The Dan Bongino Show - Is She Serious? # 965 (Ep 965)

Episode Date: April 24, 2019

In this episode I address the troubling new revelations about Obama’s role in the Hillary email scandal. I also address the ridiculous comments by Hillary Clinton at a recent event. Finally, I the quickest u-turn in political history and the bizarre decision by Maryland’s Republican Governor to attack Donald Trump.    News Picks: Crooked Hillary says Trump should’ve been indicted.   Liberal NJ Governor proposes a 2000% increase on gun permits and licenses to carry.    A new AP history text book claims Trump is a racist and questions his mental stability.    Former FBI official claims Hillary’s emails were found in the Obama White House.   Social Security is going broke. Here’s what it means for you.    RINO Maryland Governor Larry Hogan says he might challenge President Trump in the Republican Primary.   Here are the two April, 2017 articles showing the UK was involved in spying on the Trump team.     Copyright Dan Bongino All Rights Reserved.   Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 get ready to hear the truth about america on a show that's not immune to the facts with your host dan bongino all right welcome to the dan bongino show producer joe how are you today hello governor glad to be here my friend that was not an accident joe's uh however good you are bad you think is uh his uk accent was his british accent uh we have got some just great material for you they stacked stacked show don't go anywhere let's get right to it today's show brought to you by our buddies at wax rx that's my wax rx yes i have one too because i use it here's what it comes with wax rx just an ear cleaning system you see a little spray nozzle clean out your ears i had this issue in the secret Service with these ear pieces we wear all day,
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Starting point is 00:02:13 I don't I don't know who this guy is. I don't care. Which, of course, you know, the left jumps on the Larry Johnson thing. But the gist of it is Trump tweeted out a segment that this guy did on OAN Network saying that the UK were involved in the spying scandal on Donald Trump. So the United Kingdom, of course, responds back, oh, these are ridiculous absurdities that the United... Jody, how would you say ridiculous absurdities in your British accent? These are ridiculous absurdities. Ridiculous absurdities.
Starting point is 00:02:42 Thank you. Thank you. We need a more appropriate... My Bernie Sanders may have been okay, but I certainly don't do a British accent. I like it, Bernie. Ladies and gentlemen, my Bernie was good. I got a lot of feedback on that. I don't want to wear it out, though.
Starting point is 00:02:54 We'll selectively bring Bernie back, but I don't want to wear it. Once I fall in love with something, I tend to wear it out on my show. I don't want to do that with this one. I don't want to spend a ton of time on this because I've beaten it to death. The United Kingdom's involvement in the spying scandal on Trump is not even remotely controversial, okay? It happened. It happened. Unlike fetch that was never going to happen in Mean Girls, this is the anti-fetch. This happened. Please put up on the screen the CNN headline from April of 2017. CNN politics, British intelligence, past Trump associates, communications with Russians, on to U.S. counterparts.
Starting point is 00:03:37 April 14, 2017 by Jim Sciutto, Pamela Brown, and Eric Bradner. My gosh, how many times, Joe, do we have to put this article on the screen? Is this 20, 30, maybe 50 times we've had to talk about this? Guys, ladies, you know what? I've got to remember. I'm going to put the link in the show notes today.
Starting point is 00:03:57 Paula, can you remind me? I want you to just please keep this article from CNN up on your screen, on your phone. Take a screenshot of it. And when you're liberal friends, and the reason I want you to keep this on your screen is this is important. This is critical. The Plan A portion of the Obama spying scandal, as I refer to it in my second book, Exonerated,
Starting point is 00:04:19 which, again, I've mentioned before, we're wrapping up now, available on Amazon. Please pick it up. Where I talk about the big scheme to target the Trump team. Plan A was in order to get around U.S. surveillance laws to spy on Trump via the Obama administration and Hillary Clinton's wantings and doings. There are laws in spying on American citizens. The way they circumvented the laws is they used foreign intelligence, not just the United Kingdom. They're not responsible to adhere
Starting point is 00:04:51 to U.S. intelligence laws that then fed the information back to the Obama administration. Can you put that CNN headline up again? This is not controversial. This has already been reported on. But now that the spying scandal has evolved from the collusion hoax now everybody's trying to backtrack now keep that up for a second now one of the reasons
Starting point is 00:05:13 that this you may say to yourself and it's a fair question but i want you to understand the evolution of how this story came to be you may be asking yourself a fair question here you may be saying well dan if your point the whole time is the media has been in cahoots with the obama administration to advance the collusion hoax why would they report on the spying scandal you're seeing the article right here british intelligence passed trump associates communications with russians with Russians on the U.S. counterparts. Folks, CNN reported on the spying scandal using foreign intelligence, including the United Kingdom and their intelligence apparatus, because they thought the collusion story was real.
Starting point is 00:06:01 Joe, you got it. Listen, you are my ombudsman for the audience. If this doesn't make sense, please stop me. All right. CNN Now reported on this. They reported on it at the time in April of 2017 under the assumption that the UK British intel folks were the good guys,
Starting point is 00:06:22 that Trump had a conspiracy with Vladimir Putin in Russia to overturn and influence the United States election via stolen DNC emails and that the United Kingdom were acting as James Bond type. And they sounded the alarm and the Obama administration thankfully picked up the James Bond information and ran with it. and we are going to expose this big collusion story right the problem folks is the story was a hoax the collusion hoax but the spying was very real it was real and now cnn and other liberal outlets cannot go and retract the stories. Does this make sense?
Starting point is 00:07:10 It makes perfect sense. Thank you, sir. It's all right. We have reported on this, Joe and I, for well over a year and a half now, how the big scandal, the initial plan a on maskings what i believe to be misuse of the nsa database and the misuse of foreign intelligence information the spy on the trump team was the scandal until they legalized the surveillance and plan b using our own foreign intelligence surveillance court ironically using information from a foreign spy, Christopher Steele. Bingo.
Starting point is 00:07:54 Now, CNN was not the only one in April of 2017 to report, you're nice, on the spying scandal which the United Kingdom assisted us in. Nothing Trump tweeted today about the UK's involvement in spying on him is remotely controversial. Here's The Guardian. Another not right of center site. Headline, British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia. Exclusive. GCHQ has said they've alerted U.S. agencies after becoming aware of contacts in 2015.
Starting point is 00:08:25 Ladies and gentlemen, contacts with Russians are not illegal. What the heck was the United Kingdom talking to our intelligence agencies, circumventing U.S. laws on spying on American citizens, including the Trump team who are American citizens, about contacts that were not even remotely illegal. Why? You say, Dan, all right, you read the headlines. There's no real additional evidence in the piece, though, that the UK was passing information from the Guardian piece. According to one account, GCHQ, that's the british nsa folks then head bob hannigan passed material in the summer of 2016 to the cia chief john brennan the matter was deemed so
Starting point is 00:09:15 sensitive it was handled at the quote director level after an initially slow start brennan used gchq information and intelligence from other partners to launch a major interagency investigation, also known as a spying scandal. There you go. Joe, are we not explaining this well? I don't know how you can explain it any better. I don't know either. I mean, I'm not even using.
Starting point is 00:09:43 I could. I want this to be clear. I could do this. But in my first book, Spygate, DC, Matt and I, we did not even use right-leaning media outlets, even though they were honest about the story from the start. We didn't have to. We used The Guardian and CNN, left-leleaning in some cases in cnn activist web they're not even journalism anymore we use their own reporting trump is a conspiracy theorist they say the united
Starting point is 00:10:16 kingdom didn't spy you guys reported on it i just put the headlines up pa Paula, remind me. I want to put the Guardian one in there, too. Read the articles yourself. Guys, ladies, you listening to the show as a liberal. I know we have them out there because I get your lunatic emails, including, by the way, a cute little death threat we got the other night. Dan Bargino must die. Yeah, it was good. Can you be a little more creative? I mean, Dan Bargino, right, Paula?
Starting point is 00:10:43 Dan Bargino must die. No, no, yeah. And it was actually kind of funny. The death threat Joe had, Dan Bongino must, with the F word, die. But they put like the little exclamation points, percentage things, you know. Why blank it out? You're telling me I have to die. Like now you're concerned about your language?
Starting point is 00:11:01 Like just throw the F word in there, dude. You're going to write. Do a death threat the right way you idiot damn bongino must die just put the f word in there only i can make a joke at a death we get these all the time it's just ridiculous idiots yeah you better come at me from behind bro because i'm telling you right now you come at me from the front it ain't gonna be pretty i will put these stories in the show notes today please keep them up and for your liberal friends though some of the lunatics i was just talking about or send me death threats just have them read the articles and ask them a simple
Starting point is 00:11:37 question if it's a conspiracy theory conspiracy theory dreaded air quotes, that the UK, British intelligence was not involved in spying on the Trump team, then why did CNN and The Guardian report on exactly that? Them passing information to John Brennan and the CIA. Why are the stories not retracted? Why are there no corrections? Go read the stories. They are still there.
Starting point is 00:12:05 I will put the links up in the show notes today. Please go to You can subscribe to my email list if you choose your choice. It's attached. If you go to the menu at on their podcast, the articles are always there. Please open these articles, screenshot the headlines, and keep them on your phone. And just ask your friends, why are these stories still there if British intelligence did not help the Obama team spy on Trump? Why?
Starting point is 00:12:33 Why don't the stories have, this has been retracted, this is false. Why are they still there? They're there because it's true. they're there because it's true. And at the time, the Guardian and CNN thought they were reporting on these white knights in British intelligence, these James Bond types, Bob Hannigan and others, passing information about a big conspiracy to influence our election with the Trump team.
Starting point is 00:13:01 The problem is the story was a hoax and now they can't backtrack now the story is uh-oh uh-oh we reported oh right rose you we reported on the uk being knee deep take that back deep, in spying on the Trump team about a scandal that never happened? Guys, we've got a problem. But they can't retract the story because it's true. Do you understand the conundrum they're in right now? This is why in my books I cite the left-leaning sources, not the, I didn't even use right-leaning sources in many cases.
Starting point is 00:13:45 Because then they'll say, oh, that's Breitbart. As if because of it's Breitbart, it's not true. It's CNN. It's The Guardian. I'm really, I'm humbly begging you to please look into this. All right, I want to go into some other stuff too, because this story gets uglier. And I want to go into some misinformation, some stuff that's being left out of this uh let's get right to this today's show also brought to you by buddies at brickhouse nutrition hey here's one of the finest products out there it's called
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Starting point is 00:15:27 Pick up your bottle of Foundation today. You're going to love this product. All right, moving on. So Hillary Clinton yesterday, in her continued efforts to stain any remnants of her reputation she thought she had left, appeared at a Time magazine conference and said one of the more absurd things I've heard from a politician in my lifetime, in my 40 plus years on this planet. Here's Hillary Clinton talking about the Mueller report and if Trump should have been indicted. Listen to this ridiculosity. Well, I think there's enough there that any other person who had engaged in those acts would certainly have been indicted.
Starting point is 00:16:12 But because of the the rule in the Justice Department that you can't indict a sitting president, the whole matter of obstruction was very directly sent to the congress no no no okay let's hit two points from that one of the dumbest uh they call them sots and he and the shots sound on tape one of the dumbest shots you will ever see in your entire life number one any other person would have been indicted what like you what do you mean like you you who got a complete pass on a classified information trafficking scheme over a private server in violation of government rules you got a total pass on that your people got immunity you are not in handcuffs when you should be. You were knee deep in a conspiracy to traffic classified information over a private email server because you didn't want the government to read your emails over the official email address.
Starting point is 00:17:17 You should have had, but didn't. Is she kidding me? Do you believe the, the gall on this woman to go on stage, talk about the Mueller report, and Trump and say, any other person would have been indicted? Yeah, you.
Starting point is 00:17:32 You would have been indicted if you weren't part of the Clinton corruption chronicles. Yeah, you're darn right. Sorry, I got a little itch on my neck. Rudy Giuliani was on Fox & friends this morning and said it right giuliani's like well what justice guidelines is she talking about the guidelines that existed to never prosecute a clinton for anything ever that was a great line i was like go rudy now you know what when i grew up in new york john gatti got off i think on two federal trials the
Starting point is 00:18:04 old mob boss i remember who has since deceased he got off, I think on two federal trials, the old mob boss. Yeah, I remember. Who has since deceased. He got off twice. And they ran a headline. I think it was in the Daily News. They called him the Teflon Don. You know, Teflon, the non-slip surface.
Starting point is 00:18:13 Because no charge would stick to him. This is Teflon Hillary. Is she kidding me? Any other person would have been indicted? Yeah, you. You should have been indicted. Any other person would have been indicted? Yeah, you.
Starting point is 00:18:24 You should have been indicted. But secondly, that's kind of just emotional commentary on my part because I'm so, I just really, there's a sense of revulsion listening to these Clinton corrupt cabal crew of idiots just say things that is, oh my gosh. Hillary, you got off with the crime of the century. You're knee deep in the biggest spying scandal, political spying scandal in American history. And you're also neck deep in a scandal to traffic classified information
Starting point is 00:18:57 over a private, unauthorized email server. And you're on stage talking about how Trump should be indicted. server and you're on stage talking about how trump should be indicted i mean this is like cojones level 100 i mean on a hundred point scale i can't believe it just take the loss go away stop talking you have your own criminal conspiracy to worry about my gosh all right go on all day about that it's funny because i told paula before the show i'm like you know i usually like a topic i can go on for like 20 minutes about and give some real deep analysis and i said today we got so much stuff i have to get through it all so there's a there's a second point of that that goes on for a little while longer uh to be fair to hillary we we edited we edited it for time but we did not snippet anything
Starting point is 00:19:48 together no that's a continuous thought joe did but we did cut it there's another like minute or so um but i just don't have the time today but there's a second part of that which is in there where she says oh and by the way the reason he wasn't indicted is because of this guideline that you can't indict a sitting president ladies and gentlemen listen i'm here to debunk liberal talking points by the way thank you to everyone who picked up matt palumbo his book debunk this you guys are so awesome and ladies out there sorry i don't mean to lose much but i just want to thank you and i mean this matt's one of my writers at the website you You drove his book from like 147,000 on Amazon to 600 buying his new book, Debunk This, about debunking liberal lies. So seriously, thank you
Starting point is 00:20:31 for it. You guys and ladies are awesome. I really love you to death. You have no idea. I am so proud to be part of this. But speaking of debunking a liberal lie, that's why I thought of that. Hillary keeps repeating this myth you're hearing. I heard it last night on Fox. The liberal talking heads now are saying the only reason Mueller didn't indict Trump for obstruction of justice is because the Office of Legal Counsel issued an opinion years ago where this part is true that you cannot indict a sitting president. You can impeach them and indict them and they get out of office. But while he's sitting or she is sitting in office, there is no indicting a sitting president. That's the Office of Legal Counsel in the DOJ. Now, follow me, Joe. I need you here to be the ombudsman.
Starting point is 00:21:16 Hillary's talking point and the Democrat talking heads, I heard a couple of people say yesterday, is that, well, the evidence there for obstruction was chargeable but the reason muller didn't do it is because there was this olc guideline getting in the way of saying in other words no indictment possible but if there would be evidence there if trump wasn't the president that is not what happened okay you need to have this at your fingertips, ready to rock and roll. Bill Barr stated specifically that he had three conversations with Bob Mueller and asked Bob Mueller specifically, is the reason in this report you are not recommending charges and an indictment because of the OLC guidelines. In other words, the administrative problem.
Starting point is 00:22:08 And Mueller told Barr, no. In other words, Joe, get ready for this. This is going to shock you. Uh-oh. Prepare to be stunned, buddy. Yes. You know, listen, you're in good shape. You've got a good ticker on you, but I don't want your heart to have problems.
Starting point is 00:22:25 Okay. Elizabeth. I don't want you to have issues here, so get ready. Are you ready? Yeah, man. Okay. Hillary is lying about this. You believe it?
Starting point is 00:22:40 Hillary's lying. I know it's... Paula, call an ambulance. Get his address. You have his address. You do have's... Paula, call an ambulance. Get his address. You have his address. You do have his address, Paula. Send it. Get 911.
Starting point is 00:22:51 Someone... Hold on. Ambulance! We need... Yes, we need you to get to Joe Armagazza. He's having a coronary event. Right now. He's dead.
Starting point is 00:23:03 He's dead. We obviously did not call 9-1-1 forget he's already dead don't even bother send this send the me to medical examiner i used to have to sit on dead bodies all the time and i was like i'm gonna cry now you're never supposed to laugh at your own jokes and sometimes i've hillary is lying hillary lies. That's all she does is lie. Hillary is, it's almost, it's almost like pathological. And I mean that like she has no magnetic attraction to truth at all.
Starting point is 00:23:39 She doesn't care that she's on tape. She doesn't care that shows like this and other good quality conservative shows will debunk her nonsense. She doesn't care that shows like this and other good quality conservative shows will debunk her nonsense. She doesn't care. She just lies so fluidly. You almost, Joe, have to sit there in awe. Like, oh my gosh, is she talented or what? I don't mean talented in a laudatory way. I mean, like she genuinely has a talent to say things she knows isn't true and make it appear that it's based in some semblance of fact. It's bizarre. Like, with the AOC stuff, I think sometimes she legitimately is just ignorant and just doesn't know anything. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:18 Hillary knows. She just goes on and on and just the lies just flow off her tongue. It's incredible. That is not what Bill Barr said. So just to be clear, because liberals will tell you have to be ready to go on this snap at the drop of a hat. The only reason Mueller didn't indict is because the DOJ rules prevented him from doing so. Wrong. That is not what Mueller told Barr.
Starting point is 00:24:55 Three times he told him that was not the reason he did not recommend charges. You know what the reason is? There was no evidence. The evidence he had is all secondhand conversations, obstructive activities. Paula, can you put up on the screen, please, the Wall Street Journal article, the Don McGahn stuff I sent earlier this morning?
Starting point is 00:25:15 All he has, Mueller, is evidence of second and thirdhand conversations of alleged attempts to obstruct that never happened. That evidence will be left out of a happened. That's not, that evidence will be left out of a trial. Here's a piece from the Wall Street Journal this morning by their editorial board. Thank you, Don McGahn. I wasn't crazy about kind of the insulting pieces, parts of the piece, but there's an interesting part in this Wall Street Journal article talking about how, again, the Democrats keep doubling down on obstruction, where he mentions this, the editorial board. Oh no, that's not it that's a
Starting point is 00:25:46 different one paul that's from the washington examiner but there's a piece in a in a in the don mcgann piece where it lays out oh there we go thank you uh it says we believe mr mcgann but the needless dispute oh let me let me phrase it the right don mcgann was the president's lawyer i'm sorry i don't mean to sound off track here. I'm just really excited about the topic, as you can probably tell. No, no, keep that up. Don McGahn told Bob Mueller, when Bob Mueller interviewed him, that he was told by the president that they should basically fire Bob Mueller and other things. I need that up. I need to look at that.
Starting point is 00:26:25 So the Wall Street Journal is saying, we believe Mr. McGahn, but the needless dispute highlights several realities of the Trump presidency. One point is that this episode is not evidence of obstruction of justice, despite claims by the Democrat media chorus. This is the Wall Street Journal, by the way.
Starting point is 00:26:40 The Wall Street Journal, that's no fan of President Trump. I'm sorry. They play like right, sometimes left the center. Mr. Trump would have every constitutional right to fire Bob Mueller, an inferior officer at the Justice Department. Also, Mr. Trump let Don McGahn and others talk to Bob Mueller and turn over notes, which is the reason Mueller knows about all of this. Folks, there is no evidence of obstruct. They would be about all of this. Folks, there is no evidence of obstructing. They would be laughed out
Starting point is 00:27:07 of court. That's why Mueller didn't charge. So to sum up here, the reason Bob Mueller knows that Trump didn't like Mueller and wanted Mueller fired, which, do you blame him? He's hunting
Starting point is 00:27:23 him down on a spying scandal that never a spy, he's hunting him down for a collusion hoax that never happened and a spying scandal that did. But the reason Mueller knows about McGahn's conversation with Trump is because Trump let his own lawyer talk to Bob
Starting point is 00:27:39 Mueller when he didn't even have to. And the firing of Bob Mueller never happened. What obstruction are you talking about? Ladies and gentlemen, they're just making this up. So just to wrap this up, the Democrat talking point is the only reason they didn't charge him for
Starting point is 00:27:56 obstruction is because of the office of legal counsel guidelines. No wrong. Mueller told bar three times. That is not why they didn't charge him. Secondly, they didn't charge him because Mueller knows the case would have been left out of court because you can't obstruct a case based on the president's hurt feelings about Bob Mueller when he lets his own lawyer talk to Mueller about said hurt feelings and about a firing that never happened.
Starting point is 00:28:20 All right. You have no case. It's a joke. All right. I think we summed that up uh that makes sense joe we're done yeah man yeah yeah okay i just want to be sure okay now i've got more on hillary because there's another breaking story uh the washington examiner had up about these hillary emails but before i get to that we have a new sponsor today i'm gonna get a text from all this about my shirt
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Starting point is 00:28:52 I keep the AC at 68, but these lights, they don't throw off a lot of heat, but when you close the door like 30 minutes into the show,
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Starting point is 00:31:23 Properly hydrate today. Yes. This is good stuff,ino. Don't wait. Properly hydrate today. Yes. This is good stuff, seriously. Tastes delicious, too. Okay, so we find out yesterday in an article in the Washington Examiner that the Obama White House was probed in the Hillary email investigation. You have got to read this story at the show notes. Dan Chayton at the Washington Examiner headline,
Starting point is 00:31:46 FBI found Hillary Clinton's emails in the obama white house former top official says oh really really that's interesting joe because we were told by obama that he didn't know anything about hillary clinton's private email that he found out about it from the media, from the Washington Examiner piece. Remember this little gem? Quote, Obama himself said he learned of Clinton's private email server, quote, the same time everybody else learned it, through news reports.
Starting point is 00:32:18 Really? How'd they find the emails on the White House then? During an interview with CBS in 2012, his press secretary, Josh Earnest, Josh Dis-Ernest, also acknowledged, I made that up, acknowledged Obama exchanged emails with Clinton
Starting point is 00:32:32 while she was using her private server, but did not know the details of her email address. Oh, I'm going to get to this debunking in a second. Josh Earnest says, quote, the president, as I think many people expected, did over the course of his first several years trade emails with his secretary of state. I would not describe the number of emails as large, but they did have the occasion to email each other. But let's be clear. They did not know the details of her email address. Wow! Wow!
Starting point is 00:33:07 Yes! Tactical nuclear explosive story launched on the battlefield of this case. So Judicial Watch, hat tip to them, Tom Fitton's group, apparently in some kind of freedom of information request, got an FBI official, that FBI official, remember the names, by the way, folks,
Starting point is 00:33:22 who admitted in his testimony that they found some of these at the White House. Who was it? It was our buddy Bill Price there. Oh, yes. Old Bill, who keeps appearing neck deep in every portion of the FBI's scandalous activity, transitioning from the Hillary email investigation
Starting point is 00:33:44 into the Trump investigation. Bill Price, for those of you who don't remember, was the head of the counterintel division and was the boss of anti-Trump hater and known texter Peter Stroke. He was the boss. Price was running this whole thing. Now, I think Price Step is singing and telling the Inspector General what he needs to hear
Starting point is 00:34:08 because Price Step's being allowed to retire and is not being fired. But interesting that they found these emails in the White House, but Obama has claimed two things. That he found out about Hillary's email from the news and that they weren't really privy to the details of her private
Starting point is 00:34:24 email server. Is that the case case joe do you remember a conversation we had on this show a little while ago about the white house communications agency and how exactly they have to deal with technology devices in the white house yeah about six months ago yeah well yes inside joke for you regular listeners judy you'll get it just my mom's name too i don't judy's like her office archives i haven't heard from her from a while by the way interesting but uh yeah it's my mom's name judy folks the obama team had to know about hillary's emails let me explain to you having worked in the white house myself for upwards of five years, let me explain to you how this works. Barack Obama had a personal BlackBerry.
Starting point is 00:35:09 Trump has a personal device too. In order to secure that device from spam emails, phishing attempts, foreign intelligence, Trojans, all kinds of malware, the Obama BlackBerry, the Trump iPhone or whatever it may be, does not function like a normal device, ladies and gentlemen. The device has a set of filters on it that are put in there by the White House Communications Agency in conjunction with the staff. And in order to get an email through a lot of these filters and firewalls and others, that email
Starting point is 00:35:45 has to be on a white list, the opposite of a black list, which would keep emails out. In other words, in order for Obama to have read Hillary Clinton's emails that we now know are somewhere in this White House system, and in order to have read the emails, which Josh Dishonest has already acknowledged, you saw the quote, Barack Obama read the emails and they exchanged the emails. He's like, well, there weren't that many. They exchanged emails. That's all I need to know.
Starting point is 00:36:14 All I need is one, just one. Right. You should be asking yourself, ladies and gentlemen, how did Hillary Clinton get a non-government email? How did she get her private email? Not a government, it's not a email. How did she get it through that Barack Obama firewall? The answer is because someone in the White House on the staff
Starting point is 00:36:39 told someone in WACA, the White House Communications Agency, which is run by the military, someone told them to whitelist this email. Joe, how is that? That's not possible. I don't know, Dan. It's not possible because Barack Obama already told us he didn't know, and his team didn't know about Hillary's private email. So how is it possible that Hillary Clinton's emails,
Starting point is 00:37:04 Hillary Clinton's emails, Hillary Clinton's emails, okay, so we have this firewall, right? Here's the, all emails, boom, boom, boom, firewall. You include a private email that Barack Obama wants to hear from, whatever, it's his buddy, whatever it may be, he gives it to WACA, it goes
Starting point is 00:37:19 around. There we go. How is that possible if Hillary Clinton's email, privately they didn't know about, was supposed to be running into the firewall? How is that possible if Hillary Clinton's email, private or they didn't know about, was supposed to be running into the firewall? How is that possible? May I suggest to you, Joe, get ready. I know this has been a stressful show.
Starting point is 00:37:34 It has, Dan. We've already had an ambulance called once. You barely made it. They hit him up with the automatic external defibrillator. They got it heart-free. He just barely made it. But get a load of this, Joe. All right, Dan.
Starting point is 00:37:46 This is going to be shocking. Stunning. I think Barack Obama may be like, Paula, on the phone. Hold up. Use the cell phone. Hello? 911.
Starting point is 00:38:02 Get back to Joe's house right away. Bring me AED. He may not make it this time this is too much stress for one show this is too i'm shocking joe by telling barack obama may have been lying too i know you're stunned i know do you what are you you have those nitroglycerin pills someone said send them some nitroglycerin but Chop one of those tans. Get the pills. Save Joe Armacost. Hashtag save Joe Armacost. Gosh, quickly. Poor guy.
Starting point is 00:38:32 Thank God you work out and are in decent shape, buddy. You would have been dead by now. I'd be flying up to Maryland for your funeral. It would be awful. Jeez. God forbid. Joe would make a, I'll tell you what, man. Remember that movie, True Romance?
Starting point is 00:38:47 That guy, Christopher C. Sanky. Live fast, die young, make a handsome corpse. Joe, make a handsome corpse right now.
Starting point is 00:38:52 Yes, I would. We don't want Joe dead, just to be clear. Hashtag, same Joe Armacost. But this is deeply troubling information. He's had a tough time handling.
Starting point is 00:39:00 Hillary may have lied, and Obama may have lied too. Yes. Yes, Joe. Yeah. Obama's lying, Joe. Yeah. Obama's lying, folks. This is, it's clear as day.
Starting point is 00:39:12 In order to circumvent the firewalls for him to read the emails he's already acknowledged reading, his story about learning about her email through the media and not having the details of her private email are not true somebody gave them the private email hey put this in your white list this is not hard to figure out if you have half a brain but nobody's accusing liberals anymore of having half a brain nobody it's beyond that speaking of which so kamala harris uh has done a about face man you want to talk about joe the the quickest 180 in the history of politics i have ever seen going this way oh go this way it reminds me of that giphy of the baby running down the hallway and he sees the scary uh thing
Starting point is 00:39:59 and he goes right back the other way so kamala harris if you watch yesterday's show kamala harris came out and agreed with just now crazy bernie sanders who's just gone way off the deep end about this sick deranged proposal to let terrorists vote from prison including the savage man beast boston bomber who um sadly lived he's in jail they want him to vote can you joe can you imagine politicians pandering to the terrorist lobby now i mean this is politicians are most of them not all of them but politicians are so sleazy that there will actually be like a terrorist lobby in prison right now lobbying politics politicians that's what scares me i mean forgetting for a second the disgusting ethical moral compromise we would have to make to let savage murderers and killers vote.
Starting point is 00:40:50 Can you imagine deranged politicians pandering to this group of idiots? So Bernie comes out in this CNN thing. We covered it on yesterday's show. Please watch if you missed it and suggest that, yes, theoston bomber in prison should be allowed to vote from prison kamala harris democrat center from california running for president doubles down and she's like yeah you know we should have that conversation well she had the conversation and that conversation right back she went back there has never been a quicker 180 in the history of politics here's kamala har Harris being asked about this yesterday. It's a clip from CNN.
Starting point is 00:41:27 And even the CNN commentator afterwards is like, I don't know how she's going to dig her way out of this one. Play the clip. We right now have got a lot of work to do with the people in our country who have served their time and have been prohibited from voting. But, you know, do I think that people who commit murder, people who are terrorists, should be deprived of their rights? Yeah, I do. I'm a prosecutor.
Starting point is 00:41:51 I believe that in terms of there has to be serious consequence for the most extreme types of crimes. That's a different answer, MJ. It is. I think calling this even a clarification would be too generous. I mean, she has somehow managed to say two pretty different things in the course of just 24 hours, initially saying on our town hall stage that she is open to this idea that Bernie Sanders said yes to the idea that felons and the worst kinds of criminals being able to vote while they are in prison, that she's open to having a conversation about it. And now this clarification or whatever you want to call it is that because she is a prosecutor, the value that she brings into this conversation is that, yes, I absolutely do believe that certain rights should be taken away for people like this. I mean, this is going to be a very long campaign for Kamala Harris if after every sort of major stance that she takes,
Starting point is 00:42:46 that appears to be relatively new. She has to then the next day, hedge it a little bit or take it back. Dude, this is at least a double model. Come on. At least. Get away.
Starting point is 00:43:03 Guys, I wish we could put Giphy's on. We can apparently have some copyright stuff with giffies if i could put the giffy of the baby running and seeing the scary thing i would put that on right now it is the funniest thing ever even when you know to make a cronkite analysis when you've lost cnn right even cnn's like i don't know how she gets out of this one again speaking to spineless politicians who will say anything to get elected. Kamala Harris was up on the stage.
Starting point is 00:43:30 She knows Bernie has a very passionate constituency of people. He does. Bernie's crazy. His ideas are downright dangerous. But people like Bernie. I don't get it. I don't know how anyone with half a brain would follow Bernie Sanders, but they do.
Starting point is 00:43:51 So Kamalaris doesn't want to and cnn openly insult bernie supporters because she's afraid if she wins the nomination she's going to need them so instead of standing up and doing the morally and ethically correct thing going boston bomber voter are you wait are you kidding me is this just a stupid joke hell no she's like well we should have a conversation there you go folks the quickest conversation in politics in american history she had a conversation she had an un-conversation and now she's back to no no i was just kidding about that yesterday what a joke these people are the worst the worst now on a very serious note i ran for office i lost okay you know that you sometimes people say you stop bringing up no i have to bring it it's part of who i am i'm not i mean this show is what it is because i have the experience of putting my name in the arena i'm
Starting point is 00:44:38 very proud of it you know we almost won but almost you know only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades but i can tell you this. We never forfeited our principles. I don't mean that to give myself a pat on the back, but I was a conservative in a liberal district. Joe knows very well. And we almost pulled off an upset. We didn't. We lost.
Starting point is 00:44:57 We lost to John Delaney, who ironically is running for president against Trump now. He was a congressman at the time. And I want to handle this delicately because i know joe and i have some personal relationships that may get frayed here but it's important so yesterday i'm sitting home watching the news and when i ran in maryland uh i ran in the same cycle as then candidate now second term governor larry hogan who is a republican who won to his credit in an enormous upset that election night was really tough for us we thought we won um you know a couple of people had emailed us congratulations we were up by about 5 000 votes i was running for
Starting point is 00:45:36 congress just to work clear some of you just me maybe recent listeners i don't need to explain my whole biography but i ran for congress in m District 6 against an incumbent Democrat, John Delaney, who's now running for president. In that exact same cycle, Larry Hogan ran for governor in what was an open seat, because Martin O'Malley was term limited, against Anthony Brown, who was a Democrat. Hogan was probably a 15-to-1 underdog. We were probably the same, 15-to-1, maybe 20-to-1. I don't know. We were probably the same, 15 to 1, maybe 20 to 1. I don't know. We were big underdogs too. Election night, we thought we won.
Starting point is 00:46:12 We were up by 5,000 votes. There was an absentee count. Needless to say, we lost the race. I think it was four days later when the absentee count didn't go our way. We lost by one point. Larry Hogan managed to pull out a victory on election night. I congratulated him and I had supported Larry Hogan extensively during the campaign. And anything Hogan's people tell you to attack me on this, in any way contradicting what I'm about to tell you, I'm telling you is a lie.
Starting point is 00:46:36 I would not put the reputation of my show or myself on the line here. Hogan won. I congratulate him. I lost, fair and square. No complaints. I'm glad what I'm doing now. I'm having far more of an impact than I would have as one of 435 members of Congress. God put me here for a reason. But we supported Hogan. We donated money, our campaign, to his operation.
Starting point is 00:46:58 Larry Hogan couldn't get a volunteer at a lot of these parades. He'd have two or three people, and we gave him people. And don't tell me that didn't happen, Larry. I remember it. You may say, why is he going on about his... I'm going to tie this up for you in a second. This is going to become a big deal very soon in relationship to Trump. It's not just me talking
Starting point is 00:47:17 about my history here. I rarely do that. Larry Hogan, the Republican governor, candidate at the time, couldn't find a volunteer. You want me to start giving names of people we had to send over to your operation? We gave this guy money, support. I spoke on behalf of him at events. He wins.
Starting point is 00:47:37 I lose. I go on to other things. This turncoat, RINO, who, by the the way gets elected and does almost nothing conservative at all for the state of Maryland, and gets re-elected by being an even bigger rhino, now wants to run against Trump. Or is alluding to it. Taking trips to New Hampshire, to primary
Starting point is 00:47:58 Donald Trump, and to Republican primary. Are you kidding me? And he refers to him yesterday in his speech as the dear leader, as an insult. Jeez, dude. Now, Joe and I talked about this before the show. The reason I said that thing about personal relationships is so you know that Joe's history. Joe worked at a big radio station in Baltimore, in Maryland, one of the premier conservative stations up there.
Starting point is 00:48:24 They have a big audience. Joe was the producer of the morning show for a very long time. Joe, when Larry Hogan was a candidate, how many times did his team call in there begging to get on the air in the primary and when he was running against Anthony Brown? When he was a candidate, I couldn't tell you exactly, but quite a lot. Quite often. Yes. Now, Joe, after Larry Hogan became the governor, was it a little more difficult to get him
Starting point is 00:48:56 on the air after he was so important and became the governor? Oh, it was almost impossible, sir. Yes. Yeah, almost impossible is correct. By the Yeah, almost impossible is correct. By the way, not that I'm bitter about it or anything, but after donating substantial sums of money
Starting point is 00:49:11 to his little operation there, giving him volunteers and speaking out about how important it was to elect Larry Hogan in Maryland, Larry Hogan never even called with a thank you. No kidding. Hey, Dan, sorry you lost. We won. We appreciate your support. Not even a thank you. No kidding. Hey, Dan, sorry you lost.
Starting point is 00:49:25 We won. We appreciate your support. Not even a thank you. We got some stupid letter in the mail from his group thanking us for a donation. I'm not even sure if he signed the damn thing. But not that that bothers me. I don't need to talk to Larry Hogan. But even in Larry Hogan's re-election,
Starting point is 00:49:43 Joe, call me out if I'm wrong here. Did we ever badmouth this guy on the show in re-election, Joe, call me out if I'm wrong here. Did we ever badmouth this guy on the show in re-election? No. I don't remember. Listen, if it's there, send it to me, and I'll correct it tomorrow. We were very clear. Hogan was the best you were going to get.
Starting point is 00:49:58 He's not a big conservative, but please go out and support him, and he was re-elected. A lot of nose-holding going on. How does... A lot of nose holding going on. How does? Yeah. A lot of nose holding going on. Now he wants to primary Donald Trump. Let me tell you another thing about the character
Starting point is 00:50:12 of this fool. This rhino. This sellout. Now that he's turned on the Republican party and wants to damage Trump's re-election chances. And news people listen up because this happened. I'll pull the phone records.
Starting point is 00:50:28 I'm sure we can do it if you think I'm making this up. Larry Hogan called me when I was entertaining a run for the governorship of Maryland. Wasn't a mystery. The Maryland people reported on it. Larry Hogan called me and begged me to stay out of that race. Oh, yeah. Paula's laughing. She's like, you're not going to talk about that. Yo, I'm going to talk about it. Larry Hogan called me and begged me to stay out of that race. Oh, yeah. Paula's laughing. She's like, you're not going to talk about that. Yo, I'm going to talk about it. You want to
Starting point is 00:50:49 take pot shots at the president? The theater leader. I don't have to get out. No, you do have to get out. It's a free country. Anybody can do what they want. You're not legally obligated to stay out of the primary, nor would I suggest we change the rules to do so. I'm suggesting as a moral and ethical matter that when people supported you in Maryland,
Starting point is 00:51:08 they supported you. No one suggested you should be primaried, even though you were a crap Republican. I didn't suggest that. And now you want a primary Donald Trump. Why? Because you don't like the tax cuts, the economic growth, the regulatory reform, the fight against Planned Parenthood? The conservative judges? What's your take?
Starting point is 00:51:26 He's the dear leader. You big phony. You're a fraud. He begged me to stay out of that race. You know why? I would have whooped his ass in that primary. That's why. And he knew it.
Starting point is 00:51:39 And let him tell you, put out a press release, that didn't happen. I will pull my phone records and find that phone call. I know exactly the time period it was in. And other people, by the way, before you, Hogan and his team of rhinos, before you open your mouth, other people know about it. Who I'll happily have issue their own statements about that phone call. And what did I do? I got out of that race.
Starting point is 00:52:09 Not because I felt any allegiance to Hogan, but because I thought, you know what, there were enough candidates. It was David Craig at the time, and I thought I could better serve in Western Maryland, where I didn't even live. I just thought it was a good district that we could win in and do the right thing for conservatives in Maryland. I thought we had the best chance.
Starting point is 00:52:24 But I got out of that race. By the way, despite, I don't mean to keep bringing my wife into this, but she lived through it with me, obviously, and so did Joe. Joe knows this story very well. Despite the advice of my wife, who said, you're a nut to get out of this race. And I did. And I'm telling the Hogan people,
Starting point is 00:52:48 listen, it's a free world, man. You do whatever you want, but you're going to go on the offensive and start damaging the best chance we have at real significant swamp reform through a Trump reelect because of your clear, unadulterated vanity, then it is going to be open season.
Starting point is 00:53:10 And I am going to personally recruit people from Maryland who know what you're really about to put out a set of stories every week about how vain and your unbelievable hubris and what people did for you when you turned your back and you crapped on them. One final story about this, and his campaign was full of losers too. I will never forget after he won,
Starting point is 00:53:40 despite the data operation we had, the money we raised, the volunteers, the college kids, oh, you don't remember that story when we had, the money we raised, the volunteers, the college kids. Oh, you don't remember that story when we had all the college kids volunteering for us and we got that call from Chris? Chris C.? Yeah, you know who you are.
Starting point is 00:53:54 Hey, can you give us some volunteers? Nobody's showing up because people couldn't stand Hogan. He thought he was an awful candidate. That happened. Maria, you remember that one, right? They came asking for volunteers. But I will never forget, after the election was over and we had lost,
Starting point is 00:54:14 my campaign manager, Sharon, I love to death. She's terrific. She volunteered her time to go speak in Annapolis about what we did right, what we did wrong. And she was up there on stage with Hogan's campaign guy. I'll leave his name out of it. Who sat there up on that stage and lied his butt off for an hour, taking pot shots at my campaign and Sharon and making her feel like an idiot. And taking that we did. You didn't do squat.
Starting point is 00:54:46 They did nothing. They had an awful second rate, third rate operation that we and other conservatives supported. And then he turned around and backdoored everyone. It is, listen, I'm telling you right now, I have been nice to this guy for years, despite him crapping all over me, my people, and still my political allies in Maryland, where I still maintain ties. I have been nice to this guy. I talked about him filling in for Levin, filling in for Hanny. I tried to have him on as a guest in Levin after he won. And this guy's crapped all over everyone.
Starting point is 00:55:19 Ladies and gentlemen, it will be scorched earth against Larry Hogan if he throws his name in this. I'm telling you, people know what a fraud this guy is. And everything I'm telling you, we know what a fraud this guy is. And everything I'm telling you, we can verify. Phony. This guy is a fraud. And I'm telling you in New Hampshire and Iowa, if this guy jumps in, you are flushing your vote down the toilet bowl if you think this guy's your savior. You know what he wants, Joe? He wants open primary states
Starting point is 00:55:46 where Democrats can vote. He wants Democrats to come out and have an alternative to Trump to damage Trump's political capital. He wants to be what Teddy Kennedy was to Jimmy Carter. He's a fraud. And let me tell you something.
Starting point is 00:56:02 Joe and I are probably burning a lot of bridges right now could be poor Joe's but Joe didn't sign up for this and I told him to be Joe did I not say this to you beginning of the show yeah it just goes to show you the character Joe has I mean this I said listen buddy you know we work together here
Starting point is 00:56:18 yeah you have other relationships too it's not just with me professional and otherwise I said to Joe if you want to stay out of this conversation Paula can pull you off the screen. I have no problem. No, I'm with you, brother. And Joe said, I'm in. Because this is BS.
Starting point is 00:56:31 And he still lives up there. What this is BS. Hogan is a fraud. He was the only fraud we had in Maryland. Therefore, I don't regret. There you go. He was the only fraud we had. Your choices were Hogan the fraud or Ben Jealous, who don't regret it. He was the only fraud we had. Your choices were Hogan the fraud
Starting point is 00:56:46 or Ben Jealous, who would have been awful. And Anthony Brown would have been worse. That was the mindset. That's it. Like Joe said before, hold your nose and do it. It was the only choice you had. But for president?
Starting point is 00:57:00 No. Beat it. Get lost, man. I'm telling you now, it will be scorched earth against the sky yeah all right sorry to leave you with that and a little background on it but folks if he announces this is going to do some real damage and it's going to do real damage because democrats are going to cross over and try to vote for him ridiculous all right thanks again for tuning in i really appreciate it please check out our YouTube channel, slash Bongino. And please subscribe to the show on iTunes, SoundCloud. You can subscribe on iHeartRadio.
Starting point is 00:57:32 The subscriptions are free. All you have to do is click subscribe or follow. It is absolutely free, but it helps us move up the charts. We really appreciate it. Thanks a lot, folks. I'll see you all tomorrow. You just heard the Dan Bongino Show. You can also get Dan's podcasts on iTunes or SoundCloud folks. I'll see you all tomorrow.

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