The Dan Bongino Show - Democrat Congressman shoots his mouth off

Episode Date: April 1, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Inflation has consequences as seen by the current bank crisis. Time to buy gold like me from Birch Gold Group. Birch Gold, B-I-R-C-H, will help you convert an existing IRA or 401k into an IRA and physical precious metals. The best part is tax sheltered. Text DAN to 989898 to claim your free information kit on gold today. With an A-plus rating with the Better Business Bureau, Birch Gold is who I trust to protect my future and yours.
Starting point is 00:00:24 Text DAN to 989898 today. Past performance is not a guarantee of future results. Message and data rates apply. Dan Bongino. Welcome to the Bongino Brief. I'm Dan Bongino. We are being led, governed,
Starting point is 00:00:36 whatever you want to call it, by idiots. By idiots. Watch this Democrat, Jamal Bowman, I mean a total life loser, an obvious coward as well. The guy does nothing but scream. It's amazing.
Starting point is 00:00:50 Screaming at Byron Donald, screaming at Tom Massey here. The guy does nothing, but he doesn't actually know anything because he's a moron. But here he goes, full lunatic up on Capitol Hill because he wants to put your kids in danger. No, no, no. He really wants your kids in danger. You're speaking in hyperbole. No, no, no. He really wants your kids in danger. You're speaking in hyperbole. No, no, I'm not. Oh, I'm not.
Starting point is 00:01:10 Jamal Bowman does not want anyone with a firearm protecting your kids in school so that your kids are sheep for killer savage wolves who may murder them. Jamal Bowman also wants you in danger because Jamal Bowman knows full well that criminals don't care about gun laws, but Jamal Bowman wants to make sure he takes away your gun. So the criminal's way could kill and shoot us. Yes. He wants you in danger. You in danger.
Starting point is 00:01:36 See, Jamal Bowman's a coward though. He's always been a coward. And I've noticed this about cowards. My time growing up, whether it was boxing or MMA or the stuff, the loudest screamers are always the biggest chumps and cowards. That's this guy. It's almost like, did you notice this show?
Starting point is 00:01:53 It's a compensation mechanism. I don't know if it's like a genitalia thing or whatever it is. They have a compensation mechanism. See, because they feel inadequate. They feel like if they scream scream they'll intimidate you i'm telling you it's a golden rule coming up a little short yeah yeah that's good every time every little short every time they are the biggest screamers the biggest chumps. Here he is.
Starting point is 00:02:25 This guy wants to put you and your kids in danger. Screaming up on Capitol Hill. Has no facts to back up anything he says. And Tom Massey, who's a really terrific Republican congressman. Everyone else is ignoring this idiot because he's a clown. They're like, look at this loser. Matter of fact, Steny Hoyer tries to, I don't know if you saw that, Joe. Maryland Congress tries to grab him like, please shut up.
Starting point is 00:02:42 You look like a loser. Tom Massey has the courtesy to stop and actually talk to him, and he can't stop screaming because he's a lunatic. Take a listen. Freaking cowards. They're gutless.
Starting point is 00:02:52 They're not here. I'm talking about gun violence. I'm talking about gun violence. Carry guns? You think more guns lead to more death more guns lead to more death look at the data you're not looking at any data you're you're you're carrying the water for the gun lobby no no look at the data more guns lead to more deaths good states that have open carry laws have more debt total chump i mean I mean, total chump. Total loser.
Starting point is 00:03:25 I guarantee you. This guy, I almost feel bad for him. He was probably beaten up a lot in high school, whatever it may be. Maybe he got mugged in a way. No, I'm serious. I'm not being silly about it. And what they do is then, you know, they try to overcompensate when you give them a little power as they get to be adults. I've seen it before.
Starting point is 00:03:43 Guy's probably a real life loser. Somehow got elected. powers. They get to be adults. I've seen it before. Guy's probably a real life loser. Somehow got elected. I mean, listen, I'm from New York, but in these liberal districts, they're known to elect morons sometimes. I'm sorry, but it's true. You got AOC. You got this loser. So he's screaming and he screams, of course. He's got nothing but talking points. You're in the gun lobby, the gun lobby, by the way, which spends a fraction of what anti-life pro-abortion organizations spend, teachers unions, the gun lobby. He doesn't have, I mean, I'd like to see what kind of organizations have donated to him. Oh, wait, there was one.
Starting point is 00:04:18 There was one. Wasn't it in the show the other day, Guy? We had the red state article that the TikTok donated to a group he was part of when he then went out and backed up the Chinese Communist Party TikTok. Same guy, but sellout, total sellout, complete life loser. This guy's for sale for whatever. You just give him his silver and this guy's for sale, okay? Because he's a chump and a coward. He's a total loser. Now he said at one point, you probably heard it while he was screaming like a maniac. More guns equal more death. OK, that's an interesting talking point. You probably got that from your Chinese benefactors in the Chinese Communist Party who would love to see us all disarmed because that's what he is.
Starting point is 00:05:00 I'm going to sell out and a coward. So I thought, let's look that up because I've shown this chart probably close to 25 times. Joe's seen it so many times. AEI has a chart up here. They put up about gun ownership per person versus the gun homicide rate. Now they did it. You want to accumulate data over a good period of time to make sure the data is robust, right? You don't want a one day measure. You want maybe one year, five years, 10 years, so you get a good data set, correct? It's no different than studying a drug. You don't study the drug's effect on one person. You study it on thousands, tens of thousands, millions, so you get a good idea if it works or not. None of this is difficult. Jamal Bowman, of course, doesn't understand. You can tune out now.
Starting point is 00:05:41 The guy's a moron. He doesn't understand any of this data or anything like that. So when you look at when the assault weapons ban the 1994 assault weapons ban they did a good study over 10 years about you know what was the effect of this stuff did it actually work well as you'll notice on the on the scale here because jamal bowman says more guns equal more death that guns per person over the 10-year, a good data set from 1994 to 2014. And we'll have the next 10 years, 2014 to 2024. When the next year passes,
Starting point is 00:06:10 right? You'll notice guns per person. One up. See Jamal Bowman doesn't know what that means. One up means up on the scale. Jamal guy's quite dumb. You'll notice the gun homicide rate of when, when,
Starting point is 00:06:21 when, when down, when that went down, gun guns. Weird. It's so weird, Joey, you know, Homicide rate went down. Went down. Guns. Weird. It's so weird, Joe. You know, he's screaming more guns equal more death. And yet you look at a solid 10-year study and you get the opposite.
Starting point is 00:06:38 Well, you may be saying, well, okay, that's guns per person. I'd like to see just the number of guns. Okay, we have that too. Here's an AEI chart as well from that percent changes since 1993, number of firearms versus the gun homicide rate. Well, Jamal Bowman, one of the dumbest individuals up in Congress said more guns equals more death. It's really strange. Cause when you look at the 10 year period from 94 to 2014, you see the number of privately owned firearms again, going up 56% plus plus means you guys are data guys plus means up right minus means now yeah plus is up okay joe's like i don't know i've
Starting point is 00:07:11 been out of school a while so plus means i am me too i'm a little confused thank you for clearing that so gun ownership went up pretty dramatically plus 56 so if jamal bowman's correct coward jump life loser bowman then it should be more deaths. Well, you look at the gun homicide rate. It's kind of weird. It went down. Minus. I think we can blow that up. Is that minus 49%?
Starting point is 00:07:32 It is. Oh, it is a minus. Look, okay. Thank you very much. I thought I might not be seeing that. It's almost symmetrical, you know? Yeah, it's weird, right? It's almost symmetrical.
Starting point is 00:07:41 Like Joe's right. It's almost like more guns equals less death. Now, listen, I'm not in any way because I'm not a moron like Jamal Bowman suggesting to you that this is causal. I'm not suggesting to you that the presence of more firearms in the society causes less gun death. That's hard to prove causation because you can't do a study like that, right? What are you going to do? Get a control group? No guns here. It's impossible. No guns here. Let's see. And then a control here. Everybody's got a gun here. That's how you determine causality. See, Bowman doesn't understand any of this because he's an idiot. When you come
Starting point is 00:08:20 to this show, we will give you actual science and real data, unlike this moron who's screaming like a freaking lunatic. More in a minute, but first. Folks, inflation has consequences as the Fed raises interest rates to combat out-of-control government spending. Long-term bonds have diminished in value, crippling banks. I've explained that before. Diversification of your assets has never been more important. The recent surge in gold prices show why gold
Starting point is 00:08:46 has historically been a great hedge against the stock market and against inflation. Candidly, I purchased gold from Birch Gold many times. I'm glad I did it before this crisis. The only company I trust to help you diversify into gold is Birch Gold Group. Do it now before it gets worse. I buy my gold from them. You can do the same. Text DAN to 989898 to get a free information kit on gold. Don't wait any longer. Birch Gold will help you convert an existing IRA or 401k that's tied to a volatile market into an IRA and physical precious metals, gold and silver. And the best part, it's tax sheltered. Text DAN to 989898 to claim your free information kit on gold today. Don't wait.
Starting point is 00:09:27 With an A-plus rating with the Better Business Bureau and thousands of happy customers, Birch Gold is who I trust to protect my future and yours. Text Dan, D-A-N, to 989898 today. Past performance is not a guarantee of future results. Message and data rates apply. However, you can determine correlation. Correlation meaning two variables move in a certain direction. Bowman's saying as more guns are present in society,
Starting point is 00:09:51 gun homicides are correlated and go up. He's wrong. It's in the opposite direction. At least when you look at a 10-year data set. But Bowman's an idiot. I don't expect him to even understand. He's like, correlation? I don't know him to even understand he's like correlation i don't know moron people are so stupid i'm gonna go through this throughout the show today bernie sanders video coming up next ehud barack another moron liberal uh former prime minister
Starting point is 00:10:18 of israel just basically laying out the battle plan about how the left works their mob rule folks that's what they are Bowman thinks if he screams loud enough, just like Ehud Barak, that if they scream loud, mob rule takes over, you'll be disarmed and you'll be the sheep they want. That's it. They have nothing to back up anything
Starting point is 00:10:37 they say. They just want you in danger. Folks, you're, by the way, Bowman, who is a complete tool, you are far more likely to be, this is the most tragic irony of all, far more likely to be killed by a firearm in a place governed by communist Democrats like coward Jamal Bowman. Did you know that? Wait, wait, he just said more guns equal more death. He was wrong on that.
Starting point is 00:11:07 And then he starts yelling later on in the video about how, you know, basically conservative states, you're more likely to be killed with open carry. Really? That's interesting because I just went to Google. Why would you go to Google, Dan? We know it's a hack left-wing activist site. Exactly. It's a screenshot of my phone.
Starting point is 00:11:26 You can see by the little photo of me and my daughter. That's my phone. I went to Google, a left-wing activist site. So no one can accuse it of any, you know, right-wing bias. And I just put in, as you can see right there, top cities for gun crime. Joe, they have something in common. Now, I know you're not a trained political analyst like me, Joe. I know that. Okay. Yeah. You understand. So Joe, but I want
Starting point is 00:11:51 you to say now governance wise, I'm going to read to you a few cities and are they led? Just take a stab at it by Democrats or Republicans. Give me a second. I'm going to, you have familiarity. One of them, by the way, New York, New york baltimore maryland which you know well oakland california detroit st louis missouri memphis tennessee philadelphia pennsylvania and new orleans louisiana now i'm going to ask you joe to venture a guess here oh um are those cities with the most gun violence paul come don't get too excited ladies and gentlemen calm down we don't want an accident here uh do you think those cities are led by Democrats, Joe, or Republicans? Democrats, Dan. Democrats. That's so weird. I mean, he's not a trained political analyst like me,
Starting point is 00:12:31 but even Joe, Joe can figure it out. I kid. Of course, Joe's very smart. Joe actually did radio in Baltimore, Maryland a long time, which hasn't been led by a Republican in, I don't know, 50, 60 years. All of those cities are led by Democrats, which is weird because Jamal Bowman just told you that you're more likely to be killed in areas led by Republican-leaning, conservative, liberty-oriented policies when he told you more guns equal more death, even though the opposite is true. So I said, let's get outside of guns in general.
Starting point is 00:12:59 Let's just go to danger in general. Danger of being mugged doesn't necessarily have to be a gun. Robbed, raped, Maybe they have a knife, right? And another strange pattern emerges. You go to this Forbes article, again, no bastion of right-wing values, and you put in the 15
Starting point is 00:13:16 most dangerous cities in the U.S., you'll notice again, St. Louis, Mobile, Birmingham, Baltimore, Memphis, Detroit, Cleveland, New Orleans, Shreveport, Baton Rouge, Little Rock, Oakland, Milwaukee, Kansas City, Philadelphia, that roughly 90% of them are led by Democrats. Again, so strange. It's almost like Jamal Bowman, if you're governed by cowards
Starting point is 00:13:35 and life losers like Jamal Bowman, that your life is in danger. Weird. Weirdo. He claims to be a big advocate for your public safety. What about the kids? Yeah, What about the kids, Jamal? How many kids are dying in the area? You Lord over Jamal of the gun violence. You claim to be stopping. Maybe if those kids,
Starting point is 00:13:52 parents had the ability to defend those kids and there was some semblance of a, a dad in the home over there, maybe we wouldn't have this mass murder problem in cities. People like you govern, maybe folks are putting you you govern. Maybe. Folks, they're putting you in danger. Please, I'm asking you going forward to no longer accept the premise of the argument from the left. We got to do something.
Starting point is 00:14:16 What about the kids? You need to turn it around on them and say you have done something in the past and you put us all in danger. Because wherever Democrats like you do something, the the past and you put us all in danger because wherever Democrats like you do something, the rate of gun violence, homicide and danger goes through the roof. So I'm going to hold back on you doing anything more because whatever you do puts me in danger.
Starting point is 00:14:35 And you're asking me, what about the kids? Yeah. What about the kids? It's people like you who want these kids killed and threatened because you don't want armed security protecting them. What about the kids, Jamal? What about the kids? Of course, the stupidity didn't stop with Jamal Bowman, although it did peak.
Starting point is 00:14:52 You can't get dumber. You can get as dumb as Bowman, but you can't get dumber. You've reached an asymptote there. You don't know what that is either. They want you in danger. They want you in danger. They are protected by armed security. There's no need to even debate that.
Starting point is 00:15:08 Politicians, Hollywood folks, entertainers, they're protected by armed security. They just want you in danger. What about the kids? Yeah, what about the kids? What about me? They don't care about you at all. They will use the murder of six people in cold blood in Nashville
Starting point is 00:15:27 to make sure that you're in danger. I hate to even put this idiot on my screen, Behar. The show is just a humiliating embarrassment. How it is that they came up with an idea. I mean, listen, on the five, you have five people around a table on Fox who do political analysis for a living. And even then, sometimes they get stuff wrong. I've been on the show many times.
Starting point is 00:15:51 And this is what we we legit do for a living. The idea for the view is perplexing. Let's put. What is it, five? I don't even know. I don't watch five or six idiots around a table who don't know anything about politics at all. And let's have them opine on the most important issues of the day. So what happens?
Starting point is 00:16:11 They never get anything right. You could talk about this show all day. How much stuff they screw up. Here's another example. A comedian and not even a funny one, Joy Behar, who has just humiliated herself on this show once or twice a week for the last decade, saying, hey, you know, gun control worked great. Yeah, look at Australia. Right, Keith? When I came in this morning, he's like, oh, we're doing the
Starting point is 00:16:37 Australia thing again. We have to, because no matter how many times you debunk the Australia gun control miracle, idiots like Joy Behar will bring it up again. Check this out. Thank you, Joe Biden, for trying to put the ban on those assault weapons, which I should also point out that after a mass shooting in Australia in 1996, they enacted a mandatory gun buyback and collected 700,000 privately owned guns. Since then, there has been just one mass shooting, which was four people.
Starting point is 00:17:11 And gun homicides have decreased by 60%. It can be done. It can be done. I wish they would stop jumping around and dancing around everything, but the guns, it's the guns. That's the thing they all have in common joe that's a brilliant analysis that um gun violence they have guns in common yeah it's like saying you know car accidents have one thing in common it's the cars yeah never thought of that yeah me either i when i heard that i was like wow that's deep man it's like socrates or something like day card she's so brilliant there's one thing they all have in common the guns it's like Socrates or something like Descartes. She's so brilliant. There's one thing they all have in common, the guns. It's like accidents in tree houses. There's one thing they all have in common, a tree house. It's so weird. Guy got confused by that. He's like,
Starting point is 00:17:55 that's the view, not the five. I'm like, Guy, you missed my point altogether. Point I'm trying to make is people on the five, again, we do this for a living, screw things up. The view, these are comedians and actors. They know nothing. Australia, she says, is such a successful example of gun control. Really? Australia Institute. Australia, there are more guns now than before the Port Arthur massacre.
Starting point is 00:18:33 Okay. So again, just to try to help Joy, I'm not even sure it's possible. She's obviously as dumb, can't be dumber, hit an asymptote as Jamal Bowman. You're saying that gun mass shootings have gone down because of a gun ban, gun confiscation program in Australia. So you're saying less guns equals less mass shootings? Except the fact that Australia now has more guns than before the confiscation program.
Starting point is 00:19:02 What are you going to do? I don't know, Donnienie i have no idea i'm nothing nothing it's the answer because there's nothing you can't help these idiots she's suggesting there's a correlation less guns less shootings the problem is there's more guns so there's not less guns is this i mean i gotta stop i gotta because the audience is getting they're like damn we're not done please i i get it i'm really sorry it's just you have to understand how you're dealing with either one of two things either openly malicious people or manipulative liars who know nothing about what they're talking about there are more guns in australia now the
Starting point is 00:19:43 liberals say well there are actually fewer gun owners there's just the gun owners that exist have more guns oh that's a great point so your point is that the people who really want to own guns have more of them and that's your that's that's a good one you got us there you guys are just geniuses you'll always always hear them cite the New Zealand example too. They'll say, oh, New Zealand was such a successful example of gun control. The problem is, News Hub, how effective were the government's gun law changes and buyback schemes? Here is one of the activists over there. I think the major shortcoming of the gun buyback scheme is that it's failed to get illegal firearms out of New Zealand and away from gangs and gangs don't voluntarily give up their firearms. Oh yeah,
Starting point is 00:20:30 that's a really. So what you're telling me is when you mandate a gun buyback that the criminals don't give up their guns and only the good guys do, which seems kind of counterproductive to make the good guys less able to defend themselves while making the bad guys more lethal by having guns. Seems strange, right? What happened in New Zealand? Well, they mandated you turn in your guns or they were going to fine you. But what happened?
Starting point is 00:20:59 By estimates, less than a third of the people actually turned their guns in. And most of the people who kept them, some of them were in fact gang members and others. Now, do you see why they want a list? Now, does it make sense why they want universal background checks? They want a computer record of every gun, where it is, who it was sold to. That way, when Biden institutes his gun confiscation scheme, they know exactly whose door to knock on, just like the IRS knocked on Matt Taibbi's door as he was testifying in front of Congress about government overreach. Oh, come on, Dan. That's not going to happen here. Biden's team is not talking about gun confiscation. Really? Because the worst press secretary,
Starting point is 00:21:45 anybody changing their vote? Joe? Anyone? Still? I don't know. It's been a long time. Sucks. Still sucks.
Starting point is 00:21:51 Okay. So, Karine Jean-Pierre, worst press secretary in the history of the United States, I think we can say that pretty confidently at this point, was asked directly, hey, does Biden have any plans for gun confiscation?
Starting point is 00:22:03 Now, she could have just said, no, we're not looking at that, but we're looking at X, Y, and Z. I want you to listen to the answer. Now, keep in mind, she is quite dumb, so she may just be extemporaneously not able to answer questions, so engages in another word salad. But I'm telling you, Biden wants this universal background check
Starting point is 00:22:21 because they want to come take your guns. That's why she can't answer the question. Take a listen. The last presidential campaign, one of the Democratic contenders said that what he would do is come for AR-15s. Does the president support not just banning the sale and manufacture of semi-automatic weapons, but further than that confiscation? Let me just be very clear. What we're talking about, AR-15s, these assault weapons ban, they are weapons of war and they should not be on the streets across the country, in our communities. They should not be in schools.
Starting point is 00:22:54 They should not be in grocery stores. They should not be in churches. That's what the president believes. You notice how she can't answer the question? Why can't she answer the question? Because the answer is yes. Biden has said openly, if you give them the opportunity, they will take away your firearms, just like Jamal Bowman, just like Joy Behar. While they have armed security and secret service and DSS,
Starting point is 00:23:14 Capitol Hill police, private security, they will get you killed. They do not care. Bloodshed means nothing to them. They do not care. There is probably never been a time in human history where a larger mass of people have been led by a dumber group of people in government. We are being led, governed, whatever you want to call it, by idiots.

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