The Dan Bongino Show - It’s Time for a Difficult Conversation (Ep 1211)

Episode Date: March 23, 2020

In this episode, I debunk the media hysteria and lying about the crisis and the panic it is causing. I also address a troubling tweet by a college professor concerned about “right-wing” websites. ...Finally, I discuss positive news about this key swing state and the 2020 election.  News Picks: The awful Democrats block the passage of the Wuhan Virus bill. Did the NSA bust China’s coronavirus cover up?  Moscow Maddow wants President Trump taken off the air.  College professor is worried that “right-wing” sites might share her online lectures. The hack media blasted President Trump’s travel ban back in January.  These are the items disappearing from the grocery shelves the fastest. The Federal Reserve commits to a massive bond buying program. The Democrats are in real trouble in the 2020 election in the key state of Minnesota.  Copyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 get ready to hear the truth about america on a show that's not immune to the facts with your host dan bongino absolutely stacked lineup for you today on monday's show including a story i found fascinating which i'm sure sometimes i kind of like is the audience gonna like this or do i just like it or is this just a dan thing? It's not a Dan thing. It's a story about the NSA and how we may have found out some things about some things. That's fascinating. Got that? Some Corona stuff, some unrelated stuff.
Starting point is 00:00:35 There's other news going on too. Today's show is sponsored by ExpressVPN. ExpressVPN. Protect your online data today. Don't wait. Go to slash Bongino today welcome to the Dan Bongino show producer Joe how are you today
Starting point is 00:00:50 fine sir well young man I'm doing pretty good just like everybody else doing what it takes to get this done you know and we are going to get through this no doubt this is not going to be Captain Negative doom and gloom shows I'm not doing it sorry this is the United States of America.
Starting point is 00:01:06 We are a tough group of people. We are going to get through this. And this constant 24-hour doom and gloom is tanking our economy, destroying people's lives, and making people depressed all the time. As I said to you last week, and you know it as well as I do, because you're all dirt under the fingernails. Let's get to work, people. This is not a time for emotions. It's a time for problem solving. No more what if.
Starting point is 00:01:26 What if this? What if that? Screw the what if. We got a problem and we're going to fix it. We're going to fix it. We're going to get through this stronger. It's not false optimism. That's the United States of America.
Starting point is 00:01:35 My man. She's tough. And God bless all of those who defend her and all of you healthcare workers right now who have cojones like steel. Thank you for going to work and doing the right thing. All right, big show today. Today's show brought to you by Freedom Project Academy. It's because parents want to protect their children from left-wing
Starting point is 00:01:53 propaganda and indoctrination. They're getting concerned about what's going on in school districts. Now with school districts closing down due to the spread of coronavirus, you have a new reason to consider an accredited online education, quality education, from our friends at Freedom Project Academy. You're making a mistake if you don't check them out. From the comfort, convenience, and safety of your home, your children can receive an accredited, classical, online, high-quality education built on Judeo-Christian values for
Starting point is 00:02:18 students in K through 12. It's a complete, interactive, educational experience. People love it. Where students attend live classes with students across the country. More importantly, they teach students how to think, not what to think. Go today to That's Request your free information packet today.
Starting point is 00:02:38 Check it out. Enrollment has begun when the coronavirus hit, so classes are filling up faster than normal because parents are concerned for the safety of their kids. It's a great opportunity to enhance their education and keep them safe at home. Go today.
Starting point is 00:02:52 That's All right, Joe, let's go. And they're off. All right. In one of the saddest episodes of this entire Wuhan virus, you know, crisis we're living through now, one of the things I've been looking at this weekend and it's really horrifying, as I've
Starting point is 00:03:10 discussed with you before, is don't you find it a little odd? Joe, I'll open this up to you and Paul as well. Don't you find it a little weird that brave, brave, I mean I'm with a capital B,
Starting point is 00:03:26 journalists in China and citizen journalists who were out there warning the world about the Wuhan virus months ago are now, air quotes, disappearing, or should I say have been disappeared? Well, it's happening in China, so I'm not real surprised. Real journalists. These are real journalists. While fake journalists here are actively promoting Well, it's happening in China, so I'm not real surprised. Real journalist. He's a real journalist. Gotcha.
Starting point is 00:03:50 While fake journalists here are actively promoting communist propaganda? Yeah. You know, I was thinking about this. This really has nothing to do. I mean, obviously, Florida, you know, like everywhere else, a lot of this stuff is closed, you know, unfortunately. So, you know, we've been sitting around trying to get some work done, trying to catch up on some stuff. And I was sitting out in the back
Starting point is 00:04:08 looking at the sun this weekend. It was a beautiful weekend in Florida. And I thought to myself, does that not describe the times we're in right now? That you have brave citizen journalists in China living under a tyrannical, despotic communist regime. Months ago, tried to warn the world, disappearing, their Twitter accounts disappearing, while hack-pathetic bought-and-sold media activists here try to pump into the veins of the United States'
Starting point is 00:04:40 collective organism, Chinese propaganda, to make you believe what didn't happen really happened. And to make you believe what happened goes away. Interesting article. What kind of inspired me to go down this line of thinking. There's a piece in the Wall Street Journal that appeared this weekend.
Starting point is 00:05:01 It's definitely worth your time. It's subscription only, but I'll cover them. It's by an Alessandra Bocci. It says, China's coronavirus diplomacy. Rome praises Beijing's solidarity in sending ventilators, face masks,
Starting point is 00:05:15 doctors, and nurses. Ladies and gentlemen, this is pathetic. What? What is Italy doing? Praising these people because China now is figured out.
Starting point is 00:05:23 They unleashed this plague on the world. So by sending some ventilators, they think we should praise them for this. But there's an interesting takeaway from the piece I wanted to put out there. I always try to get you the real nooks and crannies of what's going on. Talking about how all these brave, and I do mean brave, citizen journalists in China have mysteriously been disappearing. They talk about this one, Zhu Xinyang, forgive me if I'm saying your name wrong,
Starting point is 00:05:51 an activist who had criticized China's leader Xi, his response to the coronavirus, was jailed for, quote, subversion. Li Jiwao, a former journalist for the Chinese network CCTV, who tried to provide independent information on the outbreak from Wuhan has also disappeared Fang Bin and Chen Zhizhu, two independent citizen journalists in Wuhan God bless you are also missing after filming virus patients in makeshift hospitals and urging citizens to demand accountability for their government Now many of the Western journalists who brought these stories to the world's attention
Starting point is 00:06:28 have been expelled from China. While our hack, pathetic, broken, propaganda-spewing, Pravda-like media here continues to promote Chinese propaganda, that any tie from Wuhan or China to the coronavirus and naming or whatever you do is racist. This part,
Starting point is 00:06:55 wait, this gets worse. This is one of the Chinese propaganda officials, one of their ambassadors right now, pumping out all this nonsense, trying to disconnect China from what they did here. This is one of their propaganda artists, I'm not kidding, on Twitter, actually thanking Hillary Clinton for pumping out the Chinese communist propaganda that any discussion of China's connection to the Wuhan virus, Joe, is racist.
Starting point is 00:07:25 This is them actually thanking broken, horrible, horrifying human being Hillary Clinton. Look at this. I'm not messing with you. China News, one of their propaganda outlets, tweets Hillary Clinton on Wednesday, critique Donald Trump's recent usage of China virus to refer to COVID-19 as, quote, racist rhetoric, which is an attempt to eclipse his poor response in curbing the virus outbreak. China News is quoting Hillary Clinton. The ambassador says it is true. Chinese ambassador, justice always speaks loudly. Ladies and gentlemen, if you ever if for some bizarre reason you were still questioning what side the democrats many of
Starting point is 00:08:05 them not all of them and the media are on there you go summed up in one tweet being thanked by the propaganda artists in china for pumping their propaganda that's not a joke those are actual tweets china thanking hillary clinton for doing all their dirty work. 2020s Jane Fonda, my man. Oh, my gosh. Pathetic. All we need is like an appearance on the turret. I mean, this is just unbelievable. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:34 Pumping deadly Chinese propaganda. What an ass. I can't believe. I can't believe. Honestly, I know we believe I, I, I can't, but I, I honestly, I was, I, I, this isn't, I know we always have new lows and we're like, we've definitely reached the basement of liberal activist media propaganda. Now. No, no, we haven't.
Starting point is 00:08:54 We were now in the subterranean level headed toward the core of the earth. Yeah. All right. Now, again, I'm going to get to my other news. I'm not doing 24 hour Wuhan virus. I'm not. Cause I listen, to my other news i'm not doing 24-hour wuhan virus i'm not because listen i i'm not i'm not i'm not gonna instill panic we're problem solvers we're gonna fix this panic kills that's it and i'm starting to question the motives of many people in the media with the 24-hour gloom and doom we'll fix this don't be will smith from i am legend everybody's dead everybody maybe he has to have the lady has to like shake him out of his stupor another article in the wall street journal and it is a good one a really good one it's time for a conversation now and ladies and
Starting point is 00:09:44 gentlemen i want to prepare and listen you have And ladies and gentlemen, I want to prepare. And listen, you have my emails on the website. You want to send feedback to us, good and bad, we'll take it. Just please don't curse in it because sometimes my daughter reads some of it, if you can. If you need to curse, you know, whatever, do your thing. But it's time for a difficult conversation. Homan Jenkins, Wall Street Journal journal this weekend what victory looks like in the coronavirus war we can try to stop time until a vaccine is ready but the result might be identical to defeat folks i think i can speak for joe too and i'll take some liberties here and correct me if i'm wrong but i know i speak for paula because this is something that's been eating her alive all weekend.
Starting point is 00:10:25 We went out this weekend a little bit. Not out like partying or anything, but we went out because we have to eat. And like everyone else, we're trying to conserve our food. And also, Paul and I, you've been very generous to us over the years. We grew up, both of us, quite poor. I don't want to see anybody go through that. I don't want to see bankruptcy. We're doing our best to support local businesses. Everybody is. Believe me, this is not a moment of self-praise.
Starting point is 00:10:49 Hey, look at me. I'm not virtue signaling anyone. You're all, all doing your part. I've seen it. I follow people on Twitter. Everybody's doing. Tip big, do whatever you can to keep your local restaurants and all the other businesses too. It's not just restaurants. Anything you can do, if you are in a position where your income is stable right now, please help them out. Please. I'm humbly and with the greatest of respect asking. If you are in a position to do it,
Starting point is 00:11:13 please do it. If you're struggling yourself, everybody gets it. But we went out this weekend to a local kind of pizza place, Italian restaurant, a couple of them. We were trying to spread the money around
Starting point is 00:11:24 as best we can. And we watched the guy. They're doing curbside delivery. You pull up, they come out, they have gloves on and everything. And I watched him look. I know this guy. Not a personal friend,
Starting point is 00:11:35 but I go to his place a lot. It's tough, man. It was tough to look at him. I'm sorry. I'm like a big sap I get like emotional so my apologies don't let my 6'1 225 pounds of cell mass confuse you
Starting point is 00:11:56 it is it's tough it was tough to watch this guy wondering if his employees and his business you know is even going to be open next week. Folks, we have to start to ask ourselves this key question, Holman Jenkins asked in this piece, what does victory look like? We can't keep the economy closed forever, folks. We can't. We can't do it. This is a devastating, serious virus that is a real, legitimate threat, especially to people who are older. The threat diminishes, thankfully,
Starting point is 00:12:33 if you're young and healthy, but it's still a threat. We have never, ever said otherwise, despite the fact that media hacks will try to characterize everyone who doesn't parrot their gaslighting. What have we said from day one? There's no question it's serious. The question is how serious. Right. And what is the appropriate response based on gauging how serious that threat is? Ladies and gentlemen, airliners crash every year. We don't shut down air travel because there's a threat. It's a serious threat, right? No one denies that. Airplanes crash, thankfully not often, but they do. But we don't shut down air travel because we realize that the threat and the shutting down of air travel, if we were to do that because a plane crashes, that the entire world economy would collapse and the outcome from that would be far worse
Starting point is 00:13:19 than just dealing with the threat reasonably. Yeah. Jenkins asks a question and he says this, is it time to start opening up the economy, engaging three different levels of threat for those who are elderly or have conditions, which put them in a high risk category, asthma, diabetes,
Starting point is 00:13:41 immunocompromised, whatever it may be, you are in a high risk category. Is it time to tell those people you are going to have to take some drastic measures? We may need you to self-quarantine for a while because we don't want you are at high risk. Is it time to tell others? This is Jenkins' proposal. You can read the piece yourself, but it's time to start having serious, hard conversations. Is it time to tell everyone else, listen, wash your hands, take protective measures. If you can get some hand sanitizer, fine. Keep your house clean.
Starting point is 00:14:16 Keep yourself obviously clean. Keep your hands clean. Stay away from people you know are sick. But is it time to say we've got to open this economy back up? you know are sick, but is it time to say we've got to open this economy back up? We've got to do it and we've got to do it quickly. Because ladies and gentlemen, again, as I just said to you, yeah, we can probably stop the spread of this thing by shutting down the economy for three months. The question becomes then, was the cost of doing that in human lives, death tolls, lost income, lost jobs, marriages, health, stress, depression, and suicides? Is it going to be a higher cost than the alternate? These are hard conversations. I like Jenkins' piece. I disagree with the headline a little bit. I don't believe there's
Starting point is 00:15:03 ever going to be victory. I believe here it's going to be a choice of less bad options. We may find a vaccine soon that works. That'd be great. But we may be dealing with this for a long time. I can't watch any more business owners like that. I can't. It's rough, folks.
Starting point is 00:15:28 It's time to isolate the vulnerable and start to have a serious conversation about what we do with everyone else this can't go on forever you have any idea how many people's lives are being totally destroyed and decimated right now and for those in the listening audience and fair enough i don't mean this isn this, I'm not interested in attacking you right now or anyone else for a difference of opinion at all, zero interest. But for those of you who say, you know, rather simplistic responses, because they are, and I'm sorry if you take that the wrong way, but hey, Dan, it's not about the money. It's about lives. Ladies and gentlemen, that's nonsense. That is nonsense. That is a kindergarten level talking point. Tell that to a guy who two months ago was struggling to keep his business afloat and keep his 50 to 60 employees working, who now is in the can, who now has no way out of this.
Starting point is 00:16:26 Go walk into him and tell him that, hey, dude, don't worry. It's not about the money. Of course, it's not about the money. It's about a pathogen unleashed upon us by a tyrannical communist regime. But ignoring the fact that people need money, which is an exchange of value to put their kids in school, to buy food, to pay their rent, to pay their mortgages, and to keep their car from being repossessed is infantile. What do you think money is?
Starting point is 00:16:58 It's an exchange of value that allows people to buy products to keep them alive. I haven't gotten any of those emails because i'm i'm serious my time my audience you guys and ladies were on top of it but i see some left wingers out there and i know it's not about the money gee thanks that really helps right now guy trying to keep his family afloat during this. All right. I've got some other stories outside of the Wuhan virus crisis right now. Let me get to my second sponsor. I want to get to this because it's an interesting story, election 2020, about a phenomenon breaking out in Minnesota. And
Starting point is 00:17:34 I want to get back to that NSA story, which is going to definitely bake your bagels. Got me thinking. And a couple other stories about things going on on college campuses right now, too. Some of these professors are freaked out. Today's show also brought to you by but he's at genu cell ladies and gentlemen genu cell you wish that double chin would just disappear news flash ladies and gentlemen people look at your jawline it tells your age here's robin from lubbock texas she's back i put genu cell jawline cream in my neck two or three days ago. It's the best my neck has looked in 20 years. People told me my face looks young. I am blown away. With Chamonix MDL technology, GenuCell's brand new jawline treatment specifically targets
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Starting point is 00:18:53 promo code DAN30, DAN30 at checkout. Check it out today. All right, back to the show. So I rarely use left-wing activist sites like Politico. They're called Bulls for a reason. But Politico had an interesting piece up. So you know what? It may be worth your time. I've read it. It doesn't seem actively, but once in a while, even a blind squirrel finds a nut. But interesting piece about the key swing state of Minnesota. Ladies and gentlemen, President Trump lost Minnesota by just tens of thousands of votes. I mean, a sliver in the grand scheme of electoral national presidential elections. Minnesota, if President Trump wins Minnesota during the next election and can pull off the states he won before, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania, the path for Democrats is almost
Starting point is 00:19:40 non-existent. Almost non-existent. Now, as now as we've seen unfortunately over the last few months fortunes can change quickly that's why i always tell you when discussing polls and elections it is a data point in time be very careful politico by adam basuti forgive me from saying your name wrong minnesota on the edge quote this is a voter i voted democrat my whole life but it's getting tougher in a mining town in the heart of humphrey uh humphrey mondale and wellstone territory excuse me trump stakes his claim this is a fascinating piece it's this mining community in minnesota and it's it's it's interesting because it talks about this dynamic, about how union working class dirt under the fingernails. We make America work crowd because you do. You build it, you repair it,
Starting point is 00:20:32 you fix it, and you fuel it. Again, I've never had any, this constant, like Republicans don't like unions is nonsense. I just don't like people being forced to join any organization, unions included. My brother's in a union you built this country you make it work good for you and i mean that we'd be lost without you but this fascinating you're watching a paradigm shift in politics right now joe as these dirt under the fingernail workers who've been in unions and if the piece is rather long but it'll be up in the show notes today please read it slash newsletter. Go there, subscribe to my email list. I'll email you these articles every morning. They're worth your time. Talks about how you're seeing this phenomenon in oil fields, in Pennsylvania,
Starting point is 00:21:14 in the working class towns in Pennsylvania and Minnesota as well. These union workers who voted Democrat their whole life are saying, oh, I'm kind of done with this. And ladies and gentlemen, when you get through the article, you come to this conclusion. If you're trying to look at it collectively, like not just isolated single subject cases here, when you talk to these unions and you kind of pull their responses, it's clear as day the left's infatuation with this climate religion.
Starting point is 00:21:38 Oh, here we go. We're all going to die, Joe. No more. We can't have any more fossil fuels, no more mining. That union workers are finally waking up and they're saying hey when these democrats crap all over the the fuel industry the petroleum industry and the mining industry that's me that's me now this isn't new i, we've been talking about on this show how good Republicans, there are awful Republicans too, please. We don't even need to go down that road yet. We know that. How good conservative Republicans who believe in the free market,
Starting point is 00:22:16 I've said forever, they're your best friends. You can get all the union rules you want and still buy Democrats if there's no work out there because the economy stinks all of this stuff is for naught it means nothing but now people in Minnesota in this town in Minnesota they talk about here's a little quote at the end are starting to realize that free market is your the free market's your friend and Trump has been the guy to blast through the door quote from uh from the politico piece this is a voter. I just feel like Trump came along and just basically opened the door for people, she said. Mining is their history. They went with Trump because he was opening the door for it.
Starting point is 00:22:52 I don't want to beat this up a lot, ladies and gentlemen. I just want to put that story out there for you to read because if they lose Minnesota too, and Trump holds what he did in the last election, Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Florida, the swing states, North Carolina, there is almost no path for them for victory. None. And I want to salute people in unions who work hard for a living, who are finally starting
Starting point is 00:23:16 to realize that, yeah, pro-business economy, economy first principles matter. The new green deal, the green new deal, what a shorthand he green deal, the green new deal, what a shorthand he calls it, the green new deal, whatever one it is, the green new deal. This is a quick path for you to find yourself
Starting point is 00:23:34 without a job. You talk about all the benefits you want, the benefits are relevant if you're not working. There you go. And people are finally starting to come around to that. All right.
Starting point is 00:23:45 We have to do this. I'm sorry. But back to the Wuhan virus. We have to do the fake news rundown. The fake news rundown has become a very popular daily portion of our show where we debunk like whack-a-mole liberal myths that creep up every day. Because remember, the media's goals are this. I've been tweeting this all weekend. Number one, promote Chinese communist propaganda at all costs.
Starting point is 00:24:10 Number two, divide the nation using identity politics. Number three, play gotcha with Trump as you try to dunk on him every day. And number four, maybe once in a while, put out some helpful information about the Wuhan virus to the public. Maybe, maybe they'll get to number four. So we unfortunately have to dedicate a segment every day to debunking the latest media nonsense because they're nothing more than a Pravda-like outfit now, apparently for the Chinese government and liberals looking to dunk on Trump. a Pravda-like outfit now, apparently for the Chinese government and liberals looking to dunk on Trump. So a story surfaced this weekend.
Starting point is 00:24:47 If you took a break from the news this weekend, I don't blame you, but you may have heard this if you didn't. Washington Post, Joe, breaking. Trump knew in January this could be a pandemic. Oh, no. Headline, Shane Harris, Greg Miller, Josh Dorsey, and Ellen Nakashima.
Starting point is 00:25:06 U.S. intelligence reports from January and February warned about a likely pandemic. Of course, Joe, in a normal media environment where the media is out there to hold government to account, no doubt, but to get you useful facts, you would say to yourself, what's useful about this piece? Well, the answer is nothing. But the gist of the piece and what they're trying to make you believe is useful is Trump sat around and did nothing. By the way, completely ignoring the fact, Joe, which I'll get to in a moment, that in January, when Trump instituted the travel ban from China that probably saved tens of thousands of lives here, these same outlets told them he was overreacting. Oh, don't go anywhere.
Starting point is 00:25:47 I've got the headlines. Okay. The same outlets. But the headline in this piece, from a leak, Joe, air quotes in the Intel community, Trump knew this could be a pandemic. Now, buried in the piece later on, you find this little gem.
Starting point is 00:26:05 Intelligence agencies have been warning on this since January, said a U.S. official on the intelligence report. And it was disseminated to. Oh, wait, wait, wait, wait. Hold on. Am I reading this right? So you're trying to dunk on Trump saying he knew in January, but the piece says that the same official said that it was disseminated to members of Congress and their staff? How about that? Okay. Yeah. How about that? I thought the gist of your piece was that
Starting point is 00:26:36 Trump was the single guy who knew and disregarded all of your advice. Keep in mind, Trump is the one in January who's getting this information, and it may have wait the nsa story i'll make this make sense so don't go anywhere i'm not trying to like tease you to death i just want the show to flow in a certain order so the member the media is not here to tell
Starting point is 00:26:53 you the story they're here to tell you a story the a story they're here to tell you not this story is trump knew in january did nothing despite the fact that he did institute the travel ban and the same instant media outlets trying to gaslight you were the ones who criticized him for it. And the same members of Congress who had the same briefing were the ones saying, Trump is overreacting. Again, the media is garbage. They are exacerbating and making worse a crisis. I love our free press, period.
Starting point is 00:27:23 There are no disclaimers there. They have the right to be free and to report as they wish. That freedom includes the right to be morons, and they take us up on the opportunity every day. I'm simply suggesting to you, tune them out. They are useless in a crisis. Useless. Their priorities are only to dunk on you and dunk on Trump and promote propaganda. Now, in case you say, gosh, it can't be possible. The Washington Post is now insinuating
Starting point is 00:27:56 Trump didn't do anything when he actually instituted the travel ban. And then the same Washington Post accusing him of not doing anything was actually accusing him of overreacting and being racist. Yeah, that really happened, but it wasn't just same Washington Post accusing him of not doing anything was actually accusing him of overreacting and being racist. Yeah, that really happened. But it wasn't just the Washington Post. The same people now accusing Trump of not doing enough in January were calling him a racist in January when he stopped travel from Wuhan in China where the virus was coming from. This is, listen, this is a cut. It's about a minute and 50.
Starting point is 00:28:23 It's a long one. But this is a cut. It's about a minute and 50. It's a long one. But this is a compilation. Hat tip, by the way, Tom Elliott on Twitter always has the best compilations from Graby and otherwise. This is a compilation of media people. The same ones accusing him of underreacting in January. Back then, accusing him of being a racist for overreacting in January. You'd be like, that can't possibly be true. Don't listen to me.
Starting point is 00:28:46 Listen to the media in their own words. You know, since the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak, we have seen not only the spreading of the virus, but also a rapid spreading of racism and xenophobia. This is no time for Donald Trump's record of hysteria, xenophobia, hysterical xenophobia. Simply being Chinese in a crowded space is something that causes people to part, like the Red Sea. Daring to cough or sneeze causes people to actually shy away from you. There's a lot of restaurants that are feeling the pain of racism,
Starting point is 00:29:24 where people are literally not patroning Chinese restaurants. The Chinese foreign ministry came out today and they are furious with the US. They feel like these travel restrictions were unnecessary. They call them an overreaction. Historically, travel bans tend not to work very well. They tend to be counterproductive. Closing borders doesn't stop cases coming to your country. All these actions do is cause a culture of fear. They don't work. You touched on people blaming Chinese for their eating habits and their culture. What will quell the racism that you are seeing? They're not patroning Asian restaurants because of just straight up racism around the coronavirus. This painful rhetoric has consequences.
Starting point is 00:30:10 Restaurants across Boston's Chinatown have seen up to an 80% drop in business. And I believe this has everything to do with the rapid spread of misinformation and paranoia. We're seeing lots of people talking about the dietary habits or the hygiene of Chinese people as being the root cause of coronavirus and other pandemics in the past, like SARS and like the bird flu. And a lot of it is simply just beyond extreme and not held up by scientific data. That was various media outlets, talking head commentators, the hapless AOC and the equally hapless Ayanna Pressley, another congresswoman, the squad.
Starting point is 00:30:53 Again, obsessed in January over what they're always obsessed with, that is calling anyone who disagrees with them racist about anything. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, this actually happened. The Washington Post today, President Trump underreacted in January. thing yes ladies and gentlemen this actually happened the washington post today president trump underreacted in january liberals the washington post media outlets back in january he is definitely overreacting and he's causing a lot of racism i'll get to more of that i've got some headlines for you don't you worry don't you worry i got some more but let's go to the equally hapless rachel maddow rachel maddow who now is calling for president trump to be pulled off television can't have him on tv joe actually
Starting point is 00:31:33 getting in front of the people and answering questions i thought they were liberals interested in like you know liberal things like free speech and stuff shame on you if you believe that kind of stupidity another story in the show notes to must read from the great Bill Jacobson at a fantastic blog. I can't encourage you strongly enough to read a website, a legal insurrection. Rachel Maddow and others now calling on the networks not to broadcast
Starting point is 00:31:56 Trump coronavirus press conferences. Oh, okay. Moscow, Rachel. Moscow, Rach. Roswell, Moscow, Rachel. Roswell, OK. Moscow, Rachel. Moscow, Rach. Roswell, Moscow, Rachel. Roswell, Rach. Promoted Russian propaganda for two years. The biggest collusion hoaxer out there was forced to face plant herself, facepalm herself.
Starting point is 00:32:19 Oh, my gosh. Look what I did. And it dares, dares to call for President Trump to be pulled off the air. Now, notice, because I am a libertarian at heart and a lover of liberty, despite the fact that Roswell Rachel, Moscow Maddow, lied for two years to America promoting a fake Russian collusion hoax. Any moron knew was a hoax from the start. She promoted the pee pee tape hoax. I don't want Rachel off the air. I don't want to boycott her sponsors. Roswell, you do your thing. Keep your conspiracy theories going. Do your thing. You go girl. What
Starting point is 00:32:57 do they say? You do you. You want to promote your conspiracy theories? Knock it out. Go right ahead. I don't care. You know what I do? I get the clicker. Remember the clicker? Remember how it's called the clicker? Otherwise known as the remote control? Get the clicker.
Starting point is 00:33:12 Channel? Change. Big boys. We're all big boys and big girls. We can figure it out. You've proved your haplessness and ineptitude. I love the people on Twitter. Rachel's a Rhodes Scholar.
Starting point is 00:33:24 Rhodes, you really need to reevaluate the scholarship program you think it was the ben road scholarship program remember the fiction writer moron who worked for obama she wants trump taken off the air despite promoting a hoax for two years but again rachel has no character she's not a legitimate like principled person Rachel's just a TDS level six infected human being with no principles dignity at all because here was Roswell Rachel just a little while ago if you did a basic internet search Moscow Maddow now seems like a good time for a White House press briefing or two February 27 2020 27th, 2020.
Starting point is 00:34:06 Idiots. Show prep is so easy these days. You know why it's so easy? You just have to like go to any kooky media lunatic. Costanza over at CNN. Chuck Todd, Moscow Maddow. You just have to go to anyone and just Google it. And a simple Google search, you'll find they said the exact opposite a month ago. Show prep is so easy. It's so easy these days.
Starting point is 00:34:36 Roswell Raich a month ago. This president better get out ahead and do some briefings. Roswell Raich now. No more briefings for the president. Shut him down. Okay. Do you have any dignity? Any? Now, in case you think I forgot about the Washington Post. Remember, Joe, democracy dies in the darkness. It's their tagline. Yes, it does. What they don't tell you is they are the darkness and they turn the lights out. They don't tell you any of that. But Washington Post now, I showed you the story open in the segment.
Starting point is 00:34:56 I'm sandwiching it with Washington Post stupidity. You had the meat and then you have the bread of the Washington Post dopey sandwich. Washington Post this weekend. President Trump knew in January and he underreacted. Here was the Washington Post in January accusing President Trump of the exact opposite. Headline one, Washington Post perspective. This is not a joke. This is not a, this actually happened. January 24th, Washington Post.
Starting point is 00:35:26 Why we should be skeptical of China's coronavirus quarantine. You say, surely it ends there. They can't be this stupid to have repeated this. Oh no, they did. Let's go to headline number two. Perspective, Washington Post. Why we should be wary of an aggressive government response to coronavirus. It goes on.
Starting point is 00:35:53 Number three. Washington Post. Perspective. How our brains make coronavirus seem scarier than it is. Hmm. seems scarier than it is. Oh, we have one more. I could do this all day, but in the interest of time, we could do this all day.
Starting point is 00:36:17 Here's number four, Washington Post. Get a grip, America. The flu is a much bigger threat than coronavirus, for now. These are the serious people, ladies and gentlemen. We're all the morons. Do me a favor. Look up the Dunning-Kruger effect if you get the chance.
Starting point is 00:36:34 Dunning-Kruger. With a D and a K. Check that out. Explains Moscow Maddow and the geniuses of the Washington Post. I'll tell you what it is tomorrow. I never do homework assignments. That's not my job to make your life more difficult, but check out Dunning Kruger.
Starting point is 00:36:48 It'll all make sense. Okay. Here is always, always the gold medal award winner in the dopey media Olympics. Brian Stelter there, even Moscow mad. Okay. Stelter's Costanza is always the dumbest guy out there.
Starting point is 00:37:04 So here's Stelter who catches himself this weekend. Remember that? It was another faux media hysteria story. So Donald Trump, who had a press conference, expressed hope that chloroquine, hydroxychloroquine, trade name Plaquenil, combined with a Z-Pak, azithromycin, that this may be a, may be a medication to treat the viral load that can obviously get
Starting point is 00:37:30 dangerous and life-threatening for some if you're infected with the wuhan virus so donald trump made the big air quotes joe mistake of saying hey this could be good news this drug this could be a treatment so andrew cuomo democrat governor of new york goes on the media this weekend goes and gives us briefing and andrew cuomo member democrat governor key point here goes on joe and basically says the exact same thing hey we're doing a study with chloroquine and z-packs let's see where this goes. So listen to Costanza, the dumbest guy in media, always, always, he catches himself
Starting point is 00:38:11 because the media, they had a hack reporter, Peter Alexander, a total joke at NBC, who asked the question, are you giving America false hope by saying this chloroquine could work? Because Alexander's a hack
Starting point is 00:38:24 and remember, they want America depressed all the time. They need you depressed all the time. So you tune into their stupid networks. Absolutely. So the media was outraged. President Trump, Joe, false hope talking about chloroquine and Z-Pak. False hope.
Starting point is 00:38:39 Cuomo does the same thing. And Costanza, in between bouts of getting coffee for his CNN bosses, shows up on the air on his airport-viewed show only, never the volume up. And he's like, Andrew Cuomo, who did the same thing, is great. And then he catches himself. Watch this little brief segment showing you again why Costanza is always the dumbest guy in media. Check this out.
Starting point is 00:39:04 This has been a remarkable show of leadership by Governor Cuomo in recent days. this little brief segment showing you again, why Costanza is always the dumbest guy in media. Check this out. This has been a remarkable show of leadership by governor Cuomo in recent days. He's providing hope, but not false hope. You see that? Did you catch it? Cuomo just gets done saying the same thing Trump did. Hey,
Starting point is 00:39:18 we got this treatment that may be good. He's like, could he maybe providing hope? Oh, I mean, I can't say that, but not false hope because the other guy who said the same thing orange man bad trump we can't say that did you
Starting point is 00:39:30 catch costanza oh yeah he's not smart enough in his comments to censor himself quickly enough so he has to post censor himself afterwards he went and got coffee after that by the way Costanza that's what Costanza does so after Costanza CNN and all these networks of course they have to make sure this chloroquine thing has been a big topic because ladies and gentlemen this could be huge
Starting point is 00:39:59 of course we need science and we need studies of course Plaquenil is a serious drug Of course we need science and we need studies. Of course. Plaquenil is a serious drug. It's not nicotine gum. This is the real deal. But ladies and gentlemen,
Starting point is 00:40:20 this could be a potential viable treatment to save lives. God forbid we put that out there, Joe. People would have hope. We can't have that. we need people depressed all the time shut your businesses down everybody go bankrupt and make sure you watch CNN and support our sponsors
Starting point is 00:40:32 the great false hope yeah right this is what they want you to believe I get I got that okay so this is CNN interviewing Dr. Anthony Fauci who's been working on the Trump coronavirus task force as a medical professional, specialists in viral outbreaks and these things. We've been through them before.
Starting point is 00:40:53 This is CNN on the chloroquine topic, again, trying to make sure that they divide Fauci and Trump because Fauci as a doctor got up at that same presser after Trump said, hey, this could be a potential treatment and said, hey, listen, I'm a doctor. I look at it differently. Let's look at the science. Nothing wrong with that. Nobody's mad at him. Trump wasn't mad.
Starting point is 00:41:12 He wasn't trying to face plant Trump. He's a doctor. That's what doctors do. Trump is a he's an executive. He's there to try and get the nation through this. He's not there to conduct the study on chloroquine himself with a lab coat on. So here's CNN trying to make sure they divide Fauci and Trump and trying to proud Fauci into making negative comments and watch Fauci shut them down. Check this out. that you differed from the president in his assessment that a combination of two drugs, hydrochloroquine and azithromycin combined, could have the outcome that he described to the public
Starting point is 00:41:51 they possibly could. Who is the president listening to? And do you see a concern here that those drugs could become basically overscribed. And there could be a shortage that could impact people who have persistent medical issues like lupus and need those. OK, so, Margaret, there's an issue here of where we're coming from. The president has heard, as we all have heard, what I call anecdotal reports that certain drugs work. reports that certain drugs work. So what he was trying to do and express was the hope that if they might work, let's try and push their usage. I, on the other side, have said I'm not disagreeing with the fact anecdotally they might work, but my job is to prove definitively from a scientific standpoint that they do work. So I was taking a purely medical scientific standpoint and the president was trying to bring hope to the people. I think there's this issue of trying to separate
Starting point is 00:42:51 the two of us. There isn't fundamentally a difference there. He's coming from it from a hope lay person standpoint. I'm coming from it from a scientific standpoint. Joe, they can't help themselves. They are so desperate to keep you panicked and terrified 24 hours a day, despite the fact that we don't even have all the data yet on the R-naught, on the fatality rates from this disease. We don't even have all the data.
Starting point is 00:43:17 They want you panicked 24 hours a day and they want division and identity politics everywhere. Good for Dr. Fauci for shutting that nonsense down all right last fake news story and i want to get to this nsa story and if i can this college campus story i get to all this stuff this week don't worry about it um we got a lot to cover there's always a lot out there and sadly the news cycle is coming at everyone like a fire hose now yeah So another Reuters breaking news story. You saw this video. Again, this is all dunk on Trump, gotcha nonsense.
Starting point is 00:43:49 None of this stuff has any legitimate purpose. It's not actual reporting, ladies and gentlemen. Here's this thing at Reuters. Exclusive. Oh my gosh, they got an exclusive, Joe. United States axed the CDC expert job in China months before the viral outbreak by Marissa Taylor. I'm sure she got a big pat on the back for this one.
Starting point is 00:44:07 Oh, yeah. Oh, Joe, again, ladies and gentlemen, what is a story, not the story? The media is trying to tell you a story, not the story. What is that a story? Trump axed the position in China, and therefore Trump is responsible for the outbreak. That's the insinuation. Make no mistake until we get down to the CDC's actual comment on the piece that this position they asked in China, quote from the CDC. Ladies and gentlemen, I'm reading this had absolutely nothing to do with with the CDC, not learning of cases in China earlier.
Starting point is 00:44:47 Wait, let me read that again. The CDC clearly said Trump fired the guy and therefore Trump is responsible for the outbreak, right? No, no, no, I'm sorry. Here's the actual quote from the CDC. That the firing or the axing of this position, I should say, wasn't fired. Had absolutely nothing to do with the CDC not learning of cases in China earlier. I don't understand. What's the story then?
Starting point is 00:45:13 Oh, now you find out that the position was axed at that position because they were afraid that the person in the position was getting misinformation and useless information from China. Yeah, don't put that in a story, you know, or just hide that at the end like you did in your crappy Reuters headline. Fake news, ladies and gentlemen, even in a time of crisis. They don't take a break and neither do we. All right, final sponsor of the day.
Starting point is 00:45:40 I got this NSA story, which is pretty awesome. Ladies and gentlemen, Brickhouse Nutrition. Ladies and gentlemen, this is, you got to stay healthy right now. I mean, really, if any time, this is it. Brickhouse Nutrition. This is a company that's been with me from the beginning. Love this product right here.
Starting point is 00:45:55 This is Field of Greens. Ladies and gentlemen, we all know we're supposed to eat fruits and vegetables to stay healthy. We all know that. Everyone tells us that. Doctors, nutritionists, personal trainers, friends of ours who work out, but we don't do it. Well, we got the solution right here. Field of Greens. This is a real super vote. This isn't some fake chump health food powder made out of crappy extracts. This is real food. You don't believe me? Look on the back of the bottle. There it is right there. It has a
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Starting point is 00:46:46 Go to brick house, slash Dan today. Get 15% off your first order with promo code. Dan, I can't recommend this stuff highly enough. Notice this bottle is almost empty because this is Paula's bottle. She loves this stuff. That's why she looks so beautiful all the time.
Starting point is 00:47:02 It's got good genes too. I might add. Her DNA ain't bad either. Go to slash Dan. Get 15% off your first order. They came out with a wild berry flavored version today of Field of Greens. Give it a try.
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Starting point is 00:47:29 Check it out today. All right. Can we skip ahead, Paula, to this Washington Examiner, the NSA story? Because this is important. We only have one. We're down to like our normal skeleton crew here. So we got to like bounce around and do stuff. So there's this fascinating story up at the Washington Examiner.
Starting point is 00:47:47 Please read this. Please, Tom Rogan. Again, it's one of those stories at the beginning of the show, you wonder if it's just you and then I said to Paul, is this a great story? He's like, I love it. Washington Examiner, be up in the show notes at Did the NSA bust China's coronavirus cover up by Tom Rogan?
Starting point is 00:48:03 Great piece, March 20th, 2020. Bust China's Coronavirus Cover-Up by Tom Rogan, Great Peace, March 20th, 2020. So the gist of the piece is this, and listen, it's out there. I guess some of you might understandably say, why are we exposing this? But Tom Rogan says in the piece, listen, he's speculating. It's not based on some inside intel, but the speculation is fascinating regardless. And his theory is this that the chinese central government the communist leaders are very hard to spy on they're obviously because of their tyrannical nature concerned about spying human intelligence gathering signals intelligence gathering and they take a lot of proactive measures sweeping for bugs listening devices
Starting point is 00:48:43 probably whacking anyone who turns out to be a spy. Obviously, you can do that in tyrannies, you know. So it's hard to spy on Central Command and therefore disputing what that Washington Post article said earlier in early January when this was getting really bad in China and December and January. It was probably tough to get information from central command sources in China. You tracking me, Joe? Audience referee. Yes, yes. But the core of the outbreak, ladies and gentlemen, in China, we know is in Wuhan. There's a reason it's called the Wuhan virus. That's because it started in Wuhan. And what they're saying is, although central command in China is probably pretty good at avoiding listening devices and being spied on, Rogan's theory in the piece, again, which is worth your time, is that these local provincial officials are probably not as talented at doing that, at avoiding surveillance, that is.
Starting point is 00:49:46 so he's throwing out there that maybe our NSA who's been known to you know hoover up this kind of stuff text communications phone communications maybe it took him a little bit but once the people in Wuhan started talking and the provincial officials over there who were not as skilled at central command as avoiding these and engaging in counter surveillance measures that may be how we found out just how bad this was and maybe why Trump all of a sudden started taking very serious measures. In other words, entirely, completely refuting, if true, the Washington Post's entire premise. Fascinating, fascinating.
Starting point is 00:50:20 From the Tom Rogan piece. Again, worth your time. Unfortunately for Xi, China's leader, lead of course the party's provincial officials are less solicitous with operational security in other words keeping their communications quiet the sheer size of the party's bureaucracy means that someone in some position joe is eventually going to say something they're not supposed to say on a cell phone or even an encrypted line. If it's sent with signals, the NSA can get at the target in just about every case. Nice job. If they were the ones who put out the Paul Revere running through the streets,
Starting point is 00:51:01 our NSA saying, hey, what they're telling us is going on in Wuhan is not what's going on in Wuhan. This sounds a whole lot worse. Fascinating piece. Definitely worth your time. And again, some of you may say, well, is putting this out there helpful? Ladies and gentlemen, it's out there. It's worth discussing. And I don't think China now is going to, at this point, the cat's out of the bag. Yeah. Clearly, they were engaged in counter surveillance mechanisms before. But it's good to know that people are in there listening and may have gotten a hold on some information. All right. Campus reform story.
Starting point is 00:51:36 This is an interesting one. Another one I picked off Twitter, which, again, just speaks to people's priorities on the left in a crisis. So we all know, unfortunately, our college campuses and universities are just deluged in tidal wave-like fashion with radical leftists who have no sense of, or even just principles or just economics or anything. Now, there's a lot of good people out there doing hard work, but some of them are just radicals. Their goal is indoctrination, not education.
Starting point is 00:52:05 It's always been their goal for a lot of these folks. They've never lived in the real world. They survive in the halls of academia in this fake fantasy land. They are terrified that what they're actually teaching may get out. Great piece of campus reform, again, in the show notes. Please check it out. Where these professors are now worried that students will share lectures with quote right wing sites by John street managing editor. What's going on here?
Starting point is 00:52:33 This, so now that distance learning is taking, you know, a lot of the universities and college campuses have been closed due to the Wuhan virus. So a lot of these universities are saying, well, you know,
Starting point is 00:52:44 the show must go on. We're going to do it via distance learning, online courses and elsewhere. These professors, not worried about education, are worried that some of these online lectures, Joe, may be recorded and transferred to right-wing sites. Why are you worried about that?, why, why are you worried about that? Why, what's the problem? If what you're teaching is an actual genuine educational experience, wouldn't you, Joe, tell me if I'm crazy here,
Starting point is 00:53:12 wouldn't you want to disseminate that educational material to the widest audience possible? Why, what are you so worried about? Of course you would. Yeah. So we had this professor at TCU, Emily Ferris,
Starting point is 00:53:24 who tweeted out, quote, if you are recording a lecture on anything controversial, be prepared for right wing sites to ask students to share it. OK, what's the problem? Ladies and gentlemen, my show is out there on YouTube. My show is out there. Apple podcast. I heart my website. Whatevs. Share.
Starting point is 00:53:45 Share. I'm not ashamed of anything we put out in the show. I love it. I'm proud of our material and our audience. I'm proud of our efforts to get you the facts. Share. You would be doing me, the verdict is in, you would be doing me a huge favor. Share this content everywhere. Reddit, Twitter, YouTube, as long as you're Blinkethouse. Some confusion about that before. Share away. Share away. Why are professors who were supposedly educating our students so paranoid about people and sharing their educational material? The answer is because it's not educational material. It's left-wing radical BS, and and they know it and they don't want to be fact-checked it's just that simple great story totally worth your time again we're in liberal priorities don't share our stuff with
Starting point is 00:54:41 the right wingers god forbid they start to fact check us. All right. I'd be remiss if I didn't discuss this as the final segment of the show. Ladies and gentlemen, Nancy Pelosi flew into DC back from her district in San Francisco after taking a week off and totally destroyed phase three of this anticipated Wuhan virus bailout package. They were working on up at Capitol Hill. Ladies and gentlemen,
Starting point is 00:55:03 there's a lot of bad things in there. There were some good things. But make no mistake that bill did not pass yesterday because Pelosi came in and destroyed it. You may say that's not possible, Dan. The vote was taken in the Senate. Nancy Pelosi is a speaker in the House. Oh, ladies and gentlemen, she came in and made sure she threw a stink bomb into Chuck
Starting point is 00:55:20 Schumer and Capitol Hill to make sure this thing was thrown away. You know why? You want to hear what happened behind the scenes? Yeah, do tell. Here's what I'm hearing. Pelosi's been getting ragged on, and I'll show you this tweet in a second, by left-wing, far-left wingers
Starting point is 00:55:37 for letting President Trump look like he's using the machinery of government to help the American people. Again, the left is not concerned at all with helping you. You understand this? They're only concerned about who gets credit for the appearance of helping you. Don't forget the difference, please. Again, I'm not giving all these Republicans a pass either.
Starting point is 00:56:01 I'm simply telling you Pelosi came in, told Schumer, shut it down. a pass either. I'm simply telling you Pelosi came in, told Schumer, shut it down. So this relief bill, Wuhan relief bill, got wrecked this weekend because of Pelosi. The Democrats stopped it. That's not in doubt. I'll show you the New York Times evolving headlines
Starting point is 00:56:16 and I'm proving what I'm telling you is true. New York Times, of course, can't have it out there. The Democrats shut it down. So their headlines evolved. I got that in a minute. But they shut it down because make no mistake, crazy left-wing nuts are upset that if Donald Trump figures out a way out of this and the Republicans and can put a Band-Aid on the economy that the Democrats won't get credit. I'm not kidding. So what are they doing? They're now
Starting point is 00:56:46 shutting the whole thing down because they want to add in a bunch of unrelated far left wing crap now to send a signal to America that look we did this not Trump. You don't believe me? Here's one of these left wing groups.
Starting point is 00:57:02 Here's one of the tweets. They're congratulating Pelosi for shutting everything down. Check this out. This is at Karen A. K. Hobart Flynn. Karen Hobart Flynn. Blue checkmark. They're always smarter than us, of course. Thank God for Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer
Starting point is 00:57:20 blocking the inadequate Republican stimulus package. Listen to this stuff. Not enough money to help hospitals. Listen to this stuff. Not enough money to help hospitals. That's a myth. And states battle COVID-19. Here, Joe, get a load of this. Joe, serious question here for you and the listening audience, terrestrial and digital.
Starting point is 00:57:35 Please tell me. I'm going to read the second half of her tweets. Why she's so happy Nancy Pelosi shut it down. What does any of this have to do with the Wuhan virus? She says, thank you, Nancy Pelosi, because it wasn't enough money to protect our democracy and elections. Does that say elections? Elections. And the $500 million secret fund to bail out corporations. So she wants to do what about our elections? This is real.
Starting point is 00:58:07 Yeah. These are left-wing activists on Twitter who are congratulating Pelosi for throwing a Molotov cocktail on this relief package because they wanted money to nationalize elections. Not a joke. If you're asking yourself, what does that have to do with the Wuhan virus? Yes, so is everybody else too.
Starting point is 00:58:31 The answer is nothing, of course. They don't want to help you. They're not interested in helping you, the Democrats. I'm sorry if you felt that way. They're only interested in passing this radical agenda to show their activists that, look, we can get credit for this too. That's it. in passing this radical agenda to show their activists that, look, we can get credit for this too.
Starting point is 00:58:45 That's it. Now, the New York Times was forced to acknowledge the truth that the Democrats voted down this stimulus package, whatever you want to call it. Now, some geniuses on Twitter said, watch, this headline, I'll put them all up in a minute. The first headline, it's all in one tweet, but this isn't the, they're revolving headline. I'll put them all up in a minute. The first headline, it's all in one tweet, but this isn't the revolving headline. Someone must have reached out to the New York Times and said, you can't have this first headline up. It's the truth. We got to gaslight people.
Starting point is 00:59:13 Check out the revolving headline of Nancy Pelosi crashing the bill. Headline number one, Joe. These are real headlines, not a joke. Democrats block action on $1.8 trillion stimulus. Someone must have called them and said, said guys you can't tell the truth we gotta gaslight people you better massage this thing a little better headline number two joe democrats block action on stimulus plan seeking worker protections they had to throw that in there making sure they provide cover apparently that wasn't good enough either so hat tip at klf we discovered this and then they went for the third try i guess after They had to throw that in there, making sure they provide cover. Apparently that wasn't good enough either.
Starting point is 00:59:47 So hat tip at KLF, we discovered this. And then they went for the third try, I guess, after getting a call by their Democrat overlords again, saying you can't write that either. You got to get this Democrats block stuff out of there. Here's the third headline it evolved into. Partisan divide threatens deal on rescue bill. Gee.
Starting point is 01:00:08 All the news, it's fit to print. Unbelievable. Unbelievable. Unbelievable. One more quick thing. I know I got to run, but all this left wing focus group tested, radical green new deal, anti-corporation stuff for all you morons and the liberal left and the
Starting point is 01:00:35 activist media who don't understand that corporations are businesses that hire people. When those corporations you hate so much go under and you're forced to look at mom and dad across the table who now have no job because they work for an evil corporation, just let them know that this lefty activist groups on Twitter, they had your back the whole time while you're sitting there out of a job and you can't feed your kids because you work for an evil corporation. Idiots. These people are so stupid. It really is incredible that somehow the dumbest among us in a country of 330 million people have all managed to congregate on Capitol Hill and get elected. Incredible.
Starting point is 01:01:18 If you had to pick 500 plus of the dumbest members of our society and that how they all managed to get elected to some of the dumbest members of our society. And that how they all managed to get elected to some of the same positions on Capitol Hill is just disturbing. All right, folks, thanks again for tuning in. It's going to be a busy news week. Please don't go anywhere. Thank you very much for maintaining your loyalty
Starting point is 01:01:37 to our show. It means a lot to me. I know it's tough times and there are a lot of viewing options right now. I really, really appreciate it. I know many of you aren't in a car. You're not driving to work. A lot of you are home. I really, really appreciate it. I know many of you aren't in a car. You're not driving to work. A lot of you are home.
Starting point is 01:01:46 I really, really thank you. I mean this for tuning into our show. Our audience means everything to us. Thanks again. Please subscribe to the show on video, slash Bongino, slash Bongino. It's free. We put a lot of work into the video.
Starting point is 01:01:59 Subscriptions are always free. We appreciate you giving it a look. See you all tomorrow. You just heard the Dan Bongino Show. always free. We appreciate you giving it a look. See you all tomorrow.

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