The Dan Bongino Show - Leftist Media Hack Runs Away When Confronted On Election Integrity (Ep 1786)
Episode Date: June 9, 2022What does tyranny look like? I’ll address why we’re already there. Also, an MSNBC media hack runs away and hides when confronted about the 2020 election in this video clip. News Picks: Hispani...c Radio Station Sees Mass Revolt amid Soros-Linked Sale. WATCH: MSNBC host shuts down Mo Brooks challenge to debate 2020 election fraud claims. Biden’s base is abandoning him. Former Congressman pleads guilty to election fraud charges in Philadelphia. Is Monkeypox airborne? Why are boosted Americans testing positive for COVID more than those without extra shot? Copyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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get ready to hear the truth about america on a show that's not immune to the facts with your host
dan bongino so what would a real tyranny look like you know we mentioned a lot during the show
this idea of authoritarianism tyranny totalitarianism but i i think maybe what i've failed
to do recently is to put meat on the bone and show you what it would actually look like.
Soup to nuts here in the United States.
And I ask the question, is it already here?
Interview about with Mo Brooks and Chris Hayes about elections, election interference, spying.
All this stuff's going to play in today to what a tyranny would look like in the United States.
Is it here right now?
We also found out some information yesterday about the ministry of truth in a really stunning
interview that happened on Tucker's show. We'll get to that. Today's show brought to you by
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showtime so thank you for a big comeback on rumble yesterday slash bongino amazing comeback
we really appreciate the numbers were extraordinary um and i want to double down today and ask the
question based on where we are right
now based on what happened at kavanaugh's house yesterday based on what happened yesterday in
this josh hawley interview we found out about the ministry of truth some more details which
we warned you about based on things that happened with an nfl coach yesterday are we living in a
tyranny right now what would a real tyranny look like a tyranny. I'm not talking about the stuff written in books.
If we were living in one right now, what would it look like?
It would have some hallmarks.
Let's get to them one by one.
Number one, the public private self would disappear.
I've said it repeatedly, right?
There is no private self.
You can be spied on anywhere, anytime by anyone.
You'd find yourself on government watch lists based on your politics.
These are the hallmarks of a tyranny.
I mean, Joe, right?
This is the kind of stuff that you can just read the history books.
It's not Dan Bongino's opinion.
It's what's actually happened in authoritarian, tyrannical, totalitarian governments in the past.
Watch lists, government spying.
I would put an asterisk next to that and say that is the most important thing.
That would be number one.
But isn't that already happening?
The government spying and the watch lists. I mean, we've already known about the Spygate scandal.
We know about their push for red flag laws. We already know about the ministry of truth,
efforts to monitor what people do online. We already know about the spying on your metadata
that was already revealed. The NSA is collecting collecting your metadata so it's kind of already happening right now I mean we don't have to speculate on what a tyranny
would look like in the United States if some of the stuff that's happening is happening right now
what would the second hallmark of this be well abusive law enforcement
and selective justice which is no justice at all. Meaning applying what you call the law
only to target your political enemies
while letting your political friends
violate the law willy-nilly left and right.
Sounds like what's happening right now.
Showed up at the Stop the Steal rally,
you find yourself the target of an FBI investigation,
clearly violate the law
by showing up at Justice
Kavanaugh's house in clear violation of the law, prohibiting protests in front of judges'
residences. And what happens? You're celebrated by the hack left-wing media goons. Here's another
abuse of law enforcement, selective justice. We already talked about it peter navarro trump advisor he gets subpoenaed for bs over
january 6th peter uh peter navarro fights back finds himself in handcuffs and leg irons he'll
be on my radio show by the way next week he had eric holder former attorney general disgraced
human being does the same thing.
Says, I'm not going to comply with this subpoena, finds himself a hero on the left, an icon amongst the media.
Selective justice, private public self disappearing, spying.
Sounds like that's happening right now.
Three, political violence, right?
Any tyranny needs jackbooted thugs, political violence.
Well, one of the jackbooted thugs showed up in front of Justice Brett Kavanaugh's house last night, Supreme Court Justice,
or the night before.
Early morning night, 1 a.m.
With a handgun,
what, some zip ties,
duct tape, whatever,
getting ready to what, torture and kill
Justice Kavanaugh?
His family?
Think the media would kind of give it a day off and let justice Kavanaugh's
family kind of sleep peacefully wherever they are.
We didn't even know if they're at the house.
Bunch of lunatics showed up in front of his house.
I got that video coming right up.
So spying,
abusive law enforcement,
political violence.
Sounds like it's happening right now.
What would be number four?
Violations of process everywhere.
Due process, electoral process.
He who counts the vote matters most, right?
Well, we've already seen massive due process violations on january 6th people find themselves
in jail for now it's going to be a year soon for trespassing get antifa blm burned down cities and
nobody seems to care about that an nfl coach brought this up and was forced at the end of
a barrel of a political gun to apologize of course and then of course we have elections i've
an interview with mo Brooks and Chris Hayes
coming up, which is terrific, where Mo Brooks,
Republican candidate for U.S. Senate in Alabama,
challenges goon Chris Hayes,
hack, to a debate,
and Chris Hayes runs away like a cowardly
little chump like he's always been.
Due process
violations all over the place.
We don't need to guess what a tyranny looks like.
It's here right now.
It's happening right now. Folks, here's what I mean. There's a really shocking appearance last night by Senator Josh Hawley. Shocking to some, not shocking to me because we predicted this on
the Tucker Carlson show. Now, what's one of the hallmarks of a tyranny? Spying.
Spying and monitoring of citizens.
You know that.
Everybody knows it.
It's not a matter of my opinion.
It is a matter of fact.
Every tyrannical, totalitarian,
empire, monarchy,
king, dictator, whatever,
whatever it is,
has spied on their citizens.
Keep me in control, man man you got to do that keep them deplorable smellies under control well now we find out josh hawley got some
uh foyer requests together he's a republican senator from missouri and he found out that
the ministry of truth which we were assured joseph if you remember, by the Biden administration at DHS, had nothing to do with monitoring U.S. citizens or censoring them.
And Joe and I were like, we gave them the double-barreled thumb up.
Sure it is.
Of course it was about monitoring and censoring you.
I mean, that's obviously what they do.
Well, now, of course, they got some paperwork showing that that's true.
If you wanted to talk about elections, if you want to talk about the vaccine, if you wanted to talk about masks, they were going to target you.
Which is, of course, obviously a First Amendment violation, but they don't really care because they're tyrants.
Here, check this out. Calm down, conspiracy nut, Joe Biden told us recently. My disinformation
board is going to focus on foreign sources of disinformation. It's not aimed at the domestic
population. Well, thank heaven for Senator Josh Hawley, because he just got whistleblower
documents showing that is, of course, a total lie. The memos Hawley obtained show the board
was created in part to monitor domestic speech, conspiracy theories about the validity and security of
elections and COVID vaccines. If you question the COVID vaccines, right, you need to be monitored.
The board was also working on a partnership with Twitter to suppress unauthorized opinions of many
stripes. Josh Hawley is, of course, a senator from Missouri. He joins us tonight with these documents. Senator, thanks so much for coming in and for doing this.
So this was aimed, tell me if I'm mischaracterizing this, at our population.
Yeah, that's exactly right. As it turns out, Tucker, the people that the Biden administration
thinks are the real threat to America, it's not the drug cartels, it's not foreign threats,
it's you, it's the American people. If you have questions about COVID, if you have questions about COVID masks, if you have
questions about the COVID vaccine, this administration wanted you to be monitored.
This disinformation board was set up to go after you. That's what the documents say.
That's exactly what the documents say. You're going to question the vaccine. You're going to
question masks. You're going to question elections. You know, you thought you lived in a free state, a constitutional
republic with free and open and fair discourse where you were allowed to ask freaking questions.
Well, you thought wrong. The government right in front of our face was establishing a ministry of
truth, a disinformation entity to monitor and censor you. We warned you. We were told, of course, it was a conspiracy theory.
And we were right again.
Here is the home for truth.
You come here, you will be ahead.
We see around corners here all the time.
Not because we're the Stygian witches.
Not because we're Karnak from the Johnny Carson show.
But because I know what tyrants look like.
They always take their masks off.
Censorship is the hallmark of the left.
Keep your head on a swivel around these people.
They are dangerous, destructive people.
They are dangerous.
I can't emphasize this enough.
They are not kidding.
This is not a game.
And they lie all the time about everything.
Here was Psaki's replacement, Kareem Jean-Pierre, caught lying about the Ministry of Truth, which we now know was designed as a domestic censorship board.
Lying. Check this out. Neither Nina Jankowicz nor the board have anything to do with the censorship or with
removing content from anywhere.
Their role is to ensure that national security officials are updated on how misinformation
is affecting the threat environment.
She has strong credentials and a history of calling out misinformation
from both the left and the right,
and that's her focus.
Calling out misinformation
from the left and the right.
That's interesting.
I don't see her doing a lot of that
misinformation from the left stuff.
Sorry, promoting a lot of garbage.
Here's another one.
Here is the disinformation minister
who has since resigned the position, Nina Jankowicz.
Here when she was caught, she plays the game the left is going to play with this show and always does.
When you call the left out for their obvious tyrannical bent, obvious censorship, violence, what do they do?
They turn around just like they will with this show.
They have Bonjito's conspiracy mongering to scare people.
I'm telling you the truth.
They don't want you to see the truth.
They think they can quiet me down.
You will never, ever, ever quiet me down.
Here's Nina Jankowicz playing that exact game.
Saying, oh my gosh, listen, they exposed me for what I was going to do.
I was going to monitor Americans traffic.
And gosh, I'm the victim.
I got death threats.
I just played for you a threat the other day.
There was just a lefty who showed up at Kavanaugh's house with a gun.
And they're the victims here.
Check this out.
We created unintentionally an information vacuum that was filled with falsehoods
and frankly directed a lot of vitriol um and digging into my own personal life that i think
was entirely disproportionate to the amount of power that i had at the department these decisions
were being made at a much higher level than mine and as a result you know my family and i have
faced threats almost every day for the past three weeks.
You see how they play the victim all the time?
These people do nothing but spew misinformation all the time. And then when when we expose them this, I mean, you want to talk about the hallmark of a genuine tyranny.
When you expose the tyrants, the tyrants turn it around on you and do the dipsy do fliparoo. Now, one of the things this disinformation ministry was designed to target was anyone
questioning the 2020 election, which 2000 mules has blown the door off the ballot harvesting
We have covered it.
We've had Dinesh on the radio show twice.
We've covered it on this show repeatedly.
We had almost an entire show dedicated to it a weekend interview show
2000 Mules my platform
we played the video on Locals
which we own
2000 Mules has blown the door off it
they don't want you to know the truth
about the schemes they were pulled in 2020
so they wanted to shut you down
using Nina Jankowicz
the very
hallmark of a tyranny. I want to play just a portion of this supercut, how the Democrats, again,
they are the party that has always questioned elections. They lose it. Here's a supercut,
hat tip, Grabian. This is Obama, Ron Klain, Biden's chief of staff, Biden himself, and Hillary,
Ron Klain, Biden's chief of staff, Biden himself, and Hillary, all questioning elections.
But when they do it, ladies and gentlemen, it's A-OK.
Remember, what was part two of the hallmarks of a tyranny?
Part two, abuse of law enforcement and selective justice.
Selective justice.
You talk about elections, sick the disinformation board on them.
They talk about elections and election scams and election schemes. They say whatever they want, perceived election scams and say, okay, here, check this out.
Here it is right here.
It was a process that was rigged against us.
We actually won the last presidential election, folks.
They stole the last presidential election.
As we look at our election system, I think it's fair to say that there are many legitimate
questions about its accuracy, about its integrity.
How are you going to keep it from us being able to be in a position where you can manipulate
the machines, manipulate the records?
In Virginia when I was governor, I had to replace all the machines.
Too many voters have cast votes on machines that jam or malfunction or suck the votes without a trace.
Sounds like the kind of thing Republicans were talking about.
But when Republicans talk about it, I don't know, sick Nina Jankowicz on them, scary Poppins.
Maybe she'll sing a show tune or something like that.
Folks, folks, people are catching on selective enforcement of the law, abuse of the process, spying, due process violations, selective enforcement of the law abuse of the process spying due process violations
selective targeting of people you don't have to ask what a tyranny looks like you're living in one
right now folks right now it's an nfl uh defensive coordinator uh jack del rio jack's a good man
jack's got a lot of guts you know since, since kind of putting apology out there, which I
don't think he had to do.
It doesn't matter.
The left doesn't care and the right will wonder why you apologize.
So it doesn't really matter.
But Jack Del Rio brought up some interesting questions yesterday.
We need more people with cultural capital to start asking questions like this.
Jack Del Rio is like, listen, you know, I watched a bunch of BLM Antifa people.
You know, i watched them burn
down the uh burn down these neighborhoods and stuff i didn't see much happen to them
we allowed to ask questions about that you know january 6th you had this thing happen
all these people found themselves thrown in prison where the blm antifa people in prison
of course the cancel culture tyrants and nutbags went after them right away because, you know, we're not allowed to put the truth out there.
Tyrants hate the truth. Watch for yourself.
Why are we not looking into those things?
We're going to talk about it.
Why are we not looking into those things?
Because it's kind of hard for me to say I can realistically look at it.
I see the images on TV.
People's livelihoods are being destroyed.
Businesses are being burned down.
No problem.
And then we have a dust up at the Capitol.
Nothing burned down.
And we're not going to talk about it.
We're going to make that a major deal.
I just think it's got two standards.
And if we apply the same standard and we're going to be reasonable with each other let's have a discussion that's all
it was let's have a discussion he's had to walk that back a bit which i strongly disagree with
jack don't do it i love jack del rio he's a great guy he mildly walked it back don't walk it back
don't walk it back it Don't walk it back.
It's too important of a time.
We need people with cultural capital like you to speak the truth.
Is there a standard?
If the standard is you set fires and attack government buildings like leftists and Antifa did to the Oregon courthouse and you go to jail on terrorism charges and stay there forever.
And that's the standard for everyone.
Good. Good. Let's do that. But don't stop asking questions, Jack,
please. Folks, let me get to my second sponsor. I'm going to move on to law and process. Law and process is clear, too. It is the law and the process are clear. It is currently illegal to
hold a protest in front of a judicial officer's house, including
Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh. What is our a gyno attorney general and name only doing?
Nothing. Zero. Because selective justice is no justice at all. And that is the hallmark
of a tyranny. You don't have to ask what it looks like. We're there right now.
Folks, law and process is clear. In a
constitutional republic, you have law and you have process. Law is clear. It is illegal to show up
and protest in front of a judicial officer's house. Yet after some lunatic showed up at Brett
Kavanaugh's house, this is very sensitive to me, folks. I did this for a living for a long time
with a gun, with tactical equipment, with duct tape.
What was he planning to do?
The same day this happened, a bunch of lunatic protesters flipped America.
The double barreled non.
Well, that's the family friendly middle finger.
But I assure you, they weren't giving you the family friendly showed up in front of Kavanaugh's house telling you, you live in a tyranny. We can do whatever we want. Break the law in front of your face on the same
day a guy's locked up for attempting to murder the guy in that house, Justice Kavanaugh,
and we are going to stick it in your face and not a damn freaking thing
is going to happen to us.
Here, here's the video.
Check it out.
Now, where's the media on this?
Calling out this obvious law-breaking.
On the day a guy with kids, Justice Kavanaugh, a wife and kids,
a man shows up who's asked to torture and kill either him or his kids.
Where's the media? The media does what they always do in a tyranny,
these disgusting filth at CNN. Disgusting filth. Here is CNN. I want you to watch this on Rumble
because I want you to read the chyron at the bottom. The chyron at the bottom of the CNN
card clearly indicates that the man had a weapon according to the allegations, right?
And I want you to listen what the host says here as she tries to cover this up oh we don't really know yet and then i want you to listen at the end that she says the violence is coming from
both sides no it's not it's coming exclusively from you lunatics here check this out very little
detail at this point k Kate, other than to say
this man is an adult man from California. We don't yet know what the nature of the threat was. We
don't know what language the threat was or what kind of weapon this man might have had, if he had
one at all, because the information at this point is just so thin. But, Kate, this certainly
contributes to this overall threat landscape we've been
talking a lot about. The major concern here with this abortion ruling from federal officials,
and they've been sounding the alarm on this for about a month, is that Supreme Court justices
will certainly be potentially targeted by violent extremists who are angered over this pending
ruling that is poised to strike down Roe v. Wade.
This is an extremely passionate issue.
There are emotions on both sides.
Federal officials have made clear over and over they believe the risk truly comes from both sides of this abortion debate.
My gosh.
You don't have to ask what it looks like.
I know.
I know, Joe.
You don't have to ask what it looks like to live in a tyranny.
One of the things I didn't include in the beginning, what does a real tyranny look like,
is you need agitprop coming from the media because they're not real media.
They're propagandists for the regime.
Do you believe this imbecile on CNN suggesting the day after, actually the day of because
it happened in early morning, the day of an attempted murder
of a supreme court conservative justice this idiot says the violence is coming from both sides so
again just so i'm clear on it pro-life advocates who support life who got wind of a ruling that
may be coming down and overturn roe v. Wade that would lead to more life
as maybe some abortion,
some, it wouldn't make abortion illegal,
I wish it did,
but as some lives would be saved.
Pro-life advocates who support life
are very religious
and would be very happy about this
are going to go and kill someone over it?
I'm just trying to,
this is your media.
We don't know if he had a weapon.
You're freaking Chiron, you idiot.
Says the guy had a weapon.
Of course, this was a perfect opportunity
for a Republican's pounce.
Did you see this article from Jonathan Chait?
And what is this?
New York, which Guy is right,
is becoming just a hotbed of hilarity.
This guy, by the way,
was one of the biggest pee pee tape hoaxers out there.
Jonathan Chait,
a guy with the credibility of a river gnat flying around and driving me crazy.
Here's Jonathan Chait,
Republicans smearing Chuck Schumer with Kavanaugh assassination attempts,
smearing Chuck Schumer,
Chuck Schumer smeared himself.
What are you?
This is the worst Republicans pounce I've ever seen.
He doesn't go after the guy for trying to kill Kavanaugh.
He goes after Republicans for smearing Chuck Schumer.
Chuck Schumer for violently threatening Brett Kavanaugh.
Here's the video.
Check this out.
I want to tell you, Gorsuch.
I want to tell you, Kavanaugh, you have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price.
You won't know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions.
How is that not inciting violence?
How is it?
Can you explain that to me?
Did I miss that?
Did I miss that? Did I miss that?
Jonathan Shade, again, pee-pee tape hoaxer.
This is the hallmark of a tyranny.
Propagandists keeping the attention off the tyrants
and refocusing their attention on their targets instead.
And by the way, ladies and gentlemen, Merrick Garland, the agino, the attorney general name
only, this guy is right now, I would argue to you, even a more destructive force in American
politics than either Biden or Fauci.
Merrick Garland is the biggest disgrace to that office we have ever seen.
This is a guy who Who has targeted American citizens.
These January 6 folks.
This is a guy.
Who has selectively enforced the law.
This is a guy.
Who has Dana Perino by the way.
Dana Perino who is like the most sober voice.
On all of Fox.
I mean as.
Straight laced as it gets.
Dana Perino. The Five yesterday said if Merrick Garland doesn't do something about these violent activities happening at Garland's house and these
protests, then he's complicit in this too. Folks, Rand Paul warned us about all this.
Rand Paul had the DHS secretary who again is doing nothing
about this either, warned us about this growing tyranny, how people who speak the truth and expose
the garlands of the world and who expose the problems we've had with the vaccines and the
problems with masks. Rand Paul warned us that this disinformation board was going to be a
targeting mechanism to shut us down as we
do what I just did through the first half an hour of this show, expose how we're living in a tyranny
now. And I want you to watch another useful idiot, Alejandro Mayorkas. Al Mayorkas here,
blow it, when asked a very simple question about the purpose of the ministry of truth,
which we now know was designed to target you for doing what I just did, which is speak the truth.
Check this out.
Did your proposition that when the cartels spread disinformation with respect to our immigration policies to try to lure vulnerable migrants to our border illegally?
I think you've got no idea what disinformation is, and I don't think the government's capable of it.
Do you know who the greatest propagator of disinformation in the history of the world is?
The U.S. government. Yeah government the u.s government which told you the vaccine was going to prevent transmission of the virus the u.s government
which swore to you that these masks that people wear are working the u.s government which told
you their ministry of truth was designed to combat foreign governments and national security matters when it was really targeted at you.
The US government, which refuses to enforce the law while a Supreme Court justice was
nearly murdered.
It's getting out of control.
Folks, we have an opportunity in 2022.
I'm not suggesting this election is going to fix everything, but it's a piece and you
can't ignore that piece.
All right. Let me get to my next sponsor, take a break from it. It's been a hot show so far.
I want to show you also how they're going to use the Ministry of Truth to silence the opposition.
Mo Brooks, who is a candidate for Senate in Alabama, is a great candidate, called out Chris Hayes, that goon from MSNBC.
And Chris Hayes ran away like a scared little
kid when confronted about the 2020 election they don't want to debate it the ministry of truth is
their vehicle to silence any debate it always was using their media goons too you don't know if he
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So, remember, I just showed you video before.
I lay out the show in a very specific way.
I actually write it up twice.
Those of you who are looking for inside baseball, some of you may be like, I don't really care.
It's too much information, but whatever.
I'll throw it out there anyway.
I have like scrap paper, So I don't like to waste
paper. So some of the stuff I use to print the ads, I turn it over and I'll write on the side.
I lay out all these ideas I have, and then I draw all these arrows to connect them around.
The reason I played for you earlier in the show, a group of Democrats, including Obama, Biden,
Hillary, and Biden's chief of staff, openly questioning the election of President George W. Bush.
You know, questioning elections is what the Democrats always do
whenever they lose, right?
It was because now that we question an election,
they want to sick the Ministry of Truth and others on us to shut us down.
They say the Ministry of Truth's work is continuing.
Karine Jean-Pierre said it herself.
But I want you to notice what happened.
Mo Brooks, a Republican candidate from alabama who i
like a lot for senate by the way he goes on msnbc he's not afraid at all i would go on msnbc i'm
an exclusive i'm exclusive to fox but i used to go on msnbc and cnn all the time you can look it up
just put it in a search engine i'm not afraid why are we not afraid of their ideas so much so we
actually go on their goofy conspiracy theory.
We have nothing how to weapon networks where they make idiots out of themselves every day.
We go on their networks because we are not afraid of the truth.
We know what's on our side.
So Mo Brooks goes on MSNBC with this goon, Chris Hayes.
And at the end of the interview, he challenges him to a debate on the 2020 election.
Watch Chris Hayes run away like a scared little kid, like the interview he challenges him to a debate on the 2020 election watch chris
hayes run away like a scared little kid like the punk he is check this out i would have wanted the
same thing that president trump wanted if i had had an election stolen from me that's what he
believes that's what i believe yes that belief is wrong unfortunately uh to great great great
negative well you can say that if you want to spend a lot of time debating that subject i'll
take you on toe-to-toe you time, you name the place. Give us enough
time to discuss it. You go down your list of things. I'll go down my list of things. There
are 50 congressmen and senators who especially disagree with your viewpoint. Truly nothing in
this world. I want less. Thank you very much, Congressman Rob Brooks. I appreciate it. Of course,
it's truly nothing you want more. So what I'm confused about here is, to the liberals who listen to my show
and send me the death threats,
we got them.
I played one of you on, you know,
the wink and the nod death threat.
They're good at that.
If you were so convinced that the 2020 election,
what did they say, fellas?
The, what is that?
The fairest election ever?
What's it?
The most secure.
I'm sorry.
I can't get that language right.
Joe, the most secure election.
If you're convinced about that and you're a leftist, it's the most secure.
The verdict is in, fellas.
Most secure election in American history.
If you're so sure about that, Tucker kind of made this point last night too in his show.
Why wouldn't you be eager then to back that up with an actual debate?
The answer is obvious, of course, because they're BSing you.
They're lying.
They know the anomalies were everywhere and 2,000 mules exposed them for exactly who they
A massive ballot harvesting scheme exposed by Dinesh's movie.
People picking up ballots from ballot collection centers run by leftists and dropping them
off against the law at ballot boxes.
Some of it on video.
Some of it tracked via cell phone.
It was clear as day, the information in there.
And what's happened?
Chris Hayes wants to run away
because he knows he has no response.
Folks, they're getting crazier.
They're getting crazier.
We have a chance to turn this around.
Here's a little bit of good news
before I get to this next clip of Joy Behar on The View who said probably one of the most racist
things I've ever seen on television. I kid you not. Not an exaggeration. It does turn around.
I know it feels like we're living in this black hole of crazy and stupid, and I'm not here to
virtue signal to you. That was never my purpose here. I'm telling you that people are starting to see the light.
You saw it in San Francisco.
You saw it in LA.
The process isn't going to be quick.
They had a guy on with Tucker last night.
He was great.
This guy sacks.
And he was saying how Tucker was like, hey, you think we finally turned the corner?
And the guy's like, well, not yet.
I agree with him.
We're getting there.
We're in that turn, but it's a long long turn it's not going to be one election there's no easy fixes
to this they've been engaged in a decade-long culture war and the decade war culture war
decade-long culture wars led to crazy like this here's that nut on the view joy bayhar
saying one of the most blatantly racist things I have ever seen on television.
And stunningly, nobody calls her out on the panel.
None of the liberals on the panel call her out at all.
She says, listen, man, gun laws will change when those really scary black people get gunned.
Listen to how she phrases this.
Listen to how she phrases this.
Check this out. Most AR-15 owners are former military, 35 plus is married. Let me how she phrases this. Check this out.
Most AR-15 owners are former military, 35 plus is married.
Let me say one more thing.
So that's all I'm saying is that they're not these crazy people.
Here's the thing.
Once black people get guns in this country, the gun laws will change.
Trust me.
Once black people get guns, the gun laws will change?
Did she just really say that?
Joe, why would that...
Were you scared of black people with guns, Joe?
I'm not...
What about you guys?
Do you see a black person
walking down the street?
Do you think when they get guns
that you should gun them over?
You guys...
They look confused by the question.
They're like, no, no.
He's like, definitely not, especially though.
Notice he didn't say when people with guns, black people.
Black people have guns now, don't they?
Shockingly, Joe, Joe didn't see this because Joe doesn't do the, yeah, this is not part
of Joe's.
Joe does the audio video stuff.
Why black Americans are buying more guns
wall street journal jason riley who joe is black jason riley oh my gosh joy's like don't let him
get a gun he'd be really scary oh it's black people getting guns joy again you know homework
try that once in a while i can't wait for more patriotic law-abiding american black citizens our brothers
our friends to go get guns and defend themselves god forbid they find themselves under attack
sir but joy thinks they're really really scary those black people now of course, the left, which is a mansion full of racism, identity politics,
sexualization of kids, misinformation and disinformation, you're never going to see
them called out on anything like this because they have liberal privilege.
Here's Biden yesterday. He appeared on Kimmel Show. Now, again, someone should inform Joe Biden that the facts don't comport with his reality.
I mean, he humiliated himself in front of the entire country.
But will the fact checkers and disinformation boards call him out?
Biden said this last night about the fastest growing economy in the world.
Check this out.
Here's where we are.
We have the fastest growing economy in the world.
The world.
The world. That's not editing by Guy or Joe, by the world. The world. The world.
That's not editing by Guy or Joe, by the way.
He said it three times just to make sure you know we have the fastest growing economy in the world, the world, the world.
Someone should show him this Wall Street Journal article from just a couple weeks back.
U.S. GDP falls 1.4% as economy shrinks for the first time since early in the pandemic.
So, falls, falls.
You know what?
We should have added falls. Again, Nina Jankowicz, who's portraying herself as a victim, I understand
she's since left the position, but maybe Nina should put out a tweet on that and show us her
bona fides. I mean, she told us in the clip, she challenges Republican and Democrat misinformation,
right? Didn't Karine Jean-Pierre say that? This woman's got a reputation for going after misinformation on both sides. Well, that's
clearly misinformation right there. Here's some more misinformation for Nina Jankowicz. I mean,
they are targeting American citizens. Joe Biden's one, so they could go after him. So is Janet
Yellen. Joe Biden and Janet Yellen have both insisted that Joe Biden's
a big deficit cutter, folks. Let's do it over. Here's the CBS headline. See yourself. Biden
highlights deficit reduction, says U.S. will pay down national debt for the first time in six
years. Been telling America, man, look at me, cut the deficit. I am the fiscally responsible
president, despite the fact that he's spending more money right now and looking to spend more money collectively over his four years than any other president in American history.
Right. Here's Janet Yellen put on the spot yesterday in a hearing up on Capitol Hill.
You're going to hear this representative Smith first asking her about this deficit reduction thing saying listen biden's
pushing to spend all this money and he's already beaten cbo beat it's not a game you want to win
by the way beaten cbo estimates for how bad the debt is and janet yellen is forced to acknowledge
it uh yeah i think you're right she's certainly here check this out i will also point out that the deficit that was brought forward last year was $517 billion more than what the Congressional Budget Office said it would be prior to passage of the $2 trillion American Rescue Plan. Would you agree with that?
I'm not sure I understood quite the numbers you gave, but certainly the rescue plan did.
The deficit last year ended up to be $517 billion more than what the Congressional Budget Office informed us would be prior to passage of the $2 trillion American rescue plan.
Janet Yellen again.
I have never seen someone in a position of greater economic authority, the Treasury Secretary, who openly claims to know less about more topics?
I don't know what happened.
Copy off card.
The representative gives her the numbers.
You guys said it would do this.
The CBO said the deficit would do that.
Instead, it was this.
Well, I'm not sure, but I know about the numbers.
What does this woman know?
Her job is to know the numbers.
That's her freaking job.
More disinformation from Biden.
I'm a big deficit cutter.
Oh, yeah, you fell for that?
What a sucker if you fell for that.
I'm really sorry if you're a leftist who keeps falling
through this endless stream of verbal diarrhea from these idiots on the left.
All right, let me get to my
last sponsor here's my guy coming up biden's credibility is shot ladies and gentlemen he is
in real real trouble right now new numbers out he is losing his base and then nancy pelosi again
wants to make a move on the new york times talking about replacement theory again she's making that
move she's got to go after the times first.
We always bring receipts, folks.
All right.
Biden's credibility in the BS, folks, is catching up with him.
This is why I started the show.
I know it was kind of like a down note, obviously.
I'm not feeling good today.
I don't mean physically.
I feel great.
I just mean, you know, having done what I did in my prior line of work and seeing a guy like Brett Kavanaugh and his family and kids, the concern, you didn't see it from the angle I did.
When you had to go up to a protectee, not necessarily the president, they honestly get kind of used to the threats all the time.
But without beating this point up, when you had to go up to a protectee, say one of the president's kids, it wasn't really used to it and tell them,
hey, we got a serious threat.
And they'd say, well, what's it about?
And you'd have to explain to them in details.
Well, this crazy guy was talking about like raping and killing you or something.
And you see the looks on their faces.
The fact that we have an attorney general
who has a law tool and process right now
to stop this in front
of this man's house with his kids and a wife and has chosen to promote the tyranny and violence
and become complicit in it. I mean, it's really hard to describe how bad this country has descended
into madness with these just chaos agents in charge now. But folks, we have an opportunity
to turn it around. Alarm clocks
are going off everywhere. People are getting up and starting to realize that the left is a
metastasizing, rotting cancer that is eating this country to the core. When you lose a recall vote
in San Francisco by 20 points, 60 to 40%, and they pull you out of office and you're a Soros-funded
guy, folks, it tells me that, again, the turn hasn't happened yet,
but we are certainly in it.
Here's more evidence that the country is starting to come out
of this multi-decade-long decay that has happened since,
in my opinion, the Bush administration through the Obama administration.
Here's a tweet by Eli Yockley. New, we just clocked Joe Biden's worst
approval rating yet. Biden's latest numbers are worse than Trump's were at this time four years
ago. And instead, mirror 45 standing in June of 2020 amid COVID-19 and summer BLM protests.
Morning consult. Look at this. You can see the chart if you're watching on Rumble.
BLM protests, morning consult. Look at this. You can see the chart if you're watching on Rumble.
Just 39% approval, folks. Factor in that that's probably an overestimate.
That means roughly three to four people out of 10 are the only people who approve of this in a country full of liberals, by the way.
That is an amazingly bad performance.
The level of suck you have to exude.
I'll be doing this on my Fox show Saturday night at nine.
My opening monologue about exactly why he is where he is.
That is an incredible amount of suck.
Folks, everybody's abandoning him, too.
You can check this out in my newsletter today. This article, Washington Examiner, Paul Bedard, Biden's base abandoning him, youth,
women, minorities, unions. Now I told you the minority voters, specifically Hispanic voters
that are leaving him in droves, have the Democrat party panicked so much so that this soros group bought up a bunch of
conservative hispanic language stations there are a lot of them down here in south florida
ladies and gentlemen some more good news in a big you get what i mean to the left the ruskies
and george soros the hosts at these radio stations are in a full revolt over the George Soros-backed takeover.
Breitbart report talk radio employees revolt over Soros-backed leftists buying Spanish stations.
They want to stop Hispanic voters.
They want to stop them from hearing the truth.
Ties in the beginning of the show, right?
The essence of a tyranny.
Hide people from the truth and hide the beginning of the show, right? The essence of a tyranny, hide people from the
truth and hide the truth from people. From this Breitbart article, this is worth your time to
read. These guys are losing and ladies, these hosts are telling them, forget it. We won't take
a dime from these Soros people. It is not going to happen. They're threatening to walk off.
Believe me, I know something about that. I already followed through on that one.
I've already told them on the air. I know what that's like. It's tough to walk off. Believe me, I know something about that. I already followed through on that one. I've already told them on the air. I know what that's like. It's tough to walk away,
but I get it. You're doing the right thing. You have my support. We're going to do a segment on that on my Fox show this weekend too. Proud of what you're doing. I get it.
Here, one more piece I want to do before we leave today.
Again, showing you how the left
does this flip act, right?
This dipsy-do flip-a-roo, the 180.
How they do something,
they do something, you call them out.
And then in order to hide
and wipe clean the footprints
from the murder scene,
the Democrats go back,
take your shoe and put your shoe's footprints up into the murder
scene. Washington Times, Nancy Pelosi condemns great replacement theory, says resolutions will
put lawmakers on the record. Now, after the shooting in Buffalo, the left said, oh my gosh,
these Republicans are pushing this replacement theory and that's what led this guy to kill all
these people. There was a small problem with that. The small problem with that this replacement theory, and that's what led this guy to kill all these people. There was a small problem with that.
The small problem with that is replacement theory
is not a theory.
It is a bedrock leftist principle
they have talked about openly, openly, repeatedly.
New York Times.
I know a little out of orbit.
New York Times.
Michelle Goldberg.
I put this up all the time.
We can replace them.
It's not a theory.
This is a bedrock principle of the left. They advertise it. I'm not going to play the super cut again. I played it five or six times of leftists saying exactly this. Demographically,
we can replace them. It's their theory, but it's not a theory. It real so pelosi who gets busted pushing this leftist replacement
theory now wants to make sure that she pins it on republicans here's an msnbc host doing the exact
same thing conveniently leaving out that the new york times openly published an op-ed titled we
can replace them literally talking about replacement theory
here's msnbc check this out there are people white people in this country who are motivated
by the great replacement theory and are real and are weaponizing it as we saw by the alleged
buffalo shooter that's why that is so concerning and that is why i have
also heard from lots of people african americans but also other people of color other people of
color lgbtq americans who were sending me messages about their active plans to look for other places
to go because things in this country are feeling to them feeling dangerous
holy moses do you believe this i've played for you the supercut probably three or four times
between radio and podcast of leftists openly talking about demographic replacement in the
united states i just showed you repeatedly for probably
the 10th time, the New York Times piece, advocating for this, we can replace them.
And you've got leftists now claiming it's a Republican thing and that LGBTQ21A plus
one, two, three, four, five, people are leaving because they're afraid of Republicans
for highlighting the leftist replacement theory.
And suckers fall for this stuff.
Now, do you see where they want to hide the truth?
When I expose stuff like this, it drives them mad.
I'm telling you, I see them seething.
I see them foaming.
I see them doing this because they hate the fact that I bring
the receipts every single time. This is not a theory. This is a leftist bedrock principle.
It always has been. All right. Thanks again for tuning in. Questions for tomorrow,
I will post on my Locals account. And you know what? I'll post it on Truth too. If you have
questions for tomorrow's radio show or podcast, I'll put a post up. I'm at Locals account. And you know what? I'll post it on Truth, too. If you have questions for tomorrow's radio show
or podcast,
I'll put a post up.
I'm at Locals.
Download the Locals app.
I'm at D. Bongino.
It'll say questions
for tomorrow's podcast.
I'll post it on Truth, too,
for the radio show.
Submit them.
We'll get to your questions.
Tomorrow's Friday, right?
I've been losing track of time.
Yeah, okay.
It is Friday.
All right, good.
And I'll see you on the radio show
a little bit later.
Thanks for tuning in.
You just heard Dan Bongino.