The Dan Bongino Show - Nancy Pelosi Gets Caught Red Handed (Ep 1237)
Episode Date: April 27, 2020In this episode I address the stunning comments by Nancy Pelosi, who is trying to rewrite history. I also address the explosive revelations about the framing of Lt. General Mike Flynn. News Picks: ... Politics tries to quietly update another fake news story about Trump. Was Lt. General Mike Flynn framed? Trump and McConnell disagree over the next step for the “stimulus.” Another epic failure by New York Governor Andrew Cuomo. Unbelievable! YouTube and twitter are censoring a company researching UV light because Trump mentioned it. Debunking another dopey media distraction about disinfectants. Why is sleazy Adam Schiff blocking the release of these critical transcripts? Copyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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get ready to hear the truth about america on a show that's not immune to the facts with your host
dan bongino was mike flynn framed what a way to start out a show right was mike flynn a lieutenant
general a patriot in the united states military and president trump's incoming national security
advisor was he framed by our own government?
Unbelievable we're asking this question.
I got that.
I've got Nancy Pelosi humiliating herself, the country, and anybody connecting herself to Nancy Pelosi, himself or herself.
I've got that.
I've got some other stuff.
Media madness this weekend as well.
Always a loaded show on Monday. Today's show brought to you by ExpressVPN. Protect yourself online from prying eyes right now. Protect your online data today. Get a VPN. Go to know. I actually have a 279, you know, my source, the 279er on the Spygate case,
who gave me a phenomenal tip that I don't even think I'm going to get to today. I probably have
to cover tomorrow. There's that much stuff going on. Let's get right to it. Today's show brought
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All right, Joe, let's go.
Here it is.
All right, so I want to start.
I was on Fox and Friends this morning.
We're back to our regular Monday routine.
I'm on about 6.30, 6.35 a.m. If you'd like to check it out, please DVR it. It's one of my favorite appearances of the week because we get to kind of set the news stories for the day
and tear it up. So I was on this morning about Nancy Pelosi, who is just a disgrace to humankind.
I don't know any other way to say it. As I said this morning on fox i thought adam schiff was the sleaziest member of congress but i'm starting to reevaluate that because adam schiff
is just a puppet it appears he's the worst he's a uh spineless jellyfish but pelosi appears to be
the one really pulling the strings and her hubris and lying her serial dishonesty her generational
fraudster ability.
Remember, it wasn't just her.
She's not the only one in her family at the Pox.
She's a generational fraudster.
And just the arrogance of her
to try to rewrite the story and the history
on what the Democrats did
about the Wuhan virus from China is just incredible.
Let's get right to some video first.
Here's Nancy Pelosi suggesting what they're going to do in phase four.
And at this point, it doesn't, I mean, it's printing money, folks.
It might as well go to phase 6,000 at this point.
I mean, if you don't think inflation matters, you can just print like 30.
What's the difference at this point?
Of course, that's dumb.
And we're going to find this all out the hard way as your life savings is inflated away.
But again, sometimes Democrats and liberals and rhino Republicans who don't understand economics have to be hit over the head
with a shovel, economically speaking, before they figure out that what we're doing right now is
really dumb. But here's Pelosi talking to the hapless Joy Reid from MSNBC and suggesting that
the next step here, Joe, is in this, you know, legislative disaster
we're going through right now is to actually release prisoners.
Oh, good.
You know, release.
But while we're locking up people for taking their kids to the schoolyard, we're going
to be releasing actual criminals.
Listen to this complete absurdity by Pelosi on with the blogging Joy Reid.
You know what I mean by that one? Check this out.
There's a concern that this could be a fresh source of outbreak and that there could actually
be a disaster for incarcerated people because of this virus. Is anything being considered for the
next bill to deal with that? Well, in our caucus, we are very devoted to the gospel of Matthew.
When I was hungry, you fed me. When I was homeless, you sheltered me. When I was in prison, In our caucus, we are very devoted to the Gospel of Matthew.
When I was hungry, you fed me.
When I was homeless, you sheltered me.
When I was in prison, you visited me.
And so this, for us, is a part of our value system.
And especially under the leadership of our Congressional Black Caucus, Karen Bass, Barbara Lee, and others, there has been a real focus on this. We will have language being developed by the Judiciary Committee to have some order and clarity so that some people
can leave who really don't need to be there, but some clarity because what the administration is
doing is confusing and not clear, but it must be addressed. It must be addressed. It's so very,
very sad, but again, a priority for us. Oh, so this is just to be clear, the late term abortion
supporting Nancy Pelosi, quoting the gospel of Matthew, which is again, you want to talk about hubris yeah uh oh i one other point of this before i get to the actual substance of
releasing criminals from prison right now because of the coronavirus because it may be dangerous to
them completely ignoring the point joe that releasing criminals back into the population
after they've been arrested may be dangerous to us, too.
But don't worry about that for now.
Yeah, I noticed that.
You may have noticed something else.
All right.
Joe, don't you find it?
And I'm not kidding here.
This is not me playing like reverse identity politics to get back at the Democrats.
It's not.
This is a legitimate point I'm making.
I know I can be sarcastic at times, but I'm not kidding.
This is a legitimate point I'm making.
I know I can be sarcastic at times, but I'm not kidding.
Don't you find it, not mildly, but overtly racist that every single time a Democrat talks about releasing prisoners, they always mention something about being black?
Did you notice that?
Yeah, it is.
Well, we're talking to the congressional black.
Why? Why are you talking to the congressional black. Why?
Why are you talking to the congressional black?
What does that have to do with prisoners?
No, I'm not kidding. Yeah.
Nobody mentions Joe.
Anyway, there are no white people in prison.
There are no Asian people in prison.
Why is it?
Why do the Democrats not get called on this all the time?
Why is it every single time they talk about prison they always
mention something about race and it's always about them being black why how is it explain
please explain to me with a straight face i'm not kidding how that's not racist
i'm not messing with you yeah you're right that's besides the point for now because you're never
going to get the media to call out democrats on their soft bigotry of low expectations and their overt racism in many cases.
They seem to think, what, everybody in prison is black.
It's only an issue for the Congressional Black Caucus.
OK, but let me just get this part straight.
And I addressed this on Fox this morning.
So, number one, you're concerned about the safety of the prisoners.
There are ways to handle that.
Quarantines within the prison,
We can,
I mean,
we can do all kinds of things.
If we have to do,
you know,
getting prisoners at the hospitals when they're sick
and do some kind of tent cities to keep them outside.
We don't want prisoners getting sick.
You don't need to go to jail for shoplifting
and die of coronavirus.
That's not a rational topic. That's perfectly sane to take that approach.
You don't deserve to be condemned to a death sentence because you were shoplifting or something else. Having said that, you were shoplifting, you were a criminal, and many of
these people being released are doing horrible things. So I get it that your concern is about
the safety of the prison population, but that's to be balanced against the safety of the general population as well. These people have been removed
from because they've committed crimes against them. Now, balance that with the fact that we're
all supposed to take the syrup of Ipecac here and swallow the fact that we're discussing releasing
prisoners while we're actively out there. In many cases, the videos are everywhere on Twitter of police departments
arresting people for showing up on playgrounds in violation of these
unconstitutional quarantine stay at home orders.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Folks, this nonsense has to stop.
I get it.
I have been being,
I've been deluged with emails.
I'm not kidding with you.
Largely pro my stance on this.
I bet.
Some con from police officers,
police supervisors,
union reps, and everyone
telling me this is a disaster
and a powder keg waiting to explode.
To be clear what I'm talking about right now, we should not be releasing prisoners while
we are talking about now police policies of arresting people in violation of these
ridiculous executive orders.
Now, I got an email this week and I'm not going to mention his name, where he's from
or anything about him because he did not give me permission to state as much.
I'm just going to leave it at this.
He knows who he is.
He was a union representative for the police union.
Sometimes they're called fraternal organizations.
Police officers have unions as well.
Similar type organizations.
You get it.
He's as disturbed by this as I am.
And he went and spoke in front of his representative members,
the cops that he
represents, the officers. And he told them, do not do this. This is a bad idea. This arresting
people. We could be in big legal trouble later. A lot of these things could be potentially
unconstitutional. We are turning the public against us. Please use your maximum discretion
at all times. And in the most disturbing email I've seen, he said there were a couple people in there,
more than a couple, who objected and said, no, no, no, it's an order and we have to follow
Ladies and gentlemen, an unconstitutional order is not an order at all.
I'm begging you, as I tweeted this weekend to my brothers and sisters in blue, I've been
I left my job and my pension for
something else because I disagreed with something. Leave that there. I'm begging you with the
greatest of respect, and I say that with humility myself because I'm no longer wearing that blue
uniform or that badge. With the greatest of respect for what you do, I am humbly begging you again to please consider your actions.
You are, as Havelock Ellis has said, and I cited this morning on Fox, you are the thin crust on the volcano.
That volcano is civilization waiting to explode at any minute like it has throughout human history.
You're the one that keeps order.
You're the medicine against chaos.
You, I know for you, it's a job.
I was there.
You go there.
You don't think about this a lot.
You got to get to work.
You got to feed your kids.
You're working a six to two, a two to 10, a 10 to six.
I get it.
I totally understand, but I need you to please listen to what I'm telling you.
You, you are the thread that holds this country together
and prevents everything from going haywire.
If we lose you and we have people in union meetings
suggesting that, you know what,
the constitution doesn't matter anymore,
that's what the spy gay player said.
You are the bulwark against chaos. I'm begging you because I know what you're made
of. I've been there. The bravest people I've ever met. Please consider discretion. We're losing
everything here. We're seriously talking about releasing prisoners while we arrest law-abiding
Americans who've done nothing wrong. You know in your heart they did nothing wrong.
And the unions need to get involved.
All right, spent a little time on that, but it's important.
Here's Nancy Pelosi again trying to completely rewrite history.
This is brutal.
This is Pelosi on with Jake Tapper at CNN.
Pelosi trying to suggest now,
Pelosi, who tweeted,
I'll get to the tweet in a minute,
against travel bans
while Trump was instituting
the travel ban from China.
And I've heard their comeback.
Well, we weren't specifically
talking about the China ban.
It doesn't matter.
You tweeted against travel bans.
I have your tweet.
This is her now suggesting that,
no, no, no.
She not only, Joe,
wasn't against the travel ban from China
while the Wuhan virus was raging, Joe,
she actually wanted it to go further
and she wanted American citizens banned
from coming back in the country.
Listen to this absurdity
from the mouth of the biggest liar
in the history of the United States Congress,
the hapless Nancy Pelosi.
Check this out.
Well, let's go into the future, okay?
Actually, tens of thousands of people
were still allowed in from China.
So it wasn't as it is described as this great moment.
There were Americans coming back
or green card holders coming back,
but there were tens of thousands.
So if you're
going to shut the door because you have an evaluation of an epidemic, then shut the door.
But let's go into the future. What the American people want is for us to have a plan to go
forward. And our plan to go forward addresses their concern.
re uh addresses their concern that i died so so pelosi now joe just to be clear yes pelosi suggesting now that not only was she she's implying she was for the travel ban i see
by she's implying that by her you heard her language yes she's not only suggesting the
travel ban now was a good but it should have went further. And that's where President Trump screwed up, that we should have, quote, shut the door.
You're going to shut the door, shut the door.
Her words, not mine.
Because, by the way, just so you know, Nancy Pelosi's staff, I'm sure of it, complains to the tech overlords at Facebook and Twitter.
Anytime we call her out on nonsense, anytime.
And she gets the fake fact checkers to show up and say, well,ancy said we should have shut the door she didn't mean shut the door to china
what you just said you meant shut the door that it should have went further matter of fact she
just suggested that we shouldn't even let our own american citizens back in from china you heard it
folks yeah her words not mine you heard it right joe'm not crazy. Yeah, no, that was in there.
Here's Nancy Pelosi's tweet as the travel ban from China was being implemented.
Again, her tweet, her tweet.
In the coming weeks, the House will bring the No Ban Act to the floor to prohibit religious
discrimination in our immigration system and limit the president's
ability to impose such biased and bigoted restrictions there is her own tweet so she's
telling you now not only was she for the ban she wanted it to go further as she introduced the no
ban act to limit the president's ability to do travel bans listen i'm genuinely sorry
if you've fallen for this hoaxster liar frauds nonsense for the last what four decades
she's been in politics i don't even know how long i'm really sorry you got snookered by this lying fraud. She was introducing the No Ban Act to limit the president's ability to introduce travel
bans while she's suggesting she wanted more travel bans that were even more restrictive.
She's a total liar and a complete, utter fraud.
All right, I got to get to this flynn story because this thing is nuclear and again you have
not been wasting your time here ladies and gentlemen i think there's more to this story
than you've been letting on you know before i get to it let me just get to my second sponsor
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Wipe your lips, dude.
I know I'm starving because I
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I gotta like... I can't.
I'm like ravenous right now.
Jeez. Alright. Getting back to
this Mike Flynn story. So Washington Examiner
has an interesting take on what's going on. There's
been some explosions in the
case against Lieutenant General Mike Flynn.
I'm going to tell you what's really going on, but I want you to
read this story by Dan Shateland up in the show notes.
Fox's Maria Bartiromo, who has
been all over the whole Spygate and Flynn drama because they're interrelated.
Sources say Mike Flynn will be completely exonerated this week.
Read the story up at the show notes.
The show notes are our newsletter.
Go to slash newsletter.
I'll send you this story.
It's worth your time.
That's an interesting scoop.
I know Maria Bartiromo.
I know she doesn't put out anything on her Twitter if she can't back it up.
These are pretty good sources.
Ladies and gentlemen, what they have against Flynn, excuse me, what they have in support
of Mike Flynn, Lieutenant General Flynn's assertions that he was framed through his
lawyer and set up must be devastating.
And keep in mind this information
folks is not emanating from just maria bartiromo it's coming from department of justice insiders
too as well who are putting out stuff saying the case against him may have been a setup the whole
time you're like where you like scratching your head like where have i heard that before oh on
the damn bongino show where we've said this often what really happened uh to Mike Flynn well let me go to a quick video here of Devin Nunes
we may need the translator Joe I haven't decided Devin Nunes translator here's a quick video Joe
you can be quick on the switch here I may need it here's a quick video of Devin Nunes who knows
everything here on this I'm telling. On with Maria Bartiromo,
not holding back at all. That's why I'm not sure we even need the translator. But here's Nunes
dropping a bomb on how Flynn may have been set up, this patriot, by her own government. This is like
a Netflix series. And it might be really bad, like spy novel. Check this out.
The media has been promoting this Russia hoax for so long out. The media, you know, has been promoting these this
Russia hoax for so long. And the reality you have a the former head of the of the DIA who has been
strung up here for for year after year after year. And what was now likely we're going to find out
he was framed. Imagine that being framed by our own government and by political operatives who don't
like you and i think that's what we're going to find out joe you know what for the sake of it
just queue up the newness translator i mean here we go initiating noon yes translator den
i just needed to get in the frame of mind i ask you this to the liberals listening because i know
you know your skulls are quite thick and information is a tough time getting in there what has nunes been wrong on no i mean really i know i get you know you do
your dopey twitter accounts about nunes cow and all that others because you don't like devon
nunes because he's humiliated you uh and exposed you for the hoaxers you are but what has nunes
been wrong on now i know what shift's been wrong on, everything. But I can compare Devin Nunes' memo he wrote a couple of years ago with Schiff's memo,
and I can compare them with the Mueller investigation and the IG report now,
and I can tell you proof positive that Devin Nunes has nailed this thing from the start.
And the reason we have the Nunes translator is because he's very cryptic about what he says,
and the information that comes out over time usually decrypts what he says later and he's proven right you don't need a decryption advice here
the device here mike flynn was framed and believe me he didn't say that because he couldn't think
of the words on tv he's pretty skilled in media appearances selects his words carefully this is
not a joke you were talking about a lieutenant general in our military who's the
incoming national security advisor who was framed by our government there's more on this because
i'm going to give you what okay what does that mean you're probably asking he was framed well
we know he didn't lie to the fbi we know that part but now they're suggesting he was framed
in other words set up that's a whole different ball game oh yeah he's being prosecuted now
for allegations he lied to the FBI
about a call he made with the Russian ambassador
when he was the incoming national security advisor.
Suggesting he didn't lie is one thing,
and that he's being prosecuted maliciously.
You understand, Joe?
Suggesting this whole thing was him being framed and set up
is an entirely different level of holy you get it
oh yeah Nunes isn't making this up here's another one this video is important I'm going to set these
videos up first because it matters there's Nunes dropping that bomb there but here's Maria Bartiromo
who clearly knows something from a source I think she knows i think i know what she knows she's heard something from a source and
here's her on with uh representative doug collins from georgia who's running for senate there
and she says something about baker's emails important who's baker remember she's alleging
the fbi and doj and, that's sources have told her,
or Nunes is saying, I should say, to be precise, that he may have been set up and he's going to be
completely clean to this this week. A sculptor of evidence has come in. She mentions Baker.
Baker was the lead lawyer at the FBI. He was Comey's right-hand man, Jim Baker, right-hand man.
So he has some documents or communications about the interview
with Flynn. Listen to this. I'm not sure if she said it on purpose or was a slip or not,
but check this out. Those documents are exculpatory evidence. They were not shown
to the court initially. And basically what they say, or they are notes about Michael Flynn's
meeting at the white house with the FBI, that it was a complete setup and that he never lied.
It's all in Mr. Baker's notes.
That's the exculpatory evidence.
Again, I don't know if I know Maria, not well, but I know her from Fox.
That was quite a little nugget drop there.
So the lead lawyer in the FBI took notes indicating that when Mike Flynn was interviewed by the FBI at the White House,
that he's being prosecuted for lying, but his own notes indicate he was telling the truth.
Now let's tie this story together.
Remember it was Andy McCabe, deputy director of the FBI, too, said, quote, it was very odd, that's a quote, that they thought, quote, Flynn was telling the truth.
Wait, I thought he's being prosecuted for lying to the FBI. Folks, what happened here? And what
do they mean by him being framed? Well, for you older listeners, you may have heard this story
before, but some of you have come in over the past year and may not know exactly what's going on here.
So let's go back in history a little bit and tell you the story of Mike Flynn in a nutshell, Reader's Digest version here, and what exactly happened to him.
Let's go to this Guardian article first.
This is from the Guardian in the UK.
Look at the date, Friday december 30th of 2016 this was written the day after president obama
headline expels 35 russian diplomats in retaliation for u.s election hacking
keep in mind president obama is obviously still the president it's december 30th of 2016
but president-elect trump has already won the elections getting ready to take office
about a couple a couple weeks from when this article was written.
So we know on Thursday, December 29th, because it references the day before in the article,
President Obama expelled some Russian diplomats from facilities in Maryland and New York,
supposedly in retaliation for the election hacking, which the Obama administration claims it was blindsided by,
which is amazing because they claim to be the most competent people
in the history of the U.S. government.
Obama was so smart.
Well, where was Mike Flynn on Thursday, December 29th?
Lieutenant General Flynn, who, keep in mind,
is going to be President Trump's national security advisor.
He's been selected as the incoming national security advisor.
Where is he, Joe, on December 28th?
He's in the Dominican Republic.
Taking a little break from the long campaign they had,
the hard work they had done to win the election.
So he decides to take a well-deserved break,
Lieutenant General Flynn.
Folks, what happens when you're on a break and vacation?
You know, people go out, maybe have a few adult sodas and stuff.
Who knows?
Do you remember every single detail of your vacation?
Probably not.
But it's convenient that the Obama administration waits.
Remember the beginning, how this opened up?
Devin Nunes.
Flynn was framed.
Not just that Flynn didn't lie in his interview.
He was set up.
Set up.
Do you think maybe he was set up and that they waited for him to leave the country to
go to the Dominican Republic because it would be a lot easier to listen in on his calls
given that he probably didn't have access to all those secure comms?
That's what I think.
So they wait for him to leave.
And what happens?
As he leaves, the Obama administration kicks out these Russian diplomats, knowing what?
That, of course, Joe, the Russians are going to reach out to the incoming administration
via their counterpart, Mike Flynn, to discuss the fact that their diplomats have been kicked
Nothing unusual about that.
It's a
nuclear power wondering how the incoming administration is going to handle this major
diplomatic knuckle slamming where they're banging together and there's a little friction.
Fascinating that they waited till December 29th when Flynn left.
Then they listen in on his phone call.
We know they got a copy of the phone call.
We know that because they've already admitted to that through leaks and elsewhere.
So somehow they get a copy of that phone call.
Did they have a FISA on Flynn or was this a reverse targeting scenario?
Flynn comes back.
They say, well, he was talking to the ambassador a lot.
No, he wasn't, you knuckleheads.
The reason there's a lot of calls, if you listen to the time,
if you pay attention to the time on those calls, Joe,
is because he was in the Dominican Republic
and having a tough time getting a connection.
Do you hear me now?
Click, call back.
Do you hear me now?
Click, call back.
Oh, my gosh, he talked to the Russian ambassador five times.
No, you dopes, he talked to him once.
It was just five phone calls because the connection was bad did you think that through so flynn comes back
comey's already admitted blindsiding him at the white house remember that stupid jim comey
interview where he goes well i figured because it was the incoming administration i'd be a sleazeball
slimebag loser send over some agents and not go through the official
channels Comey actually admitted to that because he's such an arrogant piece of garbage
they interview Mike Flynn about a phone call where Flynn says in the interview
I understand you probably have a copy of the phone call now let me ask you this Joe
Flynn knows as he's being interviewed at the White House weeks after that phone call he's
in Dominican again that conveniently happens the monitoring when he's being interviewed at the White House. Weeks after that phone call, he was in the Dominican. Again, that conveniently happens, the monitoring,
when he's in the Dominican.
Kick out the Russians.
Kick them out now.
Flynn's overseas.
They'll probably call Flynn.
Maybe then we should listen in.
And then we'll confront them about it.
And if he doesn't get it word for word,
we'll charge him with lying.
Kind of sounds like you're framed oh yeah
so the fbi peter stroke and joe pianca who were knee deep in the spygate scandal both of them
confront in a disgusting filthy attack by comey confront Flynn at the White House.
And when Flynn doesn't get every single word of the conversation, he's in the Dominican
Republic on vacation.
You think he remembers every single word?
I don't remember what I said to Joe opening up the show today.
I don't remember what I said to Joe opening up the show today.
When he doesn't get every single word of it right,
the FBI later prosecutes him for lying to the FBI,
despite the fact, and I'm quoting Andy McCabe,
that they thought it was, quote, very odd and that he was telling the truth.
Does Jim Baker lead lawyer for the FBI and Comey's right-hand guy have notes saying the same thing?
Ladies and gentlemen,
maybe Flynn didn't recall the entire conversation,
therefore was telling the truth because maybe he was in the Dominican Republic
weeks had passed.
And maybe when he was on the call, he was on vacation.
I'm just saying.
Maybe this was a setup the whole time.
We've only told you this for the last two years.
Thankfully, some others are starting to come around.
You think that kicking out of the Russian diplomats
while Flynn was gone was just random?
Ladies and gentlemen, it was a setup.
The entire time, Flynn was an existential threat
to everything the Obama administration had done
to weaponize the intelligence and law enforcement community,
to attack their political opponents
because Flynn knew about it. One of Flynn's commitments to the president as the incoming national security
advisor was he was going to do his best to depoliticize the intelligence community.
Meaning what? He probably had evidence of a politicized intelligence community.
He probably had evidence of a politicized intelligence community.
He had to be destroyed.
He was framed and set up from the start.
He is effectively in the United States a political prisoner right now.
That is a fact.
Country's falling apart, folks.
We don't fix this now.
Falling apart. All right right i got a media mad i want to get through all of this because there's been a ton of media madness and i know a lot of
you tune into the show to get the real story not a story the media is telling you there's a lot of
this this weekend including a few really really bad ones um let me go to legal insurrection first
yeah i got you over there right you didn't
know what i was gonna do she's thinking am i gonna read the third spot curveball curveball slider
all right so let's go to legal insurrection first media hoaxes no there has not been a spike in calls
to poison control because of trump's recent comments by the great fuzzy slippers at legal
Please read this at the show notes again.
That is our newsletter.
It's the same thing, slash newsletter.
Here's the short story.
For those of you who caught it, I didn't cover it last week for a reason because it was just
a media driven fairy tale hoax.
The president mentioned disinfectants after a brief about disinfectants
and mentioned UV light and mentioned injecting at some point, not injecting disinfectants.
It was just ridiculous. The whole thing was ridiculous. He was asking a question.
Was he being sarcastic? I don't know. He was not suggesting you inject Lysol. And if you're
dumb enough to do that, please don't listen to this show.
Do not do that.
If you have the brain cells of a two-year-old, please do not inject anything into your body
ever unless it's a prescribed by a medical professional.
If you're getting your medical advice from the president or anyone else, Barack Obama,
George Bush, or Donald Trump, you're doing it
wrong, okay? He was doing some banter back and forth. It probably wasn't helpful, but the media
ran with this story suggesting the president somehow was recommending injecting disinfectants.
He wasn't. This is a dumb story. That's why I didn't, because it's stupid. It's a media story
once you believe it's a story when it's not a story so of course Joe the media madness now is like they heard about Trump and he
mentioned an injection with and then he mentioned disinfectants so clearly people are listening to
the president and poison control is up because everybody's poisoning themselves because the
president told them to oh my gosh I can't believe i can't believe this is actually happening so
fuzzy slippers addresses this so let's go first to some of the headlines this is the disinfectant
madness story here's vice poison control centers have been extra busy since trump suggested
injecting bleach can cure coronavirus just a lie totally made up both parts of it the daily beast
which is always like a disaster calls about bleach poisoning double in New York City after Trump touts quack coronavirus cure.
NBC, quote, a significant increase in calls to Illinois poison control after Trump disinfectant remarks.
Two in Illinois call poison control after Trump COVID briefing.
WCIA, New Yorkork daily news the worst newspaper in
america a spike in new yorkers ingesting household cleaners following trump's controversial coronavirus
comments what actually happened calls to poison control centers joe have been spiking before
president trump even mentioned disinfectants in that press conference.
From the legal insurrection piece, CDC documents, Joe, CDC documents.
Let me say this a third time for thick-skulled liberals listening,
trying to make a connection between two variables that does not exist.
CDC documents show the spike took place, spike in calls to poison control centers, over a month before Trump's recent comments.
Quote, the daily number of calls to poison centers
increased sharply at the beginning of March
for exposures to cleaners and disinfectants.
What, so all those guys were lying?
I know you're stunned, Joe.
I get it as the audience on Budman,
it constantly surprises and stuns you as a voice for the audience and a referee that the media never tells you the truth.
Ladies and gentlemen, President Trump made those comments a week ago.
Calls to the CDC's, excuse me, the poison control hotlines, according to the CDC's own documents, went up last month.
Last month.
Last month. Last month.
Now, for those of you interested
in facts and connecting variables,
again, not the media
morons, because that's exactly what
they are. Why do you
think that would happen?
Why do you think
calls to the poison
control hotlines about
exposure to bleach and other things would go
up in march in the middle of the wuhan virus outbreak well well maybe because people are
washing things with bleach and foods and things they probably shouldn't be washing with bleach
and they accidentally bleached some or got some in their eye or something i'm just throwing that
out there, folks.
Maybe the fact that we're living through a pandemic and that people may be using disinfectants more.
Therefore, the use of disinfectants may involve more exposure to disinfectants, which may also involve some exposure they didn't want.
Touching their eyes, touching their skin, accidentally swallowing.
And maybe that could have done it.
I'm just putting it out there, NBC and the Daily Beast and Vice.
I'm just throwing that out there because I know you're not bright enough to connect
variable A and variable B by yourself.
So the Dan Bongino Show is here to help you.
Thank goodness.
March calls Spike.
March, April comments.
Again, the retconning here. They're really hoping you're stupid.
I was going to play some video of Dr. Birx just shutting this stupidity down because he still
asked about this dopiness. He did not say the president to inject a disinfect. You're an idiot
if you heard that. Please go back to school and take a reading comprehension course.
But of course, the media had to run with it.
Now, the president also mentioned
the possible use of UV light within the body
to deactivate the virus.
A virus isn't alive.
You can't kill a virus.
It's not alive, but you can deactivate the virus. A virus isn't alive. You can't kill a virus. It's not alive. But you can deactivate it.
Now, there are companies, ladies and gentlemen, actually doing this.
Including a company, AYTU, I believe is their ticker.
It's a publicly traded company.
That is working with Cedars-Sinai Hospital and Research Center.
A very more than credible medical organization.
One of the finest in the world,
on potential UV treatments. Now, showing you how insane the media has become, their full pravda.
President said inject us infected. No, he didn't. You're really dumb if you've heard that.
The UV light comments about UV light in the body were not drawn out of thin air.
They were based on actual studies.
Is this going to work?
I don't know.
Is this being credibly researched?
Yes, it is.
So, of course, the tech tyrants out there, you know, YouTube, Twitter, I'm sure YouTube
will demonetize us again today.
I don't give a damn one bit anymore about any of that crap.
Facebook and all the other tech towers
because President Trump mentioned UV light
as a possible treatment. You got to
make sure, Joe, you get rid of all
evidence that UV light is being
researched as a possible treatment. So look at this story
at Breitbart. Again, up in the show notes
and worth your time.
By Elam Bakari. YouTube
and Twitter censor pharma company
researching UV light treatment for Chinese virus.
We're living in the Soviet Union.
We are living in the tech tyrant Soviet Union.
This is an actual publicly traded company,
AYTU, I believe that's their ticker.
Yeah, AYTU.
Doing actual research on UV light.
I have no idea how this is going to turn out. I don't know. I like UV light as a deactivation
mechanism for viruses. I am not recommending it. I am not involved in this research. I have not
read the research. All I'm suggesting is it is a credible company doing credible research. We will
see how it turns out. It's got to be wiped clean because the soviets at youtube and twitter twitter's saying by the way to be fair
to twitter because they want they're not fair to us ever twitter's saying oh what was a mistake
us getting rid of their account that it's back yeah but i'll give you their excuse it always is a mistake joe always when it's concerned always
youtube is wiped clean you can't even see the video nice job youtube good job people are dying
we have a potential treatment could be nonsense could be great a potential because trump mentioned
it make sure you get that off you you understand we're living with the soviets this is soviets
this is up youtube i don't care if you do you monetize this anyway don't give a damn
but having said that i like that you subscribe to our channel because we get to use their own mechanism to spread the truth isn't it great
they'll ban our channel next that's all right we got a backup plan for that too oh the irony
yeah here's no way it gets worse you want your irony i didn't even set this up okie dokes
talk about the irony here is a reporter and i gotta
use the dreaded air quotes because this this person's a fake a total fraud pretending to be
a journalist here is an alleged reporter at the new york times advertising the fact that they
reached out to youtube about this video from this company this is at davy Alba alleged journalist really Soviet style Pravda writer
I contacted YouTube about
this video which is being shared
on tons of replies on Twitter and on Facebook
God forbid Joe by people
asserting that it backs up Trump's idea
throwing it out there that UV
rays kill coronavirus
YouTube just said it removed it for
violating its community guidelines
Davey Alba's this joe come on back
soviet these are soviets yeah i don't even know the soviet remember i only know it from rocky
four at the end this is them saluting stalin their buddy stalin. The Stalin-esque New York Times reporter.
I told YouTube, I warned them,
UV light could potentially kill the coronavirus.
You're not allowed to hear that.
Trump said it.
I'm a bio-scientist from the New York Times.
You got a degree in journalism.
You probably almost failed out of school, too.
Sure, let's take advice from you.
You can't even do journalism right now.
Soviet Union, they need the big caps on you know those remember those big like yeah cap state so that's what they need these
are the soviets they write for pravda the state newspaper this is the new york times the new york
times we contacted youtube how dare they put up about a potential treatment research with Cedars-Sinai Hospital about killing the Rona.
Oh, by the way, I told you I'd update you on Monday.
Sorry, I didn't want to forget.
Good news on the coronavirus.
I did not have the coronavirus.
I took the antibody test.
It came up negative.
So I know that's actually bad news.
I wanted the antibodies, though. So I was actually a actually bad news. I wanted the antibodies though.
So I was actually a little disappointed,
but I took the blood test right there.
See that vein that takes some blood out?
And I am negative.
So I promised I'd brief you on Monday.
So there you go.
I can't, I'm telling you,
we're living in the Soviet Union.
Let's let out criminals right now.
Let's lock up people for playing in parks.
Let's ban a video on UV light from YouTube. YouTube plays let out criminals right now. Let's lock up people for playing in parks. Let's ban a video
on UV light from YouTube. YouTube plays
right along, of course. Yeah, yeah, let's do
Take down the YouTube.
Take down the YouTube.
Take down the
We'll take down the YouTube.
Joe's an actual
musician in a real band. I have pictures of him with his long hair and everything like that. I can't. Joe's an actual second. Joe is an actual musician in a real band.
I have pictures of him with his long hair and everything like that.
I mean, a legit band.
They had like a following and everything.
This is his like second or third.
We're going to take down to you two.
I can say.
You think in the New York Times every morning, they get up.
You think they all.
All right. I got to get back. I think they all. All right.
I got to get back.
I can tell Paul is getting frustrated.
Get back to the show.
All right.
I got one more.
Bongino rule story.
Remember what I tell you about the Bongino rule?
24 to 72 hours.
That's why I didn't touch this story.
This weekend.
The Bongino rule.
Whenever you see a negative story about Donald Trump that's getting blasted everywhere,
make sure you give it 24 to 72 hours.
Here it is.
I'm going to give you the deets afterwards.
By Shelby Tascot at Daily Caller.
Politico quietly updates article after claiming Trump currently owes millions to the Bank of China.
This came out on Friday or Saturday.
They were like, oh my gosh, we got him now. Trump owes millions to the Bank of China. This came out on Friday or Saturday. They were like, oh my gosh, we got him now.
Trump owes millions to the Bank of China.
You gave it the Bongino rule, you're safe.
If you ran with the story because you're a lib,
you made a moron out of yourself.
All right, before I get to the details on that,
I got one last sponsor.
I don't want to miss out on them
because they've been great.
Today's show also brought to you by our buddies
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So getting back to our media madness section where we have to sadly spend, you know, 10
to 15 minutes of our show every day correcting media hilarity and nonsense.
No, Trump did not recommend disinfectants.
No, poison control hotline numbers went up in March, not in April.
You're making that up.
And unbelievably, Breitbart is now censoring a UV light company.
I mean, Breitbart, excuse me, is writing about UV light companies being censored because Trump mentioned UV light.
Good job by Breitbart covering the story. But the Daily Caller has this piece up again about this Politico nonsense. And the story in Politico, the gist of it
was that Trump is involved in a real estate project on Avenue of the Americas in Manhattan,
Joe. And in that real estate project, one of the debt issuers that trump owed money to was the bank of china it was billions
well if you waited again you'd find out the real story so let's go first to the politico
story from the daily caller so let's go to the daily caller screenshot number one there
the publication politico posted an article friday suggesting president donald trump currently owes
millions of dollars to the Bank of China,
adding, quote, the loan is due soon.
Oh, my gosh, Joe.
Trump owes China millions.
Not really.
Politico was forced to quietly edit its story
after it was determined that Trump apparently did not currently owe
the Bank of China millions of dollars.
That's not even hard to understand political trump owes millions
real life trump doesn't owe millions political trump owes millions real life trump doesn't owe
millions to the bank of china well what happened yeah well let's go to the update from the story
there was a note a note that was sold but after the first version of this article as the daily
color was published the bank of china issued a statement, a note that was sold, but after the first version of this article, as the Daily Caller was published, the Bank of China issued a statement Friday evening
stating that it had sold its debt on the building weeks after the 2012 loan on the property.
Politico's current article admits Vernado Realty Trust owns 70% of the buildings.
Just to be clear, your original story. Trump owes hundreds of millions of dollars to China.
He doesn't owe any of that.
The Chinese, the Bank of China sold that loan.
And Trump's only a minority partner in a building to a realty trust.
I'm really sorry you keep buying this BS.
Listen, the Bongino rule,
some people tweeted me and said,
you're not the first one to say,
I'm not taking credit for the Bongino rule.
I'm just saying,
I apply in my life this principle on Trump stories
and it has never failed me.
When you read a story about Donald Trump,
he colluded with the Russians.
It was a quid pro quo.
He bought stock in a pharma company that sells hydroxychloroquine.
He's a big holder in a million-dollar debt deal with the Chinese.
Give it 24 to 72 hours, and it will likely be debunked every single time,
and you'll save yourself the humiliation of having to be a media person
who puts out fake news all the time.
I'm just saying.
Okay, moving on one of the more disturbing things i've seen this weekend hat tip uh red steez on steven i think it's steven miller on uh
twitter for queuing me on to this one i saw this on his twitter feed
joe it's not a joke i know we've kind of let you know yeah making the joke out of this whole
stalinist soviet union type media it's not a joke it's just you know i i use sarcasm to hammer a
point home sometimes and just to break the mood of the show because i don't want to be dour all
the time because we're all warriors out there fighting back and humanity's always been a
struggle nothing's ever going to be easy there's nothing unique about our struggle for freedom and
liberty nothing there's no like oh i quit it's. It's over. Oh my gosh, the left is
winning. Look at what's happening. They're not winning. They're not winning. They're winning
when we give up. That's when they're winning. It's always been a struggle. Our struggle is not
unique, but it's ours and it's ours to run with. But this isn't a joke. This is a real article at
The Atlantic. This is not a joke. This is not The Onion. This is a real article at The Atlantic, a rather prominent left-leaning outlet.
This is by Jack Goldsmith, who's from Harvard Law, and Andrew Keen Woods, who's a professor at the University of Arizona College of Law.
of Arizona College of Law.
These aren't two idiots.
What they write is idiotic, but they're not dumb.
This is a real article.
The Atlantic.
Internet speech will never go back to normal.
In a debate over freedom versus control of the global network,
China was largely correct and the U.S. was wrong?
Come on, Dan, that can't be real.
No, it's real.
From the article. These are two supposedly
intellectual college employees,
professors, likely PhD holders,
who wrote, quote,
in the great debate of the past two decades
about freedom versus control of the network,
talking about the internet,
China was largely right
and the United States was largely wrong.
Significant monitoring and speech control
are inevitable components of a mature and flourishing
internet and governments must play a large role in these practices to ensure that the internet
is compatible with society's norms and values
i think this is a joke you think when we mock them for their stalin-esque impulses
their soviet their allegiance to Soviet-style speech suppression,
Chinese communist speech suppression, you think it's a joke?
Those are their words, printed in the Atlantic,
recommending that the United States follow Internet speech suppression practices
similar to that of the communist Chinese who unleashed this plague upon the world.
the communist Chinese who unleashed this plague upon the world.
If your kid's being taught in Harvard by one of these knuckleheads,
you're paying for this.
This is real.
This was printed in the Atlantic.
Scary stuff.
All right, Daily Wire, the great Ash Hsiao.
Congratulations on your upcoming nuptials, by the way,
getting married to Nick, who's another wonderful guy.
I'm not sure if you guys got married yet or not, but congrats.
She's a terrific writer.
She writes at the Daily Wire.
Here's a great piece.
Andrew Cuomo, Joe, celebrated by the media.
He's an icon.
He is the FDR of our time.
Andrew Cuomo, women love him, men want to be him.
Not this guy. And I know my wife doesn't want anywhere near Andrew Cuomo. The guy's a disaster. Daily Wire, this is a real story.
I have to say that because you read these headlines, you think this can't possibly be real.
It's real. New York required nursing homes to admit medically stable coronavirus patients.
The results were deadly.
Now, if you read the piece again at the show notes, slash newsletter, or you
just go to the Daily Wire, this is not a joke.
Andrew Cuomo's New York, this great leader, Joe.
This great leader.
I mean, this guy, an icon of American leadership and governing.
His administration made nursing homes, the most vulnerable people in the world right now,
people in nursing homes, to this deadly respiratory virus.
Made them take active coronavirus patients.
And if you read the story, Joe, I'm not messing with you.
This is not hyperbole read
the story apparently along with the patients who were forced to be accepted into nursing homes
instead of being kept in containment isolation in hospitals not a joke because it wouldn't be funny
they sent body bags with them holy smokes oh my not a not a joke that would not
be fun we don't mess around no they sent body bags with them which they subsequently used
just weeks after they were admitted tell me again how great Andrew Cuomo is? Wrong on the hospital beds.
Wrong on the ventilators.
Wrong on the preparation side.
Wrong on the economy.
Sending patients to nursing homes?
Andrew Cuomo.
Again, he's the FDR of our time.
FDR wasn't the FDR of his time.
Trust me, Andrew Cuomo,
he's the RDF of our time.
Really dopey.
You can
fill in the rest.
Cuomo, he should
run for president. Sure.
Maybe he should get a grip about what's going on
in New York first. Just saying. Can I throw that
out there?
How you doing doing over there?
You like that?
Gonna get to all these stories?
I always have to check in
with Paula,
who, by the way,
she wanted me to mention,
she was right about the coronavirus.
She said,
you didn't have the coronavirus.
You're crazy.
And I insisted to her
because she has control
on my bank account.
I couldn't bet her money
because she'll take it anyway.
I insisted to her
that I would bet her anything
outside of money that I had the coronavirus. I did not. I insisted to her that I would bet her anything outside of
money that I had the coronavirus. I did not. I do not have the antibodies. She was right again.
Women are always right. It's amazing. Not always. I had to say that because she's sitting right
there. I don't want something thrown at me. There are objects over there. It could do significant
harm. Let me get to this last story because it's an important one. Adam Schiff, sleazeball Adam
Schiff. But again, I think second in the amount of sleaze i contained in that skin envelope of his this
oxygen thief adam ship uh washington examiner story exclusive adam ship by the great jerry
dunleavy another one of my favorites out there adam ships blocking the release of key russia
investigation witness transcripts officials say gee where have we heard this before about sleazeball
ship so remember during the impeachment hoax drama where they brought in the inspector general officials say, gee, where have we heard this before about sleazeball ship?
So remember during the impeachment hoax drama where they brought in the inspector general,
Michael Atkinson, and they kept saying, you know, we have these transcripts. We need to release 17 of them, but they were really 18. And Schiff was pretending that the 18th transcript
didn't exist. Yeah. Yeah. The 18th transcript was out of Michael Atkinson, the IG. Why was Schiff hiding it?
Well, my sources are telling me because Michael Atkinson, the IG,
in testimony, in his transcript,
started talking about Adam Schiff's contacts
with the whistleblower and his team
when Schiff was saying his team
had no contact with the whistleblower
and Schiff hid it the whole time.
Now we see again, they have, Joe,
43 of 53 declassified transcripts in the Russia
probe, a separate enterprise have been, or in the declassified process, but there's 10 that
shift keeps blocking. Let's go to Jerry Dunleavy's excellent piece. Really worth your time. Why is
Adam shift Joe blocking 10 transcripts on the fake collusion hoax?
Who are they from?
Well, from Dunleavy's piece.
The 10 transcripts that Schiff blocked the White House from reviewing and stalled the declassification process on are interviews of Trump's son-in-law, Jared Kushner, Steve
Bannon, Ben Rhodes from the Obama administration, Loretta Lynch, Sally Yates, Samantha Power,
from the Obama administration, Loretta Lynch, Sally Yates,
Samantha Power, Susan Rice, Corey Lewandowski,
Keith Schiller, and Mary McCord, former assistant AG.
Why would he be blocking those 10?
Maybe because those were the central figures in the Spygate scandal, and maybe the Trump testimony people
that testified from the Trump team, Lewandowski, Donald Trump Jr., Jared Kushner, or others, maybe they were telling the truth the whole time.
And Schiff doesn't want it out there now.
And maybe the other Obama administration people who were on there, Mary McCord and Sally Yates and others, maybe their stories, Joe, aren't quite matching up with what we know.
But why would, if they were lying back then, why does it matter now?
Because nobody knew they were lying back then, Joe, because what had not come out yet?
Oh, the IG report and the declassified footnotes.
Wouldn't that be really troubling if the story we know now due to the Michael Horowitz IG
report that's been largely declassified, we still have more to get to? We didn't know that back
then. Wouldn't it be damning if that story completely dismantled those Obama people's
stories on there and it was proved they lied under oath and that the Trump team was telling
the truth the whole time? So what does Schiff do?
He just hides them because he's a sleazeball snake swamp rat,
pretending it's going to go away and people like me will stop talking about it.
Nah, they won't.
Got nothing else to do other than make sure that the truth gets out there.
It's my job.
That's what we do.
Hey, thanks again.
Please don't miss tomorrow's show.
I have a great tip by 279. I'm not trying to like unnecessarily tease it but it requires some work um it's a good
one a real good one the legendary 279 we'll cover that tomorrow it's about a date those of you
regular listeners you may see where i'm going with this please subscribe to our youtube channel i
appreciate your support folks we are gonna you it matters. The video show matters to us. slash Bongino. We really appreciate it. We're working
on alternatives and stuff, so don't you worry. But for now, slash Bongino, trying
to get the 500,000 subscribers. We really appreciate it. Thanks a lot. I'll see you
tomorrow. You just heard the Dan Bongino Show. Follow Dan on Twitter 24-7 at DBongino.