The Dan Bongino Show - Here’s the Real Story Behind Another Hoax (Ep 1223)
Episode Date: April 8, 2020In this episode, I address the latest viral media hoax about the 2020 election. I also address the path the Trump team needs to take to rescue the economy and secure the 2020 election. News Picks: ... What if the Coronavirus models are all wrong? What really happened in Wisconsin? CNN gets dunked on, again. The failed Governor of Nevada found hoarding a drug which he restricted access to. Christopher Steele may have to answer questions about the dirty dossier. Facebook is censoring conservatives, again. How New York City’s emergency ventilator stockpile ended up on the auction block. CBS gets caught promoting another hoax. Copyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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get ready to hear the truth about america on a show that's not immune to the facts with your host
dan bongino hey i'm really really sorry if you're getting your news from these media hacks they
us are seemingly incapable of telling the truth it's like a truth block serum you don't have a
truth serum it's like the anti-truth serum. I've got a lot for you today. What really happened in Wisconsin?
Wisconsin, let's go. Listen, trust me,
it's important.
Please, take my word for it. What happened in Wisconsin?
Got that. Got more on that.
Trump was going to financially
benefit from his $3
in stock in a
truck company. I got that loaded
show today. A little update yesterday on Christopher
Steele that I'll transfer to today's show as well.
Today's show is sponsored by ExpressVPN.
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Welcome to the Dan Bongino Show.
Producer Joe, how are you today?
Fine, sir?
Yeah, man.
I'm doing pretty good.
Ready to go.
Yeah, I know.
Me and Joe just had a company call before.
I had an update on the progress of Dan Bongino.
A lot of great stuff coming ahead as we expand the Bongino Inc. radio and podcasting empire.
We love that.
An empire.
All right, folks.
Again, loaded show today.
Stay with us.
That's right.
Today's show brought to you by Policy Genius.
Hey, there are things we look back on and think, how did I get it so wrong?
Hey, there are things we look back on and think, how did I get it so wrong?
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We get all things wrong from time to time.
We all get things wrong from time to time.
At least we can get life insurance right
All right.
There it is.
I didn't even say let's go.
You didn't even punch, but that's okay.
That's all right.
I was a little twitchy on the trigger finger.
All right, so just quickly, yesterday,
there was this absurd story about how Donald Trump
threw a Dodge and Cox mutual fund.
He owns, I own shares in that too.
So apparently I'm an owner of this company,
Sanafi or Sanafi, whatever, S-O-N-F-A-I.
Again, I own Dodge and Cox.
I had no idea who this company even was
that produces hydroxychloroquine off patent,
doesn't even sell it in the United States apparently,
and has donated most of their supply to France.
That, Joe, you heard the dastardly story
that Donald Trump owns shares in Dodge & Cox
to a family trust.
Oh, yeah.
So he may own approximately about $99 in this stock.
Therefore, that's why Donald Trump is pushing hydroxychloroquine.
Again, if you believe this, I feel really bad for you.
The New York Times is getting dunked on by everyone.
Even the Washington Post and Snopes, left-wing rags,
absolutely committed to disinformation themselves, Joe.
Even they're like, this was a really dumb story.
Ken Vogel at the New York Times, known for dumb stories, by the way,
put this absurdity out there.
So I'm not going to relitigate this story.
But I saw this tweet by Don Trump Jr.,
which pretty much sums up how stupid this story is
and how unbelievably poor the media coverage has been
over the past couple of
years in the Trump administration. Check out this tweet because it makes so much sense.
Don Jr., the same media that has absolutely no problem with Hunter Biden taking in $1.5 billion
directly from the Chinese government has a problem that Donald Trump may own $99 of a stock through
a mutual fund that happens to make a drug.
He's hopeful could work against the pandemic.
F bull.
I got to leave it family friendly.
You can see it on the YouTube.
If you want to read the rest.
I'm going to leave that story there.
Don Jr.
Pretty much summed it up again.
The media coverage has been just atrocious.
Let's get to more substantive stuff here
because this matters.
And again, we could spend all day dunking on the media.
It's just hilarious.
We got some comic relief into dispersed in the show too.
I got Savage Trump at the press conference,
which was great.
Yesterday, dunking on another report.
That'll be funny later.
But let's move on.
Folks, I've been warning you on a very serious note.
We're in a really perilous time here. Obviously, we're in the middle of a health crisis. We're
also in the middle of a financial crisis, an economic crisis. We're in the middle of a
governing crisis. As I said to you yesterday, I believe, and I don't say this hyperbolically to
be silly or to be overdramatic for effect at all, sacred bonds are being broken right now.
for effect at all. Sacred bonds are being broken right now. Our bond to liberty and individual decision-making and responsibility is being fractured because people are being sold a
narrative that nanny government is here to rescue us all the time, despite the fact that no matter
who's in charge, government has become an impediment to success, not an avenue to it.
But also, I told you, the sacred bond between us and government in the form of
the intermediary that keeps the thin crust on the volcano, to quote Havlock Ellis, law enforcement.
Ladies and gentlemen, I was a member of law enforcement. There are politicians directing
law enforcement to do things that I'm telling you, and to all my police officer friends out there,
and I deeply appreciate a lot of your, I'm getting this from them too, Your correspondences, I appreciate your emails, your Facebook messages. I'm getting them.
I see where you're going. A lot of them are being instructed by police chiefs who are overly
political and politicians and local mayors to do things that are going to fracture bonds we've had
with law enforcement that have been pretty steady for decades. There's been ups and downs. I get that.
Arresting people on paddle boards in the middle of the ocean by themselves.
Guys, I'm sorry. There's no excuse for that. That's just silliness.
I'm not blaming them. They're being instructed by people to do it.
But folks, these are bad calls. And to the cops, police officers, corrections officers,
and other law enforcement officials out there emailing me how upset they are about some of the stupidity going on i'm with you i get it judgment discretion here is key please ratting on our neighbors because they're walking
their dogs by themselves causing no danger to anyone else is ridiculous. Ridiculous. But one of the other sacred bonds that's being broke is the bond
between conservatives, libertarians, and the idea of a limited government. For some reason, there
are even conservatives who are starting to believe right now that the government is going to rescue
us from this. Ladies and gentlemen, there is no such thing as a stimulus package. This thing will
not stimulate anything. It is a band-aid for a
government-enforced intervention. Fine. It's not a stimulus package. Now, showing you that the
Democrats are going to leverage this moment for a grander, never-let-a-crisis-go-to-waste
ecosystem in the future of a more expanded government footprint in your life.
in the future of a more expanded government footprint in your life.
They're not even hiding it anymore.
Here is Representative Ayanna Pressley, one of the members of the squad,
the AOC squad, on a news program doing an interview discussing now, Joe,
how in the next phase they want benefits for prisoners,
people in the country illegally.
Hell, why not the whole globe?
The globe?
Why are we even stopping here? We can go on to Mars, M-theory, other universes, aliens from other planets, Saturnians, people
from Jupiter, anywhere.
I'm not talking about Jupiter, Florida.
Why not just this?
Because the money fairy, Joe, now we can expand the government.
She's not even hiding it. Listen to this interview. Check this out. I'm telling you, this is their never let a crisis go to waste moment.
It looks like what rocks to be gearing up for plan B, the CARES Act, and then beyond that, perhaps a package for that would focus on infrastructure and economic recovery.
that would focus on infrastructure and economic recovery.
I know that I consider student debt cancellation to be critical to any comprehensive economic recovery.
We need to continue to make federal investments in our community health centers.
We need to center the humanity of every individual, family, and worker,
and that includes not leaving behind our undocumented and our uninsured. We have to continue to make those investments to support vulnerable populations like those experiencing homelessness, incarcerated men and women.
And again, we have to continue to support those small businesses.
Oh, my gosh.
Ladies and gentlemen, I'm sorry.
I'm going to give you an optimistic note again because I'm not going to do 24-hour hysteria and bad news here.
But folks, we're going to stick with the economic portion of the show today. We're going to stick with the economics of this crisis because those are going to give you an optimistic note again, because I'm not going to do 24-hour hysteria and bad news here. But folks, we're going to stick with the economic portion of the show today.
We're going to stick with the economics of this crisis, because those are going to last.
That's not going to go away. We're going to stay away from that other stuff for a moment. I'll get
to maybe a little bit of it later. But do you understand we are living in a world right now
of risk and competing harms? Please tell me. I know you understand that my audience is super intelligent. Sure, yeah. We do not live in a world of good or bad black and white decisions, please.
Liberals think that way. Conservatives are forced to live in the real world. Read the book,
Vision of the Anointed by Thomas Sowell, if you need a full treatise on this. One of the greatest
books I ever read. Conflict of Visions by Thomas Sowell,
another great, but a little deeper.
We talk about this vision,
these two competing visions
where the liberals think we live
in this perfectible world
and conservatives understand
that we're a world of sin, failure,
obviously love and good things too.
But we live in a world of competing harms.
The only thing we can do
is maximize our prosperity
by minimizing the harms of our decisions. The only thing we can do is maximize our prosperity by minimizing the
harms of our decisions. That is it. I say that because Ayanna Pressley right there solidified
for me in that one quick soundbite squad member, solidified for me the conflict of vision we're
going to have going forward. She's talking about helping people as if it's good or bad, Joe. We
obviously have to help the homeless. We have to Joe. We obviously have to help the homeless.
We have to help prisoners.
We have to help the undocumented.
Ladies and gentlemen, we're all children of God all around the world.
I get that.
Again, I'm not over-dramatizing that.
I'm a believer in Jesus Christ.
He didn't say just help people who are U.S. citizens.
Having said that, when it comes to competing interests, when it comes to government policy,
yes, we help U.S. citizens because we're the ones that fund the government.
It's our government.
the government policy.
Yes, we help U.S. citizens because we're the ones that fund the government.
It's our government.
And it is not possible,
not possible for the United States
to rescue the billions of people
that live in the world.
We don't have the tax base for it now
to get our own country out of this.
You want to rescue the globe?
The money fairy doesn't exist.
What she's proposing will cause massive harm
and almost instantaneous bankruptcy,
which will level the United States,
the economy,
and any chance you,
your kids or grandkids have
at any semblance of a normal life
for generations.
We are weighing competing harms.
Do we help people in the United States
and citizens first and say listen
i'm sorry the rest of the world you're all children of god we believe that but we simply
don't have the assets to help you therefore you will be harmed or do we harm everybody in the
united states bankrupt the united states and the world in the process by trying to do something we
know is impossible because the money fairy doesn't exist The choice is fairly obvious. Now, they already want to move to phase four
of this porculus. It's not a stimulus. Please stop calling it that. This phase three was a band-aid,
and albeit a poorly designed one at that. Unfortunately, they had to deal with the
Democrats. And I got to thinking before I did the show this morning, if it was a world devoid
of liberal Democrats
and rhino Republicans,
and we had to move forward
in a more prosperous fashion,
how would we do it
if there were no impediments?
I'm going to give you
that battle plan in a second.
But first, I want to show you
what we were forced to accept,
the conservatives,
by some rhino Republicans
and some really awful Democrats
in phase three.
Article in the Wall Street Journal
today by Casey Mulligan
showing you just how brutal this phase three was. Congress can still save the recovery. Casey Mulligan and
Brian blaze lawmakers should correct incentives not to work less. They slow the recovery after
economy reopens folks, the phase three, there were portions of this that were designed really poorly. I need you to keep in mind going forward as I read this too.
They need to fix phase three before there's any talk at all of a phase four.
Keep in mind as I address this, I'm going to go through two screen caps from this
Wall Street Journal article.
We are not talking about good versus bad.
To the liberals who email me, you just want people to die and starve.
I'm sorry.
You're going to have to email someone.
I delete those emails immediately because one, you're being ridiculous.
And number two, you're creating straw man arguments I'm not making.
We are competing between two options, bankrupt the United States forever
or spend a lot of money now, but restrict it and maximize the incentives to get back to work?
Spend a lot of money now, bankrupt later.
They're both bad options.
We don't want to spend money we don't have now.
We don't want to bankrupt the United States later.
They're both bad options.
The only question is, what's the less bad option?
Well, let me show you how the incentives in this porculus in phase three are disastrous for production. Production
is what creates our wealth, ladies and gentlemen. Production, what we produce, cars, medicines,
movies, fans, computers. That's what makes us wealthy. I'm not getting into the metaphor.
Love makes us wealth. Great. Read that book, Eat, Pray, Love. Fine. Do your thing. Do yoga.
I'm not knocking you out. I'm just saying, do your thing.
I'm not talking about that.
I'm talking about material wealth.
Your ability to drive, your ability to heal yourself
relies on things we produce, medicines, cars, computers,
and that stuff.
We have to produce it.
So if the stimulus, stimulus, portulis phase three bill
creates incentives for us not to go to work and produce stuff,
we will not be wealthier
in the long run. Let's look at this screen cap number one from the piece, Casey Mulligan.
He says, quote, when it's safe for businesses like restaurants and hotels to reopen,
employers will be competing with the government for a potential employee's time because many
employed workers will earn more from remaining idle.
They won't rush to come back to work.
This will make it difficult for many businesses,
particularly smaller ones, to produce at the pre-virus levels of output.
Ladies and gentlemen, please keep in mind at all times,
dump the metaphysical nonsense and the eat, pray, love stuff for now.
I'm not going to book.
So I don't ever read the damn thing.
I saw the movie, I think it was. I'm simply suggesting to you that our ability to be prosperous going forward, to eat well, to entertain ourselves, to work, to live comfortably in an air
conditioned home, things that matter to you. No one wants to sit in Florida in 99 degrees in the
summer in a sweat box. The ability to do that requires us to produce things, to produce stuff.
Ladies and gentlemen, stuff matters.
If we create an incentive, and what Casey Mulligan's referring to there
is the $1,000 per week in unemployment benefits.
unemployment benefits, if we create an incentive to not work, there will be some, not all, some,
not all, for the liberals watching, some, not all people to say, wait, wait, let me get this straight, $1,000 a week? $1,000 a week you're going to give me to not work? Well, I only make
$35,000 a year at my job if i can make
five ten thousand more by staying home ladies and gentlemen you'd have to be an idiot to go to work
it's going to be a lot of sums yeah it's a lot of a lot of people aren't stupid we're rational
maximizers you they created us an incentive in this phase three to not bandaid anything, but to stack it with gauze, tape it up, and to like blow on it for 24 hours a day.
I don't feel too bad.
Oh, we're being cruel, Dan.
We're not being cruel.
We live in a world of cruel choices.
What's the less cruel?
cruel we live in a world of cruel choices what's the less cruel we need people to go back to work as soon as possible not to create a mathematical calculation where it makes more sense to not
produce anything this was in the bill Republican senators who by the way got pilloried and some
people in the media for saying it some Republican Republican senators were like, this doesn't make any sense.
By the way, ladies and gentlemen, this isn't free money.
It's our money.
The government doesn't produce anything.
Government only gives out our money through the leaky bucket, to quote Arthur O'Koon.
Government takes money from you.
The bucket leaks.
It leaks through the bureaucracy, takes about a dollar from you,
and it gives you back 40 cents. It's your money. You will pay for this either through
inflation or taxation. There is no free lunch ever. What a horrible incentive.
Let's fix that before we start talking about paying off prisoners and illegal aliens.
Just a thought.
Here's another problem with the porculus.
Quote, Wall Street Journal, Casey Mulligan, Brian Blaze.
To make matters worse, many of these policies extend to midsummer or longer when concerns about the contagion,
especially among the non-elderly who do more than 90% of work,
will hopefully have given way to the desire to get back to normal.
There will be pressure to extend this relief even further,
particularly since the employment rate, in part because of Congress's efforts, will remain higher than desired.
While it's too late for legislatures to approach the first round of relief with appropriate care,
they can still avoid making the same mistakes twice amen
folks incentives matter only the simple-minded think otherwise
incentives don't matter they really they don't incentives don't matter
incentive are you wait then why do people shop why do people shop for cost like for airline tickets
why don't you just buy the first class ticket yeah why not i don't understand but it's more Wait, then why do people shop for airline tickets? I like incentives.
Why not just buy the first class ticket?
I don't understand.
It's more comfortable.
You get food.
Why don't you buy it?
Well, because they're expensive.
Oh, so incentives matter.
If you're going to pay someone $1,000 a week to not work, and some of those people have
jobs that are less than $1,000 a week, why would you work?
Many will, because there's dignity in work.
Some won't when those some as joe said becomes something big you're talking about massive portions of our workforce not producing and it is production and the supply of stuff
that makes us wealthy and stuff requires people to create stuff. Now, on a more optimistic note, I keep thinking to myself, and I really, really hope the Trump team is listening here.
I mean that.
President had a message at a presser he was doing, one of his daily press conferences on the Chinese coronavirus.
And he said something, it impacted me.
Ladies and gentlemen, the president,
whatever you need to do, email him,
email his campaign staff, talk to him directly.
For those, despite what the media wants you to believe,
I don't have a personal friendship with him.
We've spoken many times, but he's not my buddy.
I don't have him on speed dial.
I don't care whatever in the left-wing media tells you,
like there's some cabal of us who advise the president.
It's not me.
He said something at the presser, which deeply impacted me, and he was right.
He said, we built this economy back once, and we'll do it again.
I like that.
Whether he knows it or not,
MAGA's great.
I like Keep America, it's all great.
Those are all great slogans, make America great.
You know what?
You need to start the new red hat movement.
And the new red hat movement will be,
we'll do it again.
Ladies and gentlemen, nobody votes for pessimism.
Nobody votes for plan B.
Nobody votes for any of that.
Impressionable voters,
not the liberals,
they're not going to get through to them.
Impressionable voters who are rational thinkers vote for optimism.
They vote for leaders.
The president needs to say this
every single day at his press conference,
every time a mic is in his face
and to anyone who will listen,
we built this economy back up once.
We'll do it again. We'll do it again. We'll do it again. this economy back up once. We'll do it again.
We'll do it again. We'll do it again. We'll do it again. We'll do it again until every American remembers the good times and remembers we'll do that again. You have to hear a message, what,
seven to 21 times before it's drilled into your cerebral cortex? He needs to say it 21,000 times.
to your cerebral cortex, he needs to say it 21,000 times.
We will do it again.
I'm going to get it to someone who will listen to, hopefully, myself.
President's only message from this point on should be, we'll do it again.
Just some quick notes I thought to myself this morning.
Do you agree, Joe?
It was the greatest thing he said yesterday.
Yeah, do it again.
Get back, Jack.
Do it again.
He said, we will do it again.
I did it before and we will do it again.
The verdict is in.
That was a shot.
Loved it.
It was awesome.
There you go.
Did I blow your eardrums out?
That's okay.
Now, just quickly, because I thought about this this morning. If I had my druthers and my conservative friends who actually think about things like incentives,
a world of competing harms, and how you make a world of competing harms more prosperous,
despite nothing but competing harms, what trade-offs will we make?
I thought, what would I do?
Just some quick things.
One, the Trump administration and the Republicans in Congress
should consider another contract with America.
Call it something different if you don't want to bring back
visions of the new Gingrich era.
I don't know.
Maybe they don't like them.
I don't care.
Call it whatever.
But the contract should be, I did this during my campaign.
People love contracts.
Because it shows a belief in something.
It shows a willingness to put it down in writing
what you actually believe in. Put it down. Put a contract out there. What would I put forward if I
wanted the contract? I'd say, this is what we are going to push for. And I would say in that
contract, keep in mind, we don't run the House of Representatives. The Democrats do. But this is
what we're going to push for. And we are going to try to bring up a vote on this. We will get
blocked, but this is our contract. And I want you to know this.
Our we'll do it again.
We'll rescue the economy again contract.
I want every Democrat on the record on this.
We are going to push all we can to get a vote.
If we can get it, we will vote yes on this.
If we can't, no, the Democrats don't want to do it again.
I like that.
Put it on paper. Nice. I like that.
Put it on paper.
Tax cut across the board.
18, 20% tax rate for everything.
Capital gains, corporate income tax.
Level them out.
Stop having different tax rates for different income structures.
What happens?
People then move their income
to capital gains.
People move their capital gains
to income.
People move corporate.
They do an LLC
rather than declaring it as income, an S-Corp, pass-throughs. Forget it. Make it all straight
across the board. Hauser's Law, I don't have time to go into today. You can look it up,
H-A-U-S-E-R. Hauser's Law, we raise about 17% to 20% of the economy in taxes every year,
no matter what the tax rates are. What does that tell you? The tax rate should be what?
18% to 20%, which means a heavy tax cut
across the board,
level across the top.
Cap gains,
income taxes,
corporate taxes,
18 to 20%.
That's it
for all of them.
Let the Democrats
put it in a contract.
Let the Democrats vote again
and explain it.
As I said to you before,
promise our seniors, 55 and older, we'll take care of you. Social Security and Medicare, we get it. As I said to you before, promise our seniors, 55 and older,
we'll take care of you.
Social Security and Medicare, we get it.
The programs are broke.
There's no money.
I'm sorry.
Again, I don't mean to break the bad news
by trying to insult anybody.
You can read their own trustee reports
if you don't believe me.
There's no money there.
It's IOUs that are worthless.
Having said that,
people 55 and older
design their lives around these programs.
We failed them. 55 and younger, we have to tell folks right their lives around these programs. We failed them.
55 and younger, we have to tell folks right now those programs are gone.
I'm sorry.
Fix it now, your own personal finances, because there is no tax base to pay for that.
You would see the credit rating in the United States jump instantaneously.
Because believe it or not, ladies and gentlemen, for the debt we're in, it would be entirely
Because believe it or not, ladies and gentlemen, for the debt we're in, it would be entirely manageable.
Our debt now, over time, if we didn't have $100 trillion in obligations for Social Security and Medicare benefits, we don't have.
We're $22 trillion in debt now and about $100 trillion in debt in liabilities to people 55 and younger we can't pay.
Come out with it now.
Have some guts.
At least be on the right side of history and math.
Finally, healthcare savings accounts. Dump Obamacare. Scrap this whole thing. We're going to allow people to pour money tax-free, tax-free on input, tax-free on output, tax-free all around
into healthcare savings accounts up to a certain amount of your income, unexpected, whatever.
We can do some kind of national average on what healthcare expenses would be,
maybe up it a little bit for people with chronic conditions, tax-free in, tax-free out.
You don't use it, pass it on to your kids. We will have a national savings pool where people
can spend their money on healthcare tax-free. Forget this, get the government out of it
altogether. For low-income folks, we still have emergency rooms
that they have to be accepted in.
We can have some kind of national deposit
made in their account up to a certain point.
If you need some kind of a safety net,
we don't want people dying on the streets, that's fine.
Scrap it, put it in the contract tomorrow.
Put it in your, we'll do it again, contract.
We'll do it again, contract.
We'll do it again, we'll do it again, we'll do it again.
Put it on paper, let's get the Democrats, let's get them on it. Let's get them on the record.
Oh my gosh. Older people won't vote for us. We mentioned social security. They're fine.
We will take care of them. As a matter of fact, I think our message should be the only way we're
going to be able to pay you, our seniors, who by the way, are our greatest generation. I don't say
that as some silly talk point. I'm not running for office.
I don't need to do that nonsense.
They are our greatest generation.
They lived in a harder time.
They fought wars, not even with the equipment we have now.
There was no Skyping home back then.
The body counts from those generations were absurd.
They were off the charts.
They saved freedom and liberty.
Our message should be, we will be there for you,
55 and older.
And the only way to do it is to tell the younger folks right now
who are living in a healthier,
easier time to live than when you live,
that their benefits are not there,
but we will take care of yours.
That should be the message.
But what do you,
don't treat seniors like they're stupid.
They understand math.
Right now, as we're going,
we're bankrupt
and we're not going to be able to pay them. So don give me that nonsense seniors won't vote for us silly that gets me
upset all right ladies i'm moving i got a lot more to get to including uh quick comic relief
break because we went up we went down a little optimistic note remember we'll do it again we'll
do it again before we do that second sponsor of the day, Omaha Steaks. I had these
the other night. They have a chicken fried steak, which I got to tell you, I didn't grow up in the
South. I was a Northerner. I was a city boy. And I got to tell you, man, that chicken fried steak
is something fierce. It was good. My mouth's watering right now. Omaha Steaks, stock up boxes,
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all right gosh they are delicious see now i'm hungry now i'm hungry look what happened
paul is laughing because i'm always hungry all the time i eat like a slob for those of you who
know me personally listen to the show you know that to be true my old boss in the secret service
once watched me eat uh two pounds of rudy's brisket from the rudy's in w eat two pounds of Rudy's brisket from the Rudy's in Waco. Two pounds.
The deuce.
That's right.
Don White, my buddy.
He said, Dan, you going to eat all that?
Took me about a half an hour, but I finished the whole thing.
Good teeth, too.
I'm sorry.
Just, oh, Rudy.
You ever have Rudy's?
Rudy's is the best.
Love Rudy's.
Love Rudy's.
Especially the Rudy's in Waco.
We used to go in there all the time when we were out at the Bush Ranch okay here's a little bit of quick comic relief here's Savage Trump from
yes I don't mean that as an insult it's a New York thing Savage is usually you're a Savage is not an
insult it's a compliment so for those of you wondering here's Savage Trump yesterday at the
presser so you know I always tell you and um you, and I'm, you know, I, I, I'm just giving you my
personal experience. It's not a value judgment on who they are. My dealings with reporters,
not all of them, but many, a large majority, very large are that they're really not bright.
I'm not kidding. Um, I, I guess it's an insult, but it's not intended that way. I'm just giving
you a value judgment. They are really not bright. Um, they don't know a lot. What they think they
know is usually wrong. When you debate them,
they get angry and they'll call you a racist at the drop of a hat when they miss state facts.
So showing again, my calculus here, how dopey reporters are. This guy at the presser yesterday
with Trump decides to ask him a question about the price of oil and what's happening in the oil
markets, but doesn't even understand the price or has no idea what the price per oil
is. So Trump's like, well, I'm not going to answer that unless you know. So check this out.
Here's Savage Trump. This is great. I was just checking on oil again today. I was wondering.
Oil? Yeah. Where is it today? Well, I was wondering if you know, where's the price?
Give me the price. I'm not sure, to be honest. How can you ask a question when you don't know
the price? I'll look it up for you. Let me do somebody else. How can you ask a question when you don't know the price? I'll look it up for you. Let me do somebody else's.
How can you have any pudding when you
can't eat your meat?
How can you have any pudding
if you don't eat your meat?
You! Yes, you!
Nailed him!
Of course, those
of you who listen to music in the early
80s and 70s know exactly what Joe's talking about.
That was my favorite album until Roger Waters lost his mind.
Yes, you.
That was, there's a little, when you think that line through, it's a little more disturbing too.
We'll leave that for a whole other show.
By the way, listener got back to me on that one long time ago.
Never quite thought about that.
All right, moving on.
What really happened in Wisconsin last night,
as I teased in the beginning of the show,
because this matters to you.
Because again, folks, you are being told a story right now.
Not the story.
And the a story you're being told, right now. Not the story.
And the A story you're being
told, the Aesop's fable by the media
is those dastardly Republicans
were at it in Wisconsin again, Joe.
They made people go out
and vote in the middle of a deadly viral
pandemic. They could have killed them. Those
Republicans are, my gosh, except for
the fact, ladies and gentlemen, absolutely none
of that is actually true.
So, of course, we have receipts, as we always bring receipts on the show, because we want to inform our audience, unlike the media, which is our experts in disinformation campaigns.
So, long story short, Wisconsin had its primary yesterday.
I'll get to this Wall Street Journal story in a moment here, but Wisconsin had its presidential primary yesterday, and they showed up to vote.
And the story you're being told by the media is those evil Republicans made people show up in the
middle of this pandemic, despite the fact that it was dangerous when we just could have delayed the
election. And look at those evil Republicans on the Wisconsin Supreme Court. They made people do
it too. Ladies and gentlemen, let me be crystal clear. That is categorically false.
Neither the United States Supreme Court, which ruled on it, nor the Wisconsin Supreme Court,
which ruled on it, made any decision whatsoever about in-person voting. Listen to me, because this story won't make any sense to me.
That is 1000% true.
There was no decision on in-person voting.
In other words, for the liberals listening who are
lying to themselves and to others nobody in any court ruled yesterday that wisconsinites had to
show up to vote in the middle of a pandemic in person nobody that was never ever in the court
case well what was in the court case because they again, we've been told the evil Republicans made
people vote in Wisconsin. They could have got people killed. Totally, completely false. Let's
go to this Wall Street Journal article, which lays it out nicely. By the way, I have another piece
from Andy McCarthy, who's a little mad at me right now from National Review, but that's okay. I love
Andy. In the show notes today, that is definitely worth your time if you want a detailed legal
analysis too from a professional attorney.
What happened here?
It's in the show notes, slash newsletter.
I'll send you the articles every day.
But this Wall Street Journal article lays out
those stubborn things called the facts show
of what actually happened.
So Wall Street Journal editorial board,
Wisconsin's election confusion.
Decisions to alter voting need to follow the law,
even in a pandemic.
The law, Democrats are like, screw the law
Law, schmuck, we don't need any of that
So again, you've been told
Wisconsin Republicans on the court told people
You better go out and vote today no matter what
Even if you die
And the Democrats were trying to save you
They were
Because that's not what happened
Because actually the people who sued and caused this whole thing
Were the Democrats Let's go to screenshot number Because actually the people who sued and caused this whole thing were the Democrats.
Let's go to screenshot number one from the Wall Street Journal article.
Wisconsin planned to mitigate the coronavirus threat with a large increase in vote by mail.
So fewer people would need to leave their homes.
Sounds good.
But the Democrat National Committee sued to force the delay of the election outright.
Oh, sweet.
Was it Democrat lawsuit?
I thought the Republican.
So the Democrats are the ones who sued.
By the way, did they tell you the governor of Wisconsin is a Democrat too?
You might have missed that one also.
I'm sorry.
So in a state run by Democrats where a Democrat lawsuit
threw the election into chaos the
republicans did this no no no dan it was the dastardly republicans on the supreme court that
ordered people to show up and vote on like they they did that's what happened because that's funny
that wasn't actually in the lawsuit strange uh let's go on let's read some more about what
happened i know the facts are very disturbing for liberals they have a tough time with that kind of stuff so here's what actually
happened last thursday a federal judge an obama appointee by the way a federal judge an obama
appointee let me say that again an obama appointed judge not a republican appointed judge denied the
extreme request but said vote by mail needed to be extended.
Keep that up for a second.
The extreme request, ladies and gentlemen,
was to allow voting by mail postmarked after the election.
That's insane.
Goes on.
Instead of receiving ballots by April 7th,
which was election day yesterday,
he said clerks needed to count any ballots received
by next Monday, April 13th.
Joe, regardless if they came in before the election or not,
if they were postmarked.
Meaning you could vote after election day,
which is crazy.
Now, this Obama judge,
after apparently realizing this could distort
the electoral process by allowing news reports of the election to influence votes after the election, Joe.
The judge issues another order and bans the state election board from reporting any results before Monday.
Wait, what?
Because I'm going to explain this to you in a minute.
I know it gets a little complicated.
The Republican National Committee asked the u.s supreme court to intervene
you can't vote after an election and five justices agreed that the district judge the obama judge
was outside his authority this is where it gets a little complicated but don't worry i'll explain
okay the his remedy the judges the obama judge's remedy air quotes would have fundamentally
altered the nature of the election by allowing voting for six additional days after the election the supreme court wrote
and by trying to muzzle election results they added the district court in essence
and join non-parties to this lawsuit what does that mean this is important this is critical
that's where it gets a little complicated, right?
Yeah, a bit.
Ladies and gentlemen, the Obama judge who rules insanely, by the way.
Again, there is nothing in the ruling about you have to show up to vote in Perth.
That's a silly.
I'll play Stephen Colbert in a minute.
Left wing hack pretending to be a comedian.
Gaslighting people and suggesting the Republicans did this.
There is nothing in the it's the democrat lawsuit there is nothing in the lawsuit forcing people to
show up to vote nothing the democrats wanted you to be able to vote after election day in other
words you can get a mail-in ballot received after election it's not a problem as long as it's
postmarked on election day or earlier makes Makes sense. You had to vote before.
Even by mail.
Not hard to understand folks.
We don't have perpetual voting.
We'd still be voting in the 2016 election.
Hey I got my vote.
It's postmarked three years after the election.
That's good too.
Again ladies and gentlemen.
We're not talking about a world of good or bad.
We're talking about a world of competing harms.
Of course we want everybody to be able to vote.
We shouldn't shut voting down ever.
So you want perpetual elections where the election's in doubt two years after the election?
That's why we put a timeline on it.
The Democrats wanted people to vote after Election Day.
Think about that, folks.
News reports.
Come on. to vote after election day. Think about that, folks. News reports.
Come on.
Shoot Joe.
In downtown Madison,
we're short 1,000 votes for the Democrat nominee.
It's after election day.
Hey, y'all, let's go out
and tell 1,000 more people
to vote after election day.
Of course you can.
Do you understand the chaos
that wouldn't sue?
And then the Wisconsin Election election commission who was not part
part and parcel of this lawsuit at all was muzzled this same judge with this absurd decision says oh
well to prevent that to prevent votes after election day joe yes it's crazy enough from
being influenced by the news reports i'm forbidding the Wisconsin Election Commission, which was not part of this lawsuit,
from saying anything about the election until a week after the election.
That's what they mean in that Wall Street Journal quote about their parties not joined
in the lawsuit. They weren't even allowed in. They weren't even part and parcel of the lawsuit.
So the Election Commission gets ruled against despite not being part of the lawsuit yeah so the election commission gets ruled against despite
not being part of the lawsuit at all in other words they didn't even have the legal right to
say anything in their defense because they weren't part of the lawsuit and the judge just made them
part of the lawsuit hey you shut up don't say anything for a week what what this is crazy time
this is elections after election day and muzzling people from giving you the results of the election to make sure that after the election's over, people voting after the election aren't influenced by the actual election.
This actually, yes, this is an Obama judge who did this.
It was in response to a Democrat lawsuit.
This was not, the Republicans had nothing to do with this.
Holy cow.
Republican appointed judges,
yes, at the Supreme Court
and the Wisconsin Supreme Court
said, what are you crazy?
You can't vote after election day.
Now you may say,
well, why didn't the Democrat
governor of the state
just delay the darn election?
Because he's an idiot.
That's why.
Let's go to takeaway number three from the Wall Street Journal piece.
The Supreme Court decision, talking about the U.S. Supreme Court,
came an hour after the Wisconsin Supreme Court swatted aside Democrat
Governor Tony Evers' efforts to unilaterally postpone the election.
Ladies and gentlemen, at the last minute he did this.
Listen to this.
postpone the election. Ladies and gentlemen, at the last minute he did this. Listen to this.
Through March, Democrat Mr. Evers had indicated the election should proceed and issued an executive order exempting public polling places from his mass gathering ban.
So let me get this straight. Republicans did this a democrat governor tony evers
who pushed all the way through march to keep election day yesterday didn't change it matter
of fact even exempted polling places from his mass gatherings executive order to make sure the
election happened yesterday at the last minute tried to change the election, which would have thrown the
whole thing into chaos. When he couldn't, the Democrats sued to get people to vote by mail
after the election was over and then tried to put a muzzle on the Wisconsin Election Commission
that wasn't even allowed to defend themselves in court. But yes, ladies and gentlemen,
don't you worry. The Republicans did this. It's clearly our fault.
Oh, my gosh.
I mean, it really is stunning what people will believe.
Now, because a lot of liberals and some rhinos and a lot of the uninformed out there get their news from Stephen Colbert, who is a comedian.
Why you're getting your news, and they're not even a very good one, by the way.
At least Fallon's funny.
Colbert's not.
He's just not funny.
He was funny acting as the other guy.
Didn't he have like an alter ego?
I mean, when he acts as himself, it's really horrible.
Listen to Colbert on his show, Gaslighting America, who now believe that the Republicans somehow did this, despite it being a Democrat lawsuit state has postponed its primary this month or moved
to mail-in ballots, at the insistence of the Wisconsin Republican legislature, the Badger
state went ahead with their primary.
I guess it's Wisconsin's way of showing New Hampshire that you can live free and die.
Yeah, he blips on the Republican legislature.
It's amazing.
A Democrat governor responding to a Democrat lawsuit
ruled on by a Democrat-appointed judge.
And people will eat it up.
Folks, you can argue all day
that the Republicans and Democrats in Wisconsin
should have got together and moved the election.
They're fine, fair, totally fair.
But if you're buying the New York Times,
the media, the Stephen Colbert nonsense,
Republicans wanted people to die in Wisconsin, I'm genuinely sorry for you. I'm not kidding.
I really feel bad for you. You live in a fantasy land. You don't live in the real world. You look
in the mirror all day and see something that's not there. That's a smart person.
It's an illusion. It's an oasis in the desert you get there there's no water you thought you saw a smart person
not so much all right final sponsor today got another story uh major league face plant cell
phone by the atrocious governor of nevada another clueless democrat and uh hopefully i can get to
this steel story too and oh i got a piece of hopefully I can get to this Steele story too.
And oh, I got a piece of video I got to get to too about Deborah Birx,
which is going to be really disturbing.
Not about Birx, but about something she said.
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Great company. Check them out. Save money. Great service. Okay. Quick piece in town hall,
be in the show notes, but most definitely worth your time. Remember I told you about the Democrat
governor of Nevada who, in an effort to fight Trump for some ridiculous reason,
you know, I never thought, we used to joke, Joe,
you know, you and I and others.
I mean, it was a joke.
I mean, it's sincerely a joke that if President Trump
were to find a cure for a deadly disease,
whatever it may be, cancer, HIV,
that the Democrats would come out against it and say,
you know, we have a right to cancer.
Curing cancer is racist.
You know, it was a joke. cancer. Curing cancer is racist. You know, you know, what was the joke?
Well, it's not a joke anymore because president Trump has been touting the
granted anecdotal, but inside there are a lot of scientific research out there
as well. Benefits of a drug called hydroxychloroquine trade named Plaquino.
Trump's excited about it because it may work.
And certainly there are a number of anecdotal stories out there and some
scientific data that says it may work. And certainly there are a number of anecdotal stories out there and some scientific data that says it does work.
We'll see for the treatment of this coronavirus.
We'll see where it goes.
But because Trump mentioned it, the Democrats hate it.
And Democrat governors like the atrocious governor of Michigan, Whitmer, who has just
embarrassed herself, even our local papers all over her lately, and the even more dreadful Governor of Nevada.
They were banning the use of this outside certain medical settings.
You had to be in a hospital, all this other stuff.
Because why?
Because they wanted to show everybody,
yeah, we're not going to go along with that Trump drug.
There was an article in the Babylon Bee,
the satire site show yesterday,
it says liberals want to die quickly on hydroxychloroquine
to show Trump show trump the
drug doesn't work it's like it's a satire sign you're like that probably could be true in some
cases people are really sick so nevada governor restricted the access to this drug but notice
what he did here's his piece in town hall this is kind of crazy how this happens nevada governor
found hoarding hydroxychloroquine after banning drugs.
Town Hall,
that's just crazy.
That's just,
I thought,
here's the,
from the Town Hall piece.
Nevada governor
Steve Sisolak,
in embarrassment,
had a knee-jerk reaction
to Trump's optimism
about hydroxychloroquine
as an effective treatment
for the Wuhan virus.
Trump was hopeful
about the drug,
so anti-Trump Democrats,
like the hapless loser
Sisolak, I added hapless and loser in there, were against it. Sisolak ban hydroxychloroquine
as a treatment for COVID-19, ostensibly over concerns of hoarders stockpiling the medicine
and causing shortages for patients who use the drug for things like lupus. But while the governor
restricted the public from receiving the potentially lifesaving drug, Nevada's Department
of Corrections began stockpiling the drug for
prisoners. Oh, man. Just
crazy how that happens, pointing out
Democrat hysteria and hypocrisy
every single day. Hysterocracy.
That's a mix of hysteria and
hypocrisy at the same time. How did you vote for this guy?
I love Nevada. I had family. I still
have family that live out there.
How did you vote for this guy?
What a numbskull. Don't the drug let's hoard the drug all right here's a disturbing piece of video so this is dr deborah burke's who i
respect uh but this said something yesterday it should bother everybody ladies and gentlemen
again as i've said to you from the start, this is obviously a serious virus, ladies and gentlemen.
Please, again, only the simpletons on the left are making it a conversation.
Serious or not?
Thank you.
We know it's a serious virus.
The question is how serious.
How serious is based on data.
We do facts, we do data, and we do science, unlike the left, which believes in 2,426 genders.
unlike the left, which believes in 2,426 genders.
The data on how serious this virus is as a threat to humankind is based on two calculations.
Your R-naught, the level of contagiousness of this virus,
and the fatality rate.
When infected with it, how many people are going to die?
How contagious? How deadly?
Not very complicated.
You don't have to be an epidemiologist to figure it out.
Anybody can look at data.
Well, what's interesting, ladies and gentlemen, is the models were probably based on faulty
data, which led to the shutting down of the United States economy, which is going to,
I believe, kill more people in the long run than this virus did if we don't get a hold
of this quickly.
The models were based on data about its contagiousness
and its fatality level.
That may have been clearly wrong.
So there's an effort by some in the modeling community now
that has now come to fruition
to attribute deaths with coronavirus
to deaths from coronavirus.
You may say, I don't get it.
Folks, if you show up to the hospital with coronavirus
and you had a heart attack,
did you die from the heart attack
or did you die from the coronavirus?
You know what, to take the politics out of it
because the left has politicized the Wuhan virus dramatically
and has made these conversations almost null and void with them
because they're immune to facts.
Make it about the common cold.
That's suggesting the two are related.
I'm simply suggesting for the analogy, maybe to make more sense to you.
If you show up to the hospital and you had a heart attack and you have a cold,
did you die from the cold or did you die from the heart attack?
Obviously, the fatality rate from the common cold is far lower
than we've seen from the coronavirus.
But why don't we do that for anything else?
If you show up to the hospital and you have tuberculosis, but you broke a leg and you get an infection, a blood infection, did you die from the tuberculosis or did you die from the infection?
Well, we rely on medical professionals to do that.
We're not doing that much anymore. Listen to this segment from Dr.
Birx here, where now all of a sudden, if you show up with the coronavirus, that's all of a sudden
the cause of death. Ladies and gentlemen, these are fair questions to ask. How are we ever going
to get a good grasp of what the fatality rate is if we don't know if you actually died from the
coronavirus? Because anybody who shows up with the coronavirus is deemed having died from the coronavirus.
Listen to this.
So I think in this country, we've taken a very liberal approach to mortality.
And I think the reporting here has been pretty straightforward over the last five to six weeks.
Prior to that, when there wasn't testing in January and February,
that's a very different situation and unknown. There are other countries that if you had a
pre-existing condition, and let's say the virus called you to go to the ICU and then have a heart
or kidney problem, some countries are recording that as a heart issue or a kidney issue
and not a COVID-19 death.
Right now, we're still recording it.
I mean, the great thing about having forms that come in
and a form that has the ability to market as COVID-19 infection,
the intent is right now that if someone dies as COVID-19 infection. The intent is right now that those,
if someone dies with COVID-19, we are counting that.
Folks, again, my goal here is only the truth.
Don't misinterpret what I'm saying.
I mean that candidly.
If in a doctor's professional opinion,
you had a heart attack,
but you would have survived it
if not for a coronavirus infection,
then fair enough.
Attributing that to coronavirus is probably a medically sound decision.
Again, I'm not a doctor.
I'm not a medical doctor.
I'm not on the ground.
I'm not in the ER.
But just grossly overestimating and over-calculating
and over-accounting the number of coronavirus deaths
because people showed up with coronavirus is not helping either.
It's not helping for public policy, and it's not helping for the science of
gauging the fatality and lethality of this disease.
I'm just asking the liberals listening,
what am I saying?
That's out of line here.
I'm serious.
Like if you feed,
why would we want to attribute everything to the coronavirus,
despite the fact that a large number of these cases may not have been fatal
other than another comorbid condition someone had.
I'm just asking.
I don't know.
We're not allowed to ask questions anymore.
Of course, I don't care about any of that.
We plow right through that nonsense.
But some do.
Some get intimidated, by the way.
You got the wrong show for that.
All right.
One final story.
We got through it.
This is it.
It's about three out of five shows
we get through the whole lineup.
So yesterday I told you Christopher Steele,
the creator of the PP tape dossier.
Remember that ridiculous absurdity
he used to spy on Trump?
He's got some problems.
He's got some big problems coming up.
Christopher Steele hired by the Clinton campaign
to generate a bunch of nonsense about Donald Trump.
I saw this piece in the Daily Mail.
It's in the show notes again today.
Read it.
Check it out.
Read the end paragraph. It's really important. By the way, the Daily Mail. It's in the show notes again today. Read it. Check it out. Read the end paragraph.
It's really important.
By the way, the Daily Mail,
you have the longest headlines in human history.
Paula always comments, all right, Paula?
You can't even fit them into screenshots.
The headlines, like the whole article.
Daily Mail, right, Joe?
Ex-MI6 spy, Christopher Steele,
behind this dirty dossier on Trump.
I have to cut these down.
He's being sued by three Russian oligarchs
who were named in his compromise file.
So Christopher Steele's
being sued by some
Russians because of
some of his Intel, Joe,
the steel Intel, remember
the PP tape stuff
mentions these guys.
These guys are like,
hey, we didn't do any
of that crap.
You made that up too.
So Steele was like,
ah, I don't really want
to defend my work in
court, you know, because
I have sources and
Oh, you do.
So you just love to impugn people's integrity without uh that's interesting so the judge in the case check
out the end of the piece of the daily mail read this it's up at the show notes justice warby said
listen i may be called on to rule whether he should be compelled to answer a question talking
about steel and the judge warned he was not convinced mr steel would be able to insist joe
his dossier accurately reported what he had heard suggesting he would have to prove if it was not convinced Mr. Steele would be able to insist, Joe, his dossier accurately reported what he had heard, suggesting he would have to prove if it was not inaccurate. Uh-oh.
Uh-oh. Steele's in trouble again. He's going to have to raise his right hand in court.
Looks like Justice Warby saying, no, no, you come on in here. Tell us about that pee-pee tape again.
We'd love to hear about it. Where exactly did you get that? Can you prove the pee-pee tape happened? Who told
you about the pee-pee tape?
Steele don't want to do
it because Steele
knows it's all garbage nonsense. Of course,
that was fabricated junk
to engage in a political attack.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, thanks again for tuning
in. And one quick note, thank you,
thank you, thank you for
all your support of our conservative alternative to the Drudge Report. has taken off.
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We are committed to hysteria-free coverage of the best conservative news of the day.
We also have, too, where we do opinion stuff.
But go check it out.
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