The Dan Bongino Show - A Political Earthquake Last Night (Ep 1196)
Episode Date: March 4, 2020In this episode, I discuss the surprising results of the Super Tuesday Primaries and what it means for the General Election going forward. I also address a new liberal effort to crush conservative spe...ech on social media. Finally, I discuss another reappearance of this key Spygate player. News Picks: Bernie Sanders had a really, really bad night. Nobody wants Jim Comey’s endorsement, not even Joe Biden. Yet another reason why extremely early voting is a really bad idea. The FISA abuse depositions are ready to go. California Democrats really screwed up. Big time. Americans know that we are the world’s leading economic power. Outrageous amounts of government waste are piling up. Copyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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get ready to hear the truth about america on a show that's not immune to the facts with your host
dan bongino ladies and gentlemen what a night as you can see it's a road show for me looks a little
different today the show don't worry the content won't be any different i'm gonna blow the doors
off what happened for you last night uh super tuesday an enormous night for joe biden there's
no downplaying that.
There's some good news, though, and some bad news for us. Today's show, folks, sponsored by
ExpressVPN. Stop putting your online data at risk today. Get protected today going to slash Bongino, slash Bongino today. What a night. As you can see,
producer Joe is not here. I'm hogging his line.
He usually uses this outside line, but I'm on the road. I'll have more for you maybe later on about
what it is. I got to be somewhat cryptic about things lately, but it was a last minute thing.
Last night was huge, ladies and gentlemen. Big night for Joe Biden. I want to break it down for
you where he won, where he lost, what I think some positive takeaways for us and the country could be, and some negatives for us for the general
election in 2020.
Big, big show today.
Got that.
Got another development, too, about this suspicious player that keeps appearing on the scene magically
and has now inserted himself in another case.
These people never, ever go away.
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That's GenuCell, Enter Dan30 at checkout. All right, I got to do my own bell
today. Let's go. Ding, ding, ding, and ding and honor producer joe who is listening but unfortunately he's not here today i love to kick
ideas off him so last night ladies and gentlemen joe biden far far surpassed expectations listen
i don't want to underestimate anyone a catastrophic mistake i think we can all agree the democrats
made in 2016 was underestimating the movement
that was coalescing behind one Donald J. Trump, who is now sitting in the White House,
and Democrats expected him to be sitting in the doghouse. We would be doing a catastrophic
act of malfeasance on our own movement if we repeated the same mistake again.
Now, last night, Biden was down in a lot of these states or was not
polling well. When I say a lot of these states, I mean the states on Super Tuesday, he wound up
winning or performing exceptionally well. He far surpassed expectations, which shows that
while I still don't believe endorsements matter per se, in other words, I don't think people
listen to other people who tell, you know
what I'm saying? Like Pete Buttigieg, I'm out and vote for Joe Biden. I think Pete Buttigieg's
supporters are going to make their own decision if it's not Buttigieg since he dropped out.
It's not that the endorsements I think were game changers. I think the momentum was a game changer.
I think we tend to over, over attribute to endorsements some political effect. And I,
my experience in politics, I don't think that's accurate.
I don't think people vote for endorsements.
However, I do think they vote for the big mo.
What's a big mo?
So let's go through the states Biden did well in,
and not only did well, but far surpassed expectations.
He won Virginia, North Carolina, Alabama, Arkansas, Minnesota,
Massachusetts, Tennessee, Texas, Oklahoma.
Now, as we can see in the Wall Street Journal, they put a piece out, the Biden resurgence. You just saw that up there. Sanders won in Vermont. Colorado did pretty well in California, although not as well as he could have.
He won Utah as well. Ladies and gentlemen, the big Mo matters. What happened to Bernie Sanders?
Why did the Sanders campaign yesterday collapse, implode? Now, it's not over. Believe me, please
do not take any of this as some gospel. Me telling you the Sanders campaign is done. As I've said to
you often, the power of free is huge. Sanders goes out, lies to people, tells them he's going to give
them free stuff. This has power. You underestimate that at your own peril. He is not done. His
campaign is nowhere close to over. He has a substantial number of delegates. He's only about, I believe, 68 to 70 delegates behind Biden right now. They need 1,991 to win.
This thing is far from over. We said, I thought Biden's campaign was done if Bloomberg didn't
get out. And he showed yesterday after these endorsements and the big momentum that he can
show some life in his campaign too. Now, having said that, the Wall Street Journal in that piece
that just shows you has some pretty good analysis.
Check this out from the piece.
What went wrong for Sanders?
Folks, I hate to say this,
but it's younger voters.
And I'm not saying younger voters are the problem.
I'm saying they just didn't show up.
So the Wall Street Journal says,
Sanders can point to victories
in his home state of Vermont, Colorado, Utah, and California.
But the biggest night of the primaries
carried warnings for the two-time candidate.
He lost ground, ladies and gentlemen, from his 2016 vote share in several states, including
his home state of Vermont.
What does that mean?
Well, it suggests, to quote the Wall Street Journal, and they're right, he isn't building
this coalition with a surge of new voters as he's promised Democrats.
Ladies and gentlemen, he's losing voters from the last time he ran.
He's not building anything.
It's nonsense. The piece goes on. Mr. Sanders also benefited from early voting, but did much more poorly among late deciders. The big Mo, there you go, momentum,
endorsements to win in South Carolina, the big Mo. Sanders can talk about millennials all he
wants, but Mr. Biden overwhelmed him among voters over 45 who were 65 percent of the electorate in Virginia, 62 in Massachusetts, 64 in North Carolina, 66 in Maine and 67 percent in Oklahoma, according to exit polls.
Ladies and gentlemen, here's the takeaway right here. Bank on this. Older Americans vote more than young socialists.
than young socialists. I mean, I'm sorry. I don't have any other easier way to put it.
I'm not in the business of knocking younger voters in civic engagement. It's good. Go out and vote.
Do your homework first, I hope. But the hard reality is if you look at the demographic breakdown over time, a lot of younger voters just don't show up. They just don't. The numbers speak
for themselves.
And if Bernie Sanders was marshalling his entire campaign effort about getting young socialists who want to redistribute people's income, because a lot of them are still in school and aren't
actually earning a lot of income yet, then that was a failed campaign strategy that didn't work.
I mean, it's really no more difficult than that to analyze. Okay, so that's takeaway number one.
Now, a couple of other takeaways from the campaign on the Trump side, because remember there were
Republican primaries yesterday too. I want to congratulate many of you out there. And I mean
this from the bottom of my heart. You all did. You didn't just talk. Ladies and gentlemen,
you know, the do matters. I say this all the time. Talk is great. I hope it motivates you to action,
but without action, talk is cheap and meaningless. It doesn't mean anything.
Talk doesn't change the world without doers who do the changing. You did it yesterday. What happened? Even though President Trump was in a basically uncontested primary. I mean, let's be real. Bill Weld and these other candidates, no one had a chance. President Trump is going to be the Republican nominee for the presidency. It's obvious at this point. Despite that, and no real reason,
tactically speaking, to show up, I said to you, you have to do it anyway. I begged you,
please go out and vote. And for all those primaries that haven't happened yet, there are tons of them.
Florida's coming up March 17th. Please, folks, you got to get out there and vote for President
Trump regardless. I already mailed my ballot in. I know Paula did hers too. You did it. Alabama yesterday in the primary on the Republican side.
President Trump had almost two times the votes of almost any other presidential primary candidate
ever, despite the fact that he's the inevitable nominee. Colorado, turnout was higher than the
last three GOP primaries combined for President Trump. Texas, more votes
for President Trump than they've seen in the last 40 years for a GOP candidate. Folks, he's already
the sitting president, but you did it anyway. Folks, again, I'm not into downplaying or underselling
the Democrats' efforts and get out the votes and GOTV efforts and the fact that it's going to be a
difficult election, whether it's Biden or Sanders, I'm not downplaying their effort. That's a catastrophic mistake. But I'm here to tell
you today, take a little bit of a victory lap. You did a great job. There's more to come. There
are more primaries ahead. If your primary's on the ballot, get out, make sure you're registered,
get that ballot in. It is a massive show of force. And believe me when I tell you it is frightening the Democrats.
The turnout on the Trump side was massive. Now, let me give you a bigger overview,
the good and the bad here. On a good note, for the country that is, stock futures are up today dramatically. I told you I always buy the dips. I'm not a financial advisor. You do what you want.
Consult your own financial advisor. It's not a financial advice show.
I'm just telling you,
I believe in the power of the American economy.
Since I'm 20 years old,
I've been buying the dips
and it's always worked out well for me in the long run.
Maybe not in the short run,
but always in the long run, always.
Matter of fact, sometimes I sell too soon.
What's happening today?
Stock futures, as of the recording of this show,
we're about 10 o'clock Eastern time.
Stock futures in the market
were up this morning dramatically before I got on the air. Why? Because ladies and gentlemen,
listen, I've said this to you repeatedly. I do not want Bernie Sanders to be the nominee. I had
this conversation last night. I came into this hotel I'm in. A couple of people recognized me.
They wanted to chat. And they said, well, Sanders will be an easier candidate to beat. Folks,
I'm sorry. I'm not willing to take that chance. President Trump is a strong candidate. He will beat Joe Biden. He will
beat Bernie Sanders. He can. He has the capacity to do that. He's a strong candidate. He's a fighter.
Biden is falling apart. I'll play some video for you in a minute. The guy's collapsing, okay?
We can't play this game like, oh, we'd rather have a socialist. Well, what if he wins?
You want to throw the country, flush it down the toilet bowl with socialism? Stock futures are up
because even the economists, financial advisors, and people investing their own money are starting
to realize that, gosh, if we were to lose, you're far better off losing to Biden than you are losing
to a socialist who's going to destroy the economy. First piece of good news. And the second piece of good news on that is the Democrat party,
which we can't have a major political party pushing for socialism in the country, largely
renounced socialism yesterday in just about every state but California, where Biden and other
candidates performed far better than expectations. Far better. That's another piece of good news.
On the campaign front, for those those folks are now freaking out today
thinking, oh my gosh, we had such a better chance with Bernie Sanders. Ladies and gentlemen,
Biden is weak. Nothing has changed today. Joe Biden is still an awful candidate who can't
figure out what state he's in. Ladies and gentlemen, he's just not, I don't know how to
say this without being disrespectful unnecessarily. He's just not lucid. He's not.
I mean, I'm not saying anything you can observe yourself. I'm not doing a Sigmund Freud psycho
analysis here. It's unnecessary. I'm simply suggesting to you the obvious. He's just not
lucid. He forgets what state he's in. He doesn't finish his sentences. He is a weak candidate.
If we can't beat this guy, the Republican Party is dead anyway. I would rather face Biden than Sanders.
I don't want a socialist who has a shot at winning the presidency. I'm sorry. I'm not
willing to forfeit away my country. Here's video from last night, Joe Biden on stage. Biden forgets,
he confuses his wife with his sister on stage. And again, is this an innocent mistake? Probably
so. They may have moved around. It's not a huge deal. But the point is, narratives matter.
Narratives matter.
And the ongoing narrative about Joe Biden, that he's just not coherent and lucid.
He keeps fortifying his own narrative with gaffes like this seemingly every day. Check this out.
Super Tuesday for nothing. By the way, this is my little sister, Valerie, and I'm Jill's husband.
Oh no, you switched on me. This is my wife. This is my sister.
They switched on me. Again, innocent mistake, probably, but that's not the point, folks.
The point is narratives matter. Narratives, themes, storylines. I tell you all the time,
campaigns having lived through them and analyzed them now for close to 10 years and having worked
with them as a secret service agent as well when I was on the security side, having seen the inner workings of them,
there's soundbites and snapshots. That's it. Campaigns and the messaging are pictures and
quick soundbites. It's not white papers. It's not Elizabeth Warren. I have a plan. Nobody reads
their plans. It is a soundbite and a snapshot. When the snapshots and the soundbites are Biden
all the time, confusing what state he's in, his wife or his sister.
He does this all the time, not finishing sentences.
He can't even quote the Constitution.
He is a weak candidate.
Be prepared, but don't panic.
A lot of panic today.
I'm seeing it on the Republican side.
Oh, my gosh, we were so much better off with Bernie.
I'm not sure of that.
Now, a couple other takeaways from last night, which are invaluable, invaluable takeaways.
A couple other takeaways from last night, which are invaluable, invaluable takeaways.
Folks, on a national campaign level, we're starting to realize, you can see from this tweet,
that campaign organization is not what it once was.
It's just not.
I kind of saw this when I ran.
But on the national level, here's a tweet from a writer at The Atlantic, Derek Thompson.
He's at DK Tomp.
ABC, Joe Biden's on pace to win Minnesota despite no staff on the ground.
While Sanders had staff and several events and Bloomberg spent 13 million on ads in the state.
Now, folks, in local races, congressional races,
I would say state rep races, state delegate races,
state Senate races, even Senate for that matter.
Organization, I believe, does matter.
Knock on doors, go out and say hello. And it matters because your race isn't national, typically.
When I ran for Congress, I think we did like, I don't know, one or two national interviews about
my campaign specifically, maybe on cable news somewhere. With the ongoing saturation of 24-hour
cable news, folks, the earned media is everything. And the momentum Joe Biden got from
winning South Carolina and all these candidates coming out and speaking on his behalf contributed
to the big mo. It became a national story. And despite the fact he had no organization whatsoever
in a lot of these states and Bloomberg outspent him by a factor of 100, it's just not this positive
anymore organization. Having an organized, it's just not. I wish it having an organized it's just not i wish it were
and candidly folks in 2016 i think president trump proved the same thing the organization at times i'm
not speaking badly of the campaign some of the people would acknowledge it was just because he
was a political outsider not the finely tuned machine it is now and he still won resoundingly
because these campaigns are national now, which says to basically every candidate
thinking about running in the future,
great, get your organization,
raise your money.
It matters,
but it's not what it once was.
Right now that earned media
and getting in front of the cable news channels
and appearing to be that person
with the big mo and momentum behind them
is everything.
That tweet is very important.
Very important.
Think about it. Michael Bloomberg,
one more, I don't mean to belabor this point. I got a lot to get to, but I don't want to,
I want to make sure I don't leave you in any kind of a fugue state with this one, right?
Michael Bloomberg had spent millions, tens of millions of dollars in Virginia,
not just on his campaign, but backing gun confiscation measures, backing local Democrats,
but with his group, with his anti-gun group going into Virginia to transform the state.
He was so proud of this and he lost Virginia. He lost Virginia to Joe Biden, who did very little
compared to Bloomberg in the state. Again, why? The big Mo. He had national momentum.
The big Mo behind him is everything.
Okay, some more good news.
I'll leave you with this.
Again, good news, bad news.
The good news is I think we can win this
and socialism is definitely on the wane,
at least now, but not in California, unfortunately.
But this is a really,
it's not like a comedy break on the wane, at least now, but not in California, unfortunately. But this is a really, it's not like a comedy break on the show, but a hat tip, Brian Savidra. I saw this on his Twitter
feed. Here's a video of Trump. He's doing an interview with NBC news. I think this is Casey
Hunt, who's always on the wrong side of the facts. I mean, just, I don't even include her in my
dumbest people thing because she just, it would be unfair for a lot of reasons. She's
interviewing president Trump. And the only reason I even put this up at the end of this block on
super Tuesday coverage is again, those of you worried about Biden who can't even tell his wife
from his sister, doesn't even know what state he's in. He can't even finish a line. Was he
quoting the declaration of independence the other day or the constitute? What was he quoting the
other day? And he screwed it up. I mean, this is just typical like Joe Biden, right? Can you imagine President Trump, who is very lucid and very candid and very blunt? Can you imagine him debating Joe Biden
when he shows off his debating skills and his back and forth like this? Now, replace,
I'm going to show you, this is him absolutely crushing this woman from NBC. But imagine this
is happening on the debate stage with Joe Biden. Check this out.
The Pew Research, which is independent, says... Don't be naive. You're a very naive person. The Pew Research says that there are four immigrants on the whole create...
Come on, try getting it out. Try getting it out. I'll get it out. I mean, I don't know if you're
going to put this on television, but you don't even know what you're talking about. Try getting it out. Go ahead. I told you. I mean, can you imagine that on the debate stage? President Trump,
the wrecking ball, this bull in a china shop. Can you imagine him on stage with Joe Biden,
who again, can't even get out of his own way? Don't panic, please. We got a long way to go. Sanders isn't done yet. The campaign is definitely not over for either of them.
That I promise you. All right. I got a lot more coming, including a really troubling story. I
want you to keep your eyes on because liberals are now conspiring to shut down conservative media
right before the campaign, the general election campaign, which is going to get going real soon
when the Democrats settle on a nominee. They're conspiring right now to do it. I want to show you how they're doing it.
Before I get to that, today's show brought to you by Buddy's app, MyPatriotSupply. Ladies and
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Not a joke. It's a good company. I've been using them for a long time. Go again, today. Get that emergency food supply for you. Okay. All right. This really bothered me yesterday. This is a story that it speaks in a larger kind of bigger narrative way
to the liberals' fear of free speech and the power of conservative media.
So there's this article up at Vox by the dreadful Aaron Ruppar, one of just the most disgraceful
liars on Twitter. This guy's just a propagandist and a gaslighter. But he had this article
up at Vox, and I saw this coming yesterday. It says, quote, Facebook's top news stories are like
a window into an alternate dimension. It's Super Tuesday.
Coronavirus is spreading.
But Facebook is talking about Hillary Clinton's emails by the dreadful liar Aaron Ruppar.
Now, I saw this coming.
I saw it.
What happened?
This is how liberals conspire.
These are the real police staters.
They hate free speech.
They hate free and open dialogue.
police staters. They hate free speech. They hate free and open dialogue.
So long and short of it is, Facebook had used a Daily Caller, I guess, associated fact check,
or Daily Caller is an actual journalism outlet, but they're associated with conservative politics.
And they had fact checked Politico, and Politico had written an article, I covered it on the show the other day. Remember that said President Trump called coronavirus a hoax.
That is a hoax.
He did not call the coronavirus a hoax.
He never called the coronavirus a hoax.
That is a fabricated, made up BS story.
It's just not true.
He mentioned the word hoax with coronavirus, talking about the left's coverage of his reaction to it, not the virus.
How would the virus be a hoax?
He does his task force going for weeks now.
They never said.
So track me here. I don't have my audience on buds been handy but you're all smart you can figure it out facebook used a fact checker associated i believe with the daily caller they fact check
politico story saying basically coronavirus trump insists coronavirus is a hoax and said this is
false liberals lost their minds because liberals don't like to be fact-checked
because they never have facts.
They lie.
They lie all the time.
And they liked the story that President Trump called the coronavirus a hoax,
despite the fact that he didn't.
They liked it.
You understand they lie to you.
They lie to you all the time.
It is a constant, never-ending tidal wave of bull that never, ever ends.
It's all garbage.
They love to control the story. They love to control the story.
They love to control the narrative
and it is driving them crazy
that we now,
through conservative media,
have the power to fight back.
It is driving them nuts.
Folks, I'm not kidding.
This is not a rant
for the sake of ranting.
It is a warning.
These are liberal police state tyrants
who absolutely hate free speech
and open dialogue
and do anything they can
to suppress it.
So after that happened, enough on that,
Judd Legum on Twitter, who is a noted police state supporter and suppressor of free speech,
he tweeted out this thing and said,
oh my gosh, Facebook is using the Daily Caller as right winger.
This is unbelievable.
Facebook is nothing but like a hive for Trump supporters.
Once I saw that from
legum i knew this coordinated messaging was going to start let's go to takeaway number one from the
vox piece because this guy aaron rupar who's really dumb took his talking points from legum
apparently he says in his piece in fact as of this writing early tuesday afternoon stories from
right-wing sources about clinton emails represent three of the top 10
and five of the top 20 stories
on Facebook.
The number four story of the day
is about Clinton emails
from Breitbart.
Oh, look who makes
an appearance here.
And the eighth-ranked story
is one on the same topic
from Dan Bongino's website.
Coverage of her emails
from National Review
and Ben Shapiro
also appear in the top 20.
Now, before I get
to takeaway number two
from this Vox piece,
keep in mind,
big takeaway, ladies and gentlemen, here.
Hillary Clinton being about to be deposed, excuse me, disposed, she's not being disposed,
deposed, forgive me, about her emails is a real story. A judge ruled that Hillary Clinton
is going to have to answer a question about her emails.
That's not fake news.
That actually happened.
We covered it on the show.
What, yesterday, Paul?
Yeah, I believe yesterday.
We covered that story.
That's a real story.
Nothing Vox lying Aaron Ruppar,
gaslighting police state supporter Judd Legum,
Parker Malley, or whatever the name is,
the other one at Media Matters,
none of it, they're not suggesting the story is false.
They're only mad that my website,, Breitbart, and Daily Wire,
my website, thanks to you,
gets tremendous traffic,
along with, too,
your alternative to the Drudge Report.
We get, I'm not patting myself on the back,
it's just thanks to you.
You did it.
We get tremendous traffic.
Through our tremendous traffic,
we can dictate what people are interested in stories today.
They're not suggesting the stories are false.
Did you read that?
They're only suggesting that they don't like the story
because it's Super Tuesday
and the coronavirus story's out there.
They're not suggesting we're making anything up at all.
They just don't like it. So now they're engaged in a social media hate campaign and pressure campaign to get Facebook
to suppress the Hillary Clinton story, despite the fact that none of it is false.
None. Sorry, just messing around my phone there. Let's go to takeaway number two from the Vox piece
to show you how they BS you and lie to you
and how they're trying desperately to pressure Facebook
to stop conservative content.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is not an accident.
Right before the general election starts.
Quote from Vox, Vox with a V, not Fox, by the way.
Sometimes people confuse it.
This is a left-leaning website.
Excuse me.
Facebook is optimized for Trump supporters.
Judd Legum, this is the police state supporter
who hates free speech, wrote in a direct message,
it rewards engagement, which mostly reflects
an emotional reaction to things.
Support for Trump is emotional, not factual.
So pro-Trump content does very well.
Do you see what he did there?
The story is absolutely factual.
Hillary Clinton will be deposed.
It is absolutely factual.
She will have to answer questions on Benghazi.
But in order to make it seem like we're a bunch of emotional,
deplorable, ranting, raving lunatics,
he just doesn't like that we find that story interesting.
So he flips it around and he hints to Facebook with a wink and a nod.
Hey, Facebook, this is an emotional response to a story.
He doesn't say the story's false.
He says it's just an emotional response.
And therefore, Facebook should step up and be like the big brother and squash that so people can't read facts.
Let's go back to that because it gets better or worse with Vox as it does every time.
This is Vox again.
Aaron Ruppert, liar, total liar, disgraceful liar this guy is.
He says in his piece, chicanery could also be playing a role.
Chicanery? What does he mean chicanery could be also playing a role?
There's no chicanery there.
Chicanery, what, suggesting that the story is false?
That story is absolutely true.
That story is 100% true.
He suggests going on later in the piece there
that Daily Wire, Ben Shapiro said,
has a bunch of, what, fake pages?
We don't have any fake.
I don't know what they're doing over there.
I don't believe anything Aaron Rupar says,
but that is simply not the case.
Again, he's just making this stuff up.
There's no chicanery here. It's just that you happen to be interested in the story and that
drives Aaron Rupar absolutely mad. Drives him crazy. They can't stand that stuff.
All right, folks, my last sponsor of the day, and I want to get to some other stuff. Bernie's
still a fraud. I got that. I got Lindsey Graham on the FISA stuff. Loaded show today. A lot going
on. That's why I had to do a road show. I can't take off. I have to super Tuesday. I got to talk to you. I love my audience to death.
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All right.
Oh, folks, just again, the Bernie thing.
I don't want me to keep going back, but just a quick note story up at the Daily Wire.
We can see Bernie Sanders is still a fraud.
That's just how it's Bernie.
Bernie Sanders is a limousine socialist.
He always has been.
The guy's a fraud.
He's a millionaire, which I don't have any problem with.
I don't care.
I'm a capitalist.
I applaud the man's success.
Nice job, Bernie.
Very well done.
But as we can see from the Daily Wire,
Bernie Sanders got busted the other day
entering the wrong, wrong what?
Wrong deli, supermarket, taxi.
No, wrong private jet.
Apparently, he got confused.
He didn't recognize his private jet from the other private jets.
Listen, I have no problem taking private jet travel.
Not a lot, but I have.
I'd like to take it more.
I hate air travel.
Wish I could buy my own jet maybe one of these days.
But Paul is like, no, no time soon.
But Bernie apparently loves private jets and rails against millionaires and billionaires and private jet owners.
Again, simple story.
The dude's a fraud.
He got busted going into the wrong private jet.
They're like, that's not your jet.
That's your jet over there.
What a phony.
Enough on that.
I just want to throw that in there again to show you why this guy is never going to resonate.
He's just not authentic, ladies and gentlemen.
He's an inauthentic fraud, a classic American fraudster in every respect.
By American fraud, I mean Americans who are wealthy
and have capitalized off this country,
you know, and then rail against it.
They become socialists, communists, all BS.
Go move to Venezuela, Bernie.
You'd love it down there.
All right, important story I saw at the Daily Caller
that is going to require some revisiting here.
Daily Caller, you'll see Lindsey Graham is now apparently starting to get a wish list together of people he wants to testify in front of his committee about the FISA abuse scandal encompassed by the Spygate spying scandal on Donald Trump.
Now, let me give you the bit of a background here.
I'm going to give you the good and the bad.
I'm just going to tell you what I'm hearing and And Senator's office is free to comment if they'd like.
We'll be happy to put it on the show.
Here you can see from the Daily Caller,
one of the people on the wishlist they have is Stephen Soma.
Now you may say, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding.
I remember that name.
It sounds like the name you mentioned the other day.
Well, you'd be absolutely right because it is the name I mentioned the other day.
Stephen Soma is the FBI agent, according to
the New York Times, designated as case agent one in the IG report. Why is Stephen Soma important?
Because he is at the center of this volcano scandal, spy gate. There are a couple things here.
The FBI's official story, follow me here from day one, from day one has always been that they only started the case against Donald Trump, the spying case, because they don't want to admit they started the case because Hillary Clinton paid for a dossier
and basically hijacked the justice system to get the FBI to investigate her political opponent.
Period. Full stop. Thank you. Close the book. That's the story.
Why is Soma so devastating? Why would Lindsey Graham be interested in talking to Stephen Soma?
Because what's fascinating is according to the IG report, and we played this the other day,
so I want to relitigate the show. I just want to show you, give you kind of an alternate
perspective about what I'm hearing here behind the scenes. Graham wants to talk to Soma because
despite the fact that the FBI continues to insist their case started because of George
Papadopoulos mouthing off to this Australian diplomat. Stephen Soma is on the record pushing for an investigation into Carter Page initially,
according to the IG report, which refers to him as case agent one.
Well, how is that, folks?
Carter Page was never mentioned in George Papadopoulos' meeting with the Australian
diplomat, but he is mentioned somewhere else.
The dossier.
Because that is the case.
The dossier has always been the case.
The FBI just doesn't want to admit it.
You get what I'm saying?
Soma is on the record in the IG report
pushing for this opening up of a case
against Carter Page,
despite the fact that Carter Page
has nothing to do with
the Australian diplomat story.
He's in the dossier.
He's the central figure in the dossier.
Secondly, the Bureau continues to insist the fbi that they did not get the dossier until september that only people up in new york
had some of the information in the dossier and it never filtered down to the team investigating
donald trump ladies and gentlemen where did steven Soma work before he was involved with the Trump team? The New York field office of the FBI.
Are you telling me there was no contact there?
He had no idea what was in the dossier?
Well, why was he pushing for opening up a case on Carter Page?
And Carter Page only appears in the dossier.
Did someone in New York tell him something?
So Graham wants him on a wish list of people they want a subpoena to talk to.
That's the good news
the bad news is this and again I'm not knocking Senator Graham I'm not in the business of uh you
know Republican on Republican political violence when it's unnecessary here but I'm hearing from
some people behind the scenes that he desperately wants the FISA uh statutes all renewed the business
record stuff I warned you about last week the Patriot Act provisions which are dreadful and should be thrown out in the garbage and burned
uh the constitution matters you want to spy on americans go get a warrant it's not hard
okay that was a whole other show but i'm hearing they want the fisa stuff
renewed the patriot excuse me the patriot act stuff renewed what does that have to do with this
people are telling me that he's only bringing these people up or subpoenaing them, Soma and other FBI agents, because they want to make the
case that, hey, listen, the Spygate thing was isolated to low-level FBI people who made mistakes.
It's not really an institutional problem. Therefore, if we get them up there and we
can throw them under the bus, you get it? We'll make the case later that, oh, it was just these
guys. But the reality is it's not all bad. It's not an institutional problem. Let's just renew it.
And look, we'll throw these guys under the bus. I hope that's not the case. I hope. We'll see.
I'm only here to report what I'm hearing, ladies and gentlemen. I was pretty upset when I heard
that because the FISA and Patriot Act stuff is just total garbage, should be thrown out and burned
All right, a lot more to get through today.
Town halls, you can see in this town hall article.
California, this article is interesting.
It'll be in the show notes today.
Ladies and gentlemen, the show notes are worth your time. slash newsletter.
Please check them out.
These articles are really good.
There's an article in town hall about California and the gist of it is Trump has some chance
of making real headway in California. And the gist of it is Trump has some chance of making real headway in California.
I'm not against optimism at all. I don't see that being possible. I don't think the math is
ever California. I'm not in the predictions game anymore. I hope and pray one day California comes
around and a Republican can come close in California. We'll see. But this story is very
interesting because it points to the fact that this AB5 I've been
talking about a lot has been doing real significant damage to the Democrats.
Listen, folks, all politics are local.
All politics are local.
In other words, you can talk all you want about Republicans versus Democrats, communists
versus conservatives, liberals, greens, whatever you want.
When it comes down to something destroying your business,
your kid's education, your healthcare,
or practically killing you because of political ideology,
it becomes a big deal and it bleeds real quick.
I used to say to people when I ran for office,
one of the mistakes we make is as Republicans,
we don't make politics bleed for people.
And bleed for people, I don't mean that like a, and't mean that like an analogy, a story. We have to make it feel personal. You have to make politics
personal. Democrats are very good at doing that. That's why they do identity politics and class
warfare. They make it personal. They make it feel like a personal struggle. And they got your back.
They're the ones pushing you ahead. We don't do that enough. We have to do it more. So what's going on in California? Well, as you can see in the
town hall piece, this AB5 legislation, which was a piece of legislation by a bunch of union folks
who were bought off by unions, politicians who put this thing forward, was a direct attack against
Uber and Lyft. The long and short of it is they wanted these people to be classified as full-time workers or employees, not independent contractors,
Uber and Lyft drivers. That is why? So that a lot of unions could unionize them and get union dues.
It's really no more difficult than that. Well, what was the problem, ladies and gentlemen?
Well, the problem was, what always is the problem with liberal activism is it ends in externalities, devastating externalities that were maybe not intended in the beginning, but certainly became ramifications once their liberal dreams became reality.
with their jobs, art festivals, music festivals are being shut down. People are being fired because these people don't want to bring them on as employees because they're not,
they're independent contractors, but now they have to be according to the California law.
This is having a really deep impact in California. Kira Davis, I know has been all over this on
Twitter. She's a conservative activist out there. This has been devastating to journalists,
bloggers, artists, entertainers. It's been devastating.
It's having a real effect.
Now, you know, can the president's national campaign take advantage of that?
I'm not sure.
Politics are local.
But I can tell you there's a unique opportunity in California now for some locals, either
as independents or Republicans, to point out the people who supported this dreadful measure
and make some real moves real fast.
All right.
Couple more quick stories.
Again, loaded show today, a lot to get to.
I'm sorry I'm motoring through it all,
but Super Tuesday,
I don't just want to get lost in the election results.
I want to get some of this other stuff out too.
There's an article about Breitbart
up in my show notes today as well.
Again, slash newsletter.
Please check them out.
It's a really good article,
and it talks about how many disaffected
Buttigieg, Klobuchar voters who already voted early, who now they can't change their votes in California and elsewhere.
Listen, folks, I've warned you about this for a long time.
Again, having run for office myself, early voting is a disaster.
It is.
Having said that, to be fair, I'm saying this at my own expense because I vote early
because I can't go to the polls most of the time because of the show. And then it causes,
it's, I cause a bit of a, I don't mean it in like a weird way. It just, it causes a bit of a scene
that's unnecessary. Me and my wife vote early. I like, it hurts me to say this because I like
voting early is a disaster. It is a bad idea, a very bad idea, a catastrophically bad idea. Now, I don't mind a
day or two of early voting. I get it. Some people just can't get out there. The problem is California
was sending out ballots February 3rd. So think about it. If you're a Californian who supports
early voting, early voting is early as a month prior to the election, 30 days of early voting.
You voted for a candidate. if you voted for Buttigieg
or Klobuchar. February 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, doesn't matter. You voted for a candidate that's
not even in the race. Tell me again how early voting is such a gift to everybody. Folks,
one or two days. That's it. It's ridiculous. Things change. Momentum changes. People get
endorsements. change overnight you
had the biden campaign i knew you wouldn't know any of this if you voted early good piece so in
bright bar talking about all these people in california pissed off they voted february 3rd
again i do it i say it at my own expense i mean it was obvious for me i voted for donald trump
wasn't going to change my mind no matter what but you know i'm saying this again at my own expense
early voting is a really,
I should say extremely early voting.
Couple days, maybe not.
All right, quick video for you again,
MSNBC getting owned again.
This is happening all the time.
They keep trying to, again, it's not the comedy hour,
but they keep trying to do these
man on the street interviews, MSNBC,
what do they call them?
MOS, man on street interviews.
And they go out there and they want to get people. So what they do is, this is a pretty common
tactic. You're going to see a lot of these. I've been playing them on my show on a regular to show
you how the media basically stereotypes people. They'll go up to minority voters who they assume
are always, of course, who are always supporters of the Democrats. They go to these minority voters and they talk to them.
And when they talk to them, they think they're, you know, everyone but Trump.
So MSNBC goes to talk to the store owner and they ask him about his daughter.
And the answer is kind of surprising.
Check this out.
Is it between Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden?
Bernie Sanders.
Why Bernie Sanders?
I don't know if they're going to be supporting him. They don't know, but they're going to be supporting him. Bernie Sanders. Bernie Sanders. ¿Por qué Bernie Sanders? No sé, o sea, ellos están eligiendo a él.
They don't know, but they're going to be supporting him.
Does your daughter, is it your daughter leading the charge?
¿Es tu hija la que está empujando por él?
No, mi señora, mi hija es de Donald.
Oh, wow.
De Donald.
¿Pero ella por quién va a votar? ¿Por Donald?
Your daughter's going to vote for Donald Trump. Sí, you go msnbc getting absolutely face planted again uh they do this all the time again
they go up to minority voters and just absolutely assume
they're Borg-like Star Trek voters for Democrats, and they just face plant them. We've seen multiple
videos like this. Okay, one last story there I wanted to get to, which I think is super important.
This guy Ferrante keeps showing up, ladies and gentlemen. I warned you about this. What's my
running thesis for the last month of shows now? Ladies and gentlemen, they all know each other.
The spy gate plotters all know each other.
They don't go away, follow the money,
follow the connections,
and you'll see what's really going on.
And none of these investigations by the media are happening
where they're investigating any of the connections
between these people.
So hat tip to my buddy, 2790.
Put this out today from the Wall Street Journal.
Look at this Wall Street Journal article.
So Jeff Bezos, who owns the Washington Post,
the liberal rag, you know,
democracy dies in the darkness,
their tagline, despite the fact
that the Washington Post is the darkness,
a bunch of liars over there, fake media outlet.
Bezos owns the Washington Post.
So Jeff Bezos had this, you know,
running scandal where he was alleging
that the Saudis had hacked his phone.
And it was a very strange scandal,
but it kind of fostered a narrative for him.
He wanted that narrative out there for some reason.
So they hired this company to go look into this alleged hack
of his phone by the Saudis.
You know, Bezos, again, owner of the Washington Post
or Amazon, of course, you know, Jeff Bezos from there,
one of the wealthiest men on the planet,
if not in the cosmos.
So Bezos, our phone was hacked by the Saudis.
So they put this thing out there and they get this company to go look into it.
And look who magically appears again.
This is just incredible.
I'm telling you, ladies and gentlemen, it is a big symbiotic Charlie Foxtrot, if you know what I mean,
circled between people who all know each other and all make money
off their connections to people in the media, the swamp and the Democrat establishment.
It is, I mean, the connections are everywhere. So Bezos needs a company to go look at his phone
to determine if it was in fact hacked by the Saudis because it fosters this narrative and
story they want out there. So who do they hire? Hilarious. FTI
consulting, FDI consulting. You're like FDI consulting. I don't remember it. We were FDI
consulting. Who works at FDI consulting? Oh, our buddy Ferrante, Anthony Ferrante. Remember him?
Look at the wall street journal piece. Anthony Ferrante magically appears again
in this Jeff Bezos who owns the Washington Post, you know, big collusion
hoaxsters over there.
They hire this guy's company for FDI consulting where Ferrante works.
And Ferrante's out there again.
Now, Ferrante, for those of you who missed the show the other day, Anthony Ferrante is
the former FBI official assigned to the National Security Council who is alleged by some media
outlets in their reporting to be the spy Jim Comey
had planted inside the White House for the FBI. This is the same guy. He then leaves the FBI,
Ferrante, to go work for BuzzFeed to do what? To try to verify the dossier. And as my buddy 279
pointed out this morning, this is a strange story. Ferrante's out there talking about this hack into
Bezos' phone, which has the same type of fingerprints as the DNC hack, where the information's very loose and nobody can confirm
the Saudis hacked Bezos' phone, just like nobody can confirm the Russians hacked the DNC, but
they're like, the footprints are there. They use the same narrative and the same people over and
over again. This was the Obama administration guy, Ferrante, who was used to advance his presidential policy directive 41
about cyber threats that was launched the same day the dossier, July 26, 2016, a dossier appeared
about Russian cyber threats. Ferrante was the guy involved in all of that. He's still trying to
verify the dossier while working for the Washington Post and Jeff Bezos. Ladies and gentlemen, these people have communal interests and those interests aren't yours ever.
And that community is not a community you want to be a part of.
Deep state or swamp rats, police state supporters, media hacks, activists who have no interest in a
constitutional republic whatsoever. These names all keep reappearing why because they're all making money off basically fostering bs stories over and over again it's really no more difficult than that
all right thanks for tuning in sorry about the road show today the abbreviated uh bit of
abbreviated content i know um you know it's just been tough i had a last minute thing that came up
maybe i'll be able to explain more in the future. But I will see you all tomorrow.
Please subscribe to my YouTube channel, slash Bongino.
Check out those videos today too.
They're really good.
And I'll have some more strong content for you tomorrow.
I got a couple of things I'm working on.
You're not going to want to miss.
So don't miss tomorrow's show.
I appreciate it, folks.
See you all soon.
You just heard the Dan Bongino Show.
Follow Dan on Twitter 24-7 at DBongino.