The Dan Bongino Show - Big Changes Are Coming (Ep 1676)

Episode Date: January 4, 2022

Big changes are coming. Big tech’s war on free speech is finally coming back to haunt them. In this episode, I address the latest breaking news about this critical fight.  News Picks: The exodus ...from the big tech tyrants is picking up steam.  Senator Schumer is threatening to blow up the Senate rules to pass radical voting laws.  Six data-points that blow up the prevailing COVID narratives. There’s growing pushback against the ridiculous term “LatinX.”  ABC lib gets instantly fact-checked about election claims. Teacher’s unions are preparing to screw over your kids again.  Copyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an ad for BetterHelp. Welcome to the world. Please, read your personal owner's manual thoroughly. In it, you'll find simple instructions for how to interact with your fellow human beings and how to find happiness and peace of mind. Thank you, and have a nice life. Unfortunately, life doesn't come with an owner's manual. That's why there's BetterHelp Online Therapy. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more. That's Get ready to hear the truth about America on a show that's not immune to the facts with your host, Dan Bongino. You know, yesterday I had said during my radio show, during the podcast, how awful the Matrix Resurrections movie was.
Starting point is 00:00:48 And it was awful. But I just want to give a quick shout out to Keanu Reeves, who was in the movie. Seriously. I found out yesterday he donated 70% of his salary from the movie. 70, not 7, to cancer research. So, listen, the movie was pretty awful i think my review speaks for itself but that's why i said you know everybody should be banned uh from ever making a movie again i was joking of course i'm not a leftist for doing that but not keanu good
Starting point is 00:01:16 man we appreciate that all right i got a lot to talk about today um including a tweet that's that really summarizes what i told you yesterday, how with the big tech war and this parallel economy conservatives are building out there away from the liberal nuts, how they ignored us forever, didn't take us seriously, and now we're creeping up behind them with Rumble, and you're seeing all these alternative platforms, Truth Social, and they're terrified about what's going to happen. If you're in the market for a rifle, shotgun, or revolver, you want to go with the best in the business. And as far as I'm concerned, that's Henry Repeating Arms.
Starting point is 00:01:48 You'll be amazed by their quality craftsmanship and buttery smooth action that makes them a pleasure to shoot. Mine were accurate right out of the box, and they've been reliable ever since. The best way to learn about Henry Repeating Arms 200 models is to go to and order their free catalog. The catalog's a great guide to showcasing their Made in America firearms, plus you'll get free decals, a list of dealers in your area, and a great newsletter. Thank you. Make sure you go to to order their free catalog and decals. That's
Starting point is 00:02:27 to order a free catalog and decals and to learn more about this great American company. All right, Joe. Let's go, daddy-o. Let's go, Danny-o. Feels good. Ow! Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:38 Missed that a little bit. Missed that over the holidays. Big numbers yesterday on the podcast. Big, big, big. Thank you. So right before I came on, during yesterday's show, which went nuclear first, I was discussing this growing, massive big tech war against us and free speech and how it was never going
Starting point is 00:02:55 to last and how what the left and their big tech ass kissing buddies and corporate big tech thought, oh, don't worry. We're going to stomp on these idiots. We're going to putomp on these idiots. We're going to put our boots on their necks. We're going to ban them from Twitter, ban their videos from YouTube, and that'll do the job. These moron dipwads couldn't figure out the fact
Starting point is 00:03:15 that the beach ball effect always works with free speech. Speech will always, always find a way. Always. Just ask the Poles and the Solidarity movement when the Soviet Union tried to crush them. Free speech will always find a way. And a bunch of conservative, free speech-oriented entrepreneurs, myself included, have figured out a way. We're just going to rebuild the whole pipes of the internet now i told you yesterday during the show after that new yorker profile on me where they're clearly
Starting point is 00:03:49 terrified of what i'm doing to rebuild the internet that the reason they're now scared is because they ignored us forever they thought we would go away i'm not kidding folks they thought we were too stupid we were a bunch ofes. Us conservatives and libertarians would never figure out a way to get our videos and tweets and micro blogs out there. We would always have to go through Twitter. Well, that's because they're stupid, not because we're stupid. So right before I get on the air, I'm not kidding. I see this on Twitter this morning. Perfect. She goes, hey, an acquaintance of mine keeps suggesting that I look up this So I did. I dismissed these hate mongers in general, but I was wrong to dismiss them. And she cites the article in the New Yorker.
Starting point is 00:04:43 Proving my point again. They thought we'd go away because they thought we were stupid. They thought we wouldn't figure out a way. Well, miscalculating your enemy is one of the great strategic mistakes you'll ever make. Keep that in mind. We're going to get to more of that in a second. First, a little bit of comic relief to open this show. This is one of those LOL moments. And again, the theme of today's show is they're not hiding anymore. Well, Fauci tried to hide something on this. Here's Fauci yesterday. He accidentally, Dr. Anthony Fauci, stunningly, Joe, Dr. Fauci told the truth for once and
Starting point is 00:05:16 then hides it and tries to correct himself immediately. Listen to him talking about this partnership or whatever with the Chinese. You'll see what I mean in a second. Check this out. COVID-1 clearly originated in China, and we were fortunate to escape a major pandemic. So we really had to learn a lot more about the viruses that were there, about whether or not people were getting infected with bad viruses. So in a very minor collaboration, as part of a subcontract of a grant, we had a collaboration with some Chinese scientists. And what he conflated that is that therefore we were involved in creating the virus, which
Starting point is 00:05:59 is the most ridiculous, majestic leap I've ever heard of. That's definitely a mutt, man. I mean, seriously of. That's definitely a mutley. I mean, serious. We haven't had one. It's been a little bit of a break. So it has been a false break in the mutleys because we hadn't been live last week due to the vacation.
Starting point is 00:06:16 We had some tape shows. Yes, that was definitely a mutley. There you go. Fauci accidentally tells the truth for once and then corrects himself so he can go back and tell an untruth. We had a collaboration with the Chinese commun I mean Chinese part moving on moving on I get serious stuff I just sometimes I gotta open up the show with one of the Fauci is himself again the theme of today's show they're not hiding anymore okay um if we don't understand
Starting point is 00:06:40 the terrain features of the battle ahead we're never never going to win. It's one of the, I mean, one of the, I think about this all the time. Like when my last line of work, right? We would never walk the president down a hallway into a hotel, a restaurant, or a building if we didn't understand what the terrain ahead looked like. What does the stairwell look like? Is there a hard room? Are there any windows we need to secure? Are there any doors along the hallway where someone could be hiding behind in a
Starting point is 00:07:10 room? Folks, you never want to walk into or onto a battlefield, ideological or sadly, if it's a hot war, whatever it is, without understanding the terrain you're walking into. The Democrats are not hiding anymore. They're showing us the terrain. They're showing us where they're attacking. They're showing us as you walk down this hallway, we're going to come from here, here, and here. And oddly, there are some people, not you all in the audience, but some out there like the dispatch and the bulwark and these dip wads. Some of them even at the wall street journal, these, you know, right. It's like Gerard Baker, right? He's not, he's a nice guy. I mean, he writes decent pieces, but they still don't understand the left is telling us
Starting point is 00:07:48 what they're going to do. Here's what I mean. Here's representative Jayapal, one of the most radical far left socialists in Congress, a disgraceful human being on every front. Jayapal talking about the banning of Marjorie Taylor Greene, a colleague of her, a Republican, a very popular Republican member of Congress, from Twitter. Something that happens in third world countries, that happens in fascism all the time. Jayapal, you know, again, you would think would be a little delicate explaining it. No, she doesn't care at all. They are taking, they're telling you, we are attacking from here.
Starting point is 00:08:30 Go ahead, do are taking that. They're telling you we are attacking from here. Go ahead. Do something about it. And some in the Republican Party, the swampy types are still ignoring it. Here's Representative Jayapal yesterday saying, no, listen, this should have happened sooner. And really, we should double down on attacking Facebook and Twitter. Make sure they ban more people here. Check this out. It's no secret that our social media companies have been part of their algorithms promoting disinformation. And I think that these steps are important, but frankly, a little too little and a little too late. The reality is it's not just Marjorie Taylor Greene all over Twitter, social media, Facebook. All of these companies have been using algorithms that are just about clickbait, not about truth. They're not hiding. They're like, you guys are going to come down this hallway. We're hiding in this room right here, getting ready to attack.
Starting point is 00:09:18 And there are some Republicans like, no, no, they're just kidding. Just walk by the room. They're not going to do anything. They're telling you what they're doing. They're telling you. I bring it up just so you understand. I shouldn't bring things up without giving you kind of some inside baseball as to what's going on in my melon because I don't want to feel like
Starting point is 00:09:34 I'm throwing the curveball at you here. I was reading an article yesterday by Gerard Baker at the Wall Street Journal. I like, he writes decent stuff. I mean, I don't know him personally, but I like his stuff. But again, he's one of these guys that's really convinced that we're going to return to robert's rules of order sometime soon and that the democrats are just going to leave him alone
Starting point is 00:09:51 leave us alone if we win in the battlefield of ideas that's not the battlefield we're fighting on you're fighting the wrong battle there's nobody there you're like charge and there's nobody there you're like charging an empty forest and your sword you're cracking the trees there's nobody there you're like charging an empty forest and your sword you're cracking the trees there's nobody there gerard baker in the piece was like well you know it's not about owning the libs you don't understand what that means yes it's kind of a funny expression owning the libs but it's really not it's more about understanding what the terrain features in the battle ahead is. You're on the wrong foot. These people don't care about you arguing marginal tax rates.
Starting point is 00:10:31 They want you wiped out. Jayapal's telling you it is about owning the libs. Yeah, again, the expression's kind of comical and meant to be funny. But it's really not. This is an existential fight for free speech and freedom. If you don't understand that, then I'm really sorry, but you're a liability too. You really think they want to argue about marginal tax rates? You have a member of Congress right here in what's supposed to be a free, open, constitutional republic, saying
Starting point is 00:11:06 that not only is it great that we're banning people from public discourse who are elected members of Congress, not only is it great, we should be doing it more. We should be doing it more. Like, oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. It's definitely not about owning the libs. I promise
Starting point is 00:11:22 you, for them, it's about owning the cons. Oh, I promise you, it's about owning the cons. You better wake up, man, and understand the new rules right quick. Don't ever forget the Dennis Green rule, the old football coach of the Arizona Cardinals. Remember that? They are who we thought they were. Jim, pull that for me for the radio today, if you wouldn't mind.
Starting point is 00:11:43 They are who we thought they were. The left is exactly who we think they were. Jim, pull that for me for the radio today, if you wouldn't mind. They are who we thought they were. The left is exactly who we think they are. Exactly. Stop pretending there's something else. I just want to argue an idea. They don't. But folks, my beach ball theory is working. Free speech is never going to be suppressed. Listen, I'm not the let's wax philosophic type. I'm not. But it is true when I say to you, as just a matter of fact, human beings yearn to be free. I mean, it's not hard to prove. Why does jail suck?
Starting point is 00:12:20 You get three meals. They may not be great, but you get free housing. Like, oh, that doesn't sound so bad. No, it sucks because you're not free. You've had to subjugate yourself to someone else's rules. It reminds me of when I was an instructor in the Secret Service Academy. We used to do these things, these runs, you know, where if you run at someone else's pace, even if it's below your pace, you get tired quicker because you're not in control.
Starting point is 00:12:44 Believe me, you know what I'm talking about if you've been there. You go out and run on your own and you pace yourself. You can push yourself hard and you don't feel like you're going to die. Yet you go, you run with someone else and they're leading the run at their pace. You feel like, oh my gosh, I'm so tired, even though it's below your max capacity because you're not in control. You were never going to keep the beach ball of freedom below water. Here, Daily Caller, you're seeing what I'm talking about right now. You can read this article in my newsletter. I encourage you to do it.
Starting point is 00:13:13 slash newsletters. We sign up. It's free. Daily Caller, Joe Rogan and Rand Paul begin the exodus from big tech in a mounting backlash over censorship. What did you think was going to happen? Lefties just like the lady on Twitter, Victoria.
Starting point is 00:13:28 Um, I dismissed these idiots for a long time. I really shouldn't have done that. Yeah. You think, Oh, we're not dismissing you by the way. I don't think we've won anything.
Starting point is 00:13:37 The fight continues, but from the daily caller piece, Rand Paul yesterday announced that he's going to begin the exodus from big tech. He'll no longer post videos on YouTube unless it's to criticize them or announce that viewers can see my content on Welcome to Rumble. As you know, I am an investor over there, but welcome to Rumble, Rand Paul.
Starting point is 00:13:59 I have the same policy on Twitter. My account isn't discontinued. My team still uses it, but I post all my original kind of microblog content. My account isn't discontinued. My team still uses it. But I post all my original kind of micro blog content goes over on Parler. It doesn't go on Twitter anymore. The only thing Twitter gets is articles condemning big tech and everything else and lefty. But folks, I ask you, please. I asked you yesterday.
Starting point is 00:14:25 It's not in my interest. It's in our collective interest in defending free speech and getting that beach ball of freedom above the waterline again. Please go set up accounts today. And one personal favorite, but we're at 1.99 million followers on Rumble. We are right at the cusp of 2 million. Please go follow me today on that account, slash Bongino. Don't watch on YouTube.
Starting point is 00:14:49 Don't watch on YouTube. slash Bongino. Please, we're almost at 2 million. I really appreciate it. The exodus is going to continue. Now, I saw Vivek Ramaswamy on Fox News this morning. He's a great guy, tech entrepreneur. We've had Vivek on my radio show. Vivek wrote a book called Woke Inc. talking about a corporate America's
Starting point is 00:15:09 going woke. And he was saying today, this morning on Fox and Friends too, it was a great appearance how yes, this is happening. How finally I did a great thing. Self-praise things. But I did a really cool video last night on my locals account for my subscribers about how I feel it. The good news is right around the corner. I'm telling you, it's not virtue signaling at all. I'm involved on the business side. I see all this behind the scenes. It is happening. The parallel economy, more news on that coming up shortly, by the way, the parallel economy is exploding. There are corporations, businesses. I'm working on a whole bunch of things, woke alternatives to everything, not just tech companies. I've got more coming. It's happening. America is sick of wokeness. You're seeing it. And Vivek said something right. Having lived through what happened with the attack on Parler, he said, you know what? In the beginning, there were going to be first movers. Parler was the first mover. We were the number one app in the world, not in our category, in the world. We were the first mover.
Starting point is 00:16:07 But a lot of mistakes were made. Anybody telling you otherwise doesn't know the inside story, right? A lot of mistakes were made. And he said, and then a lot of them were fixed. Parler's back now. You can download the app if you'd like. I'm on there. But a lot of mistakes were made early.
Starting point is 00:16:22 And no one should gloss over that. But he said, now we're learning. Stops and starts are going to happen and we are learning. Rumble is built on its own infrastructure. There's no taking rumble down. And a lot of other companies are going to find that out soon as well. All right. Again, the theme of today's show, they are not hiding anymore. Here's more proof. Here's Mark Elias. Remember the pee-pee hoax lawyer? Remember Mark Elias, the guy involved with the whole Russian collusion hoax?
Starting point is 00:16:51 Yeah. Yeah, remember this guy's a disgraced human being. He's a Democrat lawyer. The man's a disgrace to humanity. He's a laughingstock in everywhere but radical far-left circles. But here's Mark Elias, again, showing you these guys are not hiding anymore. Jayapal, none of them. Here's this most prominent Democrat lawyer, a hoaxster. He says his prediction for 2022 before the midterms, that there'll be a serious discussion about individual Republican House members being disqualified by Section 3 of the 14th Amendment from serving in Congress.
Starting point is 00:17:25 We may even see litigation. Folks, they are not hiding anymore. This is a prominent Democrat attorney, only respected amongst radical lunatics, who's actually talking about suing and litigation to kick people out of Congress because he doesn't like their politics. They're not hiding. Here, you see, here's their rump. They're like, hey, like their politics. They're not hiding here. You see, here's their rump. They're like, Hey, look at this. They don't care. They are mooning people like that scene from Greece. They don't care. They're not hiding. They are daring you walk
Starting point is 00:17:59 down the hallway. We're coming out of that closet. We don't think you have the guts to fight back. That's what's happening. And then you got swampy people, right? You got these swampy hallway. We're coming out of that closet. We don't think you have the guts to fight back. That's what's happening. The ass of Lenin. And then you got swampy people, right? You got these swampy GOP-ers in the middle of the aisle. Oh, man, we just need to be nice to them. It's not about owning the libs. It's about winning the debate. Winning the debate with what?
Starting point is 00:18:18 What debate? The guy wants to sue to prevent you from running for office like this is North Korea. You want to debate this guy about the merits of voter uh voter an election reform oh my gosh are you really to the swamp rodents are you are you smoking the wacky tobacco you smoking the ganja, the skunk weed? Are you crazy? You want to debate with Jaya Pals? She wants you wiped off of the biggest microblog platform in the world, Twitter? She wants you wiped off and more.
Starting point is 00:18:56 And yes, you're right. We should debate them about marginal tax rates. That'll work. That'll work. Great. Good idea. All right, here's what I got coming up next. Chuck Schumer's not hiding anymore either. Chuck Schumer, the Democrat leader in the Senate, he's not hiding. He is now openly flipping the
Starting point is 00:19:16 double-barreled, family-friendly middle finger to America, openly retconning history about what he wants to do to push through this insane federal takeover of elections. You think the 2020 election was bad? Wait till you see what he's got planned. More coming up ahead. Don't miss that. Also, I talked about how the left is cannibalistic and eating itself alive. I'm going to show you some more proof coming up. Take back your free time with PC Express Online grocery delivery and pickup. Score in-store promos, PC Optimum points, and more free time. And still get groceries. Shop now at When doctors, clinicians, and
Starting point is 00:20:00 government officials collaborate with our country's innovative pharmaceutical companies, the side effects include improved policies that speed up the delivery of medications to those in need and better overall health for all Canadians. So back to the show. So again, from the they're not hiding anymore. They're like this. Hey, here's my rump. Take a look
Starting point is 00:20:19 at this one. They don't care. They're like, they don't think we're going to do anything about it. They just think they're going to't think we're going to do anything about it. They just think they're going to attack and we're going to sit back. I read you the lady's tweet. I'm going to dismiss these idiots, these Rube, Hayseed morons. And look what happened. They crept up on us and created billions of dollars in companies. What do we do now? That's why they're doubling down the attacks on us. Here's Schumer openly retconning history right now. You know, the retcon, right? When you just pretend old history didn't happen, you just ignore it.
Starting point is 00:20:49 I was used to Michael Myers analogy, but they just, they keep rewriting the movie and ignoring the old movies. That's retconning. Schumer's retconning right now. Here's the long and short of it. Schumer doesn't like what happened in 2020 with the election. It wasn't enough that Openly changing the rules unconstitutionally in states like Pennsylvania was not enough for him. He just wants to take
Starting point is 00:21:09 over elections and be able to interfere in all of them. So they're proposing a federal takeover of elections. Here's the problem. Because it's not budget related at all, this Byrd rule and all this other reconciliation nonsense and stuff like that. They need to get 60 votes to overcome a filibuster in the Senate. They don't have that. They only have 50 Democrat senators. We actually have 51. Lisa Murkowski is kind of a Democrat. So even though she claims to be a Republican, vote Kelly Shabaka. Kelly Shabaka. Do not vote for Lisa Murkowski. She is a Democrat from Alaska. She pretends to be a Republican. But back to my topic here. They need 60 votes to take over elections federally. You think 2020's a mess? Wait to see what happens if this disaster passes and they want to do it before the midterms.
Starting point is 00:21:55 So Schumer has this voting bill he needs to get through. He doesn't have enough votes. He's never going to get 60. There's not a chance in hell. Outside of Murkowski, no one else on the Republican side is going to vote for this and they only have 50 Democrats. So Schumer is now talking because they, again, are showing their butts of just like nuking the filibuster altogether and saying, yeah, majority rules in the Senate now. Decades of precedent thrown out the window because Chuck Schumer just doesn't like it. You don't like the result, just change the rules. That's what Democrats do in the double barrel middle finger to America. But there's a little problem. Chuck Schumer has openly spoken about in the past many times, and a piece of video coming up right now, about how nuking the filibuster, which is what he wants
Starting point is 00:22:42 to do, would be, quote, doomsday for democracy. Dan, you're being dramatic. I'm not being dramatic. Those are Chuck Schumer's actual words about nuking the filibuster. Here's the retcon, Chuck Schumer and the pest. We don't dare nuke the filibuster. It's doomsday for democracy. Chuck Schumer now. Nuke the filibuster. It's great for democracy. Here, here's a video of Chuck Schumer. This is years ago, talking about how it's doomsday for democracy. Check this out. Bottom line is very simple. The ideologues in the Senate want to turn what the founding fathers called the cooling saucer of democracy into the rubber stamp of dictatorship. We will not let them. They want, because they can't get their way
Starting point is 00:23:32 on every judge, to change the rules in midstream, to wash away 200 years of history. They want to make this country into a banana republic, where if you don't get your way you change the rules are we going to let them it'll be a doomsday for democracy if we do doomsday for democracy folks totally wreck i mean these people act like they're not on tape and digital files in the past saying exactly what they're saying now is good for democracy he acts like none of this exists again the retconning and and why do they do that because folks they don't care chuck schumer doesn't really have any guiding principles chuck schumer doesn't really believe nuking the filibuster is a is a doomsday for democracy because chuck schumer doesn't believe
Starting point is 00:24:24 in democracy. He believes in tyranny and socialism. He was just saying at the time because he wasn't in power. Here's Chuck Schumer again, in case you think, oh, that's years ago, Dan, on C-SPAN. No, here he is with Chuck Todd. Just, what was it,
Starting point is 00:24:39 about maybe three years ago or something, talking about Neil Gorsuch and the Supreme Court. Again, talking about the filibuster. and the uh supreme court again talking about the filibuster saying hey that nominee needs to get 60 votes in other words the filibuster stays and if the nominee doesn't get 60 votes they damn well better change the nominee this is just a few years ago check this out let me make a proposal here to maybe break uh this problem that we have. OK, it looks like Gorsuch will not reach the 60 vote margin. So instead of changing the rules, which is up to Mitch McConnell in the Republican majority, why doesn't President Trump, Democrats and Republicans in the Senate sit down
Starting point is 00:25:21 and try to come up with a mainstream nominee. Look, when a nominee doesn't get 60 votes, you shouldn't change the rules. You should change the nominee. These people are unbelievable. Again, they act like none of this ever happened because he doesn't care. Chuck Schumer has no principles. He doesn't believe in democracy. He doesn't care. And he knows the media outside of conservative media like us and others. He knows nobody will call him out. He knows that. These people in the media are on his team. They don't believe in democracy either.
Starting point is 00:25:57 They're propagandists, activants, and little mini tyrants. You think they care about Chuck Schumer changing his mind repeatedly? Here's the impetus for the whole story today about the retcon. Daily Wire, Dylan Burrows. Schumer vows vote on changing Senate rules if GOP continues to block effort. So just to be clear, Schumer's saying now, if you don't go along with our efforts to hijack federal elections, to interfere in elections in the future,
Starting point is 00:26:25 we are then going to toss the rules out the window and decades of precedent, and we're just going to do a majority rules thing. So here's my suggestion. Let them do it. Let them do it. Dan, that's crazy. Why would you say that? Because folks, it appears they're going to do it anyway, and it's not much for us to let them do. If the Democrats want to change the Senate rules and Kyrsten Sinema and Joe Manchin jump on board, which is unlikely but possible, then they're going to do it. But if the Senate's going to be majority rules, in other words, 51 votes instead of 60 votes to get legislation passed, 60 votes requiring some consensus. Fine, let them do it.
Starting point is 00:27:06 I believe we're going to take back the Senate in 2022. I've got a few ideas. Joe, how do you feel about these? So here are some things we can pass with majority rules because I don't see any scenario by which we don't take back the House. So if we take back the Senate too and we get the White House in 2024,
Starting point is 00:27:22 I say, number one, we do constitutional carry nationwide. Constitutional carry across the entire country and reciprocity. You got a firearms permit in Florida. It's good in all 49 states. Sounds like a good idea to me. Yep. National reciprocity.
Starting point is 00:27:36 How do you feel about that, Joe? You like that idea? I like it. That sounds pretty good. Let me throw a few more. How about national tax reform? How about we move to the fair tax nationwide or the flat tax? I get it. I know there are a lot of about we move to the fair tax nationwide or the flat tax? I get it.
Starting point is 00:27:46 I know there are a lot of strong proponents of the fair tax. I like the fair tax more. Its implementation could be a little tough, but I would settle for a flat tax too. Flat tax, everyone. 15, 17% flat tax nationwide. I like that idea. How do you feel about that one?
Starting point is 00:28:00 That'd be pretty good, huh? Nationwide passed that one in Madrid. That'd be awesome, right? Yeah, no more deductions. Anything like that. 15%. How about spending controls? How about we do massive cuts to all of these social programs that are causing poverty, not alleviating poverty?
Starting point is 00:28:14 I think that's a good idea too. So if the Democrats like their new rules, I like them too. You want to do 51 votes? Let's do it. Touche, baby. You want to play ball? You want majority rules in each chamber? I'm down. I'm D. Let's do
Starting point is 00:28:30 it, baby. Let's do it. And by the way, I can think of a thousand more things, too. You want federal education money? You better have a school choice program. You didn't like Obamacare? Don't worry, we're going to scrap that, too. Want to play ball?
Starting point is 00:28:45 Let's play ball, but this time we'll swing for the fences. Let's do it. New rules. We win, you lose. All right, let me get to my next sponsor, and here's what I got coming up. Again, they're not hiding anymore, and being delicate has had consequences here.
Starting point is 00:29:04 They tried to kind of be delicate and massage things, and it didn't work. Now they're just downright pushing labels onto people. Hey, Hispanic voters, we're going to call you Latinx. Latinx. Latino, Latina voters are like, no, I think we'll stick with our own culture. Thanks. Thanks, white progressives trying to tell us how to speak to each other. We're good. More on that coming up next. I told you this was going to happen. us how to speak to each other. We're good. More on that
Starting point is 00:29:26 coming up next. I told you this was going to happen. They're going to eat each other alive, the left. At New Balance, we believe if you run, you're a runner. However you choose to do it. Because when you're not worried about doing things the right way,
Starting point is 00:29:43 you're free to discover your way. And that's what running's all about. Run your way at slash running. Okay, just a quick note before I get to that cannibalism story. I was going to open up the show with it today, and I got a bit sidetracked. But to everyone who really had a really rough night in Virginia, I don't know if you heard what happened, but a highway got shut down in Virginia, northern Virginia, due to a snowstorm. People have been stuck on the highway for 10, 15 hours. It's just a reminder.
Starting point is 00:30:26 Keep a bottle of water in your car and some warm clothes if you live in those environments in the Northeast. I've been stuck not nearly as long for that. But you can run out of gas and you can get really cold. I mean, it's a real emergency up there. This isn't some fake emergency. This is real. It's really happening.
Starting point is 00:30:43 You can freeze to death. So always make sure. I always had one of those those big thick jackets in the back of my car. Uh, when I was running for office out in mountain Maryland, God forbid, I got stuck and keep a bottle of water and a couple, you know, protein bars in the car just in case. So, um, that's really horrible what happened up there to those folks. I mean, you know, how was the government totally unprepared all the time? I mean, Joe, crazy you live in the region snow and winter like oh my gosh i mean it never happens in virginia surprising really i feel bad for these people these idiots in government they can never like remove their heads from their collective rumps ever so disturbing okay they're
Starting point is 00:31:23 not hiding anymore they're not hiding they. They're not hiding. They used to try to be delicate by putting people in boxes. Remember my boxes theory of the left. Okay. It's important. You understand this. It's not just that they do things. It's understanding why they do things that matter because again, it helps us understand the terrain features of the fight ahead. When we know where they're coming from, we can respond when we're surprised because we don't understand you can get hit. You can get cold cocked and get knocked out. The reason the left wants to put you in boxes and put a label on the left, not the right. The right just sees people as children of God, right? That's what we do. That's not what the left does. You're not a child of God. You're
Starting point is 00:31:59 a black man or a Hispanic man. Those are the simple ones that we're used to. But there's other ones too. You're trans. You're gay. You're union. You're an immigrant. Your status is everything. The status and the label they put on you is everything. Now, why do they do that?
Starting point is 00:32:19 One, it shows they don't understand people. Latinx is the new one. Because people don't think like that. My wife's an immigrant to this country. She doesn't label herself an immigrant. The left wants to slap that label on her. She's a mom. She manages my company.
Starting point is 00:32:34 She's a friend to people. Those are the labels she uses. She doesn't use Latinx or any of this stupidity, right? Why do they do that? They do it because it's the only way they can win. The left says, I've said it a lot, I'll say it again. That by slapping that label on you, you're a black man. No, I'm an American.
Starting point is 00:32:50 I don't think I'm a black man. Well, you have to be a black man because Republicans hate black people and therefore vote for us. Oh, that's their scam. That's why they love the labels. But what happens when the label game gets so ridiculous that it blows up in their face?
Starting point is 00:33:04 They showed their butts to people. And again, it's cannibalistic by nature of the left because people are fighting back. Here's NBC, a far left-leaning outlet with a story. You know the Latinx label? Latinx where the white progressives decided that Latino and Latina, to refer to male and female Hispanic individuals, people of Latin origin, right? That that wasn't good enough because those are gender terms, Latino and Latina. Right.
Starting point is 00:33:33 Male and female respectively. They didn't like that. The gender lobby says we can't have gendered terms even though that's how Spanish, the language, works. You have L and live. There are gendered terms in Spanish all the time. They can't have a gender lobby. It was like, gender's not real. Even gender in language, we got to get rid of that. So we're not going to call people Latino and Latina. We're going to call them Latinx. Well, NBC News is starting to wonder, NBC News, the lefties, hey, is this not
Starting point is 00:34:01 working? They say, is Latinx el elitist there's some pushback at the words growing use if i were going down to the local taqueria they wouldn't know what you were saying if you use the terms that a scholar near the mexican border they don't think a scholar exactly they say to discard those terms is latino Latina, and the piece is to disrespect the entire culture as well as our brothers, fathers, and fathers who have fought hard to be respected as men. Yeah, it reduces you to nothing. It's terrible.
Starting point is 00:34:35 What's that? It reduces you to nothing. Latinx. Well, of course, that's the goal. Yeah. The goal is always, but why though? That's an important thing you just said. The reason's clear. It's almost like ideological boot camp where the idea is in boot camp to break you
Starting point is 00:34:50 down to build you up yeah but with with liberals it's different the idea is to break you down and never build you up it's why they love poverty it's why because they need you dependent on government it's like reverse bootcamp. I'm glad you said that they want to break you down. So you're never built up. So you're relying on government. That's why everybody should look the same, sound the same.
Starting point is 00:35:13 There should be no genders. There should be no objective reality. Everything's subjective and subject to change at any given time. Folks, this was never going to work. I promised you a long time ago that the woke movement was cannibalistic by nature because the left's effort to stick you into boxes you're a black man or latinx and republicans hate you so vote for us
Starting point is 00:35:36 it was always dependent on you staying in the box but people don't do that people are moms they're again they're they're employees they're business But people don't do that. People are moms. They're, again, they're employees. They're business owners. They don't subscribe to these labels. And the problem with putting people in boxes, folks, is that when you put them in boxes, sometimes the interests of the boxes you've put them in are not the same. And I'll give you a couple examples right here, why this movement's going to eat itself alive. And it's happening right now. Asians versus black Americans
Starting point is 00:36:10 when it comes to, you know, the freedom of education. The liberals want to discriminate against Asians because they're, quote, too smart. There's too many Asians in college. And they want to help what they think is help black Americans get into colleges. So you can be a black American to score hundreds of points lower on an SAT test and get into a college. Meanwhile, if you're an Asian, you get discriminated against. Well, what did they think?
Starting point is 00:36:34 Asians were dumb that Asians weren't going to figure out like, Hey, we're being discriminated against to supposedly make it equitable to take care of that. That doesn't sound equitable to me. You see, you see where the conflict starts instead of just treating people equally? It's not just that. You're seeing a growing schism right now between gay Americans and trans Americans. There are people who are gay and not trans
Starting point is 00:36:58 who are like, hey, you know what? A lot of the trans movement interests are in my interest. You doubt me? Look it up. Again, they put people in boxes. Gay, trans. All of a sudden, the box's interests are in my interest. You doubt me? Look it up. Again, they put people in boxes. Gay, trans. All of a sudden, the box's interests aren't the same. Here's one more. Women's sports. The Democrat. We're the party of women,
Starting point is 00:37:22 but we're also the party of trans athletes. Really? What happens when women who are in sports start losing to biological men. All of a sudden, the women are like, wait, wait, wait. That's not necessarily my bag. That's not my bag, baby. And they start eating each other alive. That's what you're seeing right now. I told you this thing has no future. It doesn't. They will eat themselves alive. You can't put people in boxes if the interests of the boxes don't align. I got a bold idea, Joe. How about you just take the conservative libertarian approach and treat people as children of God according to their merits and what they do, not what they look like. Crazy idea, Joe. Crazy as having snow in the winter in Virginia. Real, real shocker. I know, but it works every time. Just the thought, throw that out there for you. Showing you, by the way, as well,
Starting point is 00:38:10 bringing back this poll we covered a few weeks ago, December 18th, 2021, Breitbart, Hispanic voters show a 42 point shift towards Republicans since 2018. 42, not 4.2, not 2.4, 2018. 42, not 4.2, not 2.4, not .42, 42 point swing. You think that has something to do with treating Hispanic
Starting point is 00:38:34 voters like infants? We're going to call you Latinx. I'll stick with Latino. Thank you very much. We're good. We're good like that. You think that has something to do with infantilizing them? You think so? You think maybe hispanic voters just want to be treated like men and women you think they just want to be treated according to their merits yeah yeah i do amen i happen to be married to one yeah you know joe
Starting point is 00:38:56 knows one too her name is paul it's my wife joe knows joe and stutter here's another shocker joe knows a lot of people are his. Democrats are like, really? You mean you don't isolate yourself in your white bubbles? No, you idiots do on the progressive side. He's an immigrant too. We let him in. No problem. It's amazing how we all hate immigrants and I'm married to one and one of them runs the show on the video.
Starting point is 00:39:21 Just crazy. It's nuts how we all hate these immigrants and yet I happen to marry one i love very much and he runs my whole outfit over here shocker shocker it's it's i know the left's response show oh that's just virtue signaling that's just virtue signaling yes i've been married to paula i've known her for 20 years that's quite a virtue signal two decade long virtue signal yeah trusting gee with my entire podcast and access to all my, yes, man, that's quite a virtue signal there, Dan. Very well. Man, you really are signaling.
Starting point is 00:39:52 Penance, right? Good boy. Justin's here, of course, this week. He's back. I didn't think he'd be back this week, but he is. In turn, Justin is back and he's always welcome. He said he's correct. It's a penance, Joe, for my white privilege. You're right. Been married for 20 years. He's a beautiful woman. Let me tell you something. A lot of guys would love that penance, Joe, for my white privilege. You're right. Been married for 20 years. He's a beautiful woman. Let me tell you something.
Starting point is 00:40:06 A lot of guys would love that penance, right? They had a woman like Paula show up. I'll take that penance. Where do I get a number? Serving now 16 for the really beautiful, smart, talented Hispanic woman penance. I'll take number 22. Holy crap. Are these people stupid?
Starting point is 00:40:22 They really are. This is why I'm telling you this is why there's no future in this woketopia nonsense and speech suppression to tie it back to the beginning of the show there's no future in it the fight's not over the left is vicious it's not but i'm telling you there's no future moving on let me get to my next story here there's a lot going on one of the things i pride themselves i'm part of myself and in is stuffing a lot of stuff into an hour show. It was the original idea of the show, give you an hour to get the whole day's news. Zucker Bucks, folks, is a big deal.
Starting point is 00:40:52 Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook decided it would be a good idea to fund this thing called the CTCL, the Center for Civic Life, whatever it stands for. Well, the CTCL looks like it appears to be one big scam right now. The CTCL during the 2020 election and Zuckerberg's money, they call them Zuckerbucks now, big Facebook money. A lot of that money was supposed to go to make elections secure in 2020, buy protective equipment, whatever happened. But this odd anomaly, I say odd kind of being silly about it, started to materialize. We're now starting to see the Zuckerbucks, you know, again, fake shocker here. Oh, let me color my shimmy shock face.
Starting point is 00:41:36 That Zuckerbucks money primarily went to districts that vote for Joe Biden. Stunned. But showing you again how the theme of today's show, the Democrats aren't hiding anymore. Folks, they just don't care. The same Democrats, the Evan Osnards and the others who swear that it's Republicans who think elections are rigged, want to rig elections with left-leaning money going to left-leaning districts. And the money's not even public taxpayer money. it's private money they don't care at all here you doubt me look at this wall street journal article
Starting point is 00:42:09 from january 3rd yesterday zucker buck shouldn't pay for elections a lot of states are banning zucker bucks florida included some of these democrat-leaning states and swing states with democrat governors like no no no private money should definitely rig elections in blue states. They don't care one bit. Again, here's my, check it out. Look, caboose. They don't care. They're not hiding. Here, the CTCL, which is the South that gave a lot of money, consistently gave bigger grants and more money per capita to counties that voted for Biden. It was an analysis by the Capital Research Center. Here's its tally for Georgia. They showed average grants, Zuckerbucks grants,
Starting point is 00:42:52 of $1.41 per head in Trump areas. Okay. And $5.33 in Biden areas. A conservative group in Wisconsin suggests that extra voter outreach funded by the Zuckerberg CTCL could have boosted Mr. Biden's turnout there by something like 8,000 votes. It isn't hard to see why they're concerned. Folks, with elections getting increasingly tight, some cases in counties being determined by hundreds of votes within counties. You think
Starting point is 00:43:26 flipping thousands of votes by spending nearly five times as much money on Democrat districts than Republican districts, you think that's the way to go to move forward? Democrats do because they don't care. Here's my rump. Look at it. And you still want to, we shouldn't be owning the libs. We should be debating. You want to debate people just to be owning the libs we should be debating you want to debate people just to be clear what did we cover today you want to debate people like jaya paul who want conservatives banned from twitter you want to debate people like mark elias who wants to sue to make sure republicans don't run for office you want to debate people as well that think it's okay to have multi-trillion dollar corporations spend private money to
Starting point is 00:44:07 influence elections in democrat counties you think that's okay and you want to what you want to argue ideology with them sure the only way to fight this fight is to defeat them defeat them get them out of office there There is no arguing with them. I wish some people would understand that. Okay, let me get to my last sponsor. Coming up next, speaking of retconning, we showed you Chuck Schumer retconning history before, changing history.
Starting point is 00:44:37 This one, shameless by the Washington Post on coronavirus and Omnicron. I mean, seriously, straight up shameless. And I'm not talking about the, what is it? The Showtime, the Emmy Rossum series. Shameless retconning of history. Mama, look at me. I'm going really fast. I just got my license. Can I borrow the car, please, mom? Kids go from zero to 18 in no time. You'll be relieved they have 24-7 roadside assistance with intact insurance. Mom, can we go to Nana's house tomorrow?
Starting point is 00:45:07 I want to go to Jack's place today. I'll just take the car. Don't wait up, okay? Kids go from 0 to 18 in no time, don't they? At Intact Insurance, we insure your car so you can enjoy the ride. Visit or talk to your broker. Conditions apply. Back to the show here, Washington Post. This is one of the most shameless retcons I've ever seen,
Starting point is 00:45:27 even by media standards, which is saying a lot. So I read, this was, I usually have an idea the night before because I do my show prep starting at about 6.30 p.m. at the night before. I wrap up about nine when Hannity starts, and I'll watch about a half hour of Sean, and then I go to sleep. Sometimes I'll watch Tucker as hour Sean. And then I go to sleep. Sometimes I'll watch Tucker as I'm reading,
Starting point is 00:45:47 but I have an idea where the show is going to go the night before. I did not plan on talking about that. I woke up this morning though. And I see this piece talking about how the 1918 Spanish flu is more relevant now. Thanks to Omicron. It's a Washington post piece. And I've always been fascinated by the 1918 Spanish flu because it was an
Starting point is 00:46:03 apocalyptic level disaster. I mean, the death count was off the charts. So I'm always kind of fascinated, even though it was a Washington Post piece. I click on it, which I rarely do. And I read through it and I read this line in there. Again, it's about the 1918 flu relationship to now. It says, quote, once spread had begun of the Spanish flu, mitigation methods such as closures, distancing, mask wearing, and isolating those infected couldn't stop it, but they did save many lives and limited
Starting point is 00:46:32 suffering by slowing infections and spread. Now, folks, I'm not claiming to be an expert on the 1918 Spanish flu, but I've read quite a bit on it i'm fascinated by it and one of the things i know because i've read a good bit on the 1918 spanish flu is that masks did absolutely nothing to stop the spread of the spanish flu that's not a remember joe for the newbies uh listening on the left 1918 has already happened. Okay? Yeah. Joe's like, can confirm. 1918. We already have the data. It's not speculative. We're not in 1917
Starting point is 00:47:12 saying, if we wear masks, let's see what happens in 1918. We already know. If you just go to any search engine and put in masks 1918 Spanish flu and you get away from the lunatic sites and the retconning sites, you will see it is conclusive.
Starting point is 00:47:29 The use of masks during the Spanish flu did nothing. So how is it possible that the Washington Post reported this morning that masks were effective for the Spanish flu in 1918? The answer is because the Washington Post is in a serious journalism outlet they lick their political fingers liberals love face diapers so they're like let's just say it worked but did it no it didn't work but it doesn't matter our liberals are idiots our liberals are talking
Starting point is 00:47:56 about a freudian slip that's actually true our readers are idiots so i went to a non-partisan site just to show you it's his health affairs this is from may of 2020 right this website here it is it's simple i mean again it's everywhere you have to take it from health affairs here's the headline flu masks failed in 1918 but we need them now here we go again this is it this is again how these people retcon stuff. Evaluating the use of masks, Colin. Did masks prevent the spread of influenza in 1918? Well, experts reviewing evidence from 1918 concluded that flu masks failed to control infection. It doesn't matter. Just keep it up.
Starting point is 00:48:40 Just keep it up, folks. Keep it up. Sorry about that snort. I know that's annoying. I can't help it. Sometimes I try not to laugh. I promise you it is not intentional. I just can't get over the stupidity, how these people really are convinced, the Washington Post, that their readers are morons. Now, showing you how the Washington Post is not only retconning history, we know masks did nothing to mitigate the spread of the 1918 Spanish flu. Nothing.
Starting point is 00:49:04 We know masks did nothing to mitigate the spread of the 1918 Spanish flu. Nothing. When masks became political, right around the summer of 2020 is where they became political. Where the left fell in love with masks. So everyone on the left and the federal bureaucracy, even some people in the Trump administration, not necessarily Trump, started pushing masks because it became a political issue. Here's what happened. Here's the gist. You want me to explain to you shortly? Because this is important, the history of masks in two seconds or less. Trump came out and questioned the efficacy of masks. That was it. That changed everything. Once Trump said that, the left was in love with the mask and they were
Starting point is 00:49:44 going to retcon history and all of a sudden claim masks work. You get it. It's no more. Please, folks. It is no more complicated than that. It's nothing to do with science. Doesn't even have anything to do with opinion. It's just the left hates Trump. Trump said, I'm not sure masks work. He was right. The left said masks work. We love masks. Trump sucks. Okay. So even though we knew they were useless, we had to do it anyway. So here's the Washington Post before masks became political. Look at the date on this article.
Starting point is 00:50:12 It's important. April 2nd, 2020. This is before the whole political thing blew up. Everyone wore masks during the 1918 flu pandemic. They were useless. Headline. Dan, you opened up the segment, the Washington Post saying masks work. Folks, I'm not asking you to believe, I'm not asking you to try to translate this into sane person ease. It's not sane. These people are
Starting point is 00:50:40 crazy. Right around that April, May time period, Trump said masks weren't that great. Liberals then said, Trump sucks. We love masks. So everybody just forgot and pretended like none of the stuff they wrote ever happened. Masks are great. Masks work. But again, rump, look at my rump. They don't care. They're showing you their arses. They're showing it to you. They don't care they're showing you their arses they're showing it to you they don't care because they think you're too stupid to respond and they're quote dismissing you like the lady said in the tweet opening the show all right uh you know what can we get to the last can we skip this one guys can we get to the next one as important i don't want to leave it i guess hey folks showing you again how people are waking up,
Starting point is 00:51:25 not just on the rumble and parlor and locals and true social side. It's people are waking up everywhere. It's not just against the big tech fight. Hispanic voters are waking up. We showed you that poll 42% swing. The great migration is continuing out of blue States right now. This is not one of those shows where I'm trying to be Pollyanna-ish and telling you, again, the fight's not over. But I don't want to beat Debbie Downer all the time.
Starting point is 00:51:52 There is a lot of good news out there. Hispanic voters swing, the explosive growth of the parallel economy. Also this, people migrating out of blue states. And ladies and gentlemen, they are not all liberals. Matter of fact, the people moving down here to Florida are largely conservatives. The same thing with Texas. Just look at the polls. Wall Street Journal had a great piece yesterday.
Starting point is 00:52:16 The great migration continues. Part two. So United Van Lines, a moving company, has data on where people are leaving. And look at where they're leaving. Who were the biggest losers? Joe, there's something in common with all these states. It's tough to figure out. So take them.
Starting point is 00:52:31 As I read this, I'll give you some time to digest it and tell me the one thing they have in common politically. Okay. New Jersey was the biggest loser for the fourth consecutive year, with 71% of its moves heading out. Next on the departures list were illinois new york connecticut and california joe there's a trend here in those states now again i know it's going to take you a second but are those largely liberal states or largely conservative states if you need
Starting point is 00:52:58 a moment i understand we can take a break the show is recording no dan i'm right on this these are liberal states thank you and he didn't even need a lot of time weird how united van lies reporting the departures list for these states are off the charts all from blue states now you may say to yourself you're a liberal and by the way on my fox show this weekend saturday night this is going to be the subject of the rebuttal the debate so you may not want to miss this. I already know the liberal response. Well, people move away for a lot of reasons, Daniel. They don't just move because of the politics and taxes. Well, that's interesting
Starting point is 00:53:32 because we have actual polls on this. Here's a poll Reuters conducted asking people, why are they leaving California? You know what they said? The taxes are the political culture. Joe shocked again, just like snow in the winter in Virginia. Stunned.
Starting point is 00:53:49 So yes, people do move for a lot of reasons. And the primary reason, the taxes or the political culture. Housing costs too, which are high because of liberal regulation policies and zoning. Again, I can predict what they're going to say here.
Starting point is 00:54:04 Here's one last thing. Let's finish up the show with this. So Ron DeSantis commented on this yesterday. This is a, we haven't done this in a while. Our first 2022 segment of Ron DeSantis strikes again. DeSantis who we love commented on this yesterday, this growing phenomenon of liberals with an S hit talking conservative states and then moving there and vacationing there because they're total
Starting point is 00:54:31 frauds and losers. Here, check this out. If I had a dollar for every lockdown politician who decided to escape to Florida over the last two years, I'd be a pretty doggone wealthy man. Let me tell you. I mean, Congress people, mayors, governors, I'd be a pretty doggone wealthy man, let me tell you. I mean, Congress people, mayors, governors, I mean, you name it. And it's interesting, though, the reception that some of these folks will get in Florida, because I think a lot of Floridians say, wait a minute,
Starting point is 00:54:56 you're bashing us because we're not doing your draconian policies, and yet we're the first place you want to flee to, to basically to be able to enjoy life. And so I'm not surprised to see that continue to happen. I love this guy. Really, there is no better Republican governor, no better Republican elected official anywhere in the country right now than Ron DeSantis. No one in office. The best. All right, folks, Thanks again for tuning in.
Starting point is 00:55:26 Check out my radio show later. I'll see you there. And please, if you wouldn't mind, subscribe to my show on Rumble. It's free. I hate subscribe. Follow, whatever. Just go to my Rumble page.
Starting point is 00:55:35 It's Rumble, R-U-M-B-L-E, slash Bongino. And follow the herd over there from YouTube. We had an explosive weekend on Rumble, slash Bongino. We just need a few more followers there to get to 2 million on Rumble. Thank you for your support.
Starting point is 00:55:53 We appreciate it. I'll see you all on the radio show. You just heard Dan Bongino.

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