The Dan Bongino Show - It’s Go Time! # 987 (Ep 987)

Episode Date: May 24, 2019

In this episode I address Trump's order to declassify key Spygate documents. I also address the outrageous failure of the clueless media to cover the most disturbing connection of all in the entire an...ti-Trump drama and I discuss the latest poll on socialism, which should frighten everyone. News Picks: Release the Kraken! The documents will be declassified. This 2016 Washington Examiner piece clearly describes the troubling relationships the Clintons have with suspicious Russians. Astonishingly, 40% of Americans support “socialism.” Key GOP congressman says information is coming that will “curl your hair.”  FBI lawyer admitted that the FISA warrant was processed in an “unusual way.” New York passes a ridiculous law targeted specifically at President Trump.  Nevada joins the national popular vote compact.  Copyright Dan Bongino All Rights Reserved. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Release the Kraken. Get ready to hear the truth about America on a show that's not immune to the facts with your host, Dan Bongino. Release the Kraken. Release the Kraken. The Kraken is to be released. The Kraken will be released. The Kraken is Kraken baby well welcome to the Dan Bongino show I'm not even gonna ask producer Joe he's doing it because I know how he's doing he's doing excellent am I right producer Joe because it's Friday and a special one at that. Gotta fit that in? Yeah. Did you like me on Hannity last night? Yeah, man. My wife asked me to, actually demanded that I say this.
Starting point is 00:00:51 She deeply appreciates all the positive emails. We read almost all of them about Hannity last night. I hope you liked it. Thank you all for tuning in. But it was a huge night. What a night to be on the air. President Trump finally orders the declassification of the documents related to the whole Spygate, Russiagate fiasco. And the Kraken will be released finally.
Starting point is 00:01:15 And the story will begin to change, although the media will, I don't want to see anything, will avoid it at all costs. The story will finally begin to change and the arc of history will finally turn back in the direction of justice. Folks, because the information was ordered to be declassified, though, I want to be crystal clear on a few things. There is a process. It's not going to happen overnight. There's still a review process that goes on. It's not like the Thanos snap where all the information comes out at one time. And it's for a reason and it's understandable.
Starting point is 00:01:47 But, you know, we said take it easy a long time ago. And a guy emailed me the other day. He's like, hey, listen, Mo, I think you were a little wrong on that one. Not so much. Maybe about the sessions part. But we knew this was all going to happen from very good sources. I mean, you know, a lot of people have good sources, so I don't want to overly dramatize it.
Starting point is 00:02:08 But a couple of takeaways from this, and I want to also be, don't go anywhere for the second portion of the show. Please. We have a chart. A lot of you have been asking for charts. My wife put together a chart,
Starting point is 00:02:19 and I've got a story I've been holding since Wednesday night that I don't want you to miss. It is really, really good about, let me just leave it at that. It's excellent, but don't, I've been holding it since Wednesday because we had so much news. All right, on the declassification front, let's get right to it here. Listen, they're toying with the wrong guy. You wanted to play ball, Nancy? You want to accuse the president of a cover-up and a crime
Starting point is 00:02:46 before you go into a meeting with him where you're trying to coordinate an infrastructure plan? You want to accuse the president of being a criminal after he's been exonerated, after an exhaustive examination of his personal life? He basically got a chest x-ray. You want to play ball? Now let's play ball. Trump's not kidding around. I don't know if you thought he was kidding, but he's not. How do I know this? Ladies and gentlemen, in the order Trump issued last night, in case you missed it, again, to declassify the documents related to Spygate.
Starting point is 00:03:27 Finally, here's a couple of key takeaways. Number one. Took some notes on this one. I see. Why are the Secretary of Treasury and the Secretary of Energy in there? In the order of... In other words, the order went out to the attorney general, the Central Intelligence
Starting point is 00:03:48 Agency director, the FBI director. But in there, you see the secretary of treasury and the secretary of energy. Huh? They don't have the secretary of education in there or commerce. They don't have the Secretary of Education in there or Commerce. Why would two cabinet secretaries departments, Joe, be in a Trump declassification order, basically telling them you are to show Bill Barr, the attorney general, I'm going to declassify documents you have about this Spygate case? A Ukraine thing, maybe?
Starting point is 00:04:21 I don't know. Maybe, maybe. You may not be. You know what? I did that. That was not even I was even going but you may be right you know what i'm talking maybe potentially yeah but i think it has to do with uranium one oh we shall see but the uranium one sale the syphius board hillary clinton sat on we will. But that's suspicious question number one. I'm going to give you some more things. Here's some other things we can expect, I believe, going forward to see. I hope.
Starting point is 00:04:53 Number two, we may finally find out who the contractors were in the infamous Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court ruling about abuses of the system. In a nutshell, remember, the NSA database was abused was abused by people who were using it to look people up it's as simple as that NSA maintains a database of our calls our texts all that stuff you remember we've discussed this repeatedly Mike Rogers of the NSA found that there was something going on with these about queries people were querying things and looking at stuff they shouldn't have been looking at. He asked the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court to look into it. They issued a report.
Starting point is 00:05:31 In that report, they say, hey, a bunch of private contractors are looking at information and a lot of these queries don't comply with the law. The private contractors and who they are are blocked out. Who are those private contractors? Was it CrowdStrike? We don't know. We don't know who they were. CrowdStrike, of course, is the company that did the analysis on the DNC servers rather than the FBI.
Starting point is 00:05:58 Was it Fusion? We don't know. It's blocked out. Hopefully now we'll see that. Takeaway number two, we hope to see with this unredacted declassification. The Bruce Ohr 302s. Bruce Ohr, the Department of Justice official, interviewed Christopher Steele and passed the information on to Weissman. We have not been able to see, Joe, his summaries. Remember, he was debriefed by the FBI.
Starting point is 00:06:25 Agent Joe Pianca was his handler. There were 302s, or the numerical designation for FBI summaries, of those interviews with Orr. Many of them are classified. What did Orr tell Pianca? Was the full extent of Christopher Steele's lying and his Russian disinformation efforts revealed to Pianca and the FBI and they still went forward with the FISA? Inquiring minds want to know.
Starting point is 00:06:52 Aye, sir. Are there 302's FBI summaries in January of the FBI interviewing Steele's Russian sources and finding out that they were crap or disinformation specialists. January of 2017, why would that be important? If the FBI, ladies and gentlemen,
Starting point is 00:07:14 has a redacted summary of an interview in January of 2017 they did with a Russian source and found out he was crap, then why did they renew the FISA two more times after that to spy on the Trump team? Are there records of the Gang of Eight briefing by John Brennan in August? I'll bet there are. Why is that important? Because John Brennan goes up to Capitol Hill in August of 2016 and briefs Capitol Hill about information that is only contained in the dossier he claims he didn't see until December. August, December. August, December.
Starting point is 00:07:58 If there are records of that, it's going to be quite difficult for John Brennan to say, oh yeah, I saw the dossier in December. How did you brief them in August then? Yeah, kind of a problem there. Yeah, you think? Is there an EC, an electronic communication from John Brennan's CIA to the FBI? Ladies and gentlemen, as we've asked for a year and a half to two years now, what was paragraph one?
Starting point is 00:08:29 When you open an investigative case, the first paragraph of your memorandum says how you got the case. I was called by a bank fraud investigator. A source told me this. Paragraph one of this case against trump has never been disclosed the rumor is there's an electronic communication known as an ec from brennan's people to the fbi stating why an investigation for b should be open god forbid that's information in the dossier well why dan because how would they have gotten the information in the dossier if the CIA sending an email to the FBI
Starting point is 00:09:08 meant the CIA was spying on an innocent American citizen that's kind of why it's a problem and kind of why they're hiding the EC what was Kavalec's redaction remember Christopher Steele 10 days before the FISA's talking to Kathleen Kavalec there's a redaction on travel Christopher Steele, 10 days before the FISA is talking to Kathleen Kavalec. There's a
Starting point is 00:09:26 redaction on travel records she's checking. Was she checking Michael Cohen going to Prague? Meaning, did the FBI know 10 days or two weeks before they swore that Michael Cohen went to Prague to coordinate collusion that Michael Cohen was never in Prague?
Starting point is 00:09:42 Did they know that? Is that what that redaction is? Finally, what the heck was Bill Price-Stepp, the head of FBI counterintelligence, doing in London weeks before the case even opened? It's my shock law. Ladies and gentlemen, we've been told the case opened on july 31st of 2016 well what was bill pricestep doing in london where all of the case began according to the fbi
Starting point is 00:10:15 remember downer alexander downer the australian diplomat meets with papadopoulos in london and that tip that case starts julyst, conveniently the day after Bruce Orr meets with Andy McCabe and the FBI. Bruce Orr is dealing with Steele. What was Price Step doing in London before that? Were they coordinating something? Were they coordinating as a tipster of mine sent in this morning, the use of a joint source? in this morning?
Starting point is 00:10:43 The use of a joint source? Was Stefan Halper, a U.S. intelligence asset, also working with the Brits to help set up Trump team members? Is that why the head FBI counterintel? Is that why he was in London weeks before the case they said opened at the end of July?
Starting point is 00:11:13 Is that why he was there before weeks before the case they said opened at the end of July is that why he was there before that what was he doing all redacted but no more they wanted to play ball folks now it's game time hence the title of today's show it's go go time. A lot of cracking going on. All right. A whole lot of cracking going on. All right, we got to move on with the show. We got a lot to get to today. Today's show brought to you by our buddies at Hair Club. Hair Club, listen, confidence is important.
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Starting point is 00:13:08 is in a nutshell because i want to get overly too deep in this i you know between spygate news there's a lot going on the elections we got a lot of you get to but this is interesting uh michael cohen the search warrants bob muller used to investigate michael cohen who as you know is trump's lawyer the search warrants he used were unsealed by a judge pursuant to a FOIA request by people in the media. Now, what's fascinating about these search warrants is there are portions of it where Mueller, again, goes back to the standard police state liberal Democrat media tactic of using media stories to justify the search warrant. I'm not kidding. If you read it, and you know what?
Starting point is 00:13:48 I'll actually throw a section of this in there. I'm going to take a note on that because I didn't tell Paula before the show. There's a section of the search warrant where Mueller clearly cites New York Times articles again. So now the New York Times are like investigators for the Mueller team. It goes back to that circular reasoning that was happening throughout the entire spy drama where the fbi leaks a story i believe the muller team was leaking stories in this case follow me joe they leak a story to the media the media writes about the story the fbi and i believe the muller team then uses the story in the warrant to get the warrant to do more spying and more investigative work sounds legit to me thank you thank you
Starting point is 00:14:27 this is what's happening to our republic right it's a joke even the studio audience thinks it's funny it's a total joke dude i'll throw up for you uh uh on on the screen on slash bungee i'm sorry i'll put up on the screen thank you throw do you mean throw up? Although it may make you want to throw up. Caught that. Sections of the report where they do this thing again. The New York Times is reporting, why are we using the New York Times and search warrants? Why are we
Starting point is 00:14:56 using Yahoo News and Pfizer warrants? But it gets worse than that. I got a little bit off track there. It gets worse than that. The media, which again has no ability at all to look themselves in the mirror, is going crazy. You're going to hear it over the next few days. Some of you have heard it already. You may have heard it on Thursday, yesterday.
Starting point is 00:15:21 Michael Cohen was talking to a Russian, Viktor Vekselberg, after the election. Here's what they're saying. There are now records that indicate that this guy, Victor Vekselberg, now some of you who remember the names may be thinking, gee, that sounds familiar. Oh, it sure does. It sure does.
Starting point is 00:15:39 Stand by. Stand easy, as they used to say in a police academy. Michael Cohen after the election. And Cohen's a sleaze, okay? Don't think for a second I'm defending him. Michael Cohen, Trump's old lawyer, is clearly a sleaze. He is. This guy deserves no quarter anywhere. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:15:57 But after the election, it appears, given the information Mueller got, that Cohen looks like he was selling influence. All of a sudden, Joe, all these retainers come in after Trump's elected president, it's the president-elect, right, for Michael Cohen. All these big-time six-figure retainers come in to keep Michael Cohen, Joe, as a consultant. Oh, yeah. Listen, folks, Cohen was selling access. was as simple as that that's why i have no sympathy for this guy i think he was doing a lot of this without the permission of one thing
Starting point is 00:16:32 by the way if you know trump um and you know trump's inner circle they hate when people profit off his name they hate it it drives them wild i'm not kidding i'm not just trying to cover for somebody i don't do that yeah so co is clearly saying hey listen i'm the guy to trump keep me on retainer um and drug companies and others that paid him one of the companies that paid him is a company connected to this guy victor vexelberg now the media is going wild because vexelberg obviously has some russian connections it's russians and russian himself right oh my gosh these are more there were obviously has some Russian connections. It's Russian himself, right? Oh my gosh, these are more. There were hundreds of phone calls between Michael Cohen and people connected
Starting point is 00:17:12 to this Russian Vekselberg. So just to be clear, because we do logic here, liberals, you may stop now, put the show on pause. This is the logic portion of the show. Clearly not your thing, right? Liberals in the media are losing their mind because Cohen is talking to a company run by a Russian they think is suspicious. Vexelberg. Okay, you got that?
Starting point is 00:17:32 But if you don't mind, throw that MSN piece up. Sorry, the MSN piece. Well, it's from the Washington Post. That's good enough. The Washington Post reported a particular interest to the documents was hundreds of thousands of dollars Cohen received in the first half of 2017, keep in mind, that's when Trump just gets in office, from an investment management firm called Columbus Nova.
Starting point is 00:17:52 The firm, according to documents, is linked to Viktor Vekselberg, a Russian business executive with ties to Putin. Oh my gosh! Oh, this is so bad. And it is shady. But the thing is, notice how they focus on Cohen. Says they paid him a total of 500 000 to bring new investors into the company and that vexelberg was not involved in the decision
Starting point is 00:18:11 to hire him okay so just so we're dealing with principles the left is upset that someone in the trump orbit who trump clearly did not give any kind of permission to do this, is selling access by dealing with a Russian. Media, very bad. We're going to have to do this simple. Media, very bad. Trump is talking to a Russian named Vekselberg. Okay, got it? So that's bad, right?
Starting point is 00:18:41 Bad. The media has said this is bad. Well, that's bad, right? Bad. The media has said this is bad. Now, who else has Victor Vexelberg been not only talking to, but dealing with at a very high level for a long time that you haven't heard much about at all? Let's put up this Washington Examiner piece of 2016.
Starting point is 00:18:56 Please, please read the show notes at, or if you're on my email list, I will send you these articles every day. The nice part about my email list is I don't only send you articles from today, I send you articles from the past, from a couple years ago, that are relevant now today, too, that no one else is going to find for you, okay? Washington Examiner piece about Clinton's relationship. Sarah Westwood, September 12, 2016. Email, show Clinton ties to Russian oligarch under investigation.
Starting point is 00:19:29 Who would that be? Who could that be? So we've established principles, right, Libs? You think Michael Cohen talking to people connected to Vexelberg and his company, very bad. You've already said that, right? That is bad. That could be collusion. You've said that, right? That is bad. That could be collusion. You've said that, correct?
Starting point is 00:19:45 Try to do logic. For 10 minutes of your life, try to be logical, you knuckleheads. Who is the Russian oligarch, the Clinton people we're talking to? Well, let's see what the piece says. Let's dig in a little bit. Oh, 2016. New emails show Clinton Foundation staff pushed Hillary Clinton's State Department to approve a meeting between Bill Clinton
Starting point is 00:20:08 and a powerful Russian oligarch. Has her agency, the State Department, lined up investors for a project under his purview? Who is it? Who is that Russian? The Clintons' relationship with Victor Vekselberg. Oh, here he is. Here it is, folks.
Starting point is 00:20:30 The Clintons' relationship with Vekselberg, the billionaire whose name appears in the documents, has taken on new significance amid an expanding criminal investigation into his company. Into an expanding criminal investigation into Vekselberg, who's, hold on, keep that up there, who is dealing with the Clintons,
Starting point is 00:20:47 and yet the Clintons have skated totally. The media's not worried about Clinton collusion, anything. Nobody hears a word about this. Last week, the piece goes on. Last week, authorities raided the office of Vexelberg's Renova Group following allegations of bribery from several of Renova's subsidiaries. That's his company.
Starting point is 00:21:08 Oh, wait, wait. It gets better, folks. We're not done. Remember the principle here. The liberal rules are Cohen was talking to Vexelberg and his company. Very bad. Very collusion. Collusive activities.
Starting point is 00:21:26 Conspiratorial, collusive, collusion-based, collusion collusive activities conspiratorial collusive collusion based collusion type activities the piece goes on from Westwood read this piece it's in the show notes today it is worth your time you will be smarter than all of your liberal friends Vexelberg
Starting point is 00:21:41 had been named head of the partnership dubbed the Russian Silicon oh where we go oh joe's now joe can see it so he gets to cheat so do the youtube folks have already read ahead but what do you listen you guys on audio i got it i got it i'm gonna land this plane for you right now vexelberg had been named the head of the Russian Silicon Valley project just three months before a Clinton Foundation employee began pushing the State Department to approve Bill Clinton's proposed meeting with Vekselberg and a handful of other executives,
Starting point is 00:22:19 Russian executives. What was the Russian Silicon Valley project? Skolkovo. Skolkovo. Yes. Skolkovo. Skolkovo. Yes. Skolkovo. Yes. Skolkovo.
Starting point is 00:22:30 Yeah. Do we have another piece from that Washington Examiner, another segment from that? We do. Nice. Like clockwork. It reads my mind. I ain't saying anything. I know why.
Starting point is 00:22:42 Yeah, I know. You better keep quiet on that one. Even I can't get away with a lot of this stuff. I'll get some. I know why. Yeah, I know. You better keep quiet on that one. Even I can't get away with a lot of this stuff. I'll get some... I told her, I said, I'm sorry, Paula, but now that you're part of the show, I have to be me. I can't stop.
Starting point is 00:22:53 It's uncontrollable. It goes up. So let's speak. Let's set this up. We're going to do this logically. Dealing with Vexelberg, if you're anyone associated with Trump like Cohen, very bad, conspiratorial, collusive, collusion-ness of the collusive type collusion.
Starting point is 00:23:14 And everybody needs to go to jail. Now we find out that Hillary Clinton, in fact, has a series of emails where hubs hubby hubby boom bots. Bill Clinton wants to meet with Vexelberg right around the time that Hillary Clinton is being asked to push a Russian technology project that, as you know, being a regular listener to the show, and we can see from Diana Westpiece in The Daily Caller, a project that was widely believed to be used to steal our military technology. Okay, so let me do a Dan Bongino visual for you here. Circle one, Hillary. Hillary has a relationship with Viktor Vekselberg.
Starting point is 00:24:05 Vekselberg runs the Skolkovo project. The Skolkovo project is a Russian military technology theft project where they're stealing our military technology. Who is pushing people to join Skolkovo and send their technology over there? Oh, Hillary Clinton. Hillary Clinton pushes a bunch of companies to go to Skolkovo where they're going to steal their military technology and use it in military applications. After these companies, by the way, have made major donations to the Clinton Foundation, where the overwhelming majority of companies that go over there made donations to the Clinton Foundation. By the way, so did the Skolkovo guy running it, Victor Vexelberg.
Starting point is 00:24:42 Wait, wait, wait. I thought dealing with Vexelberg was such a big deal that we had to raid the offices of Trump's own lawyer, Cohen, to get to the bottom of it. Don't you love liberal show? They want to get to the bottom of everything. Oh, yeah. Right to the bottom. Reminds me of that voice Eddie Murphy used to do. I love that movie Boomerang.
Starting point is 00:25:00 We're going to get to the bottom of it. Eddie Murphy used to do that voice all the time. We need to get to the bottom. Clearly, you don't need to get to the bottom of it. Eddie Murphy used to do that voice all the time. We need to get to the bottom. Clearly, you don't need to get to the bottom of anything. Clearly, what you're looking to do, and Cohen did some unethical, immoral, and illegal, by the way, garbage. I am not defending this guy. But unlike you liberals, we have principles here, Joe. I acknowledge what he did was wrong.
Starting point is 00:25:22 Selling access to the president behind his back for six-figure sums is really unethical. There's nothing wrong with saying, it's not attacking Trump or the presidency to say that. Cohen shafted the president, made him look bad, lied behind his back.
Starting point is 00:25:40 This guy has no character at all. Yet why is it that you indict morally, ethically, and legally Cohen for dealing with this Russian who clearly is so deeply intertwined with the Clinton regime on very serious matters? The same Russian is running a technology project, widely believed to be stealing our technology to create weapons to kill us. And Hillary's like this with him.
Starting point is 00:26:12 Bill Clinton wants to meet with him over in Russia. And yet nothing in the mainstream media about collusive collusion type, conspiratorial collusive type collusion activities with the Clinton. Nothing. These are Washington Examiner pieces. An actual journalism outlet that does journalism.
Starting point is 00:26:31 Unlike the New York Times and the Post. Where are the stories all over the place about Hillary Clinton's collusion? Crickets. That's right. That's right. That's what you hear. You're darn right, crickets. Now, making this story even worse.
Starting point is 00:26:53 Some of you are putting the pieces together now. Yeah. Oh, Joe, it gets. Yeah. There's so much going on here. So let's establish where we were. Cohen's dealing with Vexelberg on a like consulting thing. Bad. Granted. Hillary and Vexelberg on a like consulting thing. Bad.
Starting point is 00:27:07 Granted. Hillary and Vexelberg are tight. Vexelberg donates to the Clinton Foundation. Bill Clinton asks for special permission as a former president while his wife is running the State Department to meet with Vexelberg while he's in Russia. He also by the way on the same trip, and this is not a coincidence
Starting point is 00:27:24 by the way, on the exact same trip to Russia, right around the time the Uranium One project is set to be approved in the United States on a board Hillary Clinton sits on, right? She issues no notice of disapproval for it all. She lets it go through. Bill Clinton on the same trip to Russia where he wants to meet with Vekselberg who's running Skolkovo that Hillary loves. She loves the Skolkovo project where they're stealing our technology. Bill Clinton
Starting point is 00:27:53 also asked to meet with Arkady Dvorovic who's another Russian involved in the funding of the project involved with Uranium One. Folks, as Bill Clinton goes over there to accept five hundred thousand dollars from a bank involved in the financial dealings of the uranium one project but don't worry no no whatever you say that joe when you make those literal connections
Starting point is 00:28:20 that are facts whenever you make those connections what does the left say conspiracy this is a conspiracy theory what what's what's theoretical about it did bill clinton not send those emails asking to meet with uranium one connected folks did he not take half a million from a bank involved in the financing of the deal did Did Bill Clinton not ask to meet with Vexelberg? Did Hillary Clinton not have a relationship with Vexelberg, who was running Skolkovo? Did Skolkovo not have an Army intel report issued about it indicating that they were stealing our technology?
Starting point is 00:28:59 Did Hillary not push companies to join Skolkovo? Did Skolkovo companies that joined due to Hillary's pushing them not donate to the Clinton Foundation? What about that is theoretical? And name anything. Conspiracy theory! You colossal dip...
Starting point is 00:29:18 This is the worst media disgrace I have ever seen in my life. They make a second and third time removed connection to Trump. Trump's lawyer after the election made some shady deals with a company involved with Exelberg. Okay. The guy looks like he was selling access according to the allegations.
Starting point is 00:29:43 Right. Point stipulated. No moral quandary on my end at all. Bad news. Thank God we got rid of him. The guy's a liar. Hey, are we going to ask any questions about Hillary and the same guy? No, no, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:30:00 Cut. A holes. This is our media. We're just about the facts. The Washington Post. Democracy dies in the darkness. You are the darkness. I got more on this.
Starting point is 00:30:21 Don't go anywhere. I haven't even finished. I got so much to get to. And again, I love my audience to death. I hope I'm not wearing you out. I'm not being, this stuff is coming out in drips and drabs. And ladies and gentlemen, it's hard to tell the story in one continuous narrative. Because chunks, I just saw this Cohen stuff Wednesday night.
Starting point is 00:30:43 I'm trying to fit in other news too. But this is really important. Really important. Your friends look at Cohen and his calls to this Russian connected to Vekselberg. Your first response should be, yeah, you mean the guy Bill Clinton wanted to meet over in Russia? You mean the same guy Hillary Clinton and their foundation, there's emails about that are like this,
Starting point is 00:31:02 that was involved with the Skolkovo project, that was stealing our military technology? same project hillary wanted american companies that were donating to her to join you mean that guy conspiracy theory idiots idiots all right policy genius hey it's spring the time of year when seeds grow into flowers and you grow up financially at least your family needs protection if something happens to you and that means you need life insurance thankfully policy genius makes it easy to get their financial security without the growing pains policy genius can't recommend it enough really really easy to use listen folks ensure the stuff that matters go to you can compare quotes in just
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Starting point is 00:32:22 by nipping life insurance in the bud we love policy genius super easy to use all right getting back to this so ladies and gentlemen we know that this skulkovo project that vexelberg is involved in was suspected of stealing our military technology we already established that as the diana west piece at the daily caller shows they take snippets of the army intelligence report saying, listen, be careful with Skolkovo. The FBI, as John Solomon had reported in The Hill a while ago, an agent from their Boston office had reported that Skolkovo could be stealing our technology.
Starting point is 00:32:56 They'd be very careful about this. It was, quote, an ambitious enterprise aiming to promote technology transfer by inbound direct investment and occasionally through selected acquisitions. This is from the army in 2012. As such, Skolkovo is arguably an overt alternative to clandestine industrial espionage. Hillary supported this with her buddy Vexelberg who's running it. But ladies and gentlemen, there's another person who was involved in Skolkovo.
Starting point is 00:33:24 He was the curator of Skolkovo. As we see in this media piece where he's deeply embedded with the Skolkovo project too. And it's a guy whose name appears in a note. Kathleen Kavalec writes when she's interviewing christopher steel in october of 2016 just weeks before the first visor oh there's the note it magically appears on the screen look at that note we have trimnikov circle but right below that you'll see the word sources and it says surkoff now if you listen fr, you're already figuring out where I'm going with this.
Starting point is 00:34:08 Surkov was one of Christopher Steele's sources. Surkov is a Russian disinformation specialist. He has actually bragged about making Americans scattering their brains during elections. This is what he does. He was called the Great Cardinal, the Kremlin. He was Putin's right-hand ideological man. He was called the great cardinal, the Kremlin. He was Putin's right-hand ideological man.
Starting point is 00:34:30 Surkov was the curator of the Skolkovo project. Oh! Oh! So let's make the connections again for the liberals who at home are probably a little slow. So we're all worried, and we found this out Wednesday night, liberals that is, because again, they're like the walking dead zombies. Cohen's
Starting point is 00:34:53 talking to a company run by Vexelberg and taking money from, oh my god! Collusive type collusion! Definitely! Wait, wait, wait. Do you mean the same Vexelberg you're worried about that runs the Skolkovo project Hillary supports
Starting point is 00:35:11 that the curator of that project is a guy named Surkov a Russian disinformation specialist who brags about scrambling our brains during elections for Putin right who's the source of the guy Hillary Clinton paid Christopher Steele to make up the stories about Donald Trump?
Starting point is 00:35:29 Nothing to see there, folks. Media people, pay no attention. Washington Post, remember, democracy dies in the darkness. So don't worry about it. Don't write any stories on that. Let's do six weeks of coverage. Don't worry about it. Don't write any stories on that. Let's do six weeks of coverage. Let's do 10 years of coverage on Michael Cohen,
Starting point is 00:35:53 a guy everybody in the pro-Trump MAGA atmosphere has already disavowed, including Trump himself. The guy is a liar. Let's focus on him for six months and his, whatever, month-long wheeling and dealing behind everybody's back with vexelberg but let's not focus on the secretary of state hillary clinton and the former president of the united states surgically attaching their lips to the rear end of the exact same guy whose buddy by the way is providing disinformation to the guy that Clintons are paying to abuse our FISA court, to spy on Donald Trump, their political opponent.
Starting point is 00:36:30 Don't worry about that. It's a conspiracy theory. What part of what I told you, simple question, what part of what I told you is false? You think I wrote that note? Paul, can you put the note up again? Now, not many of you, Joe has seen my handwriting and my wife sees it all the time.
Starting point is 00:36:54 Does that look like Dan Bongino's handwriting? No, that's not Dan's handwriting. Thank you, Joe. That is the handwriting of Kathleen Kavalec, a State Department official who is literally talking to Christopher Steele and taking notes, who's telling her a Russian disinformation specialist
Starting point is 00:37:13 named Surkov, who is the curator of a military technology theft project Hillary supports, is actually a source for information the FBI used to target the President of the United States, then President-electing candidate. Clearly a conspiracy theory. Clearly. You are so dumb in the media.
Starting point is 00:37:38 It is beyond belief. It is beyond belief how stupid you are. Belief. It is beyond belief how stupid you are. I will, to the day I die, support the right of a free and fair press. I mean it with passion. But that means you have the right to be stupid. And my gosh, if you fully embraced it.
Starting point is 00:38:05 If there was a stupid teddy bear, this is the stupid bear. When you hug it, you get really stupid. They're like this, oh, I love you. Oh, my daughter calls stuffed animals stuffies. Oh, give me the stuffy. Give me the stuff. Teddy Ruxpin, come here, stuffy Ruxpin. They have embraced the stupid bear like you wouldn't believe.
Starting point is 00:38:22 You go to Wikipedia, you talk about Spygate, where the president was actually spied on and his team we they were recordings of them being spied on and they're like spygate you go to wikipedia the biggest scam site by the way ever send me a wikipedia piece or twitter it's an i'm sorry it's an insta block and your email goes right to spam wik is a joke. Spygate, they refer to it. It's a conspiracy theory. Okay. This is, you understand, like,
Starting point is 00:38:52 you are engaged in pure, unadulterated propaganda. Wikipedia, the New York Times, the Washington Post. This is embarrassing. You know, I'm going to get to this socialism thing in a minute, too, hopefully. But I don't like support in left-wing media. But my wife and I have been watching Chernobyl on HBO, and it's a fascinating series. And the only complaint about it is, it's not really a complaint. I must say, folks, and I mean this,
Starting point is 00:39:25 they're not paid advertisers or anything. There's no promotional considerations here for the series. It is some of the finest television I've ever seen. Once you get past the first 20 minutes of the first episode, because it has to set it up a little bit. Joe, I'm not kidding. It is some of the, matter of fact, if it comes out on DVD, I don't know if you have HBO or not.
Starting point is 00:39:44 I'm going to send it to you because it is worth you. It is some of the, matter of fact, if it comes out on DVD, I don't know if you have HBO or not, I'm going to send it to you because it is worth you. It is some of the finest television I have ever seen. I'll check it out. It is so engrossing. But when you watch it, it's not an indictment
Starting point is 00:39:57 on the nuclear power industry. That's my only complaint is I hope people don't freak out about nuclear power. It's not an indictment on the, you may say, well, how? It was a nuclear disaster. No, it wasn't a nuclear power. It's not an indictment. You may say, well, how? It was a nuclear disaster.
Starting point is 00:40:06 No, it wasn't a nuclear disaster. It was a socialism disaster. And when you watch the series, HBO, whether they know it or not, may be doing a public service. There is no way to come away from why. I'm not going to, I mean, listen, there's no spoilers.
Starting point is 00:40:21 We know what happened. It's based on real life events. But when you watch what the KGB, the Soviet Pravda media, they interdisperse with real footage of the Soviet media. Paul, am I making this up? Real footage. Reading from a script from the Soviets. Have no fear. Everything's okay.
Starting point is 00:40:43 It's all good. Don't worry, folks. It was just a firecracker ladies and gentlemen between four and 93 000 people died don't worry folks comrade gorbachev has everything all set you ever see that movie, Office Christmas Party, where they want to have a Christmas party. And there's like this young kid who runs the company, younger guy. And it's Jennifer Aniston's older sister. And he's the party guy.
Starting point is 00:41:15 And the older sister comes into town. And they want to have this Christmas party. And Jennifer Aniston's like the tough boss. And she's like, no Christmas party. So they're sitting around the table. And the boss is like, yeah, yeah, no Christmas party. Don't be a Christmas party. He keeps whispering to everyone. And she's like, christmas party so they're sitting around the table and the boss is like yeah yeah no christmas party don't be a christmas party he keeps whispering to everyone and she's like i heard you say that he goes and the guy no christmas party don't be a christmas party this is them this is the lady on the news it'll all be okay folks it won't be okay everything's fine it was just a
Starting point is 00:41:38 firecracker it was a nuclear disaster get the hell out of town quick it will all be looking at the kgb guy over here this is the media this is the media michael cohen is a very bad guy this is the state-issued press release they get from the democrat party michael cohen collusive type collusion type conspiratorial collusive activities he must have colluded with the russians for trump footnote hillary clinton dealt with the same guy in a Russian theft of our military technology. Oh, no, no, leave that out. Can we rewind a tape? Sir, it's a live show. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:42:11 I'm sorry I slipped. Meanwhile, they're looking at the DNC operator over the shoulder going, you Pravda lunatics. You are missing the biggest story of our time. We get it. Mistakes were made on the trump team manafort was not a good guy he had too much stuff going on trump fired him we're done okay we're good there was no collusion cohen was not a good guy he was doing some unethical stuff where is your self-reflection Cohen was not a good guy. He was doing some unethical stuff.
Starting point is 00:42:47 Where is your self-reflection? Hey, we got a problem here, media guys. We're missing the biggest story of our time. You know, Hillary was dealing with Vexelberg, too. And by the way, Vexelberg's buddy, Surkov, looks like he was the source for a guy Hillary paid. Did we just read that on the air? And by the way. Shame on other mainstream media outlets. For not reporting this either.
Starting point is 00:43:11 Folks you understand like. And I. Gosh I mean this. Please. I am not an egomaniac. I promise you. And it's not me making statements. It's about not making statements either.
Starting point is 00:43:22 I mean it. I give hat tips to everybody and anyone chuck ross jeff carlson sarah carter john solomon byron york people have done tremendous work in this case yeah i have followed their lead in many cases 279 my fbi source you've done this I just put it together. You did this. But the sad part about this whole thing is if you're not reading those sources, Chuck, Sarah, Byron, John, you're not watching Hannity at night? You're not watching this YouTube show? You don't know any of this.
Starting point is 00:44:05 Do you understand that? You don't know any of this. Do you understand that? You don't know any of this. You have missed the biggest story of your time. And you still believe that Trump colluded with the Russians, despite the fact that the real collusion scandal between Obama, Hillary, Joe Biden, Ukraine, and Russia went right underneath your nose. It's a shame. It really is. It, you watch Chernobyl, and I promise you, when you see those, think of the modern Democrat party and their symbiotic, almost parasitic relationship.
Starting point is 00:44:43 Those are opposites. I get it. Antonyms. Parasitic is probably more appropriate. Relationship with the media. Watch the actual footage they play. Everything will be okay. There was a small accident in Chernobyl.
Starting point is 00:44:57 Do you understand how bad that was? Oh, dude. They nearly had a nuclear meltdown into the groundwater that would have contaminated and made radioactive the water for countries surrounding all of northern Ukraine where it happened. It could have killed hundreds of thousands of people due to cancers and radiation. Do you understand how bad that was? And the Russians were like, it's okay. At one point, the guy who's running the plant is telling the Russian, you know, whatever,
Starting point is 00:45:29 guy that shows up who's part of the, he's a committee man, a Soviet, as he shows up on the ground. We've got it all under control. As firemen from Messina are coming out with radiation poisoning. This is the Pravda media today. Aren't you guys embarrassed? Is there anyone out there with a soul? Any of you at the Washington Post eager to buck the trend of the Democrats' version
Starting point is 00:45:58 of the tide of history and say, you know what? I'm going to stand up because democracy does die in the darkness, and I'm going to do the right thing, not the easy thing. And if Vexelberg's going to be a story because he dealt with Cohen, then you're darn well sure that Vexelberg's going to be a story because of Skolkovo, Hillary Clinton, and Surkov.
Starting point is 00:46:21 But that's a story you're not going to hear anywhere else but here. Where have you heard that Surkov story anywhere else chuck ross did it where else have you heard about it why are you asking yourself that you should be why isn't the media picking this up why isn't the media picking up a story that christopher steel was working for hillary clinton and christopher steel sources were a r Russian disinformation specialist who was the curator of a project that stole our military technology and that Hillary Clinton pushed after companies donated to her. Why isn't that a story anywhere else? Because it's a conspiracy theory? What's theoretical about it?
Starting point is 00:47:01 What's theoretical about it? It says sources, Surkov. Well, Steele could have been lying. Even worse, the FBI 10 days later swore he wasn't. Did they not? Let me quote the FBI FISA. Warren, there is no derogatory information. You have no way out.
Starting point is 00:47:30 Either Christopher Steele's sources were Russian disinformation specialists working for Putin, connected to projects, stealing our military technology to kill us, or Christopher Steele's lying the whole time, and we spied on Trump because their source, who they had no derogatory information about, was a liar. because their source, who they had no derogatory information about, was a liar. How do you get, please tell me how that's an out. Freaking furious, man.
Starting point is 00:47:59 I'm serious. I'm sorry on a Friday to be so down. But my gosh, if you're not listening to this show, please share this folks. We, my wife and I don't need any more money. I'm serious. We don't, we don't need,
Starting point is 00:48:11 I don't need any more. Like people stop me in here. I love it. I I'm honored every time you say that, but I don't live for the accolade. I don't, I, this is my third or fourth career.
Starting point is 00:48:22 I'm going to be 45 soon. I've got two kids and a wife that matter to me more than anything. That's my life right now. I don't need you to share this because I need to be famous. I don't give a damn. I need you to share this because I need the information out there. Share our links. Please.
Starting point is 00:48:43 This is what's going on in your name and you're not hearing about it anywhere alright I'm not even I allotted 20 minutes for that segment clearly went over but it's important very very important alright today's show brought to you by
Starting point is 00:49:04 a happy company our buddies at GenuCell. Listen, we love GenuCell in our house. My wife, my mother-in-law, big fans of GenuCell. Hey, you ever just say, I wish this double chin would go away. Well, your wish is our command. They're going to extend GenuCell's outrageous Mother's Day sale. They're going to extend it because they love you that much. Double chin, sagging jawlines, and Joe, turkey necks.
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Starting point is 00:50:15 text young to 77453 or visit that's robin s from lubbock texas is really famous on my show we love robin s go to check Robin S. from Lubbock, Texas is really famous on my show. We love Robin S. Go to Check it out. Okay. Moving on. This I just want to cover quickly. Another story from the Washington Examiner in the show notes today. I'm asking you, this is a current one. So transcripts of all these FBI people who testified up on Capitol Hill are all being released now. I'm going to just hat tip Jeff Carlson, by the way, who had this Trisha Anderson tip a long time ago. But now that we've got them formally, the transcripts from Doug Collins, Trisha Anderson is an FBI lawyer who is her job was to review FISA applications. Surveillance court applications to spy on Americans, basically.
Starting point is 00:50:56 So she says SES, which in the government, if you're unfamiliar with the terminology, means senior executive service. SES in the government is a big deal. It's the equivalent of basically like a colonel or even a one star at some levels. Being an SES or a senior executive service member in the government is a very big deal. Tricia Anderson was a member of the SES as a lawyer. So her job is to review the FISA. So this Washington Examiner piece is fascinating about Tricia Anderson, what happened. Anderson says this is incredible so she gets the fisa application right and she says it's very unusual the way they process the fisa on donald trump here's the p the title of the piece by the way by the very excellent jerry
Starting point is 00:51:35 dunleavy at the washington examiner does terrific work um ex-fbi lawyer talking about anderson carter page fisa application was approved in an unusual way by McCabe, Yates, and Baker. You think? She said, quoting her testimony, typically would not have been the case that people such as McCabe and Yates would sign off on a FISA application before she did. Bottom line is this. Typically, there's a linear way these things are processed, Joe. The FISA application goes what we would call in normal everyday parlance, we would say up the chain. Right. It starts at a low level, makes it to managers.
Starting point is 00:52:10 Managers send it to headquarters. Headquarters sends it to the director. For some reason, the spying warrant on the Trump team for Carter Page managed to go the other way, folks. It went from the top level, Sally Yates at the DOJ, Andy McCabe, the number two at the FBI, and Comey down to Trisha Anderson. Maybe, Joe, now you may say to yourself, why would they do that? Think for a second. Why would they do that? Having been a federal agent, I'm intimately familiar with how this stuff works.
Starting point is 00:52:40 You think, Joe, it may have been a little wink and a nod and a signal to the people below who would actually look at the thing because that was their job? I think they were winking. That, hey, yeah, I think you know where I'm going with this. Hey, the director, the D, has already looked at this thing along with DOJ and the deputy director. So, Trish, you may just want to. Yeah. So Trisha Anderson says, well, I got it and it looked like it was already approved in
Starting point is 00:53:13 an unusual way from the top down rather than the bottom up. So I didn't really review the application. Oh, you didn't? Oh, isn't that fascinating? So as I've repeated to you constantly, ladies and gentlemen, there is a reason this case was run out of FBI and CIA headquarters. Because it was a rogue operation. They didn't want anybody beneath them in the chain of command to see. Because if they actually reviewed it, it would be exposed as garbage.
Starting point is 00:53:43 You get where I'm going with this? Yeah, man. So they give it to the higher-ups first who sign off and go, hey, this is okay. Knowing that if... Yes! Yes! Thank you, thank you. They get it. The studio audience. Knowing
Starting point is 00:53:59 it's okay because the director said it's okay, so I better not be the one to tell the director it's not okay. So Tricia Anderson doesn't even bother to look at it. So just to be clear, we're spying on presidential candidates and the president of the United States' team. Remember, this went on through 2017. We're spying on them.
Starting point is 00:54:19 Just to be clear, you say, oh, no, well, Carter Page was fired. Ladies and gentlemen, that's not how this works. They get the two-hop rule. They get to hop from Page to people he was still talking to on the campaign who were probably talking to people in the White House. So you get to spy on that whole network of people, just to be clear. And nobody's even looking at it? Because the D, and man, did he earn that title.
Starting point is 00:54:45 Comey, the director, has already signed off on it? Nothing to see here, folks. Don't you worry. I have a little note here. Sometimes I write myself notes to remember stuff. This small cabal of people, maybe 20 people, Comey, McCabe, Rabicki, Baker, Page, Stroke, Brennan, Cohen, Obama, Lynch.
Starting point is 00:55:21 This small group of people, Carlin, they can do all of this? You're telling me in a country of 330 million people that if a group of 20 anti-Trump lunatics gets together and decides they want to spy on the President of the United States using Russian disinformation specialists feeding information to a discredited
Starting point is 00:55:44 former British intel guy named Christopher Steele, who can't even keep his own story straight and makes stuff up about a Russian consulate and forgets key details of his story, that they can gloss on all of that and spy on all of us whenever they feel like it? Again, media people, don't worry. You just keep sitting on your collective rear ends and do absolutely nothing while the Constitutional Republic falls apart. And by the way, to the alleged libertarians and the guy who tweeted me again this morning, who's a friend of mine and you'll always be a friend. Don't worry. Keep talking about impeaching Trump for not obstructing the investigation that was allowed to continue while the biggest spying scandal of our time. Keep it up, Amash. You're right on target. Dope.
Starting point is 00:56:32 My gosh. I'm not even kidding. The republic is evaporating before our eyes. We've got a media that's knowingly playing along. There's nothing wrong in Chernobyl. Someone have the potassium iodide? What's that for? Nothing, nothing. I've got a little goiter problem.
Starting point is 00:56:57 Don't worry, folks. There's nothing to... Justin Amash, don't you worry. Let's prioritize impeaching the president for not obstructing on obstructing charges. Yes, that's a great idea. Libertarian. Guy this morning, how am I supporting the police state? I wasn't even going to tweet back to him. I sent him right to the YouTube.
Starting point is 00:57:22 I'm not even bothering, Matt. I'm sorry. You can watch the YouTube. I was forced to listen to tweet back to him. I sent him right to the YouTube. I'm not even bothering, Matt. I'm sorry. You can watch the YouTube. I was forced to listen to Justin Amash's stupidity. You can now listen to the counter case. I am not going to explain to you on Twitter if you are so dumb you can't figure out what's going on. A small cabal of people can do all of this. Unbelievable.
Starting point is 00:57:47 All right, let me get to this socialism story because it's important. All right, we got a new sponsor, Boosted. This is really cool. Boosted, ladies and gentlemen, instead of sitting in traffic, searching for parking, or smelling your seatmate's sandwich on the bus,
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Starting point is 00:59:19 That's Promo code DAN at checkout for $75 off. Make sure you check them out. It's really cool. Promo Dan at checkout for $75 off. Make sure you check them out. It's really cool., promo code Dan, $75 off. Okay, moving on. So I saw this, Paul, just to show you again how the Chernobyl media Russian disinformation special. There's nothing to see here.
Starting point is 00:59:37 Don't evacuate. The media, again, has done a horrible job of covering for the last, Joe, I don't know, maybe 100 years, maybe 80, 90 years for socialism. Remember, it was the New York Times and their horrible editors at the time during the Soviet purge and pillage of their own people that covered for the Soviet Union, making it out to be a communist utopia. It was the New York Times that did that because they were a de facto Pravda in the United States. Well, the mainstream media's failure to cover the evils and horrors of socialism now, what it really is, has the American people believing socialism is Sweden
Starting point is 01:00:16 when in fact socialism is Cuba, Venezuela, death, destruction, economic depravity, a lack of healthcare access, early death and starvation that is what socialism is so we get polls like this from our friends at legal insurrection i'll have this piece up at the show notes today by michael chance feel the burn new gallup poll finds 40 of americans support socialism my gosh what are you thinking do you know what socialism is the chances are some of you my audience i know you do but some of the liberals listening do not because the media wants them to believe that socialism exists in scandinavia sweden norway denmark other countries and it exists as kind of long vacations in europe
Starting point is 01:01:00 that's socialism it's so great and gentlemen, that is not socialism. Those are big government nanny states with enormous tax structures and an enormous government. But the government in those countries does not do what socialism does. Socialism is the government control of the means of production. In other words, producing
Starting point is 01:01:19 stuff, food, farm equipment, iPhones, all of that stuff is run by the government. And that's why none of it gets produced in socialism countries. And that's why people die of starvation. Do you understand that? Government control of the means of production is what socialism is.
Starting point is 01:01:40 It's not a joke. It's not speculation. It's not a theory. It is the definition of socialism. If you live in a capitalist free market economy like Swedes, like Danes, like they do, like people from Norway and France, if you live in a free market capitalist economy, it is not socialism. It may be a big government, high tax nanny state, which I don't agree with, but it is most certainly not socialism. The media has done nothing to make the distinction.
Starting point is 01:02:14 Therefore, you have 40 percent of Americans who believe socialism is long summers in Europe. Is the government taking over your business, your factory, your livelihood, your job, your food supply, your health care, your kids' education, your media, and everything else? Thousands of them will die. Oh, I was going to. God, I just missed it. I was going to. Thousands of them will die. That is what socialism is. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:44 You have an iPhone. You have a. Yeah. You have an iPhone. You have a remote control. You have a computer. You have a, what is that, paper-made pen. None of this exists in socialism. You know what the pen says?
Starting point is 01:02:58 Made by Mother Russia. Therefore, it doesn't work. I spent time in Russia. Oh! Where's Bob Mueller? Paula, check. Is Mueller at the door? No, no Mueller yet.
Starting point is 01:03:11 Mueller, he has Russian. I spent a lot of time in Russia. You ever see the Lada? You know what the Lada is? Joe knows the Lada. When you went over to Russia in the early 90s, there was this one common theme in Russia. These boxy, crappy cars that were all sitting on the side of the road
Starting point is 01:03:28 broken down. They were called Ladas. They were made by a Russian car company. They were the worst cars in human history. You were lucky not to die driving the car off the lot in an explosion. Because they were made, not by a free market company that had an interest in producing quality products.
Starting point is 01:03:49 They were made by a Russian government that brutally forced people to work in factories to produce these products for no wages at all while they were starving to death. So therefore, you got a crappy car. So therefore you got a crappy car. You also got really crappy, poorly designed nuclear power plants. I can't bring this up enough. Like the power plant at Chernobyl, which is oddly named after Lenin. Oddly, I say sarcastically. Which exploded during a safety test and killed, as I said,
Starting point is 01:04:29 anywhere between 4,000 to 90,000 people, depending on what estimates you use. In the most, some of them, by the way, in the most immediate and horrifying way possible. I'm telling you, watch this series. Don't get down on it. Nuclear power is very safe.
Starting point is 01:04:44 Every industry has accidents. I hope the nuclear industry doesn't take a beating from this like they did with Silkwood and those other movies. It is an indictment of socialism. The lies, the deceit, the death,
Starting point is 01:05:01 the starvation, the struggling economy, the starvation, the struggling economy, the police state tactics, the Pravda media, this is what you want? You're telling me four out of 10 Americans, you're telling me I'm going, you know, I'm headed out in a little while to head out on another trip.
Starting point is 01:05:20 You're telling me that out of the 10 people I meet, four of them want that? You want state-controlled media, state- people I meet, four of them want that? You want state controlled media, state controlled food production, state controlled healthcare, state controlled public propaganda in the schools, poorly constructed nuclear power plants, a horrible food supply, and a lot of cars? You're telling me that's what you want? no no i wanted social that is socialism numbskull did you miss that have you ever cracked a history book ever at any point in your life you have an obligation to educate your kids you're a big government democrat fine i'm not
Starting point is 01:06:02 you like the government to have social safety nets and social security? Go vote for it. I don't believe in any of this big government nonsense, but you may. But telling a pollster you believe in the government control of the means of economy, of the means
Starting point is 01:06:20 of production and economy, when you clearly have no idea what you're talking about, that poll should read 40% of people are idiots idiots you're talking about the death and destruction of your kids and their grandkids if they make it that far extremely extremely disappointing all right um one last story i want to get to before we uh break for the week it's been a great week by the way thank you so much for sharing the content. Always means a lot to me. Yeah, thank you. Joe always gives a round of applause. I love that. There's this
Starting point is 01:06:49 growing liberal push to abandon the Electoral College. Nevada's taking a vote on it. We have the story up at It's in the show notes today and the show yesterday. Nevada votes to upend the Electoral College. Ladies and gentlemen, this is very dangerous. Here's how this is going to work. The Electoral College. Ladies and gentlemen, this is very dangerous. Here's how this is going to work.
Starting point is 01:07:06 The Electoral College, as you know, we do not pick presidents by the popular vote. That's for a reason. We are the United States of America. As I heard, who was it? It was a Fox commentator. Forgive me. I would attribute if I remembered.
Starting point is 01:07:22 And honestly, I don't. I'm not trying to steal someone's stuff this is not mine let me be clear okay but he said we are the united states of america we are not the uniform states of america ladies and gentlemen we are one country but we are a federalist we federalism is the operating principle states are independent entities that is that's the way it is. There are powers delegated to the states in the Constitution and powers delegated to the federal government that are very limited in the Constitution.
Starting point is 01:07:52 We are 50 independent states who subscribe to the Constitution for a limited set of powers. We are not the uniform states. We're not supposed to be uniform. Every state has different interests. We are not the uniform states. We're not supposed to be uniform. Every state has different interests. Wisconsin farmers have different interests than New York bankers. Doesn't make them bad or worse.
Starting point is 01:08:15 They're both important, but it makes them different. That's the reason we have a federalist system, system of federalism, where states are given equal amounts of votes for senators, but their population is weighted. So they get in the House of Representatives side more of an impact where they're more densely populated. The electoral college at the presidential level is meant to balance that. States with a bigger population get more electors. If a presidential candidate gets 270 presidential electors, he wins. It is not based on the national popular vote for a reason. People in Wisconsin and Colorado and New Mexico and Florida do not want New York and California picking the president.
Starting point is 01:08:57 It will be all about New York and California interests and not about the rest of the country. We are the United States, not the uniformed states. Of course, liberals want to throw that in the tank because that's what liberals do. Because when they can't win according to the rules, Joe, they have to change the rules because they're mini tyrants. That's what they are. They're weak, little mini tyrants.
Starting point is 01:09:20 So because Donald Trump lost the popular vote, they want to throw that system out and institute a system where if enough states sign on to the popular vote compact and nevada is i believe the 15th state or the 19th state forgive me they have 195 electoral votes now so they're they're getting close 75 more and they'll be there to basically say this and if this is complicated joe stop me no easy so far even though each state's electors are supposed to vote for the person who wins in that state in other words florida has 29 electoral votes where i live if donald trump wins the florida election for president it doesn't matter what happens anywhere else then those 29 electoral votes go for donald
Starting point is 01:10:04 trump you understand that's how the system works. That's right. It's meant to balance power with the states. That's not the way this would work anymore. Because if states were 270 electoral votes, whatever, if it was Florida, Colorado, and all these states sign on and say, we're not going to any longer vote for who wins in our state. We're going to vote who wins the national popular vote.
Starting point is 01:10:25 Then what happens in the states is entirely irrelevant. Because the 270 electoral votes with the states that sign on, and they're getting there, Nevada's up there, all they need is a few more, then the popular vote and the state's rights will go out the window. Because they're all going to pledge to vote for whoever wins a popular vote, not in their state. Pretty simple to understand. Well, ladies and gentlemen, have you thought about the problem with this? Of course they haven't. Liberals don't think
Starting point is 01:10:52 about anything because they're liberals. Not thinking is their specialty. They're very good at it. What if you're in Colorado? What if you're in the state of Colorado and you sign on to this popular vote compact and in your state, Hillary Clinton wins by three or four points or Bernie, whoever's running, Joe Biden, doesn't matter. Excuse me. But at the national popular vote level in 2020, Donald Trump wins and he wins by a sliver. How do you think your Colorado friends and buddies that put you in office are going to feel when you're an elector? Sorry, I got to vote for Trump. You guys signed on. Oh, you didn't think that through, did you? No, because liberals aren't very bright and they assume they're always going to win the popular vote. They haven't
Starting point is 01:11:40 thought about what Thomas Sowell, what does he call, level two analysis. What happens if Trump wins a popular vote? What happens if Trump wins the popular vote and all of the states that sign on with this? Hillary or Bernie or Biden wins in all of those states. Now Donald Trump, let's say, wouldn't that be amazing? Let's say New York and California sign on. Donald Trump wins all 50 states electors because he wins the national popular vote. And all the states that signed on were Biden-Bernie states. You can see where I'm going with this, Joe?
Starting point is 01:12:14 Yes. Donald Trump landslide. He wins every state's electors. How'd that happen? He only won the popular vote by 0.5 points. These idiots all signed on. Right, right, right. They said they were going to vote for the popular vote winner. Have you thought about that? Legislators in those states, have you thought this thing through? There's a reason your electors choose who won in your states, because in your states,
Starting point is 01:12:41 those are the people you answer to to get elected knuckleheads. Oh, man. Liberals. Gosh. You guys really got to crack a book sometimes. It is embarrassing. All right, folks. A little different tone than yesterday's show where it was like a happy, happy, joy, joy, red and snippy time. But it just woke me up this way.
Starting point is 01:13:02 I was frustrated with this Vexelberg thing because his connections are clearly to the Clintons, but no one wants to talk about that. All right. Thanks again for another great week. Please subscribe to the show, slash Bongino. You can also subscribe on Apple Podcasts, iHeart, SoundCloud, and Google Podcasts. The subscriptions help us move up the charts and they are all free. Thanks for supporting the show. Thanks for supporting our sponsors. Thanks for supporting me, Joe and Paula. We love your emails. It means a lot. I will see you all on Monday. Good day, sir. You just heard the Dan Bongino show. You can also get Dan's podcasts on iTunes or SoundCloud and follow Dan on Twitter 24 seven at D Bongino.

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