The Dan Bongino Show - Here’s What Trump Should Do During The Debate To Expose Biden (Ep 1373)

Episode Date: October 20, 2020

In this episode, I discuss the stunning new evidence about the Biden crime family case that the Democrats, and their media allies, cannot run away from.  News Picks: Computer repair shop receipt re...vealed, and it burns the dopey media narrative to the ground. The liberal debate moderator likely won’t ask about Hunter Biden’s emails.  Media hacks are using the “unverified” excuse for ignoring the Biden crime family story. Chief Justice Roberts sold us out again. The debate commission keeps screwing over the President.  Joe Biden’s ridiculous tax plan makes absolutely no sense. The DOJ announces a historic anti-trust lawsuit against Google. Copyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 get ready to hear the truth about america on a show that's not immune to the facts with your host dan bongino you know the liberals and their media buddies sycophants acolytes their little pupils and students are freaking out when they start trotting out the it's a conspiracy theory um yeah yeah this hunter biden story really has them in a meltdown listen there's a conspiracy theory. Yeah, yeah, this Hunter Biden story really has them in a meltdown. Listen, there's a theory out there too among some on our side, believe it or not, the conservatives out there too,
Starting point is 00:00:32 that, hey, maybe this Hunter Biden story, maybe nobody cares about it. No, no, no. I'm not suggesting it should be the focal point of the Trump campaign at this point. There are other issues, the economy and other things. But ladies and gentlemen, let me tell you something I am absolutely sure of. Everyone understands
Starting point is 00:00:51 government corruption and being sold out. And everyone really, really hates it. So when the media are telling you, ah, maybe we shouldn't talk about this Hunter Biden, some conservative, maybe we should, nobody really cares about that. That means they really care about it. We should double down. Today's show brought to you by ExpressVPN. Protect your online activity from prying eyeballs today. Don't wait. You don't need people seeing what you're doing online. Go to slash Bongino and get a VPN today. Welcome to the Dan Bongino show. Producer Joe, how are you today after yesterday's massive nuclear meltdown of Joe Armacost equipment on the show? Well, I'm doing okay. Biden schmieden. Yeah, we fixed the computer. I thought I lost everything.
Starting point is 00:01:38 So thanks for hanging in there, everyone. No, well, Joe is so talented. Talented. And Joe is so good. Scared. And I'm going to give a shout out to Joe, that you didn't even notice that there was a technical meltdown. Besides, we had Lucy eating my microphone. We had Paula doing an army like bear crawl to try and rescue my microphone from Lucy during the show.
Starting point is 00:01:56 Joe's equipment totally fried. So producer Drew had to send Joe a track. He had a remix for the show. And the show still went up basically on time because Joe is super talented. Thank you so much. And not only that, ladies and gentlemen, we had our best Monday ever.
Starting point is 00:02:10 So I said to Joe before the show, maybe your equipment should melt down today. We'll have our best Tuesday ever too. Maybe it's a good omen. All right, loaded show today. Let's get right to it. Today's show brought to you by friends at iTarget. iTarget, innocent people are falling victims to crime.
Starting point is 00:02:24 Sadly, intimidation and forced to fend for themselves because Democrats on the left are successfully, in some cases, trying to defund the police. When the government can or won't protect your family, self-defense is the only option, but most of us don't have the time to consistently train. Plus, ammo is getting really expensive. You know that. That's why iTarget Pro was invented. Using their proprietary app and a laser round, you can train safely in the convenience of your own home with your actual firearm. No manipulation to it necessary, no special barrels, no nothing. iTarget comes in all major calibers, including.223 and.556. You can stay sharp with them as any firearm. Today, get 10% off plus free
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Starting point is 00:03:31 And the bell, we got the bell too. It's going to be a skinny bell today. All right, let me get right to it. So you know the left is totally melting down now over this Hunter Biden story. It's become a complete catastrophe for them and their media bootlickers. I still have the iTarget ad up there.
Starting point is 00:03:44 The media bootlickers are going crazy. Whenever they tell you not to talk about something, ladies and gentlemen, that's a sign to double and triple down to talk about something even more. It's like when they tell me not to talk about George Soros, I spend a whole week on George Soros. It's got a whole chapter in my book. I don't listen to anything they say ever for any reason. So here's a clip of Andrea Mitchell, who Rush, who I'll get to in a little while too, sadly, but Rush Limbaugh, Andrew Mitchell, we're going to do a lot of odes to Rush over the next few weeks because he's such a great guy. He's going through a lot right now. But Rush calls her Andrea Mitchell, a left-leaning,
Starting point is 00:04:22 full-time Democrat activist pretending to be a journalist on MSNBC. Here is her panicking on live TV here talking about how the Hunter Biden thing we now have receipts for. No, no, I don't mean receipts in a way because Paula hates that. I mean, we have an actual receipt in the Hunter Biden case.
Starting point is 00:04:40 A receipt signed by Hunter Biden. Here's her calling the story with zero evidence whatsoever. Calling the story, that's what, calling the story a conspiracy theory. That's what they do when they freak out. Check this out. The whole lock them up, false conspiracy theories against the Bidens really is stunning. I mean, he could be talking about the economy
Starting point is 00:04:57 and making false claims about that, but, you know, blame it on COVID. He could be talking about a Supreme Court nominee who is popular with his base and what they've done with the courts. Yet he's going after these Rudy Giuliani created false plots that we now have learned could well be tied to Russian intelligence because Giuliani was unwittingly meeting with Russian intelligence agents, people who've been designated by the U.S. government as such. Hat tip newsbusters for that. Ladies and gentlemen, the woman's a
Starting point is 00:05:29 complete joke and an embarrassment, Andrea Mitchell. She always has been. She's really a disgrace to journalists, to anybody claiming her, the media outfit she works for. She's just an embarrassing person. I'm sorry, she is. She has zero evidence this is a conspiracy theory at all. We have a ton of evidence that, in fact, the theory is, in fact, not a theory, but a fact that the Biden crime family has been up to no good overseas. And Andrea Mitchell is not interested in getting to the bottom of that for a very simple reason. She's not a serious person. She's a full time Democrat activist operating as a tool of the Democrat Party to help get her preferred Biden crime family surrogate, Joe Biden elected. It's as simple as that. Now, why does Andrea Mitchell tout the talking point?
Starting point is 00:06:12 I just warned you about that. Honestly, some conservatives have picked up too, including a friend of mine who does a contributor work at Fox, Mark Thiessen, who is a good guy, but I think he's wrong. He said, oh, people don't care about the Hunter Biden story. That is's wrong. He said, oh, people don't care about the Hunter Biden story. That is absolutely wrong. While I agree with his premise that that should not be the sole focus of the campaign, he's right. The economy, law and order, public safety, healthcare are all important issues too, very important issues. Ladies and gentlemen,
Starting point is 00:06:41 abuse of power stories are incredibly destructive to the candidate involved in them. Let me explain to you why. You know, I hate telling this because I hate it. Listen, I went to graduate school. I got smart ham. Forget it. I'm just telling you this for some small bonafide. I spent a couple of years in graduate school studying psychology.
Starting point is 00:07:00 I loved it. Okay. And I remember specifically discussing one of these research studies they do with, um, with animals and one thing, animals, human beings included with the animal kingdom, we all understand and hate more than anything is they hate the idea that they're getting screwed over, that there is a power inequity, right? The research study I was talking about, if I, if I screw it up a little bit, I'm sorry. It was years ago.
Starting point is 00:07:26 I got out of school over a decade ago with that. But they do this study where if you give an animal a certain amount of food and another animal a less amount of food and the other animal sees it, that other animal loses its mind, even if the other animal's totally full. You get what I'm saying? You give that other animal all the food it wants if the other animal is totally full. You get what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:07:47 Like you give that other animal all the food it wants, but you give the other one more, even if the animal like stops eating because he's full, he's still pissed off that you gave the other animal more. I'm not kidding. I forget if it was a study with chimps or dogs. I don't remember exactly, but I remember thinking about it like,
Starting point is 00:08:03 gosh, that's so true. Like people and animals both inherently understand inequity and they hate it. They don't like it. The fact that someone who had a power inequity, right? Joe Biden, vice president has significantly more power than you or I or Paula or Joe or Drew, anyone else and anyone listening pretty much other than the president. You're the number two executive official in the entire country the fact that that power was abused to leverage financial dealings that benefit his family everybody understands that and everyone hates it that's why andrea mitchell hat tip rush rush limbaugh that's why andrea mitchell's so terrified of this story he's like it's a conspiracy theory stop talking about it talk about the economy and stuff andrea mitchell is giving the Republicans advice. Please,
Starting point is 00:08:46 please, seriously hard pass. Take the football. Hard pass. Spiral down the field. Mitchell knows this story is devastated. You think she's trying to help the Republicans? Hey, stay away from this. Nobody really cares. And as I said,
Starting point is 00:09:02 the fact that some conservatives are buying this line is just silly. Do you get what I'm saying folks this makes sense power inequity and abuse of that power stories you get it joe yeah babe everybody hates that everybody's been screwed over by a boss screwed over by a colleague screwed over by a neighbor who had influence with the town council they hate those stories that's what hunter Hunter Biden and the Biden crime family did on a mass scale for millions of dollars
Starting point is 00:09:28 while his dad was the number two most powerful executive official in the entire country, probably the world. They've been sold out, people. They know they've been sold out and they hate it. And folks, let me just remind you,
Starting point is 00:09:41 again, for the conservatives falling in this trap, no, don't focus on Hunter Biden. No focus on Hunter Biden. Not to the exclusion of other things, but yeah, bring it up. If this message, abuse of power was not a powerful one. Let me ask you a question. Who first ran in modern politics in the last two decades?
Starting point is 00:10:01 Who first ran on the drain the swamp message? Who? A lot of you listening, especially some of the younger folks, probably say, oh, that was Trump. Trump did that, drain the swamp. Right, Joe? You would think he did.
Starting point is 00:10:12 You're not wrong. Trump did run on a drain the swamp message. Yes, he did. But I'd like you to go to the internet and put in a search engine, Nancy Pelosi drained the swamp when she took over during the Bush era control of the House of Representatives for the first time in a while. That was her message. Literally her message,
Starting point is 00:10:35 drain the swamp. So I just ask you again, if power inequities, swamp-like politics where people leverage their power to destroy the livelihood of the common man and take advantage of their power to enrich themselves while de-enriching you. If that wasn't a powerful message, how did Nancy Pelosi take back the House using it? And why did she use it if she's such a brilliant tactician? She used it and won. And how did Trump use the same message and win just four years ago i'll leave you a second to think about that because it's a powerful message and that's why andrea mitchell and her msnbc overlords that are full-time democrat activists are so panicked about the hunter
Starting point is 00:11:19 biden story as i said ladies and gentlemen we have receipts that phrase usually drives paula absolutely wild because she hates it it's become a real it's it's the equivalent of of of mutley for you long-time listeners you know the mutley deal paula hated much she's come around to mutley though she's come around she's so slowly i think it's because honestly joe i think it's because we don't you use mutley sparingly i'm right when you say you didn't like mutley that all but we use mutley on special occasions she's come around to mutley she still hates the word receipts but in this case when i use the word receipts for evidence in this case we actually have a receipt right so she can't hate it today because it's an actual how do you say receipt in Spanish? Quick pop. Oh, she nailed it.
Starting point is 00:12:06 See, Paul, of course, is a fluent native Spanish speaker. Whenever I ask her for a word in Spanish, I put her on the spot. She doesn't know. But if you have the conversation in Spanish, she'll tell you the word, recibo, recibo. So we have recibos. I'll say it in my worst New York accent possible.
Starting point is 00:12:22 So we've attained an actual reciibo here. Here is a receibo of Hunter Biden's signature on the receipt, turning over the laptop with all of the Biden crime family evidence, the devastating photos, the emails about payoffs and paying off the big guy, Joe Biden himself, who's the big guy. Here is the actual receipt. Fox News has obtained the picture. Mike Emanuel got this. Here's the receibo right here, signed by, what is that? What is it, Paul?
Starting point is 00:12:52 You see that? What is that? My eyesight's going bad. Is that, oh, look, Hunter Biden's actual signature on the receipt. The receibo, that's not possible. That's not andrea mitchell joe just told us in that video you heard it you cut it yeah she just told us this was russian disinformation that the laptop all the emails about hunter biden selling out the country and kicking up money to the big guy his dad while he was vice president yeah wow sounds like an international payoff scheme to influence
Starting point is 00:13:24 the vice president united states no no no no it's not no no it's not it's russian disinformation according to alleged journalist andrea mitchell who said the guy's parents are there she's just said it right yeah it's russian disinformation so joe i'm just curious like hunter biden's laptop with hunter biden's photos of hunter biden doing some really disgusting stuff and hunter biden's laptop with hunter biden's photos of hunter biden doing some really disgusting stuff and hunter biden's emails was dropped off by hunter biden a receipt signed by hunter biden and that somehow is what would igor gorski or something from the russian disinformation unit dropped that off i'm i'm i'm missing. Yeah, me too. We have an actual receipt of Hunter Biden with his signature dropping off his own laptop with his data on it and his photos
Starting point is 00:14:15 on it. And what, the Russians were in a car outside making Hunter Biden do it? What did they bribe him with? What did they bribe him with? Like a bottle of Russian vodka? Hey, we'll give you a little shot of Russian vodka if you go in there and drop off your laptop and implicate yourself in a potential foreign international scandal for the ages? If this doesn't make sense to you, it's because you're...
Starting point is 00:14:38 Because you have an IQ in the triple digits. That's why it doesn't... Because it can't make sense. Ladies and gentlemen, I'm asking you, please, for a moment, put yourself in Hunter Biden's shoes. He knows these are his emails and his photos because they're him. He did it.
Starting point is 00:14:56 He knows they're him. So a Russian pushed Hunter Biden to drop his laptop off and leave it at a computer shop and surrender it and then sign a receipt surrendering it because he never came back and claimed it where it acknowledges if you don't claim this, it's ours? He did that. He did that for Joe.
Starting point is 00:15:16 I mean, Joe, I'm not asking you to be a criminal investigator. I'm just asking you like common sense wise. Can you explain to me the motive why you would drop off your own laptop and leave it there and implicating yourself in a potential foreign scandal for the ages? I'll give you a second. Can you give me a possible motive why Hunter Biden would do that? I just can't think why he would do that. You know, of course you can because you have a functioning neuron.
Starting point is 00:15:43 Hunter Biden knows they're his emails. It's his laptop. He did it. Let me tell you a little trick here from my old time being a criminal investigator. One of the greatest stunts I ever used to pull with bad guys is
Starting point is 00:15:59 we did counterfeit investigations, right? Counterfeit money. The bad guy knows he passed counterfeit. Why? Because he did it. They know they passed it. They were there when they did it. That's why we're interviewing them.
Starting point is 00:16:13 We always knew it was them, fingerprints, whatever. But confessions always help. So what I would do is I would sit the bad guy down. I would take a, back then everything was VHS tapes. It's been a long time since I left the federal government. I would take the bad guy down. I would take a, back then everything was VHS tapes. It's been a long time since I left the federal government. I would take a VHS tape. Remember, Paul,
Starting point is 00:16:29 I told you this stunt we used to pull? And I would write on the VHS tape in the front of it. The younger kids are like, what the hell is a VHS tape? I don't, I don't even know what that is. Just roll with me for a minute, folks.
Starting point is 00:16:40 Ask your mom or dad. A VHS, not a knock on you, I don't blame you. You don't want me, but I'd put on the front of the VHS tape, say the badout. I don't blame you. You don't want it. But I'd put on the front of the VHS tape, say the bad guy was Joey Bagadonis. The day he passed the counterfeit, I'd put Joey Bagadonis, November 8th, whatever, 1999, the day he passed it. And I would put it
Starting point is 00:16:57 on the table as I was interviewing. I would never mention it at all. Never. Well, why would you do that? You're not going to gonna say what are you doing because about halfway through i'd be like yeah you know you're in that 7-eleven with the counterfeit uh we're there that day you know they had video cameras right you'd see right away the bad guy go like this he'd look at the video the video with his name on it and the date and he'd be like well what's that i'm like well we'll get to, we'll get to that later. Let's keep talking. He knows he's on video. Ladies and gentlemen, here's the thing.
Starting point is 00:17:30 The videotape had nothing on it. Nine out of 10 times. I just made it up. I didn't say anything about it. I didn't even, you can lie to a bad guy. I didn't even lie to him about it. I usually got the thing from the evidence room. It was just a blank videotape. Stock video, there was nothing on it.
Starting point is 00:17:42 And I would just, we'll get to that. Don't you worry, we'll get to that let's not sure we'll get to that what's in his head he knows he passed the can now he thinks he's on tape this goes back to my hunter buys he knows they're his emails he sent them he knows that's him with the and all the other stuff because he took the photos so he's gonna leave a laptop knowing that's him he's gonna leave it in a computer store and surrender it for what? Let me quote Joe Amacost.
Starting point is 00:18:10 Hell, if I know. Of course he doesn't know because there's no motive for that. The answer is because he's stupid, and he got caught. That's it. He's just really stupid. Paula said to me this morning,
Starting point is 00:18:23 she goes, why would this idiot leave a laptop in a computer store with evidence of an international scandal on it? You just answered your own question. Why would this idiot just stop there? You don't have to answer anymore. Why would this idiot? The rest of your statements are relevant. Why would this, thank you, question answered. You don't have to, what else do you have to answer? Because he's irrelevant. Why would this? Thank you. Question answered. You don't have to.
Starting point is 00:18:47 What else do you have to? Because he's stupid. That's it. Ladies and gentlemen, if Hunter Biden was smart, he would have made an actual living doing real things. That's why he does what he does. Him and his dad and the crime family do what they do because they're not smart. They're not like Don Jr. and Eric that actually have a real estate empire they manage. They do real work.
Starting point is 00:19:12 They're not like you and your dad and your mom, electricians, architects, truck drivers who work for a living and have figured out how to feed their families and add value to society. He's Hunter Biden. He's a loser. I'm sorry. That's why they do what they do. Why would he leave a hunter biden he's a loser i'm sorry that's why they do what they do why would he leave a computer because he's a loser i'm really sorry we're supposed to feel bad for this guy millions of dollars you know shaking people down passing up money to the big guys that we're supposed to feel bad oh Oh, please take that nonsense elsewhere. I'm not interested. I'm really sorry. Not interested. All right. I've got more. This gets worse. This, I want to show you again,
Starting point is 00:19:56 my, the whole, so the whole purpose of this segment. So you understand where we're going. Tell you what I'm going to tell you, tell you and tell you what I told you. It's a way to ground this information every time. The media is panicking. The receipt is devastating. We now know it was Hunter Biden's laptop. The media is freaked out and is desperate to get you to change the topic and is resorted to trying to give the Republican Party advice like Andrea Mitchell. Stay away from this Hunter Biden story.
Starting point is 00:20:21 It's just a stupid conspiracy theory from Rudy Giuliani. Talk about the economy. Oh, yeah, sure. Let's take advice from Andrea Mitchell. Let me get to my second sponsor. My good friends at Quip, this is my toothbrush of choice. Why? Because it's like a darn power washing for your mouth. That's why. You don't know how clean your teeth could get because you're probably using a standard old toothbrush. You ever have that dentist feeling when you come out of the dentist after a real good cleaning? You want that every morning, every night, every afternoon? Use Quip. This is my actual Quip.
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Starting point is 00:22:31 Obviously now they've resorted to things like, hey, change the subject. Talk about the economy. Nobody should talk about Hunter. The leftist media is freaking out. They know now that their Russian disinformation line is falling apart because as Joe just accurately stated, when he couldn't figure out a motive why Hunter Biden would sign a receipt
Starting point is 00:22:50 dropping off his own app laptop at a store and why the Russians would have anything to do with that, Joe wasn't even a criminal investigator figured out in two seconds. I don't have a motive for that. The motive is he's an idiot. Hunter Biden's just really stupid and that's what happened. So the media understands, make no mistake, that the Russian, pay close attention to this next word. Very close attention. You tracking Armacost? Yeah, which agenda? Don't want to be very, don't want anyone to miss this.
Starting point is 00:23:14 The Russian disinformation media narrative, it's not Hunter, it's Russian disinformation. They understand the disinformation narrative is falling apart. it's russian disinformation they understand the disinformation narrative is falling apart to be disinformation would require some element of spuriousness of of it would have to be false in other words it's not hunter's laptop it was a clone laptop or hard drive and the Russians added some stuff. You get it? For this to be Russian disinformation would require the story to have an element of, like I said, falseness to it that nobody's saying. In other words, the Biden campaign themselves, as we showed in yesterday's show with the campaign flag, who admitted nobody's saying the emails are inauthentic.
Starting point is 00:24:06 In other words, she means they're authentic. Nobody's saying that. Where am I going with this? The media now realizes, you know, the left wing media, Andrew Mitchell and others, that the Russian disinformation line is not going to stand because nobody's saying the emails are false. Now they're changing the story a little bit. And a lot of you may have missed this yesterday, but that's what we're here for. Don't worry. We're here to pick up the mess after the media misses the story.
Starting point is 00:24:33 Check out this tweet by Politico. Fascinating how the Democrats are rushing to former swamp rats in the intel community to save them. But notice the second to last word in this tweet let me read it for you at politico on twitter more than 50 former senior intelligence officials i'm going to add parentheses total swamp rats who hate donald trump and really aren't serious people more than 50 former senior intel officials have signed on to a letter outlining their belief that the recent disclosure of emails allegedly belonging to joe
Starting point is 00:25:05 biden's son quote remember the second last word here has all the classic earmarks of a russian information operation oh hold on you know where's the lol emoji can we have that like blasted all over the screen here uh but i i thought it was disinformation so now it's a russian information campaign a lot of people miss that no no no not us don't worry no no not us we didn't miss that at all if there's one thing i'm hip to it's paying very close attention to subtle changes in media narratives so the media narrative now because he realized now that the biden campaign is It's paying very close attention to subtle changes in media narratives. So the media narrative now, because they realize now that the Biden campaign is acknowledging these emails are authentic, that Hunter signed a receipt, so therefore it's likely his laptop. And that they can provide no reasonable motive why Hunter Biden would drop off evidence of his own potential corruption at a computer store, other than he's an idiot.
Starting point is 00:26:10 So now that they've run out of motives for this and run out of fake stories, like it was Russian disinformation, which DNI, Director of National Intelligence, John Ratcliffe, again, if you watched yesterday's show, totally destroyed that narrative, saying there is, quote, no evidence that this is Russian disinformation at all, none. No one's found anything that has anything to do with the Russians at all. It just has everything to do with Hunter Biden being a moron. Now,
Starting point is 00:26:32 all of a sudden some senior intelligence swamp rats, former, they're not in, so they have no access to information right now. Formers have said, no, no, this is the hallmarks of a Russian information campaign.
Starting point is 00:26:48 Notice the subtle change. So now everybody's starting to accept, Armacost, that these are in fact authentic emails and evidence of the Biden crime family's activities. But now their suggestion is going to be, no, no, we don't disinformation. We don't mean they're false we mean just like this could have benefited the russians this information and therefore they may have had something to do with getting the information out there which sounds the russian information campaign i know you know where i'm going with this joe so forgive me play like you don't for a moment just Just play stupid for a minute.
Starting point is 00:27:26 A Russian information campaign? That sounds familiar, Joe. Where have we heard about a Russian information campaign before that was embraced by the media and the Democrats? Oh, the pee-pee hoax. The pee-pee hoax. Oh, the pee-pee, that's right. The pee-pee hoax. That's right.
Starting point is 00:27:50 You know the dossier about Trump and the peepee stuff overseas? You know the dossier that used to spy on the Trump team? Which the media celebrated as being a product of a Russian insider who was, Joe, this close to Putin, buddy, this close. My fingers are wrapped around each other, buddy. This close. My fingers are wrapped around each other, folks. This close. Remember the media stories? Oh, you know what? I wish I would have.
Starting point is 00:28:12 I should have done some more homework on this segment. I didn't expect to spend as much time on this. I'm sorry. I wish I'd have a headline right now. I should have had one where the media was celebrating how close contacts to Putin have said Trump is corrupt. Close contacts to Putin have sworn, Joe, that Trump is colluding with the right. Close contacts. Joe, am I crazy?
Starting point is 00:28:35 Does that not sound like a Russian information? Yeah. Information came in. It sure does, Dan. Russia, close contact to Putin. I'm just saying. I'm just saying i'm just saying so it's really weird how a russian information campaign which they have no evidence this hunter biden story is at all is all of a sudden a really bad thing when it provides evidence of the biden crime family's activities
Starting point is 00:29:00 but when it's used to create a totally ridiculous story, completely made up about Trump and the peepee stuff, a Russian information campaign, if it attacks Trump, is a wonderful thing. It's to be celebrated and reported on and used as evidence that Trump is somehow sold out the United States. Again, does this infuriate you it should a russian information campaign celebrated when it's actually a disinformation campaign the pp hoax on trump it's fake information but celebrated by the media never verified because it couldn't be because it was fake then when the media figures
Starting point is 00:29:46 out that the russian information campaign against trump when they figure that out that it's all fake they move on but they use the exact same talking point they celebrated to attack everyone else who promotes the hunter biden story saying no no now it's a russian if i thought russian information campaigns were good i i i i'm confused now of course trump's not having any of this trump's done with it and i don't blame him now listen it may have been a little harsh to call the dude a criminal but whatevs i you know i like i said i have no problem with trump's rock'em sock'em robox style um if you do that's okay um you know i i don't i don't it doesn't bother me at all not one bit um but here's a brief video yesterday of trump at the airport he's asked the question i believe this is
Starting point is 00:30:39 um that guy jeff from reuters i'm not sure i can see the side of his face. But of course, you know, they're not interested in reporting on the Hunter Biden story. They're just interested in reporting on the fake media narratives about Russia. It's Russia. It's fake. We don't know. And Trump just basically nails this guy to the wall. Check this out. His strategy seems to be to call Biden a criminal.
Starting point is 00:31:00 Why is that? He is a criminal. He's a criminal. He got caught. Read his laptop. And you know who's a criminal? You're a criminal. Why is that? He is a criminal. He's a criminal. He got caught. Read his laptop. And you know who's a criminal? You're a criminal for not reporting it. You are a criminal for not reporting it. Let me tell you something.
Starting point is 00:31:13 Joe Biden is a criminal and he's been a criminal for a long time. And you're a criminal in the media for not reporting it. Good luck, everybody. Have a good time. Have a good time. Trump there, you know, he just, of course, you know, Joe, in a roundabout way, he kind of beats around the bush a little bit. Subtle.
Starting point is 00:31:31 Subtle, very, yeah, well, that went very, yes. I'm sorry, that is the way, that is exactly the word I was like, Trump being very subtle. Jeez. My boxing days, of course, are over. Pretty much my days of physical activity with just about everything. Do you notice I'm shrinking, by the way?
Starting point is 00:31:48 Did you notice that, folks? My traditional Italian large, which are boy's small shirts I wear on my show, that I used to be squeezed into like a sausage, are now, they're bagging everywhere. Did you notice this? I'm shrinking in front of your very eyes. I will get back in the gym tomorrow,
Starting point is 00:32:03 hoping to put back on a little weight. It's driving me crazy. My wife likes it. I'll leave that story for the adult show another time, but not my bag of donuts. She thinks I look better. I've lost about 10 pounds. Not willingly. I'm not on a diet. Believe me. But Paula loves it. She thinks it's great. We need a Duke Cannon ad right now. Even better. Let's go to our friends at Brick House Nutrition because I got to tell you, I do look a little leaner. I've lost a lot of body fat, but I have not got off my good quality eating plan. And what's the staple of it?
Starting point is 00:32:35 Unintended segue, by the way. My good friends at Brick House Nutrition. Here it is, ladies and gentlemen, our staple product in this house. This is a new one I just got from them. Why? Because we eat the heck out of it. We go through probably, what, a jar or two of this a week. What is it new one I just got from them. Why? Because we eat the heck out of it. We go through probably, what, a jar or two of this a week. What is it called,
Starting point is 00:32:48 and why do I take it? It's called Field of Greens. Ladies and gentlemen, the pandemic didn't test our country's economic endurance alone. It exposed how living an unhealthy lifestyle can increase your risk. That's why I recommend and take multiple times a day Field of Greens by Brickhouse Nutrition every day, twice a day. While other health products boast about one vegetable, Field of Greens is packed with 12 clinically researched essential fruits and vegetables plus green tea, ginger, turmeric, and beets. This powerful combination not only supports heart health, it supports a healthy immune system, metabolism, blood pressure, and digestion. You know, despite all my stuff, you know, my blood pressure was 110 over 70.
Starting point is 00:33:24 I'm not kidding. Field of Greens is loaded with antioxidants. They told me I had the blood levels of a teenage boy. Like, that's a good thing. Dean, I mean, who knows? I wish I could go back and look like one. I'm getting old really fast here. Field of Greens is loaded with antioxidants, pre and probiotics.
Starting point is 00:33:38 Just put one scoop in a glass of water. You know what I've been putting it in? I've been putting it in that pomegranate blueberry juice. It's fantastic. Why settle for one vegetable when you can have the entire field of greens? And look at the back. You notice what it doesn't say on the back? It doesn't say supplement facts. Read it yourself. You can see that it says nutrition facts. Why? Because it's not a supplement. This is actual real food. That's why they don't have to put supplement facts. These are real vegetables ground up. Go to slash Dan they don't have to put supplement facts. These are real vegetables ground up. Go to slash Dan and get 15% off your first order.
Starting point is 00:34:10 Don't wait. Use promo code Dan, D-A-N. That's slash Dan. It's available in two flavors. Both are great. I got to be honest with you. I like this one, but I've been using the wild berry too. You like the wild berry too?
Starting point is 00:34:23 The fielding, but this is the original. This one, I like this too. Sometimes I put this in tomato juice. It's available in two flavors. Both are terrific. Love them both. slash Dan. Use promo code Dan today.
Starting point is 00:34:35 All right, thanks BrickHouse Nutrition. Getting back to the show here. So ladies and gentlemen, on a serious note, these all stories are all serious, but I try to mix in some humor and sarcasm, keep it somewhat light. So we're not all sitting here pulling our hair out all the time. But the story is set.
Starting point is 00:34:51 Rush Limbaugh, I mean, to call him a giant in the movement may be the most giant understatement of all time. Joe is intimately familiar with Rush's content. Joe worked at a radio station that broadcast Rush for how long, Joe? 30 years? Yeah, years and years, yeah. A staple of, yeah, years and decades. I mean, Joe was at WCBM, and he's been a staple of the Maryland market, the Florida market, and just about every radio market in America
Starting point is 00:35:17 since I've been back in college, before then. You know, Rush changed my life, changed the lives of many others as well. I'll never forget reading his book in a pharmacy, waiting for a medication and reading things in his book I'd only heard for the first time because I went to a liberal college where they fostered liberal propaganda all day. And I thought, my gosh, if I've been wrong the whole time, that was due to Rush Limbaugh. Those stories like that number in the hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people whose lives have been changed by Rush Limbaugh, who basically created the market for conservative talk radio. Maybe if he didn't create it,
Starting point is 00:35:54 he blew it up like no human being ever had before and probably never will again. He's an icon, a giant in the movement. Well, many of you know that the movement sadly too is populated with losers and degenerates, grifters and other zeros who see this as a zero-sum game that someone's success like Rush or Mark Levin or Sean comes at their expense. I have never seen the movement that way. And I know Sean and Mark and Rush don't see it that way either because I got my start because of Sean Hannity and Mark Levin. I tell you with absolute certainty, I would not be here talking to you today without the assistance early on in my career in activism from Sean and Mark. That's a fact.
Starting point is 00:36:35 That's not an opinion. I could prove it to you, but I don't want to waste your time. But again, some zeros out there, they see their failures and their mistakes as the cause of others because they're degenerate losers. And believe me, I'm being nice in this segment. Well, what is this all about? Well, first, I'd like to just play a quick audio video of Rush here, who has announced that his cancer, sadly, a subject I'm personally familiar with now, but this is not about me at all and it won't be. This is about Rush, who was in a far more advanced stage with his lung cancer than I am. Rush announced yesterday that the disease has progressed and his words resonated with me powerfully because it's a
Starting point is 00:37:20 conversation I've had with my doctor too. And this whole thing about shrinking the timeline, knowing you're going to die, but knowing now that you might be on a clock, is something everyone who's been told they have a potentially terminal fatal disease has had to grapple with themselves. And in a touching moment, this hero, this icon of the movement,
Starting point is 00:37:39 talked about it on the air. He doesn't talk about it much, but he talked about it yesterday. I want you to listen to about a minute and 15, minute 20 seconds of Rush Limbaugh in a very touching moment on the air. He doesn't talk about it much, but he talked about it yesterday. I want you to listen to about a minute and 15, minute, 20 seconds of Rush Limbaugh in a very touching moment on the air. We should all hear. Check this out.
Starting point is 00:37:50 All going through challenges. Mine are no better, and mine are no different. Mine are no more special than anybody else's. But it can feel like a roller coaster. From the moment you get the diagnosis, there's a part of you every day, okay, that's it, life's over.
Starting point is 00:38:11 You just don't know when. But when you get that diagnosis, I mean, that's... So during the period of time after the diagnosis, you do what you can to prolong life. You do what you can to prolong a happy life. You measure a happy life against whatever medication it takes. And at some point, you decide, you know, this medication may be working, but I hate the way I feel over this. I'm not there yet, but it is part and parcel of this.
Starting point is 00:38:49 It's tough to realize that the days where I do not think I'm under a death sentence are over. Now, we all are, is the point. We all know that we're going to die at some point. But when you have a terminal disease diagnosis that has a timeframe to it, then that puts a different psychological and even physical awareness to it. Yeah. Yeah, it does. Big time. awareness to it yeah yeah it does big time now i i was touched by that that goes on a little bit um i wanted to give you the most poignant portion of it because on for a while and i suggest you listen to it you know um
Starting point is 00:39:39 you would think after a segment like that, that anyone, regardless of even your political affiliation, would have an ounce of empathy and say, my gosh, that must be really hard to realize that your life is now on a timeline. We all know we're on a timeline, as Rush said. We all get that, but the timeline's not real. It's not real until someone actually tells you what the potential date on that timeline is right i mean none of us really perceive none of us in our 40s or 50s without any kind of serious illness perceive our death as being we know what's going to happen but it's not real because we don't know the date we don't know the time but i i just ask you all who don't understand what rush is going through if someone were to give you that date,
Starting point is 00:40:26 not explain to you why, all of a sudden you'd live your life quite differently, wouldn't you? Say that date was five years or 10 years from now and you're only 45 years old. You would, you'd live your life differently. Well, Rush has kind of been given a general timeline and it's devastating.
Starting point is 00:40:46 And instead of some people feeling and empathizing for Rush and what he's gone through, and after all he's contributed to the movement, you have degenerate loser Neanderthals, like a guy I genuinely can't stand. He's the one guy in conservative. I mean, this guy's not a conservative. He's's a loser we don't accept losers in our movement um some of you may like him and that's fine I'm not telling you what to listen to or not um but this guy's a piece of human garbage I mean I've never done his radio show uh they've reached out I have the emails in case you uh don't believe me think I'm making some hey come on our show. How about you go yourself? I'm not doing your show because I think you're a piece of garbage because I know what he does to people behind the scenes. You had this piece of garbage, Michael Savage, who pretends to be a conservative,
Starting point is 00:41:35 who thought this moment was really funny and thought it was an opportunity to go out and poke fun at Rush. So he sent out a tweet, which I promptly responded to. We're going to have to blank some of it out for obvious reasons. But Savage, this complete zero who pretty much earned his last name there, thought it was really funny
Starting point is 00:41:54 after that touching segment to send out this tweet. Keep in mind, Savage has always been jealous because Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin, and Sean Hannity are far more impactful in the movement than him.
Starting point is 00:42:10 So Savage, I mean, to say crossed a line may be one of the most underrated statements in the history of my 1,373 shows. The man disgraced himself. He called it, as you can see on the tweet here, one of the worst 15 minutes of radio he's ever heard, that he spilled coffee on him, that Rush should die with some dignity. What? what so I promptly responded back to Michael Savage
Starting point is 00:42:51 that he should go mm yourself mm hole that's all I could think to say right there well that was retweeted and liked probably close to 70 or 80 000 times because i think everybody feels the same way now about michael savage what a loser and let me just tell you to Michael Savage, again, you piece of human filth who I have absolutely zero respect for. You're not a tough guy. You're a phony. You're a fraud.
Starting point is 00:43:31 You're a whiner. You're a loser. There's nothing you can do about it. I called you that. Me. There's nothing you can do about it. Nothing. Do you understand? Zero. Because you're a coward and a chump. If I see you in an airport, you'll run away Because you're a coward and a chump. If I see you in an airport, you'll run away because you are a coward and a chump who thinks someone dying of cancer is funny and Russia has more dignity in his fingernail than you have in your entire life ever accumulated. You're a piece of garbage. I know who you are. I've heard who you are. And it's the reason I've never done your garbage show.
Starting point is 00:44:10 Sorry if that sounded a little angry, but it's true. That's who this guy is. That's exactly who he is. All right. I want to get back to this, the debates, because the Trump team is just done with the Presidential Debate Commission. Their campaign manager actually fired out a tweet targeting Joe, not the Presidential Debate Commission, but, quote, the Biden Debate Commission, which I thought was good. Let me get to my last sponsor. And I'm going to get to that because it's an important one.
Starting point is 00:44:40 They want to mute microphones now. So Paul and I both had the same idea this morning. You know, sometimes great minds think alike, right? Paul is like, hey, I think Trump should do this. I was like, I just wrote that down. So we'll get to that in a second. Finally, today's show brought to you by our good friends at Job Creators Network. Hey, we're just weeks away from election day. Early in-person voting has already started in Arizona and Michigan, Georgia, and Ohio. That's just a few of them. People are turning out in record-setting numbers.
Starting point is 00:45:08 Look it up. There are many more states where early in-person voting has begun or is about to begin. If you haven't yet visited, I'm urging you. I'm imploring you to visit it now. Please don't wait. The voting information there and the free resources provides are trusted and are up to date. While you're there, you can even sign up and be kept up to date via email. The 2016 election was decided by thousands of votes, not by millions.
Starting point is 00:45:39 And nearly 400,000 of you across the country now have already gone to We need to get to a million or more and make this the biggest get out the vote effort in conservative history. One the liberal media cannot possibly ignore. There are simple but vitally important things you can do. What can you do? Well, go to and find out. Commit to take just one person to the polls, just one, or help someone get their mail-in ballot. Do a little, do a lot, but please do your part. Go now. They can show you how to do it again. Please, we need to get a million people there. Go to Go today. All right. So many of you have been following this story about the
Starting point is 00:46:26 disastrous, now totally just useless, Presidential Debate Commission, stacked with anti-Trumpers and liberal Democrats. Even Bob Dole, who's a pretty moderate mainstream guy, former presidential candidate himself, nominee to be precise. Bob Dole in the Republican Party has said, and you know, listen, this guy was as moderate as moderate gets. It's like, listen, this presidential debate commission, there's not one person on there that supports Trump. So what are they doing? First, they canceled the second debate.
Starting point is 00:46:54 Of course, we had the first debate. You all saw it. We covered it on the show. I thought Trump won pretty handily. They canceled the second debate and said to the president, no, no, we're going to do it virtually, which the president rightfully so was like, I'm not doing it virtually. What are you guys crazy? Like, you don't change the like, I'm not doing it virtually. What are you guys, crazy? Like, you don't change the rules
Starting point is 00:47:07 in the middle of the boxing match. What are you, nuts? So now the third debate's coming up. We have a pretty hardcore liberal, Kristen Welker from NBC moderating. And in addition to that, the Biden Debate Commission, otherwise known as the Presidential Debate Commission,
Starting point is 00:47:24 right, they decided a couple things. They decided now they're going to mute the mics. I'll get to that in biden debate commission otherwise known as the presidential debate commission right um they decided a couple things they decided now they're going to mute the mics i'll get to that in a second and they decided as well that they're going to change the focus of the the third debate which is really the second debate because they canceled the second one joe the third debate is always about foreign policy always that's the way it's always been done but but weird they decided to change that away from foreign policy joe something happened what happened on the foreign part joe think i don't come on thank you miss gilfeather my fifth grade teacher god rest her soul used to say put your thinking caps on boys and girls something happened in the foreign policy space that wasn't favorable to the Biden crime family? Hmm.
Starting point is 00:48:06 I got notes. Oh, that's right. That's right. I forgot. We just talked about it at the beginning of the show. My mind, you know, all these, I'm losing it. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:48:14 Neurons aren't condendrites. Axons are not. Schwann cells not insulated. It's not working very well. Hunter, oh, Hunter Biden and Biden are being accused of taking payoffs from the Chinese Communist Party for the liberals. That's a foreign country, China. I'm just telling, you know, liberals and Biden are being accused of taking payoffs from the Chinese Communist Party.
Starting point is 00:48:25 For the liberals, that's a foreign country, China. I'm just telling, you know, liberals and stuff, you know, sprains, peanuts and stuff. So just to be clear, the third debate, which this is, it's not our fault they canceled the second, which is always about foreign policy. They mysteriously at the last minute changed that. Gee, I wonder why. I can't possibly so here's a memo from trump's campaign manager the great bill stepien who uh sent this tweet out and sent a letter like hey that's really weird oh that you guys would change the focus of debate from foreign policy after a
Starting point is 00:48:57 big foreign policy scandal erupts with joe biden strange how that happens And here's his tweet at Bill Stepien. Our letter to the BDC, the Biden Debate Commission. Slow, slow, slow, slow clap. Maybe golf clap. Maybe Miss America clap. I don't know. You get a whole bunch of claps. Nice job. Maybe a Don Mattingly hits a home run when I was 12 years old sitting in Yankee Stadium right there. Donnie baseball. Awesome job by Bill Stepien. Awesome job. I love Don Mattingly. He was my favorite baseball player, favorite athlete of all time. Real classy guy. The best. Donnie baseball. yeah bill's like hey that's kind of weird all of a sudden this foreign policy scandal erupts and next thing you know the whole focus of the debate which we've always done has changed um so not only did they change the focus of the debate but they've changed the rules too midstream keep in mind ladies and gentlemen so you understand what's going on here the debate rules have already been agreed to before the first debate. We are now in the middle of the boxing match and the referee in round 12 is
Starting point is 00:50:15 changing the rules. The debate rules were already agreed to. What are they changing it to? Look at this Washington examiner article. Be in the show notes today. slash newsletter is where you subscribe to our show notes for free. Zachary Halaszak, breaking news reporter, Washington Examiner. Final Trump-Biden debate will feature muted microphones.
Starting point is 00:50:36 A rule they never agreed to ever before the debate started. Kind of like Twitter. Now, why would they do that? I ask you again. I'll pose this to audience ombudsman, Mr. Joe Armacost. Yes, sir. Let's go back to the beginning of the show. Andrea Mitchell, a noted full-time Democrat liberal activist,
Starting point is 00:50:59 using her title as journalist to advocate liberal causes. Do you really believe Andrea Mitchell is giving the Republican Party advice when she says, listen, you guys need to stop talking about this Hunter Biden story? Why? Because she wants the Republicans to win? No, because she knows it's damaging. Right.
Starting point is 00:51:14 The Presidential Debate Commission, the Biden Debate Commission, stacked with anti-Trumpers, not one person who supports Trump on it, not one, just to be clear. Supposedly nonpartisan, Joe, dreaded air quotes. Presidential Debate Commission. They hate Trump.
Starting point is 00:51:29 Do you really believe they're muting the microphones to not allow Trump to interrupt or rebut strongly Biden's lies? Do you really think they're doing that because they think Biden won the first debate where the microphones were unmuted? I'll let you think about that one in a second. I can't do too much radio silence because we're on terrestrial radio and would shut off the whole show. But let me give you five. Hmm. I bet the answer is, of course not. The presidential debate commission in conjunction with all their media buddies who have been telling you how Biden crushed Trump in the first debate.
Starting point is 00:52:06 If he did, why are they changing the rules? I don't understand. I don't understand why they'd be changing the rules if the rules Biden used to crush Trump in the first debate, if those rules were so effective, then why are they changing them? Because they weren't. Because Trump ate Biden's lunch by flustering him,
Starting point is 00:52:27 by interrupting his lies. So then they're going to mute mics. So Paul and I think alike. I'm sitting here, we're talking before the show. We always kind of like chit chat before the show and we're not preventing Lucy
Starting point is 00:52:38 from eating our whole house up. By the way, we do give her chew toys. A couple of people email me. You have my personal email listeners. And they're like, give her some rawhide. There's do give her chew toys. A couple of people email me. You have my personal email listeners. And they're like, give her some rawhide. There's like a million chew toys. You know what she likes? Socks and electric appliances.
Starting point is 00:52:53 We got to watch the dog all the time. We give her like the greatest chew toys in the world. Right, Paul, even a pet store guy. What did the pet store guy tell my wife? We bought all these chew toys. Little fake cows, balls, dumbbells she could chew on that are rubber. And the guy's like, you're wasting your money. Dog chews on whatever it wants. They were not kidding. They were not kidding. She's got to go to doggy bootcamp soon. So Paul and I are
Starting point is 00:53:15 sitting here in between bouts of stopping Lucy from chewing up our whole house. And she beat me to the punch. I have a note. I'm not kidding. It's right here. It said, I wrote it before she said this, just so you know, I have evidence. Yes, I have recebos. I have recebos. I wrote it before.
Starting point is 00:53:32 We can document this. The ink can be aged. The half-life of the ink is before Paula said this. I think Trump should do this. Joe, tell me what you think. I know Paula's been. Trump should keep a microphone
Starting point is 00:53:42 in his pocket. He should flip that sucker right out when the mic is being picked. I got mine. I got one. Flipped him just like this. Mic in his pocket, an RE-20. And he should be like, you can mute my mic. I got my own microphone. Paula added a suggestion, which I thought was very clever. After he's done with his last rebuttal, he should drop the mic. Ceremonial drop and just stand there and be like doing Arsenio Hall, like woo woo. And just dropped him off. I think that you folks listen,
Starting point is 00:54:09 I know some Trump campaign people listen to this, get a mic in his pocket. It, it would be the single greatest month. Where's my quick, we do a quick, the quip will be like the mic. So can you imagine this moment on TV?
Starting point is 00:54:21 Trump's sitting there. They have the mic muter on, right? Biden starts saying, it's a Russian disinformation campaign, whatever it is. you imagine this moment on TV? Trump's sitting there. They have the mic muter on, right? Biden starts saying, it's a Russian disinformation campaign, whatever it is. Trump starts to rebut, and the mic muter guy hits the mic to mute Trump, so he can't do it. All of a sudden, do we have a jacket? The jacket opens up, right? Slowly. Adam, that's okay. I got my own mic right here. Let me tell you about the recebos.
Starting point is 00:54:45 I got recebos on Hunter Biden. And he goes, ladies and gentlemen, be the greatest moment in the history of television. It would, there would never ever, it would be the most viral clip.
Starting point is 00:55:00 What has he got to lose at this point? Everybody knows the Biden debate commission hates him. They know the moderator can't stand them. It is a huge limb. What does he got to lose at this point everybody knows the biden debate commission hates him they know the moderator can't stand them it is a huge limb what does he have to lose just whip out his own mic better be careful whipping out stories after that cnn we're staying away from that i don't pile it's too gross but right we better we'll stop i don't do pile ons especially when they're gross like that right let's just say take out rather than whip out. Some of you know what I mean.
Starting point is 00:55:26 But Trump pulls out the microphone and then dropped that thing right there. Be the greatest moment ever. Folks, someone on the Trump campaign, please take it to heart. Pocket microphone. Paula thought of it too. I'm not kidding. Even though I thought of it first. She's shaking her head. She knows i wrote it down before she said it she but the mic drop thing is totally hers i didn't think of that i have your potus mic and pocket that's what i wrote like
Starting point is 00:55:54 he should carry props what else do we have hold on we have here we have props the flag the laugh guy remember the laugh guy Props. What else do we have? Hold on. We have, here, we have props. The flag. The laugh guy. Remember the laugh guy? Remember the laugh guy? These are all props. People have sent us. What else do we got?
Starting point is 00:56:14 Hold on. Oh, here we go. Here we go. More props. Remember these? This is stuff listeners have sent. Remember the glasses? These are the thug life glasses.
Starting point is 00:56:23 Trump should carry a pair. So he has the mic drop, right? So he goes, Hunter, yeah, really? There's more in Hunter's? You know we have the recebos, right? What should he carry? The receipt. Genius. He should have a printed copy of the receipt.
Starting point is 00:56:37 Trump campaign. If you are not listening, you're doing us a national disservice. Carry the mic. Folks, I've got a little piece of evidence I want to show you right here. What comes out of the pocket? Wait, hold on. We need a receipt. Hold on. Stand by,
Starting point is 00:56:53 folks. Stand by. Here it is. He might drop something. This is how this has to go down. He drops out of his pocket. He pulls this out. He goes, look what I got. Receipos. We need to write something on it. Here. Hunter gonna sign like a signature there there's 100 i got recebos right there it's not actually hunter biden's signature but it's my best job doing it right he's got
Starting point is 00:57:15 recebos and then when he's done so mic drop recebos what heuts on the thug life glasses and he walks off stage. This is the greatest segment we've ever done. Trump, please, please consider it. All right, maybe not the thug life glasses. That would be maybe
Starting point is 00:57:38 a little too much, but definitely the microphone and the recebos. The 100% recebos. You got to, please do that. Someone, anyone. Joe, do you have any influence
Starting point is 00:57:49 with the Trump campaign? I can't do it. I don't want to get too late in the game. I'm staying out. Please contact, you know, some people. Contact anyone. Please keep the, Paula, the best idea ever. It'll turn the whole campaign.
Starting point is 00:58:02 Where's the recebo? The recebo, I threw it away. The receibo. I threw it away. The receibo. Please take a copy of the Hunter Biden receibo. Please. Wow. That'd be great. That would be epic.
Starting point is 00:58:15 Yeah. Yeah. I'm literally, folks, for you watching on Rumble. If you're not watching the video show on Rumble today, you're doing yourself a huge disservice. slash Bongino. I'm not kidding. Please, please take out the receibo.
Starting point is 00:58:33 That was genius. Paula Bongino could have single-handedly changed the whole presidential campaign right there. Now, why would we need the receibo? I wanted to get to a whole bunch more story. Maybe we'll slip in one more, but this is an important one. There's an article at Breitbart, again, it'll be in the show notes, that you need to, slash newsletter, check it out.
Starting point is 00:58:53 Why would we need the receibos? Because Brett Baer from Fox broke some news last night, according to Breitbart's Pam Key, that the Hunter Biden email was a question is unlikely to be a question at the next presidential debate. Shocker. Now, to be fair, I don't know that Kristen Welker could have a moment of honest journalism. She could and say, hey, what about that receibo thing, Joe? Like your son actually signed the thing, turned over the computer. The Russians make him do that. Is he really that stupid? But according to Breitbart sources and brett bear um that's not going to be a question which joe how many people does that surprise exactly no one
Starting point is 00:59:30 i mean no one actually expects journalism uh to do journalists to do actual journalisming that's not what they do anymore so that's no shocker there but one last time please mr trump folks can you spread this segment of the show around to anyone on the trump campaign you know we got a lot of ringers here if you know what i mean listen please get this to the president directly or eric or don or anyone the receipt in your pocket please please please please do it what's this what's this even if you don't have the mic, recibo. Recibo. All right, one last story.
Starting point is 01:00:12 On a serious note, unfortunately, Chief Justice John Roberts, who, what I told you, I mean, this guy's just an embarrassment. This guy's a full-time liberal now. I laugh now when liberals say to us, Joe, Amy Coney Barrett's appointment to the Supreme Court, if confirmed, this will be a 6-3 conservative majority. Who's the sixth? Yeah. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:00:32 Who's the sixth? Oh, Amy Coney Barrett. No, no, she's not. She's the fifth. We don't have six conservatives. We have John Roberts. John Roberts isn't ours. John Roberts is a disgrace to the bench.
Starting point is 01:00:44 He's been since he saved Obamacare and just made stuff up. So what did John Roberts. John Roberts isn't ours. John Roberts is a disgrace to the bench. He's been since he saved Obamacare and just made stuff up. So what did John Roberts do now? The great crew over at the Daily Wire. Hank, uh, what is this, Berrien? I've never seen him. Is he new over there? Hank Berrien. Well, good piece nonetheless. Daily Wire, be in the show notes.
Starting point is 01:00:59 John Roberts sides with liberals. Again, what do you mean sides with liberals? I love Hank, but he is a liberal. He's not siding with them. John Roberts is a liberal. Roberts sides with liberals. Again, what do you mean sides with liberals? I love Hank, but he is a liberal. He's not siding with them. John Roberts is a liberal. Roberts sides with liberals. Supreme Court allows Pennsylvania to accept ballots three days late. So the four conservatives on the court
Starting point is 01:01:15 agreed that, wait, that sounds kind of weird, Joe, because the Constitution and subsequent election law demands what? A uniform national election. Liberals, I know that's, I'm not talking about a school uniform.
Starting point is 01:01:26 I know you're liberals and all, the whole like thick skull like you thing. Uniform, meaning a consistent set of rules. Uniform, not clothing, okay? How can you have a uniform national election according to election law if the uniform national election allows Pennsylvania to have the election three days after the election?
Starting point is 01:01:46 Let's do the Justice Roberts gamble for this one. I don't know. I'm John Roberts and I'm a liberal. How is that? So we're having election day and in Pennsylvania gets a special election day, day, day, day. So, of course, the conservatives on the court who are all sane. day so of course the conservatives on the court who were all sane robert salido kavanaugh gorsuch they were like well that doesn't make a lot of sense this whole pennsylvania gets a three-day election when the rest of the country has a one-day
Starting point is 01:02:15 election so um that's no good and of course john roberts sided with his liberal friends which led to a 4-4 decision because there is not a ninth justice right now because Amy Coney Barrett has not been confirmed. You say, well, Dan, if it was 4-4, then nobody won.
Starting point is 01:02:32 Yes, which means the Pennsylvania decision that they are going to have a three-day election rather than a one-day election stands. Tell me again how we have a 6-3
Starting point is 01:02:41 if Amy Coney Barrett, 6-3 conservative majority. No, it'll be 5-4 john roberts is john roberts is gone he's lost forget it john roberts is is a he's terrified he has no backbone he is terrified about the washington post new york times op-ed columns writing bad things about me because he has no guts at all he's a disgrace to the bench and he makes it up as he's going along. He fabricated a whole Obamacare justification. It's a tax.
Starting point is 01:03:09 Really, John? Obama argued it wasn't a tax. Obama, you know, the guy in the first part of Obamacare? On tape, we played it last week. Roberts made that up. Just like he's making up that uniform election law across the country. Uniform, meaning the same,
Starting point is 01:03:23 means Pennsylvania gets a three-day election while everyone else gets one. Really weird how Roberts just fabricated that out of thin air too. The penumbras. What a joke. All right, folks, that was a interesting show today.
Starting point is 01:03:40 We haven't whipped out those props. I don't even know who sent me these. This came over from the other studio. Thanks for tuning in. We really appreciate it. Please watch the video show today. Subscribe. I'm going to get to this story tomorrow.
Starting point is 01:03:52 Don't let me forget, Paula. Google is now being sued. It broke right before we got on the air today in an antitrust lawsuit. I bring that up because I'd like you to subscribe. Google owns YouTube. YouTube hates us. They can't stand me. They can't stand my show.
Starting point is 01:04:05 Google owns them. That's why I'm involved now with Rumble which is an alternative to YouTube where we actually believe in crazy things Joe like free speech it is a video platform it's better than YouTube I wouldn't be involved if it wasn't because we don't censor people for political views
Starting point is 01:04:19 like YouTube does to us if you want to watch my show on video and subscribe well over 100,000 subscribers now, it is all free. Go to Rumble, like Rumble, R-U-M-B-L-E, slash Bongino. Go today, please subscribe. It's all free. Please watch my video show there. I think today's you'll really get a kick out of the visual elements are unintended, but kind of add to the whole drama of the show. slash Bongino. We really appreciate it.
Starting point is 01:04:49 Go check it out today. Thanks for tuning in, folks. We'll see you all tomorrow. You just heard Dan Bongino.

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