The Dan Bongino Show - Soros, Blackrock, and Bud Light (Ep 1987)

Episode Date: April 10, 2023

In this episode, I address the shocking connections between George Soros, Blackrock, and the Bud Light controversy.  News Picks: An explainer of how deep the Soros-ESG-DEI racket goes. Another l...iberal state passes a gun ban. The problem is growing as French President threatens to move away from the dollar.  Kamala Harris ripped for ignoring murdered Christians.  SFSU releases a shocking statement on Riley Gaines after the assault.  Bud Light executive nukes the entire brand over wokeness.  The FBI appears to be targeting conservatives again.  AOC goes full tyrant.  Copyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 get ready to hear the truth about america on a show that's not immune to the facts with your host dan bongino so the dude's outside spraying for some mosquito so if you hear some that's not me it's not like something's blowing up outside a lot to cover this weekend a lot of stuff happened uh want to make a comparison between the Democrats who fight. I mean, you may not like it, but it's just a hard reality. They fight for what they believe in. Communism, socialism, and tyranny. And a lot of swampy Republicans
Starting point is 00:00:34 who will refuse to fight back. I'll tell you why it's come up this morning. Also, the Soros-BlackRock-Bud Light connection. It'll all make sense once you see this VP of marketing just lay it out there. You don't want to be a frat boy beer. Today's show is sponsored by Blackout Coffee. Want a coffee that tastes great, has a bold flavor, and cares about our values in this country? Well,
Starting point is 00:00:53 you found it. It's Blackout Coffee. Pick it up at slash Bongino. Use coupon code Bongino for 20% off your first order. Thanks, Blackout Coffee. So lots to cover on today's show. I'm going to make a comparison between what the Democrats did with Obamacare and how they realized, in order for them to take over the country slowly but surely, they needed to sacrifice some scalps in the short term. They had to do it.
Starting point is 00:01:15 They had to do it. But in the long term, they knew they'd be better off and they were out to tyranny. Republicans aren't willing to do that. They're just not. Not you. I'm talking about the swampy ones And then of course We'll get to Soros Big show today A traditional 15th anniversary gift
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Starting point is 00:02:33 slash Dan. 20% off at slash Dan. Seaside for details. Pick them up today. All right, Joseph, let's go. Happy Monday, everybody. Happy Monday. Yes, sir. Welcome back. Thank you to all the checks. My phone. I got to get my phone. I've been checking
Starting point is 00:02:51 out every few minutes for security reasons, but look at that. I love it. You all are here. Thank you. There's of course a crazy person in the chat room too. We don't, some of you've asked why we don't block them because they're freaking hilarious. And I love watching you all bounce all over them anyway. So we should not block them. It adds to the hilarity of the situation. Before I get to the whole Soros thing, right before I was getting ready for the show, I was reading Politico playbook, which of course is the left-wing Bible. Every morning it comes out. Every morning it comes out, it gives the left their talking points. And the current talking point is yours. Abortion's a loser the republican party should
Starting point is 00:03:25 give up on it uh we should start killing babies in mass and we should just acquiesce to this whole thing because look we've taken a short-term electoral beating on the issue he's like where's this in the run it's not this is just i'm just legit thought about this before i came upstairs some lady says that she hates when i say that i get it i hate it too it's just something it's like a verbal tick. I say sometimes, but did you notice, I want to make a comparison for those who say that and say, well,
Starting point is 00:03:49 we lost the Supreme court seat in Wisconsin. Didn't do as well in the midterms. It's all about this abortion issue. Ladies and gentlemen, the first question is what do you believe is right? Listen, if you believe it's okay to terminate life, human life in the womb,
Starting point is 00:04:05 then forget it. The argument's over. You believe. I mean, I'll try to convince you otherwise, but it doesn't matter what the politics or the outcome of it is. You just believe it's okay and you'll vote for anyone who believes it's okay. So you're a lost cause. But the people who say, and this is who I'm talking to, no, it's wrong. And Kim Strassel did a little bit of this in the Wall Street Journal this weekend, which I get, it's okay. But to those of you who say, no, it's wrong to terminate human life in the womb, but we've still got to win elections right now, and elections are more important than anything.
Starting point is 00:04:37 I don't disagree with you that elections are important. However, do you understand that there is a long-term effect? And I want to make just a quick analogy to Obamacare.e and gee and i we all live through obamacare the left knew when they ripped away your insurance that it was going to piss people off as they got letters in the mail saying your insurance is canceled i got one of them but the left understood to move towards their socialist future where they control everything you got to control health care you control the ability for people to live and die you control everything so they, we're willing to take a bath in the tea party short term, no one long-term. And what happened long-term? Even John McCain voted down repealing
Starting point is 00:05:13 Obamacare. Remember the infamous thumbs down? They play the long game. We got to play it too. Got to ask yourself what you believe in. Of course, there's this dreadful, appears to be another attack in Kentucky. I'll keep my eyes on that. Officers exchanged some gunshots with a suspect in Kentucky. Looks like it happened at a bank. Early reports say five dead, six injured.
Starting point is 00:05:37 I'm going to keep my eyeballs on that at the corner of my eye, give you all the updates. But I want to get to the Soros connection here to BlackRock, because a lot of people are asking this question this weekend. How is it that a company like Bud Light, the story's not going away. How is it that this company can blow away and nuke their entire brand in a single
Starting point is 00:05:54 week? Why flush down the toilet all of this goodwill? Now, for those of you who went to business school, took economics, goodwill is not just a term used in everyday language. Goodwill is a term in the business world too. It's kind of the positive feelings and the name ID associated with your brand. So think of something like, say a Coca-Cola, right? If Coca-Cola was forced to change its name tomorrow to Smokasmola or whatever the hell it was, people who've been drinking Coca-Cola forever, a lot of them are not going to catch the difference. Say they change their brand and their label and they love Coke. They're like, where'd Coke go?
Starting point is 00:06:34 There's goodwill associated with the brand. They're almost not even drinking the product anymore because it tastes good. They're doing it because they've done it for a long time. So there's goodwill. There's equity in the name, right? Bud Light had brand equity. People liked it. The beer may not taste that great. Honestly, I think it tastes like what comes out of you when you're hitting the bathroom inside, but whatever, that's for another day. Some people liked it, or even if they didn't like it, they'd been drinking it because it was just Bud and Bud Light and they'd been drinking it forever.
Starting point is 00:07:04 Or even if they didn't like it, they've been drinking it because it was just Bud and Bud Light and they've been drinking it forever. The goodwill associated with that name is now completely gone. It's been completely new. Forever Bud Light will be associated with wokeism and Dylan Mavania, whoever it is. The trans activist. It's finished. It's finished. They destroyed it.
Starting point is 00:07:21 They wiped it out in a week. Now, this is all connected. Other people are picking up on this after the great James Lindsay at Conceptual James on Twitter has been exposing this. How this racket works and why companies nuke themselves. This surfaced this weekend. This is Alyssa Gordon Heinertscheid, reported to be the VP of marketing at Bud or Anheuser-Busch. She's not hiding the fact that they want to nuke all of the goodwill associated with the Bud Light brand because they want to get away from the quote, frat boy culture, which is really code for the whole woke whiteness, racial fragility,
Starting point is 00:08:01 CRT nonsense stuff. I want you to listen to this. Check this out. This brand is in decline. It's been in decline for a really long time. And if we do not attract young drinkers to come and drink this brand, there will be no future for Bud Light. So I had this super clear mandate. It's like, we need to evolve and elevate this incredibly iconic brand. And what I brought to that was a belief in, okay, what is what what does evolve and elevate mean? It means inclusivity, it means shifting the tone. It means having a campaign that's truly inclusive and feels lighter and brighter and different and appeals to women and to men. And representation is it sort of the heart of evolution,
Starting point is 00:08:45 you've got to see people who reflect you in the work. And we had this hangover. I mean, Bud Light had been kind of a brand of fratty, kind of out of touch humor. And it was really important that we had another approach. You have to ask yourself, who is this woman talking to? You understand she's talking to the Bud Light customers saying, we don't want you. You've got to remember in your business, whatever business you're in, in radio, they call them P1s, in business, they call them brand loyalists sometimes. People who are going to walk through fire to get your product. Coca-Cola. Back in my day, we were younger, a certain brand of cigarettes when people smoked a lot.
Starting point is 00:09:34 People are going to go to your TV station and watch your cable news channel because they've been watching it for years. There's brand loyalists. Do you understand the people she's making fun of? Frat boy, kids. I was not a frat boy. I drank Bud Light growing. I don't know what she's even loyalists. Do you understand the people she's making fun of? Frat boy, kids with, I was not a frat boy. I drank Bud Light growing. I don't know what she's even talking about. You understand how out of touch she is? She's basically saying middle finger, double barrel job to all of the people who made me
Starting point is 00:09:57 in this company money throughout the years, because we're trying to forfeit you idiots or a different demographic of young woke kids so we can appear temporarily cool for a little while until they shuffle us off for the next big thing. Now, you're probably asking yourself, how is it that Anheuser-Busch, a billion dollar enterprise with decades of business underneath them, clearly has some smart people working there. Must have. They've been making money for a long time. How is it that this woman went into a C-suite room somewhere
Starting point is 00:10:32 and pitched this deck to someone at a C-level or maybe even below. I don't know where it got. Pitched this advertising deck. Hey, we're going to run an ad campaign with a trans activist who, by the way, humiliates himself, hyper-feminizing women as a guy, doing all the stuff he does. It's embarrassing.
Starting point is 00:10:57 How do they get in the room, not only make this pitch, but is it accepted and accepted and then pushed out by Bud? For the same reason Hillary Clinton made the deplorables comment. Because they can. They just feel like, you know, I make the joke on the show, Joe. The same reason dogs will have to leave that for another show. Because they can. Because they don't feel like there's any penalty for it. Now, I'm going to get to the Soros connection in this fantastic piece by the New York Post coming up in a second.
Starting point is 00:11:35 Dana Kennedy, it's worth your time. It's in the newsletter today, slash newsletter. But I want you to understand that this is not going to stop until you take and make an example out of these people. Now, Matt Wall said it correctly. I was not a big boycott guy before this. The left has completely radicalized me on that point. I now realize that unfortunately, although boycotts are economically inefficient and typically pretty stupid, they are sadly necessary now to fight back against the left. I wish they weren't, but they are. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:12:04 sadly necessary now to fight back against the left. I wish they weren't, but they are. I'm sorry. Having said that, we don't need to beat all these companies. All of these beer companies have done some kind of trans activism nonsense, almost all of them. But you do need to make an example out of one. Balenciaga destroyed their entire brand with that, what appeared to be kiddie porn advertising. Balenciaga, the fashion company, it was over. It was over after. Balenciaga may take a decade to recover from this if they ever recover at all, right? You just need to make an example out of one of them. And my suggestion to you, ladies and gentlemen, is you make it out of Bud Light. Leave it on the shelves. Don't touch it. don't drink it, don't buy it, don't consume it, don't recommend it, and make sure over the next few weeks you keep them top of mind and your attention on social
Starting point is 00:12:54 media and you let people know we're just not going to accept this anymore. What you need to do is you need to take an economic perspective to this. You need to make the marginal cost of doing business with trans activists who, again, insult women by hyper-feminizing women as guys. You need to say to them, is the marginal cost more expensive than the marginal value to the company? And once it does, it'll stop. It's really that simple. Now, there's a deeper connection here to the Soros operation. Went viral on my show last week, but other people have been picking up on it since James Lindsay, and he deserves a big hat tip on this, has been exposing this information. Read this article.
Starting point is 00:13:37 It's in the newsletter today. slash newsletter. Inside the CEI system pushing brands to endorse celebs like Dylan Mulvaney. There's this equity index they put out there, the CEI index out there, that it's all about woke stuff like equity. What are you doing to push equity, LGBTQ issues? HRC, the human rights campaign, pushes this CEI index on companies. The human rights campaign gets funding from a Soros operation, the Open
Starting point is 00:14:05 Societies Foundation. Now, why don't the companies simply ignore these people? They don't ignore them because they can't. Because big trillion dollar investment firms like BlackRock are in on this grift where BlackRock is telling people they own major stakes in companies. BlackRock's controlling trillions of dollars in company value. They're saying, you better do it or else, or we're not going to recommend your company. And then the stock tanks and then the executives, who a lot of them have stock options, wind up going broke. A lot of them have carried interest. A lot of them have various deals that depend on the stock price. Now, does it make sense?
Starting point is 00:14:40 There's a money interest. The Post covers this. Dana Kennedy, James Lindsayindsey she notes a political podcaster who runs through discourse has told the post that the human rights campaign administers the cei ranking like an extortion racket like the mafia so bud light and other companies are being pushed to get this cei score really high to get a high cer score like a high grade, you better do what they tell you. Push LGBTQIA activist issues, liberal issues, social justice, BLM stuff. Dana Kennedy notes this, that Lindsey had said, hey, they don't just sit back passively either. The human rights campaign who's pushing this stuff,
Starting point is 00:15:18 they send representatives to corporations every year telling them what kind of stuff they have to make visible at the company. They give them a list of demands. And if they don't follow through, there's a threat that you won't keep your CI score. Sounds to me like you got like a mob thing going on. Joe, be a real shame if your place burned down. You don't bring on Dylan Mavaney. Be a real shame if the place, you know, we blew up your brand and said you don't like trans activists. Be real terrible. W your brand and said you don't like trans activists.
Starting point is 00:15:45 Be real terrible. Winky winky. We don't know. Yeah, you're darn right. Ladies and gentlemen, division here is the point. You understand they need to keep us all divided in groups and corners. You're LGBT. You're trans.
Starting point is 00:16:01 You're non-gender binary. You're the cis male, gender white male patriarchy. You're the cis female. Everybody's got to fight each other. Division is the point. It's about chaos and victimization. You understand the socialists, the Soros' of the world, behind a lot of this, the HRC and the CEI and the pushing of Bud Light.
Starting point is 00:16:21 The reason they do this is because they think they can get away with it because BlackRock, Soros, and moneyed interests and the culture will back them up. They need victims. They need victims. The entire essence of socialism is
Starting point is 00:16:34 don't vote for me, vote against the other guy because he's coming after you. Do you get that? And to say he's coming after you, you need a constant fresh supply of victims all the time. What creates a big problem for them? Update on this case, looks like this gunman killed four people. Again, I'll stay on top of this in Kentucky.
Starting point is 00:16:59 What going on today? This will probably be an excuse for Democrats to immediately come out with a political narrative. We haven't even gotten the story yet. We practice here the Bongino rule, which I mean, especially in tragic cases like this. We prefer to wait for the actual facts in the case. Update that you believe the shooter had a connection to the location in Kentucky. So who knows? I believe Gunman was connected to the bank. When we get the story, I'll get it out to you. Best to wait than make a fool of yourself like mainstream media people. Here's another part of this Soros connection. The division is the point here, that the CEI scores a lesser known part, as the Post reports here, of this ethical investing ESG
Starting point is 00:17:42 crap. They invest in companies that oppose fossil fuels, push for unionization, stress racial and gender equity over merit and hiring board selection. Here, as a result, some American CEOs are more concerned about pleasing BlackRock, Vanguard, and State Street, who are among the top three shareholders of American publicly traded companies, including Nike, Anheuser-Busch, and Kate Spade. They care more about that than they do about irritating conservatives. Numerous sources told the post, but here's the thing. In the end, I had John Rich on my Fox show this weekend. You know what he said, Joe, in the end, you know, who does all the talk?
Starting point is 00:18:16 The freaking customers, because that's where you get your money from, man. That's where you get your money. You have the economic power. You have the economic power. You have the economic power. They need victims all the time. You over there, you over there, you over there. A listener reached out this weekend. I read your emails and messages, as many as I can, not all of them. I don't want to lie to you, but I do read a lot, a lot of them during the show. And a lady said, you know, I love Dan's show, but it can be depressing at times. Listen, I get it. I get it. I'm sorry. I'm sorry the world is where it is. I am. I'm long in the United States.
Starting point is 00:18:58 Sometimes people criticize me for that. You have false optimism. It's not false. We're going to recover from this. We've been in darker places before. Folks, I can't not describe to you the why of what's happening right now. This has been a generational battle we have had with socialists and deep staters and communists who have embedded themselves in our government. Not exposing them is what they want. They want you to stay quiet, and I'm not going to do it. The melting pot, ladies and gentlemen, is a big problem for them. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Dan, come on.
Starting point is 00:19:27 The left, that's what we want. They want a melting pot. You want all races, creeds. You want men and women all to feel like we're in this big American melting pot where we're all Americans first. No, no, no, Clarice. He covets, Clarice.
Starting point is 00:19:41 No, no. That is not what they want. The melting pot is a huge problem for them. And they did something this week that proves to you that our government is committed to keeping you divided because there's a lot of interracial, interethnic marriages and kids happening right now. I thought that's what we wanted, the melting pot. They don't want that. They need to keep you in your categories. Big story that happened this weekend. I'll get to that in a second. I'm going to get a drink of water, get to my next sponsor.
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Starting point is 00:21:17 slash Dan. Don't wait. Like I said, I got the midnight looks like sleeping on a cloud. slash Dan with helix better sleep starts now check them out so big story popped this weekend out of the journal that the government is now looking at creating additional racial categories that you'll have to check off for allotting benefits and yes because now now what's now yeah yes yes sir yes no no come on nothing this is how you know the deal you know what they're up to right yeah so here's what's going on from what i'm getting from a lot of my people obviously they want us divided into racial categories joe and the best way to create racial categories is to create racial categories so they don't have enough
Starting point is 00:22:00 there's five now and they introduced uh two more So for a total of seven, the liberals are like, well, I didn't get it. They introduced another one called Amina Middle Eastern North African, Middle Eastern North African. And they've introduced Hispanic as a formal category of race. Now, now, why is this turning into an issue for them? Because here's the thing. There are a lot of immigrants coming from South and Central America. Now, why is this turning into an issue for them? Because here's the thing. There are a lot of immigrants coming from South and Central America, obviously. Most are coming illegally.
Starting point is 00:22:32 Some are coming legally. They're moving into South Texas. They're moving into Florida, Louisiana, Arizona. What's happening is you're starting to see that not the first generation, not those who come here legally or illegally, but the second generation, if you look at how they categorize themselves on these artificial racial categories we created to keep everyone divided, if you look at how they categorize themselves, fellas, they're starting to categorize themselves, a lot of these Mexicans, Ecuadorians, Central Americans, South Americans, they categorize themselves as white. The government hates that because what they're trying to do is create victim classes out of minorities.
Starting point is 00:23:11 You're being victimized by evil Republicans. Evil Republicans are old patriarchal white men and they hate you. Now do you see why this is creating a problem for them in South Texas and other areas as intermarriage. This isn't inter anything. It's two human beings. It's just stupid. I hate even talking in their dumb ass identity politics, stupid racist language, but this is how they talk. You see Joe, how this creates a problem. You have an intermarriage between a Mexican woman who's maybe first generation who marries say what we, what the left would consider a white guy,
Starting point is 00:23:46 the kids identify as white. Creates a big problem. The white male's coming for you. You're a protected class. What do you mean? I'm white too. We can't have that. So in order to keep everyone divided,
Starting point is 00:23:58 they need this illusion of division. Wall Street Journal reports that OMB is planning to do this, offers a management budget, Biden, to divide America into more racial groups. The initiative is trying to create even more categories by which people can be divided, separated, discriminated against, or be given special favors. When government collects and classifies individual data by personal race and ethnic characteristics, it lays a foundation for discrimination, even depression. Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding.
Starting point is 00:24:28 You must maintain the illusion of division at all points. Right, right. He said it right, Joe. Remember when Biden came into office? The great unifier. Joe Biden. We need more racial categories. Why?
Starting point is 00:24:42 We got to keep everybody divided. A bunch of these young Mexican kids are identifying as white in the second generation. We can't have that. I thought you were a melting pot. I believe in a melting pot. You don't believe in any of that. You don't believe in any of that. It's all bullshit.
Starting point is 00:24:59 I don't believe in any of that. Victimization and chaos are an essential part of our road to socialist tyranny we're on now. It's the only way to get people to vote away their own civil liberties. It's the only way. Look, there's a bunch of white male patriarchs coming for you. Oh my gosh, what am I going to do? Well, we're big daddy government. We're here for you. By the way, vote Democrat. Chaos isn't enough, though.
Starting point is 00:25:25 Chaos and division isn't enough. They need fear, too. Why? Because they don't want anybody speaking out about this. When people like me speak out about this and say, no, the melting pot is what we should strive for. It's not just a rhetorical tool. It's reality.
Starting point is 00:25:40 We should strive for a neutrality on things like race when it comes to character judgments. I thought that was the goal, that we shouldn't be judging people by the color of their skin. The left needs that, though. But they need you to shut up and not talk about it and expose it either. Another Wall Street Journal article, the diversity, equity, and inclusion meets East Germany. U.S. universities urge students to now report one another's for bias. Do you see this story? A free speech watchdog put out this survey that 56% of our universities have now adopted schemes encouraging students on
Starting point is 00:26:17 campus to report each other for pronouns violations and microaggressions. This is not an accident, folks. This is not an accident. This is being done to make sure not only are you divided in your not-so-cute little awful boxes, but to make sure that you absolutely fear one another too. Well, what if I speak out about this abuse of our pronoun system? You're going to get reported to the DEI star chamber. system. You're going to get reported to the DEI star chamber. Folks, it's getting worse, but it will get worse before it gets better. It is going to turn around. The beach ball of freedom cannot be held underwater. It can't. People yearn to be free. That's why prison sucks. I can't say this enough. They do not want to be held under the yoke of this tyranny.
Starting point is 00:27:10 Now, the problem is they're incorporating entities like the FBI into this, too. The FBI is being used to target people who speak out, conservatives, libertarians and others as well. Fox News in a pretty stunning report, ladies and gentlemen, FBI documents associate internet slang like based and red pill with extremism. Folks, it's not going to stop. Be red pilled. Of course, it's a take on the Matrix movies. It means people have woken up to conservatism, people who are really woke, not fake woke like on the left, who have figured out the value of liberty, freedom, and prosperity for everyone, and God-given civil liberties. That's now associated with extremism. Folks, this is not an accident.
Starting point is 00:27:52 We've seen this before with the Gadsden flag. We've seen it with any symbol of conservatism. The FBI is looking for a reason to investigate you and put you either behind bars or under an intelligence investigation to keep you silent and shut your mouth before an election. It's only going to get worse, folks, unless we stop this. It's time to start voting people into office who will vigorously speak out about this.
Starting point is 00:28:19 That's why I started the show with the abortion Obamacare reference. The Democrats were willing to forfeit short-term for long-term gains, for changing government and moving the needle in their direction with Obamacare. We've got to be willing to do that now. We need to take a stand on who we are. We do not support this stuff. We do not support abortion. We have a standard set of principles that support human liberty and freedom.
Starting point is 00:28:43 And if you don't buy it, just get the hell out. You don't belong in our party. I'm sorry. Sometimes addition by subtraction works. Let me get to my next sponsor. I got an update too out of a story that happened out of San Francisco State University. Folks, it's getting hard to trust anything and anyone these days. Our most essential institutions are collapsing before our eyes. Let me ask you, you prepared for the worst? Because you know what's going to happen. Don't get caught unprepared. China's ramping up right now across the street. True freedom comes from self-reliance. Do not rely on the government. That means having a sound supply of emergency food on hand.
Starting point is 00:29:18 Right now, MyPatriotSupply is knocking $200 off their popular three-month emergency food kit. Go to and grab this special price before it ends. Your three-month emergency food kit. Get multiples for every member of your family. Provides calories over 2,000 a day. Calories are survival. Best of all, it's delicious. The food is good.
Starting point is 00:29:38 It has breakfast, lunches, dinners, drinks, and snacks. You're not going to go hungry. Here's the bottom line. You have to have this food when the panic hits. Don't wait till afterwards. You're just going to find yourself on a line for nothing, on a line to chaos. Go to today. Save $200 on each kit your family needs. Be sure to get one kit per person. Don't put off your preparedness. Go to That's Go today. Thanks, My Patriot Supply. We appreciate it.
Starting point is 00:30:03 Just an update to show you the evil we're dealing with. This is not a political fight. It manifests itself and you should vote and you should play the political game to bring the freedom train back to the stations. But this fight is against evil people. The swimmer Riley Gaines, who speaks out against a radical transgender activism and putting men in women sports where they dominate women and demean women. She went to San Francisco state university and was violently attacked at the university. It was, they were threatening her,
Starting point is 00:30:34 told her they said she needed to give the money to get out of the classroom. Well, they released a statement, San Francisco state university. And you think they'd apologize? Oh no, folks, they didn't apologize at all.
Starting point is 00:30:47 They made sure to tell Riley Gaines to go shove it. And they praised the protesters for their commitment to free speech. Free speech? Taking someone hostage for money? Attacking her? A guy who attacked her? Folks, this is the evil we're dealing with right now. That article's in the newsletter again today
Starting point is 00:31:06 as well i want to get to tucker coming up in a minute i got two clips coming up from tucker about another devastating attack on our economy that there is time to change i discussed it this weekend i discussed it last week the dollar is the reserve currency folks this is a bit reserve currency what do i care about that you better care you want to buy a house you want to buy a car you want a job the dollar evaporating is the world's reserve currency is a catastrophic disaster if this is pulled away from us like that there was another development this week and tucker did a great segment i didn't have time to get to last week before i get to that though i just want to get to this too for For the chaos in the division, they cannot have you able to protect yourself, okay?
Starting point is 00:31:47 You're never going to have fear and chaos with a group of human beings who can use commonly available weapons to defend themselves in the event of an emergency. You understand that's what the assault on the Second Amendment is all about. It's about making you feel vulnerable, chaotic, fearful, needing government, sacrificing your civil liberties to government to get back to a sense of normalcy, not being able to rely on anyone in your neighborhood or people in your neighborhood. You have to rely on big government. They need to take your weapons.
Starting point is 00:32:20 Washington State now passed a bill banning the production, sale, and importing of what they call assault weapons. Ladies and gentlemen, it's spreading. Do yourself a huge, huge favor. Get your ass out of these blue states as soon as you can. I understand all the people. Dan, I want to stay and fight. This place is worth saving.
Starting point is 00:32:43 It is not. Not at the cost of your own life. Dan, I want to stay and fight. This place is worth saving. It is not. Not at the cost of your own life. You are putting yourself in danger. The country's worth saving. These areas are lost. There is an article in the Journal this weekend. It's not on the show, but it's a very simple premise. As more and more people have left, they've created an untenable situation where the people left behind are the real radicals. It's why Chicago is completely lost right now. Get out. You are putting yourself in danger.
Starting point is 00:33:13 You will not be able to defend yourself. They're going to come for your guns there soon. They're already trying to take your money. They're looking at an exit tax. Get out. You are not safe there. Get out as soon as you can. It's only a matter of time before they start spying on you in these states too. God forbid you put up on a Facebook post, hey, I just bought a brand new Daniel Defense or whatever it is, AR-15.
Starting point is 00:33:43 And by the way, my uncle got red pill. Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding. Tell me you're not on some list somewhere. So there's more breaking news this weekend about moving on, about a very troubling economic story. That's fascinated a lot of listeners because a lot, and listen, I don't say this in any way trying to sound pretentious or insulting. You all work for a living.
Starting point is 00:34:05 You have real jobs. I don't. It's a fake job. I getentious or insulting. You all work for a living. You have real jobs. I don't. It's a fake job. I get to read all day. Everybody else goes and produces stuff. I am not naive to that point at all, okay? The dollar is a reserve currency, meaning around the world, whenever transactions occur in big commodities and in big deals is typically an intermediary because nobody wants foreign currencies. They want the dollar or the euro. The dollar's been dominant around
Starting point is 00:34:30 the world. So you're conducting a deal between Saudi Arabia and Qatar. It's usually converted to dollars first. Qatar will say, listen, I don't want your Saudi currency converted to dollars. We'll take the dollars and then we'll convert it back to ours. Now, they want that because there's stability in the dollar and they know that. Stability in the dollar, we're having an inflationary crisis too. Folks, compared to everywhere else, we're actually not that horrible. I'm not talking about inflation. I'm talking about our economy and we have the world's biggest military. Tucker's been sounding the alarm about this. I had a listener, by the way, saying, Dan, you're crazy. You don't know what
Starting point is 00:35:07 you're talking about. No, believe me. I know what I'm talking about. You don't know what you're talking about. If we lose this dollar as a reserve currency, it's going to create big problems. Here's cut one. Here's Tucker talking about this exact problem. First, he mentions the benefits of having this as the world's reserve currency, which is that interest rates are really low because as many dollars as we've printed up, you'd think there'd be mass inflation. The reason there isn't is the whole world's sucking them up to use them in deals, which creates low interest rates, which is why you can buy a house or a car. Take a listen.
Starting point is 00:35:36 For nearly 80 years since the end of the Second World War, the U.S. dollar has effectively been the currency of the world. For our entire lifetimes, there was virtually no place on the entire globe you could go that would turn down a 20. Andrew Jackson's face beside the famous seal of the U.S. Treasury was probably America's best known export. From Dar es Salaam to Sri Lanka to the smallest gold mining outpost in the Amazon basin, every shopkeeper on earth recognized a $20 bill. The dollar was universal and not just universal in commerce, so the majority of international transactions were conducted in dollars, but universally held as a long-term store of value globally. The World Central Bank stockpiled
Starting point is 00:36:17 U.S. dollars far more than any other currency. Now, most Americans may not have known that or they did, but it doesn't matter where they knew it. It was very good for everyone who lives here because there were so many U.S. dollars in circulation outside of the country. The cost of borrowing money inside the country remained artificially low. And that's one of the reasons that in this country, America, middle class people could buy their own homes. Joe, how long we've been talking about this, this problem with losing the reserve? I mean, seriously, you've been talking about this, this problem with losing the reserve? I mean, seriously, you've been with me now eight years since probably like show five or six, maybe? Yeah, about that. I mean, we've only, right? We've only been on this topic for eons.
Starting point is 00:37:02 I don't say that to be Captain Ruby, one-upper. Tucker's been talking about it forever too. So have a lot of other people. This is a big deal. Just understand it by the pure logistics. This is not economics. I love when people overcomplicate economics because they try to sound smarter than you. Let me tell you the flexcapacitation or the incapacitation or the de-escalation of the deck, you say.
Starting point is 00:37:22 And you're like, what the are you talking about, bro? Economics is not hard. We printed a whole lot of money. Why? Because the government spends a lot of money it doesn't have. Well, where do they get it from? I just told you, the Federal Reserve prints it. Well, where does it all go? Into circulation. Well, if it's into circulation, how come we haven't had hyperinflation up until now? Inflation, I don't want to be dramatic. Hyperinflation is around the corner. Well, we haven't had hyperinflation, folks, because as we keep printing the money,
Starting point is 00:37:59 foreign governments keep sucking the money up to do every single deal they do of significance in US dollars. They just vacuum them up creating demand so now what happens if people around the world don't vacuum the money vacuum the money up we print well where does it go well joe this is not a trick question yeah you have an answer for this where is the only place on earth where u.s is the official currency. Does anybody know? Oh, Oh, U S. He has a guess.
Starting point is 00:38:28 Oh, Joe beat you. Guy Joe's guessing. No, you're wrong. Joe. Yes. The U S of course it's the freaking U S.
Starting point is 00:38:36 So if all these people overseas, these countries start saying, we're not going to use the garbage U S dollar anymore. We don't like you guys. Where are those dollars going to go they've been holding? Back here. Well, wouldn't that flood the country with dollars creating hyperinflation? Yes.
Starting point is 00:38:54 That's the problem. Yeah. Yeah. Now, there is a downside. Well, I want to acknowledge because this guy keeps emailing me. I don't know where you get your phone. I love when people send me insulting emails. I like delete it.
Starting point is 00:39:09 I mean, if you would just say something, you don't have to be a jerk. Guy emails me, you don't know what you're talking about. Okay, goodbye. One, you don't know what you're talking about. We're just talking about common sense economics. Dan, this is what's enabled the government to spend a lot of money. Yes, we have printed a lot of money, which ordinarily would cause a bad situation to pay for government debt, which it hasn't because governments have sucked up a lot of the money.
Starting point is 00:39:34 The problem is the solution to that isn't to recommend the world dump it overnight, which would create a catastrophic financial situation here. The way to do it here is to juice productivity here to create more products to suck up the money. It's not to dump the dollar around the world and put millions of people out of work overnight, crash the economy. Here's the downsides of it, which I acknowledge. There is a downside to having the dollars
Starting point is 00:40:04 of world's reserve currency, which is that. There is a downside to having the dollars of world's reserve currency, which is that the government not only can you borrow cheaply because interest rates stay low, but so can the United States government, which has incentivized it to borrow a lot of money. Take a listen. The U.S. government, meanwhile, was able to run up astronomical debts without many obvious consequences. Now, from time to time, the Congress would debate something called the debt ceiling, but it was abstract. For most people, the entire topic didn't seem very relevant to their lives because for most of the time, it really wasn't. America printed the U.S. dollar. We controlled the global reserve currency.
Starting point is 00:40:39 And that meant that for us, money was cheap. We had privileges that nobody else in the world had. It's been very nice. But what would happen if it ended? You don't even really want to think about that because the consequences would be too ugly, really ugly. But we started to worry about it about a year ago. Really the day the Russian military rolled over the Ukrainian border. Now, by itself, that was a destabilizing event. War always is destabilizing and always challenges the Ukrainian border. Now, by itself, that was a destabilizing event. War always is
Starting point is 00:41:05 destabilizing and always challenges the existing order. But it was the West's reaction to the Russian invasion that seemed ominous. Policymakers in the U.S. went insane. Joe Biden, helped by his Republican allies in the Senate, appeared to be determined not simply to topple the Russian government in some kind of regime change war, but to blow up the post-war economic order that had served the U.S. so generously for so long. Folks, that was a big mistake. What we did with Russia, with the seizing of assets denominated in U.S. dollars, looks like it's going to be a catastrophic error. Why am I bringing this up today? Just to kind of gin up an argument we brought up a couple of weeks ago on Fox? No.
Starting point is 00:41:49 There was some breaking news this past weekend that was deeply disturbing on the dollar as the world's reserve currency from a supposed friendly this time. I'll get to that story in a minute. Don't go anywhere. Our last sponsor today, Omaha Steaks. He raids my freezer for Omaha Steaks burgers all the time because these Omaha Steaks burgers with the grill lines and the seasoning are probably the most delicious things you're ever going to eat. I've been a customer long before they were a sponsor of the show. Omaha Steaks is rewriting the book on burgers with an all new handmade texture for the juiciest homestyle burgers you've ever tasted. You know those burgers, Joe, where you toast the bun and you push down
Starting point is 00:42:26 and like the juice comes out? Oh, baby, that's Omaha. You hear that laugh? Yeah, he is. He says he's stopping by the freezer afterwards. Their pure ground burgers are made from single cuts of real aged Omaha steaks. They are steaks on a bun, man. Filet mignon, ribeyes, New York strips,
Starting point is 00:42:46 sirloin, even brisket burgers. Now's the time to experience the exclusive burger perfection of flight for just $79.99. Go today to Use promo code Bongino at checkout to get an extra $20 off your order plus free shipping. Spring is here. Get that grill fired up. You get four of each pure ground burger so you can sample all the steak on a bun greatness. Toast that bun a little, little bit of seasoning. I like a little ketchup and mustard on the side. I leave it on the side.
Starting point is 00:43:16 Dip, dip, boom. Dip, dip, boom. These burgers are created for a juicier, more tender experience, making your mouth water with every single bite. Do not wait. Go to Use promo code Bongino at checkout juicier, more tender experience, making your mouth water with every single bite. Do not wait. Go to
Starting point is 00:43:29 Use promo code Bongino at checkout and get $20 off the burger, perfection, flight, and discover your new burger obsession. Send Guy some burgers too, please. Did you write that in there? Guy writes it. Screenshot that. Send that to Joe. Guy writes to joe send geese and burgers too please minimum order may be required i'm not kidding that's in the i'm like they didn't put that in
Starting point is 00:43:53 there minimum order may be required thanks omaha that was good they'll appreciate it thanks omaha we appreciate it okay here's why the story is a BFD. Because Emmanuel Macron, who is supposed to be our friend, the French president, says that Europe should reduce their dependence on the U.S. dollar and seeks strategic autonomy. Folks, you think any of this is by mistake? He says they need to reduce their dependence on the extra territoriality of the U.S. dollar, a line which both Moscow and Beijing have been emphasizing. Extra territoriality.
Starting point is 00:44:35 That's a fancy way. Like I told you before, people love to talk in sophisticated language about common sense things. What he's basically saying is the U.S. dollar is official currency. Where again, guys? Where can it be spent? I'm just checking. You you you are you yeah u.s joe's like a little timid he's like not sure the u.s yeah he's a yes that's right my man the u.s so my man is right so what macron is saying is well because it's u.s currency let them spend it in their own country. And you may say, yeah, it makes sense. No, it's a bad idea for now. Money would flood in like you've never seen before
Starting point is 00:45:11 when they dump it. Now, let me just say, one of the, folks in the live chat, feel me and I need you all. Does this topic suck? If you hate this topic, tell me right now,
Starting point is 00:45:26 this topic sucks. I just got one more thing to say, but I won't bring it up again. I'm fascinated by this because it would really mean the great depression in the United States. Here's one reason that I don't think it's going to happen quickly. China owns a fortune in us bonds at four. I mean,
Starting point is 00:45:40 trillions of dollars of us bonds, right? And assets and us denominated assets and other things, right? Hundreds of billions and trillions of dollars of U.S. bonds, right? And assets and U.S. denominated assets and other things, right? Hundreds of billions and trillions. If money floods back into the United States because the world dumps the dollar, inflation goes nuts, which means what, guys? Interest rates are going to get hiked by the Fed like they've been, right? Which does what, as we saw with the banks?
Starting point is 00:46:00 Destroys the value of bonds. So China is essentially committing economic suicide too. The question is, if they're going to invade Taiwan and cause World War III, do they really care? I don't know. Now, hyperinflation is the point. That's the way they're going to destroy us. Just awfully convenient that the Fed, excuse me, the US Treasury has been recommending the creation of a digital dollar. Oh, isn't that interesting? Digital dollar me, the U.S. Treasury has been recommending the creation of a digital dollar. Oh, isn't that interesting? Digital dollar. So the hyperinflation kicks in, banks start to go under because of it. And all of a sudden Biden and his team are like, hey, maybe we should go
Starting point is 00:46:33 to digital dollars. You mean like digital surveillance so you can watch everything we spend our money on? Yes. Yes. Can't buy guns with digital dollars, can you? Forbid that. That'll be next. Folks, listen, this is, again, that listener and viewer said they were depressed. Don't be depressed. Listen, this is the fight we're in, man. This is what we do. You know, it's like being, think about it, right? The show, I'm not a negative guy. I know it sounds crazy, but this is what we do. We're activists. We fight for liberty and freedom. This is the meaning to our lives is the fight, right? It's like being on a football team
Starting point is 00:47:09 and a division one team in college and not wanting to watch film of your biggest rival because they're having a good season. Oh, it's depressing. We may lose. What? That's not what you do. Like you play football, right?
Starting point is 00:47:22 This is part of the mix. So to the listener say i know you by the way you're wasting a lot of time in this person because i got under my skin a little bit nothing you know people would like more to go on ignorance is bliss it's not the way to live your life why because we got people like this you have for me this video this is javier baccaria uh sometimes known as javier becerra he is a cabinet secretary with joe biden i want you to stare into the face of the tyranny we're looking at right now. Long and short of it is, to throw up the red state
Starting point is 00:47:50 piece first, should have done a different order. So, Bakari and AOC are now trying to throw the rule of law under the bus. What basically happened is a Texas federal judge suspended the FDA's approval of an abortion drug, right? It's that simple. But he stayed his own ruling to give the government the chance to respond. So when the Democrats don't like a ruling, Joe, remember the Democrats are the law and order.
Starting point is 00:48:11 Everything against them is an insurrection. They're law and order, except if it's Tennessee, then they're all for insurrections. So they didn't like this judge's ruling. So Bakaria is on,
Starting point is 00:48:21 was it CNN? And he's like, yeah, yeah, we're considering actually just ignoring it. That sounds to me like tyr yeah, yeah, we're considering actually just ignoring it. That sounds to me like tyranny. Yes, sir. Take a listen. Are you taking it off the table that you will recommend the FDA ignore a ban?
Starting point is 00:48:36 Everything is on the table. The president said that way back when the Dobbs decision came out. Every option is on the table. Pack the Supreme Court. Ignore the courts when they issue a ruling you don't like. Why do I keep fighting every day? Because of that. So that's what we're just, to be clear, that's where we are right now. The courts matter as long as they rule in your favor. But when they rule against you, just ignore the courts.
Starting point is 00:49:01 So then can I ask you guys a simple question? Like what's the point then of the courts? Oh, there is no point. That is the point of the left, however. It wasn't just Baccaria. It was AOC too. AOC, I mean, Baccaria is a little smarter. AOC is kind of a moron, but AOC has like 70 million followers or whatever outrageous number onto where I'm exaggerating, of course. But you're all over doing our cutesy tiktok videos and everything hey look at me i'm eating here we go here's aoc chiming in too like yeah we should just consider ignoring it oh okay sounds like tyranny to me this is what we're fighting check this out i do not believe that the courts have the authority to to have the authority over the fda that they just asserted and i do believe that it creates a crisis.
Starting point is 00:49:46 This is funny. He just brought up an interesting point because last week when I commented on the Trump ruling, a bunch of clown joker, a-hole liberals were like, what are you, a legal scholar? Yet when this idiot who legitimately was a bartender, and don't take that as I own the bar, my bartender, our bartender, and our bar Vinny was one of the smartest guys I ever met. Not this one. AOC was an idiot and is still an idiot.
Starting point is 00:50:07 When she comments, it's like, no, no, her opinion definitely needs to be respected. Folks, this is what we're looking at. The Democrats are moving further and further down the road to tyranny. They are now celebrating insurrections themselves. There was an insurrection in Tennessee, a very serious
Starting point is 00:50:24 attempt. There was violence. They in Tennessee, a very serious attempt. There was violence. They tried to overthrow the Tennessee courthouse after the transgender activist shot six people, murdered three kids and three adults. Of course, the Tennessee Democrats wanted to push to disarm you, so you're their next victim. They caused an insurrection over it. Well, Kamala Harris decided to go down there and meet. You think she'd meet with the families?
Starting point is 00:50:49 Now, I'm going to give you both sides because I'm not a liar like the left-wing media. The Harris team is saying we invited them. They declined to show up. I think if you go down to Tennessee, you'd kind of make it a priority, maybe a separate visit. I don't think they wanted to go to this specific event.
Starting point is 00:51:04 But she went there to celebrate the three lawmakers who caused an insurrection in Tennessee, because that's who the Democrats are, ladies and gentlemen. Tyranny's knocking right at the door. One last story before we roll on this Easter Monday. Folks, keep your head on a swivel with what's happening in China right now. I said to my wife, I'll say say to you i've said to my daughter i've got a plan for all of them right now about what to do you know nobody thinks anything's going to happen until it does to quote a really awful movie i mean
Starting point is 00:51:38 not an awful it's entertaining but movie quotes are dumb but that world war z movie nobody thinks anything's going to happen until it does it It's right. We thought the same thing about Ukraine. Putin's not going to invade Ukraine. Folks, China could hit Taiwan any day, any week. BBC, left-wing outlet, of course, but China simulates hitting key targets on Taiwan. Be very careful. If that happens, folks, the world is going to change in seconds, in seconds. The possibility of an EMP attack here, worldwide trade is going to get shut down. Interest rates are going to go through the roof. Stocks are going to tank. This could happen fast. Please be prepared. Water, have the ability to start fire, not fire like arson, like fire to cook and maintain your heat water and boil water.
Starting point is 00:52:33 The best day of your life, you throw all this stuff out. Get some charcoal, have a grill, have some emergency food, have a way to defend yourself. Make sure your house is secure. Don't screw around, please. This is serious stuff. The world could change in a second. I've been warning my wife about this. This is really serious. All right. On a good note, it was Easter Sunday yesterday. We had a great day in church. I tweeted out Father Marty's message for the flock. It was fantastic. The holy season always makes me feel better and renewed. We'll get through this.
Starting point is 00:53:08 Folks, if you wouldn't mind, please subscribe to the podcast. If you're watching here on the live chat, spread the word. Click that follow button at slash Bongino. It is absolutely free. It doesn't cost you anything. Helps us stay on the charts. We really appreciate it. We're trying to get to 3 million followers. Also, if you would, keep us on the Apple and Spotify charts. If you'd help us out, we would deeply appreciate it. Subscribe there too. It's all free. We really appreciate it. I will see you back here tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:53:29 You just heard Dan Bongino.

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