The Dan Bongino Show - Leftist Will Never Leave You Alone (Ep 1300)

Episode Date: July 17, 2020

In this episode, I address the troubling policy being pushed by radical leftists in the Senate which could become reality if Biden wins in 2020. I also discuss the mounting evidence that the Democrats...’ efforts to keep your kids out of school are solely political.  News Picks: The study on masks referenced in today’s show. Shameless liberal journalists attack Kayleigh McEnany and take her out of context.  Internal screenshots reveal the existence of Twitter “blacklists.”  The social justice cult really hates twitter’s main competitor Parler, here’s why. Liberals claim to want higher taxes but they rarely pay more themselves.  Some liberals are backing a reparations programs which would cost 6.2 quadrillion dollars.  Multiple studies show that opening schools will cause minimal risk to young students. A cashless society? No way! Democrats would love that.   Copyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The housing crisis in the GTA has reached a critical point, with more than two in three residents being affected. ...reporting that almost nine million Canadians are living in food-insecure households. Over one million people in the GTA now live below the poverty line. ...just out today. Mental health support is the number one reason people are calling 2-1-1 for a... At United Way, we wake up to a different alarm every day. Help us end poverty and build a better GTA any way we can. Donate today at Get ready to hear the truth about America on a show that's not immune to the facts with your host,
Starting point is 00:00:39 Dan Bongino. Have you heard this story that we're running out of coins? Coins, I'm not kidding. It's a real story. If you go on the internet and look it up, what are you laughing at? She's right. Paula probably looked it up too. We are running out of coins. Folks, listen, the plague here that has been imposed upon us by China
Starting point is 00:00:59 who could have stopped this has caused a whole bunch of problems. It's caused an outbreak of anti-science on the left, civil liberties, diminution, mask mandates, all kinds of unscientific things. Close the kids from school,
Starting point is 00:01:13 close them off from schools. But one of the recent ones is cashless society. Now we see some people pushing for. That's a big fat no ski. I'll get to that in a minute. why that's important that we stop it, that is. Today's show brought to you by our friends at ExpressVPN. Ladies and gentlemen, my savvy listeners, get a VPN to protect their data online from prying eyes. Go to slash Bongino today. Pick up your VPN today, slash bongino all right welcome to the damn
Starting point is 00:01:47 bongino show i have a loaded show today 10 plus stories i'd like to get to producer joe how are you today fine sir well it's friday yeah joe in his best 1960s game show voice always opening the show on friday even in the down times to get us all going. All right, I got that. I got a video clip of, again, why the media is... The media is so offended
Starting point is 00:02:13 by Kayleigh McEnany because these people in the media have journalism degrees, which is embarrassing enough. And Kayleigh McEnany's IQ is about 76 percentage points higher than women, so she embarrassed them yesterday.
Starting point is 00:02:24 So I got that and a lot more. All right, let's get to it. Today's show brought to you by friends at We The People Holsters. Ladies and gentlemen, if COVID wasn't warning enough, the last two weeks have reminded us all why there's a second amendment. The left wants to defund the police.
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Starting point is 00:03:31 If it's not a perfect fit, send it back for a total refund. The best holsters in the business, slash Dan. slash Dan. Go check them out. Best fit, most comfortable holsters in the business. All right, Joe, let's go almost got that okay so first just a quick story here pj media the cashless society another astonishing ramification of the plague that's been imposed upon us that i see a lot of far leftists and a lot of people who don't know any better pushing for saying cashless only COVID-19 frenzy jumpstarts the cashless society. Ladies and gentlemen, that's a big fat
Starting point is 00:04:08 no. I've been talking about this for a long time, why liberals and big government enthusiasts love a cashless society. Let me just throw the question out there to the audience. You're listening to your car, you're watching on YouTube, you're sitting at home. Let's scratch our heads for a second. Got the gavel. Why would big government liberals, you know, mini tyrants, why would they love a cashless society? If it's cashless, that doesn't mean paymentless. You would have to pay. You would pay with what?
Starting point is 00:04:35 You'd pay with a credit card, a debit card, or some other electronic device, right? Apple Pay or what else. What's the difference with those devices and payment mechanisms in contrast to paper or coin uh cash what's the difference not in your pocket the difference is the yeah well yeah but but what else joe it leaves a digital footprint yes a digital footprint you got it digital yes the digital footprint's kind of a big deal yeah because what if the government what is the big government leftists and their swamp rats up on capital they'll love to do anything more they love to track you they love to track your data because what do they seek more than anything joe we haven't said it in the longest time. Control. The whole leftist agenda is about control.
Starting point is 00:05:28 And it's impossible to control or influence your transactions using money. If you have cash that is not traceable, not traceable. Oh my gosh. What do you mean? We won't know something and people are free to spend money without us looking and watching every single thing over and watching every single transaction. Yes. Yes. I ran out of breath there. That's why I had to say yes. I did.
Starting point is 00:05:57 I always wondered how singers do that. Sing so long and not take a deep breath. My lung capacities, my VO2 max is horrendous. Although I'll do some kettlebell swings today and try to expand that a little bit. Ladies and gentlemen, leftists love, love, love to be able to look over every single thing you do, but not just because they want to know what you do, why you do it. They want to be able to control you and influence what you do and shut down behaviors they deem malignant. Remember with leftists, they never give up, ever. They never give up, ever. We will fight them to the end, but you've got to respect the fact that they never give up. If you don't, you won't understand the fight you're in. Know your ideological opponent.
Starting point is 00:06:35 Do not underestimate them. The left was out the day after Donald Trump's victory with their pink hats on protesting. They never stop. There should be no, no quit in you either.'s no excuses there's no giving up i bring that up because what the left cannot do through law because donald trump will veto it they will do through the courts what they cannot through to the do through the courts they will do through public pressure and corporate campaigns they will never ever stop what they can't do through public campaigns and public pressure they will do through social pressure and corporate campaigns. They will never, ever stop. What they can't do through public campaigns and public pressure, they will do through social media intimidation. What they can't do through social media intimidation, they will do with their
Starting point is 00:07:12 Antifa shock troops on the street by intimidating you. They will not stop ever. So if they can't get you to stop buying things the left doesn't like, a payday loan, you're buying, you're paying money for a loan. You're essentially purchasing money at a price. Firearms, you can't buy firearms, but they can't get enacted through law. They will do it through pressure campaigns. What does that have to do with this story? Well, let's go back to the PJ Media piece, this little screenshot right here.
Starting point is 00:07:43 Quote, cashless is quick and secure you never need to count your change and you never need to worry about whether there's a bank or an atm nearby it's convenient but what happens when your bank or card issuer decides that they don't like you or the guy who owns your favorite gun store what does happen well we know what happens if the left doesn't like you or the guy who owns your favorite gun store. What happens is what happens in the China surveillance state, you know, where they pressure people through social credit scores to not do things and to do other things they like because leftists want control. That's what they do. So if they can't get you to stop buying guns through legislation
Starting point is 00:08:25 or firearms or payday loans or whatever it may be, they'll just shut you down. Otherwise you don't, by the way, you doubt any of this. These are not fabricated tweets. This tweet is in the PJ media piece up at our show notes. Go to our show notes. If you're not reading them, you're making a big mistake. My humble opinion is the best email list in the business. slash newsletter to sign up for it. Every day we'll send you the best stuff you need to know. Read the article. Here is a tweet by Bozo O'Rourke.
Starting point is 00:08:51 Pat tip Sean Hannity for that. I did not make that up, but I love it. So Bozo, here's his Twitter account. Credit cards have enabled many of America's mass shootings in the last decade. Credit cards have done that? Credit cards have enabled America's measure. That's a fascinating take.
Starting point is 00:09:07 Yeah. And with Washington unwilling to act, they need to cut off sales of the weapons of war today. There you go, September 12th, 2019. By the way, the examples in this article are legion. This is just one
Starting point is 00:09:18 of how in a cashless society, again, another unfortunate remnant of the COVID plague imposed upon us by China. You are going to see big government leftists hoping you're hoping, my audience sees through this. If you're listening to this show, you knew about this years ago, but they're hoping you'll be naive enough to fall for their arguments like, hey, look how convenient this is. We can get rid of cash, money, and coins. We don't have to transmit any disease. Why else would you want that? Oh, basically, because we can watch all your transactions and make sure you don't do things we don't like
Starting point is 00:09:52 and that we can't pass through legislation. The article talks about another scenario where Republican senators were up on Capitol Hill and were questioning some of these big banks who were being subjected to pressure campaigns for being involved with facilities that process people who came in the country illegally. Folks, it's never going to stop. I'm warning you, they are using this to, do not for a second think that a lot of the things they're pushing for have anything to do with science or public health. Some of them do. A lot of the things they're pushing for have anything to do with science or public health. Some of them do. A lot of them don't. That's why I'm so adamant about mask mandates, not masks, mask mandates from government.
Starting point is 00:10:36 It is a way to whittle down the resistance to the government control of your life. Again, not anti-mask, anti-mandate. You should be free to choose these things. And for people who tell you, well, you're taking away my health by choosing not to wear one, if you can produce solid evidence of that, I'm happy to entertain it. But just quickly, I pulled this up before the show. I didn't give it to Paula because it was really last minute. For those of you still convinced, convinced, and I'm open to new data, by the way. There was some data out of a hair salon where two of the, this is, again, I'm open to data on any side. This show is not anti-science, unlike the left, okay, and the mainstream media.
Starting point is 00:11:18 There was a study regarding the mask mandate. Remember this segment? It's all about control. Control now how you spend your money. They're using COVID as a Trojan horse. Keep your kids out of school. Shut down the economy. Alter an election now. Make you wear a face mask. Make you spend money they can watch everything on.
Starting point is 00:11:42 It's not a conspiracy theory. I'm showing you Beto's own tweet that's a conspiracy theory it's his own tweet and on the mask mandates again not anti-mask i'm anti-government mandate because you can't show me the science that this is true there's a fascinating piece you know what paul don't let me forget this to put i'm going to put this in the show notes because it's not on the screen i want you to read this it'll be in my show notes today, please. For the, you got to wear a mask. The science is great on this. Okay. Show it to me. I'd like to see it, but just so I don't lose my place. There was a study that showed a hair salon, two people were infected. They were employees in
Starting point is 00:12:18 the hair salon. And apparently 139 people who came through because they they're saying in the study, because they had masks on, nobody got it. I'm open to looking at that. The problem with that study, though, is, well, the people were facing away as they were having their. Was it the mask or was it the fact that they were facing away from them? Could be again, I'm open to new data. The problem is the data on masks right now is terrible. This is from the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota.
Starting point is 00:12:47 Not the University of Bluto-Butarsky. It's a real institution that studies this stuff for a living. They're now being pressured. I will put this study in the show notes today. The Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy. In other words, experts in the field put out a study showing, here's the headline. Masks for all for COVID-19 is not based on sound data. There it is.
Starting point is 00:13:10 Look, right there. That's my phone. Can you see that with the lights? That's the actual study. They're being pressured by now by anti-science liberals who are not interested in the facts to take this study down. I'm not kidding. They had to put this commentary piece up on April 1st of 2020 because they were getting pressure to pull it down because the science was solid that these masks are not universal masking.
Starting point is 00:13:37 It's not based on sound data. They go into a bunch of things. How the studies, how the CDC is quoting new studies on mass that don't say at all what you think they say i'll put that up in the show notes read it show it to your liberal friends who claimed everybody by the way right now is an epidemiologist of iran you notice that joe or a virologist everyone yeah everybody's like the doctor from uh i am legend the will smith character everybody's a virologist now. Yeah, me too.
Starting point is 00:14:09 And then when you show them data from actual experts who study this for a living, that universal masking doesn't work and isn't based on sound data. That's just the headline. It's not my article. It's theirs. University of Minnesota. No, no, no, no, no. That's not accurate. You don't know what you're talking about.
Starting point is 00:14:22 It's all about controlling you and whittling down resistance to their government edicts. Read that. Send it to them. Ask them to answer the questions in there. Ask them to ask you for the data, for the data that shows any of this works. All right. Let me get to my second sponsor because I really do have a stacked show today. It's Friday and I don't like carrying material over to Monday because it's important to leave you with the weekend with a full gas tank of information and intellectual arguments to combat your silly liberal friends who have none of said material. All right. Today's show also brought to you by our friends at Ashford University.
Starting point is 00:14:59 Listen, dreams, we all have them. The small ones are easy to talk about. The big ones, the ones we really want, not so much. It's like if we say them out loud, they have no chance of coming true. Well, I say when it comes to your future, dream big, dream big, and the bigger, the better. That dream starts tomorrow
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Starting point is 00:16:32 who were supposed to be giving you facts to make an informed decision the facts would be this masks there's not a lot of data on it you make your own decision if it makes you more comfortable then by all means wear a mask but here's the data we have that say it works. Here's the data that we have that say it doesn't. That's the way a scientific inquiry would work, correct? you would do a study showing how it either led to less engine wear, you would publish the results, and if your study showed the opposite or another study showed the opposite, you'd publish that. People could evaluate the studies and make their own decision. That's what journalists are supposed to do.
Starting point is 00:17:16 That's what we do on the show. Again, I just gave you a study about masking in this hair salon, which may prove some benefit. It may. I am always open to data. Truth matters. The truth does not matter to the media. So yesterday, Kayleigh McEnany,
Starting point is 00:17:40 who has been doing a spectacular job, and that may be understatement of the cosmos right now. Kayleigh McEnany is probably 47.6 IQ points higher than the smartest person in the media press room. Again, I don't mean to stereotype them all because there are some good and decent people and some smart ones there, but it's rare. I'm not kidding. I'm basing it on experience. I promise you it sounds personal, but it's not. In my prior line of work, I dealt with the White House press corps often, and they really are some of the dumbest people I've ever met in a position like that with such authority. I'm not joking. Some of the comments out of their mouths were just simply embarrassing. So they don't like
Starting point is 00:18:21 Kayleigh McEnany because she's highly intelligent. So yesterday, she made a statement about opening schools. Again, the left wants to control you, and one of the ways to control you and impact the election is by insisting you keep your kids out of school, make them suffer, make them sit in solitary confinement in their rooms away from their educational experience, but they're in it for the kids, Joe, right? Because they claim to have data that it's such an apocalyptic risk to kids, COVID-19, that they're all going to die somehow if they go back to school. None of that's actually true.
Starting point is 00:18:52 So Kayleigh McEnany was answering a question about this yesterday. I want you to listen to the whole quote here that's relevant, where she's claiming the science is on their side and how it's characterized by the hapless, absolutely hapless, embarrassing Weijia Zhang at CBS, who just cannot seem to, I mean, the fact that she identifies as a journalist is really quite hilarious.
Starting point is 00:19:16 But listen to the quote, listen to her characterization of it, and you'll see how embarrassing journalism is becoming, how they become a propaganda tool for the control oriented leftists. Check this out. We're seeing more school districts, at least in Virginia, for example, last night, deciding to go online only. What does the president say to parents out there who are now going, OK, what do I do with my kids? Yeah, the president has said unmistakably that he wants schools to open. And I was just in the Oval talking to him about that. And when he says open, he means open and full kids being able to attend each and every day at their school. The science should not stand in the way of this. And as Dr. Scott Atlas said, I thought this was a good quote. Of course we can do it. Everyone else in the Western world, our peer nations are
Starting point is 00:19:59 doing it. We are the outlier here. The science is very clear on this, that, you know, for instance, you look at the JAMA pediatric study of 46 pediatric hospitals in North America that said the risk of critical illness from COVID is far less for children than that of seasonal flu. The science is on our side here. We encourage for localities and states to just simply follow the science, open our schools. It's very damaging to our children. There's a lack of reporting of abuse. There's mental depressions that are not addressed, suicidal ideations that are not addressed when students are not in school. So just to be clear, if you're a reasonable, rational person,
Starting point is 00:20:37 and a journalist, again, with an IQ in the triple digits, which you should, which very few actually are, what did you hear there? Again, we didn't edit it. We didn't manipulate. We cut it for time. I can't play the whole hour press conference. What did you hear there? Kayleigh cites a study in the Journal of the American Medical Association about how it's low risk for kids to go back to school. She then says the science is on our side and we should follow the science but what quote did Weijia Zhang and others
Starting point is 00:21:08 Jim Acosta, I mean Acosta's just an embarrassment, I don't even include him on our list of dopey journalists, he's not even a journalist, the guy's a clown he's really not a serious person anymore but what did Weijia Zhang hear and what did she make sure to cut in her Twitter feed, cut short she didn't put the whole quote, what did she make sure to cut in her twitter feed cut short she didn't
Starting point is 00:21:27 put the whole quote what did she put in there well let's check it out here's we just yang at weja on her twitter feed from the white house podium quote science should not stand in the way of reopening schools now of course the minute i pointed out that she's a liar and a fraud she had to play victim that's what they do the journal oh my gosh poor me look in my other tweet below it where by the way she could have fit in the whole quote there the science is on our side citing of the journal of american medical the medical association she didn't put any of that in her tweet why because weijia zhang is an activist she's not a journalist she's not a serious person her goal was to do what joe to make you believe the trump team is there's a science wall joe and the trump team is pounding
Starting point is 00:22:11 through the science while the science obstacle will not get in our way us anti-science republicans and the dreaded orange man bad trump who doesn't believe in i doesn't believe in science. That's not at all what Kayleigh said. That's not at all what she said. Again, you can rewind the podcast and listen to it yourself. Again, it's clear as day to any person, again, with a functioning neuron that she was trying to say opening schools is backed by the science and here's the study, but that's not what Ouija got out of it. So there's two explanations here. Either Ouija's really not that bright,
Starting point is 00:22:50 which is a distinct possibility, by the way, or second, and by the way, she will 100% play victim here. Oh my gosh, you're not allowed to go after me and insult me. I'm a journalist at CBS. 100% will play victim. She's allowed to go after me and insult me i'm a journalist at cbs a hundred percent will play victim yeah she's allowed to attack joe i promise you she will play victim yeah a hundred million percent someone will show her this and she will whine because she's upset that she attacked someone else and got called on it so there's i'll even offer her an out one she's either not that
Starting point is 00:23:24 bright which again is a distinct possibility or she's either not that bright, which again is a distinct possibility. Or number two, she is that bright and did that on purpose to make you believe again, that the Trump team is attacking science. She could have fit in the quote. She wasn't at a character limit on Twitter. She just chose not to because she's an activist for the full-time left. The left wants your kids out of school because they don't give a damn about your kids. They don't. They don't care.
Starting point is 00:23:53 I'm going to hopefully get to this later. I have some studies to show you. Even Vox, not Fox with an F, Vox with a V, far left-leaning radical Vox, published an op-ed saying basically the kids need to go back to school but the leftists don't care about that and by leftists
Starting point is 00:24:10 I mean Ouija and the media why? because it's about control they need to control Donald Trump they can't
Starting point is 00:24:17 Donald Trump wants kids to go back to school for it's better for them so the natural impulsive reaction of the radical leftist disguised as a journalist is to counter whatever donald trump says it doesn't matter if it's true or not all that matters is trump said it so they have to say the opposite you think the washington post or anywhere
Starting point is 00:24:41 you think they're any better these other ones we're going to move on from this because I want to get to some more social media stuff too. But the Washington Post is degenerated. The Democracy Dies in the Darkness Washington Post, which is kind of hilarious. They've degenerated into, I don't even want to call them like a blog. There are some good blogs out there, Legal Insurrection. You have others out there. I mean, we the washington post is such a cesspool of stupidity just quick look at this headline
Starting point is 00:25:09 this is real i did not make this up that not a joke joe this guy sounds very sophisticated by the way michael and do a bro do michael and do a bro now uh then uh joe does that not sound sophisticated this guy's clearly smart with a name like that. He sounds very sophisticated. You got to say it. Michael Ndubredua. So Michael Ndubredua wrote a piece that the democracy dies in the darkness, Washington Post.
Starting point is 00:25:35 This is a real headline, folks. That sound you're hearing is classical music's long overdue reckoning with racism. Here we go. Michael Ndubredua. reckoning with racism. Here we go. Michael and David. Now classical music is racist. Oh my gosh.
Starting point is 00:25:52 It's tearing my eyes. My eyes when they get red if you watch this on YouTube, by the way. Beethoven's rolling over. Oh my gosh. Roll over, Beethoven. What was that, a song? Yeah, babe. babe that was a song wasn't it see i'm not good with the pop culture and old one yeah so now classical music is racist too pointing again
Starting point is 00:26:13 to the why why are they doing this why are the redskins racist the indians the black hawks classical music everyone associated with trump according to maizey jirono says we're all white supremacists ladies and gentlemen they don't believe any of this it's a pure power play again harping on the two stories i just addressed the media doesn't believe what they're saying about schools they know kids should go back to schools. They're doing it to intimidate Trump into submission to get him to shut up because they need control because they're activists. Why is the media lying? Why are they trying to put a face diaper on your face all the time, even though you don't want to? Because they don't want resistance to their big government plans.
Starting point is 00:27:00 And if you're allowed to resist the mask thing, you'll be allowed to resist other things too. There are other big government, big ticket agenda items. It is all, all of this, this lying, you're racist. It's all meant to scare you and intimidate you into what? All of it into silence because there's nothing left this hate more than a free, big, bold, individual, liberty-loving human being who thinks for themselves. This is all the same. Why were 16 different stores robbed in Martin County or whatever it may be, and it's all the same guy? This is all the same motive behind every single thought crime. Dare to say your kids go back to school. You want people dead. They know that's not true. They want to intimidate you into silence. You listen to classical music.
Starting point is 00:27:49 You're a racist. They don't believe any of that's true. They're saying it because they want to scare you. Hey, you could be next. We'll call you a racist. You like classical music? Shut your mouth. You better go along with our agenda.
Starting point is 00:27:57 We'll tell your employer you listen to classical music. We'll get you fired. The Redskins name, the Redskins. How's that going to save one black life? It's not. It's all about intimidation and power. Shut your mouth or we're coming for you next.
Starting point is 00:28:11 And media activists play right into it like the fools they are. Speaking of which, media activists have partners in this. Corporate America's been folding like a cheap suit, but Dan, you're a capitalist. I'll always be a capitalist. I believe in freedom and liberty. Capitalism isn't even an ism, by the way. It's not an ism. An ism suggests it's some
Starting point is 00:28:34 kind of belief system, right? Capitalism is just freedom. Think about it, right? What is capitalism? Why is corporate America largely abandoned thus us outside of maybe goya seriously why is corporate america banding and banding in us the redskins and others and playing along with this radical left control fear intimidation agenda to these social justice warrior idiots who have like 20 followers on twitter why because they're run by leftist cowards who agree with this stuff. That's why. But capitalism isn't really an ism. What are the tenets of capitalism? Think about it, right? The freedom to own property. So you should ask your leftist friends, you hate capitalism, but you own a house? Do you rent an apartment? Oh, I don't own it. No, no, no. You own the right
Starting point is 00:29:23 to that for a month. You've paid for a rental agreement where you now get to live there, correct? You have the key, right? No one else has it, right? You have ownership rights, although you may not be the titular owner of that property, right? You rent an apartment. You have an iPhone, an Android, whatever. You own a computer, a microphone. So you want that to be communal property? a microphone so you want that to be communal property so again leftists are frauds who say they're anti-capitalist they're all phonies i was reading about this twitch woman this morning because i'm always fascinated by people who market themselves and make a lot of money she's on twitch she's made herself a real small fortune i'm not going to say her name but it's incredible she's an anti-capitalist
Starting point is 00:30:01 she made herself a small fortune making dopey videos and she's an anti-capitalist she made herself a small fortune making dopey videos and she's an anti-capitalist makes a lot of sense what's another so no private property a tenant of capitalism you can actually own stuff which leftists love and say they don't the ability to trade your labor for a wage right so you're not working in indentured servitude you work someone pays you you don't agree with that you want what communal work right where nobody pays you so what do you want to work for some soviet overlord you farm the field am i going to get paid hell no you're lucky if you're going to eat so you don't agree with that whole labor for a wage thing just curious i mean what would be the third tenet of capitalism the pricing system right now i don't like the pricing system only rich people get to
Starting point is 00:30:44 buy stuff you You prefer what? The rationing system? Because if there's a third way, I'd love to hear about it. Right? If there's a third way to allocate resources, phones, notebooks, pens, what's the third way? You can price them where you can work to gain access to these items, or you can have the government ration them. There's no third way.
Starting point is 00:31:02 So you prefer a government ration? No, I don't prefer that either. I think everything should be free. Okay, you're a moron. You're not a serious person. Sorry for the aside, but corporate America has largely abandoned us
Starting point is 00:31:13 and abandoned the principles of capitalism because their boards are now being run by leftist woke artists who are trying to enact their agenda through things like the cashless society and the courts because they can't get it done electorally because everybody thinks they're morons. Unfortunately, social media has joined them.
Starting point is 00:31:32 Now, again, disclosure, I'm sorry to keep doing it, but it's important in the interest of honesty and fairness. I am one of the owners of Parler, which is a competitor to Twitter. Get that out of the way. I wish I didn't have to say it every day. I know it can get irritating, but it's important to do that. of the way i wish i didn't have to say it every day i know it can get irritating but it's it's important to do that but ladies and gentlemen i bring up this story not because of my financial interest in parlor but because it's a fascinating story about how the leftist there was a story in
Starting point is 00:31:54 zero head job which you really should read it'll be in the show notes please read it why the social justice cult really hates parler, authored by Brandon Smith. They hate us. Again, we're just a competitor, an alternative to Twitter and Facebook. That's all we are. I've done sponsored spots on the show for them before. They hate us. The left is losing their minds over Parler, which is fascinating because you should be
Starting point is 00:32:26 asking yourself with these tech social media corporate titans, why don't they care about free speech, freedom, and free markets? Why, if you hate us conservatives on Twitter and Facebook so much, this is a serious question for the social justice warrior lunatics out there, the left-wing moonbats. I'm dead serious with this question. If you hate us on your platform so much, Twitter and Facebook, then why aren't you happy that millions are leaving in droves and going to parlor? Paula, do you have an answer for that? Joe, you? No, dan no you hate us there so joe you're having a house party right yeah you have a bunch of people you can't stand show up oh yeah you want them to leave
Starting point is 00:33:12 correct i mean it's not a trick question yeah asap you don't invite them to invite their friends right oh no no another not another non-trick question when you ask them to leave do you then have someone block the door so they can't leave? Just checking. No, I want them to go. No, okay, because that wouldn't make sense. Okay, thank you. Sorry to put you on the spot.
Starting point is 00:33:32 I know you're puzzled because you're like, this question can't be this stupid. It is. Oh. The Twitter folks out there, the social justice worries, hate us on their platforms, and yet we leave for our own platform, which, by the way, is not a conservative.
Starting point is 00:33:47 It's just a social media platform. We don't cater to any political ideology. I always joke with people. I think the person who's most parodied on Parler is me. Dan Bongino's big head, Dan Bongino's cement block. We don't delete them. It's true. Go look.
Starting point is 00:34:04 There are tons of Dan Bongino parodies on Parler. Go right ahead. Parody your way. I will not block you unless you do something against the rules or terms of service. I don't even have the power to do that. I keep out of it. But they say they hate us and we go do our own thing and they lose their minds. This zero hedge piece is terrific. I want to go to a couple of screenshots from it about how tyrannical these lunatics are. Here's number one. He discusses a couple of reasons why this is true. I'm not going to read the whole thing, but he says, by congregating on a platform, he's talking about Parler, that is not relentlessly hostile to us. We're given a free hand to discuss options and to organize without being attacked by an engineered mob in the process. Yes. Yes. Come back to me for a second.
Starting point is 00:34:52 I want to go back to this one. This is, yes. The leftists have used Twitter to organize. You doubt me? Just put Antifa in there. Antifa and other pro-fascist groups like that have used Twitter to organize a lot of their stuff. They want us on their platform so when they see us doing the same thing, they can do what, Joe? Boycott us. We're going to tell your employer, look, we found you on Twitter showing up at a tea party rally. Joey Bag of Donuts at the tea party rally. Google, you better fire this guy. They need us on there so they can watch us. They hate it that we're going to our own platform.
Starting point is 00:35:34 And they're like, what do you mean? We're going to have to follow them over there to watch them over there too? Oh my gosh. Come back to that. Brilliant analysis by the author of this piece. He says, when I see the vitriol from the leftists over parlor i'm also reminded once again that this is great i love this line that communists don't see people as allies they see people as property they want to get rid of conservatives from their platform but they also don't want conservatives to leave and build their
Starting point is 00:36:03 own platform. He says, I often think of the Chinese invasion of Tibet when pondering this mentality. The Chinese Communist Party strategy was one of ethnic cleansing, building railways to Tibet to import Chinese people and run out the indigenous Tibetans. But when Tibetans sought to leave the country on foot to go to Nepal, the Chinese government set up snipers in the mountains to kill them as they tried to escape. on foot to go to Nepal, the Chinese government set up snipers in the mountains to kill them as they tried to escape. I'll leave that one right there. You will stay.
Starting point is 00:36:34 This is the leftist social justice warrior attitude. You will stay where we tell you you will stay, and you will be subjected to our rules so that we can watch and monitor you guys at all times. Now, does it make sense why we're under attack? Folks, and we have been under attack relentlessly. I'm going to show you a video in a second in case you think I'm making any of this up or I'm only bringing this up because it's my company or partially my company. No. This is going to get worse. God forbid Donald Trump loses this election. One more piece from the zero hedge piece. You're not allowed to walk away, ladies and gentlemen.
Starting point is 00:37:13 You are not allowed. Here, quick one from the zero hedge piece. This is the communist philosophy. You are not allowed to walk away. You are not allowed to stay as you are. Your only choice is to be reeducated. Your only option is to conform. Nailed it. Keep in mind, I have never on this show, and I will not tell you, to exit Twitter. Stay there if you'd like. Stay on Facebook. I haven't shut my account down. I don't plan on. My social media home is Parler, where I'm not under attack. Now, again, in case you think we're making this up, that we are under attack by leftists, who, again, say they want us gone. A lot of us leave to go over on Parler, and then they follow us to attack
Starting point is 00:38:04 us there to show you the communists they are. Here's a video we found yesterday. This kid thinks he's very clever, by the way. He thinks he's very clever. Instructing his fellow mini tyrants and communists how to go over to Parler and basically destroy the app. This is real. I'm not making this up. Check this out.
Starting point is 00:38:22 This app Parler is the app that the racists are currently using because they got banned from twitter for being racists now rating apps one star will work but only if you don't mention tiktok or gen z so you're gonna want to write a review as such full of bugs uh extremely laggy it crashes things like that be creative but don't mention gen z this is only about the app it can only be about the app and i mean if y'all have time to hit fox news do it too what's up tiny idiots i'm there you go he calls you all tiny idiots a lot of respect yes for you but that that is a uh that is a real video instructing you how to attack the fox news app in parlor
Starting point is 00:39:01 again why do they care i thought they wanted us gone from their party no they barred the door reminds me of that scene from the bronx tale without the tough guys now you can't remember with the bikers no no we'll do what we want we will not stop all right i've got another story about twitter showing you how bad it's gotten with twitter in a second and uh some more great material for you this is going to be a stack-loaded show. Don't go anywhere. Today's show also brought to you by our friends at Helix. Helix, ladies and gentlemen, go to slash Dan, get $200 off your mattress order.
Starting point is 00:39:32 Go today. Well, why would you do that? Let me tell you why. We have two of these mattresses in my house, one for my daughter, one for me, and they are the best in the business. They make personalized mattresses right here in America, shipped straight to your door, no contact delivery. That's free, free returns and 100-night sleep trial. Choose a mattress. Here's what you
Starting point is 00:39:48 do. You take this sleep quiz. It takes two minutes and it matches your body type and sleep preferences to a mattress for you. Why would you buy a mattress customized for someone else? Think about it. It makes no sense. It's like buying a suit tailored for your cousin. Get a mattress for you. You like a mattress that, what are you laughing at over there? She thinks I'm funny. That's good. If you like a mattress that's soft or firm, you sleep on your side like I do, or you have horrendous arthritis like I do, go to Helix, take the two-minute sleep quiz, and get yourself matched to a mattress to fit your comfort needs, like sleeping on a cloud when you get the right one from them. I took the quiz. I was matched
Starting point is 00:40:24 with the Midnight Lux. I've tried other brands. They're not as good. Not kidding. We actually bought a new mattress before Helix was a sponsor. They sent us one. We dumped it. Helix is that good.
Starting point is 00:40:34 I love Helix. You don't need to take my word for it. Helix was awarded the number one best overall mattress pick of 2020 by GQ, Wired Magazine, and Apartment Therapy. Go today. Don't waste any time. Stop sleeping on an uncomfortable mattress. Go to slash Dan.
Starting point is 00:40:48 Take their two-minute sleep quiz today. They'll match you to a customized mattress. It'll give you the best sleep of your life. Helix is now offering up to $200 off all mattress orders for our listeners. Go to slash Dan. Get up to $200 off your mattress order. Go today.
Starting point is 00:41:05 You're going to spend eight hours plus of your life on this thing every day. Sleep and comfort helix, slash Dan. All right. Love you. So a final story on these social media tyrants and how these corporations, which they are, are folding. They're folding like cheap suits because they're dominated by woke leftists who just care about control. That's their only agenda. I'll be honest with you, folks. I'm not even sure a lot of these companies care about profits anymore. I'm not. Some of them will go down with the ship.
Starting point is 00:41:34 They really will. They know they'll be bailed out by Joe Biden's far-left government anyway. But just a final story, Breitbart, up in the show notes too. We've always had suspicions about Twitter that there were search blacklists and those allegations have a little more evidence to back them up today. Article in Breitbart. Remember that hack they had? We talked about it yesterday, the Twitter hack, where it's alleged they bribed an employee at Twitter and took over Obama and Biden's account with the Bitcoin scam. Well, one of the hackers that did it had screenshots of how they did it. And on those screenshots, the purported internal screenshots from Breitbart, Alan Bakari, reveal Twitter has
Starting point is 00:42:11 a search blacklist and a trends blacklist. Interesting. We've always had those suspicions. In other words, when you see things trending that don't fit the narrative, whatever it may be, Trump is great. Vote for him in 2020. God forbid that started trending. They'd shut that right down. Fascinating.
Starting point is 00:42:31 Now, we don't know what the trends blacklist was, to be fair, or the search blacklist. It could be for things that you obviously wouldn't want on there. Again, we do actual reporting on this show, and it could be something innocent. We do actual reporting on this show, and it could be something innocent. My suspicions and my history with Twitter, having been a victim of their ideological targeting themselves, we still can't run ads on Twitter. I am a little bit suspicious about what those blacklists are. You should be too.
Starting point is 00:43:04 What does that sound? What does that sound mean, listeners? Means it's a two-pager today that's what that means because it's a friday and there's a lot of information to come out today and i ain't leaving you in an intellectual vacuum over the weekend all right back to some coronavirus uh panic merchant stories you know the panic merchants in the media want you to believe you're all going to die tomorrow, of course, because there's no interest in actually getting you the facts. Here's a fascinating story by Fox 35 up here in Orlando. Fox 35 investigates questions raised after a fatal motorcycle crash listed as a COVID-19 death. What did the guy hit of like a man sized virus?
Starting point is 00:43:43 How did that work? The virus has been. i miss something folks i haven't covered it over the last few days because it's been a deluge of news but in case you missed it florida and texas some of the numbers appear now to have been inflated one of the can i just be candid with you one of the reasons can I just be candid with you? One of the reasons I haven't talked about this story is because the positive tests are still the positive tests. Again, we do facts here. Nobody's suggesting that the Florida tests that were positive weren't, except, I mean, in this one, this is an odd story, but the story in Florida was that the negative tests weren't reported, which means the infection rate was clearly way off. They were claiming infection rates of 98%
Starting point is 00:44:26 for people who were tested. That's outrageous. The infection rate was close to 9.8%. But the positive tests were legitimate. The reason I haven't talked about it is because I just don't see a value in even playing into the panic merchant schemes anymore. It's clear they want to report.
Starting point is 00:44:47 Now, what would be the agenda if there was one? Could be an innocent mistake. Again, I like to do both sides when it's fair. It could be an innocent mistake. Given the pattern here, I would be, again, very suspicious, just like I would of the patterns of discrimination at Twitter. Again, very suspicious, just like I would of the patterns of discrimination at Twitter. But what would be the motive for reporting someone, 20 or less, killed in a motorcycle accident and attributing it to COVID-19?
Starting point is 00:45:19 You're probably scratching your head like, I don't get it. There could be a motive. There could be. I'm not suggesting it is, but there could be. The agenda is what? Well, it's fairly obvious. The media, just like with the school story and opening schools, wants you to believe that if you are under the age of 20 or a school-age child, that there is a existential threat to your life from going back to school and from COVID-19, despite the fact that that is absolutely
Starting point is 00:45:38 unscientific and categorically false. The threat isn't zero. There have been people who have died who've been children and under 20. The threat, however, is extremely low, like zero, zero, and multiple zeros. The world is full of risk. We mitigate them. We measure bad decisions versus worse decisions. There are no good decisions. We live in a world of scarce resources and trade-offs. Don't ever forget that. There are only bad decisions and worse decisions. Anyone telling you otherwise, as if you're going to make any decision that will have no negative impact or externalities on anyone else, is a liar or is really stupid. If there was an agenda behind this story, it's clearly to inflate the death count
Starting point is 00:46:27 from people under 20 to give you a false perception that you are at risk too, when in fact the risk to you under 20 is extremely low. A motorcycle accident attributed to COVID-19. Now again, just quickly back to the schools thing. This is an article at Vox with a V.
Starting point is 00:46:47 From an actual epidemiologist. If I'm quoting Vox, you know where the world is coming to an end. We are nearing the apocalypse. Quote, I'm an epidemiologist and a dad. Here's why I think schools should reopen. And he goes into six questions about the safety of kids, teachers, families, and he answers them. Folks, again, I keep having to hammer this because liberals don't believe in science. When liberals say science, they mean propaganda.
Starting point is 00:47:11 When conservatives say science, they mean facts and data and testable hypotheses. I'm not kidding. What is the actual science, again, for the 15,000th time on this show about transmission rates amongst kids. Are they in any danger from going back to school? From the piece at Vox with a V, a leftist rag. Even they understand this, this guy who wrote this. He says, quote, the author of the piece, a summary of the evidence in hand suggests that schools will play little role, little role. Does that say little role? Yes, it says little role in sustaining the pandemic. A recent review of 210 transmission clusters around the world found that only eight of them, 3.8 percent, involve school transmission.
Starting point is 00:48:03 Transmission case studies of outbreak investigations in Ireland, France, and Australia demonstrate almost zero cases of in-school transmission. He goes on modeling studies demonstrate no clear role of in-school transmission and explaining COVID epidemiology. All of this data tells us that despite our gut instincts and parental anxiety, school will likely be okay this fall is weijia jang going to report on that now assuredly joe would you agree if trump came out
Starting point is 00:48:40 tomorrow and said we're shutting down the schools nationwide in perpetuity until we can eradicate this virus. What do you think Weijia Zhang and others would say? Open up the schools. Yeah. That's anti-science. That's anti-science. You would read about all this stuff.
Starting point is 00:48:56 But again, because this isn't about knowledge, the advancement of knowledge, journalistic integrity, it's only about a power play. Crush Trump under any circumstances and at all times, regardless of the facts and obstacles that get in our way, they will tell you anything, including information like this, that for some reason the mainstream media is going to leave out of the equation. Here's another interesting photo of what happened in Denmark when they opened up the schools. If you want to check it out,
Starting point is 00:49:26 by the way, the visuals on the show, slash Bongino, you can subscribe to the show for free. Of course, there it is. Joe daily deaths in Denmark. They have some handy dandy arrows there.
Starting point is 00:49:37 Yeah. Denmark reported schools opening here. Red arrow for the liberals listening. We have a tough time with, you know, facts and data and that kind of stuff. So there's an arrow pointing to the exact date that Denmark reopened schools in April. You'll notice what they call a trend line. Now, Joe, clearly if the liberals take that,
Starting point is 00:49:57 especially Weijia Zhang and others, that science, we can't open up the schools, whatever they think or are trying to assert or hint at or wink and nod at you would think the tread line went up right joe denmark open schools trend line up yeah uh now joe gets to cheat along with the youtube viewers here the trend line went down down you know down let me visuals for the liberals listening on audio have a tough time with down it would be like running up a hill that's exhausting and then you get to the top of the hill and then what happens on the other side yes yes the hill goes down yeah you can roll down you can butt scoot down you could try to run down you can tumble down whatever you may do but down down visual down up down denmark open schools here down
Starting point is 00:50:42 down the rate went down. Again, don't let data and facts get in the way. You're like, I need more data because I'm a liberal and I got a skull full of vibranium. Of course you do. You have a skull full of seven-day-old oatmeal left out on the counter in the hot Florida sun. Let's get that oatmeal to start to function
Starting point is 00:51:00 and transmit some electrical currents. And maybe this will make sense. So here's a 2006 study I'll put up for you. You can check this out. Disease mitigation measures in control of pandemic influenza. Dan, what do you have? A 2006 study from a bioterrorism institute. What does that have to do with anything involving schools and transmission?
Starting point is 00:51:18 Well, crazy things like facts and data get in the way. And you know how that works. They actually did look at the 1918 influenza pandemic, the dreaded Spanish flu, which wiped out tens of millions of people in 1918. And there's a fascinating takeaway from that study in 2006, that 2006 that looked at that and schools, you know, respiratory diseases that spread via droplets,
Starting point is 00:51:44 the same way SARS COVIDCoV-2 does. Check this out. So here's the takeaway. Quote, on the other hand, when schools closed for the winter holiday during the 1918 pandemic in Chicago, more influenza cases developed among pupils than when the schools were in session.
Starting point is 00:52:00 Again, I'm sorry, folks. It's just like data and stuff. For Weijia, you know, Weijia's and stuff for for weijia you know weijia's a journalist for weijia zhang who will definitely complain she will she will definitely be upset about this show a hundred percent because god forbid you call them out she's gonna report on that too you know data that that kind of thing. All right, I got to skip ahead, Paula. I'm going to go to this video next.
Starting point is 00:52:30 Before we do that, my final sponsor, and then I got to, I'm getting a little, I don't want to say a little tired, because I don't want to sound like I'm frustrated, but you all are the best. I love you. I love your emails, even the critical ones. But I do get some from people who are really desperate to quit,
Starting point is 00:52:43 and I don't do quitters. We have the blue screen at Doom, by the way quit and I don't do quitters. We have the blue screen at doom, by the way. Well, I don't do quitters. I can't stand quitting. I'm not into quitting. And I've heard this a lot. People say to me things like, all right, we're good. People say to me, well, Trump's not doing anything. And I'm like, ah, I've got a video coming up next of exactly what Trump is doing to quell the anarchy and Antifa fascists in the street. Again, attack the man all you want. If you don't like him, it is a free society. But stop making things up.
Starting point is 00:53:21 There are a lot of things going on. You're just missing him. And maybe he's not messaging that well. That's a fair criticism. But I'm going to show you a video next you're going to want to see. All right. Final sponsor today, Duke Cannon. This is important because tonight may be date night at the house, which of course, you know, Duke Cannon is my favorite for date night. Trying to move it up a day. So I'm a little anxious here. Men's grooming goods maker, Duke Cannon Supply Company, knows you spend every day giving your all.
Starting point is 00:53:48 So when it comes to helping you smell good, they figured that one thing should be easy. That's why they created Duke Cannon's Solid Cologne. Packaged in an indestructible, easy-to-transport tin that's perfect for leather briefcases or gym bags, these concentrated cologne bombs melt at your fingertips for precision scent application. You'll never miss and spray yourself in the eye. Solid cologne. Love it. Paula loves it too, and that's what's most important. Made with natural and organic ingredients and formulated
Starting point is 00:54:17 in a range of masculine scents, they'll have you smelling like victory and a day in the great outdoors rather than an evening at a high school dance. Plus, the 1.5-ounce tin lasts a long time. I've had one of mine for a year now, even with multiple applications a day, so you don't have to worry about running out. Don't wrestle with messy sprays that leave you smelling like you were attacked by the perfume lady at the mall. Ducan and Solid Cologne is a solid option. Smell like manliness and victory and smell like it today. We hope you enjoy opening up their american-made products their solid cologne is 25 and has 10 cents to choose from uh they have
Starting point is 00:54:51 bourbon oak barrel old glory leaf and leather uh they have uh oak moss so if you're ready to ditch the delicate spray colognes for a more solid option visit duke cannon and use the promo code bongino for 10 for 10 off excuse me your first order that's promo code Bongino for $10, for 10% off, excuse me, your first order. That's, promo code Bongino for 10% off., promo code Bongino for 10% off, free shipping with orders over $25. Also a range of their products are available at your local Target.
Starting point is 00:55:18 Go check them out. Smell like victory. Smell like manhood. So I told you about these criticisms i get a lot and i get it folks it's fair i i you know our emails on the website for a reason i genuinely like to see what you're thinking out there uh because it helps me keep my finger on the pulse of what's going on and when people call me politicians and others and ask for advice it happens i like to give them your advice because you are ultimately
Starting point is 00:55:45 the ones that vote but one of the things i hear a lot and again maybe it's a failure of messaging and some people in the republican party like trump isn't doing anything their streets are being you know they're falling apart new york chicago portland no no ladies and gentlemen he's doing a lot a whole lot so the portland mayor and the um the governor of Oregon, they have basically ceded the state and the city to Antifa, the fascist group that has been rioting there now for over a month, burning things down, attacking people, graffitiing buildings, attacking police officers, the fascist stuff they do. They are a fascist group after all, the anti-First Amendment group, Antifa. So President Trump's had about enough of that. We do have federal buildings in Portland. They are not Portland's property, the federal government's property. So president Trump, the department of Homeland security and others have decided that they've had about enough.
Starting point is 00:56:38 So while the Portland police are being hamstrung and are not allowed to actually go and arrest people and use dispersion devices and things like that. Those rules don't apply to the Fed. And the federal government has flipped the double-barreled middle finger to the fascists at Antifa and said, we are not going to let you destroy our building anymore. And it started locking people up themselves. Don't believe me? Check out this video here. We'll play this. Listen to the sound effect in the background. This is the fascist crowd probably trying to burn down another building that is very upset that the federal DHS officers there will not let this happen. Check this out. Stay together. Stay calm.
Starting point is 00:57:18 Stay together. Stay calm. Stay together. Stay calm. One, two, one. One, two, one. One, two, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 51, 52, 53, 53, 53, 53, 54, 57, 58, 59, 51, 52, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, uh, Trump's not doing anything? Ladies and gentlemen, why do you think those federal police officers and agents are there? You think they're there on a vacation? police officers and agents are there. You think they're there on a vacation?
Starting point is 00:58:06 That was the sound of flashbangs and other chemical agents used to disperse a crowd that has clearly been violent. Again, I'm all and always have been about protest. Even protests I significantly disagree with. Obviously, those are the ones you have to defend
Starting point is 00:58:20 if you're an actual constitutionalist like I am. Once you start burning down buildings, committing crimes, and attacking people, the protest is now over. It's now a riot. That's Trump's federal team in there. That has started arresting people. And it's bothering the communist mayor of Portland and the governor over there so much that they're actually trying to kick the federal government out trump's like nah matter of fact not only are we not leaving i'm sending my department of homeland security secretary chad wolf to go and visit which he did
Starting point is 00:58:53 yesterday which i think by the way was just a fantastic move you don't want to take back your cities? We'll do it for you. All right. Here's what's coming, by the way, in 2021 with the mask mandates, by the way, in case you thought any of this was about science. So again, I'll include that study from the Center for Infectious Disease Prevention showing you that there is no science behind universal masking at all.
Starting point is 00:59:23 There may be. There isn't now. But of course, the left wants to control you and shut you up and basically stick their boot on your neck, shut your mouth and listen to us. That's what control is. Control requires fear. It requires intimidation.
Starting point is 00:59:38 It requires power, both cultural, legislative power, legal power, fear. I saw this article in the dreaded Hill, which is one of the worst, most partisan hack papers out there, but I'll use it for the purposes of today's show, run by buffoons who decided to attack John Solomon. The Hill, Dianne Feinstein, you know, far left radical senator from California, proposes withholding COVID-19 relief from states without mask mandates. This is amazing. So just to be clear, the same radical leftist, Feinstein, and these lunatics up on Capitol Hill and the Senate and House of Representatives on the radical far left. the Senate and House of Representatives on the radical far left.
Starting point is 01:00:28 Joe, the same radical leftists who lost their marbles had to run to the bathroom and grab Pepto when Trump said, hey, maybe we're going to withhold some funds from sanctuary cities. You can't do that, even though these cities are in violation of actual U.S. laws, immigration laws. Remember that? No, no, no. You can't withhold funds for these same showing you these people have zero principles at all they have no dignity no courage no nothing you would think they'd be like no no states rights that would be their argument right we'll do what we want we don't want to enforce immigration laws even though they're actual federal laws
Starting point is 01:01:02 you leave us alone with states' rights. Then you have other states saying, like Georgia, with the great governor there, Brian Kemp, who's terrific. I love this guy. Kristi Noem is jumping up my list, too, in South Dakota. Standing strong. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:21 Doing the right thing, not the easy thing. Governor Kemp in Georgia is like, we're not going to do this universal masking thing. Matter of fact, he's suing the mayor of Atlanta. I recommend you wear it, but we're not going to be fining or imprisoning people for masks. No, we're not going to do that. Now the left is losing their minds. Dianne Feinstein, again, the same ones who, don't you dare withhold funds if we break federal immigration law, but we will withhold funds if you don't enact a new law to put a face diaper on someone's face despite having no science, it works. These are the same people. The verdict is in, you're dealing with a bunch of frauds.
Starting point is 01:01:52 Same guy. Oh, you did it. You did it. Why did you do that? Why did you do that? We haven't done that in forever. For the new lit, our show has expanded rapidly. What is Joe saying?
Starting point is 01:02:04 Now, when i was at secret service agent i went golfing once not myself but i was on a security detail with bill clinton who was golfing that's right bill clinton right he was golfing with this guy true story it's not a joke he's golfing with this dude who really sucked and the guy would shank everything and then there was this one time we were on like the 10th hole i'm sitting there all day it's hot you're sweating you're watching them golf all day guy hits a ringer ringer right down straight as a string nearly a hole in one he's like same guy same guy man same guy he kept in other words he kept telling the guy like this
Starting point is 01:02:43 is you you got it in you buddy you were the same Shanker five minutes. Same guy. So we used to say this all the time for the older listeners who are now having, these are probably sticky notes, people. You'll get the joke if you've been there from the beginning, right? But we haven't said that in a while. Thank you, Joe. A little bit of nostalgia. Same guy. Same guy who says, don't you dare withhold funds from states in violation of federal law and allowing illegal immigration, but will withhold funds if you don't enact a new unconstitutional law to diaper everybody's face, despite no evidence at all right now that this actually works. Same. Shoulders are so bad, I couldn't golf even if I wanted to. All right, I'm going to leave you with this because it's a Friday. Because I was reminiscing last night.
Starting point is 01:03:32 Totally unrelated. And I'm sorry to extend the show on it because I do have other stuff. But I'll have to get to it next week. It's too loaded. You know, if you're older folks like me and you're listening well i'm not that old but you know you're middle-aged paul is like speak for yourself i'm not old but i feel him you know you ever joe does this ever happen to you like you you just you wish you could do something just one more time like if you like you'd pay a million dollars if you had it you
Starting point is 01:04:02 know i i was what pa Paul and I were talking yesterday. Quick story, I promise. I won't waste any of your time. I was singing the Welcome Back, Conor song because of the Applebee's commercial. You know, who'd have thought they'd bring it? Remember that? And that high school where that initial scene was filmed,
Starting point is 01:04:18 I used to play baseball there at the high school field. And it was one of the only home runs i ever hit like over the fence home runs not inside the parkers i was not a i was not a big power hitter but i was a pretty good baseball player i was one of the better ones in the league i still pretty stinks i know but i worked hard and i'll never ever forget that feeling and my mom in the stands she didn't come to a lot of games she couldn't but just going absolutely crazy as i was rounding the bases and you know for those of you who played baseball you you know, when you know right away, Joe, you play golf, right?
Starting point is 01:04:49 You know, when it's a good shot, you know, right away, you don't have enough. You could just turn your head. You just know, I don't, I don't know how to describe it. Joe knows what I'm talking about. I'm sure in tennis, it's just, anytime you have to strike a ball with any kind of an app, you just know, you don't even have to look. I, the ball hit my bat and I knew it was gone. And folks, my body is decaying at such a rapid rate.
Starting point is 01:05:09 Seriously, I'm extremely limited in what I can do anymore. And I just dealt to myself yesterday, listening to that. Welcome back, Carter. Gosh, what I wouldn't pay just to go back to that moment and relive that. What? 25, 30 seconds, a minute of running around the bases, right? Oof. One of the greatest moments of my life.
Starting point is 01:05:29 My mom, ah, screaming. I think they wanted a Dom 911 and have her like committed or something. It was the greatest thing ever. Screamed my mom. I loved it. It was the greatest thing ever. Screamed, she almost fell out of the bleachers there
Starting point is 01:05:40 in a day. Oh, the good old days. All right, folks, thanks again for tuning in. It's been a great week. Despite the summer doldrums that happen in radio, our show has maintained its audience thanks to you.
Starting point is 01:05:49 Please subscribe to the show, slash Bongino. Go to Apple Podcasts as well and we really appreciate your subscriptions. They're all free, but they help us move up the charts. Thanks again, folks.
Starting point is 01:05:59 Really appreciate it. I'll see you all on Monday. Good day, sir. You just heard Dan Bongino.

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