The Dan Bongino Show - About Yesterday (Ep 1430)
Episode Date: January 7, 2021In this episode, I discuss the dramatic events that unfolded on Capitol Hill yesterday. News Picks: The media hypocrisy regarding political violence is astonishing to watch. Joint session of Cong...ress certifies electoral college count. Twitter ruthlessly locks President Trump’s account after he calls for peace. Is the digital media revolution coming? Copyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Get ready to hear the truth about America on a show that's not immune to the facts with your host, Dan Bongino.
There's a famous quote by Ellis I brought up often, read it up last night on John Hannity's show that civilization is a thin crust on a volcano. And we'll talk about that volcano today.
What happened yesterday.
The response to it.
The media response to it.
And how they find themselves in a real corner right now.
It's going to be a very, very busy show with a lot of video, a lot of cuts, and a lot of evidence that we're in a really dark place right now.
I'll try to leave you on a positive note at the end. Today's show brought to you by ExpressVPN. Ladies and gentlemen, get a VPN today. Protect
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Rough bell today, but the bell will toll no matter what.
I've been warning you about this for a long time.
If you're a listener to the show, you know that.
No need to play old clips of myself to prove what I'm telling you. It's true.
If you've been here for a while, you've heard it in the past. I've been warning about this propensity for people
in the media and on the other side of the political aisle to normalize political violence.
We can never, ever, ever normalize political violence. That volcano Ellis is referring to,
lies political violence. That volcano Ellis is referring to, that civilization is a thin crust on a volcano. That thin crust is comprised of certain things, our constitution, our police,
our military, law and order. But what's interesting is when we talk about that thin crust that keeps the volcano from
exploding, and Ellis is right, that is what civilization is, civilized human behavior.
That order part of the law and order is frequently left out. Well, what is order? What does order
mean? Well, the order portion of that refers to process.
There are things we do and don't do to get a specific result. If we have a property dispute
with our neighbor, we don't murder our neighbor to get the property dispute appropriately resolved
because that wouldn't be an appropriate response. We can all agree, I guess, right?
There may be some liberal
media people listening, so I have to be very careful here because they have a tough time with
this. If we don't like what happened in a police incident, it's probably not orderly appropriate
or the proper process to go and burn down your neighbor's business. I'm not sure how that gets
the problem solved
of what you see to be an inappropriate police use of force.
Having said that, yesterday, an appropriate response
to a dispute and an honest, strong dispute
about what happened in the 2020 presidential election
is not to go break windows at the Capitol
and storm the Capitol floor,
which ironically shut down any airing of the dispute
about the 2020 election. So I'm not sure what exactly the strategy was there, but it clearly
wasn't a smart one. We can never normalize political violence ever. And the country's
been on the road to doing that for a long time. And let me be crystal clear to all the liberal
lunatics listening to my show today. If you're not willing to do an autopsy as to how we got to this point, tune out now.
Because this is only for serious people who are actually willing to think about what happened yesterday, how we got there, why we got there, what happened, and how we can prevent this kind of stuff from happening from the future and keep the order part of law and order intact.
So we have a process that doesn't break down completely.
We normalize political violence.
Ladies and gentlemen,
the weak have no power in our society.
This is obvious to anyone listening.
If violence becomes the first resort to resolve disputes between neighbors,
disputes between government and citizens,
dispute between citizens,
citizens and government disputes between political Dispute between citizens, citizens and government.
Disputes between political parties that involve the government.
If violence becomes the first resort, then who suffers the most?
The people who need the most protection.
The people who are the weakest.
We've been warning about this for a long time.
Paula said to me last night,
I'm glad you've done those shows in the past,
talking about your time in talk radio
when people have called in
and they're upset about an election result,
whatever it is, and they're like,
we're going to go and storm the Capitol
and I'm going to kick this guy's butt.
And I say to him,
do you know who your state legislator is?
Do you know who your congressman is?
This was an actual conversation I had on a phone at a radio station I worked at.
And the guy who called in who wanted to resort to violence didn't even know who his local
state delegate was.
Maybe you want to try the order process before we jump to absurdities like using violence.
Having said that, ladies and gentlemen, the media has zero credibility here
and they deserve to be roundly called out.
Now, keep in mind, as I stated last night
on Hannity's program,
and I'll say again today on mine
and you'll get a bit of a lengthier
conversation today from me.
We have a ton of video to bring up here.
There are liberal media people
and liberals themselves who say, don't video to bring up here. There are liberal media people and liberals
themselves who say, don't you dare bring up BLM and Antifa. We're to keep the conversation solely
on what happened with a limited group of people yesterday who acted inappropriately at the Capitol.
We're supposed to keep the conversation only on them. I just did. I do not endorse political
violence ever. It's been a conversation on my show repeatedly,
period. No caveats, no bullet points, no provisos. There's no more necessary. That's it.
That's a categorical statement. Having said that, again, if you have been in the media and have been
dismissing political violence for the last four years, you should sit down and shut up and stop
telling people to ignore how we
got here.
Because the minute you tell me to stop talking about it, I'm going to talk about it more.
What do I mean?
So it's fascinating that although we have been consistent on this topic because we have
actual principles, that as I just said, for the umpteenth time, you cannot normalize political
It's the weakest in a society like that
who are always the most damaged, always.
That's not been the take of the media.
Oh, Dan, you can't talk about that.
We got to talk about exclusively about Trump
and what happened at the Capitol yesterday.
No, no, we don't only have to talk about that.
We have to talk about political violence
because it's important understanding how we got here. You know, I brought up this
point last night and again, I'll bring it up again today. It's interesting how when the White House
was under attack and under siege, I was getting calls from Secret Service friends of mine. Fact,
fact, not hyperbole, not exaggeration. With the Black Lives Matter protest
in Antifa in D.C. that turned violent,
there were friends of mine
who were legitimately concerned
that the White House would fall.
I haven't said that before last night.
I haven't said it on the show today,
I don't think.
I may have, I may not,
but I'm telling you now.
There were friends of mine
legitimately worried if 100 or
200 people stormed the fences of the White House, they were wondering what would happen,
how the security plan would hold. I've never heard that conversation before,
even when I was an active agent. But what was the story then when they were outside the White House,
But what was the story then when they were outside the White House, just feet from the gate and could have stormed it?
And that broke bad. And Secret Service agents and UD officers, uniformed division officers were.
What was the conversation from the media? Was it around condemnation of political violence like you get on this show today? And you have been getting forever? No, that wasn't the conversation.
The conversation back then, then of course was about how
trump was a coward because the secret service evacuated him to the bunker he didn't leave and
go down there himself he probably doesn't even know where it is they took him down there that
was the conversation kind of weird no joe how there wasn't some round condemnation of the dangers of
storming a government building like we saw yesterday. We didn't see that conversation back then.
Do you remember that one?
I don't remember that.
You remember that one?
Getting a no from Paula too.
Wow, that's weird.
That's weird.
Yeah, I thought political violence was a bad thing in the media.
No, it's been a bad thing here, but not over there.
No wonder they don't want us to talk about whataboutism.
Yeah, whataboutism, you're darn right it is.
What about your principles in the media?
You don't have any.
That's why you don't want to talk about it.
That's why you're saying you can't mention that.
That's whataboutism.
Yeah, it is.
Because if we don't have a standard set of principles both the country lives by,
then we don't have a country.
What about another government building in Portland?
Courthouse in Portland.
Do you remember that story?
What was that, decades ago?
No, no, that was just months ago, actually.
Where a federal courthouse in the city of Portland was under assault nightly by a left-leaning group of terrorists, Antifa.
There were firework incendiary bombs
thrown over the gate. There were federal officers hurt and wounded, was under attack nightly.
You remember that? Remember the round condemnation by the left-wing media about how awful this was
and the Portland mayor, Ted Wheeler, who just finally a week ago, after months of the courthouse being assaulted,
just finally came around and said,
hey, maybe not calling out Antifa was a bad idea.
Do you remember all those stories
about how awful that was?
I don't remember that.
Matter of fact, as a talking head on television
or whatever you call cable commentary,
I remember debating people on TV
and watching commentary on TV by left-wing
commentators on Fox and CNN and elsewhere who would say, well, we have to look at the bigger
scope and condemn political violence, not just people in Portland. Oh, really? Wow. So you can't
condemn what happened in Portland? You want to look at, they'd always mentioned Charlottesville.
So you can't condemn what happened in Portland.
You want to look at, they'd always mentioned Charlottesville.
Oh, Dan, isn't that what you're doing now?
Talking about the, no, no.
We have been consistent on condemning political violence from the start.
They excuse it.
I don't remember all the stories either from the left-wing media.
When a group of lunatics took over a portion of Seattle, they called the Chaz and then renamed the Chop.
Remember that one?
Oh, they were left-wing protesters.
So now we can take over a portion of a city?
Remember when the National Guard,
they were asking to call in the National Guard
and Trump was condemned for trying to take back the city
and even the potential of using the National Guard? Remember the condemnation by the media? No, that was real. But then yesterday,
it's interesting, National Guard gets called in right away. So no National Guard when it's a left
wing protest, but when it's a Trump rally, get them in there right away. You're starting to see
how there's two sets of rules in this country and why the left-wing media is so terrified that you're going to say,
that's what about ism.
You can't talk about that.
I can talk about,
and we'll talk about whatever I want because I actually have principles.
Unlike you.
Can we do a little thought experiment?
If you think this is a unified country where the media has principles,
and to be candid, some in the political leadership
and the leadership of some law enforcement departments in big cities,
to be fair in the criticism, you think we have one set of,
no, no, Dan, this one country, this one set of law.
You said law.
Law applies to everyone.
That's why it's a law, right?
You don't have like a law for one person, not a law for another person, right?
Let's do a little thought experiment.
The Chaz that was in Seattle,
remember the left-wing autonomous zone
where they took over a portion of a city?
Do you think if a Tea Party group
walked into New York City
and said, we're taking over
these two or three blocks for a few months,
do you think the mayor of New York City,
the Balzio, would call it the summer of love?
Like Mayor Jenny Durkan called the Chaz in Seattle? You think that would happen?
How long do you think that would be allowed to exist before they were brought up on charges
of terrorism, that Tea Party group? How long, Joe? 10 minutes? 15 minutes? If that?
That's what I was thinking.
Maybe 22.5 minutes. I'm not really sure.'m not, not really sure. Joe thinks I'm over it.
It's probably closer to five minutes before they find themselves in jail.
Why is that?
Why is that?
Why was the Chaz called the summer of love and allowed to exist for over a
And when a terror group took over portions of a big city,
but yet,
you know,
damn well in the liberal media,
what I'm telling you is true.
If that happened in New York City
and it was a Tea Party group, they'd all be in jail. Why is that?
I thought we were all living under one set
of rules, you know, unity, tolerance,
principles, law and order.
Oh, that thought experiment
didn't work out like you thought it did for you, huh?
Maybe because you know what I'm saying
is true and you hacks and lunatics
and the left-wing media that contributed to this environment
of normalizing political violence.
Maybe you're starting to, today,
starting to go back and say,
yeah, maybe I did.
Maybe I did contribute to this.
All right, I've got some video
I'm going to get to in a second.
Let me get to my second sponsor.
I'm going to show you exactly what I'm talking about.
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Helix. Again, the reason the liberal media and others are trying to dictate the terms of this conversation
right now is because they're terrified about grappling with actual principles principles
they don't have the don't you dare bring up antifa blm which is that's what about ism um
shows you that you're over the target and that they're terrified of their own history
of dealing with political violence that they not only forgave, but incentivized.
No, they didn't.
Let's go to the videotape here.
Where were the media and the left where political violence was happening
and being incentivized during the four years of Donald Trump?
Well, here was Maxine Waters.
Here's her.
Joe, get ready for it.
Here's Maxine Waters,
Democrat far left radical Congresswoman.
Here's Maxine Waters speaking out against political
violence, encouraging her supporters on a microphone moment to go out and embrace Trump
supporters. And although we have political differences, we should work them out through
law and an orderly process, processes like elections. Here is her doing that. This is
very, very nice of Maxine Waters. Check this out.
If you think we're rallying now, you ain't seen nothing yet. No peace, no sleep. And guess what?
We're going to win this battle. God is on our side. On the side of the children on the side of what's right and if you see anybody from that cabinet in a restaurant
in a department store at a gasoline station you get out and you create a crowd
and you push back on them and you tell them they're not welcome anymore anywhere oh i joe I'll tell you. Anymore, anywhere. Oh, Joe. Yeah.
What'd you do, man?
Why'd you do that?
You're messing, again, Joe and Paula screwing up the whole show, of course.
Of course.
That's not the cut.
I'm talking about the cut where
she was out there embracing the,
giving him beakers.
Oh, that's not that cut.
That's right.
Democratic, far-left, radical Maxine Waters that's not that cut. That's right. That's democratic,
far left,
radical Maxine waters,
encouraging people on a microphone.
I'm screaming at them to get in the faces of Trump supporters,
tell them they're not welcome anywhere.
And to get a crowd with you,
where was the media on that?
I don't remember exactly because you never saw it in the media outside of Fox and
other outlets that covered it. So whereas this show has no problem whatsoever today,
because our principles have been consistent. Political violence is insanity. You want your
kids growing up in a society like that, where law and order don't matter and we solve our problems by beating the snot out of everyone?
Ah, not me.
But it's just odd that the media found religion just yesterday.
Because they didn't have much to say about Maxine Waters.
Here's another media darling.
Joe, this man's smarter than everyone. Here's Chris Cuomo. He's a lawyer. Oh, yeah. Joe, you're just an audio producer. And I was just a former cop.
So what do I know? Paula, web developer. We're all stupid. This is Chris Cuomo, JD, Esquire.
Esquire. He's a lawyer. And he's on CNN, which means he's naturally smarter than us.
Here's Chris Cuomo when he's talking about the BLM and Antifa riots. Here's Chris Cuomo,
who's taken a stand and been very consistent about how awful political violence is from the
start, Chris Cuomo, right? Here's Chris Cuomo saying, listen, if you have to assemble and do
it, you better do it peacefully because that's the
order process of law and order. Chris, I mean, he was way ahead of the game, Joe, way before we were.
Check this out. Now, too many see the protests as the problem. No, the problem is what forced
your fellow citizens to take to the streets, persistent and poisonous inequities and injustice.
to take to the streets, persistent and poisonous inequities and injustice.
And please, show me where it says that protests are supposed to be polite and peaceful.
Wrong cut again?
That's not again.
You're really damaging the flow of the show today.
I don't know what's going on. You know, when you do, yeah, well, we may have to find a new,
but you may not hear from Joe again tomorrow.
Yeah, probably not.
You know, in jujitsu, you know what do they say?
Go with the flow.
In jujitsu, they say flow with the go.
You know, it's a way to not,
to kind of soft roll in jujitsu.
So Joe is not clearly going with the flow today on the show.
Of course, I'm kidding.
Joe's a great producer and that is the cut I sent him.
That's Chris Cuomo, who is confused about the constitution,
which I was kind enough to take a screenshot of him
on my constitution app
um and do the worst highlight ever did i give that to you paul and um it actually does say
somewhere in our founding documents that if you are going to assemble you should do so
uh peaceably there it is for chris who is he's a lawyer joe so he's smarter than you
um he's an esquire and me i mean clearly. He hasn't read the Amendment 1 of the Constitution,
also known as Amendment 1 of the Bill of Rights for Chris,
where it calls on the right of the people
or announces the big R, God-given right of the people
to peaceably assemble.
There it is.
That's my highlight.
Paula was laughing how awful it is.
I did it on my phone in two minutes.
If you'd like to see the
awful video of it slash bongino where you can watch my terrible highlighting
chris missed that he's confused about where does it say we have to assemble
peaceably the constitution says that here's an interesting bunch of tweets by ali velchi uh ali
velchi and caleb uh caleb hall by the way who called this is another guy at MSNBC who is, of course, again, because he's on MSNBC smarter than us, Ali Velshi.
He's been entirely consistent as well about where he stands on political violence.
Here's a tweet by Caleb talking about where this is was Ali Velshi doing again.
The Black Lives Matter Antifa rights. MSNBC reporter Ali Velshi just, again, the Black Lives Matter Antifa riots.
MSNBC reporter
Ali Velshi just now.
I want to be clear
on how I characterize this.
This is mostly a protest.
It's not, generally speaking,
With an attached photo
of Ali Velshi
standing in front of a building
being burned down
in the middle of a riot.
So Velshi,
who's smarter than us
and MSNBC,
and they've all demanded we not discuss any,
they're going to dictate the terms of the conversation because, of course, they've been
better than us on this. Here's Ali Velshi now about the events of yesterday. Trump incites mob
is the headline. This is his actual Twitter account, is the headline of the morning's New
York Times. Any journalist who sugarcoats their language, who normalizes what has happened today,
isn't doing
their job our job is to bear witness and tell the truth trump is attempting a coup and inciting
violence of course none of that actually happened but this is the same ali valshi who is literally
standing in front of a burning you know i hate the word literally a burning building in the
middle of a riot saying this isn't generally unruly.
And these people are going to dictate the terms of the principled conversations.
No, our conversations have been principled.
We have been entirely consistent because I believe in big R, God-given rights for everyone.
And if you really believe in big R, God-given, really believe in that, and you think attacking another human being or committing a crime in advance of your cause
is going to benefit you?
Because that's, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Of course, Ali, Chris, and Maxine Waters
haven't been consistent on that.
Maxine Waters actually called for aggressive political action against your opponents quote get
in their face tell them they're not welcome there's more of course there's always more
because again the media and liberal hypocrisy on this is stunning
and if we're not going to live by a common set of principles, then one common government is not going to work.
Because a set of rules, a set of laws, and orderly processes that only apply to one party are neither law, orderly, or processes.
They're just suggestions.
Here's Ayanna Pressley, Democrat member of Congress, again, calling for peace in the streets
and law and order. Let's handle this the right way through peaceable assembly and elsewhere.
Of course, that's not what this is. Check this out. I'm looking to the public. You know,
this is as much about public outcry and organizing and mobilizing and applying pressure so that this GOP-led Senate
and that these governors that continue to carry water for this administration,
putting the American people in harm's way, turning a deaf ear to the needs of
our families and our communities, hold them accountable.
Well, make the phone call, send the email, show up. You know, there needs to be unrest
in the streets for as long as there's unrest in our lives. And unfortunately, there's plenty to
go around. There you go. Not my not my words, her words. There needs to be unrest in the streets for
as long as there's unrest in our lives. Her words, along with Maxine Waters, Chris Cuomo, oh, I got more. But now all of a sudden,
these are the authority figures on political violence after they've normalized it? What does
unrest in the streets mean? Was she ever asked to clarify that statement? Of course she wasn't,
because she's a leftist. She was given a total pass because political violence and unrest in the streets
is only acceptable if you're a leftist.
But again, these are the principled people
who think principles only apply to one group of people,
not the other, which is the antithesis of principles.
It means they're non-principles.
It means they're suggestive suggestions
of subjective suggestions. The exact opposite of an objective principle
you think this is new by the way oh this is just the trump era where leftists have been
calling for violence allowing violence allowing violence to happen and excusing it
i had to go back to a situation joe is unfortunately all too familiar with because
he still resides in Maryland.
Remember the Freddie Gray riots
in Baltimore during the Obama administration?
Yeah, of course. You know, the
old liberal mayor of, I don't mean old
that she's old in age, but older. She's one of the
older, she's been a few mayor changes
since then. Remember Stephanie Rawlings
Blake? I know Joe does. She was the mayor of Baltimore
during the Freddie Gray riots.
When she said this absolute absurdity, not a joke, sadly, about giving rioters room to destroy,
her quote, you'll hear in a minute, not mine. Not only was there no condemnation in the mainstream
media, they ran cover for her. That's not what she meant. No, that's
what she said. You don't believe me? Listen to her own words. It's a very delicate balancing act
because while we tried to make sure that they were protected from the cars and the other things
that were going on, we also gave those who wished to destroy space to do that as well
that's an actual quote
we didn't edit that that's her actual quote we wanted to give those and the freddy gray
riots in baltimore room to destroy you had to provide space for them too again these are the authority figures
trying to dictate the terms of today's conversation who have zero principles at all trying to frighten
you into submission folks these next few weeks are going to be scary the left will never ever
let a crisis go to waste and i assure you the fallout from what
happened yesterday you haven't even begun to see it all right i've got more coming up including
kamala harris aoc a montage for you and some interesting video of a protest in the senate
building is that yesterday or something? We'll see.
All right.
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Thanks, Lucy. Lucy should be a part. We should
have her. I think next time we read PetSmart, Lucy
should make an appearance. What do you think?
Paula agrees. See, we don't always agree.
We agree now. I know she's sleeping. She, we don't always agree. We agree now.
I know, she's sleeping.
She's such a cute dog.
I love that dog.
We need a little bit of good news today.
Lucy always brings good news to my life.
All right, let's move on.
So again, others on the left do now want to dictate the terms of the conversation
who've actually incentivized political violence,
allowed it to happen,
or covered for it for years now.
Now all of a sudden want to take the moral high
ground. No, we're not going to allow that. The moral high ground is consistently seeing principles
which they don't have. Here's Kamala Harris in a Fox News article. Senator Harris, who backed the
Minnesota Freedom Fund, a bail fund backed by Kamala Harris and Joe Biden staffers that bailed
out alleged child abusers as docs indicate.
It's an article by Tyler Olson,
Well, that's interesting.
After the riots in Minnesota that burned down innocent people's neighborhoods and buildings
and businesses, many of those people who did that committed those crimes and those acts
of terrorism in those neighborhoods were bailed out, some of them by a fund Kamala Harris
actively supported in a tweet that's actually still up on her Twitter account.
Joe Biden's staffers supported that too.
Commit crimes.
What is it?
Don't do the crime if you can't do the time.
In Kamala Harris's case, it's do the crime.
Don't worry, you won't do the time.
We'll bail you right out.
But again, these are the arbiters of what the appropriate perimeter of this conversation is supposed to
be today. I think not. You've shown what your principles are and they're disgraceful.
Political violence is acceptable to you if it advances a political narrative. It's not to me.
It's never been. We're going to expose you all for what you are and what you've done.
Here's AOC, another one grasping the moral high ground.
It's her own Twitter account, at AOC.
This was her a while ago.
She doesn't want this tweet up, by the way.
She actually had someone close to her try to pressure Twitter to stop this from being retweeted.
close to her, try to pressure Twitter to stop this from being retweeted.
Of course, when BLM and Antifa were all engaged in protests and riots that advanced her political cause, she was a-okay with it.
Matter of fact, she tweeted, and I quote, the whole point of protesting is to make people
Activists take that discomfort with the status quo and advocate for concrete policy changes.
Popular support often starts small and grows.
To folks who complain,
protest demands make others uncomfortable.
That's the point.
Making people uncomfortable is the point?
All right, well, that's AOC's own words.
Interesting how she doesn't want that retweeted now.
Of course, remember the whole peaceful protests?
The show, we'd be remiss
if we didn't put this in the show today.
Here is a montage by our friends at Newsbusters. We're going to play again of the same media people
demanding Chuck Todd and the rest of the clown show, demanding that we have no say in this,
despite where the us, this show and others in the conservative movement being the only ones
who've actually been consistent on political violence. The only one, regardless of who does
it. Chuck Todd and others are demanding now.
Chuck Todd, you know, Chuck Todd,
I live rent-free in this guy's head.
They're demanding now our voices all be silenced
because they're totalitarians.
That's what they do.
But here's a little montage of the media
when actual political violence was happening
over the past year.
Don't you worry, folks. It's all a peaceful protest.
Check this out. I want to be clear in how I characterize this. This is mostly a protest.
It is not, it is not generally speaking unruly, but fires have been started. And first thing I
want to make perfectly clear, this has been almost entirely peaceful in fact completely it's been a mostly
peaceful protest but then they chose to move in many of these protests have been largely peaceful
mostly peaceful mostly peaceful mostly peaceful oh boy oh boy i'm looking at those live pictures
next to you and they seem very peaceful there are always folks on the fringes of protests that do
the things that uh we don't we don't like a few people who break a few windows and burn a few cars no one should be
destructing property and that sort of thing but I understand the anger discount
people who are doing things to public property that they shouldn't be doing it It does have to be understood that this city has got, for the last several years, an issue with police.
So many good people out there who want change and who are demanding change.
Our country was started because this is how the Boston Tea Party rioting.
So don't do not get it twisted and think that, oh, this is some something that has not never happened before.
And then this is so terrible. And where are we in these savages and all of that?
This is how this country was started.
Thanks, newsbusters, for that one.
Principals, they had principals on this? They did? Doesn't sound like it.
Sounds like them largely forgiving people for engaging in acts of political violence,
and now they want to be the arbiters of truth about political violence?
What about this one? A lot of you aren't going to remember this one.
Remember during the Brett Kavanaugh hearings when the left was losing their minds, accusing Brett Kavanaugh of gang rapes in the back of cars and things like that? Remember those absurdities? Media wasn't interested much in the truth back then. They're not now.
was an occupation of a literal occupation of the ground floor of a Senate office building.
You remember the big outcry in the media about this, about how order and process had broken down?
Yeah, I don't either. Matter of fact, some of you probably never even seen this before,
but here was the left. You can hear them for our audio listeners in the background. You'll hear them screaming as they take over. And I'm not talking about one or two. I'm talking about
hundreds of people, a Senate office building.
Check this out. First time you're seeing that?
Where was the media on that one?
About how order had broken down?
But again, they're the arbiters of truth.
Entirely unprincipled people,
castigating us to dare not talk about any of this
because they're uncomfortable
and the only people who are uncomfortable
discussing the events of yesterday,
people who don't have principles.
If you've been consistent on political violence,
you're disturbed about all of it.
Let me get to some facts too.
Some facts and some stories out there
that the media doesn't want you to hear,
that you're going to hear on this show.
And I want to be crystal clear.
This is reporting done by the Washington Times,
a reputable outlet,
and they're not suggesting in their piece
that everything that happened yesterday
was the result of Antifa infiltration.
That's not in the piece at all.
Are we clear on that?
Because we have liberals watching the show have a really tough time.
They're not suggesting that.
But the piece is pretty clear that if you put up this Washington Times headline, this
story will be in the show notes, and I encourage you to read it, slash newsletter.
It's another story they don't want to talk about either because it makes some people
Rowan Scarborough washington times facial recognition firm claims antifa infiltrated
trump protesters who stormed the capitol it was two two people those are the facts in the story
cites the company apparently there were two philadelphia antifa members
again more stories that make people uncomfortable Apparently, there were two Philadelphia Antifa members.
Again, more stories that make people uncomfortable.
Well, if the facts make you uncomfortable,
then maybe there's something wrong.
Maybe you just don't want the facts.
Here's another photo that's been circulating around social media that leftists have been putting out.
This is everywhere, this photo.
If you do kind of an image search, you'll see a lot of it on liberal accounts.
Like, gosh, look at what's going on in Washington, D.C.
Look at this.
And if you'll see, if you want to watch slash Bongino, it's Washington, D.C. in flames.
Some leftists have been suggesting, gosh, this is the result of these riots yesterday.
Ladies and gentlemen, that photo is from the BLM riots in Washington, D.C.
That photo is not from yesterday.
If you see that photo, you'll probably see it on some leftist account talking about how this was yesterday it wasn't
sadly folks we've reached that never let a crisis go to waste portion this is disgusting
instead of solving crises in this country now we have political parties looking to leverage
crises to take away your civil liberties and liberties at serious risk right now. I cannot warn you in strong enough terms. The damage done yesterday
is apocalyptic and cladoclismic when it comes to things like liberty. I'm not kidding.
I had a conversation with Paula last night and I said, I hope I'm wrong. I pray I'm wrong.
night and I said, I hope I'm wrong. I pray I'm wrong. Are we going to see another Patriot Act now, which was a disaster? Are we going to see increases in domestic surveillance now?
Are they going to use events of yesterday as a way to whittle away your civil liberties?
You know, it was Rahm Emanuel, one of Barack Obama's chief lieutenants.
That was his credo he lived by, never let a crisis go to waste.
Folks, now you understand why the truth and the facts matter. And if we're principled on this
the entire time, we should have no worries at all. But I am worried about what
unprincipled people are going to do next. Let me get to my last sponsor. I want to talk about how
I'm not just concerned about legislative action, like a new Patriot Act, increased domestic
surveillance, and the whittling away of your civil liberties like Alka-Seltzer tablet and water.
There are other things that are going to happen and are happening right now,
including the big tech purge.
We got to fight back.
We're not going to have a country left if this continues.
All right, folks, my last sponsor, I want to thank personally
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All right, folks, getting back to this sad,
never let a crisis go to waste moment,
which we really have to put behind us and we have to get into a let's solve the crisis moment.
Not only are our civil liberties at risk from opportunists who are going to try to whittle
them away, but our ability to speak freely in the new public space, which is social media,
it's the new town square. The town square used to be literally a town square where you'd walk into the town square in the revolutionary era and you'd go
out and you'd say, hey, this is how I feel about this. And you'd get onto your soapbox and people
would listen. That soapbox now is Twitter, Facebook, TikTok, Snapchat, Parler, YouTube, Rumble.
But what if I told you that town square is shrinking
because people with voices that don't conform
to the media, unprincipled narrative,
I just roundly debunked.
They're not principled people.
What if I told you those people were being kicked off?
What if I told you the biggest voice
in the whole thing was banned?
Did you see this article at The Blaze?
It'll be up in the show notes.
You probably, I don't know if you missed this and all the chaos yesterday, but do you know
Twitter locked President Trump's account for 12 hours and says it may suspend him permanently.
Facebook has blocked him for 24 hours.
Facebook and YouTube are also deleting videos from the president about the rioting.
Ladies and gentlemen, the totalitarianism is real. It's right here, right now. It's incentivized by media totalitarians
and it's getting worse. This is not a joke. These are not principled people, ladies and gentlemen.
The president put out a speech yesterday. You can agree or disagree with the content,
but ask people to quote, go home. Put out another tweet telling them that the Capitol Police should, that they
are on our side here. Twitter apparently didn't like that. So Twitter shut down the town square,
Chinese Communist Party, Soviet Union style, because that's who they are.
That's who Facebook is too. And I'm warning you, and sadly, here's the bad news, you heard it here first, I'm warning you,
this is going to get worse.
The purge on Twitter and Facebook will continue.
I am actively involved, as you know,
with an alternative platform, Parler.
That's P-A-R-L-E-R, by the way, not L-O-R.
I strongly suggest you set up an account
you may find yourself a man without a social media soapbox or island if you don't
I am an investor there disclosure but I did it for ideological reasons
wasn't about the money I didn't even any idea the company was gonna be worth anything when I got
involved this is going to get worse.
You are going to find yourself platform free really soon.
Why is the media terrified?
Why is the media's obvious totalitarian streak in conjunction with liberals who've always been totalitarians?
That's what they are.
Why is it coming out now?
Well, ladies and gentlemen, it's because they're losing control of the town square.
The town square, again, if we could use an old revolutionary era analogy,
was exactly that, a square in the middle of town where you'd go out,
you'd stand on your soapbox, and you'd say,
hear ye, hear ye, and say what you wanted to say.
The new way to get your message out now, of course,
which has democratized the ability to speak to people by
the thousands is social media for people like me by the millions. I don't need a distribution
channel anymore. Please, this is an important part. I'm going to get this Washington Times
article in a minute, which will be in my show notes. It's a very important article.
I want you to be clear what's driving the media crazy and is increasing.
They're already growing and being fertilized by the day, totalitarian streak.
What's driving them nuts is the media used to own the distribution channels.
The distribution channels for information are the public square.
What do you mean distribution channels?
They would own actual TV channels.
In the 60s and 70s, Joe Degrees, a little older than
me, if Cronkite, Brokaw, Jennings, and others didn't talk about it on the nightly news,
it didn't happen. Bingo. Oh, it happened, right? But you just didn't know about it.
Then we had cable news and other distribution channels outside of ABC, the big three, NBC and
CBS appeared. First you had CNN, which parroted what ABC, CBS and the other one, what ABC, CBS
and NBC were saying. But then you had Fox News and you had another distribution channel. Well,
all of a sudden a fair and balanced approach
to use their motto started to
But even Fox News owned the distribution
channel. Those
distribution channels are
voices and are the town square.
But that's
breaking down too.
With the advent of
social media, Parler, Rumble, and other alternative platforms,
you're the distribution channel now.
You don't need cable.
You don't need TV.
And you certainly don't need Walter Cronkite or his successors.
Look at this article in the Washington Times. It's fascinating. or his successors.
Look at this article in the Washington Times.
It's fascinating.
It's about Fox News and some of the competitors,
but it's more than that.
It says, will the streaming revolution overthrow Fox News and mainstream media in 2021?
By Gabe Kaminsky.
It's worth your time.
I'll put it up in the show notes.
I'm not just putting it.
My name is in there.
It's not why I'm posting the
article. Hey, look at me. It's nothing to do with that. I promise. But I talk about my show
and how the digital revolution has created distribution channels everywhere.
You stomp one, that person reappears in a different public square later.
Snuff Dan Bongino out on YouTube where they demonetize their videos all the time. I just moved to Rumble where we don't discriminate based on ideology.
Reduce my distribution on Facebook, I'll put the videos on Rumble.
Reduce my distribution on Twitter, I'll just put my information on Parler.
They're trying to whack them all and they just can't do it because they can't whack them all
distribution channels when you're the distribution channel and you have multiple vehicles to put your trying to whack them all and they just can't do it because they can't whack them all distribution
channels when you're the distribution channel and you have multiple vehicles to put your
information out there and it's driving them wild and it's only fueling their totalitarian streak
and making them more frustrated that they can't stop you from speaking. They won't.
They won't. They won't.
Haven't done the flip in a while.
Going to forego the drama today, given the circumstances yesterday.
But this is the final segment of the show, but it's an important one.
I just left you with two warnings.
The media's totalitarian streak will increase.
Be very concerned about new Patriot Act- type material, legislation, and be very concerned
about what's happening in social media and the suppression of the town square. But these next
two weeks, ladies and gentlemen, have the potential to get very ugly. And to get very ugly, very fast.
What do I mean? Well, here's a tweet by Ilhan Omar calling for a quickie impeachment.
Well, here's a tweet by Ilhan Omar calling for a quickie impeachment.
She's going to file articles.
Ladies and gentlemen, do not, do not scoff at this.
Ilhan Omar, quote, I'm drawing up articles of impeachment.
Trump should be impeached by the House of Representatives and removed from office by the U.S. Senate.
We can't allow him to remain in office.
It's a matter of preserving our republic,
and we need to fulfill our oath. Typically, anything tweeted by Ilhan Omar, who's shown herself to be a radical, delusional leftist, you can usually disregard as the rantings of someone
not exactly level-headed. But you should take this very seriously.
They're terrified Trump could run again in 2024.
Why do you think they would push for a quickie impeachment?
Why do you think they'd do that?
Maybe to close off and wall off that opportunity?
Don't scoff at it.
Ah, they're not going to do that. Really?
These are the same people who, again, I just played entire montages, who totally dismissed political violence when
they thought it would hurt them politically. But now that they think they can use it to their
advantage, they're all about running through the tape with this. Here's another thing you need to
be worried about in the coming weeks. And I had this conversation with someone very close yesterday.
The administration.
Better keep your eyes on this one.
Don't dismiss it.
I see some people even on the right dismissing it.
There's no serious talk about this.
I wouldn't dismiss it out of hand.
I don't trust anybody anymore.
Left leaning out. Far left. it's time for the 25th amendment
we can't afford two more weeks of trump this is the fastest and easiest way to be rid of him
oh here we go just now facebook bans trump's account indefinitely
i'll get to the 25th amendment in a second here's one more, Rick Klein I know Rick from back in the day
always thought him to be a relatively level-headed guy
look at his tweet
this is insane
Trump will be an ex-president in 13 days
the fact is that getting rid of Trump is the easy part
cleansing the movement he commands
is going to be something else
cleansing we're using the term cleansing now is going to be something else?
We're using the term cleansing now?
This is a smart guy, Rick.
He's not stupid.
We're using the term,
we're really going down that road now?
Cleansing the movement?
Just go to any search engine and put in cleansing the movement.
Just don't have your kids look at it when you see what comes up.
It's a quick note on the 25th amendment.
What is it?
What does it do?
If the current vice president,
the majority of the cabinet
deem the president physically or mentally unable to perform the duties of the
the vice president becomes the duties of the presidency,
the vice president becomes the president of the United States and would be Pence.
Say, really? That's all that has to happen? Well, it gets a little more detailed than that. The president can object, which of course he would, President Trump. The president does object to
this and say, that's not true. I am physically and mentally capable of performing my job.
Then the vice president and the cabinet have four days to transmit their request that the
president be basically removed from power because he's physically and mentally, mentally
enabled to Congress.
Two thirds of both houses of the Congress then have to vote on it.
If they do, the vice president becomes a president.
The president is in fact removed from power for physical and mental
incapacitation oh damn we shouldn't be talking about these these are conspiracy theories are they
we're in a dangerous time folks
a really dangerous time here's hopefully a small positive note.
Again, there's a lot of hyperbole on Twitter today and dramatic, overly dramatic stuff talking about.
This was, yesterday was the worst day in human history.
It was bad.
It was bad.
It was really bad.
It was not the worst day in human history.
We've had Pearl Harbor. We've had Antietam.
It was not the worst day in human history. It was a bad day. I hope we can all learn from,
and I hope there's a lot of introspection going on with everyone, but we're still the United States of America.
Not here to give you hoorah speeches and tell you to ignore anything that happened or to
just forget about, oh, just let's let all the election abnormalities go.
No, I'm not letting any of that go.
We had an election with unbelievably suspect behavior and we better damn well fix it.
But it was not the worst day in American history.
It wasn't even in the top 10 worst days in American history.
It was a really, really awful day.
But we're a great country.
We have a path forward.
I discussed it yesterday.
We have states and counties within states where people actually respect the Constitution
and everyone's God-given right to assemble peaceably, to defend themselves, to practice their religion.
You still have those places here.
And for as awful as everything was yesterday in Washington, D.C.,
you know what, ladies and gentlemen?
I live down here in Florida.
And I'm not kidding when I tell you this.
My daughter came home from school and didn't even know what had happened
until she saw it on the news.
That didn't happen with 9-11, Antietam, Pearl Harbor.
I told her what happened
because I want her to learn from it too.
We can never, ever, ever
normalize political violence.
Has to be called out everywhere.
It is not a strategy.
It's actual evidence
of the breakdown of strategy,
law, and order
And without law and order
The republic is meaningless
We can keep it
The republic
As our founding fathers warned
We can keep it
We'll get through this
Thanks for tuning in
I really appreciate it
I'll see you all tomorrow