The Dan Bongino Show - Fauci Exposes The Whole Scam In This Video (Ep 1781)

Episode Date: June 2, 2022

In this episode, I address the latest piece of video evidence blowing up the left’s mask scam.  News Picks: Google suspends conservative children's book publisher's ad account after Trump-Russia... collusion book. Democrats reframe rising crime as gun control issue? Another scandal brewing at the FBI? Biden blew it on the baby formula crisis. The Daily Wire is under DDOS attack to try to stop you from seeing their new movie.  New Lancet Study Destroys the CDC's Justification for School Mask Mandates. Copyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 From the kitchen to the laundry room, your home deserves the best. Give it the upgrade it deserves at Best Buy's Ultimate Appliance Event. Save up to $1,000 on two or more major appliances. Shop now, in-store, or online at Exclusions apply. Get ready to hear the truth about America on a show that's not immune to the facts with your host, Dan Bongino. You know, it's really, this isn't even hard anymore.
Starting point is 00:00:31 The things I've been telling you over the past two years, the left is just, they're not hiding them anymore. When I say the left, I throw Fauci in that group too. They're not hiding, they're just coming out and saying it right now. The quiet part being said out loud. I got a cut from Fauci about exactly that. An update on the dreaded mask story, which just continues, a mass delusion. And another mass delusion here about what is a woman and what happened to the Daily Wire and Matt Walsh. Very, very scary stuff.
Starting point is 00:01:00 Happened to us for 2,000 meals. True. Loaded show for you today. Don't go anywhere. Today's show brought to you by ExpressVPN. Keep your online activity free from the prying eyes of big tech and the government. Get a VPN. Don't wait.
Starting point is 00:01:12 Go to slash Bongino today. Welcome to the Dan Bongino Show. Big jubilee. Congratulations, Queen Elizabeth. 70 years on the throne today. I got a little comment on that in the beginning. Joe was very excited about that this morning. Very excited.
Starting point is 00:01:32 Let me get to the show. I do. I have a comment on that I think you may find interesting. Even Guy, who disagrees with everything, was like, you know what? Maybe you have a point there. If you're in the market for a rifle, shotgun, or revolver, you want to go with the best in the business. And as far as I'm concerned, that's Henry Repeating Arms. You'll be amazed by their quality craftsmanship and buttery smooth action that makes them a pleasure to shoot.
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Starting point is 00:02:52 know there's a lot of reverence uh for the queen 70 years long time it's 96 years old she's been through a lot a lot of loss um i get it that a lot of us libertarian conservatives out there we have this natural kind of revulsion you know centralized power monarchy even if it is ceremony i get that but i'm watching the jubilee this morning and a couple things came to mind put aside for a moment you know it is a ceremonial monarchy i mean mean, we understand that. But put aside for a moment this kind of natural, I like the American way. And I obviously do. I'm a big fan, to say the least, Joe, of the Constitutional Republic,
Starting point is 00:03:34 not a parliamentarian system, right? I think that's fairly obvious. But I got to thinking, you know, I think the natural inclination for a lot of us is to kind of poke fun at this. Oh, look at all right all right you're like goofy queen whatever like she's not even really you don't want to she doesn't really have any power the queen like a little pomp and circumstance what a waste of time and you know yeah I may get some negative feedback on this and it's okay I'm not here to lie to you
Starting point is 00:04:01 I just how I genuinely feel maybe the order of it folks the pageantry of it right the respect for the history of it the reverence for the history of the monarchy in the united kingdom you know maybe the suspension of disbelief for a moment we know we're watching a movie we know they're just people they you know they've got their share of scandal, their family, like everyone else. They don't have superhuman powers. They use the bathroom and burp like everyone else does. But when we see the royals and we see what's happening right now and over in the United Kingdom, we suspend disbelief. Wouldn't you say? We pretend we're watching a Marvel movie with people with superhuman powers, and we suspend our disbelief like we do in a movie theater for just a moment.
Starting point is 00:04:49 And maybe just believing we can be something superhuman and better for a moment is something we need to get back to. You know, I'll tell you folks, and I mean it, 10 years ago, I would have scoffed and been like, so stupid, what a waste of of time but maybe we could use a little bit more of that suspension of disbelief believing we can be something better even if we quietly know you know we're all sinners in the end i don't know just my thought order pageantry respect for history there may be something to that i think you're right on just i think you're right on target dude so did gee which is stunning because Guy disagrees with everything. Guy was like, you know what?
Starting point is 00:05:27 I think you're right. By the way, I'm not suggesting we should revert to a ceremonial monarchy in the United States. I think there was a revolution fought over that. I'm simply suggesting that their reverence for their own history, even if it is ceremonial, pageantry, and largely you suspending disbelief, believing these people are somehow superhuman, right? Maybe there's something to that. Tradition is important. That's right, Guy. And maybe our broken culture is because we constantly tell ourselves how awful we are,
Starting point is 00:05:59 right? How terrible we are. We're all racist and horrible people. Maybe if we go back to telling each other, you know what? Royals, there are people who can strive to be better, and maybe we should suspend disbelief for a moment. Maybe we should go back there. Just a thought. Now I want to spend a lot of time on that. All right, let me move on to the real world we have to deal with right now. Not pageantry, unfortunately. But I hate to say it because it's so like, hey, look at me. Self-praise stinks. And there's nothing worse than self-praise. As Aunt Jane, God rest her soul, my godmother, my mother's sister used to tell me all the time, there's nothing worse than self-praise as Anne Jane, God rest her soul, my godmother, my mother's sister used to tell me all the time. There's nothing worse than self-praise, but I never, ever, ever want you to think you're wasting your time here. When Joe and I put together the idea for this show, what was the
Starting point is 00:06:33 original idea, Joe? During a commute, that's the reason it's an hour or less. That was the reason. It was originally about a half an hour. We wanted you during the commute to get the most important stories of the day and some color on about what it means for conservatism, right? Some opinion, some color, right? That was our whole intent. I never want to waste your time with crap. It's why we don't talk about a lot of stupid stuff you see in the media. It's why we spend almost zero time on the juicy small A case.
Starting point is 00:06:58 Because I don't care. And neither should you. It doesn't really matter. All it spoke to was this dopey guy's feelings. should you it doesn't really all it spoke to was this dopey guy's feelings but i have insisted to you that the story about mask mandates fauci the federal bureaucracy and vaccine mandates ladies and gentlemen has nothing to do with science it has always been about control the reason the left is in love with the mask and the vaccine believe Believe me when I tell you I have studied these people over a decade of my life. I have dealt with them up close and personal.
Starting point is 00:07:32 It has nothing to do with the efficacy of masks or the efficacy of vaccines. We have science on that. I'll get to it in a second. It is almost at this point, this positive. These things do not do what the left tells us they do. We are right there to it being, I'd say almost conclusive. So if it's not about the science and the efficacy, what is it about? It is about centralized government power. The left cannot have you questioning government, even when government tells you something that is science fiction, not science.
Starting point is 00:08:07 Because that's their whole governing ideology. You suck. Government's better. It's simple as that. That's why they're in love with the mandates. That's why all they want to talk about is masks and the vaccine, no matter what. Now, here's Fauci yesterday on Fox. You know, my producer, Sabrina, my Fox show, sent this to me right away.
Starting point is 00:08:25 She's like, big go. Here you go. You've been saying this the whole time. Here's Fauci on Fox yesterday admitting that the federal government fighting for the mask mandate on planes to get masks back on planes and transportation. Here's him admitting that this really doesn't have anything to do with masks and it has everything to do with who has the power to tell you to wear a mask. This is just glorious. Check this out. One of the issues, Neil, that I have articulated in the past, and I will in the future,
Starting point is 00:08:53 it's less about mandates on the plane than it is about who has the right and the authority and the capability of making public health decisions. And I believe that the Department of Justice is operating on the principle that decisions that are public health decisions belong with the public health agency, in this case, the CDC. So it's more of a matter of principle of where the authority lies than it is about whether or not there's going to be a mandate on a plane or not. I can't. Thank you. about whether or not there's going to be a mandate on a plane or not.
Starting point is 00:09:26 I can't. Thank you. Sorry. We got to get Guy and Justin a microphone. Joe has one. They don't have one. Joe, you can hear Joe. You can't hear these two.
Starting point is 00:09:37 Guy's like, you totally nailed it. Yeah. Well, I do totally. He said nailed it, but I have to add a little hyperbole to it. I did nail it. I told you this has nothing to do with the size. Notice he never mentions at all in that whole thing, the science of masks because they have a new study out about masks,
Starting point is 00:09:53 which is horrible. Do you notice he doesn't mention that he is solely concerned about one thing. What does he say? Like two or three times show who has the authority, who has the authority. So what he's saying is health decisions about your health are not yours. They're theirs. It's you're not wasting your time here. This has nothing to do with the damn masks. All it has to do is with is you not being able to question government authority, period. The judge has ruled that the verdict is in. We're right. The left is wrong. How do I know this, that this is all about mandates and authority and has nothing to do with actual science, which you would think a scientist like Fauci would kind of be into, you know, the whole science-y thing?
Starting point is 00:10:42 Folks, town hall, please read this article. It's in in my newsletter i don't bother you a lot with reading articles i'll put them there for you but i need you to read this town hall slash newsletter if you subscribe it's free i send you these articles every morning it's a simple article nothing dramatic it quotes the new lancet which used to be a respected medical journal left loves this journal before they ruin their credibility new lancet study destroys the cdc's justification for school mask mandates ladies and gentlemen this is called science studies where they actually went back and at the CDC's data on masks. Quote, now, listen, keep in mind, ScrewTube suspended me for saying exactly this. Is that about, what was that about?
Starting point is 00:11:35 That was about ScrewTube fighting back against conservatives on their site. They don't like them. Nothing to do with science. Here, Lancet study. So they replicated the CDCdc study shows similar results replicating the cdc study shows similar results however incorporating a larger sample and longer period showed showed showed no significant relationship between mask mandates and case
Starting point is 00:12:00 rates you want to read on so in other other words, they looked at the CDC study and expanded it. So it was even more powerful. No relationship. These results persisted when using regression methods to control for differences across districts. Interpretation, school districts that choose to mandate masks are likely to be systematically different from those that do not in multiple, often unobserved ways. We failed to establish a relationship between school masking and pediatric cases using the same methods, but a larger, more nationally diverse population over a longer interval. Let me interpret that for you again.
Starting point is 00:12:37 Let me interpret the interpretation. That the reason COVID cases go up and down in school districts have nothing to do with masks and everything to do with other factors that are very difficult to control. Kind of sounds like something we said. Kind of sounds like something. YouTube suspended us for saying that. We then quit YouTube. And after we quit, YouTube tried to say, you can't quit.
Starting point is 00:13:02 We fired you. Good luck on that. That's kind of funny because our last video on YouTube was, here's why we quit, YouTube tried to say, you can't quit. We fired you. Good luck on it. That's kind of funny because our last video on YouTube was, here's why we're leaving YouTube. Precisely because of this. Because they're not interested at all in science. Lancet, which by the way, has destroyed its own credibility for a number of reasons. It's now admitting in their scientific data that there's no science here at all. Doesn't matter. It is about control.
Starting point is 00:13:34 You will wear the damn mask because we told you to. Shut your mouth. They need that visual symbol of the fact that they're in charge, the mask on your face, and you are not. You are not in charge. They are. It doesn't matter how many reports come out on this mask thing. They will go to the grave with this.
Starting point is 00:13:59 Ladies and gentlemen, it is one of the biggest mask delusions in American history. And forgive me for harping on this. I know this story drives some of you nuts. But if we allow this stuff to continue, we will only invite government to do it again. This was a mass delusion. You know what another mass delusion is? Totally detached from science and reality. The idea that a woman can become a man and a man can become a woman. That's a delusion is totally detached from science and reality the idea that a woman can become a
Starting point is 00:14:26 man and a man can become a woman that's a delusion it's not true it's not based in any science just like the mask thing but it's a mass delusion liberals tell themselves and not only listen you want to live in a mass delusion you do you daddy-o the problem with the mass delusion is they want to force you to believe the mass delusion it reminds me of some of um the uh prophetic books you know it's not good enough that you say two plus two equals five it's not good enough joe they want you to believe that that's right yeah they need you to believe it So it's not good enough for you on the conservative sane right to say, wait, a man can't become a woman and a woman can't become a man. They are distinct categories.
Starting point is 00:15:15 That's not true. It's not good enough that you don't say that. You better believe. You better believe the opposite is true or they will punish you. Now, what do I mean? Where am I going with this? Folks, the Daily Wire's Matt Walsh, who is going to be on my radio show next week, has a movie out called What is a Woman, where he asks a very simple question. What is a woman?
Starting point is 00:15:35 It's a very simple answer, folks. It's an adult female human. None of this is complicated. That's what a woman is. Every sane person person knows that but the mass delusion now is that anybody's a woman anyone who says they're a woman or feels like a woman is a woman that's ridiculous and absurd so they have a movie coming out called what is a woman look at a story that popped this morning or yesterday morning i should say Daily Wire comes under sustained DDoS attack intended to disrupt the premiere of What is a Woman? Folks, this is a serious story. It's close to my heart because when Rumble and Locals, who I am an equity stakeholder in, when we supported the launch of 2000 Mules, the 2020 election movie by Dinesh D'Souza, we came under a very sophisticated distributed denial of service attack. That's a DDoS attack. These are not easy to do. They're not. They require sophistication
Starting point is 00:16:36 and effort. I would argue to you the same cabal of leftist fascist idiots who don't want you to see 2000 mules were likely the same people trying to wipe the daily wire off the map so you couldn't see this movie folks i want to be sure you understand this because i live this every day this is not a joke these are very serious people they are violent, authoritarian thugs. Violent. They are exactly who we think they are. Keep your head on a swivel around these people. I'm going to play a voicemail for you coming up in a minute. I got these people are not kidding. They are violent. They are tyrannical. They are authoritarian. And they are willing to do anything, and I mean anything, to enforce their destructive, cancerous agenda. Now, there's two reasons they don't want you to see this movie, What is a Woman? And there's two reasons they don't want you to ask this question, What is a Woman? The first reason is one I've discussed often.
Starting point is 00:17:46 The left needs subjectivity. Anything that creates an objective category, a God-given category, they hate because they want values to come from government. If something's objective, like God-given rights, woman, man, you get your right to defend yourself from God, then the government can't get in between. So there's nothing the left hates more than objectivity because subjectivity requires the government to treat people differently. And that's the essence of totalitarianism. You don't like rich people, just treat them differently.
Starting point is 00:18:16 Take their money. Okay, don't gaff that off. It's a bigger 64,000 foot view, but I'm telling you it's true. You notice anything objective, faith, family, God-given rights, they hate it because then they can't interpret and disrupt it. Second, a woman's a category, immutable. They don't like that. Second, division.
Starting point is 00:18:43 Folks, the left needs division. They need categories to set those categories against each other black versus white union versus non-union immigrant versus non-immigrant because they want to be the one in the middle telling the victimized group that they're protecting them but in order to feel victimized you need division so if they want you to believe you're trans and that you're you can't be you're not a woman you're a man even though you're a biological woman they want you to believe the republicans are definitely coming for you even though you have god-given rights too and that they're going to protect you
Starting point is 00:19:15 subjectivity and division hallmarks of the leftist you'll once you keep those two in your head and you look for them you'll see them everywhere you'll see it everywhere that's why they can't have you see that so in order to help matt walsh out and the less ddos attack i'm going to show you about a minute of the trailer of what is a woman and i'm going to show you how crazy the people we're dealing with are and i want you to keep in your head they are exactly who we think they are they are crazy they are violent they're authoritarian and you better darn well keep your head in a swivel around these people because they're not kidding play that cut what is a woman can you tell me that well you're at the women's march you must have some idea please if one person could tell me
Starting point is 00:20:04 what a woman is you are not here for women. We ask you to leave. What is that? I'm a husband. I'm a father of four. I host a talk show. I give speeches. I write books.
Starting point is 00:20:15 I like to make sense of things. A woman is not anything in particular. There is not one particular thing. It could be many things to many people. Some women have penises, right? Some men have vaginas. I like scented candles. I've watched Sex and the City. Yeah. How do I know if I'm a woman? That's a great question. You're not a scientist. You're not a gender studies major. No. How do you know that you're a man? I guess because I got a dick. Kind of sums it up, doesn't
Starting point is 00:20:38 it? Because I got a... Do you remember the website for us for The Daily Wire? I know this isn't a spot, but was it slash Bongino? If you want to check that out, and you should. Matt Walsh will be on the radio show next week. Folks, there's a bigger and more important point here. I'm going to play for you. Let me get to it. I'm going to take a quick break here, but after this, I want to play a voicemail for you. I got to my phone yesterday.
Starting point is 00:21:02 It's not a joke. It's not a setup. I get these all the time, and I never put them on the air because I just don't. This is not the first time, I assure you. But I want to show you, because I think it's important, who we're dealing with. Keep your head on a swivel around these people. They are exactly the violent thugs you think they are. Some good news first. Folds of Honor, folks, this is a, it's my unbelievable charity. It's my personal favorite charity
Starting point is 00:21:31 because education can change a life. I'm asking you, I'm practically begging you to support them. The American flag's waving on headstones this Memorial Day. Remind us that freedom comes at the highest of prices. I'm confident my listeners will link arms with me And honor those who bravely preserve it As members of the Folds of Honor squadron We'll help to lift the cost of an education
Starting point is 00:21:52 Off the shoulders of military families Who gave us so much The Folds of Honor awards The Folds of Honor awards scholarships Can change lives, folks To the spouses and children of fallen or disabled U.S. service members Charity Navigator rates Folds of Honor Four out of four stars It can change lives, folks. To the spouses and children of fallen or disabled U.S. service members,
Starting point is 00:22:08 Charity Navigator rates Folds of Honor four out of four stars. So you can give with confidence. I do. I do it every year publicly on TV to draw attention to Folds of Honor and Christmas on Fox. This is my charity. Scholarship recipients are as diverse as the country we call home. Their common bond is sacrifice. I'm asking you to become a Squadron member today with a recurring donation of $13 a month.
Starting point is 00:22:30 Head to slash squadron. That's slash squadron, slash squadron. Together, we'll make sure these courageous families are not forgotten. I'm asking you to join the mission today at slash squadron. Together, we'll make sure these courageous families are not forgotten. I'm asking you to join the mission today at slash squadron. It is a fantastic charity. It can change lives for those who gave so much. Thanks, Folds of Honor. We appreciate it. We appreciate you being here. So this is what I mean by these people. They are sophisticated. They did this DDoS attack on 2,000 mules. They're doing it now on what is a woman. These are the same Antifa people, the BLM people, the people who support them. They are exactly who you think they are. I got this little gem. I beep out the middle because the
Starting point is 00:23:14 beep part is my actual home address. I get these all the time. And I want you to hear what we deal with every day because these leftist media types, you ever noticed Joe and the leftist media types, don't you dare call us out for lying. We get death threats. You notice how I never bring that up, even though we get more than they do, because I'm not a victim. I'm a public figure. And if you come to my house and threaten my family with serious physical injury or death, I will kill you instantly.
Starting point is 00:23:39 And I will not think twice about it. I won't be proud of it. I won't be happy about it. I don't want anyone's blood on my hands or on my driveway. I'm a Christian. I believe in forgiveness, but if it's you or my family, believe me, it's you. I will kill you. And believe
Starting point is 00:23:54 me, I won't think twice about it. But I want you to hear what people like me, and I'm not the only one, by the way. My conservative friends get these all the time, too. This came over on my phone yesterday during the show, and again, the beep is my address, which for obvious reasons, I don't want to put out there. Check this out.
Starting point is 00:24:08 Hey, is this Dan Bongino, Homewood's rep? There's a Facebook page summoning all patriots to meet at your home and to come armed. So just call and make sure review. Thanks, bye. There's a Facebook page calling all patriots to meet at my home armed. That's not what he's saying folks there's
Starting point is 00:24:26 no facebook page i get these all the time what they do is you see how they're getting too cute by half he knows if he threatens me and i find out who he is and we and i of course i would prosecute he doesn't want to threaten you directly so what they do is they do it with a wink and i get these all the time hey we told all patriots to meet at your home. Here's your address. Armed. Do you get it? Folks happens all the time. They are who you think they are. They're living in a mass delusion and violence is their currency. Make no mistake. make no mistake sad but true here again from the file of they are exactly who we think they are here's a guy named rom filipuski i i candidly have no idea who this guy is um i i i shouldn't say i don't know who he is i've seen him on twitter and social media, but he's some like hero to the left.
Starting point is 00:25:26 They love this guy. I don't know why. I don't know what he did, but they love him. I left would probably say the same thing about me. I guess it'd be like, I don't know what Dan Bogino's, but I genuinely don't know who the dude is other than beside social media.
Starting point is 00:25:40 But Ron Filipuski, what is he? Oh, he's a current thing. Oh yeah, of course it's a current thing. He's got the, yeah, of course. Folks, support's a current thing. Jim, even though you're on the pipe, pull up your mug, Jim. Support the current thing. We always cheer to the current thing. So Ron Filipuski is like a hero icon to the left. And again, these people are exactly who you think
Starting point is 00:25:59 they are. So Michael Sussman, clinton connected lawyer despite again overwhelming evidence overwhelming evidence that he deceived the fbi with his text right gets off now you would think a guy like philip pusky if there was overwhelming evidence of law breaking would would be like well you know justice definitely was denied in this kid no, they think it's hilarious to love. Here, he's actually, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. What is it? Five laughing guy emojis there? And, oh, exclamation, here's what, five exclamation points, six, my eyes says. He says, John Durham goes down to the feet as Sussman is acquitted today. A trial that Trump and MAGA have followed daily, arguing it's going to lead to the prosecution of hillary clinton we argued that that's funny guys because i thought we argued did we not argue the exact opposite yes we did i think we did yeah we have video and audio evidence but that's
Starting point is 00:26:53 don't count on philip husky next trust me nothing's going to happen to hillary clinton precisely because of people like ron philip husky who support the new banana republic we live in this third world republic we live in right now, which is collapsing, where justice is dead. Filip Husky loved it. They think it's hilarious. They even put the laughing guy emoji. They think this is really funny
Starting point is 00:27:13 that the Democrat nominee for president paid a lawyer to hijack the FBI to investigate their opponent and then do a special counsel afterwards. They think this is great. They think this is great. They are who we think they are, folks. Your head swivel around these people. These are the people when the violence starts who I'm telling you will cheer it on. They will, the bloodshed, they will love it. We'll cheer it on.
Starting point is 00:27:44 The bloodshed, they will love it. Here, Matt Whitaker, who's a good guy, acting Attorney General. Matt Whitaker was on Fox talking about this Sussman case and addressed what I brought up the other day. How the Democrats love this thing. How you think justice is dead. If you get tried in a D.C. court that's 96 percent, the D.C., the District of Columbia Democrat, you have no chance as a Republican of a free trial. And if you're a Democrat, it's lawless. You'll go into court and you will likely, if you're a prominent Democrat, get off. Why?
Starting point is 00:28:19 Because it's not a real trial. It's a reverse star chamber. Everybody goes in and goes, hey, Michael Sussman, plead your case. I'm going to let you off. Here's Whitaker talking about the new jury nullification. D.C., totally lawless for Democrats. Justice is blind to Democrats
Starting point is 00:28:36 in D.C. You can do whatever you want. And there was a strategy here. I'm going to show you the strategy in a minute. This is nothing new. The Democrats have known this for a long time. Here, play Whitaker. How much did the fact that it happened in washington dc where something like 90 percent of the electorate voted for hillary clinton and three of the people on the jury not only voted for but apparently contributed to her campaign it's crazy it is crazy and you know four percent of washington dc voted voted for Donald Trump and so obviously this
Starting point is 00:29:05 was going to be a pro-democrat pro-clinton jury my biggest concern is the the jury foreman came out and and really gave up uh you know what the jury was discussing which is that they thought this case should have never been uh brought uh to their attention in the first place and that's that's a little concerning because this looks more like a jury nullification where even though the evidence was overwhelming, even though the government proved their case, that the jury just decided that this wasn't a case worth pursuing. And therefore they were, you know, and remember,
Starting point is 00:29:39 12 of them voted unanimously not guilty. So that means that, you know, even though the evidence says we know it, which is he, you know, said in that text message, but he had also gone up and testified on Capitol Hill under oath that he was representing a client and his billing record showed that. So, I mean, this this case to me factually and legally was a slam dunk case. Folks, listen, I've been I did this for over a decade of my life. At the local level and the federal level. I've testified in trials before, multiple indictments as well.
Starting point is 00:30:09 This case was a slam dunk. I'm telling you that. I am an opinion guy. I get it. I am a conservative. I'm telling you that with every single bit of objectivity I can muster. This was an open and shut case. The evidence was overwhelming.
Starting point is 00:30:24 And yet, what does it tell you? That jurists agreed to hear the evidence. In other words, said to the court, yes, we will serve on this court in this case and hear this evidence because we want to do this now. And that, in my opinion, they misled them. They misled the court. They knew the whole time that they were going to, no matter what was said in court, Joe, there was going to be a not guilty verdict.
Starting point is 00:30:51 The jury forewoman just said it. I had bigger things to do. We had bigger things to do. There's better ways to spend their time. Then why did you agree to serve on the jury? Oh, see, it all makes sense now. Lawless DC. They wanted Washington DC, the Democrats, to be lawless for them so they could do whatever they want. I'm going to show you a part of their
Starting point is 00:31:14 plan. This is not new. The Democrats had this plan for a long time. Make Washington DC, for a very specific reason, a place where Democrats can do whatever they want and Republicans will be prosecuted for doing nothing like Mike Flynn. Listen to yesterday's episode if you want a full take on that. Let me get to my next sponsor, take a quick break, and I'll show you what I mean, how this plan is not new.
Starting point is 00:31:37 So getting back to my point here, how this is what the Democrats always wanted. They wanted DC law enforcement, federal law enforcement, the FBI, and local law enforcement to be run by leftists. Why do you think the BLM riots where they nearly burned down DC were not only allowed to proceed, but encouraged by law enforcement, by managers there, federal law enforcement too. They were kneeling. The FBI, remember Joe, the FBI was kneeling in honor, genuflecting in front of BLM as they burned down their city. They wanted a jury pool. They wanted law enforcement. They wanted the courts. And as I said, they wanted the juries all to make sure that Democrats would never
Starting point is 00:32:14 be prosecuted in that successfully in the nation's capital. Let me go back to this article in 2013. This is a difference that we do on this show. You're not going to see elsewhere. You think this is new? November 21st, 2013, Washington Post, Paul Cain. Harry Reid and the Democrats trigger the nuclear option and eliminate most filibusters on nominees. What does this have to do with the lawless Washington, D.C.? I'll read it for a second. Folks, for nearly our entire modern existence, we had a filibuster option on nominees for the circuit appeals and Supreme Court. A filibuster, meaning you would need to muster together 60 votes in the Senate out of 100.
Starting point is 00:33:09 thought it's so important that they stack the Washington DC court of appeals that he threw out our entire history and our protocol. And he said, no more filibuster on nominees to the DC circuit court. It's going to be just 50, uh, 51 instead of 60 votes here. here's the piece. This is from 2013. Democrats used a rare parliamentary move to change the rules so that federal judicial nominees and executive office appointments can advance the confirmation votes by a simple majority of senators rather than the 60 vote super majority
Starting point is 00:33:38 that's been the standard for nearly four decades for liberals, that's 40 years. The immediate rationale for the move, listen, was to allow for the confirmation of three picks by Obama to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. The most recent example of what Democrats have long considered unreasonably partisan obstruction
Starting point is 00:33:59 by Republicans. Really, 40 years of obstruction? That's kind of weird, considering the Democrats were in charge for a lot of that. They threw the rules out. 40 years of protocol they threw out to make sure in 2013 that they could stack what court with their nominees? The Washington DC Court of Appeals. Now, why is that? Why did they want DC.C. lawless, lawless juries, a lawless FBI and a lawless D.C. court of appeals in case you appeal the case and get to the court of appeals? Why did they want to make sure it was stacked with liberal partisans and not actual judges? Because what's in
Starting point is 00:34:39 Washington, D.C.? Oh, politicians and politicians on the Democrat side and some swampy Republicans, too, are typically really, really corrupt. What's also in Washington, D.C.? Think tanks that work with Democrats like Brookings to go and attack Donald Trump. So if they get prosecuted jurisdictionally, where are they going to go to court, Joe? Washington, D.C., baby. Yeah. Yeah. Isn't that great? prosecuted jurisdictionally where are they going to go to court joe washington dc baby yeah yeah isn't that great regulations that are challenged by the way liberal regulations about the environment anti-unconstitutional regulations where are they challenged to
Starting point is 00:35:16 oh washington dc that's right because that's where the regulators are folks nothing the left does they do by accident accident. And I got to tell you, it's way past the damn time we get used to this. These people are playing for keeps, man. We've been playing checkers for generations, talking about tax cuts. I love tax cuts. I talk about it all the time. Folks, tax cuts don't matter if we lose the culture and the system breaks down. They have wanted this forever. Corrupted juries, corrupted judges, and corrupted law enforcement. And it's working.
Starting point is 00:35:51 We're losing. It's time. The Cleveland Swamp. I'm tired of the sloganeering. Everybody, the next president who gets in. Everyone should be polygraphed at the law enforcement level. Everyone should have another background checked on at the management level. And if you can't profess to defend the Constitution of the United States, I don't want conservatives.
Starting point is 00:36:16 I don't want liberals. I want nonpartisans. Then get the F out. Not only do they want to corrupt the jury pool, not only do they want to, by the way, that's why they don't want to move any of the agencies out of Washington, D.C. Not only do they want to corrupt the judges and the courts,
Starting point is 00:36:38 they want people out of the FBI and out of the vaccine mandates. Tying it to the beginning of the show makes sense. If you don't support a vaccine mandate and you support the God-given right to body sovereignty, you're likely a what? Conservative, which means you're out of a job in the military or federal law enforcement.
Starting point is 00:36:54 Kind of weird, right? Given that the vaccine doesn't stop the latest variants at all. And that's why you get people like this. Another FBI manager busted. Read this story in the newsletter today. Oh, it's a doozy. Republican Senator Chuck Grassley raises alarm over partisan social media posts linked to an FBI official.
Starting point is 00:37:13 Where does he work? He's an ASAC, folks. Assistant Special Agent in Charge. Very powerful guy. And where? The Washington field office. My gosh. Name is Feeball. The plan was always to stack the court corrupt the leadership
Starting point is 00:37:30 of the military and law enforcement and now you have the central portion of government's power in washington dc which is a get out of jail free card for democrats and a star chamber for republicans what a deal here here's this guy this guy. This guy was an ASAC, a very powerful man in the Washington field office. DeBalt liked a February tweet from the left-wing Midas touch group that criticized Tucker Carlson. This FBI manager also liked
Starting point is 00:37:57 another Lincoln Project tweet. Oh, Lincoln Project. He liked an October tweet calling Kyle Rittenhouse a murderer less than a month before he was found not guilty of those charges. And he liked an October tweet calling Kyle Rittenhouse a murderer less than a month before he was found not guilty of those charges. And he liked the September tweet criticizing Governor Abbott for his response to COVID. It goes on and on and on. This guy was a manager in the FBI Washington field office. Supposedly, according to this report, had a role in what, Joe? Public corruption.
Starting point is 00:38:24 Monitoring public corruption. Oh oh you mean like politicians and stuff none of this none of this is by accident none of this they want a star chamber for republicans in dc and a get out of jail free card for democrats and it's working as i covered yesterday even though i got a lot of good feedback, which I was happy about because I was very worried about bringing up the Flynn case again, but I wanted to paint for you the contrast
Starting point is 00:38:52 of what happened to Mike Flynn despite no evidence he did anything wrong at all versus what happened to Michael Sussman, the Hillary connected guy, despite overwhelming evidence. The Sussman jury the flynn judge emmett sullivan the fbi supervisor you think you're going to get a fair trial as a republican of washington dc please that's a ron philipowski ha ha ha ha ha ha five emojis five exclamation points
Starting point is 00:39:21 Ha ha ha ha ha. Five emojis, five exclamation points. Thinking of goons on the left, the stunning incompetence out of the White House continues. And when I say stunning incompetence, I mean like in your face, you don't even have to dig for it. It's not like you got to look and read through.
Starting point is 00:39:43 Let me advance again to page 22 in the book. It's in the forward to the book. Like this book is going to be about a guy who really sucks. The incompetence out of this white house is stunning. I don't, I, I, I candidly don't know if we can handle another two plus years of this guy. I've got a monologue coming up on my show on Fox on Saturday night. By the way, thanks for making us number one again. I love you all from the bottom of my heart. You all are so amazing. The show has been just kicking ass thanks to you.
Starting point is 00:40:13 But I've got a monologue coming up in the beginning of my show. Joe Biden is a child, is an infant. I'm going to show you every example of this guy not taking credit for anything ever. example, this guy not taking credit for anything ever. He either blames or he misses the signs every single time. The failure of this guy is epic. You know what? Let me get to my last sponsor. I'm going to do that. I'm going to go through this, showing you the latest example where he actually slipped and for once admitted that he missed it again. Total slip on his part. Again, stunning incompetence. Even Bloomberg, I mean, you're not going to get
Starting point is 00:40:49 a more left-leaning outlet than Bloomberg, right? It's hard to find. Bloomberg had to acknowledge that this baby formula shortage, keep in mind how devastating this is and the reason why, right? Headline, baby formula makers tell Biden they foresaw dire shortages. In other words, they told Biden, hey, you shut this baby formula plant down, it's over. Here's a quote from the senior vice president from North America and Europe for this nutrition company who produces this stuff.
Starting point is 00:41:16 Quote, we knew from the very beginning that this would be a very serious event. Manufacturers told Biden Wednesday they saw it coming months earlier. Now, why would baby formula be a problem? Gee don't know joe maybe the substitution effect or lack thereof in other words you have a steak shortage probably a bad thing right you like steak steak restaurants are going to suffer nobody wants to see that right but folks it's not a catastrophe uh existential catastrophe because you can eat chicken, you can eat pork, you can eat fish, salmon, whatever you'd like. You're not going to die because of a steak shortage. It's not good.
Starting point is 00:41:51 It's a bad thing for the economy. Babies don't have that option, folks. You don't have baby formula. You have death. And the golden rule of the Dan Bongino show is what, fellas? Don't get dead. Don't get dead. Definitely don't get dead. You don't want to
Starting point is 00:42:06 get dead. Anything that helps you get dead is a bad thing. So when someone goes to the president and says, listen, we have a shortage of the only food source babies have. And if they don't have it, they'll get dead. You would think Biden would say, damn, that sounds like a problem nope nope nope nope they just said they warned them but this incompetent stunningly incompetent buffoon of a human being apparently just gaffed it off here he is yesterday on tape hearkening back to the good old days joe tape there's no tape anymore but you get the point on tape slipping and admitting that they did warn him that this was a problem. And whatevs first,
Starting point is 00:42:49 you're going to hear him explain the crisis away. Try to, and then you're going to hear him say after a question. Yeah. Yeah. They told me what a buffoon. Listen to this. I don't think it was interesting to me, but I don't really understand how to find one facility. We needed a hospital, we needed a human facility, and it was out of the ship town, because it was set to a four million by the first sentence, and that was just charity.
Starting point is 00:43:20 And so, once they learned, I was standing there, that I had a lot of blood on my arm, so we could take it away in the air, and I think that I don't have any blood on my arm or anything like that. It was maybe something else. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:43:36 I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:43:37 I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:43:39 I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:43:41 I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:43:42 I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:43:42 I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:43:43 I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. So he explains how nobody anticipated it. And then he says at the end, everybody anticipated except me. Did I hear that wrong? He didn't edit that at all. It's edited for time, but it's a complete thought again. Nobody's messing with you here. I'd play the whole thing, but it's just the same nonsense again.
Starting point is 00:44:04 Nobody anticipated it except everyone in the industry who told me and me who gaffed it all. Folks, this guy is a very, I'm not exaggerating here, is a very real existential threat to the Constitutional Republic. He is a stunningly incompetent human being. Stunningly. The inflation crisis, he was warned about too. He was told by just about every competent Republican and a number of Democrats, including Larry Summers, the former Clinton Treasury Secretary.
Starting point is 00:44:39 He was warned, if you print a bunch of money we don't have and spend in this spend stimulus package you want to pass joe biden you're going to get rampant inflation doesn't matter he did it anyway because he's a buffoon who just loves the left wing celebrating him because he has so little character or dignity i mean that here's larry summers on with david ignatius yesterday saying listen this is ridiculous like the fed there's got to be some accountability here the federal reserve which by the way biden loves to blame the federal reserve yes the federal reserve did digitally imprint this money
Starting point is 00:45:17 and physically print it too that led to this inflation but why did they do it, folks? They did it because Joe Biden, the Democrats, and a bunch of swampy Republicans demanded that they print the money to pay for their programs. Don't give Joe Biden a pass either. Oh, it's just the Fed. No, the Fed's a big part of it. But Joe Biden and the swamp are almost as big a part of it, if not bigger. Here's Larry Summers saying, is the fed ever going to look back at what they did is there any accountability here at all check this out i do think there needs to be considerable soul searching at uh the fed as to how they missed this as badly as they did
Starting point is 00:45:58 they were declaring that inflation would be transitory through most of 2021, even as it was becoming clearer and clearer to a growing number of observers that inflation was not a path to being purely transitory. Remember, it was Biden and Peppermint and others saying how inflation was going to be transitory too, despite that gentleman right there. That's a Democrat, Larry Summers. He was literally Bill Clinton's treasury secretary, despite the fact that he and others, he and others, was it Jason Furman as well? Was it Furman? Democrats and Democrat appointees had warned them. You print this money, there's going to be inflationary chaos.
Starting point is 00:46:49 They did it anyway. Warn them, they ignore it. Inflation. Warn them, baby formula, they ignore it. They're being warned again. Listen, listen. Bookmark it. Joe, mark it.
Starting point is 00:47:04 Thursday, June 2nd. It's now 9.43 a.m. Eastern time.mark it. Joe, mark it. Thursday, June 2nd. It's now 9.43 a.m. Eastern time. Flag it. Got it. Thank you. If you don't acknowledge verbally with your flag it, then I know it doesn't happen. Okay, Joe's got a flag. Mark my words.
Starting point is 00:47:16 They're being warned again about a nasty energy crisis coming this summer. It's in the Wall Street Journal. We covered it the other day. There will be rolling blackouts this summer. We covered it the other day. This energy thing, NERC, this board is warning them. There is not enough energy to go around this summer and roughly two thirds of the country will be subject to
Starting point is 00:47:46 rolling blackouts we put this right up the other day the north american electric reliability corporation it's right here folks is warning them quote two-thirds of the united states could could experience blackouts this summer. These are not cryptic signs, Joe. The baby formula people told them. We're out of baby formula, dipwad. NERC, there's going to be blackouts. Larry Summers, there's going to be mass inflation. These are not cryptic signs.
Starting point is 00:48:34 This is not the Rosetta Stone where pieces were broken up and made it hard to get a cipher, right? This is not that movie Contact where the guy says, here's the primer, Jodie Foster. You don't need the primer. There will be blackouts. We have no baby formula. Print money, there will be inflation. There's no primer. There will be inflation? What does that mean?
Starting point is 00:48:55 Can I have the language primer? They're told you this. They're telling you now. And watch, when there are blackouts this summer, and people's food goes bad, and then people get heat stroke the democrats will do what joe they'll blame the damn bongino show or someone else yeah they'll blame kids so we did it my whole monologue on the fox show saturday night it's going to be about this i don't know how much longer we can take. Finally, one last story. I'm running out of time today. Again, the Democrats,
Starting point is 00:49:28 there's absolute stunning incompetence, folks. They are now, we're now in a public safety crisis in liberal cities. Why? Because again, we warned them. The signs weren't cryptic. We told them, Joe, this was crazy. We said, you you know if you
Starting point is 00:49:45 pursue this defund the police anti-police anti-public safety attitude shocker with no police you're going to get more crime and democrats will like yeah they were scratching heads like no no that's not going to happen we're going to send social workers out oh you are for a barricaded edp with a knife emotionally disturbed person person? Oh, good luck with that. Have fun. So we warned them. Fewer cops, more crime. Of course, they pretended to be puzzled, just like we
Starting point is 00:50:13 warned them about baby food, inflation, the coming blackouts in the summer. Doesn't matter. We said, you probably don't want to cut the cops. There's going to be a surge in crime. So now, there's a surge in crime. People are dying. And Washington Examiner Sarah Westwood, Democrats now want to reframe it as a gun control issue. a surge in crime so now there's a surge in crime people are dying and washington examiner sarah westwood democrats now want to reframe it as a gun control issue joe chicago new york la seattle very liberal cities uh-huh you think they have pretty strict gun control if you need a minute yeah you know i i understand
Starting point is 00:50:46 yeah i think they would dan oh you think so he's thinking joe's he's not he's not i can see he doesn't want to commit he's a little nervous about the answer he doesn't want to commit but he's guessing and it's a very good guess because he's correct all right that yes there is very strict gun control so the strictest in the nation and yet the crime rates they're out of control which would say to me that there is zero. Matter of fact, a negative correlation, more gun control, more gun control equals less public safety or the direct correlation. More gun control equals more crime. So, of course, because liberals were warned and failed again, now they're going to try to switch it to a gun control issue again because they don't want to admit the real problem is the liberal goons running these places that are
Starting point is 00:51:27 getting their people killed. Sarah Westwood notes that violent crime in Seattle is up 32% in the first quarter compared to the first quarter of 2021 when it was already surging. By the way, the surge in crime followed the passage of a gun control package in 2018 when Washington State's voters approved a ballot initiative, among other things, raising the minimum age at which an individual could purchase a semi-automatic firearm
Starting point is 00:51:50 and required a 10-day waiting period for customers looking to purchase a gun. Pass more gun control, get more crime. Is that causal? Not suggesting that. Is it correlational? You're seeing it right there.
Starting point is 00:52:03 Are you not? At least in Seattle it is. Keep it up though, Libs. You've been warned. Tomorrow's questions, right? Is it Friday? See, I didn't forget. Questions.
Starting point is 00:52:14 If you would like to submit questions for tomorrow's show, we do a block at the end called questions for Dan. Please go to my Locals account. I post a lot of just unique material there. You're not going to see in the podcast. Download the Locals app or go to I am D. Bongino, at D. Bongino there. You can subscribe.
Starting point is 00:52:31 We'd appreciate it. But if you want to post a question, go there. I'll have a post called Questions for Dan. I'll see you on the radio show. Sarah Palin is going to be a guest later, so you may want to check that out. See you on the radio show later. You just heard Dan Bongino.

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