The Dan Bongino Show - Follow The Money (Ep 1347)

Episode Date: September 16, 2020

In this episode, I follow the money trail and I reveal who is really behind the Democrats’ plan for post-election chaos.  News Picks: Follow the money behind the coming coup. What happens if t...he presidential election results in a tie?  Evidence emerges that Biden is using a teleprompter to answer questions. A theory about why the corrupt Mueller witch hunters deleted the contents of their phones.  PA judge sets the bail for rioters at 1 million dollars each. Excellent! Yes, ANTIFA is an organized terror group. Here’s the evidence. Remember when Obama purged the upper level ranks of our military.   Copyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:40 Dan Bongino. So I've been warning you about the Democrats' plans for post-election day chaos in the event President Trump wins, right? Right? I've been talking about it for a week, getting tons of email, tons of traffic on it. Tucker Carlson covered it last night on his show. I've got that video and one of the people who've been covering it as well and been writing about it. And the question, who's paying for all of this?
Starting point is 00:01:02 Follow the money. The name of my next book, too. But follow the money. Who's paying for all that this. Follow the money. The name of my next book too, but follow the money. Who's paying for all that? Who's financing all this organizing? Who's financing the simple things like transporting all these people they plan on transporting to your cities to cause chaos after the election? I've got that. I've also got a developing scenario which you need to be aware of.
Starting point is 00:01:24 And it's this. what happens if on election day it's a tie an electoral college tie you need 270 electoral college of uh electors to win what if it's 269 to 269 you say oh that can't happen really because it's looking like it's quite possible right now i got that and a lot more today Today's show brought to you by ExpressVPN. Protect your online activity from prying eyeballs today. Get a VPN. Go to slash Bongino. Welcome to the Dan Bongino Show. Producer Joe, I know you know we have a loaded show today because you've been cutting video all morning along with Paula. How are you today? I'm pretty good. You did keep me busy though. Yeah, you kept me real busy. I know. Very sorry. Very sorry. Loaded show today, folks.
Starting point is 00:02:08 You are not going to be disappointed. Tons of video on a multitude of topics, which are going to bake your bagels. One more quick thing. I'm really tired of YouTube. YouTube crushed our show yesterday again because they hate conservatives. They hate us.
Starting point is 00:02:22 I have a plan I will be announcing soon, which I think you're going to be really excited about. You're not going to want to miss. You don't think I was going to take this lying down, right? Just like I didn't take our attacks from Twitter on our account, lying down. We joined parlor.
Starting point is 00:02:37 So I got a plan coming up. Stay tuned for plan B, which is going to involve a lot of you and hopefully your support. All right. Today's show brought to you by a friend. Yeah. Big surprises ahead, for plan b which uh is going to involve a lot of you and hopefully your support all right today's show brought to you by a friend yeah big surprises ahead including a big surprise on friday as well too that's a different surprise many surprises coming up today's show brought to you joe knows that one but our by our friends by on lifelock ladies and gentlemen the fbi cyber division's warning students and families will be increasingly vulnerable to cyber attacks because of the current online learning use of teleconference apps.
Starting point is 00:03:09 Since the start of the pandemic, there's been a 300% increase in cybercrime activity. Hackers are becoming more sophisticated in taking advantage of teleconference accounts. Bad news. They're pawning information like emails and passwords. I had my identity stolen. It was awful. That's why I have LifeLock, not only for me to protect my identity, but for my wife and my two children as well.
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Starting point is 00:04:30 I always watch Tucker's opening monologue in my living room, getting ready to go on Hannity. And I hear this about the Democrats coming coup we've been warning you about now for two weeks. Check this out. For our viewers who are not familiar with the color revolutions in Eastern Europe, state as clearly as you can what you think is going on right now in this election. What's the end game for Democrats? Yes, thank you for having me. Many have described the actions taken against Trump as a coup.
Starting point is 00:05:06 And this is certainly correct, but it's a little bit general and vague. What's unfolding before our eyes is a very specific type of coup called the color revolution. It's a regime change model favored by many in our national security apparatus, particularly against Eastern European countries to overthrow target regimes that they don't like. One model, which is not the color revolution model, is purely sending a bunch of troops into a country and removing by military force a leader you don't like. That's like the Iraq model. Right. The color revolution model is a little bit more delicate and subtle, has several characteristics, but the chief characteristics of it is a combination of an engineered contested elections scenario combined with massive mobilized protests, which they call as a term of art, peaceful protests and acts of civil disobedience. peaceful protests and acts of civil disobedience. In other words, don't concede the election,
Starting point is 00:06:11 Joe Biden, even if you lose and then get your supporters, supporters, BLM, Antifa, that crowd to hit the streets hard. Your streets hard. We've only been warning you about this for two weeks now. Now, I know the leftist lunatics that watch this show will say, that's a conspiracy theory, despite the fact that they're talking about it again openly. You know what? I take that back. The leftist lunatics who watch my show have been, Joe, do you notice this? You follow this up. They've been noticeably silent about these segments the last two weeks. So let me retract that part. You know why, right? Yeah, yeah. Weird, isn't it? Weird because they know on this show we cite the left's own documents from the transition integrity project defeat this info and other leftist groups
Starting point is 00:06:51 who will talk about where the funding for them is coming from today and they don't want you to go look it up and say oh my gosh damn bongino is right leftists are openly talking about effectively a coup after the election if Trump wins. That's why they've been real quiet. Remember the, what do we keep talking about? Michael Anton's piece, right? The coming coup. What are the two rules of the conspiracy to create a coup after the election? Rule number one, don't talk about the conspiracy. Rule number two, if you have someone has to talk about it, blame it on your opponent and say they're doing it.
Starting point is 00:07:24 We'll get to more of that today. Don't worry, I'm not going to relitigate all these prior shows. Rule number two, if you have someone has to talk about it, blame it on your opponent and say they're doing it. We'll get to more of that today. Right. Don't worry. I'm not going to relitigate all these prior shows. You have to watch them. Last week's show, anything that has we've been covering this for two weeks. So the question today we're going to address about the coming coup, which Darren Beattie on Tucker Carlson show just terrifically summed up.
Starting point is 00:07:44 It's not going to be a violent military takeover in the streets. That's not the kind of coup we're talking about. We're talking about a tactic we use overseas. We, the United States, against foreign governments, yes, that they're going to use here to foment confusion about who won the election through disinformation campaigns, number one. And number two, have your organizers hit the streets and intimidate the hell out of people and scare everyone into accepting a conclusion that's not accurate. And that conclusion will be Trump won. They're not going to accept that if it happens. So who's funding this great article today? Always got to cite our sources, right? Julie Kelly will be in the show notes. Please read this American greatness. Julie Kelly access our show notes by going to slash newsletter and just subscribe to the show notes right there. The show notes, the newsletter, it's the same thing.
Starting point is 00:08:31 Here, this article is a must read. American Greatness, Julie Kelly, the billionaire backers of the, quote, insurrection. The mostly behind the scenes attempt between Election Day and Inauguration Day to prevent Donald Trump from taking office for the first time will go public in 2020. Who's paying for this effort to foment confusion about who won the election, number one, and secondly, for all these organizers to hit the streets and cause violence and chaos to confuse you and scare you? Who's paying for all this? Because it costs money. Well, that's interesting. And in this piece, she has quite a few suspects. Let's go into one of them I've addressed before. Let's go to screenshot number one. In the interest of time, let's hit this one because I've already mentioned this one. A woman named Rosa Brooks
Starting point is 00:09:18 is behind the Transition Integrity Project, a project of left-wing lunatics and never Trumpers committed to causing a street fight after the election if Trump wins. So they say, Julie says, quote, one of the co-founders of the Transition Integrity Project, the chaos brigade really, is Rosa Brooks. She's a Georgetown law professor and Obama administration alumna. Wow, weird. Who's a former council and board member for the Open Society Foundation, created in 1993 by George Soros. I'm sure that's what the left is going to say, despite the fact that this is irrefutable evidence. The foundation is a massive donor, Soros' foundation, to hundreds of left-wing causes around the world. And in July, the Open
Starting point is 00:10:02 Society's foundation announced a five-year 150 million dollar investment in quote racial justice groups including black lives matter wow strange black lives matter supposed to be about black lives mattering right that's the name of the group black lives matter matter black, black lives should matter. What are they doing partnering up and taking money from some of the same groups, same groups talking about fomenting an insurgency during an election? What does that have during a post-election transition period? What does that have to do with black lives?
Starting point is 00:10:38 The answer is nothing. Black lives matter has nothing to do with black lives. It never did. It's a Marxist group. Just listen to the founder's own words. I've only played that cut of Patricia Cullors 20 times on the show. One of the founders of Black Lives Matter saying she's a Marxist organizer. Her words, not mine. And that's why the liberal media is not covering my show and ignoring all this. So George Soros' group is funding a transition project designed to cause chaos
Starting point is 00:11:07 in the transition and send people into the streets if Trump wins some of the same people funding Black Lives Matter I thought this had to do with Black Lives yes I write in my next book Follow the Money where I cover George Soros you'll see George Soros rarely has anything to do with what he says he has. They call all his projects like, we love democracy and Black Lives Matter.
Starting point is 00:11:32 The names of these groups have nothing to do with what they're actually doing. The Open Societies Foundation, Soros, has nothing to do with open societies. It has everything to do with chaos societies. So now we know Rosa Brooks is involved in this, a Soros-Obama affiliate, let's say. Well, what are they planning on again, these groups? Let's go to screenshot number two from Julie Kelly's wonderful piece. Spread this thing around a lot. Try to get this up at too well in a recent washington post op-ed rosa brooks put the country on notice unless joe biden wins in a landslide we
Starting point is 00:12:12 will be sorry she said quote with the exception of the big biden win scenario each of their exercises reached the brink of catastrophe with massive disinformation campaigns violence in the streets her words not mine and a constitutional impasse she warned she warned is that a wink and a nod joe quote that reaction will occur according to the simulation even if trump wins the electoral college but loses the popular vote do you see where we're going here isn't this weird yeah too weird dude that joe there has since um you and i recorded yesterday's show just checking yeah i need you to be a legitimate fact checker on the show has there been a constitutional amendment throwing out the electoral college just checking no since yesterday yesterday no they're hot not thank you thank you
Starting point is 00:13:01 since yet man not since yesterday right we haven't heard yet there may be some effort behind the scenes yet we have not heard since yesterday of the Constitution being modified that this is now the president is elected via popular vote. We haven't heard that. Again, this is why the left won't cover my show, because they don't want you to go look this up. In her own op-ed, they're warning about street violence, and they're indicating even if Trump wins legitimately, the Electoral College. Joe, just how I checked, that's how you become president, right? The Electoral College. Again, there hasn't been an amendment. Okay, thank you.
Starting point is 00:13:36 Just double. We're good. Okay. Joe, just tell me. We're double checking on that. You got to get a twofer right there. So just checking. They're calling for violence in the streets, even if Trump wins legitimately.
Starting point is 00:13:55 The group run by the lady who's getting paid by Soros' foundation that's also involved with all kinds of groups like Black Lives Matter and elsewhere. Yeah, tell me again how we shouldn't worry about any of this. They're calling for violence in the streets and everyone just wants you to whistle past the graveyard. I used to walk home from St. Pancras School in Glendale and Mount Carmel Cemetery used to be on my left. That's why I was never scared of cemeteries. I worked in one. I used to clean mausoleums, but they're whistling past the graveyard right now. I'm a terrible whistler. Joe's fantastic.
Starting point is 00:14:21 He can play a harmonica, whistle, whatever you want. Not me. Thank you. But for the purposes of this segment, that horrible whistling will do. We're all supposed to ignore this? A Soros-funded group, the Transition Integrity Project, is openly talking about violence in the streets, even if Trump wins. And we're all supposed to pretend this isn't happening. Thank you, Tucker, for covering this on your show last night with Mr. Darren Beattie. Who talks about it's not going to be a military insurgency. There's no way our military would do that.
Starting point is 00:14:53 This is going to be a color revolution insurgency. You know, yeah, the type we use overseas to cause chaos in foreign countries. We're doing that here? Isn't that weird? Now, again, what are the two rules of the insurgency and the conspiracy? One, don't talk about the conspiracy because you don't want to get busted. And number two, if you are busted, make sure you blame it on your opponent. They're doing it.
Starting point is 00:15:17 More of that in a minute here. Let me go to the screenshot number three here from this Julie Kelly article. Here is another group you need to keep your eyeballs on in addition to Transition Integrity Project and Defeat Disinfo. Notice the names, Joe, again. These are groups. They named themselves. We love America group.
Starting point is 00:15:36 Forget the names. They're not talking about the integrity of the transition or defeating disinfo. They're talking about causing disinfo and causing chaos in the transition. Here's another group. Julie says, but Brooks isn't the only connection between the deep-pocketed foes of Donald Trump, the Soros types, and the post-election insurrection. Another new group, protect the results show.
Starting point is 00:15:59 Here it is. We love America. Another protective result. But the group should call themselves throw out the results another new group protective results is working hand in hand with rosa brooks to quote mobilize if donald trump refuses to accept the results of the 2020 presidential election and prepare for a potential post-election crisis this is hilarious hilarious they're talking about donald trump not accepting the results of the election when the same woman, Rosa Brooks, working with Protect the Results, this other group, is writing in the Washington Post about even in scenarios where Trump wins the electoral college, that there still could be street violence.
Starting point is 00:16:37 Hard words. What's rule number two of the conspiracy? Always blame it on your opponent. We got to protect the results. Sure you do. Let's go back to Julie's piece again. This is an incredible four screenshots from one piece. I don't usually do that many.
Starting point is 00:17:00 We've only done this a few times, but it's a good piece, and it's worth your time. Screenshot number four. so who's behind this again here's money man number one george soros one of protect the results as main organizers is a non-profit called indivisible you're learning how they do this joe they create a hundred different groups so you can't follow the money well this is what we do we break that that down for you. So protect the results, working with the Transition Integrity Project and Soros' woman on the ground, Rosa Brooks. One of their main organizers is a group called Invisible. Based out of Washington, D.C.,
Starting point is 00:17:34 Indivisible was founded in 2016 after Trump's election. According to a political watchdog, this is crazy, Joe, individual's main donor is the Tides Foundation, another Soros finance pass-through organization. Wow. Crazy. Yeah, weird how that happened.
Starting point is 00:17:52 Soros is money. You can't talk about that. It's a conspiracy theory. Okay, sure. We'll talk about whatever we want. You can ram that right up your caboose. You don't tell me what to talk about ever. Matter of fact, when you tell me not to talk about it,
Starting point is 00:18:05 what do we do, Joe? We talk about it more. And then we talk about you telling us not to talk about it. How does that sound? Well, boycott you. Have fun with that. Have a nice day. Trust me, I'm good.
Starting point is 00:18:22 We're going to tell the truth. So now we know Soros' money is intertwined in all of this. But folks, it gets worse here. They're using insurgency tactics here, counter-terror tactics, military tactics to foment insurgencies overseas at home. Soros group, Soros money, Soros people, Obama people are behind this
Starting point is 00:18:46 but remember now that the conspiracy's been exposed and the left has been cryptically silent about it what's rule number two again always blame it on your opponent let me show you how they're doing this right now before we do that let me get to my second sponsor we got a loaded show i always appreciate your patience today. Our friends at Duke Cannon. You know, Duke Cannon is a big hit here in the house. We've now moved date night to Friday nights. Been working out okay. I have the blue screen of doom here.
Starting point is 00:19:15 It's been working out okay, Friday night, date night. Sometimes, you know, Saturday night, sometimes a little better, but sometimes I got to work and do Judge Jeanine. You don't want to have a few. Duke, Duke's giving us a hard time today. What's up with the Duke? There we go. I got a need to read the Duke Canon.
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Starting point is 00:21:07 Your wife or your significant other will thank me. Free shipping with your orders over $20. A selection of Duke Cannon's products are also available at your local Target. Again, Use promo code Bongino. All right, as I told you. So now we know who's funding it. Now we know what they're doing, planning for this chaos after Election Day.
Starting point is 00:21:26 I told you the other day how to stop some of this. We need to get them all on the record right now. Joe Biden right now. The media needs to start asking questions right now. They won't, but I got to give you suggestions, right? So what's rule number two? Shift the blame to your opponent. Now, let me show you what they're doing here.
Starting point is 00:21:41 Here's this article from The Washington Post. It's covered in the Houston Chronicle as well. This was on the ridiculously now radical, lunatic left drudge report. This was the top story on a drudge report. I always check to see what lunacy they're promoting every day. As you know, we have Bongino Report,
Starting point is 00:21:55 which is actual sanity. So here's an article in the Washington Post. This is going to sound weird because you may think you heard this about an anti-Trump group the other day. What's the rule number two? Blame it opponent right washington post pro-trump youth group enlist teens in a secretive campaign likened to a troll farm prompting rebuke by facebook and twitter by the ever hapless isaac stanley becker you get now now joe i know what
Starting point is 00:22:21 you're thinking you're thinking gosh i just read that the left was doing that the other day, paying people to post stuff on social media. The left, the anti-Trump groups, what's rule number two? Don't talk about the conspiracy coup. And if you're caught, blame it on your opponent. And of course, who plays right into this? Dopey Drudge at the Sludge Report and washington post which has always been a mouthpiece for their activists they're not serious journalists isaac um whatever isaac newton whatever his name is apple hit him in the head liberals don't get that reference of course
Starting point is 00:23:00 so this is fascinating how they they flipped the script the left is doing this i'll show you in a minute but now they're writing the story about charlie kirk's group turning point usa from the washington post piece sorry i was just messing with the duke cannon products i love this ah wakes you up in the morning smells good good. They didn't pay for that. We should upcharge him for that one. From the Washington Post piece, teenagers, some of them minors, are being paid to pump out messages in the direction of Turning Point Action,
Starting point is 00:23:33 an affiliate of Turning Point USA, the prominent conservative youth organization based in Phoenix, according to four people with knowledge of the effort. Their descriptions were confirmed by detailed notes from relatives of one of the teenagers who recorded conversations with him about the effort. Their descriptions were confirmed by detailed notes from relatives of one of the teenagers who recorded conversations with him about the efforts. Wow, that's kind of sleazy, recording conversations with your teenage, what, nieces, nephews, or sons to give them to the
Starting point is 00:23:54 sleazeballs at the Washington Post. So just to be clear, the story at the head of the sludge report and the Washington Post said the Republicans through Turning Point USA are paying people to post messages. Now, keep in mind, Charlie Kirk has come out with his statement on this and Turning Point. I don't know anything about it. I'm not part of Turning Point. Full disclosure, I have no business ties to them whatsoever. I know some of the people, but I'm not tied to them at all. Charlie, who runs Turning Point, has said, listen, these were field organizers that we had these teenagers that's what he runs a youth group i mean teenagers youth i mean this is a
Starting point is 00:24:31 real this is a store breaking news in the washington post by the way right youth group they don't get the association that they may be teenagers but charlie's take is that we were paying these organizers in the field now due to corona they can't go out and do things like knocking on doors. So we're paying them and they're using social media to advocate. Take it for what it's worth. Read the piece yourself. I'm not defending or going after them.
Starting point is 00:24:53 I'm just telling you what they're saying because I don't trust the Washington Post at all. What is the Washington Post and Sludge doing? They're trying to turn the story about, again, rule number two, blame it on your opponent, about the left's disinformation campaign after the election to foment confusion about who won and cause street violence. They're trying to turn it on Trump. You don't believe me? How many times I have to put this New York Post article up? Here's another one you need to print out and keep in your files. Mark Moore, New York Post, democratic pact to use anti-terror technology to counter trump's campaign messages really anti-terror technology who's doing this and what are they doing number two
Starting point is 00:25:33 the group defeat this info there they go is being advised by uh retired army general stanley mccrystal what is he up to he sounds like he's not doing really nice things lately. McChrystal, what are they doing? They're using artificial intelligence. Notice, by the way, how this article didn't make the headline of the Sludge report. They will use artificial intelligence to map out Trump's claims on social media and then attempt to build a counter narrative to a network of 3.4 million influencers around the country even paying some users with large followings to oppose the president wow that sounds sounds like what the washington post thinks is a huge scandal despite the fact that the turning
Starting point is 00:26:19 point people according to their own statement were actual organizers being paid to advocate for the president what the what the new york post talking about, because the New York Post, by the way, is a relatively conservative paper. Some of you don't know if you're not from New York, you don't read it. The Daily News is the left-wing rag. The Post is the conservative side. They're actually exposing the real scandal. A retired army general, Stanley McChrystal, is using military tactics at home to foment an insurgency through a group called Defeat Disinfo that is actually paying people to post messages attacking Trump. But no, no, that's not on the masthead of the sludge report. Why? Again,
Starting point is 00:26:59 the deuce makes its appearance. Rule number two. It is a number two, by the way, because it involves leftist lunatics. Rule number two. When you're exposed, defeat the Sinfos exposed and what they're doing, turn around and leak a story to the Washington Post that makes it about your opponent. I'm really hoping one of these days, some of our predictions and warnings and stories we try to sound the alarm on don't come true. Sadly, every day, what I tell you keeps coming to fruition and materializes.
Starting point is 00:27:39 I'm not kidding. I wish that weren't the case. I really do. Stuff scares me as much as it should scare you. But if you'd rather not know, that's okay too. The show's not for you. Now, I want to get to one final piece in this block about the coming coup they're planning. And now certain pieces that we've discussed in the past on this show all start to make sense. That when we read these stories at the time, we were concerned, but we didn't get maybe
Starting point is 00:28:17 the full long-term strategy. Now it's starting to make sense. I want you to read this Red State article. Be in my show notes today. Again, slash newsletter. It's up at Bongino Report too. The adverse effects of Obama's executive order 13583 and the purge of generals and admirals are now obvious.
Starting point is 00:28:43 Remember that story? Remember years ago in the Obama administration? Remember that, Joe? We talked about it when he cleaned out the upper ranks of our military. We were like, what is he up to? And he appointed his largely Democrat loyalists. We're like, what is he up to? And then remember that executive order?
Starting point is 00:29:04 This one we didn't address at the time, but the executive order promoting inclusion training in the military, nothing to do with inclusion training. It was radical leftist ideology being taught to our military people. Now, does it start to make sense why that would be beneficial during a transition when you're trying to foment insurgency,
Starting point is 00:29:21 creating confusion about who won and causing chaos in the streets? Wouldn't it be beneficial to have your loyalists at the top of the military? I'm just asking the question. I'm just asking the question. Wow, dude. Wow, man. That may be the most profound thing you've said the entire time we're doing that show
Starting point is 00:29:38 because I think I know what's going through your melon and you're not saying too much because I'm not saying too much, but you can all figure it out. Wow is right. And we're not talking about the old Opie and Anthony whip them out Wednesdays. Wow. We're talking about wow, like, holy. Now is it all starting to make sense? Indoctrinate the upper level of our military people promoting this ridiculous left-wing
Starting point is 00:30:04 critical race theory ideology that Trump has thankfully scrapped and gotten rid of just recently, and then wipe out the leadership commands of our military and make sure you import your political loyalists. Weird. It's a conspiracy theory, right? We're all crazy. We're all nuts. That didn't happen, that executive order, that none of that, that purging that didn't happen that executive order that none of that that purging of the top ranks of the military none of that happened we're all crazy right they're not promoting street violence after the election or a street fight not a legal one can you not read liberals can you not read the wrong your your leftist loyalist on you live in a nice suburban neighborhood i gotta tell you let me just uh
Starting point is 00:30:45 i i got a few more things i want to get to on this but let me just be crystal clear with a warning here because all of you limousine and wealthy liberals you with your foie gras lunches and your seven course dinners at restaurants with food that's barely edible. But you like to say you ate there, right? Here is a marinated piece of mint leaf with a shell egg from a crustacean. You're like, give me a burger, bro. I'll go to Five Guys. That's what I eat. But to you liberals who eat at those places,
Starting point is 00:31:22 with the foie gras lunch, you talk like you're constipated all the time. I'm not sure you're ready for what people are about to do in your name because you're soft. I know you, I've run for office against you. I've dealt with you and I lived in two relatively blue, uh, if not deep blue States in many areas,
Starting point is 00:31:44 Maryland and New York. You're soft. You're really sure the people you're behind, Soros and all these money groups, McChrystal, are you ready for the street fight they want? Their words, not mine. You ready for that? Street fight. I'll take my bow tie off and I'll get right in the
Starting point is 00:32:07 streets and we'll knuckle up. You sure about that? You ready for that? I've been warning you about it. I'm talking to the liberals now, not my conservative friends who watch the show, to the liberals who watch this show. Are you sure you want this?
Starting point is 00:32:28 Because I don't. I know my listeners don't. Are you really sure you're ready? We're going to knuckle up. Yeah, are you, buddy? You may want to put down your monocle and your, you know, cigarette and the smoking stick first.
Starting point is 00:32:45 Hold on. I'm ready. You really think you're ready for this? I doubt it. Matter of fact, I know you're not. This is what people are promoting in your name. You'll be the first ones crying to mommy. Mom, they took my bow tie off and they slapped me with it.
Starting point is 00:33:14 Cowards. Bunch of chumps can't stand halfway crooks i can't stand them i can't stand them phonies all right i got more got more warnings here sorry i'd rather you know you don't want to know show's not for you but i'm not going to be on the wrong side of this after the election saying hey what happened gosh all this stuff's going on i didn't know no you know all right let me get to my third sponsor before we do that because i want to rock and roll through this because there's a lot more coming including another thing we can do to stop it today's show show also brought to you by GenuCell, big popular product in our house here, giving that Florida sun.
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Starting point is 00:35:21 me that this is organized stuff. This was not random people showing up at the White House and in your neighborhoods to burn it down in the post-George Floyd riots. This was organized. Of course, leftists attacked me. That's a conspiracy. That's their line for everything.
Starting point is 00:35:36 You get it. They don't really, these aren't sane people we're talking about. But I said to you at the time, and you're not wasting your time here, that these Antifa riots are organized by organizers. Now, why would the left and the media want to play that down? Why would they want to play that down?
Starting point is 00:35:59 Why would they want you to believe this is just random outrage? Because number one, they don't want you to think it's AstroTurf, one they don't want you to think it's astroturf fake grass they want you to think it's real look look media the passion's hot in the street people really hate trump millions are in the streets that's reason number one the propaganda fact i'm not talking about just floyd i'm talking about all these BLM, Antifa riots, Portland, all of it. It's become completely disconnected from the Floyd incident. They want you to believe this is real and not organized, paid AstroTurf. So that's one reason. Reason number two, they want you to believe this is just random rage in the streets against
Starting point is 00:36:43 Trump is because they don't want you to know who the organizers are because they don't want you to know who's paying them because going back to block one, they don't want you to follow the money back to people like Soros, the Open Societies Foundation, the Tides Foundation, and how this is all an interconnected network of people designing organizations to take our country down. You're not allowed to say that because it's like a fair thing there. Law Enforcement Today article in the show notes today, confirming what I've been telling you for a long time. Leaked emails suggest DHS has, quote, overwhelming intelligence that antifa was organizing the
Starting point is 00:37:28 violence in portland i'm telling you they have overwhelming evidence that the violence just about everywhere is organized let's go to the screenshot from this piece this is organized the email obtained continued making mention of the copious amounts of intelligence obtained during the investigations into the Portland riots. Quote, this is from the DHS email. Additionally, we have overwhelming intelligence regarding the ideologies driving individuals towards violence and why the violence has continued. A core set of threat actors, gee, I wonder who's paying them, are organized. They show up night after night. They share common TTPs, tactics, techniques, and procedures, and they draw on like-minded individuals to their, they draw like-minded individuals to their cause. So organized group, same people, same tactics, same techniques, same procedures, showing up in the same places every single night.
Starting point is 00:38:26 Who's paying them? Who's paying them? Gee, weird. Could be some of the same people you think? Maybe, kind of, sort of. Maybe worth looking into, but they're only trying to destroy and burn down the country. Nah, it's a conspiracy theory, of course. I don't want to leave you with all bad news. So as we exit this segment, I'm going to leave you with all bad news.
Starting point is 00:38:46 So as we exit this segment, I'm going to leave you with some good news because I, I haven't been giving you enough solutions to this. We spoke about one the other day. We need to get everyone on the record right now. Will you accept the results of this election? I know it's a simple solution. That may not be a solution at all.
Starting point is 00:39:03 Someone emailed me, Dan, what's that going to do? They're just going to, even if they're on the record saying, yes, the Democrat lunatics I'm talking about. We will accept the results of the electoral college. You're right. After election day, if they lose, they'll change their mind. Ladies and gentlemen, it's a start. I don't have the perfect answer to anything. If I had it, I'd stop it right now, but it's a start at least it'll cause them some pressure to not change their mind even if it's small but here's another solution more judges like this uh
Starting point is 00:39:34 this guy so we got this judge uh and this is great did you see this story this is great can't be in the show notes uh washington examiner pennsylvania judge sends bail for accused rioters remember the lancaster pennsylvania routes riots the other night we haven't seen many more of those why because their bail was set at one million dollars each that was the double it's a kind of high bail. Don't you think? Good. Yeah. Man, I have a tough time with that one.
Starting point is 00:40:14 Of course, none of the rioters are out of jail because their bail is a million dollars. That's really great. That Pennsylvania judge. Just like Judge, oh, is it Stickman from yesterday? That is a guy, by the way. Paula confirmed it during the show. I just couldn't hear her because I'm half deaf out of that ear now. I can't hear anything out of that ear from all my time.
Starting point is 00:40:32 They tell you when you're an agent and you have your piece, you know, the squiggly earpiece in the Secret Service. They tell you to switch ears every other day. I didn't do that. So now one ear is like a cave. You can't hear it. It doesn't even function. Now the other one's going too. Sooner or later, I won't do that. So now one ear is like a cave. You can't hear it. It doesn't even function. Now the other one's going too.
Starting point is 00:40:47 Sooner or later, I won't be able to hear anything. But she was telling me there was a guy, the judge yesterday, who ruled against the Pennsylvania lockdowns. But I like this Pennsylvania, Joe. They're really rocking with the judges, huh? Yeah, man. $1 million bail, shutting down the shutdowns. We love you, man.
Starting point is 00:41:03 Great job. I wish we could interview you on the show. One last thing. I wanted to say this last night on Hannity, but the segment went in a different direction I didn't anticipate. One of the reasons Defeat Disinfo, Stanley McChrystal, and this group of leftist lunatics trying to cause an insurgency after our election if Trump wins. One of the reasons they're promoting false narratives is because false narratives work. Why?
Starting point is 00:41:35 Because you have writers like Isaac Newton or whatever his name was on the Washington Post writing articles about Turning Point, paying people to promote content, and yet ignoring completely Stanley McChrystal admitting they're paying millions of people with millions of followers, that they're paying people with millions of followers, I should say, to be precise, to do the same thing. That's not a story for them. It's not as important. The Turning Point story is the important story. So false narratives work. And I wanted to bring up last night on a very serious note, in light of what happened to these two, a very tragic note,
Starting point is 00:42:11 these two deputies in LA shot in the face who, thank the Lord, have survived. They're going to have issues the rest of their lives. One shot in the jaw, one shot in the forehead. And then the drive-by shooting of a federal court officer in Arizona yesterday. Of course, we had the attempted assassination of the police officer in Nevada, who is now paralyzed from the neck down. But Joe, have you heard the narrative about police officers being hunted? Isn't that, is that a, is that narrative kind of breaking through into, you haven't heard that, have you? No.
Starting point is 00:42:50 It is happening, right? We didn't, we've only been covering this story for the last four or five months now about police officers. We, again, two incidents in the last few days, drive-by shooting on a police officer in Arizona. Two deputies shot in the face in LA. Hunted. Hunted down. Yet what's the narrative in the public? Oh, now it's making sense. Because of places like the Washington Post and Defeat Disinfo and others
Starting point is 00:43:18 who specialize in promoting disinformation campaigns. When you engage in disinformation campaigns, you get results like this where people are confused about reality. The narrative you've heard in the public is what? It's the police hunting random black men in public. Now, I'm not suggesting Defeat, Disinfo, anything to do with that narrative.
Starting point is 00:43:42 We don't know. I think they're going to focus on election type stuff. But this Defeat, Disinfo had anything to do with that narrative. We don't know. I think they're going to focus on election type stuff. But this defeat disinfo group understands the power of false narratives. And this false narrative has been promoted by media types over and over. So the real story, remember the second rule of the conspiracy, right?
Starting point is 00:43:58 Always blame it on your opponent. The narrative that's pervasive in the public right now is police are hunting, hunting down black men randomly and shooting them. That is totally, completely false and fabricated. There is no evidence to support that at all. None. Yet the real narrative in front of our very eyeballs,
Starting point is 00:44:19 that's not a narrative at all. It's reality. That police are being hunted and shot right now seems to just radar. Because the cops are the good guys. The good guys represent law and order. The left doesn't want law and order. The left doesn't like objective law and order. They like subjective rule of government.
Starting point is 00:44:44 They can change on a whim and local police would be in their way. So anything they can do to discredit local police departments, our institutions, infect our military, you heard that story before, and elsewhere, they will do to make sure their rules are gold and any objective rules
Starting point is 00:45:00 are thrown out the window. Because objective rules would stop them, right? No such luck. right last sponsor and then i want to get to the historic breakthrough yesterday at the house and gosh i got so much stuff i really want to get to this please don't go anywhere i've got this larry sabato scenario too 269 269 tie i really want to get to so just please stay tuned last sponsor today, our friends at We The People Holsters. Here's one right here. This is mine. This is the Constitution Holster. Look at that precision molded. The clip, you can adjust the canth in
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Starting point is 00:46:49 So it was an enormous breakthrough for Middle East peace at the White House yesterday. You may not have heard about it, of course, because Trump's in office. Of course, if it was Obama, this would be plastered on the front page of every newspaper in America for the next five months talking about bold leadership. Outside the box thinking. Genius Obama, who nearly destroyed the Middle East by delivering pallets of cash to the death to America crowd. Remember that? Think about how ridiculous this is. Biden's Middle East peace efforts were led by cash pallets being given to a crowd chanting death to America. Weird, right? Yeah. Kind of crazy. Peace, death to America. They're not going
Starting point is 00:47:32 to really fit. So President Trump has said, no, we're going to try something a little different. Wall Street Journal covered it today. Folks, there was a peace deal yesterday between Israel, Bahrain, and the United Arab Emirates and normalization of relations, which is the first deal we've had since 1994 between Israel and Jordan. So it's only been decades since a peace deal in the Middle East, but you probably haven't heard anything about it because again, Trump was in charge. Wall Street Journal, the art of a Mideast deal. Trump was willing to break with failed conventional wisdom. What are they talking about? You know, folks, I've told you for a while now that one of the perceived downsides of the Trump administration, just being candid by many, not by me, but by others, is this cavalier way of operating.
Starting point is 00:48:21 The tweets, attacks, thinking outside the box, firing people when they don't do the job. They're like, that's not presidential. I really, listen, what's presidential? What you think is, you know what I think is presidential, Joe? Shocker, results. That's what's presidential to me, okay? I'll stick with the result.
Starting point is 00:48:38 You can stick with the whole dog and pony show, which I've seen from the inside. It's all crap. These guys behind the scenes are all the same. Oh my gosh, Obama? He's just a dude, guys. I'm sorry. He's just a guy who does guy stuff like everyone else. They're not magic behind the scenes. They don't have, you know,
Starting point is 00:48:55 they don't respond to kryptonite. It's not Superman. They're just men. We haven't had a woman president. They're just men. They're just men. They're just men. Women politicians behind the scene are no different. So you can play your dog and pony show. I want results.
Starting point is 00:49:12 A Mideast peace deal, the first one since 1994, when Israel normalized relations with Jordan, and we had one with Egypt before. This would be a huge deal, but it's not. Why? Because Trump did it completely differently. The same foreign policy geniuses that told us the collusion hoax was real. Remember that, Joe?
Starting point is 00:49:35 These same think tankers. Joe, they produce white papers. Oh, yeah. Huge donations. The Brookings Institution, all these people, huge donations. They have endowments that blow your mind big dough to produce white papers big donate white papers this thick here's the roadmap to middle east pete trump came into office he took the roadmap he was like
Starting point is 00:49:55 thanks sorry lucy scared the dog a little bit through the road take took the door massive nah you know what because you know what the white paper said? They said, there are two things you definitely can't do. First, you can't move your embassy to Jerusalem,
Starting point is 00:50:14 the U.S. Embassy. It was in Tel Aviv. You can't do that. There'll be a war in the Middle East. The Arab world will be fuming, Joe. Nuclear bombs going off, they're off everywhere. There'll be smoke in the skies East. The Arab world will be fuming, Joe. Nuclear bombs going off everywhere.
Starting point is 00:50:26 There'll be smoke in the skies, ash forever. It'll be over. Scary, right? So I actually spoke to President Trump about this in Mar-a-Lago. And I remember the conversation. You know, he's like,
Starting point is 00:50:40 yeah, we just decided to do things differently. We're like, yeah, we're just going to do that because that is the capital of Israel. so we're going to move our embassy to the capital uh jerusalem where the population centers are to me we're gonna we're gonna do that joded just checking again i know you did some excellent fact checking earlier in the show i thank you where you um you said there wasn't a constitutional amendment that threw out the electoral college. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:51:07 I was confused. Did I miss, just in the last few months, the major war in the Middle East, few years, I should say, after we moved the embassy to Jerusalem? Did I miss that? I'm trying to think if I missed it, but no, you didn't miss it.
Starting point is 00:51:20 I don't think neither. Yeah, no, you didn't miss it. The verdict is in. Armacost is right again. Fact-check number two. Unlike Facebook fact checkers, Joe actually gets his fact checks right. There hasn't been a war in the Middle East after he moved the embassy. So he took the white paper again.
Starting point is 00:51:37 Right in the garbage with that white paper. I love Duke's stuff. Duke's making a lot of appearances in the show. But he threw it in the garbage and said, we're just going to do that anyway. So that was rule number one he broke. Rule number two was you definitely aren't going to get any Middle East normalization or peace deals
Starting point is 00:51:55 until the Palestinian issue is settled and they have their own homeland. Trump was like, really? Because the Palestinians don't seem to want much of a homeland given that every offer we've made them for the past 7,000 years hasn't really worked out very well. Remember Abba Abban when he said the Palestinians never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity at peace?
Starting point is 00:52:21 The most accurate quote ever in the history of humankind, by the way. So Trump was like, if theians don't want to make peace and we'll just make peace around them you can't do that white paper white paper millions of dollars went into this joe the paper had tabs you know tabs it had tabs on oh good step one step two the You didn't read the tabs, Mr. President. There's tabs. We paid. Come on. Tab six. You can't do that. Trump was like, now we're just going to move the embassy and we're just going to go around to Palestinians. Turns out he can do that because the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain are like, hey, we're really tired of this
Starting point is 00:53:05 constant friction we're just going to normalize relationships what about the palestinians yeah we'll get to that we'll figure it out so now what's happening well it looks like the other countries in the arab world are going to jump on board to this peace deal and the palestinians are going to be left all alone if they don't come to the table and agree to peace tab seven you can't do that. He just did. Again, it was a huge deal, you know, progress towards Middle East peace and all.
Starting point is 00:53:34 They were only talking about Middle East peace, Joe, when I was, you know, at the Miss America contest when I was like four. Remember that was like a joke? They'd ask the Miss America contest, right? It was like a running joke. You know, what do you want to see in 10 years? Middle East peace. That was always, it became a joke they'd ask the miss america contest right it was a running joke you know what do you want to see in 10 year middle east peace that was always it became a joke because nobody thought it happened well it's not a joke it actually it actually happened part of it not the whole thing
Starting point is 00:53:54 i don't want to be pollyannish but we just had a big step your middle east peace trump so cnn clearly covered this momentous occasion, right? No, so they get Jared Kushner on, Trump's son-in-law, who had marshaled this deal. Remember when they laughed at him? What does dopey Jared Kushner know about Middle East peace? It turns out a whole lot more than you think, tankers. Tab 8, don't appoint Jared Kushner. He doesn't know what he's doing.
Starting point is 00:54:23 Tab 8, white paper. So Jared, of course, throws the white paper out and actually gets done with the white paper. Tab nine, don't throw out the white paper. Gets done with the white paper crowd couldn't. So you think Wolf Blitzer scores a huge interview with Jared yesterday after he marshals this Middle East peace plan. Huge story, right? this middle east peace plan huge story right so what question would you ask how'd you guys do this this seemed intractable the embassy but they moved the going around the palestinians i thought the palestinians clearly those are the questions you'd ask, right? Not Wolf.
Starting point is 00:55:09 Wolf Blitzer, who I used to think was a decent guy, who's now just, as most journalists in the Trump era, has totally lost his mind and forfeited any sense of self-respectability. Here's what Wolf Blitzer finds concerning when he has Jared Kushner after this momentous peace deal. Listen to this ridiculousness. It's still very worrisome to see all those folks so close together, even if they're outside, not wearing masks and those social distancing. I will say, Wolf, I didn't hear you and CNN being that worried when you saw people out there, you know, doing protests in different ways.
Starting point is 00:55:37 Good for Jared for taking that. You know, the old wazoo we talk about, I don't know where the wazoo is, but sometimes you get to take something and jam it up the wazoo. One of these days, we'll figure out what the wazoo is. Jared's like, we're going to take that right up the wazoo scheme. Wolf Blitzer, Joe, is not concerned at all about how they got there. The Middle East Peace Deal. Wolf's concerned about mask wearing on the South Lawn for the ceremony.
Starting point is 00:56:01 The same Wolf and CNN who gave very little attention to the mass protest where people were probably breathing all over each other because that met their political goals, right? Yeah. Yeah. That's a serious question. Not only that, you want to see a Chiron on CNN? This is a real Chiron. This is not from the Babylon Bee. Here was what CNN had Chiron during this historic Middle East peace deal. What does it say? Momentous Middle East peace deal. No, no, sorry,
Starting point is 00:56:27 Paula, wrong picture. Here's CNN's actual Chiron. Trump holds White House event with large crowd and little social distancing. I mean, that commercial, this is CNN. Trump broke CNN is this
Starting point is 00:56:47 did he not Joe did he not break them he's driving him nuts please CNN just really I get it just do your thing
Starting point is 00:56:56 I don't care I never ever watch that channel ever if I want comic relief I'll turn on MSDNC CNN is an embarrassment to humankind.
Starting point is 00:57:09 Just forfeit the news label and everything will be okay. Everything will be okay. Call yourselves whatever, the coronavirus channel, the outdoor channel, the we want masks channel, liberal propaganda channel, whatever you want. The open societies channel. I don't care. Defeat this info channel. Just stop calling yourself a news organization. The biggest peace deal in decades signed yesterday.
Starting point is 00:57:31 And their chyron is Trump has White House event. Doesn't even mention the deal with little social distancing. Clowns. Clowns. All right. I was going to do this media segment media segment i'm gonna have to do this tomorrow but it's an important one how the media is desperately now protecting joe biden it's i promise you tomorrow it's gonna be worth your time i it's a lot of video it's one two three four five six good news no five no six that's. It'll be worth your time. Joe and Paula did a lot of work on it.
Starting point is 00:58:07 But I have teased this article with Larry Sabato. Can we skip to that, Paula? And I want to make sure I end the show with this today because it's important. Because it ties the whole show together. This is what has me really, really concerned. An electoral college win by Trump and a popular vote loss has me concerned. Why? Not because Trump didn't win.
Starting point is 00:58:25 It's an electoral college race. The left might want to look at the Constitution, federalism, you know, that kind of thing. Crack a book. But an electoral college win with a popular vote loss has me concerned because of what I told you about in the beginning of the show. How the left just won't accept it. They say, well, Dan, they have to. They don't have to do anything.
Starting point is 00:58:43 If they're willing to go in the streets and cause chaos and use their Stanley McChrystal groups in the Transition Integrity Project and get the media on their side to make you believe Trump didn't win, it makes me really nervous what's going to happen. But what makes me even more nervous is what if there's a tie? You may say that can't happen. Really? is what if there's a tie? You may say, that can't happen. Really? Larry Sabato's Center for Politics,
Starting point is 00:59:10 I have this up in the show notes today, read this. It's by Kyle Kondik, who I've spoken to before. He says, quote, the dreaded 269 to 269 election scenario, an update. Is that possible? Well, as Kyle Kondik explains in his piece, which you should read, if all of the states that are toss-ups go to Trump, and all of these states that are, and by the way, Nebraska and Maine have a, they their, the entire state's electoral college votes are,
Starting point is 00:59:48 are a split. They don't go as one states like Florida. You win Florida, you get all 29 Nebraska and Maine have split out districts. You copy. So if you win Nebraska, you don't get all of their votes. If you lose that congressional district,
Starting point is 01:00:03 the same thing in Maine. So those districts, one of them they used to call Obamaha near Omaha because Obama wanted that Nebraska for the first time a Democrat in eons. That district could very well go to Biden, even in a red state like Nebraska. The same thing in Maine where it could go to Trump, even though Maine is lean blue or at a minimum purple. If all of the states Biden's expected to win, he wins. And if Trump wins the toss-ups, it'd be a 269-269 tie. How many you need to win? 270. Well, nobody wins. Well, what happens? Well, there is a constitutional process there. Let's go to a screenshot from the piece
Starting point is 01:00:48 where Kyle Kondik lays out what could happen here. He says, the latest crystal ball electoral college ratings show how the presidential election could result in this deadlock, 269-269, with neither Biden nor Trump possessing a majority of 270 electoral votes. Well, what happens then? Well,
Starting point is 01:01:06 the election, ladies and gentlemen, goes to the House of Representatives. You would say, oh man, we're in trouble. The Democrats run the House of Speaker Pelosi. That's not how it works. Bullet point number two from the piece. Even though Democrats hold the House majority and remain on track to maintain that majority next year, Republicans actually have and are likely to maintain an edge in a possible electoral college tie-breaking vote. I'll explain this in a second, don't you worry. All 50 state-level U.S. House delegations get a single vote to break an electoral college tie, yet the Republicans control 26 delegations, the Democrats hold 23, and one state is split, Pennsylvania. Why am I worried about this? Because ladies and gentlemen, if it's a tie,
Starting point is 01:01:53 you can expect the Transition Integrity Project, the Soros Aligned Groups, Defeat This Info and others to lose their minds and go absolutely crazy and pressure the House of Representatives to make sure sure hasn't happened since john quincy adams by the way where this has gone to the house of representatives remember there's a tie that's it the election goes to the house if it's 269 269 tie there's nothing left for you to do it goes to the house the house votes as a state delegation follow follow me here. So the Florida delegation, which has 14 Republican House members and 13 Democrats, we have the majority. They vote as one. So you would assume they'd vote on party lines.
Starting point is 01:02:38 Florida, remember, Florida is a state, gets one vote. You tracking me, Joe? So majority Republican House members? Florida's vote would probably, who knows, you get some crazy Republican who would go, I don't think we have that in Florida,
Starting point is 01:02:50 but Florida will likely say, our vote goes for Trump. That's, of course, if they're not assaulted in the streets by people in these crazy left-wing groups that are going to cause chaos after the election, of course. There'll be threats like you've never seen.
Starting point is 01:03:05 Well, what's the problem here? The House elections happen at the same time in November, but the House will be appointed beforehand. Or even though now Republicans are the majority in 26 of these House delegations, that could change after the election. Why do I bring that up? Because if any of you are thinking, I live in a blue state, California, my vote doesn't matter.
Starting point is 01:03:34 Trump's going to lose California. He's going to lose New York. You are looney tunes. He may lose California and New York handily. I don't know what he's going to, but the likelihood of him winning those two states is ridiculously low. But if you think your vote doesn't matter,
Starting point is 01:03:50 you're insane. Number one, it does, because the popular vote will send a message, especially here, because if we lose it, you can expect street chaos if we lose the popular vote. And secondly,
Starting point is 01:04:01 you're down, what about down ballot races? Yeah, they're on the same ticket. Remember, Trump will be at the top. Then your Senate race, then your congressional representative. You're not going to vote for them. You realize the people you're not voting for by not showing up to vote because you live in a blue state. And I'm not saying my audience would do that, but some will.
Starting point is 01:04:18 I'm not going to vote. My vote doesn't matter. You realize some of the same people you didn't vote for, if they lose their seats in the House, will now be voting to pick Joe Biden for president. There's nothing you can do about it. No one's telling you that, right? The Democrats are telling their people that. We need to do a better job on our part of telling our people that. You better vote them back in the House because they're going to be the ones potentially in a tie picking the next president. vote them back in the house because they're going to be the ones potentially in a tie picking the next president. All right. It's been a loaded show today. I appreciate your attention there. It's a lot. I will get to this media segment tomorrow. It's important. They put a lot of
Starting point is 01:04:53 work into this. I put a lot of work into this. There's a lot of video about how the media, it's so obvious, is desperately trying to cover up what's happening to Joe Biden right now. And some of it's from the town hall last night. Don't miss that. I am going to give you my battle plan against YouTube soon. You're going to love it. I never take anything lying down. I really appreciate your support. Please subscribe to the show on Apple Podcasts, slash Bongino for now and wherever you get your podcasts. We really appreciate it. I'll see you all tomorrow. You just heard Dan Bongino.

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