The Dan Bongino Show - Another Fake News Bombshell Collapses (Ep 1287)

Episode Date: June 29, 2020

In this episode I address the explosive fake news bombshell planted in The NY Times this weekend. I discuss the tech tyrants outrageous suspension of this conservative superstar. I also address the st...ellar response to the riots in Oklahoma, contrasted with the explosion of violence and chaos elsewhere.  News Picks: Three members of the Minneapolis City Council, who voted to gut the police force, now have private security.  Is the latest leak to The NY Times about the Taliban/Russian bounty credible?  The liberal media doubles down on their deranged attacks on Parler.  Listen to this distressing call from a woman with a child in the car, as she is surrounded by protestors. The deranged media is STILL trying to blame conservative media for the Wuhan Virus. The liberal war on history continues. This time at Princeton. Oklahoma authorities charge rioters with terrorism. This isn’t Seattle!  Copyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:40 Dan Bongino. You know, so I was asked this weekend on Jesse Waters' show on Fox, a great question. So what should President Trump do about these rioters, these aggressive rioters, these chaos merchants in the street beating the snot out of people, pulling down public property statues, walking onto people's property? I got a video about that today. And the answer is, lock them up. Let everybody see you lock them up. Perp walk them out. Put them in handcuffs and let America know that law and order will win the day. And this is what happens if you destroy public property, you attack people. It's no more difficult than that. Today's show brought to you by ExpressVPN.
Starting point is 00:01:18 Surf the web with peace of mind. Get a VPN today. Don't wait. Go to slash Bongino. Welcome to the Dan Bongino Show. Producer Joe, how are you today? Well, daddy-o. I guess I could be a VPN today. Don't wait. Go to slash Bongino. Welcome to the Dan Bongino Show. Producer Joe, how are you today? Well, daddy-o, I guess I could be a little happier, you know? Yeah, I know.
Starting point is 00:01:31 Me too. I know, it's rough times. Looking at the news, it kind of sucks. Yeah. Yeah, I know. We just got some interesting news in my household. So a lot going on here, folks, to say the least. But I found another call this weekend, too.
Starting point is 00:01:42 I'll get to in a second with a friend of mine in the conservative movement. And I was asked about where we are right now. But I found another call this weekend, too. I'll get to in a second with a friend of mine in the conservative movement. And I was asked about where we are right now. And ladies and gentlemen, we're in a place because a lot of people still have a lot of things to lose. You don't want to get past that point. Don't miss the show. Today's show brought to you by our friends at Cuts. Like my new shirt here? T-shirts are menswear staple, isn't it?
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Starting point is 00:03:14 the only shirt worth wearing. Check them out. They're really comfortable. All right, Joe, let's go. All right. So I had a call this weekend with a friend of mine and we were talking about some things and there's a real danger out there, ladies and gentlemen. weekend with a friend of mine, and we were talking about some things. And there's a real danger out there, ladies and gentlemen. There's a kind of a misperception about what's going on, where we are, and it's dangerous. Here's what I mean by this. Many of you, the patriots out there living in this country who want to see the constitutional republic preserved, constitution our prosperity our liberties our big our god-given rights understandably don't want that to go anywhere you want to hand it off to your children and to them to their grandchildren not a hard concept to understand we're a country
Starting point is 00:03:55 with troubles but we're still the greatest country on earth and in the history of mankind it's not hyperbole that's just a fact many of you don't want to see that go away so there are people stepping up and saying what can i do i'd like to do this and this and i'd like to do some other things as well and i was talking to my friend and i said here's the problem ladies and gentlemen we're still in a pr war and people don't get it that's not a problem it's actually a feature not a bug what do i mean by we're still in a pr war jo, I may need you a minute for as audience referee. Absolutely. There are people who say things like, hey, maybe we should go out and we should do this and we should stand there in the streets and defend these things. And I say,
Starting point is 00:04:34 okay, what are the rules of engagement for you? What do you mean? Well, I should be able to stand in the street and defend this. And I say, well, the rules of engagement are this you're going to stand in the street the rules of engagement apply to you you can't attack anyone you can't you know assault anyone you matter of fact even if you're defending yourself you'll probably be accused of assault while the other side you understand has no rules and why is that the other side antifa and the black lives matter what do we want dead cops When do we want them now, crowd? They don't care about the rules. The rules are meaningless to them, which means there are no rules at all. So when the media is there, if you have something to lose, a middle class shop owner or a middle class American patriot just looking to defend public property and say, I'm not going to
Starting point is 00:05:21 let anybody get by me and attack this statue, they're going to punch you in the face. And the minute you defend yourself, you're going to go to jail because we're still in a PR war. You're not in a hot war yet. Thankfully, believe me, that's a feature, not a bug. My fear here is the left is pushing people so far that once the PR war goes out the window and it turns hot, no one's going to like where this is going.
Starting point is 00:05:48 Ladies and gentlemen, I can't caution you in strong enough terms how we don't want to go there. This isn't one of those shows where I play fake tough guy on the air and I'm like, yeah, let's get it. Let's make it a Royal Rumble. No, let's not. The problem is the left has no such compunction they have no obstacles towards going there because they don't have any rules and why don't they have any rules antifa and a lot of
Starting point is 00:06:15 these blm uh the you know pigs in a blanket fry them like bacon crowd don't have any because they have nothing to lose many of these Antifa animals ripping down public statues, they don't own anything. They don't care. They live in mommy's basement. Have you seen some of them getting perp walked and walking into precincts after they're arrested? They don't have it. They walk in in sliders because they don't even have shoes. They're loose. It's not that they're poor. They just don't care. They don't have anything. They're morons. Their only cause is this. You do have something to lose. That's why our side, patriots, liberty-loving, freedom-loving Americans who abide by the
Starting point is 00:06:57 rules, go to work and do their jobs, that's why you haven't seen them walking into houses that Antifa members own and tearing their houses down. Because actually believe in God given rights and the rule of law. The left doesn't care. Does that make sense? Oh, yeah. Right along with you, bro. This is you get me. This is still a PR war.
Starting point is 00:07:17 Public relations. It is. It is. It is still the media trying to determine by gaslighting that the left has the higher moral high ground than us and us responding back going, no, we have the higher moral high ground. That ends, and I can't use this line enough, from Black Hawk Down, that movie, where the Josh Hartnett character is talking to the Delta Force guy, right? Josh Hartnett character is talking to the Delta Force guy, right? As they're about to go into downtown Mogadishu for that Black Hawk Down. It's a movie, but the line's great because it speaks so much to what I'm talking about. The distinction between where we are now and where this is going to go into a hot war. If the left doesn't stop what they're doing and stop pushing people, people still have something to lose. When you push them far enough and they feel like they have nothing left to lose.
Starting point is 00:08:04 We're going to play some video and audio in a second. You ain't going to like where this goes. And that line in the movie is telling. They're talking about the politics of being in Somalia or not. And the Josh Hartnett character says to the Delta guy with that, you know, thousand yard stare, he says, hey, you know, what do you think about us being here? You know? And he says, you know what I think? He says, I think nobody cares what I think. Because when the bullets start flying, all that politics and, yes, word, goes right out the window. Ladies and gentlemen, you don't want to get to that point.
Starting point is 00:08:42 Why do I bring that up today? and gentlemen you don't want to get to that point why do i bring that up today because hat tip producer joe and uh others i have two clips to pay for play for you the first one's video so i'll talk you through it but there's sound in the background this is what it looks like when you start to push people from a situation where they feel they have something to lose, so they'll restrain themselves. So Antifa attacks them and they're still holding back into, excuse me, a situation here where they feel like they have nothing to lose and their safety and their property is really legitimately at risk. This is a video of some protesters. They barged through a private gate. Keep in mind, what you're looking at and you're going to see in this video
Starting point is 00:09:27 is private property. It's not a public sidewalk. In the interest of time, I had to cut some of it out. This is them here. It's Cassandra Fairbanks' Twitter. I saw this. They are on this man.
Starting point is 00:09:38 He's got a nice house, by the way. Private property. They barged through his gate. He's outnumbered. Him and his wife come out He looks like he has an AR The wife has a handgun You'll see them
Starting point is 00:09:49 The wife isn't in the screen yet But you can see them On the property here Listen a little bit You hear them? It's low Get out This is private property
Starting point is 00:10:01 Get out This is private property They won't leave They're still screaming Get out. This is private property. Get out. This is private property. They won't leave. They're still screaming. You hear him in the background? Ladies and gentlemen, this is what happens as you start to cross this line. You have these, in this case, appears to be a very wealthy gentleman. I don't know who he is, but it's a big house. have these, in this case, appears to be a very wealthy gentleman. I don't know who he is, but it's a big house. This is when you see middle class, upper middle class, wealthy folks with
Starting point is 00:10:30 a whole lot to lose. They don't want to be sued and they don't want to go to jail. When you cross that line from, I don't care about the PR of what I'm about to do right now, how it looks to the public, I'm going to defend my house, public relations be damned. This is what you're going to start to see more of as you continue to push people. And as I've said to the left, Antifa, the Black Lives Matter crowd and others, and the radical leftists, the anarchists who are pushing this stuff and pushing people to the brink. I have warned you repeatedly, you don't want this. This is not a show that plays the fake tough guy routine.
Starting point is 00:11:03 Bring it on. No, no, don't bring it on. You are not going to like where this goes. People will get hurt and potentially die. That may sound cute. You may have seen a movie
Starting point is 00:11:17 once about protesting and you thought it was really cool and you think attacking people they're all going to back down. They're going to stop backing down soon. You don't, I say to anyone on either side of this issue, you don't want this to go there, but don't forget for a second who brought us there. It is the radical leftist pushing people who had everything in the world to lose just a few months ago who feel like, you know what? everything in the world to lose just a few months ago who feel like, you know what?
Starting point is 00:11:46 I'm not going down like this. Just like that line from that movie. Once those bullets start flying, you can take all that politics and stuff and you can throw it right out the window. Nobody cares what they look like on Twitter. If you feel like your life is in danger. And I'm strongly cautioning you to seriously reevaluate this road you're going down because the runway isn't there. The runway is right off a cliff. You think I'm messing with you?
Starting point is 00:12:12 Joe sent this over this morning. This is a 911 call from Fredericksburg, Virginia. I have the article in the show notes if you'd like to read about the story. Now, this is edited for time, to be clear. It's about a three-minute long call. We're not going to play the whole thing. It starts with a woman in her car with her child who is surrounded by protesters in Virginia. Notice what the dispatcher tells her. Ah, no worries here. The, you know, politician said the protest was A-okay. The kind of the gist of where she's going with this.
Starting point is 00:12:48 And then listen to the fear in this woman's voice with her kid in the car. Again, someone who before this interaction, I assure you, probably had everything to lose, who when the stuff hits the fan starts to realize she's going to save our kid first and everyone else can go to hell. Listen to this call. I'm in downtown. The protesters are blocking. The city has sanctioned their protest. So we just have officers that can only monitor it.
Starting point is 00:13:09 They can't do anything about it. So we recommend that you... They're blocking get out. Yeah, they're allowed to do that per city hall. So we suggest that you report this to city hall and make a complaint there. And that way they can do something about it. Because right now they told our officers that we can't do anything about it. Are you serious?
Starting point is 00:13:27 Because they told us that we can't do anything, ma'am. Get out of my car. You know, this is going to get dangerous. I've got a kid here. Yes, ma'am. It was just that you called up City Hall to let them know about your frustrations because they're all very frustrated. This is getting scary. I cannot.
Starting point is 00:13:43 Or if you can do like a side road or something. But, yeah, there's nothing I can do to get them out. Get out of here, okay? This is getting scary. I cannot. Or if you can do like a side road or something. But yeah, there's nothing. I cannot get out of here. Okay. This is insane. Oh, they're on my car. They're on my car. Ma'am, are they actually sitting on or standing?
Starting point is 00:13:57 They're on my car. Did you hear it? Do you hear her voice? Men and women both will protect their children. You think you're in a PR war still. I get it. You're Antifa. You're BLM.
Starting point is 00:14:11 You know you have the media on your side. You're like, let's surround their car and get them to hit one of us. And Joe, you tracking? If we get them to hit one of us, we'll make us, we'll martyr ourselves. We'll look like, even though we were going to attack this lady and the media which will never tell you the truth the media will be like look at this violent women and a woman in fredericksburg you understand the woman doesn't care and millions of women across the united states defending their children
Starting point is 00:14:41 won't care either very soon if you continue this violent aggression these attacks on innocent people ladies and gentlemen I can't recommend you it's odd really odd that we are always painted the conservatives by the liberal media lunatics as some crazy fringe element and yet we're the peacemakers still while these radical liberal maniacs attack people, violate their private property and surround their cars. It will. And the media will not tell you the truth. I'm telling you, the PR war is going to end soon.
Starting point is 00:15:19 Please don't let the country get to that point. How do we stop it? I did an appearance on jesse waters we can got a lot of feedback i meant every word of it ladies and gentlemen we lock up every single one of these people that harasses someone in public surrounds someone's vehicle tries to intimidate them damages their property uh attacks them, God forbid, kills them, or attacks public property. We do it, we lock them up, and we let the whole country see us do it. You want to see the difference in responses? Look at this article in the Daily Wire.
Starting point is 00:15:52 Be up at the show notes too. Oklahoma. Ladies and gentlemen, Oklahoma. It ain't Seattle, and ain't's a word in this case. Daily Wire, Ryan Savidra. Oklahoma authorities charge alleged rioters with terrorism. Quote, they said, this is not Seattle.
Starting point is 00:16:10 Good for you. Folks, it's not one country anymore. I'm really sorry to break the bad news to you. That story, by the way, will be in the show notes today. I encourage you to read it. It's not. I'm very sorry. I can't say this enough. I wrote an article years ago for ij review and i wrote that
Starting point is 00:16:27 you know we need to stand back and fight in blue states ladies and gentlemen we have to be tactical now the blue states don't care anymore not that there aren't good people there that do but the majority of people that vote in these radical leftists that are destroying your state are creating a very dangerous situation for you it's's not about politics anymore. I'm sorry. It's not about tax rates anymore. It's not about blue state healthcare systems. It's not about Medicaid or Medicare. Those are big issues. Those issues are not your priority right now. Your priority is to save yourself and your family. And these blue states, as I'm going to get to a story in a minute by the New York Post, these blue states and their governors, their mayors, and their localities
Starting point is 00:17:05 are literally putting your life at risk, not figuratively. Get out when you can. I am not kidding. Get away from these people. They are not there for you. They are instilling a radical ideology. They will bankrupt you and they will put you in danger. If you can escape, get out when you can. You are making a big mistake. I'm fully, completely, ideologically retracting. I ran in a blue state. I thought you could stay there and fight. You can't stay there and fight when you are totally, completely overwhelmed. Even the best battle tacticians known to humankind in the history of humankind and civilized sentient human beings knew when a battle was lost and fought a larger war elsewhere. Anyone can tell you that. Forget Pyrrhic victories. There are none.
Starting point is 00:17:56 Pyrrhic victories are losses. Get out and go to a state where you can fight back and you actually have rights. Because in those liberal states, you're still in a PR war. Get out and go to a state where you can fight back and you actually have rights. Because in those liberal states, you're still in a PR war. You have media people and politicians who will go after you and do anything to lock you up if you, God forbid, defend yourselves against these people barging onto your property in a mob. Probably be the end of the day before that guy's in jail or something like that. Poor guy. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:18:30 Never met the guy. All I'm saying is you barge onto my property like that, we're going to have a serious problem. And like that guy says, it's not a PR war when your family's at risk. It's a personal one. All right, let me get this New York Post story in a second. Let me get to my second sponsor today. Security-wise, SimpliSafe. It's what we use for our house.
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Starting point is 00:20:05 That's SimpliSafe. Slash Dan Bongino. Make sure that they know our show sent you. Slash Dan Bongino. Go today. Secure your home.
Starting point is 00:20:18 More important now than ever. Okay. As I was telling you, folks, these are important stories. I once believed you could fight in these places. Some of these places have long since abandoned you in the constitution and it is getting downright dangerous to be there right now. You don't believe me? Look at this story by the New York Post. Mass retirements in the police department in New York, folks, retirements year over year up 49%, not 4.9, not 0.49%, 49%.
Starting point is 00:20:48 That's 49 decimal point. Yeah, yeah, Joe. Not decimal point 49, 49 decimal point. 272 uniformed NYPD cops filed for retirement after George Floyd's death. Dean Balsami, New York Post, be in the show notes today. slash newsletter to get these show notes and stories. Ladies and gentlemen, 272 police officers retired. Do you understand my entire town?
Starting point is 00:21:16 I don't think I don't even think the county, the city and the town have 272 police officers all gone. and the town have 272 police officers, all gone. Maximum experience police officers, 20 to 25 year police officers, 20 to 25 years, it depends what system, I say 20 to 25 because when I was hired, it was 20 year retirement in the NYPD, I believe now it's 25.
Starting point is 00:21:43 Maximum experience, know the streets, Know the people. Handling people. Handling crime. Identifying criminality. Stopping crime on the streets. Knowing where the drug hotspots are. All gone. All gone. 272 of New York's finest who probably could have stayed another one or two years.
Starting point is 00:22:02 The best of the best. They've been around a while. They know their stuff. Gone. All gone. Now, you may say, well, we can bring in fresh, you know, young recruits. That's great. Really?
Starting point is 00:22:16 Good luck with that. You can't have it both ways, ladies and gentlemen, when you're burning the candle at both ends. At one end, you're burning the candle of retirements. Experienced officers are done dealing with these politicians in New York and don't respect the police officers or law and order. And then on the other end, you're telling the public if you're Bill de Blasio, you're entertaining ideas like defunding the police, crapping on the cops at every single opportunity. You think that's a job pitch? Should you put that on a recruiting person? do you how does that sound joe come on
Starting point is 00:22:45 the mypd we'll pay you uh thirty five thousand dollars a year we'll crap on you all day in public put you in danger and never back you up if you're in a use of force incident thumbs up join today not good luck with that one no no not very good not very good for recruiting very bad thumbs down on that one oh now so retirements are up 49 probably having a tough time getting quality recruits uh here's a tweet from the pba the patrolman's benevolent association which represents upwards of probably 15 20 000 new york city police officers it's kind of a union it's not really a union by law but they do defend their police officers here's an interesting tweet from them.
Starting point is 00:23:25 In case you think, well, people are retiring. This isn't having any real world ramifications. Dan, you're just exaggerating. Are we really? PBA tweet. We had another 24 shooting victims yesterday in the last 24 hours. 17 shootings with 24 victims. That makes 59 shootings with 89 victims for the week as of this morning. Well, let's put those numbers in context. That sounds like a lot of shootings
Starting point is 00:23:55 and a lot of victims. That's because it is. Shootings are up 42% year over year. So not only are you losing cops, you're now having criminals who fear nothing because they know we're in, again, tying this back to story number one, they know we're still in a PR war that thankfully hasn't turned into a hot street war yet. But as that criminality starts to come to the front doors of more and more people who are going to defend their families in your homes, ladies and gentlemen, you do not want to be in a Charlie Bronson death wish scenario here. That's chaos. That's not civilization.
Starting point is 00:24:31 The left is doing this. The Democrats are doing this. The leftist radical leaders are doing this. You keep voting for it. God forbid it comes to your front door. And I do mean that. All right, folks. That block was emotional for me.
Starting point is 00:24:52 But just having been a cop, I can't believe what's going on here. Having lived through New York City when we cleaned that place up, and even rough neighborhoods where people had dealt with criminality and just nonsense on the street, drug dealing their entire lives, and they turn around and thank us and say, thank you. Finally, I can go out at night. It's all going away, man. All of it, all going back. We're reverting back to the David Dinkins, Ed Koch era in New York City, graffiti on the trains. Remember those days, Paula? You went on the train, right? She said, you just expected to be mugged on the train. It wasn't even unusual. What's that?
Starting point is 00:25:26 She's like, I got mugged. She did. How many nasty, disgusting filth bags expose themselves to you on the train? It was gross. You either got flashed, you got mugged, or you got attacked. That was the subway in New York. I'm not kidding. You just expected it.
Starting point is 00:25:44 There were people, friends of of mine who got mugged on the trains and who didn't even call the cops she meant no way dan no yes way it was so normal you just got used to it what are you laughing at over there she knows i'm not kidding she didn't she's like i didn't call the cops either nobody did folks listen to me horse blinders for a minute stare right at me in a camera i am not making this up new york city was the wild west you didn't call the cops about anything unless you really were hurt needed like an ambulance because it was a waste of time frustrating totally frustrating all right moving on so as many of you know i have in the interest of disclosure and being fair to my owners we have new listeners so forgive me for repeating it but
Starting point is 00:26:34 we get new people every day given the growth of the show you know i am one of the owners of parlor um the social media alternative to twitter you know why are we doing this ladies and gentlemen why are we doing uhler, the alternative to Twitter and Facebook, by the way? We have some great features over there. By the way, thank you for, we are, we had so many new users.
Starting point is 00:26:51 There's always going to be little glitchy things. I promise you, we're working them all out. We are working 24-7. But the site has exploded. We have now surpassed Twitter in the App Store
Starting point is 00:27:00 for downloads, P-A-R-L-E-R, Parler. So we appreciate it. But here's why we're doing it again. I can't highlight these tech tyranny stories enough, showing you the lawlessness, not just in liberal cities, but amongst liberal so-called capitalists too.
Starting point is 00:27:16 Here's a legal insurrection piece. Now that Parler's taken off and blown up and is now dethroned Twitter in the app store as people's home for social media, the liberal media is sure obsessed with vilifying Parler as an alternative to Twitter by our good friend Fuzzy Slippers at Legal Insurrection. Pretty much every article you see right now by the mainstream media who are terrified that, God forbid, a free market alternative to Twitter and the tech tyrants would emerge, where you can speak freely,
Starting point is 00:27:44 God forbid that happens, they're trying to tar and feather us. They would emerge where you can speak freely. God forbid that happens. They're trying to tar and feather us. They're at it all the time. You don't believe me that Twitter, by the way, is not dead serious about suppressing conservative thought. Look at what happened this morning right before we came off the air. Remember our good friend Sidney Powell? Here's a screenshot.
Starting point is 00:27:58 You know, General Flynn's lawyer, the terrific Sidney Powell. Here's Sidney Powell's Twitter feed this morning. Not a joke. Caution. This account is temporarily restricted. They suspended Sidney Powell, Mike Flynn's lawyer. I gave you the alternative. It's up to you to take it and run with it.
Starting point is 00:28:21 Parler. B-A-R-L-E-R. I'm in. I'm a doer, not a talker. Yeah, man. What's your parlor handle? At Joe Haas. Yeah, at Joe Haas 1.
Starting point is 00:28:32 Yep. Same one? Yeah. J-O-E-H-O-Z 1. Go follow our good friend Joe. I have to get you verified today so we don't have any Joe Haas in person. Cool, dude. All right, moving on.
Starting point is 00:28:43 I don't want to spend a ton of time on that. But it's not just liberal states. We have to learn to move on. And a lot of people have said to me, well, why are you staying at Twitter? Fair question. I am. I'm not deleting my Twitter or Facebook. Fair enough.
Starting point is 00:28:55 People are like, the fight is over there. No, the fight is only over there as long as you're there. Right. It's like saying, you know, I'm going to go tell this bar owner I don't agree with his politics. They don't let you in the bar. Ladies and gentlemen, you need an alternative. Make Parler your home and make Twitter and Facebook your backup.
Starting point is 00:29:11 You want to fight over there? Go right ahead. I'm not asking anybody to delete their account. Nobody said that, but it's a fair question. Somebody asked me this meeting. All right, moving on. Big, huge fake news weekend, huge fake news weekend. And don't worry.
Starting point is 00:29:22 The Dan Bongino show is here on Monday to clear away the fog and give you clear sight to what actually happened so so this story uh probably in a New York Times weekend Washington Examiner covered I'm not linking a New York Times story because it's fake news um Washington Examiner Trump Intel did not find Russian Taliban bounty plot report credible what happened let me give you a little bit of backstory. I'll show you a screenshot from the piece in a minute. New York Times, bombshell, bombshell, bombshell for all the wrong reasons. They said the Russian GRU, their Intel folks, were paying the Taliban and Afghanistan bounties to kill American soldiers.
Starting point is 00:30:03 Serious story. There may be some air of credibility to it. But that's not the angle of the New York Times story, because remember the golden rule of the left-wing media, which is what, Joe? The left-wing media is not there to tell you the story. They're there to tell you a story. A story. Every single time.
Starting point is 00:30:27 The story they were telling you in their version of events was, and Trump was briefed on this, that the Taliban was taking bounties from the Russians to kill U.S. soldiers, and he didn't do anything. What really happened here? If you would have waited 24 to 72 hours to report on this absurdity from the New York Times, you'll notice I didn't parlay about it
Starting point is 00:30:51 or tweet about it this weekend at all because I knew there was a 99% chance that the story was in fact fake. Here's the Washington Examiner. Remember the gist of the story. President Trump was briefed about this threat, did nothing because he loves the Russians, Joe. He he loves them yeah so from the washington examiner prior to trump's tweet a senior trump administration official had told the examiner on sunday evening
Starting point is 00:31:14 that trump had not been briefed on the issue because there was a lack of consensus within the intel community about the accuracy of the intelligence. National Security Council spokesman John Uliot told the Washington Examiner on Sunday night that the veracity of the underlying allegations continues to be evaluated. Oh my gosh, here we go again. Here we go again. The New York Times running with an anonymous story about a brief they say happened
Starting point is 00:31:47 that never happened based on intelligence there sure is real, but it's still being questioned by many in the intelligence community. I'll tell you what's really going on in a second with this story. You're obviously still getting some of it. What's really going on that makes Trump look bad is what's really going on. But ladies and gentlemen, you have to understand at this point, it's almost amusing how stupid a lot of liberals are. You have been lied to so often by the New York Times and the Washington Post. I mean, on a daily basis, almost. Fake news, hyperbolic news,
Starting point is 00:32:25 collusion hoaxes, Spygate didn't happen. Just a cesspool of fake journalism. And you're still falling for it. This did not happen. This brief didn't happen. Nice. This brief did not happen.
Starting point is 00:32:47 According to the own intel communities communities you're saying you believe here's what's really going on the media joe has magically transformed itself overnight from in the obama administration obama and hillary clinton administration where hillary clinton was the secretary of state. Remember how dovish they were? You know, Bush, warmonger, warmonger. Remember, they were all doves. Now the media has magically transformed themselves into war hawks. All of a sudden, they're tough guys. But Trump, he needs to bomb Russia tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:33:19 Bomb them tomorrow if this is true. They don't believe any of that. What's really going on is they know this story hurts Trump, so they printed it without verifying the story in the brief or any of that. They know it hurt Trump, and they know it hurt Trump because it brings up long debunked Russia allegations as well. Ladies and gentlemen, it's no more complicated than that, but there's something else going on.
Starting point is 00:33:41 This is what I'm getting from my sources behind the scenes here. This is important there is an entire cottage industry in this defense industry industrial complex we have I don't like to use those terms because they carry such like oh my gosh like conspiracy type it's just a fact that there's a bunch of people in think tanks and elsewhere, upper levels of our military, some, and others in private industry that support these causes that are very invested in foreign excursions that candidly haven't worked out. Notably, Afghanistan. President Trump has started asking questions.
Starting point is 00:34:23 Like, hey, why are we here again? Why are we still in Afghanistan? I'm missing it. Please, someone explain to me. They don't like that. That entire complex of people who have invested their white papers, their careers, their money, and their companies in this operation are really bothered by the fact that President Trump is seriously considering pulling down this footprint overseas. That story's kind of convenient, isn't it? Because they're trying to play him.
Starting point is 00:34:57 Some of you are picking it up. Are all of you? The slimes now is getting anonymous tips from these people. The slimes is just running with it, the New York slimes, is getting anonymous tips from these people. The slimes is just running with it, the New York slimes, because they know it makes Trump look bad. He didn't do anything. Our troops are being killed. And it's Russia, Russia, Russia. They're not anymore.
Starting point is 00:35:14 The Times isn't any smarter than that. The leakers on the inside are doing it for a different reason. They're trying to play President Trump. They're trying to get him to pull back from this questioning of Afghanistan by doing kind of triple, quadruple reverse psychology. If we leak this fake story that he was briefed about it, that makes him look like a wuss, like he was briefed about these attacks on our soldiers. He did nothing, Joe. They think President Trump will lose control of himself and respond back by saying,
Starting point is 00:35:46 we're going to bomb Afghanistan and smithereens. You get it? Yeah. Which will reinforce their previously held position that we shouldn't leave there. I hope I didn't confuse you all. I'm desperately trying not to. It's tricky, dude. But there are people invested.
Starting point is 00:35:59 You get it? Yeah. Totally invested in us being in Afghanistan. They think if they paint Trump as a wuss in the papers, Trump respond back and say i'm not a wuss we're bombing everyone which will reinforce their prior position and keep their in their their uh policy integrity intact that's what's really going on one of the advantages of having contacts on the inside who gives us give us all the skinny on these stories before they get out. By the way, quick note, you know, breaking earlier today, John Roberts, Chief Justice of Supreme Court, Chief Justice of the United States, this is a more accurate title, strikes
Starting point is 00:36:36 again with the liberals ruling to wreck the Louisiana abortion law where doctors had to have admitting privileges. John Roberts is a disgrace, an embarrassment to the Constitution, a total disgrace. Really, the guy, I'm giving up on John Roberts, folks. He's just a liberal's greatest gift. He really has. He is a slap in the face to the Constitution. He has embarrassed and humiliated the courts. He's a joke. And really, it's just more evidence that we need to reelect this president because there's no, what's the other option? Just elect John Roberts. This guy has reinvented Obamacare, ruled against us on the census ruling, just ruled against us last week in the immigration rule.
Starting point is 00:37:14 I mean, the guy is a total, complete, epic disaster. Sorry, not in the immigration rule, the abortion ruling today. Total mess. All right. Let me go back to the just a quick video Chuck Todd. Chuck Todd strikes again. Chuck Todd always the silver medal winner in our dopey Olympics.
Starting point is 00:37:34 He once, I think it was one week Joe, Chuck Todd leapt Brian Stelter for the gold medal in the dopey media Olympics. But yeah, he did, right? But then we had Stelter just did his thing. He's just so dopey. He always takes the number one spot almost by default but here's chuck todd again they showing how they can't let go of the russia thing the new york times don't run anything with russia even though the story's been now discredited but here's chuck todd this weekend with the
Starting point is 00:37:57 hapless john bolton on and even bolton a total sellout and a fraud even bolton has to stop chuck todd who tries to resurrect the Russia hoax yet again, again, showing you they've given up. They have no concerns with their own credibility anymore at all. Check this out. Let me ask you this. Do you think that part of the that the president is afraid to make Putin mad because maybe Putin did help him win the election and he doesn't want to make him mad for 2020? Honestly, I don't think there's evidence for that. Even Bolton has to stop him. Even Bolton has to stop this hapless buffoon. Did Putin help Trump get elected? Do you understand these guys don't care? He does not care at all. But like,
Starting point is 00:38:38 isn't he concerned about the history books looking back and, you know, YouTube and whatever in the future, these videos are all going to be out there. don't care chuck todd is not a serious person they don't care on their side they don't there's they're not in a pr war they're not because there's no public relations problem for them they know they can lie with impunity and their liberal media colleagues will defend them to the end yes but chuck's making that up the russian collusion thing has been totally deviant no one's gonna report on that so they just talk and speak openly like fools with impunity it doesn't matter all right moving on speaking of frauds and hypocrites do you see the story of the washington times out of minneapolis again i love this anti-police anti-second amendment crowd who just when you make them
Starting point is 00:39:25 live by their own rules of self-defense and the big R God-given right to defend yourself, they can't do it. They fall in a heartbeat. Remember, listen, Alinsky was the worst, Saul Alinsky. But one of his rules I strongly encourage you to embrace, no matter how devious he was. encourage you to embrace, no matter how devious he was. One of his rules was make your opponents live by the standards they set for you. Pretty simple rule, right? The right is a hard time doing that sometimes. And we better learn that the new rules are in effect. The new rules are we win, you lose. You want to play by the old rules of civility and Robert's rules of order,
Starting point is 00:40:01 New rules are we win, you lose. You want to play by the old rules of civility and Robert's rules of order or whatever it may be? I'm willing to go back there tomorrow. But until you stop barging onto my private property, attacking people in cars, ripping down public property, committing crimes in public, destroying our economy, defunding our police and all that, the new rules are in effect and the new rules are this.
Starting point is 00:40:21 Screw the old rules. We win, you lose. Look at the story of the Washington Times about these total frauds in Minneapolis. Report Minneapolis council members who voted to abolish the police get taxpayer funded private security. Valerie Richardson, Washington Times, be in the show notes today. Isn't that just special? As a church lady said that time. Check this out.
Starting point is 00:40:43 Here's from the screenshot from the piece. Three members of the Minneapolis City Council are being protected by taxpayer funded private security, even as they support a proposal to abolish the police department. The council members, Andrea Jenkins, Philippe Cunningham, and
Starting point is 00:40:59 Alondra Kano, have received death threats since George Floyd was killed May 25th in custody, according to Fox 9 in Minneapolis, which broke the story. Hey, listen. There is one line I'm not willing to cross. We don't do that, okay? We're not making death threats towards people. That's not our thing.
Starting point is 00:41:16 You know what? We're not. I'm sorry. That's just, it's immoral. It is immoral. It is unethical and is illegal. It's not virtue signaling. that's just the truth these people are horrible awful people there's a way to take care of them that's to vote them out i'm not like you know what i don't even see you it's kind of i'm sorry you know what
Starting point is 00:41:38 forgive me i'm sorry you don't need folks you don't need it's not my audience really i i leave that in the show i really regret. I really regret it because you all know that already. And to even mention it is even condescending. And you have my apologies. You know what? This is my show. I got to take responsibility for it. You don't need that lecture.
Starting point is 00:41:57 I'm not giving you one. Forget it. You already know that. The left doesn't. These people are frauds. And this argument about them getting private security reminds me about, I think I was on about four years ago, five years ago, a UK show with Piers Morgan. You know, he's a big gun grabber, anti-Second Amendment guy. He doesn't like it.
Starting point is 00:42:19 And he said something to me, if I remember correctly, and my memory on it's a little bit loose, so forgive me if the details aren't precise. But he said something to me, we were on about firearms, and he said, well, Dan, you know, weren't you a Secret Service agent? Don't you find it odd that the White House is protected by guns and yet civilians aren't allowed to bring guns in there? And I don't think I answered that well. And I remember thinking about it on the way home and going, he's making our argument, not his. So you're suggesting to me what? That the president's safe and secure,
Starting point is 00:42:55 so does it need the Second Amendment so that we all should be entitled to a billion-dollar security infrastructure paid for by men with firearms? How does that exactly make your point, not mine? Someone said that to me at cpac once too some liberal buffoon he came up dan you're not allowed to bring firearms in here because the president's here yeah there's also probably two or three hundred thousand dollars in trained armed security surrounding everybody here so you're suggesting to me what we should all be entitled no no you're not entitled
Starting point is 00:43:25 that okay so i'll defend myself you you joe you get it again audience referee cap on they're making our point not theirs so because we don't have these armed security detail of the minneapolis city council members who want to take the police away from you, we don't have, we shouldn't be able to defend ourselves either. And you think you're making a point. How exactly? So by making the point that, you know, Joe civilians, not allowed to bring a fireman to the white house defended by millions, if not hundreds of millions of dollars of security and personnel with firearms. You think that makes the point that everyone should not be allowed to carry a firearm despite not having access to any of that?
Starting point is 00:44:13 I always regretted not answering that question better because we were crunched for time. You can't live by your own standards. I'm going to be protected by men with guns. Therefore, I don't need one. So we're going to be protected by men with guns. No, not you. But I can't live by your own standards. I'm going to be protected by men with guns. Therefore, I don't need one. So we're going to be protected by men with guns. No, not you. But I can't have a gun either. No, no, not you either.
Starting point is 00:44:32 Total, complete, epic, tier one level, phony, fake frauds and complete hypocrites. Don't ever forget Alinsky's rules on that. Make them live by their own standards. You don't want us to have guns? How come you have men with guns? Well, we have security, so I don't need a gun. So you're saying I get
Starting point is 00:44:50 security too? No, no, you don't get security either. Oh, so you get security, I don't get security. You're saying you don't need a gun because you have men with guns, but you're not willing to give us men with guns. Matter of fact, even when it was a police department, you're defunding that too? Let me just get that straight. Is that where we're going with this? As they say on social media,
Starting point is 00:45:06 cool, cool, cool, cool. I get it. Armed security for all of us. No, no, no police either. Idiots. Bunch of morons. All right. This next story,
Starting point is 00:45:17 I'm going to get through in a second. I'm going to get to my last sponsor, but you want to talk about hilarious, hilarious, hilarious journalism, air quotes, dreaded air quotes, folks, hilarious journalism fails by the Washington Post. This one seriously takes the cake. This may be one of the worst fails I have ever seen by the Washington Post. Before we get to that,
Starting point is 00:45:46 today's show finally brought to you by my friends at AMAC. Folks, we're living in trying times. Being conservative, sadly, puts us under fire. But you are not alone. One group stands out. AMAC, the Association of Mature American Citizens. AMAC is a conservative alternative to those other 50-plus groups. You know who they are. They are not on our side. Stand with people who do at AMAC, who will stand with you. Joining AMAC not only gives you access to money-saving benefits like special group rates on car insurance, cell phone plans,
Starting point is 00:46:11 financial products, and more, but an AMAC membership gets you a great bi-monthly magazine filled with content analysis not available anywhere else. AMAC gives you what the mainstream media won't, the truth. If you care about our future as much as me, then join AMAC today. Help them fight for liberty, free speech, freedom of religion, free markets, and a strong nation. All the values we hold dear. Over 2 million people have joined AMAC. I encourage you to stand with them today by joining AMAC at
Starting point is 00:46:43 That's The benefits areS. That's AMAC dot U-S. The benefits are great. The cause is even greater. A-M-A-C dot U-S. AMAC is better, better for you, better for America. Join today. Don't wait. AMAC dot U-S.
Starting point is 00:46:56 All right. Yeah, as I said, in the realm of hilarious journalism fails, showing you how the garbage of these New York newspaper, they're New York and excuse me, New York times and Washington post newspaper. They're not serious people anymore. It's just junk. I want you to check out this headline from the Washington post, read the headline. Now I'm going to show you the chart. This is by the absolutely hapless Philip bump who in again, in the arena of dopey fake news specialist this guy's i don't know if he's top five but he's definitely top 10 he's almost like a comedy act he puts his headline up in the washington post
Starting point is 00:47:33 june 25th 2020 trump it's just paul's spit it out. Trump keeps claiming that the most dangerous cities in America are all run by Democrats. They aren't. So just to be clear, fake news or fill a bump says, listen, Trump keeps saying most of America's dangerous cities are run by Democrats. In other words,
Starting point is 00:48:00 I've like Democrat mayors and things like that. Then he puts up this chart. This is the same piece to back this bold statement that Trump's not telling you the truth. Here's the chart. I'll explain the chart to you. Don't worry. It has the crime rates of these 20 cities.
Starting point is 00:48:17 Crime rates that are very high. Matter of fact, I believe they're the top 20. Then it has what party's running them. So this is fascinating. So here are these 20 cities, and 19 of them are run by people who are not Republicans. There are two left-leaning independents, and most of them are run by, in fact, Democrats. I have never in my life seen a guy write an article such an open face pop i mean are you serious trump says america's look at the criminality all blue lines meaning run by democrats and then look
Starting point is 00:48:54 at the party running those cities and you will notice that there's only one red line lenny curry from jacksonville who happens to be a republican and where crime there really isn't as bad as it is these other places. So just to be clear, Joe. Philip Bump. Trump said most of these cities are run by Democrats. That's false. So let me put up a chart indicating that most of these cities are in fact run by Democrats. That's a real piece.
Starting point is 00:49:24 That's not the Babylon Bee. It's not D's a real piece that's not the babylon b it's not duffel blog it's not the onion that's a real piece what are we gonna do with these people can we just get some real news once in a while, please? Did you see the chart? There's one red line in there. The whole chart is dominated by blue. There it is again, meaning Democrats. Crime out of control.
Starting point is 00:49:56 Who's in charge? Democrats. Democrats. You have a hard time reading your own chart? Oh, my gosh. Is this guy for real, Philip Bump bump the sad thing is he is for real basically we're gonna get through the whole show today it's impressive yeah on a roll these last few days getting through all of our content important story though here. So we have seen an uptick in coronavirus infections. Now, I think a lot of that has to do with these lockdowns. Ladies and gentlemen, you may say, well, lockdowns, they're supposed to be stopping the coronavirus.
Starting point is 00:50:36 They're not, folks. What's happening now is there's very strong evidence that the coronavirus is spreading when infected people show up indoors and spend a lot of time in recirculated indoor air with people who are uninfected that then become infected afterwards. A lot of evidence. Wall Street Journal has this piece up today about how they're conveniently trying to pin this all on Trump. So, number one, the lockdowns are a disaster. Number two, we're doing more testing where we're finding more cases. Wall Street Journal opinion, COVID comparisons, Europe and U.S.
Starting point is 00:51:16 The Americas of failure reporting has a heavy dose of partisanship by their editorial board. Of course, they're trying to pin this on Donald Trump. Let me go to takeaway number one from this piece. Again, this isn't based on any actual evidence or statistics. If you want that, you have to come here. If you want to be lied to, just read the mainstream media on anything from protests to Russia to the Wuhan virus. Check this out from the piece. Quote, with Trump leading the way, record surge and new infections exposes failure in U.S. response to dreadful Washington Post wrote Sunday. I had a dreadful in there.
Starting point is 00:51:52 Liberals are just juxtaposing the U.S. with Europe, which ostensibly had the virus under control. The Trump administration has sometimes been too sanguine, but much of this is partisan opportunism in an election year. Ladies and gentlemen, there is no evidence to suggest whatsoever that these lockdowns have worked and that Trump's response is what's causing this uptick in coronavirus infections. None.
Starting point is 00:52:15 They have no evidence. But yet the Washington Post, again, garbage people newspaper over there, only morons read this because it's just rife with fake news, as I showed you earlier in the show. Are trying to pin this on Trump because it's obviously to their election advantage because they're liberal activists
Starting point is 00:52:31 to ding Trump and knock down his political capital. Well, let's look at the actual evidence from the same Wall Street Journal piece. Again, just let's set up the narrative first. Remember, the media is here to tell you our story,
Starting point is 00:52:42 not this story. The narrative is what? The narrative is Trump has failed. Europe has done much better. And these liberal state governors like Andrew Cuomo have really put Trump to shame. They've showed you how to really deal with this coronavirus. Really? Well, let's look at the actual data if you believe in that kind of thing.
Starting point is 00:53:00 Check this out from the Wall Street Journal piece. Because the data tells the exact opposite story. Check this out from the Wall Street Journal piece, because the data tells the exact opposite story. Quote, even with the latest outbreaks, the U.S. has recorded fewer deaths per 100,000 people at 38 than the United Kingdom, 66. Spain, is this possible? 61. So United States, 38 deaths per 100,000. The media narrative is that Europe and others are doing much better. But 38, the U.K. has 66 deaths per 100,000. The media narrative is that Europe and others are doing much better. But 38, the UK has 66 deaths per 100,000. Spain, 61. Italy, 57 deaths per 100,000. France,
Starting point is 00:53:40 44 deaths per 100,000. Death rates are a lagging indicator, but Arizona has 21 per 100,000. Florida, only 15. And and Texas 8. New York, which opened up last and slowly, has a death rate per 100,000 of 161. 161. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. So again, we've been told by serious journalists out there, Joe,
Starting point is 00:53:58 our betters, our moral and intellectual betters, we're just a bunch of deplorable morons, you know. That's right, Dan. Trump blew it. That's right. That's right. Of course it's right. What do we know? Idiots come on on this show. I mean, come on now. Facts and data, who does that stuff, right?
Starting point is 00:54:13 So, we've been told that it's these liberal governors that have led the way. Thank God for Andrew Cuomo and them. And if we were only more like our European betters, you know, the enlightened ones, we would have definitely gotten a hold over this.
Starting point is 00:54:28 And yet, Joe, you find out that the United States overall has a death rate per 100,000 far beneath these European countries and that conservative-led states, Arizona, Texas, and Florida, that have Republican governors, have death rates per 100,000
Starting point is 00:54:44 10 times less than that of New York. Folks, you are witnessing. Forgive me because I don't remember who posted it this weekend on social media. You probably agree with this, Joe. And it may have been Jordan Schock. Forgive me. I don't remember.
Starting point is 00:54:58 I didn't screenshot it. But it was out there and the assertion he made was correct. You are witnessing one of the greatest gaslighting episodes we've seen in modern American history. You may say, gosh, that sounds like a lot considering we just got over the collusion gaslighting. I'm not kidding. You are witnessing a gaslighting episode focused on the coronavirus that is totally entirely not only divorced from the facts, but when you look at the facts and data,
Starting point is 00:55:27 tell the exact opposite story of the media story. Media story. Trump stinks. Europe rules. Liberal governors are the best. Trump sucks. He's going to get you killed. And those conservative governors, Ron DeSantis,
Starting point is 00:55:38 they're definitely the worst. And yet you look at the data and you find out that the death rate per 100,000 in New York contrast to Florida is more than 10 times that, you understand that it's not just the media is lying to you. They're lying to you and telling you the exact opposite story. They're flipping the script. And dopey liberals, just like the Russia story this weekend,
Starting point is 00:56:05 fall for it. Or if they don't fall for it, they are active liars and manipulators. Listen, I got to run, but I'm going to leave the, I'm going to just, again, I can't ask this question enough. To the liberal listeners of the show
Starting point is 00:56:17 and the, you know, the basement dwellers at Media Matters, put down your hostess cupcakes for a minute, pay attention. Seriously, how do you look yourselves in the mirror? I'm not kidding. How do you wake up knowing those facts and data I just showed you tell a conclusive story that you failed? You probably got people killed. And yet you look in the mirror and you say, I'm going to go out today and tell the opposite story to lie to people and potentially put them in danger. How do you do
Starting point is 00:56:41 it? I'm interested. Seriously, email me. I'd love to hear it. I'd love to hear how your soul is so corrupted, so corrupted that you're absolutely convinced you can lie to people day by day and put their lives in danger. It's just gross. Totally disgusting. Hey, quick programming note before we run. I am guest hosting The Five today or co-hosting, whatever, Monday co-hosting whatever Monday and tomorrow on Tuesday. I'm sure there'll be some spicy back and forth. Please don't miss the show on the Fox news channel. 5.
Starting point is 00:57:11 PM. Eastern time today, Monday. What's today's day, June 29th. Check that out. And I will be there tomorrow as well. I'm looking forward to it.
Starting point is 00:57:20 Yeah. And probably be some interesting debates. So check that out. Please subscribe to my YouTube channel as well. We're only, we have 7,000 more subscriptions. we'll be at 500 000 slash bongino all the subscriptions are free we really appreciate it thanks again folks see you tomorrow you just heard dan bongino

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