The Dan Bongino Show - Explosive FBI Whistleblower Testimony Emerges (Ep 1767)

Episode Date: May 12, 2022

In this episode, I address the bombshell new whistleblower allegations from an FBI agent which blow the lid off of the recent scandals.  News Picks: Baby formula going to illegal immigrants, while... Americans suffer? House GOP moves to defund feds’ new disinformation board as threat to free speech. Someone should tell the libs about the Supreme Court’s opinion of the cell phone tracking in 2000 Mules. Whistleblowers: FBI targeted parents via terrorism tools despite Garland's testimony that it didn't happen. What is going on with Coinbase? Copyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Growth is essential for every entrepreneur. At BDC, we get that. And the businesses we support grow at double the average rate. Accelerating the pace. We're on it. BDC. Financing. Advising. Know-how. Get ready to hear the truth about America on a show that's not immune to the facts with your host dan bongino all right folks it's going to be a serious show they're all serious shows this is going to be a very serious show a little bit somber but you need to hear it because they're just spitting in your face right now they're just spitting in your face i mean everybody understands at this point that this is clearly joe biden the worst president in united states history there has never been this amount of destruction and wreckage imposed upon the American people by one pathetic human being. But my gosh, when I go through this litany of stories in the beginning about how they are just
Starting point is 00:00:54 now just kicking you right in the nuts, just square in the nuts, you're going to have a hard time believing these stories are true. But they are. If you're looking for a firearm i wholeheartedly recommend henry repeating arms they make 200 models of rifles shotguns and revolvers and a wide variety of calibers and finishes plus they have new releases throughout the year and trust me folks you just can't beat their quality the best way to learn about henry firearms is to order their free catalog to check out their line at home plus you'll get two free decals a list of dealers in your area and a great newsletter. Just go to and click on the free catalog button
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Starting point is 00:02:05 and joe biden spitting in your face kicking you square in the nads folks they don't care i'm telling you they don't care anymore they have given up you know my theory on joe biden it's a theory based on a number of insiders who have told me that Joe Biden, again, I know you know I don't like the guy, but I'm asking you to put aside for a second my personal animus. I'm telling you what I'm hearing is accurate. He is a very pathetic, weak man. His entire life, he's realized that he's not the intellectual equal of most of the people he wants to be accepted by. Do you get that? He's a substandard human being, a very poor character and intellect. So he's constantly searching for affirmation. People who will rub his shoulder, Joe Biden, you got to be careful with that, right? But rub his
Starting point is 00:02:58 shoulder, Joe, you really are one of us. Please understand this. You will understand Joe Biden to a T. You're one of us, Joe. Pat him on the back. Look at you. You're a transformative figure. Since he had been a failed politician outside of Delaware, multiple presidential runs, all resulting in cataclysmic failures. He was rescued from the scrap heap by Barack Obama. Barack Obama makes him vice president and Joe Biden thinks it's his administration. He is. I saw it. Don't tell
Starting point is 00:03:33 me it didn't happen. Biden constantly feels like he doesn't belong in the intellectual category of Obama, but he feels like he deserves it. Like he's better than Obama. This happened. These two do not like each other. So now here's what's going on now, because Joe Biden knows full well, he can't possibly run again. He knows that him and his team know that he wants to be remembered as a more progressive loser than Barack Obama, so that he's a hero at least to the 20 or 30 percent of the population on the far left. That is why Joe Biden is kicking you square in the gonads right now. He doesn't care.
Starting point is 00:04:17 I will prove it to you right now. Destruction is happening right now to the liberals supporting this guy, the green new dealers and others who are now rubbing this guy's shoulders, telling him how wonderful he is. You did this. The destruction isn't some far off book of Eli movie in the future. The destruction you wrought upon us is happening right now. It is real. Here, New York Times, this baby formula shortage leaves desperate parents searching for food.
Starting point is 00:04:48 Folks, this is unbelievable. This is really hard to believe. It's hard to believe that in the wealthiest country in the history of humankind, a basic staple like baby food. And folks, listen, we have to be compassionate. There are a lot of parents who can't breastfeed for a number of reasons. This is not some kind of, oh, they can just breastfeed. Some of them can't. You understand they have no options? I can't say this enough. What are you going to do? Give the baby a Big Mac? They need baby food because they have sensitive GI tracts that are gastrointestinal tracts that are still forming and still maturing. They can't process a hunk of ribeye. If they don't have baby food,
Starting point is 00:05:32 these kids could die. This is real. It's not a joke. It's a real crisis happening right now. You think the Biden administration gives a damn? damn huh wtva look at this headline operation ukraine boxes baby formula to send overseas folks listen what's happening in ukraine is a humanitarian catastrophe but we are in a world of scarce resources and really difficult choices you want to live in utopia sacrifice now so you'll make it to the second creation. But let me tell you something. This ain't it on earth. Hard choices have to be made right now.
Starting point is 00:06:16 And I'm very sorry to tell you, if it involves baby suffering here, we have to fix this and we need to prioritize that baby formula here right now. That's it, Dan? Just Ukraine? No, no, that's not it. Washington Examiner.
Starting point is 00:06:28 I had to read this story twice because, again, I'm always terrified I'm mischaracterizing something because my reputation with you matters for truth. I had to read this headline and the entire story twice. Right? He did too, because I saw it and I'm like, this can't possibly be true. It is. A source reached out to a Congresswoman and said, listen, we're getting all these shipments of baby food to the border for illegals. Washington Examiner, illegal migrants first to get pallets of hard to find baby formula paul bedard washington examiner story will be in my newsletter be in my newsletter you know it's going up at
Starting point is 00:07:12 bongino report right i'm sorry hold on don't cut this out of the show two hours later going right up just sent illegal migrants the first to get pallets of hard to find baby formula. So Ukrainians get it. Illegals get it. You, on the other hand, now your baby can starve. Now, the new White House press secretary, just as disastrous as the old one, if not worse, was asked this yesterday by a press reporter in a gaggle in the back of Air Force One and was asked, listen, is there a point person in the White House? You know, this whole thing like starvation, babies and stuff, no alternative.
Starting point is 00:07:51 So Karine Jean-Pierre, the new press secretary, was asked this and apparently she thought this was hilarious. Here, check this out. Who's running point on the formula issue at the White House? You mentioned the White House as a phone. I mean, at the White House, I don't know. I can find out for you and get you a person who's running point. But I don't have a person.
Starting point is 00:08:09 Yeah, you think you can get on that? Stop laughing for a second and get on that? Folks are just spitting in your face now. I mean, if you have an alternative characterization you think is more accurate, we leave our facebook page however long that's there open for messages there's an email on our website emails if you think i'm mischaracterizing this that in the triaging of needs that the president of the united states not mexico and not ukraine if you think i'm mischaracterizing and these stories are lies
Starting point is 00:08:41 tell me but it's now clear as day the president united states in a life or death potential crisis looking staring at us right in the face over baby food that the president united states has you number three on the list of priorities illegals ukraine you now you're suffering with gas prices too gas prices reached a record high that wasn't the record high by the way it wasn't even factored into the dreadful inflation numbers that popped yesterday did you know that you think the inflation numbers for core uh and uh and headline were bad yesterday headline factoring in gas and food they didn't even factor in the cbs news report gas prices hit a new record high of 437 per gallon can you imagine being c CBS News? I mean, all in for the Democrat party having to report this stuff every day, not being able. Can you really can you imagine having
Starting point is 00:09:31 no good stories to report and looking around your newsroom saying, my gosh, this guy really does suck? As I said yesterday, this is a suck fest like we've never seen in human history. Can someone find a good story about Biden? And everybody's looking around and they're pulling out their hair and they're like, they're trick or till a mania people. And they're like, oh my gosh, we can't find anything. We can't. So gas prices hit a record high amid record high inflation over the last two months. Inflation we haven't seen in four decades, 40 years. Since I'm seven years old, I'm 47. Baby food, you can't find it. Can't find potato chips, apparently.
Starting point is 00:10:09 You can't find potatoes. Having trouble with radioactive iodine for contrast and cancer screenings and stuff. Gas prices record high. And Biden does this. CBS News as well. Why did I pull two CBS News stories? Because again, imagine sitting around the cbs newsroom and having to report this right after reporting that gas prices are a record high cbs
Starting point is 00:10:31 news biden administration cancels alaska oil and gas sale folks spread them kick them right in the nuts. Yeah, that hurts. Right in the old gonads. They're just spitting in your face at this point. He doesn't care about you. He's obsessed with his reputation. Because again, he finds himself inadequate. Trust me on this one the only people the only people who give him the affirmation he needs because he has an insecurity issue joe biden are the far leftists who see him now as a useful tool in the destruction of the united states This will not stop.
Starting point is 00:11:25 Folks, the 2022 elections are coming up. I cannot say this in strong enough terms. The Republicans are not the answer to all of your problems. What? But the Democrats are absolutely the cause of your problems. We will fix the problems when we fix the culture. But voting Republican at a minimum buys you time.
Starting point is 00:11:49 You have to vote in 2022 like your life depends on it because it may. Ah, you're exaggerating. Really? You have cancer? You need a cancer screening? Yeah, I do.
Starting point is 00:12:02 I have to get screenings all the time. And you know what they use? Joe knows. They use radioactive iodine. Right. Set up for contrast so they can see hyperactive cells in your body may indicate cancer type activity. Can't find that apparently either.
Starting point is 00:12:17 K-I-R-O-7. Drug needed for crucial medical scans in short supply and being rationed in parts of Washington State. Hearing diesel rationing may be coming next. Diesel fuel, diesel fuel so we can power our economy and transport goods around the country. I'm hearing that the rationing for that's coming next and the Biden administration doesn't want you to know about it. But don't worry, this incompetent, insecure, spineless jellyfish, corrupt, hack, plagiarist, liar of a human being who in two years has done more damage to the United States than we've seen in modern US history. Don't worry.
Starting point is 00:12:57 He can scream really loud. Here he is yesterday at an IBEW. This is the electricians union. I love electricians, by the way. You all look great. Got family ties there. Local three up in New York. Do a good job. Awesome job. Joe Biden's got his hand on it, Joe. He could scream really loud. Here he's screaming about food shortages and food boxes, and he blames it on the Trump administration, apparently not realizing he's the president right now. He's talking about food lines during the Trump administration.
Starting point is 00:13:29 Again, totally apparently oblivious to the fact that he's now the president where there are actual food shortages, but he can yell really loud. Listen to this life loser again, and you'll see why the country's in the dire straits it's in check this out remember those long lines you'd see on a television people lining up in all kinds of vehicles just to get a box of food in their trunk how quickly we forget people were hurting and what did theGA crowd want to do? Forget it. Forget it. God, this is the United States of America. The idea that people would have to wait in line an hour, hour and a half to get a box of food in their trunk. It's just unbelievable.
Starting point is 00:14:23 The MAGA crowd did it. guy's been president for almost two years can't find potatoes can't find diesel can't find baby food can't find iodine gas prices at record high bacon ten dollars a pound milk prices through the roof so I had to order out food last night and I had to have it delivered and I didn't look at the bill until it came over via email after I'd already eaten. So I eat a lot at night. So I got two cuts of salmon last night because I like salmon. And you know what the bill was? The bill was $76. Holy smokes. I am not kidding there, daddy-o. Whoa. Yeah yeah gee says it's because i'm not an illegal i would have gotten them for free maybe we got free baby formula too or maybe if i stick a flag on my uh
Starting point is 00:15:14 avatar or something like that 76 now to be fair that included a tip uh so i figured it was at 65. My jaw dropped. I thought to myself, listen, folks, I'll be okay. I'll be fine. A lot of people won't. And I was a lot of those people for a long time. I am as new money as new money gets. Remember the Kathy Bates character in Titanic? She's new money. That's me. That's absolutely me. I'm nouveau riche as they say. I'm proud of that. My entire life was spent in the middle class on a middle class salary for middle class parents, a plumber and a
Starting point is 00:15:53 woman who worked at the checkout counter of a local supermarket. I'm damn proud of that. Joe was at my house in Severna Park. Pretty middle class house, right Joe? Yeah. Major, right? Yeah. Nice place. Joe remembers. Bas remembers basement about 100 square foot basement we started the podcast i'm as new money as it gets and i'm proud of that because i'll always remember what it's like and i'll never forget it 76 for two pieces of set
Starting point is 00:16:19 now folks of course because joe biden is kicking you square in the chops right now read him buddy shopperuskies he's got a solution for this of course there is a solution right in front of his face he could cut taxes like ronald reagan did stop the spending and push the federal reserve to stop having to print money to pay for his spending. Joe Biden won't do any of that. Matter of fact, up to just a couple weeks ago, and even today behind the scenes, they are still pushing for more spending. Financial Times, White House makes last push to save some of the Build Back Better bill. Look at the date.
Starting point is 00:17:00 Look at the date on that. Yeah, Peru. May 2022. Now, showing you how the people in charge, what did I tell you yesterday? Are the stupid smart people who are the most dangerous people in the world? They're not stupid, stupid people. They know their limits. They're not smart, smart people.
Starting point is 00:17:21 Smart, smart people know their limits too. It's always about knowing the limits of your knowledge, right? You go to a brain surgeon for tips on how to hit to the opposite field in baseball. The hell does he know about that? The left thinks he does. See, the left's idea is if they are the anointed ones like AOC, that they know everything about everything. like AOC, that they know everything about everything. Those are the stupid smart people. They have a degree in, say, 17th century Babylonian basket weaving, which they probably do know a lot about.
Starting point is 00:17:54 And yet they opine on COVID. They opine on everything. And it's not just they opine. You're entitled to an opinion. It's that they want that opinion to be binding, and they want a fact check like Bill McCarthy and his certificate from Denny's. These are the stupid smart people. And I got to tell you, I think I may have found the stupidest smart person of all. Yes, one Janet Yellen. The stupidest smart person you have ever seen. Here is Janet Yellen one year ago, Hot tip RNC research on this one.
Starting point is 00:18:26 One year ago, telling you the inflation, the potato chips, the iodine, the diesel fuel, the gas, the home heating, all the food, the bacon, the milk, the bread, every single thing else. Here's Janet Yellen telling you a year ago. Don't you sweat it. There's no inflation on the horizon. Don't you worry. Check this out.
Starting point is 00:18:43 I really doubt that we're going to see an inflationary cycle yeah me too yeah i doubt what we do joe without stupid smart people i just don't know dan yeah sorry if i'm a little sweaty today folks we're having an issue with the ac in here so my apologies i uh we i usually keep it really, really cold in here. But today, we've got a fan. So if you're a little buzz in the sound, that's not Joe. He's an expert sound engineer or Guy or our friend Justin, who's becoming quite the good producer himself. That is a fan running in the background. So my apology, I'm a little sweaty today. So if you want to watch her rumble, you can give me your feedback. Too sweaty, Dan. Tighten it up.
Starting point is 00:19:20 You want to watch her rumble. You can give me your feedback. Too sweaty, Dan. Tighten it up. Okay, here's what I got coming up. A stunning, and I do mean stunning video by Project Veritas, James O'Keefe's group, who finally, finally, an FBI whistleblower has come forward to expose this now thoroughly broken agency. It is so sad to watch this.
Starting point is 00:19:41 So sad. Video coming up next. Let me get to this first. From the kitchen to the laundry room, your home deserves the best. Give it the upgrade it deserves at Best Buy's Ultimate Appliance Event. Save up to $1,000 on two or more major appliances. Shop now in-store or online at Exclusions apply. Folks, before we get to this FBI story, every single GOP candidate in the country running for office, I'm assuming they're going to do a debate or a town hall and you'll get the opportunity to get the microphone and put the question mark at the end of the statement. Ask a question.
Starting point is 00:20:17 I'm respectfully asking you all to get them on the record about what they plan on doing with the FBI and the DOJ. them on the record about what they plan on doing with the FBI and the DOJ. If you are not committed to supporting the next Republican president, there will be a Republican president coming up, whether hopefully in 2024, but if you are not committed to a house cleaning at the upper level of the FBI, and they may need a breakup, if you're not committed to a house cleaning at the FBI or DOJ, they cannot have your support. Folks, we are rapidly turning into a tin pot dictator, pseudo republic. This is not a republic anymore. It has turned into a tyrannical mess. The FBI has clearly lost their way. This is a real problem. It's a disgrace. I knew a lot of great agents. I know a lot of great agents still, but finally a whistleblower has stepped up. Here's a disgrace. I knew a lot of great agents. I know a lot of great agents still,
Starting point is 00:21:10 but finally a whistleblower has stepped up. Here's what's happened. There are two bombshell stories that broke yesterday about the FBI, how bad it's gotten over there. First, Project Veritas, James O'Keefe's group's got a whistleblower to come forward. I'm going to play this. It's about two minutes and 17 seconds. I broke it into two cuts because I want to make sure you hear it. This is the interview between James O'Keefe and an FBI whistleblower. A little bit of quick background. James O'Keefe's group got a hold of a diary. From what we know, the diary was acquired, comporting with all journalistic guidelines,
Starting point is 00:21:40 of Ashley Biden, Biden's granddaughter. The diary may or may not have contained some disturbing information. Now, leaks happen all the time. You know, you really wonder, like, if this was a leak about Donald Trump, of course it would be celebrated by the New York Times, but everybody's suspiciously quiet.
Starting point is 00:21:58 All of a sudden, the FBI somehow thought it would be a good idea to investigate James O'Keefe, which is really strange. It sounds like a direct attack on our constitutionally protected media. Here's the bombshell report by this whistleblower about how they categorize this and how the FBI has become a political institution now, not a law enforcement one. Here's part one. Check this out. So you've been a special agent for a number of years.
Starting point is 00:22:22 Correct. Special agent with the FBI. That's correct. And you're been a special agent for a number of years. Correct. Special agent with the FBI. That's correct. And you're still being paid for that role. Yes. There's a number of very troubling things that are happening within the FBI. What brought you to Project Veritas? Project Veritas appears to be a victim of political undertakings,
Starting point is 00:22:37 which is where this agency has gone. You came across some information. The file that you're talking about is background on the the project veritas investigation the that resulted in the search warrant at your premises we don't see a lot of investigations into news organizations it's not common to see a criminal investigation particularly one categorized the way that this is is alerting and it's surprising based on the public information that is provided so sim is a classification that means it's surprising based on the public information that is provided. So SIM is a classification that means it's a sensitive investigative matter. Because it's sensitive, it could be a political figure, it could be a news media organization.
Starting point is 00:23:12 Who makes the classification that we're news media? It would usually be identified as by the case agents who are working it, and it's also done in conjunction with the chief division counsel of that field office, who's going to be the top internal lawyer. That title would normally be the name of the subject, the name of the victim, the name of the type of crime that is being alleged if these things exist. In this case, it's restricted because even the name of the subject would indicate the nature of what was going on. CAST is an internal program in the fbi that uses sophisticated techniques to
Starting point is 00:23:45 exploit cell phone data for location and for content why did i stop it right there why do you guys think i stopped it right there oh the fbi uh is investigating someone who got a hold through journalistic methods of a diary given to them clearly would impact joe biden the fbi is an investigation open they deem sensitive this uh whistleblower says this is highly unusual and that one of the methods they're going to be using to investigate them oh is cell phone geo tracking yeah i thought it wasn't yeah i thought it wasn't in the news this week yeah wasn't. Has that been in the news this week? Yeah. No, no, that's right. Yes. Thank you. I'm sorry, folks.
Starting point is 00:24:27 FBI whistleblower guy. Thank you for your heroism. But you're totally wrong. Philip Bump and Bill McCarthy, fact checkers, have said that that's totally inaccurate. That it is a ridiculous way to investigate people. Somebody got the FBI. Someone want to dial them up and warn the FBI to fill a bump and Bill McCarthy
Starting point is 00:24:48 said this is no good? This is no good. It's a conspiracy theory. Call the FBI. Call the FBI. That's weird. So the FBI uses that to track a reporter, a journalist,
Starting point is 00:25:08 James O'Keefe, an actual journalist who got a hold of some sensitive information but yeah when it's used in a film to document voter fraud it's definitely no good more on that coming up later too here's part two about how the fbi has now become a weaponized arm of the Democrat party. Keep in mind, if this was Donald Trump Jr.'s diary and it had negative information about Trump, the media everywhere would be celebrating this and Donald Trump would be under indictment for the 10,000th time they'd be attacking him out of New York and elsewhere. Here's part two talking about how the once mighty FBI has fallen and has now become the enforcement arm of the Democrat Party. Check this out. Going down to sentinel tags. This was chosen by the people who opened up this case.
Starting point is 00:25:55 They had to specifically list the threat tags that they wanted to identify. The intelligence investigation is meant for information that doesn't require that you've done anything wrong with DIOG. That's the governing dynamic for the FBI. One paragraph justification for spying on anyone? It's one of the few parts of the entire public document that you see that will be redacted. It's truly an incredible amount of power if used wrong. What do you hope comes from your endeavor to be here and say all this? I would hope that we could end up with a nonpartisan law enforcement agency in this country that's not doing things that seem to be inappropriate.
Starting point is 00:26:30 Just you doing the job that you're told following those orders is to maintain your paycheck and your pension. That gives you the Holocaust. So then you end up with somebody who's willing to do something that maybe compromises their ethics. This guy's a hero. I don't even know if it's a guy. I'm assuming. I mean, the voice manipulation still sounds like it's a guy. This guy's a hero i don't even know if it's a guy's voice i'm assuming i mean the voice manipulation still sounds like it's a guy this guy's a hero and he's right you're going to compromise your ethics your morals your vow to protect the constitution by the way
Starting point is 00:26:57 the media the free press joe i think that's in the constitution guys can you check that free press justin you're in college right now you're smarter than us can you check that free press? Justin, you're in college right now. You're smarter than us. Can you check that? Is that in the, it's in the bill of rights? Yeah. Justin says he does believe he's not willing to go on the record completely, but he says, hold on, let's check the app. Got the constitution. Yep.
Starting point is 00:27:14 Yeah. It's there. Yeah. Yeah. It's there. We're good. It's there. So, so you swore to protect and defend the constitution of the United States.
Starting point is 00:27:21 Why aren't more people speaking out? Listen, I know there were a lot of good people there i know it i worked with them i know you love your country why are you letting this happen again i'm not speaking with forked tongue this is directed more at the management i left i'm not going to be lectured by anyone. I left my job because I saw the country was having real problems. I had no idea I would wind up here. I didn't have any Fox contract. I'd never even been on Fox. I knew zero people at Fox News. Well, I take that back. I knew Glenn Beck at the time, but I had nothing. I had shown up at a thing one time and met him.
Starting point is 00:28:02 I knew nobody. I had no connections. I left my job. I saw the country falling apart under Barack Obama. Left the pension, everything. Ran for office in a deep blue state with candidly zero chance of winning because I knew it was a fight that mattered. Self-praise stinks,
Starting point is 00:28:21 and I'm not saying this is a small sacrifice considering what our founding fathers and everyone else in the greatest generation did. It's an infinitesimally small sacrifice. But to the other guys out there, I just want you to know I'm not attacking you. I'm asking you for the betterment of your country to do what I did. Put your country first right now. This is an agency that has betrayed you and that oath you took and to this man or woman who stepped forward and disclosed this horrific information about the fbi targeting a legitimate conservative journalist
Starting point is 00:28:53 i applaud you folks we can't continue like this we simply cannot unfortunately this was not the only fbi story that came out yesterday there was another one on the same day showing you how bad this broken agency we can't continue forward like this no constitutional republic can continue with a weaponized arm of the government with guns and the ability to take your freedom like the fbi we can't have it by the way i know this is all being monitored by the fbi i'm not stupid it It's public. They're allowed to do that. I know they're watching this. I know I'm probably on the radar of their management too. I know that because I got a call about three years ago when I lived in my other house from someone who told me they were listening to everything I was covering about Spygate.
Starting point is 00:29:36 I get that. I get that. That's part of the job. All right, let me get to this and I'm going to get to the second story. Unfortunately, another story about our now broken, completely torn apart FBI. Folks, ExpressVPN, you know they're watching what you do online, right? A lot of these people, listen, let's say you're a proud gun owner and you want to talk on social media about the right to bear arms. Your post might get flagged by a content moderator. And what if you end up in some kind of government watch list? To fight back against having your voice censored by both big tech and big government,
Starting point is 00:30:09 I recommend ExpressVPN. See, the problem with big tech is they can track what you do online, what you're searching for, the videos you watch, everything you click on. They can match your activity to your true identity using the device's unique IP address. When I use ExpressVPN,
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Starting point is 00:30:54 As I said, unfortunately, the FBI wasn't their only bad story. Fox News article from yesterday. I'm watching Jesse Waters' show last night, trying to wind down and get the show prepared for today, and I got wound right back up again as Jim Jordan appeared and said, another whistleblower has come forward. I applaud you as well, sir, ma'am, from the FBI, who came forward with this data.
Starting point is 00:31:19 Folks, we are starting to see it. People are starting to take their constitutional laws seriously. Fox News, FBI whistleblower the fbi targeted parents via terrorism tools despite merrick garland our attorney general's testimony that that didn't happen remember the school boards national school board association sends an abomination of a letter to department of justice seeking investigations of parents who dared to question crt and school boards exercising their constitutional right to assemble justin is that in the constitution right to assembly you're the college kid you're he's not willing to go on
Starting point is 00:31:56 the record again but he thinks it is we're going back to the app here yes the right to assemble and petition government is in there is in in there. Okay, that's confirmed. So we got that. So you have the right to do that, petition and assemble, right? So you did that, and the FBI and the Araguino attorney general, a name only because he's a corrupt thug, Merrick Garland, decided it would be a good idea to target you. Well, that's kind of weird.
Starting point is 00:32:21 Keep that Fox thing up for a second because, again, that is a constitutionally protected right along with the right to own a firearm. Just as a, again, again, hold on the app. Yeah. The right to bear. Yes, that's in there too. So here's who they targeted the FBI. Thank God for whistleblowers. investigation from the fox piece in another investigation fbi officials interviewed a dad opposed to masks according to jordan and johnson they're talking about jim jordan and ron johnson the person who reported the dad did so because get a load of this folks he supposedly fit the bill of an insurrectionist and he rails against the government wait let's go back to the app. Petitioner. That's your, I'm stunned. And Joe, get a load of this one. He has a lot of guns and threatens to use them. Oh my gosh, got guns?
Starting point is 00:33:11 Hold on one more time. Right, two barriers. Yeah, that's in there too. And he claims the person later admitted, claims which the person later admitted they had no specific information or observations of any crimes or threats. Wait, wait, wait, keep that up.
Starting point is 00:33:23 I don't like it, but keep that up. So the person who reports this guy to our new thug attorney general and the FBI admits they have no specific information or observations of any crimes or threats, but notes he has a lot of guns. He's definitely an insurrectionist
Starting point is 00:33:43 and he rails against the government. So it's strange. The guy or woman reporting this person has zero evidence whatsoever of a crime, but indicates that three constitutionally protected rights are being utilized by the subject, and the FBI interviews the person. He's got a job. Obviously, he's opposed to masks. That's definitely criminal. and the FBI interviews the person.
Starting point is 00:34:07 He's got a Joe, obvious. He's opposed to masks. That's definitely criminal. That is, he's ultra MAGA, ultra MAGA. He had a mask that said ultra MAGA. A mask. And that was it. That was it.
Starting point is 00:34:16 He was done. He had a mask with a hole in it and it said ultra MAGA. Definitely get this guy. Lock him up. Lock him up. That's it. Watch list, baby. Get him. No fly list, too.
Starting point is 00:34:31 Is Nina Jankowicz investigating? Is there a show tune about this guy coming? Can we expect a show tune from Nina anytime soon? Now, none of this is supposed to be happening because Merrick Garland on the road told us it wasn't happening. He told us the FBI wasn't doing any of this. When is this guy going to be impeached? Why isn't there a vote right now amongst at least our Republicans on the record? Why isn't this guy impeached? He is clearly a thug and a tyrant whose oath means nothing and who is a sellout he is a judas he is a political sellout merrick garland who now we know lied here here's garland answering some questions about it like no no none of that stuff's happening these parents can exercise their constitutional rights no no worries at all check this out attorney general do you believe that a father attending
Starting point is 00:35:23 a meeting exercising his first amendment rights and yes getting angry about whatever lies are being told about his daughter being raped in the school he sent her to be educated in that this is domestic terrorism yes or no no i do not think that parents getting angry at school boards for whatever reason constitute domestic terrorism it's not even a close question in his own words folks it's not even a close question no it's not you already had your people in the fbi interview these people you're right it's not a close question you already did it folks thank god for people like lauren bobert who uh has bigger ones than just about every member of the swamp and certainly anyone in the Democrat Party. By the way, it was hilarious watching that clown from your state, Joe Maryland.
Starting point is 00:36:12 You know, Jamie Raskin, you know, right? I think he's in. Yeah, he's in the eighth or whatever congressional. Him and Melton. Do you hear the way Lauren Boebert talks? He's a clown Democrat. I humiliated in a police hearing one time because he's such a loser. He's like, he gets up after this speech by Boebert. I He's a clown Democrat. I humiliated in a police hearing one time because he's such a loser. He's like, he gets up after this speech by Boebert.
Starting point is 00:36:27 I'll play in a second. He's like, did you hear the way she talks? It was so pathetic. It was, you're a pathetic, sorry human being. Jamie Raskin, I humiliated this idiot in a police hearing. It was glorious. He was trying to like reclaim my time. I had no time
Starting point is 00:36:45 to reclaim, you dunce. Here's Lauren Boebert finally fighting back. It's not just the DOJ and the FBI that need a total house cleaning at the top. The FBI, we need to consider breaking it up. The DHS needs to go the way of the woolly mammoth too, folks. I was there when the DHS was founded. We were in the Department of Treasury. After it was founded, we all got new badges in the Secret Service. It said Department of Homeland Security. We called it the hostile takeover from that point on. It was such an abomination.
Starting point is 00:37:17 The DHS now has Nina Jankiewicz, the show tunes Minister of Truth. I'm sure she'll have a song about this guy who was investigated by the FBI coming soon. But Lauren Boebert, she put up a little board watch this on rumble please slash bongino you can hear it too on audio but she has a little board up there she's speaking some words by nina jankovic who wants to know who she has to f to basically get ahead here pretty interesting stuff thank god for people like Boebert fighting back. Listen to every second of this. Check this out. And who did Maricus hire to run this Orwellian ministry of truth? This lady, Nina Jankiewicz. Maricus calls her an expert on disinformation, probably because she tells lies all the dang time. Nina said that President Trump would embolden ISIS.
Starting point is 00:38:07 Well, he defeated it. Nina said the Hunter Biden laptop from hell was a Trump campaign product. Nina said that concerned parents who wanted a say in their children's education were pushing disinformation. And Nina said big tech should censor the Wuhan lab leak theory because it was, you guessed it, disinformation. Nina doesn't seem to have a good relationship with truth and will surely use this board to silence Americans. Nina is no public servant. Americans Nina is no public servants how's that you say don't take it from me here's her words are these the words of a public servant what do I need to do to well madam speaker I'll let you
Starting point is 00:38:57 read the rest of that this doesn't sound like someone who should be monitoring Americans speech doesn't sound like someone who should be monitoring americans speech you got to see the sign what it says on it yeah and jamie raskin was like do you hear the way she talks you think he was talking about nina jankowicz show tune lady no talking about bobert jamie raskin now we do have some decent republicans left like bobert finally has again as bigger ones and the rest of this swamp rats these swamp rats all together but apparently some people are taking the lead see this is what happens folks when you elect good candidates around the country what winds up happening is they pull media attention i believe me folks please i've seen this behind the scenes a thousand times.
Starting point is 00:39:50 The other members of Congress, the rhino swamp rats, they get jealous because they want to be on TV too. Trust me. So they see something like this and they're like, oh, that Boebert, what a dumb idea. She put forth a bill to defund the ministry of truth. Then all of a sudden, people like me start talking about it you get the point and then what happens joe all the swampies are like i want some of that too we love you lauren all of look just that you know it just the news house gop moves to defund the feds new disinformation board as a threat to free speech this This is why I tell you, I'm not willing to give up. We have primaries happening right now. We have an election coming up. You do not need a majority of conservative Republicans. You don't. It'd be great. I would love that. You need a small, vocal minority to pull the rest of the swamp rodent Republicans along, ice them out of the
Starting point is 00:40:44 media coverage, take all the attention out of the room,ent Republicans along, ice them out of the media coverage, take all the attention out of the room, and you'll get a de facto majority of conservatives. Elections do matter. Not everyone's going to be a winner. But we don't have to outrun the bear. We just got to outrun the next guy. And the next guy are the swampy Republicans.
Starting point is 00:41:04 All right, let me get to this. And then I got a media segment here. They're not sending their best, folks. The AP sends what I would argue to you, and this is saying a lot, the single dumbest tweet in the history of the media. Really, when you read this through, you wonder how this slipped past at least probably one or two editors. I'll get to that in a second
Starting point is 00:41:25 let me get to my last sponsor um i can't imagine how this uh even with the uh the dunces at the associated press i mean the media they're not sending their best folks they're just um they're just not this is an actual tweet at ap elon musk boasts that he's acquiring twitter to defend freedom of speech but he has long used the platform to attack those who disagree with him. Yes, dude, that's at least the three. That is a minimum of three Motley. A minimum of three Motley. That may be a half of three Motley's plus notable mention. They're not a four. We got to hold the four. The four is a rare two or three times a year event,
Starting point is 00:42:17 but that is a three asterisk notable mention for a fourth. Elon Musk boasts he's acquiring Twitter to defend freedom of speech, but has used the platform to exercise freedom of speech, basically. So, in other words, the people who disagree with Elon Musk, who Elon Musk tweeted about just a couple weeks ago, he wants to stay on Twitter. You mean they're allowed to engage in freedom of speech that Elon Musk says he believes in?
Starting point is 00:42:46 This is the, folks, you have to understand this made it past a couple of editors. The media folks, they're not sending their best. This is what happens when Bill McCarthy and Philip Bump
Starting point is 00:42:57 get jobs, get jobs at these locations when they couldn't find jobs in the high school cafeteria. This is what happens. So here's Philip Bump, the dumbest human being at the Washington Post, again, with the worst, most pathetic amateur hour fact check of 2000 Mules I've seen yet. Keep in mind, they don't want you to see the movie 2000 Mules because they want to cheat again in an election.
Starting point is 00:43:24 So Philip Bump, 2000 Mules offers the want to cheat again in an election. So Philip Bump, 2000 Mules offers the least convincing election fraud theory yet. The piece is so juvenile, an amateur hour, that even for Philip Bump, of course, it's a new low. So Philip Bump notes in the piece, like the other ridiculous hoaxers, Bill McCarthy, a pee-pee tape guy, Philip Bump, a big, big pee-pee tape guy. Guys who couldn't pull their heads out of their asses. They're more comfortable up there in the darkness, right? So their entire premise is that this geo-tracking, which as we just indicated before, the FBI uses. Apparently, you're using it against Project Veritas, which the military uses to kill people.
Starting point is 00:44:03 They see a cell phone on someone. They can be reasonably assured they're killing that person. And that courts have ruled as precise as an ankle monitor for years. Philip Bump says, no, I'm Philip Bump. I have no experience in any of those spaces. I'm a dunce who couldn't find a real job and works for the Washington Post. So I'm telling you geo-tracking is inaccurate. Leftists are like, yeah, of course it is.
Starting point is 00:44:23 Someone should tell the aclu that and the supreme court did philip include this in his fact check yeah of course he did he's too stupid so the aclu a far far far left outfit notes this in a piece by the way i included this in a newsletter send this to your friends send this to philip bump send it to bill mccarthy if you can pull him away from ben and jerry's aclu the supreme court's groundbreaking privacy victory for the digital age june 2018 you want it from my newsletter this article let's go to newsletter subscribe it is right there and i want to read this for you give me a second so for those of you say tracking ballot mules like dinesh d'Souza, Catherine Engelbrecht and Greg Phillips did in the movie 2000 Mules, people who went to NGOs, ballot harvesting centers, tracked by their phones, picked up ballots and then dropped them in multiple ballot boxes.
Starting point is 00:45:18 What appears to be in violation of multiple laws, right? Their entire premises, that's not accurate because the geo-tracking by their phones, tracking them by their cell phones, that's not accurate. Okay. Maybe they should look up Carpenter versus the U.S.
Starting point is 00:45:32 This is from the ACLU. It involved a guy, Timothy Carpenter, who was convicted in 2013 of a string of burglaries. All right? So without a warrant, the FBI got months worth
Starting point is 00:45:42 of his location information from his cell phone company, from this Sky Carpenter cell phone company. They did, but Philip Bump and Bill McCarthy said that wasn't accurate. They note the ACLU, they got almost 13,000 data points tracking Carpenter's whereabouts during that period, revealing where he slept. How could they reveal where he slept, Joe? It's not accurate. It's not accurate. That could have been a car driving by his house
Starting point is 00:46:05 they noted when he attended church and much more indeed his chief justice john roberts that for liberals that's the chief justice of the united states he wrote in friday's decision this is from 2018 when the government tracks the location of a cell phone it achieves near perfect surveillance as if it had attached an ankle monitor to the phone's user. There's Philip Bump. The dumbest human being working at the Washington Post, which is as a job requirement,
Starting point is 00:46:35 you have to be a dumb human being to get in there. And Bill McCarthy. Ben and Jerry. He got a certificate in journalism from Ben and Jerry. So you go. Maybe you should get in touch with John Roberts, fellas in the FBI,
Starting point is 00:46:46 in the military, but Phillip bump knows better. He's got experience, uh, picking meat chunks out of his teeth with floss. All right. I'm running out of time here. I just,
Starting point is 00:47:00 you see how badly, how badly they want to make 2000,000 mules go away? Because they want to cheat again. It's that simple. Just a quick note about some big tech stories here. And then, you know what? Guys, I want to end on the Katie Porter thing. We're running out of time.
Starting point is 00:47:15 So the video, let's just play that next. Folks, what did I tell you about the, again, you're not wasting your time on the show. I told you about a month ago when the Elon Musk Twitter story broke, that if Elon Musk were to restore Trump to Twitter, even if he doesn't use his account, but it's open, that it was going to put tremendous pressure on Facebook and YouTube. Because if they put Trump back on Twitter, okay, then Facebook and YouTube are going to have a really difficult time when Trump runs for president, explaining to their viewers and listeners why Donald Trump is such a threat to the republic that he can speak on Twitter, but he can't speak on their platform. Which creates another problem.
Starting point is 00:48:04 Trump back on Twitter and Twitter's banned from the app store by Apple and Google. Now you have a problem. You're going to have a problem likely with the FEC and election interference. Washington Examiner Nahal Krishan, Musk restoring Trump to Twitter could pressure Facebook and YouTube. There's a lot of angles to this election interference in kind donations, the Apple app store pressure. This all matters. I'm going to end with this today. You can read that story in the newsletter. Katie Porter, um, one of the silliest reps on Capitol Hill knows this is one of the stupid smart people. So she's handed talking
Starting point is 00:48:36 points and questions, um, by her staff. And when she gets them, she reads them like she knows the topic. Um, she's really not that bright. I've kind of got a few people told me that she's really kind of a dunce. Here's Katie Porter yesterday, again, showing you how sick these people are with the Roe v. Wade potential overturning about to happen. Here's Katie Porter say, yeah, yeah, you know, abortion's great. You know, we could save a few bucks.
Starting point is 00:48:57 Yeah, let's get rid of those pesky little human beings. Here, check this out. Well, I don't think they compare. I think they actually reinforce each other. So the fact that things like inflation can happen and it can become more expensive to feed your kids and to fuel your car is exactly why people need to be able to be in charge of how many mouths they're seeing people having to pay more in the grocery store pay more at the pump pay more for housing is a reason that people are saying i need to be able to make my own decisions about when and if to start a family so i don't think we're going to see them i don't think it's like about comparing them or contrasting them i think they reinforce for people just how big of a responsibility it is to take care of a family so wipe them out those pesky little human infants
Starting point is 00:49:45 save yourself a few bucks whack those kids it's kind of strange didn't you guys see that actor the guy from babe and some of all fierce james cromwell he super glued himself to a starbucks thing you look it up we covered in the radio show yesterday you know why he did that because he didn't like that starbucks up charges for vegan milk because they think that dairy cows, that that's abusive to the animals. So let's not milk cows because that's abusive. And let's cause some serious economic strife there. But let's definitely whack the kids because they don't abuse cows. Don't abuse cows.
Starting point is 00:50:23 Pay a few extra bucks for the vegan milk. Don't do that. Milk and cows. By the way, I love animals. I love animals. I want that out there. But definitely whack those pesky kids. No doubt about that.
Starting point is 00:50:35 Folks, don't miss my show on Fox this weekend. Please set your DVR. I got Dr. Peter McCullough. He's back about this new story. Blood clots, the vaccine, potential endothelial damage, explosive story you have to hear about. Be on my Fox show. Set your DVR.
Starting point is 00:50:52 Saturday night, 9 o'clock. Oh, questions for tomorrow's podcast too. I'll put it on my Locals account if you want questions. I'll put a Locals post up now. Questions for tomorrow's podcast, submit away. See you all tomorrow. You just heard Dan Bongino.

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