The Dan Bongino Show - CNN Caught On Tape In An Epic Takedown (Ep 1499)

Episode Date: April 14, 2021

Explosive new video emerges that lays out in detail the media’s plan to take down Trump, and advance environmental propaganda. In this episode, I discuss the video and the evidence that we’re all ...being lied to.  News Picks: Project Veritas strikes again. CNN gets caught on tape. More than 35 conservative organizations sign a pledge to reject big tech money.  A school teacher speaks out about the radical indoctrination going on in our schools. Liberal news networks pledge to call “climate change” a “climate emergency.” Biden is bringing back Obama’s plan to destroy the suburbs. Inflation is here. And it’s going to get worse. Anti-free speech Muslim group sues Facebook to crush dissent.  Copyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 get ready to hear the truth about america on a show that's not immune to the facts with your host dan bongino ron desantis strikes again i'm loving this guy i'm loving this guy more and more by the minute probably um because i live in florida number one and get to feel the ramifications of the conservative governing system Ron DeSantis has implemented down here, where shocking things happen, like you are allowed to leave your house and go eat in a restaurant
Starting point is 00:00:33 without the threat of arrest, torture, and prosecution. Shocking things happen like that in Florida every day. No state income tax either. But he strikes again. I've got a great video of him sticking it double-barreled, middle-finger style to the media buffoons, corporate titans, and big business bowtie-wearing elitist slobs who hate American freedom right now. DeSantis is in the way. I got that.
Starting point is 00:00:59 And a huge story. I broke yesterday an expose done on CNN by Project Veritas. But there were some bigger things in there that were left out of some of the coverage yesterday. There's so much there. Today's show brought to you by ExpressVPN. Why haven't you gotten a VPN yet? Protect your privacy. Get a VPN. Go to slash Bongino.
Starting point is 00:01:20 Welcome to the Dan Bongino Show. Let's get right to it today. I got this and a lot more including a story about the suburbs under attack again you live in the burbs suburbia you live in the burbs sorry I know my singing stinks
Starting point is 00:01:35 well what do they say that old line about a liberal it's a conservative a conservative is a liberal who's been mugged you gonna get mug's been mugged? You're going to get mugged soon? Mugged, air quotes?
Starting point is 00:01:50 We'll see. Today's show brought to you by our friends at Express, sorry, Bravo, Express VPN. Bravo Company Manufacturing got their shirt on,
Starting point is 00:01:58 love their shirts here. Started in a garage by a Marine veteran more than two decades ago. Bravo Company Manufacturing, or BCM for short, builds a professional grade product, built the combat standards. It's the best rifles out there, period, period, full stop. I went to a gun show a couple of weeks ago. A guy was telling
Starting point is 00:02:14 me how great BCM is. He listens to my show. Why? Because BCM believes every American should be entitled to the same level of protection provided to our private citizens, professionals, to our law enforcement, everyone else. Bravo Company Manufacturing, they're not a sporting arms company, okay? You want a sporting rifle, those are great products, but that's not what BCM builds. Why would I tell you what they're not? What are they?
Starting point is 00:02:35 Well, here's what they are. They design, engineer, manufacture life-saving equipment and the best life-saving equipment out there. BCM assumes when a rifle leaves their shop, it'll be used, God forbid, in a life or death situation by a responsible citizen, law enforcement, or a soldier overseas. So quality is all that matters to them. Every component of a BCM rifle is hand-assembled and tested by Americans in Heartland, Wisconsin to a life-saving standard. I have mine on point every time. BCM puts people before their products. They feel it's their moral
Starting point is 00:03:05 responsibility to provide Americans the tools, tools that won't fail them. God forbid it's not just a paper target, but someone looking to do you harm. BCM works with top instructors of marksmanship, and that's how they build their products. They teach these skills necessary to defend yourself, your family, or others. You want to learn more about them? To learn more about Bravo Company Manufacturing, I highly recommend them. Head on over to Discover more about their products, special offers, and upcoming news. That's You can also check out their YouTube channel and the awesome people and products at slash bravocompanyusa. Great products.
Starting point is 00:03:46 All right, Joe, let's go. All right. Whoa. Joe getting a little more excited by the data. You know, Joe used to get up at 2 o'clock in the morning to do the morning show. So now that Joe gets up at like 4.30, it feels like he's getting up at like 9 o'clock. So he's all excited in the morning.
Starting point is 00:04:02 All right. So yesterday we had this video of Ron DeSantis, sometimes known when they misspell his name on Twitter is Ron Desnatus. I love DeSantis. This guy, if someone not named Trump, um, uh,
Starting point is 00:04:16 if, uh, doesn't run, if, if someone, I screwed that whole thing up. If someone by the name of Trump doesn't run into, I rarely screwed things up.
Starting point is 00:04:24 I totally stepped on myself in 2024. If Donald Trump doesn't want you to run, just make it simple. This is my guy right now. He's the best in the business. Ron DeSantis, governor of Florida strikes again. So Ron DeSantis had a panel, a little backstory here talking about, God forbid, a little bit of back and forth on the coronavirus, the value of masks, vaccines, you know, science. When medical professionals who were on this panel trained doctors, these weren't, you know, witch doctors. This wasn't the Salem witch trials.
Starting point is 00:05:00 These were real doctors on a board. So they did a video of this panel with governor desantis and these very skilled talented smart doctors well god forbid that happened with the youtube communist tyrant losers i'm on youtube by the way and let me tell you again for the youtube people that screen my videos plant one on my caboose i can't stand you ban my videos ban my show i I don't care. I just love telling you as you watch my video what loser, communist, fascist you all are. I really don't like you. I hope you're listening because I know you screen all my videos, okay? So YouTube decided that the governor of Florida, God forbid he discuss the science of coronavirus, masks, and other stuff with doctors that had to be banned
Starting point is 00:05:45 because youtube is populated by fascist communists yes that's a fact so they banned the video because they're pieces of human filth and they've got to watch me saying this on their platform isn't it great so ron desantis got up in front of the mic and decided he was going to take it to YouTube and the YouTube communists because that's what they are. DeSantis strikes again. Check this out. And some of our biggest media conglomerates who claim to be avatars of the First Amendment and free exchange of ideas, they've really become cheerleaders for censorship. If something doesn't fit the overriding narrative, then in their view, it's better that it get left on the cutting room floor. It's best that you edit it out of existence rather than actually
Starting point is 00:06:38 tell people the truth. So I think what we're really witnessing is Orwellian. It's a big tech corporate media collusion. And the end result is that the narrative is always right. Well, I don't think that that's what the American people want. Certainly people here in Florida. Listen, folks, I am being as serious as a heart attack right now. We are in a world of trouble. I'm not being silly or intentionally hyperbolic or anything like that. We are in a world of trouble.
Starting point is 00:07:18 We are descending at an increasingly rapid rate into fascism, chaos. You're seeing the evaporation of civil liberties in live time, the Bill of Rights being used like toilet paper, the Constitution being thrown out, the rapid spread of insane, deadly ideas like the defunding of the police and the abolition of our military. I was talking to Paula yesterday. There's a lot going on behind the scenes. I'm sorry, I don't want to sound rambly today.
Starting point is 00:07:55 It's not my intention at all, but sometimes I just like to open up to you and just be candid with my audience one-to-one, if you don't mind. And you'll allow me this for a moment as a point of personal privilege. She was sitting next to me and there's a lot going on behind the scenes with the show right now. A lot. A lot I don't share with you because you have your own lives and your own problems to deal with
Starting point is 00:08:16 and I don't need to bore you with all the details. But there's a lot going on with the show right now. There is a lot of pressure to do a lot of things, which I roundly ignore, and I do my own thing. But there's a lot of pressure to want to toe up to a line. I'm not talking about pressure from these companies I work for, leave me alone. It's not them. It's other things. You're going to see a lot of changes in this show with things like sponsors and everyone else because I'm done with it. We are rapidly moving towards an environment where conservatives are not just going to be
Starting point is 00:08:48 second-class citizens. We already are. Where you will be third and fourth-class citizens and actively discriminated against by people who celebrate. There's a difference between not having access to the free market like conservatives don't right now. You're not allowed to be on YouTube in many cases. You're not allowed to engage in any kind of corporate commerce without being boycotted. It's not just that. There are people now openly silencing and attacking conservatives, trying to have them jailed, trying to have them sanctioned, bankrupted, financially bankrupted, fired from their jobs. This is all happening right now.
Starting point is 00:09:30 And it's all happening because of the Democrat Party and the liberals. They are now the party of rich, bowtie-wearing corporate elites, totalitarians, the corporate oligarchy, and the big tech fascists out there. They are fascists. That's not in dispute. I'm not going to argue with you if you're a liberal listening to my show. What fascists do,'s not, that's not in dispute. I'm not going to argue with you if you're a liberal listening to my show.
Starting point is 00:09:45 What fascists do, liberals and big tech do now. Fascists are afraid of free speech, public gatherings and civil liberties. They're afraid and insecure because they know they're wrong. So they crush it. That's what big tech, YouTube, Google, fake book, Twitter. That's what they do right now. The tactics of fascists are the tactics of big tech and their liberal allies. These tech giants are working with the media, liberals, the Biden administration,
Starting point is 00:10:18 bureaucrats in the federal government who can't keep their mouth shut to crush you every single day. That's what this block is going to be about today. And again, my apologies. I don't mean this to sound rambly. I'm just telling you behind the scenes, I was talking to my wife yesterday about everything going on. It is coming at us from every direction. It's not a sob story.
Starting point is 00:10:39 I relish the fight and you should too. I was freaking born for this, man. I'm telling you, it only hardens me more. And this bout I had with my health has only put horse blinders on me to see what really matters has nothing to do with money or anything else. The fight is all that matters and it's all that should matter to you. And she looked at me as I was having this conversation with her, Paula, and she's like, is this going to get worse and I said not only is it going to get worse it's going to get really worse really really fast a bit of good news though before I get it because I don't want to again leave you early in the show so down and dour the good news about us descending into total chaos rapidly because of the left
Starting point is 00:11:27 is it's shaken a lot of people from their slumber. There are a lot of middle-class folks out there who understandably, they're worried about their kids, their jobs, getting to the kids' soccer games. This is what parents do. There's nothing unusual or wrong about it, who are now saying, I know because they're emailing me, totally politically inactive their entire lives up till now. Friends of mine, I grew up with nothing to do with politics at all, saying, is this real? Is this happening?
Starting point is 00:11:53 People are waking up in droves. The only good news about the rapid descent is we're going to hit a bottom soon. And I promise you, I promise you, I know it. I know it. The Lord will not let this country go down like that. You don't have to be religious to believe that I choose to be. He won't. There will be an ascent just as fast where freedom and liberty will reemerge. And these people on the other side of it, the big tech tyrant, totalitarian fascists, their liberal buddies, the Biden administration. They will all, all have to answer for this soon. You doubt me that there's a big media, big tech, big liberal symbiote right
Starting point is 00:12:33 now looking to crush this country using fascist tactics. Here's an article I saw this morning on Bongino Report, my alternative to the Drudge Report. It's in our newsletter, slash newsletter if you'd like to read this stuff, or you can just go to Bongino Report. It's in our newsletter, slash newsletter, if you'd like to read this stuff, or you can just go to Bongino Report. Front page, anti-free speech Muslim group sues Facebook for not removing sites opposing jihad violence. What? So just to be clear, there are a bunch of groups out there that oppose violence in the name of religion or anything else. Me too, by the way. And there is a group out there suing Facebook to get those groups removed.
Starting point is 00:13:13 I guarantee you Facebook will entertain this too. This is the crazy world we live in. This is not a joke. Check it out. A Bongino report. Read the whole story if you think I'm messing with you. it out a bongino report read the whole story if you think i'm messing with you so this tech site reported on thursday this is from the piece that the far left legal group muslim advocates has filed a consumer protection lawsuit against fake book for allowing quote anti-muslim hate to spread
Starting point is 00:13:37 on the platform leading to real world harm the organization provided a list of what it claimed were 26 quote anti-muslim hate groups get a load of this one including organizations dedicated simply to opposing jihad violence and sharia oppression of women gays and others again explain to me how the big tech media big corporate bowtie wearing liberal crowd are not fascists. Explain that to me again with a straight face. So be clear with this whole block. If I haven't laid it out to you, we are going to lay out in detail the rapid descent of fascism.
Starting point is 00:14:17 We're going right now. Not a joke, not hyperbole. The exact same tactics of fascists. Well, Dan, they haven't resorted to the violence yet have you been to Portland with Antifa where they tried to burn a building down with federal agents in it have you been to a BLM rally one I had a walk through in Washington DC where people were literally threatening to rape my wife that's not a joke they They have descended into violence. The media just covers it all up.
Starting point is 00:14:52 They are working right now to crush dissent. That is the very hallmark of fascist tactics. Yep. They will only allow approved narratives. Only. The media, liberal, big tech, big business symbiote right now here's a video james o'keefe uh's group project veritas which has been doing uh yeoman's work to expose cnn and others this big media propaganda pravda like outfit working at rapid pace to usher in fascism and the elimination of civil liberties in this country, the markets, free dialogue, and everything. Here is an
Starting point is 00:15:31 undercover video recorded by a Project Veritas, an actual journalist, of a CNN employee, a staffer, basically admitting, this is a short clip. You can go to Project Veritas' website. I have the link in the newsletter today. You can check out the whole video. Here is a short clip. You can go to Project Veritas' website. I have the link in the newsletter today. You can check out the whole video. Here is a CNN staffer admitting the network engages in propaganda to get Trump out of office. I thought they were a news organization. They're admitting it now, this guy, on a hidden video. And also admitting to something else about an approved narrative, something that got lost in the shuffle yesterday.
Starting point is 00:16:03 Check this out. It's important. Our focus was to get Trump out of office right without saying it that's what it was right so our next thing is going to be for climate change awareness do you think it's going to be just like a lot of like fear like climate yeah fear sells fear sells no one ever says those things out loud but it's obvious you you you think You think you're being told the truth? You thought news was news? Folks, we're living in a 24-hour Pravda-like Soviet Union,
Starting point is 00:16:35 fascist-type media environment. I do not throw these words around loosely. The exact same tactics fascists and propagandists use in communist totalitarian empires and exploding fascist environments are the same tactics being used by this symbiotic destructive organism big tech big business big media and big liberals to destroy your right to speak out vote for a candidate and affect political change and also to crush any dissent while only allowing approved narratives. So we just have a CNN staffer on tape at an alleged news organization
Starting point is 00:17:15 admitting that they basically engaged in propaganda to make sure Donald Trump wasn't reelected. I thought you were hearing the news. Can we stop with the news nonsense now, please? Can we stop with that? These are not legitimate news organizations. These are not. These are propaganda
Starting point is 00:17:38 operations. That's all they are. How do we know that? Because of the fact that they didn't want Trump elected, by the way, made a lot of the news headlines yesterday. I have to tell you, I find that the least surprising thing about it.
Starting point is 00:17:53 That's not a shock to anyone. CNN's not a serious news organization. It never has been. It's a joke. The fact that they were basically a PAC, political action committee for Joe Biden, it's not a mystery to anyone. They hated Donald Trump.
Starting point is 00:18:08 That he's admitting it on tape is a little shocking. That he had a little bit of verbal diarrhea there, the CNN staffer. But I found the second part to be more surprising because I had just before watching that clip, not kidding, not a joke, And just before watching that clip, not kidding, not a joke, read this piece at, which again, will be in the newsletter if you want to read the whole thing. Major news outlets pledged to begin calling climate change, quote, a climate emergency by Craig Bannister. Wait, wait, wait, wait. I just heard on that hidden video with the CNN guy, him say on tape, we're rapidly moving
Starting point is 00:18:49 on from Trump. Trump's gone. Now we're going to start with the fear porn over the climate. That's really strange because I had just read this CNS news article about media and science air quotes organizations colluding to call climate change a climate emergency don't worry folks it's all legit it's all straight news reporting on facts all of it here's a quote from the cns news piece so you know you're being lied to they're bsing you all day and idiots fall for it. You wake up every morning
Starting point is 00:19:26 as a liberal, like a moron, sucking this up like a thirsty dog licking from a bowl, desperate, desperate to get your information from admitted liars. Here's a quote from the CNS news piece. A number of major news organizations worldwide, ranging from Scientific American, that's a joke, and the Columbia Journalism Review to The Guardian and Al Jazeera. That's strange. Have signed a pledge to begin referring to climate change as a climate emergency in their reporting. Quote, scientific American has agreed with major news outlets worldwide to start using the term climate emergency in its coverage of climate change. The publication announced Monday in a tweet to 3.9 million followers, touting the impact we hope it can have throughout the media landscape.
Starting point is 00:20:38 Don't worry, folks, this is all straight news right all of it every little bit don't you worry i'm not um i'm in the mood for the show but i'm not in the mood for the show, but I'm not in the mood for this. I have had a really, really long few days, as many of you have. There is a lot of stuff going on behind the scenes, ladies and gentlemen, and I am candidly really pissed off. now i've got more about the big media big tech big business big liberal symbiote again lying to you crushing dissent and engaging in fascist-like tactics to usher in a new era of a totalitarian united states where civil liberties don't exist anymore. Man, Dan, that sounds dramatic. It's not dramatic. I'm giving you examples of it happening right now.
Starting point is 00:21:30 That's not drama. That's fact. I've got another example, but I'm going to sandwich it with some good news because we are learning to fight back. I've got two stories coming up next, which should put a little bit of a smile on your face because people, like I said, the good side to the rapid descent is I believe there's going to be a rapid ascent upwards when people start waking up that their country is disappearing
Starting point is 00:21:53 and everything it stood for in front of their very eyes. Some good news up next. The fight back. The fight back has begun. All right, today's show brought to you by our friends at Helix Sleep. Helix Sleep mattresses has a quiz. It takes just two minutes to complete. It matches your body type and sleep preferences to the perfect mattress for you.
Starting point is 00:22:14 I have a Helix Sleep mattress, which believe me, I need. I've been getting up at the crack of dawn. It reminds me of that commercial for the thing, how not to be your parents. Nobody cares what time you get up. That's what happens when you turn 40. You tell everyone what time you get up in the morning. It's so true. But it helps because with Helix,
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Starting point is 00:22:50 something a little firm. I know that sounds weird, but with my bad shoulders, I need a little support there. It helps a lot. It's been awesome getting these videos from you, unboxing the mattress of your dreams from Helix. If you're looking for a mattress, take the quiz. Order the mattress you've been matched to and the mattress comes right to your door, shipped for free. You don't need to go to a mattress store again. I love my Helix mattress,
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Starting point is 00:23:58 All right, back to the show. So some good news. The Rapid Descent will be accompanied by a rapid ascent, because we're not going to take it lying down, if you're not interested in the fight, which I doubt, you wouldn't be listening to my show otherwise, that's fine,
Starting point is 00:24:15 that's your prerogative, I am, I'm not giving up, I'm not forfeiting the country, I have kids, even if I wanted to forfeit, you know what, I got this diagnosis,
Starting point is 00:24:24 I'm not not gonna be around and whatever which is not i'll be fine but that's not the case i have kids and i'm not selfish i am not leaving my kids in this country to descend into a fascist hellhole because of youtube losers communists and totalitarians and big tech zeros i'm not doing it and you shouldn't either if they're going to destroy this country then we better make it really difficult for them to do it some good news from newsbusters another article be in the newsletter today more than 35 conservative organizations have signed a pledge now to reject big tech money now i get it.
Starting point is 00:25:05 Some of you are hearing this story, understandably, and you're saying, gee, took you long enough. We're supposed to thank you for not taking big tech money? Folks, I know. I get it. We probably should have never been. I shouldn't say we. I don't belong to a conservative organization that takes big tech money.
Starting point is 00:25:24 But I wrote here a note because I wanted to, again, make sure I got this. This is not a small thing. A lot of these conservative organizations are not for profit. They don't sell anything. They exist on donations. It's hard. Unfortunately, we live in the real world where these companies who want to advance whatever principles, their free markets, low taxes,
Starting point is 00:25:45 voting rights, whatever they may be, voter integrity, they rely on donations. It's not a small thing to turn to say Google and Facebook, because what they like to do, Google and Facebook, and not Twitter so much, they like to play both sides. They do. They're liberal communist organizations, but they play both sides for what? For what? Come on, think it through. I know you know the answer.
Starting point is 00:26:11 It's gavel time. Because they want Republicans to be, elected Republicans, to be compliant sucker losers and sit down and shut up, boys and girls. And how do you get them to do that? You write a six-figure check to their organization. You think Google cares about a quarter million dollar donation to whatever?
Starting point is 00:26:36 That is, what, five seconds of profits for Google, if that? They're not going to miss that quarter million one bit but to that group it is a lifeline folks when you run for office like i did three times you get a lot of experience dealing with conservative groups they come to you you go to them for endorsements you see how the mechanics of these things work. That quarter million dollars, say, Google donation to a conservative group is a game changer. But it doesn't mean anything to Google. They're not going to lose anything.
Starting point is 00:27:20 They just do it to play both sides and to shut you up. The fact now that a lot of these groups are turning around and saying, you know what? I'm sorry, but we don't want your money anymore. But thanks for playing is not a small thing. Of course, there's going to be pressure to tow the company line, Google, fake book, whatever it may be, if they're going to cut you a quarter million dollar donation. It's not a small thing to say no and turn that money down. Now the pressure to toe that line is off. And I get it.
Starting point is 00:27:54 Many of you may say, well, Dan, they should just do the right thing. I get it. I get it. You are right. I am with you. Unfortunately, some of them don't because they've taken the money. Now that the money's gone, everybody's waking up that the very system of civil liberties we've just grown accustomed to
Starting point is 00:28:09 is the default Americana. Everybody's waking up, including conservative groups that cash those checks, that this has to stop right now, today, not tomorrow, today. It stops today. It's not a small thing
Starting point is 00:28:24 that they turn this cash away. We should be pressuring all these conservative organizations to turn that cash away. I'm going through this right now, folks. Believe me, it's not easy. It's not. It is really, really hard. We have taken it on the chin here. I'm not looking for anybody's sympathy.
Starting point is 00:28:47 Again, it's not a sob story. And I don't bore you with the details of what happens behind the scenes of my show. But we have repeatedly been kicked in the gonads by people trying to get us to do things we are not going to do. Ever. More people are waking up. Here's a Washington Examiner story. Again, in the newsletter. New.
Starting point is 00:29:14 Group to fight Democrat CEO woke-ism and anti-Americanism by Paul Bedard in Washington Examiner. This story had to do with the American Conservative Union and others. These groups now conservative groups who are now starting to realize the threat to civil liberties and democracy from american corporations yes that's right youtube google uh fascist facebook all of them they are starting to realize the existential threat from supposedly American corporations eager to attach their lips surgically to the rear end of the Chinese communist torturers of the Uyghurs and the Muslim population in China, the communists, but yet condemning
Starting point is 00:29:59 American democracy right here because we try to have free and fair elections in Georgia. democracy right here because we try to have free and fair elections in Georgia. These groups are waking up, folks. They are all starting to understand the existential crisis we are in right now. I know the rapid descent into wokeism and chaos and books being banned from Amazon, book burning, censorship on YouTube, totalitarian fascist tactics on Facebook. I get it scares you. It scares me too. But fear can be used for a positive purpose if it motivates you into action. I'm telling you, the do matters. The talk doesn't mean squat. It doesn't mean you get the point. Talk doesn't mean anything.
Starting point is 00:30:47 You have to do stuff. I promise you. You have my word. I am not leading from behind on this. I am doing my best from the front. Again, I can't bore you with this, but we are doing things here too to send a message back that we're not going to be part of this.
Starting point is 00:31:03 And there's no amount of money you can pay us to buy us off to be a part of it. None. Zero. I read your emails. There are things I just found out. That's why I'm so furious before this show. You thought I wouldn't see it. I saw it.
Starting point is 00:31:28 I saw it I saw it we all need to see it we are losing this country it is rapidly disintegrating right before our eyes we are losing everything right now the ability to assemble we're not losing the ability to assemble.
Starting point is 00:31:46 Really? You in one of these fascist states that's used the coronavirus as an excuse to lock down their entire economy, you can assemble in an indoor dining restaurant? Try to have a tea party rally
Starting point is 00:31:58 in an indoor dining restaurant in New York City. Good luck with that. We're not losing the right to speak freely. I just played you a video of the governor of Florida having his speech with medical professionals wiped off of YouTube because YouTube is full of communists.
Starting point is 00:32:16 Tell me again how we're not losing the right to speech? Damn, we're not losing the right to religion. There's a baker in Colorado who's being forced to bake Satan cakes because a bunch of insane nutbag activists decided they only believe private business is private when it's liberals. When it's a conservative private business,
Starting point is 00:32:40 who doesn't want to bake a Satan cake? You better comply. You will comply. But tell me again, we're free to practice religion you just needed a supreme court case they the supreme court just finally said yes you can gather in homes to practice religion what the this is the united states you want to take a case to the supreme Court to determine if you could sit in your home and pray with people. This just happened. This isn't a joke.
Starting point is 00:33:11 This just happened. I am not BSing you. The Supreme Court just said five to four, by the way, not nine to nothing, what it should have been. And they had to overturn the ninth circuit the supreme court just said and that phony fake fraud john roberts ruled with the minority this fake phony pathetic pathetic supreme court justice chief justice of the united states joke of a human being john roberts said, he was with the minority on this. Yeah, yeah, we're not so sure you're allowed to gather to pray together. I thought there was a
Starting point is 00:33:51 First Amendment. You thought wrong. Don't worry, you're free to petition the government. Are you? Really? I read you an article the other day, petition, that if you put together a petition and God forbid you put something on social media saying you defend Trump or a petition to defend Trump, that HR managers now are not hiring Trump people if they see anything on their social media. But don't worry, you're free to do it. You're just not free to work if you do it. The whole country's falling apart. It's falling apart. What other wake-up call do we need? Again, I always think back to my friend, my friend Ginny, who says all the time, we are the leaders we've been waiting for. We, you, don't wait for someone else. We, you, don't wait for someone else.
Starting point is 00:34:44 Listen, I love Ron DeSantis. He's my go-to right now. But I'm not genuflecting at the altar of Ron DeSantis or Donald Trump or anyone else. You have to take the mantle yourself and do something today. Speak up at your kid's school when they start teaching racist white privilege training. Stop buying anything from Amazon, which is engaged in full-blown book burning. Do not watch another Major League Baseball game again. Do not buy their products.
Starting point is 00:35:18 Do not turn them on the television. I said when I was filling in on Fox this weekend, folks, don't forget the golden rule of organizing. You don't have to outrun the bear. You just have to outrun the next guy. What do I mean? You don't have to bankrupt every single company that's fighting the Georgia voter integrity laws because they want corrupted election in Georgia
Starting point is 00:35:45 because that's what they want. You don't have to make an example of every single one. You can't. There's hundreds of them that have signed this ridiculous civic alliance. Why can't? Because you probably don't do business with a lot of them. Some of the companies haven't even heard of them.
Starting point is 00:36:00 But I can almost guarantee you you've done business with one. You don't have to outrun the bear. You just have to outrun the next guy. We have to make an example of one or two. The more the merrier. But if Major League Baseball sees their viewership and attendance down dramatically, sooner or later money talks and BS walks.
Starting point is 00:36:27 It's time to make the BS walk really far. Don't put your butt in those stands no matter what at Major League Baseball. Don't turn it on your television. Don't buy from their sponsors. Do nothing. It's a small price to pay to save this country. I told you we were declining rapidly. We will hit a bottom. I promise you. We have been at really devastating, destructive points in the history of America. We've had a civil war. We've had a revolution, the War of 1812,
Starting point is 00:37:01 which we barely won. I mean, some historians would argue we only won because of a thunderstorm in Washington, D.C. We've been through the 60s and the civil rights struggle. This country always comes back because 50% of the population believes in freedom and liberty and entrepreneurship and the right to petition and religion. The right to practice their religion, to speak freely, the right to vote free of corruption. The fact that the other 50% doesn't and are totalitarian fascists, what do we do? Just give up and surrender the ring to them? I'm not doing it. I'm not doing it.
Starting point is 00:37:39 I'm sorry. This is only calcifying my will and strengthened my will to fight back. Everyone has to go down swinging, even if we don't have a dollar in our pocket. Everyone. History will judge us harshly if we don't. This media machine with their big business and liberal fascist buddies will do anything to shut you up and to demoralize you. Don't do it. Don't do it.
Starting point is 00:38:13 The worst you can do to them, the worst thing you can do to them is to be the last man standing. As everyone else is kneeling before their big tech fascist gods the worst thing you can do to them is get off your knees and stand up and you know what the second worst thing you can do to them is you can be the second person to stand up after you saw the first person standing we're the leaders we've been waiting for. Don't wait for someone else.
Starting point is 00:38:47 No one's coming to save you, folks. Nobody. I'm sorry to tell you that. No one is coming to save you. I can't say this enough. We are the renegades now. We're the misfits. We're the land of misfit toys.
Starting point is 00:39:03 We're the rebels now. The counterculture revolutionaries of the 60s are nothing more than compliant fascist sheep right now populating boardrooms and big tech companies and elected to congress and elsewhere across the country eager to make your country a nation of compliant stupid ignorant sheep walking off a cliff like dopey lemmings. They're the conformists now. Stand up. You're the rebels now. You're the renegades.
Starting point is 00:39:34 It's true. No one is coming to save you. Nobody. You are it. You are the freedom and liberty militia out there. You are it. You are the freedom and liberty militia out there. You are it. No one is coming for you. We're the ragtag group of misfits and renegades.
Starting point is 00:39:56 We're it. And there's nothing they want more than for you to kneel. And when you stand, someone will see it. And someone will stand with you. And then maybe we'll get a third person. And then maybe we'll get a fourth. And then maybe over
Starting point is 00:40:16 time, they'll realize the futility of this, that 50% of the population that still respects freedom and liberty are not going to give up. They're not going to give up. They're not going to give up. I don't think I've ever gone off that long on one topic. I have two pages of stuff and I really want to get to. All right.
Starting point is 00:40:41 Let me just here. I got, I do. I do want to get to this because it's uh it's it's it's it's important i told you about this media fauci dem biden drudge symbiote all of it i want to go through this block next because it's important how again we're being lied to every day and the the dare to be a truth teller in a village of liars. Dare. You'll be scorned. You'll be laughed at.
Starting point is 00:41:07 And I'm sorry, but no one's coming to save you right away. But you can look your kids in the eye and say, son, daughter, I've saved my own soul. I have some dignity and integrity. They are the ones lying. And I'm not going to play the game. It's coming up next. Don't miss video of fauci because he's another one no respect for civil liberties at all anymore all right folks uh listen last year over five million citizens decided to join the second
Starting point is 00:41:40 amendment family i want each of everyone each and every one of them to pick up a holster from our friends at we The People Holsters. This is my go-to. Starting at just $40, We The People Holsters are custom molded to fit your exact firearm for a quick, smooth draw. That's the problem with these one-size-fits-all in the waistband holsters. The firearm falls out. It's totally not secure. I had one of those for a long time.
Starting point is 00:42:02 Then I found We The People. They sent me a sample. I loved it. They have thousands of options to choose from, plus a selection of custom printed holsters, including a line with real tree camouflage. Really cool. Check those out. While you're there, check out their complete line of patriotic tees, tumblers, and a new EDC tactical gun belt, which comes with a patented Cobra buckle. Every holster and gumball comes with a lifetime guarantee. If it's not a perfect fit, send it back for a full refund. Show your support for this show
Starting point is 00:42:30 and this great American company. Go to slash Dan right now. Get an additional $10 off with the offer code Dan. Hold on, but leave this up a second, Guy. Before I get to this URL again. Folks, I'm not kidding. The pressure out here to shut up and not say things, I can't even describe to you.
Starting point is 00:42:49 It is more important than ever. Sorry to get off script here, but it matters. To support companies that will not play this anti-freedom game and are on the side of freedom and liberty. I'm just saying. I'm just throwing that in there. Go to slash Dan. slash Dan, slash Dan. I'm asking you for a favor. Support the people that support us. Countries bifurcating
Starting point is 00:43:15 into people who love and respect and worship freedom and liberty. And the other half engaged fully in ushering in an era of fascist totalitarianism in the United States. Here's more evidence of the media, Fauci, Dem, Biden, Drudge, panic machine, again, using panic to thoroughly evaporate and destroy the First Amendment. Here's a video of Dr. Fauci again, who I went easy on for a long time, hoping he would come around, who now is just, again, sowing total chaos. And YouTube, by the way, I'm going to play. I don't care if you delete our video or not. I don't care one bit. I'm not interested in you, your garbage communists that work there. I don't care. I'm going to play this video. Here's Dr. Fauci. And I'm just going to ask you, you're done with this. After you're done with listening to this video,
Starting point is 00:44:04 I want you to ask yourself a question. So the vaccine work or not because if the vaccine works then how does any of this make any sense with dr fauci check this out eating and drinking indoors in restaurants and bars is that okay now no it's still not okay for the simple reason that the level of infection the dynamics of infection in the community are still really disturbingly high. Sorry, I'm actually checking my email because I have something going on right now. But a tape show, you think we cut that out, but not because I got something going on right now. If you don't think I'm taking the fight to people, oh, you're sorely mistaken. I want to see the results of it immediately.
Starting point is 00:44:42 Oh, you're sorely mistaken. I want to see the results of it immediately. So again, why are you, if, if, if the, I don't understand if the goal is to get people to take the vaccine as a public health professional, like Dr. Fauci, then why are you going on MSNBC suggesting somehow that there's a dangerous situation, indoor dining. If you've taken a vaccine, you're trying to get people to take. What am I missing? I'm sure this video will be banned by the fascist communists at YouTube
Starting point is 00:45:11 because God forbid we ask these questions. Questions like, if public health professionals, air quotes like Fauci, are trying to get people to take a vaccine, then why would you say that? What is it? Does it work or not? It's almost as if they're trying to keep us in a state of 24-hour, seven-day, 365 days a year panic. It's almost like that. They can't seem to figure out what's true or not.
Starting point is 00:45:43 Hat tip, Raheem Kassam. I saw this on a social media feed. Here's the Washington Post. Ladies and gentlemen, these are two real headlines, by the way. This is not a joke. These are two headlines from the Washington Post. A little less than a year apart. Actually, yeah, a little less than a year, but it's right. Here's April of 2020 by Aliza McGraw at the Washington Post. Real headline. Everyone wore masks during the 1918 flu pandemic. They were useless.
Starting point is 00:46:16 Here's a year later, March 12th, 2020 by John Barry. Again, Washington Post. Abandoning masks now is a terrible idea. The 1918 pandemic shows why. Is YouTube going to ban the Washington Post account? Do they have an account there? Are they going to ban that for misinformation? Because both of those stories can't be true, right?
Starting point is 00:46:36 I'm just asking you for reason. YouTube communists. I'm just asking you to use reason. I know you can't do that because you're fascist communists. I know you can't do that because you're fascist communists. I know you can't do that, but I'm asking you to try for a moment to pull yourselves out of the jerkwad bubble you live in, right? And to use reason. Is the Washington Post headline about masks being useless true? Or is the other Washington Post headline about masks not being useless, true? Which one is true?
Starting point is 00:47:07 Because one of them is misinformation, correct? I'm just asking. I know you're incapable of reason because you're an 18 and a half year old intern who's been trained in communist tactics at one of America's horrendous public schools. And you're working right now on YouTube as a fact checker or something with no background in anything. You don't even have a background in tiddlywinks or Legos, and yet you're determining
Starting point is 00:47:33 if the governor of Florida can speak. I know you're watching that right now, going, wow, he's right. One of those is technically misinformation. Oh, should we ban the Washington Post? Of course not. They're're liberals and you suckle on the teat of liberalism every day you losers here's drudge the drudge report again disclosure i have an alternative to judge report bongino report has nothing to do with this story other than the fact that Drudge report has been taken over again by total lunatics. Here was a headline from the other day. Don't worry, Drudge, giving you the news, folks. This was the headline. This is a screenshot for liberals.
Starting point is 00:48:18 Pfizer can't stop the South Africa strain. Oh my gosh. Everybody should panic. Fauci's saying indoor dining is dangerous. The Washington Post, masks don't work. Masks work. They can't seem to get straight which piece of information they want out there. Drudge. Everybody panic. The South African variant bypasses the vaccine altogether.
Starting point is 00:48:42 They do. They do, Drudge. A garbage trash site drudge garbage garbage site you want to know why i started bongino but what do you think it's because the amazing money no because i got tired of garbage like this and i do stuff doing matters Here's the actual story that Drudge was referring to. See, Drudge, this is where Drudge is populated again, probably by a bunch of 12-year-old interns. You have to read the story to figure out what it said.
Starting point is 00:49:15 Did it actually say that the South African variant can defeat the vaccine? Well, here's the article by Nathan Jeffey at Times of Israel. Israeli data shows south african variants able to break through the pfizer vaccine oh my gosh was drudge right well because drudge has a bunch of probably 12 year old interns again with no experience in anything they probably didn't read the actual story because when you get to the actual data in the
Starting point is 00:49:45 story, I know that's hard for them to read and all, you see this line. This is a quote, liberals. That means it's in the story. Quote, she said that the results show that the South African variant compared to the original strain and the British variant, quote, is able to break through the vaccine's protection. Gosh. However, she said, the sample size is too small to put a figure on its increased ability. Maybe you want to throw that in there. Maybe throw that in there that the scientists themselves are acknowledging that the sample size is too small to really make any big, gross, systemic determinations from it. That would be called actual research and journalism.
Starting point is 00:50:25 I know you're not very good at that though. Guy, can we skip ahead for a second to the viewer email? Because I need a mental break. Is that a problem? Thank you. I get a lot of viewer. I need it. Seriously, I need a mental break for a second.
Starting point is 00:50:43 You guys send a lot of email and comments on the show. And given that we don't have a call in line yet, we will with my terrestrial radio show, May 24th. I read your emails and comments everywhere. And I find a lot of them to be really funny. Can I just read a few? Is that okay, folks? I'm asking you like you're going to respond.
Starting point is 00:51:03 The show is recorded, of course. So there's not going to be any. It's that we don't have ESP or anything. But here is one I found yesterday. This is a guy. This is a comment. He says, quote, some dude, I left their names out. Some dude told me this morning on one of these pages that he believes Dan faked his cancer diagnosis.
Starting point is 00:51:20 He claims it's because he never talked about it after he was diagnosed with lymphoma i refuted his claim thanks dude um i appreciate that thanks for refuting that claim um interesting one saw that this morning uh folks i don't talk about my cancer all the time because we have real problems in the world and you don't need to hear about my cancer. But I promise you this scar on my neck, that wasn't the doctor removing a hickey from Paula. And this port in my chest is not a golf ball that got stuck under my skin. That's a chemo port. And it would be really desperate to go to a doctor and say, hey man, I want a fake cancer on my show. Can you install a chemo port in my show? Listen, evil, wrong, but that's dedication right there. That's committing to the lie right there. and pretend you removed the tuber. I don't talk about it because there are more important things right now. And I'm not dying. I'll be okay. And even if I was dying, I still wouldn't get off
Starting point is 00:52:29 the air anyway. But that was interesting. Here's another one, just one more, and then we'll get back to the substance of the show. I don't do this a lot, but you guys comment, ladies, and I feel like I should read them once in a while. This is a great one. This one's actually, Joe, check this. This is pretty hilarious. Lady says, I just called Delta. You know, Delta that boycotted the Georgia voter integrity law. And I asked if I needed an ID to fly. I told them I'm black and they sound like racists. He hung up on me and then called me back. So I let him know that it's racist to hang up on a black person and for demanding an id i think i'll do that another 50 times yes yes i love you whoever put that on the comment section of one of my videos you are my new you are the leader we've
Starting point is 00:53:23 been forget what I said before. We're the leaders. We're all waiting on you. We are all waiting on you. That is awesome. Maybe everybody should call Delta and ask if they need an ID to fly. Because it does sound like it's racist. Just check.
Starting point is 00:53:40 I mean, just, especially if you're black, you should call. If they hang up on you, that is definitely racist, by the way. 100%. Oh, boy. Don't call Delta. Just don't. Don't fly Delta if you can avoid it don't fly United
Starting point is 00:54:07 or American either I'm not kidding folks seriously it's time for us to stand up whatever you gotta do people suffered a lot more for liberty
Starting point is 00:54:19 and freedom they ate their shoe leather at Valley Forge alright I'm not gonna get to this other. What did I say? Damn, those are good stories too. We'll definitely exit though with Ayn Rand.
Starting point is 00:54:33 So don't forget that. All right, so we're going to do this story. And I got an Ayn Rand quote, a good friend of mine who actually believes in liberty and freedom sent me this morning. And it should motivate you to action. But I want to get to this story, be in the newsletter because it's important because it goes back to my,
Starting point is 00:54:49 this may be Dan Bongino golden rule number five or six, although I did not make this up. So just make, let's call it golden rule number five or six on the list. We'll add it at the end of the Dan Bongino rules. That a liberal is a conservative who's been mugged. That's kind of an old joke that goes around that once you get mugged, you're not a Democrat. You become a Republican quickly. All that talk about defund the police. I just got mugged. Refund the police. That's an old joke. I mean,
Starting point is 00:55:15 people in New York used to say it all the time. Democrats are liberal who's been mugged. The gist of it is it's easy to be a liberal when liberal policies don't kick you in the cajones, right? I know I'm saying, I get it. Well, these liberal policies are about to kick you right in the cojones. If you're a liberal who lives in the suburbs and that's a whole lot of rich white liberals, they live in the burbs. You know burbs montgomery county maryland occupied montgomery county a lot of communists live in montgomery county maryland you know i lived i i lived in maryland i know montgomery county very well yep a lot of them are now leaving to go to frederick county to turn frederick county communist too which is really sad
Starting point is 00:56:00 but it's easy to be a liberal in the burbs of Montgomery County, Maryland, because you got your nice white picket fence, your two and a half kids, your doggy named Fido, whatever. You edge your lawn. You don't even edge your lawn. The immigrants do it who come into the country illegally, and you love taking advantage of their cheap labor and taking advantage of them too. You love all that. You love that stuff. Do all the work. You don't have to do anything. But all of a sudden, a policy comes along, promoted by liberals, that kicks you in the teeth and you're like, wow, this really sucks. I warned you about this policy a long time ago. It's called AFFH, Affirmatively Furthering Fair
Starting point is 00:56:42 Housing. It was an Obama policy and it's back. Trump and Ben Carson got rid of it, but it's back. Read this story in the Epoch Times. Be in my newsletter today. Biden moves to revive Obama plan to federalize suburban zoning regulations. Let me translate that title for you. If you're living in the burbs and Biden gets its way
Starting point is 00:57:04 and he looks like he's going to, you're about to have a bunch of high rises and low income housing built in your suburbs. I say terrific. Let it happen. Montgomery County, Maryland, rich white liberals want to vote for communism and fascism in the United States? Let's see low-income housing. And by the way, we can move a bunch of illegal immigrants in. They're going to need housing as well. Let's move that right next door to your house. Ladies and gentlemen, I'm all for this now.
Starting point is 00:57:35 I was against AFFH. I am all for this now because conservative states won't let it happen. What is it? Well, here's a quote from the Epoch Times piece. states won't let it happen. What is it? Well, here's a quote from the Epic Times piece. The Obama AFFH conditioned receipt by local and municipal officials of billions of dollars of federal money on their acceptance of a HUD approved plan to eliminate zoning policies defined as discriminatory. What are they really saying? You want those federal dollars? You want that federal cheese in your neighborhood?
Starting point is 00:58:06 You're going to build a bunch of low-income housing right in the middle of your suburbs. I say go for it. You liberal Montgomery Countyites, you want that federal cheese? Good. You can accept the new federal rules for high-density housing right in the middle of your neighborhood, right in the middle of Germantown. Good for you. Here's screenshot number two. with what it considers discriminatory zoning and creating billions of dollars of new programs
Starting point is 00:58:46 to incentivize local and municipal officials to submit to federal supervision of their decisions. I don't know about you folks, but I'm all for it. Now I'm all, you want this? You want it? You can have it. The liberals, a conservative who's been mugged. When these liberal policies kick you in the teeth,
Starting point is 00:59:10 maybe that descent into chaos will turn around quickly, like it did in New York City, which I lived through. 3,000 homicides, economic chaos, the bond market leaves. What happens? Rudy Giuliani gets elected in New York, and they have the greatest eight, 12-year run we've had in a really, really long time. We're going to hit the bottom soon.
Starting point is 00:59:31 I promise you. Why? Why are we going to hit the bottom soon? Well, hat tip to my friend, Jeff. Let me quote Ayn Rand here. Quote, we are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion, the stage where the government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizens may act only by permission,
Starting point is 00:59:54 which is the stage of the darkest periods of human history, the stage of rule by brute force. We're only minutes from that now. The good news is people are waking up and as fast as it collapsed it can come back.
Starting point is 01:00:16 I know my optimism can be annoying to some but I just refuse to give up on this place. There's nothing else left. Where are we going to go? New Zealand. This is it.
Starting point is 01:00:32 I was born here. I grew up here. My wife struggled hard to make it in this country as an immigrant. I'm not giving it up. You think I'm going to forfeit because 50% of the country have gone full communism. I'm not doing it. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 01:00:44 I'm not going to be a piece of that. Nope. No chance. All right, folks. Thanks again for tuning in. I really appreciate you all reaching out to your radio stations. I'm asking them.
Starting point is 01:00:54 We just, um, believe we brought a new one on today out in Delaware, the whole Delmarva area. So we really appreciate that. We'll be launching the terrestrial radio show, May 24th, call your local station,
Starting point is 01:01:04 email them, ask them if they're going to carry the new Dan Bongino Show. We'd really appreciate your support on that. It matters a lot. And please subscribe to my video show. Today's is pretty priceless. slash Bongino. We'll see you all tomorrow.
Starting point is 01:01:16 You just heard Dan Bongino.

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