The Dan Bongino Show - Debunking Liberal Tax Hike Madness (Ep 1478)

Episode Date: March 16, 2021

Biden is about to blow up your tax bill and crush the economy. In this episode, I debunk ridiculous liberal myths about the Trump tax cuts and other tax cuts in the past. I also address a stunning ret...raction by the fake-news.  News Picks: Biden is about to crush the economy with a massive tax hike. The Heritage Foundation report on tax rates and tax revenues discussed in the show today.  The article about the Bush tax cuts discussed in the show today. Taxes are a “deadweight” loss. Here’s the evidence. The Washington Post’s fake Trump quote is a lot worse than you think.  Washington Post “fact-checker” humiliates himself in botched “fact-check.” Joe Biden is getting ready to shove a massive tax hike down your throats.  Nancy Pelosi is trying to steal an election, yet the liberal media remains silent. Copyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 get ready to hear the truth about america on a show that's not immune to the facts with your host dan bongino how is it that we found 535 of the least intelligent people in the entire cosmos this world and other worlds who all managed to get elected um to congress and the senate at the same time work up up at Capitol Hill and dictate what's going to happen in our lives. How exactly that happened? What are the chances of that? You know, I did an appearance this morning on Fox and Friends, and I really just kind of went for it because I can't take it anymore when it comes to issues, right? Issues that matter. Taxes, how much of our money is the government going to steal?
Starting point is 00:00:45 Immigration. Who are we letting into the country? How we always manage to avoid the common sense questions for these 535 dunces up on Capitol Hill who can't get their heads out of their own collective cabooses. I'm going to do a thorough debunking for you on this show of the tax debate because Biden wants to hike your taxes. Maybe touch on immigration. And I want to get to the Washington Post fake news story. It's going to be a loaded show today. Please don't go anywhere.
Starting point is 00:01:11 I promise you'll be better for it when you're done. Today's show is sponsored by ExpressVPN. Why haven't you gotten a VPN yet? Get a VPN. Protect your data from prying eyes. Go to slash Bongino. Welcome to the Dan Bongino Show. Let's get right to it.
Starting point is 00:01:26 This is going to be a loaded show with information. On the other side of it, you'll be able to destroy your liberal friends' dopey arguments about Biden versus Trump on the economy, all right? I promise you, you have my word on that. Today's show brought to you also by our friends at iTarget. Many state and local governments have used coronavirus to trample on the constitutional rights of millions, simultaneously defunding law enforcement while the mob and dangerous criminals roam free.
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Starting point is 00:02:57 After five or six false starts on the show due to various technical mishaps, we're getting right into it today. So again, I did a Fox & Friends hit this morning. And, you know, typically, let me give you a little behind the scenes. You know, when you're on Fox & Friends, you know, they send you the stories and you're like, hey, give us your POV.
Starting point is 00:03:15 What are we getting? You know, so everybody has an idea where we're going with the segment and all that other stuff. Very great. So they sent me the stuff this morning and they want to talk about immigration. And I went on just a, I don't know, three, four minute rant about how I can't believe,
Starting point is 00:03:28 I'm not kidding, not a joke. I can't believe how the country's just so rapidly falling apart in front of our eyes. I think it's salvageable. I don't want to be Debbie Downer for you today, but how it's falling apart so rapidly. And yet we've elected 535, again, of the most ignorant dunces in the history of humankind to all try to save the place. They must be laughing at us up on Capitol Hill, really. They must be laughing at us because everything they're telling you is fake. It's a lie on immigration, on taxes, everything. So where's this all coming from?
Starting point is 00:04:06 Saw this article pop yesterday in the Washington Times, how Joe Biden is planning on hiking your taxes. And I thought to myself, is this even sane? Washington Times will be in our newsletter today if you want to check it out, slash newsletter. Wealthy Americans and corporations are about to learn Joe Biden's definition of the fair share of taxes. Here we go, Joe. Here we go again with the fair share debate. Again, totally devoid of reason or facts. I'll get to what the Washington Times said a minute about this tax hike, but the fair share debate is so devoid of reason because whenever you ask the left what the fair share is they never really know right so you have the top 20 percent of earners in this country earners
Starting point is 00:04:55 people who earn money play pay 80 of the tax load actually more than that i'm being generous 80 of the tax load and yet when you ask these dunces on the left, you say, well, okay, you want the wealthy and the rich to pay their fair share. What exactly is the fair share? You get clips like the one I'm going to show you in a few minutes of Al Sharpton, who doesn't even know what the fair share is. And when he says it, he embarrasses himself. And I found it. I found the clip. When he says it, he embarrasses himself. I found it. I found the clip. Does this make any sense? On one hand, they pass a porculous bill that is going to give you a $1,400 check after you paid over $5,000 in taxes per family
Starting point is 00:05:44 or are going to pay to finance the $1,400 check. And then the same government is going to increase your taxes to take away the same $1,400 check you got after paying over $5,000 in taxes to get the $1,400. Am I, is there something I'm, do you wonder why this morning i'm so animated and upset and why i was so upset on fox and friends on what planet does that make sense now liberals will twist themselves and knots to try and get that to make sense but we're gonna untwist them and provide actual facts and data today. Let's go to the Washington Times piece first so we see what they're actually proposing. Well, we know what Biden campaigned on, so we have an actual idea of what he's looking at. Quote, Washington Times, Biden campaigned on increasing the corporate tax rate from 21 to 28
Starting point is 00:06:37 percent and raising the top individual tax rate from 37 to 39.6, also increasing capital gains taxes on people who earn more than $1 million a year. Now, I know liberals are watching this and they're like, gosh, this makes a world of sense. This makes as much sense as opening up the border to illegal immigrants in the middle of a pandemic. I mean, why not, Joe?
Starting point is 00:06:58 It's both liberal logic, you know, that's their thing. Liberal logic, meaning no logic at all so i ask you just a common sense question again when is raising taxes work to either one grow the economy or two to even boost federal tax revenue assuredly if you're a liberal watching this show right now you're like okay dan you know at least if we boost the tax rate, we'll get more government tax revenue. Hold on to that. So that's argument number two. Argument number one is this.
Starting point is 00:07:31 The liberals constantly argue that the rich and us, the wealthy, whatever. And again, the definition of who's wealthy always changes depending on when the liberals lick their fingers and see where the wind blows. Right, right, right, right. when the liberals lick their fingers and see them where the wind blows, right? Right, right, right. When you ask liberals, you say, okay, well, what's the fair share of taxes the rich should pay? You get segments like this absolute classic with the legendary John Stossel, who interviewed Al Sharpton, I believe this is back in 2006, on an ABC show.
Starting point is 00:08:08 And on the ABC show, the segment was called Myths, Lies, and Outright Stupidity. So set this up a second. Stossel knows that the fair share argument, liberals should pay their fair share, and he's smart about it. And he asks Al Sharpton what the fair share liberals should pay. Watch the answer because this will be every liberal
Starting point is 00:08:22 because they have no idea what the fair share is. Check this out. The rich do not pay their share. That's a widespread belief. But do the politicians even know how much of the income tax burden the rich pay now? The top 1% in this country pays very much less than 10%, very much less than 5%. So what's fair?
Starting point is 00:08:42 The top 1% should pay ten percent of america's income taxes twenty percent they should pay somewhere around fifteen percent they don't pay five percent anybody could see that as unequal and unfair so they should pay fifteen percent he says and the richest one percent now pay less than ten percent then he he said less than 5 percent. But that's so silly because, and I bet most of you don't know this, the IRS says the richest one percent of taxpayers already pay 34 percent, twice what Sharpton wanted them to pay. The reverend barely reacted when I told him they're already paying 34 percent. No, I think that if you deal with the quality of their lives he quickly changed the subject he never would admit how far off he was that's the greatest clip i i told gee this
Starting point is 00:09:36 morning joe i said to him put that in the evergreen library stuff we're going to use forever because i'm always trying to find that clip. And I never can this morning. It took me, I'm not kidding, like a half an hour to dig that thing out of the interweb. Oh man. It's hard to find. It's I know,
Starting point is 00:09:53 I know. I probably should have sent it to you and be like, Joe, can you find this? But it's, it, we keep that forever because it is, it's so beautifully sums up why I'm so offended at the stupidity coming out of Washington, D.C.
Starting point is 00:10:09 They talk in soundbites about things that are going to dramatically affect your life. No sarcasm here. Somber note of seriousness. They're talking about things, Joe Biden, raising the corporate tax. You saw the Washington Times piece, the income tax and the capital gains tax. They're talking about very serious things which could have a dramatic impact on your business, your investments, your employees, and your personal income. You would think it would be grounded in some metric or number that they had some evidence to back up. I mean, it just makes sense, right? Think about it. If you're a business owner or even remotely involved in a business, you don't have to have an MBA to figure
Starting point is 00:10:48 out that if you wanted to raise the price of your ribeye steaks in your steakhouse and you're a restaurant owner, that you'd probably look for some evidence that there's some price sensitivity or lack thereof, and you can make some more money by raising the price. And if you found out, Joe, that raising the price of the stakes cost you a significant number of business and you lost money, you would probably then cut the price back. You would base it on some research, ladies and gentlemen, and especially to our liberal friends listening to the show who are probably not our friends, but whatever. Is anything I said there out of line, outrageous? Is it silly? You would do that in a business.
Starting point is 00:11:26 No, in any business. So ask yourself this. If Joe Biden is talking about a massive, economy-wide, enormous tax hike after just giving people back their tax money in the form of a stimulus payment, now we want to take some of that money back. You would think it would be based on data. But the data you get when you give it to liberals, they do what Al Sharpton did.
Starting point is 00:11:48 They ignore it. Stossel says to Al Sharpton, well, what percent of the tax burden should the wealthiest 1% pay? Sharpton says they don't pay 10%. They don't even pay 5%. I think they should pay 15%. In 2006, when this was recorded, the richest 1% paid 34%. More than double what Sharpton was recommending. And what does he do? He does what Biden will do. And any other liberal, when you ask them what the fair share is,
Starting point is 00:12:19 they will ignore the question and pretend you didn't even talk. Is it not a fair question? What's the fair share? Where did you get that? Where did you come up with that number? Well, let's give you some actual data and hopefully our liberal friends will watch and listen to this segment and be like, okay, well, I may not like Bongino's show, but he's right. He produced actual data. Here's one of my favorite articles. Again, debunking dopey, silly myths about tax hikes and tax revenue.
Starting point is 00:12:53 This is an oldie but goodie from 2010 by a guy named Dwyer from the Washington Times. This will be in the newsletter. Save this article. slash newsletter. Go there. Save this article, slash newsletter. Go there, save this article. What have you been told, D, Joe, a thousand times by your liberal buddies, if you have them, Joe, what they say, the Bush tax cuts, George W. Bush cut taxes. And look what happened.
Starting point is 00:13:17 It cost the government a fortune. We lost all this money. We did. We did. I know Joe gets a cheat because he's seen this article a thousand times. We've used it in the show before. This goes to the Evergreen file too, and you should keep it in your Evergreen file. Well, let's look at this article
Starting point is 00:13:32 by Dwyer. Headline, Dwyer, Washington Times. Bush tax cuts boosted federal revenue. That can't be. That's not possible. You've been told by your Al Sharpton-like liberal friends who don't know anything about the numbers that Bush cut taxes
Starting point is 00:13:47 and the government lost a whole boatload of money, and you believe it is fact. I'm sorry you believe that. It's not true. I'm sorry you believe in things that are factually incorrect, but it is, in fact, accurate that George W. Bush cut the income tax
Starting point is 00:14:04 rate and tax revenue went up. You don't believe me? Well, let's read from the Dwyer piece in The Washington Times, which you can read yourself. But the real jolt for tax cutting opponents was that the 2003 Bush tax cuts also generated a massive increase in federal tax receipts. Gosh, that's strange. I hadn't heard that before. I'm a liberal. They told me the opposite.
Starting point is 00:14:30 I'm very sorry they did that. It goes on. From 2004 to 2007, after the tax cuts, federal tax revenues increased by $785 billion. It was the largest four-year increase in American history. Gosh, that sounds really weird. According to the Treasury Department, individual and corporate income tax receipts were up 40% in the three years following the Bush tax cuts. And added bonus, the rich paid an even higher percentage of the total tax burden than they had at any time
Starting point is 00:15:06 in the previous 40 years. Here's the kicker. This last line is the kicker. This is the coup de grace. This was news to the New York Times, Joe, whose astonished editorial board could only describe the tax revenue gains as, quote, a surprise windfall.
Starting point is 00:15:29 Come on, man. Come on, man. Wait, there's more, Joe. Wait, there's more. There's more. So again, focus, focus, because I get very excited talking about this topic. You were told by Joe Biden the rich need to pay their fair share. You watched in the Al Sharpton video, and I could play that video five or six times with other politicians. They'll never tell you what the fair share is. When you ask them, they get the fair share wrong. When you ask them what the rich should pay, like Al Sharpton, they actually pay twice what Al Sharpton thinks they should pay. And then when you cut taxes on people and earners, what happens? Revenue went up after the Bush tax cuts. Not only did it go up,
Starting point is 00:16:10 it went up in the largest four-year increase in US history. Now you may say, Dan, come on. That was just unique to the Bush tax cuts. Every other time we cut taxes, those evil rich people really made out. Tax revenue went down. The poor got screwed over. It was raining. Catson, remember that scene in Ghostbusters? Catson, remember that scene?
Starting point is 00:16:36 Well, no, no, that's not true either. Either. I have another great piece. It's from 1996. But man, is it worth your time it's by the Heritage Foundation it'll be in my newsletter today and it'll again debunk every silly liberal myth you've heard about tax cuts in the past as well in case you're under the illusion it was just the Bush tax cuts that led to a gusher of new tax revenue. Here's this piece by Heritage.
Starting point is 00:17:07 How to measure the revenue impact of changes in tax rates. August 9th, 1996. Let's go to other tax cuts, Joe. Let's go back all the way to the 1920s. All right. And see what happened after those tax cuts. Because assuredly, if liberals are correct, those tax cuts led to a dramatic decrease in government tax revenue. Not exactly
Starting point is 00:17:34 what happened. Here, Heritage Foundation, the tax cuts of the 1920s. Tax rates were slashed dramatically during the 1920s, falling from 73% to 24%. My gosh, that's a big tax cut. What happened? The economy boomed, grew at an average annual rate of 6% between 1921 and 1929. Personal income tax revenues increased substantially, rising from 719 million in 1921 to 1.160 million in 1928. This was a 61% increase in tax revenue, which occurred at a time of no inflation. These results, not surprisingly, would not have been predicted by static analysis,
Starting point is 00:18:20 let me add, or liberals. Dan, that's 1920. So you got the Bush tax cuts, tax revenue went up, 1920. Surely there are other examples of major, major tax cuts where revenue just collapsed. Well, we'll get to those in a minute. Let me get to my second break here and I'll show you other tax cuts as well. Tax cuts to show you how taxes down, down for our liberal friends, down, tax revenue up, taxes down, tax revenue up. Apparently Capitol Hill,
Starting point is 00:18:52 nobody's seen this up there. Or let me give you the more likely scenario. They have seen it and they're laughing at you because they think you're idiots and won't do your homework. Sadly, that's what's going on. Hey, let me get to my second sponsor. Our friends at Magic Spoon. This is an empty box from our house because my daughter keeps eating the Magic Spoon. This is the delicious strawberry and putting the empty boxes back on the shelf. I'm not kidding. This is our, we have like four or five empty boxes left. Growing up, cereal was one of the best parts of being a kid. I had to give it up because it was full of sugar and a lot of junk I don't eat. So a healthy breakfast doesn't have to be boring. No more. Throw that out. Magic Spoon is
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Starting point is 00:21:12 for sponsoring this episode and for feeding my family, even though they leave empty boxes because they love it so much in the food closet, which I refuse to call a pantry. All right. I hate that word.
Starting point is 00:21:22 Getting back to the show. Many of you old time listeners know that. I can't, the word pantry, I don't like it. I'm just, I have something with that word. I can't, I can't say it. So Biden's talking about raising our taxes, not basing it on any data research, anything. He just wants to screw you over and take more of your money because that's what they do. So again, you think they do the homework I'm doing now for you. Said the Bush tax cuts. We raised more money after cutting taxes because the economy grew, which created more taxpayers. The tax cuts all the way back to the 1920s.
Starting point is 00:21:54 Let's bump it up a bit. Let's go to the JFK tax cuts. JFK, John F. Kennedy, a Democrat, by the way. I'm sorry, but there are some liberals listening who may not know that. He was, in fact, a Democrat who realized high tax are some liberals listening who may not know that. He was in fact a Democrat who realized high tax rates really weren't cutting it for the economy. So they cut taxes from 90% to about 70% at the top margin rate. Well, what happened after that? Well, let's look at the Heritage Foundation piece. Lower taxes on saving and investment were approved in 1962, followed by an across-the-board
Starting point is 00:22:25 tax rate reduction in 1964. What happened after that? Economic growth picked up. GDP increased at an average annual rate of 5% between 1961 and 68. The Kennedy tax cuts triggered the longest expansion in America's history. And revenues, listen folks, listen up, especially the liberals have a tough time with this. Kennedy tax cuts triggered the longest expansion in America's history and revenues. Listen, folks, listen up, especially the liberals have a tough time with this. And tax revenues grew by 62% over the seven year period.
Starting point is 00:22:56 As seen in chart five, which you'll see in the piece, if you choose to check it out, wealthy taxpayers wound up paying significantly more tax revenue after their tax rates were reduced, exactly as dynamic forecasting would have predicted. Folks, why does this keep happening? Why does the evidence point overwhelmingly, not to zero tax rates, we need to fund our military, post roads, our court system, you understand the constitutional roles of government. But why does the evidence keep pointing to the fact that extremely high tax rates when they're cut actually generate more tax revenue? This is not hard for the sane people. By the way, I'm not done with the examples. This is not hard for the sane people. So if you're, you know,
Starting point is 00:23:38 again, if you're on the other side of the political aisle and you're not interested in facts, tune out now. Because when you cut confiscatory taxes, you encourage people to not engage in deadweight loss activities. Stand by. I will get to that in another great article. Remember this, keep this in the back of your head. When taxes are extremely high, wealthy folks, business owners, they engage in activities to get out of paying the high taxes that destroy the productive capacity of the economy and wind up ironically having the effect of a smaller pizza pie for everybody to eat. You raise taxes, you actually get less tax revenue. I know it's hard for people to believe, but it's true. You want another example? We're just bringing it today. What about the 1978 capital gains tax cut?
Starting point is 00:24:34 They cut capital gains taxes. Surely they lost money on that one. Well, in 1968, legislation was approved raising the capital gains tax from 25% to 49%. Not surprisingly, capital gains revenues were sluggish through the 70s. In 1978, however, the capital gains tax rate was reduced to 28%. The very next year, revenues jumped 45%. Capital gains tax revenues continued to rise, climbing even more when the Reagan tax cuts lowered the rate even further down to 20% in 1981. Folks, we're piling on the examples here, piling the Bush tax cuts, the 1920s tax cuts under Coolidge, the JFK tax cuts, the 1978 capital gains tax cut. Do you need another example here?
Starting point is 00:25:29 Well, let's go to another piece. We're going to remove ourselves from the Heritage Foundation piece for a minute because, you know, leftists and all, they're probably like, the Heritage Foundation, they're definitely lying. Okay, whatever. Facts aren't your thing. Then there's nothing I can do about that. Remember the Reagan tax cuts?
Starting point is 00:25:49 Second term, Ronald Reagan cut the income tax, the highest income tax rates, all the way down from 70%. So follow me. JFK cuts the top rate, tax rate, from 90 to 70. Reagan, obviously decades later, cuts it from 70 all the way to 28%. You must be saying to yourself, again, if you're a liberal, you probably are because I can read your minds.
Starting point is 00:26:13 You're probably watching the show saying, well, it's the first time I heard a lot of this. Okay, good. Welcome to the party, as Bruce Willis said in Die Hard. Welcome to the party, pal. You probably think it's because you believed also the Bush tax cuts cost the government money. Falsely, you believe that.
Starting point is 00:26:30 You probably believe the Reagan tax cuts cost the government money too. 70 to 28%. How much did we lose the government? Well, let's check out this article at Just getting away from the heritage piece just for a second. Where they have an actual table of government revenue by year.
Starting point is 00:26:49 It says who really pays Uncle Sam's bills, U.S. federal government tax revenue by year. So I took a little clip of the Reagan years from this. This is by Summer G. Anderson. And let's see what happened after Reagan cut taxes dramatically from 70 to 28%. Again, if you're a liberal and you've heard that it cost the government a boatload of money, surely the data would back that up. So here's data taken from the U.S. Treasury.
Starting point is 00:27:14 So Reagan gets into office, Joe, in 1980, and the federal government takes in $517 billion in tax revenue. Reagan cuts taxes throughout his second term. Reagan leaves office in 1988.
Starting point is 00:27:29 And what happens? Actually, into 1989. Government tax revenue after Reagan cuts taxes more than in half the tax rate. Tax revenue is... Am I reading that right? Yeah, I can't see that. I'm just kidding. I actually kept my eyes open. That looks like it says, Joe, $991 billion. Am I reading that right? Yeah, I can't see that. I'm just kidding. I actually kept my eyesight. That looks like it says, Joe, 991 billion.
Starting point is 00:27:47 Am I reading that right? 1989? Yeah, your eyes still work. I am. I'm not crazy, right? Thank you. Joe's eyesight's a little bit better than mine. So he gets into office, Reagan.
Starting point is 00:27:55 The government's generating 517 billion in tax revenue. Reagan dramatically cuts taxes from 70% to 28%. And the tax income, the tax rate to the government, excuse me, tax revenue to the government nearly doubles to 991 billion by the time he leaves. That just doesn't sound,
Starting point is 00:28:14 by the way, inflation adjusted tax revenue still went up dramatically. I think it was about 23%. Guys, ladies, I know I, I know I'm a little sarcastic and i know sometimes gabe is telling me sometimes people don't like that i go after liberals so much on the comments
Starting point is 00:28:30 i get it i fair enough um i do but do you understand why i get so emotional about this because i believe in the real world and i became a converted independent. I was never a liberal, but I was an independent largely throughout my twenties because I'd heard things and I believe them. I believe things like, oh, you know, we get, we got to hike taxes to pay off the national debt because if we do, we'll generate so much tax revenue and then we can spend more money. Well, what if I told you none of that's true? And the data backs none of that up? That we've cut taxes before and revenue went up. Let me show you the one downside to the Reagan tax cuts.
Starting point is 00:29:18 We're going to go back to the heritage piece here in a second. Reagan did hike the capital gains tax rate in 1986. So your liberal friends, I'm giving you the counter arguments now. Folks, this is going to become a hot topic in the next few weeks. I did not just randomly pull this topic out of my caboose this morning. Biden is going to push for a dramatic tax hike and you're going to hear all the dopey arguments. We need to raise more revenue. Really? Because when we cut taxes in the past, we raised more revenue. When you bring up the Reagan tax cuts, you'll see it on the air. I guarantee you the liberals will say this. Yeah, but folks, the reason revenue went up after Reagan
Starting point is 00:29:57 cut taxes is because he raised a few taxes too, including the capital gains tax rate. They're not wrong. They are right. Reagan did raise the capital gains tax rate. But what actually happened with those capital gains revenues after Reagan raised it? Well, let's go to the heritage piece where we have actual numbers. The 1986 capital gains tax rate increase, quote, as part of Reagan's Tax Reform Act of 1986, Quote, as part of Reagan's Tax Reform Act of 1986, policymakers increased the capital gains tax from 20 to 28%. Two noteworthy things happened. Capital gains realizations and revenues soared before the tax rate increase took effect and then collapsed by more than 50% when the higher tax rate took effect. Telling you again, what? That your liberal friends who will make the argument to you that, oh, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:30:52 Revenue went up in the Reagan years despite his tax cuts because he raised other taxes. Actually, that capital gains tax hike lost money. It lost money. So you're really just making that up. Capital gains tax revenues went down by 50%. Please, please, facts, try it. One more piece, I want to move on to the Washington Post. Just stunning retract.
Starting point is 00:31:19 Well, not stunning because we know they're generally fake news, but a really shocking retraction. I want to just end on this note and we'll get to my third sponsor and then the Washington Post fake news story. Another great article in my newsletter today, slash newsletter. Please read all of these. They're all in there. The Dwyer article, the heritage piece. You'll have all the ammo you need to argue this in the future with your friends on the other side of the aisle. This one's great. It's by David Henderson. This was from just 2019. The case against higher tax rates, Hoover Institution. This is a very long screenshot. I'm not going to read the whole thing because the article was so
Starting point is 00:31:54 great. I honestly couldn't figure out like what part of it was great. So I just kind of took a screenshot of the whole thing. He's like, this could be the longest text screenshot we've ever seen. He talks about this, how economists come up with these cumbersome terms to describe important concepts. He says, but the best way to think of taxes is like a deadweight loss, right? He said, it beautifully describes one of the big harms from taxation. The deadweight loss from taxes is the loss imposed on some that is not a gain to anyone. loss imposed on some that is not a gain to anyone. So for example, he says,
Starting point is 00:32:29 a typical estimate of deadweight loss from taxes is 30% of revenue raised. That means if the government takes a million in additional taxes, there's an additional $300,000 cost imposed on players in the economy. He goes on. He says, well, where does this deadweight loss come from, this 30%? This is brilliant. It exists because people try to avoid taxes. So for example, an increase in
Starting point is 00:32:55 the marginal tax rate might cause people to work less, or it might cause them to buy a more expensive house so they can deduct the additional interest from their tax bill and the mortgage. So those are just two of the ways people adjust their behavior. They might also evade taxes by understating income or overstating expenses and deductions. Why do they call the result a deadweight loss? Because in each case, the tax system, ah, this is it, gives people an incentive to do something they would not have chosen to do at a lower tax rate. The increased tax rates cause them to engage in behavior that would be otherwise inefficient
Starting point is 00:33:36 for them. Bingo. The jury is in. Nice job, David Henderson. When you have extremely high tax rates, people do a lot of things they wouldn't ordinarily do that add absolutely nothing to the economy, causing massive deadweight losses. Beautifully stated. Beautifully stated. Read that piece. It's a good one. slash newsletter to access the piece.
Starting point is 00:34:06 All right, let me get to this Washington Post story next, but let me get to my third sponsor here. What a retraction. You know, I know it's not a Project Veritas retraction. Do we have retraction? Hold on, folks. Stand by. If I may, Project Veritas.
Starting point is 00:34:24 I know it's not a retraction directed at James O'Keefe and the excellent Project Veritas, but if I may, they have the retraction alpaca. Retract-o, the correction alpaca. I can't sing the song as good as the creator, Gary Eaton, but if I may, Project Veritas, I'm going to ceremonially give the retraction correction alpaca to the Washington Post after this. Is that okay, Guy? Can we do that? Joe,
Starting point is 00:34:52 is that all right? Can we do a ceremonial? I don't think James will mind at Project Veritas. All right, let me get to my third sponsor, our friends at GenuSoap. Dry, irritated, red, blotchy skin all over your face and won't go away? yourself. Dry, irritated, red, blotchy skin all over your face and won't go away? You struggling with stress breakouts and uneven skin tone? All gone thanks to Zotique Deep Correcting Serum by Chamonix. Here's Catherine from Fort Wayne, Indiana. I'm a doctor working on the front lines of the COVID pandemic and the endless wearing of face masks ruined my face. I used several other products without success until found Chamonix. The promises are real. Very quickly, my face. I used several other products without success until found Chamonix. The promises are real. Very quickly, my face seems on the mend. These products have started healing the mask
Starting point is 00:35:30 creases. Thank you. Sotique uses the power of liposomal technology to deliver the healing, rejuvenating powers of vitamin C to the deepest layers of the skin for results you can see. And it's yours free today with your order of GenuCell for bags and puffiness. How do you get it? Go to and enter promo code DAN40, that's DAN40, and check out for an extra special discount. That's, Order today and get the classic GenuCellline treatment and luxurious Genucel XV anti-wrinkle moisturizer free with your order. Every order is upgraded to free priority shipping. Don't wait. Order now. That's Use promo code DAN40 for that great deal. Check it out today. All right, moving on. for that great deal. Check it out today.
Starting point is 00:36:23 All right, moving on. So, folks, we covered this story yesterday, and it's really blown up since. I, you know, I just, I can't get over how big of a retraction by the Washington Post this really is. If you didn't watch yesterday's show, in sum, it's very simple to understand. A story went around,
Starting point is 00:36:44 promoted by the Washington Post, CNN, NPR, and others, that after the 2020 election, President Trump had called an official in Georgia and said to that official on the phone, quote, find the fraud. The story was reported on endlessly. President Trump is pressuring Georgia election officials to find fraud. The liberal media spin was, there's no fraud. This is scandalous. President Trump could be obstructing justice. He needs to go to jail, a minimum of 25 to life. No question, prosecuted immediately.
Starting point is 00:37:17 Matter of fact, let's throw out habeas corpus and just put him right in prison. He doesn't even need a trial. So obviously, if your whole case was bedrocked on a phone call where president Trump allegedly told a official from Georgia, quote, find the fraud, Joe, you would think if you were a sane, rational person that if you built your case around it,
Starting point is 00:37:40 it would require president Trump to actually have said, find the fraud. Yeah. Okay. I'm just, I, I, I, your case around it would require president trump to actually have said find the fraud yeah okay i'm just i i i just had a you know i'm just checking there that find the fraud huge scandal so did president trump you you think you would ask before the fact not after the fact did he actually say find the fraud well Well, it turns out he didn't. That's just made up because now we have the audio, as you saw yesterday.
Starting point is 00:38:08 So there's a great piece in my newsletter today by Matt Margolis. It's also headlined at, by the way, if you want to check that out. PJ Media, Matt Margolis. He brings up a great point
Starting point is 00:38:19 about this made-up quote that President Trump never said. Made up, meaning it didn't happen. Headline, PJ Media, Matt Margolis. The Washington Post, look at you, quick on the draw there. Ha, keep getting good. He said, I didn't read that, went right back. Very nice, I like that.
Starting point is 00:38:35 The Washington Post fake Trump quote scandal is a lot worse than you think. Matt Margolis. Now, you would think, Joe, the big scandal would be that they made up a quote about President Trump he never said. But no, it's actually worse than that. Why? Here we go. I didn't even think of this.
Starting point is 00:38:59 Margolis says in the piece, the most scandalous thing, Beckett Adams from the Washington Examiner, that's who he's sending, he argues, is that several different newsrooms claim that they independently confirmed the original scoop with anonymous sources of their own. Wait, here it goes. Here, here, here's the evidence in the PJ Media piece. In case you think, again, I'm making this up. So President Trump never said this at all. We have the audio now. NBC News reported it, quote, confirmed.
Starting point is 00:39:34 They had confirmed the Washington Post characterization of the December 23rd call to a source familiar with the conversation. Well, it gets worse. USA Today claimed, quote, a Georgia official speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss internal matters. Confirm the details of the call. It goes on.
Starting point is 00:39:54 ABC News. President Trump phoned an investigator in Georgia asking the official to, quote, find the fraud and telling this person they will be a national hero for it. An individual familiar with the matter confirmed, confirmed to ABC News. One more, one more, last one.
Starting point is 00:40:11 I'm sorry we're piling on, but this is almost hilarious and it's stupidity. PBS NewsHour and CNN likewise appeared to claim they independently quote, confirm the story through their own anonymous sources. Do you understand that, what is that, five, six, seven, I don't know, what we would call
Starting point is 00:40:31 mainstream media outlets, they're not mainstream, they're liberal activists, managed to confirm a story that was fake. It was fake. It was fake. You know, I literally hate the word literally, but it's literally fake. We have the audio. No one ever said, find the fraud and you'll be a national hero.
Starting point is 00:40:56 Someone just made that up. Someone made it up, told the media out the story, they printed it despite doing no due diligence on it, and then other media outlets confirmed to other anonymous sources the same fake quote. Now, you think, okay, Dan, this story's bad, right? The Washington Post makes up a fake story about Donald Trump.
Starting point is 00:41:23 It's then confirmed by other media outlets who confirm the fake story. So you would think to yourself, well, the Washington Post has fact checkers, right, Joe? I mean, we get fact checked all the time on and they're nonsense fact checks that aren't actually accurate. You would think the Washington Post fact checker, Glenn Kessler, that's his name, would chime in and say, hey guys, we really blew this one. There is no such quote. I am going to be a responsible citizen of the Washington Post. Fact check my own paper. And you know what? Sometimes you wind up with egg in your face. One of my favorite songs is The Gambler, right? By Kenny Rogers. You got to know when to hold them. I love that song. Sometimes you got to know when to hold them i love that song sometimes you gotta
Starting point is 00:42:05 know when to fold them know when to walk away this is when you gotta know when to run you would should run from this don't you think joe glenn klesher should say washington post it's time to run we screwed this up yeah you know go no no that's not what happened. No, of course. Shame on you, Armacost. That's not what happened. They got receipts, folks. I know you hate that word. So does my wife,
Starting point is 00:42:33 but she's not here today, so it's okay. Guy, do you mind the word receipts? Guy doesn't mind. My wife prefers the term evidence. I'm saying receipts. If she sees the show, she's going to get mad at me.
Starting point is 00:42:44 Twitchy has the receipts. This article, again, will be in the newsletter today. I'm saying receipts. If she sees the show, she's going to get mad at me. Twitchy has the receipts. This article, again, will be in the newsletter today. It says, but Trump! Washington Post's own fact checker weighs in on Donald Trump's response to the Washington Post's
Starting point is 00:42:55 fabricated story. So did Glenn Kessler, the Washington Post fact checker, correct the story? No. Not at all. Here's his original tweet from January 9th. This is all on the twitchy story
Starting point is 00:43:06 where kessler joe this is hilarious he's the fact checker at the washington post this is him on january 9th pumping the fake story on his twitter account glenn kessler quote find the fraud trump pressure to georgia elections investigator in a separate call. Legal experts say it could amount to obstruction. Problem is, it didn't happen. So again, you got to know when to hold. You think Kessler would be running from this? Hey guys, I screwed up. I make, I have one job, literally one job.
Starting point is 00:43:42 I'm a fact checker. I screwed that up. There's no such quote fact check i'm gonna show my integrity no no no no no no this is not what happened here's kessler from yesterday responding to president trump's statement about how the washington post got the story wrong kessler says the washington post reporting on Trump's call to the Georgia Georgia Secretary of State undisputed as the audio tape
Starting point is 00:44:07 was obtained from the star was the article cited in the impeachment article Trump naturally pretends otherwise let me translate that for you instead of apologizing Kessler
Starting point is 00:44:16 for promoting a fake documented fake story he takes a shot at President Trump because Trump said, if this gets confusing,
Starting point is 00:44:27 you two Ombudsman guys have to stop me here. Trump put out a statement saying, hey, not only is this fake news story about me saying find the fraud fake, the Democrats actually use this fake news story to impeach me a second time. Kessler, instead of apologizing for using the fake quote, says, no, no, that's not true, basically.
Starting point is 00:44:52 They didn't use that quote in the impeachment thing. To the rescue, to the rescue, the great Henry Rogers at the Daily Caller, who says, hey, Glenn, again, this is all on the twitchy piece, here at the Daily Caller. Who says, hey, Glenn. Again, this is all on the twitchy piece. Here's the actual impeachment brief. There's the fake quote, folks, right there. There it is.
Starting point is 00:45:14 Right there. Find the fraud. It's right there. It's right there. Eyes. Eyes, fucker. That's an O for our terrestrial listeners. That's an O. Eyes. Eyes. Eyes, fucker. That's an O for our terrestrial listeners. That's an O. Eyes. Eyes.
Starting point is 00:45:37 So to sum up here, to sum up here, I'm going to go to page two because I got a Pelosi video in a second. You're not going to want to miss. But pay. Kessler pumps a fake quote by Trump in January, never corrects it or his paper. He's a fact checker. He may have corrected it today. I'm going to have to look. I got to check it out.
Starting point is 00:45:56 If he did, I'll put it on the show tomorrow. Or Kessler, you're welcome to come on the show and respond. He pumps a fake quote that never happened. The Democrats use said fake quote to impeach the president. Then instead of Kessler correcting his paper and fact-checking, he may have corrected himself by now, I'm not sure, he doubles down and gets a fact-check wrong again by suggesting the Democrats didn't use the fake quote in the impeachment despite it being in the actual impeachment brief.
Starting point is 00:46:25 This guy's the fact-checker This guy's the fact checker. He's the fact checker. Do you understand why Americans, I get this email all the time because everyone now knows that if you get fact checked by a liberal, it means what you probably said is true and they just don't like your opinion. I get emails all the time from Americans across the spectrum on this who tell me they go to Facebook and they block all the fact checker accounts because they can't take the stupid. This guy's the fact checker.
Starting point is 00:46:54 He can't check himself. He can't check the Washington Post. Has he apologized for this yet? All right. Let me get to my last sponsor. On the other side of this i got a video of nancy pelosi because joe i thought we heard we're not we're not allowed to talk about uh stealing elections that's that's verboten you talk about that that's right you'll be banished into the
Starting point is 00:47:14 phantom zone i heard that this is weird so why is nancy pelosi talking about stealing an election right now and yet i still see the clip on YouTube and elsewhere. It's strange, right? No, no, seriously. I'll play that video in a second. Our final sponsor today are friends at StartMail. Free email services like Gmail and Yahoo aren't really free. You pay with your privacy. You're being sold, folks.
Starting point is 00:47:41 I got bad news for you on those, air quotes, free services. Those companies have access to every email you send and receive. Big tech can sell your data to the highest bidder. It will target you with intrusive ads and put you at risk of phishing attacks. That's why I'm using now StartMail to secure my email. Start with StartMail. Start today. Makes me feel safe again.
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Starting point is 00:49:32 Doing good on time here. So, you know, again, we were told by the bowtie-wearing snob crowd, the elites in the media and elsewhere, you're not allowed to talk about stolen elections. God forbid you do that.
Starting point is 00:49:45 We will banish you from the interweb everywhere. Well, then why is Nancy Pelosi talking right now this weekend? This just happens. This is what Stephanopoulos is. She was interviewing. I think it was on ABC with Stephanopoulos. And she's asked a question about why House Democrats are trying to steal the Iowa second congressional district seat back from the Republican who won. The Republican won. That race is over. Just so Joe, Gija, so everybody's clear.
Starting point is 00:50:14 The Congresswoman now swore in, raised her right hand and swore in. Copy. Am I right? Already swore in. Pelosi is talking about stealing the race. It's already been certified. You doubt me? Listen to her interview here. She cites now, I didn't know this was a caveat that you're not allowed to talk about stolen elections, Joe.
Starting point is 00:50:38 I didn't know. We talk about what we want, of course. But apparently, according to Pelosi, Joe, there are two conditions you can steal an election now from people. Number one, as long as the victor in the election,
Starting point is 00:50:51 if they only win by six votes, then you can steal it. I didn't know that. So let's write that in, hold on, a little asterisk. I need to know that
Starting point is 00:51:01 in the future for other Congress. Joe, if you only win by six votes, Democrats can steal it. I didn't read that in election law but this is she makes two and her second point is as long as the candidate that loses asks for you to steal it then it's okay you you got the two joe you got the two rules yeah yeah it makes i know it makes perfect i know you get it now bro so let's listen to nancy pelosi describe the two conditions where it's perfectly
Starting point is 00:51:24 okay to not only talk about, but actually steal elections. Check this out. I want to ask you about the controversy bringer on Iowa's second congressional district. The GOP congressman Marjorie Miller Weeks won a razor close election, six votes. The votes were counted, recounted, certified by the state. But the House administration committee began a process this week that could lead to unseating the congresswoman.
Starting point is 00:51:44 That has Republicans accusing you of hypocrisy, jim jordan he put out this tweet speaker pelosi says she's open unseating republican congresswoman miller meeks translation you're only allowed to object to an election if you're a democrat why investigate an election that was certified by the state well it was six votes it was six votes. It was six votes. And our candidate, Rita Hart, the Democratic candidate, asked for this process to begin. So has everyone taken notes at home? Apparently, you're allowed to steal an election, again, as Nancy Pelosi says, if it's only six votes. Now, the obvious question, Joe, is, OK, remember, the Republican congresswoman is already sworn in. Right. The elections, I'll show you the Republican congresswoman is already sworn in. Right.
Starting point is 00:52:33 The elections, I'll show you the evidence in a second that this was already reviewed, already certified by Democrats as well in actual Iowa. The race is over. Right. So I'm curious, Joe, the logical question here is, if Democrats are saying it's okay to steal an election from a Republican congresswoman because she only won by six votes. What's the next question? Well, what about seven? What's the actual number? Joe, fair question, right? If Stephanopoulos was an actual journalist, that's the question I would ask. Nancy, what if it was 10 votes?
Starting point is 00:52:56 11? What's the number? What do you have to win by before Nancy Pelosi says, no, we can't steal it? Again, to our liberal listeners, is that not a fair question? What if you win by one vote? What's the, geez, is this fair? Is this fair?
Starting point is 00:53:12 Okay, I'm getting ahead. Joe, is that a fair question? That's a fair question. What's the number of a, 15, 20? You got to win. No, you got to win by a hundred. And second, her condition to steal the election for the Democrats. The race is over.
Starting point is 00:53:25 I can't say this enough. It's, oh, don't worry. The Democrat who lost is now asking for them to steal it. Oh, okay. Joe, there it is. I didn't know that. I didn't know that. As long as the candidate asks for you to steal it, it's okay.
Starting point is 00:53:40 So again, six votes is the cutoff, and the candidate who loses has to ask for it. That's just a little asterisk there. That's really good. That's good to know for the future. A little background on this case from our friends at The Wall Street Journal, in case you think, no, maybe Nancy Pelosi has a point. You know, clearly the Republicans stole it. So Pelosi's just stealing it back. That's not exactly what happened. Here's a Wall Street Journal from, I think this is last week.
Starting point is 00:54:13 Democrats move on Iowa's second district. The House takes the first step towards overturning an election. I thought we weren't allowed to do this or even talk about it. The race was certified by Democrats too. Look at this from the journal, and I quote, this is Zoe Lofgren, who's a liberal Democrat in the House of Representatives, who's marshalling this effort to steal the election from the Republican congresswoman who won, Miller Meeks.
Starting point is 00:54:40 Lofgren, the Democrat said, the American people deserve to know who actually won this election. As if the outcome hadn't already been certified by a 5-0 vote of Iowa State Election Board, Joe, composed of three Republicans and two Democrats. The precursor to the committee on House administration had held that the results are, quote, presumed to be correct until they are impeached by proof of irregularity and fraud, which nobody found. Yeah. A unanimous three Republican, two Democrat board and the Iowa State Election Board said the results are good. The Republican won.
Starting point is 00:55:19 But again, don't worry. If you only win by six votes, you're a Republican. And the Democrat you beat asks, asks for the seat to be stolen. You should worry, because then they can steal it from you. Those are the new rules. As long as we're writing these rules all down. Watch this story. This is going to be a big, big controversy. All right, we're going to have to hold the police.
Starting point is 00:55:45 We are going to get to the Florida one. Guy's been kind of making fun of me a little bit because I get these great stories and I hold them forever. So he had a good idea, Joe. He said we should do like a Land of Misfit toys show where we take all the stories we really loved but never made it.
Starting point is 00:56:00 And we just do one show where we bounce right through them all. The rent control story, this police story. I'm going to get to the police story. I promise this week. All right. Update from sunny Florida. I talked about this yesterday.
Starting point is 00:56:10 Folks, we're in a little bit of a mini crisis here in Florida. Not kidding. The place is blowing up. You cannot. I live down here. I have to move because we need to expand our studio and I don't have enough space. You can't find a house down here.
Starting point is 00:56:28 You Floridians listening, well, you don't want to be ridiculous. You can find a house, but you are going to pay through the nose. I bought our house in Palm City, our first studio, for about, what, $500,000 or something? The house now is fetching like $700,000. I've only been in Florida for six years. You can't find a house. People are, the bidding wars are insane. I have a friend who moved to Boca.
Starting point is 00:56:58 She bought her place, I think, five or six months ago. It's an expensive place. The place, the same exact model home is on the market down in her neighborhood for $400,000 more than she bought it just in the fall of last year. And to get into the neighborhood, real estate people aren't even taking new clients unless you're going to buy that day. I'm not kidding. You have to, there's a lottery to an into the neighborhood to bid on the house
Starting point is 00:57:25 it's turning into a little bit of a mini crisis down here you can't find a house i took a note but blaze p every blaze pizza it's like the chipotle a pizza i take my daughter there she loves it they get a little dough and you like it's like the chipotle a pizza give me to some meatballs that's. And they put it in their thing. As whoever thought of it, it's a great idea. I took my daughter to the Blaze P. What does that have to do with anything? Because ladies and gentlemen, we're supposed to be in the middle of a pandemic.
Starting point is 00:57:53 Florida is so hot. It's like the pandemic never happened. The place was packed. We couldn't even get in the joint. You couldn't even get in the joint. I ran into my financial advisor there. Great guy. He paid for my pizza.
Starting point is 00:58:04 You couldn't even get in the joint. Florida is smoking hot right now. Smoking hot. En fuego. You can't find a house. Businesses are booming. But it is turning into a little bit of a mini crisis because we're not used to this down here. I'm not a lifetime Floridian, but I've been down here six years.
Starting point is 00:58:24 The snowbirds usually leave right around Easter because it gets hot in Florida and they go back. The snowbirds aren't even leaving anymore. The traffic down here is getting pretty heavy too. Why? Why is all this happening? Well, look at this Wall Street Journal piece I pulled the other day. New York's hot export. People!
Starting point is 00:58:44 People! By Mark King in Wall Street Journal. Why are people leaving New York? Because again, tying it back to the beginning of the show, liberals tell you they want higher taxes and they want you to pay their fair share, although they don't know the economic results of higher taxes because they haven't done their homework and can never cite what the fair share is. And the third part of the prong to tie the whole show together is the fact that liberals say of the prong to tie the whole show together is the fact that liberals say they want higher taxes despite the fact that when the higher taxes hit them,
Starting point is 00:59:10 they come down to Florida to escape the higher taxes they told you they wanted but knew nothing about. You don't believe me? Here, Wall Street Journal piece. Albany legislators in New York considering two tax bills that would damage New York's economy,
Starting point is 00:59:23 a wealth tax and a stock transfer tax. The top federal, the top tax rate and the top federal tax on capital gains will increase to 40%. The combined New York state and city rate may reach 15%. So if New York enacts this 2% wealth tax, a wealthy New Yorker could wind up paying, wait for it, a 77% tax on their short-term stock market profits. And by the way, that's a conservative estimate. If they actively trade their portfolio, the tax would be more than 100%. Now we know what a fair tax looks like. The piece ends.
Starting point is 01:00:06 I'll end the show on this. I'm just asking you to the liberal viewers and listeners of the show to think through this logically. If what you're saying is so rational and reasonable, that higher taxes work, we need higher taxes now, and it'll lead to a better life for all of us. Why, when you vote those policies in a New York, do you then escape the life you claim would be better in the place you voted in the policy you said would lead to a better life? Why do you leave to come to a state that has an income tax rate, a state income tax rate of zero? I thought you said higher taxes were a really good thing. So why are you trying to escape them? Why are you filling up Blaze Pizza? Why are you clogging up our roads? Why are you
Starting point is 01:00:53 buying up all the houses down here? Great, come down here. But why are you coming down here and bringing the same economic stupidity you tried to escape and trying to bring it to the great state of Florida. Why are you doing it while simultaneously being totally uninformed about what tax cuts have done in the past? They've raised revenue, not lost them. And being totally uninformed about what the fair share actually is. Are you proud of not knowing anything? Are you proud of saying something and doing the other? We call that being a hypocrite. All right, folks. Thanks for tuning in.
Starting point is 01:01:29 Hey, I usually promote Rumble at the end of the show, which I'm going to, of course, do today. Please follow our account, slash Bongino to watch the show. But I just want to leave you with this. I've got some more exciting news coming. Different from my business stuff. You know, I'm building out my parallel economy,
Starting point is 01:01:44 and I do have some exciting news about that too. But Joe knows we got some big big he knows now too. Big, big stuff coming. Huge. Make sure you
Starting point is 01:01:59 follow the show. I'm hoping to be able to, I'm limited what I can say until like next week. And thanks to our buddy cat turd sent me a mug. I told him I wear his shirt. I will eventually. Our buddy cat turd on Twitter. We do all love cat turd.
Starting point is 01:02:16 Send me a shirt to a couple of his books, some little bumper magnets too. We all love our friend cat turd. Thank you very much. My new go-to model. He's the best. Check him out on social media. All right, folks. Thanks for tuning in. I almost shut off the audio of the show, Joe, before I asked how long
Starting point is 01:02:32 I... Thanks for tuning in. You just heard Dan Bongino.

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