The Dan Bongino Show - The Best CNN Takedown Video I’ve Seen (Ep 1071)

Episode Date: September 20, 2019

In this episode, I address what appears to be a coordinated media/liberal hit on the Trump team in an effort to scare them away from investigating massive Obama administration corruption. I also the hysterical NBC face-plant on their climate change confessions. Finally, I address the socialism debate and a gun story that’s being mischaracterized by the media. My new book: Exonerated: The Failed Takedown of President Donald Trump by the Swamp, available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kindle and Audible. News Picks: Be very careful with the latest anti-Trump “scoop” about the foreign government “promise.”  Another liberal-run city is being overrun by street crime. Ex-Swedish Prime Minister warned Bernie Sanders about the economic dangers of socialism. Don’t believe the media hype around the Colt AR-15 story. The NRA says the leaked memo is a non-starter. Copyright Dan Bongino All Rights Reserved. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 When doctors, clinicians, and government officials collaborate with our country's innovative pharmaceutical companies, the side effects include improved policies that speed up the delivery of medications to those in need, and better overall health for all Canadians. Get ready to hear the truth about America on a show that's not immune to the facts with your host, Dan Bongino. I told you, wait 24 hours and the story would finally come out. I was right. Folks, the intel leak against Trump
Starting point is 00:00:35 and this call he had with a foreign leader and the devastating promise where he threatened to give the nuclear codes or whatever to a foreign leader. You know all this BS, all made up, all garbage. I told you to wait, and now it's all finally coming. I just made that up, of course, because that's what the media wants to portray this like. It was some devastating thing.
Starting point is 00:00:53 I told you to wait. I've got some killer video. Rudy Giuliani on CNN last night. Some media stories. It's finally starting to come out what's really going on with this latest unbelievable attack by the deep state against Trump. Don't go anywhere. I got that, including a massive backfire by NBC on this climate change thing. And Donald Trump doing what he does best the other day.
Starting point is 00:01:15 I mean that not being sarcastic or trying to be funny. I mean, really doing what he did. I wanted to get this yesterday, but we were stacked. That's right. Stacked. We're going to put that on a shirt and I didn't get to it. So don't go anywhere. One more thing, book signings. I'm getting a lot of emails about this. Remember I'm on Life, Liberty and Levin this Sunday at 10 PM discussing my new book. You're not going to want to miss this. It is the most explosive interview I've
Starting point is 00:01:37 ever done and I'm not overselling it, but we have some upcoming book signings. You can see them here. We have one in New York, Vero Beach Book Center in Vero. We also have these Florida ones. We have one in Palm Beach Gardens, the Villages. And we have one Monday night. For those of you across the country who can't make a book signing, we have a live signing online. You can make it from anywhere around the world. Monday, September 23rd, this Monday at 10 p.m. slash exonerated. Monday, September 23rd, 10 p.m. Just click on slash exonerated. We'll have this up at the website,
Starting point is 00:02:11 all these locations too, and I'll keep tweeting it out. But the book signings will be next week. Hope to see you there. Okay, I want to get right to it. Today's show is really important. Today's show brought to you by buddies at Proactive. We love Proactive.
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Starting point is 00:04:10 Go to slash Bongino. Get this special offer. That's slash Bongino to get this order and make your kids' first day back to school their best day ever. All right, let's go. Nice. Number one, I told you this story was going to break what was really behind it. In case you missed yesterday's show, there is a new Intel leak out there that Donald Trump made a promise to a foreign government on the phone that was so devastating that
Starting point is 00:04:36 a whistleblower had to come forward to expose it because the United States, the very security of the country was at risk. I got to be candid with you folks. Even I was a little worried about this one, right? Paul, I said to Paul, I'm like, this one sounds a little weird. And then I started to think this through and I heard Ari Fleischer, former Bush, George W. Bush press secretary, and he made a great point I should have considered, especially having been inside the White House. Listen, I'm not above being self-deprecating. I should, I'm not saying I fell for this fake news, but even I was a little curious
Starting point is 00:05:05 about what it was about. So again, the Genesis is an Intel community whistleblower heard or read something about a Donald Trump conversation with a foreign government that was so troubling
Starting point is 00:05:13 that it required an Intel, an IG investigation. Okay. Ari Fleischer brought up a great point. When the president of the United States
Starting point is 00:05:22 is on a phone call with a foreign leader, ladies and gentlemen, there are multiple people listening in. I know that. I mean, it's not hard to figure out. Should have been more savvy here. this promise he made to a foreign government why did only one person find it troubling right joe yeah why didn't everyone else on the call for why was it just this one person by the way yeah um i have a good idea of who this whistleblower air quotes is um i'm hesitant to say it as of yet um but i think a lot of people have the identity wrong based on the pronouns they're using. I'll leave it at that. I can't say, because we have a widely listened to show, because it would be ethically inappropriate until I can absolutely confirm it,
Starting point is 00:06:15 but I have a good idea who it is, and I think a lot of people don't. And I can tell they don't, again, based on the pronouns they're using to describe the whistleblower. I don't have a clue. I don't have a clue. Again, based on the pronouns they're using to describe the whistleblower. I don't have a clue. I don't have a clue. Now, yeah, I'm going to wait for it because, again, I don't do what liberal media people do and jump out in front of a story. Ladies and gentlemen, now it's government call with a leader was with the Ukrainian leader, the incoming Ukrainian president, and that the promise may have had something to do with investigations into Ukrainian corruption with the Obama administration and Spygate, and a promise that was made by Trump, I guess, in exchange for that investigation.
Starting point is 00:07:02 Now it all makes sense. Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding. Bells went off all around. Now, in order to explain this a little bit better, because it may be a little confusing what's going on, I'm going to play for you some cuts first, and I'm going to tie it again, of Rudy Giuliani's terrific appearance last night
Starting point is 00:07:19 on Chris Cuomo's dreadful CNN show, which has about 10 viewers. But Rudy's on. And first I'm going to play, I have three cuts from this. The first one's important because it's liberal activist Chris Cuomo's effort to remember framing.
Starting point is 00:07:33 You know what framing is, right? It's when you tell a story, but you tell the story in a context favorable to what you want the narrative to be. So Chris Cuomo, before you watch this opening here to Giuliani, Giuliani calls him on it right away, wants this story framed as if Trump is colluding with the Ukrainians to damage his political opponents. That's not what's happening.
Starting point is 00:07:56 Trump is trying to uncover Ukrainian corruption, but that's not how Cuomo frames it. And listen to Giuliani cut that nonsense right out. Check this out. There is now breaking news on that urgent complaint about President Trump. It involves Ukraine. This comes from The Washington Post. You might remember House Democrats have been examining whether the president and his attorney, Rudy Giuliani, sought to manipulate the Ukrainian government into helping the Trump reelection campaign. They were doing that before this complaint. Now, something that may seem confusing as you go through the facts tonight is that the subject phone call that we now know took place in this time frame that people are looking at.
Starting point is 00:08:39 When this complaint came in, who did the president speak to? Who was a leader at that time? He spoke to the president of Ukraine. Now, that call was already the subject of curiosity by Congress because they were looking into these earlier efforts, in part announced by Mr. Giuliani about his intentions of trying to get to Ukraine to figure out some things about some of Mr. Trump's political opponents. So that's where it stands. We happen to have the man in the middle tonight. to Ukraine to figure out some things about some of Mr. Trump's political opponents.
Starting point is 00:09:09 So that's where it stands. We happen to have the man in the middle tonight, the president's counselor, former Mayor Rudy Giuliani. Good to have you on the show. I'm glad I'm on tonight because what you just said is totally erroneous. Every single thing you just said is completely spun. By the way, Joe, I'm sorry. Ap just reminded me i i got so excited about this story how are you today i'm very sorry i did not do the intro welcome to the damn bongino show obviously producer joe how are you on this friday i'm cool dude it's friday i knew you i knew you were all fired up i knew you you forgot it. You know I'm excited about this story. And folks, we can edit this stuff. I choose not to because really, the show is different.
Starting point is 00:09:50 We don't have a producer. And I love Joe and Paula and everything about the show. But I'm really so stoked about this. I wanted to get right into it. And we have to pay for the show with sponsors and book signings. So my sincere apologies, Joe. We're cool, brother. Giuliani, how awesome was that?
Starting point is 00:10:04 It was cool. And I'm so glad I'm here because what you said is entirely erroneous. He just made up the whole thing. Right? Wasn't that great? I heard you kind of cackling in the background. Classic Rudy right there. Good job by Giuliani.
Starting point is 00:10:20 Erroneous on all counts. Channeling Vince Vaughn. I mean, just wonderful stuff now oh gosh i play that because the framing of this matters because chris cuomo lives in the echo chamber of what is acceptable public thought amongst liberals academics and hollywood elitists and otherwise people who hate trump they're not interested in the truth. They're interested in telling you a story, not the story. Now, the story here, and I'll show you some cuts of Biden at the end to tell you what's really going on, is Donald Trump and his administration are deeply concerned about
Starting point is 00:10:57 credible, serious, in many cases, overwhelming evidence of Ukrainian foreign government collusion with the Obama administration to damage the Trump campaign and Joe Biden's problems with the Ukrainian government when it comes to him pressuring them to fire a prosecutor who was looking at an operation that involved his son. This is obviously heating up why because right as it's heating up we have these media leaks joe from a whistleblower dreaded air quotes that all of a sudden say trump was talking to ukraine and this is really suspicious these promises let's focus on that focus on that let's be blind to all the other stuff that's how you know the left is in trouble when the media starts leaking stories remember this this is a better way to explain it hat tip to the the magnificent tucker carlson last night who always puts things more eloquently than i can this show is intentionally a little more rougher around the edges um tucker said
Starting point is 00:12:00 last night the left's like feigned virtue always covers the sin so the left and the media their virtue here joe's we are very concerned about trump colluding with the ukrainians on a phone call yes that's their so they're being virtuous right joe by calling it out yes now if you listen to tucker with the way he beautifully stated it last night the virtue covers the sin what is the sin the sin is that the real ukrainian collusion that they're trying to cover is the obama biden collusion with the ukrainians that they need to go away so they portray virtue in pinning it on trump yeah right the same thing they colluded with the russians there's no question the left colluded with the russians
Starting point is 00:12:41 in conjunction with the media no question anymore i discuss it in my book on Life, Liberty, and Levin. I'm telling you, the best interview I've ever done. I can't say this enough on Sunday night at 10. It is succinctly stated in a way you haven't heard it before. The left colluded with the Russians, with the media. So what do they do? The virtue covers the sin. They blame it on Trump.
Starting point is 00:13:00 Look, we're being virtuous. We're uncovering Russian collusion right there with Trump. This is what's happening again. And Cuomo, this is important. I don't mean to be, I know I say it's important, but this is, I don't mean to be overly verbose about it. But if you don't understand the framing that Giuliani nails him on, you don't understand the story.
Starting point is 00:13:17 Cuomo is telling you a story. It's just not the story. Now, we move on. What is this really about? The Ukrainians, in conjunction with the Obama administration, I detail this in my new book, Exonerated, but the Ukrainians working with DNC operatives, Nellie Orr, who's already admitted to getting information from key Ukrainians, right? Nellie Orr from Fusion GPS, Bruce Ohr's wife. They were intimately involved. They already admitted
Starting point is 00:13:45 on the record getting information from Ukrainians about the Trump team. What we would call, Joe, what would we call that? Foreign collusion. Yeah. Now, that's right. Manafort has been prosecuted based on information that came to the U.S.
Starting point is 00:14:01 government about this Black Ledger. What was the Black Ledger? You're going to hear a lot about about this soon the black ledger was an allegation that manafort had been paid millions of dollars in illicit cash payments in a conjunction for some work with this foreign government that he didn't report but joe the only evidence we have of these cash payments not of payments payments from a foreign government aren't illegal. They're not. People are paid by foreign governments for all kinds of things. Foreign government lobbying is not illegal.
Starting point is 00:14:31 It's only illegal in violation of U.S. law. Listen, you're only going to get this here. Because no one else has the time to explain in detail. The allegations that they were cash payments to avoid taxes and other things to Manafort only exist in this document known as the Black Ledger. That was given to us by Ukrainians. What's the problem, Joe? The Black Ledger is a hoax. Now that you understand that, that a hoax document was given to us by Ukrainians colluding with Democrats to nail Manafort to the wall as soon as he was brought on the Trump team.
Starting point is 00:15:16 Now, this second segment with Rudy and Cuomo will make more sense. Play it. Let me tell you what happened. OK? Yes. is that I was investigating, going back to last year, complaints that the Ukrainian people, several people in Ukraine, knew about a tremendous amount of collusion between Ukrainian officials and Hillary Clinton and the Democratic National Committee, including a completely fraudulent document that was produced in order to begin the investigation of Manafort. Yes. Now, you see how I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:15:46 I have to like put these provisos and caveats and explainers in the beginning. But that video makes no sense. If you don't understand what I just told you, you need to say a fake ledger. Sure. The setup is key. A fake ledger saying we paid Manafort 12 in cash, was given to our law enforcement and intel and political people in the United States, and was used as the spark to start an investigative flame to take Manafort down only because Manafort had joined the Trump team.
Starting point is 00:16:19 The problem is the document was fake. Now, Chris Cuomo's not interested in that. the document was fake. Now, Chris Cuomo is not interested in that. Chris Cuomo is framing this as, well, this is the disgusting, horrible, abusive tactics of the mainstream media in their efforts to lie to you and distract you from what's really going on. Cuomo does not want you to pay attention to the fact that the Obama administration initiated an investigation against Manafort on a fake document from a foreign government, the definition of collusion. He needs you to stay focused on the fact that Rudy Giuliani, as Trump's lawyer, may have expressed an interest in this case and exposing the corruption. That's not the story Cuomo needs you to hear. He wants you to hear about promises
Starting point is 00:17:06 and foreign government conversations between Trump and the Ukraine and how, do you see how devious this is? Yes. Let me sum this up for you. Cuomo is such a hack that rather than focusing on hard evidence of a massive foreign collusion scandal
Starting point is 00:17:22 based on false documents to spy on the Trump team. He's turning and flipping the whole thing around to make the effort to expose it by Rudy make that the scandal. You get it? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:35 I was like, you guys are going over there and trying to pressure, they're not trying to pressure anybody trying to get the truth. Giuliani's not making this up. Now, I want you to pay special attention to A little bit of a shorter clip.
Starting point is 00:17:48 Here's the third. This is a seven-minute cut. You're free to watch it. I rarely promote CNN unless they're being absurd. But this third cut is important because, Rudy, here's the setup. Rudy describes that in the process of investigating
Starting point is 00:18:03 the black ledger, the hoax black ledger about the cash payments, they found other stuff that if you're a regular listener to this show about Joe Biden, you already know about. By the way, that is covered again. I hate to, I'm sorry, I don't
Starting point is 00:18:20 want to promote this to death. I really, folks, it means a lot to me. This interview tonight on 10 p.m., I'm sorry, on Sunday night with Mark, almost stumbling over my words because I feel so passionately about it. You cannot miss this. I discuss this at the end. In the process of Giuliani investigating this, he discovers information about Biden. It's in my book, Exonerated, that is deeply troubling.
Starting point is 00:18:47 Yeah. Joe already knows many of my, but check this out. This is worth your time. I found out this incredible story about Joe Biden, that he bribed the president of the Ukraine in order to fire a prosecutor who was investigating his son. That is an astounding scandal of major proportions, which all of you have covered up for about five or six months. So ladies and gentlemen, just to be clear, what just happened on CNN last night, Giuliani's investigating a major, major foreign collusion scandal about a hoax document used to investigate Trump's campaign
Starting point is 00:19:26 manager, Manafort. In the process of investigating scandal number one, Joe, we got to label the scandal, scandal A and scandal B. In the process of investigating scandal A as Trump's attorney, trying to uncover massive malfeasance, he uncovers another scandal about obama's vice president at the time biden basically bribing a foreign government to fire a prosecutor in ukraine who is looking into potential malfeasance involving biden's kid you may say come on dan that can't possibly have happened really um let's play this little cut. Here is Joe Biden when he was talking about his experience in Ukraine, actually bragging about this disgusting episode where he threatens the government of Ukraine to withhold money
Starting point is 00:20:20 if they don't fire the investigator who is fact this is a fact it's not an opinion who is looking at his kid for potential malfeasance hunter biden here is the actual videotape of biden this this dope bragging about it check this out he's now went over i guess the 12 13th time to keeve and uh and i was was supposed to announce that there was another billion-dollar loan guarantee. And I had gotten a commitment from Poroshenko and from Yatsenyuk that they would take action against a state prosecutor, and they didn't. So they said they had, they were walking out to the press conference, said, no, I said, I'm not going to, we're not going to give you the billion dollars. They said, you have no authority. You're not the president.
Starting point is 00:21:05 The president said, I said, call him. I said, I'm telling you, you're not getting the billion dollars. I said, you're not getting the billion. I'm going to be leaving here. I think it was, what, six hours. I look, I said, I'm leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor's not fired, you're not getting the money. Well, son of a bitch.
Starting point is 00:21:22 Got fired. And they put in place someone who was solid at the time again chris cuomo this total hack at cnn has zero zero interest in that story that is joe biden That is Joe Biden, literally, literally, not figuratively, on tape, bragging about firing a prosecutor who is investigating an operation that involves his son Hunter. You can spin that all you want. I've heard Cuomo last night, and I don't have time to play the whole interview, but Cuomo, well, that prosecutor may have been corrupt anyway. Even if you take that, Joe, and I'm asking you to be an independent arbiter here. Seriously, for a second, try to think like a liberal.
Starting point is 00:22:14 I'm not joking around. If that's your explanation, Chris Cuomo, your comeback is, well, the prosecutor in Ukraine Biden once fired for investigating his kid was corrupt anyway. I'm asking you honestly don't don't you think Biden who obviously knows his son is heavily involved in potential malfeasance in Ukraine he's his kid he knows that what's going on he knows his son's being investigating right don't you think it would be proper even if Biden thought this guy was corrupt to recuse himself from that decision i would think so yeah you think i'm not a trick i'm of course yeah and what i find odd this is why cuomo is
Starting point is 00:22:53 such a hack the same network cnn and the same clown show over there that'll insist donald trump should have recused himself from a mosc project that never happened, that he was only remotely involved with at the end. A project that was not illegal in any way. Any way. Donald Trump can build in Moscow or wherever he wants, as long as he abides by local laws. There's no allegation Donald Trump's Trump Tower Moscow project that never happened is in any way illegal. How lunatic liberals in the media and their sick, deranged, radical friends. Yes, I said it. You are darn right. These lunatics will insist Trump should
Starting point is 00:23:37 have recused himself from that Moscow deal that never happened. And yet Joe Biden, who on tape admits to pressuring a government to fire a prosecutor for investigating his kid there's no story there that biden should have accused himself at all they see no impropriety whatsoever move along folks move along thank you joe nothing to see here folks what total bs these cuomo is an embarrassment and but folks again i can't play the whole interview rudy goes on later on at the end of it to totally dismantle this guy and you know the liberals are like it was a rudy meltdown it was one of the finest media appearances i have ever seen giuliani tells him at the end you're a sellout and i'm telling you end, you're a sellout. And I'm telling you, Chris, you are a sellout.
Starting point is 00:24:25 You are a total, I didn't jump on your back when you had the whole incident where you threatened to throw a guy down the stairs. You know, we poked a little fun, but I didn't jump on the outrage brigade on that. But last night you humiliated yourself. Rudy Giuliani came on your show with a series of undeniable facts
Starting point is 00:24:44 about unquestioned corruption between the Obama administration, Biden, and a Ukrainian government, a collusion scandal on massive doses of Diana ball. And what did you do? You spent the whole time covering it up and trying to distract people, acting like Giuliani's allegations and Giuliani's efforts to get to the truth are the real scandal by this whistleblower. Media, ladies and gentlemen, journalism is dead.
Starting point is 00:25:14 You want real journalism? Come here. And we're not even, this isn't even a, this is an opinion show. And we have been so far out ahead of this. Please, please pick up my book exonerated on this my wife is paula's been like please just tease the book you don't do it enough she's like everybody else tease out folks i just don't want to it's not me it's not like i'm serious it's not my character i'm not a salesman by nature i just put a lot of effort into this and this is documented out with facts that are footnoted in the book and biden cannot run from it man it's a disgrace he spent a lot of time in kiev
Starting point is 00:25:51 kiev i know like where's that kiev you mean kiev kiev guy's such a knuckle kiev people call it kiev i mean i i've only heard it called kiev ever i'm gonna call call it Kiev. That's all I've ever heard. And it's Ukraine. It's not the Ukraine, which drives me crazy too. But that's a whole other thing. All right. I'm going to, I got a lot more to get to. The show's stacked, stacked. That's going on a t-shirt soon.
Starting point is 00:26:16 Regular. Let's just get the joke. I got a little comic relief coming up for you next. NBC News, total face plant on this climate change thing, which is funny. But more importantly, I got an issues update on Trump. Couple positives, maybe a possible negative story. And by issues, I mean things that are directly related to his 2020 reelect.
Starting point is 00:26:34 So it's important. I got a great video of Trump at his finest that I don't want you to miss. Stay tuned. All right, today's show brought to you, oh man, I'm telling you, I'm not messing with you. I cannot live without this stuff. OMAX, cryo freeze. Listen, if you're obsessed obsessed with cryo paula how much do we love this stuff cryo freeze cbd it's a roll-on folks this stuff if you have joint pain aches pains muscle pains
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Starting point is 00:29:13 Okay, moving on. So NBC, they had this climate change confessions thing. The goal of the liberal activists at NBC, of course, Joe, was to get people to post some of their confessions about environmental things they can do better. So post your confessions here. I ate a steak last Tuesday. Folks, I know you've seen a lot of this on TV and I don't like to really cover these stories, but it's Friday. I want to give you something to laugh at. What happened is conservatives out there,
Starting point is 00:29:45 in case you are not on Twitter or Instagram or elsewhere, some of you may not be, and you listen to the show. Conservatives, Joe, wouldn't you agree the greatest trolls in the world? And by trolls, I mean, we have mastered the art of memeing. We're usually conservatives historically, a little bit behind kind of the culture tech trends. You know, the liberals are all of the culture tech trends you know the
Starting point is 00:30:05 liberals are all the apple people and you know and the google people right and we're usually behind the eight ball as someone said to me one time um because i like to add color commentary to these stories and they said it accurately they said the problem with the conservative movement is a lot of a lot of successful business people who are conservatives are based in commodity type businesses you know oil um you know selling conservatives are based in commodity type businesses. Oil, selling equities based in commodities. And we're not used to real marketing because when you're selling
Starting point is 00:30:31 BP versus Sunoco, you don't be like, wow, Sunoco, look how great. But you do that for Apple. You get these Apple ads, they're dancing with the earbuds in. So the people in the tech industry who are liberals are usually more savvy marketers than we are, right?
Starting point is 00:30:46 All right. We're just, we're always behind you. That is not the case with technology. I'm telling you, I'm on Twitter all day. Facebook, Instagram, all of it. I live on there
Starting point is 00:30:56 because that's where the debate is happening. Conservatives have mastered the art of hijacking liberal efforts to turn Twitter into a liberal cesspool. They have. We hijack everything. Hashtags, memes, and we hijack climate change panels.
Starting point is 00:31:12 Here are some of the climate change confessions. Ladies and gentlemen, if you're seeing these for the first time, I assure you, these are hilarious. Here's conservatives trolling it. Here's number one. Climate change confession. I eat meat every day. And I won't stop because it's good. That's under the meat category. Here's another one. I require at least a half a roll of toilet paper when wiping under the paper category. On the energy category, I like my house to be 85 in the winter and 55 in the summer. Deal with it, hippies. We go on.
Starting point is 00:31:51 I can't get it on. I cook a one-pound steak every day, eat half, and throw the other half away in a reusable Ziploc bag. Under the meat category. That's too much. There's the transportation. Who cares? I'll do what I like. I floor it in my gas guzzling sports car
Starting point is 00:32:10 just for fun. You do not matter to me. You do not matter to me. Here's the last one. This is classic. I like to recycle more, especially since I drink 40 bottles of water a week. But when the recycling truck comes on the day But when the recycling truck comes on the day,
Starting point is 00:32:27 but the recycling truck comes on the day I sleep in, I can't take it. Folks, they're jokes. Libs laugh a little. These people are kidding. It's a troll thing. You know I love the environment. Matter of fact, Paul and I have this thing
Starting point is 00:32:44 about this plastic in the ocean. I'm serious. It drives me crazy. It's a serious thing. You know I love the environment. Matter of fact, Paul and I have this thing about this plastic in the ocean that drives me crazy. But you do have to admire, Joe, the fact that conservatives nicely done. The fact that we have beat the liberals to the punch and managed to hijack everything
Starting point is 00:32:59 in the tech space now. Online blogs, Twitter hashtags, Instagram memes. I just love you all. We have become the new renegades. Conservatives, libertarians, and good Republicans are the new cultural renegades. And I have to tell you, by the way, they're all over Twitter, those things. I just picked six of the funniest ones. There are tons of them out there. And on a Friday, I just want to get that out there. But just the takeaway, because it's not a comedy show. The takeaway, though, is a serious one.
Starting point is 00:33:29 Right. Remember, in the past, what I told you, based on our big business support and commodities type industries, we've never been really good at this. And things are starting to change. I think a lot of younger folks, the counterculture is developing, and we're getting a lot better at doing this stuff. So nice job. Very, very funny stuff. That was great. OK, here's a bit of an issues update. We haven't done this enough, but it's important.
Starting point is 00:33:52 We have a 2020 election around the corner and I think we need to start talking about things that will benefit and potentially hurt Donald Trump. Listen, this is a obviously a this is a MAGA show. I want to make America great again. I support the president because I think he's done a really good conservative job on that. But there are a couple of things I think we need to kind of poke and prod them in a different direction on sometimes when they're getting bad advice. Fair enough. It's not meant to be a jerk thing. It's meant to be. We have a voice and sometimes, you know, that voice needs to be heard.
Starting point is 00:34:21 Let's do a positive story first, though, here. voice needs to be heard. Let's do a positive story first though here. This was Donald Trump the other day overseeing some new border wall construction. And he did an impromptu press avail. And this is Donald Trump doing something, and I'm not kidding, I'm not being sarcastic, masterful, that if anybody in the administration is listening, he needs to do more of this. anybody in the administration is listening, he needs to do more of this. Donald Trump talking about construction and what is an absolute grand slam home run enough teasing. I want to play this cut and we'll put a little color commentary on the back and we come back, check this out. I wanted them to show you the interior of parts of the wall and what's inside of each individual slat. And you'll see it's a combination of steel, concrete.
Starting point is 00:35:08 And as one of the folks just said, it really is virtually impenetrable. Any walls that were put up would get knocked down very quickly, very easily. This wall is not something that can be really knocked down. I guess anything can, but this is very tough. And it goes down six feet. It's three and four feet wide. The concrete, you see it right here. It's exposed.
Starting point is 00:35:28 Masterful. I'm not kidding. Masterful. This guy builds stuff. These media lunatics covering Trump. He's got a comment. These media lunatics covering Trump have never built anything in their lives. These are 22 year old journalism graduates,
Starting point is 00:35:45 you know, from the East tuna fish school of journalism who have never built a, a Lego set in their entire lives. They don't know anything. They have no practical real world hands-on experience, construct constructing anything material in their entire lives. By the way, that clip goes on in the interest of time. I just wanted to get to you. I wanted to make the way, that clip goes on.
Starting point is 00:36:05 In the interest of time, I just wanted to get to you. I wanted to make sure I got that clip goes on. Joe's heard the whole thing. He goes to talk about grades of concrete, how the rebar works. This guy's built stuff for decades. That was impressive. I don't like his tweets. Whatevs, man.
Starting point is 00:36:21 I don't care. Fine. You don't like his tweets. You don't like his personality. You don't like his personality. This guy has generated billions, not millions, billions of dollars in real estate, in construction, in jobs, in wealth, in housing. He has done something. And to the people in the White House, I hope you're listening.
Starting point is 00:36:42 You need to have him do more of this. Everywhere. There's local and state projects. It doesn't matter if it's a federal project. I hope it's not. There's a local project building a new housing facility for illegal immigrants. He needs to get out there and explain what they're doing. This is what he does.
Starting point is 00:37:02 But Joe, how at home did he look there? He knows everything. This guy knows everything about concrete construction he understands the mechanics I mean does he understand the physics of why 6v I don't care I just know that from a practical perspective nobody can explain this better than he can
Starting point is 00:37:19 what did Joe did you get the same thing from that that I did he knew what he was looking at he was doing that impromptu he understood all of this and i think to like working people they go here's a guy that knows what we do here's a guy that knows what's what goes into this stuff yeah sure helps thank you that's what i was trying to say that's why that's what i working people are listening who build stuff. Yes. Construction workers, laborers, tradesmen, skilled workers out there. Yes.
Starting point is 00:37:50 Carpenters, steel workers, electricians. And they're like, yeah, that's my language. That's how I talk. I don't talk in Zizhou, Zhaozhe. I talk like that. For those of you who missed the pronoun show yesterday. I got an email from a viewer I'm going to get to at the end of the show.
Starting point is 00:38:06 It's funny by the way, but that's not how people talk. Zizou Jose, people who work for living are like, I don't know, folks, I gotta be candid. I did security and policing for a living,
Starting point is 00:38:15 which was tough. And I honor all our cops. I don't know squat about concrete. Trump's out there on TV talking about grades of concrete and how it works and why the rebar is going to work and how it's going to read. And I'm like, this is genius. You want to get this guy reelected? Get that pipeline built in Pennsylvania.
Starting point is 00:38:34 What is it, Penn East? And have Trump out there as they're building that pipeline talking about what he knows, steel, concrete, dirt under the fingernails. Trump didn't get dirt under his fingernails. It doesn't matter. He was on site for these jobs, walking around with hard hats on, supervising construction while these journalists were having mommy wipe their butts because they crapped their diapers. Yeah, he understands the skills.
Starting point is 00:38:58 These kids don't know squat. Yeah, he understands the skills. Of course he understands. He's been working with these labor unions forever. Welding. White House people. Please get him out there doing more of this. It is absolutely his wheelhouse.
Starting point is 00:39:15 Obama be on that side. Hey, but what's that? What's that, man? Concrete? This guy never built anything. Matter of fact, Obama's line was, you didn't build that. You didn't build that. No, I assure you, they built that. Yeah, good memory there, Dad.
Starting point is 00:39:27 He wouldn't know a guy couldn't even throw a baseball out at the baseball game. Get Trump out there doing what he does best. Folks, this has been under, I'm telling you, I haven't heard anybody else talking about this. Someone needs to pressure the White House to get it. He was, that was genius. All right. I'm sorry. I went on a little bit, but it's important. Okay. So this is our issues component of the it. He was, that was genius. All right. I'm sorry I went on a little bit, but it's important.
Starting point is 00:39:46 Okay. So this is our issues component of the show. That was issue one. Please get Trump out there at these construction sites. Masterful job. Number two, a kind of a bad note,
Starting point is 00:39:55 and I'm hearing it's going in our direction, so I don't want to be overly macabre on this. All right. He has to dump this universal background thing. He has to. They had a lot of story up on this. This universal background checks for firearms. The NRA says it's a non-starter.
Starting point is 00:40:08 Listen, folks, I agree again, disclosure. I worked at NRA TV. I at no point worked for the NRA contrary to what lying liberal media, people who lie to you for a living, tell you,
Starting point is 00:40:18 um, I worked at Ackerman McQueen, which produced content. I have to put this out every time I say it because liberals are liars and they'll mischaracterize everything. Cause that what they do uh but i do support the nra here i am a member um the this is a non-starter i've already told you this effort for universal background checks ladies and gentlemen will do zero to stop gun violence zero it will not do anything so you have to ask yourself why are they doing it? As I explained earlier in the week, they're doing it for one
Starting point is 00:40:45 simple reason. They want a gun registry for people like Beto O'Rourke in the future to come and confiscate your guns so they have a handy dandy list. That is the only reason. Please, Mr. Trump, you know I support you here. Scrap this awful idea. It is a really, really bad idea. And it will alienate millions of gun owners around the country who know exactly what's going on. And by the way, again, because I don't want to say, I'm hearing from my folks that the president is strongly, strongly leaning against this now. We'll see what happens. I'm not making any predictions. So that's issue number two. You want to get reelected? Get Trump out there. Issue number
Starting point is 00:41:29 two, you want to get reelected? Dump this universal background check. It's a dumb idea. Third, on a positive note, to leave you on a positive note on Friday, finally, something being done on the horror of abortion in our country. The Daily Signal put this story out there. It's been everywhere in the conservative media, the liberal media. Of course, Joe has avoided it. Melanie Israel, Daily Signal. Discovery of fetal remains at abortionist house shows the cruelty of abortion. There was this maniacal abortion doctor who died. Family shows up at the house to get the body. They found the, and we'll try to keep this family friendly,al remains of uh just thousands of aborted children
Starting point is 00:42:09 folks just an unimaginable and i mean that like a normal people can't imagine the horror of that now the trump why do i bring this up it's you know listen this is moral it's not political but politicians are in a position to stop this stuff the trump administration has ordered a full investigation and i fully fully support and applaud him for doing that it is way past time with the kermit gosnells and this guy what's his name um it's i'm sorry i always pronounce mispronounce the guy's name the abortionist it is way past time to investigate this stuff. So good job by the Trump team.
Starting point is 00:42:47 Okay. Again, a lot more to get to. This is, this is going to be good. I have more evidence that what Bernie Sanders
Starting point is 00:42:55 is telling you about the socialist utopia in Scandinavia is complete, total BS. It's going to be quick. Yeah. But I want you to pay
Starting point is 00:43:03 very close attention. Yeah. This is good. All right. Last sponsor of want you to pay very close attention. Yeah, this is good. All right, last sponsor of the day, iTarget Pro. Listen, iTarget Pro, you own a firearm? If you own a firearm, are you practicing with it? Folks, you have to. Safety and proficiency are the two most important components of owning a firearm.
Starting point is 00:43:21 You have to be safe with it, as you all know, but you have to be proficient. God forbid you have to use your firearm in self-defense for yourself or your family. You have to be able to engage proficiently. It is important. We used to fire our weapons all the time in the Secret Service once a month when I was there. Now, you probably don't have the time to do that. You're working hard. Soccer moms, soccer dads, full-time jobs, stacked weekends. You say, I can't get to the range once a month. Dan, what do I do? I have the solution for you. It's iTarget Pro. That's the letter I. iTarget Pro. It's the first dry fire. What's dry fire? It's pulling the trigger on a safely unloaded weapon. It's dry. There's no round in there. Well, why would you do that? Because you get to work into your grip, your sight alignment, your sight picture. You get to work on those proficiency skills you're going to need. This is the first dry firing system to combine
Starting point is 00:44:03 smartphone technology with the industry's best laser round. It's inert. It only emits a laser. Using your smartphone, the app tracks a laser round. You insert in the firearm you have now, whatever firearm you have, you don't have to make any manipulations. You have to do anything. You just safely unload it. You have a nine millimeter, very popular firearm round. You get the iTarget Pro nine millimeter system. They'll send you a 9mm round, drop it in there, and they send you a target. The smartphone app will track where the rounds would have landed on the target.
Starting point is 00:44:33 It fits your gun. Will detect exactly where your shots are landing. iTarget Pro is completely safe. Comes with a caliber-specific laser bullet. A target system you can begin training immediately. This is the best system out there. The reviews I get are fantastic. They send me pictures of their targets. They're like this, and then they're like this within a week. Isn't that better than getting for a gift, your dad a necktie or a mug
Starting point is 00:44:54 or something like that? If you're going to give a gift for someone else, this is the gift. Great for women too. Also available for 223 and 556 for you AR-15 fans out there. Save time, save money, take your skill to the next level safely and effectively with iTarget Pro. That's the letter, You get 10% off plus free shipping with the offer code DAN., use promo code DAN and save 10% off. Best system out there. You get tons of great reviews on this.
Starting point is 00:45:20 Okay. So, you know, you saw in the last debate, Bernie Sanders, again, citing this Scandinavian socialism model. Now you may ask, Dan, why do you keep bringing this up? Well, I do because it's an evergreen topic. It's an evergreen topic, meaning we should be discussing it often. And it matters, ladies and gentlemen, because it is a lie. Scandinavian countries frequently cited by misinformed liberals. And I see this a lot on college campuses. When you see these men on the street interviews, Joe, they'll say, well, you know, I don't want to be socialist like the Soviet Union. I want to be socialist like Scandinavian countries. Folks, if we're going to have a reasonable argument about what we want to be,
Starting point is 00:45:56 then what we want to be should be categorized according to easily understandable nodes of information. In other words, if you're saying I want to be A and I don't want to be B and A is socialist and B is capitalist, then Joe, don't you think it's reasonable we understand what those terms actually mean? Yeah. In other words, no one says I want to be a socialist and wind up in a gulag and be tortured. Nobody says that, right? No, nobody says. Sadly, ladies and gentlemen, that's what socialism is as they take over the means of production and rob you of your political and economic freedom. Let's be crystal clear on that. That's exactly what you're talking about in socialism.
Starting point is 00:46:30 Now, secondly, capitalism involves free markets and individual control of those exact same components of the economy and the political system. OK, now, having said that, saying that these Scandinavian countries are socialist is a lie. They are. It is just not true. So if you're going to argue for socialism, then you need to argue about Cuba, Venezuela, and the Soviet Union. I want to be clear on this. This matters. Again, this is the same liberal takeover of the language we saw with
Starting point is 00:47:02 Ji Xiao Zhou Dei, which is, we're not going to let you do it. No. Now, proving my point, I pulled two articles. One's older, one's relatively new, from the Mises blog and from a local paper. This is from the Mises Institute, 3-4-2019 by Alice Sales. Swedish ex-prime minister rebukes Bernie. Socialism only destroys. Now, this will be up in the show notes today
Starting point is 00:47:29 at Subscribe to my email list. I'll email you these articles. This is worth your time. If Sweden is your idea of a socialist utopia, then why is the former prime minister of Sweden condemning socialism and telling Bernie Sanders to go shove it up his caboose
Starting point is 00:47:43 that they are not socialist? It's not a socialist country. So you suggesting we want to be a Sweden socialist. You are making that your judgments are based on faulty data. Do you understand that? You may want to be like Sweden, but that doesn't mean you want to be socialist. That means you want to be B capitalist.
Starting point is 00:48:02 You're in the wrong box. They are not socialist. it is a capitalist country now second this is a bit of an older piece but still worth your time all right joe we don't want to be like sweden we definitely want to be like denmark oh sven makes his return okay the. The Danish prime minister, and he was in the United States and said, quote, Denmark is not socialist. November 1st, 2015. Folks, this is not a socialist country either.
Starting point is 00:48:34 It is a market economy. Now, their prime minister later on, Lars Rasmussen, during the election, stated it again. He rebuked Bernie Sanders. They are not a socialist country. You are fabricating the information. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:49 If you're going to argue for us becoming socialist, fine. Make a case that we should be like the Soviet Union, Cuba, and Venezuela. Make your case. You're going to be laughed at,
Starting point is 00:48:59 mocked, and humiliated, but make your case. But don't be a liar. Don't suggest we should be put in the socialist box and say we need to be more like sweden and denmark these are capitalist countries don't you think the people that live there and run the country would know just a little bit better than a 19 year old college kid and a man on the street interview i would think so yeah so put that in your lutefisk moving on and eat it yeah i i wanted to get i've got a lot of email i've received a lot of emails about this story
Starting point is 00:49:30 yeah and i want to make sure i covered it before the we i don't want to leave you with misinformation so there was a story that broke again the media wants to tell you a story not the story story broke about colt colt the gun manufacturer, C-O-L-T. The story was, well, Colt's getting out of the AR-15 business and of course the media story meant to spin you and is being used by liberals now to attack you. It's basically saying, look, even the gun manufacturers, Joe, aren't producing
Starting point is 00:49:56 AR-15s anymore. The story's not true. Great story in National Review in the show notes today by Charles Coke, how to bend the news. Two screenshots from the news. Two screenshots from the story. Folks, Colt is not getting out of the AR-15 business because of
Starting point is 00:50:12 this spate of mass shootings. That is not why they're doing it. But that's why the media wants to tell you a story. Why, Joe? Because they want to send a wink and a nod and a dog whistle to other gun manufacturers that, hey, if you guys get out of this AR-15 business too, look, we'll celebrate you guys
Starting point is 00:50:30 too. How wonderful and woke you are. So here's the media framing of the story. And then, of course, we'll get to the truth. Quote from the Charles Koch piece. This from ABC is a nice example of news organizations deliberately bending the truth to advance a narrative it wishes were true, but is not. Here's ABC. organizations deliberately bending the truth to advance the narrative it wishes were true but is not here's abc venerable gun manufacturer colt says it will stop producing the ar-15 amongst
Starting point is 00:50:51 other rifles for the consumer market in the wake of many recent mass shootings in which the suspect used the weapons okay well abc is a news outlet so clearly they're telling the truth that in the wake of suggesting, Joe, a correlation between these recent horrible incidents and AR-15 and Colt and Colt's decision to get out of it. Ladies and gentlemen, unfortunately, that's not the truth, as always. Wrong. That's not the story at all. As ABC notes further down, remember, Joe, the Golden Rule, you always have to put this at the end of the story. Hope nobody gets there. Further down, remember, Joe, the golden rule, you always have to put this at the end of the story, hoping nobody gets there. The company did not mention mass shootings in its statement about stopping production and instead blame the indefinite pause.
Starting point is 00:51:31 Pause. They're not stopping anything. In making the weapon on a significant excess manufacturing capacity. In other words, Joe, basic economics of supply and demand. There are already a lot of AR-15s on the market, and they don't see any money in producing more until the supply is somewhat exhausted. Basically, business decision 101. Yes, sir. But of course, the media,
Starting point is 00:51:53 no one in the media I've seen outside of Fox has told you the true story on this. It was a big story. Colts pulling out at wink and a nod. You all should do that, too. They're not pulling out of the ar much just too many of them out there it's a basic business decision stop lying my gosh here's another media story showing a double standard a quick one but worth your time
Starting point is 00:52:17 the conspiracy theory blog the daily beast who if they were reporting on a republican or a conservative darkening their face with black makeup what would it be called joe it would be called blackface yeah um and it would be called a major scandal blackface darkening your skin to make you appear uh black but that's not what they call it what involves liberal canadian prime minister and the love of the daily beast conspiracy thugs like this is a conspiracy blog. This is the Daily Beast. Joe, this is a quote from their tweet. This is the third instance of Justin Trudeau in face-darkening makeup.
Starting point is 00:52:54 Again with the language. No, it's blackface. Oh, man. Yeah. Yes, this is the Zizou Jose. It's face-darkening makeup when it's a liberal. But if this was a Republican, it would be evil Republican in black
Starting point is 00:53:08 face. Folks, listen. This is a total joke. I was on Hannity last night, and I brought up the fact that, and I'll say who it is because I'm not attacking him personally. I'm just putting out what he said I think was absurd. Juan Williams was on The Five yesterday, and I mentioned it last night. I said
Starting point is 00:53:23 a Fox News guy. I didn't want to call him out on Hannity's show by name because he didn't have a chance to defend himself. And unlike liberals, I believe in a two-way dialogue, not just liberals screaming at everyone. But Juan Williams said on The Five yesterday, because remember what I'm suggesting, the rules are different. If it was a conservative, it'd be blackface scandal, fire him.
Starting point is 00:53:42 It's a liberal face darkening makeup incident let him go he's real cool right that's the so the rules are different so juan said on the five yesterday something so outrageous i i felt the need to say something on hannity last night he said joe that the rules are different for conservatives and liberals because republicans have a troubled history with race wait what whoa. This is a double. Hold on. First, it's a penalty. Then it's a review of the penalty again.
Starting point is 00:54:08 Are you kidding me? Republicans? We have a troubled history with race. You mean the Civil Rights Party, the party of Lincoln, the party that led the civil rights movement in the South against the Dixiecrat Democrats? You mean those are,
Starting point is 00:54:23 you mean the Republicans that as the South became more racially liberated, diverse, and an integrative society became more, not less Republican? You mean that, Sal? Is that what you're saying?
Starting point is 00:54:34 We have a troubled history. Are you serious? That Byrd guy? The Republican. Yeah. You know. Byrd, he's not Byrd. They named everything after Byrd.
Starting point is 00:54:44 The Klan member? Yeah. Oh, yeah, yeah. We have a, are you? Sheets. Yeah, Sheets not Bird. They named everything after Bird. The Klan member? Yeah. We have a, are you? Sheets. Yeah, Sheets, Bird. I heard that. I wanted to jump through the screen. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:51 If I was on the five, I would have lost my marbles over that. You want to see a meltdown? Are you kidding? The Republican Party, the entire Jim Crow South was Democrat. Are you nuts? Now, folks, I don't bring that up on the show because we live today. And I don't think I should take credit for the actions of other people, good or bad. That may not sound right, but it's true.
Starting point is 00:55:22 I take what I do to advance civil rights for everybody, Joe. I'm responsible for that. And that is my job to do the right thing by people and ensure everybody's big R, God-given rights are protected. I can't take credit for Republicans that marched and I wasn't there. It wasn't a decision I made. However, I'm very proud the fact that the party I ally with was involved in that. But I can't take credit for it. That's why I don't bring
Starting point is 00:55:50 it up often. I've mentioned that maybe a handful of times in the Republican Party's history. Because it's what we do now that matters. Because we could have the greatest history in the world with race. And if the party turned into a bunch of racists tomorrow, none of that matters. None of it. We live in the now.
Starting point is 00:56:06 I'm not a big Eckhart Tolle fan, but the power of now is real. You only live in the now. But if you're going to dare bring up a history lesson and somehow say the rules now for what we do now should be influenced by history, then you better damn well be prepared to get your caboose hauled on the carpet and to answer questions about the Dixiecrats, the Jim Crow South, and the Democrats' almost unending history with institutional de facto and de jure racism in the South and elsewhere in the country.
Starting point is 00:56:43 You brought it up, not us. I would have lost my last, if I was on the five when that happened. You dare to bring up the hit. We, the Republican Party, has to apologize for its history on race and therefore deserves a different set of rules?
Starting point is 00:57:00 You must be kidding. You must be. And next time I'm on, I'll happily debate you about this. And if any Fox producers listening and you want to be bringing me and Juan on, I'm happy to debate this. The South became very diverse and accepting of people as it became more Republican and less Democrat. Kind of defeats your whole argument, doesn't it? All right, I'm going to end with a segment i don't usually do yeah listener uh listener email don't worry i've by the way just a couple rules about listener email
Starting point is 00:57:35 unless you specifically state you feel free to use my name i will never use it ever second if you don't watch your email on the air and I won't expose you unless you, I don't mean expose like in a bad way, just say in the beginning, do not put this on the air. But I got an email from a, I'll call them anonymous. And it was hysterical. And it proves my point about G Xiao Zhou they, how the left wants to own the language and the pronoun game as a way to paint you as some kind of anistophobic phobophobe. And the email proved my point.
Starting point is 00:58:07 It was a great email. The guy loved the segment. And he said, this is just a little snippet. It doesn't identify him in any way. Don't worry. Hi, Dan. I feel very inspired today by your discussion on pronouns. You have finally broached the real meaning of phrases.
Starting point is 00:58:23 And I thought this meant cabasol. I'll get to that in a second he spells it c-a-b-i-s-o-l for our audio listeners i am however very concerned about the spelling okay now some of you get the joke some of you are our diehards probably get the joke i screwed this up i'm not messing around. I read this to Paula. I'm like, I know what frases, we were talking about the glasses,
Starting point is 00:58:49 how liberals want to call glasses frases, and we made the joke, but I had no idea what a cabasol was. It's because it wasn't a cabasol. As I read it the second or third time, Joe, he was talking about the cabistle. Oh, the cabistle. And he spelled it wrong.
Starting point is 00:59:05 The cabistle. In other words, yesterday's show, liberals want to call a about the cabistle. Oh, the cabistle. And he spelled it wrong. The cabistle. In other words, yesterday's show, liberals want to call a whistle a cabistle, which means you won't know what the whistle is when someone says, go get the whistle, and they call it a cabistle. You won't know what to do. Proving my point, the guy spelled cabistle cabisol, and I had no idea he was talking about the whistle. And I had no idea he was talking about the whistle, proving my point that Xi Zhao Zoday will lead to a total Tower of Babel breakdown where nobody in society will be able to communicate about the cabasol cabasol frase base glasses. It was beautiful.
Starting point is 00:59:40 You know who you are. Thank you for your email. It was really funny. We read them. And it just proved my point that nobody will have any he was trying to communicate to me that my segment about calling a whistle a cabasol was funny and even i didn't know what he was talking about because it was spelled cabasol instead nice work daddy oh great email i'll end with that in the week maybe we'll start doing some more of that.
Starting point is 01:00:07 But just remember, if you don't want it on the air, please specify that in the subject line. And don't worry, I'll never mention your name. But thank you, Captain Cabasol. Great job. All right, folks, thanks again for tuning in. Please go order my book. If you order it now, it'll be at your house on the pub date this Tuesday,
Starting point is 01:00:23 the publication date, exonerated. I have those book signings coming up. It'll be up at the website, I'll be tweeting them out. I'll be putting them up on Facebook. I have three in Florida, one in Huntington, New York on Tuesday night, and an online book signing Monday at 10 p.m. For anyone around the world who wants to sign copy, we sold out last time in like 20 minutes. Jump on that live sign and just click the link.
Starting point is 01:00:45 All the information will be up at Thanks for another great week of shows. I will see you all on Monday. Good day, sir. You just heard the Dan Bongino Show. You can also get Dan's podcasts on iTunes or SoundCloud and follow Dan on Twitter 24-7 at DBongino.

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