The Dan Bongino Show - Major Election News (Ep 1789)

Episode Date: June 14, 2022

Big elections today around the country, here’s what to look for. In this episode, I also address the growing problem of propaganda, disguised as “fact-checks.”  News Picks: Gavin Newsom Parr...ots Braindead ‘Red State Murder Rate’ Argument. Is there a three-quarter point rate hike coming? Left wing groups are terrified of Libs of Tik Tok. 'Surprise Witness' Called by J6 Committee Reveals Big Conflict for Liz Cheney. If You’ve Had COVID You’re Likely Protected for Life. Copyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 get ready to hear the truth about america on a show that's not immune to the facts with your host dan bongino another enormous news day primaries today four states having primaries including some big ones there's some messages in that i'll give you the what to look out for and yesterday was possibly the greatest professional day of my life. Up there personally, too. You know, wedding, birth of kids, and that stuff. This may be number four or five. Am I exaggerating, Guy? I'm not exaggerating.
Starting point is 00:00:32 Guy says I'm not exaggerating. Guy actually texted me, which he never does after hours. I'll get to that. And I think Joe knows where we're going with this. And the AOC talking about crime rates, blaming it on Republicans. Yes, Republicans. That inflation, new inflation number came out today. Loaded news.
Starting point is 00:00:48 Let's get right to it. Today's show brought to you by ExpressVPN. You don't like big tech and government spying on what you do online? Yeah, me either. So I have a VPN. Go to slash Bongino today and pick up yours. Welcome to the Dan Bongino Show. Let's get right to it.
Starting point is 00:01:01 I also want to talk today about something very important called the mirror theory I have. I'm not going to say I invented it. I think the name is mine, but how the left, there's nothing the left hates more, fellas, nothing, than when you stick a mirror in front of them. There is nothing they hate more. More proof of that. If you're in the market for a rifle, shotgun, or revolver, you want to go with the best in the business. And as far as I'm concerned, that's Henry Repeating Arms. You'll be amazed by their quality craftsmanship and buttery smooth action that makes them a pleasure to shoot mine were accurate right out of the box and they've been reliable ever since the best way to learn about henry repeating arms 200 models is to go to and order their free catalog the catalog is a great guide to showcasing their
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Starting point is 00:02:12 Too much to get to today. So no screwing around first. The mirror theory strikes again. My mirror theory of the Democrats that there is nothing Democrats hate more than to have a mirror stuck in front of their face. They don't like looking at who they are. Now, I can't vouch for every single conservative on planet Earth, I mean, obviously, but I can tell you the conservatives I know, we're very proud of who we are. I kid you not, it's not one of these faux bravado moments. Nothing cracks me up more when the medias or the lefty
Starting point is 00:02:46 clowns out there, the Boycott Brigade, go out and repost my own content. I'm like, oh, thank you. This is great. I retweet their stuff. Now, they'll object to it, of course, but I'm proud of what we put out there. Always, always. Now, having said that, the left doesn't have that. The left hates when you put a mirror in front of their face and show them who they really are. So much so that they need fact checkers to go out and provide context on who the left really is to try to explain away who they really are. Here is a perfect example of what I mean, how the left hates themselves and they rely on the media and the fake fact checkers to go out there and provide context because what they are saying is so troubling they need to explain it away by massaging it via context we don't need that joe i support tax cuts that doesn't require context
Starting point is 00:03:38 no school choice that's just how we are that's what we believe in because we're principled here's what I mean. You have Benny Thompson here. Here's Benny Thompson, chair of the ridiculous, ridiculous, outrageous, grotesque January 6th committee whose only purpose is to keep Trump off the ballot right now and to interfere in the 2022 election. More proof of that coming up in a minute. Here's Benny Thompson saying the most ridiculous thing. He's chair by the way of this committee of democrat i have ever heard that listen once an election happens you know it's imperative that you accept the will of the people i say that's
Starting point is 00:04:15 ridiculous for a very specific reason coming up next coming out of benny thompson's mouth this is hilarious accept the will of the people, fellas. Here, check this out. And the very least we should expect from any person seeking a position of public trust is the acceptance of the will of the people. Win or lose. Donald Trump didn't. He didn't have the numbers. He went to court.
Starting point is 00:04:42 This is hilarious. Accept the will of the people. or lose win or lose you know it's really interesting because conservatives picked up on that right away and said wait wait wait wasn't benny thompson the guy who questioned and wouldn't certify the 2004 presidential victory by george w bush that's the same guy. Gosh, is that, that's the same guy. So weird, so weird. So of course, enter PolitiFact, which can't have that out there. So what do they do?
Starting point is 00:05:18 They can't call it false because it's on the record that Benny Thompson refused or voted against certifying the 2004 victory of GOP, then reelected President George W. Bush, because Benny Thompson would look like a jerkwad, which is what Benny Thompson made himself look like by saying, accept the will of the people, except when I don't accept the will of the people. Enter Politifarce, the not so great Louis Jacobson, one of the legendary dipw. Enter Politifarce, the not-so-great Louis Jacobson, one of the legendary dipwads of Politifarce.
Starting point is 00:05:50 Here he is. Fact-checking whether January 6th committee chairman Benny Thompson objected to the 2004 election. They note, mostly true, because Joe, there's nothing they can do. He objected. That's irrefutable.
Starting point is 00:06:03 Here's the context, though, Joe. They got gotta provide context because the left hates a mirror and the left always needs people to explain away why they look like what they look like because they don't like what they look like so lewis jacobson the hapless one notes however benny thompson's objection we're talking about leaves out important context. The 2005 objection was from the 2004 election, but 2005 objection was known by everyone at the time to be a procedural dead end. Since the losing Democratic candidate, John Kerry, had conceded the election and stated his opposition to the objection.
Starting point is 00:06:44 This is, of all, we got a big section coming up on Politifarce today. Of all, the Politifarce fact checks. Louis Jacobson, a man with no dignity at all, is now saying, listen, the Democrats are full of useless gestures and they don't mean what they say. So because they knew what they would do would have no impact on the election at all, they did it anyway because they have no dignity at all. Thank you, Louis. They did it anyway because they have no dignity at all. Thank you, Lewis. This is like elegant poetry from the hapless Lewis Jacobson at this joke of a sight, Politifars. Here we go again, providing context to explain away
Starting point is 00:07:18 why Benny Thompson is a lying buffoon. You got to accept the will of the people, except when I don't do it. No, it gets better, folks. Here's some more context for you, Lewis. Maybe you should include this, because it's not just Benny Thompson, folks. It's more than just Benny Thompson. Here's a bunch of context.
Starting point is 00:07:37 Here is a part of a supercut of a bunch of Democrats who have not accepted the will of the people, as Benny Thompson said, as a prerequisite. You got to accept it. Although Benny doesn't. And either did these Democrats questioning elections. Lewis, maybe you should throw this into your piece. Maybe you should write a long piece about providing context on Democrats vigorously opposing the will of the people. Here, check this out. And the Supreme Court hadn't tampered with the results. Al Gore would be president.
Starting point is 00:08:06 An election has been stolen, robbed. It wasn't a fair process. It wasn't a neutral process. It was a process that was rigged against us. We actually won the last presidential election, folks. They stole the last presidential election, folks. They stole the last presidential election. As we look at our election system, I think it's fair to say that there are many legitimate questions about its accuracy, about its integrity. You can manipulate the machines, manipulate the records.
Starting point is 00:08:36 Too many voters have cast votes on machines that jam or malfunction or suck the votes without a trace. I kept voting in the Senate race, kept voting for the Democrat. Republican name kept coming up. Three times that happened. We will continue to object to the election procedures until they are correct. It is our duty to challenge this vote. It's not as if it's just Republicans who have monkeyed around with elections in the past. Sometimes Democrats have to. So remember, accept the will of the people. If you're Benny Thompson, except if you're actually benny thompson or republican wins or barack obama or joe biden or hillary clinton or terry mccullough or dot dot dot dot
Starting point is 00:09:15 louis you missed that that's it's called context louis there's some more more context for you just uh just throwing that in there maybe here's some more context too about the January 6th committee. Lewis should write a piece on this. Seemed to have a lot of conflicts. One of the things I warned you about the January 6th committee, the purpose of it was, one of the many purposes, was to interfere in the 2022 election. It was to get activists and others on the record, people like Peter Navarro and other Republicans out there worked in the Trump administration. It was to handcuffed him, threw him in a cell, had him arrested. The impact of the committee has been pretty devastating for some people. Now, they're not hiding the fact that they're trying to interfere in the 2022 election. Matter
Starting point is 00:10:01 of fact, the biggest hack on the whole committee, Benny Thompson included in that group of hacks is Liz Cheney, an alleged Republican, the fakest of fake Republicans, someone who will destroy the constitutional Republic tomorrow if she could to maintain power. Red State has a great piece by Nick Arama. Surprise witness called by January 6th committee reveals big conflict for Liz Cheney. Big conflict. That may be an understatement. What's the conflict? Well, one of the witnesses, Cheney and Big conflict. That may be an understatement. What's the conflict? Well, one of the witnesses, Cheney and her crew called forward Bill Stepien, who was a former Trump campaign manager. Well, Bill Stepien is currently advising Liz Cheney's opponent, Harriet Hageman in the Wyoming primary held in August. They're calling him after Cheney
Starting point is 00:10:42 just had some really bad polling in a race so voila suddenly they need to call stepien even though keep in mind folks he's already testified can we say concerning conflict here yeah of course we should they're not hiding it folks they know people like lewis jacobson the hapless one at Politifarce, the hapless site. They know they'll always cover for them and provide context to explain away Democrats' obvious lies. We must accept the will of the people. You didn't accept it. You didn't accept it, Benny. Benny.
Starting point is 00:11:17 Benny T. That was you. Notice how Louis kind of massages around that stuff. Notice how the context of these fact checks, right? Do you notice how the context is always a context favorable to Democrats, but the context for Republicans is always left out? Do you notice that? Politifarce, shoot, nonpartisan site.
Starting point is 00:11:40 The mirror theory, folks, the mirror theory. There is nothing Democrats hate more than having a mirror in front of their face. What they see is disgusting. They hate themselves. They hate themselves. When I highlighted pre-election along with Mark Levin, the Democracy Integrity Project, this far left group and their plans for a street fight with the Trump Biden election if they didn't get their way. It was the Democrats who called out this show in the New York Times for highlighting their stuff.
Starting point is 00:12:14 Folks, I hate the word, you know it, but it was a literal quote, the street fight from their document and the left melted down. That's why they hate this show because I show them who they really are and they can't look at it. Never has the mirror theory been more evident than this story right here. The Right Scoop, a great website. Folks, Media Matters and LGBT leftists are now trying to ban libs of TikTok from Twitter. Libs of TikTok, an account you must follow if you haven't followed it yet on social media, especially on Twitter.
Starting point is 00:12:57 Libs of TikTok takes videos from TikTok that leftists put up themselves. It's their videos of them saying the craziest things about grooming kids, sexualizing kids, critical racism training, teaching kids to be racist, white oppressor, victimhood, takes their own videos and puts them on Twitter. You would. If you believed in what you were saying. Joe, crazy question. Wouldn't you be proud of that? Yeah. I mean, I'm not I'm not being a folks I'm not being an ass here no if you want to take my content leftists and you want to post it on your
Starting point is 00:13:32 account with a link to my social sites I'm I'm begging you please have at it you're not hurting me at all our audience has exploded I actually thanked the haters this morning on Twitter I'm not kidding in truth and parlor too I thanked the haters this morning on Twitter. I'm not kidding. And Truth and Parler too. I thanked the haters. If it wasn't for people like the Cat Lady and others, we wouldn't be at 2.32 million followers on Rumble. They're part of that. Not all of it, but they're part. I'm not kidding. Why is it that liberals are so embarrassed when we show other people who they really are using their own words and videos because they hate themselves and they take that hatred out on us they hate who they are that's why they only want i'm i gotta i gotta explain this right please pay attention to this
Starting point is 00:14:20 this is super important that's why they only want their videos, their videos, their stuff posted in far left sites like TikTok, where they can, it's an affirmation bias. They want their views affirmed that they should be able to sexualize kids, even though they know it's wrong. They want to teach kids they're racist, even though they know it's wrong. They want it affirmed amongst a group of other people because they want to fit in. So they only want it. Does this make sense, Joe? They only want it to appear in this isolated bubble of acceptance with other crazies. The minute it's taken out of their bubble and put in kind of a mainstream type platform where others can see it, they're embarrassed and horrified. We don't have that problem they do here
Starting point is 00:15:07 here is Ari Drennan from the media doesn't matter media matters uh media matters for America another clown site uh who has a run by a guy who is a known transphobe who wrote some disgusting stuff about quote japs and others uh that's media matters right me this is really i'm not kidding this is a left-wing group of nuts this is ari drennan you're trying to get libs of tiktok taken off twitter she says libs of tiktok is still hard at work making sure that far-right militias have their next targets again this would be clear here have their next targets. Again, this would be clear here. Libs of TikTok takes liberals own stuff from TikTok that they put out there in the social media space for anyone to see and puts it on Twitter. And by putting their own stuff they put out there for other people to see
Starting point is 00:15:59 out there, that's putting them in danger, despite the fact that it's their videos that are already out there. If that makes sense to you, you're probably Ari Drennan at Media Matters run by a known transphobe who calls people Japs. And you talk about the jury, right? That's the guy who runs it. That's Media Matters. That's Media Matters. Posting liberals own stuff they've already posted is putting them in danger. If it's putting them in danger, guys, this is a crazy question. Why did the liberals post it in the first place?
Starting point is 00:16:31 They're putting themselves in. Who's putting more people in danger? The liberals who post their own stuff or the other people who post the stuff the liberals already posted? I'm just checking. What about this one? The liberals are losing their minds over this. Libs of TikTok, push this out there. Here's a dad in Houston, Texas, a dad testifying before the school district, the Houston school district, about a teacher who's alleged to have brought his
Starting point is 00:16:58 son to a drag show. And one of the people there is alleged to be a sex offender. Liberals are melting down about this. Why? Because they love this stuff. They love the idea of kids being exposed to drag shows, but they only love it in their little circle because they quietly know how evil this all is. Once it leaves their little circle and lives a TikTok, puts this over and parents start talking about it, they lose their minds. They need to shut it down. The fact checkers will be involved any second now too because there's nothing more they love to do
Starting point is 00:17:31 than to pull the mirror away from the liberal's face who hates what he looks at. Check this out. My son attended Sam Houston MSTC. His teacher, Mr. Patrick Pickler, he was his chemistry teacher. He was also a writer for About Magazine, an LGTBQ magazine. He published an article with a lot of
Starting point is 00:17:52 students, and a lot of students on them without authorization. He recruited my son. He also took my son to a drag show when he was underage. He took him to a drag show when he was underage, and it was really bad. It was a really bad experience. He also put him next to this sex offender. He was out there with my son. There's a lot of stuff that nothing got done. I have a lot of info, a lot of videos, text messages, police, HSD has a lot of messages. It's really bad.
Starting point is 00:18:35 That goes on folks, evidence videos, he has all of it, the father. Why does the left not want you to see this? Because they want to do more of it. And they don't want you to see this because they want to do more of it and they don't want you to know about it folks get your kids out of these public schools as soon as you can there are catholic school options there's homeschool options even catholic schools be very careful some of them in liberal areas are no better believe me i get emails from parents all the time but there are a lot of good catholic schools a lot of great ones, a lot of good charters out there. There are always homeschool options. Kirk Cameron, who was from that show Growing Pains, pretty famous
Starting point is 00:19:14 guy when I was growing up, he's really good conservative. He's been putting out there some options and he has a documentary on homeschooling. Get your kids out of these places immediately. The left knows what they're doing is wrong. That's why they hate the mirror in front of their face. And they do it anyway, which is the essence of pure, unadulterated evil. I'm going to get to more of this in a second. And probably the best compilation we put together about fact checkers, who we now completely own and they've acknowledged
Starting point is 00:19:45 it. I never, this is one of the finest professional days of my life yesterday. This is the greatest piece ever. PolitiFact is terrified of little old Dan Bongino, terrified. And it is glorious. They sent out a grifty email. Oh my gosh, we need money. Dan Bongino is destroying us. Yes, I guess. I guess I am. I guess the truth hurts. You don't like that, do you? More of that coming up next day. Show brought to you by Omaha Steaks. Father's Day's here. There's a better gift than Omaha Steaks for Father's Day. Why? Because they're delicious and you can share it with your dad and enjoy a good, solid, solid meal. Delicious, tasty for a great price. Visit Type Bongino in the search bar.
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Starting point is 00:21:33 Isn't just steak. It's the best steak of your life. Guaranteed order today. That's Omaha Enter keyword Bongino Omaha keyword Bongino. Thanks Omaha steaks. So folks, one of the finest days, if not the finest day of my professional life yesterday, Angie Drobnik Holland, Angie Drobnik Holland. She was big, bad folks. She had the big sads yesterday. Apparently she's some kind of like whatever m muckety-muck at Politifarce,
Starting point is 00:22:06 the embarrassing so-called fact-checking site, which we know has been discredited so many times. Reiki, you can attest this. We actually had a hard time putting together a list of their most embarrassing epic fails. We had a tough time. Jim was adding them now after the show. Matt Palumbo. There's so many of them. We had a tough time. They threw this out there yesterday. PolitiFact reporters face online harassment. We keep fact-checking anyway. This, hold on before I get this. This is freaking hilarious.
Starting point is 00:22:36 So PolitiFar openly lies about me, conservatives, massages Democrat talking points, does everything they deem due to destroy the constitutional Republic and act like a propaganda arm for the left, this hapless, disgusting site. And yet when you call them out on their obvious lies and we nail them to the wall, they blame you for online harassment that they directed your way. I'm going to turn the corner on this. I'm blaming lefties for the voicemails and emails I get every day that are death threats. It's your fault. Same logic.
Starting point is 00:23:11 Same logic. You lie about me. You lie about me. People then target me. So clearly, I should change the headline. Dan Bongino faces online harassment. He keeps fact-checking the fact-checkers anyway. Works.
Starting point is 00:23:25 Same logic. And Jay. Angieing the fact-checkers anyway. Works. Same logic. And Jay. Angie Drobnik-Holland. Works for me, right? And Jay. Angie H. Works. Same headline.
Starting point is 00:23:36 Oh, how long have I been with her? The hapless, ridiculous Andy Drobnik-Holland. She notes in this absurd, grifty piece, this whiny, oh my God, look at this. One of PolitiFact's primary attackers of late has been Dan Bongino, a talk show host popular on social media. Social media only, folks, I have nothing else.
Starting point is 00:24:01 I only exist on social media. His chief talking points are conspiracy theories that the 2020 election was stolen and attacks on covet 19 prevention measures such as masking none of that none of that's actually true notice how ironically hold on leave that up notice how they leave the context out there the context i've said repeatedly you can't prove a counterfactual that's the problem with my 2020 election is we'll never know what happened if there wasn't all the malfeasance, including the blocking of the Hunter Biden information, the Pennsylvania unconstitutional changes, the ballot harvesting. I've said that.
Starting point is 00:24:34 See, Angie doesn't want you to know that because she's a disgrace to humankind. And then attacks on prevention measures such as masking. That's weird, guys. Didn't I tell you that there's some evidence that a KN95 properly fitted may work? You guys remember that? Yes, I do. When I said that? Yes, you do. And remember when I said that cloth masks don't work
Starting point is 00:24:52 and the efficacy of the surgical mask is lacking, which ironically now is the actual science. So it's kind of weird how that's a conspiracy theory. Angie Drobnik-Holland. Angie, oh my gosh. She says it's really not a surprise that he hates fact checkers. He said it's an insult to be called the journalist. It is, and it's an even bigger, yes. Oh, come on. That's easily, that is, yes, yes, yes, yes.
Starting point is 00:25:18 I totally agree with you. That is definitely a triple mutley moment. Angie Drobnik, I'm melting down. So in honor of Angie Drobnik-Holland and this joke embarrassment of a sight. Sorry, I'm like, here we go. I'm enjoying this so much. It's like a workout. I'm like breaking out into a sweat here. Here are some of Politifarce and Angie
Starting point is 00:25:39 Drobnik-Holland's greatest hits. Number one, ding, ding, ding. Bill McCarthy. This joke of a human being who got his fact-checking degree I think from a certificate at Ben and Jerry's he said this that Dan Bongino stated his key is kind enough to highlight stated on his 5 February 2022 TV show then they go on to say something I stated. This is Bill McCarthy. Now, I offered Bill McCarthy $100,000 cash. Cash. I am not joking. Listen to me. Right hand up. I swear to it. I am not kidding. I will give you 100,000 cash, not a check, if you can show where I stated
Starting point is 00:26:21 that on my show. Weird how Bill McCarthy is yet to collect his money. Why? Bill McCarthy lied. I never stated that on my show, ever. He just made that up. There's a graphic I had nothing to do with. We already talked about this. I never stated that on my show.
Starting point is 00:26:40 I actually had nothing to do with it. But Bill McCarthy, who's an alleged fact checker, it's funny. He must have never watched the actual show he was fact checking. Right, right, right. Odd that, well, he notes it. Crazy how they can't find, they're going broke and they got to sit on him. Gee, gosh, what? Nobody's paying attention to us anymore.
Starting point is 00:27:01 Maybe if you told the truth once in a while, I mean, ironically, you call yourself fact checkers. Here's another one. Thanks to Guy for putting this together. Here's a hilarious one. This was honorable mention. John Greenberg, Politifars.
Starting point is 00:27:12 This is from April, 2022. Looming food shortages? Probably not in the US. Great timing, John, right before that whole baby formula crisis thing.
Starting point is 00:27:23 You may have missed it. Fact checking, Joe. They're right on. Here is another one. This is by Hallie Bemeler from September of 2020. Fact-checking Donald Trump. She says it's false that a video shows Kyle Rittenhouse
Starting point is 00:27:35 that he was trying to get away from them, fell and then violently attacked him. Talking about Trump's data, which is if you watch the video, exactly what happened. Kind of weird. Kind of like Bill McCarthy not watching the show. It's like Hallie Bebler never actually watched the video. Strange. Here's the next one. Now they're fact-checking the definition of a handful. Glenn Youngkin said, Virginia is only one of a handful of states that actually
Starting point is 00:28:01 taxes our veterans' retirement. they note that 15 states tax military pensions that's a minority but it's more than a handful yeah this is by warren fiske ladies and gentlemen can you imagine this motley crew of dip wads sitting around a table a handful of us 15 a handful oh no it's 16.5 is a handful is there a formal this is a fact checker yeah what's the over right right what's here we'll get barstool sports in here to go what's the over under on a handful this is there this is oh jacob reyes this one's a classic i'm debating this one may have been this we're going in descending order although it's hard to rate them this is now what what, three? This could have been easily number one.
Starting point is 00:28:48 Where Yacob Reyes, again, it's hard rating the dumbest fact checker at Politifar, but this dude is always in the running. Here's a hilarious one. He fact checks Maria Bartiromo and says what she said was mostly false when she said, we've doubled our oil imports from Russia in the last year. Literally in the piece, you know, I hate the word. He writes, the US did double the amount of crude oil imported from Russia last year. Oh, dude.
Starting point is 00:29:13 These guys are everywhere. This is just political. Gee, I wonder why you guys have to grift for money. It's just so crazy. Here's another one. This is a classic. Here's another one. This is by Tom kircher world's
Starting point is 00:29:26 dumbest fact checker tom coles this guy's it this guy always takes the gold in the dumbest fact checker olympics at political i say gee why can't they raise any money why can't i'm not sure i'm not sure miss holland i'm not sure here lumber gas wheat coal and corn cost more in april 2022 and joe biden's american they did a year earlier, said a Facebook post. Tom Kirchner fact-checked that's only half true as he notes, yes, prices are higher under Biden. Context. Context, folks. Context. Betty Thompson says otherwise. God, this Tom Kirchner, the world's dumbest fact-checker.
Starting point is 00:30:02 And of course, number one, the hapless Tom Kircher again, hilarious when he fact checked a prediction. Deficit prediction for infrastructure bill varies widely from estimates. I had noted in a Facebook post that nothing Biden was telling you is true and that liberals will continue to fall for this, noting that the amount of spending would equal the deficit, which is tautological. Well, Tom Kirchherr, of course, fact-checked a prediction. Now, ladies and gentlemen, why is this number one? Does this really require explanation? How the hell do you fact-check a prediction? It hasn't happened yet. What do you think this is? We're going back to the future with Doc. How do you fact- fact check it it's not a fact if it hasn't
Starting point is 00:30:46 happened yet how do you do that how do you looming food shortages probably not in the u.s john green but that was another one how do you fact check a prediction how is that even possible how is that possible the answer is if you're tom kirch or john Greenberg and Politifarce, you see why they hate my guts? I own these guys. I own these guys. And let me just tell you something right now on a very serious note, I will never, ever stop. You are going to lie. You are going to manipulate, and I'm going to call you out everywhere. My audience is far bigger. You will never stop me, ever. You shut us down on Facebook, we will go to other platforms. We will go to Truth. You shut us down on Truth, we'll be on Parler. You try to shut us down on Parler, we'll be on Locals. You shut us down on Facebook, we will go to other platforms. We will go to truth. You shut us down on truth, we'll be on Parler. You try to shut us down on Parler,
Starting point is 00:31:28 we'll be on Locals. You shut us down on Locals, we'll be on Rumble. You shut us down on Rumble, I'll start my own platform. I got more than enough money to do it. You will never, ever, ever stop us ever. By the way, it's not just Politifarce. Lead Stories is another, the biggest, I'd say the second biggest scam site out there. It was a gem by Alan Duke. New post on Lead Stories. Fact check. Biden administration is not funding crack pipes, heroin for drug use. Remember that one? Yeah. Until the Washington Free Beacon went out, actually applied in the program and got the actual crack pipes. That was Alan Duke at Lead Stories. Another gem of a site. Never going to stop.
Starting point is 00:32:07 The more you hit me, the more I double down. And by the way, you're only adding to my case later on, proving that I am the thing on your mind, not fact-checking. You're obsessed with me and Ben Shapiro. You're obsessed with both of us because you want us censored. That case becomes more transparent every day, and your email only added to it. That was a huge tactical F up you just made yesterday. One of the greatest days of my life, dunces. All right, let me get to my next sponsor. I'm going to get to fact checking. So I'm going
Starting point is 00:32:34 to do my own fact check, fact checking the ridiculous AOC on something that's not just AOC spreading around, but leftists. Again, once you put a mirror in front of them on their public safety policies and the danger and the chaos are causing in the streets they want the mirror pulled away and they want it flipped around republicans did it so there's a new narrative making its way around again the mirror theory folks i like to keep themes to these shows you stick a mirror in front of the left and show them who they really are. Defund the police. You guys said it. Cori Bush, the squad, when Biden was asked about repurposing money away from the police,
Starting point is 00:33:13 he said, yes. Okay, this happened. This happened. They said, oh, well, Biden rescinded it later. He said that. No, I don't know any credible, serious conservative out there supported defunding the police so we were right and you were wrong so now because they have a mirror in front of their face and people are being killed and american cities are turning into war zones the equivalent of baghdad during gulf war one right all of a sudden they have to find a way
Starting point is 00:33:38 to lie again and give it a different context i'm sure lewis jacobson will jump right in with some context for this one. So AOC notes in one of, again, the most ridiculous tweets from a ridiculous person who's known for posting ridiculous tweets, I love bartenders, but this woman is an insult to former bartenders. The old bartender I used to go to this bar in Queens, Glenn Patrick's, was one of the smartest guys I ever met. Could read people like no one else.
Starting point is 00:34:03 Not this dunce. Here's AOC. According to CBS News, out of the top 10 deadliest cities in America, folks, seven of them are in Republican-run states. This is, this is, he's like, this is really dumb. You think? Now, I could then turn around and make the case if we're going to divorce local, Joe, local police departments are run by the locals, correct?
Starting point is 00:34:27 Are they run by the governor? Hence the word local. Local. Joe, so you live in Maryland, correct? You are a resident. Yes, I do. The governor there is currently a Republican, right? Kind of.
Starting point is 00:34:37 Larry Hogan? Yeah. Now, Larry Hogan, is Larry Hogan in charge of the Baltimore City Police where crime is out of control? I'm just checking. If you need a moment. No he's no no no he's not no he's the governor right they have a mayor that's right the mayor and they oh just I'm surprised Joe's there yeah good yeah Joe's on the ground I'm stunned I knew it too um so Joe's on the ground right there he knows so AOC says that these 10 states are run by Republicans. What she fails to note is that every one of the top 10 are run by Democrats. Kind of weird, right?
Starting point is 00:35:10 Here are the top 10 deadliest U.S. cities. St. Louis, Missouri, run by a Democrat. Baltimore, Maryland, not that far from old Joe, run by a Democrat. Birmingham, Alabama, run by, wait for it, a Democrat. Detroit, Michigan, Democrat. Dayton, Ohio, Democrat. Baton Rouge, Louisiana, Democrat. New Orleans, Louisiana, Democrat. Kansas City, Missouri, Democrat. Memphis, Tennessee, Democrat. Cleveland, Ohio, Democrat. Kind of weird. Now, I went down the list even further. I don't have time to go through all of it today,
Starting point is 00:35:48 but I got to tell you, folks, I had a hard time finding a Republican mayor anywhere on that list. Yeah. I know it's a strange, odd phenomenon, folks, but AOC, who was a big advocate for defunding the police, candidly still is, when you put a mirror in front of her face,
Starting point is 00:36:05 this ignoramus, this dunce of a human being, and you show her what she supported and the dead bodies that have been resulted, what does she do? Instead of saying, I'm sorry, I made a mistake, like a person with human dignity would do, this disgrace of a human being turns around and blames it on a party that openly, openly
Starting point is 00:36:24 fought against these defund the police politics. This woman's disgusting. She is grotesque. It was people like me and good, solid conservatives, Jim Jordan, who she's attacking there, who fought vigorously against these defund the police policies. People like me with experience. I wasn't a bartender. I was in the streets of New York. She claims to represent defund the police. I can't think of a quicker way to get people killed than to create a victim class and to empower criminals. This dunce turns around and blames it on us. And you know what's even worse, ladies and gentlemen? People like AOC would have no power at all if it wasn't for an increasingly large class of far-left liberals in this country who will fall for anything they put in front of their face and dopey fact-checkers like Louis Jacobson and others who provide context. These 10 states are run by Republicans who have almost nothing to do whatsoever with the mayor and the local police department.
Starting point is 00:37:25 I was making the case to Guy before the show. I'm making the case. He already knows. But we were joking about how dumb of a point this is. I live in Martin County. The sheriff here is amazing. Amazing. Yet, even in the county, there are certain pockets within the county where Democrats are in charge, where the crime is higher. That's within the county where democrats are in charge where the crime is higher that's
Starting point is 00:37:46 within the county policing is a local issue aoc does of course she knows that she's just an unrepentant liar and idiots fall for it all right let me move on i got a lot more to get to including an economic segment here uh you know what let's do the the last sponsor. Folks, I always appreciate your patience. These are really good companies, but there's an important number that came out today with inflation. And I've warned you over and over again, this number is almost as important
Starting point is 00:38:14 as the consumer inflation number, that CPI number and these other numbers that come out. This number is as important because it portends what's going to happen in the future. The PPI came out this morning folks it's bad i've got some video audio on that some more stuff coming up okay folks my
Starting point is 00:38:32 monologue on friday on excuse me on saturday i was uh i was very proud of my monologue on the fox show i put a long a lot of work into it and i it's my favorite part of the show and the monologue and the saturday show on fox was was talking about signs something i brought up on the podcast too how the hallmark of a great leader is not their ability to predict the future folks that's not that's not be stupid like you know the aoc you can't predict the future well actually i take that back uh who's the tom kircher can predict if you apparently tom kircher them outside of Kircher, the world's dumbest fact checker, no one can predict the future, right? The hallmark of a good leader, a good coach, a good CEO, a good general, a good non-commissioned officer is their ability to read
Starting point is 00:39:16 signs. It doesn't allow them to predict the future. It allows them to predict the future better than the other guy. I can't say this enough. Joe, you're a sports guy. I'm a sport man. We're not like super deep into it, but you hear it all the time. Like they have that. Joe, you ever heard this line? Oh, he's got a feel for the game.
Starting point is 00:39:35 Yeah. Oh, yeah. What does that mean? He's got a feel for the game. Joe and I played sports. I mean, why am I? I had a feel for the game, I guess. Yeah, I did. I just didn't have as good a feel for the game as David Ortiz and Babe Ruth did.
Starting point is 00:39:47 They could read signs different. The spin on a ball out of the pitcher's hand. The wind in the air as they're fielding a fly ball. They process it different. They see signs, they read them, and they make predictions about where to go to catch the damn ball. That's why they're better than you and me. go to catch the damn ball. That's why they're better than you and me. This Biden administration, not only do they miss the signs, when they're told things, they miss it. The PPI, producer price index number, popped this morning at, again, an astonishing 10.8% year over year. Folks,
Starting point is 00:40:19 why is that so devastating? Because, folks, whereas that consumer price index number says what you're paying, the producer price index tells you what the producers who give you the product are paying. Why is this so bad? It means their costs are now going up again this month, even more. Meaning the cost you paid this month that was high is going to be even worse next month. If you understand where I'm going with this, maybe I'll give you the inverse. If the producer price index was going down, let's say it popped last month, I think it was 10.9, it's 10.8, which is all in all equivalent, the same.
Starting point is 00:40:59 If it was going down, say it went down to even like 10.1 or 9.5, still high, but was trending down. I mean, dramatically down. I'm talking about minuscule differences. That would mean that the prices for the producers were coming down, which would mean with a charge you would likely come down to. It's not. The month over month was terrible.
Starting point is 00:41:19 The year over year is roughly where it was last month. We are in real trouble. This is not a sign like the wind on a fly ball. This is the hitter telling you, I'm going to hit the ball right there. Here's Jared Bernstein, economic advisor to Biden, who, despite the fact that they have missed this over and over and want to spend more money, which would make this inflation crisis worse, Missed this over and over and want to spend more money, which would make this inflation crisis worse. Saying to a CNBC host, yeah, yeah, we didn't miss the signs at all. And don't worry, this is a worldwide phenomenon.
Starting point is 00:41:52 More excuses. Now it's the whole world's fault. Check this out. We're having an inflationary story in every advanced economy in the globe. And in fact, inflation is historically elevated everywhere. So it's certainly not just one country's fiscal or monetary policy but then the question is what did the white house miss and what's the lesson of that i don't think the white house missed much uh at all holy moses now to be fair we did cut that off for all because i want to go through the whole thing. He goes on to explain how, oh, we've got this group of advisors and they sit around, they look at all this stuff. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:42:28 Exactly. That's the point. Everybody told you what was going to happen about this inflation crisis. Every serious economist told you, not the joke one, Nobel Prize was what, like Paul Krugman, and you ignored it. You ignored it. Folks, this is what's coming. CNBC, same outlet where you saw that from. Fed's likely to boost interest rates by three quarters of a point coming this week. Folks, that's a big hike. And I got news for you. Three quarters of a point for the lefties.
Starting point is 00:42:56 That's 0.75. Don't laugh. Some of them are still trying to figure that out. That's a big hike. And the bad news is, given that PPI number, prices are going to get worse or stay as bad next month. And that rate's going to have to go up a lot more. You will do nothing to stop this inflation until the interest rate is higher than the inflation rate. Nothing. Folks, car loans, mortgages, business loans,
Starting point is 00:43:23 bonds are going to get crushed. I'm just trying to tell you things are about to get ugly. Save your money. Make sure you have your assets in order. Things are about to get ugly. We'll get through it. The good news is we'll come out of it on the other side stronger as we get rid of this guy. I think we're looking at a good 10-year run. We can get some Republicans in charge like the Reagan years, but there's trouble ahead.
Starting point is 00:43:47 Here, this is a perfect example of how they totally, completely missed the signs. Even when the hitter tells them, I'm going to hit the ball right there, they still miss the fly ball. Pop fly right there. They still drop it. Idiots. Here's a clip from MSNBC where Stephen Ratner, who ironically was one of those czars in the Obama administration, here's a clip from MSNBC where Steven Ratner, who ironically was the Obama was a, was one of those czars in the Obama administration. So this guy's not some like diehard Republican. He's on MSNBC.
Starting point is 00:44:13 And he says, listen, we really need to thank Joe mansion for stopping this bill back blader plan, Joe, which would have printed more money and would have created an even bigger inflation crisis. I want you to notice some so incredibly phony here. So fake. Joe Scarborough, we have a little montage.
Starting point is 00:44:28 He's been training hard coming up in a minute. But Joe Scarborough, that hack at MSNBC said, yeah, man, thank Joe Manchin. Thank God he stopped that. Pay very close attention, especially to Scarborough on this. Check this out. I just wonder what would have happened if progressives had gotten their six trillion dollar wish earlier this year yeah in an ironic way you almost have to thank joe mansion for blocking that because six and a half trillion dollars of spending in this economy would make these numbers look small yeah look we had a we had a huge budget deficit we had an unbelievably aggressive reaction by the
Starting point is 00:45:01 fed to the pandemic you can kind of understand why they were trying but they just tried too hard and now we're all going to pay the consequences in a very very tough environment over the next year or two while this gets sorted out keep in mind that's an economic analyst at msnbc and an obama czar ratner now scarborough what a phony what a zero this guy is scarborough the the the seriously the grape nuts on this dude man thank joe mansion for stopping all that extra spending biden still wants by the way here's joe scarborough just a little while ago trying to tell the gop excuse me the republican panelists how to basically get the gop out of the way and how to get Joe Manchin on board to advance the bill back better, which he says now would have created more inflation. This guy's the biggest phony fake ever.
Starting point is 00:45:52 Check this out. For the life of me, I can't figure out why they keep doing this. You know, going to the press, setting false deadlines, deadlines that are going to fail. This is pretty simple stuff. Let me say to fail. This is pretty simple stuff. Let me say that again. This is pretty simple stuff. You get the head of the progressive caucus. You get Joe Manchin and you get Joe Biden and you put them in a room.
Starting point is 00:46:21 And you say, we're not going to get out of this room until one of two things happen one we have a deal or two we're going to have a press conference where we go out and announce that joe manchin does not support any piece of legislation regarding build back better this is hilarious this same guy basically given a wink and a nod threat to mansion will embarrass you publicly if you don't support a plan he now says would have caused massive inflation as he thanks joe joe mansion excuse me mansion not by for not voting for it and you believe these idiots you know i noticed this is msnbc he didn't use the word democrats no strange right yeah kind of odd how he got the end just kind of weird anyway you know what joey
Starting point is 00:47:05 he claimed to be a republican at one time congressman from here in florida now you know we have the dopey media talking head olympics right what is it joy reed who's number two now stelter yes joy reed is the gold medal winner stelter's number two stelter lost his title he's always trying to get it back uh he's been kind of of quiet since CNN gave a wink and a nod like hey buddy that job may not be so secure and in the three spot was Chuck Todd Chuck's always trying to but he's just not training hard enough however Scarborough has been doing a lot so we put together this little montage this is live footage of Scarborough training for that bronze medal in the dopey media Media Talking Head Olympics. This is great. Check this out. A military style weapon designed for
Starting point is 00:47:48 war. This style weapon deadlier than what we had our soldiers carry around during Vietnam. If Donald Trump are not arrested today for insurrection and booked all right thank you key and justin for putting that together that training montage it reminds
Starting point is 00:48:21 me very much of the rocky movies. And Joe has since been promoted. This is a big day today, folks. It is a massive change in the Dopey Media Talking Head Olympics. Scarborough has moved into the bronze spot. There's a lot of training. It's worth it. And it shows you, folks, there's a lesson here. Hard work definitely pays off.
Starting point is 00:48:40 So congratulations. Round of applause, everyone. Joe Scarborough. He may be a while in that spot. Chuck's got to make some big moves. I don't see of applause, everyone. Joe Scarborough. He may be a while in that spot. Chuck's got to make some big moves. I don't see him training nearly as hard as Scarborough. Oh, by the way, in case you think these warnings about Build Back Better, how it would have caused even worse inflation than we're seeing now are making a dime's worth of difference
Starting point is 00:48:58 in Joe Biden's mind who can't see a sign anywhere. Here was an article just back at the end of April. White House makes last push to save some of Build Back Better bill from the Financial Times. Folks, they still want it. They still want it. They can't stop. Hey, in the interest of time,
Starting point is 00:49:14 I'm going to have to pass on that video for today. We'll get to that tomorrow. Just leave that for tomorrow's elements. But I want to just go over quickly. It's primary day. Before we end the show, just some quick notes. It's primary day before we end the show. Just some quick notes.
Starting point is 00:49:32 If you are in Maine, North Dakota, Nevada, South Carolina, please get out and vote today. It is important. Adam Laxalt is running for Senate against Sam Brown. That is a very, very hot race right now for the GOP nomination for Senate, Nevada. Please check that race out. Nancy Mace against Katie Arrington is the big headline race for that congressional seat. Donald Trump endorsed Katie Arrington in South Carolina. Those are the big things I just want you to remember with this great state of Nevada, that we haven't won the electoral college vote in a presidential race there since 2004.
Starting point is 00:50:00 It's been a long time. That state is trending back towards the Republican Party. It is super important you get out to vote and register people to vote today if you can. We haven't won a Senate seat there since 2012. It's been 10 years. We have a good chance with either Laxalt or Brown to take out Masto. It is really, really important we win that seat. Please get out and vote today. It is super important. All right, folks, thanks again for tuning in. We win that seat. Please get out and vote today. It is super important. All right, folks, thanks again for tuning in. I really appreciate it. Tune into the radio show later. I got Pete Hegseth as a guest about our education system falling apart. You're not going to want to miss that. Check it out later. Thanks for tuning in and be sure to
Starting point is 00:50:37 subscribe to my podcast. It's the subscriptions that help us stay on those top charts. We've been there for three years now. All thanks to you. Subscribe on Apple, subscribe on Spotify, and most importantly, I want to thank Justin, our terrific intern, for putting together that fantastic montage. If you want to see it, slash Bongino.
Starting point is 00:50:54 It's really good. You can see how he's been coming along. We brought him in here. We had to teach him how to turn a computer on. Look at him now. I'm kidding. He's very smart. I'm joking.
Starting point is 00:51:02 Now, all of a sudden, he's like a big video editor. He's the next thing you know, guys will be working on a major cable news show. He's going to abandon us. So check that kidding. He's very smart. I'm joking. Now, all of a sudden, he's like a big video editor. Next thing you know, a guy's going to be working on a major cable news show. He's going to abandon us. So check that out. See you all tomorrow. You just heard Dan Bongino.

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