The Dan Bongino Show - Ep 468 Please, I'm Begging You, Fight Back Today

Episode Date: May 26, 2017

In this episode I address the radical left's obsession with boycotting and how we should fight back.   I also debunk another nonsensical liberal talking point about the Obamacare replacement bill. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Dan Bongino. They've been tweeting to me, Bongino's a nut, Bongino's a blanker, blanker. The Dan Bongino Show. Everywhere big government gets bigger, corruption grows bigger, and these liberals just keep going on and on and on about how great big government is, and they can't prove to you any examples of how wonderful big government is almost anywhere. Get ready to hear the truth about America. Young kids, you are too stupid to
Starting point is 00:00:26 figure out your health insurance needs, so we're gonna hammer your cabooses to death until you figure out that the government knows what's best and you're an idiot. On a show that's not immune to the facts with your host, Dan Bongino. All right, welcome to the Renegade Republican with Dan Bongino. Producer Joe, how are you today? Doing quite well, Daniel, quite well. Folks, I have a lot to cover, and I have a little more of a somber topic I want to start the show with today. It's very emotional for me. But before we get into that, today's show brought to you by our buddies at BrickHouse Nutrition. You know I love these guys.
Starting point is 00:00:54 They have two of the best nutrition products I've ever tried. You know I love working out. I love nutrition supplements. They're called Foundation, which is a creatine ATP blend, which is like having two extra gas tanks in the gym. Try the product. Take the mirror test. That's all I ask. Look in the mirror.
Starting point is 00:01:09 Look in the mirror seven days later. If they're being on Foundation, you will see a total difference. The stuff will fuel your workouts in the gym and transform your body like nothing I've seen. It's not a live read, okay? They didn't give me this content. I use the stuff. I love it.
Starting point is 00:01:22 It's fantastic. Joe loves it. Joe's son, little Joe, loves it. I get nothing stuff. I love it. It's fantastic. Joe loves it. Joe's son, little Joe loves it. I get nothing but positive feedback, including another email last night about this product foundation. It'll transform the way you look. Take the mirror test. You won't be disappointed. Go pick up a bottle today from Brickhouse Nutrition. Go to slash Dan. That's slash Dan. Pick up a bottle of foundation today and make sure you take the mirror test.
Starting point is 00:01:46 You will not be disappointed. This stuff is fantastic. Okay, on a bit of a kind of a somber note, yesterday in my zeal to get content to you through in the show, so you understand what the goal of the show has always been, folks. The idea Joe and I had about a year ago,
Starting point is 00:02:02 because we changed the format of the show. If you go back and listen to the library, you see it was a totally different show two years ago. Joe and I had about a year ago, because we changed the format of the show. If you go back and listen to the library, you see it was a totally different show two years ago. The idea was to give you kind of the drudge report in a podcast, everything you needed to know in 35 minutes on your commute to work, and everything you needed to know in terms of how it fits into the larger ideological fight.
Starting point is 00:02:20 You know, why does the school board race in LA matter, like we talked about last week? We talk about that. Very few others. I'm not patting ourselves on the back. There are other good content out there. Don't get me wrong. But yesterday in my zeal to get across content at the end of the show,
Starting point is 00:02:34 I left out some important details, and it bothered me. My wife said, I really loved your show, and thanks for the listenership. But your story about the Down syndrome commercial, she said, you know, you never got your point across. And that's really the first time she's ever said that to me. And I was disappointed because that story meant a lot to me. And I feel really bad about it. And I got some touching, moving emails
Starting point is 00:02:55 from Brandy and Mark and other people out there who sent me emails who have children with Down syndrome. And the point of the story I was trying to make yesterday about the commercial that's being pulled in France with children who have Down syndrome, and the gist of the commercial was the idea they're trying to get across is these children are still capable of loving, even though they may not be capable of everything someone without Down syndrome is. These are loving children, and the left is bothered by that. and they want the ad pulled from the air
Starting point is 00:03:27 and i find that disgraceful and they want it pulled from the air because they say it's the equivalent of violence i'm not making this up folks it's an actual quote of violence against women who chose to abort children with down syndrome folks the point i was trying to get across that's utterly repulsive you're pulling an ad from the air that's trying to save the lives of children with down syndrome and the reason i wanted to talk about that story folks is the these children god does not make mistakes this is not a spiritual podcast, folks. It's not a religion show. But life is. Life is a spiritual show. And everything that guides me, I am a sinner.
Starting point is 00:04:11 I am a flawed man like every one of you. I have deep personal flaws I pray every day to defeat. But one thing I know is God does not make mistakes ever. Ever. I know this. I know this. I know it. I know it in a deep and penetrating way. Down syndrome children, according to the left,
Starting point is 00:04:35 they treat these loving, beautiful, incredible kids as some kind of a mistake. Do you know the disgust I feel when I hear that? Think about it. I've been around many, many people with similar physical impairments and obstacles in their lives. These are the most loving, unbelievable kids you've ever seen. Joe, I know you've been around a lot of these children yourself and adults.
Starting point is 00:05:04 Don't you find it a little odd, folks, that they have almost no capacity for evil in them? But we do. God doesn't make mistakes. We do. And the point I was trying to get across is it just speaks to the savage brutality of the left, that these loving children that have changed countless lives and are here for an absolute reason a reason you and i may never know that the left cheat treats them as cheap commodities to be wiped out in the womb and when we try to save their lives they treat us as as we're doing violence to them
Starting point is 00:05:38 is frankly disgusting and i apologize to you really really, and I mean it, for not getting that point across. That's what I was trying to say, folks. I'm not your preacher, but we are dealing with brutality on the other side of the political aisle, absolute brutality. The wiping out of lives is if God makes mistakes. God doesn't make mistakes. God never, ever, ever, ever makes mistakes. These are beautiful kids. They're here for a reason. And it's a damn shame that people on the left don't see that and want to wipe them out. It's disgusting.
Starting point is 00:06:14 And thank you for the emails, for all the parents out there who take care of these kids. Every day, whose lives are enriched by these kids. All right. All right, moving on. Okay, I got a lot to talk about today. Let me get back to this. So yesterday was a big race in Montana,
Starting point is 00:06:38 the congressional race, the Gianforte. You know, won last night. Just proves my point again that the Democrats and their activism is all astroturf, folks. You understand they have yet to win an election at the federal level of any significance at all. So last night there was an at-large congressional seat up for grabs in Montana. For those of you who aren't familiar with Montana politics, Montana has one congressional seat in the entire state. The way congressional seats are allocated is by population. And for about 700,000 people per 700,000 people, a state gets a congressional seat. So if you fall between
Starting point is 00:07:18 700,000 and 1.4 million, unless there's a redistricting, you're probably only going to have one seat. You get what I'm saying, Joe? Yep. In other words, they don't round up and give you two if you only let's I think Montana's population, what, a million or so. So they don't round up. You have to get to a certain critical mass and a redistricting before they'll give you a second congressional seat. So the way congressional seats work is some states only have one because their population isn't big enough.
Starting point is 00:07:42 Some states only have one because their population isn't big enough. And that's the case in Montana, where there was a special election last night to fill the seat that was abandoned by Ryan Zinke, who took the secretary of the Interior job in the Trump administration. So a special election is an election that happens outside of the regular midterm cycle. Now, the Democrats, because there's a Democrat governor in Montana, even though Trump won the state by 20 points, seem to think they had a shot at this seat and ran a Bernie Sanders clone. I kid you not, Montana, which is ridiculous, against this guy Gianforte. Now, Gianforte had an unfortunate incident with a reporter. I'm not going to get into that.
Starting point is 00:08:18 You know what? Stuff happens. Gianforte apologized. I think it was the right move. You know, it happens. The guy, I think that frankly, I think the reporters should apologize too. I think, I don't know why, you know, G and fourth, they did, he manned up. I don't know why the reporter gets a pass too. I think everyone would acknowledge the situation was poorly handled by both sides, but these reporters seem to think they have some entitlement to jam stuff in your face,
Starting point is 00:08:43 you know, to treat you like garbage. Oh, no, I'm a reporter. You know, whatever. I mean, it's really unfortunate the whole thing happened. But the point I'm trying to make is this was a nationally publicized incident. According to allegations and some accounts, and keep in mind, I disputed yesterday amongst people I was talking to friends, the account of the event by how by how it's been portrayed,
Starting point is 00:09:05 but there's no doubt there was some physical altercation. Let's just leave it at that. Yeah. But despite the national publicity on Gianforte, who was the Republican candidate for Congress, I mean, negative publicity, there's no way this reflects,
Starting point is 00:09:17 you know, you know, if he could have made it gone away, he would have, I guess is a good way to say it. Joe, despite all of that, Joe Gianforte still won in, in a a route he won by six seven points we'll see when the final
Starting point is 00:09:29 votes are tallied yeah the point i'm trying to make here folks is that democrats can't win elections anymore all of this the rallies and the astro turf and the the protests and the what was it the angry woman march or whatever what happen the day after D.C. The Million Woman. I don't even know what it was called. The Wooly Mammoth March. Who knows? I mean, I have no idea what the label for this thing was anymore.
Starting point is 00:09:53 Who knows? All I know is that all of this stuff is astroturf. Yep. And I mean astroturf because you're not actually winning elections, ladies and gentlemen. You know, we had this thing in the Tea Party Revolution where we showed up, but we did another thing. We actually voted, and we took back the House, we took back the Senate, and eventually we took back the presidency.
Starting point is 00:10:12 Also wiped out governors across the country, Democratic governors. We won. Now, okay, great. So why are you talking about a congressional race in Montana? Because the why matters, folks. Again, how does this relate to the
Starting point is 00:10:26 bigger issues and trends going on folks here's the problem nationally with the Democrat Party they lost the Louisiana Senate runoff after the Trump election to the Republican they lost the the uh the race so far in Georgia although the they didn't get to 50 they didn't technically lose there's still a race coming up for that Georgia race. But they have yet to seal the deal. Now they lost Montana on one federal race. You would think with all this anger, Joe, they'd be cleaning up like the Tea Party did.
Starting point is 00:10:53 Yeah, you'd think. But not only are they not cleaning up, they're actually losing again. So you have to say to yourself, well, where's all this anger coming from? Folks, it is an astroturf paid for. I'm not saying we should ignore it. There's unquestionably genuine anger at Trump by some Democrats.
Starting point is 00:11:13 But what I'm trying to tell you is a large majority of this is fake. It's phony. It's not real. You're seeing it now with what's going on with Hannity, and I'll get to that in a second. But you're seeing it in this race in Montana again. The guy gets in a physical altercation with a reporter that's reported all over the country joe and he still wins by six seven points and there was an interesting piece i saw this morning and forgive
Starting point is 00:11:35 me i think it was on national review but i don't remember exactly no no washington examiner and the guy says in the piece don't the democrats find it odd that the that the republicans out there would rather vote for satan rather than a democrat like really like there's almost nothing you can do and i'm not comparing you for i'm just i'm just quoting the article but there's almost nothing you can do right now to get people republicans to vote democrat but you can get democrats to vote republican as trump saw in pennsylvania in michigan and wisconsin joe which we called to get people, Republicans, to vote Democrat, but you can get Democrats to vote Republican, as Trump saw in Pennsylvania, in Michigan, and Wisconsin, Joe, which we called, by the way,
Starting point is 00:12:10 if you go listen to the show, because I knew a lot of Democrats who were voting for Trump. So here's the problem. Let me sum it up for you. You know, post-New Deal, right, the FDR presidency, the Republicans didn't have the House for decades,
Starting point is 00:12:23 the House of Representatives, right? And Larry Sabato has done a great job summing this up. And Rush has spoken about it, too. I don't want to take credit for these ideas. This is not my student of history approach. This is just me studying others. Sabato says in the piece, Joe, and it's fascinating. He says the Republicans were out of power in the House of Representatives for so long, for decades, that they learned to be a subservient party.
Starting point is 00:12:46 In other words, Joe, all they asked for was not to advance Republican initiatives anymore, but just to get a seat at the table. You get what I'm saying, Joe? They had no control of committees. They couldn't do anything, folks. They were conditioned. Yeah. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:12:59 Like Pavlovian dogs. They were conditioned to just be subservient and to just basically doervient and to just basically do whatever you have to do to get a seat at the table, but do nothing to advance actual conservative initiatives. Okay? When that changed and the Republicans
Starting point is 00:13:16 took back the House and the presidency in the Reagan years, they never got that mindset out. They never learned how to do what the Democrats did and be the actual governing party in power and advancing conservative initiatives. I'm bringing all of this up, not because I'm trying to do some kind of a quick history lesson, but because that's the problem with the Democrats right now in reverse. They still think they're in power.
Starting point is 00:13:45 They still think they, folks, listen to me and listen clearly. Please. They control nothing. They don't control the majority of governorships. They don't control the legislative seats
Starting point is 00:13:56 at the state level. They don't control state chambers. They don't control the Supreme Court. They don't control the presidency. They don't control the House of Representatives.
Starting point is 00:14:04 They don't control the Senate. We do. But they have been so used to from eight years of Barack Obama and years of controlling the House of Representatives and the Senate in advancing their far left agenda that they are not used to being out of power and being relegated to a minority party. So they're still acting like they're in charge. So what does this mean for last night, for last night's Montana election, for the Hannity thing? Instead of taking a step back, figuring out what went wrong with their far left radical agenda and trying to move towards more reasonability, like maybe we should move away from men in
Starting point is 00:14:44 the women's bathroom stuff in North Carolina. And maybe we should start getting back to things that really matter, like coal miners in West Virginia and job growth, Joe. They've retreated back to even more identity politics, falling in love with Black Lives Matter, attacking cops, attacking Republicans, attacking wealth. They've gotten more radical and they've holed up thinking they're still in charge and they're going to advance that agenda that has already failed. It is going to take them a long time to learn to get back in the sandbox again.
Starting point is 00:15:15 And that's what happened last night in Montana. They ran a Bernie Sanders acolyte, tried the same stuff. Oh, rich people suck. Get rid of them, brother. They're the worst. They put a cowboy hat on them to make them seem like a populist, which was a joke. And they lost, just like they lost in Louisiana. And although Georgia's tough,
Starting point is 00:15:35 they're probably going to lose in Georgia too. I think they're showing withdrawal systems when you withdraw from the drug of power, you know? Yeah, Joe, you're absolutely right. It's a good way to describe it. They're getting like the shakes right now. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. There you go.
Starting point is 00:15:49 And they're retreating back into these silos. Now, you may say, well, you know, why are you asking them to moderate? Like Republicans, you know, Republicans, you're always suggesting Republicans stick with conservative ideas because they work. That's the point. Like when Republicans stick to conservative ideas, conservative ideas actually work. Tax cuts actually work.
Starting point is 00:16:10 Personal health care rather than government health care actually works. School choice actually works. That's why when Republicans retreat, as they did in the Reagan years, well, Reagan did at least, and stuck to a conservative agenda, we win and the whole economy won. He was reelected in a landslide. But when Democrats retreat back to far left ideas, men in the women's bathroom, the war on cops, this class warfare struggle, identity politics, they keep getting wiped out.
Starting point is 00:16:38 The bottom line is, and I had to underline this because after yesterday's mistake, not getting to the point, I wanted to get to the point on this. The Democrats has currently constituted this retrenching and acting like you're still the party in power, advancing radical liberal ideas when you're not and you have no ability to control that agenda at all. We'll never, ever get them to 51 percent, not in the scale they need to take back the House and Senate. It's not going to happen. It's like fetch for those of you
Starting point is 00:17:04 who've watched the movie Mean Girls, which I love. Little load secret. Fetch is not going to happen. It's like fetch. For those of you who've watched the movie Mean Girls, which I love, Little Lode's Secret. Fetch is not going to happen, Gretchen. Fetch is not going to happen. Either is the far left Democrat agenda. We are a center right country. It's not going to happen. Now, I'm not here to give advice to the Democrats, but if they were to embrace a more mainstream JFK type ideology, they would probably win back a ton of seats. But they're not going to do it. They cannot get to 51 percent redistricting the way redistricting's happened because Republican governors are in control. And the far left siloing of the Democrat Party thinking they're still in power, they will never get to 51 percent.
Starting point is 00:17:41 They will be the minority party for as for the foreseeable future i'm telling you folks it's gonna now they may win national elections for the presidency based on the power of california based on the power of new york based on the swing state status of florida they may win some of those i mean obama won twice but they're going to be wiped out at the local and federal level when it comes to house seats and the local level with governorships for the foreseeable future because they can't they cannot moderate they cannot they are obsessed with the idea of men in the women's room and identity politics and they won't win now to follow up i had to put arrows today just to be sure we followed this in a logical sequence
Starting point is 00:18:19 so my first point is that they can't win and you do you think I'd be summing that up nice enough? Because they can't get the 51%. You can't get the 51% with men in the women's room. You can't. It's not going to happen. But liberals who are obsessed with the idea of power, and frankly, some of them, the tyrannical use of power, liberals, as I said in the show last week, Joe, will always, always resort to the least democratic means
Starting point is 00:18:46 to retain power when they lose via democratic means. So when the liberals lose elections like they're doing now, they're not like Republicans who go in and the Tea Party, actually, Joe, try to win elections. That's what the Tea Party did. That's not what liberals are interested in. Liberals are interested now in moving down the scale of freedom and at the bottom of that scale at the bottom of that freedom totem pole is tyranny and the left will go down
Starting point is 00:19:12 farther and farther and farther they can't win elections they'll do something else so what are they doing now mob violence we've seen it you saw it in the middlebury college story yesterday those students that assaulted conservative speaker a libert libertarian speaker, I should say, Charles Murray, they got sanctioned. They didn't even get suspended from school. They actually put a female professor at the college in the hospital, and they were sanctioned. That's it.
Starting point is 00:19:37 So they will resort to mob violence, which we've seen repeated. Don't deny it, Libs. You're just a violent mob. Just stop denying. Don't waste my time on the show, okay? I don't need to send you thousands of videos of liberals beating the crap out of conservatives, okay? We don't need to waste time on it.
Starting point is 00:19:51 But in relationship to current events, what's going on in today's environment, not only do they resort to violence when they can't win elections, which they can't, they will resort to boycotts. Folks, contrary to what you're seeing on Twitter, by even some Republican, strategy, I'm not going to name names because the guy's a joke. And I don't want to give him the publicity. This is capitalism at work. And what I'm talking about here is USA, which is a company I have. And Joe knows what happened to me yesterday.
Starting point is 00:20:19 I was on fire. Yes, I was on the phone with him for a good half an hour talking about this stuff. Yes, I was on the phone with him for a good half an hour talking about this stuff. USAA,, and Peloton, that bike company, chose to pull ads from Hannity yesterday under pressure from the left-wing kook group, Media Matters for America, which is just a bunch of nutbags. It really is just a bunch of nutbags. These companies are insane. So when you – and this is not capitalism, folks. Capitalism is free markets. Free markets in no way, shape, or form is capitalism pressuring people
Starting point is 00:20:49 because they don't like a political stance of John Hannity on his show, pressuring people to scrap a successful business model, Joe. In other words, advertising on Hannity to get to Hannity's customers, scrapping it because you don't like their politics. That's not capitalism, okay? That's liberal tyranny and liberal fascism. Don't ever mistake the two. So any Republican strategist who puts that on Twitter, you're just humiliating yourself and showing your own ignorance, okay? That is not capitalism. Folks, I was never for boycotts, but I agree with Ben
Starting point is 00:21:20 Shapiro, who was subbing for Mark yesterday, Levin. And Ben said, you know, I hate boycotts too, folks. I think they're dumb. But what other way do you suggest we fight back? So, again, in a nutshell, USAA, who I have been a loyal, loyal customer of since 1999, when I first joined the Secret Service. Let me tell you what I have with USA. My entire bank accounts, which, granted, may not be substantial by rich person terms, but are pretty good for a middle class dude.
Starting point is 00:21:52 I save a lot of money. I have my auto loan with USA. I've had my auto insurance with USAA since 1999. USAA makes a whole lot of money with me. And I'm not going to mention who Because they didn't give me permission But a very close family relative yesterday Who I called I said you need to pull your money out of USAA today
Starting point is 00:22:12 They pulled their ads off Hannity Because of pressure from the left wing From the Media Matters kooks A family relative yesterday Pulled $180,000 I'm not making this up Out of a bank account yesterday Walked into Chase And in Chase Bank yesterday pulled $180,000. I'm not making this up. Out of a bank account yesterday.
Starting point is 00:22:28 Walked into Chase, and in Chase Bank were two other people in the bank moving their money from USAA to Chase Bank. Wow. And, yeah, I'm not kidding, Joe. And last night I was at a gymnastics thing with my daughter, her banquet, and I was doing a Facebook Live for Conservative Review recommending people boycott USAA.
Starting point is 00:22:43 And I kid you not, two people walking dogs. I don't know if you can hear it on the tape or onaa and i kid you not two people walking dogs i don't know if you can hear it on the tape or on the facebook live or what two people walking their dogs together walk by me and we're talking about how they were leaving usaa that night let me just tell you something lefties you it's a family-friendly show you mess with us, we are going to punish you. And I'm telling you, USA, getting into bed with the clown fools from Media Matters is the quickest way to bankruptcy ever. You are going to pay heavy for this. You don't have to agree with Sean Hannity. But let me tell you something. This is a company, USA, that caters, by the way, to military and law enforcement. I know Sean Hannity personally. I'm not name dropping. I don't care. I don't do that. If you know my show, I'm not saying this for a reason. I know this man personally. He's not my best friend, but I know Sean very well.
Starting point is 00:23:42 I would consider him a friend. Sean, you would never, Joe, you know this, right? You know this better than anyone. This show would never be on the air right now if it weren't for Sean Hannity. Ever. Sean did things for me. It's beyond the scope of this. I don't want to waste a lot of time on it.
Starting point is 00:24:00 Sean did things for me nobody was willing to do at the time. I should say Sean and Mark, because Mark, they're friends. But because this is about a boycott on Hannity. And Sean went out there. When veterans need help, you have no idea how much time and money this guy gives to veteran causes. And USAA, you filth bags, who I've given tens of thousands of dollars to, you disgust me on this.
Starting point is 00:24:24 You disgust me. You. You disgust me. You better change this damn strategy tonight. You better buy up every freaking ad on that Hatterty show from now until the end of the year, or you are finished. My Facebook Live last night got 154,000 views on my page and another 60,000 on Conservative Review. I will not stop until your ass is out of business. You piece of garbage.
Starting point is 00:24:48 I have given you all of my hard-earned income, everything I've had that I put in my banking. You control it, and you screw us over like this? And then you're proud of it? Go to my Twitter feed. I've retweeted a tweet from USAA. We canceled our ads on Hannity. Thank you with an exclamation point.
Starting point is 00:25:08 You are done. We are tired. Frankly, Joe, we're not tired. We're tired of being tired of being tired. Right. These left-wing media matters kooks have messed with us for too long. You want to play the game, USAA,, Peloton, we can play the game too. Folks, I'm begging you. I don't do calls to action on this show. I don't
Starting point is 00:25:32 even sell my own books on the damn show. Drives my wife crazy. Matter of fact, it drives her even crazier because you don't even mention your website on the show. I'm asking you to do something for me to pay back a favor that Sean Hannity did for me a long time ago when he took a chance on me when nobody did. I'm not going to tell you what he did, but I'm telling you it was selfless. And he does it for vets and wounded warriors all the time. I'm begging you to tweet at USAA, to Facebook USAA, to call USAA. They're customerservices at USAA, to Facebook, USAA, to call USAA, their customer service is at, if you have accounts to cancel. This stops today. It stops today. I'm sorry for the people that work there. I really am. And I'm sorry this has to be done. But we have to take a stand now, or this will never stop.
Starting point is 00:26:31 Bankrupt these people. Bankrupt them. And I would never say that. That is a very, very serious thing to ask. But something's got to stop. You want to, and by the way, folks don't, when you call them,
Starting point is 00:26:48 be not, I know I don't need to say this, but be nice, you know, because then they'll accuse me of like, you know, and you know how liberals are. They'll try to make an argument and they will respond with this.
Starting point is 00:26:58 They have a pre-prepared statement. How do I know this? Because I was on the phone with them when Joe called me yesterday. They're going to read to you a pre-prepared statement that it was a mistake that they advertised on Hannity, that they really didn't pull the ads, that they never do opinion shows. No, no. No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:27:16 Go to my Twitter feed yesterday, and you will see an article by Newsbusters. The article by Newsbusters, you can click on a video of USAA advertising on MSNBC's opinion show, Hardball with Chris Matthews. It's crap. They are lying. They are liars, and they are trying to cover their asses. We take a stand, folks. I'm asking you to take time out of your day and to please do something. Talk is cheap, man. We have to do. And I am painfully sorry that this has to be done. But this company needs to suffer badly. They need massive cancellations as a warning to anyone out there
Starting point is 00:28:02 who has the idea that following media matters off a cliff is a good idea remember what i said to you a while ago joe and i said this to you on the phone yesterday nobody has a problem with verizon using jamie foxx to advertise for them who by the way joined with quentin tarantino in an anti-cop outrageous statement that they made. Nobody, no conservative boycotted that. But Sean Hannity has an idea about a very serious murder investigation. Media Matters chimes in with 20 kooks sitting there drinking hot chocolate in their fuzzy pajamas. And all of a sudden they start canceling on conservative shows trying to bankrupt us. No, no, we win.
Starting point is 00:28:44 We bankrupt you. You get not a dime of my money. Today it starts. I'll tell you what's going to happen. I'm going to the gym after this to burn off some steam. And I'm coming back. And auto insurance goes first. Banking is going to be tough for us.
Starting point is 00:28:59 But that's maybe on Monday because we can't do it tomorrow. Then the auto loan is next. It's over. Stops today. All right, on a lighter note, but this is actually an intentional segue for once with regards to an ad. Folks, this is why I ask you.
Starting point is 00:29:17 I know this is self-serving, and I completely understand that. I'm not trying in any way to be objective about it, but this is why at CRTV we use a subscription model, which I'll be honest with you. When we first started, I was a little suspect of, and now I'm starting to see the genius of it. You pay about eight bucks a month, that's it, to get conservative content that's not subjected to any stupidity
Starting point is 00:29:39 like that of USAA and Peloton and We don't have to worry about this crap. Sponsors of this podcast love it. Matter of fact, they're hoping you boycott them. It'd be like the greatest thing ever. You know, liberal boycotts. Shot Ivanka to number one on Amazon, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:56 Please, I'm asking you as a friend, too. Go to CRTV. My show is, we're ready to rock and roll. It's coming very soon. I promise you, we're making substantial progress. Had a really long meeting yesterday. The Dan Bongino show's coming. The Levin show's there. Crowder show's there. Day show is there.
Starting point is 00:30:12 Malkin show is there. Morning Grinder's there. We got a ton of content not subjected to any of this advertiser media matters nonsense. Please go and subscribe today. Use promo code Bongino. B-O-N-G-I-N-O. Take a stand. Again, I understand this is, I completely understand
Starting point is 00:30:27 that this is in some way self-serving. I can't escape that. I work here. But this is why we didn't do that and didn't try to do mass distribution on cable because we wanted to give you conservative content free of this lefty insanity. Go to
Starting point is 00:30:42 Put in promo code Bongino. And for like the cost of a turkey sandwich, you can escape this sphere of stupidity from the left. All right, I had a couple more things I wanted to talk about. Let's see, what should I get to? All right, let's do it. Just quickly on the CBO scam thing, because I addressed it yesterday with Obamacare.
Starting point is 00:30:59 Folks, it's really important that you understand. Yesterday I hit on the CBO analysis of the Republican Obamacare replacement that the leftist talking point you need to debunk is they're going to say, well, 24 million are going to lose insurance according to CBO score. Number one, the CBO is totally unreliable. Their own estimates have been completely off. I did a show on that last week. You can listen to about how the CBO misses by a landslide just about every time. But secondly, 24 million aren't losing anything. The report said they will choose not to have insurance because Obamacare sucks so bad and is so expensive.
Starting point is 00:31:34 That's a far different argument. It's an argument actually for us, not for the Democrats. But there was another thing in there yesterday that came out today. It was an interesting Wall Street Journal piece I read. But an interesting snip in that report that, again, Joe, speaks to the utter psychopathy of the left and how they just lie to you. In the CBO report, which, by the way,
Starting point is 00:31:52 is dominated by far-left thinking, I don't know who wrote this thing, like Bernie Sanders or Dennis Kucinich. I mean, I don't know who wrote this CBO report. But it's kind of comical that at one point they talk about people who will have insurance, but they're counting them. I'm not making this up. People will have insurance if Trump care would have paid. I'm not making an argument for against Trump care. I'm just trying
Starting point is 00:32:15 to make an argument how the left will massage a talking point. That's not factually accurate in the CBO report. It says that people who will have insurance under Trump care, they're just going to count them as uninsured, Joe, because the insurance isn't good enough. So I'm reading a little bit further in this analysis, and I'm like, what? Come again? So in a show about a year ago, I talked about these plans called mini-med plans. I don't know if you remember this, but these mini-med plans are. Mini med plans are like if you work in, say, fast food, right? And a job that requires really, not requires, but has a lot of high turnover. And it requires the owner of the place to manage that. Kids come in for the summer and they leave. And the turnover's high. It's not IBM. People don't
Starting point is 00:32:59 stay there for a really long time. So in an effort to give those people insurance, what a lot of fast food chains did is they offered what are called mini med plans. These mini med plans are catastrophic insurance plans that have extremely low deductibles per month. So let's say, excuse me, low premiums and very high deductibles. So let's say the premium per month was like $175 or something like that, right? And it only covers like if, if you were to come down with, like, a catastrophic disease, God forbid, cancer, you know, HIV, whatever it may be, right? It doesn't cover routine visits. It's not going to cover, you know, eyeglasses
Starting point is 00:33:34 and things like that. And the deductibles are quite high. But if, God forbid, you were to come down with cancer and you work in fast food, you would have been okay. The fascinating thing about the CBO report, again, to show you the government chicanery that goes on, is that they classify the mini-med reports as the problem, and they say, well, we're not counting them as insurance
Starting point is 00:33:56 because I'm quoting here, Joe, they don't cover high-cost medical events. So the Wall Street Journal piece is like, wait, what do you mean? Like, high-cost medical events are precisely what they cover. Right. Like cancer or HIV or some catastrophic car accident where you need emergency surgery. This is how they – and now the way that you may say,
Starting point is 00:34:20 well, that doesn't make sense. Of course those are high-cost medical events. The CBO never mentions catastrophic medical events. You see how they massage it? Oh, yeah. In other words, they're saying, oh, no, no, no. Those may cover catastrophic, but not high-cost. They're the same thing.
Starting point is 00:34:35 It's the same thing. It's the same thing. If you get in a car accident, that's both a high-cost medical event and a catastrophic medical event. The CBO is saying no no those mini med plant plans now this is let me tie this into the beginning people who have those plans which by the way were canceled under obama mini med plans because they have high turnover and high administrative costs you had to spend 80 of your money on health insurance and 20 on
Starting point is 00:35:02 administrative costs under obamacare, which is ridiculous. Because the mini-med plans had high administrative costs. Why, Joe? Because they were constantly canceling people and signing up new people because there's high turnover in McDonald's. Right. Obama canceled those plans, the mini-med plans. Under Trumpcare, they'd be reinstated. People would actually have health insurance again, even though, again, it's not great.
Starting point is 00:35:24 I acknowledge that, but we'll secure them against bankruptcy from a catastrophic event. And the CBO is saying, no, no, no. Because it insures you against catastrophic events, it doesn't insure you against, quote, high-cost medical events. So that's not insurance. So we're not going to count you as uninsured.
Starting point is 00:35:38 What? Oh. What? Come again? Obama. So just to be clear, let's walk through this. Obamacare cancels insurance for people in fast food who had their mini med plans canceled because Obamacare made them illegal. Trumpcare reinstitutes insurance for people whose who didn't under Obamacare, we're going to classify them as uninsured because they don't insure against all the high-cost medical events,
Starting point is 00:36:10 only catastrophic events. Holy Moses. Folks, you wonder why I wake up every morning and love doing this show. I do. I love it. I could wrap myself in hysteria every day because dealing with the left,'s like i need an adderall just to keep focused because the stupidity comes at you like a gatling gun you need like captain america's vibranium ideological shield to shield yourself from liberal stupidity it's just incredible
Starting point is 00:36:37 the stuff they get away with every single and joe nobody will talk i guarantee you you will hear that nowhere but he was now to be fair as a journal report, the journal did a great job and I'll put it in the show notes today, but you won't hear that anywhere else today in the mainstream media. Obamacare cancels plans. Trump reinstates them. CBO says now we're going to classify them as uninsured, even though Obamacare uninsured them. That makes perfect sense in the liberal bizarro world universe. Oh boy. All right, folks. Thanks again for a great, great, a record week of listenership. We just knocked it out of the park this week.
Starting point is 00:37:10 Thanks to you. Appreciate it. I'll see you all on Monday. You just heard the Dan Bongino Show. Get more of Dan online anytime at You can also get Dan's podcasts on iTunes or SoundCloud. And follow Dan on Twitter 24-7 at DBongino.

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