The Dan Bongino Show - The Bongino Brief - February 25, 2023

Episode Date: February 25, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Birch Gold, despite the U.S. blowing through the $31.4 trillion debt ceiling in January, the leftist White House still refuses to reduce spending. Diversify into gold with Birch Gold, B-I-R-C-H. I've met a customer of them repeatedly, proud to say it. Times of high uncertainty and instability, gold is dependable. Birch Gold makes it easy to convert an IRA or 401k into an IRA in precious metals. Just text Dan, my first name, to 989898. That's 989898 to claim your free info kit on gold
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Starting point is 00:00:45 Dan Bongino. Welcome to the Bongino Brief. I'm Dan Bongino. So is China preparing for World War III? The answer is I hope to the hell not they're not because I don't like the idea of World War III. Joe? Guy?
Starting point is 00:00:59 Anyone? War. Bad. No, not a fan either. I'd rather sit here, do my podcast, watch my daughter play flag football, watch my eldest daughter in college, enjoy her time in college. I'd rather not be looking at starvation, nuclear annihilation, war, killing people, people killing us, the threat of people killing us and us having to threaten to kill other people. I really don't like that idea.
Starting point is 00:01:24 And you probably wouldn't either. Unfortunately, the Chinese people. I really don't like that idea. And you probably wouldn't either. Unfortunately, the Chinese Communist Party, I don't believe, feels the same way. Are they preparing for World War III? What would an invasion look like? Ladies and gentlemen, I covered that last week. And folks, the threat of an EMP attack, an electromagnetic pulse attack detonated by a balloon in our atmosphere and a nuclear weapon attached to it is very real. I had state senator from Texas, Bob Hall, on my radio show yesterday. He'll be on my Fox show again this weekend, Saturday at nine o'clock. Don't miss it.
Starting point is 00:01:54 He talked extensively about how easy this is to do. China just did they not just show us how easy it is to infiltrate our airspace with a balloon and nothing happened? Did anybody miss that? show us how easy it is to infiltrate our airspace with a balloon and nothing happened? Did anybody miss that? How difficult for them would it be for them to attach a nuclear payload, to detonate it, and to basically wipe out every electronic device you have? Everything. Nothing would work. Water filtration plants, nuclear plants, nothing would work. Energy plants, nothing. God forbid your parents or something need supplemental oxygen that has to be plugged in. Nothing works.
Starting point is 00:02:32 State Senator Hall brought up a fascinating, for all the wrong reasons, point. He's like, you detonate an EMP in the atmosphere, a couple of them over the United States, you wipe out 90% of the population probably within six weeks. You got about 10% of us left. Chinese wouldn't even need to invade. Military facilities would probably be broken. Chaos would break out. There's a possibility of desertions.
Starting point is 00:02:58 Invade, they just walk in and take everything. He brought up the point that they're not going to nuke the United States because they need the food. They need the farmland. They can't feed themselves. They just walk in and take it. Folks, the time to prepare for this is now.
Starting point is 00:03:14 Now, why am I bringing this up? Again, conspiracy theory, whatever, man. I don't even care anymore. I spent my entire life in the preparedness field trying to prevent both Republican and Democrat presidents from being attacked or anything happened to them. I got paid to think about crazy things that might never happen. You know why? So they would never happen in real life. And you know what I get paid to do now to tell you the truth, that the signs are everywhere, that something's going on. A friend over at Fox, Tucker Carlson, addressed this new Russia-China symbiote, how China and Russia, who've been historical enemies,
Starting point is 00:03:46 by the way, look at history, you'll see that yourself, have been historical enemies in many cases, all of a sudden seem to be teaming up like the perverse Wonder Twins, and they're up to something. Tucker addressed this the other night. Check this out. Interview with a German newspaper today, the Ukrainian President Zelensky casually mentioned that, oh, by the way, the entire world may soon go up in flames. Quote, if China aligns itself with Russia, there will be a world war. There will be a world war if China aligns with Russia. Who could say something like that calmly? Since, as we just told you, China is aligned with Russia. It's already happened.
Starting point is 00:04:27 That's not speculation. It's a fact. And as a result of that fact, according to Zelensky himself, hundreds of millions of people will die. No big deal. As long as we take Crimea. I mean, you have Zelensky in Ukraine already talking about this China-Russia alliance. Folks, again, I'm just going to ask you a simple question. Are you really confident in that ridiculous expression, your heart of hearts? But are you really confident that a U.S.-EU alliance with the Germans who don't even want to fight now, the Russians, right, an EU alliance that hasn't who don't even want to fight now, right? The Russians, right? An EU alliance that hasn't spent money on their military, the European Union,
Starting point is 00:05:15 significant amounts of money in decades. Are you really confident a US-EU alliance would win in a fight with Iran, Russia, and China? I think the odds are in our favor, but are you really confident? Because if we lose, it's over. And are you really confident knowing they could fly a balloon over our territory with an EMP, wipe out about 90% of our population, wipe out our entire electrical grid, and basically have us helpless to respond? More in a minute. But first, folks, junk science. That's what doctors call many of these fruits and vegetable supplements, junk science, because
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Starting point is 00:06:32 But your best proof will be at the next checkup when I bet your doctor says, whatever you're doing, it's working. Keep it up. Let's get you started today. Visit slash Dan. That's slash Dan. Use promo code Dan. That's promo code Dan at slash Dan. Use promo code Dan. That's promo code
Starting point is 00:06:45 Dan at slash Dan. Pick it up today. Stuff's delicious. Big fan, folks. Can absolutely vouch for it. Feel the greens. slash Dan. Folks, the signs are everywhere. Remember this article from a couple of weeks ago, February 2nd, 2023? It's in the newsletter today. I suggest you read it. slash newsletter. It's free. You can follow it. Check this out. U.S. General's gut feeling of war with China sparks alarm over predictions. Leaked memo forecasting a Taiwan Strait conflict in 2025 triggers a debate about undisciplined comments. This guy was a four-star general, folks. He said, quote, his gut told him that we'd be at war with China in 2025. He was kind of like disciplined for this.
Starting point is 00:07:34 His name is General Mike Minahan. He's only the head of U.S. Air Mobility Command. Predicted a war with China by 2025. Why do you think he said that, Joe? You think he was bored on the weekend playing Scrabble? He was missing a word and the word came up. Oh, war, China. There you go.
Starting point is 00:07:50 I think he knows something we don't. Oh, maybe. You think so? You think he's been briefed in on things, Joe and I? Listen, Joe and I have got some pretty good sources, but I'm pretty confident General Mike Minahan knows a lot more than we do. I'm pretty confident.
Starting point is 00:08:04 You agree, Joe? Yeah, I'd say so, Dan. A little bit. Yeah, yeah. I haven't been sitting in on those briefings. You think that was just a slip of the tongue? Four-star general? Yeah, we're going to be at war by 2025.
Starting point is 00:08:17 Don't you find it strange, too, the eagerness of the administration to squash that all of a sudden? No, no, no. Undisciplined comment. Man's undisciplined. What about this one? Folks, again, I'm just reporting to you what's happening. I'm not trying to scare you. I'm not trying to frighten you. There's a pretty good chance that hopefully this will not materialize into World War III. Unfortunately, if there is a 5% to 10% chance that it will, which would result
Starting point is 00:08:46 in potential nuclear annihilation and the death of me, my kids, my family, any future kids my kids would have, and your kids too, I think we should know about it. Wall Street Journal, February 2023. China's Xi Jinping plans a Russia visit as Putin wages war in Ukraine. China's Xi Jinping plans a Russia visit as Putin wages war in Ukraine. Again, what do you think they're doing over there? Campfires? S'mores, maybe? Chatting about the Yankees' Garrett Cole next season, see if he's up for it?
Starting point is 00:09:17 Maybe chatting about the Super Bowl? Here. Here's another one. Folks, the list goes on and on. Notice how I'm using a variety of different outlets from all sides of the political spectrum to show you that this isn't some right wing conspiracy theory. These things are actually happening. U.S. Sun. China is learning from Putin's Ukraine disaster as the regime prepares for an all out Taiwan blitz to cut off the island from the U.S. Ladies and gentlemen, they are learning all the wrong lessons, China, from the Ukraine disaster.
Starting point is 00:09:57 There is a school of thought I believe is wrong. I could be wrong. It's my opinion, though. I'm telling you it's my opinion. I'm speculating. But there's a school of thought out there that China has learned from the Ukraine disaster. And China is saying, oh, you know what? We better not invade Taiwan. Look, Russia couldn't even do a land invasion into Ukraine, which it shares a border with. We'd have to cross the strait to Taiwan, making it geometrically more difficult to get in there. We better not do that. No, I don't think that's what's happening at all. I think China learned from the Vladimir Putin incident that if you're going to do it, you have to blitzkrieg immediately. Missiles, land, air, everything. I think he thought Vladimir Putin got too cocky, used only pieces of his army that he could have used. And I think Xi Jinping is figuring out that if he's going to do it, he better do it all at once.
Starting point is 00:10:49 EMPs, balloons, taking out electrical grids, sea, air, land, all at one time. If he's going to do it, he better go for it all at once. I think they're learning the exact opposite lesson some people want you to think they're learning from Ukraine. It's not not to do it. It's how to do it. Air quotes. Better meaning worse for us. Signs are everywhere, ladies and gentlemen.
Starting point is 00:11:22 Washington Examiner. Just read the signs. Farewell to arms control. Lawmakers decry Vladimir Putin's suspension of the last treaty standing. Folks, this is a particularly sensitive topic because I was there, no, literally there, when this treaty was signed, the New START Treaty. I was in Prague standing right there as the lead advance agent when Barack Obama and Medvedev from Russia assigned the New START Treaty? I was in Prague standing right there as the lead advance agent when Barack
Starting point is 00:11:46 Obama and Medvedev from Russia assigned the New START Treaty by imposing limitations on certain types of nuclear weapons. I was there, like right there when it happened. Vladimir Putin just decided to suspend it. Putin wasn't abiding by it anyway. But again, why do you think he suspended it? Because he's just kidding around? Listen, Vladimir Putin is a global terrorist and a thug. Vladimir Putin is not a faker. Putin said he was going to invade Ukraine, and he did it. Now he's making sure that we don't inspect their nuclear stockpile,
Starting point is 00:12:25 that he wasn't abiding by much anyway, and making a big public spectacle of suspending a nuclear arms treaty with the United States. Again, Joe, in some limited circles, we'd call that something. We'd call that a clue. A clue. Now, you may be saying, I don't know, Dan. You think China and Russia are going to join forces, EMP attacks over the United States, World War III, global apocalypse. That sounds kind of crazy.
Starting point is 00:12:51 You're just another one of those right-wing nuts. Am I? Because you think if China was looking to dial down the pressure, Joe, then they would do what? They would dial down the pressure. But it's weird because they're not doing that. Right? That's really strange. Like there's a way to dial it down and the way to do it is to dial it down. But they're not, they're dialing it up. Wall Street Journal, China, Russia, and the U.S. red line on Ukraine. So after the balloon incident over the United States, which caused international chaos, to say the least, and showed how feckless the Biden administration is, you'd think China would say, ah, listen, sorry, blew off course. My bad. Do a Nelson Mons. That's not what happened. Tony Blinken, our Secretary of State, said after a meeting
Starting point is 00:13:43 with one of his counterparts in China that China offered no apology for sending the balloon into our airspace and over our military sites. They didn't. Joe, does that sound apologetic to offer no apology? No. It sounds like the opposite. Okay, just checking. Mr. Wang from China reinforced the point in his public remarks in Munich, chastising us.
Starting point is 00:14:09 They sent the spy balloon over our sensitive military sites and they're flipping us the middle finger, calling us absurd and hysterical. Dang that Wang. That Wang, man. Dang him. That Wang. He also blamed the U.S. for being an obstacle to peace in Ukraine. Oh, this is interesting. Mr. Wang was headed to Moscow after the Munich meeting as Biden was going to Kiev.
Starting point is 00:14:36 Man. Another one of those head scratchers. Ooh, itchy scalp today. Again, don't worry, folks. Nothing's going to happen. Don't sweat it at all. Nothing to worry about here. You know, Nassim Taleb, whether you like him or not,
Starting point is 00:14:53 I don't know, his tweets lately have been a little, but his book, The Black Swan, is a fascinating one. It's one of my favorites. I used to drive Joe crazy with it. And the thing about these Black Swan events, rare events, I mean, how many Black Swans have you seen in your lifetime? Probably none. But the thing about these black swan events is you have to measure them based on probability and outcome, right? If the probability of World War III with China is say 1%, one out of a hundred, that's pretty low, correct?
Starting point is 00:15:20 I don't like those chances, 1%. If I'm like, Hey, you get a million dollars, a 1% chance. I'd rather have a 90% chance. However, if it's a 1% chance and that 1% chance actually happens, and then it results in global annihilation, we should probably take the 1% a little more seriously than it was of a 1% chance of say a cockroach being caught in your kitchen cabinet. I'm just going to throw that out there. Right before we came on the air, by the way, I mean, right before we came on, this happened. Remember that warning from the general in the beginning, the four-star general saying,
Starting point is 00:15:56 hey, I think we could be going to war with China by 2025, which I don't know about you, again, I just take seriously, four-star general. And I mean, what the hell does that guy know? This just popped. U.S. to expand its true presence in Taiwan for a training exercise against the China threat. It's bananas.
Starting point is 00:16:15 It's almost like they know something we don't. Listen. Ignore these warning signs at your own peril. Nobody thinks any of this is going to happen until it does. My conversation with the state senator from Texas yesterday, who's a real expert on this EMP stuff, I asked him, what should we do? And he stated the obvious. Unfortunately, it's not obvious to everyone.
Starting point is 00:16:44 Folks, get prepared now. The best day of your life is the day your firearms, your ammunition, your emergency food, your water filtration, your emergency water supply, your emergency food cabinet, your medicines you prepared for in an emergency. The best day of your life is the day you die in your 90s, a glorious death with your kids around you, all saying how much they loved you and you saying how much you love them,
Starting point is 00:17:14 living such a great life. And you tell them, hey, listen, there's a big preparedness closet in my house. I didn't use any of it. So you guys can either keep it or chuck it. That's the best day of your life. The worst day of your life is in the 1% chance or less that this stuff and these warning signs are real, that this actually happens. An EMP goes off.
Starting point is 00:17:34 You find yourself with no water, no food, no weapons to defend yourself. And the Chinese Communist Party waltzes into the United States as 9 out of 10 of us die. And you're sitting there as subjugant to the Chinese communist party and their new us gulags. Ignore the warning signs at your own peril. I'm not, I'm not ignoring them. I'm going to tell you that.
Starting point is 00:17:57 The Dan Bongino show. If you'd like to hear more, subscribe to the Dan Bongino show, wherever you get your podcast.

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