The Dan Bongino Show - Horrifying Video Emerges Of The COVID Dystopia (Ep 1746)

Episode Date: April 13, 2022

Disturbing video of the COVID dystopia in China emerges. In this episode, I address the troubling images and what it means for liberals trying to emulate the strategy here.  News Picks: NYPD names... a person of interest in the subway shooting case.  No more Zuckerbucks!  Disney is getting wrecked for advocating for the sexualizing of children. Biden’s “ghost gun” head-fake. The Washington Post’s hilarious job posting for a Texas reporter.  Another leftist conspiracy theory dies a brutal death. BLM leader says disclosure rules “triggered” her.  Copyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 From the kitchen to the laundry room, your home deserves the best. Give it the upgrade it deserves at Best Buy's Ultimate Appliance Event. Save up to $1,000 on two or more major appliances. Shop now, in-store, or online at Exclusions apply. Get ready to hear the truth about America on a show that's not immune to the facts with your host, Dan Bongino. You know, the Great Reset crowd loves China. They do. They've spoken openly how they love totalitarian regimes, communism, tyranny.
Starting point is 00:00:37 I mean, they've said it openly. They're not hiding it, right? These people want to reset society. It's kind of weird how they're putting cats in bags and killing dogs, imprisoning a city of 26 million people, and yet the great resetters are awfully quiet about that. Kind of weird, huh? Have some video audio from the hellscape in China. Got that and a lot more.
Starting point is 00:00:57 And why that is exactly what the left wants to bring here. You doubt me? Oh, and you need to stay tuned. As I said, we got a lot to talk about, including people revolting against Disney, which is wonderful news to hear.
Starting point is 00:01:10 And what does the Ronald Reagan, Jimmy Carter election have to do with today? Well, if you live through it like Joe and I did, although I was very,
Starting point is 00:01:19 very young at the time, it's got a very, very young at the time. Joe remembers more than I do. It's got a lot to do with today if you're looking for a firearm i wholeheartedly recommend henry repeating arms they make 200 models of rifles shotguns and revolvers and a wide variety of calibers and finishes plus they have new releases throughout the year and trust me folks you just can't beat
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Starting point is 00:02:09 they won't be made at all. Remember to order their free catalog and decals at That's and click on the free catalog button in the top right corner. You're going to love this company. All right, Joe, let's go. It's showtime. Where'd the bell go? How come I didn't hear the bell? Oh, nice. Because the Kenny, I had to move the Kenny bell. There was too much stuff on the desk. It was interfering.
Starting point is 00:02:31 Bad mouse. I can't reach the Kenny bell. Yeah, yeah. So you got to get on that new mouse. So the great resetters in China. Speaking of that, we'll be talking about Mickey later. Mickey's in a little bit of trouble. They love China.
Starting point is 00:02:51 You know, the great reset World Economic Forum, Klaus klaus schwab far left crowd they want to reset society that's not a joke they he actually wrote a book on it klaus schwab the head of the world economic forum called the great reset as i've said repeatedly there's actually a website dedicated to the great reset have you ever asked yourself what are they trying to reset well they're trying to reset great reset. Have you ever asked yourself, what are they trying to reset? Well, they're trying to reset society. Reset society. Why would you want to reset society? Given all the problems, we're still doing okay. I mean, we have things we didn't have years ago, decades ago. We have antibiotics, technology, communications equipment, large food supply. Why would you want to reset everything? Well, because what's led to all that? Capitalism and freedom and leftists hate that. They love totalitarian control. China has always been a model for them. They've said it. The great reset crowd,
Starting point is 00:03:35 they love China because they love totalitarianism. Well, do you notice some of them are awfully quiet about the ongoing economic and human financial and totalitarian disaster going on in Shanghai, a city of 26 million people. As the Chinese Communist Party totalitarian thugs locked down the entire city, killing cats and dogs and imprisoning people. Here's the hellscape in Shanghai, the prison state they're living in. You know, folks, this is what it really looks like when you live in a totalitarian regime. Here's a woman trying to escape from the COVID people who I guess they wanted to put her in quarantine.
Starting point is 00:04:13 This is one of, I kid you not, hundreds of videos I could put up, each one more disgusting than the last of what's going on in Shanghai, the prison state right now check this out folks I I the videos are so disturbing I have to be very careful about what i put up because i really i know some kids watch this stuff there are videos of cats and dogs being slaughtered
Starting point is 00:04:53 being stuck in bags there are videos of kids being put in pandemic suits don't even fit them hauled out into trucks to be taken away folks. Folks, you understand this is the model the left wants here. I'm going to tie this together. Don't go anywhere, please. I'm going to tie this together, showing you in a piece how the left wants to use this same exact model here, especially the Green New Deal lefters. It's always been about what, Joe?
Starting point is 00:05:23 We talked about this for now eight years. Control. Control. Control. I don't mean that. I'm not trying to be a poet here. I'm telling you candidly, the left loves control. Capitalism, freedom, and a constitutional republic
Starting point is 00:05:41 puts control in your hands, the individual. None of this is complicated individual none of this is complicated none of this is calm we don't need to speak in overly verbose sat words to explain what's going on if you want socialism and totalitarianism which the left loves that's they need concentrated government power they need to take control away from you and give it to the government. It's really that simple. We've said it for eight years now, Joe and I do the show. It's about control. COVID was a vehicle for them to gain control, put a mask on, get a vaccine. Mandates are about control. That's the essence of a mandate. They can tell you what to do.
Starting point is 00:06:26 It explains why they fell in love with vaccine mandates and mask mandates and left everything out. Now, if you are under the ridiculous, delusional belief system that any of these leftists are doing this out of a sense of principle, anything, then you're lost. These same leftists who claim to be against a bill in China that doesn't exist, the don't say gay bill, these same leftists craving control, will do anything to shill for China as long as they can run cover for China, even if it directly contradicts a position they took the day before, because China's about control.
Starting point is 00:07:13 Here's what I mean. Here's BlackRock's CEO, a guy who's been a regular star of the show, Larry Fink. Now, this guy is a diehard, devout leftist, okay? Whether he says so or not, he is a leftist. He runs one of the biggest investment firms in the world. He is constantly pushing companies to do more environmental stuff, ESG, environmental, social, governance stuff, pushing them towards a leftist agenda. This guy's investment firm is huge.
Starting point is 00:07:44 He owns a ton of stock and companies, right? He can influence a company with a buy and sell decision like that. He sells your stock. He can sink your company. He is constantly pushing these companies to take these leftist stances on things, including their green new deal environmental agenda. Here's Larry Fink though, China china one of the dirtiest countries in the world when it comes to environmental restrictions talking about how he admires totalitarian regimes the same ones that put cats in bags and hunt that lady down in the street to throw her into quarantine this is your principled leader here check this out uh uncertainty markets don't like uncertainty
Starting point is 00:08:25 markets like actually totalitarian governments where you have a understanding of what's out there and obviously we're the whole dimension is changing now with uh as he said a democratization of countries and and democracies are very messy as we know in the united states uh you have opinions changing back and forth that is larry fink, CEO of one of the most important investment firms. He controls money. Some of you have money invested with Larry Fink. You don't even know it. Telling you how wonderful it is.
Starting point is 00:08:58 Totalitarian regimes. You mean the same ones, Larry? You throw cats in bags, kill dogs in the street, imprison their people in a 26 million person prison camp called Shanghai due to impart upon them a COVID restriction lockdown that'll never work. You mean that kind of totalitarian regime? Here's Larry Fink here again, big leftist activists, right? Wait, leftist activists. I thought they were about the environment and protecting gay people from a fictitious don't say gay bill.
Starting point is 00:09:33 I thought they were all about that. It's kind of weird because in China, and I'll get to that in a second, they don't give a damn about people who are gay. Matter of fact, they don't want you even saying gay in China. Yet, I don't see them talking about that much. And yet, environmental restrictions in China are really non-existent. They're one of the biggest saying gay in China. Yet I don't see them talking about that much. And yet environmental restrictions in China are really nonexistent. They're one of the biggest polluters in the world. So he was confronted on Squawk Box, Larry, think about this, about the hypocrisy. And he claims, oh, no, we're pushing China to do the same stuff, too. Well, you're not doing that great of a job.
Starting point is 00:09:59 But he was a little uncomfortable with the question when he was confronted about BlackRock and China and their relationship over there. I mean, they're polluters, right? Here's part of his answer. Check this out. We have a great interconnected economy. We have a business in China. We are trying to build Chinese savings like we build savings in every other country. We work with them on retirement.
Starting point is 00:10:31 We work with them on retirement. We work with them on trying to build a better future for their for their citizens by building a retirement market. The United States, they own over two point one trillion dollars of U.S. securities. The Chinese does. I mean, this is a very interconnected relationship it's very interconnected really you see all the buzzwords he uses when confronted on the fact that yeah he's very thirst and howly you see how he does that how he talks you in circles trying to justify why black rock so heavily involved in china china totalitarian regime that imprisons Uyghurs, sterilizes people, kills cats and dogs, imprisons a city of 26 million people. It's engaged in the world's largest surveillance state apparatus, is nuclear powered, is a constant threat to the United States and Taiwan. They have no problem with that, but they do have a problem with a fake bill in China
Starting point is 00:11:22 that doesn't exist. Excuse me, a fake bill in Florida that doesn't exist called the Don't Say Gay Bill, even though the bill doesn't say gay. And ironically, what the left calls it, Don't Say Gay Bill. You're a sly one, Mr. Fink. Yeah, you're a sly one, Mr. Fink. Now, as you notice that although you can say gay in Florida, in stark contrast to what the hack leftists are trying to tell you uh that is actually a myth there is no don't say gay bill in florida
Starting point is 00:11:53 that is a hoax and a conspiracy theory on the left it's kind of weird how variety you can see variety which is a leftist entertainment uh rag and their blue check mark account says that references to a gay relationship were edited out of this movie called fantastic beasts the secrets of dumbledore by warner brothers for the film's release in china where are all the uh just checking here right so again the leftists who love china will protect china no matter what these are the same leftists who tell you they're activists for the gay community. They're activists for the environment. But they protect China, even though you can't say gay, apparently, in China. And they're one of the world's biggest polluters. Interesting.
Starting point is 00:12:38 Where are the celebs, the athletes, the Democrats? I wrote a little list here. corporations the larry finks uh the lebron james of the world why are they strangely silent about the fact that gay references had to be uh omitted out of a movie called i don't even know what the fantastic beasts of dinkledore are but why is that you know about this you're the entertainer who's dinkledore dumbledingle harry Potter. Okay, whatever. I heard of Harry Potter. So Harry Potter, so I'm assuming it's a big budgeted movie.
Starting point is 00:13:10 So they wanted to make money in China. So even though apparently you're not allowed to say gay in China, nobody said a thing. That's really, really weird. The verdict is in. Sounds like they're full of crap to me. Sounds like there's a full of crap alert. And it's a five alarm full of crap to me. Sounds like there's a full of crap alert and it's a five alarm full of crap fire.
Starting point is 00:13:29 These people are frauds. You are being played for a sucker. A sucker. You're being played for a fool. Why is this such a colossal embarrassment? I just want to make sure because I don't
Starting point is 00:13:43 like to talk in circles like Larry Fink. You understand where I'm going with this. This has nothing to do with the left caring about people who are gay or caring about the environment. If it did, they would call out China for being the world's biggest polluter and for censoring gay references in China. But you hear nothing. Because this isn't about principles. This is about control. And China is the world's biggest authoritarian control state.
Starting point is 00:14:12 And the left loves them because they love control. And if control means throwing gay people overboard, they'll do it. If it means pissing away environmental register uh regulations and supporting the world's biggest polluter you're damn right they'll do that too now why have they been so quiet the left about the disgusting videos of animal torture and death and imprisonment in shanghai due to covid restrictions why have they been so quiet do you notice that you hear it on fox you see it from right-leaning commentators all these videos jack posobic's been publishing a whole bunch of these on his social media feed these shanghai videos you don't hear much from the left about
Starting point is 00:14:55 it kind of strange right journal's got a great piece on this one shanghai zero covid lockdowns by the editorial board they They note this. Here's the reason the left, the control obsessed totalitarian left has their mouths shut on the Shanghai prison state quote, because this is an embarrassment for many Western commentators, public health officials, and CEOs. For many years, a prominent school of thought held that China's authoritarian system produced better governance by making hard but correct policy decisions that elude democratic leaders. Sounds like something Larry Fink said before in that cut. Goes on, quote, this supposedly made China a safer place to invest and more recently led some bureaucrats to idealize Beijing's 2020 COVID lockdown in Wuhan.
Starting point is 00:15:50 Now you get it? All coming around? Making sense for you now? They love totalitarianism. COVID was a vehicle to show people how... Pay attention to this, please. COVID was a vehicle to show people how, pay attention to this, please. COVID was a vehicle for them to show how effective totalitarianism can be and how messy and chaotic, to quote Larry Fink, democracy is. Look at the mess we had over here. People dying from COVID. We need to be more like China. We don't have to worry about democracy.
Starting point is 00:16:24 They locked the whole city down. Now do you see when a 26 million person city turns into a prison camp and cats and dogs wind up in bags beaten to death? How the left that supported this is a little embarrassed. By the way, they're not embarrassed because they don't agree with it. Are we clear on this? They're not embarrassed at all because they don't agree.
Starting point is 00:16:42 Is everybody clear? You got to be clear. They agree with it. They're embarrassed because you're seeing it and they because they don't agree. Is everybody clear? You got to be clear. They agree with it. They're embarrassed because you're seeing it and they know the PR is bad. So real quiet. Let's not show those videos. We want to bring that here. We want to bring that here.
Starting point is 00:17:00 We can't bring it here if people see what it actually looks like. No one wants to be hauled off like that poor lady in a video of which we played the beginning of the show. Watch it on Rumble. Tracked down, hunted down by the Chinese Communist Party COVID police. We can't tell people that's what's coming here. Folks, the left loves totalitarianism. It's the same left pushing the Green New Deal. What pushing the Green New Deal. What does the Green New Deal have to do with China's lockdowns? Because they love government authoritarianism and control. There is nothing they want more than to effectively take control of the energy markets in the United States.
Starting point is 00:17:38 Because when you control three things, right, you control everything. Education, health care, energy. You control everything. Education, healthcare, energy. You get the kids, you get the bloodlines of the whole economy, energy, and healthcare, you control people's lives. You control those three things, you control everything.
Starting point is 00:17:58 Now, is it all making sense? Gosh, Dan, why is the left so obsessed about taking over our schools and sexualizing our kids? The kids. Why is the left so obsessed about taking over our schools and sexualizing our kids? The kids. Why is the left so obsessed with taking over the healthcare, the government-controlled healthcare system? Because you control the healthcare.
Starting point is 00:18:12 You control people's lives. Why are they so obsessed, the left, about energy and Green New Deal nonsense? Because if you can control how people power their businesses, their cars, and their lives, you control everything. There's nothing you can do without it. What better way to take over a society to control those three elements? Can you think of something better? I can. So now they're bothered by the Shanghai videos because it's really bad PR for their efforts to sell totalitarianism.
Starting point is 00:18:50 I mean, totalitarianism, Joe, don't look so great when you're sticking cats that are still alive in bags together. All of them. That looks so good. It's kind of disgusting. Yes. Yeah. A little gross. I love animals. I know Joe does too. I got Lucy and let me tell you something. I really love animals. And you start showing me, I'm not so much a cat guy, but I had a cat once, but I can tell you something. You start showing me videos of cats and dogs being slaughtered and put in bags. You're probably going to piss me off. And a lot of other people too. And that doesn't bode well for the leftists who want to do the same thing with climate policy too. I'm going to talk about this in a minute. I'm this great Tomas Philipson, who's fantastic, fantastic. Whenever you see his pieces pop up in the journal and elsewhere, read them. He's written on my website too. I think, I think he is.
Starting point is 00:19:31 Sorry, I'm pretty sure. Awesome. He wrote a piece about exactly how this is. They're really afraid of Shanghai because they feel like, oh my gosh, we want to do the same thing. We can't have people looking at videos of Katzenbeck. So back to the segment. Again, the left is obsessed with control.
Starting point is 00:19:47 The Shanghai story is blowing up in their face. Not because they don't love it, but they just don't want you to see it. And now they're worried it's going to impact their totalitarian climate deal too. Tomas Phillips in Wall Street Journal. What climate change has in common with COVID? Really? Private sector innovation overcame the virus. Now global warming needs an operation warp speed. He says here, listen to this quote, very important.
Starting point is 00:20:12 Expect climate policy to develop in ways similar to COVID policy. An initial period of ineffective and excessively costly prevention will eventually give way to cheaper mitigation efforts driven by private innovation. Cheap green energy will do for rising global temperatures what vaccines and treatments did for rising COVID cases. Here's what he's saying. What he's getting at here is the left isn't interested in a free market solution to either energy or COVID.
Starting point is 00:20:40 In a free market solution, people would get the vaccines if they worked well for them and they wouldn't require this drastic sales pitch. But the left doesn't want that because the left loves totalitarianism. So the left wants to force you to get a vaccine, whether it works or it doesn't for you. They don't care. Because why? Because it's about control. They don't give a damn about you and COVID. He's saying the same thing could apply to green policy, and that's what the left is trying to avoid. The left doesn't care about green energy, folks. It's why they support China, one of the biggest polluters. They don't care at all. Green energy and the energy crisis could be solved by technology, and the left knows that.
Starting point is 00:21:23 So why not just let free markets take over and develop alternate technologies, Joe? Because they don't want free markets. They like control. It has nothing to do with batteries and lithium and Teslas and windmills. It has everything to do with the left telling you what to do. They want to take control of the energy system, and green energy is just a vehicle to do it. Just like COVID was a vehicle to tell you what to do with your body and your face with a mask and a vaccine. It's no different.
Starting point is 00:21:54 They don't care about COVID and they don't care about green energy. What they care about is telling you what to do. Gosh, I wish more people on the left understood that they were being played for fools. You care about green energy and the environment. You do? Why do you support China, the world's biggest polluter? Oh, I really can't answer that right now.
Starting point is 00:22:16 Let me ask Larry Fink. These are tools. Tools. By the way, some good news on the disney story go woke go broke red state nick arumah huge number of americans dropping disney for their radical position on parent parent rights bill folks i got a uh i got an email i should say an email precision matters on this i got a message from someone who works at disney who is telling me that Disney is tracking all of the calls, complaining about their support for sexualizing kids in kindergarten.
Starting point is 00:22:53 They're tracking it. The woman told me that the calls are overwhelming. So I have two suggestions for you. First, let me just get to the red state piece. This is in the newsletter. I encourage you to read up on slash newsletter if you'd like to sign up for it. He did a survey out there.
Starting point is 00:23:10 Almost seven in 10 Americans reject the radical position being pushed by Disney. 68.2% are now, quote, less likely to do business with Disney. And of them, 57.2% are much less likely to buy from the entertainment giant known for its kid-friendly parks and movies. Folks, this is a beautiful thing. So I have two suggestions because this is an action-oriented, not a talk-oriented show. It's a talk show, but we got to do stuff. Doing matters. Talk is too cheap, right? Number one, call disney express your thorough dissatisfaction with their sexualizing of kids in kindergarten agenda tell them you won't buy your but they're tracking it they know they're tracking it's important a lot of these calls are recorded too please let them know second cancel your disney
Starting point is 00:24:02 plus it is the quickest way to let them know and express your dissatisfaction with their support for sexualizing kids. It's disgusting what they're up to. Do not support Disney. Do not support them. Do not attend their parks. Cancel Disney Plus. Avoid their movies. It's working.
Starting point is 00:24:22 Working slowly, but it's working. These people all have an agenda. They're all big frauds. Weird how you can't say gay over in China, but then again, you don't hear anything from Disney or these other companies about that. It's all about the money, and the money means control for them.
Starting point is 00:24:39 All right, so I had said, Guy, do you have that Bing of me on the whipping thing? I sent it late. You do? Okay, good. Sorry. If you watch my show on Filtered on Fox, 9 p.m. on Saturday night, please watch this week, by the way.
Starting point is 00:24:55 I have a really, really cool segment with an expert on social media's deep impact on kids' brains. You're not going to want to miss it. I got a lot coming, too, for the show. But I had spoken a while ago. Remember the whipping controversy at the border jail the border patrol where they were they were whipping people yeah they called it the whipping incident yeah remember that although there's no whipping and there was no incident right so how you can have a whipping incident with no whips and no incident is kind of weird but they started up the long story short of
Starting point is 00:25:23 it was in case you missed it was there was a photo taken of border patrol on horses at the border using their reins to guide a horse and because leftists are morons in the media they mistook the reins for a whip because they're idiots have never been on a horse and didn't think to ask any questions they said my gosh we're whipping people at the border now i had done a segment on my fox news program at the time i usually don't play these old segments but i think we nailed this one sorry self-praise thanks but i said to you this story is going to be promoted this conspiracy theory about border patrol agents whipping people at the border for a couple of reasons um number one it involves identity politics poor uh what
Starting point is 00:26:01 they call brown people they talk about people the color of their skin. It's so offensive. That's how they address people, brown people, that poor immigrants, Hispanics were being whipped at the border. That's an identity politics narrative. The second part of it was, they really hate law enforcement, so it made law enforcement look bad too. So I predicted that this story was going to go viral, even though it was a fake conspiracy theory. So here's what I said on my show at the time, which, again, sadly seemed prophetic. Check this out. Listen, these agents could lose their jobs or their careers over this investigation. Where do they go to get their reputations back? But the media pounced on this story and the left for three reasons.
Starting point is 00:26:42 Number one, identity politics. There's nothing they like more than to foster racial division. Number one, identity politics. There's nothing they like more than to foster racial division. Number two, class warfare, class warfare. They love that too. Rich versus poor. They make up class structures, fight, make them fight each other like it's a WWE and three, because it makes law enforcement and conservatives look bad. Those are the three reasons they jumped on this story. You know, here's a video from the video of a photographer who actually took the infamous whipping incident photo where there was no whip and no incident. And he even said that this was all misconstrued. That's the actual photographer who was there. You know, all of these media hoaxes,
Starting point is 00:27:18 though, they follow the exact same pattern. If it involves one of those three things I told you, the media will pounce on it immediately. Identity politics, class warfare, or it makes law enforcement or conservatives look bad. They will jump on it in a heartbeat. Again, you're not wasting your time here or on the Fox show where I told you this story was going to get legs and run, even though there was no story. There was no whip. There was no whipping. It was rains. No one was whipped. But it involved what they saw to be poor immigrants who they refer to as people who are brown because they identify people by the color of their skin.
Starting point is 00:27:57 I said, this is the perfect story for them to make up. Oh, and they hate law enforcement too. Well, I told you the story was fake. And National Pulse, the great Natalie Winters, again, you find this story in the newsletter, encourage you to read it and send it to your liberal friends who told you immigrants were whipped at the border. Quote, another conspiracy theory dies
Starting point is 00:28:16 as U.S. border agents are cleared of migrant, quote, whipping claims. As of yet, no left-wing politicians have apologized for peddling the lie. They note that despite audacious attempts to malign U.S. border officials, those who stood accused of attacking the migrants have been cleared of misconduct. How kind of weird, Joe, when you do this whole big investigation, you don't really find anything. We kind of told you that would happen. The incident underwent a probe by CBP's Office of Professional Responsibility. underwent a probe by CBP's Office of Professional Responsibility.
Starting point is 00:28:50 And they revealed that they yielded no evidence supporting the left-wing theory that agents whipped Haitian migrants. Haitian migrants, I'm sorry. Those fit into a different identity politics. Those folks, different identity politics category that the left wants to stick people in because that's what they do. They don't talk about people like they're human beings. They talk about people in little boxes. Identity politics works for them every time, right? Now, of course, the media parroted this story everywhere.
Starting point is 00:29:17 We'll play a super cut on the radio show later of that. But are you going to get an apology from any of them for making the story up? For legitimately making the story up? Nah, you're not going to get any of that. You'll never get an apology from any of them for making the story up? For legitimately making the story up? Nah, you're not going to get any of that. You'll never get an apology for them. And you have to ask yourself now, is anything the media tells you? Remember the Bongino rule, 24 to 72 hours on any anti-Trump or anti-conservative story. Is anything the media tells you true?
Starting point is 00:29:43 The answer is probably not. You knew the story from the start if you were here. Okay, so during my show yesterday, you saw at break that there was a shooting in the subway system. By the way, some, you know, folks, I get these weird emails sometimes, and I like to leave my email open
Starting point is 00:30:04 because I like to hear from you. But some people like to tell me they're not listening to the show anymore. As I've said, you don't have to tell me. You can just turn it off. I'm a capitalist. You're not obligated to listen to the show. Guys, you didn't follow your own Bongino rule to not report on the story. That's not the Bongino rule.
Starting point is 00:30:21 No. The Bongino rule I just cited is an anti-Trump, politically driven, anti-conservative story. Like the Sandman story. A shooting, and it's the shooting happened. The shooting wasn't a conspiracy theory or an anti-Trump story. Of course we're going to report on it. It's breaking. Guys are like, I'm not listening.
Starting point is 00:30:39 Of course, breaking news. No one's questioning the news. I was like, oh my God, why am I wasting time with this? But I responded back. Thank you. Appreciate your feedback. You don't have to tell us you're not listening. You can just not do it.
Starting point is 00:30:50 I'm a free marketeer. The story is important. Story's important for a number of reasons. Number one, they have a potential suspect at this point in this case. And there's a couple of notes on this. Number one. I'm going to give you an unpopular opinion.
Starting point is 00:31:08 You're not going to like. And it's okay. Because I'm here to tell the truth. And not to fudge the numbers. Apparently this guy. The suspect in this case now. I think now they're calling him officially a suspect. In this subway shooting in New York.
Starting point is 00:31:23 Was being. Was on some. we'd been interviewed by the FBI before is what I'm getting at. Now, the FBI who, folks, no one's going to argue that, I mean, is there anyone out there who's been more critical of what the FBI has been up to in the last couple of years? Anyone, if there is, you can please tell me, I can't find one. But I've got to tell you in this case, we have to be very careful what we ask for. I opened up the show today warning you about the perils of supporting a controlled totalitarian agenda.
Starting point is 00:31:54 And it's weird how many conservatives I see saying, hey, this guy was interviewed by the FBI. How are they not watching him? And how was he on like a list? Why? Listen, the guy was clearly a threat. Obviously, if he turns out to be, he's a suspect now, a lot of evidence in the case. He turns out to be the killer in this case, right? Obviously, it's a horrible thing.
Starting point is 00:32:24 But folks, be very careful talking about FBI lists. Right. Obviously, it's a horrible thing. But folks, be very careful talking about FBI lists. No, I'm serious. That could turn around and boomerang on you like it already has. I don't know what the FBI did. They may have dropped the ball and it appears they did on this case. But I really can't believe how many people who are conservatives who are like man you know the fbi screwed up in the past few years they did big time i've been all over and i wrote books on it but they're they're they're they want an fbi list no no i don't want lists if you committed a crime and they have evidence and probable cause to arrest you then yes do it but i. But I am not about FBI lists. And send me all the nasty grams you want.
Starting point is 00:33:09 The show's for you. I appreciate your feedback. But I would be very, very careful calling for lists of people to be monitored because I can guarantee you, guarantee you on my reputation that if you start calling for lists, the first people that are going to be on the list are you, especially when Trump starts running again. I don't want to be on any lists. So that's the first point. Again, you may not like the take. It's okay. Show's for you. I'm not going to lie to you. I don't trust thebi right now at especially at that management level as far as i can throw them second this this story so apparently the suspect pulled out a 380 handgun and started shooting after unloading a gas canister and put a gas mask on i guess to obscure people's vision
Starting point is 00:34:01 obviously so he could shoot randomly and they wouldn't see him. They don't know how he escaped. I'm speculating here a bit, but he probably escaped via the tracks. You can run down the tracks. There's cutouts, there's ways to get out. People have done it before. I wasn't a transit cop, but I know the transit system pretty well in New York.
Starting point is 00:34:20 But folks, the other takeaway for me from this outside of the FBI list point is the importance of concealed carry. Listen, I had this conversation with someone close to me last night. Folks, I'm sorry, but we live in a really different world now. on social media. People can lose it on a moment's notice. You are defenseless if you go out there without a firearm and a guy has one. I mean, think about it. What are you going to use? Foul language? I mean, how are you going to stop this guy? How are you going to stop this guy? I don't go anywhere without a handgun. I don't. I don't go anywhere. I'm not in a panic. I'm not anxious. Because I'm prepared. When you're prepared, you're not anxious. I'm just telling you. You should train yourself. Get yourself a concealed carry. Train yourself well, not just good or competent. Train yourself
Starting point is 00:35:18 so you're more competent than the next guy and get a concealed carry. Because there's very little you can do if something like this happens to you in a closed environment like a subway i know it's new york city getting a concealed carry in a may issue state is ridiculously hard try try you're defenseless without it okay all right moving on um man i'm running a bit of a headache you know what let me get to this let me get to the next one it's a little early but i Let me get to the next point. It's a little early, but I want to get to my next sponsor because this is a really important segment, hugely important as it impacts the 2022
Starting point is 00:35:49 and a potential Trump-Biden rematch. I want you to pay very, very close attention to the 1980 election because the past is prologue, folks. I'm telling you, we're seeing a repeat right now of history, right now. And you're going to see how
Starting point is 00:36:05 damaging and destructive inflation can be from an example that kicks you right in the teeth right there all right legacy box it's a super simple mail-in service to have all your videotapes camcorder tapes film reels and pictures converted to perfectly preserved digital files makes a perfect gift too I use legacy Box for my old wedding photos. It was great. Got back a DVD. The kids love it. Legacy Box is the industry leader.
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Starting point is 00:37:01 Go to slash Bongino to get early access to Legacy Box's Mother's Day sale. Buy today to take advantage of this exclusive offer. Send it in when you're ready. Go to slash Bongino to save big while supplies last. It's pretty cool. My kids dig the DVD of the wedding pictures. They laugh. I had more hair back then got a haircut coming today by the way in case you cared which you shouldn't he said we need a breaking news uh bell joe breaking news breaking news yeah that no yeah thank you that was a and listen those are the emails i get where dan i'm tuning you out because you said you're getting here those i understand i totally understand you're absolutely right i shouldn't be telling you about my haircuts who cares
Starting point is 00:37:46 why am i showing you the results here the 1980 presidential election between james carter and ronald reagan because it looked like kind of a blowout joe you remember this one yes you were i was only six so i barely if i mean i remember yeah joe. Yeah, Joe was a little bit older than me, just a tenth. So Reagan won in what we would say is kind of a landslide. Kind of a big deal in a Ron Burgundy way. Yeah, so there's the map right there. Jimmy Cardew, who was the incumbent president, not only lost, but got smoked.
Starting point is 00:38:19 He won, what, looks like Minnesota, Hawaii, Georgia. He was from Georgia. West Virginia and Maryland. And what else did he win? Looks like he won D.C. Oh, and Rhode Island. Yeah. So he won five, six states, whatever, seven states.
Starting point is 00:38:37 He didn't win a lot. He got smoked. The electoral count was a very close 489 for Reagan to 49 for Carter, just a bit outside. So Jimmy Carter, who was an incumbent president, who rarely lose, by the way, didn't only lose, but got his arse handed to him electorally in a way we hadn't seen in modern American history by Ronald Reagan in 1980. Gee, why is that? Now, there were a lot of reasons.
Starting point is 00:39:05 Jimmy Carter was a pretty awful president, but he actually did some things right in the deregulation front. Again, I'm here to give you the truth, however painful it is. Not everything he did was terrible. His deregulation stuff was actually pretty darn good. But otherwise, he was a genuinely awful president, a terrible leader, Jimmy Carter. He came off as incompetent. But one of the biggest issues in the
Starting point is 00:39:25 1980 campaign was inflation. Kind of a big issue now, isn't it? Here's an article I pulled up from 1980, right before the election in the dreaded Washington Post, October 25th, 1980, just before election day. Headline, inflation worsens in final statistics before election day. Quote, inflation accelerated last month as consumer prices shot up at an annual rate of 12.7%, the government said yesterday, in the last major economic report before this election. Folks, inflation, I could make a strong case, was the most important reason an incumbent president, Jimmy Carter, got destroyed in the 1980 election. Now, why?
Starting point is 00:40:17 Okay, great, Dan. You put up an article. You're probably right. But why? Why is inflation so seismic and earth-shaking when it comes to election? I was on Hannity last night debating Geraldo, who, you know, he doesn't know a lot about economics, so I forgive him. But I was debating the effects of inflation as he was trying to defend Joe Biden a little bit. And he even agreed with me
Starting point is 00:40:40 that inflation could shake the earth this election cycle coming up. Everybody's interested in it because it affects everybody's wallet. So it's not a concentrated interest. It's a wide interest and an even wider cost. In other words, everybody cares about it because it affects everyone. And think about the ways it affects everyone. Folks, if the top tax rate, marginal tax rate in the United States goes up 2.7 points, right?
Starting point is 00:41:06 It only affects the income raised at that tax level and above, not in the tax levels below. In other words, an income, I don't want to get into the full details of it, but it doesn't affect all of your income. If you make 200 grand a year and only the top tax rate goes up, it only affects the income from, I'll just use it, say from 175 to 200,000. That's taxed at that level. Inflation, which is 2.7%, everybody's losing, it's 8.5%.
Starting point is 00:41:36 Everybody's losing 2.7% of their wages right now is a tax on every single dollar you make, no matter what. You're all getting worked. Here, Washington Examiner, inflation rises to 2.7% in March, highest in more than four decades. 8.5%. Why do I keep saying it? Because wages are going down 2.7%. Here's Peter Doocy on the White House response. I'm sorry if I explained that poorly. The bottom line is inflation's going up and your wages aren't rising fast enough to compensate, meaning it's a tax on everyone.
Starting point is 00:42:10 Stated simply, forgive me, I don't mean to explain it in such a circuitous way. The cost is everywhere. Everyone's getting hurt. Here's Peter Doocy yesterday explaining on the White House response, the panic breaking out over this. Check this out.
Starting point is 00:42:22 White House officials had people bracing for a bad number, but it turned out to be worse. We've got it on the screen. Prices are up 8.5 percent since last year, a tenth of a percent higher than projected. Food and energy are driving this spike. But if you strip them out, the so-called core inflation number is actually a little bit better than expected, but still a six and a half percent rise in prices since just last year. And these prices have been rising since long before Putin invaded Ukraine, but still his fault, according to the Biden White House. Again, I can't state this any simpler. Inflation goes up, your wages don't go up as much, you lose money. Every single person in the United States is getting kicked
Starting point is 00:43:05 right in the nuts. That's why Ronald Reagan won in a landslide. Here's the great Kamala Harris, Joe, a legend, one of the greatest orators of our time. I mean, a gifted public speaker, the likes we haven't seen since, gosh,
Starting point is 00:43:21 Plato, Socrates as Bill and Ted called him i i mean just a gifted order here's kamala harris explain this is hilarious no i'm actually starting to believe i always say pete budaj no one says less by saying more i'm actually starting to think that's kamala harris she may take the title nobody says less by saying more than kamala harris here's kamala harris on inflation. Check this out. They're still putting that anger with the administration.
Starting point is 00:43:49 What do you say to them? Well, first of all, I acknowledge, one must acknowledge, that prices are going up. And that people are working hard. And in many cases are worried about whether they can get through the end of the month and make it all work. When you sent this to me, I was wondering, what the hell part does he want? What part of this does he want? Oh, that was amazing. Joe.
Starting point is 00:44:22 Yeah. She's acknowledged. I acknowledge that we must acknowledge that prices are going up and food costs more this key said give it a very inspiring it's so I mean it's up there with the Gettysburg address I mean who explains it better than that I acknowledge that you must acknowledge that prices are going up including food food and gas. So, I mean, just profile. It changes everything. It changes everything. Kamala Harris.
Starting point is 00:44:48 Gosh, I'm at the point now, I'm really thinking my calls for Joe Biden's impeachment may be a huge mistake. I'm starting to doubt, but I'm really wondering. This, she could be worse. There's potential she could be worse. She could be worse.
Starting point is 00:45:02 Oh, God, the border. Yeah, I mean, she solved the border crisis, right? I mean, she locked up the pushed for those guys to be investigated for the whipping incident i mean god totally squared that way all right now let me move on to our next story so biden you know biden there's a book out there uh that um i love i've spoken about forever it's by scott peck it's called uh people of a lie he wrote the book the road less Less Traveled, which gosh, I don't know, sold five, 10 million copies. Who knows? It was a bestseller forever. It's a great
Starting point is 00:45:29 book. He is a Harvard trained, I believe, psychiatrist, Scott Peck. I'm not sure if he's there, but it's a fantastic book. He wrote a follow-up called People of a Lie. And it's a book about sociopathic behavior, about how people's entire lives are lies. And they feel no remorse about it at all. And he talks about his interviews with these people using pseudonyms, obviously, and how they would come into his office and just lie to him endlessly with no remorse at all. It's a great book, People of the Lie. And the book reminds me a lot of Joe Biden.
Starting point is 00:46:03 I'm not kidding. If you ever read the book, it's fantastic. You'll see elements of that sociopathic kind of behavior in a lot of politicians today. But the pernicious behavior at a minimum, you'll see in Joe Biden. Now, everything he says is a lie. His life story's a lie. He lies about policy initiatives. He lies about who he is what he said his background his autobiography everything here's another story about what i mean so biden wants to push gun control so of course gun control you're getting the theme of the show they want to control because
Starting point is 00:46:37 if you can control guns in addition to controlling health care education technology and energy policy of course you can control people's ability to defend themselves so he knows that's grossly unpopular so he has to make up stories so he went out the white house yesterday and someone must have told him that this ghost guns a focus group probably told him that ghost gun sounds really scary talk about ghost guns like goes what ghosts have guns no these guns you can't you build them you can't track them now listen there's no question they were made to build firearms out there. But the question you should be asking is,
Starting point is 00:47:07 if Joe Biden is dedicating a Rose Garden press conference to what he calls ghost guns, a term that was just made up by the left to scare you, you would think, my gosh, these home-built guns must be a major plague, Joe, right? I mean, people being killed left and right by homemade firearms, right? Well, of course, because Joe Biden
Starting point is 00:47:24 is one of the people of the lie, he's just making the whole thing up. You can always come here for the data, just like you could come here to debunk the stupid whipping story months ago. You'll always get the truth. Here's the truth about ghost guns and homemade firearms.
Starting point is 00:47:38 It's in this piece by The Examiner. Like all gun control, Biden's ghost gun push is conspicuous futility. They note that between 2016 and 2020, Like all gun control, Biden's ghost gun push is conspicuous futility. They note that between 2016 and 2020, homemade firearms were used in less than 1%, 0.36% to be exact, of all homicides. 0.36, not 3.6, 0.36 of all homicides. And according to the FBI, most guns recovered at crime scenes are not home printed, but rather purchased on the black market. It's 43 percent stolen by the perpetrator. Six percent acquired from a friend, the relative 15 percent purchased at retail.
Starting point is 00:48:18 10 percent are brought to the crime scene by someone other than the perpetrator. 12 percent. Someone other than the perpetrator, 12%. So Joe Biden wastes an entire Rose Garden press conference to get in front of the media to talk about homemade firearms used in 0.36% of all homicides. Why would he do that? Because Joe Biden is a person of the lie and the lie about ghost guns is a way to control people and get your guns taken away as they redefine the definition of what a firearm is in violation of the constitutional process. Everything with them is a lie. Everything.
Starting point is 00:48:54 Okay, you know what? I want to just get to the Sheldon Whitehouse story. Can you just play this video? Just quick, again, to show you how the left is just populated by people of a lie, just like the book. Sheldon Whitehouse is one of the biggest frauds on the left. He's a Democrat senator from Rhode Island. He's a joker, a clown, a fraud. He's always been a fraud. He's kind of laughed at even by a lot of
Starting point is 00:49:12 people on the left, but he's always very concerned about dark money. So much so he goes on MSNBC and all these outlets all the time and talks about the dangers of dark money. Here, check this out. The most overused two words in any confirmation hearing judicial philosophy. Let's begin there, because you alone during the hearings pointed out the absurdity of the very concept of judicial philosophy. So let me just tee this up by pointing out that the last three Supreme Court judicial selections made by President Trump were picked by this dark money network. So when the Republicans are letting this dark money network pick their selections, then, of course, they're also letting them pick their objections. Dark money.
Starting point is 00:50:03 then of course they're also letting them pick their objections. Dark money. He's very concerned, Sheldon Whitehouse, about dark money in elections and in politics. He is. It's kind of weird because BLM, you know, by large mansions. Yeah, BLM just got busted with this mansions thing. It's kind of weird.
Starting point is 00:50:22 When they got busted, one of the founders of BLM, Patrice Cullors, she said that disclosure rules are causing them trauma. Cullors said activists suffer trauma and their lives are at risk when charities under their control are required to disclose publicly what they did with their tax-deductible donations. Again, just like I started at the beginning of the show, the left, we care about the environment. We care about COVID. Really? You care about all this stuff? It's kind of strange how you support China. We love our LGBTQ community. Really? What about in China? We're not allowed to mention don't say gay. No, we definitely care about dark money. Weird, because when BLM wants to hide where their money goes and they say they're tricky, you don't seem to say much about
Starting point is 00:51:00 that. Kind of strange. It's almost like you're frauds, right? Kind of like the people alive I've been talking about. Read the book. it's almost like a diagnosis of your liberal friends all right thanks for tuning in don't miss the fox show please saturday night 9 p.m i would really appreciate it set your dvr if you can't make it live and subscribe to the podcast the subscriptions uh drive us up the charts we really appreciate your help there thanks a lot see you in the radio show later you just heard dan bongino

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