The Dan Bongino Show - Ep. 525 The Truth About Charlottesville

Episode Date: August 15, 2017

In this episode: Why are liberals, and media figures, lying about terrorism statistics during such a sensitive time?   Yes, "hate speech" is free speech. The far-Left really needs a civics lesson.   Why isn't the NFL trying to save its brand? Allowing anti-Americanism is going to destroy the NFL.   Hollywood's business model is also collapsing. Maybe it has something to do with its hostility towards conservatism? SPONSOR LINKS: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Dan Bongino. Aiming to stop free speech so the speaker can no longer speak is exclusively a far left phenomenon. The Dan Bongino Show. I'm talking to moderates in the Democratic Party who are actually interested in what's going on, not blind lemmings walking off a cliff into an abyss of stupidity. Get ready to hear the truth about America. The rich did it. Yeah, the rich did it.
Starting point is 00:00:28 They lent money to people who bought homes, and the people never paid the money back. Oh, wow, that sounds like a great business plan. On a show that's not immune to the facts, with your host, Dan Bongino. All right, welcome to The Renegade Republic. I'm Dan Bongino. Producer Joe, how are you today? I'm doing well, nice and hot here in sunny Florida.
Starting point is 00:00:48 It's good to have you down here as always. Thank you for everyone who has been tuning in. Yesterday's show did well, so I appreciate it. Thank you very much. You know, talking yesterday about Charlottesville and everything going on and the attacks on Trump and what I think sadly is that just disingenuous media not looking to promote some form of collective national healing, but just instigate more partisan strife, because that's what, you know, liberal media, they become, they become partisan actors for
Starting point is 00:01:15 the left. And it's really sad. So we discussed that yesterday. And I have a couple examples today, again, of media people trying, Joe, not to lead to a better outcome and find out what happened down there. And they're just trying to fan the flames. I mean, that's all they want to do. And the story I have today is really going to, if it doesn't really upset you, then you're not paying attention. All right.
Starting point is 00:01:38 Before that, today's show is brought to you by Brickhouse Nutrition. Yeah. Yeah. Love these guys. They're one of our original sponsors. They have some of the best nutrition products out there on the market. They're young, they're hungry, they're always looking for angles in the gym to get you better, stronger, faster, and just to look better for those of us interested in the aesthetic portion of lifting. So the product I want to talk
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Starting point is 00:02:43 Go pick up a bottle today and tell me uh tell me how it works for you i've been nothing but positive feedback is my email thanks to everybody who emails me all right so yesterday um nora o'donnell who works for one of the morning shows on the network and i've i've met her before i did the cbs early show i think it's cbs one time and i'm pretty sure i met her on the set and she was nice but she tweeted out something yesterday that we had discussed on the show a while ago under different circumstances but just annoyed the the snot out of me because again it's an effort by people in the media to deceive you folks and one of the things i like
Starting point is 00:03:22 to do here is clear up the fog and i'm going to do that for you today so here's what she tweeted and i'm quoting here she tweeted between the end of 2001 and december of 2016 there were nearly three times as many fatal attacks by right-wing extremists than islamic extremists in the united states uh now we discussed this statistic and this you know this this i mean you want to talk about a torturing of the numbers a long time ago and joe just to be clear i'm not clearing up the absurdity of the statement to somehow do a you know this what about ism all right that's not what we're doing we're not all well if it's right-wing extremism it's great and if it's not what we're doing here at all. Well, if it's right wing extremism, it's great. And if it's not violence is violence is violence. No Christian, no, no Jew, no believer in a higher power listening to the show supports violence. Forget it's not a partisan issue. It's a human being, to lie to you, to make you believe that the threat from Islamic radicals pales in comparison to the threat from a bunch of white people in the country who are going to do you harm somehow.
Starting point is 00:04:35 Now, any threat of violence, I cannot be clear on this. Any threat of violence should be thoroughly investigated and prosecuted. I don't care where it originates from. and prosecute. I don't care where it originates from. But lying to you to manipulate statistics, to make you believe that the threat from Islamic radicals is to be diminished, while the threat from white-powered Nazis are, listen, that is a legitimate threat, but it's so overwhelming it's done to it because man i always it's such a delicate subject it's done to make you believe in this critical theory stuff yeah that again the the the critical theory which we discussed in prior episodes and i strongly encourage you to look up and do your own homework on it has been indoctrinated into media people,
Starting point is 00:05:25 Hollywood people, and academia for years. And the idea is that the white patriarchal power structure, white males are responsible for all our problems in society. Folks, please do not underestimate what I'm telling you. It has imbued every level of academia, Hollywood, the far left. Critical theory is at the heart of just about every problem with far left radical liberalism today. This belief that white males are the source of the problems in society and the gist of it is that they have no place in a responsible conversation. They should be drowned out and they should not be allowed to speak.
Starting point is 00:06:01 You know, it's behind the whole white privilege movement and all this nonsense you know i don't have pride in whiteness or or blackness or anything else i have pride in people who are good people i think we should be judging people by their character which is just kind of common sense i thought yeah but this is imbued the media and this that's why they put statistics like this out so let's debunkunk this. Patrick Poole has a piece up at PJ Media, which is terrific. And he shows you how nonsensical this statement is that, quote, right wing extremists, which I'm not even sure what that means. Right wing means anything that's just not liberal to them. Right wing extremists are
Starting point is 00:06:39 responsible for more attacks than Islamists. OK, this is nonsense. Notice, number one, for more attacks than Islamists. Okay, this is nonsense. Notice number one. This is the key, folks. Notice what she does, Nora O'Donnell. She says, between the end of 2001 and December of 2016, notice the time period she starts.
Starting point is 00:06:56 Is she saying these right-wing extremists have committed more attacks than Islamists, right? Joe, what happened in September of 2001, specifically on September 11th? Was there some major terrorist attack in the United States? Yes, there was, Dan. Yes, there was, Joe. Yes. It was huge. It was a big deal for those of us who lived through it.
Starting point is 00:07:14 I mean, did you miss that, Nora? So let me get this straight. The thousands of Americans involved, the thousands of Americans who died horrifically in the September 11th attacks, they're not to be counted in these statistics for the body count of Islamic fundamentalist attacks on the United States. That's kind of an odd day. I mean, don't you think the most significant terrorist attack on American soil, if you leave that out, then yes, right wing extremists are far, far more dangerous.
Starting point is 00:07:51 And I'm using the air quotes on right wing extremists are far more dangerous than Islamists. You know, this just goes to speak to the disingenuous nature of the media. Now, to be fair to Miss O'Donnell, she says she's quoting a GAO study. Well, she should have looked into it because not only is the time period picked deliberately to manipulate you. So, again, if your liberal friends bring this up, which they will because it's making its way around Twitter and the Internet. You say, well, that's an awfully strange time period to start the end of 2001. Did something happen in September of 2001? Oh, the largest Islamist-inspired terror attack in U.S. soil in American history?
Starting point is 00:08:28 Kind of relevant to the argument, folks, don't you think? Little bit? Little bit? Yeah, I'd say so. Oh, my gosh. Okay, here's another little maneuver she does here to do the, hey, look, squirrel, to distract you. It quotes the number of incidents, not the number of fatalities.
Starting point is 00:08:48 Now I'll get to how they describe an incident in a minute, which is even worse, but it describes the number of terror incidents, not the number of fatalities. So even if Joe, even if you allow them, these people using this debunked nonsensical statistic, even if you allow them to eliminate
Starting point is 00:09:06 September 11th, where thousands of people perished, still, even in their time period, the end of 2001 through December of 2016, jihadis still killed more people than, quote, right-wing extremists. Now, I'm using the quotes because I don't know what Nazis are savages. Neo-Nazis are savages. People who profess this white power nonsense are savages. They have no allegiance with right-leaning politics at all. True.
Starting point is 00:09:36 We don't claim them. They could claim us. We don't claim them. No credible conservative Republican or libertarian claims these people. They're on their own. But they call them right-wing extremists to associate them with Republican politics because they just want to get you to hate Republicans. It's not true in any way, shape or form. But even playing with their ideology and eliminating September 11th, Islamic inspired jihadis still killed more people.
Starting point is 00:10:02 They killed 95 people in that period. And the, quote, far right extremists, to use their sick ideology, killed more people. They killed 95 people in that period. And he quote far right extremists to use their sick ideology killed 67 people. But notice Joe, they're not using fatalities. They're using incidents now, now, now,
Starting point is 00:10:15 now, now, now to further confuse you. So just to go back a second, they eliminate nine 11 kind of significant in the debate about terror. They don't count the number of fatalities. They count the number of, quote, incidents. Now, here's some of the things they counted as incidents of right-wing terror.
Starting point is 00:10:33 All right. This one, Joe, I mean, this is like really sick. This is sick stuff. They counted neo-Nazis in prison that killed pedophiles who were child abusers. Now, listen, that the sickness there is too hard to define because it's so I mean, the circle of sickness between being a neo-Nazi in prison for some felony, I assume, and being a pedophile is beyond the scope of this show. How deep the sickness is. and being a pedophile is beyond the scope of this show, how deep the sickness is. But to define a neo-Nazi in prison or a skinhead,
Starting point is 00:11:08 killing a pedophile in prison as a right-wing terror, quote, incident show. That's crap. Is bizarre. It contributes nothing to a discussion about the understanding of terrorism in the United States today. Am I crazy? crazy no that's
Starting point is 00:11:25 that's what i meant it's crap it contributes absolutely nothing while it may contribute to a discussion on prison violence on neo-nazi you know ideology and what possesses these people to do what they do it contributes zero to a conversation about terrorist strategy and how to stop terrorism in the United States. And including that is just. I mean, it's such a clear effort by the left to distract you from what the conversation can and should be about. And again, I'm not suggesting at all that we should not be having, especially after this weekend, a very long and serious conversation about what's going on with this neo-Nazi movement. But to try to inflate numbers and then deflate numbers on the Islamic radical side to make a political point, not a strategic one, is really embarrassing. And Nora O'Donnell should have been embarrassed putting this out there, but she's not.
Starting point is 00:12:26 I mean, they're leftists and they just don't care. That was a baloney statistic. That's all it is. It's, and we, we've actually discussed some of this before on a prior show. And forgive me,
Starting point is 00:12:35 I can't remember what show, but the statistic creeps up every time the left wants to, you know, profess the dangers of this growing right wing terror movement. And it's all an effort to diminish conservative political ideology in Republicans. Here's the, let me wrap this up, this Patrick Poole piece by PJ Media. And again, I will be at the show notes up at and And if you'd like me to email you the show notes, just go to and join my email list. And I will email them to you every day.
Starting point is 00:13:04 But it's a really good piece. It's short. It's sweet. It gets right to and join my email list, and I will email them to you every day. But it's a really good piece. It's short. It's sweet. It gets right to the point. Poole aggregated the data the correct way by actual terror attacks. And there are right-wing terror attacks. I hate that term. There are.
Starting point is 00:13:21 Nobody's suggesting in the piece, neither is Poole, that they don't happen. He's just trying to, if we're going to talk about the scale, then let's get the scale correct. So here's the number. Over 25 years, when you aggregate the data correctly, 94% of U.S. terrorism fatalities are caused by Islamic terrorists. And again, folks, this isn't surprising to anyone who has common sense. Okay. We had the Orlando nightclub shooter, shooter you know one of the deadliest attacks on u.s soil we had 9-11 uh these aren't things that people are going to forget and the
Starting point is 00:13:51 and i'll wrap it up with this point joe i think the problem with with this for the left is again they're telling people things that can't possibly be true because people have lived through them and they are not stupid you cannot tell the average middle class voter even if they are not hyper partisan or hyper political but they pay basic attention to the voting cycle they pay attention what's going on you can't tell them that islamic radicalism is a lesser problem than quote right-wing terror because they've had experience on a mass scale through the news cycle, through 9-11, the Orlando shooting incident. They know what's going on.
Starting point is 00:14:30 You can only lie to them for so long. And really, Nora O'Donnell should be ashamed putting this out there and should issue a correction about this because it's adding nothing to the argument. Okay, moving on. Folks, this is a conversation that has to be had. There's a lot of confusion on the left about the First Amendment. I mean, an embarrassing level of confusion. And I'm not here to give you a civics class because most of you don't need it
Starting point is 00:14:58 because most of you are crystal clear on what the First Amendment means. But paying attention to Twitter and social media traffic over the last few days, what the First Amendment means, but paying attention to Twitter and social media traffic over the last few days, it is beyond puzzling how many liberals genuinely have no idea about what the First Amendment says. I've noticed. Right? Isn't it amazing? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:15 Now, the reason I'm bringing this up is I did a hit on Fox last night with Tucker, and we opened up the show, and I was talking about free free speech and the clip got picked up by a couple of these media outlets that uh do and you know aggregate clips and hits from uh from cable news and I said free speech does not mean you know free speech gives other people the right to throw a bottle at you as you're speaking that's not what free speech is and people started to call me out on Twitter liberals all liberals by the way, not conservatives. They said, well, free speech has consequences insinuating that if you get punched in the face or a bottle thrown at you for speaking that this was all legit. And other people said, well, free speech, you're you're equating free speech with hate speech. I'm not equating folks.
Starting point is 00:15:59 Free speech is free speech, even if it is hate speech. I mean, do you not understand now? Because I want for some of you may be genuinely a little confused about this. is free speech even if it is hate speech do you i mean do you not understand now because i want for some of you who may be genuinely a little confused about this and i mean that in the in in most non-condescending way possible because it is not a it's not an easy topic to discuss it's a little more nuanced than even i'm making it out to be a lot of people even listening to this are a little bit confused and they say well you know you have free speech but you can't scream fire in a movie theater well it's not exactly true there's actual supreme court precedent on this folks hate speech is protected i i can't say that in any clearer
Starting point is 00:16:37 terms what one hate speech is a far left term because i don't know if you notice this show but the left always gets to define what hate speech is now listen there are obvious examples right i mean if i say are you scottish no arma what are you what's on the cost english german french german french if i were to say you know uh dan bongino hates german and french blends especially joe armacost yeah well using the term hate is an obvious form of hate speech it's not complicated i'm just speaking i use the term hate if you get up at a rally and say you know we hate fill in the blank uh people who are black hispanic immigrants muslims jews christians whatever it may be that would be hate speech just by definition. All right. But folks make absolutely no mistake. That is free speech.
Starting point is 00:17:28 That is totally protected. I'm telling you, there are liberals out there who don't understand this. They say to you, oh, no, no, that you're equating free speech with hate speech. It's the same thing. One doesn't all one is not an all encompassing category of the other. In other words, when you say free speech, Joe, we're also talking about compliments. We're talking about political speech. We're talking about scientific speech.
Starting point is 00:17:52 But hate speech is a subset. However, you may define that that rather loosely defined term is a subset of free speech. You saying otherwise, you're just wrong. And you attacking me on twitter oh hate speech isn't defended by the by the constitution it it doesn't make you correct it just makes you ignorant of what the constitutional ramifications of the free speech first amendment are now to get back to some you know some hard tangibles takeaways from this so you understand what's protected and what isn't
Starting point is 00:18:30 yes not every form of speech is going to be protected under a free speech banner but there's a three-pronged test and i've went over this before but it's important we remember this the brandenburg versus ohio uh decision there's a three-pronged test for this the uh the and here's how it reads. It's speech that is, quote, directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action and is likely to incite or produce such action. That's the kind of speech that would not be protected under free speech.
Starting point is 00:18:58 So again, directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action. This is important. And is likely to incite or produce such action. So there's a three-pronged test. The three-pronged test, you have to know this. It is intent, the intent of the speech. Is it intended to cause violence?
Starting point is 00:19:15 Is it likely to cause violence? And is that likelihood imminent? So one of the examples they give in another case, the Hess case, was a guy walked up to a cop and said something like we're gonna take the effing streets now or we're gonna take them later and it was a legal action pursued later on and the guy got off because the action that he said we're either gonna take the streets now we're gonna take them later was not Joe imminent so it didn't meet one of the prongs of the three prong test.
Starting point is 00:19:45 So again, liberals, if you're going to talk intelligently about this, then at least know what you're talking about. You're, you're, you know, you're lying about hate speech, not being protected is, is not, it's just simply not accurate. You're just making it up. Hate speech, whatever you define it as, as long as it doesn't promote violence, intend to promote violence, isn't likely to promote violence, and the violence isn't imminent, you're clueless on the topic. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:20:11 All right, I just wanted to put that out there because I think it's important we all understand. If we're not talking about the same thing, then it's hard to have a debate. You're talking about Oreos and I'm talking about graham crackers. It's hard to debate the benefits and the downsides of eating Oreos every day.
Starting point is 00:20:25 All right. One more thing on this Charlottesville topic, because I got a couple other things I want to get to. You know, the police response. I went on last night again on Fox to talk about not just the free speech ramifications of what happened at the rally, but also the police response. And we're seeing this growing trend, Joe, and you're intimately familiar with this in Baltimore, of this stand down, give them space to destroy. Remember Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, the mayor of Baltimore, when they had the Baltimore riots?
Starting point is 00:20:53 And in the Baltimore riots, Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, the mayor at the time, said, well, we're going to give them space to destroy. Now, there's been kind of a controversy brewing over the police response in Charlottesville where there were allegations that they were given a de facto stand down order. Now, to his defense, and I want to give you both sides, the police chief is saying unequivocally and has denied this multiple times that he's saying there was no stand down order. In other words, police were free to do
Starting point is 00:21:19 their jobs. But if we're going to look at this with open eyes, Joe, a couple of points I want to make on this. Number one, the proof is in the pudding. OK, the police and I'm not blaming the cops on the ground. I know the cops know exactly what to do. I want to be crystal clear. If there's blame to be pinned on anyone, it's politicians and police management. This is absolutely no indictment whatsoever of the cops on the ground. They clearly know what to do.
Starting point is 00:21:42 And I'm sure they were deeply disturbed by having to sit by and watch as a lot of this went down. So first point here is, Joe, nothing happened on the police side. So, you know, you can say all you want as the police chief and the politicians in charge of Charlottesville,
Starting point is 00:22:01 which is a liberal city, you can say all you want that the police weren't in fact given a stand down order, but I think say all you want that the police weren't, in fact, given a stand down order. But I think it's crystal clear that the police stood down, at least for a decent period of time while this violence brewed. I mean, that's really not open for interpretation. Anybody watching the video or listening to multiple accounts of what happened that day
Starting point is 00:22:20 will understand that there was, in fact, some stand down, whether it was a direct order, an indirect order, or just a standing order to not do anything until permission to arrest was given. That kind of rolls into my second point. If you, Joe, if you're the mayor of the city, and one of the allegations out there now is that the mayor said no arrest will be made until explicit permission is given to the police officers to do so.
Starting point is 00:22:46 That is a de facto stand down order, folks. How is that? If the word stand down were never used, but someone was told do not allow any arrests until I say so, that's a stand down order. That bothers me. This is the word games they played with Benghazi. Well, we didn't tell anybody to stand down.
Starting point is 00:23:04 Yeah, but you didn't tell anybody to do anything either. That is a de facto stand down order, folks. The cops knew exactly what to do. This is really disturbing stuff. You know, we've seen this over and over again in these liberal cities. Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, David Dinkins in Crown Heights. We saw it in Ferguson. This is a real problem.
Starting point is 00:23:21 And I'm going to, because I don't want to just suggest problems without solutions. I want to suggest a solution to this. And I want to be very clear. I have hard liberal, libertarian, liberal, gosh, libertarian tendencies on this. For obvious reasons. I am a free speech absolutist on this. But ladies and gentlemen, again, as I said last night on the show, free speech does not mean free speech to throw a punch or launch a bottle at someone's face as they're speaking.
Starting point is 00:23:47 That is not free speech. That is a criminal act. You have forfeited your right to be a political activist at a rally where you engage in violence from someone else. You're taking away someone else's right to free speech. That's not free speech. I'm sorry. That there's no sane interpretation of free speech as that count. Now, what's the solution
Starting point is 00:24:05 instead of just talking about the problems the solution here is the rudy giuliani approach regardless of your feelings of the former new york city mayor i remember being a police officer under the uh the mayorship of rudy giuliani in new york and i called it the rudy giuliani theorem last night but uh you know it was actually a lot of people within the police department, but the way they did crowd control in New York was the only way to do it. You will, Joe, absolutely protect the right to protest. 100%. Right.
Starting point is 00:24:33 But the minute someone from behind that line throws a bottle or punches someone in the face, they go to jail. The next guy who throws a bottle, he goes to jail too. The next guy that breaks a window, he goes to jail too. You don't give breaks a window, he goes to jail too. You don't give anybody a pass.
Starting point is 00:24:47 They would have teams of people. The teams of people would go in the crowd. They would remove the criminals because you're not an activist anymore. You're now a criminal. And everyone else gets to go on peacefully and protest. If the entire crowd starts engaging in criminal behavior, they're dispersed and arrests are made. This is the best advice I can give to police officials.
Starting point is 00:25:06 If you're even interested, if you're not, do your own thing. It's your city. It's sad that you, you know, you're most, I think the police chief in Charlottesville is going to want to presiding over this, but it's making your city and you all look foolish. This is a very simple policy of policing. You use overwhelming force at the scene to ensure the right to protest. Now, you may say, you just said overwhelming force.
Starting point is 00:25:28 Gosh, that doesn't sound libertarian. To ensure people's right to protest, Joe, you have two sides that are at each other's throats. Give one side of the street to one group, one side of the street
Starting point is 00:25:37 to the other. Police lines, say whatever you want, right? Your signs, scream and yell, do whatever you want to do. But again, the minute someone launches a bottle or breaks a window, those teams go into the crowd, pull that person out, you get arrested.
Starting point is 00:25:48 That's it. Because now you've impacted somebody else's right to speak. And I'm sorry, even if that speech is hateful and the left is defining it as hate speech and they're saying all kinds of nasty things, they have the right to say it. Free speech protects the right of people to say dumb stuff. If you don't believe that, you just don't believe in free speech. There's no the right of people to say dumb stuff. If you don't
Starting point is 00:26:05 believe that, you just don't believe in free speech. There's no easy way for me to explain this to you. Free speech does not protect your version of free speech and it's not free. Because what if your version and my version don't agree? You get to shut me down. Remember the heckler's veto, folks. This has always been the goal of the left the goal of the left has always been and antifa is using this strategy sadly um they're using it efficiently and i say and say sadly because this is just embarrassing what's happening in the country now these antifa which stands for anti-fascist but really means anti-first amendment these are the people showing up at the trump rallies joe beating people up all the time yeah antifa is doing this because they want to engage the heckler's veto the heckler's vetoes go to a rally cause a bunch of violence beat people up hit them with broom
Starting point is 00:26:54 sticks throw bottles at them throw urine on them which happened to katie couric and her crew by the way do that cause a bunch of violence create a media stir later about violence at the rally even though say the rally was a pro-trump rally and the antifa people caused the violence then say hey we need to shut this stuff down in the future these trump rallies because look there's violence at the rally even though the people calling for it to be shut down were the ones who caused the violence at the rally it's called the heckler's veto this is not a new stunt it's an old stunt this is what they want because liberals are at their heart a lot of liberals are totalitarians stunt. It's an old stunt. This is what they want. Because liberals are at their heart. A lot of liberals are totalitarians.
Starting point is 00:27:28 They believe in a soft and in some cases a hard tyranny. The heckler's veto is one of the tricks they pull. Alright. Today's show also brought to you by our friends at My Patriot Supply. Folks, preparedness is key. You know, we're living in some times, especially with North Korea
Starting point is 00:27:44 where there's no need to panic or no need to worry about a lot of this stuff. But the North Koreans, you wonder sometimes, are these reasonable people? I mean, they've threatened things like EMP attacks. Bottom line is being prepared doesn't hurt you at all. It costs you just a few bucks to prepare. Prepare your food supply. Prepare your house. Be able to defend yourself if need be.
Starting point is 00:28:04 I have a couple boxes of this stuff. I got a nice email from a regular listener, Dean, who emailed me the other day, said he picked up a few more boxes of an emergency food supply. Joe, it makes absolutely no sense not to have it. My Patriot supply will give you a one-month supply of emergency food, one-month supply for just 99 bucks. Now, we all hope you have it and never need it. But gosh, if you need it, think about what it would be like to not have it, especially if you have kids. We ensure everything in our lives that matter. In these dangerous times, folks, it makes no sense not to have a month's supply of emergency
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Starting point is 00:28:49 They're really good companies. They do wonders for the show. I mean, they really have, they keep it free for you. And I wouldn't ask you to purchase their product if I didn't believe in it. Brickhouse Nutrition, My Patriot Supply, these are really good suppliers. So go pick up your one-month supply
Starting point is 00:29:01 of emergency food today. It's available at All right, last story of the day. And this is kind of a personal story. You know, the Colin Kaepernick thing last year in the NFL, and for those of you who missed it, Colin Kaepernick was a quarterback for the 49ers. Most of you probably already know the story, but he decided it would be a good idea to kneel during the National Anthem before the game to disrespect their flag, disrespect their country, and the left keeps disingenuously framing this as a free speech thing. I get tweets about
Starting point is 00:29:32 this all the time saying, why are you going after Kaepernick for kneeling during the National Anthem? He's free to do it. I didn't say he wasn't. Joe, did we ever say that? Never. We never said that. Never. Never. You have absolutely, Colin Kaepernick is free to kneel for the national anthem and NFL teams are now free not to sign him, which is not happening.
Starting point is 00:29:52 He is not being signed. He has no job. And now there are a whole bunch of activists out there whining that Kaepernick should be should be hard. Why would he be hired? Why would you want this guy on your team? Why? Why would he be hired?
Starting point is 00:30:02 Why would you want this guy on your team? Why? He has alienated the 70 plus percent, whatever, of Americans who are ferociously loyal to our military and our flag, regardless of the political ideology, and don't want to see someone on the sidelines disrespecting it. Now, the NFL is a brand. You want to protect that brand? You should say stuff like that is is not above board and if it happens you're going to be fined and suspended it's got free speech he's free to do
Starting point is 00:30:30 whatever he wants and the nfl is free to protect its brand too now it's a little painful for me because i really really really love football and i entirely tuned out the NFL last year. Folks, I'm not going to smoke you up here. It sucked. And my wife can vouch for me on this one. I'm not faking the funk on it at all. I legitimately tuned out the NFL entirely last year. I saw maybe a combined five minutes of games, and you may say, well, how'd you even see that?
Starting point is 00:31:01 Because while flicking through channels, one time I accidentally was looking for 60 minutes and I clicked on CBS and there was still a game on. That happened a couple of times. I saw about five minutes. I missed the Super Bowl, which in the post Super Bowl show, Joe, remember I was devastated.
Starting point is 00:31:15 I was. It was a great Super Bowl. Everybody was talking about it and I saw none of it. But you know what? Folks, principles matter to me. And I'm not being silly about this. They matter. And I know they matter to a lot of you too. And I'm not being silly about this. They matter. And I know they matter to a lot of you, too.
Starting point is 00:31:27 And I was not going to patronize a product that was going to crap all over my country. I'm sorry. You don't want to take a stand and protect your brand? Then I don't want to take a stand for you. So that all ends. Kaepernick, it looks like he's going to be out of a job. And if an NFL team wants to hire him, Joe, that's fine. That's their thing.
Starting point is 00:31:44 They were thinking about hiring him here in Baltimore. Baltimore, I know. I saw that. The reaction was atrocious. They're not going to hire him. Were you getting callers at the radio station about that? Oh, hell yeah. I'll never watch again.
Starting point is 00:31:55 I'm going to stop following the Ravens as much as I love them. And, you know, I was one of those guys. I'm not going to waste my time on that. No, I wouldn't either. Nope. The Ravens, you know, even though the Baltimore Ravens are in Maryland, the Blue State, trust me, that crowd has some very hard pro-American, pro-military values. And they're not going to – you're damn right.
Starting point is 00:32:15 They're not going to sit idle on the sidelines while some joker kneels and disrespects our national anthem. So I finally said, all right, well, great. I can tune into the NFL this year. I do. I really enjoy football. And what happens? Oh.
Starting point is 00:32:29 I like the Raiders. I like the Ravens. I like the Jets. But I've been a Raiders fan for a lot of my adult life. Yeah. My teenage life, too. And they signed Marshawn Lynch, who is a running back, who decides he's going to sit on the sidelines and eat
Starting point is 00:32:46 a banana. I am not kidding. You can just Google Marshawn Lynch sitting on sidelines eating a banana during the National Anthem. I'm really legitimately devastated by this. I was finally getting into it. The Raiders are going to be good this year. Their quarterback
Starting point is 00:33:02 is back from an injury. They had a great team last year. They would have won a lot further if the QB didn't get hurt, if Cardin didn't go down. Folks, this is going to devastate their brand again. And if anyone, we have a really healthy listening audience, thanks to you. I'm not patting myself on the back. It's not a humble brag, but I'm imploring you. If anyone is an NFL executive, knows someone who's an NFL executive, or deals with these NFL executives, please, I'm begging you, this is deeply impacting your brand.
Starting point is 00:33:32 I know you know this because I know you've seen the data and they even acknowledged recently, I saw an article where they started to acknowledge how the Kaepernick protest was really damaging their brand. But I think it's even worse than you know. The people I know that I talk to in my neighborhood, we live in a really middle-class part of Florida, working-class area. They're done with it.
Starting point is 00:33:53 They don't want to see it. They don't want to be insulted. I'm asking you to please do the right thing. You don't want to stand for the national anthem? Stay in the locker room. You don't need to disrespect it. You don't. You know for the national anthem. Stay in the locker room. You don't need to disrespect it. You don't. You know what I'm saying, Joe?
Starting point is 00:34:08 You want to do your protest? Fine. Stay in the locker room. No one needs to see you crapping all over the flag and our memories of the and people who fought for that. Nobody needs to see that. And I could not have been more disappointed in Jack Del Rio, the coach, saying, oh, it's not a big deal.
Starting point is 00:34:23 He's been doing this for years. That doesn't make it right, folks. Now, the reason I'm bringing this up is not just to harp on the NFL, but I believe in capitalism and free markets. You're destroying your brand, folks. You're killing it in the NFL. You are absolutely killing it. You're going to lose a customer like me and Joe.
Starting point is 00:34:40 We're your target audience. We're consumers. We're in that 25 to 54 bracket, roughly. Yeah, you are, right? You're not older than 54, are you? Yeah, I am. Are you? I screw this up all the time.
Starting point is 00:34:55 Well, we're close. I'm definitely in a 25 to 54, although I steal 154, right? But we're spenders. I mean, I don't mean that, but we spend money. We are your target audience. You're going to lose us for life. Because once I'm done for two or three years with the NFL, it's over.
Starting point is 00:35:10 I stopped watching baseball a long time ago just because it was too long. I can't get back into it now because I don't know any of the players anymore. You're going to lose us forever. Now, it's already happening. At the NFL, your cautionary tale should be this. Story on Drudge today I saw in this I'll tie it up Hollywood's being devastated Joe they're being crushed there's a story on drudge today I'll put in the show notes yeah it's from like showbiz 411 but I'll put the link in the show notes you can
Starting point is 00:35:34 read it yourself Hollywood ticket sales have been trending down for many years now but ticket sales this year are catastrophically bad they're collapsing it's the lowest they've seen in 25 years now folks why do you think this is happening now they'll blame it on all kinds of things you know movies are just bad too many tentpole productions where they try to do these big blowout movies like fast and furious and they make 55 sequels folks i'm not you know i'm not so sure about that. I've stopped. I'm not going to the movies completely, but I will not see movies with actors and actresses in it who crap all over the United States. And I know for a fact I'm not the only one.
Starting point is 00:36:15 Jennifer Lawrence, remember when she came out against Christians in Kentucky? I wanted to see that movie, Passengers. Now I wait for it to come out on HBO, which is part of my community package i get it for free i will not pay i will not red box it i will not uh you know uh buy it on uh on on demand nothing i won't see anything with that captain america actor who's a big anti-trump guy folks you think i'm the only one so again i'm imploring anyone in the
Starting point is 00:36:43 hollywood industry if you're serious about your business model, I would just ask you this. Just shut the hell up. Just shut up. Produce movies. I'm not telling you you can't have political opinions. Do what you want. But the bottom line is when I go to my doctor, I think I'm going to need knee surgery.
Starting point is 00:36:59 When I go back to my doctor around here, I don't go in there and ask him for his political opinions. back to my doctor around here i don't go in there and ask him for his political opinions the value added you provide to society as a hollywood actor is to entertain i don't mean that as as a as an insult i mean sometimes i have but i really don't mean it now it's a skill i can't act i can't i'm just i'd be terrible at it they asked me to act once at a secret service thing well for students it was the worst thing ever i was was like, I can't do this. I'm sorry. It's a skill.
Starting point is 00:37:26 I can't sing. Gosh, you don't want to hear me sing. My daughter's really, really good. But I can't sing. It's a skill. The value added you provide to societies provide entertainment. People love to be entertained. You put smiles on people's faces, and I applaud you for doing that.
Starting point is 00:37:41 And I will see movies with actors who either keep their mouth shut or generally just say things that are pro-America. I'll go see movies for pro-American actors that aren't even good movies. I'll see patriotic American movies. I'll buy a lot of stuff. Like I bought that movie Risen just because I wanted to support the cause. But I'm just asking you
Starting point is 00:38:01 if you have a sense of your business model and your future economically to just either shut up or keep your political views in political conversations private. It's not a First Amendment thing. You're absolutely free to do it. But I'm absolutely free to not spend my money once you alienate me with your political views. I have zero problem whatsoever with you being a leftist. Zero.
Starting point is 00:38:23 And Joe, I don't think you do either. I don't think anyone in the audience does. You want to be a hardcore liberal? That's fine. I respect your political opinions. I'll go see your movies. That's fine. But what I'm not going to do is spend a dime on you in the NFL or anywhere else if you're
Starting point is 00:38:37 going to tell me or my country that the country's crap and we're crap too because we're conservatives. I'm not going to do it. And I don't know why you think that's a sane rational business model you'll be out of a job in 10 years this industry as it slowly but surely folds in on itself you'll be out of a job and you'll be saying what happened i'm telling you today august 2017 what's happening to your business model wake up it's not worth burning your entire careers over. All right, folks, thanks again for tuning in. I really appreciate it.
Starting point is 00:39:09 Please go to, subscribe to my email list. I'll get you those show notes today. And thanks again for really being the most unbelievable audience ever. Someone sent me a really nice email yesterday and included something about producer Joe who does tremendous work and came all the way down here to Florida to be with me in the studio and uh we all really
Starting point is 00:39:29 appreciate it meant a lot they uh thank you thank you much all right folks yeah man i'll talk to you all and woman i'll see you all tomorrow take care you just heard the dan bongino show get more of dan online anytime at conservative reviewcom. You can also get Dan's podcasts on iTunes or SoundCloud. And follow Dan on Twitter 24-7 at DBongino.

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