01:20:02 simulation theory the other theory might be that perhaps you know the mother is eating food that has remnants of soil in it that has been growing somewhere where there is DNA left over from
Starting point is 01:20:18 the rotting corpse of a previous thing and that DNA comes in and goes into the mother and into the baby and part of the DNA of that child is built out of actual DNA from that actual human that they have the past life from and it actually entwines
Starting point is 01:20:34 into the DNA that some of the memories maybe memories are carried through DNA. I'd interject there I'd interject there and say I'm only 250 pounds and you've lost hahahaha hahahaha can we please play that sting
Starting point is 01:20:51 yeah we have to play that sting I don't even weigh 210 pounds you've lost me hahahaha whoa but there are just to back you up there buttons there are studies which I'm going to butcher them here but people if they're interested in it
Starting point is 01:21:08 should look up and find the details but as far as I remember there's mice that inherit so it's let's say grandfather mice learns the way through a maze grandfather dies has a son the grandchild will have inherited memories
Starting point is 01:21:24 from the grandfather mouse that to go through the maze or no to tap on the door three times whatever the fuck mice do I'm not sure what they do but like the tap on the door three times hahahaha come in
Starting point is 01:21:40 what did my grandfather do here I think he tapped on the door three times he did a sort of a 360 turn backed his way up through into the second corridor I don't know why I know this bit of a weird one bit of a weird one why am I doing this
Starting point is 01:21:56 I don't even know what am I doing here why do I want to tap that three times hang on I'm turning around now this is what my granddad used to do hahahaha but I will say I will just as my kind of like take on it is that
Starting point is 01:22:12 I think um I think farrier brings up you know really good points there's a lot of yeah well of course he does because he's you and you're not in the same room at the same time ever hahahaha each other's past lives
Starting point is 01:22:28 into twice exactly and so but here's the thing when this went out as a tweet a few people on there wrote comments that simply said uh yeah didn't happen and that happened a few times and a lot of people like that oh yeah didn't happen and it's sort of this
Starting point is 01:22:44 new thing which is known as the didn't happen brigade and I think that's very bad science because they're trying to be scientists there with that comment what are they saying are they saying that I've made up the fact that my son said this thing that I've just that I've sort of put that out there what what kind of investigations
Starting point is 01:23:00 are they doing have they looked into what I've done in the past in my history if they look through my history a tweet like you can't just say didn't happen farrier at least is going okay you know like there's there's probably coincidences and reason you know he's applying logic to an example yeah but yeah but we're trying
Starting point is 01:23:16 to fight against this absolute skepticism where it's simply a like they're not even questioning my son's validity there they're just saying that I've made this thing up didn't happen 2000 people who replied have not had a common experience of a three to five year old doing the same thing
Starting point is 01:23:32 didn't happen fuck you that is not how we look at the world so I that's my thing I definitely am on the sort of science side and I'm I look at it like that but I hate that sort of further close mindedness
Starting point is 01:23:48 which is just not useful to anyone dismissal yeah yeah well that's why I want to talk to Dr Jim Tucker if he's listening there please reply to the email there because I just apologize for the picture I'm sorry sorry about the picture
Starting point is 01:24:04 I'm sure you enjoyed it but he's a scientist trying to prove the science behind this and that has to be celebrated and because there is clearly something happening there and even if they come out to the end of it and go actually it's just coincidence at least it's been looked into
Starting point is 01:24:20 but humans have this terrible way of shooting down people that are looking into things that can't be explained even if they are trying to figure out the science but they're not the majority they're not the majority that we should remember that and I think and I think my thread
Starting point is 01:24:36 this Twitter thread for me was the most encouraging thing because as I say it wasn't just religious people coming in there it was atheists coming in there going yeah I had that experience too and it freaked the shit out of me there's more of that and that's what we need so I was really
Starting point is 01:24:52 you know boys what's the word I was really like geared up oh god I'm using Derbyisms here quick I got this one sorry I'll get one of my ones through boisterous you've received boisterous I was buoyed up that's what it is buoyed up there you go
Starting point is 01:25:10 you know restored a bit of sort of excitement about our common experience and not needing to be skeptical about it that's cool that's amazing can I just quickly throw one thing out there before we go Dan just just recounting a few things that have happened in your
Starting point is 01:25:26 life lately you were poisoned self-poison yeah you had eucalyptus oil just for anyone who hasn't heard that yeah eucalyptus oil self-poison your wife has seen the ghost of mother Mary your son has started talking
Starting point is 01:25:42 about past lives where is the Alistair Crowley book is that in your house still no but it's still next door in my neighbour's shed in the shed who appeared on this show we are just as a reminder because the Croydon cat killer had struck at their house
Starting point is 01:25:58 so you know and they've now got the Alistair Crowley book yeah so it's still in the vicinity I'm just I don't want to draw too many lines but there's a lot of weird shit happening in your life see I don't think these things are bad these are all good things
Starting point is 01:26:14 that are happening to Dan and they're mind-boggling but they're they're okay that's why I'm keen to go and buy one of those books now I want some weird shit to happen to me on that note some weird shit is about to happen to me as I now take you through the lamp experiment
Starting point is 01:26:30 to show you guys how to Criact and we're going to end on this so let me just get the lamp Criact if ever there was a reason to sign up to Patreon and become a cryptid knight this is like a free acting course at the same time as a cryptid
Starting point is 01:26:46 exactly we need to do like those master you know those master class things where it's like Helen Mirren teaches you acting we need Reese is just purely just right look at this lamp as well he looks like an alchemist he does he looks like a witch himself
Starting point is 01:27:02 okay so here's the actual lamp which I usually take into court with me and you've taken the the shade off you've taken you've you've stripped it of yeah you gotta take the shade off obviously that's a beautiful lamp beautiful lamp I use the money I saved in court for the parking
Starting point is 01:27:18 finds to to actually buy the lamp it was 150 bucks now for this technique I will do the single eye cry and I'll keep the other one closed so I can get out of the room I have switched the lamp on I need
Starting point is 01:27:34 you to you know what I'm not feeling I'm not feeling the emotion anything because I'm not in a scene I need you guys to create a scene for me to cry in okay okay here we go the three of us are in a scene you guys start it
Starting point is 01:27:50 okay bad news guys oh hi Dan hi Dan what's your bad news what about you don't walk into a room just with bad what about hello I haven't seen you for ages this has got to be bad no hello
Starting point is 01:28:06 no hello I'm sorry I've sort of forgotten the bad news I'm kind of distracted but Reese are you okay why have you got a I need to replace this bulb not at the moment but I've just my wife's told me I've got to go and replace all the
Starting point is 01:28:22 bulbs because some of them are blowing and some of them are about to blow and this is the last one I've got to replace and I'm just going to wait for it to blow well listen listen listen bad bad news oh yes you're bad news my friend's son has just disappeared into the fourth land of
Starting point is 01:28:40 darkness which is it's like it's like earth but it's really sunny Dan that's amazing that you've got that bad news I wasn't expecting that at all for you to
Starting point is 01:28:58 to say that say that news bad news that's wow I couldn't I didn't see that coming oh god that's bad acting oh no don't cry Reese don't cry
Starting point is 01:29:20 is that real it's real crying there's not even pretend look at him cut whoa here we go just acting that deserves a golden Oscar
Starting point is 01:29:36 that one your face is tanned now as well ah it's ending I can't see a thing out of my right eye oh mate this has gone horribly wrong guys
Starting point is 01:29:52 I'm actually going to have to go and get some water that's it for the past lives okay see you next week bye goodnight you I tell you what I'd hate to live through that again you

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