The Dan Bongino Show - Are We Looking at an Election 2020 Nightmare Scenario? (Ep 1282)

Episode Date: June 23, 2020

In this episode I address the potential for a 2020 election nightmare which would tear the country apart. I also address the riots in front of the White House last night. I discuss the latest media attack on innocent civilians trying to defend themselves.  News Picks: Hundreds of New Jersey Republicans received ballots listing only Democrat candidates.  Liberal activist promotes the destruction of Christian statues.  Left wing NPR falsely calls the victim of an attack by rioters a “white supremacist.” Murder rates are skyrocketing as police pull back.  Left wing writer pushes an insane conspiracy theory on twitter. The tech tyrants strike again.  Are luxury companies preparing a mass exodus from Manhattan after the riots? Did the fired SDNY attorney drop the ball on Biden corruption?  Copyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 get ready to hear the truth about america on a show that's not immune to the facts with your host dan bongino you know folks i'm really hoping this doesn't happen this is one of those shows today where we're going to talk about something but i honest to god i hope i'm wrong i pray i'm wrong and it's the election 2020 nightmare scenario i'm going going to give you an example that Joe knows in the real world of something that happened in Maryland. And what I think the Democrats are setting us up for now with this upcoming presidential election has me a little a little anxious. I'm just going to be candid and I hope I'm wrong. Don't miss the show. I got that.
Starting point is 00:00:38 It's by a gate update today. Show brought to you by friends at Express VPN. My savvy listeners get a VPN and they secure their internet using it. Go to slash Bongino today. Welcome to the Dan Bongino Show. Producer Joe, how are you today? I'm doing good. I didn't have myself turned up.
Starting point is 00:00:54 All kinds of stuff happening back here today. Yeah, okay. There was a little delay on that. I was like, is Joe okay? Joe's fine. We're going to have to send the name. Joe knows the election I'm talking about, so we'll get to that. But yeah, I'm telling you, they're setting us up for a nightmare. I'm very worried about it'm talking about, so we'll get to that. But yeah,
Starting point is 00:01:05 I'm telling you, they're setting us up for a nightmare. I'm very worried about it. All right, let's get right to it. I got a loaded show today. Today's show brought to you by our friends at Bambi. Listen, when running a business, HR issues can kill your business. Wrongful termination suits, minimum wage requirements, labor regulations, and HR manager salaries, they are not cheap. They average $70,000 a year. Bambi, spelled B-A-M-B-E-E, was created specifically for your small business. You can get a dedicated HR manager, craft your HR policy,
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Starting point is 00:02:11 Go to slash Dan right now to schedule your free HR audit. That's slash Dan spelled B-A-M to the B-E-E dot com slash Dan. Go today. All right, Joe, let's go.
Starting point is 00:02:24 There we go, boss. A little quicker on the trigger finger than he was during the intro. That's okay. That's okay. Joe's, I'm messing with Joe. Of course you are. All right. So Joe is intimately familiar with the election I'm going to talk about in a minute.
Starting point is 00:02:38 But here's what they're doing right now, ladies and gentlemen. Again, I hope I'm wrong. I think we are looking at an election 2020 election night, potential nightmare here, if it is a close election. That's if it's close, which all indications seem to appear that this will be close between President Trump, obviously, and former Vice President Biden. What do I mean by that? The Democrats are pushing right now because of the coronavirus. They are pushing for mass mail-in balloting. As we know from mail-in balloting,
Starting point is 00:03:10 as I've covered on this show before, President Trump is not wrong. He is absolutely spot on correct. That mail, mass mail-in ballot. I vote by mail. I don't have an objection to voting by mail to be clear what my position is. I do have an objection to voting by mail if you don't have a legitimate reason, which I think is the same position of the Trump scenario
Starting point is 00:03:29 of the Trump campaign. Nobody should be sent a ballot in the mail if they did not, in fact, request one because they have a reason. We all clear on that because the distinctions are always blurred by the left as they try and make us out to be the hypocrites they actually are. If you have a reason to vote by mail, military, you can't get to the ballot, you're sick, you're a daycare issues, whatever it may be. And you request a ballot by mail that is sent to your house and they can authenticate you by mail. I have no issue with that at all. I do it not all the time, but I do it when sometimes when we vote, I have no problem with that. Ballots being sent to registered voters via mail who didn't request them is a horrible idea. The Democrats would love that. Those ballots are votes hanging out there in the ether that there's really very little means to authenticate them whatsoever. The potential for fraud is absurd. It's outrageous. It's off the charts.
Starting point is 00:04:24 Outrageous. It's off the charts. Don't take my word for it or President Trump's word for it, who's equally concerned about mail-in fraud. Just take the New York Times, an article we've now cited three times. This is a 2012 article in the New York Times by Adam Liptak. The New York Times, this isn't Actually, it would be more reputable if it was at, but this is them talking about the dangers of mail-in voting. New York Times, 2012. Error and fraud at issue as absentee voting rises. Adam Lipak, from inside the piece. Again, don't take it from me. Take it from the New York Times themselves, the issue they have with mail-in voting.
Starting point is 00:04:58 Votes cast by mail are less likely to be counted, more likely to be compromised, and more likely to be contested, contested, contested, pay attention to that, than those cast in a voting booth statistic show. This is the New York Times. Election officials reject almost 2% of ballots cast by mail, double the rate for in-person voting.
Starting point is 00:05:18 Not me. The New York Times. The more people you force to vote by mail, Mr. Sancho said, who they're quoting in the piece, the more invalid ballots you will generate. Okay. Election experts say the challenges created by mail-in ballots
Starting point is 00:05:33 could well affect outcomes this fall and beyond. Remember, this is from 2012. If the contests next month are close enough to be within what election lawyers call the margin of litigation, litigation litigation the grounds on which they will be fought will not be hanging chads but ballots cast away from the voting booth ladies and gentlemen the two key takeaways from that new york times article and why i am seriously anxious about what's going to happen in 2020 are contested ballots more likely to be contested via
Starting point is 00:06:07 mail meaning someone says that doesn't look right that's not the signature that's not even the description of the voter that wasn't sealed right that wasn't signed correctly they're more likely to be contested and litigation is likely to result litigation for the liberals listening you know the legal process now what does this have to do with 2020 again ladies and gentlemen the democrats are pushing for mass mail-in voting when we already know because the statistics are crystal clear that fraud is rampant more so than in-person voting. And secondly, ballots are likely to be contested and sent through a long, arduous legal process. Wait, long, arduous legal process. I thought the election was going to be decided on election night. Yeah, I thought that too.
Starting point is 00:06:55 Shame on me. Now, in case you think, again, by the way, I am citing left-wing rag resources for this, not because I think they're credible, the New York Times and the Washington Post, but simply because ideas I believe are credible, that mail-in voting leads to increased fraud. They have already cited in their article, so they can't get away from it anymore when it was probably of political advantage to them. Why they were writing that article back then, who knows? Maybe absentee ballots were favoring Republicans. There's always an agenda with the Times and others. Here's another left-wing rag, the Washington Post,
Starting point is 00:07:36 talking about late-night counting of ballots on election night 2020 coming right up, only what, 130-something days away? Barring a landslide, what's probably not coming on November 3rd, election day, a result in the race for the White House, Washington Post by Amy Gardner. Folks, the Democrats are not stupid. They know exactly what they're doing.
Starting point is 00:08:00 Now, as I opened up the show, I said I was going to tie this to an experience that was had in Maryland by many who live there, including Joe. I was not there at the time of this election, but this is the Democrats' plan. You ready? You ready? The Democrats' plan is election night chaos, litigation, contested ballots, mail fraud, voter fraud, whatever fraud you need to get, contested long enough in the legal process, and then for a we've had enough it's time to move on joe biden won who said well we said it's time to move on that wouldn't happen it did happen in maryland joe remembers it well me having run for office in maryland this is a horror story joe if
Starting point is 00:08:40 i get anything wrong in this story please correct me But there was a wonderful woman who I adore to this day by the name of Ellen Sauerbring. She ran for governor in Maryland. She won that race. She was a Republican, by the way, an important point. She won. Was it against Glenn Denning? I forget who the race was. I think it was Glenn Denning, wasn't it?
Starting point is 00:08:58 Yeah, it was Glenn Denning. I don't even know. Yeah. Yeah, I think it was Glenn Denning. So she's running against Glenn Denning, who is a Democrat. Ellen Sauerbring, in an election night upset. There's no question she wins this race. None. She wins, but then all of a sudden in Baltimore City, votes start coming in. There's allegations of voter fraud tampering. And next thing you know, a seemingly insurmountable lead by Miss Sauerbrei,
Starting point is 00:09:23 the Republican, turns into a lead for glenn denning the democrat now at a minimum i listen to this day i believe she won that race handily by the way there were all kinds of stories and anecdotes about fraud coming out of baltimore city fraudulent ballots and ellen sour bray fought it what did did the media, of course the media, they, they don't mind chaos. They don't mind the chaos at all. Only after about, what is about a week or so into, it wasn't even that long, Joe, a week or two, all of a sudden it started getting out there. It's time to move on. It's time to move on. Oh, it is. Okay.
Starting point is 00:10:01 So you're willing to concede that Ellen Sauerbray went, no, no, no. They started calling her the media people, sour grapes. She won. I'm not getting this wrong. She won this race. I'm telling you she won this race. The fraud was rampant. And because she dared to complain about the fraud, the media piled on the Republican, not the Democrat, despite evidence everywhere she won and said, it's time to move on. Ladies and gentlemen, listen, mark this show date, Tuesday, June 23rd. Mark it if it, I pray I'm wrong, but this will be a contested election. I think it will be, if it's close, if it's not close in any other direction, it's not going to matter because of the electoral college, of course. It's not a popular vote election. But if you have electoral chaos in three or four swing states, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, whatever it may be, and this race hangs up in the air, you are going to see lawsuits out the wazoo. Nobody knows where the wazoo is, but the wazoo exists because everybody talks about a wazoo
Starting point is 00:11:08 all the time. You are going to see lawsuits out of the fictional wazoo. And I'm telling you, the media is going to pile on with Trump's a sore loser, but he didn't lose. We don't have any evidence. He lost. He's a sore loser. It's time to move on.
Starting point is 00:11:24 Sore loser, sour grapes. That's what they called Ellen S's time to move on. Sore loser. Sour grapes. That's what they called Ellen Sourberry. Sour grapes. She won that election. Of course, she didn't win because Paris Glendening took the governorship of Maryland. Despite the fact that the evidence of fraud was everywhere. The media then destroyed her reputation or tried to. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:42 Wonderful. Tried to. Wonderful human being, by the way, to this day. A woman I really adore. It's the let's move on strategy. Get ready for it right now. I'm telling you it's going to happen if this is close. Time to move on.
Starting point is 00:11:57 Totally sour grapes by Trump. You know, someone else ran in an election like that too. And knowing what they were about to do to my reputation, we conceded. Even though to this day, I probably haven't said this on my show, but I'll say it now. I'm convinced we won that election. And that's not personal against John Delaney. I ran for Congress in the Maryland 6th Congressional District. You know, we won that race on Election Day.
Starting point is 00:12:23 By something like 2,300 votes on the election day balloting. We somehow lost that election. It's interesting that we lost that election by one percentage point by, I think it was what, a little over a thousand votes or something like that. And yet five digit number of a five digit number of people in Frederick City, a Democratic enclave, voted in an election who had said in their jury duty forms earlier that they weren't citizens. Knowing the savagery that was about to begin of my reputation if we dared to fight this thing, we moved on thinking we could fight again at a later date. That may have been a mistake even to this day. I'm not sure. Get ready for it.
Starting point is 00:13:07 Just one more quick article, B, but the show notes today, Matt Palumbo. Here's another one, Joe, innocent mistake. Don't worry about it.
Starting point is 00:13:12 Of course, I'll have this one up in the show notes, slash newsletter. If you want to subscribe to my show notes. So in New Jersey, hundreds of New Jersey Republicans receive misprinted ballots, listing only Democrat candidates.
Starting point is 00:13:25 Matt Palumbo, Bongino, DeCamp. Don't worry, Joe. It's just the printing company screwed up. Don't worry. No big deal. All right. All right, Dano. Mistakes never seem to work the other way. I'm sure Democrats, registered Democrats, didn't get Republican ballots. But again, you know,
Starting point is 00:13:43 if we complain, we're all conspiracy theorists. Okay, sure. Folks, Joe had to clean up some of this video pretty bad. Let's move on. The attack in D.C. last night. Again, we had rioters, vandals, and criminals in D.C. Now they were a protester. Okay, protesters don't destroy public property,
Starting point is 00:14:00 ladies and gentlemen. Sorry if you believe that. Wrong show. Go find yourself a true serum somewhere because you need it. You're clearly immune to facts. We had some vandals and criminals get together in D.C. last night, decided it was going to be a good idea to destroy public statues and property again. Thankfully, they were stopped. The president's not having any of that around the White House. It happened on the North Grounds, Lafayette Park, across the street where there's a statue of Andrew Jackson, which the left tried to pull down. As I told you yesterday,
Starting point is 00:14:29 ladies and gentlemen, this is no longer about statues. This is about power and intimidation. This is about violence. This is about power. This is, ladies and gentlemen, they need to subjugate you, the left. They need to shut you up. They'll use their tech tyrant allies to do it. And this is about the pure takeover of power and using power to silence you and shut you down. There are two ways to do it, as I said yesterday. You can take power yourself or you can intimidate those in power. Intimidation is a tool that is the coin of the realm, as I said last night on Hannity. They want to intimidate you, corporate America. Pressure your kids and their schools. This is
Starting point is 00:15:10 what they do. Look at this in the Washington Times. This lunatic, Sean King, known to be a big hoaxer. Sean King, Washington Times story, be in the show notes today. He now, they're moving on. Remember, this was about statues, supposedly, the Confederacy. And it started as a, it allegedly started as, we got to get rid of those Confederate statues. Sean King, big hoaxer out there, far left radical nut job. Sean King says, Jesus images, a form of white supremacy that must go. They should all come down. Douglas Ernst, Washington Times. They should all come down.
Starting point is 00:15:43 Douglas Ernst, Washington Times. Ladies and gentlemen, there is no limiting factor to this psychopathological behavior. It is nihilistic in nature. It is girded towards destruction. And their sole purpose is to intimidate you through power and to gain power over public officials or take power themselves. There's no other explanation for this. Why you would tear down a statue of abolitionists like Matthias Baldwin, Gandhi, and Jesus' iconography and statues, why you would want that torn down, again, speaks to a psychological illness on your behalf or a willingness to
Starting point is 00:16:27 destroy the system as it is and to take power over others. Now, showing you how insane this movement has gotten, they're trying to establish an autonomous zone like they have in Chazistan and Chapistan in Seattle, you know, Chapalvania, whatever it's called. They're trying to establish one of those in front of the White House. And they want to call it, Joe, the BHAs, the Black House Autonomous Zone. Not making, this is not a joke.
Starting point is 00:16:55 I am not messing with you. They want to, if you went to business school, you know what a BHAG is, right? Big, hairy, audacious skull. Not a joke either. In business school, they use that term a lot, a BHAG. Big, hairy, audacious skull not a joke either in business school they use that term a lot of big hairy audacious skulls the big hairy audacious skull of of the radical leftist tattoo statue tearing down vandals is to establish a b has the b hag is the b has the black house autonomous zone in front of the white house president trump was having none of it so of course the vandals and
Starting point is 00:17:22 criminals lost their minds now this is where the movement um totally completely goes off the rails completely i don't even call this a movement they're vandals these people are criminals a lot of this is not legitimate protest trying to destroy public property and attack people so this was supposed to be about black lives right that's how the black lives matter that's how this started this is a fascinating clip which joe had added i can only use 10 seconds because the language is so vulgar here is a white dude with tattoos again the racial thing doesn't matter but this is supposed to be like doesn't matter to us but this is a black lives matter movement right so here's a white dude protester in the video the guy with the tattoos if you want to watch slash bongino he's in the face of a black police officer and Joe had to beep out what he says,
Starting point is 00:18:10 but we'll come back on the other side. But again, white protester who supposedly believes black lives matter in the face of a black police officer. For those of you listening on radio and even through the bleeps, try to discern what this complete lunatic maniac says. Check this out. Now, because this is a family friendly show and we exist on terrestrial radio as well, where there are language standards. The white protester who, who again he's supposed to believe black lives matter he's by by he's foaming if you look at the clip go to slash bongino he's actually foaming from his facial hair it's quite gross there's like a it's disgusting
Starting point is 00:18:57 um the guy probably hasn't showered in a few weeks but he's in the face of a black police officer just doing his job. And he tells one of the officers, tell this B-A-N word, rhymes with switch class N word, tell that. So just to be clear to Black Lives Matter out there this is this is your dude here this is one of your guys this is a he's a protester peaceful in the face you know foaming at the mouth a white guy in the face of a
Starting point is 00:19:38 black police officer calling him a switch class, you get the rest. It's about Confederate statues. Come on. Black lives matter, right? They matter. Not his.
Starting point is 00:19:57 Not the police officer's black life. That's probably a dad. I don't know the man. Never met him in my life. It's probably a dad. Probably got kids as you're foaming and spitting in his face in the middle of the Wuhan virus outbreak. But yeah, don't let black lives matter, right?
Starting point is 00:20:09 Just not his. All right, what do we got next? All right, I want to get this Spygate thing covered yesterday because it's detailed, it's layered, and it's ugly. And basically the takeaway again is you paid for the trump campaign to be spied on which should hit you like a gut punch but you know sadly won't hit the liberals because they don't care because they love the police state and they'll use their tax dollars to spy on their political opponents anytime all right today's show also brought to my friends at brickhouse nutrition i have two of their products here today my personal favorite foundation you know i love foundation i've only
Starting point is 00:20:43 been bragging about this product for the last what i, I don't know, four or five years. Go to slash Dan. Use promo code Dan. Get 15% off today. Check it out. What is Foundation? It's a creatine ATP blend. Listen, creatine's been around a long time, right? We know that. What's special about this? They blended it with ATP, adenosine triphosphate. Listen, we don't need to get into the mechanics of it. All I can tell you is this. What does foundation do? That's me shaking my bottle there.
Starting point is 00:21:11 Foundation makes you look better, feel better, perform better in the gym. I have been using it now for, I don't know, five years. They are my first sponsor. I love them. I gave a bottle of this to my nephew. He drove up from Fort Lauderdale a couple of years ago to get another one. That's how much he loved it. You will perform better in the gym. Don't believe me? Go to the gym, take this stuff for about five days, take down a little, a log in
Starting point is 00:21:35 your, in your workout notebook, how many reps you did, whatever, pushups, searchers, squats, rows, whatever it may be. And then come back five days later, you're going to be like, bam. Then take the mirror test. Look in the mirror, And then come back five days later, you're going to be like, bam, then take the mirror test. Look in the mirror, look in the mirror seven days later. I guarantee you're going to look better. This stuff is the real McCoy. Is it not Paula?
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Starting point is 00:22:18 slash Dan. Okay. So let me get to the Spygate thing, which I teased yesterday, and I'm going to motor through this because I've got some other stuff to get to as well, including some dangerous propaganda from NPR, which you're paying for too. You're not only paying to have the Trump team, totally unintentional segue, by the way, pre-segue, you're paying for NPR, liberal left-wing activists at NPR, national public radio, to gaslight you and lie to you
Starting point is 00:22:45 and to call you a white supremacist, basically. You're also paying for the Trump team to be spied on. So the great Margo Cleveland, we were DMing last night. She's like, ah, that's really nice of you to call me great. She is great. She's terrific. We love you, Margo Cleveland.
Starting point is 00:22:57 Your pieces are fantastic. She has this piece up at the Federalist. It's up in yesterday's show notes. We're going to go through this today. What's inside Grassley's letter demanding more about the deep deep states role in spygate ladies and gentlemen the takeaway from this is stunning remember this guy stefan halper this spy spied on the trump team he tried to interact with george pompadour hey george what do you know about the russians tried to interact with carter page now what was devastating is that this guy wasn't an informant for the FBI.
Starting point is 00:23:25 What's even more devastating is this guy had contracts, as we can see from the first screenshot, had contracts with the Pentagon's Office of Net Assessment, known as ONA.
Starting point is 00:23:34 Halper was also receiving hundreds of thousands of dollars from ONA, including two contracts that spanned the same time period as Crossfire Hurricane, the investigation of Donald Trump. Oh, really?
Starting point is 00:23:45 Oh, really? Oh, really? Fascinating. So Stefan Halper is being paid by the federal government, the Pentagon, to go and spy on the Trump team and the contracts overlap the same time the FBI spying on the Trump team. We got to that yesterday. So let me motor ahead quick because this gets even more interesting. There's some beauteous takeaways from this piece. That's like beautiful
Starting point is 00:24:08 and gorgeous. Beautiful. Yeah. So, here's takeaway number two. You like that? Yeah, I didn't make that up. That was someone in my family said all the time. So, my grandmother. Of interest was Baker's response to Grasley's questions about Halper's relationship with Vyacheslav Trebnikov, a name you know
Starting point is 00:24:23 on this show well. A known Russian intelligence officer. So, Halper, who with Vyacheslav Trebnikov, a name you know on this show well, a known Russian intelligence officer. So Halper, who's spying on the Trump team at the behest of the FBI, and is also being paid by our Pentagon vis-a-vis your tax dollars, he listed a Russian intelligence officer, Trebnikov, as a possible reference for one of the ONA contracts? So Senator Grassley wanted to know a little more about this. And he said to this guy, James Baker, who was running portions of the ONA, said, hey, James, tell me if you're following me here, Joe. So let me just be clear. We got a guy spying on the Trump team, trying to interact with the Trump team at the behest of the FBI. Hey, fellas, what do you know about Russia?
Starting point is 00:25:07 Who's also being paid by the Pentagon. And what's really weird is Senator Grassley, pretty good Republican, who's always on top of these federal law enforcement issues for decades, says, hey, ONA guy, James Baker, who's paying Halpern, can you tell us a little more about those contracts? Because they seem to be running concurrently with the FBI's investigation, which would mean that the Pentagon was paying a spy to spy on the Trump team, right? Weird, strange how that goes, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:35 Also, one more angle on this that Chuck Grassley finds interesting that I do too. He says, hey, listen, this is kind of weird too that the spy, Halper, is claiming that one of his contacts is a Russian, the former head of the Russian SVR, one of their intelligence outfits. Really? That's really strange. I thought you said Trump was colluding with the Russians. So the guy who's claiming Trump's colluding with the Russians and contributing to a dossier that's claiming that and Trump team members are colluding with the Russians, the guy who's claiming that is colluding with a Russian? Nose itching today.
Starting point is 00:26:15 Sorry. You understand what I'm getting? Yes. It's very simple. Yes. Guy paid by taxpayers to spy on a Trump team is citing one of his sources for information. He's a Russian intelligence officer. Now, what's even more fascinating is Christopher Steele. We've always,
Starting point is 00:26:31 by the way, I cover this in my next book extensively, this whole relationship between Halper and Steele and how I think the FBI did this through their handlers. There's a whole chapter on this. It's going to blow your mind. Follow the Money is my book. Please pick it up today on pre-order. Available at Barnes & Noble, anywhere you buy your books online. Check it out today.
Starting point is 00:26:54 Follow the Money. There it is by me, Dan Bongino, coming out. There's a whole chapter on this that I promise you have not heard before. How the FBI hid the connections between Steele and Halper. Now, why would that be important?
Starting point is 00:27:08 Follow me for a moment. And how does Trebnickoff fit in here? Folks, all of us, we've all had a hard time. All of the Spygate researchers out there, we've had a hard time connecting Halper to Christopher Steele. Steele writes the dossier, right? Called the Steele dossier, the pee-pee tape stuff, the collusion stuff. It's important because Steele was the face of the dossier for one reason, because Steele had worked the Russia desk for British Intel. So he was credible, air quotes.
Starting point is 00:27:35 They needed his face on the dossier. I have told you from the start, I don't think Steele wrote the whole dossier. I think Halper had significant input, but we've never been able to make a direct connection. There are tons of secondary and tertiary connections. One of them, which I go into detail in my book, do these FBI handlers that appear to know each other, the handler for Steele and the handler for Halper, they seem to know each other and have worked together. But the direct connection between Halper and Steele has been tough. but the direct connection between Halper and Steele has been tough understand why it matters they've told us the whole time that this credible guy who was a British intel guy Christopher Steele worked the Russian decks he wrote that therefore he's
Starting point is 00:28:14 credible and we should all believe the PP tape and the PP dossier stuff but what if a guy who is being paid by taxpayers who's already cited that he's colluding with Russian intelligence what if he wrote a lot of it Trebnick off's the connection look at this handwritten note paid by taxpayers, who's already cited that he's colluding with Russian intelligence. What if he wrote a lot of it? Trebnickoff's the connection. Look at this handwritten note. This is important. I've used this often.
Starting point is 00:28:36 Christopher Steele goes in and talks to Kathleen Kavalec of the State Department just 10 days before they write up the FISA warrant. Look at this right here. These are her handwritten notes. Christopher Steele cites as one of his sources. Look at that right there. Trebnickoff. Trebnickoff, ladies and gentlemen, is Halper's contact. It's not Steele's. Which begs the obvious question, who wrote the damn dossier? Did Halper write significant
Starting point is 00:28:58 portions of it or give Steele the information? And Steele just was the one who put it down on paper? That's important because the Democrats have told us the whole time, no, no, the information was credible. This Russian desk guy, Steele wrote it. Ladies and gentlemen, that was not just meant to give it an air of a patina of credibility. It was also meant to block you from seeing what was behind the curtain, which is that you paid for this stuff. Think about it. Steele was paid by Hillary. That's bad enough. But once that came out, the Democrats were willing to take a bath on it. Okay, we paid to have the Trump team spied on vis-a-vis Christopher Steele. Hillary paid. That's really bad. My bad. Nelson Muntz time.
Starting point is 00:29:43 You know what's even worse? If we found out that the reality of the situation was that that information actually came from Halper, who was paid for by you, by taxpayer dollars through the Pentagon. Now we have this connection through Trubnikov. Steele's saying Trubnikov's the source. It's not his source. It's Halper's source. Steele's got toubnikov's the source. It's not his source. It's Halper's source. Steele's got to be getting this from Halper. There's no other way.
Starting point is 00:30:10 This gets better, this piece by Margot Cleveland. What's fascinating here is the guy who runs the ONA, the Office of Net Assessment, this guy James Baker, he responds to Senator Grassley, who's interested in these contracts. Like, we're paying this guy Halpern to spy on the Trish? Seems awfully weird, man. So Baker writes back that, quote, well, Professor Halpern did not disclose any relationship with
Starting point is 00:30:32 Trebnickoff to any ONA official, to the best of our knowledge. We are not aware of any purported relationship, the letter continued. And therefore, we cannot judge to what impact it may have had on a single written report. Wow, that's fascinating. Because Trebnickoff's relationship with Halper was open source information, folks. Halper, who teaches at Cambridge over in the UK, had already invited Trebnickoff. They were buddies to teach at their symposium there. This was public information.
Starting point is 00:31:10 So you're telling me the Pentagon's office of net assessments is supposedly supposedly dealing with these high level spies. Couldn't do a basic internet search. I'm confused. Somehow you missed this relationship with Trebnick off. Despite the fact, if you Googled and put in the internet, Trebnickoff, Halper,
Starting point is 00:31:29 you could have seen that they talked together at Cambridge. That one guest lectured, you came back and forth, you missed all that? The whole internet search thing escapes you? Well, what makes that point even more embarrassing for the discredited fbi remember the takeaway you paid for halper to spy on you you paid not just hillary you it's hillary paid for steel steel's working with halper getting his information from a russian and halper is being paid to get this information from this Russian by you, by your tax dollars.
Starting point is 00:32:06 Making the matters a thousand times worse is, Joe, what was Mike Flynn investigated for? That's right. Contact with Russians. So just to be head scratcher again here, folks. So just to be clear, Mike Flynn, who's investigated for probably close to two years, General Flynn, they find, quote, no derogatory information at all on Flynn to the point they're
Starting point is 00:32:31 going to close the case in January before Comey intervenes, is only investigated for secondary and tertiary contacts with Russians that have nothing to do with any breach of national security whatsoever. Yet we have a spy who admits to colluding with a Russian and is paid to do it. And yet that's used as the impetus to investigate Mike Flynn for contacts with Russians have nothing to do with anything. Let's go to the next takeaway from Margot cleveland's piece this is in the show notes from yesterday again please check it out slash newsletter the ona contract awarded to halper also raised the second issue for grasley concerning concerning whether halper here we go here's the money shot folks had used any taxpayer money provided by the department
Starting point is 00:33:21 of defense to recruit or attempt to recruit sources for the FBI investigation into the now debunked theory of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. Yes. Yes. That, my friends, is the question I have been asking on this show for eons.
Starting point is 00:33:42 It's not that Hillary paid for the dossier. It's that you did. They are making matters even worse. When someone in the Office of Net Assessments smelled a rat, notably a man by the name of Adam Lovinger, who knew Mike Flynn, thought, are we paying this guy to spy on the Trump team? This seems kind of weird.
Starting point is 00:34:07 But what happened to Lovinger? Well, as we can see from this Washington Times article by Rowan Scarborough, it's an older one, but it's still worth your time. 2019. Loose contracting practices at the Pentagon office wasted millions. Whistleblower punished. He was. What was he punished for?
Starting point is 00:34:25 Let's check this out. So Stefan Halper, the professor who became an FBI informant to spy on the Trump campaign, failed to document the research he did as a contractor
Starting point is 00:34:35 on four Pentagon studies worth a million dollars an investigation found. The DOD Inspector General Report exposes these loose contracting practices at ONA. The same kinds of problems reported by analyst Adam Lovinger, who was later accused of mishandling sensitive data and has been suspended without pay. I thought we loved whistleblowers.
Starting point is 00:34:57 Apparently not when they blow the whistle on the selective targeting of Trump campaign officials by Stefan Halper, a paid Pentagon and FBI spy. It's also interesting is this guy, James Baker, who headed ONA, is also known to be a friend to David Ignatius of the Washington Post. Yes, yes, the same guy who happened to leak in February the conversation between Mike Flynn and the Russian ambassador Kislyak, which was used as an impetus to then prosecute Mike Flynn. I'm sure the relationships there are all just cozy. No worries. Big coincidences all around. All right. I've got a lot more to get to. Loaded show today. But I can't emphasize to you enough what Margot Cleveland's onto there and how important that is. It's not that steel produced the
Starting point is 00:35:45 dossier paid for by hillary that's bad enough to then spy on trump it's that you paid for it i can't say this enough that's the scandal i've been hammering home for months if not a year now pick up my book you'll see the chapter how they made the connection with the fbi guys too it's a little long for today i want to get to npr and some other stuff let me get in time all right we're good all right let me get to my final sponsor so i can get through the rest of our content because it's a loaded show and there's a lot going on and i feel like we are on the front lines of a very serious fight right now seriously ladies and gentlemen shields high right now everybody's got to be ready for what's coming all right our final sponsor today is our friends over at keeps keeps
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Starting point is 00:37:59 Get that hair. Save it today. slash Bongino. Okay. Hair, save it today. slash Bungie. Okay. Now, the media, of course, is enjoying sowing racial animus in the country because it really leads to better bottom lines.
Starting point is 00:38:13 The more pieces you can write calling everyone in America, you don't agree with a white supremacist, a Nazi, and other things. They don't really care. You know, can I, may I take a point of personal privilege here? I'm sorry. Again, the personal stories sometimes matter. Some of you don't like them. Some of you do. really can you know can i may i take a point of personal privilege here i'm sorry i i again the personal stories sometimes matter some of you don't like them some of you do but it's so last night getting ready to hit the sack it had been a long day i just finished hannity i think paula
Starting point is 00:38:33 was brushing her teeth or whatever and she's like you know these people are amazing what were we actually so you remember what we were talking about it was something about oh the protests how the media how the media during the protest the the George Floyd protest, didn't care at all about the virus, as if the virus cares about what kind of protest. The virus doesn't care. It's not even alive. It doesn't think, okay? But we were saying how we had predicted that the media would celebrate the George Floyd protest because they think there's a political advantage in it for them. And yet when Trump had a rally rally they would attack them saying this is deadly for people who show and we predicted it and it doesn't matter like the media doesn't care
Starting point is 00:39:11 so i was trying to explain to paula because she was genuinely upset last night that the media is always lying and nobody calls them out and she's like i don't get it like are they even embarrassed and i'm like no they're not embarrassed. It was something CNN had done too. She was asking me, honestly, she's like, aren't they like horrified? Oh, I remember you had asked me about the wall. Yes, the wall. So CNN, which of course did months of pieces on how walls don't work.
Starting point is 00:39:35 Remember that Joe? Walls, border walls, they don't work. That's old technology. So is fire and the wheel and the inclined plane, the pendulum. Those are all old technologies technologies too but we still use those you know electricity's an old technology too joe do you know that didn't happen yesterday we still use that still works pretty good the whole wheel thing the wheels on the bus go around that's old technology cnn for months rampy walls is stupid walls don't work oh it's old stuff old technology you're all idiots so cnn built a wall around its
Starting point is 00:40:13 headquarters in atlanta i'm not kidding not a joke you can check out the pictures on twitter so paula's like aren't they embarrassed i'm like no they're not embarrassed i'm sorry i'm like i really i deeply care about you miss Ms. Paula. But why are you pretending these people have any dignity? They don't care. If on my show, I spent months telling you walls didn't work, I would be then embarrassed to build a wall around my house. Of course, I said walls do work, so I wouldn't be embarrassed at all. But I would, I would be horrified if I had a backtrack. They don't care. They are just outwardly lying. If they're forced to retract or put an editor's note in, they will,
Starting point is 00:40:55 but they don't care. Why? Because by the time they write a dumb story and get it out there, it'll travel around the ecosystem of ideas and people will believe it's true. And then when they retract or put an editor's note in days later, nobody will see it. They don't care. They're not embarrassed. These people are enemies of truth. They don't care. We're in like the walking dead right now, where you can argue with them all you want. They are attacking the truth. They don't care. You can't fight back with facts. There are no facts that are going to bother them. You think I'm making this up? How genuinely awful these people are?
Starting point is 00:41:33 Not only did you pay for this Trump team to be spotted, you paid NPR for this garbage. Look at this tweet. This is a real tweet, by the way. We're not messing with you. From NPR, which your taxpayer dollars finance. real tweet by the way we're not messing with you from npr which your taxpayer dollars finance at npr right-wing extremists are turning cars into weapons with reports of at least 50 vehicle ramming incidents since the protests erupted nationwide in late may and look at the picture they use yeah some of you on the youtube are figuring this out. Where's that picture from? Oh, Charlottesville.
Starting point is 00:42:10 Where a lunatic ran over that woman and killed her. Folks, this is gross. This is absolutely gross. Gross. So just to be clear, what NPR is suggesting, they're trying to aggravate racial animus because they profit from it NPR and I don't mean profit necessarily bottom line they get
Starting point is 00:42:32 eyeballs and their ideology wins the day so they inflame a hostile situation what they're referring to and the original photo they used was a photo in Louisville where a woman was cornered by violent,
Starting point is 00:42:50 raging criminals while in her car. One of them who allegedly had a firearm. In her effort to get away, she hit one of these protesters to save her life. That was the picture they used originally. And when they got busted using that, they put up the picture of Charlottesville to inflame an already hostile situation. You don't believe me? Here's a from This is the headline. These people are lunatics. Vehicle attacks rise as extremists target protesters. Do you believe this? Violent, violent extremist rioters are surrounding people's cars attacking them damaging their property as they try to get away to save themselves from assault or potential death if they happen to hit a protester the absolute lunatic maniacs at npr are describing you
Starting point is 00:43:41 as the violent extremist. What's their evidence? That these are extremists in the cars trying to save their lives? Their evidence is that there are 50 plus incidents of people trying to escape violent rioters. So Joe, if there were 50 incidents, they were all white supremacists. I would guess, right. That's NPR's premise, right? Probably. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:07 Violent. Yeah. Joe violent. Yeah. Right wing extremists are running people over. Yeah. Yeah. I'm afraid so.
Starting point is 00:44:14 it's interesting when you dig into the article, you find out, I have an article about the Federalist about this. If you actually dig into the data, that in 32 of those 50 incidents, the driver wasn't even charged. Well, why wouldn't the driver be charged?
Starting point is 00:44:28 Maybe because they were being attacked by lunatics. I'm just saying, I'm just saying what we also find out is of these 50 incidents. Again, we're 32 where no one was even charged because they were trying to get away from people attacking them. But NPR tells us, they're not embarrassed byPR tells the story.
Starting point is 00:44:47 They're not embarrassed by telling you the story backwards at all, by the way. I don't expect this to change NPR even one bit. Out of those 50, clearly, what, 48 of them were radical white supremacists. There was one incident where this individual had a connection to some, what they call extremist group. One. So remember, Joe, Where this individual had a connection to some, what they call extremist group one. So remember Joe, there is a mass outbreak of violent white supremacists running down people in America of which they can document one,
Starting point is 00:45:17 one, one, one, one incident. Oh, they're 49 short, you know, of course. Jeez. you know well said joe what do you know they're 49 short they don't even have a majority they don't have a plurality they don't have anything they have one but again npr so what npr wants you to do just to be clear is if you are
Starting point is 00:45:42 attacked by violent criminal rioters who attempt to pull you and your kids out of your car, damage or destroy your property, just sit there and take it, according to NPR. Don't you worry whatsoever. Speaking of media, complete lunatics. So, you know, you ever heard of this 1619 project? If you haven't, good for you because it's a total hoax. It's one of these New York Times-led projects. And a woman who's been involved in it, I believe her name is Hannah Jones, they write for this project.
Starting point is 00:46:18 And it's basically America's horrible, you all stink, it's a terrible country, and you all suck. That's the 1619. But it was just no surprise it comes from the New York Times. But one of the people pushing the 1619 Project and involved with it,
Starting point is 00:46:31 this is an article by Legal Insurrection, be up in the show notes. It's interesting, on Twitter, got caught pushing a absolutely insane conspiracy theory on Twitter.
Starting point is 00:46:40 Did you hear this story? Legal Insurrection, 1619 Project lead writer pushes conspiracy theory about fireworks in New York. Get a load of this. This is not a joke. This is the New York Times
Starting point is 00:46:53 and their history project. 1619, one of their lead writers, saying the government handed out fireworks to minority communities. You know, there's fireworks been going off in the street in some of these liberal cities.
Starting point is 00:47:03 To get the minority community used to the sound of firecrackers and other fireworks so that when they start using the real artillery on the minority community they won't know the difference sorry a little bit of allergies today. This is like... This is your history project, lead writer? That the government in minority communities is giving out fireworks to minorities to have them shoot them off so when the government attacks them with the real artillery,
Starting point is 00:47:46 they will be deconditioned to the response. I don't even, I, that's so dumb that even in today's environment where, you know, any, I mean, any conspiracy theory from the left really, you know, like mass white supremacist vehicle attacks are going on all over the United States where you'll say anything, even that one. How is the New York Times not fired? The woman who put this out there for just really over sheer embarrassment alone.
Starting point is 00:48:21 Can I ask you one question too on this? Just kind of common sense. I can't believe we're even entertaining this stupidity. If the government was planning to roll artillery into minority communities to shell like the Bronx or Eastern New York, Brooklyn, where I worked as a police officer, you think someone might notice that?
Starting point is 00:48:41 I'm just checking Joe, you know, how it's yours and stuff. You think that might elicit a little media response? Maybe they're, hey, guys, there's some howitzers on the Bell Parkway looking out towards Starrett City. That's strange. Yeah, peak of interest.
Starting point is 00:48:56 Yeah. Yeah, yeah, a little bit, right? A little bit, maybe. I'm just asking. Mortars and stuff, they're trying to you may be like scratching this was really put out there by a woman involved with a history project with the new york times one that by the way some schools want to teach in schools that the government is preparing to shell people with artillery in minority communities
Starting point is 00:49:24 two pager today artillery in minority communities. Two pager today. We're actually getting the second page. Paula didn't think we were going to get there. Did you even load these images? Cause you didn't think it, did you? You didn't, you know, you didn't think I was getting there. I know you didn't you know you didn't think i was getting there i know you didn't all right daily mail showing you again the insanity we're living in today daily mail article out there i'm gonna put
Starting point is 00:49:54 this one joe keep that headline up if you don't mind under the headline why destroying burning down looting and rampaging your own neighborhood is probably not a good idea. Okay. All right. Paula sent this one to me yesterday. She doesn't do this often, but yeah, I'm just saying. I mean, call me crazy, Joe. I know logic and reason went out the window a long time ago.
Starting point is 00:50:14 But being that you probably shop and do dry cleaning, buy your food in your own neighborhood, why you would burn those stores to the ground seems kind of self-defeating. But I know, again, I'm just a stupid former cop and federal agent. I don't know anything. What does Joe know? He's an audio engineer. Morons we are. Burn our own food stores. So the Daily Mail has this interesting piece. It'll be up in the show notes. So, you know, Valentino,
Starting point is 00:50:36 it's a high-end, I think, clothing producer. I don't know. I don't shop there, but whatevs. Valentino sues to terminate its lease on Manhattan's Fifth Avenue because it's no longer a luxury destination quote after the coronavirus lockdown and stores were boarded up during looting just throwing this out there as a cautionary tale folks maybe not a good idea to burn your own neighborhoods down
Starting point is 00:51:01 I'm just saying neighborhoods, food, clothing, that kind of stuff. Just throwing that out there. By the way, in that story, if you read it, they're not the only ones. Was it J. Crew and others that are looking to basically evacuate Fifth Avenue in Manhattan? More fake news so you know the southern district of new york the uh united states attorney up there jeff berman who was fired by president trump over the weekend which he's allowed to do by the way he is still the president united states just so you understand how this works you know how this works,
Starting point is 00:51:47 you know how in your local town or city you have a DA, a district attorney, and the district attorney have assistant district attorneys, ADAs that work for them? They prosecute all the crimes. Police officers and federal agents don't prosecute anything. They arrest and investigate.
Starting point is 00:52:00 We don't prosecute anyone. That's done by attorneys for the government. Forgive me. I'm not saying this in any kind of condescending fashion, but some people may not know how the government system works. When I was a cop, you'd go to an ADA, Assistant District Attorney, and they would prosecute the case for you.
Starting point is 00:52:18 As a federal agent, we would go to AUSA. Have you ever heard that term? AUSA. It stands for Assistant United States Attorney. They all work for either a DA or a United States Attorney for every specific area. When I was a federal agent in New York, there were two areas we would go to. If we made an arrest in Manhattan, it would go to the Southern District of New York. If we made an arrest on Long Island or Brooklyn, it went to the Eastern District of New York,
Starting point is 00:52:40 EDNY. The Southern District of New York has always had a reputation for doing their own thing. It was once led by the great Rudy Giuliani, by the way. It has since gone far left, many of them. It's now being led by Jeffrey Berman. Jeffrey Berman was fired this weekend by President Trump, totally within his authority. And all kinds of conspiracy theories are abound that, my gosh, he must have been looking into the trump team which is nonsense not that he was looking into the trump team or trump associates he may very well have been their evidence there's a lot of evidence that he is those investigations will not stop no matter
Starting point is 00:53:14 what president trump does so that's a false hoax story but john solomon has a great piece up in the show notes that jeffrey berman may not be the shining white knight everybody thinks he is. Here to save the day, another victim of President Trump's awful conspiracies. Check this out, Fired New York prosecutor was given the Biden-Ukraine allegations in 2018, but didn't follow up. Email show, John Solomon, June 22nd, 2020. Email show, John Solomon, June 22nd, 2020. Really? Interesting little note from the piece, but Jeff Berman, who seems to care more about President Trump and Rudy Giuliani and investigating what kind of bathrobes they wear at night
Starting point is 00:53:56 than actually doing the real work of looking in to what Joe Biden did. So here's Jeff Berman from John Solomon's piece. In addition, Burisma, you know, the company Hunter Biden worked for, Joe Biden did. So here's Jeff Berman from John Solomon's piece. In addition, Burisma, you know, the company Hunter Biden worked for, Joe Biden's kid, their U.S. representatives were lobbying the State Department of Washington and U.S. Embassy in Kiev, seeking to make corruption allegations go away. State memos released under FOIA law show. They talk about these allegations here that were sent to Berman, that not only was Lutsenko, the prosecutor, fired, but that there were other people, Marie Yovanovitch, Biden, and John Kerry, who were already drawing conclusions about who the bad guys and the good guys were
Starting point is 00:54:32 in an email written to Berman himself who made this all go away. So let me sum this up for you to make it simple to understand. It's right at the end of the show. So a lawyer wrote to Jeffrey Berman, who was a former United States attorney himself, wrote to Berman, the guy who was fired, and said, hey, listen, we got serious allegations coming from Ukraine that the black ledger used to prosecute Paul Manafort
Starting point is 00:54:55 was in fact false. It's not, it's a hoax. And that pressure was being applied by U.S. officials over here to determine who the good guys and bad guys were without an investigation. And also Burisma and this investigation into Hunter Biden's kids company to make that go away. And what did Berman do? Here's what Berman did.
Starting point is 00:55:15 Hands under caboose, sat on him and did absolutely nothing. Did that factor into his dismissal? I don't know. did that factor into his dismissal? I don't know. But maybe people should start asking Jeff Berman those kinds of questions, which they won't because they're media people and they don't care. Frustrating. All right, let me get to my final story of the day.
Starting point is 00:55:41 I warned you. I hoped again, like when we opened the show, that what I'm predicting about the 2020 election, I hope it's not true. But I warned you also about the de-policing in neighborhoods. I got an email from a friend. I'm not going to say who, obviously, but an email from a friend yesterday asking me, damn, what's really going on in these communities that are seeing murder rates and crime rates skyrocket through the roof? You can see this article at Red State. It'll be up at the show notes as well. Check it out. Murder rates skyrocket as police are pulled back. The numbers are stunning.
Starting point is 00:56:15 What's happening, ladies and gentlemen? Listen, I'm just going to give you the scoop in the inside baseball. Whether you agree or disagree with it is entirely up to you. The facts matter though. What I'm hearing from my police officer friends on the ground, a couple of things. The criminals in the street carrying guns know they'll no longer be frisked. In other words, let's say you had a public nuisance complaint or something, some drinking in the street, drinking in public. Again, I'm not going to get into whether you agree this stuff should be criminal or not. I'm trying to explain to you why crime rates, there's an actual reason they're going up. In the past, the way it would work
Starting point is 00:56:52 under aggressive policing, and aggressive, I mean under broken windows. I don't mean aggressive physically, but active policing of neighborhoods. You'd get a call if you're on a footpost. They'd say, hey, listen, there's a couple of guys on my corner drinking in public. One looks drunk. He's peeing in the street, whatever it be you know 9-1-1 can you come out here and send someone it's you know it's two o'clock in the morning you'd go out there and if you were on the scene and you were talking to someone for id you were allowed to engage in a pat down not a full frip but a pat down a lungeable kind of grabbable area so you don't get shot well what would happen on those 911 calls often?
Starting point is 00:57:27 Well, what would happen is you would find the firearm. Well, ladies and gentlemen, criminals aren't stupid. They're not. They figure that out. So when they were hanging out on the corner and they were drinking or doing their thing late at night, harassing people walking by, what would they do with the gun? They'd put it in a paper bag. They'd drop the paper bag on the floor somewhere.
Starting point is 00:57:50 Well, why would you do that? Well, in case they got another rival gang or whatever it is, a drug gang came up and tried to attack them, they can go grab the paper bag. But if they got what we would call tossed, frisked, whatever it was, they have tons of different words, frisked, pat down, whatever it may be, you wouldn't find anything. tossed, frisked, whatever it was. They have tons of different words. Frisked, pat down, whatever it may be. You wouldn't find anything. And they would say,
Starting point is 00:58:11 if you did happen to kick the bag and see the gun, that's not mine. I don't know how that got there. There's no way to pin it on him. You didn't know that? Well, you know, most people, most of the commentators on TV who were never cops and pretend to know everything about policing don't know that either
Starting point is 00:58:23 because they never spent a day in the streets. I was there. I saw it. And smart cops knew to search around the area, not just the bad guy. Because listen, if it's abandoned property, the gun, then it's ours. We're going to take it. We're going to voucher it. And we got a gun off the street. May not be able to arrest you for it, but it's off the street that night. Illegal guns, of course. And even if it is legal, you're not going to leave it on the street in a paper bag. You may say, well, what does that have to do with what's going on now? None of that's happening.
Starting point is 00:58:52 None of it. If they're not called specifically to a 911 call, they are not responding. They are not responding on any voluntary basis. If they're called to pull over a vehicle, they pull them over, look at the license, have a nice day. They're not asking people to come out. They're not engaging in these pat downs. Matter of fact,
Starting point is 00:59:09 if they have to respond to one of these calls, this is all, I'm just telling you what I'm hearing. They're driving up. Hey guys, you're hanging out in a corner drinking. They're usually like, the criminals usually like,
Starting point is 00:59:17 hey, screw you, whatever. They're like, okay, have a good day. What happens an hour later? Guy gets in a beef,
Starting point is 00:59:24 shoots the dude next to him, whatever. There's a reason this is happening. The murder rate in New York City is up 358% from the same week last year. You think it's just a statistical anomaly? Or as Juan told me yesterday on the five, the summer and it's just heating up? What kind of animalistic interpretation is that? We're all a bunch of savages. It gets hot. We're all killing each other. That's not what happens. That's not at all what happens. That's an old wives' tale. Hot weather encourages people to act like animals. No, that's not what's happening at all. Criminals respond to incentives. When they thought they'd get patted down in the street
Starting point is 01:00:05 because they were causing a public nuisance or whatever it may be, they wouldn't carry their guns. When they know they won't be patted down, they carry their guns. It's as simple as that. Of course, you're not going to hear that from commentators on TV because most of them, whenever cops have no idea what they're talking about. Just saying, folks, whether you think any of that's right or wrong it's entirely up to you but those are the facts all right thanks again for tuning in i really appreciate it again now please pick up my books available for pre-order now it's called follow the money i really appreciate it we put a lot of work into it and i think the chapter there's also a chapter on biden and uh
Starting point is 01:00:41 the fake whistleblower that that is going to make a connection you haven't heard before either. But the chapter on how Halpern and Steele is connected, it's pretty interesting. The Steve Soma chapter. You're going to love that. Name check. I haven't heard that name.
Starting point is 01:00:53 Read the book. You'll get it. Follow the money available now for pre-order. Thanks a lot for picking it up. I really appreciate it. All right, folks. I will talk to you all tomorrow. You just heard Dan Bongino.

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