The Dan Bongino Show - How Social Media is Destroying Our Kids, And Elon’s Revenge (Ep 1748)

Episode Date: April 15, 2022

In this episode, I address the explosion of new information in the Elon Musk Twitter saga. I also cover the social media plague on our kids.  News Picks: Shocking new emails emerge showing Joe Bide...n was knee-deep in Hunter’s business dealings. Twitter is desperate to stop Elon Musk. An important article about the devastating impacts of social media on our kids. We aren’t even close to peak inflation. It’s going to get worse. A libertarian response to “climate change.” Copyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:37 Shockingly got spicier yesterday. Don't miss that. Also a break in the Hunter Biden, Joe Biden case. A potentially big one we'll see loaded show for you today on this good friday welcome to the damn bongino show on this friday on this good friday we got a loaded show again an elon update and an article even though it's at the atlantic a left-leaning outlet it's about the devastating impacts of social media on your kids brains i want to cover that read it It'll be in the newsletter too. I'll be covering this on my Fox show this weekend. If you're in the market for a rifle, shotgun, or revolver,
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Starting point is 00:01:56 American company. All right, Joe, it is Good Friday, so let's go. It's Good Friday. It is, Joe. Very well said, my friend. Yes, a very solemn day on the Christian calendar. My fellow Christians out there, the day Christ gave his life for us on the cross. So a very solemn day on the Christian calendar.
Starting point is 00:02:18 Easter coming on Sunday where we celebrate Resurrection Day. Very excited. So it'll be a, a long weekend for, uh, for us. So, um, I really, uh, really appreciate you spending some time with us this weekend. So the Elon Musk story, ladies and gentlemen, stunningly has gotten spicier over the, you didn't think it could get any better. Now there's multiple bids in for Twitter. Saudi billionaires are upset. Vanguard, the investment firms jumping in. Liberals are all in now, Joe, for the Saudis, the billionaires. It's just like the whole world has been there.
Starting point is 00:02:50 Just to be clear, Elon Musk, who created the world's largest electric car company, the Green New Deal, AOC left. Love this guy. Elon Musk, the dipsy do flip through. Joseph is now complete yes elon is now public enemy number one the hitler comparisons are coming soon i promise you elon's now public enemy number one and the saudi billionaires you know the khashoggi folks remember the khashoggi decapitation and kill now they love the saudis and they love financial investment firms and black rock billionaires liberals love them this can't get any better so their twitter is now in a desperate race against time to prevent elon musk from buying out and taking over the entire company
Starting point is 00:03:39 why twitter and the left are all in on censorship. They are communists. They will be communists. They will always be communists. They cannot defend their ideas. They are idiots. Their ideas are stupid and totalitarian. So the only way they can get the ideas to pass muster is to censor the opposition. It is the key to gaslighting people.
Starting point is 00:04:03 Lie to them. Lie to them often. Lie to them confidently and isolate them from the opposition. It is the key to gaslighting people. Lie to them, lie to them often, lie to them confidently, and isolate them from the truth. That is Twitter's role in society, to isolate dumb liberals from the truth. Hide from them the Spygate story. Hide from them the Hunter Biden story. Hide from them vaccine negative stories. Hide all of it and let dopey liberals live in their dopey ecosystem. That is the only purpose to Twitter. They are melting down. They are desperate to stop the buyout because they can't exist. Dopey liberals, yes, dopey, cannot exist. We're coming out hot today. Cannot exist without censorship because they're dopey. Stupid people rely on stupid ideas
Starting point is 00:04:45 and stupid ideas persist because smart people aren't allowed to counter them. Here's some takeaways from yesterday's Elon Twitter fight, which I'm going to be covering tomorrow on my Fox show too, which has just stolen away the national attention right now. From Twitter yesterday, where this fight's going on publicly, here's Elon's verified account on twitter so cameron winklevoss who i think was one of the founders of facebook if i remember the winklevoss brothers i'm pretty sure he tweeted out elon
Starting point is 00:05:16 responded so he cameron winklevoss tweeted out twitter's considering a poison pill to thwart musk's offer they'd rather self-immolate than give up their censorship programs. It shows you how deeply committed they are to Orwellian control of the narrative and global discourse. Scary. Musk responds, if the current Twitter board takes action contrary to shareholders' interest, they'd be breaching their fiduciary duty. The liability they would assume would be titanic in scale. Let me translate for you what this means, okay? they would assume would be titanic in scale. Let me translate for you what this means, okay?
Starting point is 00:05:47 Twitter is so desperate to stick with their censorship communist model because they know Elon, if he buys it, will change that, that they want to do a poison pill. A poison pill, very simply stated, is a mass dilution event. They would allow their shareholders now to buy additional stock at a discount, which would dilute Musk's ownership interest in the company, which would make his shares and the
Starting point is 00:06:15 voting interests of his shares worth less and would really hamstring his ability to get management out and change the direction of Twitter. A mass dilution event's very simple. It's not hard to understand. I own a percentage of certain tech companies out there. That percentage, obviously, let's say I have 100,000 shares. I'm just making up a number. Say I have 100,000 shares of Joe's tech company, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:40 Well, if there's a million shares, how much do I own? I own 10%. Well, if there's a million shares, how much do I own? I own 10%. Well, if you decide you're going to double the share pool for simple numbers here, and you're going to do a mass dilution event, and you're going to offer another million shares, then I own what? 5%, depending on if I get some of the stock too, right? And what happened? Nothing happened. I still own my 100,000 shares. There's just two million shares instead of a million available very simple i don't i mean i'm not trying to talk down to anyone but there are you gotta understand there are liberals listening they're like a poison pill
Starting point is 00:07:13 what's that so they're talking about issuing mass shares at a cheap price to all the shareholders now to dilute the stock pool and dilute musk well, what does that do? Well, Cameron Winklevoss, very smart guy. Well, what happens, folks? Like anything else, when you can increase the supply of something, what happens? The cost goes down. Supply, demand, you all get that.
Starting point is 00:07:34 Demand goes up. What happens? Prices go up. Supply goes up. Prices go down. You want to make Corvettes expensive? Decrease the supply. You want to make them less expensive? Create more Corvettes. Why are used cars so expensive right now? Because there's not
Starting point is 00:07:50 a lot of them going around. You want to lower the price? Get more used cars on the market. This is not complicated. That's what they want to do. So you're probably saying to yourself right now, because you're the smartest audience in the business, I kid you not, I get your emails. So you're probably saying to yourself right now, because you're the smartest audience in the business. I kid you not. I get your emails. You're probably saying to yourself, wait, wait. So Dan, Twitter is going to create a massive amount of new stock, which will lower the
Starting point is 00:08:13 price of the stock and destroy value for existing shareholders all in a bid to continue censoring and stop Elon. Yes, that's exactly what I'm telling you. That's exactly what I'm telling you. That's exactly what I'm telling you. And that's why Elon tweeted back, wait, if you're a board member and you agree to that, and you have a fiduciary responsibility, in other words, to act in the best financial interest of the owners of Twitter, the shareholders, and you do that and you destroy their value for the owners of Twitter, aren't you breaching fiduciary responsibility?
Starting point is 00:08:43 for the owners of Twitter, aren't you breaching fiduciary responsibility? Yes, you are. That's why Elon's like, that's probably a lawsuit. It's not only a lawsuit, Joe. It's probably a couple hundred thousand lawsuits or something like that. Yes, sirree, Bob. So we'll see what happens with the poison pill. Shows you how much these communists on the left cannot live without censorship.
Starting point is 00:09:05 They're willing to destroy the company to do it. Second takeaway from yesterday. You know, liberals, we're all in it for the little guy. Yeah, you're all, please cut the crap. Please take your nonsense. Go sit down at the corner and shut your soup coolers. I have no time for your stupidity today, tomorrow, or any other day. You're not in it for the little guy. You're the party of BlackRock billionaires,
Starting point is 00:09:26 Vanguard investors, and you're the party of Saudi billionaires. That's what you are. The same libs who claim to be against millionaires and billionaires are now all in on defending this Saudi elitist billionaire who tweeted out yesterday in his Twitter account right here.
Starting point is 00:09:42 I don't believe the proposed offer by Elon of 5420 a share comes close to the intrinsic value of Twitter given its growth prospects being one of the largest and long term shareholders of Twitter the kingdom and I reject this offer Prince Halloween. Oh, Prince
Starting point is 00:09:59 are you free to buy Twitter? Whatever you want. Why not make an offer then it right Joe make an offer at 60. Yeah, you're free. You're free to do it. You got a lot Why not make an offer then? Right, Joe? Make an offer at 60. Yeah. You're free. You're free to do it. You got a lot of oil money there, right? A lot of dinero?
Starting point is 00:10:13 You got a lot of cheese? Why don't you do it? And what's hilarious is how many liberals jumped on that tweet to be like, yeah, go get it. The same. This is like, you can't pay for this kind of comedy on the left. I thank you. Thank you, God. Every day I wake up not being one of these total ass clowns on the left.
Starting point is 00:10:37 What an embarrassing, humiliating group of hacks. Just a month ago, they were like, oh my gosh, Khashoggi. We got to do an Iran deal. We got to neuter the Saudis they're too powerful we got to get the iranians nukes to rebalance power away from saudi uh they murdered khashoggi they're so awful saudi billionaire uh i don't like twitter's uh move maybe selling elon yes we love the saudis we love oil we love the kingdom we love them let's give back rubs to the Saudis. These people are such freaking phonies. It's embarrassing. It's embarrassing. Again, I'm not telling you
Starting point is 00:11:13 Republicans are the solution to all your problems. I'm not. We have our own frauds. But I'm telling you now, Democrats are the cause of all your problems. And there are degrees of fraud. Believe me, we have our own frauds in our party. But there is not a more fraudulent movement in the history of politics, with the exception of maybe Milli Vanilli, than Democrats. They are the biggest frauds ever. You love Saudi billionaires and BlackRock. BlackRock, which is an owner of Twitter as well, they have a lot of shares. And BlackRock, BlackRock, which is an owner of Twitter as well. They have a lot of shares. BlackRock, billionaires in BlackRock and Vanguard Investment Fund, which came in and bought some extra shares too to jump Elon Musk and be the biggest shareholder.
Starting point is 00:11:55 All of a sudden, the left's like, Vanguard, BlackRock, man, we love you guys. They are such frauds. It is hilarious. So here's what I just, so I went to twitter and i'm here's my third takeaway so number one the poison pill they're going to destroy the company and the share value to keep elon out number two liberals love billionaires as saudi oil right now and uh the saudis takeaway number three the meltdown on twitter by liberals regular rank and file liberals continues this is some guy dan i stand with ukraine he's just a random account posted it publicly on twitter
Starting point is 00:12:31 and i'm not singling this guy out for any particular reason i don't know him i don't even know if it's a a he it could be uh you know a bot account or whatever but this response is in in some way shape or form, probably up 100,000 times on Twitter by liberals. The meltdown continues. This is a big LOL number two. LOL number one is they love Saudi billionaires and oil right now. LOL number two, the Lib meltdown. We just wanted you to leave.
Starting point is 00:12:59 OK, sure. Here's what this person, Dan, I stand with you, Craig, says. He says, the right, talking about us, the right minority has had many chances to leave Twitter for a free speech on Parler, Getter, Gab, and True Social, and they never do it. Effing annoying. The left majority wants them to stop trolling, Joe. Just stop trolling and leave already. Since that's what the right lives for, we will have to just deal. This is hilarious. So two points here.
Starting point is 00:13:30 The right threatens to leave and never do. No, actually, I did. My team has an account on, because they run to, I haven't posted an original thought on Twitter since January of 2021. Actually, I did when Rush Limbaugh passed. I was at, I'm on parlor and shoot. Charlie Kirk is gone. Pete Hegseth is gone. Tucker Carlson is gone. Donald Trump was booted off. I don't know what you're talking about. A lot of people have said they were going to leave and left. It's not all of them. I don't disagree, but stop pretending
Starting point is 00:14:00 like people have left. And then point then point number two oh we're so innocent all we want to do uh we just want you guys to leave and go away and you do your own thing you leave us alone we'll leave you alone joe did they forget the parlor thing you remember that remember that company joe you've heard of it yeah yeah yeah parlor vaguely just like yeah a little bit of a memory of that. Now, Joe knows me well as a friend, knows obviously I was an investor in that, what that whole debacle.
Starting point is 00:14:30 So people did leave for Parler. It was actually the number one app in the world. And then crazy lunatic liberals, AOC, Ro Khanna, and just about every liberal on planet Earth after January 6th decided that leaving Twitter wasn't good enough, that they had to go and attack Parler too, and tried to wipe it off the face of the earth. So now Donald Trump starts an unbelievably
Starting point is 00:14:51 successful platform called True Social, where my engagement over there is insane and through the roof. I have almost 600,000 followers. I've been on there just about two months. So I just put in the left's favorite search engine this morning i went to google just to show you here's the left that just wants us to leave joe they just want us to go away we just want to be left alone on our twitter that's all we want to do so i just put true social in a google search their favorite platform here's what pops up immediately uh cnn or what is that cnet trump's true social still off to a bumpy start every bumpy start 600 000 followers in two months and it's not even an open platform yet here's story number
Starting point is 00:15:32 two trump's true social tops downloads on amazon or an apple app store but many are waitlisted here's story number three trump's true, still facing financial and technical loss. They can't stop writing about true social. So just to be clear, takeaway number three, they're like, oh, we just want to be left alone. Go do your thing. We do our thing. They wipe us off the internet because they love censorship. Trump does his own thing, and they can't stop obsessing about true social. These people are pathetic.
Starting point is 00:16:04 Pathetic in every sense of the word. And thank the Lord every day. You're not one of these total frauds. Finally, here was Elon yesterday on free speech, this video clip here talking about what free speech really means. Check this out. A good sign as to whether there is free speech is someone you don't like allowed to say something you don't like. And if that is the case, then we have free speech. And it's damn annoying when someone you don't like says something you don't like. That is a sign of a healthy, functioning free speech situation.
Starting point is 00:16:42 All right, that was Elon on free speech. It's not just letting people you don't like on the platform. It's letting people you don't like say things you don't like, folks. That's free speech. I don't like a lot of people. They're on Rumble. I'm one of the owners, equity stakeholders of Rumble. A lot of people I don't like are on Rumble saying things about me personally I don't like. And I'll tell you right now, you have my solemn pledge. I would give everything to defend their right to attack me on that platform. Because unlike the left, I'm an actual advocate for civil liberties and free speech.
Starting point is 00:17:20 We're the new civil rights advocates. And to the young college kids who listen to my show, hopefully have some lefty college kids listening now, I want you to look at them and ask them, is he willing to do the same? So you're not willing to let Donald Trump, someone you disagree with on your platform to speak, yet we're willing to allow Bernie Sanders,
Starting point is 00:17:39 not only willing, but fighting for Bernie Sanders' right to come on ours and speak. Who's on the right side of history here? You or us? Okay. Moving on. This story in the Atlantic. The Atlantic. Dan, you're citing the Atlantic. What the hell's going on? That is a pretty radical far left outlet. Yeah. Yeah, it is. But unlike the left, I don't try to censor people, right, Joe? And when I find good material, even in left-leaning outlets, I use it. Unlike the left, like, that'll be able to speak because you're crazy people. And we're not. This is from April 11th of 2022. Please read this article. It is so, so well done. It'll be in my newsletter,
Starting point is 00:18:16 slash newsletter. You can go there and click sign up. It's free. We don't spam your inbox. Don't worry about that. The title of the article is sad in and of itself. It says, Why American Teens Are So Sad. And it talks about the plague of depression and anxiety amongst their teenagers that are at just epically bad levels right now. What is going on? What is the role of pervasive social media in causing this mental health malignancy amongst our teens. The article lays out the scope of the problem. And ladies and
Starting point is 00:18:52 gentlemen, although not at apocalyptic levels yet, it's really, really bad. And it debunks some myths too. No, this is just ordinary teen angst no no there's always been teen angst i mean joe and i were probably i don't know i mean i didn't know you when you were a teen obviously joe but knowing you now you're probably a lot like me we probably had a lot of angst too there was a lot of angst we were angst yeah joe was a musician i was uh i don't know what the hell i was just an angry kid but that you know, you express your emotions in music. I express my emotions hitting baseballs off a tee. I mean, teen angst, but they make the point of peace that teen angst now is far worse than it's ever been. What is social media's role in this? Here's a screenshot
Starting point is 00:19:37 from the piece. It says, why would social media affect teenage mental health in this way? One explanation, listen to this, is that teenagers and teen girls in particular, I have two daughters, are uniquely sensitive to the judgment of friends, teachers, and the digital crowd. As the author's written, social media seems to hijack this keen peer sensitivity and drive obsessive thinking about body image and popularity. The problem isn't just that social media fuels anxiety, but also that as we'll see, it makes it harder for today's young people to cope with the pressures of growing up. Man, amen, Joe Armacost. That I could not, to the Derek Thompson, the writer here,
Starting point is 00:20:24 I don't know who you are, your politics, I don't care. This is could not, to the Derek Thompson, the writer here, I don't know who you are, your politics, I don't care. This is a brilliant, brilliant piece. Now, and I'm sorry, I'm going to keep plugging the show,
Starting point is 00:20:30 but this is super important. Tomorrow, Saturday, 9 p.m. on Fox. I have an expert in this. He is a former agent of the Secret Service. Disclosure,
Starting point is 00:20:40 he's a friend of mine, but this is what he does. Child security. He is going to elaborate on how, not just how bad this is for your kids and give you some stunning data, but he's also going to elaborate on how predators, legitimate predators. I mean, legitimate predators, that's not a talking point. They are predators for kids. That's what they do.
Starting point is 00:21:01 They use these platforms to hunt for your kids on there. He's going to give you a number that's going to blow your mind. I taped the interview early with him. It's an astonishing interview about the damage this stuff is doing. Now, why am I so interested in this topic lately? Specifically, I've always been interested in the pernicious effects of social media. My wife and I had a conversation with, let's say, a younger member of the family who said to me, I really want to get on TikTok and YouTube and all my friends are on it. I'm sure you're having that conversation now. Folks, that's a hill to die on. I would rather
Starting point is 00:21:39 in eight years when she's an illegal adult say, my gosh, you protected me from all that stuff and I'm angry. I wanted to see it. Then in eight years to be dealing with suicidal, obsessive, compulsive teens who were corrupted via the effects of Instagram and TikTok. I'm not doing it. I'm not doing it. I'd rather you hate me till the day I'm six feet deep. I'm not doing it. Folks, please don't miss the show. My guest, I don't want to, again, tease it to death, but some of the numbers are staggering. These kids are super sensitive to the effects of likes on Instagram and shares and stuff on TikTok. They don't need it. They don't need the criticism. Pay very close attention to that. needed they don't need the criticism pay very close attention to that okay uh that was kind of a heavy segment take it down a little bit a little bit of not i wouldn't i don't even want to say
Starting point is 00:22:30 like relief because it really is sad for the state of the country we have a president united states right now that absolutely nobody trusts and everybody thinks is an international global laughingstock especially with a war going on in uk that could erupt any day. Here's just a quick video of Biden's appearance yesterday. Ladies and gentlemen, the man just cannot possibly stop lying. He said that again, he was a full professor in Pennsylvania. He was not a full professor in Pennsylvania. Here, check this out. I've been on a lot of university campuses.
Starting point is 00:23:03 Matter of fact, for four years, I was a full professor at the University of Pennsylvania. Joe, nine times we know about. He was not a full professor. Nine visits to campus from 2017 to 2019, he was paid $1 million for nine visits. Now, why does Joe Biden keep lying? Because like sadly, a lot of our teens, they're very insecure and they need that public affirmation via social media.
Starting point is 00:23:46 Joe Biden needs it from everyone. Social media, crowds, people around him. He is a deeply insecure human being. I'm not kidding. He is a wannabe. He has always wanted to be someone important. So what does he do? He lies about every detail of his life. I graduated with four degrees. You didn't. I graduated at the top of my class. You didn't. He is a liar. I visited Nelson Mandela, got arrested. You were not arrested.
Starting point is 00:24:11 I traveled 27 million miles an hour. You did not. He is just a liar. He's also clearly in cognitive trouble. It's sad to watch. And Brian Kilmead said it right this morning on fox um rachel's right i do feel i i feel i don't i listen it's it's good friday i don't wish ill on any human being i just it's not part of my nature i'm not gonna do i'm
Starting point is 00:24:35 not gonna fall in that trap right i may be angry about politics but i'm gonna get angry to the point where i do what leftists do and start burning buildings down i'm not doing that but killmead said it right. You know, he says, I feel bad for all of us. And Rachel had it right too. Rachel's like, I feel bad for this guy. I feel bad for both. Here's Biden yesterday at the end of the speech. I don't know what he's doing. People have speculated. It looks like he's shaking someone's hand. I don't know if he's shaking someone's hand or pointed to someone who's not there. I have no idea what he's doing. I know how fact checkers are.
Starting point is 00:25:07 They'll be out there like, oh, I was in his head, and he wasn't shaking a hand. What he was doing is he was doing a sign language type gesture. It's just embarrassing for these idiots. The truth is nobody knows what he was doing, but we know this looking at it. He's clearly confused. How do we know that?
Starting point is 00:25:21 He goes one way. He goes the other way. It appears he's looking for someone the guy is just in severe cognitive deficit watch this debacle yesterday check this out god bless you There you see it, folks. The guy, I mean, is obviously struggling. And not only struggling, but struggling bad. I'm sad for him, but I'm really, as Kilmeade said, and he's right, I'm sad for us too. The world is watching.
Starting point is 00:26:10 It's just an embarrassment. The guy really, really at this point needs to resign. I know we're stuck with number two there, but just confused. This is just dangerous at this point. Okay. Just got this this morning, hot off the presses, just a news story sent over to me by John Solomon himself. This is a big story.
Starting point is 00:26:32 Now, granted, because it happened right before the show, I'm going to give you the bird's eye view. We'll try to get into some more detail next week as we parse through these messages, but this is an important story. It'll be in the newsletter. If you want to get out ahead of it, read it for the Monday show. Just the news.
Starting point is 00:26:52 A smoking gun text and email. Apparently, texts and emails have emerged. Joe Biden referred business and mingled finances with his son Hunter messages show. Folks, this is a huge deal. The White House's defense to the ongoing hunter biden confirmed debacle with the laptop you know joe and these china moscow kazakhstan ukraine business dealings the white house's defense has been what oh you didn't know sergeant schultz we don't know nothing about nothing about nothing we had nothing to do with it wow that's kind of weird because john
Starting point is 00:27:23 solomon got his hands on some text messages and some emails. And one of the emails later entitled J.R.B. Bills, using the future president Joe Biden's initials, listed a series of expenses from Joe Biden's lakefront home in Wilmington, Delaware, that Hunter Biden had paid. Oh, wow, that's kind of straight up. I thought it was we don't know. I was Sergeant Schult Oh, wow, that's kind of straight up. I thought it was, we don't know. It was Sergeant Schultz, man, right? They included $1,239 of air conditioner repairs at Mom Mom's Cottage
Starting point is 00:27:52 and another $1,475 to paint the back wall and columns at the lake house. $475 for shutters. $2,600 for building or repairing a stone retaining wall at the lake. Folks, it goes on and on and on. Seems like old J.R.B., Joe Biden's bills were being paid by a hunter who was getting money from all kinds of places. Kind of weird how that we don't know nothing about nothing about nothing means you knew a lot about a lot about a lot.
Starting point is 00:28:23 Kind of strange, right? I will stay on top of this story, but I want to note this story is starting to spiral out of control for the White House. The media will do its best to squash it. They may be successful. I never get optimistic. Really, I'd rather expect the worst and cheer when the best happens than the opposite. But I'm telling you, having studied politics for a long time, this situation is getting out of control quickly. All right, moving on. Folks, the images coming out of China, the hellscape over there, are so deeply disturbing. You want to know why I talk about Elon Musk? Oh, I know.
Starting point is 00:28:59 Joe cuts the video, so he's already seen it. Folks, it's the kind of stuff, when you agree, Joe, it's out of like So soylent green horrible it's it's like a soylent yeah you know it really is it's like a soylent green thing at this point it is like it's a clockwork orange like dystopian hellscape right now and i don't even know you watch these videos you're like this is surely this is most assuredly a movie no it's real here's the latest a little bit long but i want you to watch this if you're listening on audio, you can hear it, but please go to my rumble and watch this. This is just horrifying.
Starting point is 00:29:30 These police units in like full quarantine garb are just stealing people out. They're just like people are on the ground on their knees praying for their folks not to be taken away. It is just horrifying. This is the surveillance state left this one here and that they are fighting Elon Musk to preserve. Watch this.あああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおお你們要幹什麼救救救人救救救人 救救救人
Starting point is 00:30:28 你們要幹什麼 你唯一的就是保持冷靜 跟你說這不是我們警察造成的 這個是整個國際形勢造成的 你們再這樣鬧下去 我們中國沒希望了 要跟美國打仗了你知道吧 你們還是這樣子我們沒有鬧我們中國沒說了要跟美國打仗了你知道吧你們還這麼樣子
Starting point is 00:30:46 我們沒有鬧 我們沒有鬧 我們沒有鬧 我們沒有鬧 我們沒有鬧 我們沒有鬧 我們沒有鬧 我們沒有鬧
Starting point is 00:31:02 我們沒有鬧 我們沒有鬧我們沒有鬧 I mean i mean how do you that looks fake that's that that's that's out of shanghai that's what they want here folks now even worse dr fauci yes uh yesterday or this week was just on talking about the shanghai lockdowns And I want you to listen. He still doesn't get it. Watch how he tries to put lipstick on this pig and say, well, there was an option here. We could use lockdowns and then get people vaccinated so they come out of lockdowns. They don't have virgin immune systems. Folks, none of that worked. The man has no capability to analyze risk whatsoever. He is a growing threat to public
Starting point is 00:32:08 health. He is. He never gets it right. Lockdowns failed. And after what's going on in Shanghai, you should be crystal clear that this is an abomination. Check this out. How concerning is the outbreak in China? We see the lockdown in Shanghai and the State Department now ordering families out, all non-essential workers out of Shanghai. Well, China has a number of problems, two of which are that their complete lockdown, which was their approach, the strictest lockdown that you'd never be able to implement in the United States, although that prevents the spread of infection. And remember, early on, they were saying, and I think accurately,
Starting point is 00:32:52 that they were doing better than almost anybody else. But lockdown has its consequences. You use lockdowns to get people vaccinated so that when you open up, you won't have a surge of infections because you're dealing with an immunologically naive population to the virus because they've not really been exposed because of the lockdown. The problem is that the vaccines that they've been using are not nearly as effective as the vaccines that are used in the United States, the UK, EU, and other places. There you go, folks. Magically, Dr. Fauci wrong again. I say magically because it is magic. How a guy, he's smart. He's not dumb. How a guy with his kind of intellect continues to get it wrong every time. Tells you he's doing what, Joe? Licks the finger and he does politics.
Starting point is 00:33:41 Guy's not doing public health. He's doing politics. Give me a break. Stop the nonsense, okay? Please with the nonsense. I'm done with the nonsense. All right, moving on. I got to get to your questions. It is Friday, so we got a lot of good questions, but I want to get to, let me get to my last sponsor first.
Starting point is 00:33:56 And then what I want to do is, I want to just cover this Peter Schiff article quick about the inflation crisis, because there's a lot of rumor mill spin going on out there that, oh, the inflation may have peaked. Well, one of us is going to be right and one of us is going to be wrong. I'm with Peter Schiff. Schiff's like, nah, I don't think it's peaked yet. We'll see. I haven't been wrong on the economic stuff yet. I think it's going to get worse, potentially a lot worse. And I'll tell you why coming up in a minute, then we'll get to your
Starting point is 00:34:22 questions. Today's show brought to you by one of my favorite new sponsors mizzen and main paula likes them too right paula how nice are they very nice like on a scale of one to ten they're ten oh back to the end it is for you got to check out you called miss that is for... You got to check out... You called Miss that, don't you? You got to check out Mizzen and Main. M-I-Z-Z-E-N. Mizzen and Main combines the comfort and flexibility of your favorite athletic wear with the fit and style of a solid looking custom dress shirt.
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Starting point is 00:36:39 Check them out. Seriously. Email us about how comfortable these things are. You'll never wear another shirt again. Okay. Just quick before I get to the questions. Peter Sch schiff i've had him on my fox show many times uh peter schiff's a big advocate for gold you know it's obvious his website's shift gold um he doesn't hide it um it's not some kind of like a uh you know hidden agenda so you can argue
Starting point is 00:37:01 all you want about you know peter schiff and his opinions. I like Peter. I've been following him for a long time. And Peter Schiff has been warning about inflation for years. And people laughed at him. Oh, Peter, is that inflation? The Fed knows what they're doing. Well, it turns out Peter Schiff was right and they were wrong. So I went to Schiff Gold to see what he was thinking about.
Starting point is 00:37:21 I've heard some comments, as I said before, that people, oh, no, inflation, it's at its peak. It's just going to go down. Well, all I did was go to Schiff's website. There was an article right there. Peter Schiff, peak inflation is just wishful thinking. Folks, he's been right before. Again, I don't tell you this to get scared. I tell you this to get prepared.
Starting point is 00:37:35 If you're prepared, you're not scared. He says the US government ran another big budget deficit in March. It was almost quadruple expectations. So he notes, he makes this point here, and you can read it on the screen, that the Federal Reserve has been purchasing treasuries. In other words, the federal government, the treasury doesn't have the money. We're running a budget deficit every year. It doesn't have enough tax dollars to spend what it wants to spend. Well, where does it get the money, Dan? It's giving the money to people.
Starting point is 00:38:03 Where's it getting it? Well, the answer, answer folks is the federal reserve is just creating it out of thin air and in buying essentially bonds and other things from the treasury and dollar denominated assets you get what i'm saying joe so the treasury wants to borrow money they issue a bond you can go and buy a bond the treasury you know what i'm talking about right well it turns out for you to buy a bond dharma cost joe has to use money he actually worked to obtain that's right right liberals are listening i'm sorry if it's so not the federal reserve if the federal reserve wants to buy a bond what do they do joe they go to a computer go print new money and they buy so you're like wow that sounds weird so the federal reserve is basically printing new money to give the cup yes that's
Starting point is 00:38:43 what's happening the process is called quantitative easing. Peter Schiff notes that we have bought, the Federal Reserve has bought, purchased, excuse me, so many government-denominated bonds, dollar-denominated bonds and assets, that now it doesn't know what to do with them. Because now what's going to happen is right as the government is trying to tighten up the money supply because of inflation, the Fed is going to have to, what, instead of buying these bonds, is going to have to sell these bonds. And when they sell these bonds, shift notes at the end, they have too many bonds to sell and not enough buyers to scoop them up.
Starting point is 00:39:23 Well, what does that mean? If a bunch of U.S. bonds flood the market, that means, folks, that in order to get people to buy these bonds, what's going to have to happen with the Treasury and the U.S. bonds? Well, Joe, do you want to buy a bond that gives you 2%? It's not a trick question. Or do you want to buy a bond that gives you 10%? I want 10. I don't even have to think about it.
Starting point is 00:39:42 Joe's very smart. He's like, yeah, Joe figured that out pretty quick. Think that through. I don't even have to think about it. Joe's very smart. He's like, yeah, it's nice, Joe. Joe figured that out pretty quick. So do I. So the US Treasury is starting to figure out right now that when the Fed starts to flood the market with all the bonds it bought, that the value of bonds are going to collapse because no one's going to want the bonds because there's too many bonds and not enough buyers. So the Treasury is going to have to do what to get people to buy its bonds competing with the Fed?
Starting point is 00:40:04 It's going to have to pay really high interest rates, like really high interest rates, like really, really, really high interest rates. Folks, this is going to get a lot worse. Hedge your bets now. I mean, I'm not your financial advisor, but there are options. Some of you believe in crypto, fine. Some of you believe in crypto. Fine. Some of you believe in gold. Fine. I can just tell you what I do.
Starting point is 00:40:31 I've always been a big believer in gold. It's going to get ugly soon. All right. It's time for questions for Dan. Love this segment. Question number one, at Legomanigo maniac mom if twitter becomes a free speech platform privately owned by elon how would that negatively or positively impact rumble and true social's future great question lego maniac mom folks coke has always been good for pepsi chevy's
Starting point is 00:40:59 always been good for ford i am a free marketeer. I am not a fraud. There is nothing I would like more than to see a free speech oriented Twitter. I don't think it'll do a darn thing to negatively impact Rumble or Truth. I'm not being silly, virtue signaling you or anything. I don't. Truth Social is a magnificent platform. I love it. I'm on there every day. My feedback on the platform is probably 10 times what it is my team gets on Twitter. It is an amazing platform. Rumble has exploded. There is always going to be a market for good quality tech products. And seriously, Ford made Chevy better. Coke made Pepsi better. Competition is always a good thing. We can't be frauds like the left, but it's a good question. Second question at Lucas Chesser. Heyester hey dan is there a conservative investing firm like blackrock if not has there
Starting point is 00:41:48 been any talk amongst conservative leaders like yourself i could totally see parallel investments being a huge winner let's just say uh yes we are absolutely looking at it. Folks, I don't stop. I have got parallel economy businesses exploding everywhere. And I know I had an announcement I said I was going to have on Tuesday for some of you. And so, as I said, you didn't miss anything. I had to put it off a little bit. I want to make sure it's done right. So just give me some time on that.
Starting point is 00:42:19 But I appreciate it. Yes, I'm working on that. Question number three. Hey, Dan, this is a jewel girl in so many podcasts you give good really good questions to ask our elected officials you just suggested supporting people who will open investigations into the doj and fbi which i'm going to do thank you jewel girl can you post a list or maybe dedicate an episode to questions for our elected officials. Yes, I can do that. I'll give you a few now. First, yes, you should demand investigations into the DOJ and FBI for Hunter Biden, Spygate, and the Collusion Hoax. Second question, do you support a balanced budget amendment? Yes
Starting point is 00:42:56 or no. It's simple. Yes or no. Get them on video. Get them on tape. Do you support school choice and efforts at the Department of Education if you're not going to defund it, which is probably the better way to go, but to support school choice. Third, do you support patient-directed healthcare and do you support repealing Obamacare? That's just a start. But yeah, I can give you probably 10, 20 more. Get them on the record. I ran for office.
Starting point is 00:43:18 It's tough to go on the record. Believe me, I ran for office. I get these questionnaires all the time. I answered them and they can answer them too. Next question, some Midwest chick. No, that's it. Some Midwest chick. Hey, Dan, my 26-year-old son, Alex, who listens to your podcast religiously, would like me to ask you what your opinion is on climate change and where can he go to research non-leftist information on a topic? Folks, climate changes all the time. The question isn't,
Starting point is 00:43:45 is climate change real? Of course, climate changes. The question is, what is the role of the human being? Is anthropogenic climate change a critical life-altering issue? That's the real question. Anthropogenic meaning, are we doing it? The answer is, we probably play a small role, but the answer is a free and growing economy will likely mitigate the effects long term of whatever uh these climate uh climate disasters they claim are going to happen are where can you go for good information um you know i agree and disagree with the cato institute sometimes but c-a-t-o cato if you put cato climate change it's a libertarian institute over there they have really good information on the destructive effects of government trying to solve climate change so uh tell your son to
Starting point is 00:44:29 check that out there's a ton of good material there but uh you know we can't predict the weather next week folks you're telling me they knew what the climate was using ice cores and dendrochronology 25 000 years ago please again stop the nonsense you just sound silly hey dan this is rd elephant in the room. Me and my wife are unfortunately living in California at the moment. I've been trying to convince her to pack up and leave to Texas, but she won't budge. Is this a case of happy wife, happy life, even though I'm miserable in this God forsaken state? Well, folks, it doesn't sound like it's a happy life if you're miserable. I'm not a marriage counselor, but I can tell you right now, when I suggested to Paula
Starting point is 00:45:07 that we move closer to her mom down there in Florida, she was like, let's go, let's go. Wait, what do you mean no? It was Paula's idea? Was it your idea to go to Florida? Okay, I'm sorry. Happy wife, happy life. It's her idea.
Starting point is 00:45:22 It's definitely her idea. Hey Dan, that's SushiMan716. I'm pretty sure he submitted a question before, but that's good. We like that repeat question. Always look forward to your unfiltered show. I kind of miss the old days of you going head to head with a dopey Democrat on my Fox show. Any plans to revisit that? Yeah, SushiMan, that's a cool question. The problem we were having is they don't say anything, these Democrats. They come on and they don't want to debate. It got ridiculous. I do plan on revisiting it.
Starting point is 00:45:49 We called it the rebuttal. But the feedback was odd. It was like 80% loved it, 20% hated it. But the 20% who hated it really, really hated it. Because it's like the Democrats come on and they just never say anything. So we're looking into it. But good question. Yeah, we'll bring the rebuttal back just for you. You changed the course of my show. Hey, Dan, at Marth Vader, Darth Vader's cousin, if we truly are living in a thugocracy,
Starting point is 00:46:17 great descriptor, by the way, thank you. Does it matter if the DOJ and FBI have lost all credibility? Yeah, of course it matters. Where else are you going to go? Where are we going to go? Canada? We either fix it here or we got nothing. We've lived in a thugocracy before. I mean, gosh, I love our country, but the hard reality is slavery was the ultimate form of a thugocracy. Sentencing people to a lifetime of indentured servitude and physical torture.
Starting point is 00:46:43 Yeah, that happened in our country. And we fixed it. And we fixed it. And we changed it. And we fought a war over it. Yeah, it's important. There's nowhere else to go. We can't let our country go down the drain. It's a great place.
Starting point is 00:46:56 I love this place. We are touched by the hand of God, but we made a lot of mistakes, a ton. And we should acknowledge that. Conservatism is about conserving the good things and scrapping the bad things and learning from them so yeah we do have to change it um hey dan mkg 124 you think child grooming will eventually become like defund the police narratives once they realize how unpopular it is they'll change course yes Yes. 1 million percent. You're even seeing trans activists now starting
Starting point is 00:47:28 to realize that pushing their agenda on kids was a cataclysmic apocalyptic overreach. Yes. Great question. This will become, maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, this will become unquestionably the defund the police embarrassment just probably months, even years down if there's no way around it. Mess with Mama Bear. She's going to bite. All right. That's it for today, folks.
Starting point is 00:47:53 I want you to have a happy Easter and Passover for all our Jewish friends and listeners out there. Thank you so much for your support so far this year. You've all been fantastic. Please, again, don't miss my show, Unftered tomorrow night 9 p.m if you can't make it set your dvr that interview with the uh expert on social media is worth the price of admission and i have a uh totally off script monologue in the beginning towards the end i think you'll be able to tell when i just kind of lose it a little bit it's good check that out that out. See you tomorrow on my show, 9 p.m. Eastern time.
Starting point is 00:48:26 Thanks a lot. Happy Easter. Good day, sir. You just heard Dan Bongino.

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