The Daily - A Bit of Relief: Alone Together

Episode Date: March 21, 2020

Kevin Roose, a tech reporter for The Times, shares what he’s realized after a week in self-isolation: The internet has become kinder. From virtual birthday parties and singalongs, to happy hours and... yoga classes, people are pulling together on the internet, in real time, all over the world. We listen in on what that sounds like.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey everyone, it's Kevin Roos. I'm a tech reporter at The Times. Like a lot of people, I'm stuck at home. I've been sheltered in place for the whole week. I'm not sure how much longer I'll be here, but it might be a while. And normally my job consists of reporting on all of these horrible and divisive and antisocial things that people are doing online. You know, bots and trolls and misinformation campaigns. All these things that kind of like use the internet to divide us and pull us apart and make us fear and distrust each other. But this week, I saw people using the internet. Are you guys ready?
Starting point is 00:00:42 Okay. In a way that I really haven't seen in a long time. Are you there? Unmute yourself. I started seeing people. Is everyone drinking? Oh, I want some wine. Now we're talking.
Starting point is 00:00:54 Have virtual happy hours. Today I'm going to show you a couple of variations for how I like to do clouds. Virtual art lessons. Beans soaking. Virtual cooking classes. Very good. Yum yum. People were using the internet to have virtual birthday parties. To sing together. It's gotta be boom. Yeah, for sure boom. Inviting people over to play virtual board games at their house.
Starting point is 00:01:27 The game's called Exploding Kittens. They're making banana bread because there's a virus. In a very literal sense, like, we are very divided right now. So we're staying home? Yeah. Nobody is going out. We're social distancing. Hello.
Starting point is 00:01:46 Hi. But I don't want us to miss this moment. Hi. Hi, Kutima. How are you? I'm fine. We're on the internet, in real time, all over the world. People are pulling together. Okay, I need everybody to unmute and we go.
Starting point is 00:02:11 Last night I was supposed to perform in the Random Farms production of Annie as Annie. But due to the stinking coronavirus, it got canceled. So right now I'm going to sing my favorite song from Annie because I think we all need a little sunshine. The sun will come out tomorrow. Good morning and welcome. I must admit it feels very strange to be here at Church of the Nativity without all of you, but I am so grateful that we are able to gather in this way. of you but I am so grateful that we are able to gather in this way. It's a request to every Sikh that you get connected via YouTube or Facebook to Sikh Insight.
Starting point is 00:02:52 Alright, Chai B'Aida joining us we're about to start. We're just letting everyone dial in. Shalom Aleichem. Thanks for being with us. We are going to share communion together so if you want to grab a cup of water or a cracker or something so you can participate in that, that's... um this is lent and it's it's funny that this time is happening during lent because this is a time when we recognize that we are vulnerable and we are fragile and we are broken and that we need rescue let me ask you yeah what what is something that you wish you could be doing right now, but you can't? It would probably be ice skating. Yeah, let's do show and tell. I do. At home with me.
Starting point is 00:03:58 Just stay at home with me. Notice where the air enters your lungs. Allow your breathing awareness to deepen and deepen the feeling of relaxation. When did you feel gratitude today? Vaheguruji ka khalsa, Vaheguruji ki pradeep. When did you feel gratitude today? What good work did you do today? What good work could you have done better today?
Starting point is 00:04:43 This is 20 years old now, this song. Maybe older than some of you watching or listening or whatever. Look at the stars Look how they shine for you And all the things you do My name is Mars and I have a boyfriend named Julian. It's been a week since I've seen Julian. Because of the coronavirus. I miss him very, very much.
Starting point is 00:05:20 Here's how the cookies turned out. I did a lot of math because we only had self-rising flour. That was the only one flour left in the grocery store. You don't have to be any sort of like experienced or professional level dancer. You can do your own moves. You can do the moves I'm doing. Three, in two, and one. Here we go. Squat down, crisscross. Really think about... And who's the greatest cook you are?
Starting point is 00:05:42 Me and my dad. All right, guys. I think this is the one. I think we'll come through it. What makes you so sure? I think of the four words, this too shall pass and this will pass. I believe that. All right, everyone. Love to write. Love you. Love you. Everyone stay safe. Bye. Good night. Night.
Starting point is 00:06:19 Okay, say bye. Bye. No, Ella, look at the camera and say bye. Bye.

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