The Daily Zeitgeist - Weekly Zeitgest 333 (Best of 8/5/24-8/9/24)

Episode Date: August 11, 2024

The weekly round-up of the best moments from DZ's season 350 (8/5/24-8/9/24)See for privacy information....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Kay hasn't heard from her sister in seven years. I have a proposal for you. Come up here and document my project. All you need to do is record everything like you always do. What was that? That was live audio of a woman's nightmare. Can Kay trust her sister or is history repeating itself? There's nothing dangerous about what you're doing.
Starting point is 00:00:18 They're just dreams. Dream Sequence is a new horror thriller from Blumhouse Television, iHeartRadio, and Realm. Listen to Dream Sequence on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, and culture in the new iHeart podcast, Sniffy's Cruising Confessions. Sniffy's Cruising Confessions will broaden minds and help you pursue your true goals. You can listen to Sniffy's Cruising Confessions,
Starting point is 00:00:54 sponsored by Gilead, now on the iHeartRadio app or wherever you get your podcasts. New episodes every Thursday. Hi, everyone. It's me, Katie Couric. You know, if you've been following me on social
Starting point is 00:01:05 media, you know I love to cook or at least try, especially alongside some of my favorite chefs and foodies like Benny Blanco, Jake Cohen, Lighty Hoyk, Alison Roman, and Ina Garten. So I started a free newsletter called Good Taste to share recipes, tips, and kitchen must-haves. Just sign up at slash goodtaste. That's K-A-T-I-E-C-O-U-R-I-C dot com slash goodtaste. I promise your taste buds will be happy you did. Hello, the internet, and welcome to this episode of the Weekly Zeitgeist. These are some of our favorite segments from this week, all edited together into one nonstop infotainment laughstravaganza. Yeah. So without further ado, here is The Weekly Zeitgeist.
Starting point is 00:02:01 Anyways, we are thrilled to be joined in our third seat by one of the very faces on mount zeitmore a hilarious and brilliant writer producer you know him from the yo is this racist podcast it's andrew t raw i give it to you with much trivia raw like hot takes straight from iHeartMedia. Cool. That was 10 seconds before we started recording. I was like, I think I could pull this one off. That was perfect. And you nailed it. Flawless.
Starting point is 00:02:36 I could sense the COVID in your voice. The gravel is still there. Y'all keep it safe. Mask up. COVID. This COVID is the realest yet, I feel, for me personally. Wow. Did you go Pax Lovid for COVID?
Starting point is 00:02:51 No, I probably should have. I just was like, I'm fine, right? Probably, I don't know. To no one in particular? Yeah. I'm fine with it. This is fine, right? Hey, man, who are you talking to? Huh? Mostly my dog, mostly. This is fine, right? Hey, man, who are you talking to, huh?
Starting point is 00:03:07 Mostly my dog. I was telling these guys off mic, my last screen time check-in clocked in at, hey, Andrew, your screen time is a little bit up. You averaged 16.5 hours a day last week. We're going to need you to check into some sort of phone rehab. Yeah. Two full union shifts of being on youtube per day right what does that do to your soul like how do you feel i feel well we can talk about it because all of my over under rain is in search history
Starting point is 00:03:39 and like so deep and obscure i guess i will just say broadly speaking i'm an old man and i finally found like i finally think i get youtube for me oh okay the algorithm has finally been bent to your will i yes sort of yeah i like it 40 hours of non-stop watching I think it might have an idea of what I'm into. Well, I think what happened was, I just like hated the idea of YouTube stuff. And so when I like don't in like engage with it, YouTube would just keep like suggesting to me, okay, well, the average person who likes quote unquote, YouTube likes this stuff, which is all like, right wing garbage. So I was like, Oh, I hate this, I hate this, I hate this. And then I finally watched enough of the internet that I found people who unironically call themselves YouTubers
Starting point is 00:04:34 and call the product that they make content and who I don't hate. And so I started watching some of those folks and then it started suggesting me more of that because i assume youtube is internally incentivized who's a creator we like to use the term creator exactly yeah yeah people who like who like who who's who's like who's one of the creators i caught your eye i'm really curious gonna come up in the underrated oh okay okay my bad my bad now yeah i think the first one oh my god what, what's his fucking name, is, this is a
Starting point is 00:05:06 very, very famous person. It's just new to me. But this guy, Jarvis Johnson, who is close enough to the circles of, like, people who have been on Daily Zeitgeist have been on his show before. But he is just a, you know, fucking YouTuber. Talks to the camera,
Starting point is 00:05:22 hot takes, knows everything about YouTube. But he's he's like mixed and he is by virtue of not being white i feel like has at least like takes that i can understand yeah and i'm just like oh this is like much better this is what i assume people like who just watch like fucking mr beast or whatever without thinking about it like get out of it anyway sure i was just i was like okay and then once i started on that train the algorithm was like okay he finally has engaged with youtube without they're like hit him with it yeah yeah so i've just been hit with it like uh you know and and it's good i you know i'm glad i'm i'm glad i figured out a piece of this like ecosystem that I can stand.
Starting point is 00:06:06 But yeah, that's how, that's how sick I was. YouTube videos. That's how sick I was and am. YouTube videos. I feel like the second. So I went to his Twitter and he's got like some, something going on with Cody Co. Like, you know, And it's just immediately there's a beef
Starting point is 00:06:27 with somebody who I'm not familiar with. It is all internal. It is all part of this ecosystem that I don't know. It is interesting because I don't know any of the people he's talking about except for the most famous breakthrough to the household name-ish people.
Starting point is 00:06:44 And I'm not gonna learn probably, but it is like, I'm like, okay, this guy at least has the right opinions on the basic social things. So I'm like, okay, I can engage with this person.
Starting point is 00:06:55 Yeah. It's not going to suddenly turn into like, yeah, some weird genocide apology or something. Yeah. Yeah. Exactly. We were in Boston staying with some friends last week and their kids are like from say eight up through like eighth grade. Yeah, exactly. We saw Tom Cruise and they were like, oh my God, that's so cool. Did you see Mr. Beast? And then like asked us if we'd see Mr. Beast like five more times after we'd said no.
Starting point is 00:07:30 They're like, but what about Mr. Beast? Yeah, like an actual famous person. Oh, so you haven't seen a famous person. Interesting. Have you seen Elon Musk? What is something from your search history that is revealing about who you are? My Google search history result is summer 2024 nail polish colors, which I'm sure is at the top of y'all's search history too.
Starting point is 00:07:53 Well, I already knew. I go into every season knowing what the color palette is going to be. Yeah, you're prepped. So what's the summer? What's the summer for the fingernails and toenails this year? So, well, the summer colors, I mean, bold red is always in. And a lot of, honestly, it's really boring. A lot of like pale pinks and neutrals and then some greens here.
Starting point is 00:08:21 I'll show you. Where's my, oh, I don't have my, that's what I went with a soft green, mint green. Yeah. So like a slightly deeper shade than a, than a mint. And what this says about me is that my new podcast is launching this week. Okay. I'm talking to you. Right. And I've got, you know, I'm excited, but I'm also anxious. And what I do when I'm both excited and anxious is I paint my nails.
Starting point is 00:08:53 I find a new color. Yeah. And I paint my nails because it is the one thing. I'm sure you'll have things like this where it's like, all I can pay attention to for like 10 minutes is just painting nailing it yeah these nails and it's just a it's just a mind kind of a mind release a little a little meditative break for a moment and i get a pop of color on my nails yeah it's like it puts you in a flow state it sounds yeah you know y'all have flow state things like that yeah yeah yeah uh i do i mean recently i started like drawing more
Starting point is 00:09:33 and coloring more which again i think and it's probably similar to painting your nails because like i'm a bit of a perfectionist so like staying in the lines is like very important so like having an activity that's like stay in, stay within the lines. And I'm sure like with, it's funny. I remember watching like my mom or like my grandmother paint her fingernails. And like when they mess up,
Starting point is 00:09:53 I'm like, Oh God, like I would be stressed out. You're going to have to clean that up. Like it's all over your cuticles. And they're like, it comes off easy. And I'm like,
Starting point is 00:10:00 okay, well I'm a child who doesn't know they have perfection. Not helpful. Yeah. Ooh, you fucked up. Ooh, yeah. Can you stop breathing down my neck? Please.
Starting point is 00:10:10 But yeah, no, that and driving. I also like driving. That also helps a lot because it, you know, requires a bit of skill and focus. I like to, like, do laundry, fold laundry, pick up shit around the house after my kids, you know, Oh, tidying up. Just a little tidying. Yeah. A little bit of tidying.
Starting point is 00:10:30 My mom loves doing dishes. She hates cooking. She'll always be like, if I were like cooking, she's like, just let me do the dishes. She's like, yeah, she's and she's really good at cooking, too, which is wild. She's like, no, it's the dishes. I like just don't like it. Yeah. No, like if she has people over and people like, oh, let us help you. She's like, no, I's the dishes I like. Just don't like it. Yeah. No, like if she has people over and people are like, oh, let us help you.
Starting point is 00:10:46 She's like, no, I want them all to myself. No, like truly. She's like, these are mine. You back up. So, yeah, it's it's always interesting where people find that. But yeah, it's always good to know what brings that out of you. I wish mine was like carving things out of wood or, you know. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:05 But you clean house. That's so helpful and productive. Yeah. Mine is not that. I'll say that. Like I have to like be like, do I got to? And I'm like, I'll do it later. And then it piles up and then I'm in there for.
Starting point is 00:11:22 But actually takes a lot to very quick to fold things. So, yeah. Yeah. What, what's something you think is underrated underrated i'm gonna say besides bows and that uh i'll often be listening to my bows on the la metro because i love the trains in los angeles yeah i'm always telling people to take the trains. They're lovely. You know, certainly you have to live like on one of the routes, but it's so much more relaxing than being in traffic.
Starting point is 00:11:50 If you got to go downtown and you take a car, you're a fool. The train will get you anywhere. You can have a nice like city experience walking around. You can read your book,
Starting point is 00:12:01 write in your notebook, do whatever you got to do. It's not going to depend on what time you're going. Yeah yeah fun frequently yeah yeah yeah it's definitely like it's the one thing you hope for with the la metro is like for it to like you said like what about for people who don't live like directly near like a metro station but then a lot of time they have like a lot of parking or whatever but yeah i know that's like the one thing that makes it a little bit difficult and also like the nimby stuff where people like i don't want the metro station to come through my
Starting point is 00:12:32 part of the city of course but i'm here telling you you do and also if i can just go a step further i hope everyone else our los angeles listeners knows about the metro micro yeah yeah the uber van the uber van is what a dollar yeah oh come get you like your house exactly it pulls up like where do you want to go yeah yeah like as long as it's in this like small delivery radius like we're good to go yeah yeah wait what is it it's a van that will just take you to the metro it's like micro transit but it's basically like a sprinter van that has a bunch of seats in it and they'll take you to the metro? It's like micro transit, but it's basically like a sprinter van that has a bunch of seats in it and they'll take you. You can just be like, hey, I need to get over here. And they're like, yeah, yeah, right.
Starting point is 00:13:10 Damn, Kip. You can reserve a ride and it'll text you when the guy's closed and a dude in a van is just like, hey. And he just takes you wherever you need to take him. And it's not a shade. He says micro on the bus. So it's not like you're just some dude shows up like, hey. Right. And you're like, yeah, hey.
Starting point is 00:13:25 Train station? He's like you sure man if i ever start leaving my house again i might have to take advantage of this that sounds pretty good aren't your kids into trains yet they don't they don't like like big vehicle type things like they don't have a train face they do like trains but we just don't have that many reasons to go downtown. Like their school and all those things. But I'm going to start taking them on the LA Metro for sure. With kids, too. The other train I love that I recommend is the Surfliner. Yeah, we've done the Surfliner for sure.
Starting point is 00:13:56 That's beautiful. During the Marlboro? Yeah. We went down to San Diego. San Diego? Back up again. It was a blast. What's something you think is overrated?
Starting point is 00:14:09 Great underrated, by the way, Blake. That was like a serious and very good underrated. Yeah. Now knock it off. Knock that shit off and give us a stupid overrated. Overrated. Your plants. Let my dog piss on your plants.
Starting point is 00:14:22 Oh, wow. Yeah, that's my overrated. Overrated, let my dog piss on your plants. Oh, wow. Yeah, that's my overrated. Overrated to let my dog piss on your plants? No, overrated is your plants. The health of your plants. Oh, got it, got it, got it. Underrated, my dog's piss. Yeah, my dog's piss is underrated.
Starting point is 00:14:38 My dog's piss is good for your plants. I didn't think I'd have to spell this out for you, but yes, overrated. I can take you right outside the garage that i'm recording from out to my parents front lawn and show you a sign that asks people to please keep their dogs off their lawn we are we are that household give blake that address so he can bring the dog through i'm sure i'm sure i've pissed at that that. I'm sure my dog has done that. People come from miles around
Starting point is 00:15:06 to piss on my parents' front lawn. Miles has FedExed me bottles of piss for me to take and then spill it. I all surge. I keep telling him. And then everybody sprints down the street. You just open the bottle of piss.
Starting point is 00:15:21 They know, dude. It's like blood in the water with the sharks. I'm guessing something happened your dog was your dog pissing on grass a tree a rose bush what was it i i think that there's an un now when there's space and there's other places for a dog to piss i think that it is reasonable not to go out of your way to have a dog urinate on someone's plants. Like I get that. Like even in LA, there's more space, like just grass patches for a dog to piss on. But in city, like in New York and Philly and like in these more compacted cities, the only green is these people will just put these plants outside their homes. It's like, they're going to get pissed on by something.
Starting point is 00:16:07 So it might as well be my dog. And it is interesting. I'm not, I'm not just saying this to appease Jack, which I feel like 99% of my time is devoted to these days, but it is. You always have me proofreading your text to him. We probably edited this out, but when you got on,
Starting point is 00:16:22 I heard Miles say he's in another one of his moods. In another one of his moods. Tread carefully. Just make him happy. Just don't make fun of the candy burrito. Don't fucking make fun of the candy burrito. Don't make wise. It's a cool idea.
Starting point is 00:16:39 Okay. Oh, fuck. Fuck. It was just poorly executed, but the idea is there. It was just poorly executed, but the idea is there. I'm sure there were rough drafts of the Mona Lisa, okay? Yes. She had four eyes the first time.
Starting point is 00:16:55 She was wearing glasses the first time. No, this cannot. We can't make a famous four-eyed lady. But yeah, no, I think dog owners, avoid it if you can. And also people who have plants outside it's they're just gonna get pissed on what do you expect sure sure yeah yeah they are yeah too good for my dog's piss you think you're too good for my dog's piss always pick up the shit always like this shit like piss yeah man i get it like i know some the uric acid can fuck up a lawn if it's like
Starting point is 00:17:25 Constantly happening and I get why some people But like this shit is really the thing where you Gotta fucking you know Pick up the shit the piss whatever Probably good for them It's good for them they like it The plants like it they actually like it Oh I'm sorry miss I'm pretty sure
Starting point is 00:17:42 Your plants fucking like it So why don't you go back inside My dog miss i'm pretty sure your plants fucking like it yeah so why don't you go back inside i'm doing my dog's doing something nice for your plants hey miss are you listening that's your plant laughing up piss all right take it up with the plant the plant's fucking weird i think i don't know it's a freak your plants are free yeah yeah does anybody sell like a a yard sign that's like my my flowers are piss pigs like please come come at me i wonder my flowers like it would that resonate blake if someone had those in philly like because that's like a thing where just some put out like dude this plant
Starting point is 00:18:17 fucking loves it let let the golden showers fucking rain down like a cartoon drawing of a flower just you know face up just like kind of rubbing their face in a stream it looks it looks like the sun's crying on it no that's s-o-n my friend not s-u-n my son uh i love that sort of bit of like this plant fucking loves it it's like what are they talking about like is then you'd be like no not this house not this house we don't want that reverse psychology may actually be a better deterrent yeah you just hear somebody on the porch going oh god i think that's a deter i think you're right that could be great merch to sell one of those little signs saying this side business try it out but use it use a union print shop for it
Starting point is 00:19:13 oh my god that's so funny ask your dog to make eye contact with me while you well it does it please thank you exactly please knock on my door before your dog pisses on my plan. I want to make eye contact. I want to watch it. Even if I'm sleeping, I don't care. Wake me up. Wake me up. Ring the doorbell. Yeah, I think that would actually.
Starting point is 00:19:33 Yeah, that would that would dissuade people probably. All right. Let's take a quick break and we'll be right back. Fantasy football fans the nfl season is here and now is the time to get ready to dominate your leagues the best way to crush your opponents this season is to listen to the nfl fantasy football podcast come hang out with me marcus grant and my pal michael f florio as we give you all the info you need to absolutely steamroll your fantasy league and bring home a championship. You don't need to spend hours each day breaking down every stat and every stitch of game tape to set a winning lineup.
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Starting point is 00:20:31 Subscribe now and listen to the NFL Fantasy Football Podcast on the iHeartRadio app, on Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. Hey, I'm Bruce Bozzi. On my podcast, Table for Two, we have unforgettable lunch after unforgettable lunch with the best guest you could possibly ask for. People like David Duchovny. You know, New Yorkers have a reputation of being very tough, but it's not. It's not that way at all. They're very accepting. Jeff Goldblum. Are you saying secret fries?
Starting point is 00:20:59 Secret fries. What? That's what you're saying? Yeah. And Kristen Wiig. I just became so aware that I'm such a loud chewer. My husband's just like, sometimes I'll be eating and he'll just be looking at me. I'm like, I'm just eating. Like, I don't know how else to chew. Table for Two is a
Starting point is 00:21:15 bit different from other interview shows. We sit down at a great restaurant for a meal and the stories start flowing. Our second season is airing right now, so you can catch up on our conversations that are intimate, surprising, and often hilarious. Listen to Table for Two with Bruce Bozzi on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. In 1982, Atari players had one thing on their minds, Sword Quest. This wasn't just a new game. Atari promised 150 grand in prizes to four finalists. But the prizes disappeared.
Starting point is 00:21:56 And what started as a video game promotion became one of the most controversial moments in 80s pop culture. I just don't believe they exist. My reaction, shock and awe. That sword was amazing. It was so beautiful. I'm Jamie Loftus. Join me this spring for The Legend of Sword Quest, a podcast about the fall of Atari and the disappearing Sword Quest prizes.
Starting point is 00:22:19 We'll follow the quest for lost treasure across four decades. It's almost like a metaphor for the industry and atari itself in a way listen to the legend of sword quest on the iheart radio app apple podcast or wherever you get your podcasts and we're back and i, I thought this was notable. It feels, you know, it's a one-off, kind of. But, like, we've been talking about how Trump has been having a difficult time dealing with the reality that Kamala Harris is now, who he is running against, and it is no longer Joe Biden. no longer jib biden and he had a post yesterday that just felt like desperation incarnate so i just want to just want to read it real quick because it seems like he's trying to hype joe
Starting point is 00:23:17 biden up into doing a january 6th like it feels like it feels like this is a post where the audience, the intended audience is Joe Biden. He says, what are the chances that crooked Joe Biden, the worst president in the history of the U S whose presidency was unconstitutionally stolen from him by comma, blah, saying Obama,
Starting point is 00:23:42 crazy Nancy Pelosi, shifty Adam Schiff, crying Chuck Schumer and others on the lunatic left crashes. OK, so that was a big aside. But what are the chances that Biden crashes the Democratic National Convention and tries to take back the nomination capitalized for some reason, beginning with challenging me to another debate? That's the one that gets me so much he's like let's do that again when i was louder when he just kept like kind of fading off and seemed like he didn't know where he was uh then he feels that he made a historically tragic mistake by handing over the u.s presidency a coup to the people in the world he most hates and he wants it back now so that last part yeah it feels like he has fully shifted into a tense that is like
Starting point is 00:24:42 straight up fiction writing right he's like now writing now writing the character of Joe Biden and being like, he feels that he made a historically tragic mistake by handing over the U S presidency, a coup to the people in the world. He most hates. And he wants it back now. He went third person, omniscient,
Starting point is 00:25:00 third person, omniscient, like log line movie pitch. Yeah. And in this fiction that he's created, by the way, Kamala has won. Right. Yeah. He's not even giving himself, like, the benefit of the doubt that he might win this election.
Starting point is 00:25:19 Right. It's very much like, I can't beat her, so here's what should happen. Yeah. Right. It's very much like I can't beat her. So here's what should happen. Yeah. Also, like so clear, you are so scared of a debate when your first part of the fantasy is like, not only does he come back, but the first thing he says is, I want Trump in a debate. He's like, exactly. And that would be cool. I come through the wall like I kick it down like the Kool-Aid man.
Starting point is 00:25:44 Like the Kool-Aid man. Three Ks. Yeah yeah i don't know it's hard to tell if this is if he like hopes this is gonna happen if he is and is just like left earth enough to think he can like will it or if he believes this is what's going to happen because that's what he would do if someone ever tried to get him to like back out of a position of power like that. A lot of people drew attention to the idea of like what Biden just did. Like you couldn't possibly imagine Trump doing that. And this is just like the best example of that where he is now like so what Biden just did doesn't make any sense because he like willingly gave up power. So I would never let that happen.
Starting point is 00:26:28 My my let me just pitch something to you guys. My theory of what's going on. He's going to do a Jan 6. And he's big mad. He is big mad. I mean, I could, you know, if the Republicans were ever in a place that they could have ousted Trump, I could see Trump doing this. But the fact is, he has like he can fully controls the party. So obviously nothing like that would have ever happened unless, you know, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:26:54 I don't even know how they could have ever done it. Unless maybe the 25th Amendment was maybe the closest time you could have seen Republicans be like, I think we could have the power to unseat this guy. But again, not. No, no.'re not gonna do anything about it yeah and not to mix lunatic metaphors but he is the worm in the republican brain yes right yeah yeah yeah and also i don't know if it's the flex he thinks it is i know he's trying to be racist and just misspell kamala's name but when you're the guy that looks not so lucid, I don't know if misspelling is a flex you think it is. And like, blah, like feels like something
Starting point is 00:27:31 that he might say accidentally because he does feel like he's just getting older by the day. Like aging. Like a president, which is great. Like I'm proud of him finally aging like a president, you know? Because when he was in office, he barely aged at all. The first president to ever just not let it get to him at all. He's like, all my food is free now.
Starting point is 00:27:54 Yeah. But he now does seem to be noticeably aging. The blah thing, it just doesn't hit at all. The only room where if someone calls something blah is like if like anna wintour was describing some like fashion trend she's like oh it's quite blah to me they're like oh shit i'm not offended it's just blah oh but republicans who have been saying right vile shit like the most out there rhetoric to just call something blood. It's like, no, that these people have been sniffing cocaine. And you're like, what if we had like a diet Coke to get our,
Starting point is 00:28:30 our heart rate up? It's like, no, bro, we're, we're fully cooked off the amphetamines. The fact that he can't possibly imagine anyone willfully giving a power, like just put another reason that if he wins this election,
Starting point is 00:28:44 like we are so fucked because he his brain is deteriorating before our eyes. And he is also never going to give up power, ever going to give up power. I don't know. It just drives home another reason why it seems like it would be bad if Donald Trump won the next election. For almost 10 years now, I guess, it's been driving me crazy. Are there this many people that are not bothered by having a president who doesn't know what a proper noun is? Like it drives, how do you, someone who has been the president of the United States doesn't know that you don't capitalize world. Yeah, right. Right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:28 It's, it's vibe. It's all vibes. Yeah. It's like, oh, the, ooh, I want, the nomination is something I want. So I'm going to make that fancy and call that a capital N nomination. Get the, the nomination. But like, to your point, Jack, of like this guy is not like he's living in a fantasy world and has to win by any means necessary. I just do want to point out that while the vibes
Starting point is 00:29:51 are up for Democrats, Trump, remember, dude, this guy is fighting for his fucking life in this election. You know what I mean? It's not just sort of like all the fantasies from like the like the right wing, like existentially for Trump. He has to be president or else so many fucking legal doors potentially might open further that he doesn't want. And so I just want to remember, like when he was in Georgia and he's like, I just want to shout out the freedom fighting pit bulls that we have on the Georgia election board. Well, on Wednesday or maybe Tuesday, the Georgia state election board, they push through new rules that basically make it like gives the authority of county officials to refuse to certify election results. The thing that we're like, we've been talking about a lot this week is like, that's going to be one of their big strategies this time is just to hold up the certification of these elections. That's going to be one of their big strategies this time is just to hold up the certification of these elections.
Starting point is 00:30:51 So this like gives them new powers where they can like ask for more materials like they can. There's like more weight to their decisions, like if they want to sign off on a vote count or their ability to refuse. So these like these things are happening like in many states. So, you know, the it's going to the fight will be there. There's going there's gonna be right i mean i don't think there's any question that there's go we are in i think the beginning of act three of a greek tragedy is just like how many is it just gonna be his wings that melt or is the entire empire about to burn down i mean you're right this will go to whatever happens in this election he won't quit then it going to go until there's absolute decimation everywhere. And it's just a matter of who's who's who gets burned by that decimation. question about Florida votes and there was a recount and it basically came down to like, they were like, all right, we're going to like, they stormed a vote counting center,
Starting point is 00:31:53 like a bunch of people in like Brooks Brothers. It was called the Brooks Brothers Riot. Roger Stone like helped organize it. And that was one of the things that got them to stop the recount. They were like, stop the count. It worked. They stopped the recount and the Supreme Court gave it to Bush at that point. And, you know, a later recount said that Bush had the votes, but like it has happened before that it was like arbitrary and just like because they had the supreme court justices they needed they were able to swing the election so it's not unprecedented like we could see the election overturned or you know the election given to him because they have the supreme court justices they need yeah anyway so just terrifying truth is just constantly being fed to us vis-a-vis these kind of posts where he's giving like sour patch kid names.
Starting point is 00:32:50 Yeah. And so it's like, and like, I think there's this dissonance that we all have sort of of like how absurd it is versus like the apps that stark truth that you're just talking about. Yeah. Hard to reckon with those two things at the same time. Yeah. that stark truth that you're just talking about yeah hard to reckon with those two things at the same time yeah because you're like the guy who's just comma blah it's like has an army of sycophants and people that are like just off election conspiracies ready to bring down the electoral process oh he does okay yeah yeah yeah did you mean Garbage Pail Kids? Thank you, Garbage Pail Kids. Because that's so funny.
Starting point is 00:33:26 I bet he is influenced by Garbage Pail Kids. He really does. That is the format of all his nicknames. Snotty Scotty. Right. Sleepy Joe Biden. Stinky Steve. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:44 But how are they dealing on the vibes front, Miles? The vibes are fantastic if you hate the Republicans, I would say. So, like, again, there's just a lot of swatting at things, a lot of grasping at straws, vapors to try and get something that sticks. Kevin McCarthy was like, I don't know about Tim Walz. He is so radical. It's's wild people don't see this he's basically the bernie sanders of congress that's what he said he's the i was like the bernie sanders is he is bernie sanders not in congress does kevin mccarthy know the difference between the house of representatives and this never mind yeah whatever you were speaker maybe you meant of the house either way. That's where that went. And he was like,
Starting point is 00:34:29 all right, Kevin McCarthy. Thanks for that. Next Trump is now like he called into Fox and friends a little less focused on her race and just now just saying things like how she doesn't want to answer questions. This is him calling in again, being like, oh, yeah, yeah, I hear she's real bad. He doesn't even know what to say anymore. She stinks. She's bad. No, I mean, pretty close. He's like, what, I can't do race stuff?
Starting point is 00:34:55 Okay, I hear she's stinky. The media are outside of you people, of course. But the media is so, they're trying to build her up to the next Margaret Thatcher liberal version. And I don't believe it's going to happen. I hear she's hasn't taken one interview. She would never do an interview like this that that I can get with any network. She doesn't do interviews because she can't answer questions. I don't know how she debates. doesn't do interviews because she can't answer questions i don't know how she debates i heard she's sort of a nasty person but not a good a good debater but we'll see because we'll be debating her i guess in the pretty near future it's going to be announced fairly soon but we'll
Starting point is 00:35:35 be debating her i'd like to see it on fox by the way i would like to see it my preference would be fox but we have to debate do you you have an announcement, Mr. They're like, do you have an announcement? He's like, no, no, I don't. But it will be happening in about a couple of weeks, you know, doing the same Trump thing. So I've heard she's sort of a nasty person. Right. Was that scathing line of attack? Just sort of like just sort of a nasty person.
Starting point is 00:36:00 He's sort of nasty. Yeah. Not a full on nast, but sort of. Also, acting like there's no media available of her, that he just hears that she's a nasty person. He's never seen her or met
Starting point is 00:36:16 her before. They're like, oh yeah. All of the internet hasn't just been her with Zinger charismatic little clips. I hear she's brat, so there's that also which is bad i think that's a bad thing i don't like and i think uh chapelle roanne i believe is that artist said something about tim wallace being daddy vibes or i don't know anyway but on trump's like campaign
Starting point is 00:36:39 account at trump war room they're like just posting like screen cat like just video of her greeting a crowd at like the first rally that happened uh with her and tim walls or just like it's her at the podium it says kamala like parent parentheses cringe good evening ha ha good evening good evening ha ha good evening everyone good evening and and that was her whole speech and that's not taken out of context at all she and then she says good night right they're just they're just they're just showing someone i don't again because i know people are not as enthusiastic at the trump rallies anymore where you have to you have to contend with people's being like they're like all right good evening oh yep yeah wow good evening hey everyone a raucous crowd you're like what is this is cringe dude she's all like good evening a bunch of times is she all
Starting point is 00:37:34 right um okay and while tim or while comal and tim walls were talking to like 12 000 people at that same time jd vance was also in philadelphia but like at another venue in the city with only 200 people that showed up and they knew it was going to be a small thing right they booked it out to make sure yeah it could it could hold 1300 people oh so it could only hold about a tenth of what the other one did and you got 200 to show and then he ended up even self-owning because the stage was so poorly set up. It looked like he was stumping for Kamala Harris. This is wild. He's standing.
Starting point is 00:38:12 It looks like he's just got a big banner that says Kamala behind him. And it was supposed to say Kamala Chaos. But as IATSE, the union, pointed out, they said, here's why you should hire union stage hands and stage designers. And then in parentheses, they did not. And you get, they're like, shit, man, it looks like I'm opening up for Kamala Harris now. It's all so Veep coded. Yeah. It is crazy how Veep is the only realistic depiction of politics yeah ever yeah yeah yeah the other
Starting point is 00:38:46 thing though too is like people like charlie kirk have become so desperado uh with it that they like are he's now like instructing his listeners to just be like don't don't don't support your kids if they're gonna vote for this ticket um this is char is Charlie Kirk totally unbothered by the Harris-Walls ticket. Let me be very clear, guys. If you do not get 100% turnout from your own house, you're doing it wrong. If you are a parent that has 18 or 19-year-old old kids you got to get them out to vote and by the way if you are paying your 18 19 or 20 year old kids tuition and they go vote for kamala harris you should tell them you guys could pay for your own college you're gonna go vote for kamala harris
Starting point is 00:39:36 and our house here is working our tail off and we're going into debt to help you go through college you guys can pay for your own college husbands Husbands, make sure your wives are registered. Wives tend to be more organized around the house. Make sure your husbands are registered. For all of the MAGA moms out there, make sure that every, just make a list, okay? Susie,
Starting point is 00:39:58 Jeff, Susie, Jeff, Joseph, Mary, Jesus, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, everyone in your family. Make sure you're registered to vote. But yeah, now it's like to the phase of like, you need to threaten your family now. Like this is what, this is how we'll beat them, I guess. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:17 And if they don't go to school, no candy. You offer to buy them candy if they will go vote for Trump. And if not, no candy for a year. Oh yeah. And be, and, and be,
Starting point is 00:40:31 be firm on that. Yes. There's a future of our countries at stake here. Yeah. Thank you. Producer Victor, take away the Xbox. Is bribery like that?
Starting point is 00:40:39 You're not supposed to be able to bribe people to, uh, I think bribery and blackmail are probably both not acceptable ways to coerce someone into voting right also but they're saying this is the same people who like won't give it people any kind of a break on their student loans yeah i know that's the really interesting thing though too is like conservatives really don't know how to spin this progressive thing because I was I've been watching Fox like the last two days just because I like I'm so you know like it's part of part of the gig but also like to see how they're even messaging this and one of the things I heard the most was this is the most
Starting point is 00:41:18 extreme ticket this is the most radical ticket that we've ever seen. Maybe comparatively. Sure. But they're like, walls is so radically progressive guys. Don't be fooled. He's basically like Gavin Newsom, but just with a little more folksy. This is,
Starting point is 00:41:37 they want to bring in all this blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And like, they do stuff to be like, like he wants to make sure that your tax dollars go straight to kids so they can get a free meal yeah and you're like yeah for free okay what else is a free lunch they're gonna
Starting point is 00:41:52 another one was like kamala harris is sending money to the top one percent when she says she wants to increase spending to help people guess who that's helping the extremely wealthy that's where the money goes when the government spends money and you're like wait sorry are you against lining the pockets of the wealthiest one percent of this country because your whole thing you know fiscal policy is based on that so again they can't quite they don't know how to even spin any of this but by just saying things but like with an outraged tone they're like, he wants women to make their own decisions about
Starting point is 00:42:27 their health care. He thinks all people are people. This is wild stuff, folks. Yeah. I saw them coming for the putting free tampons in school. Oh, Tampon Tim? Tampon Tim? Oh, you're talking about Tampon Tim? I'm sorry, Tampon Tim.
Starting point is 00:42:43 His garbage pill nickname. That's right. Tampon Tim is Oh, you're talking about Tampon Tim? I'm sorry, Tampon Tim. His garbage pail kid name. Tampon Tim is a great garbage pail kid. That's a garbage pail kid card t-shirt. Tampon Tim. Tampons poking out of his ears and nose. Even Republican women use
Starting point is 00:43:00 tampons, you dipshit. You don't think every Republican woman's been in a situation where they needed a tampon? I don't want to hear about it okay and i don't i surely don't i don't want my wife goes to a tent on our compound with the other women to you know and she emerges five days later that's right and that's how we have but yeah it truly is just that they are they're they're grasping the other thing that they've been saying a lot was that shapiro josh shapiro was snubbed because the democrats hate jewish people right and that's all like and i'm like i'm sorry again you have a guy who's humping mein kampf by his bedside table right your fucking nominee the person who when they say jews will not replace us he's like yeah
Starting point is 00:43:43 those dudes are chill yeah and the bevy of the fucking all the neo-nazis he hangs out with and you're gonna start giving lectures on that i mean i think again shapiro was snubbed because he was vulnerable like he had a lot of controversies that started brewing and popping up over the weekend and like people were like oh and one that i have not really i've recently seen get talked about more was just like really weird murder case that happened that like while he was attorney general, that was clearly a homicide, but for some reason was ruled a suicide. And her family was like suing to like get the fucking state to like reopen this case and like have it actually be ruled a homicide. And like, it's super strange strange a lot of weird stuff like there was like unverified like sort of uh allegations that josh shapiro knew this deceased woman's fiancee who some suspect was the actual person who may have killed her and like and he was just like yeah it's a suicide but like this person had like 10 stab wounds to the back of their neck and head
Starting point is 00:44:41 and they're like yeah this is uh yeah it was like it's yeah there's just all kinds of just stuff that like again it he would have been opened up to the this summer's most scathing insult which is uh shapiro got a weird case why is he around and that would have they're like yeah we don't want that let's pick like walls who is just like looks like this normal guy which is why i think they're having so much trouble because he doesn't have the same like creature of dc politics energy that most of these politicians you see who end up like on a presidential ticket yeah yeah yeah you can't have a candidate who would have a staircase made about him yeah yeah you can run an owl theory about someone on your ticket yeah yeah or just being like, how could they look at that?
Starting point is 00:45:25 Like, what's going on? As I read the details of it, there's like so much weird stuff. And this family of this woman who passed away, like, have been relentless on trying to get justice for her. And it's actually because Krasner, the guy who became the Philadelphia DA, was one of their lawyers. And when he became DA, he's like, I actually can't take the case because i've i've i already have a connection to it so they sent it to shapiro's office but then he was like no it looks like a nothing to see here and nothing to see here looks open and shut yeah very wild stuff all right let's take a quick break and we'll be right back
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Starting point is 00:47:12 I'm going to slip you a couple of 20s under the table for that. Emma Roberts. When it came into my email inbox, I was like, okay, I know I'm going to love this so much that I don't even want to read it. Because if I can't be in it, I'm going to be bummed. And Colin Jost. You know, your wife was the first guest on Table for Two. It's come full circle. As long as I do better than her, I'm happy.
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Starting point is 00:48:59 And we're back. We're back. And the other VP pick on the other side, J.D. Vance, has gotten less enthusiasm online than I think they were hoping for. Definitely less than Walls, where I'm looking. Where were you looking? So his 2021 comment about childless cat ladies like Kamala Harris, AOC, and Pete Buttigieg has kind of become a rallying cry for Democrats. So he's like, just feels like he's constantly in damage control.
Starting point is 00:49:37 Yeah. Kelly's show last week, her podcast, I should say, and claimed that his casual misogyny was only directed at Democrats, not any other cat lady, just those three. They're bad. Yeah. Yeah. They're sociopaths. Not, not our cat, not our beloved cat ladies. Yeah. Not you guys. He just has the energy of someone who's been given just endless benefits of the doubt his entire life and he's just like yeah no i said that thing about cat ladies but not you babe i was like talking about other cat ladies who don't like have kids but not you even though that describes you and like up to this point in his life, it's just like worked out for him. And so he can just kind of ride with it. But it feels like he's kind of pissed off a lot, a lot of people. Reportedly 47% of adults over 50 without kids say that they're unlikely to have
Starting point is 00:50:40 them. And 64% of young women who don't have kids say that they simply don't want them. And this is just another example where the GOP are clearly the hot dog meme guy, just being like, somebody crashed through that window in a hot dog truck. Yeah. Because Republicans have been slashing federal funds for child care and education and then complaining about people who choose not to have kids. Yeah. And also, we have to mention the maternal health, prenatal health impacts of Roe v. Wade being overturned, like all of their policies. I mean, women are scared to even, even if they might want kids, they are probably scared to even try, because if there's a pregnancy complication, like you might not be able to get help. Right. Like I was just like hearing from like in Texas too, that because of the laws there,
Starting point is 00:51:46 like hearing from like in Texas too, that because of the laws there, like a lot of OBs are not practicing in the state. And that is leaving a lot of like, like people who are like, and like thinking of pregnancy, like, dude, there's like an OB I can't see for like another six months. Cause there's like, they're only one in for miles around because so many people are afraid of what the laws are going to do. If anything happens under their care that now. Yeah. Like to your point, it's like prenatal care is like coming at a premium in certain states because of just like the lack of access to even doctors who are like, the risk is just too fucking high for me to even practice fucking medicine, which is obscene. But yeah, again, please tell us about how this is the party that you want to help families. And it's not about just going backwards in time to control people's bodies. That surely can't be it. Surely. via the Democrats, via our corporate oligarchs, by a bunch of childless cat ladies who are miserable at their own lives
Starting point is 00:52:47 and the choices that they've made. And so they want to make the rest of the country miserable too. Who are the childless cat ladies in power? He's claiming Kamala Harris because she's a stepmom, is a childless cat lady. Right. Stepkids don't count. That's the other thing. Step kids don't count. Right.
Starting point is 00:53:05 Step kids don't fucking count. Yeah. Does she own a cat? Maybe. Irrelevant. Because it's like, again, it's like all this like perception.
Starting point is 00:53:15 It's like, I don't know, dude. I don't even know she's got, I've never seen her with a baby. She's one of these like bad people. Pete Buttigieg, because he's gay,
Starting point is 00:53:23 but he has each, they have a child. Right. So, I don't know where that goes. But again, I because he's gay, but he has each, they have a child. So I don't know where that goes. But again, I think it's just merely just to be like lumping people together to be like, you know, like gay liberals or AOC types of people who think they can, you know, go to Harvard and then talk bad about me. They're, they're, they're the bad ones. They are the ones that we really need to look at
Starting point is 00:53:45 but i think like statistically it is an odd comment to make because a lot of people are like let's crunch the numbers real quick on the cat lady thing like does this does this have an effect on electability like in a measurable way so it's like in arizona where Trump only lost by 10,000 votes in 2020, reportedly 236,700 of the state's voters have cats and at least 10,000 of them are women. So what are you going to do now? In Pittsburgh, the second most populous city in Pennsylvania, nearly 9% of women have cats. And yeah, like then there's like I think we talked about this when he first said it uh like the Swifty thing because everyone's like our godhead is a cat loving person without children we have activated now she must hate America yeah she
Starting point is 00:54:38 doesn't have any reason to want the future to continue, want America to continue into the future. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know. I mean, what do you think just generally, do you think cat people or dog people are more politically engaged if you had
Starting point is 00:54:54 to, if we had to make a generalization, I'm just trying to think, cause I like, I don't want to be like, I don't know. I feel like cat owners might be pretty savvy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:03 I, as, as a childless dog lady, and this is no reflection on myself and my own political engagement, of course, but I think cat ladies. I think cat, yeah. Cat people. Yeah, the cat people would be like,
Starting point is 00:55:18 hold on, man. I pay attention to things. I like an animal that- Yeah, they're like, I have this pet because I can leave it for extended periods of time. Right, right. It can poop on its own. Like, I can just leave a big old dish of food out. It'll portion itself out.
Starting point is 00:55:34 Like, you know, they're thinking ahead. You're not using that freedom to just go out and, like, vote constantly and get out the vote and knock on doors. I was planning to vote but i've gotta i had to take out my dog yeah that might be the new thing they started saying like dog people are the real americans i'm like pitting cat and dog there's like what if you have both both no such thing there's no such thing it's an either or situation in america one taylor swift fan chillingly claimed that jd vance has quote secured his own demise which like i love the yeah talking like nothing more terrifying than like an offended you know taylor swift or you know just honestly yeah yeah yeah they're
Starting point is 00:56:21 organized they get organized they get. And they're vocal. But then like, there's also this thing too, where obviously this had a ton of fallout because we were like, what the fuck? Like this just, again, shows how regressive and like one dimensional, like Republicans thinking are just like on any person that lives in this
Starting point is 00:56:38 country that his wife, Usha had to go do like a, like a very controlled interview on Fox, because obviously, like, that's what that's there for. It's like, let's pretend this is spontaneous, but merely this is a platform for you to rebut something terrible that your husband said. This is her talking about, like, what this is what let me just explain JD really quick. And I don't know if this makes much more sense. But again, this is Usha Vance talking to Ainsley Earhart on Fox about what the cat lady comment actually meant. There are a few comments that are out there that I have to ask you about.
Starting point is 00:57:16 In 2021, J.D. said, we are effectively run by a bunch of childless cat ladies taking aim at government leaders who don't have children. What was your reaction? Well, I mean, I took a moment to look and actually see what he had said and try to understand what the context was and all that, which is something that I really wish people would do a little bit more often. And the reality is he made a quip in service
Starting point is 00:57:39 of making a point that he wanted to make that was substantive and it had actual meaning. This is such a like lawyer preamble that like my hairs are standing. I'm like, I get it. Yale. It's like you were such a Yale educated lawyer that you first started. I'd be like, it's really important that like, we're able to like look at the context of like, okay, what the fuck? First of all, everybody listening to this should be ashamed of themselves.
Starting point is 00:58:03 Just off jump. Yeah, yeah. Okay, go on. Go on, counsel. And I just wish sometimes that people would talk about those things and that we would spend a lot less time just sort of going through this three-word phrase or that three-word phrase. Because what he was really saying is that it can be really hard to be a parent in this country. And sometimes our policies are designed in a way that make it even harder oh and we should be asking ourselves why is that true what is it about our leadership and the way that they think about the world that makes
Starting point is 00:58:33 it so hard sometimes for parents and that's the conversation that i really think that we should have and i i understand why he was saying that okay wait first of all motherfucker he was saying that he was like trying to big up the welfare state like he was trying to get people like parents more help that was what he he was like we should give people more paid leave what that's where we just time on child tax credits expanding child tax credits wow that I did not see that at all. We need her to do more readings. That was like a psychic reading level stretch. Right.
Starting point is 00:59:14 Actually, if you look at the first letter in each of the words, and then you create a word scramble out of those. Right. And then, yeah, it's like that couldn't have been further from the general vibe of what he was saying. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I'm also unclear how, A, the childless cat ladies, but also I'll even toss in the corporate oligarchs. Like, how's that making your day-to-day life as a dad really hard because i'm also gonna guess jd vance is doing minimal child care
Starting point is 00:59:50 oh did you hear that quote about shut the hell up about pokemon no he said that to his son dude yes hold on he was on the fucking bro podcast the full send podcast where tucker carlson was talking about his love of fucking zen pouches oh yeah this shit is wild because again jd vance fucking sucks so this is him like surrounded by like that like weird fucking seltzer like happy dad or whatever the fuck it's called like happy dad seltzers and he's talking about how he missed like the call from trump that he was going to be the vp because his kid just this is this is this is how he like tries to relate to some like childless dudes so uh hey i'm like oh no so i call trump and i'm like hey sir what's
Starting point is 01:00:38 going on he's like jd you missed a very important phone call and now i'm gonna have to pick somebody else and i'm you know i like tense up and almost have a heart attack. And the crazy thing about it is my son, who's seven, is in the hotel room with me. And he's really into Pokemon cards right now. He's going through a Pokemon phase. Are you guys into Pokemon? I am. It's back in the day. That's a big phase right now, I think, in general. Yeah. Yeah. So, I mean, he's really into it. So he's trying to talk to me about Pikachu. And I'm on the phone with Donald Trump. And I'm like, son, shut the hell up for 30 seconds about Pikachu.
Starting point is 01:01:12 It's the most important phone call of my life. Please just let me take this phone call. Wow. Such a cool guy. I mean, he's so funny. All those guys are so funny. Yeah. Like his way to like relate to is like, hey, hey man i can be a dismissive absent father too i fucking hate my kids man don't you know he didn't say hell you know he said shut the fuck up
Starting point is 01:01:34 right hey why don't you shut the fuck up about pikachu do you know how important i am do you know how important i am go on mr president yeah i gotta shut the fuck up about right you also sorry man he's talking about all the evolutions um but yeah like so you don't think he's an involved dad that guy can you shut that but he's just again honey would you get this little fucker out of here talking about pokemon or whatever or you think he does a thing where he's like hey your son's talking about pokemon again and bothering dad you are 1000 you know what i mean that old that old move uh that i've heard before like you're you sound like your mother yeah yeah yeah talking about that or expanded child tax care credit child care credits or you know how difficult it is for people to be
Starting point is 01:02:21 like it's so funny again all of these things are so much tied to quality of life and like the social safety nets we have in the United States, which again, the Republicans are for destroying all of them. Uh, we, we need, we need an expansion on these kinds of programs. Like, you know, like at a minimum, like what about a living wage? Like that also affects people's calculus. Why would, it's very difficult to even want to have a child to bring a child into the world when you yourself are struggling to have your most basic needs met. So to have that come from a party that stands for making life as hard as possible for everyone except billionaires, it's like you're talking absolute horseshit.
Starting point is 01:03:01 And I think that's why like everyone just kind of sees he just has this like vibe of like trying to reflect like whatever he thinks the people around him are going to want to hear so he's like all right i'm leaning back we're talking about zen pouches and stuff they're gonna love how i'm like dude shut up about pokemon am i right guys yeah and then like deep then like what he takes his clown makeup but like off at night every night he's just crying in the mirror because he's like yeah it's become this aberration i don't know what i've sold his happy clown makeup off and there's a sad clown makeup underneath she has the same thing that ivanka ivanka is the daughter right not about yeah ivanka had i remember who he's married to. It's a, right. And which one of
Starting point is 01:03:45 those, yeah. There's like this cognitive dissonance where they just like have a box, like a black box in their head where like horrifying policy, like authoritarian white supremacist policy goes in and like outcomes, this like weird reinterpretation that makes it a like progressive policy that they can like live with like i remember her doing that like in speeches back before she was like distanced herself from the whole operation but yeah that was that was a a stretch yeah to be like yeah i think what he meant was it's hard to be a parent and the government doesn't help us enough well what yeah i think he wants more paid parental leave and more support for parents you want this to be the literal nanny state right okay oh my god then bring it
Starting point is 01:04:40 and she's kind of just advertising him as a really shitty communicator. Because what she had to say over and over again was, well, if you look at the context, what he really meant to say. You know what I mean? Like, she's having to translate for him because apparently he is such a poor communicator. not even off the cuff when you are writing something so practiced and publishing it on x yeah that you then need to have someone like backfill that right it no that's not really working but it does i mean i do love you know the trope of the the wife who has to translate for her misogynistic husband. So he's carrying on that tradition. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:30 Like, which might be the most relatable thing. It's like, yeah, I'm related. I'm date. I'm married to a shit bag. Can y'all relate?
Starting point is 01:05:37 Yeah. Am I right? Ladies, all the women at the Republican rally. She's doing open mic shit she's like these guys are fucking babies am i right ladies they're like he can't even heat up milk what the fuck is wrong with this guy i don't know but yeah i mean like that's the milk again also three word phrases her calling it a three word phrase all the three three, you know, the different three word phrases.
Starting point is 01:06:05 I'm just like, what are the other three? I'm like, what else are we lumping? Like before that is like, you guys are just weird. Certified couch fucker. Yeah. Certified couch fucker. Yeah. It's just like, yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:19 Convicted sex offender. You know, these are just three word phrases that are meant to completely rob us of any context. And what my husband meant to say is we need more social safety net programs
Starting point is 01:06:30 for parents and we need to actually have an emphasis on prenatal care for expecting parents. That's all. That's all. Oh, is that not
Starting point is 01:06:38 in the platform? Okay. Okay. Well, then you got. All right. That's going to do it for this week's weekly Zeitgeist. Please like and review the show if you like the show.
Starting point is 01:06:52 It means the world to Miles. He needs your validation, folks. I hope you're having a great weekend, and I will talk to you Monday. Bye. Thank you. Kay hasn't heard from her sister in seven years. I have a proposal for you. Come up here and document my project. All you need to do is record everything like you always do. What was that? That was live audio of a woman's nightmare. Can Kay trust her sister or is history repeating itself?
Starting point is 01:08:09 There's nothing dangerous about what you're doing. They're just dreams. Dream Sequence is a new horror thriller from Blumhouse Television, iHeartRadio, and Realm. Listen to Dream Sequence on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. Curious about queer sexuality, cruising wherever you get your true goals. You can listen to Sniffy's Cruising Confessions, sponsored by Gilead, now on the iHeartRadio app or wherever you get your podcasts. New episodes every Thursday. What happens when a professional football player's career ends and the applause fades and the screaming fans move on? I am going to share my journey of how I went from Christianity to now a Hebrew Israelite.
Starting point is 01:09:07 For some former NFL players, a new faith provides answers. You mix homesteading with guns in church. Voila! You got straightway. They try to save everybody. Listen to Spiraled on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.

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