The Dan Bongino Show - Are Polls Being Suppressed to Hide Trump Support? (Ep 1335)

Episode Date: September 1, 2020

In this episode, I address the ongoing collapse of the Biden campaign, and the mounds of evidence that he’s in real trouble. I also address latest troubling video to emerge from the street riots in ...Portland.  News Picks: Joe Biden began his campaign by praising ANTIFA. Unbelievably, the appeals court rejects Mike Flynn’s effort to force the misguided judge to drop the broken case against him. Joe Biden attempts to speak in complete sentences, with mixed results.   Fact-Check: Joe Biden says he is not banning fracking. Really?  Four trends showing President Trump may be in solid shape in November.  Are positive Trump polls being suppressed? Andy McCarthy’s excellent piece about the FBI lawyer who plead guilty in the Spygate case. Debunking yet another silly leftist conspiracy theory.   Copyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:40 Dan Bongino. All right, so good day, good evening to my listeners. Whenever you're listening, except Andrew Cuomo up in New York, who I'll show you a picture of in a minute, without a mask in New York. You know Andrew Cuomo, right? Radical leftist governor of New York. You don't wear a mask, he'll probably throw you in jail. And one of his leftist gulags that they're probably putting together right now up in New York. Yeah, yeah, he don't wear a mask either. Kind of weird how that happens, right?
Starting point is 00:01:05 I've got that. I've got Joe Biden cold busted lying again, which isn't really a news story. And I've got a great story about polls being suppressed magically after the RNC, Republican National Convention, where the polls show a huge bounce for President Trump, but they don't show it because you're not really hearing about him.
Starting point is 00:01:23 Don't worry, we have him here. That, a lot more, including a Spygate and Mike Flynn update. Today's show brought to you by ExpressVPN. Secure your online activity today from prying eyeballs. Get a VPN. Don't wait. Go to slash Bongino. Welcome to the Dan Bongino Show, take two. Producer Joe, how are you today uh life is going along swimmingly Daniel there was right everything was going great I had this great intro for version one of the show which lasted a minute and seven seconds and I stumbled over this thing so completely I said we got to scrap that and start right over all right don't miss I also got an update on on the mob um what
Starting point is 00:02:04 the protest no no no they're the mob. What, the protest? No, no, no. They're the mob. They're the protesters. You can take that stuff elsewhere. This is reality. All right. Today's show brought to you by our friends at Policy Genius. Hey, September is National Life Insurance Awareness Month.
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Starting point is 00:03:50 Here's Andrew Cuomo. Yeah, yeah. If you're listening, I'll just describe it to you here. This takes a lot of description for those listening on radio and audio alone. It's Andrew Cuomo walking his dog without a mask, of course. There we go. Hyp go hypocrites frauds so cuomo's our dunce of the day we don't actually have a dunce of the day we just started that today but if there was a dunce of the day it would be andrew cuomo so there you go the inaugural dunce of the day andrew cuomo don't you dare wear a mask oh no excuse me don't you come up to New York without a mask? You know, you concerned. Remember, what are you saying? You come to New York, you conservatives, you're saying you don't support abortion. Remember that? I remember filling in WCBM when he gave that speech telling conservatives, not kidding, that they were not welcome up in
Starting point is 00:04:37 New York. I'm not kidding. But I'm glad this guy's a total fraud. Remember that? He said, don't you dare come up to New what are you saying you don't like abortion or something like this cuomo complete funny all right let's get to the meat and potatoes today so uh ladies and gentlemen these again are are not protests these are straight up mobs we have warned you repeatedly about this i was on sean hannity's show last night um and it's and it's really tragic i'm serious that the Democrats just now licked their fingers, saw where the wind was blowing and the political winds are blowing against them. Because again, as I've discussed for months and days and nights and weeks and evenings
Starting point is 00:05:13 and weekends, the Democrats are just waking up to the fact and surprised by the fact that the public doesn't want their neighborhoods burned down. Kind of obvious to normal people like Joe, Paula, and most of you out there. But the Democrats are just figuring this out. down kind of obvious to normal people like joe paula and most of you out there uh but the democrats are just figuring this out now a focus group told them hey man you better speak up the public's not really digging their neighborhoods and businesses and flames uh this is the kind of stuff we warned you about here is another mob uh in oakland last night a violent aggressive terrorist mob in oakland california for the liberals who don't know that Oakland, you know, California, the A's and stuff walking through the streets chanting.
Starting point is 00:05:50 You may say, come on, this is this is clearly the Iranian mullahs, right? The death to America. No, no. This is the mob in America on the streets chanting death to America. Not kidding. Jay, listen to this one. Keep in mind, this isn't an isolated incident of one or two people. This is an organized chant amongst a violent, aggressive mob of terrorists walking through the street threatening death to America. Again, not the Iranian mullahs. If they were, they'd be getting a pallet full of cash from Obama. Obama would fly the cash in with Biden. Everybody would be, cash time.
Starting point is 00:06:44 It'd be like making it rain. They'd be like in the strip club making it rain or something. Make it rain! Throwing cash everywhere. That's what they'd be doing if this was the actual Iranians. But no, it's an American street with the mob. Mostly peaceful, though.
Starting point is 00:07:00 Outside of death to America and the threats to burn the country to the ground. Outside of that, don't worry. It's mostly peaceful. Now you see why Biden's support is collapsing. Wait till this poll thing. I got this story on the polls.
Starting point is 00:07:17 Don't miss this. Loaded show today as usual. Got a lot of video today though. I don't like to load the show too heavily with video because I like to talk. That's why it's the Dan Bongino show, not the video show. video today, though. I don't like to load the show too heavily with video because I like to talk. That's why it's the Dan Bongino show, not the video show. But today's important. So President Trump, who has been on the right side of right rather than the wrong side of right, like the Democrats when it comes to street violence and the mob.
Starting point is 00:07:40 Yesterday had a great moment at the White House press conference. I don't know if you saw it. The absolutely hapless joke of a alleged reporter, Caitlin Collins from CNN, a total fraud in every respect. Caitlin Collins is about one thing. You know, she pretends to be a journalist. She's about Caitlin Collins. She's not about actual journalism and stuff. So she always asks the dumbest questions and watching her get annihilated in these press conferences by President Trump, I have to say never gets old. So here's Caitlin Collins asking yesterday about, um, a paintball. By the way, I don't know if she covered the death to America chant that may have been after this, this, I don't know. I get lost in all the death to America, pigs in a blanket. What do we want? Dead cops chance. I'm having a hard time tracking them and putting them on a coherent chronological timeline. You know, Joe,
Starting point is 00:08:24 they all get lost. Death to America, pigs in a blanket, fry them like bacon, what do we want, dead cops. I just, it confuses me. There's so many. Caitlin Collins doesn't care about that. She cares about a bunch of Trump supporters that drove through Portland and apparently they got into an altercation
Starting point is 00:08:40 and there were some paintballs involved. Paintballs. She doesn't seem too worried about the actual non-paintballs. You know, the bullets? No. That killed the Trump supporter in Portland? Not asking about that one. She wants to know about the paintballs.
Starting point is 00:08:52 And of course, President Trump does what he always does, makes Caitlin Collins look like a complete fool. Check this out. You were just criticizing Joe Biden, saying he didn't mention the far left or Antifa during his speech today. You said you wanted to talk about
Starting point is 00:09:04 left-wing political violence. but i noticed you did not mention that your supporters were also in portland this weekend firing paintball guns at people some form of pepper spray so do you want to also take this chance to condemn what your supporters did well i understand they had large numbers of people that were supporters, but that was a peaceful protest. And paint is not, and paint is a defensive mechanism. Paint is not bullets. Your supporters, your supporters, and they are your supporters indeed, shot a young gentleman who, and killed him, not with paint, but with a bullet. And I think it's disgraceful. Your supporters, the Caitlyn Collins.
Starting point is 00:09:48 He's right, of course. You know, it's the media. Don't bring up the guy who's actually dead, the Trump supporter, from the Patriot Prayer Group. Don't bring him up. Now let's talk about a paintball incident. This is why I support this guy he just doesn't take it he doesn't take any crap he's just a bull in the china shop
Starting point is 00:10:11 which we need right now media just a bunch of clowns what a total clown show let's put some muscle on the bone today of the show though why does this matter this block is about these democrats Let's put some muscle on the bone today of the show, though. Why does this matter? This block is about these Democrats.
Starting point is 00:10:33 Again, they're so-called road to Damascus moment, where now all of a sudden they care about street riots and they're worried about public safety. They didn't give a damn. They said nothing about it. As I showed on yesterday's show, they've actually encouraged it for months and months and months thinking, why? Why did they do it? Why did this matters? Why did they do it? Why did this matter? Why did they do it?
Starting point is 00:10:46 Why encourage rioting and street violence? Because, ladies and gentlemen, the Democrats are run right now by a radical leftist mob. The mob wants to break down any objective standards you have left to institute a new subjective system. I don't want to get too wonky at this. I've talked about it a lot. But the whole idea behind the implementation of socialism and this radical far-left agenda
Starting point is 00:11:11 is to break down any rules and restraints on the government. Remember, laws call back the government too. The government can't arrest you for a law that doesn't exist, right? They want to implement a new subjective system where whatever the government says on any given day is in fact air quotes the law the only way to do that is to cause complete utter utter total street chaos to get people so scared and frightened that they naturally seek out an alternative to what we have now what we have now is at least some semblance of law and order outside of liberal cities does that make sense they want the system the resemblance of law and order outside of liberal cities. Does that make sense? They want the system, the resemblance to law and order we have now in sane places in America to become unstable
Starting point is 00:11:50 so people seek alternatives. And the only way to do that is to cause such chaos that you distrust the system now. They thought that would work. What they didn't realize is when people sought out alternatives to the chaos we have now in these liberal cities the alternative they're seeking out again is donald trump because he is the bull in the china shop against the system and the polls are showing that that's why the democrats now are like maybe we should back off this support of street violence well we're not going to let him forget remember this daily caller article oh this is a gem this is a gem it's truly outrageous for those of you watch the gem cartoon back in the day i know every theme song to every cartoon from the 80s thundercats transformers
Starting point is 00:12:39 autobots rage they're bad i know every one of them My wife and I She knows one line from the Transformers theme song Do you know that? You know what it is? Transformers That's it That's a joke in my house I'm not kidding
Starting point is 00:12:55 Here's an article This gem Go to my show notes slash newsletter If you want to subscribe to the show notes Of course it's free Print this article out Daily Caller
Starting point is 00:13:04 Rachel Stolzfer. Sorry if I'm saying your name wrong, Rachel. Joe Biden starts presidential campaign by praising Antifa. Not my article. Right there in the Daily Caller. You don't believe me? Here's a screenshot from this piece. Keep this one up.
Starting point is 00:13:21 Keep it up on your phone. You know, you can like scroll through the articles. I keep a bunch of them up. Daily Caller, quote, former Vice President Joe Biden endorsed Antifa in a video announcing his presidential bid on Thursday. Characterizing, excuse me, characterizing the group as, quote, courageous and saying it's wrong to draw a moral equivalence between white nationalist groups and those opposing them. Let's not let creepy, creepy, sleepy. Let's not let them forget about that. Has Joe Biden renounced that? Are they still courageous?
Starting point is 00:13:56 The fascist Antifa overlords trying to burn down American cities. They still courageous, Joe? Has anyone asked him that? Has Caitlin Collins asked him that? Of course she hasn't. Caitlin Collins is a showboat who cares only about caitlin collins cares about getting a few twitter followers journalism that's like you know come on journalism i'm caitlin collins from cnn what do i care about journalism all right so let me play this uh let me play this
Starting point is 00:14:21 clip for you here of joe biden out Antifa. This is a good one. He did. He finally. I'm just kidding. Paul, there's no clip of Joe Biden calling out Antifa. This was great. I was just messing with Paula. Paula's sitting there like she's got the mouse.
Starting point is 00:14:39 I can see her. She's like, what do you mean? There's a clip of Joe Biden calling out Antifa. I messed with you. I'm sorry. I should with that. I'm sorry. I should have left, but I just threw that in. We have like a show order. She knows, but it's not in there.
Starting point is 00:14:55 Watch it. Her face is priceless. Yeah, play that clip of Joe Biden, please. Calling out Antifa. You got that? She's like mousing over videos like this whole clip i could see her she's getting ready to panic oh of course there is no clip of joe biden calling antifa just kidding
Starting point is 00:15:18 um it's never actually happened this paula just found out but someone did tell the truth yesterday about this new effort new effort joe the brand joe biden is a law and order guy policeman joe biden now guy who praised antifa sat there quiet gave generic milquetoast statements about street violence like maybe we shouldn't kill anyone no no jo, maybe you need to specifically call out the Black Lives Matter Antifa terrorists. I'm just saying as they're burning down American cities. He didn't do that, as we can see with the joke on Paul.
Starting point is 00:15:52 There is no clip of him actually doing that. But here's Donnie Deutch on MSNBC. Here's Deutch telling the truth about what this all is. Joe Biden's all of a sudden turned towards the law and order guy where donnie dutch he's really clear on this that listen folks this is just a branding thing this isn't really real this is an actual moment of truth on msnbc mark your calendars folks here it is what joe biden has to be vigilant about and it's got to be both Corona and the riots and the violence. This is branded Trump. This is the Trump reality show. You are less safe today,
Starting point is 00:16:32 whether it is Corona, whether it is the violence of the streets because of Donald Trump. That is the state of this race. And this is the ultimate branding exercise to reverse back and will hopefully be the demise of Donald Trump. Mark your calendars, folks. MSNBC finally tells the truth. Thanks, Donnie. Yeah, he's right.
Starting point is 00:16:53 This is all a branding exercise on the left. He's not kidding. This has nothing to do with Joe Biden's allegiance or fidelity to law and order and keeping your house from burning down, keeping you from getting your butt kicked, walking out the RNC down a gauntlet of terrorist BLM supporters. It's nothing to do with any of that. This is a strict, straight up branding exercise where Donnie recognizes that President Trump actually has the brand law and order because it's been branded on him because he actually stood for law and order so he's like we gotta we gotta take that branding away you can't joe biden doesn't
Starting point is 00:17:32 believe in any of that as i said when i asked paula to play the video of joe biden finally calling out antifa and blm which doesn't actually exist trump has been all over this he gave an interview last night to Laura Ingraham on Fox it was taped but it was a good interview and there's something he said I've got some inside baseball
Starting point is 00:17:52 for you on this I have to be a little cryptic here but I want to play the video I'll give you the inside baseball afterwards again I don't I'm not trying to hide information from you
Starting point is 00:18:02 I just have to be respectful of people who give me stuff I hope you understand. But I want to play this clip about how President Trump knows what's really going on here. Ingram kind of questions him a little bit on it. And he's cryptic too about it. I'll explain more. Play this cut.
Starting point is 00:18:15 I don't even like to mention Biden because he's not controlling anything. Who do you think is pulling Biden's strings? Is it former Obama officials? People that you've never heard of. People that are in the dark shadows, people that... What does that mean? That sounds like conspiracy theory, dark shadows. People that you haven't heard of. They're people that are on the streets. They're people that are controlling the streets. We had somebody get on a plane from a certain city this weekend. And in
Starting point is 00:18:40 the plane, it was almost completely loaded with thugs wearing these dark uniforms, black uniforms with gear and this and that. They're on a plane. Where is this? I'll tell you sometime, but it's under investigation right now. But they came from a certain city, and this person was coming to the Republican National Convention. And there were like seven people on the plane like this person. And then a lot of people were on the plane to do big damage. They were coming. Planning for Washington. Yeah, this was all, this is all happening. Let me break some news for you here and translate
Starting point is 00:19:14 what he just said, because I've got, again, some inside baseball on it. There's a couple clear points he makes there. That these people were flown in to the RNC event, the acceptance speech President Trump gave at the White House. They were flown in. This was not organic. This was not grassroots. This was astroturf. This was fake turf, to quote the dreaded Nancy Pelosi when she talked about real grassroots,
Starting point is 00:19:38 the Tea Party, and called it astroturf. He says they were flown in from a certain city. I'm getting the same intel. You know where that city was take a guess portland some of the same portland terrorists terrorizing the city of portland every night in oregon trying to burn down the courthouse one of them who uh just murdered a human being a trump supporter on the streets of Portland. Endless attacks every single night. Fireworks. I've got video coming up too in a bit of the mayor, the left-wing communist mayor Wheeler.
Starting point is 00:20:16 Them trying to nearly burn his apartment complex down. What? He's left-winger. These people are terrorists. They don't care. You can't negotiate with terrorists. What President Trump said was not a mistake. He's trying to be careful with the intel. I got the exact same intel yesterday that a number of let's call them investigative entities have information that people were flown in to DC to disrupt the RNC event from Portland,
Starting point is 00:20:42 to disrupt the RNC event from Portland. Experienced provocateurs and street terrorists. You could take that info to the bank. Who flew them in? Who paid for that? These Antifa kids don't have any money. They live in their mommy's basements, roasting s'mores and eating Hot Pockets all night. They don't have any actual money.
Starting point is 00:21:04 Watching reruns of The Honeymooners at three o'clock in the morning. These guys don't, and women don't have any actual money watching reruns of the Honeymooners at three o'clock in the morning. These guys don't, and women don't have any lives. Believe me, when you see them in person, like we did, they look, some of them nearly emaciated. I want to give them like a Nutramint or something. When I worked in this place in Queens, when I was growing up, the drug, you know, the guys who roll into drugs, the crackheads and stuff, they'd come in at like midnight. That's what they would buy, a Nutramint. It was like 50 cents and it was disgusting. It was the only thing.
Starting point is 00:21:32 I didn't really like it. It tasted like Cocoa Puffs milk. But that's what they would drink. They look like Nutramint kids. Purple drinks and potato chips. Where'd they get the money? The clothes are all raggedy. Who's funding this stuff, folks?
Starting point is 00:21:50 He's not making that up. There were a lot of these people that were flown in specifically to terrorize the streets of Washington, D.C. And why does Washington, D.C., under the dreadful mayorship of Muriel Bowser, not care that people were flown into her city to harass, threaten, and terrorize people walking down the streets of her city? Why does she not care? What does she know? All right, I've got more Biden speech yesterday because there's some policy stuff as well, not just his fake branding, to quote Donnie Deutch. Donnie's term, his branding shift.
Starting point is 00:22:28 Joe Biden, Captain Law and Order now. Yeah, okay. Before I get to that, let me get to my second sponsor today. Our show today also brought to you by friends at ZipRecruiter. Hey, hiring is a challenge, especially with everything else
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Starting point is 00:24:08 And he brought up an important issue. Energy. You know, energy that powers our company and fracking. The hydrofracking revolution. Yeah. We've had to frack and get basically tight oil out of Iraq. Where we've become one of the world's leading producer of oil now due to fracking and the revolution in fracking? Well, you know, Biden, who was taken
Starting point is 00:24:30 over by the Green New Deal radical leftists like AOC and Bernie Sanders, has repeatedly said he's going to ban fracking. Oh, don't worry. I have the video evidence coming up. But here's him yesterday, strangely claiming that Trump's about biden wanting to ban fracking when biden has said he's wanted to ban fracking check this out a hot button issue in the keystone state fracking biden addressed political ads aimed at chipping away his support i am not banning fracking no matter how many times donald Trump lies about me. But Biden does support ending permits for new fracking. Of course, I always screw up Polish.
Starting point is 00:25:15 I had to go out of order there with Biden. I'm very sorry. You may have even heard that on the audio. I'm like, I'll have to go back to it because I meant it's a really good video. Yeah. But that's, yeah, I know. But that's why this is me this is why i love this show it's no one except for in my melon for the day
Starting point is 00:25:31 so that's biden donald trump is lying i don't want to ban fracking well maybe we should show we should have a biden biden debate i did this once filling in for hannity on the radio when he did an obama obama debate where I showed Obama debating himself. And remember that? Where he took the opposite position on issues? Well, here's Biden. Trump's lying. I don't want to ban fracking.
Starting point is 00:25:53 Here's Biden debating Biden. Here's a montage, hat tip Americans for tax reform, ATR, who put together a montage of Biden swearing to people that he's going to ban fracking, showing that Joe, Biden's a fracking liar i said fracking fracking come on fcc people fracking that i was a terrible joke it was fracking fred just to be clear so we're not banned from terrestrial radio stations altogether check this out no more no new fracking, we are going to get rid of fossil fuels.
Starting point is 00:26:26 What about say stopping fracking and stopping? Would there be any place for fossil fuels, including coal and fracking in a Biden administration? No, we would, we would work it out. We would make sure it's eliminated. I guarantee, I guarantee we're going to end fossil fuel and I am not going to block it. No ability for the oil industry to continue to drill, period, ends, number one. Three consecutive American presidents have enjoyed stints of explosive economic growth due to a boom in oil and natural gas production. As president, would you be willing to sacrifice some of that growth, even knowing potentially that it could displace thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands of blue collar workers in the
Starting point is 00:27:12 interest of transitioning to that greener economy? The answer is yes. The answer is yes. No more, no new fracking. He can't seem to tell the fracking truth. The truth about fracking. And we should change the order of the words around there i saw one by the way that's a montage for those of you watching on youtube that's a montage of various biden appearances where he alternates from, yes, I will ban it to I guarantee it to various categorical denials that he's going to expand fracking.
Starting point is 00:27:50 Yet again, it's Donald Trump lying about Joe Biden's commitment to end fracking. No, it's Joe Biden lying about Joe Biden's own commitment to end fracking. Here's a video I was going to play first. Sometimes I write notes that even I confuse myself. I write like a doctor. I wish I thought like one. Biden did say something yesterday in the middle of his speech.
Starting point is 00:28:18 And listen, again, I don't mean to make light of this stuff, but the guy's running to be president of the United States. And it's only fair to ask if he has the cognitive capacity to get through a workday without setting off a nuclear war, right? In other words, he's making the neural connections and his brain is working okay. Ladies and gentlemen, Biden was on the teleprompter yesterday where all you
Starting point is 00:28:46 have to do is read you ever see a teleprompter there's two things on each side and there's usually one big one straight ahead all he has to do is read through it someone else scrolls he doesn't have to touch anything he doesn't even scroll it himself like you would in a computer screen reading a book he's reading from a teleprompter and he still got lost in the middle of the speech reading from a teleprompter from a speech he's probably practiced and he still gets lost play this video and then i'm going to have to give you courtesy of jordan shock tell on on twitter an actual translation of what because i don't know what he's even talking about here here's b Biden on a teleprompter. Check this out. COVID has taken this year, just since the outbreak, it's taken more than 100 years. Look, here's the lives.
Starting point is 00:29:33 It's just, when you think about it, more lives this year than any other year for the past 100 years. Ah, man. Can we get the translation up of that, please? What is he, people who've died now haven't died before? What is he saying? People who've died now are the ones who haven't died yet or people who died before not dying again. I don't understand what he's trying to say here. Put up a Jordan's tweet so I can read this
Starting point is 00:29:58 because no one really understood what, this is on a teleprompter. It's on a teleprompter. Jordan Schachtel, full quote verbatim quote covid is taken this year just since the outbreak has taken more than 100 years look here's the lives it's just it's a mean think about it More lives this year than any other year for the past hundred years. Ooh, daddy. Listen, I'm going to have the language experts, the syntax, context, poets, writers, authors.
Starting point is 00:30:35 You can sift through that and try to determine what exactly that means. That was on a teleprompter, by the way, which he was reading off a prompter. Again, fair to ask basic questions. When Joe Biden speaks on the prompter, he lies. He has pledged to eliminate fracking multiple times, wiping out hundreds of thousands, if not millions of six-figure jobs in many cases in this country, wiping out entire states' economies, Pennsylvania, Ohio, that whole Marcellus play areas of Texas, destroying the country's energy economy. He's pledged on tape. And when he does talk on the prompter outside of the issues and he tries to go kind of impromptu and extemporaneous, you get things like. Whatever that was, because I don't really know what that was.
Starting point is 00:31:27 All right. Moving on from Biden. There was more information yesterday. A lot of stories. Yesterday was a heavy news day. Tuesday's always weird because Monday's packed because you're covering all the weekend. Tuesday, you feel like, you know, you covered everything on Monday. But yesterday was a huge news day.
Starting point is 00:31:42 Plus, you got the news dumps on Friday. You got to cover on Monday. This happened yesterday with Mike Flynn. This case is just an embarrassment. And really, anytime Chief Justice John Roberts says again that, you know, we don't have Obama judges or Trump judges. We have judges that abide by the law. He should be laughed at, okay?
Starting point is 00:31:58 Because the Mike Flynn case is just a cosmic level, intergalactic embarrassment at this point. For those of you who missed it, Mike Flynn was accused of lying by the FBI about sanctions he was never asked about, even though the FBI said he didn't lie. There's been a number of cases of malfeasance in this case. The Department of Justice is now trying to drop the case.
Starting point is 00:32:18 The judge will not let the Department of Justice drop the case. Judge Emmett Sullivan, who's not really a judge at all. Greg Jarrett has a great piece of Fox News, excuse me, up in the show notes today. In Flynn case, DC District Court plays a silly game of legal dodgeball. Folks, here's what happened. Mike Flynn's excellent attorney, Sidney Powell, because the Department of Justice has tried to drop the case. They are the prosecution. The judge is the judge. These are separate branches of government. The prosecutors, there's no prosecutor in this case. The Department of Justice does not want to prosecute
Starting point is 00:32:48 the case against Flynn anymore because they don't believe he lied and they believe he was set up, which he was. The judge will not let him drop it. So Sidney Powell filed this writ of mandamus demanding that the judge drop the case. It worked in the appeals court. Then the full appeals court heard it on
Starting point is 00:33:08 because the judge won't let it go. And now the full appeals court is remanding it back to the judge. Here's what really happened. Here's a screenshot from the piece yesterday. The 10 member DC circuit court actually said to Flynn in simplistic terms, I'll explain this in a second, don't worry.
Starting point is 00:33:24 You came to us too soon. So come back later if the trial judge doesn't dismiss the charge against you. This is from Greg Jarrett's piece. Importantly, the circuit court did not say that the case against Flynn should not be dismissed. I don't want to wrangle you in a lot of legal mumbo jumbo. The bottom line is this. The Department of Justice has figured out Mike Flynn's gotten railroaded huge, big time. He did not lie about sanctions because he wasn't asked about it. This was clearly a case that had no reason to be opened or investigated at all. There was no predicate to investigate Mike Flynn. They were trying to close the case. The judge hates Mike
Starting point is 00:34:02 Flynn, has been openly biased against him in court, Judge Emmett Sullivan. The judge will not let the prosecution drop the case. They took it to an appeals court and asked the appeals court, make the judge drop the case. Flynn's team said that. They said, yes, drop the case. Judge Emmett Sullivan then appealed that to the larger appeals court in bank hearing where they said yesterday, throw that out. The case basically goes on against Flynn. And they said it because this is, I want to make sure this point is clear. So you understand the legal distinction. Judge Emmett Sullivan has not yet refused legally to accept the plea. refused legally to accept the plea.
Starting point is 00:34:47 So the court basically screwed over Flynn and said, until he refuses to accept the throwing out of the plea and the dismissal of the case, you have to come back to us later. Ladies and gentlemen, what's really going on here? Judge Emmett Sullivan, clearly an Obama judge. I mean, is that even, this guy's not a real judge. He's a politician in a robe at this point. Is clearly an activist and is hoping to do what?
Starting point is 00:35:09 To drag the Flynn case out till after the election. Hopefully, after the election, Joe Biden appoints a new attorney general. Immediately, they then relitigate the case against Mike Flynn. That's all Emmett Sullivan. The guy's a joke. He's not a real judge. It's an embarrassment. And the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals
Starting point is 00:35:30 and Bonk, the larger court, instead of telling Sullivan, throw this thing out. The DOJ is not prosecuting. Now said, well, Flynn, we're going to delay this a little longer. And if he doesn't demand it's thrown out the judge later
Starting point is 00:35:42 and actually signs, then you can come back to us. Disgraceful. Don't ever forget, ladies and gentlemen. The old adage. Justice delayed is justice denied. Why do people say that? Why is it an old adage?
Starting point is 00:36:00 Because it's true. because it's true. If you have your local police department which charges you with a crime you didn't commit and drags it out intentionally in a legal process that takes you years, denying you quick justice, you have to pay legal fees, you have to deal with the life stress,
Starting point is 00:36:17 you have to deal with the potential of losing your job, the negative public relations from it. If you're a public figure, this is what they're doing. Yep. Denying justice to General Mike Flynn. It's one of the most disgusting things I've ever seen.
Starting point is 00:36:32 And Judge Emmett Sullivan is an embarrassment. And the next time Chief Justice John Roberts in the Supreme Court of the United States, Chief Justice of the United States, to be proper, says, oh, there are no Obama judges. I want you to roundly laugh in his face. What about Emmett Sullivan? Full-time activist on the bench. Disgrace. All right. Back to this street chaos. What did I warn you about a long time ago with these leftist revolutionary movements. When you look back at movements like the French Revolution, these purity movements,
Starting point is 00:37:17 you better be pure. If you're not pure enough to be with us, we're going to subject you to cancel culture. Purity movements always have a problem that there's an endless search for new victims because it's by portraying people as victims that these leftist revolutionary movements get people to deny what's happening right in front of them don't miss what i'm saying here the united states is the most prosperous freedom-loving country in the history of humankind. We've got our flaws, no doubt, but we are a liberty-loving country. Most of this country is populated, thank the Lord, I'm not using his name in vain, with freedom-loving patriots who look and say, you know what, for all our flaws, this is the greatest place in the history of humankind to ever live. Not just ever, ever. There has never been a finer place or a finer time to have been born than in the United States right now. They can't have the obvious. They need to
Starting point is 00:38:13 blind you. So as I said in the opening of the segment, the left wants to create such chaos in the streets through their shock troops, BLM and Antifa, that you start to question that. Gosh, this place and capitalism and freedom and liberty, the Constitutional Republic, this place I love that so many people have shed blood and died for. People have come home in body bags and coffins, protecting everything that makes this country great. That doesn't look so good anymore. I got a bunch of rioters burning my neighborhood down.
Starting point is 00:38:40 Maybe I'll try something different like Bernie Sanders, Joe Biden type socialism. Maybe I'll try something different like Bernie Sanders, Joe Biden type socialism. Well, the problem with leftist movements like that is nobody's ever pure enough. Because eventually people start to wake up like people are now and say, well, you're burning down my house. I'm not really for that. I think I'm going to go back to the old system, you know, like law and order and stuff. So you have to search for new recruits and new shock troops so eventually nobody's pure enough right nobody's pure enough because in order to search for new victims you have to create new victimizers the old victimizers aren't good
Starting point is 00:39:21 anymore in other words the old a the old, hey, the Republicans hate you, they're racist. You've heard all the homophobic, transphobic, you've heard all the nonsense, right? The istaphobic, phobophobic stuff. Eventually that argument gets old and people stop believing it. So they have to search for new victimizers. No one's ever pure enough. No one's safe from a leftist revolution. As I say all the time, famous last words in the French Revolution when your head was under the guillotine. I'm on your side.
Starting point is 00:39:52 They don't have a side. Not in a purity revolution. There's power in intimidating people. Communist mayor of Portland, Ted Wheeler. Portland, Oregon, for leftists, for liberals listening. Is figuring out the hard way that siding with the left in a purity revolution never ever works out. revolution never ever works out here's video uh taken was this last night in ted wheeler's apartment outside of his apartment where the rage mob the terrorists are out in front of his house
Starting point is 00:40:32 setting off commercial grade fireworks as people in the apartment complex are trying to sleep check you hear that you see that see that ted don't ever forget the french revolution like it says as i i don't ever forget as your head was under the guillotine in the french revolution another leftist revolution the famous last, but I'm on your side too. They don't have a side. Their power is through intimidation and violence and searching out endlessly for new victims and victimizers. And when they run out of old victimizers, they eventually come for you. No, he's not pure either. Wheeler, he's a communist. Reminded me of this HL Mencken quote, by the way, for the citizens of Portland. Don't ever forget this one.
Starting point is 00:41:29 Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want and deserve to get it. Good and hard. H.L. Mencken. It's what you want, Portland. It's what you voted for in Seattle. It's what you want in Oakland and New York City. I sympathize with the good people there who are suffering but sooner or later the people searching for endless victims and victimizers are going to get the democracy they want and they're going to get it both good and hard
Starting point is 00:42:01 sucks for them. I mean that. It's not a joke. It's not me being sarcastic. I really feel for you. But I don't know any other way to slow down the slow-rolling disaster, this slow-motion car wreck you're seeing, than to make people feel in live time the ramifications of their own poor electoral choices. The people you're voting in office hate you.
Starting point is 00:42:31 They can't stand you, your liberty, your property, your freedom, nothing else. And Ted Wheeler is going to find that out the hard way. All right, Don, let me get to my last sponsor. And I want, this is really important, this poll story. Rasmussen this morning has just an incredible story about how, shockingly, and now I am being sarcastic, the media seems to have forgotten about these polls that have gone on in the last week after the RNC.
Starting point is 00:42:55 Trump gets a bounce, nobody wants to talk about it. It's just amazing how that happens. Our last sponsor of the day, my friends at MyPatriotSupply. Are you ready for what's next? It's likely coming. Sadly, more food shortages, power outages, grocery stores closed, and some social unrest. Gosh, I hope not. But are you ready for it?
Starting point is 00:43:12 You have enough food and supplies on hand to last at least 30 days. I do. We just got a new load of My Patriot Supply this week. Paul is like, more? I'm like, yes. I'm not preparing for 30 days. I'm preparing for 120 days minimum. Here's the harsh reality.
Starting point is 00:43:29 Most Americans aren't prepared. You ensure everything in your lives that matter, but a lot of people don't ensure their food supply. That's crazy. Avoid the panic masses in a last minute rush. Order your four week supply of emergency food today from Starvation or dependency on the government are
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Starting point is 00:44:33 There's an interesting article in John Solomon's excellent new news site, by Cheryl Atkinson. There's four trends working in the president's direction. I'm going to go into a few of them here just briefly. And Then I want to talk about this article. By Twitter, grab your popcorn. Grab your popcorn for this one because the media does not want to tell you what's really going on. Here's the article. Be up in the show notes. Four little notice trends that suggest Trump could have an edge in November.
Starting point is 00:44:58 You haven't heard that, right? Biden's going to win in a landslide. Five million electoral votes. He's going to win the whole popular vote. Trump's not going to get any popular votes anywhere outside of California. Excuse me, outside of Wyoming. Is that really what's going on? Again, I'm out of the predictions business here, but is that really what the data is showing? There's four. I'm going to cover three. The first one she mentions is betting odds, but betting odds are closing in.
Starting point is 00:45:25 When people are risking their own money, betting their own money on an election, interesting how the odds are closing in that Trump is closing the gap on Trump. When it's people's money involved, all of a sudden their perception of the polls changes. Weird how that happens. But here's the second one.
Starting point is 00:45:39 President Trump's actually ahead of where he was with Hillary Clinton in 2016. You know, 2016 where he won and he was, quote, down in the polls too. Here's a quote from the piece. The concern from the Biden camp comes with a comparison to 2016. Although Trump's on the losing end right now, his position is actually slightly ahead of where he was in the battleground states in 2016. Explained another way, Hillary Clinton was beating Trump more in the battleground states in 2016 than
Starting point is 00:46:05 Joe Biden is now. And we know Trump actually won in 2016. So does the current trend imply an even larger Trump win? Ladies and gentlemen, outside of places like just the news, Solomon's site, where are you hearing this story? Anywhere? So the betting odds are closing in. Trump is ahead of where he was in 2016 in swing states. What about his total approval? You probably heard in the media, his approval rating, it's in the can, it's so terrible. Is it really? From the Just the News piece.
Starting point is 00:46:43 Judging by the news coverage, it'd be easy to conclude that Trump is one of the most unpopular presidents of all time. However, Rasmussen reports the only polling organization that publishes Trump's job approval ratings on a daily basis finds the 45th president's not nearly as unpopular as it may seem. His total approval among likely voters frequently bests that of Obama. That can't possibly be right. At the same point in his presidency. Weird how you're not hearing about that all of the high marks since april of 2018 have been set by trump compared to obama in september of 2019 trump's total approval hit 53 percent compared to obama's 44 percent in september of 2011 you heard that story anywhere no No, no, you didn't. You're shaking your head in your car,
Starting point is 00:47:28 right? You missed that one too, right? Well, no, you didn't miss it. The media missed it. Here's the last one. So again, betting odds ahead of where he was in 2016, favorability numbers going up, tracking far ahead of where Obama was in 2011 for his reelect. What about favorability ratings? Quote, for the past year, Biden has, without exception, bested Trump in favorability ratings. All right. Right now, Biden is significantly ahead of Trump by 13 points. The concern for the Biden team comes with a comparison to 2016, when Clinton was, likewise, ahead of Trump every single day, but often by a bigger margin.
Starting point is 00:48:06 And Trump won in the end. Real clear politics tracking shows Trump has spent most of the past year in a better position than he was in 2016. So if the polls were off in 2016 and President Trump won in the Electoral College landslide, if Trump is ahead of where he was in 2016, where he won in the electoral college landslide, on favorability, swing state polls, approval rating, you would think the media would want to report that story and report the red flags for the Biden campaign. No such luck because they want to keep the Joe-mentum going.
Starting point is 00:48:43 Joe-mentum, Biden, nobody cares about Biden. Did you see the crowd yesterday? I'm using the term crowd loosely. Out there outside of Joe Biden's speech, where remember where he said that thing about, with the COVID thing, where we don't, no one can translate what he was even talking about.
Starting point is 00:48:58 Remember outside of that speech? Yeah, there was, I think, you know, I had a doc repaired in my house. There were more people working on my doc than were in the crowd outside of Joe Biden's speech yesterday. The passion, the Joe-mentum, Joe. Come on, man. Come on, man. That's Biden's line.
Starting point is 00:49:23 That's a good one. You didn't think I caught that, did you? Come on, man. Well, here's the. That's a good one. You didn't think I caught that, did you? Come on, man. Well, here's the jomentum or the lack thereof. Interesting tweet by an account called Grab Your Popcorn. Oh, grab it. He's at Furious the guy. This is fascinating.
Starting point is 00:49:38 From August 1st to August 15th, there were 16 polls that came out. From August 16th to August 31st. You know when the RNC happened, the really good event that gave Trump a big bump, there've been only eight and none covering a later date than the 25th. There's even a little chart of the polls. I'm looking, Joe, do you see any after the 25th? 825, 825, 818, 814, 815, 812.
Starting point is 00:50:03 It's weird, 810, 8 8, 11, 8, 5. I don't see any after the 25th. Gee, why would that be? Maybe because that was the week of the Republican National Convention that went off really, really well for President Trump. And all of a sudden, the polls seem to be closing. How do you know that, Dan? Oh, I'll get to another tweet
Starting point is 00:50:26 here in a second by the guy with uh quoting the trafalgar group which nailed portions of the 2016 election with their surveys and polls but weird how the media seems to have abandoned any concern about the polls after the bump in the off from the rn. Strange how that happens. Here's that tweet I told you about by a guy citing the Trafalgar Group, Robert Cahali. He says, our new Trafalgar Group, by the way, which nailed portions of the 2016 election, their new survey, their new poll from August 26th to August 28th shows a comfortable Trump lead. Really? 51.9% for Trump, 41% for Biden, 2% for Jorgensen, and 1.2% for other party candidates.
Starting point is 00:51:20 You hadn't heard about that, have you? No. Of course you? No. Of course you haven't. Because it shows that the Joe-mentum may be slow-mentum or no-mentum at all. And that President Trump may be running ahead of him.
Starting point is 00:51:37 Listen, again, I'm out of the predictions business. Things could change. The debates could go well. They could go terribly. I don't know. Knock on wood, they go well for the president. I'm obviously
Starting point is 00:51:46 a supporter. But if you're not watching this show, you really believe President Trump is so far behind. This race is totally unwinnable. Not even true. He's far ahead of where he was in 2016. And polling outlets, Trafalgar, Rasmussen, and others that nailed it,
Starting point is 00:52:02 Rasmussen's only showing him behind one point. Trafalgar's showing them ahead. Didn't hear that in the mainstream media, did you? All right, I was going to get to this story yesterday. It's an important one. Listen, this is a little wonky. Let me just put that out in advance. It's a Spygate story, but please, it's really, really worth your time.
Starting point is 00:52:24 I'm going to take a few minutes. It's a story by Andy McCarthy in National Review, and it's about the total scam that's become this FBI lawyer, Kevin Clinesmith, who has pled guilty to doctoring a piece of evidence in order to spy on Carter Page. The total scam that his plea was. Before we get to the piece, let me just give you quick background. Folks, this is a huge story. McCarthy, who is a former federal prosecutor and a brilliant guy,
Starting point is 00:52:52 very sober analyst of this whole Spygate case, has a great book out on it too. He points out this total scam. And I bring this up in light of what happened to Mike Flynn. I'm actually glad we delayed the story from yesterday because in the Mike Flynn case, General Flynn, where he pleads guilty to save his son to a crime he didn't commit, lying about sanctions he was never even asked about. We have the transcript of the interview where he's alleged to lie. He's not even asked about what they said he lied about. We know it was a witch hunt. He pulls his plea. The government won't let him. And yet the government in this case, showing you how justice is dead. It's totally dead.
Starting point is 00:53:30 Justice is blind only to Democrats. Doesn't see anything Democrats do. You have this lawyer, the Viva La Resistance lawyer in the FBI, Viva La Resistance FBI lawyer involved in the spying operation on Trump. They let him plead. He was, this guy was dead to rights. Here's what he did. They wanted to spy on Carter Page for contact with Russians. The contact with the Russians, Carter Page, who had worked for the Trump campaign. They wanted to spy on him, the FBI, because they wanted to spy on the Trump campaign using Page.
Starting point is 00:54:01 They were claiming his contacts with Russians were nefarious. We got to look into that. They were not. contacts with Russians were nefarious. We got to look into that. They were not. Page was working with the CIA. That's why he was contacting Russians. The FBI couldn't tell the court that. So, Clinesmith doctored a document showing that Clinesmith, excuse me, that Carter Page was not a source for the CIA when he was.
Starting point is 00:54:22 The case is no more complicated than that. Joe, does that make sense? Easy, easy peasy. Easy peasy, right? Now, here's where this case is really shocking. Clinesmith has pled guilty to doctoring this piece of evidence. The CIA was like, hey, he's a source for us,
Starting point is 00:54:36 Carter Page. Clinesmith emailed this FBI agent. No, no, he was not a source. Really simple, right? In the plea, Cl clinesmith the judge amazingly lets him plead guilty but says i didn't really mean to this mislead anyone wait what what are you on illegal narcotics so you didn't mean to mislead it and the judge let him plead mccarthy's piece up in the show notes say it's a three-part series i put part two in but the links are in part two to one and three if you want to read the whole series part two really explains
Starting point is 00:55:08 though this is the scam the judge let this guy get away with so why does this matter because now leftists are saying the fbi lawyer he didn't really mean to deceive anyone. It was an administrative mistake. He pled guilty to doctoring a piece of evidence. And it wasn't a mistake. Check out this piece without further ado here, because it's good. Andy McCarthy, National Review, Clinesmith guilty plea, using a digraph to conceal a massive deception of the court. What did they do here? So, Clinesmith, doctor's evidence, says Carter Page is not a source for the CIA.
Starting point is 00:55:50 Page is a source for the CIA. The CIA told him Page was a source for us. How did Clinesmith get away with telling the court, oh, I was confused? I was confused? Let's go to screenshot number one from McCarthy's piece. This is the snake operation these guys ran. When you encounter the digraph, the digraph, ladies and gentlemen, is a two-letter designation for a source for the CIA. The CIA emailed Clinesmith and said he's a
Starting point is 00:56:19 whatever, CI, confidential informant, whatever the digraph was. They don't say what it is here. So when you encounter the digraph, then understand that's a CIA term defined as an American who's authorized by the CIA to have contact with foreigners and who wittingly reports the resulting intel back to the CIA. I'll translate. Don't worry. To understand the game Clinesmith is playing, this is McCarthy's words, it's vital to remember this definition of digraph, that it's a witting source, folks. The key to Kleinsmith's defense
Starting point is 00:56:49 is to feign confusion about the term's meaning, conflating it, as we shall see, with non-voluntary sources who unwittingly give information to the CIA. You're like, I'm totally confused. Don't be. The CIA tells this FBI lawyer, Carter Page was a source.
Starting point is 00:57:12 We designated him as a digraph, a two-letter CI, whatever it was, confidential, informed, whatever. Let's just say CI for the sake of this segment right here. Clinesmith is now saying, I didn't know what CI meant. You tracking? Joe, we clear? Yeah. He's saying, I didn't know what CI meant. You tracking? Joe, we clear? He's saying, I didn't know what it meant. What?
Starting point is 00:57:34 I didn't know that Carter Page being a CI meant he was a source for the FBI. I wasn't sure. Therefore, that's why I sent the email to the FBI agent because he's an FBI lawyer. Client's been saying, no, no, Page wasn't a source. Well, you'd say, okay, well, that sounds maybe reasonable if you're an objective analyst to this, Joe. Maybe he was confused.
Starting point is 00:57:50 He thought, maybe he thought, you know, CI meant something else. Maybe he thought it meant like Chevron investor for someone who buys like Chevron stock or something, right? You know, maybe he's just stupid. See, that would be, if you were an objective analyst, a maybe semi-reasonable approach
Starting point is 00:58:13 if the CIA hadn't offered to clear it up. No way they did that, right? Now you see the scam. This guy actually pled in court. No, no, I was confused. I didn't really mean to do this. guy actually pled in court no no i was confused i didn't really mean to do this let's go to screenshot number two where the cia offers to clear the whole thing up for them he says hey the cia liaison's email in response to kleinsmith is not a model of clarity it is clear enough for
Starting point is 00:58:38 us to grasp that kleinsmith though is now lying but not so clear that kleinsmith would think it futile to kick some dust in our eyes. The liaison wrote that the CIA uses, here's a quote, here's what the CIA tells them. They use the digraph to show that the encrypted individual is a U.S. person providing reporting to us. My recollection, again, this is the CIA agent here or employee. My recollection is that Page was or is a CI, but the documents provided previously by the CIA will explain the details. Here's where it gets interesting. Here's the CIA employee's email. If you need a formal definition for the FISA,
Starting point is 00:59:18 please let me know and I'll work up some language and get it cleared for use. She's offering to unconfuse you. By the way, Clinesmith was not confused about what the digraph meant, whatever it was, CI or CS or whatever they use. He was not confused. He just doesn't want to give people who uncovered the Spygate plot, him and his lawyer, Clinesmith and his lawyer, a win by acknowledging that the FBI spied on Trump by doctoring evidence. So what is he saying? I doctored it, but I was confused. placid placid placid placid placid placid placid placid placid placid placid placid placid placid so clearly Joe Kleinsmith took her up on the offer, right? He was confused. Was the guy a source for the CIA or not, Carter Page? Well, let's go back to screenshot number three from the Andy McCarthy piece, where the offer to unconfuse Kleinsmith is turned down.
Starting point is 01:00:19 Apparently flustered. Well, why is Kleinsmith flustered, by the way? Because he doesn't want to hear Carter Page was a source for the CIA. They want to make you believe his contact with Russians because he's a spy for Trump. So flustered, Clinesmith said he couldn't be sure, but thought it might have come from a phone conversation with the liaison, conveniently unrecorded, of course. In other words, Clinesmith, let me get to the beginning of this. Clinesmith was asked during the IG investigation, hey, did you bother to call and clear that up?
Starting point is 01:00:44 He says, oh, I can't be sure. but I think I spoke with her, the CIA liaison. Really? Peace goes on. Yet the CIA liaison did not recall having any phone conversation with Clinesmith, nor is there any reason to believe there was any conversation. The email exchange shows that. The email exchange shows that, although the liaison offered to discuss the matter further, Kleinsmith demurred, having calculated that he could sow confusion about the digraph by exploiting the liaison's use of the word encrypt. Most significantly, according to the investigators, the liaison said she never told Kleinsmith
Starting point is 01:01:18 that Page was an unwitting source. Indeed, she maintained that her email stated just the opposite. So again, General Mike Flynn, under a political prosecution by a corrupted judge acting as a politician in a black robe, still being prosecuted for a case about lying about sanctions he was never asked about. We now have the record. It's a totally fake case. He's not allowed to withdraw his plea even though it's obvious this is a witch hunt but kevin kleinsmith fbi lawyer who pleads guilty to doctoring evidence gets to put in a plea and say no no i was just confused after the CIA offers to unconfuse him. And he turns down the unconfusing offer to remain confused intentionally. God forbid he has to admit he actually did something wrong.
Starting point is 01:02:14 What a disgrace. All right, folks, appreciate you tuning in. Sorry about the mix up on the five. That's actually today. It's a long story. Dates, times. Sometimes there's dates. I will be on the five today
Starting point is 01:02:28 if you'd like to tune in five o'clock on the Fox News channel. I'd appreciate it if you subscribe to my show, slash Bongino, Apple Podcasts, and wherever you get your podcasts. The subscriptions are always free. They help us move up the charts.
Starting point is 01:02:39 Thanks for tuning in. See you tomorrow. You just heard Dan Bongino.

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