The Daily - The Daily Presents “Caliphate,” Chapter 10

Episode Date: June 23, 2018

The New York Times has introduced a documentary audio series that follows Rukmini Callimachi, who covers terrorism for The Times, on her quest to understand ISIS. Today, as a special episode of “The... Daily,” we offer the last chapter of “Caliphate.” Rukmini asks: What does the future hold for the ISIS returnee who confessed to murder? And what does he believe now?For more information about the series, visit episode includes disturbing language and scenes of graphic violence.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 From The New York Times and the team that brought you The Daily, this is Caliphate. ISIS is being dealt one brutal defeat after another. You see it. Not only are we defeating these killers, these savage killers. Horrible, horrible. You don't even want to say people. Over there. But we sure as hell don't want them to come over here.
Starting point is 00:00:52 I'm sorry. I'm sorry. You know, they come back to some countries and they come in. We're making it a very difficult process. We had such weakness. They go out, kill people. then they come back and they go back home to mom and dad all right um so um it's been a year walk us through what happened the morning after we left. I had just woken up, you know, hair all messy, pajamas and T-shirt. It was winter, so they were wearing their jackets, black jackets.
Starting point is 00:01:40 They introduced themselves, they showed their badges, and then they said that, can we come in and have a conversation with you? I knew why they were here right away. And we sat down right in my living room in my house. How did you feel in that moment? Really nervous, because it was their very first time this was happening with me. So they just asked me about my online activity first. And then they asked me about my travels.
Starting point is 00:02:10 And then they asked, were you in Syria? And I said, no. What's the most they can do, right? I already proved that I'm not a threat. And I talked to them nicely i was cooperating with them so so like the next few days were you the next few days i just went low key for a few days i just went through my facebook my instagram and everything and deleted a bunch of stuff and you know i just stopped following a bunch of people and know, I didn't know to what extent they were watching me.
Starting point is 00:02:46 And then I was worried about, like, what if, like, now I'm not going to be able to get a job in the future. And then for my parents, I was worried about them, too, because they're thinking that, oh, no, now what's going to happen? He's going to go to, like, Guantanamo or something. They're going to send him off. something they're gonna send them off and so they just told me to show these people that you know that you're concentrated on your school and your family and your work so that they know that it's a waste of time just watching you. So how much after we left do you get into university?
Starting point is 00:03:20 I got in about the January after you left. January? Okay. Yeah. You got a letter in the mail? Yeah. I walked into my parents' room and just said, congratulate me. I finally did something right. So they were really happy.
Starting point is 00:03:36 But, you know, they're just like now maintaining everything. The first, okay, two weeks, not even the first day, it was just me running around, getting lost, finding my way to class. Did you make any friends? Oh, no, no, no. I didn't try to talk to anyone or hang out with any specific group.
Starting point is 00:04:00 In breaks even, or if I had extra time on campus, I'd just walk around. I can't let someone get too close to me there has to be a distance like yeah you can ask how I am and everything and I'll ask how you are but if you're gonna sit down and have a meal with me no that's a big no I can see how that would be really isolating I made a couple of new friends in Canada and was someone other of the country. It's online? Yeah, it's all online.
Starting point is 00:04:28 But I know of them. I've seen pictures and everything on social media of them. They seem to be on the same ideology. And they're playing it safe as well. But here at university, again, I just go to class and go home. When was the first time you suspected that you might be being followed? Right after the first meeting. I'd always have random-looking strangers on the same train as me,
Starting point is 00:04:55 on the same subway as me, too, same route the whole way through. This person was moving from transit to transit, sitting a few seats behind you? Yeah. And then ceases came on their second visit. So this time they actually did pull up pictures of me holding a gun. It was me holding a handgun, and my face was clearly visible in it and everything. This is a picture that somebody took in Syria?
Starting point is 00:05:27 Yeah. So it's just me holding a gun, facing my back towards the camera, but looking back like that. And then I just have the gun up like that. So that was kind of shocking how they came across that. When they're showing you this picture, which you know has been taken in Syria, you're telling them that's not in Syria? has been taken in Syria. You're telling them that's not in Syria? Well, it was in Pakistan, and the gun was one of my uncle's guns,
Starting point is 00:05:50 and just went on with it. And then I told them also that I wasn't with ISIS, I was with the Bligi Jamaat instead, and, you know, we'd just go around in Pakistan on motorcycles, and they just, I went along. I told them the whole entire thing, and then they're like, he was clearly pissed off. He was pissed off because he knew you were lying to him? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:08 When my dad was, when he was talking to my dad after, he said, okay, so we're done here and, you know, we're watching you. We have everything on file and record, so. So second meeting, you're insisting that you did some humanitarian work. Yeah, and I mingled with them. But you were maintaining that you'd never been to Syria. Yeah, I maintained that. So this time they invite me to a breakfast restaurant,
Starting point is 00:06:41 so I go there. This is what month now? We're in March, April? March, April, this is April. Spring of 2017. I'm, like, dressed up and everything, and then they ask me, how is everything going and everything? And they're like, so we just have some new information, and now you can come clean about where you had been
Starting point is 00:07:03 and what you have been doing and your role, essentially, in the past few years. I'm like, you know what? I don't have to say anything. I can walk out of here. They're like, yeah, you can walk out of here if you want. I'm like, I can keep denying it and you had no way to prove it. They're like, you know, you're just going to dig yourself
Starting point is 00:07:23 a bigger and bigger hole if you just keep lying to us like this just tell the truth once and then we can see what we can do to help you we're not here to get you in trouble we just want to know if you're a threat and where your mindset is at and everything just come clean and it'll be easier so I'm like okay so this is what happened. I did cross the border. And then they're like, okay, so start from the beginning. So how did this all happen? And then I started, I told them from in Pakistan, who I got recruited through, where I went, the safe house,
Starting point is 00:08:02 what I do there, the locations in Manbij, pointed it out on the map. Did you tell them about the meeting that you told us about? The Amnol Harji. Oh, yeah, yeah. I had to tell them everything, yeah. Like, you know, how they talked about people going into Europe, how they talked about sending people into North America. I told them the names of who the guys were, too. And did they ask about any time that you had to enforce violence?
Starting point is 00:08:29 Yeah, they asked me, okay, did you commit any violence or did you see anything like that? And obviously you saw things like that. But I didn't admit to them I did something I would think. But I felt like that's not something like okay the reason like I hid that because that's not their business really it took place in a war zone and there's it wasn't like I had like I had done it out of like craz or anyways, it's a war zone. And I thought that it's not their business to deal with.
Starting point is 00:09:09 And it's my own business to overcome and deal with that. And yeah, so I just thought it's better off for me not to tell them. I felt lighter after that meeting. I'm like, now that they're fully aware of my situation, now everything's crystal clear pretty much. Now I can finally fully work on progressing. If I can just push back, it wasn't crystal clear because you didn't tell them about the executions that you took part in.
Starting point is 00:09:44 That does not really need to be told, though. That's not going to do anything except cause public mischief. Because what's going to happen is that they're going to say, okay, so now he's just admitting it. And then the Canadians are going to ask the bigger question, why is he out? That's the only question I feel like it's going to raise. If I come out with it, there's not going to be any benefit of me coming out with it.
Starting point is 00:10:09 I think that is a valid question for people to have, given that this is a group that people are very afraid of, right? And that has vowed to carry out attacks all over the world, right? They are afraid of it. They cause them. They cause it upon themselves. You keep bombing them. You keep restricting them.
Starting point is 00:10:31 You sanction them in every way. You turn the whole world against them. You're bombing them literally 50, 60 times a day. If you had let it flourish, it wasn't our responsibility. It wasn't the North American NATO or American forces or British responsibility to deal with what's going on in Syria. If you corner a dog that wants his freedom, it's going to bite you like that, you know?
Starting point is 00:10:55 Well, hearing you say that, what is it that you believe and how does ISIS factor into that? I think of my ideology a lot. I think of ISIS a lot still. But I think of what happened if they had truly claimed to be on the right path. How did they deviate so hard from something
Starting point is 00:11:23 that was holding a huge amount of territory? ISIS took it to an extreme, but they're not on a straight path. Hence, you could see their situation now. So you're seeing the loss of territory as undercutting the prophecy, right? If they've been on the right path, they should have been able to hold this territory. Yeah, if they had been on the right path, if they had not had an ulterior motive of being power hungry, they would have maybe succeeded.
Starting point is 00:11:58 But also because the world didn't let them either. A lot of that doesn't sound all that different to me than what you were saying before. How do you think your views have changed? I'm still working on fixing my ideology. Like I said, I'm still a student, still learning every day from it. Like, okay. That's a really hard question.
Starting point is 00:12:34 What's changed? Because I'm able to like clear up my worldviews more and try to put it through a filter at least. Or be more accepting of other things, looking at things with a critical eye. You don't have to worry about the violence part. That's not going to happen. Not ever. At least, unless I'm in the proper time and place for it, right?
Starting point is 00:13:10 The battlefield. But I'm becoming more and more adamant in my ideology. You believe you're becoming more adamant, more stringent? I've learned that not all jihadi groups are right. They're just groups. There is an ideology, though, that you should be following, the ideology of the truth, meaning that should be your faith. And you should make your faith and you should be
Starting point is 00:13:45 make your life goal not dying or sacrificing yourself for battle but to have enough knowledge so that when um when you are on the battlefield you can know why you're there fully why you're there you know what about in What about in terms of the us versus them? Like, in your ideology right now at this moment, who do you think of as the us and who's the them? The us is, according to the Ahadith, it's Ahlul Sunnah wal Jama'ah. Ahlul Sunnah wal Jama'ah is those who follow
Starting point is 00:14:30 the methodology and the sunnah of the Prophet. So that's the us. That's the us. And then the them. The them is still those that are at war against Islam.
Starting point is 00:14:46 The them is very much that are at war against Islam. The them is very much like people like Donald Trump that are at an open war with Islam. But it's those that are in secret war with Islam. The forefront of them is those within your own community, those Muslims that are allying with the disbelievers and are justifying them. They accept a more sugar-coated view of it. You know?
Starting point is 00:15:10 Got it. Josefa, do you think I am one of them? You? See, for you, I could say that you don't know it, but God's given you a long life. And maybe down the road, you will accept Islam. Maybe you will too. And you will accept it with full 100% certainty in your mind.
Starting point is 00:15:38 But until we do. Until you do, you are, in my, in my personal view, in my personal view, you guys are potentials. Potential us. You guys are potential Muslims. But until we convert, we're what? We're in a limbo or are we the them until we convert? You are the them until you convert because fact is fact. I mean, you guys have not accepted Islam yet,
Starting point is 00:16:08 but the us is an open gate. So the last time that we saw Huzeyfa in person was in December. Right. And since then... It's still unclear what the true story is of the Canadian known as Abu Huzeyfa al-Khanadi. His story has gotten more attention. Yeah. In a recent New York Times podcast, he admitted to killing two men. Huzeifa described taking part
Starting point is 00:17:06 in a kind of execution of men who resisted ISIS. Including among some lawmakers in Canada's House of Commons. Canadians deserve more answers from this government. Absolutely. Why aren't they doing something
Starting point is 00:17:18 about this despicable animal? Will the Prime Minister finally take action, put public safety first, and arrest this terrorist. The honourable Minister of Public Safety. Operations are active and ongoing, and obviously we don't broadcast our plans to suspects. I... Order. Order.
Starting point is 00:17:43 Okay, I just... Order. Order. Okay, I just... Order. Could you just give me an update? What is going on with Huzefa as of right now, June 2018? Right. So, I'm still talking to him. He's texting me regularly. And in fact, I was chatting with him this morning, just a few hours before coming into the studio. What he's telling me now is that he is fully cooperating with law enforcement. Now, who presumably took down the data from that phone.
Starting point is 00:18:26 He says that they call him on the order of three times a week. And he has evidence that he is under increased surveillance. There's a minivan, he says, that is parked outside his house and follows him wherever he goes. They're not even trying to be subtle about it. They're not even trying to be subtle, right. But I also know that the counselor that we introduced him to has essentially given up. He considers Josefa to be perhaps even more radicalized now than he was at the beginning of their counseling sessions in 2016. He says that he's become increasingly arrogant and that he thinks that he has somehow gamed the system. Is he gaming the system? Do you know?
Starting point is 00:19:10 Yeah. Does it appear that anything is actually going to happen to him when it comes to law enforcement? So I think on some level he is gaming the system. I think he is acutely aware of the fact that the bar for prosecution in Canada is quite high. of the fact that the bar for prosecution in Canada is quite high. Now, let's say a witness somehow manages to leave Syria and makes their way, you know, to Europe or to North America and is willing to testify against him. Then perhaps he would be facing serious charges that could end up putting him in prison for perhaps most of his life. The problem, though, is unless you put these people away for life, jails in general turn out to be a vector in the radicalization. People come out of
Starting point is 00:19:52 jails more radicalized than they were before and also smarter about how to carry out crimes because they have now been rubbing elbows with fellow extremists. But more likely than not, from everything I know, Canada does not have the evidence to put somebody like Josefa away. And that's where Canada finds itself in the same situation as pretty much every Western democracy. We know that around 40,000 foreign fighters went to join ISIS. And according to a recent report by the Sufan Group, 5,600 of them have returned home. 5,600 Huzaifas. You're saying these are people who went to Syria, received training, were part of the caliphate, and somehow they're back.
Starting point is 00:20:36 And they're back. Right. Of course, it includes women and children, but they're back. And in the Western democracies, they're posing this very problem. Given that there is so little forensic data to be had, they're not able to put them away. So Canada is experimenting with something called a peace bond. Could you just say more about what that would be like for someone like Huzeifa? So let's say Huzeifa was to be charged with one of these peace bonds.
Starting point is 00:21:04 What it would look like is that he would, number one, still be allowed to live at home. He'd still be in the general population, but he would have a series of pretty serious restrictions. He would possibly have to wear an ankle bracelet. He might need to give up internet. And he most likely will have to check in with law enforcement at regular intervals. And he most likely will have to check in with law enforcement at regular intervals. Basically, the prosecution is identifying him as somebody that they think could be a future threat. And so does it seem likely that that's what he's going to get?
Starting point is 00:21:37 So they haven't issued a peace bond. And frankly, that's puzzling. We don't really know why. Right? really know why, right? One theory I've heard is that when a peace bond is registered, the real name of the suspect becomes public. It would mean that Huzeifa's identity would be revealed. And it could be that law enforcement is using, they're using that as a point of leverage, knowing that Huzeifa is extremely concerned about his identity becoming public because he doesn't want to bring harm to his family.
Starting point is 00:22:10 Okay. So it could be that they're using that point of leverage to get Huzeyfa to cooperate on a bigger investigation about ISIS. But I don't know. Right. What about ISIS? Where is the group as of right now? Right. So on the one hand, this is a group that has suffered devastating losses
Starting point is 00:22:48 in the last couple of months. They've lost all but 3% of the land that they once held in Iraq and Syria. With the loss of that land, they lost the lion's share of their revenue because they were relying on taxation.
Starting point is 00:23:00 Right, so the land's gone, that money's gone. The land's gone, that source of revenue is gone. And in the fight to hold on to Mosul and Raqqa and the numerous other cities that they were trying to protect, they lost tens of thousands of their fighters. But at the same time that they have suffered all of these losses, the group is growing. ISIS has lost its so-called caliphate in Iraq and Syria, but it's been gaining strength in
Starting point is 00:23:27 Libya, Egypt, Yemen, and Somalia. In Yemen, in Afghanistan, in Niger, they're both recruiting new fighters and they're continuing to take land. ISIS militants disguised as doctors slaughtered at least 30 people today at a military hospital in Afghanistan. And around the world. Militants bombed a crowded mosque during Friday prayers, killing more than 300 people. They're still continuing to carry out attacks. Authorities suspect it was all the work of ISIS. And even in Iraq and Syria, where I think most people think that they have now been erased,
Starting point is 00:24:02 they are still holding a thousand square miles of land that's twice the size of Los Angeles, twice the size of LA. And what is it that, as far as you can tell, ISIS is planning on doing next? I don't know. But I fear that we are once again in the same newsreel that I've seen before. We have a history of underestimating this group. And they are now armed with the more than three years experience of running their own state. And so to people who say that ISIS has been decimated, ISIS has been destroyed, what I say is... that ISIS has been decimated, ISIS has been destroyed.
Starting point is 00:24:44 What I say is... Victory is on our side because there's a difference between us and you. Remember the story of Anwar al-Kheng. We are fighting for a noble cause. Remember that it was in his death that he gained this elevated status. We are fighting for God and you are fighting for worldly gain. It was because of his death that his message was amplified. And implicit in his message is that death is something to be welcomed. We are facing you with men who love death just like you love life.
Starting point is 00:25:20 That dying for this cause is pretty much the holiest thing that a person could do. Winning the physical battle is only a matter of time. And that that will ultimately lead them to victory. And what's happening right now is that if you listen to the messages of the leadership of ISIS, what they're saying is that these lives, these tens of thousands of their fighters who died in the fall of Mosul and Raqqa
Starting point is 00:25:59 and all of the places that they have lost, they died in the service of a great battle, one which continues on today. And that message is going out all over the world, not just to the committed ideologues, but it's going out to all of those people who feel disconnected from their communities, who are looking for a sense of meaning, a sense of purpose, and a sense of belonging. It is true that you have your B-52s, your Apaches, your Abrams, and your cruise missiles, and we have small arms and simple, improvised, explosive devices. But we have men who are dedicated and sincere with hearts of lions,
Starting point is 00:26:59 and blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the world. So could you just walk me through what it is you're doing right now? So I'm packing up right now the documents that we found because today they're going to a high-end scanner where they're going to be digitized. And after that, we're going to basically preserve these documents and share them with the public. And the originals are going to go to the Iraqi embassy. So look at this.
Starting point is 00:27:58 This is from a place called Tidmor Tunnel. It was actually a railway tunnel that ISIS turned into a training camp. So right here, these are all the documents we found in the briefcase. Right here is the Margarit Brigade. This is basically the unit that deals with suicide bombers. This is something that Hawk found for me. What about these? These are the very first, the very first set of documents that I found in a village outside of Mosul called Omar Khan. Hi, Abdul Jafar, how are you? Nice to see you. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:28:54 Hello. Good to see you. How are you? Okay, you? Yeah, I'm doing good. All right. So you're going to go with the documents? I'm going to go with the documents? I'm going to go with the documents.
Starting point is 00:29:07 And I want to go make sure that they get their own piece and say goodbye. Say goodbye to the documents. Say goodbye to the documents. Well, goodbye, Rukmini. Ciao, ciao. Thank you. Edited by Wendy Dorr and Larissa Anderson. The managing producer is Larissa Anderson. The associate producer is Aastha Chaturvedi. The technical director is Brad Fisher.
Starting point is 00:30:31 Music by William Bertel, Nate Henricks, Cliff Martinez, Brad Fisher, Taku Sugimoto, David Wingo, and me. Lisa Tobin is the executive producer for New York Times Audio. Samantha Hennig is the editorial director. Sam Dolnick is the assistant managing editor. And thank you to Michael Slackman, Abu Malik, Hawk, Salman Masood, Eric Schmidt, Adam Goldman, Ron Nixon, Maliki Brown, Ayman Jalwad Altamimi,
Starting point is 00:31:02 Nasser Wadadi, Mubeen Shaikh, Qasim Hamadeh, Tug Wilson, Alan Trapp, John McCormick, Tony Rippon, Waleed Hussain, Abdul-Jabbar Youssef, Stella Tan, Julia Simon, Scott Shane, Michelle Harris, Karam Shamali, Mohammad Nishat Mahmood, James Pettit Anat Akron Joel Lovell
Starting point is 00:31:26 Derek Flood Michael Barbaro and Graham Wood Thank you. Thank you.

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