The Dan Bongino Show - Ep. 721 Police-State Liberals Are Using Economic Warfare Against Us

Episode Date: May 16, 2018

Summary: In this episode I address the exploding economic war liberals are waging against the rest of us. I also discuss how to fight back.    I also address John Brennan’s disgraceful role in the... framing of the Trump team.    News Picks: Russia is developing a deadly weapon we have no defense against.   The liberal culture war has spilled into comic books.   An explosive piece showing that John Brennan hasn’t been honest about his role in the setup of the Trump team.    A Maltese professor played a key role in the Trump investigation.    The White House is rejecting media efforts to spin this story.    Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 get ready to hear the truth about america on a show that's not immune to the facts with your host dan bongino welcome to the dan bongino show producer joseph armacost how are you today all right all right all right little matthew mcconaughey yeah all right all right what is that from dazed and confused i think I think? I am the worst. I always get it wrong. I may be right on that one, though, which would be shocking and stunning. Oh, so what do we got today? Where do we start?
Starting point is 00:00:33 Where do we start? Major breaking news. Again, yesterday, Paul Sperry, over at Real Clear Investigations, blowing the lid off of the John Brennan scandal. This man has been a stain on the fabric of America that will never, ever be wiped clean. Yeah, what a disaster. Now it's all becoming clear. Captain Puppet Master John Brennan,
Starting point is 00:00:55 his disgraceful legacy as a lead member of our intelligence community coming out. I got more on that I'm going to get to. I've got some sound from him exposing how... By the way, just get a lawyer, Brennan, because this guy's been exposed for the fraud he is as the creator of the entire scandal here. What a mess with this guy. And he's on tape. He goes on TV talking about it. Get a lawyer. Get off TV, John.
Starting point is 00:01:30 Gosh, is this guy dumb. Get off the television. All right. Before we get to that, I got a couple of other stories I want to get to, too, about the economic war going on against conservatives. It's gotten worse. An interesting story I saw at the Federalist today. All right. Today's show brought to you by our buddies at iTarget.
Starting point is 00:01:45 We love iTarget. Listen, I always recommend people, if they can and are willing, to own and buy a firearm and to train with it. It's important if you buy a firearm, obviously, to learn how to use it and use it proficiently. If, God forbid, you're involved in a self-defense scenario, you have to hit what you're firing at. Someone's in your house.
Starting point is 00:02:02 They're firing at you. You're being robbed. You're being mugged. You're being attacked. You have to be proficient with that firearm, but that requires some skills. You have to get your proper sight alignment, your proper sight picture. You have to learn how to acquire that front sight. You have to learn how to pull a trigger deliberately and slowly, and you have to learn how to get that target picture perfect so that you don't miss what you're firing at. It's not easy to do. Pulling a trigger is not difficult, but firing that firearm accurately is. One of the best ways to do it and to learn how to do it, if again, God forbid you're involved in such a scenario,
Starting point is 00:02:34 is to dry fire. Dry fire is when you practice pulling the trigger and acquiring a sight picture on a safely unloaded weapon. Check it. Check it twice. Check it three times to make sure it's unloaded. You can't check it enough. You can't make that mistake. Always point a firearm in a safe direction. You have the laser rule. Act like there's a laser coming out of the front of that weapon. Oh, in this case, there is, by the way.
Starting point is 00:02:56 The iTarget Pro system is a laser round. They will send you. Drop it in a safely unloaded weapon. When you depress that trigger on that safely unloaded weapon, the hammer will drop on this laser round and your firearm, the one you have now, will emit a laser onto a target so you can see where the round would have gone. This is the best way to practice with your firearm. The reviews on this are phenomenal. People love it. They can't put it down. It's almost like a video game system to train your proficiency and train your skills with a firearm. Go pick it up today.
Starting point is 00:03:25 The website, That's the letter,, Promo code Dan for 10% off. Don't miss out. All right. I read a story at the Federalist. It'll be in the show notes today at Thanks to everyone who subscribed to my email list.
Starting point is 00:03:41 By the way, I will email you these articles every day if you join the email list. We appreciate it. It helps us get the message out. It's about the continued economic war against conservatives. I have been on this thing for a while now. Here is the problem with police state tyrant liberals, which are increasingly taking over what was left of a once proud Democrat party under John F. Kennedy, which has now turned into a ragtag group of socialists, police state tyrants, Antifa crowd types, violent types, anti-free speech and anti-civil liberties advocates. It's really a grotesque group. Joe, I've explained in the past,
Starting point is 00:04:26 and I'll explain again today, the continuum of how leftists work and what we have to be prepared for. All right. When these tyrants show losing politics, meaning actual elections, the presidency,
Starting point is 00:04:37 House of Representatives, Senate, local state delegates, local state senators, councilmen, mayors at the local level, leftists never give up. Never.
Starting point is 00:04:49 That's one thing about them you have to understand. Now, I don't respect it in some cases because when they say don't give up, I mean, they don't give up attacking your civil rights. But you have to respect the tactic because if you ignore it, you will be caught blindsided as your civil liberties just die away yep when they lose in politics they move immediately to other arenas they never rest conservatives we don't do this and i'm not suggesting we shouldn't in in in i don't make sense in a minute but liberals never stop They are committed to taking your money, your liberty, your health care, your kids education, the right to your property, the right to life in some cases, especially when it comes to their pro-abortion advocacy. They are absolutely committed to the destruction of everything you know that represents big R rights, liberty and freedom.
Starting point is 00:05:41 That is it. Horse blinders on. big R rights, liberty and freedom. That is it. Horse blinders on. They see nothing but the destruction of the constitutional republic as we know it as their end goal. Not talking about all Democrats,
Starting point is 00:05:52 but sadly I'm talking about a lot of them now because the party has been completely hijacked. Now, what they lost in politics and what they've been losing significantly, especially during the Obama years where they were wiped out at the state, federal, and local level. They lost a thousand plus seats.
Starting point is 00:06:09 They moved seamlessly into the economic and the culture wars. The culture wars. What are the culture wars? And the culture wars and the economic wars are not, or I should say, the culture war and the economic war, Joe,
Starting point is 00:06:22 are not necessarily separate entities. Right, yeah. So I saw a story today to show you exactly what i mean how both of these are connected comic books joe comic books you would think all right dad seriously we're politicizing comic books now no no not us not me or joe i love the punisher and believe me the punisher comic book uh was it spider-Man? I have it. My wife bought it for me. What is it, 181 or something? Maybe that's Hulk 181 with the Wolverine guy.
Starting point is 00:06:49 But these were not politically correct cartoons at all. Hell no. Comic books. No, it was like mass killing. Not that I'm recommending that stuff. I'm just saying, when I was a kid, there were clear bad guys, clear good guys. And then they started the evolution of the anti antihero, which is probably not PC either. The left has politicized comic books.
Starting point is 00:07:10 There's a piece in the Federalist today. Read it. It's in the show notes. It's really good. And I kind of like just clicked on the title just because I, you know, once in a while, I like reading about the comic book arena and I know some people in it. I've actually appeared in a comic book. You remember that thing I showed you, Joe? Yeah, that was cool. Someone drew my likeness in a comic book. and i know some people in it i've actually appeared in a comic book you remember that thing i showed you that was someone drew my likeness in a comic book
Starting point is 00:07:27 the article is fascinating it's about this guy richard meyer um apparently he's he's a i don't even know if he's so much a conservative he's not a liberal let's just say because i don't know him i've never come conversed with him i don't understand his policies. I'm just telling you, he's clearly not a liberal. All right. So, Joe, he wrote this series or drew this series of comics or marshaled together this series of comics that did not follow the pro-social justice warrior, snowflake, liberal, cry room, color forms, Crayola line. That we're all supposed to cover social justice warrior issues in our comic books we're supposed to crap on america crap on the country crap on trump apparently this guy meyer was like i don't think so we're not going to do that so meyer starts a youtube channel this is such a cool story called this is brilliant
Starting point is 00:08:20 diversity in comics which is great because joe the snowflakes probably think this is a YouTube channel dedicated to commentary on snowflake stuff. But it's not. Myers YouTube channel is it's a roast, basically, of all of these misguided efforts to culturally influence young Americans through social justice warrior messaging in comic books. Just leave the damn comic books alone. Good guy, bad guy fight. Good guy wins in the end. It's not complicated. It's not complicated. Go read the comic books from the 60s. Bad guy, good guy, good guy wins. That's the plot in every single one. I read them all. Good guy wins. That's the plot in every single one. I read them all.
Starting point is 00:09:09 Once in a blue moon, the good guy loses and he dies. But then he comes back in the next comic. Don't ever, right Joe? Superman died. Then he came back as like seven different Supermans or whatever. They never really die. Okay. I'm not going to put any spoilers in, but some of you get it. You know what I'm talking about in relationship to some other stuff out there
Starting point is 00:09:25 in the comic book arena and the movie arena. Wink wink, okay? They never really die. Now, you'd think they'd leave that alone. They can't. So Meyer puts this YouTube channel up. It's an instant success. Joe. People come
Starting point is 00:09:42 in there and they find it hilarious that this guy, yeah yeah he just what are they blocked yet no that's YouTube so yeah this isn't Twitter so he has this YouTube chat where he does these roasts and he just fillets these people for their endless focus on social justice warrior nonsense the thing takes off and he starts a crowdfunding effort on kickstarter joe are you taking a note to block that out yeah no you don't block it out leave it in it's funny it's rihanna's commentary you don't leave it i see joe i know when he goes to the pen that he wants to cut so i can see him from my camera don't leave it in there it's funny so he takes
Starting point is 00:10:23 up a kickstarter effort Joe, to start it. I'm watching you, man. I got my eyes on you. Called Jawbreaker Lost Souls. And it raises a fortune. So just to be clear, he's not a liberal, which is, you know, in social justice warrior cultures, you have to culture warrior realms. You have to be put out of business and filleted immediately.
Starting point is 00:10:41 He starts a YouTube channel, which goes after political correctness in comic books. It's a huge success. He starts a Kickstarter effort for this new comic book, Jawbreaker Lost Souls. And the thing takes off right away, Joe, on Kickstarter. He raises a fortune for this. And a publishing company, Antarctic Press, picks up the deal because it's such a huge success on Kickstarter. Hey, we'll publish the comic book. We'll get it in the stores. Well, what happens? A bunch of social justice warrior snowflakes, the snowflake crowd, a bunch of people who had worked at Marvel and otherwise, go crazy and start pressuring this publishing company.
Starting point is 00:11:23 You can't put that out there. You better stop. We're going to boycott your stuff. We're going to make sure we don't publish any of that Antarctic Press's books. We don't put it in stores. They start pressuring this Antarctic Press, which then backs away. It's a San Antonio company and says, listen, we're not going to publish the comic book anymore. Now, Meyer says, listen, don't blame them.
Starting point is 00:11:47 It's a small mom and pop. They were under relentless pressure by the social justice warrior snowflakes. The tyrants, the police state economic tyrants that have been attacking this guy. And he says, leave them. So I'm not going to spend a lot of time on the publisher. I get what he's saying. And if Meyer doesn't want us going after him, I don't want us going after him either. I don't think we should replicate snowflake tactics in that respect.
Starting point is 00:12:13 But what's funny about this, or actually what's not funny about it, what's pretty disgusting about these filthy police state tyrant liberals is this is their next, this is what they're doing. I bring this story up because, Joe, now that the culture wars, they're winning overwhelmingly in the culture wars. They own academia. They own the messaging in Hollywood. They own the messaging on TV. They're winning. I'm not telling you the tide's not going to turn. It always does throughout history. That's why we have to fight back and be patient. But they're winning now. They own academia. They own Hollywood. They own television. They own Hollywood. They own television. They own music.
Starting point is 00:12:48 They own everything that would comprise popular culture. In other words, cultural things, people, en masse, tend to listen or find entertaining. Liberals own all of it. That's not good enough for them, Joe. It's not good enough to use the culture wars to make you and I outcasts. I mean, look at what happened again to Kanye West. I don't know Kanye. I'm not saying he's a conservative. I'm just saying he dared to say he liked the way a conservative, Candace Owens, thinks.
Starting point is 00:13:15 And he became the subject of a ruthless, ruthless mob of people who attacked him. This is what the culture war is. The culture war in in a sentence, is make any non-liberal an outcast. Do you understand that, Joe? Yeah. That's exactly what they did with this Richard Meyer in the comic book arena.
Starting point is 00:13:38 The culture war is not independent from the economic war. It's not good enough to make you an outcast, Joe. And to make your an outcast, Joe, and to make your friends hate you and your family hate you. It's not good enough. They have to bankrupt you too, Joseph. You got it. I understand.
Starting point is 00:13:56 The culture war was always going to be a weapon for the economic war later. They are finding now, through the use of social media, email campaigns, campaigns facebook which did not exist 20 years ago as we know it now not email but it not definitely not the pervasiveness we have now i mean when i first started in the secret service they had netscape you know email was you know people had them but i mean everybody now your grandmother has probably five or six
Starting point is 00:14:24 email accounts twitter Twitter and social media existed. Nothing like it does now. They have found a way, the liberals, to make the outcast become a public outcast, too. By spreading the message. Tweet out constantly, Joe Armacost, non-liberal. Get him!
Starting point is 00:14:40 Get him! I'm being shunned! Yes, you are. You've been shunned on social media in front of millions of people. And in some cases, Joe, in many now, it's being accompanied by an economic boycott message, which is exactly what happened to this comic book author and his publisher. They want you bankrupted. They want you finished. I'm bringing it up today because there's another story out there that ties intimately into this message.
Starting point is 00:15:05 And you need to understand this so you know it is time to fight back. Folks, it is time to skin your knees and get a little dirty, okay? I don't mean dirty and immoral. I mean dirty in that we got to get outside and we got to play in the weeds a little bit here. It's going to require some dirt under the fingernails. You can't pull weeds by looking at them. No more roundup. You got to actually go and pull the weeds.
Starting point is 00:15:29 They keep growing back. Now, for the liberals listening at Media Matters, I know you're a violent bunch. You Antifa supporting, Southern Poverty Law Center supporting. I know that. We're not. That's your thing, okay? Just so you understand violence is your arena because you're immoral slobs but we have to be prepared for this fight
Starting point is 00:15:51 the other story sorry i don't mean to keep teasing it but because i want to wrap it up with how we're going to fight back so i don't leave you on this macabre note here all right andrew cuomo hapless, principle-free, silver spoon baby governor of New York, far left liberal goon, is now pressuring people and companies in New York to not do business with insurance companies and others that do any business with the NRA. Wait, wait, wait. The liberals on one hand, they want you force you to basic bake a cake for a gay wedding you don't want to be a part of because you're in the public space joe but then on the other hand so that they're all for hey association shouldn't be free right joe a guy who bakes a cake
Starting point is 00:16:38 is not free to associate with who he wants right that's what they're saying the guy who bakes the cake says listen i don't want to do business. I don't want to bake a cake for a gay wedding. It's not my thing, okay? It's against my religious beliefs. By the way, he has constitutional protections there. Liberals are saying, nope, freedom association is dead. Freedom of association, dead, gone.
Starting point is 00:16:58 But then, interestingly enough, when it comes to banks and insurance companies doing business with the NRA, a legally protected activity, by the way, the right to purchase a firearm to protect yourself. Cuomo and his team are putting pressure on these companies, citing reputational harm, which a lot of these companies are now backing out of contracts with the NRA. And it's a major lawsuit going on. So now all of a sudden, Joe, Freedom Association. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You know what? You guys, these companies, there's no freedom of association. You can't associate with who you want to associate with a legal activity in the NRA.
Starting point is 00:17:32 No, no, you can't do that. It's a scam. Bake the cake. You better do business with this person. And then to the other company, this is a legal business, but you better not do business with that person. They're scammers. This is economic war. What they can't win.
Starting point is 00:17:51 Now, to sum up what I'm telling you, they can't win their fights politically. They know their ruthless social justice warrior agenda on the human sexuality front is not popular. People want to be left, but just leave me alone. Leave me, my sexuality, my family alone. They don't want that. Liberals want their beliefs imposed on everyone. They know their agenda on gun control is a dead end politically. They know it.
Starting point is 00:18:23 They understand that. So what do they do? They keep fighting politically. They're not going to give up there, Joe, but they type you as an outcast. They stereotype you as an outcast culturally, using all the weapons they can. Hollywood, look at these dirty Trump voters. Hollywood, academia, look at you filthy Trump voters, you deplorable people. Then they use that outcast label to leverage economic boycotts against you through the use of social media and Facebook. And then they weaponize the power of government when they can. Cuomo's going to lose this, by the way, bad. And it's going to be a horrifying
Starting point is 00:18:55 defeat for liberals on the economic front. I'm sure of it once this case goes to court. Here's the good news, folks. We're about 45 to 50 percent of america and i'll be honest with you we're probably 55 too there are probably democrats based on the emails i get it's an unscientific number obviously i haven't taken a poll of everybody in america or even a even a statistically effective sample size but i'm guessing based on some of the books i've read about political brains political ideology and political leanings that probably 40 to 50, maybe 55% of America strongly reject the idea that the government should be weaponized, that Hollywood should be weaponized, and that economic boycott should be weaponized to stop people from doing what's legally protected.
Starting point is 00:19:40 Buying a firearm, practicing their own religion. I guarantee you we're the majority. What am I saying here? Folks, you have to take, I know I'm not your preacher and I'm not trying to be one and I'm sorry if it comes off that way. But we have got to take on a little bit of suffering in our own lives.
Starting point is 00:19:59 I'm not talking about physical pain. I'm talking about a little bit of just inconvenience in our lives when it comes to this economic stuff movies i just you know i rarely if ever go anymore rarely if there's an actor actress in a movie that's anti-trump i'm out now once in a while you know i because i don't like to i'm never going to be a phony with my audience i do have a young daughter and you know sometimes it I don't like to, I'm never going to be a phony with my audience. I do have a young daughter and you know, sometimes it's important to me. My family takes precedence.
Starting point is 00:20:30 But rarely, rarely, I used to go to the movies with my wife every Friday. We have been to the movies maybe three times this year. Maybe. And I never go to a movie with like a Jennifer Lawrence or any other kind of character
Starting point is 00:20:45 that has taken a shot at Christians or anyone else. I will not give them my money. We do watch entertainment but there are other ways to minimize the financial flow. I always buy tickets when I can for Christian movies that come out even if I don't see them. I recommend them on my show. That movie about
Starting point is 00:21:01 Paul the Apostle was incredible. I don't say that because it was a Christian movie. It was a great movie. That was one of the movies I saw this year. I buy tickets for Sean Hannity's movie. Folks, we're going to have to take on a little bit of suffering. I'm begging you. As a friend, as a host of this show, you chose to listen to it.
Starting point is 00:21:19 I appreciate it. Please, be careful with your money. Companies that keep hitting us, hit them back. You're not going to be able to fight everyone. I get that. There are so many left-leaning companies out there. I understand you're not going to be able to fight every fight. I get it.
Starting point is 00:21:34 Tim Cook at Apple is known for saying insane stuff all the time. Listen, I'm not going to lie to you. I still have an iPhone. It's tough for me business-wise to transfer the entire platform without impacting the show. I don't go in Target anymore, ever. Target's done forever. I try not to go into Starbucks.
Starting point is 00:21:55 I try to stay away from these places. You need to do it too. They can't win this fight. Why? Because over the long term, we have the money in our pockets. And once a producer with enough assets and connections, I don't mean a Hollywood producer, a producer of services or goods comes along and sees that vacuum in the economy, someone's going to come along and present an alternative that is going to be a runaway success the model's already there the model was fox news the liberals ran the media forever people said oh gosh we can't have a conservative or what fair and balanced network they run the joe there's no way economies of
Starting point is 00:22:36 scale it's not gonna happen people forget fox news was not a runaway success right away economically it is now this takes time there is going to be eventually a conservative hollywood studio that only pumps out pictures that are uh you know and films that that that don't attack us i'm not saying they necessarily have to be like you know everything has to be pro-america in in a in an almost like overtop way, but it's certainly not going to be against us. Eventually, there'll be a conservative Hollywood studio, a conservative music studio. There will be, and this is why I'm talking about this, and is now going to be some kind of a conservative comic book outlet because the same comic book author, Joe Meyer, I told you about,
Starting point is 00:23:29 is apparently now crowdsourcing, given them, you can't see me again but given him the double barreled middle finger is now going to start his own comic book publishing company i think it's called splatto in other words okay you don't want to publish myself we'll publish it ourselves thank you and you know what'll happen conservatives will flock there many of them will buy the darn comic books don't even read them, including me. They'll buy those comic books just to stick it to the left. And you know what'll happen? It'll eventually do what Fox News did to its competitors.
Starting point is 00:23:53 It wiped them out. MSNBC's a joke outside of Rachel Maddow. It's a joke. It's a farce. CNN is the laughing stock of media. They're not even journalists anymore. It's the National Enquirer Network, and even journalists anymore it's the National Enquirer Network and that's an insult to the National Enquirer to be compared to CNN
Starting point is 00:24:08 they're more credible this is going to happen it is an economic it's a tautological state it is going to happen but it's only going to happen when you starve off these companies from your economic resources
Starting point is 00:24:24 wherever you can if even 2 or three thousand people stop shopping in target stop shopping in dick sporting goods who is now lobbying against your civil liberties and your right to self-protection and those two thousand people over the course of a lifetime in target and dicks were worth five hundred to a thousand dollars in purchases that is a wallop to their wallets. Now, they can celebrate all they want. Here's the difference, too, by the way. One more thing about this. Gosh, I wanted to wrap this up a little quicker because I got a lot to get to, but this is
Starting point is 00:24:53 important. Folks, liberals don't have the guts for this fight. They don't have the guts. They don't have the guts. They are not in this for the long term. Make no mistake. I have studied these people. I have read about these people.
Starting point is 00:25:07 I follow some of these people on Twitter. I know exactly what they're made of. And what they're made of is nothing but sand. There's nothing there. There is no mortar in there. There's no bricks. There is nothing. It's a house of sand.
Starting point is 00:25:20 They do not have the guts or the strength for this fight in the long term. There's a reason they're snowflakes. It's because they're delicate. Everything offends them. They don't have the emotional stability for this fight in the long run. They'll go out after the Kellogg's boycott on Breitbart, and they'll pick up a box of Kellogg's, Joe, for a week, and who knows, maybe Kellogg's or Dick's Sporting Goods gets a bump for a week.
Starting point is 00:25:46 All the liberals that go in there and buy something they don't need. Here's the difference, Joe. They do not have the guts for the long fight. They will never go back in Dick's again. They will never pick up Kellogg's again. I'm talking about if they weren't customers in the past. They forget because they're snowflakes. That's what they do.
Starting point is 00:26:04 They will jump on to the next victimhood fight immediately. Immediately. They will forget about the last fight because they're constantly seeking new ways to whine to mommy in the basement, have their hot cocoa because that's what they are. They've got nothing. They're cowards. They will forget about Target. they will forget about target conservatives never ever forget and i'm bringing this up because of a story about a restaurant in dallas that took a shot in nra members and the washington post is celebrating joe because all the liberals remember that's where the nra convention was all the liberals piled in the week or two afterwards. You know what? God bless them. Unlike liberals, I believe in free market association. If this dopey restaurant in Dallas wants to take a pot shot at NRA members, do your thing, man. I support freedom of speech. That's fine. I know I'm never going in there again, but liberals are all over the place celebrating, including this Bloomberg shill. They think this is the greatest story in the world. But they conveniently ignore Target.
Starting point is 00:27:07 They conveniently ignore Dick's, Yeti Coolers, all of these companies that are getting crushed because conservatives never, ever forget. Liberals got nothing. They're snowflakes for a reason. Use and choose where you spend your money wisely we'll win this fight it's just going to require a little patience the numbers the heart the guts and the principles are on our side we are fighting a cowardly army of people you know
Starting point is 00:27:42 remember i use this line in the show and joy read went nuts because she thought it somehow it was advocating violence it's not it's an argument for skin in the game by nassim taleb who wrote a great book called skin in the game he talks about the spartan line and it's not about violence you idiots on the level you're so dumb you're so obsessed with violence you don't get it you don't understand metaphors and analogies. Like I used the chess one one time and the liberals lost their minds because they're so stupid. The Spartan phrase with your shield when they told the Spartan
Starting point is 00:28:14 warriors. With it or on it. In other words, in that fight, you need to have skin in this game. You need to come back with your shield, Joe, or on it. Meaning you had sacrificed yourself. Skin in the game. You would to come back with your shield, Joe, or on it. Meaning you had sacrificed yourself. Skin in the game. You would put in that case your life into this
Starting point is 00:28:30 fight. Now what does with it mean? Well, people who run in battle and run away in Spartan times threw away their shields. Why, Joe? They were heavy. If you're going to run away, you dump your shield. So come back with it, meaning you fought
Starting point is 00:28:45 to the end, or on it, meaning you sacrificed or something. You had skin in the game. These liberals, they don't have it. There's no spirit there. They don't have it. They have no guts for this fight. We'll win in the long run. I'm sure of it.
Starting point is 00:29:02 Absolutely positive. Alright. I got a lot more to Absolutely positive. All right. I got a lot more to get to. Today's show also brought to you by our buddies at BrickHouse Nutrition. You know I'm a big fan of them. My original sponsor, still the best nutrition supplement company on the market. I'm always happy to have them. Let's talk about Field of Greens today.
Starting point is 00:29:19 What's Field of Greens? Well, we all know fruit and vegetables, fruits and vegetables, excuse me, are sources of good health. Good health, good brain health, good body health, good skin. People tell me all the time, like my hair, my hair grows. I shouldn't say people, my barbies, like your hair grows like crazy. I don't know. I think it's because of a good diet. But I take a ton of fruits and vegetables.
Starting point is 00:29:39 I eat them. And then I supplement them with field of greens, which is a fruit and vegetable powder from Brickhouse Nutrition, but it's real food. This is not crap. It's not crap extracts. This is real fruits and vegetables. You like my reads, Joe? Yeah. I see you laughing your butt off over there. Yeah, I am. They do the barber, Robert, my buddy. He's like, your hair grows like crazy. I get a haircut every Monday. He's like, dude, what are you eating? I think it's the collagen and the field of greens. I'm not even kidding. I don't know. Every week? Every week.
Starting point is 00:30:07 And it grows like crazy. But I look like, my hair grows probably like an inch. It's amazing. But he's like, dude, I've never seen anything like it. I'm going to have to start going twice a week. I'm convinced it's the healthy diet. And one of the components of that diet is field of greens. It is a great tasting fruit and vegetable powder.
Starting point is 00:30:24 It's real food. It's not some kind of extract garbage. I begged them to get this product going because I'm a huge believer in the micronutrients, macronutrients in these fruits and vegetables. Give it a shot. It's available at slash Dan. That's slash Dan. Pick up field of greens. It tastes like a little cherry, blueberry. You put it in water. I put it in green tea. Sometimes I put it in a little VH, some vegetable juice. I love it. I take it two, three times a day. My kids love it. It is your insurance in getting all those valuable nutrients and fruits and vegetables. It's your insurance policy. I can't recommend it enough. I love this stuff. It is the staple of a good diet. Field of Greens, available at
Starting point is 00:31:05 All right, I'm going to include another article in the show notes today. It's important you read. It's from CNBC. And I don't usually like LinkedIn, but CNBC sometimes has some really good stuff. Joe, it's about, and this is going to lead into my next story. It's about the Russians' development. They're at the end stages of development of a hypersonic missile. This is very dangerous, folks. Now, this ties into the Russian collusion Obamacare scandal. If you're
Starting point is 00:31:31 a regular listener, you know where I'm going with this. If not, don't worry. I'll explain it. But this is a very dangerous development. Our military experts out there have said we don't have a viable preventative mechanism to stop an attack if these missiles were to go live. They travel at multiple times the speed of sound, Joe, and even without a warhead on the top, they're particularly devastating just from the dramatic force of the impact traveling at that speed. Loaded with nuclear weapons or even conventional warheads could cause significant, significant damage. Now, read the story. It's pretty good. It's in CNBC. It'll be at the show notes today.
Starting point is 00:32:16 But why is this such a big concern? And how does this tie into the whole scandal about the cover-up and the Russian collusion debacle? Folks, there was a Russian Silicon Valley project I've talked about repeatedly. Skolkovo, Skolkovo, Skolkovo. Don't forget this name. Skolkovo. This Russian military, excuse me, this Russian project, the idea behind it was to create a Russian Silicon Valley and to bait in a bunch of American companies and otherwise to join this project,
Starting point is 00:32:45 which was heavily subsidized by the Russian government and Russian investment funds, to sucker American companies into coming in. Now, our intelligence community has deemed this project an effort by Russian intelligence folks to steal sensitive military technology. And there's some reporting out there that the creation of this hypersonic weapon, Joe, which is extremely dangerous to America, some of the technology may have been stolen at Skolkovo. It's a huge scandal, a kind of a doomsday weapon being created in conjunction with a project that baited in American companies. Skolkovo is a huge deal and needs to be, the scandal needs to be covered up
Starting point is 00:33:25 because the companies that joined the Skolkovo project, 17 of the 28 donated heavily to the Clinton Foundation. Not to mention one of the, the guy running the, the operation Skolkovo, running the operation, Skolkovo, Victor Vexelberg, is also known to the Clintons as well. There you go. It's a huge, huge scandal. Now, how does this relate to the collusion thing? Again, if you've been following, Vexelberg is now being investigated by the Mueller team for ties to Trump, which are loose at best and in no way compared to the severity of the ties to the Clinton Foundation in Skolkovo. The Mueller thing is a smokescreen. Gosh, I can't say this enough.
Starting point is 00:34:13 Mueller is exclusively investigating people to shut them up because of their involvement with the Clintons. It's clear as day right now. If that changes, I will correct the record i've seen no evidence of that the hypersonic weapon story is a disaster cnbc i i don't believe makes the connection in the piece i read through it twice but how they missed it i don't know now why am i bringing this up because yesterday more incredible breaking news you got that that sound ready, right, Joe? Yeah, man. Paul Sperry, Real Clear Investigations. I got to get him on the NRA TV show, which airs, by the way, every night, It's free, by the way. Check out our new website.
Starting point is 00:34:58 It's really, if you just go to the website at 5.30 p.m. Eastern Time, my show automatically pops up. You don't have to do anything. It's live. We don't mess around. I got to get him on the show, Joe. He has a piece up yesterday exposing John Brennan for the complete total fraud he is. Now, read the piece. I'll have it, of course, it'll be in the show notes.
Starting point is 00:35:17 Real Clear Investigations, Paul Sperry. He talks about how Brennan's efforts, it turns out they were lies, to hide the fact that the dossier, Joe, the fake information that Clinton's played for on Trump, they are all desperately trying to hide the dossier as the potential genesis of this whole investigation. Why? Because it's fake. This is simple. Someone emailed me and they were right. I appreciate the email.
Starting point is 00:35:48 He's like, Dan, just always keep in mind what the goal was. The goal was to take down Trump. And if you constantly relate things back to that simple point, the story makes more sense because there's so many branches on the tree. It was actually a good point.
Starting point is 00:35:59 The effort to take down Trump was started using fake intelligence. That's why they filtered it through unofficial channels to information launder, to launder the information and not official channels. Because if they filtered it through official intelligence channels, through the official chain of command, the way normal intelligence would be filtered, it would have been probably detected as BS because it wasn't verified. That's not what they did. They laundered the information through unofficial channels to get it into the courts to spy
Starting point is 00:36:29 on the Trump team to take them down. This entire case is built on a fake piece of information in the dossier or multiple pieces of information in a fake dossier, I should say, to be precise. precise. Breaking yesterday, Brennan has insisted, has insisted that to multiple people, by the way, that he didn't know much about the dossier. Wait till we play this. Get the Chuck Todd one ready, Joe. This is devastating audio, but hold on a minute. Why is Brennan doing this? because Brennan knows that the dossier was his case and the minute he admits on the record that has the as a senior level powerful member of the intelligence community that John Brennan started a political investigation based on fake information he may very well have known was not verified john brennan is going to be in a world of trouble so he has to run from this thing now i'll get to
Starting point is 00:37:34 the sperry piece in a second why it's important but just to show you that brennan has run from this dossier despite the fact we know he knew about it and he lied about it. Here's him basically telling Chuck Todd, listen to how he emphasized on the dossier. He played no role. No, no, no role. No, no, no, no, no to the dossier. Listen to him with Chuck Todd. When did you first learn of the so-called Steele dossier
Starting point is 00:37:56 and what Christopher Steele was doing? Well, it was a, not among press circles for several months before it came out. And it was in late summer of 2016 when there were some individuals from the various U.S. news outlets who asked me about my familiarity with it. And I had heard just snippets about it. I did not know what was in there. I did not see it until later in that year.
Starting point is 00:38:23 I think it was in December. But I was unaware of the providence of it as well as what was in there. I did not see it until later in that year, I think it was in December. But I was unaware of the providence of it as well as what was in it. And it did not play any role whatsoever in the intelligence community assessment that was done, that was presented to then President Obama and then President-elect Trump. How was the Steele dossier treated? How did you treat it? You said you looked at it in December. I assume it's been looked at by, it was obviously looked at by the FBI. We've now learned they've tried to confirm some of it and have had some success. Some, not yet.
Starting point is 00:38:52 They don't say it's, they don't, they say it's unconfirmed, but that's about it. Well, there were things in that dossier that made me wonder whether or not they would, they were in fact accurate and true. And I do think it was up to the FBI to see whether or not they could verify any of it I think Jim Comey has said that it was contained salacious and unverified information just because it was unverified didn't mean it wasn't true and if the Russians were involved in something like that directed against individuals who are aspiring to the highest office in this land, there was an obligation on part of the FBI to seek out the truth on it. What?
Starting point is 00:39:30 One, let me, I just took a few notes on this. Listen to him, this coward, this stain on the constitutional republic, this human disgrace to public office. Comey's bad enough, by the way. I was just talking about Brennan. But he throws Comey under the bus. He goes, well, it was the responsibility. Comey's bad enough, by the way. I was just talking about Brennan. But he throws Comey under the bus. He goes, well, it was the responsibility of Comey.
Starting point is 00:39:49 Just because it wasn't verified doesn't mean it wasn't true. Wait, wait, John. Let me get this straight. You're running the CIA. And you give unverified... Your whole job is to verify information. You had one job. Joe, can you imagine?
Starting point is 00:40:07 I'm running the CIA. You're the president of the United States. I approach you as the president because now we have some significant information that he may have slipped some of this information into the president's brief. I slip information. Hey, Joe, President Joe. So I was traveling last week in the Bahamas, and I heard from a guy at the Bahamians.
Starting point is 00:40:28 What they're doing is they have a nuclear weapon pointed towards the United States. They may attack next Wednesday. Get the Bahamas! Get them! Your whole job is to verify the information, you knucklehead! But notice what he does.
Starting point is 00:40:45 He throws Comey under the bus. Folks, this is the scandal. This is Comey and Brennan are not going to be friends at the end of this. Take it to the bank, cash that check, and spend that money. One of them is going to throw the other one under the bus. Brennan already has. I'm waiting for Comey to strike back. Brennan fed the FBI a bunch of BS information.
Starting point is 00:41:06 The FBI screwed up by not verifying it. Brennan knew the information was not verified and likely false. And now he's throwing Comey in the bus going, hey, you see what he did, Joe? Not my job. I don't get to verify it. That's your whole existence, you idiot. That's why it's called the Central Intelligence Agency, not the Central Unintelligence Agency, you idiot. That's why it's called the Central Intelligence Agency, not the Central Unintelligence Agency, you dope.
Starting point is 00:41:31 Then he says, well, I learned about it from news outlets. They fed this thing to news outlets. He says, now, this is the important takeaway. It played no role whatsoever in the intelligence community assessment. Do not miss that line. This is where Sperry's article comes in. What we have been told for almost a year now is that the intelligence community assessment, the ICA, Joe, which was the famous 17 intel agencies report. Remember this?
Starting point is 00:42:05 Barack Obama touted this. Hillary Clinton touted this. 17 intelligence agencies have deemed that the Russians tried to interfere in our election and they tried to help Donald Trump. That report is the entire, folks, it's the entire basis for the collusion narrative.
Starting point is 00:42:24 Barack Obama, before he needed office, desperately needed some formal piece of paper to hang his hat on to say, the Russians tried to help Trump get into office. They had nothing. They had nothing. So Brennan, Comey, and Mike Rogers, to a degree, but I'll get to him in a second.
Starting point is 00:42:41 He's not the bad guy the other two are. Because it's not 17, folks. It's three. You don't count Clapper in the DNI. He's a hack, too. It was three intelligence agencies, and none of them could firmly conclude that the FBI hacked the DNC emails and tried to help Trump. Why? Because no federal agency looked at the DNC servers. CrowdStrike did, a private company. And even they backtracked that. Now it's coming out, according to sources, that Mike Rogers disagreed with this intelligence community assessment
Starting point is 00:43:19 precisely because, Joe, the dossier was one of the fundamental pieces of information used for the intelligence community to assess that the Russians impacted the election. And this is important. Part number two, in order to help Trump. Nobody's disputing the Russians tried to interfere in our election. They've tried to do it every election. Yeah. Since the Soviet days. Yep.
Starting point is 00:43:43 The questionable piece of information in the ICA was were they trying to help Trump get elected and how. Now, we've been told for a year and Brennan just said it. You just heard him talking to Chuck Todd. The dossier had no role in the intelligence community assessment. Why would Brennan say that?
Starting point is 00:44:01 Because the dossier is fake. Now their whole story, which is based on the ICA assessment. Are you tracking me? The whole story is based on an intelligence community assessment. The Russians tried to help Trump. The intelligence community assessment is based on fake information. Paul Sperry's piece shows that sources have now said that the dossier was in fact a critical component of the ICA, the assessment that the Russians tried to help Trump. The whole story's BS. Now, I want to play another clip to show you what a liar and a fraud and a stain on this country John Brennan is. on this country John Brennan is. This is him testifying up on Capitol Hill about who he briefed and what he briefed them about, but just pay attention because what he said is critical. Through the so-called gang of eight process, we kept Congress surprised of
Starting point is 00:44:58 these issues as we identified them. Again, in consultation with the White House, I personally briefed the full details of our understanding of Russian attempts to interfere in the election to congressional leadership, specifically Senators Harry Reid, Mitch McConnell, Dianne Feinstein, and Richard Burr, and to Representatives Paul Ryan, Nancy Pelosi, Devin Nunes, and Adam Schiff between 11 August and 6 September. I provided the same briefing to each of the Gang of Eight members. I provided the same briefing to each of the Gang of Eight members. Folks, listen to what he said in consultation with the White House. In consultation with the White House.
Starting point is 00:45:35 This is Hack Brennan. I briefed the Gang of Eight, Harry Reid and others, about Russian interference. The information he briefed comes from the dossier. How do we know that? The fake dossier. The whole thing's a fraud. Mueller has to cover this up. How do we know he briefed on the dossier, Joe. Because just days later, Harry Reid
Starting point is 00:46:06 writes a letter to the FBI to Jim Comey demanding an investigation to Donald Trump and includes allegations that were in the dossier. They were fake. The FBI got shafted too. They're not good guys in this, the upper
Starting point is 00:46:24 management, by the way. I'm not talking about the agents. I'm talking about the upper management here. Because they didn't verify it either. That was their responsibility. But Reid includes in the letter, you can read it yourself, allegations that are only in the dossier. So just follow what I'm saying. Brennan says, in conjunction with the White House,
Starting point is 00:46:43 oh, Obama's knee deep in this. I briefed the Gang of Eight, the intelligence oversight members on that committee up in the Hill. He briefs them. Wow, and coincidentally, Harry Reid, a member of that committee, that within days sends a letter to the FBI
Starting point is 00:47:03 with some of the details on the dossier after the Brennan meeting that he demands the FBI start an investigation against Trump. Folks, this is astonishing, the level of deceit. Astonishing. Brennan is a liar. Brennan is a liar and once we find out the source and forgive me but a lot of we have to be very careful with this
Starting point is 00:47:30 I'm pretty confident I know who it is but when the source's name becomes public you're going to be astonished at what happened here astonished because some of these sources in this case, their connections to foreign intelligence are beyond troubling. It's unbelievable.
Starting point is 00:47:55 Just read the Reid letter. The Harry Reid letter contains allegations in the dossier. What do you think Brennan briefed him on? He's lying. Oh, I didn't know anything about the dossier. What do you think Brennan briefed him on? He's lying. Oh, I didn't know anything about the dossier. Then how did Harry Reid find out about it to write to the FBI about it? The tooth fairy? Snake. John Brennan is a snake. The puppet master of this whole debacle. All right. One more reading. I just want to get to this because there's another fascinating angle.
Starting point is 00:48:25 Big hat tip to Sarah Carter last night. Brought something up I had not even considered. And it's so obvious. I was like, damn, how come I didn't think of that? I wanted to email her. Be like, man, sister, that was a good call. Today's show also brought to you by our buddies at Filter By. It's spring cleaning time.
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Starting point is 00:49:54 Okay. So Sarah Carter is on Hannity last night. I was, I was, I on last night. What is it? It was last night, Tuesday.
Starting point is 00:50:00 Yeah, it was. Yeah. I was on Hannity last night. I forget. It all blends in. I'll be on Martha McCallum tonight if you want to check it out. Busy.
Starting point is 00:50:07 Plus, my dad's in town. My father's in town. So, big hat tip to Johnny Botts. Johnny Boncino. Johnny Bag of Donuts in town. Coming here from Cary, North Carolina. And I know some of you may live in Cary. So, if you ever see my father around town, give him a little shout out.
Starting point is 00:50:23 Show the man a little love. But I heard this last night. She said she's insinuating that this was a setup the whole time. Now the setup thing has gone mainstream. And by the way, a lot of people email me and said, hey, there are other talk radio hosts now starting to talk about how the Trump team was framed the whole time. You know, maybe they're listening to your show. Folks, for as much as it would please me to say to you, I invented this whole thing. They're not stealing my story.
Starting point is 00:50:51 It's not my story. It is the story. The fact that other people have done their own appropriate and good investigative journalism. I appreciate your emails. Don't get me wrong, trying to credit me. But I can't take credit for it. It happened. The fact that we uncovered it
Starting point is 00:51:05 through sources and hard work and book writing and other people did too. I'm glad the story's getting out. There's no credit for it. Really. I mean, there are a number of really quality researchers out there. Chuck Ross, Lee Smith, Sarah Carter. I mean, Limbaugh's now all over this setup story too. Awesome. This is not proprietary material. All right. The show is, but not the idea. Now, she said last night, an angle on the setup,
Starting point is 00:51:33 I hadn't even considered. She's like, Joe, think about this. This was a genius line. So now we know all, most of the contacts, at least with the Trump team, appear to not have been accidental. They were deliberate.
Starting point is 00:51:42 They sent people into the Trump orbit to bait them, to entrap them, to later on say, hey, look, Russianussian collusion look what we did to them but there's a big story i missed they're like what about rosenstein sarah carter says last night don't you find it a little interesting that rosenstein writes the memo to fire Jim Comey as the SBI director and then uses the pressure of the Jim Comey firing by Democrats to then bring on Bob Mueller? How did we miss the most obvious part of this? It was punching me in the face and I'm not above self-deprecating humor. This was dopey on steroids. How did I miss that? I mean, not that I didn't know what happened. Of course I know the details of what happened, but I never connected the
Starting point is 00:52:30 two. Sarah Carter kind of dropped that hint last night. So just to be clear, Rosenstein, Rod Rosenstein, the deputy AG who's done an awful, awful job. Rosenstein is the one who writes the memo
Starting point is 00:52:45 laying out the reasons show why FBI director Jim Comey is fired. The Democrats then use the firing of Jim Comey as a reason to pressure Rosenstein to hire Bob Mueller as a special counsel, which is then used to cover up the whole Obamagate scheme. I hadn't even thought of that. Now, I can't get into Rosenstein's head. I can't pick apart his motives. I don't think Sarah was making a direct connection either, but the insinuation is strong and is another piece of the setup puzzle that at least we have to consider.
Starting point is 00:53:23 That was, you know, was Rosenstein baiting Trump into firing Comey? I don't know. Was it always going to be used as a predicate to bring on Bob Mueller to investigate Trump and hide all the nonsense?
Starting point is 00:53:35 As Macho Man would say, don't know. But it's certainly suspicious. Another couple angles. On yesterday's show, I got questions on yesterday's show about Deripaska. Now we know Oleg Deripaska, a Russian oligarch, was working with Bob Mueller to get back a former FBI agent who was taken hostage by the Iranians
Starting point is 00:53:57 by the name of Bob Levinson. I got a lot of emails from people. Deripaska is also intimately involved in this case. He hired a lobbyist. It's the same lobbyist representing Christopher Steele in text messages with the Democrats. What does Deripaska do? Is he playing both sides? why would Deripaska want to help the FBI? Folks, Deripaska was being prevented in many cases from entering the country due to some allegations of ties to Russian organized crime. Deripaska needed help from the United States government to get into the United States. The reasons, forgive me, I thought were obvious, but if you don't explain that, I'd understand how some people would miss that.
Starting point is 00:54:41 He needed help. So more the impetus to help the FBI to get this former FBI agent back from Iran. Secondly, some people have questioned, is he a good guy or a bad guy? God, nix that phraseology from your brain. Conspiracy theories are always hallmarked by a clear good guy and a bad guy. There were many, many motives here. Take down Trump, get rid of Magnitsky, cover up Skolkovo, cover up Uranium One. A lot of players had a lot of different reasons for doing what they did. Personal relationships, Jonathan Weiner, Bill Browder, Victoria Nuland, Hillary Clinton,
Starting point is 00:55:22 lawyers, money changing hands. There were a lot of motives here. The umbrella motive was to take down Trump and hide a lot of the Clinton Obama misdeeds. But Deripaska, when he is approached by the FBI agents, and if you listen to yesterday's show, FBI agents approach him as this whole allegation of Russian collusion before the election is brewing, Joe. And they know from their history of working with Deripaska through Mueller and others, they know that Deripaska, who's connected to Putin, would probably know if Trump was colluding with Putin. So they approach him in a hotel room and they interview him and they go, hey,
Starting point is 00:55:59 we're hearing word that Trump is colluding with the Russians. What happens? Deripaska's like, dopes. You guys are so stupid. That's not happening. Now, that's not included in the FISA award, conveniently, because it would be exculpatory. Yeah. Like, why include information that says
Starting point is 00:56:13 he may not be colluding? You don't want to do that. Like, that only happens in a constitutional republic where people actually give a damn about law and order. We're past that now. I'm not so sure Deripaska, who knows Putin, how do we know he didn't feed that
Starting point is 00:56:30 information back to Putin? Hey, they think you're colluding with them. How do we know Putin doesn't in turn leverage that information to feed Christopher Steele more BS about Trump, knowing it's going to make it to the FBI? Do you understand how we got played for idiots?
Starting point is 00:56:47 You think Putin didn't know the FBI was pushing a false narrative about Russian collusion to which Putin Joe's like, what a bunch of idiots. Let's feed them some fake information. Hey, there's that guy, Christopher Steele, that British spy running around working for Hillary. Hey, go get a couple of my Russian intelligence guys. Feed him some crap information about golden showers and watch these idiots scramble. Like on a hamster wheel. Do you understand how we got played?
Starting point is 00:57:18 We got played for fools. Because they were so eager to hit Trump. One more interesting angle on the Deripaska story. One of the FBI agents working on the case to get back the former FBI agent held in Iran, Joe, was a female agent by the name of Robin Gritz. Hmm. This is just juicy.
Starting point is 00:57:47 Robin Gritz is later removed from that hostage rescue unit and files a discrimination complaint that she was discriminated against. Mm-hmm. Who backs her up in this case?
Starting point is 00:58:02 Mike Flynn, Trump's later appointed National Security Advisor, who's investigated by Obama justice officials for a false Logan Act violation. Who does she file the complaint against? You're never going to believe this. Andrew McCabe, the deputy director of the FBI, overseeing the entire Trump debacle investigation and the Hillary Clinton email investigation until he recused himself two weeks before the election because his wife is a Democrat running for office. Let me just walk you through that, how crazy this story is. Just when you think this thing can't get any crazier. This thing can't get any crazier.
Starting point is 00:58:48 The FBI seeks out a Russian oligarch for help in getting back an FBI, former FBI agent, held as a hostage in Iran. The agent working the case, a female agent by the name of Robin Gritz. Robin Gritz is working the case to get Levinson back. She seems to intimate that she was stymied at every turn. Why would the Obama administration not want him back? Was it some kind of a deal trying to cover it up to Iranian misdeeds? Gritz is removed from the unit.
Starting point is 00:59:15 She cites discrimination. A person she mentions in there as someone discriminating against her is Andrew McCabe. Hillary advocate anti-Trumper. Later becomes deputy director of the FBI. Who backs Gritz up and says, hey, she's great, she's terrific, I worked with her. As she's filing a complaint against McCabe, Mike Flynn,
Starting point is 00:59:44 who McCabe later targets later with Sally Yates for a false Logan Act violation when he gets named to the Trump team. Brother, you cannot make this crap up. No, that deep state stuff. You're all a bunch of conspiracy theorists, except for the fact that it actually happened. All right, folks, thanks again for tuning in. I really appreciate it.
Starting point is 01:00:04 Please go to, read the show notes today. The Paul Sperry piece is just incredible. Check it out,, show notes, join my email list. I'll send it right to you. Thanks a lot. I'll see you all tomorrow. You just heard the Dan Bongino Show. Get more of Dan online anytime at You can also get Dan's podcasts on iTunes or SoundCloud. And follow Dan on Twitter 24-7 at DBongino.

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